Don’t dis the scotch egg – I am an addicted scotch egg fiend – £1.80 for 4 if I recall – or buy a posh one for a pound . They make an excellent three course meal with served with freshly squeezed own label tomato sauce …
Sadly Taffman I am still stranded overseas until mid December – but I’m going through the scotch egg withdrawal programme as the heathen country I’m in doesn’t do scotch eggs ….
As for the First Minister of Wales – I bet he needs better close protection these days – and that Scottish one might shut her mouth a bit since Scotland seems worse affected by covid than the hated English – who she wants to stop at the border ….
Tonight is the Beaver moon ……….????
Message to our Members of Parliament…………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
"So many people, from GOP functionaries to Fox News hosts, are helping President Trump undermine democracy by denying the election and attacking reality," CNN's @BrianStelter writes. "So many people are complicit." | Analysis https://t.co/z5WAxRv4pd
While so many more people, from the MSM to Big Tech, have helped Biden undermine democracy by denying the 2016 election and attacking Trump relentlessly. So many people are complicit, and hopefully will soon be prosecuted.
The Washington post – that investigative journo stalwart – seems not want to investigate vote rigging …. and has it seems concluded there wasn’t any …. how does that work .
I think the woke won’t be able to leave Mr Trump alone even if he is cheated out of office …..
…. but who would the next Republican candidate be ? Coloured female I guess – with a bit of military experience …
Maybe he can write a column in the guardian about being a victim … they like that kind of stuff – maybe he can have a bit of cadwalader cat lady crowd funding ‘ sucker cash ….
JimS – spooky – as I read your post I am listening to the album -night at the opera – can you guess which track has started ? Yes track 11 ( for Fedup fans and those monitoring this site it was the first LP my pocket money bought. I was 26 ).
( by the time you’ve read this Stew Green will have checked the track order )
And for Queen fans there is a 15 Minute YouTube video of Brian May talking through how they put the track together ….
As for the video every minute of the 6 – fantastic – a sure fire Christmas number 1 – again ….thank you for posting it
“UK-EU trade talks: UK still committed to EU deal as differences remain”.
Will Boris bottle it using the devastated economy caused by Covid as an excuse?
The Black Broadcasting Corporation feature a token BAME in a question on a round of Pointless.
None of the teams know who it is.
And neither do the public. It was a pointless answer.
Readers have varying views about covid lockdowns butbthis being a biased BBC site, I offer the following.
Wales, having had a short circuit lockdown, now are to have a new full lockdown.
This is first on the 6 pm news but the tone is very impartial. No implied criticism of the Labour welsh government.
But quickly its over to the forthcoming westminster vote. Cue coverage of Starmer whipping up the discontent followed by Laura Doomsberg doing a rare shift with the usual pursed lips.
You may or may not like the coverage, according to your disposition. But concerning the stark contrast in tone of the two stories, impartial it ain’t.
And so do ours.
Mrs S went this afternoon to the funeral of a neighbour who had been on the receiving end of that very treatment from our NHS Heroes
Sluff – condolences – people will look back one day and say ‘how did those fools accept that the disfunctional NHS monster was fit for its’ purpose ?” And even clap the thing ?
Evolution of how the left depicted election fraud pre-2020:
2005 – mail-in voter fraud is the biggest threat to election integrity (bipartisan report authored by former president Jimmy Carter)
2006 – Lou Dobbs reports for CNN on Dominion and its origins in Venezuela, cites their history of issues
2016 – BBC runs article on “how to spot a stolen election” on the same day as the US presidential election, which included – among other things – media misinformation, ballot-stuffing, pausing counting suddenly when behind only to take the lead when it resumes. After Trump won, the corporate media immediately claimed (with no evidence) that Russia had hacked the electronic voting machines. They also blamed Russia on Brexit for good measure, even though these were all paper ballots
Evolution of how the left has depicted election fraud in 2020:
Mid-year – no evidence that mail-in ballots increases risk of voter fraud
Immediately post-election – no evidence of any voter fraud
Mid-November – evidence of voter fraud indisputable: left claims no evidence of widespread voter fraud; no attempt to qualify their definition of ‘widespread in the context of a federal election
Late November (current) – evidence of voter fraud in multiple states: left claims no evidence that the proven voter fraud is enough to affect the results
Evolution of how the left will depict election fraud in the coming weeks:
Early December – probable cause to believe fraud did in fact affect the result: left will claim no evidence that US sources knew about these operations, left will blame Iran and/or China
Mid-December – US involvement proven; left will claim no evidence US intelligence services were involved
Late December – alphabet agency involvement proven; left will claim no evidence high-level Democrats were involved
Early January – DNC involvement proven; left will claim no Biden involvement
Mid-January – Biden involvement proven; left will claim no Obama/Clinton involvement
Late January – Obama/Clinton involvement proven; left will scream “orange man bad” and claim he has committed a coup
Laughing – but isn’t the big date something like 17 December when the Electoral college is due to certify the result ?
Strange how there are echoes of JFK – a different sort of presidential endings – when there were some many people and agencies with an interest with him not being there any more ….
President Trump repeatedly warned Americans that if they failed to reelect him, the stock market would implode. The Dow is having its best month since 1987. https://t.co/dZg9VGdZ1q
"Transparency in matters of health and, well, everything else, is fundamental to a functioning democracy," @CillizzaCNN writes. "And we have had the opposite of that for these last four years." | Analysis https://t.co/GiqadgNLUH
The Guardian are going after Alastair Henderson, a board member of the EHRC Human Rights Commission for tweets he has liked which called for greater tolerance of views not aligned with BLM, Homophobic crackdowns and etc.
It is clear to me that this is an obvious payback for the Commission criticising their dearly loved god-man Corbyn.
Reading the article, Mr Henderson comes across as a well-balanced being who’s only crime is to disagree with some of the more twisted political theology of the leftists and Marxists.
It is pretty obvious that the back-room activists at the Guardian have spent many hours rooting through every social media account they can to dig up twisted dirt and throw dung at him, they are below despicable!
I would come to the conclusion that Mr Henderson’s point of view is aligned with the overwhelming majority of normal sane and rational folk in the UK
This is not journalism it’s petty, vicious activism!
Yes when I read that you could smell the efforts of Corbyn mafia / guardian comrades desperately going through the backgrounds of anyone who crossed them .
Fortunately there is also fun with a Labour Party meeting in a London borough ending with 2 prominent lefty Israel / Jew haters being suspended from their party at the weekend ….
Apparently they don’t like that comrade Starmer won’t let comrade Corbyn have the Labour ‘whip’ back … I’d I thought he was more a knife in the back type
Lewis Hamilton is to guest edit Radio 4's Today programme. Could I suggest the following items.1) Why I prefer living in Monaco to Stevenage. 2) Why the UK should adopt the Monaco tax regime.3)Why the UK should start driving on the right like Monaco.
Local iTV news
riding with South Yorkshire Police as the turn away from difficult crime areas and instead roam middle class streets looking for Covid offenders
proudly turfing boyfriends out of their girlfriends houses etc.
No mention of the Shisha cafe event
Nor this
Police hunting four men after woman, 21, 'gang raped in park' South Yorkshire Police say two of the men involved were Eastern European and between 18 and 20 years old, the other two men were Asian – with one thought to be around 18 years old. https://t.co/aGMCR0IjzR
Forgive my language, but we should be hanging these buggers, and no two ways about it. The behaviour over the past twenty years or so by these loathsome individuals that the UK has generously allowed into the country, has been and still is utterly revolting and disgusting-if we are still so weak and so liberal as to not allow for Capital Punishment, then these vile people should be castrated-one of the worst things that can happen to a male follower of Islam.
Emboldened by its success at imprisoning the population over COVID, Channel 4 news reports that some official body called the HIV Commission is calling on the government to roll out nationwide testing for HIV…. they said many people think it only exists in the drug user community but not so they say. They managed of course to completely blank “that” section of society where it is most commonly rampant.
This Government controlled as it is by those that want a New World Order, will endeavour to have every person no matter, vaccinated with a vaccine that will not only cover the various coronavirus that have been around for years but in the needle will be a whole raft of other doses that will close our privacy’s-the powers will have us in their grasp. 1984? Getting closer by the day. We must demand total transparency with the forthcoming vaccination programme.
Does the government say how long we should take to eat the ‘substantial meal’?
I’ve been known to take three hours to eat a Scotch Egg before I even reach the centre.
Better still, choose something off the menu that you don’t like, drink all night and then ask for a doggy-bag for your pet. The wife will certainly appreciate her unexpected treat…. 🙂
Fed, bring it on. Sliced in quarters for me and doused in vinegar, washed down with a mug of Burrow Hill Cider….. Perfect and guaranteed to keep the ‘asian’ bag checkers at arms length when they conduct food bag searches at major summer sporting events..
