At 1740 Ben Brown in strongly implied terms criticises the USA for having the temerity to be a rich country and wanting to be at the front of the coronavirus vaccine queue instead of ‘poor countries’.
The fact that the ingenuity, creativity, and entrepreneurship of private sector capitalism in that very country, the USA is entirely responsible for these new inventions, and therefore they do actually deserve to be at the front of the queue seems to be totally lost on the BBC.
You can imagine how long a UN Marxist led vaccination policy would take to design – ensuring – of course – that diplomats and politicians and lackies get the vaccine right away …
I reckon 2022 – by which time there will be COVID 2, 3 , 4….
We ve seen this in the 14 day house arrest exemptions – politicians and diplomats don’t get or pass on covid – right PM?
Same video direct from Fox News
Attorney Powell on election legal challenges that remain active in several states
Viva Frei earlier said just particular court cases get turned down, that doesn’t mean a loss, it can mean the judge is directing people towards routes of resolution.
Let’s hope Powell doesn’t get ‘Epsteined’ before she can finish her work.
Amusing footnote: she mentions that in Biden’s demented state he had no mental filter and spoke the truth more than once including when he said ‘he didn’t need your votes now, he would need you later’ and that ‘he had the largest voter fraud organisation ever’…
Out of the mouths of babes, and senile old criminals…
So activist teachers what campaign are you forcing the kids to take part in this week ?
Learners can wear odd socks to school on Monday 16th November to celebrate being unique as part of Anti-Bullying week.
No monetary contribution is necessary. Girls who wear skirts can wear their odd socks over tights. All normal school uniform rules still apply for all learners
.. it might seem an admirable cause
but I am not sure if they are not training the kids in activism
and then they’ll move onto more controversial causes.
On a map of the US show where the following are……….
The Golden Gate Bridge
The birthplace of Elvis Presley
Launch site of Apollo 11
A panel of 4 that included Greg Rutherford and Denise van Outen on BBC2’s House of Games, Greg Rutherford was the only one who correctly placed the Golden Gate – Denise van Out put it near the Great Lakes !!! The rest they all got wrong.
Same programme, different question about squashing two subjects answers together to get an even stupider answer. So the first part was Elements and another subject, the full name of the Tories.Element was Silicon (Si) so the answer was Siliconservatives, not biased, my arse!
There is a distance between my computer and the TV, problem is the wife does like to watch Boris or his minions, for some strange reason. but she has forgot to change the channel afterwards and now I have the bbbc banging on and on and on about why Lewis Hamiton has not been honoured, made part of the house of lords or something
I would usually confine myself to FFS but this time for Christ f@cking sake
lets cut to the chase and make all blacks lords or something and sack all white males
will that shut the propaganda bbc up ?
now talking about Bedfordshire covid infections, but not a single word about (Luton) (muslims)
oh my God now banging on about “six wimmin” so strong in somewhere or other
unlikely to be Iraq I suppose , shes changed the channel now thank goodness now just adverts with black men with white wives, and just noticed the very few white men have an unfortunate Larry Grayson parlance
I think I will let it remain on as never in my life have I seen so many white males talking like pre pubescent 12 year old girls it is a sight to behold
and now they have dragged someone in a wheelchair on while they all whoop and cheer off switch
Bit of good EU news – courtesy of the BBC – Hungary and Poland have vetoed a Covid budget – anything bad for the EU – is good for us ….. particularly as the days count down to ‘no deal ‘/sell out ….
If Johnson sells out he ll do another convenient 14 day lockdown betcha
Every time you interact online, it could be damaging the environment. From Zoom meetings, to social posts, #Dispatches reveals your online carbon footprint and asks if big tech companies are as green as they say.
And the similar PBS Trump bashing one started at 6:35pm
“The Virus: What Went Wrong?
investigated why America’s leaders failed to prepare and protect us despite repeated warnings of COVID-19 headed our way”
Ooh….that's inspired me to check back to see what you did for Remembrance Day. I can't find it in your timeline – could you repost? Was it an illuminated poppy or something?
