I remember in the late 1960s, early 1970s (I think) an occasional programme on the BBC where a panel considered how to deal with a problem as described by someone. Once they had decided their course of action the facilitator would throw in something that would change the scenario and thus their course of action.
It was a programme for intellectuals so would never be shown now.
But it is what I feel we are living with at the moment. The facilitator told the panel there was a virus, but half way round the world. What would the panel do? Then he told them it had reached Europe. Would that change their course of action. They decided to have a lock down. He told them it didn’t work. What would they do now? They decided to invest in a vaccine. The facilitator tells them it had bad side effects. Then he tells them the virus has mutated. Would that change their plan? Christmas is coming, would that change their decisions? Etc etc.
It was an excellent programme, but I just didn’t expect to be living through it.
They decided to have a lock down. He told them it didn’t work. So they decided to have another lock down. He told them it didn’t work either. So they decided to put the word out via the media that they’ll have a third lock down.
I didn’t like it because, like now, whenever someone came up with a strategy Burke would tell them why they couldn’t do it. There was usually some law or lack of a resource that got in the way.
Of course the real disorganised world doesn’t work like that. The unexpected can happen. A Connections 1939 scenario would have prevented the invasion of Poland (it would be illegal) and we would have been unable to fight the Battle of Britain because we didn’t have the capacity in our aircraft factories to make enough planes.
In reality Hitler ignored international law and we stopped making cars and built fighters instead.
Connections exemplifies the BBC can’t do approach versus the now exterminated American can do.
I had a picture of James Burke in my head but couldn’t remember his name. But I then seemed to remember the facilitator being an older grey haired man with an American accent (I wasn’t very old but watched it with my Dad who loved it). Maybe they changed facilitators? But it is how I feel things are ie ‘you have got the vaccine’ and ‘it doesn’t work’.
I think that the Canadian Bob McKenzie May be the host that you are thinking of. He was a regular on all manner of news and current affairs programmes on the BBC during the late sixties and seventies. He had grey hair ( but in the days of b and w it might have been fair!) and glasses and a Canadian accent which could be easily mistaken for American.
Yes Doublethinker, that was him. Thank you. He (at least to a child) appeared to be an excellent facilitator. And as I remember he didn’t lead the panel in any particular direction and I am very sure he didn’t mention climate change.
Unfair to James Burke! ‘Connections’ was a solo show in which Burke (entertainingly IMHO) showed how one invention/solution leads to another throughout history. Earlier, as a co-presenter of Tomorrow’s World he helped to introduce a lot of people to science and engineering. He isn’t a scientist, he has one of those ‘useless’ degrees in English.
Interesting Deborah-I am inclined to agree with the facilitator that Lock-Downs don’t work other than to supress the virus whilst allowing the Hospitals some breathing space, but once unlocked the virus will surely spread again to other hosts. Eventually enough of us will have built up an immunity-those with health issues will still have to be very careful initially. Italy is going into another lockdown-same scenario applies as fas as I can see-only a limited period of virus supression not the formular for dealing with this virus. Don’t really have much faith in the hurridly rushed Pfyzer vaccine’s-for the moment I will wait and see what the results from those that have the vaccine will be. China have a lot to look for.
Deborah – this sort of exercise is run very often . The problem is that human nature gets in the way during exercises . People don’t want to appear thick amongst their ‘peers ‘ and bosses – so they prepare … and it becomes a ritual .
Worse than that – afterward every one forgets about it and gets on with the day job . This is what happened in the pandemic exercise run 2 years ago . Jeremy hunt( health secretary for 9 years?) has avoided scrutiny about the findings of that exercise and I’m sure the civil service who run it will white wash it when the ‘Public Inquiry ‘ into the Chinese virus takes places in 2030 with a report published in around 2040 – redacted of course…
Deborah, I seem to have a vague recollection of that programme although I think it may be a decade or two later than the 1960s/1970s. Was it not morphed more recently into the BBC ‘Free thinking’ and ‘Four Thought’ series and was it not at the root of the TED Talks (not BBC but initially covered by them) ie. inspiring that series?
@Deborah Right from the beginning the government behaviour has been like of a Guardian reading teacher
.. rather than someone who understands risk assessments and proper safety procedures.
Why ? Maybe cos the Guardian reading class that rule over us have a style ..which is a sham.
“Here’s a manifesto that contains your concerns, proper border control and not much of the green stuff”
…”Right now you voted for us, we’ll stuff the manifesto and put in as much Guardianland policies as we can get away with
.. cos w Guardian land people are top, and yous are all thick”
The governments Covid policy is that of a teacher who PUNISHES THE WHOLE class.
Someone has been talking in class
and instead of figuring out who the government is giving us all detention.
Whereas the gov should have worked out where Covid leaked last week, whether it was airline pilots or Devon hospitals or a factory of Polish workers and thus targeted restrictions for those likely to be next .. not targetted everyone.
That forgotten “challenge” prog
The Great Egg Race was an engineering challenge show
but I don’t remember a “twist” segment.
