489 Responses to Start the Week Thread 16 November 2020

  1. The WestWyvern says:


    The contents of this post are disputed….


    • Up2snuff says:

      I claim a fix

      No, I don’t really … just turned up a fraction late.

      Bit like a vote or three in Michigan and elsewhere …….

      (Tongue stuck in cheek – ow! must get that tooth fixed)


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Don’t worry every one – the moderator counts the votes – honest …..


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed – typo alert – you got the word honest in the wrong place

      “Don’t worry everyone – the honest moderator counts the votes …..”

      (There, fixed that for you. Owww! That tooth!)


  3. Doobster78 says:

    Love the way he cleared up any misunderstandings about him conceding earlier !!!!

    That’s how you do it !!!!


  4. Deborah says:

    Halifax, how are you? A short update would stop me worrying about you.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I agree – we worry for you .. but be easy .


    • Halifax says:

      Deborah and Fedup 2
      Thank you so much for your concerns. I cannot say how much that means to me comming from strangers albeit ones I share a passion with.
      Since my hospitalisation I havent posted about or read the BBC news a source of many if not all of my previous posts.
      There is so much I could write about, the rise of the left, the fact that EVERY advert now contains BME (Note: The donkey sanctuary advert on day time TV contained a white donkey this has now been replaced by a black one) but i haven’t got my mojo back ive lost my taste and smell and also the passion to moan about the left and its bias against all that we hold dear.

      Thanks again for your kind words and apologies for the half hearted attempt at a post .


      • Fedup2 says:

        Halifax – good to hear from you . I’m with you on avoiding seeing TV which causes stress /distress . I can’t do it any more .
        We re obviously concerned about you and really hope you get what you need to recover .

        So chin up. We are thinking of you ….


      • Deborah says:

        I am pleased to hear from you Halifax. A few years ago I had flu and for a month afterwards watched nothing but Jeremy Kyle! I realised I was getting better when I had the energy to think, ‘why am I doing this?’ So Halifax, I am sure you will soon reach the point where you can do more, just give it time.
        But I watch less and less tv unless you count 30 year old programmes on Drama, and not many of those. It is why I post less. However just watched Plank of the Week with Mike Graham on YouTube and was surprised to hear the tricks Martin Bashir got up to, enabling him to persuade Princess Di to give her interview. How come there haven’t been questions in Parliament and the death knell of the BBC. I know Boris is a bit busy with Brexit, Covid, Cummings and changing Wilfred’s nappies but what more can the BBC get away with?


      • Van Helsing says:

        Glad to hear from you, Halifax. I don’t mind admitting that I was concerned about you.

        Concentrate on getting back to full health – the BBC and co. can wait for now.


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        So glad that you’re ok, stay well, safe and reasonably sane. Gird up your loins and you’ll soon be fighting fit again.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Halifax, good to hear that you are still with us in all senses of the word. You are still in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. Avoiding stress from the BBC TV and radio is prescribed.


  5. BRISSLES says:

    Choir time ! ….. altogether now, and do try to sing in tune up2 !!

    Come Test Ye Merry Gentlemen
    You’ve had a nasty cough
    We’ll shove a bud right up your nose
    (we’ll try not to be rough)
    But if it comes out pos-i-tive
    Then Christmas might be off

    Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy (you know the rest)

    For Yuletide, merry gentlemen
    You’ll be in quarantine
    Your friends and family won’t be pleased
    They’ll think you jolly mean
    And Santa won’t come visiting
    Unless there’s a vac-ccccc-ine !

    Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, Oooohhhhhh tidings of comfort and joy.


  6. Northern Voter says:

    Just read the Mail on Sunday, bit late because I couldn’t be bothered earlier, and lo and behold Jimmy Mulville, producer of HIGNY states that the BBC is woke and doesn’t do comedy anymore. For ferks sake you’re the producer, the head serang, why don’t you tell them to Foxtrot Oscar and make the show you want to make? You would not work for the beeb anymore, but who in their right mind wants to? Addendum, if you did you would end up on the naughty step with Lawrence Fox


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Mulville is one of those oxbridge post python types who has a full bank balance but no connection with reality outside Islington . Avoid
    Geoffrey Perkins was the ‘funny ‘ but he left us . Anyone interested – look him up ….


  8. vlad says:

    Below is a short, sympathetic report on Saturday’s MAGA rally, where hundreds of thousands of Far-Right Fascists (aka normies) went on violent riots (aka peaceful marches), while a few Antifa anti-fascists (fascists) and BLM anti-racists (racists) took part in peaceful counter-demonstrations (violent assauits).

    If you’re confused by the nomenclature, don’t worry – so is the BBC.

    Here’s a rough rule of thumb for disambiguation: replace all BBC terms by their exact opposite, and you won’t be far off the truth.

    Just remember:

    War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.

    And the BBC is unbiased.



  9. Doobster78 says:

    Cornwall with Simon Reeve, BBC 2.

    10 minutes in and the agenda has already been skewed to Climate change !!!