Oh dear! It looks like David Shukman, BBC Science Correspondent has not been paying attention to the articles and broadcasts by his colleague, Roger Harrabin, BBC Environment Analyst. Or maybe there has been a spat between them and David has needed to cool off.
Opening the window for better ventilation in winter
is going to require an increase in CO2, immediate (very local as opposed to Global) warming and, if not carefully regulated, a stuffy atmosphere again.
Far-left extremist group Extinction Rebellion let get off again by police after creating criminal damage to a building in Central London this afternoon.
— ???????????????????????????? ???????? (@LFC_blano) November 16, 2020
I saw earlier in this excellent and busy thread – that Wimmins hour has nominate ‘girls of 2020 ‘ – or similar – which got me thinking – since the BBC is so up for diversity – where is the queer male hour ? The dyke hour? The trannies et al hour – ?
Why are the best trannies not nominated by the BBC – ? Or other perverts sodding about with the ‘gender ‘ God gave the creatures ….
Just wondering …. personally – of course – I see no reason for a ‘Wimmins hour ‘… at all – anachronistic indulgence
They should not have it both ways – as it were …
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are giving remarks on the US economy today in Wilmington – although they’re about an hour behind schedule … and counting.
If you search back through his old tweets
you will probably find tweets from him complaining about Trump being late for an event., saying Trump let people down.
Watching a bit of BBC1 tonight. New black presenter on the One Show but he was only allowed to say about 5 lines. Isn’t that racist?!?
Then watched the utter shambles of the BBC trying to start the Panorama programme. Sounded like utter chaos as stills of BBC2 were appearing on the BBC1 channel as the staff randomly swapped cables over. They thought they fixed it then they hadn’t. 12 minutes later they annouced they would show Garden Rescue but that also failed. Back to Panorama with no sound. After 15 minutes they got it working.
I’d like to think all the technical staff have been replaced with diversity quotas and this is the result.
OMG the bias in BBC Panorama just now…
– Every Democrat:
rational, civilized, sane.
– Every Trump supporter:
“I carry a 9mm to the grocery store, spit in a bucket every 5 words and play air banjo.”
Well that is the BBC healing America
Misrepresenting Trump supporters as nuts
.. whilst OMITTING that many street supporters of Biden are violent Antifa
Even in this era, being the continuity announcer on the UK’s biggest TV channel when it just falls off air and you’re speaking to the nation with little idea what’s happening must be a bit terrifying.
I see that Yves St Lauren are pushing a perfume called Black Opium, can we expect a White Opium? I know there was a perfume called Opium, so what have they added to make it black?
Unsolicited email recieved today from my local London Borough reminding me of the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections that will take place on Thursday 6 May 2021.
Naturally they are “already making plans to help ensure you can stay safe when casting your vote”.
“Polling stations will be COVID-secure and open for voting in person” – good to know.
However… “In order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 you may wish to consider voting by post.”
There follows a lot of encouragement to vote by post. Almost as if that’s the preferred method.
Covid fear = a nudge toward postal voting.
Hmmm, how well did that go in the States – did it encourage faith in the democratic system – or the opposite?
By the way, how do they know Covid will still be rampant in May 2021?
"The head of the organisation representing black police officers has said that political correctness has gone too far and is not furthering the cause of ethnic minorities."
I think Dems are wildly underestimating the intensity of anger college loan cancelation is going to provoke. Those with college debt will be thrilled, of course. But lots and lots of people who didn't go to college or who worked to pay off their debts? Gonna be bad.
The college debt “forgiveness” Biden’s team is planning is just paying off mostly white lib voters from 3rd tier colleges with worthless humanities degrees
It’s a transfer of wealth from welders, plumbers, and general contractors to adjunct professors and MSNBC watchers
For which a lot of very stupid people get paid a lot of money, and give each other awards.
The main news networks' takes on the last few days in No10 Downing Street:@BBCNews: "An episode of 'House of Cards'".@itvnews: "Some kind of soap-opera".
