1pm Jeremy Vine topic is Covid Conspiracy theorists
Monbiot is on saying he has defeated Climate deniers
they are Conspiracy theorists
“Yeh you see they said Global Warming is cosmic rays
and when they were proven not to exist (They do exist)
It was proven it’s fossil fuels (not it’s not)”
There is another Guardian voice as well
ah it’s Mariana Spring
Tune into @BBCRadio2 where I’m chatting to @theJeremyVine about how to talk about conspiracy theories with those we know!
Ahead of a report on how to tackle conspiracies over Christmas coming soon ???? pic.twitter.com/KfEoDJZTZ3
Their trick about demos
– Pick the person with the most extreme angle
– Reformat that in a way you ca call it a conspiracy theory
– Misrepresent the whole crowd as being Conspiracy Theorists.
Having smear labelled them, DISMISS all their concerns.
George Monbiot 1:08pm R2
JV “This whole thing started with 5G causes Covid, yet that faded away really quickly ”
GM “Yeh, it doesn’t seem to matter, you can debunk claim after claim, people just move on
I find this with CLIMATE SCIENCE DENIAL which I have spent yeeeears fighting
People would make some CRAZY claim
‘Em, the reason the planet is heating is cos of Cosmic Rays’, for example,
& you’d say that’s OBVIOUSLY untrue.. here is the evidence showing it’s driven by FOSSIL FUEL burning, there is no evidence for cosmic rays (there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_ray)
..and you’ve spend ages PROVING that.
And the next thing you find is that they have completely dropped the cosmic rays and it’s solar cycles instead
..they’ve just moved on
And that’s one of the frustrating infuriating things about CTs it’s like nailing jelly to the wall
people won’t even stick with one theory.. they’ll just discard it and move on to the next more outlandish one
… * Doh GM hasn’t given a conspiracy except one he is making himself about “Climate deniers”
What GM is doing is dismissing other debaters by calling them CTs
He did some tweets on Nov 24
Quite aside from the public harm they do, conspiracy theories are a tragedy for those who succumb to them. They reduce the fascinating complexities of the world to crashing simplicities, impoverishing people’s intellectual and emotional lives.
MS blah blah
JV dig at Trump
GM mangles truth boots saying
“It’s tough cos you instantly become part of the Conspiracy,
if you express SKEPTICISM ..ah you are in on it too” (He’s projecting)
Suggests we ask people “A.Where’s the actual evidence ?
B. What would it take to convince you it’s untrue? that sometimes works
.. People like CTs cos they are lonely, they seek structure”
MS “Try and discredit the source” (That is a logical fallacy Ad Hom & Argument from Authority)
TWatO Watch #1 – No questions asked by the BBC – again!
The economic water, just like ordinary water, always runs downhill. Only in Monbiot land and Harrabin land is water made to run uphill. I wonder how many shop assistants and other store staff are capable of building wind turbines and solar panels? Probably not a lot.
Venal politicians, both national and local, and the anti-car, anti-CO2 lobbies have claimed some impressive victims today. Oh well. We have a housing shortage in the UK thanks to the same greed of those same politicians, so at least those big department store buildings can be converted into residential housing.
We’ll be back in the EU now within 2 years in my opinion because the EU will modify the rules to make being out untenable. They know that this gives them the power to make life uncomfortable for the UK and that this will cause a resurgence of the remain camp.
Barnier claims @BorisJohnson has agreed to keep Britain tied to European human rights rules after Brexit. Didn’t he promise to take back control of our laws?
In fact, membership of the ECHR is totally separate to the EU. A member country of the EU is bound to take/keep membership of the ECHR as a condition of EU membership. So, in practice, nothing changes 01.01.21.
Boris did not fall for the dirty trick, he welcomed it. Now we will be back in, and we might even get a referendum on whether we should formally re-join. Obviously the voting can be fixed but the media will deny it.
Here’s a funny thing: Lewis Hamilton was one of the first F1 drivers to wear a face mask everywhere. There are rumours – totally unsubstantiated – that he even wears it under his Nomex balaclava with the race helmet on top!
He is going to miss the next race.
He’s caught Covid-19, apparently, according to the BBC w-site – or at least tested positive for it. Must have been on his slowing down lap that the Covid-19 virus caught up with him.
Get well soon, Lewis.
Or are the people who bought F1 from Bernie just trying to spice the race for the World Championship up a bit? Shock! Horror!! Where could they possibly have got that idea?