Westers, Senora O’Blene makes the best ‘Tartan Cackleberries’ in the country!
When her folks ran a pub back in the sixties, these delicacies just flew off the shelves at 2/9 a pop! With a bag of crisps and a couple of pints of JC, one enjoyed the most fabulous lunch ever invented!
We have a special bottle of oil for deep-frying them, and an old saucepan from a wedding present in 1972! They’re made in threes, so one stays around for a further few minutes before being grabbed at a flying start by the fittest…
Dover, I heard the news edit interview with the red Tory who mentioned scotch eggs.
He waffled and was clearly out of his depth, sounded to me like he’d never ordered a round or even really knew what a bar was, apart from the one in the House of liars and thieves of course.
Doubt they have scotch egg on the ala cartel menu there….
So the Drakeford ‘firebreak’ lockdown in Wales has proved to be, as many predicted, pointless. So now it’s about preventing pubs selling alcohol from Friday….Yup, no beer and the populace cowering behind face masks, the leftist islamification of the British Isles continues under our very noses.
Don’t expect much of a red Tory rebellion tomorrow and anyhow the communist Labour Party will vote with Doris and his henchman as they love the smack of firm government.
It’s seriously time to think about rebellion in order to remind these frackers who is in charge.
Well, along with other stalwart public minded citizens, I’m called upon again to do my Civic Duty. Damn, again? Last time round, I was forced to go along to our Working Mans Club and help use up all the Reverend James that would otherwise be poured away. Funny it’s Rev. James again.
I’ll brace myself for later and tearing myself away from other things……………
While the lying BBC continues to ignore the issue of electoral fraud, public opinion in America is starting to turn.
According to Rasmussen, nearly half of those polled (47%) now believe there was enough fraud to ensure Biden would win in the recent elections, including 75% of Republicans & 30% of Democrats.
30% of Democrats!!
Almost half (47%) of U.S. likley voters now believe there was enough fraud to ensure Biden would win in the recent elections, including 75% of Republicans & 30% of Democrats. Please retweet. https://t.co/7BLJLfLQaJ
Amazing isn’t it. We have BBC Nick Bryant , Jon Sopel and Anthony Zurcher basically taking the piss out of President Trump and his fraud allegations , and they are doing this daily.
BBC line , nothing to see here !!!!
Yet, there is EVIDENCE cropping up everywhere. And they still see NOTHING. Yet look at that poll above !!!! It’s from the country they live in and on a subject they cover 24/7 and still nothing !!!!
They truly believe that these democrat loonies who burn down cities, riot and loot at every opportunity are incapable of vote fiddling . Yeah , ok.
No observers, room full of trump hating , radical lefties and a load of votes for Trump. What could go wrong hey ???
Our, “No Evidence” Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster needs reporters not the dregs of society who only comply with their Master’s demented Marxism.
Yesterday, I spent over an hour watching part of the legislative panel for Arizona hear evidence from Mayor Giuliani’s witnesses and observing their reaction. To a man and woman, they all seemed shocked at the story that unfolded on their watch. I expect good things to emerge from Arizona. Any communist judge along the way will be trampled upon.
The audience at this hearing literally gasped (and laughed) when indisputable statistical evidence was shown of the immensity of the fraud in just one case.
A series of inexplicable spikes amounting to approx 600,000 votes, with just 3,000 for Trump!
Now I’m not as well qualified as the army of BBC researchers but I make that 200 to 1 in favour of Biden.
If one steps back and realises how untruthful coverage of particular subjects has become – it gets to the stage that nothing can be trusted – voting – COVID – warming – population –
Where do people go when trust is gone ? And organisations provide ‘fact checking ‘ which is trusted even less …?
There can hardly be any story in the history of reporting that has been 100% true, particulary at the ‘just breaking stage’.
Traditionally words such as ‘reports are coming in’, ‘reportedly’, ‘it is alleged’, ‘witnesses say’ have allowed newspapers and broadcasters to rush out ‘news’ with a degree of separation that preserved some credibility as new ‘facts’ emerge.
Yet for this latest US Election we were being assured right from the start that there was no fraud, the BBC using words like ‘baseless’ across all of its news outlets. How can they have possibly have known that at that time?
Then couple that with the action of Facebook in placing warnings on posts that raise any question over the election and it must be obvious to anyone of any political persuasion that the ‘story’ had been written before the event – the official ‘truth’ and no dissent is permitted.
How do these ‘journalists’ sleep at night? If their conscience doesn’t trouble them then the thought that they might be the next up against the wall should.
Many on the left have whipped themselves into a hysterical frenzy and convinced themselves that Trump is literally evil, on a par with Hitler. Therefore any means that obstruct him are acceptable, and anything that might facilitate his victory must be ruthlessly opposed and suppressed.
“Mein Führer… you know that election you allowed, but we advised against on the basis that fascist dictators just don’t, er, have elections in the first place?”
MF: “Ja? Hurry up, I’m busy planning world domination.”
“Well, you lost.”
MF: “Pity. Oh well, back to painting postcards in the streets of Vienna for me. Good luck to the next guy”
All true, but I am amazed at how blatant the bias has become. They’re absolutely shameless. That displays the contempt they have for the public/voters and how they think their ‘control’ of same has no bounds. It must surely have reached the level of mental derangement.
The MSM hate against Trump where did it come from ? ?
It’s a full on playground bully gang circling the little ginger haired kid and spitting on him.
..Years ago they gently mocked Reagan
.. then stepped up a level in mocking George Bush
I though myself special cos as a reader of the Guardian I knew he was thick
.. Now I doubt that, I’d fallen for their cartoon character portrayal of him. He probably was smart in a lot of ways.
They had their love in within Obama
.. who didn’t actually improve America much
even after 8 years there was still the row about cops shooting blacks
and blacks shooting cops .
Then with Trump they liked him but got all territorial when they realised he was going to beat their girl and not play along with their holy religions like Shop-yourself-green increasing political correctness, open borders.
Then look how they bent over backwards to defend Bill Clinton
what he did to Monica Lewinsky was certainly #MeToo
Yet what they do against Trump and for GreenDream religion is equivalent to hundreds of millions of pounds worth of full on POLITICAL campaigning
They are the media Taliban.
Jim – that’s the kind of point I’m making . Maybe the claims are baseless – but the MSM cannot – must not – just dive in and instantly declare them ‘baseless ‘ …..
…………………….to me instance such as these indicate that the Bias is so deep they either don’t notice or don’t care any more what we – Joe public – think of them .
Their group think will be their end – but it will be a slow painful process …. I wince when I read posters here frustrated by timescales – such as the licence fee review in 2022 and the charter renewal review in 2027 ?
I’ve been watching part of the Arizona State Legislature’s election enquiry on RealClearPolitics this evening. A mathematical guy was giving his witness testimony. He had carried out an in-depth analysis of the 2020 Arizona voting and was detailing the statistical anomalies he’d found. In fact he’d also looked at the state’s voting pattern over the last twenty years, as I recall. In the last decade, while the population of Arizona has been increasing at a steady rate of 1% per year, the number of votes cast at its elections has also been rising, but at about 7% every year. In other words election fraud hasn’t just started this year.
Towards the end he estimated that Trump had gained about 60% of the national vote and in reality won thirty-five states.
This mans smug, unadulterated bias makes me sick !!!
Again, not only has he seen ‘No Evidence’ of voter fraud, he must have also missed the all the lefties rioting, looting and burning down cities for months on end !!!!
Not seen the BLM riots either.
And despite warnings from the scum media that Washington was boarded up on election day ready for the violence when Trump loses, there was not a jot of bother ……. and now, with 75 million pissed of Americans who fell cheated, still NO violence.
For someone meant to have his finger on the pulse , he sure misses a awful lot.
Morning. At a friends watching Breakfast. BBC at its best….a whole story on a woman who got HIV…a fawning link to welsh rugby capt who has HIV..a petition to have everyone tested for HIV whenever they have a blood test! ‘Regardles of gender, ethnicity etc’
Went on for ages…lot of up bum smoke blowing…and how education is needed
What we didn’t find out is 1. What her symptons were 2. How she might have got it and 3. How it is transmitted?
So absolutely no useful information just a cry to waste more public money testing everyone for it
BBC journalism at its best!
Here in London, we have a bold ambition to achieve no new HIV cases and no preventable deaths by 2030. But despite advances in treating this disease, life can be difficult for those with it. Today, let's start talking openly about HIV and AIDS.
— Mayor of London (gov.uk/coronavirus) (@MayorofLondon) December 1, 2020
TFW when you’re very deep down a coronavirus vaccine conspiracy theory rabbit hole, increasingly aware of the scale of the threat posted by this disinformation and patiently waiting to get a report out ???? pic.twitter.com/NF8UItU77q
All this talk of anti-vaxxers is complete BS
If there are 5 million of them, who cares ?