Two heavy hitters of the investment world recently bought stakes in Palantir, the secretive and controversial big data firm backed by Peter Thiel that began trading on Wall Street in September.
Those "out of context clips" have led to over a dozen arrests. Someone who actually cared about media accountability might ask why the press is ignoring clear cases of political violence. Even if it's not as big of a story as a clipped video of a HS kid smirking.
Belfield is covering ‘Lawless’ estate Halton Moor in Leeds named ‘The Zoo’ where yobs attack police and terrorise families
… He like today’s press use the scenes of the burning police van.
…That actual burning thing happens a year ago
I guess the press don’t have video of the recent night’s violence.
There’s Clint Eastwood and John Voight, but it’s still extremely unusual to see a right wing, Trump supporting actor brave enough to stick his head above the parapet.
Good on him.
Not a particular well known actor, but I like Kev. …. here’s another re-tweeted gem…..
Kevin Sorbo Retweeted
Ryan Fournier
When I see British media mocking the President, I just remember that in 100 years they went from ruling 1/4 of the world to living on an island the size of Michigan.
4:15 pm · 16 Nov 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Sky Arts is free these days – it’s on Freeview channel 11
.. Freeview has rejigged the channels and there are a few extra channels, mostly shopping, religion etc.
What does Joe Biden’s win mean for the climate? And what is China doing about climate change? Tackling those questions and more is a new @bbcworldservice podcast, The Climate Question. First ep is released today on @bbcsounds
Given the physical size of the US and the number of people living there common sense tells me that some fraud is bound to have taken place.
Is it a significant amount? Neither I or Ms Spring know the answer to that.
What is truly scary though is the total co-ordinated denial by the MSM that there is anything to see, they absolutely denied it right from the first.
For just about any news story the MSM get something wrong or lacks all the facts, the BBC is often late to the story because it claims it is waiting for verification, but not here.
It’s almost as if Soros HQ had issued an edict to AP, Reuters et al in advance of the voting and they were just waiting for the publication embargo to be lifted at a pre-determined time.
Hi @mariannaspring Need your help, please. There is a 'journal' telling its readers that the rate of false positives in the PCR test is between 0.8% and 4.0%. This needs to be stopped and you are the only one that can do this. Please.
Brilliant. Bet she’s thrilled to be ‘the only one’ high profile now.
Unless…. they ignore it, or….
BBC Selective Fact Spinning Basement Dept, 17 Nov.
Fran: “Guys, quick… find a tweet from a redneck JuJu Doctor with a Degree in Epidemiology from Islamabad U. to ‘prove’ we know our stuff as we are…. all together now….”
The blue in Jay’s tweet is him quoting her tweet
It doesn’t show up now
cos she has blocked him
Racism doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
It exists within a hierarchical structure with power at its core.
Racism only works because one group has power and other groups do not.
White people in the U.K. and the western world sadly still have privilege
I spot people complaining about the multipart Oscar Pistorious doco
and how it hardly mentioned the VICTIM
“The name of the 29-year-old woman he murdered – a law graduate, a model, the daughter of June and Barry, who broke her back in a horse-riding accident as a child and had to learn how to walk again, little of which was mentioned here – was Reeva Steenkamp.”
Finally finished watching the Oscar Pistorius love in on BBC iPlayer last night. Almost 6 hours of fawning admiration for a convicted murderer along with the odd mention of the poor woman, Reeva Steenkamp, his victim.
Worth media studies students comparing all the accounts of Downing Street events in the newspapers since Thursday. They are contradictory products of anonymous briefings. They can't all be true.
Bank of heavily ratioed for wasting time on woke , instead of doing its proper job
107 Likes vs 541 relies disagreeing
We have lit up our Threadneedle Street building in blue, pink and white in support of Transgender Awareness Week. We want to raise the visibility of and celebrate transgender people everywhere.
I got a laugh out loud Monday – now one for Tuesday . A celeb called Graham Norton is to leave his programme on Radio2 after 55 years . He is off to something called’ virgin radio’and more money .
