Our, “Worlds Most Trusted” all over it. Our inveterate liars. So I just had to find the actual words spoken.
Here’s the critical part brought to us by the Telegraph who comments, ‘..he let slip…’. That, whilst reading from a pre-prepared speech? I don’t think so Telegraph.
Pass the bottle of bleach around wont’ you please?
That Is Georgia and Arizona called in last 24 hours for @JoeBiden – Michigan challenge has been thrown out by judge. what is there left to talk about?#Election2020https://t.co/70iZEW1ijw
Doobster agreed ????
I was up watching it that night! At 2am Trump easily led, but around 10:30 morning our time it flipped to Biden, even though he hadn’t made any significant improvements. I said this on the 4th November, early morning ????
Have you you contacted DeepThroat ????
Have you never sat up for a British general election count? At 2am Labour is invariably well ahead in seats won because the smaller and more densely-populated constituencies that lean Labour tend to count faster and declare more quickly, even in those years where a big Conservative win is projected from exit polls and swings.
In the US they count by county. Some counties, especially in sparsely-populated state, have only a few hundred electors. Those counties and their states are mostly farmers who vote strongly Republican (it’s not The Archers by the way, with small family farmers, they are in the pockets of huge agribusinesses like Cargill and AMD which are generous Republican donors). Did you know, by the way, that 12 of the 50 states are more sparsely-populated than the Isle of Lewis? Naturally the really big city-based and Democratic leaning counties take longer to count and declare later. It’s quite simple really, without needing a conspiracy theory to explain it. It happens every US presidential election, whoever prevails.
Let’s start with Paul Danahar. I don’t know (or care) who he is or from whom he gets his ‘wisdom’, but an election cannot be rigged without it involving fraud. Indeed, a rigged election is apt to involve fraud on more than one level.
Sopel clearly doesn’t know that either. Which doesn’t surprise me.
As for the election, there’s no doubt (reasonable or otherwise) that it was rigged.
Those who are support it are merely useful idiots, to be used and cast aside when they no longer serve the puppetmasters’ purposes. But by the time they realise that, it’ll be too late for them.
Interesting point from The Duran: While Biden et al. is spreading his glad tidings around the World and discussing future policy with World leaders, he is violating the Logan Act which he applied in the General Flynn situation for, ‘talking to the Russians’ when DJT was only ‘President Elect’.
Past news Oct 3rd about Colston Statue vandals
Were they jailed for 7 days like the guy who accidentally peed NEAR a memorial ?
Six men have admitted their involvement in the toppling of the statue
*accepted a ‘conditional caution’.*
– receive a criminal record, but avoid prosecution in the courts
– complete a questionnaire from the We Are Bristol History Commission in which they can set out their reasons for their actions
– fine of £100 which will be collected by HMCTS and sent to Nilaari, a Bristol based, black & minority ethnic led charity,
– take part in two hours of environmental improvement works eg painting or the removal of rubbish/graffiti.
Earlier report said 5 were to be given the caution
“But three other men and one woman may still face charges for their role in toppling Colston’s statue.
The damage cost £3,750”
So I guess 1 of that group is in the 6
And 3 have been let off or undecided. Maybe they are youths ? https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/police-end-edward-colston-statue-4529058
Drunk woman who daubed All Lives Matter on London’s RAF Bomber Command memorial got a £630 fine.
Keeping an eye on The Center For Countering Digital Hate
AFAIK this is an offshoot of Labour front group HnH
whose custom is to weaponise antiracism by selectively pursuing people standing in the way of Labour eg standing for office against a Labour politician etc.
What they do is smear-label them “racist” as thus clear the way for Labour and their agendas.
CCDH seem to be a trading name of Imran Ah medd, who is operating out of the US, maybe to avoid UK libel laws.
Now today he was on TalkRadio saying anti-Vaxxers need to be banned and looks to be behind a October 3rd Times Article about David Icke and sons,
This to me is weird, cos what’s all that got to do with “hate” ?
Hate would be campaigning against some group so strongly that it is actually “inciting violence against them”
I’m not with Icke and his anti-mask and anti-vax movement but surely it’s no different from other dogma based belief systems say Marxism, XR or religions etc.
Surely it’s all free speech.
I don’t see why they should be denied socialmedia access
and anyway it’s counterproductive, it’s better they are out in the open rather than using secret networks ?
Now a handful of his followers have got excited about 5G , and have burnt down 5G masts
OK that is wrong.. but that’s not mentioned in the article.
I wonder if he is trying to get in with orgs and funding from groups opposing the anti-vaxxers.
In news BBC tends to hide
Man wanted for murder of Bradford PC Sharon Beshenivsky appears in Pakistan court
A 72-year-old man has appeared in court in Pakistan in connection with the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky, who was shot while on duty in 2005.
MI5 officers will investigate for the *first time* left-wing anarchists who are feared to be planning terrorist attacks.
(that sounds like BS, at the time of the German and Italian Red Brigades there were probably some groups starting up in the UK)
This year a man in his 30s from West Yorkshire was charged with 14 offences in connection with alleged left-wing terrorism.
About two thirds of MI5’s caseload is devoted to investigating Islamist terrorist plots, the far right and other domestic extremism cases.
The vast majority of them are related to the Islamist threat, although MI5 and police have expressed concern about the rise of the far right in recent years.
(That’s PC way of writing, anyone logical would start by saying , Most terrorism is Islam connected, then Northern Ireland , then other nutters)
Another 20 per cent is dedicated to northern Ireland and the remainder to hostile states such as Russia. A security source said that there were challenges in combating the far right that were distinct from Islamist terrorists. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mi5-confronts-terror-threat-from-left-wing-extremists-pzwhl25xx
As ever I think you have to draw a line between
– Actual violent ideologies and orgs
and lone nutters who are their sitting their waiting to get wound up about an issue and express violence
Say if someone got really wound up the way the newspapers had treated a Brexit/Remain politician and so bombed the newspaper
That wouldn’t make that nutter a Brexit terrorist
On Oct 3 the Times ran a 2 page article Trump v Biden is likely to be settled in court or on the streets
.. It showed that Dems had been wargaming today’s scenarios
and reveals they had already written the scripts that today’s news stories are based on.
The weird thing is the article’s main scenario is the opposite of what has actually happened.
It seems to be about how Trump could just win by cheating
so Biden would patiently go to the courts for justice.
Meanwhile Trump supporters might get violent.
They “wargamed” how different election results might play out. “
– A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power,”
Dr Brooks said “Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis.”
Amazingly back then they were using the same script as today
“But Mr Trump’s claims that postal voting will lead to a “rigged election” are *not backed up by evidence*
You get that today’s media reporting seems to be using that scripted phrase
In some states the counting process could take a week, especially where rules allow postal votes which arrive after November 3 to be counted.
In that scenario, with a voting public accustomed to knowing the winner by the time they go to bed, Democrats fear Mr Trump could strike, claiming victory and stoking questions about the integrity of the postal votes yet to be counted.
His supporters would need little persuading by that point of the inherent whiffiness of the system.
Mail-in ballots are easier to challenge,” a Democratic Party activist said
How could Mr Trump challenge the legitimacy of the result? The obvious and traditional route would be through the courts …
Mr Trump would find himself before a court with a conservative majority.
Mr Trump found himself challenged at Tuesday’s debate to condemn white supremacists is because the sprouting of militias and far-right groups has been one of the big themes of his presidency.
blah blah the Proud Boys, the *neo-fascist* all-male collective etc.
.. felt compelled to rush to Washington to help Mr Trump stay in office after a contested election that would be no small thing
* (doh we know the leader is not white ..and the Times printed version actually says “far right” instead)
And here the article goes weird In the wargame Mr Biden, did not admit defeat, contending that the Democratic Party would not allow him to do so.
Instead, he claimed that voter suppression (such as invalidated postal votes) had prevented his victory.
It talks about Biden’s team trying to rig the electoral college
Then states seceding if Mr Trump was sworn in
— Then in January the public turned to the army to see who it recognised as commander in chief.
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the Feast of Stephen
A neighbour shopped him to the police
Now he plans to get even.
The party wasn’t all that large
Twenty at the most
But he still had to pay the fine
So now that neighbour’s to-a-st.
“Leave it dear” , the Queen had said
“Its hardly worth the trouble
“Put down your binoculars
And join the family bubble”
“Stuff and nonsense” said the King
“He took me for a fool
Look! there he is – I’ve got him now
He’s stealing all our fu-uu-el.
Good King Wenceslas looked out
As the police descended
He saw his neighbour, wood in hand
Quickly apprehended
The moral of this story is
Be kind to those next door
Especially when they are the King
And in charge of the la-aa-w.
The Myth of American Democracy: The Deification of Democratic Governance: by Trenton Fervor. (Published in 2013)
Inside the book it says: There are thousands of dead voters listed on the voter rolls in most states, and some voting districts have more people registered to vote than actually live there.
So I think the dead must have voted in favour of the candidate who looks dead. But only if the living voted in a way that made them think that Trump was winning.
US news channels censored a press conference by the President of the United States, tech giants feel the need to censor Trump’s tweets, in key Dem States GOP observers were not allowed to actually observe anything and the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the ballot count. The MSM said there was no evidence after one minute, instead of, after one month of investigative journalism, why the haste. As with Climate science, do we really think that main stream journalists will investigate the fraud?
Why all this Orwellian propaganda about no evidence, before the courts could get any evidence? And if the US Supreme Court caves into this Deep State corruption, and bans any investigation. Will it ignite a Civil War?
As Orwell says “when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys” “He wears a mask and his face grows to fit it”
Just read it is World Diabetes Day today so having lucozade orange on my crunchy nut cornflakes followed by a devonshire cream tea and some lemon drizzle cake for breakfast
But I do think it is irresponsible of the media to devote a whole day to this
I felt extemely unwell for days and woke up in custody after Alcohol Awareness Week and the wife and kids had left
Seems someone at John Lewis PR knows someone high up in BBC editorial.
BBC News
The advert, inspired by the public spirit shown during the coronavirus pandemic, was “appropriate for how we’re all feeling at the moment,” John Lewis said.
Guest who – wicked last line …. I’ve decided to boycott Fair Trade Organic Zimbabwean orange drizzled chocolate with Bolivian honey roast vanilla pod chippings this year … and all things woke – May they go broke ….
Waitrose is on our home delivery roster and will remain so.