James Burke was much more than an English graduate
he didn’t start work in TV until he was 29 with Granada
Before that he had got a whole lot of real life experience like being in the RAF and headmaster of Rome International school.
I am 2nd…can’t believe it. Feel guilty as don’t post as much since dropping most BBC.
Sorry if anyone posted before but driving a lot today and everytime R4…doom gloom and all public sector bloody moaning and invited on to R4. Not a word about the destruction to economy…it appears the vaccine won’t make a difference..well that’s how BBC portray it..
NHS heros overwhelmed..exhausted teachers ..ambulances queued up outside hospitals..people all getting together over Christmas .is evil…and all the fault of Boris and Govt
And of course Neil Ferguson given full reign to spurt his crap….no questions asked
Almost everyone I know is just bored now.and BBC are promoting fear….
Callum Smith v Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez
Date: 19 December Venue: Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas
“Smith finds himself in the unusual position of being a world champion and an underdog as he prepares to face boxing’s best-paid star in Texas.”
BBC’s obsession with pay and stars …
Canelo is considered boxing’s pound for pound king, why don’t they just call him that.
Me? I don’t have a TV licence. I don’t need one for the wireless, which is where I get my news from. Haven’t had a televisual device for years. It’s not compulsory you know.
Then you are not aware of the Bais promulgated by Al Beeb’ TV programmes, however there is enough Bias on their wireless stations to offer some criticism of the failing broadcaster .
WildWomanOfThe Woods
Remind me, what Al Beeb shows present a traditional white British conservative world view.
Why should anyone be forced to pay Al Beeb for watching other live broadcasting TV channels ?
Have you paid the tax that robs from the poor to give too the rich?
Don’t need a TV licence to watch Netflix either. But if you are saying that people are deserting the BBC for Netflix because the BBC doesn’t reflect their world view then you need to show how Netflix does reflect that world view.
I have no need to show what view Netflix reflects .
My criticism is of Al Beeb . After all, this is what this site is about.
Now where are your examples of Al Beeb’s Bias , or as I previously posted – you are just Trolling.
If you are trying to support Al Beeb you are wasting your time .
‘Its a dead man walking’ , to survive, its robbing the poor to give to the rich.
No argument that Netflix is leftist . But the difference between It and the BBC is that on its drama and most other programmes the Woke view isn’t anywhere near as dominant as it is on the BBC . However given that the high priestess of Woke and her puppy dog have signed a contract with Netflix this may well change. But then the other main difference between the foul corporation and Netflix is tha if you don’t like Netflix you are not forced to pay for it even if you don’t watch it and Netflix put you in prison for refusing to pay for it.
More on the pro BBC. Book : The War Against the BBC .
Chapter 4 , £230,000 ….on Tea .
This of course is a chapter telling us that the BBC maybe once was a little profligate in the past but has made superhuman efforts to be leaner, meaner and better than ever before.
Ten odd pages about the best value for money etc .
Well it starts thus :
“A perennial criticism of the BBC is that it is bloated and inefficient, overpaying it’s executives and presenters and routinely wasting licence-payers money .”
I suppose if the BBC can be defended it should be and I hope you’re all with me in that we’ll give the Beeboids a fair hearing .
“ Most such attacks are purely anecdotal , based on how much a particular executive spent on taxis , dinners or hotels , how many people were sent to cover a music festival, or whatever. IN CONTRAST, THIS ARTICLE WAS PRESENTED AS A SERIOUS ATTEMPT TO EVALUATE ITS OVERALL EFFICIENCY, USING REAL NUMBERS .
Firstly I’m surprised at that last sentence.: / presented / was / this article /!
More sense would be ; this chapter shows ; a serious attempt….etc.
And that my friends is half the battle on a critique of this book . You could condense a whole chapter or almost do a line by line analysis and rebuttal of the authors work .
Which leads to the next paragraph titled’ BBC Spends Less Than Half Its Cash on Programmes’ and further on in another para ends with The Daily Mails’ less than half’ claim was miles from the truth .
So I set a challenge. Using the authors figures, would Maxi , Piku or whoever challenge me to prove the Daily Mails claim ?
6pm BBC1 news. Hugh Pym told us the ONS findings that last week 1:100 people had the virus. Not bias, but I am just trying to get my head round it. Testing in my area has about 150 cases per 100,000 (I swear the number changed from the bbc website and Look North) . That isn’t 1%. The test results are people who think they are ill, work for RNHS, in hospitals, care homes etc. I would have thought testing would produce a higher infection rate than the ONS survey I am open to anyone explaining why I am wrong.
I expect they mean actually have the virus even untested
, rather than just the 0.150% in your area that show up as positives tests.
In the old days the vast majority had it so mild they were never tested so the community rate was said to be ten times the test tally.
However these days it will be far less cos there is testing all over the place : in uni, in schools, for each hospital appointment etc.
AFAIK the UK average is about 200/100K ie 0.2%
So if they say the community rate is 1% that would mean the ratio of tested positives to actual positive is 1 to 5
I very much doubt that
Though I could believe it could be 1% in urban South Wales and a couple of parts of London.