    Another programme ruined. Ffs, can’t we just enjoy one programme without having a climate / woke agenda forced on us !!!!


    • The Sage says:

      Yes, I have mentioned the same on this forum before. No documentary featuring Reeve is complete without some such rammed-down-the-throat reference to climate change – from Mexico to Siberia.
      I suppose this time, Cornwall will be underwater by 2030 or the Eden Project domes deemed unnecessary due to rising temperatures, etc.
      But, hey, he knows that this keeps the BBC happy and more work comes his way. I have stopped watching his biased programmes.


      • Seppers says:

        I generally find him one of the better ones; you can tell he is probably quite right-on but he does try to see both sides of issues.


  10. theisland says:

    Boris Johnson is self-isolating after contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19.

    Is the aim of this to highlight to the masses that nobody attains immunity and therefore compulsory vaccination is a great idea?


  11. Foscari says:

    To be honest the BBC is just reflecting modern day media
    thinking and this includes the advertising industry.
    The ethnic population of the UK amounts to approximately
    17% of the total population. However as we see with
    advertising the default UK family consists of a black father
    and a white mother or vica-versa. It’s got to the stage when
    you see just a Caucasian family in an advert, it surprises you.
    So far as the BBC is concerned their default presenters
    and reporters are now women. And their default pictures
    on the internet for any life style feature are for ethnic women,
    ethnic men, and ethnic children. That is the way of life now.
    You may approve of it, disapprove . Or just don’t care. That’s
    up to you. And we do see a proportion of white faces as well.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I disagree . The BBC is the source – its where the woke go to skill up ‘ network before going off to their production company .

      The sheer volume of commissions and funding the BBC provides starts these creatures in their woke careers – hiding behind ‘commercial confidality’ agreements for the £££££ – and – of course – the Production £€£€£€ company ….


    • BRISSLES says:

      Fos, your last sentence IS the problem. “a proportion of white faces”.
      This is what is a……ing so many people off. The 83% that is the white population do not want to be ‘a proportion’, we want a fair ratio, which is not 50/50 with mixed race kids !!
      Just have a conversation with anybody, and without exception they all have the same opinion. We are being brainwashed/conditioned, call it what you will, into subliminal submission acceptance.


      • Foscari says:

        Brissles-Just my sarcasm . I am absolutely sick to death of the
        of the attempted subliminal way that the BBC is trying to
        “educate” us. Yes the advertising agencies are their lackeys.
        It’s funny how advertising has it’s affect.The other day I
        saw an advert on TV for bedding and it consisted of
        a mum and dad in bed with two children jumping around
        on the bed. They were a white family and I was SURPRISED to
        see it ! That’s what it’s come to.


  12. StewGreen says:

    The Islington Blue Socialist Party play to their Islington base
    Yet northern working class drivers have other priorities


    • Fedup2 says:

      And night time solar farms ….


    • StewGreen says:

      Bottom line more Green = more COSTS

      Boris’s future from 2030
      – a less efficient police force with less officers
      – less nurses in the NHS
      How come ?
      Well they have to buy electric-vehicles which are more expensive and therefore take more out of the budget
      Therefore policemen and nurses will have to be cut


      • taffman says:

        Help !
        I can’t make my mind up about which prime minister is the worse Tory Prime Minister in British history ,
        Boris, May , Eden or Chamberlain ?


        • Fedup2 says:

          I think chamberlain gets the wrong end of the retrospective stick . He must have really built on no war after 1918…but failed to see what the krauts were doing …

          Eden .. overwhelmed by events…. a lot of failure of ground intel and inferior empire twats not seeing reality …

          May ..Johnson … lightweights ..


          • taffman says:

            May or Johnson, which one ‘takes the biscuit’?


            • Fedup2 says:

              May is just a traitor
              Johnson is just incompetent

              Also – Johnson doesn’t care anymore because he knows he has a place on the PM list whatever happens now or in the next election . He has no belief apart from himself . He is an over promoted journo – after all …


              • taffman says:

                “He is an over promoted journo – after all …”
                That says it all. Like most of our MPs, none have done a real job. They are all journos or career politicians.
                I am of the opinion that The Reform Party have people that have been in the real world of commerce and industry.


              • G says:

                “Johnson is just incompetent” – with no backbone whatever.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I can only assume Carrie has told him that for every ten points he gets a blowjob.


    • G says:

      Would that, “New National Parks” be the same area as that allocated for urgent house building to accommodate those coming in by rubber boat and others?


  13. taffman says:

    “Boris Johnson self-isolating after MP tests positive for Covid-19”
    A pathetic excuse to avoid the flak .
    Time he went. Is a new PM imminent ?


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      We have a poor selection of MPs, poorer selection of leaders. That is how Donald Trump became President but the swamp struck back with the mainstream media, the liberal universities and colleges, and big tech.


  14. StewGreen says:

    If social media corps policed WW2 messages


    Via Dolan


    • taffman says:

      “If social media corps policed WW2 messages”
      We would have lost and this post would be in German .