There’s 62 million people in the queue in front of them
They won’t be ready to vaccinate those 5 million until 2023
How many vaccines will Boris deliver in the next month ?
.. almost none
by the end of January will it be a million ?
by the end of February ?
Is anyone here willing to bet that most people will have been vaccinated by July 1st ?
If we’re talking about a majority of the UK’s adult population who are willing to be vaccinated, then I’ll take that bet.
I expect that it’ll be February before we start to see mass vaccinations delivered by the NHS. However, the NHS isn’t the only game in town, and I expect that many larger companies/organisations will try to institute their own vaccination programmes IF* they can get hold of sufficient quantities of vaccine**.
* The NHS may assist them in this regard as it would take some of the pressure off them.
**Probably the ‘Oxford’ vaccine, given that it need only be kept refrigerated.
If we’re talking about a majority of the UK’s adult population who are willing to be vaccinated, then I’ll take that bet.
I expect that it’ll be February before we start to see mass vaccinations delivered by the NHS. However, the NHS isn’t the only game in town, and I expect that many larger companies/organisations will try to institute their own vaccination programmes IF* they can get hold of sufficient quantities of vaccine**.
* The NHS may assist them in this regard as it would take some of the pressure off them.
**Probably the ‘Oxford’ vaccine, given that it need only be kept refrigerated.
Well I just booked me flu jab for mid December – assuming I can get back to the UK without having to pay £700 for a £50 flight …. plus a 13 hour journey time for a 3.5 hour flight …..
In theory the plan for mass vaccination is well prepared – surely ? The nhs has been talking about a 1919 flu outbreak fir years so the plan will be tested and good to go – right ?
Actually I reckon Easter before they get going .
Then they’ll be a massive recall as it turns out they bought a batch of vaccine from some dodgy Turk who has made a ‘contribution ‘ to the Tory party or is a ‘friend’ of Princess nut nut ….
@BurkaAvenger is “Asia’s smash hit TV franchise!
The award winning animated Pakistani TV series that has captivated audiences worldwide. – A Unicorn Black production”
very rarely mentioned on Twitter
The last appearance was November 6th
What I should find is a load of people talking about BurkaAvenger’s campaign and then a week later a BBC reporting the story
Instead no one mentioned the words “Burka Avenger” until the BBC story
now about 5 tweets
So it’s #PRasNews
Radio 5 Deadish had an hour of Trump’s legacy speculation last night.
One interesting comment came from a US bod, who mentioned that President Trump may not even bother to go to the ‘ceremony’, when Joey is shown where to sit in January, and could even announce his wish to run in 2024! If not him, then it may be a son or daughter!
Scrob – I can’t think of a reason for president trump to go to the coup ceremony – if you remember the hate was even at his own – the numbers dispute – which will be avoided this time as mad bunker Joe can hide behind covid .
I’ve realised – late – a second reason why the MSM won’t even investigate voting irregularities – they want their man / girl untarnished – bit like failing to report the hard drive .
I think we are in a very dangerous time – even without covid – if America is becoming more ‘troubled ‘ it will affect us all….
I’m waiting for Biden to mention the ira supporting thankfully dead fenucan case – bet the ira supporters behind him can’t wait to stir it ….
I think you’re right about the MSM being in denial, Fed. Even last night the bloke on R5-Squirming had to mention ‘unsubstantiated’ several times, and at one stage, I thought he was being almost even handed, although the couple he was talking to were definitely Biden stooges.
D’you know what? At 73 y.o., I’m beginning to think that I don’t give a monkey’s about them over the pond any more! There’s plenty of time for tears before bedtime in January, and the inexperience of Kamilla Norris Park and Ride will be so evident, the whole world will cringe, which means we’ll have to start all over again!
Problem is scrob – whether we like it or not what the Oval Office foreign policy is impacts on us . I don’t want to see more flag covered boxes coming into brize Norton because some useless overseas exercise ….
Off topic, but have Screwfix that bastion of construction, power tools and blokes in white vans gone ‘woke’?
I heard a radio ad for them earlier advertising price cuts ‘this season’… Now that could mean ‘Black Friday’ (whatever that is, as I’m English and don’t follow US traditions) but when it ended there was reference to the ‘festive season’.
I think they were trying to out woke the woke by not offending Non Christian, BAMES etc etc… However all they have done is ensure Westy will never darken their door or website again.
Sainsbury’s emailed me yesterday and asked me to comment on their advertising ….can you imagine the response . I might be banned now – with my nectar card ceremonially snapped in half …
Oh yes, Sainsburys are definitely off the radar now, even though they used to sell half-decent pants for blokes of a certain age!
Tesco seem OK and we have a Waitrose a short way off, but the John Lewis in T.Wells is never worth going to anyway (always full of MPs spending their allowances), so I feel better that way!
CNN exclusive: Vast trove of leaked documents shows China underreported Covid-19 numbers, took weeks to diagnose new cases and didn’t disclose a December flu spike in Hubei. https://t.co/mtXf3JM7NNpic.twitter.com/azzFFJ5yRO
This is self-pitying claptrap. @RitaOra knew the rules. She knew the restaurant was closed. She knew it was illegal when she snuck people in through the back door. She knew staff would be put at risk by the party. But she was too selfish to care.https://t.co/BLxF8rftpm
Funny how characters like Gove and Johnson land up in charge of things ( I nearly said ‘running things ‘ but that would be a lie )……
The government will scrape through their vote this afternoon using bribes and threats as usual – but their lockdown strategy is coming to its end as public common sense ridicules what the fools are doing …. with a bit of luck the dissent will be so wide spread that plod will be unable to control it .
It’s become commonplace in the Western Word, that is the ubiquitous failing of the ‘Rule of Law’. Crumbling rapidly. Joy in Beijing/Moscow and in the Soros household.
If there is no equality of treatment by plod then there is no ‘rule of law ‘ just politically driven enforcement of certain laws against certain people / groups – such as white middle aged easy targets for riot cops to get their overtime
Most of the popular press pack catch up with the pop singer Rita Ora, just turned 30, and her lockdown law busting birthday party this morning.
‘”Deeply sorry” Ora escapes fine after her party breaks Covid rules’ (Guardian)
We learn from the frontpage of the trashy giveaway woke celeb-obsessed Metro (where she belongs) that her rule breaking celebrity guests included super model sisters Cara and Poppy Delevingne and Vas J Morgan – Cara is that one who’s all eyebrows and no tits, whilst our Vas J is famous for… well, I’m not entirely sure what (his TV credits are The Only Way Is Essex plus your favourite and mine – Celebs Go Dating) suffice to say he’s black and claims to have once been a victim of a homophobic attack. Think of him as the British answer to Jussie Smollett.
Anyway, as the freebie Metro points out it’s: ‘One law for Ora’ and their front page splash exposes: ‘Baloney, Rita appears to be alone in birthday photo posted hours before party’
How to descibe our Rita in her duplicitous birthday PR shot? The narrative would seem to be pretty girl all dressed up and ready to party but sadly with no beau and nowhere to go. I’m wandering into waters well outside of my comfort zone here but her outfit I can only descibed as metallic. There’s a definite whiff of dominatrix, but despite the carefully arranged – what I think in the tabloid trade is called side-boob – I’m assuming our Rita is what they call a gay icon. Her background decor is nouveau druglord.
Ah, the popular culture. Culture, you say…? Sir Roger Scruton would tut-tut in his grave. Is it inspired by Weimar Germany or the last days of Rome?
‘Star fines herself £10,000, but only after her illegal 30th birthday bash is exposed. So why didn’t police act?’ – answers on a postcard.
‘Reprieved Jamaican charged with murder’ – the Telegraph tells the everyday story of a convicted criminal who beat deportation and went on to be charged with a murder – case pending.
Whoever said society was fair? ‘Ethnic minorities to be given priority for rapid tests after lockdown’ (Telegraph)
‘No jab? You’re barred’ threatens the Daily Mail.
In a similar vein, so to speak, William Sitwell in the Telegraph asks: ‘Eton is elitist. That’s the point. Don’t turn it into a woke joke’
With a nod toward Cara Delevingne let’s go a little highbrow. Arcadia was the name of the Classical Greek concept of the garden of paradise, a poetic vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature. Anyway: ‘Arcadia collapse threatens jobs and pensions’ The augurs bode ill as the Telegraph practices divination (nine moons too late) and predicts a great retail empire will fall if we go to lockdown. ‘Arcadia collapse puts 13,000 jobs at risk’ (Guardian) – I think we can say those job prospects are like the Parthenon – in ruins. Shopworkers’ pension dreams destined for a museum.