Bernie to comment? Hello Bernie, care to comment? Answer some questions for the BBC, Bernie?
MP after MP giving powerful reasons why they are going to vote against the government . Illogical tiering of areas of the country – imposing restrictions of freedoms in an arbitrary way .
It is quite unusual for the commons not being used for purely political box ticking – I really hope the PM loses – he won’t because the SNP and Labour abstain . The SNP muppet – of course – had to sneer at the English – which is pronounced ‘Westminster ‘ in the Scottish nationalist language
President Trump was right again and was laughed at and sneered at by the lib mob.
Just like the vaccine he said would come this year, they laughed and ridiculed. But again, correct.
4 years and they never gave him any credit for anything. Just sad.
“The president was RIGHT when he said get the kids back in school—Now Dr. Fauci says, 'You know what, I'm looking at the data—the kids should be in school.'" @kilmeadepic.twitter.com/2FtrIcqO1B
Doobster 78
No surprise there then. Perhaps Dr Falsie feels that with a likely regime change at the White House his mission is complete so we could begin to see a slow but sure retreat fom project fear.
If however, by some stroke of fortune, The Donald were to hang on to power we could well see the advent of Covid wave 10 just in time to for Christmas 2021.
Another nutjob in Germany gone crazy and tried to drive his car at as many people as possible. Not a murmur of the person who did it (despite him being in custody) and the public being told not to share any pictures or video.
Maybe a follower of the religion of peace and maybe not – but this is the way the world works now if it’s a terrorist. Keep a lid on who did it for at least 24 hours until the world interest wanes a bit.
Every attack by a white man I can remember has his picture in the opening story.
Why are they protected like this ?. Is it ‘peace in the community at any cost’ (aka keep the lid on the pressure cooker until it blows) ?.
Car plows through pedestrians in the German city of Trier, at least 2 dead, 10 injured.
The police rammed the car and arrested the driver.
Seems unbollarded Christmas market.
Police tweet
#TR0112 What we can confirm so far:
– Several dead, including a toddler
-Several injured
– 51-year-old suspect Bernd W. arrested
The media now report four deaths and many more injured.
the suspect is Bernd W. from the Trier suburb of Zewen. The alleged perpetrator is said to have lived there until his mother’s death a few years ago.
Ex-neighbor “He was quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive”
“I saw Bernd grow up, he was often to visit us and helped us in the garden. I ran into him again just a few weeks ago. He had a girlfriend who was much older than him. ”
He was a “strange individual”.
I often heard him scream when there was an argument at home.
He was quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive.
” He was strange, but I wouldn’t have believed him to do this attack. “
The debate about the coming tiers laid out the failure of thr government to explain what is doing in regions and why . Particularly whole counties being painted with the same dumb brush .
The government is losing it – some might say – about time .
Surprisingly they have Dunkirk (2017) listed for Boxing Day.
This is the film that Baroness Floella Benjamin reportedly walked out of a showing of because it didn’t have any black soldiers. Received opinion is that was probably because there weren’t any in 1940, but then, as Justine Trudeau would say, “It’s 2017, so we want 20% in wheelchairs”.
Coerce a woman into allowing you to prick her ..shameful #MeToo
…. Coerce a woman into allowing you to prick her with a needle … Guardianland’s Covid vaccine strategy
BBC Studios who make many of the programs seen on BBC and other networks have announced their new “on-and-off-screen diversity and inclusion commitment for all new commissions”
A read through this piece reveals that we aint’ seen nothing yet. Henceforth EVERY single piece of output will be forced to follow the new code which insists on 20% “minority” inclusion of BAME, ethnic minorities, LGBQ etc. bloody etc. in every production and staffed by back-room workers forcibly composed of the same description.
A couple of paras of note are
“LGBTQ+ talent also form part of the on-screen Inclusion Rider commitment but not off-screen teams as BBC Studios Production has already exceeded this target.” … as if we couldn’t of guessed!
“These initiatives are by no means a magic bullet and we’re also doing a lot of work on culture and education to make our teams more inclusive.”
… sounds a bit like re-education and right-think as perfected in China to me.
So folks… talent is now officially surplus to requirements as far as the BBC are concerned.
Finally they end with..
“and enhancing programmes for UK audiences.”
On what planet do they live? we are sick to the back teeth of this force-feeding already!
