Holder is/was a good umpire and is rolled out on TMS a couple times a season in their ‘ask the umpire slot’. I confess to never have heard of the other chap, perhaps a household name in his own household? I assume a good solid county pro at some time…..
I’ve noticed in the last couple of weeks the BBC are now using the word “black” to describe Muslims, Indians or Orientals. They are taking us back to the 1960 where there was either whites and non whites.
I guess the BBC are just following the latest directive from Prof of Genders and Racial Studies from the BLM University.
For most of England the ‘ME’s, i.e. Asians, must vastly outnumber ‘our’ Blacks, the Caribbean church-goers with names like Smith.
It must really put the noses of the Audi/Mercedes owning Asian class out of joint to play second fiddle to these ‘blacks’, put at the front of the queue, especially as most of the whinging ones seem to be newcomers from the dark continent with names using the leftover letters from Scrabble.
BBC disingenuous and race baiting again…the devil is in the detail. Which subjects, which part of country and how many applied?
So if 10,000 Whites applied and 500 Black then the figures wouldn’t be an issue…there are also PT and FT PhD’s. And the final total only came from 50 universities
BBC as usual looking for things that are not there..never looks at lack of men in areas, never looks at poor performance of white kids, always plays the poverty card for BAME even though Indians and Chinese Asians are the most successful…why is that?
Why are the bBBC ‘researching’ (active campaigning) non issues?
Why don’t they ‘research’ ……
Illegal immigration
Non deportation of criminal Illegal immigrants
Violence by antifa and BLM
Wokery thuggery
Vote switching
Cancellation of free speech
Cancellation of people with different viewpoints
Football and rugby fans who don’t want lady commentators
Valid fears of islamists who want to blow you up or decapitate you
Black football players being over represented in football
White actors under represented in tv advertising
Judging by this story and the many others every single day on its website, there must hundred of BBC “research” teams looking into and investigating these things in order to come up with these one-sided accounts of apparent discrimination.
In fact, these “research” teams seem to do little else. As mentioned here previously, almost every page on the BBC website (even the business section) has endless stories about racism and in the most innocuous of situations and while bigging up the courage of asylum seekers (illegal immigrants) and their fellow travellers.
Of course, there is never any discussion of discrimination working in the opposite direction such as the casting of actors and actresses in TV advertisements to the point that it feels one is watching a Nigerian channel.
It's disturbing as well when @BBCWorld display a photo of a child, whether the child is an orphan or not, knowing the child needs parental protection, especially the child's identity (photo).
Funny isn’t it, the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation can investigate child abduction and exploitation of Black Children in Kenya but is unable to investigate the exploitation and abuse of BRITISH white children in England despite having £3.5 billion of our money to do it!
Several subjects on which to ponder this morning. Mainly on the theme of British self-loathing. As BBC on-line news attempts to make something of: ‘Johnson “called Scottish devolution a disaster”‘ we ponder the range of rude epithets Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP have routinely employed to describe the Westminster government.
As the frequency and virulence of attacks on (let’s face it) the Boris Brexit government increase up to Christmas we pause for a moment to recall the late Bobby Ball and his catchphrases. There was “rock on, Tommy” his exclamation of enthusiasm with reference to his comedy partner, Tommy Cannon. But there was also “You really hate me, don’t you, deep down, Tommy, you really hate me”
And so it is that the BBC on-line newspaper review editors decide to put the freebie Metro at the top of the pile this morning with their headline: ‘Gizza jab mate. Britain back of the queue for US drug’
Given the Telegraph’s: ‘Hancock won’t rule out mandatory vaccine’ – you’ll perhaps notice me as I will definitely be edging toward the far end of the queue, for this rushed to market, with manufacturers guarenteed immunity from liability, new drug.
The FT perhaps sees itself catering to a less parochial and more world focused audience – and of course a more business-minded constituency. Their headline is far more positive: ‘Moderna vaccine’s 94% efficiency in trials boost hopes for Covid battle’ – clearly the FT sees this as good news: ‘US-backed group hails validation. Fast-track approval sought. Simple storage promised’
The FT waxes poetic with their syntax – all for the love of Brussels: ‘Frost’s 2016 prediction for Brexit talks proves chilly omen of his plight today’ – Wow. Contrast that with the Star’s tired old joke on Boris: ‘You may feel a little prick’
The ‘i’ also doesn’t discern any problems with our vaccines policy: ‘New vaccine hope for end to pandemic’ likewise the Times: ‘Vaccination rescue plan is given a fresh boost. Britain buys 5m doses of “most promising” jab’
But if you peruse the papers you will find more knockers: ‘Scramble for vaccines amid fears Britain may miss out on supplies’ (Guardian) ‘2nd vaccine unveiled but Brits won’t get it until spring thanks to pre-order shambles’ (Star)
I can’t help but notice that those Left-leaning voices habitually calling out government cock-ups have the same recipe of ever more government control over ever more areas of our lives – leaving us prone to ever more government cock-ups.
Our press don’t just bring us daily cock-ups and knockers, they tend to promote positive empowered female role models: ‘I’m the real chess queen. Chess master who made it to the top’ (Metro)
‘I could play a 25-year-old. Jane Seymour on staying young’ (Times) ‘The yoga queen who says try t’ai chi’ (Times)
Meanwhile the Mail asks: ‘Would you accept a “mummy salary” from your husband?’
Celia Walden in the Telegraph wisely points out: ‘No 10 battle of the sexes demeans them and us’ – meaning, I think, not so much men and women in general but the power players in Downing Street and us the public?
Vanessa Feltz in the Express: ‘Why Diana is still queen of our hearts’
We also have: ‘Sexism and sport with Judy Murray’ in the ‘i’ and in the same organ: ‘Love life rusty? Send for the sex robots’
Plus, Tsitsi Dangaremga: ‘Booker nominee awaiting trail’ [in Zimbabwe] ‘I didn’t see myself being arrested’ – watch out Salman Rushdie, he’s had the Iranian mullahs breathing down his neck for decades but as the UK moves inexorably towards islamic hate [read blasphemy] laws they may be coming for him here too.
What of us chaps? As Bonnie Tyler once exclaimed “I need a hero”
Can our newspapers deliver for the guys? ‘How I’m a Celeb Shane blew millions’ (Mirror) – nope, this bloke’s a dud.
They will give us: ‘Stewart leads drive to knight Hamilton’ (Telegraph) and ‘Lewis Hamilton “why I cannot stay silent’ (Guardian).
No wonder our diamond ear-studded racer drove straight outta Stevenage: ‘Blue Wall protests against petrol car ban’ (Telegraph)
Argos to sell vaccine
Fake vaccine warning
I got the vaccine but still got ill sez TV chef
Bronzed beauty frolics on beach … flaunts ….
Vaccine makers’ link to slavery
I hate the way they title these fact-checky type articles – ‘No, there is no evidence…’, as if they are imagining a dissenter standing there as they write it, and themselves personally telling them where to stuff it.
So unprofessional…
Me too….I wonder where it will all end especially if you look at what the Law commission is trying to put into Law.