However each delivery comes with the most blatantly woke newspaper rammed with current and ex bbc luvvies offering their opinions on how to behave when your salary or pension affords you the upper bracket goodies.
And ads with folk with enviably long, frizzy tresses.
I used to flick through but have found it now provides a good lining folded straight into the compost bucket.
We’re lucky here in Kent, as we have several really good local farm shops close by, where we can go without seeing anybody except the staff, who are all normal-speaking, delightful people!
Yeah, it costs a few more splonders, but we aren’t getting ‘diversideeee’ stuffed down our necks at every turn!
The ‘resignation’ of Cummins represents another serious watering down of the Tory agenda that they were elected on. I only wanted Boris to do three things when I voted for him, keep Corbynistas out, deliver a Brexit worthy of the name and force the BBC to become subscription only. He managed the first of course but the other two are seemingly increasingly unlikely as he tacks increasingly leftward.
For decades I voted Tory , principally to stop labour , in GE and UKIP in other elections.But as the last two Tory PMs and now Boris , not to mention the increasingly insane Major, are all at best a very pale blue if not pink, and as Starmer pretends he isn’t a Marxist nutcase, there doesn’t seem any point voting to keep labour out. So I’ll vote for the farthest right party or independent available on the slip just to register my tiny protest at the ‘liberal consensus ‘ which rules our country ever since Lady T, and look where the last thirty years has got us!
Yes Doublethinker, I wanted just the same from Boris-Farage has made public that the going of Cummings could mean a soft Brexit. Now I don’t trust this bunch in Parliament, they were given a firm decree from the public with 17 million votes-the EU is not a country but a conduit for 27 incUK- other nations, who appear to have let themselves be led by a duplicitous bunch of bureaucrats nicely feathering their own nests at those nations expense. Cut the crap Boris, Cut the tape and let’s go. All Europe wants to get on with their business.
Though a regular visitor , I dont post much here now as I have completely bleached the BBC out of my life.
I was listening to the Hartley Brewer show on Talk radio yesterday and the alarm bells were certainly ringing when we had a procession of smooth talking, entitled, tory establishment patrician voices (the same ones that had been screwing us over for years) that it was a wonderful thing that Cummings was going.
But alarm bells were ringing yesterday with the news that it was Prime Minister Carrie Symonds who made the decision with her “squad” and ordered her half man, half jellyfish, half roving penis, trans gimp wife – Boris to ditch Cummings – just in time for Brexit.
Whilst I hold no candle for this Cummings, and have never especially trusted him – especially on this Covid madness, like Trump he is not of the establishment and was probably the only thing in this craven government that kept Johnson on track when dealing with Brexit, the establishment and especially the BBC.
Prime Minister Symonds being an ex “Communications” Director is as woke as they come and is an establishment creature. I think we can now expect business as usual.
As well as all of Carries greenwash and “building back better” – we can now look forward to a weaker line on brexit and especially on dealing with the establishment swamp and most notably the BBC.
To be honest I am not surprised but saddened (having never voted for that vile, liberal liar Johnson). We were slowly winning the war and spreading the message about our ghastly BBC led MSM but I think this coup by the left (and make no mistake that is what Symonds is)is more serious than it seems.
And we could have another five years of this totalitarian leaning government. With no serious political alternative allowed by our corrupt establishment who smile nicely and at the same time try to ruin or imprison anyone who tells the truth about what is actually going on out there and represents any sort of political threat.
Who would ever have thought that we would have allowed ourselves to be ridden into dictatorship and the final act completed by a woman who appears to be a cross between Messalina, Rasputin and Caroline Lucas.
Agree, this doesn’t look good. Apparently, according to The Times, there will also be a shift “to end the culture wars”. I assume, as you can’t end a war by joining any one side, that what this really means is that government is going to get more Woke to be inline with lefties and MSM. There was me thinking that an 80+ majority was a mandate to be openly against this illiberal, divisive, counter-productive, nonsense.
And why isn’t anyone in MSM mentioning that Carrie Symonds is unelected and should hold zero sway on government strategy and direction. As far as I’m aware she no longer formally holds a government position does she? Baffling.
Totally agree with you , its exactly my opinion on our unelected PM Carrie . Has she has done a Markle on Boris ? . Its very unlikely there’s going to be any reform of the Biased BBC and what chance of proper Brexit now with Carrie in charge ? . We can now see who is behind the daily invasion aided by the Border Farce !
Never again will vote for this so called Conservative Party….Maggie had her faults but we miss her leadership
Makes me wonder if Icke was right.
Behind the pretty face is the mind of a reptile?
It is so strange these days when everything we took for granted is being taken away from us – even the implausible now becomes plausible.
strange days indeed.
Do you not find the amanpour thing insulting ? Is it real?
It’s like when someone is called a ‘nazi’ just for disagreeing with a point of view . This creature looks like one of the bubble species who fears for her career as more dusky younger versions are coming along …JHB is another example – as with whitee footy commentators ….
I don’t know who this amanpour character is but such a comparison -ugh.
Oaknash – in reply – it’s boring – but I have to totally agree . Brexit will be sold out whilst no one is looking . Red Tories know that the voting market is captured – Pepsi or coke – no alternative – a one party state …..
Starmer will be made to look more authoritative than Johnson – who seems not to realise he is PM and Labour policies will continue in the years to come .
There will be no change for the BBC apart from admin ….. the bubble looks after itself … we can but carrie… on doing what we do in the hope that something bigger comes along to Trump what is going on now .
Fe2 The trouble was too many lazy , chinless, uninspiring posh boys and girls for years made easy money out of the EU by getting their cleverer friends to push buttons for them, utterly oblivious or uncaring to the industries that were wiped out, and the human cost in spiralling migration and falling wages, and changed communities. And we threatened to put a stop to it.
Carrie belongs to that BBC/establishment political class all making the right noises but at the end of the day only really caring about their own bank balances and their own feelings.
I wonder whether holding up brexit was a deliberate strategy. No deal with Trump because of time and the crowning by the MSM of Biden would mean no deal again – slick work.
Slip a few globalists into the equation, interfering with our media and political processes and you can see very clearly where we are being taken.
Any way off now do break the lockdown – I shall see if I get fined?
Oak – I’m stranded overseas – but the weather is quite good . There is a curfew – can’t leave the region and the flights back or few and far between and hugely expensive – my flights for the rest of the year are all cancelled – so good luck breaching your restrictions ….
…. I guess remainers are calculating that covid will ‘trump’ and adverse reaction to the coming brexit sell out – and that people will be distracted by the end of the year stuff ….
FE2 Trump is critical to everything – hence why so much time, energy, money and reputations are being thrown by corrupt institutions and multi nats both here and stateside into destroying him.
Hope you get back ok and without too much expense.
Spent best part of 5 hours today on A30/A35 visiting relatives in Dorset fortunately plods too busy with downed trees and flooded roads. Probably just as well, if I had had been stopped by the stasi I would probably have said too much and got myself into trouble.
Have all Caucasian children disappeared into the Village of the Damned ??? White parent couples have become extinct in the eyes of the advertising industry, and now white kids have all but gone. I bet there are some really unhappy Mums who cant get their offspring onto the books of modelling agencies !!
Three Private Member’s bills on the BBC that were supposed to have their second reading this month will now be up for debate in January 2021 instead. If the blatantly biased Corporation had abided by its Royal Charter, there would have been no need for these bills in the first place.
Paul Horgan, the writer of the article, may call it “crunch time” for the BBC, but I share the general pessimism and doubt of the posters on the thread that anything significant will result.
Perhaps those of the optimistic “the glass is half-full” view may like to try and balance things out!
MPs from six select committees of the House of Commons joined together to set up a citizens’ assembly on climate change to look at how the UK should reach its commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The Climate Assembly UK brought together 108 people from across the UK. Together they were representative of the wider UK population in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, educational level, where in the UK they live, whether they live in an urban or rural area, and how concerned they are about climate change.
They worked together to create recommendations to Government.
1) we should encourage people to reduce the amount of meat and dairy products that we eat, because these types of food create a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.
2) we need to buy less stuff. Part of the answer to this could be repairing things (i.e. fixing things when they break), sharing things (i.e. renting or sharing items we don’t use very often) and reusing things (e.g. second-hand goods) more.
3) there should be more engagement of people in their local areas to inform how those areas tackle climate change.
There is a short survey to tell them what you think by 20th November!! https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/A464RU/
(I half agree with the 2nd point – but not for the reasons they want).
That partial ideologue who thinks she is Teflon because her mates keep giving her awards and bosses pay rises, despite her show losing cred and viewers daily.
That bloke in the Full Monty who loses his job but carries on sitting on the bench in the park every day as he’s scared to tell his wife …
Meanwhile Pesto sums up his industry’s idea of fun.
Sorry to spoil your enjoyment but I am told this encounter between @BorisJohnson and Cummings/Cain – the stuff about the texts and screenshots relating to Carrie Symonds – is untrue. This denial is from a source still in the government. Oh well. Still hope it’s in the movie. https://t.co/alyj3xQ3a0
The BBC says it has recovered a note written by Diana confirming false bank statements had no role in her decision to participate in her 1995 Panorama interview https://t.co/LwwIWpjhze
I’ve not followed the story closely but I’d like to know what reason she would have had to write in such terms back in 1996?
Without knowing the whole background, the only inference I can draw is that both she and the BBC knew about the forged documents back in ’96. If so, why wasn’t action taken against Bashir back then?
Then again, is the letter genuine? I note that the BBC has been coy about the circumstances in which it came back into their possession.
I seem to remember after the phone hacking scandal the News of the World failed some test of being a ‘fit and proper organisation ‘ to hold a license to publish. Or at least something like that. So after this Bashir scandal , which the BBC have held two separate internal inquiries into with no result, surely the test ought to be applied to them. We do know that Lord Hall , when he was head of News at the corporation in the late nineties , said that it was in effect no big deal. No big deal ! A BBC journalist knowingly using forged documents , which he had commissioned , to mislead a vulnerable , just divorced woman, into giving an interview which damaged the royal family beyond measure!!
This is at least as bad as phone hacking and the management certainly knew about the questionable methods used soon after the interview if not before. Is the tip of another huge very sordid iceberg. Only one way to find out subject the entire BBC to a full transparent enquiry .
Fit and a Proper – certainly not. Yet another reason why the BBC must be defunded.
Humphreys at it again in the free Mailonline Why did I read it ? This time it’s against organised Judeo Christian religion . But as usual with rubbish like him – Islam gets an omission – nothing on attacking churches or killing those at prayer over some scetches of the false profit£.