    • vlad says:

      Facebook June 2016: Remain is the projected winner of the Referendum (by a landslide).


  15. BRISSLES says:

    Huh ! Lewis Hamilton gives a speech about ‘wanting to be kind to one another’, shame he didn’t practice what he preaches when slagging off his home town of Stevenage then ! What a boost to the town he could give, but no, he’s more concerned at demanding everyone goes down on one knee. And people wonder why he’s not popular ?


    • Scroblene says:

      My Grandfather built a lot of houses, shops and churches in Stevenage, back in the nineteen twenties.

      I wish he hadn’t built Bling-man’s Place…


  16. StewGreen says:

    Sleep sounder in Liverpool & Bristol tonight
    as the boys in blue keep the dangerous white grandmothers and grandfathers off the streets.

    Police said 14 people were arrested in Bristol alone, and at least 25 more in Liverpool, where a massive crowd gathered outside George’s Hall.



  17. taffman says:

    “Covid-19: Normal life back next winter, says vaccine creator”
    Will it be tested on all the members of the House of Lords first then secondly, on the members of the House of Commons ?


    • StewGreen says:

      Taff I saw that, where the vaccine creator appeared pessimistic and appeared not to understand how systems/networks work.

      Not all people are equal
      People at the centre are more important
      eg a nurse working in London living in a 9 person family having a culture of close personal contact
      is more important than a highland sheep farmer.
      She could be like 10,000 times more import to disease spread.
      Likewise other high contact high risk people.

      You get those people immune through vaccination, or through having having had covid or some other form of natural immunity
      and it could make all the difference


      • JimS says:

        BAMEs catch the disease (victims), they don’t spread the disease.

        Or so the BBC tells me.


        • Guest Who says:

          Not looking good for governance.

          Still, the BBC will be happy.

          Let’s just check the @bbcnorthamerica line up…



          • Guest Who says:

            Maybe Jon can hire that young lady whacking people from behind and then running away?

            Say, as defence correspondent.


          • Darcy3 says:

            “people of colour” grow up CNN FFS

            I go red if ever embarrassed

            Green on a ship in a storm

            blue if too cold

            yellow if the liver gives up

            am I not people of bloody colour


    • tarien says:

      Personally, yes they should be first tested as they can act as guinea pigs- if anything should go wrong the result will stop any forced vacine on the public-one year of development is not enough to pronounce 90% degrees of success.
      Our options to take control over our own destinies got a whole lot narrower with the opportunistic arrival of Covid-19 this year. That’s because the emergency measures justified by the existence of a ‘pandemic’ means democracy in many parts of the world which has been largely suspended. This boils down to the World Health Organization’s scoping of an ingenious, deceptive and controversial definition for a ‘pandemic’ that ensures there is no requirement for the pandemic-causing pathogenic agent to pose any serious risk to human health.
      So we get held to ransom not by a bug, but by humans, who it seems have been planning our future for quite a number of years.


  18. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    This is not BBC related but it is something they should be reporting on. This is something that occurred to someone I know living in England who has time on his hands.

    This person has somehow found a website called Change.Org. Anyway he received an email from them on his Facebook page saying: Congratulations For Supporting Black Rights, we have used your signature (digital) for the following petition …

    Basically they have used his details that he entered on another petition on this website for other petitions he never agreed with.


    • StewGreen says:

      If an usual event happens like that
      It has usually happened to someone else, so i can find it on Twitter or Google
      This time I can’t


      • JimS says:

        Unusual events don’t usually happen and when they do they don’t necessarily get described by the terms that you might use to search for them.

        With absolutely no evidence whatsoever I do suspect that someone ticked the wrong box though!

        (Lots of people must end up joining Amazon Prime that didn’t want to!!)


    • Guest Who says:

      Really? Wow?

      Shows the value of online petitions.

      38Beegees, Compass, Open Democracy ✊???? … all the same. Just nests of activist yuppies getting money to live in London and provide ‘sources who say’ “quotes” for BBC ‘reporters’ who never check and never leave the cubicle gardens.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Sounds like they are using the same software as American voting machines.


  19. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    With Biden going into his bunker in the last few days of the US Election has anyone noticed how Barack Obama has come to the fore. Now on the BBC website it is wall to wall Obama.

    I have never looked into the negative claims made against Obama. I have never really been that interested in politics. It has only been certain issues that has grabbed my attention – such as the hysteria surrounding Donald Trump.

    Anyway it seems to me that the Biden Presidency is actually going to be a Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris Presidency while Biden is the puppet, has his speeches written for him and collects bung money.


  20. taffman says:

    My usual message to Al Beeb and our lefty government………….
    “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
    If ever there was a time that this nation needed The Reform Party , its now .


  21. Nibor says:

    Why doesn’t the BBC do a programme about government consultations with the public ?
    I’m sure Analysis , Cause For Concern , File On Four , Pano(d)rama etc can expose whether these consultations are a scam , how a government can quietly ditch them , how long before the findings are made public if at all , whether an organisation that is the subject of these consultations leans on anybody in government.
    I mean , whatever the general public is consulted about , whether it’s via elections in America , a licence fee in the UK or the naming of a dog on Blue Peter , openness and accountability should be the starting point surely ?


