One of the perversities of ‘equality’ is with us today.
The Prime Minister of this country has been pinged by Test and Trace and according to the rules has to self-isolate for 14 days. The rules also state that you should not go for a test if you have no symptoms. He has already had covid and the number of cases of re-infection are infinitesimally small.
As a result the governance of the entire country will be made less efficient and effective.
So it is a no-brainer that he should be tested immediately and if negative should go back to work as normal asap and maybe have another test in a couple of days.
But LeftMob would immediately cry ‘unfair’, ‘unequal’, and countless members of the public would cry ‘one rule for one and one rule for another’.
So we lurch on for 14 days with a PM in lockdown and unable to function as effectively as he could.
Ignoring all manner of jokes about Boris’s capabilities, is this really a way to run the country?
Sluff, personally I want him no where near the switches and controls of power. This weekend was the final nail in the coffin for showing us his lack of decisiveness, bumbling and general utter incompetence.
If the leader is sidelined, the cabinet ministers should be more than capable of making the big decisions, with a good XO calling the tune. The day to day running is, as always left to the uncivil serpents, but should be overseen by the ministers on a sliding scale of seniority and calling them out when HMG wishes are not followed…
With his 80 seat majority, our outgoing PM Doris should have the country, government and parliamentary machine well oiled and running at full steam by putting Britain first, batting through legislation, standing up to the EU, dealing with the COVID enhanced National Death Service (Where does all the money go?) and placing the Al Beeb under a PAYW subscription.
Instead this administration more resembles a wind-turbine during a UK winter high pressure anti-cyclonic weather pattern.
12pm Cos running one black book a day isn’t enough there is another in its second week
“Colson Whitehead’s electrifying Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, set in Jim Crow-era Florida”
OK, so Al Beebs favorite Hamilton won a race, good on him. A number of Schumachers wins back in the day left a bitter taste for me, some of his ‘tactics’ being questionable.
Sadly for Hamilton and the Beeb, Lewis will never get the recognition outside of his bubble because hes such a lefty virtual signalling ignoramus when not behind the wheel.
On another note, how well did ‘Tiger’ Woods do in the Golf. Cant have been very good as I’ve not heard his name mentioned….
R P, one can only wonder how the Monagesque tax-exile (#HamiltonsMoneyMatters) would have fared in the days of Fangio, Hawthorn, Surtees, Moss, and Hill to name a few when the cars were brutes and the fatality rate was much higher than today.
Re Woods not very well, paraphrasing Bluebottle “he’s gone in the water …..again and again. We enjoyed the Turkey F1 and suggest they put sprinkler system on all the tracks at least they were going around and around in an entertaining manner.
Pleased to say that Woods was an also ran at The Masters and as he has been all season. He is ranked 99th out of the current world’s top hundred golfers in terms of form, but we still manage to see each and everyone of his shots of the Sky Golf Channel (big lovers, of course, of BLM) and hear from him after each round – thankfully and often only two rounds when he fails to make the cut.
It was a great pleasure seeing him take a 10 on a par three on the back nine yesterday. Hopefully that will now be it for the rest of the year and we can watch other and better players in the weeks ahead.
But I forgot he has his own little no-cut tournament in The Bahamas each December with just 18 of the world’s best players (including him) and to which world-ranking points are awarded to this elite group, which enables them to stay elite.
It’s worth remembering that all but one of Hamilton’s world championships and circa 70% of his victories has come since he joined Mercedes and was given a rocket-ship of a car and, it has to be said, team-mates who are not from the top drawer.
He’s very good, but not in the same league as Fangio, Clark, Senna and Moss.
Brushed under the carpet is when Salah refused to shake hands with Israeli players before a match, well at least with the Jewish players he did with the Muslim Israeli guys. Little or nothing is ever said about the Muslim players in Israel’s so called apartheid’s state.
“All religious persuasions live peacefully alongside each other and we have no culture of radicalism. I am a Muslim woman but not required to wear hijab,” she says.
Oh sorry, I thought this was about ginger hair!
And finally…”Gene study unravels redheads mystery”
TOADY Watch # 1 – The TOADY Prog joins the opposition – on the Tory backbenches
It seemed to me this morning that the BBC have finally decided where their loyalties lie: they wish to complain about Lockdown. Rick Nobinson made a start on SoS for Health, Matt Hancock, and was pleading for rules and legislation.
Rules and legislation to be amended, I should add.
So that people with relatives in care homes can visit. Robinson starts with the elderly and Matt Hancock, who was quite firm with the usual BBC onslaught, expressed concern and got a little teary eyed and strained voice at the thought of some of his family that are in exactly that situation. Matt Hancock was firm and explained the situation.
Rick Nobinson slipped back into Socialist-mode (oh, the BBC hive mind has deep tentacles) and wanted Big CENTRALISED Government but Hancock was patient and explained it was up to Local Authorities and local Health people to decide for their area. He was unmoved even when Robinson produced handicapped children in care as his final weapon.
Vile, note, ( I do not necessarily disagree with the rest of the headline) yet when Jo Brand proposes those she dislikes have battery acid thown in their face, tumbleweed at the bbbc.
“and in 2020 there will be loads of ginger headlines in the biased BBC website, as well as loads of black people and other pointless crap”
“and lo, they will dispute a Brexit vote for many years but will sticketh the tongue up Bidens rear before he is declared leader, they are indeed a bunch of lefty liberal shites”
Sky News has driven further and further into the Left lane until it became the mini-me to the BBC and CNN’s younger, dafter brother.
So how’s its rating fared as it becomes more and more like the Guardian’s letter page?
In 2012, when I believe Sky News was agonizingly fair, its audience was 18.8 million. Sky itself has expanded its box sales hugely since then yet Sky news viewing figures today have nosedived to 12 million.
12 million my arse
If you look on the BARB website most weeks SkyNews top progs never pass the half million viewer mark
Often the top prog is just over 200K
Peter Hitchens on TalkRadio at 11am
“The way the police turn up in massive numbers shows that the idea there is a shortage of police is just a trade union argument
.. in the past there used to be a lot less police than today
and they did a better job then, walking the street than today”
Having been determined not to watch the BBC News and other political related programming it is with great sadness i have to announce that im am back watching the BBC.