Basically only White heterosexual men won’t have the legal protection from hate crime…and what you say in your home will also be unprotected – it really is 1984..
Away from Covid and other stories. I was watching a video about the Red Flag war games in Nevada from a Buccaneer pilot’s viewpoint. At about at 8 mins, he brought up a comment about the BBC in the Falklands. The Argentines were dropping the bombs too low. The beeb kindly reported this. Result Sir Galahad destroyed with 48 dead British personnel. Another example of the beauty’s “patriotism” and a pilot’s contempt for the beeb.
Yes thats a true story about the BBBC it was broadcast on the World Service even then they were blatantly stupid , an old friend of mine was on HMS Antrim having to pull out an unexploded 500lb bomb…ironically they were ex WW2 that we sold them . He was one of six ” volunteers ” to step forward to pull it out !
OAN is now reporting on this. Make no mistake, this is happening and the apparent ‘national security briefing’ Biden and Harris are attending today may very well be on the fraud and offering them plea bargains.
The BBC is about to be humiliated, along with the other fake news corporate media outlets pushing this lie.
So, right out of the block, @afneil declaring @GBNewsUK will be no different to Sky, BBC, MSNBC, CNN and will wilfully ignore stories that don't align with its agenda. This behaviour is now rife across all corporate media. Journalism no longer resides there.
Apparently – it won’t be starting until March – with AN doing a nightly homily about being screwed over the Non Johnson interview which still seems to pain him . …
Neil is another one with a visceral hatred of Trump. It’s very obvious whenever he talks about him. This blinds him to the possibility of there being any truth to the fraud allegations.
So earlier i went to long into my AOL email account.
There was a news item entitled “The 2020 election wasn’t ‘stolen.’ Here are all the facts that prove it.”
Now, here is the opening gambit ……..
The United States has been conducting presidential elections for 232 years. No modern candidate has ever refused to accept the results and recognize the winner’s legitimacy.
In this sense, 2020 could be different from any contest since the Civil War — if President Trump continues to claim that President-elect Joe Biden “stole” the election from him.
But every indication is that the 2020 election, conducted in the midst of a pandemic, with by far the most votes ever cast, was run honestly and the results tabulated accurately — a tribute to the professionalism and integrity of officials across the country.
I mean FFS. Really ??? FFS. The bubble world is a different universe !!! I could no read anymore.
Imagine that – the red tories thinking about cutting the overseas give away budget – the one where we borrow money then give it away whilst you taxpayer – pay the interest and repayments …. what is it now ? £20 thousand million .?
Clark County is no smoking gun so far
: In a local vote 139 discrepancies were found , so that local vote has been thrown out
Trump’s tweet makes a lot of this
but he doesn’t explain that doesn’t affect the Nevada presidential vote which has been certified.
Sydney Powell’s voting machine story is compelling
but it affected by a good rule in David Grimes failed paper.
That hidden-conspiracies can be real if only a few people are involved
but once you have a huge number of people in a conspiracy there will be leaks over time.
If you have such a conspiracy theory, and you can’t find leaks then that means your conspiracy theory can’t be true.
The Nevada thing does prove one thing
that the media are liars
The MSM’s line is that there is no evidence of electoral discrepancies anywhere, the fact that this minor local vote was thrown own disproves that.
Seriously…the position of these two stories and accompanying photos does not work well on phone App @BBCNews. May I suggest you attend to it? pic.twitter.com/M6CqyI8HHE
— #OhMG???????????????????????????? (@MarkGleaves) November 17, 2020
I hope as a Scot and a British subject that Boris is laying a trap for the SNP.
That,s the way to fight them……….DISASTER for Scotland….
That needs to be followed up withj a drip feed of what these “Disasters” have been….
The first one I recall was them writing off in excess of £400 million of uncollected (Poll tax/Community charge)
as a sweetner ahead of the 2014 referendum (once in a generation)
This has been followed up by a large number of shambles with the current one being an admission that the Crown led a set of malicious charges. Just think about that the Crown, headed by a Lord Advocate in conjunction with the police and no doubt with SNP knowledge conspiring to hatch a set of malicious charges
which the papers say could cost £100 million in damages.
The SNP has been a financial disaster for Scotland and portrayed us as bunch of grievance mongers which alone is enough to condemn these cretins to history,s junk pile.
Dont expect any input from the bBC in documenting their disastrous leadership and governance….
Why don’t the Scots use the Dominion voting machine for their next referendum vote.
Then, they can have whatever result they want.
It will never be questioned because of it’s part of the most secure and honest vote ever in the USA
One problem might be if the hated English supply these Dominion machines which means the result will go the way the English want.
Unless the USA wants a different result and their Dominion machines will give the result the USA wants.
One thing you can guarantee, there will be ‘no evidence’ showing any vote fixing (unless you look for it and then it will be hushed up)
TWW, “Sadly, the outgoing PM, Doris is not clever enough to lay a trap for the SNP. ”
1. If he bungles Brexit then he IS toast; the back-benchers will have him replaced by Rishi Sunak.
2. Cummings would have been clever enough and now he’s gone. Bojo, what have you done!
You will notice that the Scottish National Socialists always talk about “the people living in Scotland” as the electorate in any referendum.
In this way, you can see that they plan to give the vote to any immigrants who turned up yesterday, but deny the vote to all the Scots who live in other parts of the UK.
In any future referendum, the Westminster government really needs to crack down on this. David Cameron handled it in a typically amateurish old-Etonian way, and nearly paid the price. He didn’t learn of course, and his luck ran out in the next referendum.
At the very least, any future Scottish referendum must be limited to voters aged over 18. No non-British people should be allowed to vote, and anyone born in Scotland, but living elsewhere in the UK must have a vote. Scotland is still their homeland even if they live south of the border.
Added to this, the future economic relationship of Scotland to the rest of the UK must be set out. The Scots Nazis must not be allowed to get away with fudging vital questions such as which currency Scotland will use (hint: not the pound sterling).
Only if these safeguards are in place should another Scottish referendum be contemplated, and it should be a condition that no more such referenda should be allowed for at least 50 years.
While the lying BBC persists in its nothing-to-see-here attitude towards allegations of vote rigging against Dominion / Smartmatic, a contact in Venezuela informs me that it’s common knowledge there that the software was developed specifically to get the Chavistas into power and keep them there.
THIS is how to treat the lying beeb: with the contempt they so richly deserve.
A Trump rally organiser begins an interview with a snide BBC ‘reporter’ (I use the term loosely) with the words:
“Your country’s opinions stopped mattering in our country in 1776, so when you’re putting this fake news on your network…”
There were, according to your graph, dips in 1989, 1991 and 1994 too, why was that?
Mass vaccination has been around for a good sixty years so why has ‘autism’ become a ‘thing’, almost as if it was invented in 1988 and got more popular ever since? A pretty linear growth rate indeed, don’t you think? Could it map the rise in mother-only households, the feminisation of education, women’s football?
It’s almost like people only begin to notice something when other people claim to have noticed it.