    • JimS says:

      Have you ever got involved in a government consultation?

      The outcome has usually been decided and a whole library of documentation is put forward at the same time and the consultation involves being asked to give an opinion on some item, defined in Book 2, modified by Schedule 6 in Book 5 and regulated by Clause 10a(2) in Book 7.

      Unless one actually studies this stuff or were on the committees that wrote the stuff you won’t be in a position to answer the question and it’s answers to their questions they are after, not your opinion.

      Common words and phrases don’t have the meaning that the OED gives them, rather those given by Book 5, Schedule D.

      The process is transparent but openly obscured by verbiage.

      Simple but related examples:
      1. Go find the legal need for a TV licence, (actual law, not what the BBC says).
      2. Go find the legal requirement for Covid ‘lockdown’, again actual law, not what the BBC says.

      Probably need a team of £100k lawyers!


  22. taffman says:

    Readers remember, that we voted to leave the EU not for a deal.


  23. vlad says:

    Those mostly-peaceful non-violent counter-protestors (or whatever double-negative euphemisms the beeb likes to call the violent scum) at the MAGA rally didn’t just beat this guy to the ground, from behind; they also kicked him when he was down, while others stole his phone, as Katie Hopkins shows.

    Still, on the plus side, the assailants were encouragingly diverse.


  24. Darcy3 says:

    Mostly peaceful blacks, when protesting mostly seem to end up looting or stealing phones

    mostly peaceful blacks in the UK seem to end up stealing jobs from white people


  25. taffman says:

    Some narrators on MSM are putting forward the idea that BoJo could use the excuse of his isolation and this current lockdown to go for Brexit extension . Is he about to cave in ? This would be very timely.


  26. Darcy3 says:

    That would be staff from Jackanory I assume


  27. Scroblene says:

    Just mulling over the week ahead, besides desperately wishing for the BBC to be made subscription only, I’m thinking about all the other state-employed, civil-serpent types which could be made ‘subscription-only’!

    How about The Met, The House of Lords, definitely No 10 Downing Street, local authorities who waste money on utterly useless ‘Chief Executives’, (like Croydon and Kent CC), immigration coordinators, Yewman Roights lawyers, and the whole of the Labour party!

    There, that’s solved a huge problem that normal hard-working citizens have to cope with!


  28. digg says:

    One of my most woke, right-on acquaintances yesterday came out with “Have you noticed that almost every TV ad has black people in these days?”.

    When this sort of comment starts to come from “innocent” observers like this I think a backlash is coming, probably via wallets. I hope so!

    Does anyone know if there are any official sites listing the Companies who have rolled over?


    • Guest Who says:

      They noticed who the bbc wheels out approvingly on ‘news’?


      • JimS says:

        Barack brings us together.

        We can all agree that he was the worst US president in living memory.


        • Scroblene says:

          Yup, eight years of inactivity!

          The only reasonable thing he ever did, was keep that awful, bitter, histrionic maniac, Billary, out of the running.

          It’s no wonder that President Trump won against her, as normal US citizens decided that if they were going to get anywhere in the world, they’d need a proper businessman for a leader, not a weak shoo-in.

          Still room for popcorn after watching Vlad’s posts!


          • Seppers says:

            I don’t think calling ordinary people deplorable helped. For me as an observer and former leftie that was one of a few lightbulb moments in recent history about the attitude of the Left.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        One thing that is not in doubt is that Obama’s father was not a US citizen, so how he was ever allowed to stand for president remains a mystery.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Be easier to list the ones who haven’t.


  29. vlad says:

    Attorney Sidney Powell is doubling down on her explosive statements about Dominion vote-counting machines.

    She alleges that they can be – and were – set to produce a particular outcome at the election. She claims to have abundant evidence and to be in the process of gathering more, which will be made public within days.

    Those are momentous accusations. She must have some degree of confidence in her case to be sticking her neck so far out and putting her reputation and her distinguished career at risk.*

    (*Sidney Powell was an Assistant United States Attorney in three judicial districts under 9 United States Attorneys from both political parties. She represented the United States in 350 criminal appeals, and represented private parties in another 150, all resulting in more than 180 published decisions. She was the youngest Assistant U.S. Attorney when she began practicing. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute, and the past president of the Bar Association for the Fifth Federal Circuit and the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers – Amazon Books.)


    • JamesArthur says:


      I really hope this comes to something. As you said , why would somebody like her put her neck on the line if she wasn’t sure.

      Even if it doesn’t overturn the presidency it show DT was right…and the Left lied again..


  30. digg says:

    BBC morning news reporting on a guy who has started a bit of a wave photographing people with ginger hair… As a “ginge” myself I watched with some interest.

    While he was talking the Beeb showed a series of pics of various people of a ginger hue…

    Then the final one flashed up for just a second and I swear it was a black lady with obviously dyed ginger hair!