If it were pay-to-view fair enough but they are doing this with hidden public money to indoctrinate their own customer base….
“Chinese Communists Purchased Dominion Voting Systems for $400 million”
I don’t know where Salty Cracker got this info from but its rather disturbing nonetheless.
Coop survey has points all the way through it like this
“seek partnerships and opportunities which* focus* on benefitting Black, Asian and ethnic minority candidates. ”
So they are selecting groups to focus spending money on, by skin colour
This is racism.
BBC 1 News at 10 finally mentioned the car ramming people in Germany 20 minutes into the programmme.
“It is thought the driver has mental issues” said the voice over but this quote was not credited to anyone who may have said it. Perhaps someone at the BBC thought he had mental issues so that quote goes out live on TV.
Now one issue is putting a POLITICAL activist on a kids prog
Starting a Climate War is just like starting the Iraq War
But issue 2 is that on Twitter No one noticed
All 4 quote retweets are from other BBC accounts
and 43 Likes from a population of 67 million people is nothing.
Boris Johnson has led a fascist coup against the United Kingdom.
If that sounds like an exaggeration, just ask yourself how you’d have felt a year ago — or even six months ago — if you’d been told a British government was planning to institute a 10pm curfew, ban gatherings of more than six people, impose daily immunity tests before you were allowed to go about your business, employ Stasi-like volunteer ‘marshals’ to ensure public compliance and warning that it might even have to cancel Christmas?
Your first reaction would have been: “Impossible. This is the kind of thing that excitable foreigners engage in. Never the phlegmatic, rational British – and certainly, never, ever, EVER so long as there’s a Conservative government in power.”
Twisting of word meaning by The Daily Mirror.
When 30,000 viewers complained that they didn’t want BLM *Marxist politics* forced into their faces in a Saturday evening entertainment show.
what are they ..”30,000 complainers”
not the Mirrors says they are “almost 30,000 racist viewers complained about the performance to Ofcom.”
My sister in law (much younger than me) recently admitted she had never met a black person until this year. Odd ? given she had been to school with black kids, worked with black people, socialised with black people, no, but she said she never saw them as black people until all this ‘blackness’ kicked off, now she’s seeing everything with different eyes, including the adverts.
A good example of having the reverse effect of what the BLM and its kind did not set out to achieve, but there we are !
I think that BIG BROTHER from the diversity department at the
BBC has decided that the transgender issue is to be the BBC’s
“Cause Celebre” . The BBC’s own figures say that five times
more than the 0.5% of the population that is transgender is
employed by the BBC. I expect before long it will be at least
10 times or more will be what the BBC wishes to achieve.
BUT maybe the good news is that we may start to see more
male presenters and reporters. Even if they were once women.
I can’t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, but I believe that my wife and I had Covid-19 last December.
The facts are: in November, 2019, a Dean from the university where my wife worked went to Wuhan for three weeks. He returned to the UK in poor health. As he put it, “it’s the worst I’ve ever felt in my life.” However, he soldiered on and went in to work.
He was still unwell when he attended a meeting, at which my wife was present. Several days later, she became ill. Her principal symptoms were as follows: high temperature, shortness of breath and loss of taste. I wanted her to consult her GP but she refused. It took her about a month to get over the main symptoms and another couple of months before her sense of taste was fully restored.
Several days after she fell ill, I contracted the same virus. Although I have (mild) asthma, my symptoms were less pronounced (albeit it’s the only time in recent memory that I’ve had to use my Ventolin inhaler) and I was better within a week or so.
A number of other people at my wife’s workplace also became unwell. Their symptoms varied in severity but were consistent with Covid-19.
At the time, we put the illness down to a seasonal bug. It was only when we learned that the aforementioned Dean had been in Wuhan that the penny dropped. For the record, the Dean also now thinks he had Covid-19.
There’s one other fact that may be pertinent: my wife tends to have low Vitamin D levels whereas mine are normal.
Did we have Covid-19 last December? On a balance of probabilities, I believe we did.
Van – thanks – but what you and your wife went through will never been known to the so called health authorities . As the virus spread they were so overwhelmed that they couldn’t track back on people arriving from China .
And I think they are still overwhelmed as the lock down lottery -and the various scotch egg illogic shows .