A kidult writing about this in the Telegraph frames it as ‘bad news ‘ and a ‘crisis ‘…..yet scrol down and look at the comments – ….suggests the woke Telegraph and its ‘ subscribers have a growing gap in views …. language about ‘bias’ and arguments regularly vented here are on that site ….
So telegraph – go woke go broke – my £4 a month sub ends in March . I’m gone …like mr Norton …( actually not too much like mr Norton )…
And Ken billwright left his show last night after 65 years ….
Just to add – that paper also has a piece about the BBC ambassador to the EU – Katty? Adler using the term
‘fisher people ‘ instead of fishermen in accordance with BBC language codes .
But what about men ‘people who don’t catch fish – surely lobster catchers should be called
‘Crustacean people ‘- like some episode of D Who when it was good – and terry nation wrote …
I m not trying to open a full can of worms here – I will leave that to the fisher people ….
Yep, getting closer to a total speech ban on the words ‘men’ and ‘women’. I honestly thought I was going mad until I stumbled across this site! Our friend the BBC obviously plays a huge part in this crap and the news of Carrie Symonds basically now running Downing Street is a nail in the coffin to any hopes of reform. Still, hopefully the more propaganda they churn out, hopefully the more people that will cancel their license. More than one way to skin a cat.
I honestly believe that the BBC number one objective is
to “cancel” the indigenous white males from their
programming.This manifests itself on their internet picture
outlet where Caucasian men have become all but persona
non grata.
It seems to me that the default position of the BBC
is to flood their programming with what they call
“positive discrimination.” Which in practice is diversity gone
As an indigenous Londoner the only programme now where
this positive discrimination is not applied is on their London
programme .Where in London the demographics are now
that the indigenous are quite a minority now around 33%.
But the BBC does not use positive discrimination in
presentation and reporting in this case. No quite the reverse.
Over 70% of the presenters and reporters are ethnic.At the BBC
the lunatics are in charge of the asylum. But so far as BIG
BROTHER is concerned at the BBC.There is method in
the madness of the “cleansing” of the white male from their
national media outlet.
“BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg says Mr Johnson’s own goal is a political gift for the SNP,”
Anyhoo, who could, might, possibly, be happening in the USA?
Ah, Joe says something…
‘More people may die’
President-elect Joe Biden has warned that Donald Trump’s refusal to hand over power to him in the usual way could cost lives. Mr Trump hasn’t acknowledged he lost the US election – and has, in fact, tweeted the exact opposite.
From the data obtained by BBC Newsnight, one example showed there were 8,088 offers for white candidates, compared to only 386 for those of black ethnicity.
Well I make that 4.5% of PhDs are being offered to blacks where in the UK 3% of the population is black so black applicants are MORE likely to be offered PhD places.
Makes you wonder if the BBC are so obsessed with blacks that they think if you don’t see them in every camera shot, every job position etc it must be racism and nothing whatsoever to do with the 3% population being black.
Tabs – well I’m a whitee with a masters and I put forward a PHD plan long ago – my assessors ripped me a new one – as they say – and sent me on my way . Pity as I was going to unify space -time ….
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Classic Marxist BBC.
At 1740 Ben Brown in strongly implied terms criticises the USA for having the temerity to be a rich country and wanting to be at the front of the coronavirus vaccine queue instead of ‘poor countries’.
The fact that the ingenuity, creativity, and entrepreneurship of private sector capitalism in that very country, the USA is entirely responsible for these new inventions, and therefore they do actually deserve to be at the front of the queue seems to be totally lost on the BBC.
You can imagine how long a UN Marxist led vaccination policy would take to design – ensuring – of course – that diplomats and politicians and lackies get the vaccine right away …
I reckon 2022 – by which time there will be COVID 2, 3 , 4….
We ve seen this in the 14 day house arrest exemptions – politicians and diplomats don’t get or pass on covid – right PM?
More on attorney Sidney ‘I-never-say-anything-I-can’t-prove’ Powell, and election fraud.
Bombshell allegations from a highly qualified and credible expert, yet strangely nothing about it on the BBC.