(Probably explains why the MSM is determined not to notice anyone noticing fraud in the US election!)
Daily Mail ”A great-grandmother will be evicted from her care home after having an ‘unauthorised’ visit through an open patio door with her police officer daughter.
Elizabeth Bow, 78, who has dementia, has been ordered to leave Aspen Hill Village”
TalkRadio now Sky News exclusive: A total of 682 children referred for ‘far right involvement’ in 2017-18, compared with 131 in 2014-15 – a more than five-fold increase,”
FFS no one calls 17 year olds children, they are youths.
The report talks up “a few under 10”
“The total for 2017-18 includes 24 children under the age of 10.”
Also interesting they don’t give 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 data
I take that is that the NGO has compiled PR and gone to Sky.
All reports quote Nigel Bromage, founder of Exit UK
” former neo-Nazi tells Sky News that video games and extremist content on social media are being used to recruit children.”
Of course all non-defensive violence is wrong
and he was right to stop when he got into it.
But the issue of failing to stop Islamic terrorism or lefty-terrorism cos attention is misdirected towards to concerns for the far-right.
There is a saying in analysis “show me the bodies”
And there are lots of dead bodies from attacks by organised Islamist terrorism
but none-from actual far right organised terrorism.
Distributions that would not be expected to obey Benford’s law
Where numbers are assigned sequentially: e.g. check numbers, invoice numbers
Where numbers are influenced by human thought: e.g. prices set by psychological thresholds ($1.99)
Accounts with a large number of firm-specific numbers: e.g. accounts set up to record $100 refunds
Accounts with a built-in minimum or maximum
Distributions that do not span an order of magnitude of numbers.
All the signs point towards Boris being about to make a marked change in political direction and selling out the right-leaning electorate that gave him such a decisive majority. RIP Democracy.
I think we need to think very carefully over the “Boris now under girlfriends woke thumb” story being pushed hard by the BBC.
The BBC are 100% the mouthpiece for Labour and just want a Labour Government so they have adopted what I would call “Jenga tactics”, i.e. keep pulling out pieces until the whole lot crashes down.
Their current mission is to alienate Boris and therefore the Conservative government from the hordes of Northern voters who swept him into power because without this there is little chance of a Labour turnaround.
So seizing on the as yet unproven “story” that Cummings, the evil Brexit architect has been given his cards (nudge, nudge, was it Carrie?) they are now trying the next step up which is to trash Boris as a hard-headed negotiator.
What better way to change the minds of all those stalwart Northern folk than to show Boris as being a cuckold to a woke girly?
There is no way they want Boris to become acceptable to the woke left, they simply want him to be unacceptable to the Red Wall voters….
I think we will watch this strategy unfold over the coming weeks and months. I would hope that Boris and his close advisors see this and take firm steps to nip it in the bud.
A good start would be to grow some balls and halt the talks with the circling sharks and BBC buddies in the EU and leave now with no deal, job done!
Boris should certainly not go all pinky, greeny to try to cosy up to a possible new left wing Government in the USA, they won’t give a damn anyway, money is all they will care about!
I wish that were true, but I think there’s real substance to it unfortunately. The Times seems to have a pretty close ear to the internal goings-on in government, and they have said pretty much the same thing (not necessarily the same opinion, but the same in terms of where the power shift is and subsequent politics are heading). But, like you say, let’s wait and see how all this actually unfolds.
The Big Green Red & Black Flag still flying outside BBC building to signify who is in residence
4:30pm Poet Vanessa Kisuule and environmental writer Jonathon Porritt talk books with presenter Harriett Gilbert. Jonathon chooses Hiroshima “traces the lives of these six characters in the forty years after the atomic bomb.”
Vanessa picks the graphic novel Sabrina “Teddy spends his days listening to Albert Douglas, a radio host who has built a following by claiming that most acts of terrorism are staged by a government eager to strip the American people of their freedom”
and Harriett goes for a poetry collection: Inside the Wave (poetry about the “borderline between the living and the dead”)
at 3:30pm nother Green prog : I Believe I Can Fly?
Tom Heap asks what lies ahead for aviation and its environmental impact, post-pandemic.
“Cases” of Chinese flu without symptoms obviously don’t matter, so why are the media so pleased/alarmed when lots of them are discovered? One might even say, the more such cases there are, the better.
11:30am a black person’s prog about British folklore
“Being of Caribbean and British descent, Zakia is sensitive to the darker histories that connect these two places ”
– BAME musician telling us Things that English people think were invented here weren’t
– feminist morris troupe,
eek! the first ep of ‘my albion’ goes live on @BBCRadio4 this morning at 11.30am! the series explores the songs, stories, symbols – and the complexities – of british national identity, spiralling from the personal, to the pagan, and the political ✨(…) https://t.co/cbnMCZSFip
R4 10am Woman’s Hour “The woman who developed the idea of net-zero emissions*, Farhana Yamin is number 2 on this year’s WH power list.
Plus Jo Whitfield, CEO Co-op Food and artist Chila Kumari Burman.”
* I have doubt
NZE mentioned at the beginning of Twitter in Nov 2008
Farhana Yamin first mentioned on Twitter Aug 14, 2009
She is an internationally recognised environmental lawyer, #ClimateChange and development policy expert
Extinction Rebellion’s finest moment.
Ex-soldier who led Cenotaph XR protest is convicted heroin dealer who is also accused of abusing his disabled wife https://mol.im/a/8942583
“jailed for four years in 2007 after being caught pushing his wheelchair-bound wife around the streets of Cambridge – while peddling heroin at the same time.”
I’m sure that’s heading straight for the BBC headline article; right next to another article explaining that the wheelchair-bound wife is, in fact, a right-wing Nazi that’s performed mind control on this poor left-wing chap and… ahh no, that can’t happen, wheelchair person is female. Try again: seller of wife’s wheelchair is found to be bearded, tattooed man – who normally wears a Trump t-shirt and is a member of the Nazi party – who performed mind control on poor left-wing chap to do horrible right-wing things like selling drugs and abusing wife. He was also made to commit the heinous crime of saying that he thought he was a ‘man’, and that he considered his wife to be a ‘woman’. He is currently undergoing brain-washing reversal by BBC staff.
Considering that Gary Lineker is THE thorn in the public’s side then why are we not surprised. In fact aside from these two and Maitless, I’m hard pushed to think of any other ‘outspoken’ stars that these rules would apply to ! I do wonder how far Lineker would have to go before he IS reprimanded by the BBC, because he’s apparently bombproof and knows it.
The BBC haven't provided a response yet re the attached article/my run-in with one of their presenters over her claim that racism against white people isn't racism etc. But shortly after it being published & me asking them for comment, the BBC has been removed from her bio ???? https://t.co/nZ4y7xZdJMpic.twitter.com/2gA1DxiQ5c
Soros ? he’s not mentioned, nor his Open Society Foundation
UK people mentioned : Bernard Looney, Chief Executive Officer, bp,
– Nick Stern, Chair, Grantham big green hedgefund front guy
Soros attended Davos in 2020. Along with Ursula von der Leyen (President of the Euro-peeing Commission). And The Donald. Presumably Members of the Board of Trustees of the WEF were in attendance, people like Al Gore and Mark Carney. And let’s not forget Greta ‘bottle of Lambrini’ plus, er, the Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone.