I think I might have had it too around the same time – but because when I get a flu / chest bug I really get it due to a reduced immunity system – I won’t know . I’d like to be tested . But I know if I asked they’d have plenty of reasons for excluding me – or what I’d view as ‘eff off we re too busy being too busy “……
@chloehadj has now protected her tweets. What has she got to hide from @VanessaBeeley ????And shows she is not able to stand up to public scrutiny. Very poor indeed. And so cowardly. Licence payers have a right to criticise programmes thst falsify facts and condones terrorism. ???????? pic.twitter.com/L30GyYGApo
— TruthfulUnicorn ???????? ???????? (@TruthfulUnicor1) December 1, 2020
This simple analysis statement with no clarification makes it clear where the BBC stands
Today, a legal case about puberty-blocking drugs concluded, with leading charities calling it a “rolling back” of trans rights, and “a catastrophic moment” for trans people.
Being a bit sleepless I looked up the list or Tory MPs who voted against the government lockdown law – these – I submit – are the remnants of the Conservative Party . Also in the lobby was Jeremy Corbyn and his band of Marxists …. I bet every one socially distanced …..
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://youtu.be/HOJS3qQlVjE I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://thegrayzone.substack.com/p/un-demands-answers-from-uk-on-terror? Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
1pm Jeremy Vine topic is Covid Conspiracy theorists
Monbiot is on saying he has defeated Climate deniers
they are Conspiracy theorists
“Yeh you see they said Global Warming is cosmic rays
and when they were proven not to exist (They do exist)
It was proven it’s fossil fuels (not it’s not)”
There is another Guardian voice as well
ah it’s Mariana Spring
Their trick about demos
– Pick the person with the most extreme angle
– Reformat that in a way you ca call it a conspiracy theory
– Misrepresent the whole crowd as being Conspiracy Theorists.
Having smear labelled them, DISMISS all their concerns.
Strangely JV hasn’t mentioned Conspiracy Theories about
– Russians and Brexit
– Russians and Trump
BTW Vine has just said there are 3 vaccines so far
..which means he’s not actually counting the 2 Russian vaccines
George Monbiot 1:08pm R2
JV “This whole thing started with 5G causes Covid, yet that faded away really quickly ”
GM “Yeh, it doesn’t seem to matter, you can debunk claim after claim, people just move on
I find this with CLIMATE SCIENCE DENIAL which I have spent yeeeears fighting
People would make some CRAZY claim
‘Em, the reason the planet is heating is cos of Cosmic Rays’, for example,
& you’d say that’s OBVIOUSLY untrue.. here is the evidence showing it’s driven by FOSSIL FUEL burning, there is no evidence for cosmic rays (there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_ray)
..and you’ve spend ages PROVING that.
And the next thing you find is that they have completely dropped the cosmic rays and it’s solar cycles instead
..they’ve just moved on
And that’s one of the frustrating infuriating things about CTs it’s like nailing jelly to the wall
people won’t even stick with one theory.. they’ll just discard it and move on to the next more outlandish one
… * Doh GM hasn’t given a conspiracy except one he is making himself about “Climate deniers”
What GM is doing is dismissing other debaters by calling them CTs
He did some tweets on Nov 24
Quite aside from the public harm they do, conspiracy theories are a tragedy for those who succumb to them. They reduce the fascinating complexities of the world to crashing simplicities, impoverishing people’s intellectual and emotional lives.
MS blah blah
JV dig at Trump
GM mangles truth boots saying
“It’s tough cos you instantly become part of the Conspiracy,
if you express SKEPTICISM ..ah you are in on it too” (He’s projecting)
Suggests we ask people “A.Where’s the actual evidence ?
B. What would it take to convince you it’s untrue? that sometimes works
.. People like CTs cos they are lonely, they seek structure”
MS “Try and discredit the source” (That is a logical fallacy Ad Hom & Argument from Authority)
TWatO Watch #1 – No questions asked by the BBC – again!
The economic water, just like ordinary water, always runs downhill. Only in Monbiot land and Harrabin land is water made to run uphill. I wonder how many shop assistants and other store staff are capable of building wind turbines and solar panels? Probably not a lot.
Venal politicians, both national and local, and the anti-car, anti-CO2 lobbies have claimed some impressive victims today. Oh well. We have a housing shortage in the UK thanks to the same greed of those same politicians, so at least those big department store buildings can be converted into residential housing.