I’m sure being anti god is good for Humphreys bank balance – and repeating his claim to fame – being at abervann in 1969? – has been a source of funding for his whole career … keep counting the cash John …
Spare a thought for a former US President this morning – seems his book has been remaindered: ‘Half price Barack Obama book offer’ (Guardian)
How the mighty are fallen. But lets not go full Ozymandias. You know, some of our fallen idols weren’t really that great afterall.
Mind you, it’s hard to argue that Dominic Cummings wasn’t a clever bloke. The Telegraph informs us: ‘Cummings exits No 10 with parting shot at PM. Chief aide accuses Johnson of “dithering” as he is ordered out of Downing Street’ – I think we can agree that whatever else he got wrong the egghead is certainly right about that. Boris wobbles like jelly on a plate.
What will the press do now that they have their scalp? – not that Boris’s baldy Brexit backroom boy had much in the way of a scalp.
We’ve previously pointed out how the Brexit-butt-hurt Times newspaper simply can’t help but lament the rule of Brussels: ‘Cummings forced out in purge of Brexiteers’
Can’t help but feel there is some badly misplaced glorication of the Yorkshire Ripper going on in our press: ‘The Ripper files 12-page pullout’ (Mail) meanwhile the Mirror indulges in a front page victims splash justified with a nod to the ‘grieving families’ – It’s left to the often crass tabloid Daily Star to hit the right note on their front page: ‘Good riddence as Ripper dies. Oh dear never mind’
Did I hear BBC news tell me Yorkshire Police had apologised, not for their tardiness and missteps in catching the bugger, but for their 1970s un-PC terminology in reference to the victims? Seems about right these days. The Guardian, which tends to run stories in tandem with the Beeb, headlines the sorry note although does not specify details on their front page: ‘Peter Sutcliffe Police offer apology to victims’ families’
My i-phone news app channels the former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, famous for his known unknowns quote, purporting to tell me: ‘What we still don’t know about vaccine’ – I take it this is about the Chinese Flu vaccine in particular, rather than vaccines in general.
I’m heartily sick of this media tendency to act as oracle. Fact check this… what we know about that… etc… etc… – it’s an entitled rather pretentious habit the BBC display in spades.
In days of yore our mother’s may have warned us not to cry over split milk and the Guardian cautions: ‘Scientists’ warning don’t return to tiers. England faces Covid-19 resurgence if it returns to its previous regional lockdown rules next month’
In other words, no 2nd December easing of restrictions, the lockdown should be sustained for the foreseeable.
I don’t know if Boris blundered into this blind ally or whether it was planned? Either way, seems we’re lumbered with this bluffer and his lockdown for the time being. One thing is for sure, if he goes now then Brexit is lost. If he stays it’s a maybe…
It could be a bleak Christmas for the MSM as their ‘go to ‘ hate figures are killed off . Do they go at them after political death ? Who else is on the target list ?
Or will they just be playing for Biden to die so that their dream can be fulfilled ..?
But when they find out that a coloured woman politician is – another politician – what then ?
???? SCYTL RAID ????@replouiegohmert reveals US Army (CIA?) team raid on Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany to recover "extremely compelling" data detailing vote switching.
The net is closing in. The amount of evidence of fraud being uncovered every day is unprecedented for a first-world nation, and the misinformation campaign from the left is imploding hence Fox’s spectacular ratings collapse and the mass exodus of Twitter and Facebook for Gab and Parler.
If the BBC still had any interest in broadcasting actual news, they’d be all over this. Of course, they’re very much a part of the lie. Thankfully, they’re facing their own backlash.
Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following:
The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
We do not provide voting machines in the US
We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt
The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
We have no ties with Russia either
It will be interesting to see how the lying beeb covers the pro-Trump rallies planned for today in Washington and elsewhere.
Putting on my Nostradamus hat, I predict it will ignore them if possible; or minimise the numbers if forced to acknowledge them.
On the other hand it might go the other way, and paint a terrifying picture of rampaging mobs of fascists who won’t accept the election result and thereby threaten the very existence of democracy.
(The Washington Post are already warning of possible trouble between “far-right protestors” and “counterdemonstrators”. Note the weasel use of language – the BBC could learn a trick from them.)
If any trouble does flare up, the biased beeb will focus on that, and put the blame on Trump supporters of course, despite the fact that so far Trump’s huge mega-rallies have been good-natured party-like gatherings, and all the violence has come from the other side, be it Antifa, BLM or anti-Trump demonstrators. (I won’t call them pro-Biden, as there hasn’t been a pro-Biden movement, it’s been all about Trump-hating, hence the violence.)
That said, the rallies may not be as good-natured as in the past, as there is anger building up at the widespread election fraud, and beyond that at the past four years of savage media bias and non-stop conspiracies and attacks against Trump and his supporters. The people are waking up en-masse to the ferocious and increasingly obvious ‘gaslighting’ taking place, and the mood could turn ugly.
The beeb may yet get the headlines they’re hoping for.
Far-right groups and other backers of Donald Trump plan to rally in Washington DC on Saturday in a public show of support for his unsubstantiated claim of widespread voting fraud in the 3 November election https://t.co/gqcPhgVD1x
Complete with stock photo of middle-aged white man with beard and trump shirt.
You’ve got admire the brass balls hypocrisy of lefties – they call Trump an illegitimate president and try, for four years, every trick in the book to get him out of office; they then position themselves as the only honourable voice of democracy. Our own lefty elites spend the best part of four years trying every trick in the book to overturn the biggest democratic vote in our history, only to then complain about the Republicans trying to overturn a democratic vote! Honestly, how do these peoples brains work? Not well is all I can assume.
There are a lot of similarities between the populist Trump movement and the populist Brexit movement. And similarities too between the US media’s shameful response and our own dearly be-hated Beeb’s.
Vlad – I’ve looked – the auction cost of m60 machine guns is going up – $35k to $65k – as some on hear like to say ‘I wonder why ‘ ? Answer to defend themselves against what May come .
700,000 ballots were not allowed to be viewed in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh which means, based on our great Constitution, we win the State of Pennsylvania!
Another check of my own sanity… is it me or did the BBC – along with the rest of MSM – seem to very quickly drop (bury?) the female nurse baby killer story – the second female nurse to carry out mass murder of babies? Maybe this doesn’t fit the woke narrative of men bad, women good?
I’m honestly curious if anyone else thought the same as I’m seriously considering checking myself into an asylum!
Aren’t you jumping the gun a little here? I assume the other female nurse you are referring to is the 1991 case of Beverley Allitt in Grantham. She was tried and convicted of 4 counts of murder, 5 of attempted murder and 6 counts of GBH.
There’s a slight difference here isn’t there. The “female nurse baby killer” in Chester has been arrested and is presumably being questioned by police. There has been no charge so far; if, and it’s a big if, charges are brought there will be a trial in which the prosecution will be required to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt that she was guilty of one or more of the charges brought against her. *If*, and again it’s a big if, the prosecution succeeds *then* there will be a time for a reckoning. But not before. In this country we have a long and honourable tradition of fair trials. I thought you’d agree with that.
With a 1.7 million work force the NHS is bound to throw up the occasional mass murderer or alleged mass murderer . With the medical mafia protecting its own the ones who get caught must be pretty incompetent – or just caught on volume .
After Shipman one can but wonder how many have happily finished their careers with a trail of killed punters …..whether by malice or negligence …. institutional or individual ….
Every state has now been called – a clear-cut Electoral College win for President-elect Joe Biden. 306-232. Biden got he same number of Electoral College votes as Donald Trump in 2016. #Election2020pic.twitter.com/xbtpNSWOus
“Children in Need” is a very worthwhile charity .The prefix
before of BBC is brilliant publicity for it . And of course the BBC present the
yearly charity extravaganza.
We are told that every penny we send goes to Children in need, and
it does. BUT that’s the charity. Of course there are large “expenses” running such a charity. My gripe is why does the
charity pay more to their employees than any other similar
charity? I don’t know if the £6 million pounds a year as quoted
in the press is accurate. But it seems a lot to me.
I question your first sentence .
Where does the money go
Rich luvvies asking for cash from ‘poorer ‘people
Admin – trustee – ‘fees ‘
Does every on appear for nothing ?
Or do they do a Terry £ Wogan ?
Local smaller charity – not industrial methinks …
There’s a lot of choice …
I was a bit surprised – the red nose and puddy bear stuff is just pure BBC smug .
I’m sure no one examines the finances very closely because the MSM wouldn’t was to offend a ‘friend’ – bit like that ‘kids club’ thing which anyone with a gut would have a feeling there when they saw the Batman clown who was in charge of it ….
Labour Party has put out a report about Islamophobia
hence the ITV tweet above.
In this photo the guys T-shirt says “Labour Muslim network”
Muslim is not a race, but a dogma group.
If anyone had a T-shirt says “Labour White network”
surely that would be regarded as racist ?
Yesterday’s Trump news is his big press conference about how the vaccine will be rolled out to people who need it twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom has the videos
The most corrupt institutions and individuals in America have declared that the election was free of fraud, and that's good enough for me. What's wrong with the rest of you?
I must admit, without much hard evidence to date, my gut feeling is that there probably has been substantial fraud, but not enough to overturn the result. I’m finding it very difficult to get past MSM & tech. companies pro-Biden reporting of the election & current status of lawsuits, evidence of fraud etc. Can anyone recommend a search engine (obviously not Google) that doesn’t do propaganda-based filtering of search results?
Good question. For an alternative to msm / BBC lies, I go to YouTube channels like the eternally optimistic Dr Turley, Liberal Hivemind and Tim Poole, but of course they’re biased the other way.
Thanks, I’ll take a look. Might at least go some way to balance the diet of woke, lefty, nonsense that’s been shoveled down my throat for the last…. 15 years? Probably a lot longer actually, but the last decade or so the cr*p has just grown exponentially to mind-blowing proportions. Just finished watching the Queens Gambit on Netflix and, although very watchable, still had the usual rage against the patriarchy b*llsh*t and push for gender ‘fluidity’. Funny, because I played a lot of chess when I was about ten (40 years ago), got to the late stages of a regional tournament and lost to a girl. Never thought anything of it and never thought anything of there being girls playing chess. Apparently though, I must have – as an evil, privileged, heterosexual, right-thinking white man! The worst.