Next year’s Davos has been re-arranged, BTW. The snowy backdrop of the Swiss mountains is not great when you’re banging on about Global Warming. Supposed to be taking place in May, now. They’ll announce the offical end of Covid-19 but urge continued lockdowns and face nappies so ‘We can now defeat Climate Change together and Build Back Better for the Billionaires’. Boris and the Scottish Femme-Führer are already salivating at the prospect.
Like being back in the Thatcher era:
fight crime by giving young offenders a “short, sharp shock”
Or just tazer everyone into submission on the back of the annual flu virus
To give perspective, we need the % of white parents adopting BAME children and, vitally, the % of BAME parents adopting white children. That % then has to be weighted against the ratio of BAME/white children available for adoption. I must admit I didn’t read the article, but knowing the BBC I very much doubt that the numbers have been weighted correctly or given a proper comparison. Just love being lectured about white privilege by an army of truly privileged, white Middle class, Uni-educated, woke, tossers!
Ha. More Al Beeb race baiting bullshit again.
The late 70s and 80s saw many black West Indians plying their trade in the English county game. They were good at what they did. Bowl fast or hit the ball hard. Nowadays. Not so many because WI cricket is a bit of a shambles. Plenty of black players for England at the highest levels, Devon Malcolm, Alec Tudor, Gladstone Small to name a few, not forgetting Al Beebs latest pin up Joffre Archer.
Not BBC, more Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates bias.
I have been searching for another Windows laptop, so when I log on to Amazon up pops a “select your perfect Windows 10 laptop” screen. Which is poorly designed.
At the bottom of the screen there are two photographs.
#1 Of an Asian women, from Muzzie rapists and bombers Asia, not Japan.
#2 Of five women, two as #1, one from Japan/Korea, two possibly European, but they are on the periphery.
Next I expect all the European women will be as prominent as white men, absent.
Follow the “learn more” buttons, and a man is shown, black hand on the keyboard.
Probably borrowed from the BBC archives, where they have eight million photographs of black hands on keyboards, including piano keyboards.
Where they also have eight million photographs of white hands, holding Crocodile Dundee size knives.
It must be the BBC “Reality Check” department.
Several photographs of pale hands, ownership in doubt. Dianne Abbott photographs? No heads shown!
Eventually, at the bottom of the screen, two white heads.
Both with a beard, BBC cameras malfunction in the presence of shaved skin.
Excellent news – let’s hope he turns up in the commons to spend the rest of his burnt out career scowling – or calling out ‘Tory scum ‘ like other members of the shadow cabinet he appointed ….
But I’m guessing he won’t be going to Israel for his holidays ….
Hang on a tick guys. I would hazard a guess that one of the reasons we have a Conservative — really??? government is down to people’s doubts about Jezza. Where has that got us? Jezza the re-make???? To say I’m disappointed is an understatement but hey ho life goes on.
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – All together now, let’s all bash the President of the USA UK general (sorry, name forgotten)…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van Thanks for responding . I do value it . Im particularly interested because in those moments after the nuclear…
Van HelsingMar 4, 19:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, The Russian economy is in a mess – the ruble’s value has plummeted, interest rates are high and (most…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isn’t wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
That’s a blow.
BBC ready to interview washing machine sales folk in Westminster?
Sorry – I’m confused – does it mean I have to pay more or less ?
“State support”?
Surely a gentleman takes one’s weight on one’s elbows!
Me either.
So two BAMEs didn’t get what they thought they deserved. Nasty racist cricket!
Holder is/was a good umpire and is rolled out on TMS a couple times a season in their ‘ask the umpire slot’. I confess to never have heard of the other chap, perhaps a household name in his own household? I assume a good solid county pro at some time…..
CNN appearance fees?
BBC then just RTs. Cheap bastids.
Who was in charge back in 2010?
Seven thousand in three hundred and fifty million?
I bet more dogs were reported missing.
@JimS see how Trump’s America is 75 times LESS hatey than the UK
“Official figures show 105,090 hate crimes were recorded in 2019/20,
which is a rise of 8%, compared with 97,446 offences in 2018/19.”
(75 = 15 x 5) UK has 15 times the hate crime with fifth of the population.
What does the ‘A’ in BAME stand for?
I’ve noticed in the last couple of weeks the BBC are now using the word “black” to describe Muslims, Indians or Orientals. They are taking us back to the 1960 where there was either whites and non whites.
I guess the BBC are just following the latest directive from Prof of Genders and Racial Studies from the BLM University.
Not all they misuse.
That is implied in the term ‘BAME’ surely?
For most of England the ‘ME’s, i.e. Asians, must vastly outnumber ‘our’ Blacks, the Caribbean church-goers with names like Smith.
It must really put the noses of the Audi/Mercedes owning Asian class out of joint to play second fiddle to these ‘blacks’, put at the front of the queue, especially as most of the whinging ones seem to be newcomers from the dark continent with names using the leftover letters from Scrabble.
….. newcomers from the dark continent with names using the leftover letters from Scrabble…..
BRILLIANT !! best chuckle of the day Jim.
A Polish chap went to apply for a driving licence.
First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters:
‘C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.’
“Can you read this?” the optician asked.
“Read it?” the Polish chap replied, “I know the guy.”
Which is scary as it’s no longer a simple description and more of an ‘us an them’.
Why is the bbc doing this?
BBC disingenuous and race baiting again…the devil is in the detail. Which subjects, which part of country and how many applied?
So if 10,000 Whites applied and 500 Black then the figures wouldn’t be an issue…there are also PT and FT PhD’s. And the final total only came from 50 universities
BBC as usual looking for things that are not there..never looks at lack of men in areas, never looks at poor performance of white kids, always plays the poverty card for BAME even though Indians and Chinese Asians are the most successful…why is that?
Why are the bBBC ‘researching’ (active campaigning) non issues?
Why don’t they ‘research’ ……
Illegal immigration
Non deportation of criminal Illegal immigrants
Violence by antifa and BLM
Wokery thuggery
Vote switching
Cancellation of free speech
Cancellation of people with different viewpoints
Football and rugby fans who don’t want lady commentators
Valid fears of islamists who want to blow you up or decapitate you
Black football players being over represented in football
White actors under represented in tv advertising
I could go on and on and on……….
And why is their website all personal stories etc and little actual grown up news from around the world on the front page?
Judging by this story and the many others every single day on its website, there must hundred of BBC “research” teams looking into and investigating these things in order to come up with these one-sided accounts of apparent discrimination.
In fact, these “research” teams seem to do little else. As mentioned here previously, almost every page on the BBC website (even the business section) has endless stories about racism and in the most innocuous of situations and while bigging up the courage of asylum seekers (illegal immigrants) and their fellow travellers.