Let’s descend further downmarket and place our order for: ’10 pints of lager… and a Scotch egg please’ – today’s Sun headline ridicules the latest government lockdown rules.
A glimmer of light emerges from the most unexpected of places. The Guardian headlines with: ‘Labour delivers blow to Johnson’s Covid plan as Tory rebels circle. Starmer’s plan to to abstain in crucial vote on tiers raises pressure on PM’ – let’s just see if this forensic genius has the balls in his brief as leader of the opposition to unlock us from this madness. Personally, I doubt it.
The Times leads with: ‘Secret dossier on Covid damage’ and reckons there are 70 Tory rebels. The ‘i’ tops that figure and claims there’s 100. We’ll see.
You say you are out of your ‘zone ‘- I don’t know the people you are talking about – who is ‘jussie smollet’? – actually I don’t want to know -shame on me .
I think her agent let her down by not getting plod to raid her party – complete with pictures and allegations ….
“Jussie Smollett faces six new charges… TV actor Jussie Smollett has been indicted by a special prosecutor in Illinois on six counts of lying to police. The Empire actor said he was the subject of a racist and homophobic attack in Chicago last year.”
That was back in January 2019 – if his racial allegations had been real then BLM might have kicked off more than a year earlier than it did – makes you think, eh?
There was a positive lightness in the voice of Matt McGrath’s, BBC’s Environment Correspondent today that our world will not fry in 2100. Joe Biden is US President-elect so that will wipe 9/10ths of one degree (unscientific Matt doesn’t mention which temperature scale at all) off the predicted three degree disaster scenario (where have we heard similar disaster scenarios recently?) that the International Panel for Climate Change have decided on and spent the last handful of years telling us about.
Are you sure Matt?
Could it be only 0.89 of a degree of something?
You never know, it might be 1.00009 of a degree of something?
Or other.
And if Joe Biden gets sick or, heaven forfend, dies and Kamala Harris assumes the Presidency, will the temperature forecast go up or down? Matt does not cover that possibility.
How a normal, human being with a functioning brain could spout such rubbish, let alone believe it, is beyond me.
I hope someone plays a tape of Matt’s broadcast this morning back to him today and at yearly intervals from now on. If he is not severely embarrassed by his words now, there’s a very good chance he will be on one of the anniversaries. “Did I really mean that?” “Well, the BBC expected me to say it.” Aah, the old Nuremberg Defence – they made me do it.
If Farage just happened to be in the right place to save 2 migrants lives
.. that means there are other occasions when he wasn’t and people died
ie there are more dead illegals than is reported. Farages video statement
UKs top statistician Spiegelhalter in last months Spectator show
absolutely ridiculed government graphs used to justify lockdown #2
the 4,000 deaths/day prediction etc.
He made it clear they were PR not truth.
However then went on to say ‘they didn’t need to do propaganda cos the real graphs showed Covid growing and therefore LOCKDOWN is needed.’
No, I disagree, when graphs show Covid growing that is not necessarily a bad thing
It is a good thing when more people get Covid … = more immunity.
The thing that counts is shielding granny
Now at first glance of the growing death graphs would seem to show a problem of more granny’s dying with Covid.
but now that November stats are in only 8 more died than last year
as deaths are booked as Covid this year , LESS deaths are booked as flu/pneumonia, heart disease etc.
What was going to be the best outcome ?
You can’t make an infirm 90 year old live another 30 years
They maybe had a 150K younger people in hospital
and it would have been best not to have given them Covid in the first place.. AFAIK the biggest source is the NHS itself.
Vernon Coleman followers
Last week Ian Collins said he wanted to air Coleman
but VC’s condition was that Chris Witty or Hancock must be on at the same time.
To which IC said that was an impossible condition.
IC isn’t always truthful so I guess Coleman had said he wanted a debate format with any government spokesperson.
I agree such confrontation debate would be the most productive.
Anyone else noticed how reverentially the BBC have been handling the Debenhams failure compared to the bile they have poured on Philip Green over the Arcadia problems.
digg, I am told – alas and alack I lack the personal experience – it is the first £million that is the easiest to accumulate. After that the race is on to become wealthier and wealthier. I am also told that £1million is never enough; the goal is increasing it and being enviest of those one or two rungs up the Rich ladder from you.
The multi-million £ Beeboids probably look with envy at the multi-billion £ Philip Green, hence the bile.
The lefty UK press gazette reports with glee a restraining order imposed on what it describes as a ‘ right wing activist’ who gave a journo from the Independent what for over her ‘ remainer ‘ comments .
I think its refreshing for journos to experience some response to what they write ….
Incredible the libmob school bully gang continually pick on little man Goddard.
Then when he shouts one sentence to her across a court corridor she is able to prosecute him and get a life time restraining order.
That doesn’t seem proportionate to me.
It’s lawfare.
Dearden tweets “There was no CCTV and court staff refused to give statement. ”
So it was her and her assistants word against Goddard’s.
Any other kinds of abuse and threats from nutters is a separate thing. Goddard should not be punished for that.
When self-styled “yellow-vest” activist Goddard (pictured) spotted Dearden outside the courtroom
he shouted “that’s Lizzie Dearden from The Independent”, calling her “vile” and “scum of the earth”, according to the title’s report.
Dearden, who said she tried to get away from Goddard into the courtroom but was told by staff it was full, told Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Thursday: “I was frightened when he came towards me, he is *quite a big guy* and he looked extremely angry.”
He looks about 5’8″ he doesn’t stand tall over Soubry
The right kind of harassment ? Blaring video truck outside Cummings house
1) This is clearly harassment of Cummings, his wife and 4 year old child who must be terrified.
The current PM is trying to tell the commons about his frankly nonsense policies over covid but getting a sound thrashing from across the place . Inept
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 2018 … in a country where Islam is 5% of population and Christianity is the dominate religion …. Home Office,…
vladMar 4, 10:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Muslim Teacher Says Muslims MUST CONTROL THE WEST in 50 Years!” With Starmer, Khan and the BBC all rooting for…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 2014 – Crimea – net zero action 2022 – Donesk – net zero action 2025 – Coalition of the willing…
JohnCMar 4, 10:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I suspect the EU have arranged this to bring the UK back closer to the EU in everybodies eyes. I…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 09:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelensky blew it. Trump was right, he has no cards. he was bluffing. Now Ukraine will pay the price.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘The world wants more Britain’: David Lammy on Trump, tariffs, Gaza and the Chagos Islands The foreign secretary’s diplomatic skills…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A big hint is it won’t be the middle classes who send their youth to the slaughter, it’ll be those…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I’m begging everyone please stop showing this, every time I see it I start laughing and at my age it’s…
Don’t dis the scotch egg – I am an addicted scotch egg fiend – £1.80 for 4 if I recall – or buy a posh one for a pound . They make an excellent three course meal with served with freshly squeezed own label tomato sauce …
If it gets me into the pub I will order eight along with a bottle of HP Tomato Sauce.
Sadly Taffman I am still stranded overseas until mid December – but I’m going through the scotch egg withdrawal programme as the heathen country I’m in doesn’t do scotch eggs ….
As for the First Minister of Wales – I bet he needs better close protection these days – and that Scottish one might shut her mouth a bit since Scotland seems worse affected by covid than the hated English – who she wants to stop at the border ….
Tonight is the Beaver moon ……….????
Fed, what is the third course? Custard?
Poured over the Scotch Egg or taken separately?
Message to our Members of Parliament…………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
To be expected that the’d highlight one Republican alleged cheating
by using ex-wife’s vote
It proves how easy it is.
He might have voted Democrat for all we know.
John Caudwell millionaire PhonesForUs guy
Outsiders on London demos
cheekily calls them violent riots
And Biden relies on WaPo, CNN, BBC, etc to notice only what suits.
Meanwhile Lurch’s idiot cousin writes…
While so many more people, from the MSM to Big Tech, have helped Biden undermine democracy by denying the 2016 election and attacking Trump relentlessly. So many people are complicit, and hopefully will soon be prosecuted.
The Washington post – that investigative journo stalwart – seems not want to investigate vote rigging …. and has it seems concluded there wasn’t any …. how does that work .
I think the woke won’t be able to leave Mr Trump alone even if he is cheated out of office …..
…. but who would the next Republican candidate be ? Coloured female I guess – with a bit of military experience …
Stalwartism is a scourge in the selective editorial integrity category.
Guess this one slipped their mind whilst Marianna was out having her roots done with BS?
Maybe he can write a column in the guardian about being a victim … they like that kind of stuff – maybe he can have a bit of cadwalader cat lady crowd funding ‘ sucker cash ….
One for the fans of Queen?
JimS – spooky – as I read your post I am listening to the album -night at the opera – can you guess which track has started ? Yes track 11 ( for Fedup fans and those monitoring this site it was the first LP my pocket money bought. I was 26 ).