Right, better get on, things to do… clean my SS uniform, train my fighting dogs etc… actually I might just unchain my wife and get her to do it after she’s cooked me some dinner and done the washing.
Ultimately all of it will come out
It’s said that the clear list of evidence is being held back, so that the courts will get to see it untainted.
The first place for news is the Presidents own tweets
and the then that of his top supporters, like the ones I mentioned above.
The busiest (and most exciting) two week covering disinformation and conspiracy theories about the US election, vaccines and coronavirus conspiracies come to a close.
More reports on this to come – but what a time to be the BBC’s specialist disinformation reporter! pic.twitter.com/YyXm5D3MfR
From the Beeb
‘Covid: Leicester’s lockdown Diwali ‘is like our Christmas gone’. As featured quite heavily on the News yesterday. For around 1.5 million Sikhs and Hindus in the UK Christmas is cancelled.
However, we must be positive and move on so I have whipped out my Diversity Calendar to check upcoming events and celebrations. Next week is Anti Bullying week so please no nasty comments here as I will be very upset and may not be able to work, walk upright or function normally for some considerable time. Monday is International day of tolerance, so again please be nice and Friday is Transgender Day of Rememberance.
Mrs CS has noted that Tuesday is ‘Moving men from passive to passion day’ and has instructed me to buy flowers which seems to fit quite well. The following week has a few spare days so I’m sure sensible suggestions will be welcomed, but on that Monday it’s ‘Understanding White privilege day’.
Must go now as I have a lot to consider and have probably done something wrong. I plan to flay myself in the back garden this afternoon just in case.
Talking of Sikhs and Hindus, funny how they never seem to cause any trouble, fill our jails, cheat at elections, mass rape underage girls, deal drugs on every street corner, shoot and machete each other and passers-by, or riot and endlessly claim victimhood – despite living in the most racist and prejudiced country in the history of the universe.
They just seem to get on with life, assimilate and contribute to society, and do rather well.
I opened up a TV app on my phone (I don’t know why I bother cos I don’t watch any live tele) today to find at 12:30 today on al beeb 1 – MOTDx – Jermaine Jenas is joined by ‘England legend Eni Aluko’ ????????
Gimme a break, Peter Shilton, Bobby Moore, Paul Gascoigne and Wayne Rooney are England legends, not this race-baiting whingebag ⚽
Clearly written by al beeb for the app in question and now the word ‘legend’ has been redefined to mean someone 99.9% of the UK population has never heard of ????
I started by typing never heard of him but then I thought no this is the BBC we’re talking about so I googled the name. I’ve never heard of her either. Since all these idiots started and continue to take knees I’ve had loads more free time, rugby, football and F1 no longer watch cycling is ok I can’t imagine the peloton stopping to kneel. The trouble is need more box sets for the winter ahead and we’re not allowed to buy them in France at the moment. I didn’t hiccup Fed but I’ve gone double.
I started by typing never heard of him but then I thought no this is the BBC we’re talking about so I googled the name. I’ve never heard of her either. Since all these idiots started and continue to take knees I’ve had loads more free time, rugby, football and F1 no longer watch cycling is ok I can’t imagine the peloton stopping to kneel. The trouble is need more box sets for the winter ahead and we’re not allowed to buy them in France at the moment.
Aluko publicly criticised her former team-mates, accusing them of selfishness, lacking respect and requiring diversity training. I must admit that I didnt realise that’s what wins games- Diversity training. I’ll remember that when I watch MOTD tonight. Oh no cancel that if Lineker is presenting.
Possibly this is what is meant by legend:-
Legend- an extremely famous or notorious person, especially in a particular field.
Notorious- famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.
As ever, going well for a reliable set of bbc sources…
Okay, hands up who has ever left their job on the actual day they resigned/got the push with a big brown box? It literally doesn’t happen apart from in bottom-of-the-algorithm Netflix movies. I’m sorry but I suspect this is really far nearer the mark https://t.co/APUEnHgnrd
Not the BBC but no doubt the BBC will be delighted. There is an interesting little bit tucked away on the Times front page that suggests the events that led to the Cain & Cummings departures might be down to a power grab by Whitehall.
“Lord Sedwill (the former Cabinet Secretary*) used to go into meetings and ask why no Ministers were there. The whole way decisions are made in Downing Street is going to change.”
I have posted before that the UK is suffering an informal and undeclared Civil War and it looks to me that the Cabinet Office and the PM have taken a direct hit from some Whitehall artillery. This doesn’t look good for the UK.
(* I have added capital letters in the places that The Thunderer should have had them and would have done in the past!)
A big shout out to all guest booking producers on serious news shows doing the thankless task of trying to get ministers on to question them & inform millions of people what’s happening in a time of national crisis; thank you for your tireless efforts they will bear fruit !
A big incestuous shout out to all guest booking producers on news shows doing the pointless task of trying to get ministers on to shout at them and coordinate gotchas & boring grandstanding, frustrating millions of people seeking sensible information on what’s happening in a time of national crisis; thank you for your tireless efforts… and maybe send some Ch4’s way as we are desperate. They will bear fruit as we’ll back you up at the awards. And also have graphic designers if you need one out house, bbc, again, for deniability ????
Two worthy comments over at ITTBOT I hope poster and site won’t mind sharing, again showing the dodgy editorial integrity the BBC is wheeling out not hourly, as if immune.
Charlie •
I nearly posted last week about the restraint shown by newsreaders about Bidens victory and Trumps demise. With the exception of Sopel and Bryant they were all very low key and I suspect an instruction had been circulated to all news staff telling them to avoid triumphalism.
We can be sure no such instruction has been circulated about Cummings because triumphalism and jubilation is order of the day across all BBC news. As Brexit enemy no1, he is probably hated in Broadcasting House more that any other UK political figure.
Tonight Vicki Young spoke to camera with a smile throughout and ended her report with ‘just rejoice that they have gone’. She used the degree of separation tactic with an anonymous quote but we got the message loud and clear.
Charlie •
I find it incredible that the BBCs defence for their Diana Panorama story is that they have found a hand written note saying Diana was ok with the way they obtained the interview.
The allegations are that they lied, forged bank statements, made accusations and exploited her fragile state of mind to arrange the interview.
But because she wrote that she was ok with that or didn’t see the forgeries, it somehow exonerated them.
No it does not. Saying that the victim accepted or approved of the crime is not a line of defence in any circumstance and using it exposes the rotten core that is still at the centre of the BBC.
Anita trails the Any Answers phone in
The take away line was first a lot of negative things about Trump
and then “At what point do you call this an attempted coup ?”
I buy the telegraph for £4 a month online . I won’t be renewing it after the 12 month run out .I ve just looked at the headlines today over Mr Cummings ….
……this stuff might be of interest to the swampy bubble and those dreaming of rejoining the EU – but to non Westminster creatures – who cares?
Right wingers know what the red tories are – lefties packaged in blue – see the minister of strong statements for example …
Good morning.
Very late to the party on this one but must mention.
A couple of days ago the BBC naturally featured the latest report of how BAME people were more affected by coronavirus and of course the insinuation that it was all down to us evil racist whities and nothing to do with things like ignoring the advice and getting together in large family groups.
At the very same time there was another BBC report on, of all things, the growth in murders by youths. They showed pictures of 100 murderers.
Here’s the thing. I counted 38 enriching non-white perpetrators. White British murderers seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’. Yet this glaring elephant in the room did not get a single mention from our Far Left multiculti BBC fanatics.
Further proof of the BBC racist policy of hiding and downplaying as much bad news about BAME as possible.
Always thought that white people are hugely under represented in the murderer stakes. I’m going to start a campaign to address this glaring anomaly – #whitemurderersagainstdiscrimination. And, as actions speak louder than words, I’ll lead by example. Now, where’s the nearest ultra-woke lefty I can find… damn, it’s my 19 year old daughter!
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlONESyXsAAbWQL?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Symptoms of Aluminium poisoning from the preservative used in Vaccines. Red or swollen skin with new warts or lesions.
Catchup links to last posts on previous thread
– page 5 started 11am Friday … talk of Cummings theatrical exit etc.
– page 4 started 5pm Thursday
Doobs, I cannot congratulate after that.
I prefer stew greens lager one at the end of the previous thread …
Amidst the deafening cacophony of voices (and none so cack as the BBC – or phoney) proclaiming Biden’s victory, Dr Turley stubbornly begs to differ.
Our, “Worlds Most Trusted” all over it. Our inveterate liars. So I just had to find the actual words spoken.
Here’s the critical part brought to us by the Telegraph who comments, ‘..he let slip…’. That, whilst reading from a pre-prepared speech? I don’t think so Telegraph.
Pass the bottle of bleach around wont’ you please?
I have just been informed by an Internet Service Provider’s News division that the UK Labour Party has suspended supporters of Jeremy Corbyn.
Does that include Keir Starmer and Shami Chakrabahti?
Jon been busy tweeting his impartial BBC views …so hard to guess which way he leans politically !!!! NOT !!!
Every man and his dog knows this was corrupt. Trump never stood a chance .
Organised fraud, complicit media and a judiciary that turns a blind eye.
2am and he is winning hands down, 4am and it’s all turned round out of nowhere. Yep. Nothing to see here .
Doobster agreed ????
I was up watching it that night! At 2am Trump easily led, but around 10:30 morning our time it flipped to Biden, even though he hadn’t made any significant improvements. I said this on the 4th November, early morning ????
Have you you contacted DeepThroat ????
Have you never sat up for a British general election count? At 2am Labour is invariably well ahead in seats won because the smaller and more densely-populated constituencies that lean Labour tend to count faster and declare more quickly, even in those years where a big Conservative win is projected from exit polls and swings.
In the US they count by county. Some counties, especially in sparsely-populated state, have only a few hundred electors. Those counties and their states are mostly farmers who vote strongly Republican (it’s not The Archers by the way, with small family farmers, they are in the pockets of huge agribusinesses like Cargill and AMD which are generous Republican donors). Did you know, by the way, that 12 of the 50 states are more sparsely-populated than the Isle of Lewis? Naturally the really big city-based and Democratic leaning counties take longer to count and declare later. It’s quite simple really, without needing a conspiracy theory to explain it. It happens every US presidential election, whoever prevails.
‘The Vampire Strikes Back’ ⬆️ ????
Where do you start with this lot?
Let’s start with Paul Danahar. I don’t know (or care) who he is or from whom he gets his ‘wisdom’, but an election cannot be rigged without it involving fraud. Indeed, a rigged election is apt to involve fraud on more than one level.