Well done all the guys and gals who kicked out the gremlins on our site over the past few days! Thank you all!
During several hours, when I couldn’t load this site, it got me thinking about how much I rely on real news and alternative outlets, well away from the MSM! I did see several interesting items on ITBBCB, and thought I’d try and join in, if our BBBC went down for good, (do you like all these acronyms…), and a few trips to Guido and co filled some of the gaps, but reality kicks in when places like the BBC and ITV, and I suppose Sky etc., aren’t even on the horizon when proper news is needed, not fake news.
I’ve long dismissed the leftie opinions of most of the MSM, especially the BBC of course and sad, failing rags like the Guardian and the Independent, and never bother even to apply ‘The Logic of Scrobs’, which is to automatically think the opposite to anything spouted by these people, and therefore arrive at a real, truthful conclusion, which is one which the majority of citizens here in Great Britain revere and understand!
A bit of truth goes a long way, and while the BBBC spurts endless, confusing Covid statistics, plucked from some ‘expert’, hatred of a Conservative ethos, and a twisted tweet from a lost ‘autocue-reader’ in America, it’s refreshing to know that indpendent commentators like chums here, are worth much, much, more than an over-paid bunch of fakers in W1A.
Long may we continue, and thanks to Fed, Up2, Deborah, Brissles, Stew, AsI, Taff, Guest, G, and everyone who knows me…
(Senor Ceredigion Ron O’Blene – Fellow of the Association of Radio Typography).
Gremlins? I thought somebody forgot to cough up the renewed subscription in time.
It’s funny you know, I was checking something in the BB archives from just five years ago. It was a lot livelier, with serious articles in it instead of just three open bunfights a week, and a lot more participants. Where did they all go? Leaking faster than Beeb viewers to Netflix. You’re withering away you know. I’m afraid the BBC will outlast you.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
Then How about contributing some evidence of Al Beeb’s Bias then , instead of Trolling?
After all, that’s what this site is all about .
You love it really. Without it you’d all just be agreeing with each other on just about everything – BBC bias, Brexit, climate change, Covid, Trump, immigration, you name it. Groupthink and all that. It would be so dull without somebody to disagree with wouldn’t it? I’m providing a service really.
Wildy, you don’t stick around for long normally, do you? While you are here, would you be so kind as to contribute an entertaining post about BBC bias?
I think it’s too busy going back 5 years in order to criticise the present – before going back to Facebook to get some ‘upticks’. I’m inclined to delete it .
No, well it gets a bit repetitive sometimes. And I have work to do. I keep trying to entertain you as much as you entertain me but my words fall among thistles it seems.
I’ve just woken up ,or have I? Am I having a dream about
being in South East Asia ? I am on my computer and I
look at the BBC home page. Minister’s to meet over increase
in Covid cases. Is this in Tokyo ? or maybe Ho Chi Minh because
the picture included shows an oriental family in masks holding
their cell phones looking at Christmas decorations.
We live in a multi cultural, ethnically diverse society which is
a good thing. However although BBC detest the fact over 80%
of the population is indigenous, we are not ashamed of
being Caucasian . Even if it’s an anathema to the BBC. And we
see this every day on their website with their picture
I wonder if it has dawned on Tim that nobody in the BBC has any intention of changing because they firmly believe they are right and everyone else must be changed to agree with them. Anyone who disagrees with this does not last long before they realise their career will go nowhere and get a job somewhere else.
It’s simply impossible to make such a magnitude of change through the entire staff structure in less than a decade. The BBC cannot be saved.
“We live in a multi cultural, ethnically diverse society, which is a good thing.”
Why is it a good thing?
I’m not being awkward, it’s just that I’ve noticed that whenever terms like “Multicultural and ethnic diversity” are used they are always deemed to be a good thing.
They are very often considered beneficial by folk who live a very long way from the “diversity” that they seem to crave.
I know that both the Dimbleby brothers, exponents of “vibrant ethnic mixes” when they were on the BBC, both choose to live in very rural, homogenous villages. They must hate it!
“We live in a multi cultural, ethnically diverse society, which is a good thing.”
A situation foisted on the people of Great Britain against the wishes of the majority of people of this nation, continuing unabated, under a Tory Government.
Not a good thing! As we are gradually discovering .
After having lived and worked in Europe and a little in West Africa, I was always happy to know that my good old country was 90% white Christian-but Oh dear, been back around 11 years and am continually looking around me with astonishment at how successive governments have allowed so many people from so many countries to come and live in the United Kingdom-of course they have diverse cultures, languages and religious faiths, none of which are compatible with ours. Why one must ask would they all want to come to live in a group of small islands off the coast of northern Europe, with terrible weather? I suspect many of us will have a clue to the answer, which will of course include being a member of the European Union-hopefully not for much longer. The people I met and worked with in France for example, treated my wife and I very well and we became close friends with many-speaking French did help of course-they never quite understood why Britain had become a member of the EU, not being on the continent of Europe. They even think a no trade deal is now best for the UK-in fact underneath they would like to leave the EU but know that their ecnomic position would suffer badly. They need us more than we need them in that instance. The cultural viversity of multiculturalism has gone too far for it to be altered-my goodness wasn’t Enoch Powell far seeing.