Vine “Here’s Shaky, I think he has a new album out”
doh AFAIK Shakey has new special sets of albums out
The Singles 3 CD set
and definitive collection ‘Fire In The Blood’
Boris has sold out to the Globalists…
We’ll be back in the EU now within 2 years in my opinion because the EU will modify the rules to make being out untenable. They know that this gives them the power to make life uncomfortable for the UK and that this will cause a resurgence of the remain camp.
How could Boris fall for this dirty trick?
Utterly disgraceful if true.
In fact, membership of the ECHR is totally separate to the EU. A member country of the EU is bound to take/keep membership of the ECHR as a condition of EU membership. So, in practice, nothing changes 01.01.21.
Boris did not fall for the dirty trick, he welcomed it. Now we will be back in, and we might even get a referendum on whether we should formally re-join. Obviously the voting can be fixed but the media will deny it.
Here’s a funny thing: Lewis Hamilton was one of the first F1 drivers to wear a face mask everywhere. There are rumours – totally unsubstantiated – that he even wears it under his Nomex balaclava with the race helmet on top!
He is going to miss the next race.
He’s caught Covid-19, apparently, according to the BBC w-site – or at least tested positive for it. Must have been on his slowing down lap that the Covid-19 virus caught up with him.
Get well soon, Lewis.
Or are the people who bought F1 from Bernie just trying to spice the race for the World Championship up a bit? Shock! Horror!! Where could they possibly have got that idea?
Bernie to comment? Hello Bernie, care to comment? Answer some questions for the BBC, Bernie?
Not the BBC
The commons debate over the tier system .
MP after MP giving powerful reasons why they are going to vote against the government . Illogical tiering of areas of the country – imposing restrictions of freedoms in an arbitrary way .
It is quite unusual for the commons not being used for purely political box ticking – I really hope the PM loses – he won’t because the SNP and Labour abstain . The SNP muppet – of course – had to sneer at the English – which is pronounced ‘Westminster ‘ in the Scottish nationalist language
R4 3:30pm Tom Heap on Electric car 2030 law
Just like the BBC, they see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear !!!
We saw the vote switching LIVE on CNN with our own ruddy eyes FFS !!!
The quoted tweet is not showing up within Trump’s tweet now
Maybe Twitter tricks
here it is
President Trump was right again and was laughed at and sneered at by the lib mob.
Just like the vaccine he said would come this year, they laughed and ridiculed. But again, correct.
4 years and they never gave him any credit for anything. Just sad.
Doobster 78
No surprise there then. Perhaps Dr Falsie feels that with a likely regime change at the White House his mission is complete so we could begin to see a slow but sure retreat fom project fear.
If however, by some stroke of fortune, The Donald were to hang on to power we could well see the advent of Covid wave 10 just in time to for Christmas 2021.
Another nutjob in Germany gone crazy and tried to drive his car at as many people as possible. Not a murmur of the person who did it (despite him being in custody) and the public being told not to share any pictures or video.
Maybe a follower of the religion of peace and maybe not – but this is the way the world works now if it’s a terrorist. Keep a lid on who did it for at least 24 hours until the world interest wanes a bit.
Every attack by a white man I can remember has his picture in the opening story.
Why are they protected like this ?. Is it ‘peace in the community at any cost’ (aka keep the lid on the pressure cooker until it blows) ?.
Car plows through pedestrians in the German city of Trier, at least 2 dead, 10 injured.
The police rammed the car and arrested the driver.
Seems unbollarded Christmas market.
Police tweet
#TR0112 What we can confirm so far:
– Several dead, including a toddler
-Several injured
– 51-year-old suspect Bernd W. arrested
We are still on site with strong forces for your safety and are working flat out to clear up the background.
Man resisted arrest
(no current danger police say)
The media now report four deaths and many more injured.
the suspect is Bernd W. from the Trier suburb of Zewen. The alleged perpetrator is said to have lived there until his mother’s death a few years ago.
Ex-neighbor “He was quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive”
“I saw Bernd grow up, he was often to visit us and helped us in the garden. I ran into him again just a few weeks ago. He had a girlfriend who was much older than him. ”
He was a “strange individual”.
I often heard him scream when there was an argument at home.
He was quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive.
” He was strange, but I wouldn’t have believed him to do this attack. “
The debate about the coming tiers laid out the failure of thr government to explain what is doing in regions and why . Particularly whole counties being painted with the same dumb brush .
The government is losing it – some might say – about time .