Sopel clearly doesn’t know that either. Which doesn’t surprise me.
As for the election, there’s no doubt (reasonable or otherwise) that it was rigged.
Those who are support it are merely useful idiots, to be used and cast aside when they no longer serve the puppetmasters’ purposes. But by the time they realise that, it’ll be too late for them.
Didn’t the BBC rig a vote , election , for the name of a dog or something on Blue Peter ?
They’ve been busted for rigging a few competitions over the years, both on TV and radio.
Interesting point from The Duran: While Biden et al. is spreading his glad tidings around the World and discussing future policy with World leaders, he is violating the Logan Act which he applied in the General Flynn situation for, ‘talking to the Russians’ when DJT was only ‘President Elect’.
ITV thread shouts “Islamophobia” but misses something out
Would they miss it out if she was Dominic Cummings ?
Her brother E lives in Bradford.
Past news Oct 3rd about Colston Statue vandals
Were they jailed for 7 days like the guy who accidentally peed NEAR a memorial ?
Six men have admitted their involvement in the toppling of the statue
*accepted a ‘conditional caution’.*
– receive a criminal record, but avoid prosecution in the courts
– complete a questionnaire from the We Are Bristol History Commission in which they can set out their reasons for their actions
– fine of £100 which will be collected by HMCTS and sent to Nilaari, a Bristol based, black & minority ethnic led charity,
– take part in two hours of environmental improvement works eg painting or the removal of rubbish/graffiti.
Police ended their formal investigation they had identified nine of the 18 people they initially identified as being criminally responsible for the toppling of the statue.
Earlier report said 5 were to be given the caution
“But three other men and one woman may still face charges for their role in toppling Colston’s statue.
The damage cost £3,750”
So I guess 1 of that group is in the 6
And 3 have been let off or undecided. Maybe they are youths ?
Drunk woman who daubed All Lives Matter on London’s RAF Bomber Command memorial got a £630 fine.
Sounds nasty. And not entirely typical. But very bbc.
“He held me under hot water.”
Zack’s boyfriend had never been violent towards him, but that changed when the UK went into lockdown in March.
Zack isn’t alone. Charities supporting LGBT victims of domestic abuse have said this has been their busiest year on record.
Was Dominic Cummings the man behind the consultation about the television licence fee ?
If not , what now Tories ?
Keeping an eye on The Center For Countering Digital Hate
AFAIK this is an offshoot of Labour front group HnH
whose custom is to weaponise antiracism by selectively pursuing people standing in the way of Labour eg standing for office against a Labour politician etc.
What they do is smear-label them “racist” as thus clear the way for Labour and their agendas.
CCDH seem to be a trading name of Imran Ah medd, who is operating out of the US, maybe to avoid UK libel laws.
Now today he was on TalkRadio saying anti-Vaxxers need to be banned and looks to be behind a October 3rd Times Article about David Icke and sons,
This to me is weird, cos what’s all that got to do with “hate” ?
Hate would be campaigning against some group so strongly that it is actually “inciting violence against them”
I’m not with Icke and his anti-mask and anti-vax movement but surely it’s no different from other dogma based belief systems say Marxism, XR or religions etc.
Surely it’s all free speech.
I don’t see why they should be denied socialmedia access
and anyway it’s counterproductive, it’s better they are out in the open rather than using secret networks ?
Now a handful of his followers have got excited about 5G , and have burnt down 5G masts
OK that is wrong.. but that’s not mentioned in the article.
I wonder if he is trying to get in with orgs and funding from groups opposing the anti-vaxxers.
In news BBC tends to hide
Man wanted for murder of Bradford PC Sharon Beshenivsky appears in Pakistan court
A 72-year-old man has appeared in court in Pakistan in connection with the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky, who was shot while on duty in 2005.
Piran Ditta Khan appeared before the court in Islamabad on Monday for a hearing related to his extradition,
MI5 confronts terror threat from left-wing extremists
a Times headline 3 Oct 2020
When I check I find the guy Dominic Noble, 32, from Huddersfield, was awaiting trial after being charged with 14 offences
but then suicided in prison, August 15
He was awaiting trial after being charged with 14 offences
MI5 officers will investigate for the *first time* left-wing anarchists who are feared to be planning terrorist attacks.
(that sounds like BS, at the time of the German and Italian Red Brigades there were probably some groups starting up in the UK)
This year a man in his 30s from West Yorkshire was charged with 14 offences in connection with alleged left-wing terrorism.
About two thirds of MI5’s caseload is devoted to investigating Islamist terrorist plots, the far right and other domestic extremism cases.
The vast majority of them are related to the Islamist threat, although MI5 and police have expressed concern about the rise of the far right in recent years.
(That’s PC way of writing, anyone logical would start by saying , Most terrorism is Islam connected, then Northern Ireland , then other nutters)
Another 20 per cent is dedicated to northern Ireland and the remainder to hostile states such as Russia. A security source said that there were challenges in combating the far right that were distinct from Islamist terrorists.
As ever I think you have to draw a line between
– Actual violent ideologies and orgs
and lone nutters who are their sitting their waiting to get wound up about an issue and express violence
Say if someone got really wound up the way the newspapers had treated a Brexit/Remain politician and so bombed the newspaper
That wouldn’t make that nutter a Brexit terrorist
On Oct 3 the Times ran a 2 page article
Trump v Biden is likely to be settled in court or on the streets
.. It showed that Dems had been wargaming today’s scenarios
and reveals they had already written the scripts that today’s news stories are based on.
The weird thing is the article’s main scenario is the opposite of what has actually happened.
It seems to be about how Trump could just win by cheating
so Biden would patiently go to the courts for justice.
Meanwhile Trump supporters might get violent.
They “wargamed” how different election results might play out. “
– A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power,”
Dr Brooks said “Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis.”
Amazingly back then they were using the same script as today
“But Mr Trump’s claims that postal voting will lead to a “rigged election” are *not backed up by evidence*
You get that today’s media reporting seems to be using that scripted phrase
In some states the counting process could take a week, especially where rules allow postal votes which arrive after November 3 to be counted.
In that scenario, with a voting public accustomed to knowing the winner by the time they go to bed,
Democrats fear Mr Trump could strike, claiming victory and stoking questions about the integrity of the postal votes yet to be counted.
His supporters would need little persuading by that point of the inherent whiffiness of the system.
Mail-in ballots are easier to challenge,” a Democratic Party activist said
How could Mr Trump challenge the legitimacy of the result? The obvious and traditional route would be through the courts …
Mr Trump would find himself before a court with a conservative majority.
Mr Trump found himself challenged at Tuesday’s debate to condemn white supremacists is because the sprouting of militias and far-right groups has been one of the big themes of his presidency.
blah blah the Proud Boys, the *neo-fascist* all-male collective etc.
.. felt compelled to rush to Washington to help Mr Trump stay in office after a contested election that would be no small thing
* (doh we know the leader is not white ..and the Times printed version actually says “far right” instead)
And here the article goes weird
In the wargame Mr Biden, did not admit defeat, contending that the Democratic Party would not allow him to do so.
Instead, he claimed that voter suppression (such as invalidated postal votes) had prevented his victory.
It talks about Biden’s team trying to rig the electoral college
Then states seceding if Mr Trump was sworn in
— Then in January the public turned to the army to see who it recognised as commander in chief.
As I’m fond of saying about interpreting the MSM’s output: We’re through the looking glass. Black is white and white is black.
[And, yes, I did lift that from the film, ‘JFK’]
Democrat playbook: Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.
(1) The Russians rigged the election for the Republicans, would mean that the Russians failed to rig the election for the Democrats despite promises.
(2) Trump could win by cheating, means Biden did win by cheating.
(3) The living voted for Biden, means the dead voted for Biden.
Altogether now………..
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the Feast of Stephen
A neighbour shopped him to the police
Now he plans to get even.
The party wasn’t all that large
Twenty at the most
But he still had to pay the fine
So now that neighbour’s to-a-st.
“Leave it dear” , the Queen had said
“Its hardly worth the trouble
“Put down your binoculars
And join the family bubble”
“Stuff and nonsense” said the King
“He took me for a fool
Look! there he is – I’ve got him now
He’s stealing all our fu-uu-el.
Good King Wenceslas looked out
As the police descended
He saw his neighbour, wood in hand
Quickly apprehended
The moral of this story is
Be kind to those next door
Especially when they are the King
And in charge of the la-aa-w.
I have just bought a nice book as a Xmas present.
The Myth of American Democracy: The Deification of Democratic Governance: by Trenton Fervor. (Published in 2013)
Inside the book it says: There are thousands of dead voters listed on the voter rolls in most states, and some voting districts have more people registered to vote than actually live there.
So I think the dead must have voted in favour of the candidate who looks dead. But only if the living voted in a way that made them think that Trump was winning.
US news channels censored a press conference by the President of the United States, tech giants feel the need to censor Trump’s tweets, in key Dem States GOP observers were not allowed to actually observe anything and the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the ballot count. The MSM said there was no evidence after one minute, instead of, after one month of investigative journalism, why the haste. As with Climate science, do we really think that main stream journalists will investigate the fraud?
Why all this Orwellian propaganda about no evidence, before the courts could get any evidence? And if the US Supreme Court caves into this Deep State corruption, and bans any investigation. Will it ignite a Civil War?
As Orwell says “when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys” “He wears a mask and his face grows to fit it”
Mr Google’s current top three results for search “US Election latest fraud developments”
Trump repeats false Covid claims and attacks New York governor Cuomo in first remarks since election loss – as it happened
US election results: Forget claims of fraud – this was a moment of triumph for democracy
US election: Officials say ballot was ‘most secure in US history
Just read it is World Diabetes Day today so having lucozade orange on my crunchy nut cornflakes followed by a devonshire cream tea and some lemon drizzle cake for breakfast
But I do think it is irresponsible of the media to devote a whole day to this
I felt extemely unwell for days and woke up in custody after Alcohol Awareness Week and the wife and kids had left
Well, I felt extremely sick an hour ago, and woke up watching a John Lewis Christmas advert!
I am just hoping they do not repeat that Bring A Child to Work Day after last years incident outside the school gates and subsequent trial
Seems someone at John Lewis PR knows someone high up in BBC editorial.
BBC News
The advert, inspired by the public spirit shown during the coronavirus pandemic, was “appropriate for how we’re all feeling at the moment,” John Lewis said.