Of course, there is never any discussion of discrimination working in the opposite direction such as the casting of actors and actresses in TV advertisements to the point that it feels one is watching a Nigerian channel.
Is that a black person in the picture?
‘Market of color’, surely?
Wow – £300 quid a baby – what ‘benefits ‘ would I get if I bought a few ? I think I’d be floating that one on the FTSE … baby shares ….
Funny isn’t it, the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation can investigate child abduction and exploitation of Black Children in Kenya but is unable to investigate the exploitation and abuse of BRITISH white children in England despite having £3.5 billion of our money to do it!
Several subjects on which to ponder this morning. Mainly on the theme of British self-loathing. As BBC on-line news attempts to make something of: ‘Johnson “called Scottish devolution a disaster”‘ we ponder the range of rude epithets Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP have routinely employed to describe the Westminster government.
As the frequency and virulence of attacks on (let’s face it) the Boris Brexit government increase up to Christmas we pause for a moment to recall the late Bobby Ball and his catchphrases. There was “rock on, Tommy” his exclamation of enthusiasm with reference to his comedy partner, Tommy Cannon. But there was also “You really hate me, don’t you, deep down, Tommy, you really hate me”
And so it is that the BBC on-line newspaper review editors decide to put the freebie Metro at the top of the pile this morning with their headline: ‘Gizza jab mate. Britain back of the queue for US drug’
Given the Telegraph’s: ‘Hancock won’t rule out mandatory vaccine’ – you’ll perhaps notice me as I will definitely be edging toward the far end of the queue, for this rushed to market, with manufacturers guarenteed immunity from liability, new drug.
The FT perhaps sees itself catering to a less parochial and more world focused audience – and of course a more business-minded constituency. Their headline is far more positive: ‘Moderna vaccine’s 94% efficiency in trials boost hopes for Covid battle’ – clearly the FT sees this as good news: ‘US-backed group hails validation. Fast-track approval sought. Simple storage promised’
The FT waxes poetic with their syntax – all for the love of Brussels: ‘Frost’s 2016 prediction for Brexit talks proves chilly omen of his plight today’ – Wow. Contrast that with the Star’s tired old joke on Boris: ‘You may feel a little prick’
The ‘i’ also doesn’t discern any problems with our vaccines policy: ‘New vaccine hope for end to pandemic’ likewise the Times: ‘Vaccination rescue plan is given a fresh boost. Britain buys 5m doses of “most promising” jab’
But if you peruse the papers you will find more knockers: ‘Scramble for vaccines amid fears Britain may miss out on supplies’ (Guardian) ‘2nd vaccine unveiled but Brits won’t get it until spring thanks to pre-order shambles’ (Star)
I can’t help but notice that those Left-leaning voices habitually calling out government cock-ups have the same recipe of ever more government control over ever more areas of our lives – leaving us prone to ever more government cock-ups.
Our press don’t just bring us daily cock-ups and knockers, they tend to promote positive empowered female role models: ‘I’m the real chess queen. Chess master who made it to the top’ (Metro)
‘I could play a 25-year-old. Jane Seymour on staying young’ (Times) ‘The yoga queen who says try t’ai chi’ (Times)
Meanwhile the Mail asks: ‘Would you accept a “mummy salary” from your husband?’
Celia Walden in the Telegraph wisely points out: ‘No 10 battle of the sexes demeans them and us’ – meaning, I think, not so much men and women in general but the power players in Downing Street and us the public?
Vanessa Feltz in the Express: ‘Why Diana is still queen of our hearts’
We also have: ‘Sexism and sport with Judy Murray’ in the ‘i’ and in the same organ: ‘Love life rusty? Send for the sex robots’
Plus, Tsitsi Dangaremga: ‘Booker nominee awaiting trail’ [in Zimbabwe] ‘I didn’t see myself being arrested’ – watch out Salman Rushdie, he’s had the Iranian mullahs breathing down his neck for decades but as the UK moves inexorably towards islamic hate [read blasphemy] laws they may be coming for him here too.
What of us chaps? As Bonnie Tyler once exclaimed “I need a hero”
Can our newspapers deliver for the guys? ‘How I’m a Celeb Shane blew millions’ (Mirror) – nope, this bloke’s a dud.
They will give us: ‘Stewart leads drive to knight Hamilton’ (Telegraph) and ‘Lewis Hamilton “why I cannot stay silent’ (Guardian).
No wonder our diamond ear-studded racer drove straight outta Stevenage: ‘Blue Wall protests against petrol car ban’ (Telegraph)
Why not just make it up ?
Argos to sell vaccine
Fake vaccine warning
I got the vaccine but still got ill sez TV chef
Bronzed beauty frolics on beach … flaunts ….
Vaccine makers’ link to slavery
Republican lawyers claim to have a ton of evidence of vote rigging through the use of Dominion machines and Smartmatic software.
How very reassuring that the BBC have fact-checked the allegations.
After a solid 5 minutes cutting and pasting from the NYT and WaPo they reached their verdict: “There is no evidence to support this claim.”
So that’s alright then.
They’re clearly starting to panic a little – nice to see.
I hate the way they title these fact-checky type articles – ‘No, there is no evidence…’, as if they are imagining a dissenter standing there as they write it, and themselves personally telling them where to stuff it.
So unprofessional…
The news on the wireless at 7am, 8am and 9am all headlining that ‘we may not come out of lockdown’ in early in December.
Yet more one world order subliminal messages being pushed to the scared and huddled masses….
Then a clarification by Robert Jenrick, that to extend the lockdown would mean having to make the case before parliament, waffle waffle waffle.
I dispair.
Me too….I wonder where it will all end especially if you look at what the Law commission is trying to put into Law.
Basically only White heterosexual men won’t have the legal protection from hate crime…and what you say in your home will also be unprotected – it really is 1984..
Away from Covid and other stories. I was watching a video about the Red Flag war games in Nevada from a Buccaneer pilot’s viewpoint. At about at 8 mins, he brought up a comment about the BBC in the Falklands. The Argentines were dropping the bombs too low. The beeb kindly reported this. Result Sir Galahad destroyed with 48 dead British personnel. Another example of the beauty’s “patriotism” and a pilot’s contempt for the beeb.
Yes thats a true story about the BBBC it was broadcast on the World Service even then they were blatantly stupid , an old friend of mine was on HMS Antrim having to pull out an unexploded 500lb bomb…ironically they were ex WW2 that we sold them . He was one of six ” volunteers ” to step forward to pull it out !
Yes, that’s right. Think the DG was made to grovel uncomfortably by the PM for that. Thereafter, the BBC reports were very, very, circumspect.
I became a news addict during the Falklands War.
It took the Knaves of Wegativity thirty-eight (38!) years to cure me with their Waves of Negativity four months ago.
Fights break out – panic buying –
‘Deckies ’
The last Turkey
Sprout wars
Brandy butter shortages
The End of The World … now the weather
“Will it snow at Christmas carol ?”
Boxing Day sales start early sez strictlys’ len
OT but… I do love these #prasnews that mean cubicle gardeners do not need to leave the hive.
I will volunteer to help build the BBC Ark for free.