For there to be a multi-cultural society there have to be cultures, plural, and cultures are produced by homogeneous societies i.e. mono-cultural societies.
Multiculturalism destroys the very thing that is supposedly of value.
Simple example: English boys put down jumpers and play football, Chinese boys form a line and put on a dragon costume. In the multi-cultural society there aren’t enough boys to form a football team or do a dragon dance so both activities cease. All the boys now go to MacDonald’s, drink Coca-Cola and watch Facebook videos.
We always hear that “diversity is a good thing” by those who are in front of a camera – to having an opposing view in front of millions would be tantamount to suicide. What they believe and say in the privacy of their own environment could be a totally different matter. Before the curse of social media, most of what was said on the tele and in the press might have created headlines for a day or two, but in the main we all went back to holding our own views without fear of the thought police giving us a battering.
'Black Brits' is trending – because U.S. BLM activists who claim black people aren't represented in the film industry, are now angry that 'too many' black British actors are in films depicting black Americans.
These obsessives will never be happy, & will never grow the fuck up. https://t.co/XvjIAitDxu
Are they aware that most of the white population in Britain are angry that most advertisements barely portray any white people at all ? and that historical dramas are ‘product placing’ black actors for the sake of it ! (I will not be watching the Netflix ‘Bridgeton’ drama because….. well, take a look at one of the landed gentry, and you’ll see why)
Ooh! Claws out! Country Squire magazine doesn’t have a vested interest in slaughtering the wildlife, does it? (Does the Duke of Buccleugh know it has pinched his crest? Or is he in on it?)
I love that final sentence! How dare Mr Packham criticise his betters!
Can all children’s Christmas movies, books, TV specials STOP pretending it snows at Christmas. It’s just not fair to lie to children at this time of year.
Dont hold your breath Davy will do the minimum he can get away with. I think his mission is not to install change and make Aunty efficient but to buy time and to keep as much of the ghastly BBC “talent” in situ so that they will be there to give us all of the “good” news when the “Reset” happens.
I haven't really talked about the very real harm that Tucker Carlson's lies caused me and my family. It was bad. Now he's threatening to undermine the response to the pandemic. And Fox News doesn't give a damn. https://t.co/c9E08FoibG
Someone at the BBC is going to be in trouble. The Guardian is missing from ‘The Papers’ but even worse, the Sun appears twice! Oooh dearie, me! The House Journal is absent and that Murdoch rag fills its space.
“The Guardian is missing” !
Tim Davie has been peeping at this site to find out why Al Beeb’s money pool and viewers are fast draining away.
As any DG of a failing company worth his salt would do .
2020 has been a strange year. So many inexplicable occurrencies. Take for example the small matter of the fact that the BBC’s online daily newspaper frontpage line up used not to include the tabloid Sun. Suddenly this year the Sun appeared.
Now this morning the Sun makes the line up twice. Same frontpage. The conspiracy theory would be that BBC editors were keen on the Sun’s headline: ‘Camilla does Strictly. Surprise guest tonite’
By the way, these days you don’t hear so much of that old claim by companies that they have been granted the endorsement By Royal Appointment. Commercial organisations are more likely to boast how they’re an Equal Opportunities Employer or have no connection to Modern Day Slavery. I should hope so. But I digress.
The BBC are unlikely to have been caught in a conspiracy here. They may well be after the glamour of Royal approval for their gay glitterball last foothold in popular light entertainment. Occam’s Razor suggests BBC staff just made a mistake and duplicated the Sun frontpage.
Meanwhile we have a supermarket advert from the Sun to ponder twice over. Interesting after yesterday’s hungry NHS nurses hullabaloo: ‘Tesco carrots 1kg was was 41p, then 29p now 19p, Tesco parsnips 500g was 42p then 29p now 19p… More Christmas offers on page 6’
Now I know the supermarkets do loss leaders but come on, food isn’t that dear. What I’m suggesting is we each buy a little bit extra this week and pop it into the local food bank. Alternatively as a special acknowledgment for all the marvelous work our NHS has done to protect us from the Chinese Flu this year we could really demonstrate our appreciation by wandering along to our nearest NHS hospital, clinic or GP surgery and – careful to comply with their Covid restrictions – chuck all our cheap veg for the nurses in through the front entrance. Or a window – if they’ve left one open – which I believe they should have under the rules. Afterall, it is Christmas.
I said it was a strange year and the Daily Telegraph does not disappoint, publishing a headline of which Professor Quatermass would have been proud: ‘South East on alert over mutant virus strain’
Let me rephrase that: “Matt Hancock, Health Secretary, sacked after suffering delusions that he was living in a 1950s Sci Fi TV series”
Remember how our media ridiculed Donald Trump for his musing that we could maybe zap the virus with bleach?