Same video direct from Fox News
Attorney Powell on election legal challenges that remain active in several states
Viva Frei earlier said just particular court cases get turned down, that doesn’t mean a loss, it can mean the judge is directing people towards routes of resolution.
Thank you SG.
Looks like this story is gaining traction.
Let’s hope Powell doesn’t get ‘Epsteined’ before she can finish her work.
Amusing footnote: she mentions that in Biden’s demented state he had no mental filter and spoke the truth more than once including when he said ‘he didn’t need your votes now, he would need you later’ and that ‘he had the largest voter fraud organisation ever’…
Out of the mouths of babes, and senile old criminals…
Yes worth keeping up with Sidney Powell’s Twitter account
for details of their claims about Smartmatic machine programmed to scam votes
“Smartmatic/Dominion software switched votes from Trump to Biden election night by the millions…MILLIONS.”
“but as with the Iraq War the BBC fights the long war”.
Stop the war by cutting their supply line.
Stop making payments to the Telly tax.
So activist teachers what campaign are you forcing the kids to take part in this week ?
.. it might seem an admirable cause
but I am not sure if they are not training the kids in activism
and then they’ll move onto more controversial causes.
On a map of the US show where the following are……….
The Golden Gate Bridge
The birthplace of Elvis Presley
Launch site of Apollo 11
A panel of 4 that included Greg Rutherford and Denise van Outen on BBC2’s House of Games, Greg Rutherford was the only one who correctly placed the Golden Gate – Denise van Out put it near the Great Lakes !!! The rest they all got wrong.
I’m not super brilliant, but dear God.
We could maybe ask some Americans where the rest of the world is
many would struggle, I have been assured that is because most would not fit into a passport photo booth
a nation that produces cars that do not turn corners does not bode well for international travel
Same programme, different question about squashing two subjects answers together to get an even stupider answer. So the first part was Elements and another subject, the full name of the Tories.Element was Silicon (Si) so the answer was Siliconservatives, not biased, my arse!
That quip has been used on Twitter 4 or 5 times
from 2010
to this recent one in 2019
There is a distance between my computer and the TV, problem is the wife does like to watch Boris or his minions, for some strange reason. but she has forgot to change the channel afterwards and now I have the bbbc banging on and on and on about why Lewis Hamiton has not been honoured, made part of the house of lords or something
I would usually confine myself to FFS but this time for Christ f@cking sake
lets cut to the chase and make all blacks lords or something and sack all white males
will that shut the propaganda bbc up ?
now talking about Bedfordshire covid infections, but not a single word about (Luton) (muslims)
nope not at all
oh my God now banging on about “six wimmin” so strong in somewhere or other
unlikely to be Iraq I suppose , shes changed the channel now thank goodness now just adverts with black men with white wives, and just noticed the very few white men have an unfortunate Larry Grayson parlance
I think I will let it remain on as never in my life have I seen so many white males talking like pre pubescent 12 year old girls it is a sight to behold
and now they have dragged someone in a wheelchair on while they all whoop and cheer off switch
Tonight’s Eastenders
typical Cockneys
Oh she is returning from Scotland, no stereotypes in this photo.
7:35pm BBC1 Panorama tonight
..Can Biden Unite America?
Bit of good EU news – courtesy of the BBC – Hungary and Poland have vetoed a Covid budget – anything bad for the EU – is good for us ….. particularly as the days count down to ‘no deal ‘/sell out ….
If Johnson sells out he ll do another convenient 14 day lockdown betcha
Hungary have already ordered the Russian vaccine.
8pm Channel4 Green agenda again
9pm Lockdown Chaos: How The Government Lost Control
Impartial , no loaded language there.
See how that’s a Boris bashing prog
And the similar PBS Trump bashing one started at 6:35pm
“The Virus: What Went Wrong?
investigated why America’s leaders failed to prepare and protect us despite repeated warnings of COVID-19 headed our way”
9pm BBC4 doco on the Notre Dame Fire
… unlikely to tell us if it was Islamists.