OAN is now reporting on this. Make no mistake, this is happening and the apparent ‘national security briefing’ Biden and Harris are attending today may very well be on the fraud and offering them plea bargains.
The BBC is about to be humiliated, along with the other fake news corporate media outlets pushing this lie.
Ah well.
Good luck with that Brillo.
The bbc did of course, perfect #guiltbyassociation long ago.
So the basis is in irony.
Apparently – it won’t be starting until March – with AN doing a nightly homily about being screwed over the Non Johnson interview which still seems to pain him . …
Neil is another one with a visceral hatred of Trump. It’s very obvious whenever he talks about him. This blinds him to the possibility of there being any truth to the fraud allegations.
So earlier i went to long into my AOL email account.
There was a news item entitled “The 2020 election wasn’t ‘stolen.’ Here are all the facts that prove it.”
Now, here is the opening gambit ……..
The United States has been conducting presidential elections for 232 years. No modern candidate has ever refused to accept the results and recognize the winner’s legitimacy.
In this sense, 2020 could be different from any contest since the Civil War — if President Trump continues to claim that President-elect Joe Biden “stole” the election from him.
But every indication is that the 2020 election, conducted in the midst of a pandemic, with by far the most votes ever cast, was run honestly and the results tabulated accurately — a tribute to the professionalism and integrity of officials across the country.
I mean FFS. Really ??? FFS. The bubble world is a different universe !!! I could no read anymore.
Covid: Mouthwash ‘can kill virus in lab in 30 seconds’
So, the mouthwash acts a bit like bleach then?
Or even like alchohol gels?
It says Do Not Swallow on the bottle.
Good for cleaning dirty telephones and keyboards.
This guy gets it. They are a joke. Unless he is Treezer’s CoS.
???? The Crown: fact or fiction?
I recall a trailer the other day that said ‘based on…’
Hope that helps, BBC.
Imagine that – the red tories thinking about cutting the overseas give away budget – the one where we borrow money then give it away whilst you taxpayer – pay the interest and repayments …. what is it now ? £20 thousand million .?
Meanwhild BBC makes tick box drama no one can be bothered with ….
Clark County is no smoking gun so far
: In a local vote 139 discrepancies were found , so that local vote has been thrown out
Trump’s tweet makes a lot of this
but he doesn’t explain that doesn’t affect the Nevada presidential vote which has been certified.
Sydney Powell’s voting machine story is compelling
but it affected by a good rule in David Grimes failed paper.
That hidden-conspiracies can be real if only a few people are involved
but once you have a huge number of people in a conspiracy there will be leaks over time.
If you have such a conspiracy theory, and you can’t find leaks then that means your conspiracy theory can’t be true.
The Nevada thing does prove one thing
that the media are liars
The MSM’s line is that there is no evidence of electoral discrepancies anywhere, the fact that this minor local vote was thrown own disproves that.
But there ARE leaks allegedly – lots of them. To be revealed soon.
Works for me. Hilarious I’d say.
What the hell does Femi Olowule know about anything?
Can’t he get a job pretending to buy sofas or snogging a white woman?
“Fisherfolk” has more of a ring to it.
What about ‘fisherprice”? …do you think that sometimes they just ‘try it on ‘ just to see how much they can abuse the language and decent people …?
???? the ploughing community
I hope as a Scot and a British subject that Boris is laying a trap for the SNP.
That,s the way to fight them……….DISASTER for Scotland….
That needs to be followed up withj a drip feed of what these “Disasters” have been….
The first one I recall was them writing off in excess of £400 million of uncollected (Poll tax/Community charge)
as a sweetner ahead of the 2014 referendum (once in a generation)
This has been followed up by a large number of shambles with the current one being an admission that the Crown led a set of malicious charges. Just think about that the Crown, headed by a Lord Advocate in conjunction with the police and no doubt with SNP knowledge conspiring to hatch a set of malicious charges
which the papers say could cost £100 million in damages.
The SNP has been a financial disaster for Scotland and portrayed us as bunch of grievance mongers which alone is enough to condemn these cretins to history,s junk pile.
Dont expect any input from the bBC in documenting their disastrous leadership and governance….
“I hope as a Scot and a British subject that Boris is laying a trap for the SNP”. If the case, he’ll balls it up as an absolute certainty.
Why don’t the Scots use the Dominion voting machine for their next referendum vote.
Then, they can have whatever result they want.
It will never be questioned because of it’s part of the most secure and honest vote ever in the USA
One problem might be if the hated English supply these Dominion machines which means the result will go the way the English want.
Unless the USA wants a different result and their Dominion machines will give the result the USA wants.
One thing you can guarantee, there will be ‘no evidence’ showing any vote fixing (unless you look for it and then it will be hushed up)
“Dominion”, eh? Sounds a bit colonial.
Under Para (12) above David Cameron is a Scot.
That means that from 1997 to 2019 the UK was continuously ruled by Scots.
Irish Republican Nichola Sturgeon is just jealous of the free trips to Brussels and Davos.
Sadly, the outgoing PM, Doris is not clever enough to lay a trap for the SNP.
He has just repeated something he overheard or read about somewhere and has been caught out whilst vocalising loudly in the presence of others…
He will retract, withdraw, pontificate and generally waffle about things, but at the end of the day do nothing.
Boris’s attempts at setting a trap will be as successful as Wile E. Coyote’s efforts against the Road Runner.
Beep beep!
TWW, “Sadly, the outgoing PM, Doris is not clever enough to lay a trap for the SNP. ”
1. If he bungles Brexit then he IS toast; the back-benchers will have him replaced by Rishi Sunak.
2. Cummings would have been clever enough and now he’s gone. Bojo, what have you done!
You will notice that the Scottish National Socialists always talk about “the people living in Scotland” as the electorate in any referendum.
In this way, you can see that they plan to give the vote to any immigrants who turned up yesterday, but deny the vote to all the Scots who live in other parts of the UK.
In any future referendum, the Westminster government really needs to crack down on this. David Cameron handled it in a typically amateurish old-Etonian way, and nearly paid the price. He didn’t learn of course, and his luck ran out in the next referendum.
At the very least, any future Scottish referendum must be limited to voters aged over 18. No non-British people should be allowed to vote, and anyone born in Scotland, but living elsewhere in the UK must have a vote. Scotland is still their homeland even if they live south of the border.
Added to this, the future economic relationship of Scotland to the rest of the UK must be set out. The Scots Nazis must not be allowed to get away with fudging vital questions such as which currency Scotland will use (hint: not the pound sterling).
Only if these safeguards are in place should another Scottish referendum be contemplated, and it should be a condition that no more such referenda should be allowed for at least 50 years.
OT, but #researchsuggests ????????
The MSM is beyond saving now.
More likely to be murdered, less likely to get a PhD. Things aren’t going too well.
Who are likely to be murdered ?
Normal church going black people ?
Nope, simple fact is one gang guy is likely to murder another gang guy
While the lying BBC persists in its nothing-to-see-here attitude towards allegations of vote rigging against Dominion / Smartmatic, a contact in Venezuela informs me that it’s common knowledge there that the software was developed specifically to get the Chavistas into power and keep them there.