Never knowingly unwoke
Guest who – wicked last line …. I’ve decided to boycott Fair Trade Organic Zimbabwean orange drizzled chocolate with Bolivian honey roast vanilla pod chippings this year … and all things woke – May they go broke ….
Waitrose is on our home delivery roster and will remain so.
However each delivery comes with the most blatantly woke newspaper rammed with current and ex bbc luvvies offering their opinions on how to behave when your salary or pension affords you the upper bracket goodies.
And ads with folk with enviably long, frizzy tresses.
I used to flick through but have found it now provides a good lining folded straight into the compost bucket.
Here, here, Fed!
First Sainsbury’s now Waitrose!
We’re lucky here in Kent, as we have several really good local farm shops close by, where we can go without seeing anybody except the staff, who are all normal-speaking, delightful people!
Yeah, it costs a few more splonders, but we aren’t getting ‘diversideeee’ stuffed down our necks at every turn!
Sometimes you get what you pay for…
Darcy – ha ha – unfortunate that now that Mrs Darcy has left – you wasted your money on the ‘amazon choice ‘ nuckleduster ‘
( domestic violence is not a subject for humour Fed up )
Took me a while to notice, like when the first wife died, the sex was the same but the dishes were piling up
The ‘resignation’ of Cummins represents another serious watering down of the Tory agenda that they were elected on. I only wanted Boris to do three things when I voted for him, keep Corbynistas out, deliver a Brexit worthy of the name and force the BBC to become subscription only. He managed the first of course but the other two are seemingly increasingly unlikely as he tacks increasingly leftward.
For decades I voted Tory , principally to stop labour , in GE and UKIP in other elections.But as the last two Tory PMs and now Boris , not to mention the increasingly insane Major, are all at best a very pale blue if not pink, and as Starmer pretends he isn’t a Marxist nutcase, there doesn’t seem any point voting to keep labour out. So I’ll vote for the farthest right party or independent available on the slip just to register my tiny protest at the ‘liberal consensus ‘ which rules our country ever since Lady T, and look where the last thirty years has got us!
Yes Doublethinker, I wanted just the same from Boris-Farage has made public that the going of Cummings could mean a soft Brexit. Now I don’t trust this bunch in Parliament, they were given a firm decree from the public with 17 million votes-the EU is not a country but a conduit for 27 incUK- other nations, who appear to have let themselves be led by a duplicitous bunch of bureaucrats nicely feathering their own nests at those nations expense. Cut the crap Boris, Cut the tape and let’s go. All Europe wants to get on with their business.
I am not so pessimistic about Brexit. It may be the one thing that Boris will be firm on. Frost is an excellent man.
but there are less of them by the day
but there are less of them by the day
Blonde on blonde
Though a regular visitor , I dont post much here now as I have completely bleached the BBC out of my life.
I was listening to the Hartley Brewer show on Talk radio yesterday and the alarm bells were certainly ringing when we had a procession of smooth talking, entitled, tory establishment patrician voices (the same ones that had been screwing us over for years) that it was a wonderful thing that Cummings was going.
But alarm bells were ringing yesterday with the news that it was Prime Minister Carrie Symonds who made the decision with her “squad” and ordered her half man, half jellyfish, half roving penis, trans gimp wife – Boris to ditch Cummings – just in time for Brexit.
Whilst I hold no candle for this Cummings, and have never especially trusted him – especially on this Covid madness, like Trump he is not of the establishment and was probably the only thing in this craven government that kept Johnson on track when dealing with Brexit, the establishment and especially the BBC.
Prime Minister Symonds being an ex “Communications” Director is as woke as they come and is an establishment creature. I think we can now expect business as usual.
As well as all of Carries greenwash and “building back better” – we can now look forward to a weaker line on brexit and especially on dealing with the establishment swamp and most notably the BBC.
To be honest I am not surprised but saddened (having never voted for that vile, liberal liar Johnson). We were slowly winning the war and spreading the message about our ghastly BBC led MSM but I think this coup by the left (and make no mistake that is what Symonds is)is more serious than it seems.
And we could have another five years of this totalitarian leaning government. With no serious political alternative allowed by our corrupt establishment who smile nicely and at the same time try to ruin or imprison anyone who tells the truth about what is actually going on out there and represents any sort of political threat.
Who would ever have thought that we would have allowed ourselves to be ridden into dictatorship and the final act completed by a woman who appears to be a cross between Messalina, Rasputin and Caroline Lucas.
We have a lot to look forward to.
Agree, this doesn’t look good. Apparently, according to The Times, there will also be a shift “to end the culture wars”. I assume, as you can’t end a war by joining any one side, that what this really means is that government is going to get more Woke to be inline with lefties and MSM. There was me thinking that an 80+ majority was a mandate to be openly against this illiberal, divisive, counter-productive, nonsense.
And why isn’t anyone in MSM mentioning that Carrie Symonds is unelected and should hold zero sway on government strategy and direction. As far as I’m aware she no longer formally holds a government position does she? Baffling.
agreed – there can only be one culture!
Totally agree with you , its exactly my opinion on our unelected PM Carrie . Has she has done a Markle on Boris ? . Its very unlikely there’s going to be any reform of the Biased BBC and what chance of proper Brexit now with Carrie in charge ? . We can now see who is behind the daily invasion aided by the Border Farce !
Never again will vote for this so called Conservative Party….Maggie had her faults but we miss her leadership
Makes me wonder if Icke was right.
Behind the pretty face is the mind of a reptile?
It is so strange these days when everything we took for granted is being taken away from us – even the implausible now becomes plausible.
strange days indeed.
Which one of BBC American BS RT’d this first?
Or… did they feel not noticing was the better play?
Might be a spoof. On twitter.
Yes – it’s a threat to democracy – ban it . Who is the air head bimbo ? Actually I don’t care …
Do you not find the amanpour thing insulting ? Is it real?
It’s like when someone is called a ‘nazi’ just for disagreeing with a point of view . This creature looks like one of the bubble species who fears for her career as more dusky younger versions are coming along …JHB is another example – as with whitee footy commentators ….
I don’t know who this amanpour character is but such a comparison -ugh.
I know only too well what a PoC Amanpour is from 1991 >> comparing what I saw and heard in the Gulf with CNN
Oaknash – in reply – it’s boring – but I have to totally agree . Brexit will be sold out whilst no one is looking . Red Tories know that the voting market is captured – Pepsi or coke – no alternative – a one party state …..
Starmer will be made to look more authoritative than Johnson – who seems not to realise he is PM and Labour policies will continue in the years to come .
There will be no change for the BBC apart from admin ….. the bubble looks after itself … we can but carrie… on doing what we do in the hope that something bigger comes along to Trump what is going on now .
Fe2 The trouble was too many lazy , chinless, uninspiring posh boys and girls for years made easy money out of the EU by getting their cleverer friends to push buttons for them, utterly oblivious or uncaring to the industries that were wiped out, and the human cost in spiralling migration and falling wages, and changed communities. And we threatened to put a stop to it.
Carrie belongs to that BBC/establishment political class all making the right noises but at the end of the day only really caring about their own bank balances and their own feelings.
I wonder whether holding up brexit was a deliberate strategy. No deal with Trump because of time and the crowning by the MSM of Biden would mean no deal again – slick work.
Slip a few globalists into the equation, interfering with our media and political processes and you can see very clearly where we are being taken.
Any way off now do break the lockdown – I shall see if I get fined?
Oak – I’m stranded overseas – but the weather is quite good . There is a curfew – can’t leave the region and the flights back or few and far between and hugely expensive – my flights for the rest of the year are all cancelled – so good luck breaching your restrictions ….
…. I guess remainers are calculating that covid will ‘trump’ and adverse reaction to the coming brexit sell out – and that people will be distracted by the end of the year stuff ….
FE2 Trump is critical to everything – hence why so much time, energy, money and reputations are being thrown by corrupt institutions and multi nats both here and stateside into destroying him.
Hope you get back ok and without too much expense.
Spent best part of 5 hours today on A30/A35 visiting relatives in Dorset fortunately plods too busy with downed trees and flooded roads. Probably just as well, if I had had been stopped by the stasi I would probably have said too much and got myself into trouble.
Have all Caucasian children disappeared into the Village of the Damned ??? White parent couples have become extinct in the eyes of the advertising industry, and now white kids have all but gone. I bet there are some really unhappy Mums who cant get their offspring onto the books of modelling agencies !!
Bloody hell! Sorry.
Aren’t you SICK of this stuff?
OK, this may be of interest:
Three Private Member’s bills on the BBC that were supposed to have their second reading this month will now be up for debate in January 2021 instead. If the blatantly biased Corporation had abided by its Royal Charter, there would have been no need for these bills in the first place.
Paul Horgan, the writer of the article, may call it “crunch time” for the BBC, but I share the general pessimism and doubt of the posters on the thread that anything significant will result.
Perhaps those of the optimistic “the glass is half-full” view may like to try and balance things out!
“Hold a referendum to scrap the UK’s policy of Net Zero CO2 by 2050”:
This petition has now closed.
MPs from six select committees of the House of Commons joined together to set up a citizens’ assembly on climate change to look at how the UK should reach its commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The Climate Assembly UK brought together 108 people from across the UK. Together they were representative of the wider UK population in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, educational level, where in the UK they live, whether they live in an urban or rural area, and how concerned they are about climate change.
They worked together to create recommendations to Government.
The CLIMATE ASSEMBLY report says:
1) we should encourage people to reduce the amount of meat and dairy products that we eat, because these types of food create a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.
2) we need to buy less stuff. Part of the answer to this could be repairing things (i.e. fixing things when they break), sharing things (i.e. renting or sharing items we don’t use very often) and reusing things (e.g. second-hand goods) more.
3) there should be more engagement of people in their local areas to inform how those areas tackle climate change.
There is a short survey to tell them what you think by 20th November!! https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/A464RU/
(I half agree with the 2nd point – but not for the reasons they want).
Sorry, not directly bBC.
4) Ban all volcanoes from erupting with a legal penalty if the ban is not observed.
There, adds a bit of common sense…………….
That partial ideologue who thinks she is Teflon because her mates keep giving her awards and bosses pay rises, despite her show losing cred and viewers daily.
There’s always a DPS in Waitrose monthly with the dog.
Meanwhile Pesto sums up his industry’s idea of fun.
Meanwhile Sky has got Aunty’s back.
‘Diane darling – could you just write a note covering our backs ..”