Virtue Signal received !!!!
And so the bombardment from the Establishment’s artillery of lies, agendas, disinformation and wokeness continues.
Oh dear! It looks like David Shukman, BBC Science Correspondent has not been paying attention to the articles and broadcasts by his colleague, Roger Harrabin, BBC Environment Analyst. Or maybe there has been a spat between them and David has needed to cool off.
Opening the window for better ventilation in winter
is going to require an increase in CO2, immediate (very local as opposed to Global) warming and, if not carefully regulated, a stuffy atmosphere again.
Photos from America show that many of the counters at polling stations accused of fraud are wonderfully diverse.
How heartening that the Melting Pot ideal is alive and well.
I saw earlier in this excellent and busy thread – that Wimmins hour has nominate ‘girls of 2020 ‘ – or similar – which got me thinking – since the BBC is so up for diversity – where is the queer male hour ? The dyke hour? The trannies et al hour – ?
Why are the best trannies not nominated by the BBC – ? Or other perverts sodding about with the ‘gender ‘ God gave the creatures ….
Just wondering …. personally – of course – I see no reason for a ‘Wimmins hour ‘… at all – anachronistic indulgence
They should not have it both ways – as it were …
Unremarkable news.
Counting the votes they nicked, Biden Voters Matter (more than anyone else).
Do you think Lurch polishes his forehead or is it just naturally shiny?
He uses Bri Buff.
If you search back through his old tweets
you will probably find tweets from him complaining about Trump being late for an event., saying Trump let people down.
Watching a bit of BBC1 tonight. New black presenter on the One Show but he was only allowed to say about 5 lines. Isn’t that racist?!?
Then watched the utter shambles of the BBC trying to start the Panorama programme. Sounded like utter chaos as stills of BBC2 were appearing on the BBC1 channel as the staff randomly swapped cables over. They thought they fixed it then they hadn’t. 12 minutes later they annouced they would show Garden Rescue but that also failed. Back to Panorama with no sound. After 15 minutes they got it working.
I’d like to think all the technical staff have been replaced with diversity quotas and this is the result.
Didn’t you get the black women ident as well ?
Or was that only Wales ?
Tonight’s @BBCPanorama “The BBC is in Chaos, Can Biden Fix the BBC?”
Speculation that something was hacked
..cos of the way a Video of Saddam kept coming up
OMG the bias in BBC Panorama just now…
– Every Democrat:
rational, civilized, sane.
– Every Trump supporter:
“I carry a 9mm to the grocery store, spit in a bucket every 5 words and play air banjo.”
Well that is the BBC healing America
Misrepresenting Trump supporters as nuts
.. whilst OMITTING that many street supporters of Biden are violent Antifa
Gets paid, no matter what.
‘We’d like to apologise for this TVstation and broadcaster ‘
If it was hacked it would have been brilliant if the hackers could have got this clip to go live
Seems Panorama took the same tone as this Indy article
I see that Yves St Lauren are pushing a perfume called Black Opium, can we expect a White Opium? I know there was a perfume called Opium, so what have they added to make it black?
Maybe It’s Because I’m A Londoner
Well, wouldn’t you know…
Unsolicited email recieved today from my local London Borough reminding me of the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections that will take place on Thursday 6 May 2021.
Naturally they are “already making plans to help ensure you can stay safe when casting your vote”.
“Polling stations will be COVID-secure and open for voting in person” – good to know.
However… “In order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 you may wish to consider voting by post.”
There follows a lot of encouragement to vote by post. Almost as if that’s the preferred method.
Covid fear = a nudge toward postal voting.
Hmmm, how well did that go in the States – did it encourage faith in the democratic system – or the opposite?
By the way, how do they know Covid will still be rampant in May 2021?
Well one nevers.
Sounds like some one looking for a job. – or a law suit …
AOC on BBC America BS yet?
From an American friend
For which a lot of very stupid people get paid a lot of money, and give each other awards.
For the lolz.
There’s a thing.
Gosh, isn’t he repulsive!
And another thing.