The reason for this jaw dropping announcement is the fact that SKY News is firmly nailed its flag to the far left agenda.
It was staggering watching that lump of Primordial Slime Kay Burley sneering her way through the interview this morning with the Government representative. Her sarcastic interviewing technique and unwanted innuendo is appalling…
You can see, as someone commented above in a previous comment, why there viewing figures are plummeting..
I genuinely don’t get it anymore,why Sky are letting her get away with it and secondly, why are the Government letting this appalling bias go unchecked
Newsmax TV, America’s fastest-growing cable news channel, broadcasts breaking news from NY and Washington DC, Live feed on youtube
.. just talking about the top Dems having big dinners ..breaking their own lockdown rules
believe it or not, I have done this in the dim and distant past, a very long 16 hour day, plus the setting up and taking down, seen persons frog marched out of the building for having a political rosette but as we all know, allow postal votes and it is open to abuse
And you have to bring a receipt slip with you as ID before voting ….
…….. Maggie had the right idea but completely botched its implementation.
It makes me cross to think that she and her successor could have had a very beneficial effect on the UK. Aauuuughhh! Stupid politicians. And maybe Civil Servants, too.
My sympathies – I don’t think the government can be bothered – and see it as more trouble than it is worth . And they are red Tories so know it’s just a game .
Plus they have power and guaranteed pensions for the coming years – with a similar ‘opposition ‘ ready to take over and be the same .
They like being popular and upsetting ‘auntie ‘ isn’t on the list now ….hence dragging their feet on banging up people for licence fee breaches …
Simon Weston on XR’s Cenotaph Remembrance Day video
“An insulting cheap tawdry publicity stunt by these people
on a day that is so special to many people”
“It’s the same as spray painting a monument
they have no tight to put their concerns above ours”
“If they tried it in France, French police might have shot them”
At the end he praises Thatcher for changing the world and bringing respect back to Britain.
As usual it doesn’t take long reading the account to see that it is a perfect example of “The Race Card”..
The man apparently by-passed the woman in the boarding queue because she had stopped to take her shoes off. A perfectly reasonable thing to do in my opinion. She then proceeded to have a go at him. When they had boarded she approached him and started with argument and abuse whilst filming him.
No wonder he was “Uncomfortable”…
Turns out she is a political Muslim and apart from running a Muslim women’s magazine also ran for Congress.
I can’t begin to say how I detest these sort of people who are happy to whip up artificial grievances knowing they can rely on the Racist call out game.
I also detest the Independent for polishing the headline and the story to try to whip up resentment and present her as the injured party, The story and the accompanying video clearly show that this was case of a gobby women trying to make a mountain out of a molehill to vent her particular brand of spleen and score racist points.
Sure they guy felt uncomfortable as would any right-minded person confronted by a shouting woman on a plane whilst being filmed.
Imagine that, a 20% bonus in your hospital’s reimbursement payments from the government. Certainly that would not create any incentives for false reporting by hospitals would it?
246000 reported deaths from the Chinese Flu yet the US Government’s Center for Disease Control itself says 130000+ were actually from other causes.
Update from Crimebodge
Dorset Police have finally issued a statement that Sergeant Robbie Jephcott the violent traffic cop caught on video breaking 20 rules
has had a complaint upheld against him
and “management action” will follow.
But the disturbing thing is the local paper’s journo acting as a police puppet
Doing amazing things to spin the story
by merely printing the police press release, and deleting comments that gave info about the innocent side eg the mere name of the Youtube video
That confirms that “news” is often just PR for a special interest group or mate of the reporter.
Also a second video has emerged Well omg look who it is!!! I was stopped last year by the same copper and he was as equally as aggressive, and thought he would be able to control me with his bully boy attitude and aggression!
… the cop had lost it when someone annoyed at his bad driving had tooted at him.
But this guy, had put his phone on video record and stood up to him
..and called his bluff “go on arrest me, I haven’t committed an offence”
“PC William Sampson has been charged with unlawful & malicious wounding after striking a 16 year old male.
He will appear in court 2/12
The event was in February, prior to the Barnsley V Sheffield Wednesday game. “
With a staggering lack of self-awareness CNN (below) warns that small independent social media platforms like Parler are ‘an echo chamber for the Right’ and ‘a threat to democracy’.
In reality it’s the huge msm networks who are the (liberal) echo chamber with their near monopoly on news and information distribution. Add to that the immense power of (liberal) Big Tech to influence opinion, and there you have the real threat to democracy.
Because people are waking up to the Matrix-like nature of the Media-Silicone Valley complex, a few small ‘alt tech’ platforms are indeed springing up, oases of free speech and independent thought in a desert of conformity. And even those small voices, Big Tech and the media giants want to crush!
But perhaps they have a point. Perhaps their outrage is not so much a sign of their power, but of their fear of losing that power. What is now a trickle of viewers abandoning Big Media and Big Tech, could soon turn into a flood. Maybe their days are numbered; maybe they sense it, and they’re frit!
vlad, you are dead on when you talk about “losing that power”. It’s the same reason the Globalist Deep State is so afraid of Trump since he’s not of them.
The US faces a huge task in reversing a culture of “crazy conspiracy theories” that have exacerbated divides in the country, Barack Obama says. without evidence.
SG proposed a while ago that we do have a problem with testosterone and I would draw his attention to that Clinton Woman and some of her comments which suport the assertion
Ignore the gaslighting. Americans know this is a hoax and will be exposed as such in due course. Every corporate media outlet pushing the lie of president-elect Biden is writing its own obituary.
Thirty years ago PC Keith Blakelock was stabbed in the Broadwater Farm riots in Tottenham, north London. Despite numerous investigations no-one has ever been convicted of his murder.
Six people were originally charged with the murder, including Winston Silcott, Mark Braithwaite and Engin Raghip.
The three men were convicted of the killing in 1987 but cleared on appeal four years later.
Three youths were also charged with murder but did not face trial after a judge ruled their questioning was inadmissible.