Nothing on, except contempt for the viewers
Wow is that real? I hope so – might make a few more dump the licence tax ….
Replying to
Jesus Christ as if we haven’t suffered enough this year.
3:24 pm · 1 Dec 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Surprisingly they have Dunkirk (2017) listed for Boxing Day.
This is the film that Baroness Floella Benjamin reportedly walked out of a showing of because it didn’t have any black soldiers. Received opinion is that was probably because there weren’t any in 1940, but then, as Justine Trudeau would say, “It’s 2017, so we want 20% in wheelchairs”.
Laughable scum media !!!!!
All coming out now. Trump was right about everything, they knew it full well but it was too painful to admit it !!!!
Coerce a woman into allowing you to prick her ..shameful #MeToo
…. Coerce a woman into allowing you to prick her with a needle … Guardianland’s Covid vaccine strategy
Surely active CONSENT is best ?
Thank you from the British people to the Conservative, Labour, DUP and Independent MPs who voted against the Johnson Junta.
Now, join Nigel Farage’s Reform Party and let’s restore common sense and freedom to this country.
BBC Studios who make many of the programs seen on BBC and other networks have announced their new “on-and-off-screen diversity and inclusion commitment for all new commissions”
A read through this piece reveals that we aint’ seen nothing yet. Henceforth EVERY single piece of output will be forced to follow the new code which insists on 20% “minority” inclusion of BAME, ethnic minorities, LGBQ etc. bloody etc. in every production and staffed by back-room workers forcibly composed of the same description.
A couple of paras of note are
“LGBTQ+ talent also form part of the on-screen Inclusion Rider commitment but not off-screen teams as BBC Studios Production has already exceeded this target.” … as if we couldn’t of guessed!
“These initiatives are by no means a magic bullet and we’re also doing a lot of work on culture and education to make our teams more inclusive.”
… sounds a bit like re-education and right-think as perfected in China to me.
So folks… talent is now officially surplus to requirements as far as the BBC are concerned.
Finally they end with..
“and enhancing programmes for UK audiences.”
On what planet do they live? we are sick to the back teeth of this force-feeding already!
If it were pay-to-view fair enough but they are doing this with hidden public money to indoctrinate their own customer base….
Digg – I disagree – we want even more over representation of the third world and perverts – will hasten the fall ….
“Chinese Communists Purchased Dominion Voting Systems for $400 million”
I don’t know where Salty Cracker got this info from but its rather disturbing nonetheless.
And to add to the gloom, “Barr: DOJ yet to find widespread voter fraud that could have changed 2020 election”
‘Friend of yours Mr President?’
I think not.
hear the sighs of relief on hearing whispers that Doris has backed down on the ECHR all our rights are safe now.
Wonder if it was one Jamaican killing another one ?
man not named
victim not named, pity ..but in general gangsters kill gangsters.
Telegraph: The man was due to be deported in February after serving a six-year jail sentence for possessing a gun and drugs. He then claimed his deportation was a breach of his rights. Within eight months, he was charged with murder.
This should be good !!!
Coop survey has points all the way through it like this
“seek partnerships and opportunities which* focus* on benefitting Black, Asian and ethnic minority candidates. ”
So they are selecting groups to focus spending money on, by skin colour
This is racism.
BBC 1 News at 10 finally mentioned the car ramming people in Germany 20 minutes into the programmme.
“It is thought the driver has mental issues” said the voice over but this quote was not credited to anyone who may have said it. Perhaps someone at the BBC thought he had mental issues so that quote goes out live on TV.
Greta on Blue Peter
Now one issue is putting a POLITICAL activist on a kids prog
Starting a Climate War is just like starting the Iraq War
But issue 2 is that on Twitter No one noticed
All 4 quote retweets are from other BBC accounts
and 43 Likes from a population of 67 million people is nothing.
Boris Johnson has led a fascist coup against the United Kingdom.
If that sounds like an exaggeration, just ask yourself how you’d have felt a year ago — or even six months ago — if you’d been told a British government was planning to institute a 10pm curfew, ban gatherings of more than six people, impose daily immunity tests before you were allowed to go about your business, employ Stasi-like volunteer ‘marshals’ to ensure public compliance and warning that it might even have to cancel Christmas?
Your first reaction would have been: “Impossible. This is the kind of thing that excitable foreigners engage in. Never the phlegmatic, rational British – and certainly, never, ever, EVER so long as there’s a Conservative government in power.”