Not substantiated. So possibly without base.
Meanwhile, in Lurch’s head…
Belfield is covering ‘Lawless’ estate Halton Moor in Leeds named ‘The Zoo’ where yobs attack police and terrorise families
… He like today’s press use the scenes of the burning police van.
…That actual burning thing happens a year ago
I guess the press don’t have video of the recent night’s violence.
Actors… what are they like?
There’s Clint Eastwood and John Voight, but it’s still extremely unusual to see a right wing, Trump supporting actor brave enough to stick his head above the parapet.
Good on him.
Not a particular well known actor, but I like Kev. …. here’s another re-tweeted gem…..
Kevin Sorbo Retweeted
Ryan Fournier
When I see British media mocking the President, I just remember that in 100 years they went from ruling 1/4 of the world to living on an island the size of Michigan.
4:15 pm · 16 Nov 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Sky Arts is free these days – it’s on Freeview channel 11
.. Freeview has rejigged the channels and there are a few extra channels, mostly shopping, religion etc.
CNN sinks to new lows with Christiane Amanpour comparing the Trump era to Kristall Nacht – and by implication Trump to Hitler.
When CNN finally collapses the BBC might like to give her a job… shortly before it too collapses.
8hrs. Check the engagement.
Marianna digging quite the trench.
With that in mind…
I wonder who Newsnight is in process of stitching up next?
Ah, those experts and their ‘fears’ again. Isn’t she supposed to be all about the ‘facts’…
I suspect not.
See what I did there, baselessly?
Given the physical size of the US and the number of people living there common sense tells me that some fraud is bound to have taken place.
Is it a significant amount? Neither I or Ms Spring know the answer to that.
What is truly scary though is the total co-ordinated denial by the MSM that there is anything to see, they absolutely denied it right from the first.
For just about any news story the MSM get something wrong or lacks all the facts, the BBC is often late to the story because it claims it is waiting for verification, but not here.
It’s almost as if Soros HQ had issued an edict to AP, Reuters et al in advance of the voting and they were just waiting for the publication embargo to be lifted at a pre-determined time.
The over exposure of the delicious, young, passionate, partial, photogenic Ms. Spring’s ‘expertise’ is backfiring spectacularly.
Brilliant. Bet she’s thrilled to be ‘the only one’ high profile now.
Unless…. they ignore it, or….
BBC Selective Fact Spinning Basement Dept, 17 Nov.
Fran: “Guys, quick… find a tweet from a redneck JuJu Doctor with a Degree in Epidemiology from Islamabad U. to ‘prove’ we know our stuff as we are…. all together now….”
All: “Spurts in the field!”.
Fran: “Close enuf” ????????♀️
Interesting. Sure her bio did not look like that earlier.
There was surely a BBC bit that has vanished?
The blue in Jay’s tweet is him quoting her tweet
It doesn’t show up now
cos she has blocked him
Racism doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
It exists within a hierarchical structure with power at its core.
Racism only works because one group has power and other groups do not.
White people in the U.K. and the western world sadly still have privilege
I spot people complaining about the multipart Oscar Pistorious doco
and how it hardly mentioned the VICTIM
“The name of the 29-year-old woman he murdered – a law graduate, a model, the daughter of June and Barry, who broke her back in a horse-riding accident as a child and had to learn how to walk again, little of which was mentioned here – was Reeva Steenkamp.”
A fair summary of MSM SOP.
Luckily the bbc has Ms. Spring, who knows all.
BBC ratioed again for saying that everything white people do is racist
Not al beeb …
Bank of heavily ratioed for wasting time on woke , instead of doing its proper job
107 Likes vs 541 relies disagreeing
Trump promo video, recently banned by YouTube
Canadian print media saying Trumps huge Washington rally was just “hundreds” and sore losers
ratioed : Likes 164 vs replies 2,200
I got a laugh out loud Monday – now one for Tuesday . A celeb called Graham Norton is to leave his programme on Radio2 after 55 years . He is off to something called’ virgin radio’and more money .