THIS is how to treat the lying beeb: with the contempt they so richly deserve.
A Trump rally organiser begins an interview with a snide BBC ‘reporter’ (I use the term loosely) with the words:
“Your country’s opinions stopped mattering in our country in 1776, so when you’re putting this fake news on your network…”
“Most secure in American history”?
Try this on for size …
There were, according to your graph, dips in 1989, 1991 and 1994 too, why was that?
Mass vaccination has been around for a good sixty years so why has ‘autism’ become a ‘thing’, almost as if it was invented in 1988 and got more popular ever since? A pretty linear growth rate indeed, don’t you think? Could it map the rise in mother-only households, the feminisation of education, women’s football?
It’s almost like people only begin to notice something when other people claim to have noticed it.
(Probably explains why the MSM is determined not to notice anyone noticing fraud in the US election!)
Jim, “Could it map the rise in mother-only households, the feminisation of education, women’s football?”
Could add to that drug use, alcohol use and mis-diagnosis; distant past, past, near present times.
Glasgow City Council pledges to block misinformers on Facebook
including those who say “Lockdowns don’t work”.
The Glasgow-Diss-connect.
they going to block the WHO now?? im getting confused
Daily Mail ”A great-grandmother will be evicted from her care home after having an ‘unauthorised’ visit through an open patio door with her police officer daughter.
Elizabeth Bow, 78, who has dementia, has been ordered to leave Aspen Hill Village”
TalkRadio now
Sky News exclusive: A total of 682 children referred for ‘far right involvement’ in 2017-18, compared with 131 in 2014-15 – a more than five-fold increase,”
FFS no one calls 17 year olds children, they are youths.
The report talks up “a few under 10”
“The total for 2017-18 includes 24 children under the age of 10.”
Also interesting they don’t give 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 data
I take that is that the NGO has compiled PR and gone to Sky.
All reports quote Nigel Bromage, founder of Exit UK
” former neo-Nazi tells Sky News that video games and extremist content on social media are being used to recruit children.”
Of course all non-defensive violence is wrong
and he was right to stop when he got into it.
But the issue of failing to stop Islamic terrorism or lefty-terrorism cos attention is misdirected towards to concerns for the far-right.
There is a saying in analysis “show me the bodies”
And there are lots of dead bodies from attacks by organised Islamist terrorism
but none-from actual far right organised terrorism.
What is, ‘Benford’s Law’?
A decent explanation but importantly, visualise the Benfords curve in your mind:
Mindful of the Benford’s curve/graph, take Milwaukee, 325 Wards included. Analisys applying Benford’s Law:
Note, this was immediately ‘Locked’ by Twitter and Facebook. Something they don’t want slipping out……………
Distributions that would not be expected to obey Benford’s law
Where numbers are assigned sequentially: e.g. check numbers, invoice numbers
Where numbers are influenced by human thought: e.g. prices set by psychological thresholds ($1.99)
Accounts with a large number of firm-specific numbers: e.g. accounts set up to record $100 refunds
Accounts with a built-in minimum or maximum
Distributions that do not span an order of magnitude of numbers.
Clearly, the first on this list would apply.
Apologies if this has already been covered
Bye Biden Oldsters
Soylent Green was supposed to be science fiction, not a blueprint
If I were a member of a Biden population, that would sure be the, ‘kiss of death’ for me.
I think survival rate for over 75 years old is still of the order of 9 out of 10 if they catch Covid
maybe bidens trying to drum up more voters for 2024
Brendan O’Neill is bang on the money here – https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/11/17/boris-has-bottled-out-of-the-culture-wars/
All the signs point towards Boris being about to make a marked change in political direction and selling out the right-leaning electorate that gave him such a decisive majority. RIP Democracy.
I think we need to think very carefully over the “Boris now under girlfriends woke thumb” story being pushed hard by the BBC.
The BBC are 100% the mouthpiece for Labour and just want a Labour Government so they have adopted what I would call “Jenga tactics”, i.e. keep pulling out pieces until the whole lot crashes down.
Their current mission is to alienate Boris and therefore the Conservative government from the hordes of Northern voters who swept him into power because without this there is little chance of a Labour turnaround.
So seizing on the as yet unproven “story” that Cummings, the evil Brexit architect has been given his cards (nudge, nudge, was it Carrie?) they are now trying the next step up which is to trash Boris as a hard-headed negotiator.
What better way to change the minds of all those stalwart Northern folk than to show Boris as being a cuckold to a woke girly?
There is no way they want Boris to become acceptable to the woke left, they simply want him to be unacceptable to the Red Wall voters….
I think we will watch this strategy unfold over the coming weeks and months. I would hope that Boris and his close advisors see this and take firm steps to nip it in the bud.
A good start would be to grow some balls and halt the talks with the circling sharks and BBC buddies in the EU and leave now with no deal, job done!
Boris should certainly not go all pinky, greeny to try to cosy up to a possible new left wing Government in the USA, they won’t give a damn anyway, money is all they will care about!
I wish that were true, but I think there’s real substance to it unfortunately. The Times seems to have a pretty close ear to the internal goings-on in government, and they have said pretty much the same thing (not necessarily the same opinion, but the same in terms of where the power shift is and subsequent politics are heading). But, like you say, let’s wait and see how all this actually unfolds.
The Big Green Red & Black Flag still flying outside BBC building to signify who is in residence
4:30pm Poet Vanessa Kisuule and environmental writer Jonathon Porritt talk books with presenter Harriett Gilbert. Jonathon chooses Hiroshima “traces the lives of these six characters in the forty years after the atomic bomb.”
Vanessa picks the graphic novel Sabrina “Teddy spends his days listening to Albert Douglas, a radio host who has built a following by claiming that most acts of terrorism are staged by a government eager to strip the American people of their freedom”
and Harriett goes for a poetry collection: Inside the Wave (poetry about the “borderline between the living and the dead”)
at 3:30pm nother Green prog : I Believe I Can Fly?
Tom Heap asks what lies ahead for aviation and its environmental impact, post-pandemic.
“Cases” of Chinese flu without symptoms obviously don’t matter, so why are the media so pleased/alarmed when lots of them are discovered? One might even say, the more such cases there are, the better.
11:30am a black person’s prog about British folklore
“Being of Caribbean and British descent, Zakia is sensitive to the darker histories that connect these two places ”
– BAME musician telling us Things that English people think were invented here weren’t
– feminist morris troupe,
Oh God, don’t you just want to say “oh, f……..k off” to the lot of ’em.
I listened to 5 minutes then off switch…apparently there is no evidence of British Culture and Identity..
The BBC needs defunding disbanding and debunking
Does R4 have any listeners any more? I doubt it…
R4 10am Woman’s Hour “The woman who developed the idea of net-zero emissions*, Farhana Yamin is number 2 on this year’s WH power list.
Plus Jo Whitfield, CEO Co-op Food and artist Chila Kumari Burman.”