Seems these days the BBC mantra is “inform, educate, entertain and put the frighteners on” Likewise the Telegraph: ‘Wood burners triple indoor pollution levels’ – you have to admire the way these new phrases get slipped into media parlance – “indoor pollution” I like it.
You know you’re onto a good thing when you conjure up some daft satire and a few weeks later the government copy your idea of a spoof as an actual new law.
Avid readers will recall the likening of our ascending numbered covid regulation Tiers to Spinal Tap’s s absurd special amplifier knobs which could go beyond the regular 10 to reach 11.
The Daily Mail today appears to confirm the joke made reality by our governing knobs: ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like lockdown as ministers draw up plans for tough new “Tier 4″‘ – and why stop there? 5, 6, Tier 7…?
Matt Hancock will no doubt soon warn us of the danger of Daleks on Westminster Bridge necessitating new security measures and payrises for MPs, the outside chance Godzilla might begin ripping up the railways showing precisely why we need HS2 and the frequent visits to earth of little green men being the reason for further easing of restrictions on immigration.
Asiseeit – a fulsome report thanks . I can exclusively confirm that Tesco is selling parsnips for 19p a bag – as well as sprouts . I broke my house arrest yesterday to go and buy some . ( no knock on the door yet from plod – but I’m sure the bit of the state which monitors this site for ‘extremism ‘ AKA unapproved thought – will be putting my details in their ‘target ‘ file ..
Do you notice that the MSM does do features on the minimum cost of feeding – eg a chicken for £4 – the various offers available ? Just the mantra about more pay . Morrison’s – I think – even boasts about 10% off for the NHS and Teachers !
Ordinary punters are picking up that tab …
As for ‘strictly ‘ which I will never see – I guess the BBC has leaked the appearance of the adulteress to boost their ratings to justify their claim of ‘popularity ‘.in real life – of course – we know the truth . The few successes they have are flogged to death or endlessly repeated .
Generally the media lives in a strange world of contradictions – for instance one paper moans about ‘the end of the high street ‘ ( again ) – another moans about piles of parcels because the dysfunctional post office can’t cope as usual – and doesn’t know whether it want more tiers or not ….
I looked at the BBC website and found a fruity story about a white police sergeant who was top Jonny in their union – and an ‘Asian police woman’ – he left after she made complaints about ‘inappropriate ‘ communications .
But then the BBC report goes into pages and pages of the stuff this thick idiot sent to his ‘Asian babe ‘ . As I read I wondered where the stuff came from – was it her or the police ? And why so much features on the website – including a picture of said thick ex plod . Surprised they didn’t publish his home address just to kill him off ….
Do you notice the different ‘treatment ‘ approved and disapproved people get from the media ? Cummings gets more than the full treatment . The SNP MP woman gets a ‘no action “ – a remainer Tory MP – Tobias Elwood – gets the ‘no action as well ….
…. meanwhile they are still after Cummings ….who was a non elected individual in a paid post ….
Bit of a no-brainer really. Cummings was party to setting the very rules he broke. The other’s weren’t. Margaret Ferrier had her party whip withdrawn so she’s not an SNP MP. She can’t be forced to resign her seat and she has done nothing that would disqualify her.
Interesting that you think an SNP MP has no input into laying down the policy / law on covid control . Instead of ‘ going back 5 years ‘ to look at out archive a maybe go look at her voting record .
Your flexible morality also betrays you as a troll ….any MP who did that should go .
Anyone with two or more brain cells to rub together will be wondering whether the fact that hospitals are filling up with suspected and/or actual Covid-19 sufferers is whether GPs and others in the system, especially (A&E) Junior Doctors – think back to when Jeremy Hunt was SoS for Health – are deliberately causing or ‘helping’ the rise in Covid-19 cases being hospitalised.
For one thing, the NHS can then scream for more vast funds to be provided by the taxpayer. The PM and the current SoS for Health, Matt Hancock, can be made to look bad and be forced into another U-turn over Christmas rule relaxation and delay in responding and making resources available.
The NHS not being overwhelmed in winter would be a news headline that, I guess, the BBC would be reluctant to broadcast.
Pro-NHS. Pro-Labour/Lib-Dem/SNP/Plaid etc. Or both, it doesn’t matter. The BBC’s failure to ask that vital question on air and to get its many journalists to investigate rather proves an anti-Conservative Government bias at the BBC.
The former SoS for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP was on TOADY this a.m. in his role as Chair of the House committee on Health. He spoke well. In a roundabout way, he triggered my point above, by being very measured about the Covid-19/20 crisis in marked contrast to the massive arm-waving and screaming from much, nearly all, of the MSM.
It is clear that the BBC now know that many hospitalised (or nearly all?) Covid-19 patients caught the Covid-19 infection while in hospital for other treatments.
The Prime Minister made a great error, in my view, in not keeping Jeremy Hunt in post as SoS for Health when choosing his new Cabinet this time last year.