A kidult writing about this in the Telegraph frames it as ‘bad news ‘ and a ‘crisis ‘…..yet scrol down and look at the comments – ….suggests the woke Telegraph and its ‘ subscribers have a growing gap in views …. language about ‘bias’ and arguments regularly vented here are on that site ….
So telegraph – go woke go broke – my £4 a month sub ends in March . I’m gone …like mr Norton …( actually not too much like mr Norton )…
And Ken billwright left his show last night after 65 years ….
@Fed Telegraph print edition is free using your local library card to log into
Only the Times is completely behind a paywall
Just to add – that paper also has a piece about the BBC ambassador to the EU – Katty? Adler using the term
‘fisher people ‘ instead of fishermen in accordance with BBC language codes .
But what about men ‘people who don’t catch fish – surely lobster catchers should be called
‘Crustacean people ‘- like some episode of D Who when it was good – and terry nation wrote …
I m not trying to open a full can of worms here – I will leave that to the fisher people ….
Yep, getting closer to a total speech ban on the words ‘men’ and ‘women’. I honestly thought I was going mad until I stumbled across this site! Our friend the BBC obviously plays a huge part in this crap and the news of Carrie Symonds basically now running Downing Street is a nail in the coffin to any hopes of reform. Still, hopefully the more propaganda they churn out, hopefully the more people that will cancel their license. More than one way to skin a cat.
I honestly believe that the BBC number one objective is
to “cancel” the indigenous white males from their
programming.This manifests itself on their internet picture
outlet where Caucasian men have become all but persona
non grata.
It seems to me that the default position of the BBC
is to flood their programming with what they call
“positive discrimination.” Which in practice is diversity gone
As an indigenous Londoner the only programme now where
this positive discrimination is not applied is on their London
programme .Where in London the demographics are now
that the indigenous are quite a minority now around 33%.
But the BBC does not use positive discrimination in
presentation and reporting in this case. No quite the reverse.
Over 70% of the presenters and reporters are ethnic.At the BBC
the lunatics are in charge of the asylum. But so far as BIG
BROTHER is concerned at the BBC.There is method in
the madness of the “cleansing” of the white male from their
national media outlet.
BBC Moaning Emole starts with a bang:
“PM under fire over devolution remarks”
Woo hoo! And from whom is this ‘fire’ from?
Let’s just say it is not friendly, or a surprise.
There is, of course…. ‘analysis’…
“BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg says Mr Johnson’s own goal is a political gift for the SNP,”
Anyhoo, who could, might, possibly, be happening in the USA?
Ah, Joe says something…
‘More people may die’
President-elect Joe Biden has warned that Donald Trump’s refusal to hand over power to him in the usual way could cost lives. Mr Trump hasn’t acknowledged he lost the US election – and has, in fact, tweeted the exact opposite.
‘In the usual way’?
Guest –
‘Under fire ‘
One of those lazy journo terms – some say …it has been said …
Black applicants least likely to be offered PhD places
Usual race baiting article from the BBC.
From the data obtained by BBC Newsnight, one example showed there were 8,088 offers for white candidates, compared to only 386 for those of black ethnicity.
Well I make that 4.5% of PhDs are being offered to blacks where in the UK 3% of the population is black so black applicants are MORE likely to be offered PhD places.
Makes you wonder if the BBC are so obsessed with blacks that they think if you don’t see them in every camera shot, every job position etc it must be racism and nothing whatsoever to do with the 3% population being black.
Tabs – well I’m a whitee with a masters and I put forward a PHD plan long ago – my assessors ripped me a new one – as they say – and sent me on my way . Pity as I was going to unify space -time ….
BBC News and an impressive caption?
Launching the search for the Gretas of the future
A new global talent search, to find exceptional young leaders to help tackle the big problems facing the planet, has been launched. ????
Bet Thunderburg Snr. Male and Thunderburg Mater and the squad are thrilled Helen sees their cash cow going the way of old bbc ladies.
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
Unless there’s a bbc team lurking.
Old photo. All the RAF Merlins were handed to the RN a good few years ago.