    Only the BBC could feel obliged to force this one in!

    Ginger appropriation?


    • JohnC says:

      Good old Auntie is a master at flashing images at you for a bit of subliminal messaging. They also often do it for climate change : A statement of ‘some people believe it causes global warming’ might flash some images of melting glaciers and the like to make you think it must be true. All part of the way their propaganda machine works.

      Reminds me of Father Ted and his ‘Not a racist’ overhead projector.


    • JamesArthur says:


      🙂 my wife said exactly the same….I gave them some leeway…history says that the African /Muslim slavers used to buy white girls – so you can imagine how much a very pale skinned red head was worth..and eventually some of these genes went into their offspring..but only the BBC could use that picture

      I will put my own warning – the above is my speculation and may be considered disinformation or simply wrong by those with more knowledge or reason to dispute. However I am open to reasonable discussion.. 🙂


  31. Darcy3 says:

    Becoming difficult to find who the villains are anymore, white gays protected white gingers now

    Blonde jokes still allowed ? Oh Trump and Boris are blonde

    There we are then white blondes are the villains,

    sorry, white, blonde males

    sorry, white blonde, heterosexual males

    sorry, only those who wear male clothing

    I think we are there now, Boris, Donald, get those stilletos on, and a mini skirt, dye your hair red for extra insurance, you will become fireproof

    there you go who needs Cummings


    • Red Pill says:

      This is the thing, the left have started digging a hole with no bottom – in fact, if anything, they’ll end up exiting their hole exactly where they started. There are an almost infinite number of ‘groups’ that can be identified. You start with the big groups because they’re obvious, but then smaller groups are identified because, well, to do anything other is discriminatory. If you follow leftist logic through to its natural conclusion, you end up with such a huge myriad of ‘groups’ that these so-called groups are closer to being representative of an individual than they are a group. Then, hey presto, you’re back where you started. It’s a parody in waiting.


      • G says:

        Interestingly the study of ‘Chaos’ from a scientific point of view confirms the fact that as Chaos develops and becomes more complex, eventually, orderliness and a non-chaotic situation naturally emerges.
        Part of the physics of life.


  32. Darcy3 says:

    Oh and live in a caravan and do a bit of flytipping, tarmac some drives and frog march some pensioners to the cash dispenser to be extra safe


  33. Fedup2 says:

    On a Monday morning I’m always looking for something to make me laugh – so I turn to the BBC news website for gems –
    Today it has
    ‘How to move on from a US Election “

    Which really did give me a laugh out loud moment on so many levels ….

    By the way – get well boris – doing a Biden bunker job at a very convenient time …..


    • Darcy3 says:

      That is a favourite tactic of the left, I used to work with a “lady of colour” whos favourite tactic was to attack people in meetings (exclusively white males for some reason which is why I mention her colour) and when they tried to respond, talked over them immediately with “lets move on please” giving the impression that she was trying to be so reasonable

      and how long has it taken for the bbbc to move on from the Brexit vote ? hmm lets think, they have not even phoned the removal firm yet or packed any boxes


      • Scroblene says:

        Darcy, that fabulous programme (two series) called ‘Moving Story’ is now on YouTube!

        We’ve been waiting ages to see it again, it was on some sort of streaming service until this year!

        It’s one of the best shows we’ve ever watched, as it’s part comedy, part seriousness, and very well-written by Jack Rosenthal!

        Warren Clarke at his best with lots of other household names, and one of the best intro songs ever, by the gorgeous Kirsty McColl!

        Carlton TV, as to be expected!


  34. Guest Who says:

    BBC Moaning Emole, with more “quotes” than a Shakespearean pub quiz.


    Aunty’s ‘great hope’

    Barack Obama has said it will “take more than one election” to reverse a culture of “crazy conspiracy theories” that have exacerbated divides in the US. Speaking to the BBC, the former president said Donald Trump had “fanned division” for political gain, but Joe Biden’s victory was the first step towards healing. Mr Obama said he put “great hope” in the “sophisticated” attitudes of the next generation to change the world.

    Mr Trump is yet to accept the result of the election, but nevertheless he’ll soon become a private citizen again. That puts him in the crosshairs of litigators and prosecutors, and we’ll see how six cases against him play out.


    Next, The Mayor of Chicago on how women of brain donorship can prevail in Barry’s back yard, and become wonder wimmin.

    The bbc ‘analyses’, with Marianna aided by Diane Abbott, fresh back from Boratistan, as only they and their experts can.


  35. Guest Who says:

    Bet their kids collect their placards from cnn.

    En Anglais.


  36. Darcy3 says:

    I like that, “equitable access to a vaccine”

    The latest mantra, what about those who have to go to work getting priority ?

    Try putting that on Twitter


  37. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    Offices and workplace friendships are key to breaking down misconceptions, according to a study.


    “Working from home could lead to more prejudice, report warns”


    Every bbc editorial trigger possible included.

    But…. hold on… Harry and Will do not sound very… diverse. They might be gingers and have hipster beards though. And identify as women.