* I have doubt
NZE mentioned at the beginning of Twitter in Nov 2008
Farhana Yamin first mentioned on Twitter Aug 14, 2009
She is an internationally recognised environmental lawyer, #ClimateChange and development policy expert
First mention of her and NZE December 2014
“Farhana Yamin’s simple yet radical idea: zero emissions
Ms. Yamin has been a key actor in getting that ambitious goal into the discussion of carbon emission reductions under way at the UN climate talks in Lima, Peru.”
“Christmas of course has long been a festival of white supremacy”
Extinction Rebellion’s finest moment.
Ex-soldier who led Cenotaph XR protest is convicted heroin dealer who is also accused of abusing his disabled wife https://mol.im/a/8942583
“jailed for four years in 2007 after being caught pushing his wheelchair-bound wife around the streets of Cambridge – while peddling heroin at the same time.”
I’m sure that’s heading straight for the BBC headline article; right next to another article explaining that the wheelchair-bound wife is, in fact, a right-wing Nazi that’s performed mind control on this poor left-wing chap and… ahh no, that can’t happen, wheelchair person is female. Try again: seller of wife’s wheelchair is found to be bearded, tattooed man – who normally wears a Trump t-shirt and is a member of the Nazi party – who performed mind control on poor left-wing chap to do horrible right-wing things like selling drugs and abusing wife. He was also made to commit the heinous crime of saying that he thought he was a ‘man’, and that he considered his wife to be a ‘woman’. He is currently undergoing brain-washing reversal by BBC staff.
Countryside Alliance is pushing their Chris Packham tweets story
but AFAIK Sept 2020
“BBC has told Gary Lineker, Chris Packham and other outspoken stars they will not be bound by New impartiality rules.”
Considering that Gary Lineker is THE thorn in the public’s side then why are we not surprised. In fact aside from these two and Maitless, I’m hard pushed to think of any other ‘outspoken’ stars that these rules would apply to ! I do wonder how far Lineker would have to go before he IS reprimanded by the BBC, because he’s apparently bombproof and knows it.
Chris Packham’s ok; I swear he was once inserting punk song titles into sentences on autumn watch.
Often RT’d by BBC American BS, amazingly.
If the New Yorker had a BFF, it would be the BBC.
Now, let’s just check their main line up for diversity…
Male, white
Male, white
Male, white
Female, peroxide white
Oh well.
Oops, forgot… the new fact checker.
Female, white, blonde, possibly still natural..
They could have sent the other one, but I guess he didn’t ‘fit’?
The BBC and stealth edits.
I was following this from the start because of the pile on, which is often media mates driven.
It fascinates how some incur full wrath whilst others get a gentle private reminder and quietly deal with the problem, with no more fuss.
Soros lives!!
Soros ? he’s not mentioned, nor his Open Society Foundation
UK people mentioned : Bernard Looney, Chief Executive Officer, bp,
– Nick Stern, Chair, Grantham big green hedgefund front guy
Stew, follow the money
Soros is THE principal at Davos
Soros attended Davos in 2020. Along with Ursula von der Leyen (President of the Euro-peeing Commission). And The Donald. Presumably Members of the Board of Trustees of the WEF were in attendance, people like Al Gore and Mark Carney. And let’s not forget Greta ‘bottle of Lambrini’ plus, er, the Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone.
A picure of Davos Man:
Next year’s Davos has been re-arranged, BTW. The snowy backdrop of the Swiss mountains is not great when you’re banging on about Global Warming. Supposed to be taking place in May, now. They’ll announce the offical end of Covid-19 but urge continued lockdowns and face nappies so ‘We can now defeat Climate Change together and Build Back Better for the Billionaires’. Boris and the Scottish Femme-Führer are already salivating at the prospect.
I’d prefer to read: “Soros dies!”
Sturgeon announces ‘short and sharp’ level 4 move
Like being back in the Thatcher era:
fight crime by giving young offenders a “short, sharp shock”
Or just tazer everyone into submission on the back of the annual flu virus
Lord Ahmed story doesn’t mention one important word in its title or entire text.
Clue : the party that kicked him out a few years ago
OAN have just reported that Ukraine wants Joe Biden on felony charges.
The dominoes are falling.
To give perspective, we need the % of white parents adopting BAME children and, vitally, the % of BAME parents adopting white children. That % then has to be weighted against the ratio of BAME/white children available for adoption. I must admit I didn’t read the article, but knowing the BBC I very much doubt that the numbers have been weighted correctly or given a proper comparison. Just love being lectured about white privilege by an army of truly privileged, white Middle class, Uni-educated, woke, tossers!
BBC News. Cricket is structurally racist.
Not enough cricketers of colour and no coloured umpires.
Ha. More Al Beeb race baiting bullshit again.
The late 70s and 80s saw many black West Indians plying their trade in the English county game. They were good at what they did. Bowl fast or hit the ball hard. Nowadays. Not so many because WI cricket is a bit of a shambles. Plenty of black players for England at the highest levels, Devon Malcolm, Alec Tudor, Gladstone Small to name a few, not forgetting Al Beebs latest pin up Joffre Archer.
They really are race-baiting barstewards
The bats, bales and wickets are unnecessarily pale as well.
Not BBC, more Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates bias.
I have been searching for another Windows laptop, so when I log on to Amazon up pops a “select your perfect Windows 10 laptop” screen. Which is poorly designed.
At the bottom of the screen there are two photographs.
#1 Of an Asian women, from Muzzie rapists and bombers Asia, not Japan.
#2 Of five women, two as #1, one from Japan/Korea, two possibly European, but they are on the periphery.
Next I expect all the European women will be as prominent as white men, absent.
Follow the “learn more” buttons, and a man is shown, black hand on the keyboard.
Probably borrowed from the BBC archives, where they have eight million photographs of black hands on keyboards, including piano keyboards.
Where they also have eight million photographs of white hands, holding Crocodile Dundee size knives.
It must be the BBC “Reality Check” department.
Several photographs of pale hands, ownership in doubt. Dianne Abbott photographs? No heads shown!
Eventually, at the bottom of the screen, two white heads.
Both with a beard, BBC cameras malfunction in the presence of shaved skin.
Black hands on keyboards, pale hands on knives.
Excellent news – let’s hope he turns up in the commons to spend the rest of his burnt out career scowling – or calling out ‘Tory scum ‘ like other members of the shadow cabinet he appointed ….
But I’m guessing he won’t be going to Israel for his holidays ….
He’s Back !
Al Beeb has just announced that Corbyn has been reinstated.
Did he actually leave ?
What IS their obsession with magic grandpa Corbin?
Outside the Islington/momentum bubble no one else gives a flying f@@* about him.
BBC News
The UK Labour party has reinstated former leader Jeremy Corbyn into the party, following his suspension last month, the BBC understands.
Of course they would. They can be very understanding..
Hang on a tick guys. I would hazard a guess that one of the reasons we have a Conservative — really??? government is down to people’s doubts about Jezza. Where has that got us? Jezza the re-make???? To say I’m disappointed is an understatement but hey ho life goes on.