Or is that forged as well?
I’ve not followed the story closely but I’d like to know what reason she would have had to write in such terms back in 1996?
Without knowing the whole background, the only inference I can draw is that both she and the BBC knew about the forged documents back in ’96. If so, why wasn’t action taken against Bashir back then?
Then again, is the letter genuine? I note that the BBC has been coy about the circumstances in which it came back into their possession.
I seem to remember after the phone hacking scandal the News of the World failed some test of being a ‘fit and proper organisation ‘ to hold a license to publish. Or at least something like that. So after this Bashir scandal , which the BBC have held two separate internal inquiries into with no result, surely the test ought to be applied to them. We do know that Lord Hall , when he was head of News at the corporation in the late nineties , said that it was in effect no big deal. No big deal ! A BBC journalist knowingly using forged documents , which he had commissioned , to mislead a vulnerable , just divorced woman, into giving an interview which damaged the royal family beyond measure!!
This is at least as bad as phone hacking and the management certainly knew about the questionable methods used soon after the interview if not before. Is the tip of another huge very sordid iceberg. Only one way to find out subject the entire BBC to a full transparent enquiry .
Fit and a Proper – certainly not. Yet another reason why the BBC must be defunded.
So it was, to use one of the MSM’s words of the moment, baseless.
In which case, some apologies are due from Peston…
“Hell and a woman’s fury” comes to mind.
X BBC watch
Humphreys at it again in the free Mailonline Why did I read it ? This time it’s against organised Judeo Christian religion . But as usual with rubbish like him – Islam gets an omission – nothing on attacking churches or killing those at prayer over some scetches of the false profit£.
I’m sure being anti god is good for Humphreys bank balance – and repeating his claim to fame – being at abervann in 1969? – has been a source of funding for his whole career … keep counting the cash John …
Spare a thought for a former US President this morning – seems his book has been remaindered: ‘Half price Barack Obama book offer’ (Guardian)
How the mighty are fallen. But lets not go full Ozymandias. You know, some of our fallen idols weren’t really that great afterall.
Mind you, it’s hard to argue that Dominic Cummings wasn’t a clever bloke. The Telegraph informs us: ‘Cummings exits No 10 with parting shot at PM. Chief aide accuses Johnson of “dithering” as he is ordered out of Downing Street’ – I think we can agree that whatever else he got wrong the egghead is certainly right about that. Boris wobbles like jelly on a plate.
What will the press do now that they have their scalp? – not that Boris’s baldy Brexit backroom boy had much in the way of a scalp.
We’ve previously pointed out how the Brexit-butt-hurt Times newspaper simply can’t help but lament the rule of Brussels: ‘Cummings forced out in purge of Brexiteers’
Can’t help but feel there is some badly misplaced glorication of the Yorkshire Ripper going on in our press: ‘The Ripper files 12-page pullout’ (Mail) meanwhile the Mirror indulges in a front page victims splash justified with a nod to the ‘grieving families’ – It’s left to the often crass tabloid Daily Star to hit the right note on their front page: ‘Good riddence as Ripper dies. Oh dear never mind’
Did I hear BBC news tell me Yorkshire Police had apologised, not for their tardiness and missteps in catching the bugger, but for their 1970s un-PC terminology in reference to the victims? Seems about right these days. The Guardian, which tends to run stories in tandem with the Beeb, headlines the sorry note although does not specify details on their front page: ‘Peter Sutcliffe Police offer apology to victims’ families’
My i-phone news app channels the former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, famous for his known unknowns quote, purporting to tell me: ‘What we still don’t know about vaccine’ – I take it this is about the Chinese Flu vaccine in particular, rather than vaccines in general.
I’m heartily sick of this media tendency to act as oracle. Fact check this… what we know about that… etc… etc… – it’s an entitled rather pretentious habit the BBC display in spades.
In days of yore our mother’s may have warned us not to cry over split milk and the Guardian cautions: ‘Scientists’ warning don’t return to tiers. England faces Covid-19 resurgence if it returns to its previous regional lockdown rules next month’
In other words, no 2nd December easing of restrictions, the lockdown should be sustained for the foreseeable.
I don’t know if Boris blundered into this blind ally or whether it was planned? Either way, seems we’re lumbered with this bluffer and his lockdown for the time being. One thing is for sure, if he goes now then Brexit is lost. If he stays it’s a maybe…
It could be a bleak Christmas for the MSM as their ‘go to ‘ hate figures are killed off . Do they go at them after political death ? Who else is on the target list ?
Or will they just be playing for Biden to die so that their dream can be fulfilled ..?
But when they find out that a coloured woman politician is – another politician – what then ?
Does the half-price offer include the crayons that are supposed to come with the book?
The net is closing in. The amount of evidence of fraud being uncovered every day is unprecedented for a first-world nation, and the misinformation campaign from the left is imploding hence Fox’s spectacular ratings collapse and the mass exodus of Twitter and Facebook for Gab and Parler.
If the BBC still had any interest in broadcasting actual news, they’d be all over this. Of course, they’re very much a part of the lie. Thankfully, they’re facing their own backlash.
Further on the Scytl servers
A bit more about Scytl servers:
Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following:
The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
We do not provide voting machines in the US
We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt
The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
We have no ties with Russia either
Scytl *are* bankrupt though?
It will be interesting to see how the lying beeb covers the pro-Trump rallies planned for today in Washington and elsewhere.
Putting on my Nostradamus hat, I predict it will ignore them if possible; or minimise the numbers if forced to acknowledge them.
On the other hand it might go the other way, and paint a terrifying picture of rampaging mobs of fascists who won’t accept the election result and thereby threaten the very existence of democracy.
(The Washington Post are already warning of possible trouble between “far-right protestors” and “counterdemonstrators”. Note the weasel use of language – the BBC could learn a trick from them.)
If any trouble does flare up, the biased beeb will focus on that, and put the blame on Trump supporters of course, despite the fact that so far Trump’s huge mega-rallies have been good-natured party-like gatherings, and all the violence has come from the other side, be it Antifa, BLM or anti-Trump demonstrators. (I won’t call them pro-Biden, as there hasn’t been a pro-Biden movement, it’s been all about Trump-hating, hence the violence.)
That said, the rallies may not be as good-natured as in the past, as there is anger building up at the widespread election fraud, and beyond that at the past four years of savage media bias and non-stop conspiracies and attacks against Trump and his supporters. The people are waking up en-masse to the ferocious and increasingly obvious ‘gaslighting’ taking place, and the mood could turn ugly.
The beeb may yet get the headlines they’re hoping for.
Sky has the template running.
The beeb would be proud.
Complete with stock photo of middle-aged white man with beard and trump shirt.
You’ve got admire the brass balls hypocrisy of lefties – they call Trump an illegitimate president and try, for four years, every trick in the book to get him out of office; they then position themselves as the only honourable voice of democracy. Our own lefty elites spend the best part of four years trying every trick in the book to overturn the biggest democratic vote in our history, only to then complain about the Republicans trying to overturn a democratic vote! Honestly, how do these peoples brains work? Not well is all I can assume.
There are a lot of similarities between the populist Trump movement and the populist Brexit movement. And similarities too between the US media’s shameful response and our own dearly be-hated Beeb’s.
Vlad – I’ve looked – the auction cost of m60 machine guns is going up – $35k to $65k – as some on hear like to say ‘I wonder why ‘ ? Answer to defend themselves against what May come .
Top man !!! Keep fighting the fight Sir !!
Doncha love those red Twitter fact-checks?
Another check of my own sanity… is it me or did the BBC – along with the rest of MSM – seem to very quickly drop (bury?) the female nurse baby killer story – the second female nurse to carry out mass murder of babies? Maybe this doesn’t fit the woke narrative of men bad, women good?
I’m honestly curious if anyone else thought the same as I’m seriously considering checking myself into an asylum!
Does not fit the Enaychess “angels” narrative (propaganda) maybe ?
Who is going to bang a saucepan for this one ?
A bit like (the many) transgressions from the cherished religion of peace (check Birmingham funerals in the Mail)
Aren’t you jumping the gun a little here? I assume the other female nurse you are referring to is the 1991 case of Beverley Allitt in Grantham. She was tried and convicted of 4 counts of murder, 5 of attempted murder and 6 counts of GBH.
There’s a slight difference here isn’t there. The “female nurse baby killer” in Chester has been arrested and is presumably being questioned by police. There has been no charge so far; if, and it’s a big if, charges are brought there will be a trial in which the prosecution will be required to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt that she was guilty of one or more of the charges brought against her. *If*, and again it’s a big if, the prosecution succeeds *then* there will be a time for a reckoning. But not before. In this country we have a long and honourable tradition of fair trials. I thought you’d agree with that.
With a 1.7 million work force the NHS is bound to throw up the occasional mass murderer or alleged mass murderer . With the medical mafia protecting its own the ones who get caught must be pretty incompetent – or just caught on volume .
After Shipman one can but wonder how many have happily finished their careers with a trail of killed punters …..whether by malice or negligence …. institutional or individual ….
….I d include my dad and mum in the body count
Yeh. like Cliff Richard
Nick has called it on behalf of the nation.
BBC have spent 4 years telling us 52% – 48% wasn’t conclusive and we should vote again !!!
But they are happy as Larry with the election result !!!! That’s fine.
Wonder why ???
Clear cut is 3% of the vote now ….stolen election … but I fear they won’t be able to show enough conspiracy fraud to warrant nullifying the result ….
“Children in Need” is a very worthwhile charity .The prefix
before of BBC is brilliant publicity for it . And of course the BBC present the
yearly charity extravaganza.
We are told that every penny we send goes to Children in need, and
it does. BUT that’s the charity. Of course there are large “expenses” running such a charity. My gripe is why does the
charity pay more to their employees than any other similar
charity? I don’t know if the £6 million pounds a year as quoted
in the press is accurate. But it seems a lot to me.
I question your first sentence .
Where does the money go
Rich luvvies asking for cash from ‘poorer ‘people
Admin – trustee – ‘fees ‘
Does every on appear for nothing ?
Or do they do a Terry £ Wogan ?
Local smaller charity – not industrial methinks …
There’s a lot of choice …
Fedup- You know how facetious I am by now.I thought
I would not over do it this time . And edited my final
sentence, which was “children and greed”
I was a bit surprised – the red nose and puddy bear stuff is just pure BBC smug .