One of them was Yardie gang leader Mark Lambie who was jailed for kidnap and torture in 2002 after terrorising the Broadwater Farm estate.
I”m sure supporters of the Far Left, BLM, ER, the Labour Party, Momentum, various Union leaders will not wish to avail themselves of such unacceptable sources of technology and will make sure none of their elderly relatives will be given these vaccines.
Especially if the companies concerned make any profits as a result.
Remember. No American money in the NHS. That was their mantra.
HahahahahHaha. Hypocritical socialists can go to the back of the queue.
Oh it is indeed rich all of a sudden a cure and now the argument who should be first in the cure
well we can see the pictures of all celebrating last night at the pub before lockdown (education said blair, of what standard one may ask)
and, of course the usual suspects who do not give a flying f@ck about our country or culture or our laws muslim funerals, cricket matches and whatever else they want to do as long as they have a br i h ish passport innut bruv
Three white homeless died in Oxford after being evicted,
In the same week that ‘asylum seekers’ held a demonstration outside Penally Camp demanding they be given houses, 3 homeless people have died in Oxford.
SG it is absolutely disgusting that we have homeless around this country, in every city, yet allow bloody 40 year old Iranians in who pretend to be children because they do not have the balls to fight for their country, to get a council house whilst those homeless are in no doubt related to those who stood and faught for their country
Two tier policing again at another XR stunt
hordes of press and police stood by
Extinction Rebellion let get off again by police after creating criminal damage to a building in Central London this afternoon.
The two XR actors poured fake black across the pavement and wall as the press filmed the stunt
outside the International Chamber Of Shipping building in Central London.
– video 1
– video 2
That Twitter chap has a lot of other good exposure clips of the lefties and authorities
“Welcome to the BBC.Please look at the main page of the BBC
website.Can somebody explain to me what I am supposed to
learn from the main picture montage? Yes I know the final
picture in row two does show a couple of Caucasion women,
even if they are lesbian footballers kissing. But I want to
be educated by the BBC and I don’t really understand
what I am supposed to learn from these pictures ,one after another.
@Doobster78 Big claim there
I would have checked it
The false claims followed a Zoom call this week that featured Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas,
suggesting that “U.S. Army forces” had seized servers from a Frankfurt office of the software company Scytl.
Gohmert acknowledged that the information about the alleged raid only came from a “German tweet in German,”
and he said, “I don’t know the truth.”
3pm R4 panel show
– “The trans writer or trans novels for teenagers”
– Freedland the BBC’s top Trump hater
– The actor who played the black Dr Who
Don’t know about Sweden but I keep an eye on a few areas around the UK. One was bumbling along with new cases varying by three or four increase/decrease, sometimes as many as seven or eight, with numbers in the low/high 90s out of 100,000 for days and weeks on end.
Then, suddenly, three days in a row – a daily approximately 25% increase – where did that come from?
7:15pm Arts show
“Biyi Bandele talks about the music and politics of Afrobeat founder Fela Kuti”
Then there are 3 black repeats
Start the Week, The book of the week , another black slave topic
and 11pm Loose Ends which always has lots of black guests
but 8 to 9:30 3 non-black progs
– 20:00 The Raising of Coventry
Telling the story of the bombing of Coventry 80 years ago on November 14th, 1940.
– 20:30 Chasing Unicorns
What does the future hold for Silicon Valley’s tech start ups in a post-pandemic world?
– 21:00 The Invention of… Scandinavia, The Bridge
1/3 Misha Glenny looks at the people, the borders and the histories of Scandinavia.
I see "The Great Reset" conspiracy about Covid-19 is trending again.
Always love it when the same crowd who tell us politicians are incredibly incompetent and useless simultaneously believe they all came togther to brilliantly execute a global masterplan.
1. “What we don’t know is whether Mr Vance has any evidence to file criminal charges…”
2. “But whether there’s a criminal case has yet to become evident…”
3. “Civil investigations like this can result in financial penalties, if evidence of wrongdoing is found…”
4. “Regardless, the emoluments lawsuits will probably be dismissed or dropped, legal experts say…”
5. “Once that happens we move to the discovery phase of the case and there could be some movement there…”
6. “If requests for documents and testimony come…”
It’s almost as if these claims are – what’s the word – ‘unsubstantiated’?
Guessing BS will likely let this RT opportunity slide.
After incoming Rep. Cori Bush said she was buying her Capitol Hill wardrobe secondhand, all four members of "The Squad" — progressive women of color who serve in the House of Representatives — shared their affordable fashion tips.
There is growing evidence of systematic large-scale fraud at the election.
We will know more details in the coming days and weeks.
What we may never know is the extent of un-systematic fraud carried out by the many intermediaries between a vote cast and the registration of that vote: postal workers, polling station volunteers, workers at counting venues, computer programmers and now Dominion technicians.
Trump has been so relentlessly, hysterically demonised over the past 4 years that he has come to be seen by many as a Hitlerian figure of pure evil.
Under those conditions, many would feel no compunction whatsoever in rigging the results in any way they can; indeed they would see it as meritorious act; a good citizen’s duty. All means are fair to stop Orange Man.
I know that to be the case as I have friends in this country (now ex-friends) who feel the same way, and openly admit it – nay, proudly boast about it. It’s the ultimate virtue signalling. Look what a caring person I am: I’d like to murder Trump.
“ Over the last 4 years, illustrator Edel Rodriguez has made headlines satirizing Trump. From a melting orange face on the cover of Time to Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty on the cover of Der Spiegel, Rodriguez’s visuals have provided a biting critique of Trump’s presidency. But with Joe Biden’s presidential win, what comes next for Rodriguez?”
If Sleepy prevails, the Medal of Oner, presumably.
The presumption in the media world that everyone is as one in that community, and probably poor people too, never ceases to impress.
BBC’s Woman’s Hour power list 2020 is out, this year focusing on “our planet” and has delivered a result few could have expected; giving a backbench MP in a tiny fringe opposition party with one MP the top spot. Caroline Lucas is described by the BBC as having “unparalleled experience”. ‘Unparallelled’ if ignoring every woman alive with experience of power and government…
“Manchester Arena Inquiry: BTP ‘let people down’ on night of bomb”
I think that the terrorist bombers were to blame along with the people that let them into the country.