( by the time you’ve read this Stew Green will have checked the track order )
And for Queen fans there is a 15 Minute YouTube video of Brian May talking through how they put the track together ….
As for the video every minute of the 6 – fantastic – a sure fire Christmas number 1 – again ….thank you for posting it
bBc impartiality …
Pipped me!
I cede.
Very fruity in the Twitter comments section – but don’t worry – the BBC gets it mostly right . Kill it .
“UK-EU trade talks: UK still committed to EU deal as differences remain”.
Will Boris bottle it using the devastated economy caused by Covid as an excuse?
The Black Broadcasting Corporation feature a token BAME in a question on a round of Pointless.
None of the teams know who it is.
And neither do the public. It was a pointless answer.
Not on the BBC:-
“A FORMER NHS worker who called Covid a “load of b******s” has filmed seemingly empty hospital A&E departments in London”.
“Louise Hampton, 37, claimed people are “afraid to go to hospitals” and that the Government has just “rebranded the flu”.
Readers have varying views about covid lockdowns butbthis being a biased BBC site, I offer the following.
Wales, having had a short circuit lockdown, now are to have a new full lockdown.
This is first on the 6 pm news but the tone is very impartial. No implied criticism of the Labour welsh government.
But quickly its over to the forthcoming westminster vote. Cue coverage of Starmer whipping up the discontent followed by Laura Doomsberg doing a rare shift with the usual pursed lips.
You may or may not like the coverage, according to your disposition. But concerning the stark contrast in tone of the two stories, impartial it ain’t.
I haven’t watched/listened mainstream news for 2 years
..local only.
It was like being on a playground with the school bulliy gang screaming at me.
Sluff -my local London health trust / authority ‘ whatever seems to specialise in infecting people going in covid free then with covid …
And so do ours.
Mrs S went this afternoon to the funeral of a neighbour who had been on the receiving end of that very treatment from our NHS Heroes
Sluff – condolences – people will look back one day and say ‘how did those fools accept that the disfunctional NHS monster was fit for its’ purpose ?” And even clap the thing ?
So Hancock says the gov’t is going to work “hand in glove” with local authority public health departments
That’s not a good thing
he made it sound like he meant hand in hand.
Tommy Robinson has been found guilty for apprehending a paedophole who sexually assaulted his child.
Non custodial sentence.
Guess how many hours of community service
If 30 hours is a one week sentence
then the number of weeks TR will work is more that the paedophile will get, if convicted.
Bet they’ll make him clean the mosque windows at 3 o’clock in the morning, or some other dangerous situation.
Hull Covid count is down from 0.7% last week
to 0.3% today
The prog moaned about Lincolnshire hospitals having 250 Covid .patients.
Evolution of how the left depicted election fraud pre-2020:
2005 – mail-in voter fraud is the biggest threat to election integrity (bipartisan report authored by former president Jimmy Carter)
2006 – Lou Dobbs reports for CNN on Dominion and its origins in Venezuela, cites their history of issues
2016 – BBC runs article on “how to spot a stolen election” on the same day as the US presidential election, which included – among other things – media misinformation, ballot-stuffing, pausing counting suddenly when behind only to take the lead when it resumes. After Trump won, the corporate media immediately claimed (with no evidence) that Russia had hacked the electronic voting machines. They also blamed Russia on Brexit for good measure, even though these were all paper ballots
Evolution of how the left has depicted election fraud in 2020:
Mid-year – no evidence that mail-in ballots increases risk of voter fraud
Immediately post-election – no evidence of any voter fraud
Mid-November – evidence of voter fraud indisputable: left claims no evidence of widespread voter fraud; no attempt to qualify their definition of ‘widespread in the context of a federal election
Late November (current) – evidence of voter fraud in multiple states: left claims no evidence that the proven voter fraud is enough to affect the results
Evolution of how the left will depict election fraud in the coming weeks:
Early December – probable cause to believe fraud did in fact affect the result: left will claim no evidence that US sources knew about these operations, left will blame Iran and/or China
Mid-December – US involvement proven; left will claim no evidence US intelligence services were involved
Late December – alphabet agency involvement proven; left will claim no evidence high-level Democrats were involved
Early January – DNC involvement proven; left will claim no Biden involvement
Mid-January – Biden involvement proven; left will claim no Obama/Clinton involvement
Late January – Obama/Clinton involvement proven; left will scream “orange man bad” and claim he has committed a coup
Laughing – but isn’t the big date something like 17 December when the Electoral college is due to certify the result ?
Strange how there are echoes of JFK – a different sort of presidential endings – when there were some many people and agencies with an interest with him not being there any more ….
The perils of growing cherries to be picked.
Or not.
They appear to think this is a selling point.
Sickening stuff. How different the media can be hey !!
My dearest wish is that Joe Biden turns the USA into a total out of control basket case, let’s see how the liberal media like them apples!
President Trump, the guy that is never off Twitter, the guy who talks in plain language somehow lacks ‘transparency’?
Covid-19 is nothing compared to Trump Derangement Syndrome in the media.
The Guardian are going after Alastair Henderson, a board member of the EHRC Human Rights Commission for tweets he has liked which called for greater tolerance of views not aligned with BLM, Homophobic crackdowns and etc.
It is clear to me that this is an obvious payback for the Commission criticising their dearly loved god-man Corbyn.
Reading the article, Mr Henderson comes across as a well-balanced being who’s only crime is to disagree with some of the more twisted political theology of the leftists and Marxists.
It is pretty obvious that the back-room activists at the Guardian have spent many hours rooting through every social media account they can to dig up twisted dirt and throw dung at him, they are below despicable!
I would come to the conclusion that Mr Henderson’s point of view is aligned with the overwhelming majority of normal sane and rational folk in the UK
This is not journalism it’s petty, vicious activism!
Yes when I read that you could smell the efforts of Corbyn mafia / guardian comrades desperately going through the backgrounds of anyone who crossed them .
Fortunately there is also fun with a Labour Party meeting in a London borough ending with 2 prominent lefty Israel / Jew haters being suspended from their party at the weekend ….
Apparently they don’t like that comrade Starmer won’t let comrade Corbyn have the Labour ‘whip’ back … I’d I thought he was more a knife in the back type
Maybe they could fly in Greta?
It’s well balanced, at least three are wimmin, and the token black ‘sportsman’. I wonder if St Marcus of Rashford is available…
Local iTV news
riding with South Yorkshire Police as the turn away from difficult crime areas and instead roam middle class streets looking for Covid offenders
proudly turfing boyfriends out of their girlfriends houses etc.
No mention of the Shisha cafe event
Nor this
Is that 18 in islamic years? Which converts to… well, pretty much anything.
Vlad, 18 is usually 27 – 34 in human years
Unless it’s a young girl forced into ‘marriage’ and raped, in which case 6 (or maybe 9) = 18.
Islamic maths are very complicated.
Forgive my language, but we should be hanging these buggers, and no two ways about it. The behaviour over the past twenty years or so by these loathsome individuals that the UK has generously allowed into the country, has been and still is utterly revolting and disgusting-if we are still so weak and so liberal as to not allow for Capital Punishment, then these vile people should be castrated-one of the worst things that can happen to a male follower of Islam.
Emboldened by its success at imprisoning the population over COVID, Channel 4 news reports that some official body called the HIV Commission is calling on the government to roll out nationwide testing for HIV…. they said many people think it only exists in the drug user community but not so they say. They managed of course to completely blank “that” section of society where it is most commonly rampant.
Drug user community a euphemism for homosexual …
This Government controlled as it is by those that want a New World Order, will endeavour to have every person no matter, vaccinated with a vaccine that will not only cover the various coronavirus that have been around for years but in the needle will be a whole raft of other doses that will close our privacy’s-the powers will have us in their grasp. 1984? Getting closer by the day. We must demand total transparency with the forthcoming vaccination programme.
Does the government say how long we should take to eat the ‘substantial meal’?
I’ve been known to take three hours to eat a Scotch Egg before I even reach the centre.
Better still, choose something off the menu that you don’t like, drink all night and then ask for a doggy-bag for your pet. The wife will certainly appreciate her unexpected treat…. 🙂
Im waiting for someone to suggest a separate thread about Scotch Eggs… a suggestion this moderator would wholely support ????
Fed, bring it on. Sliced in quarters for me and doused in vinegar, washed down with a mug of Burrow Hill Cider….. Perfect and guaranteed to keep the ‘asian’ bag checkers at arms length when they conduct food bag searches at major summer sporting events..
Westers, Senora O’Blene makes the best ‘Tartan Cackleberries’ in the country!
When her folks ran a pub back in the sixties, these delicacies just flew off the shelves at 2/9 a pop! With a bag of crisps and a couple of pints of JC, one enjoyed the most fabulous lunch ever invented!