I’m sure no one examines the finances very closely because the MSM wouldn’t was to offend a ‘friend’ – bit like that ‘kids club’ thing which anyone with a gut would have a feeling there when they saw the Batman clown who was in charge of it ….
… the ethnic element also meant ‘nothing to see ‘
Alex Bellfield on the same subject:
Children In Need
Employee salaries over £60,000
Number of employees
£60k to £70k 4
£70k to £80k 2
£80k to £90k 1
£90k to £100k 2
£100k to £110k 2
£130k to £140k 1
Labour Party has put out a report about Islamophobia
hence the ITV tweet above.
In this photo the guys T-shirt says “Labour Muslim network”
Muslim is not a race, but a dogma group.
If anyone had a T-shirt says “Labour White network”
surely that would be regarded as racist ?
I see Labour activists tweeting that the BBC hasn’t covered the report
The Labour Muslim Networks twitter thread begins with the ITV 3 minute video
Yesterday’s Trump news is his big press conference about how the vaccine will be rolled out to people who need it
twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom has the videos
Trump retweeted Scott Adams
I must admit, without much hard evidence to date, my gut feeling is that there probably has been substantial fraud, but not enough to overturn the result. I’m finding it very difficult to get past MSM & tech. companies pro-Biden reporting of the election & current status of lawsuits, evidence of fraud etc. Can anyone recommend a search engine (obviously not Google) that doesn’t do propaganda-based filtering of search results?
Good question. For an alternative to msm / BBC lies, I go to YouTube channels like the eternally optimistic Dr Turley, Liberal Hivemind and Tim Poole, but of course they’re biased the other way.
Objective sites? I don’t know.
Thanks, I’ll take a look. Might at least go some way to balance the diet of woke, lefty, nonsense that’s been shoveled down my throat for the last…. 15 years? Probably a lot longer actually, but the last decade or so the cr*p has just grown exponentially to mind-blowing proportions. Just finished watching the Queens Gambit on Netflix and, although very watchable, still had the usual rage against the patriarchy b*llsh*t and push for gender ‘fluidity’. Funny, because I played a lot of chess when I was about ten (40 years ago), got to the late stages of a regional tournament and lost to a girl. Never thought anything of it and never thought anything of there being girls playing chess. Apparently though, I must have – as an evil, privileged, heterosexual, right-thinking white man! The worst.
Right, better get on, things to do… clean my SS uniform, train my fighting dogs etc… actually I might just unchain my wife and get her to do it after she’s cooked me some dinner and done the washing.
Vlad / Red Pill,
Can I just add there:
The Duran. ‘Seek (search) and ye will find’
Very good and proven to be reliable.
Ultimately all of it will come out
It’s said that the clear list of evidence is being held back, so that the courts will get to see it untainted.
The first place for news is the Presidents own tweets
and the then that of his top supporters, like the ones I mentioned above.
Marianna is on i… well, bits of it.
Lurch is ‘analysing’ with base.
So is cherry picking ‘news’ for propaganda.
He really is a piece of excrement !!!!
Not sure trump specifically singled out the 96yr widow Anthony.
But, hey , if you’ve got time on you’re hands, why not try looking into the other tens of thousands of dead voters????
Thought not
Over 70 million votes show they actually do !!! Idiot
I use duck duck but not sure if any engine doesn’t filter for the woke
From the Beeb
‘Covid: Leicester’s lockdown Diwali ‘is like our Christmas gone’. As featured quite heavily on the News yesterday. For around 1.5 million Sikhs and Hindus in the UK Christmas is cancelled.
However, we must be positive and move on so I have whipped out my Diversity Calendar to check upcoming events and celebrations. Next week is Anti Bullying week so please no nasty comments here as I will be very upset and may not be able to work, walk upright or function normally for some considerable time. Monday is International day of tolerance, so again please be nice and Friday is Transgender Day of Rememberance.
Mrs CS has noted that Tuesday is ‘Moving men from passive to passion day’ and has instructed me to buy flowers which seems to fit quite well. The following week has a few spare days so I’m sure sensible suggestions will be welcomed, but on that Monday it’s ‘Understanding White privilege day’.
Must go now as I have a lot to consider and have probably done something wrong. I plan to flay myself in the back garden this afternoon just in case.
Talking of Sikhs and Hindus, funny how they never seem to cause any trouble, fill our jails, cheat at elections, mass rape underage girls, deal drugs on every street corner, shoot and machete each other and passers-by, or riot and endlessly claim victimhood – despite living in the most racist and prejudiced country in the history of the universe.
They just seem to get on with life, assimilate and contribute to society, and do rather well.
Perhaps the BBC could look into this mystery.
I opened up a TV app on my phone (I don’t know why I bother cos I don’t watch any live tele) today to find at 12:30 today on al beeb 1 – MOTDx – Jermaine Jenas is joined by ‘England legend Eni Aluko’ ????????
Gimme a break, Peter Shilton, Bobby Moore, Paul Gascoigne and Wayne Rooney are England legends, not this race-baiting whingebag ⚽
Clearly written by al beeb for the app in question and now the word ‘legend’ has been redefined to mean someone 99.9% of the UK population has never heard of ????
I started by typing never heard of him but then I thought no this is the BBC we’re talking about so I googled the name. I’ve never heard of her either. Since all these idiots started and continue to take knees I’ve had loads more free time, rugby, football and F1 no longer watch cycling is ok I can’t imagine the peloton stopping to kneel. The trouble is need more box sets for the winter ahead and we’re not allowed to buy them in France at the moment. I didn’t hiccup Fed but I’ve gone double.
I started by typing never heard of him but then I thought no this is the BBC we’re talking about so I googled the name. I’ve never heard of her either. Since all these idiots started and continue to take knees I’ve had loads more free time, rugby, football and F1 no longer watch cycling is ok I can’t imagine the peloton stopping to kneel. The trouble is need more box sets for the winter ahead and we’re not allowed to buy them in France at the moment.
Aluko publicly criticised her former team-mates, accusing them of selfishness, lacking respect and requiring diversity training. I must admit that I didnt realise that’s what wins games- Diversity training. I’ll remember that when I watch MOTD tonight. Oh no cancel that if Lineker is presenting.
Possibly this is what is meant by legend:-
Legend- an extremely famous or notorious person, especially in a particular field.
Notorious- famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.
Concrete sea ????????
No MOTD tonight, international break yawn ????
As ever, going well for a reliable set of bbc sources…
Not the BBC but no doubt the BBC will be delighted. There is an interesting little bit tucked away on the Times front page that suggests the events that led to the Cain & Cummings departures might be down to a power grab by Whitehall.
“Lord Sedwill (the former Cabinet Secretary*) used to go into meetings and ask why no Ministers were there. The whole way decisions are made in Downing Street is going to change.”
I have posted before that the UK is suffering an informal and undeclared Civil War and it looks to me that the Cabinet Office and the PM have taken a direct hit from some Whitehall artillery. This doesn’t look good for the UK.
(* I have added capital letters in the places that The Thunderer should have had them and would have done in the past!)
Uh oh.
Google bubble to reality translate:
A big incestuous shout out to all guest booking producers on news shows doing the pointless task of trying to get ministers on to shout at them and coordinate gotchas & boring grandstanding, frustrating millions of people seeking sensible information on what’s happening in a time of national crisis; thank you for your tireless efforts… and maybe send some Ch4’s way as we are desperate. They will bear fruit as we’ll back you up at the awards. And also have graphic designers if you need one out house, bbc, again, for deniability ????
Two worthy comments over at ITTBOT I hope poster and site won’t mind sharing, again showing the dodgy editorial integrity the BBC is wheeling out not hourly, as if immune.
Charlie •
I nearly posted last week about the restraint shown by newsreaders about Bidens victory and Trumps demise. With the exception of Sopel and Bryant they were all very low key and I suspect an instruction had been circulated to all news staff telling them to avoid triumphalism.
We can be sure no such instruction has been circulated about Cummings because triumphalism and jubilation is order of the day across all BBC news. As Brexit enemy no1, he is probably hated in Broadcasting House more that any other UK political figure.
Tonight Vicki Young spoke to camera with a smile throughout and ended her report with ‘just rejoice that they have gone’. She used the degree of separation tactic with an anonymous quote but we got the message loud and clear.
Charlie •
I find it incredible that the BBCs defence for their Diana Panorama story is that they have found a hand written note saying Diana was ok with the way they obtained the interview.
The allegations are that they lied, forged bank statements, made accusations and exploited her fragile state of mind to arrange the interview.
But because she wrote that she was ok with that or didn’t see the forgeries, it somehow exonerated them.
No it does not. Saying that the victim accepted or approved of the crime is not a line of defence in any circumstance and using it exposes the rotten core that is still at the centre of the BBC.
Good luck with that one in the courts.
I find #bbcquotes as separation egregious integrity at best.
One day their tongue will be in cheek when their forehead hits the desk.
Anita trails the Any Answers phone in
The take away line was first a lot of negative things about Trump
and then “At what point do you call this an attempted coup ?”
FFS that is very bubbleworld thing to say
Should see her fired.
Posing it as a question does not absolve her of what is being attempted.
Also was she not the one sporting a ‘Vote Obama’ beanie, as part of BBC impartiality guidelines?
I buy the telegraph for £4 a month online . I won’t be renewing it after the 12 month run out .I ve just looked at the headlines today over Mr Cummings ….
……this stuff might be of interest to the swampy bubble and those dreaming of rejoining the EU – but to non Westminster creatures – who cares?
Right wingers know what the red tories are – lefties packaged in blue – see the minister of strong statements for example …
Good morning.
Very late to the party on this one but must mention.
A couple of days ago the BBC naturally featured the latest report of how BAME people were more affected by coronavirus and of course the insinuation that it was all down to us evil racist whities and nothing to do with things like ignoring the advice and getting together in large family groups.
At the very same time there was another BBC report on, of all things, the growth in murders by youths. They showed pictures of 100 murderers.
Here’s the thing. I counted 38 enriching non-white perpetrators. White British murderers seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’. Yet this glaring elephant in the room did not get a single mention from our Far Left multiculti BBC fanatics.
Further proof of the BBC racist policy of hiding and downplaying as much bad news about BAME as possible.
Always thought that white people are hugely under represented in the murderer stakes. I’m going to start a campaign to address this glaring anomaly – #whitemurderersagainstdiscrimination. And, as actions speak louder than words, I’ll lead by example. Now, where’s the nearest ultra-woke lefty I can find… damn, it’s my 19 year old daughter!