I suspect more have come in across the Channel this time.
… that the Twitter link marked “official sources” does NOT go to any official sources
It goes to media reports where media PROJECT that Biden has won
and a tweet each from Biden & Harris simply saying “we won”
A bit of explaining about the Democrats and the American Left.
Back in the 60’s there were a couple of Leftist professors. Cloward and Piven. Their speciality was what the Americans call “Social Work” and “Sociology”.
They came up with a philosophy, adopted wholeheartedly by Democrats from LBJ on. It goes like this:
The Cloward-Piven Strategy: There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state. The first is the most important.
1. Health care – Control healthcare and you control the people.
2. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3. Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4. Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives. (Food, Housing, and Income)
6. Education – Take control of what people read and “listen to us“ take control of what children learn in school.
7. Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8. Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Let’s discuss these as they relate to the Democrat party.
· Health care: Obamacare controlled what it covered and who approved your care and what you could get at what age. They took your doctor out of the equation. You only got what the government let you get.
· Poverty and Welfare: Obama created the largest welfare state ever. He had more people on government benefits and the smallest workforce since 1978.
· Debt: Pelosi wanting an additional $2.2T Covid-19 bill is all part of that. She is trying to bust the budget to the point that it is no longer affordable.
· Gun control: The Democrats have been trying to take guns away for 30+ years. One little incremental change here and another there and pretty soon your guns are gone.
· Education: The Department of EDU was established in 1978 by the Carter administration and they have made small incremental changes year after year to what the kids learn and today they are turning out good little socialists. The proud to be an American is gone.
· Religion; First they took prayer out of schools and then out of government buildings. One thing after another and not they blame it on Covid-19 but you can’t worship in a church anymore.
· Class warfare: They have been doing this forever. Rich against Poor. Black against White. Male against Female. They will not be happy until we all hate each other.
Students of history will see there are striking parallels in the UK to what is going on in America.
‘Getting Brexit Done’ is almost taking as long as to win the Second World War, but there’s a glimmer of hope………..
“Brexit: PM confident UK ‘will prosper’ without EU trade deal”
An upper class twit with qualifications in Art History and Theatre Studies has taken over the Tory Party. Doris Johnson’s big brain called “Dominic”. Its been replaced by a small substitute called “Carrie”. The Carrie Symonds era has come, with windmills and flower power replacing gas and coal power. Transgender rights and Political correctness. The great Joe Biden has come to the rescue of the Remainers and the Brexiteers have been evicted from Downing Street. Carrie Symonds, daughter of the remain supporting Independent, passionate animal rights defender and a fighter against the “gigantic climate crisis” is victorious, her top priority is to save the badgers, her second priority is not to be confrontational with the BBC, by saving and not decriminalising the licence fee, putting a brake on Brexit and spending billions and billions of pounds on a British Government project, dedicated to crediting Doris, as the man who stopped the climate from changing.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
One of the perversities of ‘equality’ is with us today.
The Prime Minister of this country has been pinged by Test and Trace and according to the rules has to self-isolate for 14 days. The rules also state that you should not go for a test if you have no symptoms. He has already had covid and the number of cases of re-infection are infinitesimally small.
As a result the governance of the entire country will be made less efficient and effective.
So it is a no-brainer that he should be tested immediately and if negative should go back to work as normal asap and maybe have another test in a couple of days.
But LeftMob would immediately cry ‘unfair’, ‘unequal’, and countless members of the public would cry ‘one rule for one and one rule for another’.
So we lurch on for 14 days with a PM in lockdown and unable to function as effectively as he could.
Ignoring all manner of jokes about Boris’s capabilities, is this really a way to run the country?
Sluff, personally I want him no where near the switches and controls of power. This weekend was the final nail in the coffin for showing us his lack of decisiveness, bumbling and general utter incompetence.
If the leader is sidelined, the cabinet ministers should be more than capable of making the big decisions, with a good XO calling the tune. The day to day running is, as always left to the uncivil serpents, but should be overseen by the ministers on a sliding scale of seniority and calling them out when HMG wishes are not followed…
With his 80 seat majority, our outgoing PM Doris should have the country, government and parliamentary machine well oiled and running at full steam by putting Britain first, batting through legislation, standing up to the EU, dealing with the COVID enhanced National Death Service (Where does all the money go?) and placing the Al Beeb under a PAYW subscription.
Instead this administration more resembles a wind-turbine during a UK winter high pressure anti-cyclonic weather pattern.
Becalmed, pointless and totally useless.
12pm Cos running one black book a day isn’t enough there is another in its second week
“Colson Whitehead’s electrifying Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, set in Jim Crow-era Florida”
OK, so Al Beebs favorite Hamilton won a race, good on him. A number of Schumachers wins back in the day left a bitter taste for me, some of his ‘tactics’ being questionable.
Sadly for Hamilton and the Beeb, Lewis will never get the recognition outside of his bubble because hes such a lefty virtual signalling ignoramus when not behind the wheel.
On another note, how well did ‘Tiger’ Woods do in the Golf. Cant have been very good as I’ve not heard his name mentioned….
I don’t know much about F1 but could the car be the star and not the driver in this case ?
of course, but why let facts spoil a good story
For sure, F1 has only been about the technological advancements of the car since 1988…
R P, one can only wonder how the Monagesque tax-exile (#HamiltonsMoneyMatters) would have fared in the days of Fangio, Hawthorn, Surtees, Moss, and Hill to name a few when the cars were brutes and the fatality rate was much higher than today.
I was thinking that and also as 10 teams with two cars are permitted in a season the odds of winning are quite good if only 20 cars start a race.
What made me smile was the coverage that showed Mr Hamilton being serviced by masses of white blokes…how must they feel when he does his BLM crap.
Tiger took a 10 on the Par 3 12th hole. He finished at -1, 19 strokes behind DJ
Re Woods not very well, paraphrasing Bluebottle “he’s gone in the water …..again and again. We enjoyed the Turkey F1 and suggest they put sprinkler system on all the tracks at least they were going around and around in an entertaining manner.