  38. StewGreen says:

    9am R4 Dose of London Black again
    but there is also Irish and Yorkshire people

    The tower blocks of Peckham are not often the subject of poetry. For his debut collection, Poor, Caleb Femi pays tribute to the streets that shaped him as a child.
    He brings to life the schoolboys, rappers, artists, pastors and gentrifying neighbours of Peckham, an area where it is possible to walk two and a half miles through an estate of 1,444 homes without a single step on the ground.

    BTW Laurie’s prog has an edit note
    as if he’d gone over the top against someone and they’ve edited it out.
    “Edited since first transmission.”

    9:45am Book of the week is about a French slave


  39. Doublethinker says:

    I keep on thinking that The quote often attributed to A Lincoln , ‘ You can fool all of the people some of the time …….’ must surely come into play soon and with a vengeance. After all the people in the West have been duped by the Russia hoax, by Biden’s election ‘win’ , by mass immigration being a good thing, by thirty year old men being unaccompanied minors, by Islam being a religion of peace, by Mays Brexit deal, by spurious ‘scientific data ‘ re climate change , the list is endless . And most deceptions have been uncovered and known to almost everyone. But yet the MSM continues to offer us its lies on a daily basis and a staggering number of people still appear to believe them! The lying isn’t confined to the news it permeates every bit of drama and every documentary.
    Is it that a lot of people don’t care that they are being fed lies or simply that they don’t think that there is any alternative to the liberal Woke MSM? Or perhaps that the Woke have such power that they can kill off any true purveyors of news before they can build a mass audience? I think the latter is the most likely . But eventually I hope that it will be possible to build a platform which the liberals can’t chop down and the truth will out for all to hear and see. If I had a few billion to spare that is how I would spend my money.


    • Up2snuff says:


      “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

      “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”


    • Seppers says:

      If it’s any consolation I am a climate change believing green non right-winger who has nonetheless seen through the agendas of the bbc. I voted Brexit and felt their wrath, and can clearly see that they are a left-wing campaign organisation with a student magazine website and dubious grasp on true democracy.
      So if I’ve seen so have others.


  40. Guest Who says:

    Interesting twitter bio.

    Timmeh! will need to write a stiff note.

    Maybe Marianna can fact check in support, blonde for blonde?


    • JimS says:

      Sally Phillips takes off an Essex girl, (with a bad accent)?

      Can’t say that I ever associated leopard skin on a woman with intellect.

      (Damn, maybe she’s 0.0001% Zulu and black?)


  41. StewGreen says:

    First thing I get at the top of a Twitter search page is a BBC advertising banner

    Yes they are using licence payers money to pay Twitter to advertise about last night’s new black drama series.


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    The giveaway paper the Metro this morning announces: ‘PM is told to self-isolate. Johnson tracked and traced after MP he met tests positive’ – the Metro hardly need remind us in its headline what it was exactly the Member of Parliament tested positive for.

    With this formerly spunky chap, one might have wondered was this by any chance a female MP armed with her little kit from Boots and coming after Boris because he has gone and got another one up the duff?

    But no. There’s a familiar-looking “Coronavirus Crisis” logo printed in red, black and white on the Metro frontpage; just like a tabloid masthead or a commercial advertising icon to remind us we’re, apparently, in a pandemic.

    The Guardian is rather pleased to see the PM inconvenienced: ‘PM forced to isolate again as crucial week begins’ – well, this may or may not be politically inconvenient but considering it’s Johnson who makes the rules on this stuff, if it damages him then it’s the very definition of hoist with his own petard.

    So how is it that an infection that’s hardly more deadly than a bad seasonal flu has the public in such convulsions of fear that governments have locked us down? We’ll leave aside conspiritorial speculation as to the causal relationships there. And just think about that phrase for a moment – lockdown. It brings to my mind images of the TV comedy Porridge. Having never personally been detained at at Her Majesty’s Pleasure – until this March of course – I have to relate instead to popular culture representations of prison.

    “Norman Stanley Fletcher, you have pleaded guilty to the charges brought by this court and it is now my duty to pass sentence. You are an habitual criminal who accepts arrest as an occupational hazard and presumably accepts imprisonment in the same casual manner. We therefore feel constrained to commit you to the maximum term allowed for these offences — you will go to prison for five years.”

    Actually, rather than fear of incarceration those phrases bring to mind comforting feelings of fun and laughter, comradeship and crafty japes at the expense of a not particulary scary authority. So maybe many of us do really enjoy lockdown more than the daily commute? What was really the worst – detention or the school sports on a cold rainy day?

    The tabloids mourn – or rather fill their pages – with the demise of two elderly famous folk today. ‘Tarby’s tribute as Des O’Connor dies at 88’ (Daily Mail) and ‘Farewell Ray [Clemence], 72’ (Daily Star).

    The Star I think taps into a modern sense that our fear of death is a last great unspoken western shibboleth: ‘Thought for the day. Two more legends die… Get us out of 2020.’