We have a special bottle of oil for deep-frying them, and an old saucepan from a wedding present in 1972! They’re made in threes, so one stays around for a further few minutes before being grabbed at a flying start by the fittest…
I won the last race…
Fed, how about another Thread for cheese?
Or we could just have a Thread called ‘Gourmet’s Corner’ …..
Up2 – don’t be silly – if I put a cheese thread up you know it will turn into a discussion of non cheese dairy products …. like scotch eggs ….
Dover, I heard the news edit interview with the red Tory who mentioned scotch eggs.
He waffled and was clearly out of his depth, sounded to me like he’d never ordered a round or even really knew what a bar was, apart from the one in the House of liars and thieves of course.
Doubt they have scotch egg on the ala cartel menu there….
It takes long time to eat a plate of kippers.
So the Drakeford ‘firebreak’ lockdown in Wales has proved to be, as many predicted, pointless. So now it’s about preventing pubs selling alcohol from Friday….Yup, no beer and the populace cowering behind face masks, the leftist islamification of the British Isles continues under our very noses.
Don’t expect much of a red Tory rebellion tomorrow and anyhow the communist Labour Party will vote with Doris and his henchman as they love the smack of firm government.
It’s seriously time to think about rebellion in order to remind these frackers who is in charge.
Well, along with other stalwart public minded citizens, I’m called upon again to do my Civic Duty. Damn, again? Last time round, I was forced to go along to our Working Mans Club and help use up all the Reverend James that would otherwise be poured away. Funny it’s Rev. James again.
I’ll brace myself for later and tearing myself away from other things……………
While the lying BBC continues to ignore the issue of electoral fraud, public opinion in America is starting to turn.
According to Rasmussen, nearly half of those polled (47%) now believe there was enough fraud to ensure Biden would win in the recent elections, including 75% of Republicans & 30% of Democrats.
30% of Democrats!!
Amazing isn’t it. We have BBC Nick Bryant , Jon Sopel and Anthony Zurcher basically taking the piss out of President Trump and his fraud allegations , and they are doing this daily.
BBC line , nothing to see here !!!!
Yet, there is EVIDENCE cropping up everywhere. And they still see NOTHING. Yet look at that poll above !!!! It’s from the country they live in and on a subject they cover 24/7 and still nothing !!!!
They truly believe that these democrat loonies who burn down cities, riot and loot at every opportunity are incapable of vote fiddling . Yeah , ok.
No observers, room full of trump hating , radical lefties and a load of votes for Trump. What could go wrong hey ???
Yes they are laughing, but yes despite the evidence Biden will be appointed and the BBC and its tame government will applaud and see no wrong.
Our, “No Evidence” Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster needs reporters not the dregs of society who only comply with their Master’s demented Marxism.
Yesterday, I spent over an hour watching part of the legislative panel for Arizona hear evidence from Mayor Giuliani’s witnesses and observing their reaction. To a man and woman, they all seemed shocked at the story that unfolded on their watch. I expect good things to emerge from Arizona. Any communist judge along the way will be trampled upon.
“I spent over an hour watching part of the legislative panel for Arizona hear evidence…”
Brave man! You are hereby deputised as our North America reporter on Election Fraud. Please keep us updated.
(Cos Sopel, Katty and Lurcher sure as hell won’t.)
The audience at this hearing literally gasped (and laughed) when indisputable statistical evidence was shown of the immensity of the fraud in just one case.
A series of inexplicable spikes amounting to approx 600,000 votes, with just 3,000 for Trump!
Now I’m not as well qualified as the army of BBC researchers but I make that 200 to 1 in favour of Biden.
Nothing to see here, BBC?
If one steps back and realises how untruthful coverage of particular subjects has become – it gets to the stage that nothing can be trusted – voting – COVID – warming – population –
Where do people go when trust is gone ? And organisations provide ‘fact checking ‘ which is trusted even less …?
There can hardly be any story in the history of reporting that has been 100% true, particulary at the ‘just breaking stage’.
Traditionally words such as ‘reports are coming in’, ‘reportedly’, ‘it is alleged’, ‘witnesses say’ have allowed newspapers and broadcasters to rush out ‘news’ with a degree of separation that preserved some credibility as new ‘facts’ emerge.
Yet for this latest US Election we were being assured right from the start that there was no fraud, the BBC using words like ‘baseless’ across all of its news outlets. How can they have possibly have known that at that time?
Then couple that with the action of Facebook in placing warnings on posts that raise any question over the election and it must be obvious to anyone of any political persuasion that the ‘story’ had been written before the event – the official ‘truth’ and no dissent is permitted.
How do these ‘journalists’ sleep at night? If their conscience doesn’t trouble them then the thought that they might be the next up against the wall should.
Many on the left have whipped themselves into a hysterical frenzy and convinced themselves that Trump is literally evil, on a par with Hitler. Therefore any means that obstruct him are acceptable, and anything that might facilitate his victory must be ruthlessly opposed and suppressed.
All’s fair in love and war.
“Mein Führer… you know that election you allowed, but we advised against on the basis that fascist dictators just don’t, er, have elections in the first place?”
MF: “Ja? Hurry up, I’m busy planning world domination.”
“Well, you lost.”
MF: “Pity. Oh well, back to painting postcards in the streets of Vienna for me. Good luck to the next guy”
All true, but I am amazed at how blatant the bias has become. They’re absolutely shameless. That displays the contempt they have for the public/voters and how they think their ‘control’ of same has no bounds. It must surely have reached the level of mental derangement.
The MSM hate against Trump where did it come from ? ?
It’s a full on playground bully gang circling the little ginger haired kid and spitting on him.
..Years ago they gently mocked Reagan
.. then stepped up a level in mocking George Bush
I though myself special cos as a reader of the Guardian I knew he was thick
.. Now I doubt that, I’d fallen for their cartoon character portrayal of him. He probably was smart in a lot of ways.
They had their love in within Obama
.. who didn’t actually improve America much
even after 8 years there was still the row about cops shooting blacks
and blacks shooting cops .
Then with Trump they liked him but got all territorial when they realised he was going to beat their girl and not play along with their holy religions like Shop-yourself-green increasing political correctness, open borders.
Then look how they bent over backwards to defend Bill Clinton
what he did to Monica Lewinsky was certainly #MeToo
Yet what they do against Trump and for GreenDream religion is equivalent to hundreds of millions of pounds worth of full on POLITICAL campaigning
They are the media Taliban.
Jim – that’s the kind of point I’m making . Maybe the claims are baseless – but the MSM cannot – must not – just dive in and instantly declare them ‘baseless ‘ …..
…………………….to me instance such as these indicate that the Bias is so deep they either don’t notice or don’t care any more what we – Joe public – think of them .
Their group think will be their end – but it will be a slow painful process …. I wince when I read posters here frustrated by timescales – such as the licence fee review in 2022 and the charter renewal review in 2027 ?
Thus joining BBC North America, SeeNuffinNever, WaPu….
Do you think that by 2056 we will have finally left the EU?
Oh those heady days of 2016 when we expected Cameron to just cut up our membership card!
When in doubt, go victim.
I’ve been watching part of the Arizona State Legislature’s election enquiry on RealClearPolitics this evening. A mathematical guy was giving his witness testimony. He had carried out an in-depth analysis of the 2020 Arizona voting and was detailing the statistical anomalies he’d found. In fact he’d also looked at the state’s voting pattern over the last twenty years, as I recall. In the last decade, while the population of Arizona has been increasing at a steady rate of 1% per year, the number of votes cast at its elections has also been rising, but at about 7% every year. In other words election fraud hasn’t just started this year.
Towards the end he estimated that Trump had gained about 60% of the national vote and in reality won thirty-five states.
Lurch appears to have missed a fair bit.
That, or chose to ignore it.
This mans smug, unadulterated bias makes me sick !!!
Again, not only has he seen ‘No Evidence’ of voter fraud, he must have also missed the all the lefties rioting, looting and burning down cities for months on end !!!!
Not seen the BLM riots either.
And despite warnings from the scum media that Washington was boarded up on election day ready for the violence when Trump loses, there was not a jot of bother ……. and now, with 75 million pissed of Americans who fell cheated, still NO violence.
For someone meant to have his finger on the pulse , he sure misses a awful lot.
How dare they point out the biggest criminal scandal in US history!
They should just keep quiet like the rest of the complicit media.
Why can’t they be more like the BBC?
You mean like Antifa and BLM?
Morning. At a friends watching Breakfast. BBC at its best….a whole story on a woman who got HIV…a fawning link to welsh rugby capt who has HIV..a petition to have everyone tested for HIV whenever they have a blood test! ‘Regardles of gender, ethnicity etc’
Went on for ages…lot of up bum smoke blowing…and how education is needed
What we didn’t find out is 1. What her symptons were 2. How she might have got it and 3. How it is transmitted?