Pleased to say that Woods was an also ran at The Masters and as he has been all season. He is ranked 99th out of the current world’s top hundred golfers in terms of form, but we still manage to see each and everyone of his shots of the Sky Golf Channel (big lovers, of course, of BLM) and hear from him after each round – thankfully and often only two rounds when he fails to make the cut.
It was a great pleasure seeing him take a 10 on a par three on the back nine yesterday. Hopefully that will now be it for the rest of the year and we can watch other and better players in the weeks ahead.
But I forgot he has his own little no-cut tournament in The Bahamas each December with just 18 of the world’s best players (including him) and to which world-ranking points are awarded to this elite group, which enables them to stay elite.
It’s worth remembering that all but one of Hamilton’s world championships and circa 70% of his victories has come since he joined Mercedes and was given a rocket-ship of a car and, it has to be said, team-mates who are not from the top drawer.
He’s very good, but not in the same league as Fangio, Clark, Senna and Moss.
This country seems to be run by twitter opinions
Brushed under the carpet is when Salah refused to shake hands with Israeli players before a match, well at least with the Jewish players he did with the Muslim Israeli guys. Little or nothing is ever said about the Muslim players in Israel’s so called apartheid’s state.
BBC still can’t get the hang of the ginger thing.
The story that started it… “In pictures: Connecting the world’s redheads”…..
(Lots in Jamaica doncha-know!)
Then they added….
The people with the reddest hair in the World… Our reporter travelled to Russia…
And found a local who says…..
“All religious persuasions live peacefully alongside each other and we have no culture of radicalism. I am a Muslim woman but not required to wear hijab,” she says.
Oh sorry, I thought this was about ginger hair!
And finally…”Gene study unravels redheads mystery”
Judging by the photo, It looks like they think that putting on Henna makes you a ginger!
Every article finds a way to play the race card however subtly or not!
TOADY Watch # 1 – The TOADY Prog joins the opposition – on the Tory backbenches
It seemed to me this morning that the BBC have finally decided where their loyalties lie: they wish to complain about Lockdown. Rick Nobinson made a start on SoS for Health, Matt Hancock, and was pleading for rules and legislation.
Rules and legislation to be amended, I should add.
So that people with relatives in care homes can visit. Robinson starts with the elderly and Matt Hancock, who was quite firm with the usual BBC onslaught, expressed concern and got a little teary eyed and strained voice at the thought of some of his family that are in exactly that situation. Matt Hancock was firm and explained the situation.
Rick Nobinson slipped back into Socialist-mode (oh, the BBC hive mind has deep tentacles) and wanted Big CENTRALISED Government but Hancock was patient and explained it was up to Local Authorities and local Health people to decide for their area. He was unmoved even when Robinson produced handicapped children in care as his final weapon.
Ginger thing, probably not unconnected to wee krankie and her fans at the bbbc
“Vile Katie Hopkins says Nicola Sturgeon deserves the death penalty calling her a ‘short, ginger poison dwarf’
Vile, note, ( I do not necessarily disagree with the rest of the headline) yet when Jo Brand proposes those she dislikes have battery acid thown in their face, tumbleweed at the bbbc.
the rules are confusing
or maybe not
“and in 2020 there will be loads of ginger headlines in the biased BBC website, as well as loads of black people and other pointless crap”
“and lo, they will dispute a Brexit vote for many years but will sticketh the tongue up Bidens rear before he is declared leader, they are indeed a bunch of lefty liberal shites”
Sky News has driven further and further into the Left lane until it became the mini-me to the BBC and CNN’s younger, dafter brother.
So how’s its rating fared as it becomes more and more like the Guardian’s letter page?
In 2012, when I believe Sky News was agonizingly fair, its audience was 18.8 million. Sky itself has expanded its box sales hugely since then yet Sky news viewing figures today have nosedived to 12 million.
I wonder why?
12 million my arse
If you look on the BARB website most weeks SkyNews top progs never pass the half million viewer mark
Often the top prog is just over 200K
Only exception was on that Saturdays Downing street second lockdown announcement those progs did pass 1 million
So, a baseless claim?
“Spring… into action!”
Peter Hitchens on TalkRadio at 11am
“The way the police turn up in massive numbers shows that the idea there is a shortage of police is just a trade union argument
.. in the past there used to be a lot less police than today
and they did a better job then, walking the street than today”
Absolutely spot on regarding Campbell. Insufferably smug and self-important.
Having been determined not to watch the BBC News and other political related programming it is with great sadness i have to announce that im am back watching the BBC.
The reason for this jaw dropping announcement is the fact that SKY News is firmly nailed its flag to the far left agenda.
It was staggering watching that lump of Primordial Slime Kay Burley sneering her way through the interview this morning with the Government representative. Her sarcastic interviewing technique and unwanted innuendo is appalling…
You can see, as someone commented above in a previous comment, why there viewing figures are plummeting..
I genuinely don’t get it anymore,why Sky are letting her get away with it and secondly, why are the Government letting this appalling bias go unchecked
Newsmax TV, America’s fastest-growing cable news channel, broadcasts breaking news from NY and Washington DC,
Live feed on youtube
.. just talking about the top Dems having big dinners ..breaking their own lockdown rules
Next general election should be fun, I have already changed my name to Mohammed and my twenty relatives
that should guarantee me 50 votes
oh forgot the wives make that 75
oh and the slaves on 20 p an hour 100 votes
now THATS what I call a democracy, and remind me, what were they all running away from ?
I’m applying the a ‘returning officer ‘ job – measuring the windows to put up blinds so no one can witness the fraud …big plans …
believe it or not, I have done this in the dim and distant past, a very long 16 hour day, plus the setting up and taking down, seen persons frog marched out of the building for having a political rosette but as we all know, allow postal votes and it is open to abuse
I can guarantee there will be many “sick” Mohammeds
I am fifty of them
and the cat has decided she wants to to exercise her franchise, chaining herself to a wall as a protest proved popular with early morning dog walkers,
vets bills are out of control in my opinion
I already have many recent recommendations from big US clients
on my website
Suppose we brought in a Community Charge? Every adult in the house pays the tax.