I have been an NHS consultant for just over a year, so recently a junior doctor. I very deliberately don’t claim NHS discounts as I count myself lucky to have a job. Looking after sick people is my job, I am paid well to do it but ultimately I am trying to help people. Many other people – the milkman, the supermarket worker etc are trying to do exactly the same thing.
Personally I don’t think the NHS needs more funds, any effective management would improve things.
The suggestion that I am causing “the rise in Covid 19 being hospitalised” is beyond insulting. Why on earth would I? I would love to be able to go back to operating without multiple layers of kit, to actually see all of my patients face to face and not on a video screen (although I see most face to faces), to not spend hours every week trying to balance the risk of someone maybe having a cancer needing investigating vs. potentially giving them Covid as they come up about some minor non life threatening. Of course I get it wrong, but I am trying as hard as I can.
“Brexit: UK-EU trade talks enter critical 48-hour period”
Unbelievable !
Yesterday it was – Michel Barnier says negotiations have “just a few hours”
Its all a bloody farce .
Its The Reform Party for me from now on.
Unless the sell out is announced on Christmas Eve as expected – I reckon 2020 might be extended into a 13th month – the Franco German alliance isn’t moving – macron must have french fishing rights – so the expectation is to ‘licence ‘ the rights to the EU for 5 10 15 years –
I must admit – I choose not the know the detail of the stuff but that sort of fudge would allow both sides to claim ‘victory ‘ and it would be business as usual .
By the way I love the way that boris and his crew always call them ‘our friends ‘ when they are not ….
Right Fredup2, they are certainly no bloody friends of this nation-we all know that the PM should have walked away a week ago-we must ask why is the governments team still talking to this bunch of duplictious scum bags-Russia and China for that matter are delighted that Europe is going down the tubes fast as one of its most important members jumps the rabid ship. Easy pickings for them.
A week? We should have walked away 4 YEARS ago. Even the densest politician (and this country has more than its fair share) could have known that ‘negotiations’ with the EU were futile as their idea of negotiations is the UK agreeing to every single one of their proposals.
We need to use the same tactics against the French, if they send their frigates out to provide an ‘escort’ to their fishing vessels, as Iceland did against us.
Have we the political will to do this? The Prof. seems vaguely hopeful.
The senior plod in charge of brexit policing has done a full on ‘project fear ‘interview saying plod might have more difficulty dealing with crime after a no deal trade arrangement .
You might recall they used this one in the run up to the referendum . The project fear grid needs updating .
I laughed at the irony – after the week when the Manchester chief constable ‘left ‘ after his constabulary was found to have failed to report at least 20% of crime reported to it. It was so thick it couldn’t even cover that corruption up.
The author of the article had the surname ‘French “….
Fedup. Agreed. Police don’t police anymore and I know this from bitter experience. In fact policing is the last thing on their mind.
I’m not sure you allow advertising here but as it’s near Christmas and all that, can I suggest a good read- called Welcome to the Farce by Detective Miggins (damn I’ve blown my cover now, but well retired) which explains all in a lighthearted way.
However, just in case you need the Police in a hurry (and obviously I hope you don’t) you need to mention knives being seen, a racially motivated or hate crime and a sexuality other than straight. They will be knocking at your door before you’ve finished the call.
You see that’s where the 20% went wrong in Manchester.
The BBC running with an article titled “What if the whole World went vegan?” on their home page, links to a page with 32 eco-loony frightener videos under the title of “Sustainable thinking”
Yes that’s 32 scare stories, all with doom-laden, bizarre scary headlines like “How half a degree could change the World forever”and “What if all the wasps disappeared?” and even “Is your pension contributing to Climate change?” (probably aimed at BBC executives this one!)… the one which made me howl with laughter was the one titled “Are you suffering from eco-anxiety?”
Well you will be when you have looked at this load of utter crap!
Maybe they should have made one called “Do we really NEED 22,000 staff?”
London metropolitan liberal elite , very well paid , BBC bubble dweller sends his Christmas reminder to the plebs that we are all racist !!!!!!
ANOTHER bame who has seen his skin colour really hold him back !!!!! F off Adil ????????
Oh, and isn’t the OBE racist now ??????
Your handy reminder that Christmas is a national public holiday in Britain because we are historically, culturally & constitutionally a Christian country. A family Christmas is celebrated by people of all faiths & none. Oh, and never let it be said that Adil isn't a total dick. https://t.co/wwfM6raMdj
Leicester has been in lockdown since March. I’m sure it has nothing to do with ethnic minorities being unable to stay out each others’ houses, groups of 20 playing cricket in parks, mingling in the streets during celebrations and not wearing masks.
Fedup. Even more than that and extremely annoying it clashes with ‘At home with the Nolans’, ‘19 kids and outnumbered’ and ‘Monster croc invasion’. Ah well…I’m in the mood for dancing.
Fedup- It wouldn’t surprise me if Lewis Hamilton insists that
everybody subjugates themselves by taking the knee before
he accepts the award. And ” Big Ears” will be the first to go
down. If you don’t know who Big ears is watch the clip on
You Tube with Ian Wright . Stevie Gerrard and Big ears in the
studio before a Champions League night. Ian Wright gives
Big ears just about the best and funniest come backs you
have ever seen. And its got nothing to do with crisps !!