    But these chaps had great lives – compared with the average joe – both enjoyed more than their three score and ten in duration.

    Until Pfizer comes up with an actual elixir of life we all have to go at some time from some cause or other.

    Perhaps the authoress of the nearest thing we have to modern sacred testaments has the answer: ‘Rowling returns with first children’s book since Harry Potter…’ ‘Monsters and Mayhem’ (‘i’) – perhaps not.

    So with past heros of entertainment and sport passing we now have: ‘The greatest. Lewis Hamilton makes Formula 1 history’ (Guardian) and perhaps beause the Guardian frontpage also declares: ‘Black Britain gets the epic treatment it deserves’ we get in the FT: ‘Hamilton seeks to drive change. Wearing a Black Lives Matter face mask…’


    • Fedup2 says:

      But – asiseeit – what about the footy ? I follow footy but don’t care much for national games – apparently the England team lost to plucky Belgium …. at a distance I understand the manager is properly woke and can only get fired if he drops the coloured boy who sets government policy .

      I’m pleased they lost .


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Perhaps the result came in too late for the papers as there’s ne’er a mention on the front pages. News of another England Waterloo. Doesn’t bode well for our upcoming chances against the boys from Brussels.

        I see you take “the Scottish position” on England football. I also care less and less.

        I hear the recent rugby international had so many preambling moments of silence, standing for national anthems and takings of the knee that there was scarcely time for a sports match.


        • Scroblene says:

          Got to admit that I still wish to listen to rugby games, which are commentated by blokes.

          If the ladies want to comment on their own games, then that’s fine by me! I won’t watch them anyway.

          And Senora O’Blene used to teach all sorts of girls at lacrosse, netball, hockey, tennis etc., so I need to be somewhat circumspect on the subject! Luckily she agrees!


    • Kaiser says:

      im getting confused now

      isnt catching covid and recovering , essentally the same as getting a vaccine ??


      • Up2snuff says:

        Kaiser, only if you are Dr Mike Yeadon. At the BBC, exceptions are important so the two handful several more people who have caught it twice (no one really knows how many and we probably never will. Only God, and He’s not telling.) and are 0.00000000294% of the UK’s population are very important. I’m surprised the BBC has not arranged a protest group for them and had a T-shirt designed, and arranged to publicly grill, on TV and again on radio, the Secretary of State for Exceptions.


        • Scroblene says:

          I don’t see why the BBC need to have a view on the subject anyway, Up!

          They’re only there to provide news, not pontificate with their ideals, from under-qualified nerds, who only work there for the same reason that people work for a local authority – it’s dead easy, no hassle, limited intelligence required and a job and pension for life.


          • Seppers says:

            Thanks for that over generalizing spiteful insult to all local authority workers, including any who might read this site..
            Is this a site to call out the injustices and prejudices of of the bbc, as its name suggests? Or to just have a go at people we don’t think we like because they are not perceived as part of a right wing utopia, presumably somehow without local authorities?
            Sick of it.


            • Scroblene says:

              I think you’re right, Seppers.

              I occasionally let my personal experiences overtake the main ‘moan’ by generalising such citizens!

              Please excuse the LA issue, and as you say, concentrate on demonising the BBC.

              My apologies!


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, what has happened to The Sun? Not that I favour that paper or its publisher but I have noticed that it has been missing from the BBC’s ‘The Papers blog’ for some time.

      Perhaps that explains why Fox News and Sky (Murdoch owned) were a bit more behind Biden in the US Election recently. Trying to ‘buy’ their way back into favour, perhaps?


  43. Guest Who says:


    Lots of red. Taken as given.

    And the wine.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      Wasn’t Twitter born of Stephen Fry telling anyone interested what was in his sandwich?


    • StewGreen says:

      With Sweeney
      lots of red in the glass
      lots of red in the face
      lots of red in the attitude


    • Doublethinker says:

      Mushrooms in Bologaise ! Where is the celery with the carrot ? These people’s cooking is on a par with their journalism.


  44. Darcy3 says:

    I can say with confidence that Stevenage is a bit of a dump, and the current town centre improvement works is a bit like a granny putting on red lipstick and eyeshadow, but, then again I was not born there and I do not live in Monaco


  45. Darcy3 says:

    Quoted from BLM website:

    “WE WELCOME ALL ethnicities and from all nations who believe in racial equality, are anti-racists. We stand together, we can choose to kneel together in peace and solidarity asserting black people is treated as equals to white people and is a human right to receive racial equality, social and criminal justice in the societies we live together, and as full citizens of the country and as a united nation.”

    Black people is need to learn English for a start



    • digg says:

      “kneel together in peace…. blah, blah, blah………and our clenched fist symbolises our determination to smash you in the face if you don’t submit….


    • StewGreen says:

      Darcy there is a grammar error at the end of your post.
      .. maybe you are being sarcastic.


    • JimS says:

      Grammar am whaat supremcist, racist!