And you have to bring a receipt slip with you as ID before voting ….
…….. Maggie had the right idea but completely botched its implementation.
It makes me cross to think that she and her successor could have had a very beneficial effect on the UK. Aauuuughhh! Stupid politicians. And maybe Civil Servants, too.
My sympathies – I don’t think the government can be bothered – and see it as more trouble than it is worth . And they are red Tories so know it’s just a game .
Plus they have power and guaranteed pensions for the coming years – with a similar ‘opposition ‘ ready to take over and be the same .
They like being popular and upsetting ‘auntie ‘ isn’t on the list now ….hence dragging their feet on banging up people for licence fee breaches …
Simon Weston on XR’s Cenotaph Remembrance Day video
“An insulting cheap tawdry publicity stunt by these people
on a day that is so special to many people”
“It’s the same as spray painting a monument
they have no tight to put their concerns above ours”
“If they tried it in France, French police might have shot them”
At the end he praises Thatcher for changing the world and bringing respect back to Britain.
direct link to youtube, cos the presenter spent the first 7 mins waffling
I have to say im shocked, shocked I say, to see how easily you lot join the conspiracy theories about saint joe and the dems being crooked
after all the bbc with all its resources cant find any evidence
An attempt to find this on the BBC….
Not the BBC but very much their kind of stunt is an article in the Independent, another bastion of the truth.
A Muslim Woman gets taken off an American Airlines flight because of a complaint from a “white male passenger’
As usual it doesn’t take long reading the account to see that it is a perfect example of “The Race Card”..
The man apparently by-passed the woman in the boarding queue because she had stopped to take her shoes off. A perfectly reasonable thing to do in my opinion. She then proceeded to have a go at him. When they had boarded she approached him and started with argument and abuse whilst filming him.
No wonder he was “Uncomfortable”…
Turns out she is a political Muslim and apart from running a Muslim women’s magazine also ran for Congress.
I can’t begin to say how I detest these sort of people who are happy to whip up artificial grievances knowing they can rely on the Racist call out game.
I also detest the Independent for polishing the headline and the story to try to whip up resentment and present her as the injured party, The story and the accompanying video clearly show that this was case of a gobby women trying to make a mountain out of a molehill to vent her particular brand of spleen and score racist points.
Sure they guy felt uncomfortable as would any right-minded person confronted by a shouting woman on a plane whilst being filmed.
Gutter people!
“A political Muslim”? Tautology.
If you spun the headline around 100%
“Christian man removed from plane after Muslim woman said he made her uncomfortable”
..No one would bat an eyelid
Never to be reported on al beeb … even though we all know comparable shenanigans are happening here in the UK too
Imagine that, a 20% bonus in your hospital’s reimbursement payments from the government. Certainly that would not create any incentives for false reporting by hospitals would it?
246000 reported deaths from the Chinese Flu yet the US Government’s Center for Disease Control itself says 130000+ were actually from other causes.
Update from Crimebodge
Dorset Police have finally issued a statement that Sergeant Robbie Jephcott the violent traffic cop caught on video breaking 20 rules
has had a complaint upheld against him
and “management action” will follow.
But the disturbing thing is the local paper’s journo acting as a police puppet
Doing amazing things to spin the story
by merely printing the police press release, and deleting comments that gave info about the innocent side eg the mere name of the Youtube video
That confirms that “news” is often just PR for a special interest group or mate of the reporter.
Also a second video has emerged
Well omg look who it is!!! I was stopped last year by the same copper and he was as equally as aggressive, and thought he would be able to control me with his bully boy attitude and aggression!
… the cop had lost it when someone annoyed at his bad driving had tooted at him.
But this guy, had put his phone on video record and stood up to him
..and called his bluff “go on arrest me, I haven’t committed an offence”
Video is in the Facebook thread
Another : Thugs in Blue event
“PC William Sampson has been charged with unlawful & malicious wounding after striking a 16 year old male.
He will appear in court 2/12
The event was in February, prior to the Barnsley V Sheffield Wednesday game. “
With a staggering lack of self-awareness CNN (below) warns that small independent social media platforms like Parler are ‘an echo chamber for the Right’ and ‘a threat to democracy’.
In reality it’s the huge msm networks who are the (liberal) echo chamber with their near monopoly on news and information distribution. Add to that the immense power of (liberal) Big Tech to influence opinion, and there you have the real threat to democracy.
Because people are waking up to the Matrix-like nature of the Media-Silicone Valley complex, a few small ‘alt tech’ platforms are indeed springing up, oases of free speech and independent thought in a desert of conformity. And even those small voices, Big Tech and the media giants want to crush!
But perhaps they have a point. Perhaps their outrage is not so much a sign of their power, but of their fear of losing that power. What is now a trickle of viewers abandoning Big Media and Big Tech, could soon turn into a flood. Maybe their days are numbered; maybe they sense it, and they’re frit!
You listening BBC?
vlad, you are dead on when you talk about “losing that power”. It’s the same reason the Globalist Deep State is so afraid of Trump since he’s not of them.
Hilarious….they are either just dumb or don’t realise that they are living in an echo chamber or both…
OMG people are leaving Twitter….they must be Trump supporters or Brexiteers…see we told you they were dumb. I read it on Twitter..
Just have to hope enough people start to wake up…
The massive extent the “BeKind left” will go to spread HATE about Farage
nasty graphic on Twitter that dates from 2016 or earlier
It seems it’s from a burner-account ie they setup new account, get banned , setup another etc.
Probable fake story that in Ireland 4 boys bought €10 plane tickets
and then drank at the airport bar
as a way of getting around the pubs closed rule.
Cheaters could much more easily just buy beer at Tescos and drink it at someone’s house.
Ask a simple question : show us your card
response no
result trouble
assertion is cos i is black innit
well we can all make our minds up about that
Black lives matter seems to be based on the assertion the police should have no control over violent drugged up black people
or gobshite bullying morons like above
the media are all over themselves about the death of Stephen Lawrence over 20 years ago and still appeasing his mother
PC Blackelock, hacked to death by a bunch of black people for doing his duty on the streets of this country not bloody Africa
who carries his memory for his family ? bbc ?