Not a surprise that a UN Green Bank has fraud problems
The United Nations Development Programme is facing several allegations of fraud and corruption linked to the multibillion-dollar Global Environment Facility
Twisting of word meaning by The Daily Mirror.
When 30,000 viewers complained that they didn’t want BLM *Marxist politics* forced into their faces in a Saturday evening entertainment show.
what are they ..”30,000 complainers”
not the Mirrors says they are “almost 30,000 racist viewers complained about the performance to Ofcom.”
..School bully gang behaviour by the Mirror.
What’s racism ?
prioritising one skin colour ahead of another
But they didn’t demand a White Supremacist dance
or anything like that.
My sister in law (much younger than me) recently admitted she had never met a black person until this year. Odd ? given she had been to school with black kids, worked with black people, socialised with black people, no, but she said she never saw them as black people until all this ‘blackness’ kicked off, now she’s seeing everything with different eyes, including the adverts.
A good example of having the reverse effect of what the BLM and its kind did not set out to achieve, but there we are !
I think that BIG BROTHER from the diversity department at the
BBC has decided that the transgender issue is to be the BBC’s
“Cause Celebre” . The BBC’s own figures say that five times
more than the 0.5% of the population that is transgender is
employed by the BBC. I expect before long it will be at least
10 times or more will be what the BBC wishes to achieve.
BUT maybe the good news is that we may start to see more
male presenters and reporters. Even if they were once women.
Only RJ and 1 other person noticed
Guess BBC Wales doesn’t have many viewers.
Convincing neighbour says he had it last Christmas
He works on the steelworks among the Chinese
I can’t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, but I believe that my wife and I had Covid-19 last December.
The facts are: in November, 2019, a Dean from the university where my wife worked went to Wuhan for three weeks. He returned to the UK in poor health. As he put it, “it’s the worst I’ve ever felt in my life.” However, he soldiered on and went in to work.
He was still unwell when he attended a meeting, at which my wife was present. Several days later, she became ill. Her principal symptoms were as follows: high temperature, shortness of breath and loss of taste. I wanted her to consult her GP but she refused. It took her about a month to get over the main symptoms and another couple of months before her sense of taste was fully restored.
Several days after she fell ill, I contracted the same virus. Although I have (mild) asthma, my symptoms were less pronounced (albeit it’s the only time in recent memory that I’ve had to use my Ventolin inhaler) and I was better within a week or so.
A number of other people at my wife’s workplace also became unwell. Their symptoms varied in severity but were consistent with Covid-19.
At the time, we put the illness down to a seasonal bug. It was only when we learned that the aforementioned Dean had been in Wuhan that the penny dropped. For the record, the Dean also now thinks he had Covid-19.
There’s one other fact that may be pertinent: my wife tends to have low Vitamin D levels whereas mine are normal.
Did we have Covid-19 last December? On a balance of probabilities, I believe we did.
Van – thanks – but what you and your wife went through will never been known to the so called health authorities . As the virus spread they were so overwhelmed that they couldn’t track back on people arriving from China .
And I think they are still overwhelmed as the lock down lottery -and the various scotch egg illogic shows .
I think I might have had it too around the same time – but because when I get a flu / chest bug I really get it due to a reduced immunity system – I won’t know . I’d like to be tested . But I know if I asked they’d have plenty of reasons for excluding me – or what I’d view as ‘eff off we re too busy being too busy “……
White Helmet stories and BBC
People make out Vanessa Beeley is a stooge for the Syrian President
Her Wikipedia page is a hit job. The French version even more.
The Canadian-born actor, formerly known as Ellen Page,
The actor, who is married to choreographer EMMA Portner, has been a prominent advocate for LGBT rights.
“I love that I am trans. And I love that I am queer,” he wrote on Twitter.
soo you have a todger now,?? how are you still queer?
I’ve had enough of 2020 now let me out of this clown circus tent
yes pug
This simple analysis statement with no clarification makes it clear where the BBC stands
Today, a legal case about puberty-blocking drugs concluded, with leading charities calling it a “rolling back” of trans rights, and “a catastrophic moment” for trans people.
New Thread Time. Thanks .
Being a bit sleepless I looked up the list or Tory MPs who voted against the government lockdown law – these – I submit – are the remnants of the Conservative Party . Also in the lobby was Jeremy Corbyn and his band of Marxists …. I bet every one socially distanced …..