      • Darcy3 says:

        I went to Grammar school, funny place, the maths teacher fell out of a tree on to his head when younger, he never quite recovered, had a wooden metre rule he called his Paki basher, (his limited understanding of ethnicity meant anyone with a sun tan received that one) and another one for fat kids called a ham slicer

        I just got the black board rubber in the forehead, thrown at full velocity

        I still wake up in a cold sweat solving triple equations

        the physics teacher used to do Dalek impressions instead of teaching physics no one knew why

        which is why I know f@ck all about Boyles Law, but it has never held me back

        Geography was all about how you can hear him shouting at the back in the “Who live at Leeds” album

        And as for the English teacher, he was genuinley barmy, dont go there


    • Doublethinker says:

      No not at all. The plan is that the indigenous population learn to speak this black patois and if they then live on their knees and constantly apologise , sit at the back of the bus , accept they are the scum of the earth and give all their money to BLM , do all the work, they might qualify as human, but only just.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Don’t expect to see BLM in the USA until just before the next elections in 2024, this year like 2016 they appeared just before then vanished…

      In the UK however I suspect we will continue to be treated to ongoing low level Wokeness from various Knobnuts who really don’t know what BLM is….


  46. digg says:

    I had to smile about the quote from Obama about the need for Biden to “Bring people together”

    Maybe he should start with the left-wing press like CNN and New York Post, Guardian, Independent etc. and of course “Auntie” BBC who have been doing everything in their power to split and divide the public!


    • Darcy3 says:

      The democrats have been bringing people together for the last year at least, unfortunately they tend to loot and riot, but its a start


    • StewGreen says:

      “Bring people together”

      ie we all SUBMIT to our woke-supremacist


  47. StewGreen says:

    10am Radio4 The Woman’s Hour Power List 2020 is celebrating the contribution women are making across the UK to the health and sustainability of our planet.
    Today Jane Garvey reveals the 30 names on this year’s Woman’s Hour Power List, which celebrates women from across the UK that are making a significant contribution to the health and sustainability of our planet.

    Jane talks to some of the women on this year’s list and hears how the judges – Lucy Siegle, Zunaira Malik, Emma Howard Boyd, Flo Headlam and Prof Alice Larkin – managed to take over 1000 listener emails and whittle it down to our final Power List of 30.

    – Lucy Siegle : Green activist TV presenter
    – Alice Larkin … @tyndallcentre “Head of School of Engineering, University of Manchester. Professor of Climate Science & Energy Policy. Born at 330ppm”
    – Zunaira Malik .. the brown one
    Zunaira Malik from @IslamicReliefUK had to say about climate change “Yes is about racism! It is about colonialism!”
    – Zunaira Malik setting a strong line on the nature of the climate crisis at #GPConf Clapping hands Jul 7, 2017

    – Flo Headlam … the black one BBC Gardeners’ World Presenter from Lewisham
    – Emma Howard Boyd … chair of the Environment Agency


  48. NameNotNumber says:

    LBC, and Nick Ferrari this morning likening ‘anti-vaxers’ (i.e. those working within the NHS and holding legitimate concerns with regard to the safety of any imminent Covid ‘vaccination’) to ‘plague rats’. Ferrari may only have read out the words but his tacit approval of a listener’s email was obvious within the context of his LBC programme. Not even a pause for thought. ‘Plague rats’, as in, it’s wrong to kill a person, but permissable to kill a rat?
    I turned to LBC as a refuge from relentless BBC propaganda – where do I go now?


    • StewGreen says:

      11:30am Radio4 is there with the pro vaccine PR


    • StewGreen says:

      “where do I go now?”
      TalkRadio like the rest of us

      I always listen on YouTube with a delay
      so I can fast forward past the SkyWokeNews bulletins


      • Scroblene says:

        I just found all that a few hours ago, Stew!

        I’m a bit slow on the uptake, I know, but what a refreshing change from the dreadful BBC.

        Wish I’d found how to do it earlier, but life’s like that, as Senora O’Blene used to tell me…:0(


      • NameNotNumber says:

        I’ll give it a go!


    • frustrated voter says:

      Hi NNN
      i don’t normally post on here, but read every day. I too gave up on LBC about 2 years ago ( can’t stand J O’B ) absolutely love Talk Radio. It’s full of people like we have on here.


  49. StewGreen says:

    11am R4 even more black
    “What happens when you try to organise a demonstration in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in a rural area of Gloucestershire?”
    (in the time of Covid lockdown, so people said it was not an essential event)


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      A face for the radio right enough.

      Congratulations tough, when’s the baby due?


    • JamesArthur says:

      Answer to above: It isn’t that important. How pathetic can R4 get

      How about What happens when you try to organise a Gay Pride Parade in any Muslim country or print some cartoons of the old alleged Prophet?

      Or even – what does BLM really stand for..? Fact check that BBC before you try to ram more Woke down our throats


    • JimS says:

      Given the nature of the Forest of Dean, (all roads lead to Coleford), and the amount of in-breeding, ‘race’ must be pretty irrelevant.

      The ‘w*gs’ probably start at Lydney.