So absolutely no useful information just a cry to waste more public money testing everyone for it
BBC journalism at its best!
Seems the runt has not noticed the BBC never stopped.
Why 2030?
What is wrong with 2029?
Are their any “preventable Aids deaths in London” even in 2020 ?
If we can beat a virus we can do anything.
Conspiracy theory ? maybe ut, predictions are being made here so watch and see..
“the media have destroyed themselves for a generation”
“Trump may need a third term because of the depth of this conspiracy “..
Conspiracy theory…
Fed, in this case TFW ‘Totes Fab Wanlook’. But that might need checking.
All this talk of anti-vaxxers is complete BS
If there are 5 million of them, who cares ?
There’s 62 million people in the queue in front of them
They won’t be ready to vaccinate those 5 million until 2023
How many vaccines will Boris deliver in the next month ?
.. almost none
by the end of January will it be a million ?
by the end of February ?
Is anyone here willing to bet that most people will have been vaccinated by July 1st ?
If we’re talking about a majority of the UK’s adult population who are willing to be vaccinated, then I’ll take that bet.
I expect that it’ll be February before we start to see mass vaccinations delivered by the NHS. However, the NHS isn’t the only game in town, and I expect that many larger companies/organisations will try to institute their own vaccination programmes IF* they can get hold of sufficient quantities of vaccine**.
* The NHS may assist them in this regard as it would take some of the pressure off them.
**Probably the ‘Oxford’ vaccine, given that it need only be kept refrigerated.
If we’re talking about a majority of the UK’s adult population who are willing to be vaccinated, then I’ll take that bet.
I expect that it’ll be February before we start to see mass vaccinations delivered by the NHS. However, the NHS isn’t the only game in town, and I expect that many larger companies/organisations will try to institute their own vaccination programmes IF* they can get hold of sufficient quantities of vaccine**.
* The NHS may assist them in this regard as it would take some of the pressure off them.
**Probably the ‘Oxford’ vaccine, given that it need only be kept refrigerated.
OK @VanHlsing what is is your prediction for end of Februay
will 50% of people have been vaccinated ?
when will have 50%, 70% will we ever have 90%
Well I just booked me flu jab for mid December – assuming I can get back to the UK without having to pay £700 for a £50 flight …. plus a 13 hour journey time for a 3.5 hour flight …..
In theory the plan for mass vaccination is well prepared – surely ? The nhs has been talking about a 1919 flu outbreak fir years so the plan will be tested and good to go – right ?
Actually I reckon Easter before they get going .
Then they’ll be a massive recall as it turns out they bought a batch of vaccine from some dodgy Turk who has made a ‘contribution ‘ to the Tory party or is a ‘friend’ of Princess nut nut ….
I’ve made my prediction. It’ll either be right or it will not. We shall just have to wait and see.
Looking behind the mask….
I’d say the blonde white chick is toast.
@BurkaAvenger is “Asia’s smash hit TV franchise!
The award winning animated Pakistani TV series that has captivated audiences worldwide. – A Unicorn Black production”
very rarely mentioned on Twitter
The last appearance was November 6th
What I should find is a load of people talking about BurkaAvenger’s campaign and then a week later a BBC reporting the story
Instead no one mentioned the words “Burka Avenger” until the BBC story
now about 5 tweets
So it’s #PRasNews
Somalian sooper heroes – …
Does she mean ‘posed’ rather than ‘posted’?
But then she is only 24.
‘TFW’ – That Foolish Woman?
Radio 5 Deadish had an hour of Trump’s legacy speculation last night.
One interesting comment came from a US bod, who mentioned that President Trump may not even bother to go to the ‘ceremony’, when Joey is shown where to sit in January, and could even announce his wish to run in 2024! If not him, then it may be a son or daughter!
That’ll wipe the smile of “ol’ sleepers”!
Miles Munroe only took out the Prezzylects foot?
Working his way up to the sniffer.
Look out for road rollers on the WH lawn.
Scrob – I can’t think of a reason for president trump to go to the coup ceremony – if you remember the hate was even at his own – the numbers dispute – which will be avoided this time as mad bunker Joe can hide behind covid .
I’ve realised – late – a second reason why the MSM won’t even investigate voting irregularities – they want their man / girl untarnished – bit like failing to report the hard drive .
I think we are in a very dangerous time – even without covid – if America is becoming more ‘troubled ‘ it will affect us all….
I’m waiting for Biden to mention the ira supporting thankfully dead fenucan case – bet the ira supporters behind him can’t wait to stir it ….
I think you’re right about the MSM being in denial, Fed. Even last night the bloke on R5-Squirming had to mention ‘unsubstantiated’ several times, and at one stage, I thought he was being almost even handed, although the couple he was talking to were definitely Biden stooges.
D’you know what? At 73 y.o., I’m beginning to think that I don’t give a monkey’s about them over the pond any more! There’s plenty of time for tears before bedtime in January, and the inexperience of Kamilla Norris Park and Ride will be so evident, the whole world will cringe, which means we’ll have to start all over again!
Problem is scrob – whether we like it or not what the Oval Office foreign policy is impacts on us . I don’t want to see more flag covered boxes coming into brize Norton because some useless overseas exercise ….
Off topic, but have Screwfix that bastion of construction, power tools and blokes in white vans gone ‘woke’?
I heard a radio ad for them earlier advertising price cuts ‘this season’… Now that could mean ‘Black Friday’ (whatever that is, as I’m English and don’t follow US traditions) but when it ended there was reference to the ‘festive season’.
I think they were trying to out woke the woke by not offending Non Christian, BAMES etc etc… However all they have done is ensure Westy will never darken their door or website again.
Tool station all the way…
Sainsbury’s emailed me yesterday and asked me to comment on their advertising ….can you imagine the response . I might be banned now – with my nectar card ceremonially snapped in half …
Oh yes, Sainsburys are definitely off the radar now, even though they used to sell half-decent pants for blokes of a certain age!
Tesco seem OK and we have a Waitrose a short way off, but the John Lewis in T.Wells is never worth going to anyway (always full of MPs spending their allowances), so I feel better that way!
Personally I thought their frilly nickers were very comfortable but rarely came in XXXL …
The use of the word ‘allegedly’ must make this irresistible to the bbc, right…. right?
Everyone from Lurch to Springtime will be all over it… right?
Can’t wait to see Lemon, Bri and all the guys in blonde wigs.
Members of press office have experience with a major news organisation? Wow, who’d have thunk it!
Members of press office have experience with a major news organisation? Wow, who’d have thunk it!
Members of press office have experience with a major news organisation? Wow, who’d have thunk it!
Apologies if this has already been posted but it bears repeating. Check out this guy’s history, he knows his stuff.
Wow this is incredible if true! Do you have his name so I can look out for him?
He is Simon Parkes. He has his own channel: https://www.simonparkes.org/
Meanwhile, on cnn…
So CNN says “China lied, people died”
…bit late to the party
Interesting Compare and Contrast exercise – Michael Gove being interviewed by NR on Toady right now. He’ll be on with JHB on TalkRadio in 20 minutes.
Funny how characters like Gove and Johnson land up in charge of things ( I nearly said ‘running things ‘ but that would be a lie )……
The government will scrape through their vote this afternoon using bribes and threats as usual – but their lockdown strategy is coming to its end as public common sense ridicules what the fools are doing …. with a bit of luck the dissent will be so wide spread that plod will be unable to control it .
It’s become commonplace in the Western Word, that is the ubiquitous failing of the ‘Rule of Law’. Crumbling rapidly. Joy in Beijing/Moscow and in the Soros household.
If there is no equality of treatment by plod then there is no ‘rule of law ‘ just politically driven enforcement of certain laws against certain people / groups – such as white middle aged easy targets for riot cops to get their overtime
I used the expression, ‘rule of law’ in its colloquial English (and US) as the general reference to a ‘rule based system’ which the law is but one part.
BBC News = BBC Opinions = Labour Policy
There… That’s how it works.
All Labour needs is not to be even more farcical.
Ring… ring….
” We can make Britain the best place to grow up in and the best place to grow old in.”
OK sirkeer, sounds like a good idea. So when are you leaving the country along with your front bench?
Labour created the world Grooming/Raping gang victims grew up in
Most of the popular press pack catch up with the pop singer Rita Ora, just turned 30, and her lockdown law busting birthday party this morning.