For anyone with popcorn – lady nut nut s husband is to do a press conference at 4pm Saturday afternoon … to announce …. deal / no deal – lockdown /no lockdown ….
Adam Schiff, who was instrumental to the Russia hoax and fake impeachment, is the latest deep state operative to be linked to the Bidens’ Chinese business dealings. Both he and Chuck Schumer have also had long-buried paedophile accusations (backed up by photographs) brought back into the news cycle, as has chief justice John Roberts who is also now caught up in a scandal regarding a phone call he had with another justice saying he had counter-measures in place to make sure Trump wouldn’t be re-elected. The entire Epstein Island flight log was released yesterday, which showed both Schumer and Roberts on there as well as dozens from Bill Clinton. There is only one record of Trump visiting the Island, in 1997, which he admitted to and after which he started trying to get Epstein exposed. Two other prolific paedophiles have been arrested this week, both of whom have ties to Epstein and many of the figures associated with him. Biden’s daughter’s diary has been brought to public attention as well, in which she states that she was molested for years in her childhood.
Biden has now been blocked from receiving intel briefings from the Pentagon and Trump met Chris Miller yesterday, which coincides with EO 13848 where the first phase (an assessment by DNI Ratcliffe) was completed this week, and the next stage is the written report made public. Mark Zuckerberg has been caught funding the corrupt Democrat cities most implicated in the fraud as well as the DNC itself, and he’s sold $400m worth of stocks. Dominion systems were used in the French presidential election (among many others) where Macron won, and it’s now being reported that Le Pen actually won in a landslide and Macron only received 11% of the vote.
This is only a microcosm of what’s really happening, none of which the BBC will report until they literally have no choice. The biggest international corruption scandal in our lifetimes and our state broadcaster is silent and shilling for Beijing Biden. Disgusting.
Not bad Laughing at Lefties but I don’t think it’s one of your best.
This is one of my favourites.
“Laughing at Lefty Trolls
NOVEMBER 6, 2020 AT 2:31 PM
There’s credible rumours now that Trump secretly had the mail-in ballots watermarked because he knew the Democrats were likely to cheat. If that’s true, and there appears to be videos backing it up, the fireworks we see when this is proven will be incredible.”
What happened to those watermarked ballots by the way?
You are a good advert for ‘Lefties’. No wonder they got hammered in the last general election. Keep it up but don’t give up your day job , (if you have ever had one?)
The Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm of Dominion machines was enabled. The bias ratios in favour of Biden were not enough for him to win. Although all server security logs prior to 4th November 2020 are missing, the Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with new ballot programming on 23rd October 2020 and then again after the election on 5th November 2020. So in the middle of the night, vote dumping was necessary.
So although attention is on the Dominion voting machines, I presume in time, watermarks will help with identifying dumped votes.
Thankyou Laughing at Lefties for explaining that so well. I get my information from alternative sources too as the MSM only ever show negatives or nothing at all.
More on the BBC apologists book The War Against The BBC .
I’m skipping through chapter 4 about BBC costs , a brief mention of chapter 5 Under Sustained Attack – Towards the Current Charter and Funding Deal
The authors seem to have John Whittingdale in their sights and feel that the BBC is unfairly got at by right wingers . They think that not enough analysis about the BBC is done and ++ more money should be given to the BBC .
I think they should remember that all British institutions come under financial scrutiny, even the Queen , so the BBC shouldn’t be exempt.
The next two chapters are anti Murdoch . In fact I’m going to speed read as I want to get to the chapter that mentions this site .
“UNWOKE actor Laurence Fox seems to disapprove of black actress Jodie Turner-Smith, playing Anne Boleyn in a new Channel 5 drama. ‘This is a real slap in the face for actors from the limb different community. Everybody knows Anne Boleyn had six fingers on her right hand’, says the Lewis star “
Just listening to the afternoon footie around the grounds, latest scores etc on Talksport together with the running commentary on who has or hasn’t taken the knee (av you seen it?) Absolutely mind-boggling holier than thou comments by the link man. Obviously knee bending takes precedence over anything else happening on the pitch. For talksport read SKY read BBC read propaganda read covid lies read the National Let Us kill your Granny service read this pox-ridden Government.
Didn’t the Beeb pay around £30 thousand for him to go on a ‘presenter’s course ‘ ? so they could oust Lucy Alexander and replace her with him in the Hammer shows ?
It appears that since I was on earlier today, that we only need maxi to complete a Triple Crown (of Trolls) with Piku and Wildy.
Happy Christmas to our Trolls and a healthy New Year. I wish you would join in with pointing out the BBC Bias instead of merely attacking posters on here.
Oh, I totally agree that the BBC has a bias. It’s infuriating. It’s biased towards the status quo, the monarchy, the Union, the government of the day. It keeps repeating Count Arthur Strong on the wireless, for example, even though I’ve never met anybody who finds it remotely amusing.