Obama looks like winning his third term with BBC support.
The US faces a huge task in reversing a culture of “crazy conspiracy theories” that have exacerbated divides in the country, Barack Obama says. without evidence.
SG proposed a while ago that we do have a problem with testosterone and I would draw his attention to that Clinton Woman and some of her comments which suport the assertion
Ignore the gaslighting. Americans know this is a hoax and will be exposed as such in due course. Every corporate media outlet pushing the lie of president-elect Biden is writing its own obituary.
I wonder if he dubbed the voice to mock him or to avoid copyright claims?
Either way, works for me.
Thirty years ago PC Keith Blakelock was stabbed in the Broadwater Farm riots in Tottenham, north London. Despite numerous investigations no-one has ever been convicted of his murder.
35 years ago, 6th of October 1985.
BTW 3 were convicted eg Winston Silcott, but later it was overturned.
2010 “Two men questioned over murder of Pc Keith Blakelock:
The suspects, aged 52 and 46, were arrested, released on bail”
nothing more happened
Six people were originally charged with the murder, including Winston Silcott, Mark Braithwaite and Engin Raghip.
The three men were convicted of the killing in 1987 but cleared on appeal four years later.
Three youths were also charged with murder but did not face trial after a judge ruled their questioning was inadmissible.
One of them was Yardie gang leader Mark Lambie who was jailed for kidnap and torture in 2002 after terrorising the Broadwater Farm estate.
and his mum isnt a baroness
In the hours that followed, up to 500 officers were drafted in, battling with rioters throwing bottles and cans from the walkways within the estate.
At about 22:15 BST, PC Keith Blakelock was repeatedly stabbed and, a court later heard, attempts were made to decapitate him.
PC Blakelock, who was from Sunderland, was trying to protect firefighters tackling a blaze. He died later in hospital.
I do not speak for everyone but, (sorry SG, I will posit again with no evidence)
In any conflict who here considers carrying a knife ? how many ?
it seems to be a black thing, those poor oppressed people who all seemto have a blade on hand
It’s evil capitalist private sector American pharma 2, everyone else 0.
I”m sure supporters of the Far Left, BLM, ER, the Labour Party, Momentum, various Union leaders will not wish to avail themselves of such unacceptable sources of technology and will make sure none of their elderly relatives will be given these vaccines.
Especially if the companies concerned make any profits as a result.
Remember. No American money in the NHS. That was their mantra.
HahahahahHaha. Hypocritical socialists can go to the back of the queue.
Oh it is indeed rich all of a sudden a cure and now the argument who should be first in the cure
well we can see the pictures of all celebrating last night at the pub before lockdown (education said blair, of what standard one may ask)
and, of course the usual suspects who do not give a flying f@ck about our country or culture or our laws muslim funerals, cricket matches and whatever else they want to do as long as they have a br i h ish passport innut bruv
I am sure they will insist top of the queue
Three white homeless died in Oxford after being evicted,
SG it is absolutely disgusting that we have homeless around this country, in every city, yet allow bloody 40 year old Iranians in who pretend to be children because they do not have the balls to fight for their country, to get a council house whilst those homeless are in no doubt related to those who stood and faught for their country
Many of the homeless won’t accept housing
..others are not British.
Two tier policing again at another XR stunt
hordes of press and police stood by
Extinction Rebellion let get off again by police after creating criminal damage to a building in Central London this afternoon.
The two XR actors poured fake black across the pavement and wall as the press filmed the stunt
outside the International Chamber Of Shipping building in Central London.
– video 1
– video 2
That Twitter chap has a lot of other good exposure clips of the lefties and authorities
“Welcome to the BBC.Please look at the main page of the BBC
website.Can somebody explain to me what I am supposed to
learn from the main picture montage? Yes I know the final
picture in row two does show a couple of Caucasion women,
even if they are lesbian footballers kissing. But I want to
be educated by the BBC and I don’t really understand
what I am supposed to learn from these pictures ,one after another.
410 sounds about right given how it was going before the Biden Vote Dump.
@Doobster78 Big claim there
I would have checked it
The false claims followed a Zoom call this week that featured Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas,
suggesting that “U.S. Army forces” had seized servers from a Frankfurt office of the software company Scytl.
Gohmert acknowledged that the information about the alleged raid only came from a “German tweet in German,”
and he said, “I don’t know the truth.”
A tweet in German and a gut feeling are good enough for me Stew !! LOL
3pm R4 panel show
– “The trans writer or trans novels for teenagers”
– Freedland the BBC’s top Trump hater
– The actor who played the black Dr Who
Sweden tightens Covid freedoms
8 person maximum meeting from 24 November
20/21 regions, people advised not to socialise with people they don’t live with
“It is going to get worse. Take your responsibility to stop the spread of the virus” PM Stefan Lofven
Cases spiked to 5,764/day on November 11th
oh 5,990 on 13th
Stew, something funny going on with Covid cases.
Don’t know about Sweden but I keep an eye on a few areas around the UK. One was bumbling along with new cases varying by three or four increase/decrease, sometimes as many as seven or eight, with numbers in the low/high 90s out of 100,000 for days and weeks on end.
Then, suddenly, three days in a row – a daily approximately 25% increase – where did that come from?
increased testing ?
Are all radio 4 progs black or green ?
7:15pm Arts show
“Biyi Bandele talks about the music and politics of Afrobeat founder Fela Kuti”
Then there are 3 black repeats
Start the Week, The book of the week , another black slave topic
and 11pm Loose Ends which always has lots of black guests
but 8 to 9:30 3 non-black progs
– 20:00 The Raising of Coventry
Telling the story of the bombing of Coventry 80 years ago on November 14th, 1940.
– 20:30 Chasing Unicorns
What does the future hold for Silicon Valley’s tech start ups in a post-pandemic world?
– 21:00 The Invention of… Scandinavia, The Bridge
1/3 Misha Glenny looks at the people, the borders and the histories of Scandinavia.
You’d get done for that, Feeling a Kuti!
Quite the claim.
Modest too.
How old is she?