‘”Deeply sorry” Ora escapes fine after her party breaks Covid rules’ (Guardian)
We learn from the frontpage of the trashy giveaway woke celeb-obsessed Metro (where she belongs) that her rule breaking celebrity guests included super model sisters Cara and Poppy Delevingne and Vas J Morgan – Cara is that one who’s all eyebrows and no tits, whilst our Vas J is famous for… well, I’m not entirely sure what (his TV credits are The Only Way Is Essex plus your favourite and mine – Celebs Go Dating) suffice to say he’s black and claims to have once been a victim of a homophobic attack. Think of him as the British answer to Jussie Smollett.
Anyway, as the freebie Metro points out it’s: ‘One law for Ora’ and their front page splash exposes: ‘Baloney, Rita appears to be alone in birthday photo posted hours before party’
How to descibe our Rita in her duplicitous birthday PR shot? The narrative would seem to be pretty girl all dressed up and ready to party but sadly with no beau and nowhere to go. I’m wandering into waters well outside of my comfort zone here but her outfit I can only descibed as metallic. There’s a definite whiff of dominatrix, but despite the carefully arranged – what I think in the tabloid trade is called side-boob – I’m assuming our Rita is what they call a gay icon. Her background decor is nouveau druglord.
Ah, the popular culture. Culture, you say…? Sir Roger Scruton would tut-tut in his grave. Is it inspired by Weimar Germany or the last days of Rome?
‘Star fines herself £10,000, but only after her illegal 30th birthday bash is exposed. So why didn’t police act?’ – answers on a postcard.
‘Reprieved Jamaican charged with murder’ – the Telegraph tells the everyday story of a convicted criminal who beat deportation and went on to be charged with a murder – case pending.
Whoever said society was fair? ‘Ethnic minorities to be given priority for rapid tests after lockdown’ (Telegraph)
‘No jab? You’re barred’ threatens the Daily Mail.
In a similar vein, so to speak, William Sitwell in the Telegraph asks: ‘Eton is elitist. That’s the point. Don’t turn it into a woke joke’
With a nod toward Cara Delevingne let’s go a little highbrow. Arcadia was the name of the Classical Greek concept of the garden of paradise, a poetic vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature. Anyway: ‘Arcadia collapse threatens jobs and pensions’ The augurs bode ill as the Telegraph practices divination (nine moons too late) and predicts a great retail empire will fall if we go to lockdown. ‘Arcadia collapse puts 13,000 jobs at risk’ (Guardian) – I think we can say those job prospects are like the Parthenon – in ruins. Shopworkers’ pension dreams destined for a museum.
Let’s descend further downmarket and place our order for: ’10 pints of lager… and a Scotch egg please’ – today’s Sun headline ridicules the latest government lockdown rules.
A glimmer of light emerges from the most unexpected of places. The Guardian headlines with: ‘Labour delivers blow to Johnson’s Covid plan as Tory rebels circle. Starmer’s plan to to abstain in crucial vote on tiers raises pressure on PM’ – let’s just see if this forensic genius has the balls in his brief as leader of the opposition to unlock us from this madness. Personally, I doubt it.
The Times leads with: ‘Secret dossier on Covid damage’ and reckons there are 70 Tory rebels. The ‘i’ tops that figure and claims there’s 100. We’ll see.
You say you are out of your ‘zone ‘- I don’t know the people you are talking about – who is ‘jussie smollet’? – actually I don’t want to know -shame on me .
I think her agent let her down by not getting plod to raid her party – complete with pictures and allegations ….
Bread and circuses.
I seem to remember a, “Smollet” along with ‘Tinkerbell’ in Peter Pan I believe.
Not this Mr Smollett then?
The Smollett I remember was captain of the Hispaniola in “Treasure Island”.
Well, you asked the question, who’s this Jussie Smollett…?
“Jussie Smollett faces six new charges… TV actor Jussie Smollett has been indicted by a special prosecutor in Illinois on six counts of lying to police. The Empire actor said he was the subject of a racist and homophobic attack in Chicago last year.”
That was back in January 2019 – if his racial allegations had been real then BLM might have kicked off more than a year earlier than it did – makes you think, eh?
For some reason I forgot to google / duck/ wiki said Jessie … good name …
TOADY Watch #1 – we are saved! Hooray!!
There was a positive lightness in the voice of Matt McGrath’s, BBC’s Environment Correspondent today that our world will not fry in 2100. Joe Biden is US President-elect so that will wipe 9/10ths of one degree (unscientific Matt doesn’t mention which temperature scale at all) off the predicted three degree disaster scenario (where have we heard similar disaster scenarios recently?) that the International Panel for Climate Change have decided on and spent the last handful of years telling us about.
Are you sure Matt?
Could it be only 0.89 of a degree of something?
You never know, it might be 1.00009 of a degree of something?
Or other.
And if Joe Biden gets sick or, heaven forfend, dies and Kamala Harris assumes the Presidency, will the temperature forecast go up or down? Matt does not cover that possibility.
How a normal, human being with a functioning brain could spout such rubbish, let alone believe it, is beyond me.
I hope someone plays a tape of Matt’s broadcast this morning back to him today and at yearly intervals from now on. If he is not severely embarrassed by his words now, there’s a very good chance he will be on one of the anniversaries. “Did I really mean that?” “Well, the BBC expected me to say it.” Aah, the old Nuremberg Defence – they made me do it.
Check mate, mate.
If you can’t be bothered to work it out, ask Diane Abbot.
In just over 1 minute, Giuliani sums up the fraud in key States.
If Farage just happened to be in the right place to save 2 migrants lives
.. that means there are other occasions when he wasn’t and people died
ie there are more dead illegals than is reported.
Farages video statement
Yes, Farage bears a heavy responsibility.
Another prophet without honour … he’s certainly nailed al beeb
UKs top statistician Spiegelhalter in last months Spectator show
absolutely ridiculed government graphs used to justify lockdown #2
the 4,000 deaths/day prediction etc.
He made it clear they were PR not truth.
However then went on to say ‘they didn’t need to do propaganda cos the real graphs showed Covid growing and therefore LOCKDOWN is needed.’
No, I disagree, when graphs show Covid growing that is not necessarily a bad thing
It is a good thing when more people get Covid … = more immunity.
The thing that counts is shielding granny
Now at first glance of the growing death graphs would seem to show a problem of more granny’s dying with Covid.
but now that November stats are in only 8 more died than last year
as deaths are booked as Covid this year , LESS deaths are booked as flu/pneumonia, heart disease etc.
What was going to be the best outcome ?
You can’t make an infirm 90 year old live another 30 years
They maybe had a 150K younger people in hospital
and it would have been best not to have given them Covid in the first place.. AFAIK the biggest source is the NHS itself.
Vernon Coleman followers
Last week Ian Collins said he wanted to air Coleman
but VC’s condition was that Chris Witty or Hancock must be on at the same time.
To which IC said that was an impossible condition.
IC isn’t always truthful so I guess Coleman had said he wanted a debate format with any government spokesperson.
I agree such confrontation debate would be the most productive.
Anyone else noticed how reverentially the BBC have been handling the Debenhams failure compared to the bile they have poured on Philip Green over the Arcadia problems.
Been trying to figure out the difference!
Maybe they just don’t like yachts?
digg, I am told – alas and alack I lack the personal experience – it is the first £million that is the easiest to accumulate. After that the race is on to become wealthier and wealthier. I am also told that £1million is never enough; the goal is increasing it and being enviest of those one or two rungs up the Rich ladder from you.
The multi-million £ Beeboids probably look with envy at the multi-billion £ Philip Green, hence the bile.
The lefty UK press gazette reports with glee a restraining order imposed on what it describes as a ‘ right wing activist’ who gave a journo from the Independent what for over her ‘ remainer ‘ comments .
I think its refreshing for journos to experience some response to what they write ….
Incredible the libmob school bully gang continually pick on little man Goddard.
Then when he shouts one sentence to her across a court corridor she is able to prosecute him and get a life time restraining order.
That doesn’t seem proportionate to me.
It’s lawfare.
Dearden tweets “There was no CCTV and court staff refused to give statement. ”
So it was her and her assistants word against Goddard’s.
Any other kinds of abuse and threats from nutters is a separate thing. Goddard should not be punished for that.
When self-styled “yellow-vest” activist Goddard (pictured) spotted Dearden outside the courtroom
he shouted “that’s Lizzie Dearden from The Independent”, calling her “vile” and “scum of the earth”, according to the title’s report.
Dearden, who said she tried to get away from Goddard into the courtroom but was told by staff it was full, told Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Thursday: “I was frightened when he came towards me, he is *quite a big guy* and he looked extremely angry.”
He looks about 5’8″ he doesn’t stand tall over Soubry

The right kind of harassment ? Blaring video truck outside Cummings house
Press Gazette have an agenda cos they tweeted the article 3 times
They failed to mention that he will appeal.
The current PM is trying to tell the commons about his frankly nonsense policies over covid but getting a sound thrashing from across the place . Inept