Not listening to anything from a show headed by that clown.
But picking up a bozo ringer allowed through by the filter and citing the edit is a pretty lame way to prop up your cred.
Her colleague.
On the subject of BBC variable editorial integrity… Mac on ITBB OT…
This is fun. Trump’s legal battles once he’s not President. Here’s the reporting:
1. “What we don’t know is whether Mr Vance has any evidence to file criminal charges…”
2. “But whether there’s a criminal case has yet to become evident…”
3. “Civil investigations like this can result in financial penalties, if evidence of wrongdoing is found…”
4. “Regardless, the emoluments lawsuits will probably be dismissed or dropped, legal experts say…”
5. “Once that happens we move to the discovery phase of the case and there could be some movement there…”
6. “If requests for documents and testimony come…”
It’s almost as if these claims are – what’s the word – ‘unsubstantiated’?
I’ll freely admit to knowing less than Marianna about her speciality – I’ve never taken a selfie in my life…
Guessing BS will likely let this RT opportunity slide.
But does she get girl squad awards and have a dog prop?
Cannot. Wait.
I guess this might play in America, but if BBC American BS go near it to spin here in the U.K…. good luck.
That swings it for me: I’m now backing Heals-Up Harris and Beijing Biden.
There is growing evidence of systematic large-scale fraud at the election.
We will know more details in the coming days and weeks.
What we may never know is the extent of un-systematic fraud carried out by the many intermediaries between a vote cast and the registration of that vote: postal workers, polling station volunteers, workers at counting venues, computer programmers and now Dominion technicians.
Trump has been so relentlessly, hysterically demonised over the past 4 years that he has come to be seen by many as a Hitlerian figure of pure evil.
Under those conditions, many would feel no compunction whatsoever in rigging the results in any way they can; indeed they would see it as meritorious act; a good citizen’s duty. All means are fair to stop Orange Man.
I know that to be the case as I have friends in this country (now ex-friends) who feel the same way, and openly admit it – nay, proudly boast about it. It’s the ultimate virtue signalling. Look what a caring person I am: I’d like to murder Trump.
A creative forum just sent this….
“ Over the last 4 years, illustrator Edel Rodriguez has made headlines satirizing Trump. From a melting orange face on the cover of Time to Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty on the cover of Der Spiegel, Rodriguez’s visuals have provided a biting critique of Trump’s presidency. But with Joe Biden’s presidential win, what comes next for Rodriguez?”
If Sleepy prevails, the Medal of Oner, presumably.
The presumption in the media world that everyone is as one in that community, and probably poor people too, never ceases to impress.
BBC’s Woman’s Hour power list 2020 is out, this year focusing on “our planet” and has delivered a result few could have expected; giving a backbench MP in a tiny fringe opposition party with one MP the top spot. Caroline Lucas is described by the BBC as having “unparalleled experience”. ‘Unparallelled’ if ignoring every woman alive with experience of power and government…
Some brilliant comments………………….
The MSM, and bbc especially seem to confuse inside the bubble with the rest of the planet.
Still, Caz likely will vote for BS in return at the next dog and pony awards.
“Manchester Arena Inquiry: BTP ‘let people down’ on night of bomb”
I think that the terrorist bombers were to blame along with the people that let them into the country.
I suspect more have come in across the Channel this time.
What’s fake about this tweet ?
… that the Twitter link marked “official sources” does NOT go to any official sources
It goes to media reports where media PROJECT that Biden has won
and a tweet each from Biden & Harris simply saying “we won”
Not al beeb but relevant I hope
A bit of explaining about the Democrats and the American Left.
Back in the 60’s there were a couple of Leftist professors. Cloward and Piven. Their speciality was what the Americans call “Social Work” and “Sociology”.
They came up with a philosophy, adopted wholeheartedly by Democrats from LBJ on. It goes like this:
The Cloward-Piven Strategy: There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state. The first is the most important.
1. Health care – Control healthcare and you control the people.
2. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3. Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4. Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives. (Food, Housing, and Income)
6. Education – Take control of what people read and “listen to us“ take control of what children learn in school.
7. Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8. Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Let’s discuss these as they relate to the Democrat party.
· Health care: Obamacare controlled what it covered and who approved your care and what you could get at what age. They took your doctor out of the equation. You only got what the government let you get.
· Poverty and Welfare: Obama created the largest welfare state ever. He had more people on government benefits and the smallest workforce since 1978.
· Debt: Pelosi wanting an additional $2.2T Covid-19 bill is all part of that. She is trying to bust the budget to the point that it is no longer affordable.
· Gun control: The Democrats have been trying to take guns away for 30+ years. One little incremental change here and another there and pretty soon your guns are gone.
· Education: The Department of EDU was established in 1978 by the Carter administration and they have made small incremental changes year after year to what the kids learn and today they are turning out good little socialists. The proud to be an American is gone.
· Religion; First they took prayer out of schools and then out of government buildings. One thing after another and not they blame it on Covid-19 but you can’t worship in a church anymore.
· Class warfare: They have been doing this forever. Rich against Poor. Black against White. Male against Female. They will not be happy until we all hate each other.
Students of history will see there are striking parallels in the UK to what is going on in America.
‘Getting Brexit Done’ is almost taking as long as to win the Second World War, but there’s a glimmer of hope………..
“Brexit: PM confident UK ‘will prosper’ without EU trade deal”
An upper class twit with qualifications in Art History and Theatre Studies has taken over the Tory Party. Doris Johnson’s big brain called “Dominic”. Its been replaced by a small substitute called “Carrie”. The Carrie Symonds era has come, with windmills and flower power replacing gas and coal power. Transgender rights and Political correctness. The great Joe Biden has come to the rescue of the Remainers and the Brexiteers have been evicted from Downing Street. Carrie Symonds, daughter of the remain supporting Independent, passionate animal rights defender and a fighter against the “gigantic climate crisis” is victorious, her top priority is to save the badgers, her second priority is not to be confrontational with the BBC, by saving and not decriminalising the licence fee, putting a brake on Brexit and spending billions and billions of pounds on a British Government project, dedicated to crediting Doris, as the man who stopped the climate from changing.