It’s on the wireless, dear. I believe there was a TV version but I’ve never seen it. No licence required for listening to the wireless, not since 1971.
Why does the BBC have a helicopter flying over Number 10? How much does it cost the telly taxpayer to do this? Does anyone gain any insight or value from it – we know he’s in there! pic.twitter.com/oIrHvUVN6R
It’s watching for Rupert Murdoch sneaking in by the service door to brief his subordinates of course. Now there’s a scandal that you all keep quiet about,
No 10 has about 10 different underground entrances
so if they wanted to sneak someone in, you wouldn’t even notice.
It’s typical of BBC to keep pushing their Global Warming religion saying that CO2 is a magic control knob
and that YOU must make huge sacrifices
.. for you then to notice the BBC is using 4 petrol tankers/day to fuel its helicopter.
Guardianland where “rules apply to thee, but not to mee”
Your hatred and fixation on one man – who seems no longer in number 10 betrays your mental state . Maybe you should refrain from ranting – or go somewhere it is more common – I’m sure you know where that is ..
12:10pm Worst TV shows of the Year
They had no shortage of candidates
#Reality : ITV’s Don’t Rock the Boat
#Drama : BBC1 Roadkill only aired cos David O’Hare is a lefty who hates Boris
BBC’s NHS Superstars
Channel4’s : The School That Tried to End Racism
footage showed white kids crying cos the school told them are “racists”
BBC1’s Peter Crouch Save Our Summer
He’s a good guy but the format ruined it
Eastenders : They had a huge boat sinking, but failed to drown half the cast & never mentioned the event 2 weeks later.
Steph McGovern’s Packed Lunch
axed for having zero viewers, but they are bringing it back
An extremely depressing press briefing but all koonsburg could do was a “gotcha” . No mention of the use of nightingale hospitals or oxygen ppe supplies which are going to be needed if their graphs are not lying .
As for containment in the SE of england – might slow it down but wont stop spread .
Sainsbury’s Twitter Ad pushed at me
… They think they are sooo cool
cos after getting complaints about over-representation of BAME, they responded by making sure almost zero ads are fronted by white people
Laura “my face has been shaped with a axe” Kuensberg all high and mighty with Boris about the new Christmas plans and apparently according to the wonky faced raving Lefty, he has let people down at short notice and ruined Christmas.
BUT , that’s EXACTLY what the BBC have been campaigning for 24/7 !!!!
And when they get what THEY want, they blame Boris and take no responsibility !!!!!!!
“Relaxation of Christmas Covid rules scrapped for much of south-east England”
BoJo is shutting the country down.
We tried that in Taffland and it did not work.
(1) Lockdowns are not working: So we need a 24 hour curfew for ever & ever.
(2) Masks are not working: So we need to stop everyone from breathing.
(3) The NHS is not working: So we need to spend more money on more Leaders.
Signed: Senior Climate Leader of Great Britain, Princess Nut Nut
Christ all mighty, that bloody Elba gets where castor oil can’t. At least Daniel Craig didn’t prostitute himself for every pay packet going before he got the Bond role. One can only hope this person doesn’t get the part that so many want to see him in.
and Fathers For Justice complain she later led the the white feather campaign that bullied hesitant men to g and fight in the trenches, where many died.
StewGreenMar 12, 12:07 Midweek 12th March 2025 Hull : Atlas Caravan factory has gone bust 180 job losses and then the suppliers https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/atlas-leisure-homes-enters-administration-10013006
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:38 Midweek 12th March 2025 Canada’s Justin Trudeau cannot say how often he wore blackface [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/10E07/production/_108872196_trudeau_blackface_3_comp.jpg.webp[/img] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49763805
vladMar 12, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 If any of you deplorables enjoy seeing leftist terrorists accidentally setting themselves on fire while trying to arsonise Tesla, then…
JohnCMar 12, 11:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 ‘City of culture’ rapidly became ‘biggest shithole we want to try and rejuvinate’. The only culture Bradford has is the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:14 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Bangladesh Court Seizes Tulip Siddiq’s Properties and Imposes Travel Ban” – Minister of order-order.com …………………….. She served as Economic Secretary…
markhMar 12, 11:12 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s bad enough that the dire Comic Relief is heading our way again. What makes it infinitely worse is that…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda to Censorship to Tyranny by Laurie Calhoun | May 18, 2022 (seen on order-order.com…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 elsewhere “They’re filming a propaganda piece about last summer’s civil unrest, directed by Rizwan Wadan. The “heroic” Imam Adam Kelwick—who…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
Earlier the topic of a French name came up.
I was thinking pendulums. Erroneously.
Second !
And third!
Only joking.
Catchup link back to the laast post on the previous thread
– page 4 started Friday afternoon
– page 3
oops I missed a comma (so that link doesn’t work)
Catchup link back to the last post on the previous thread
– page 4 started Friday 7:45pm
– page 3
I remember in the late 1960s, early 1970s (I think) an occasional programme on the BBC where a panel considered how to deal with a problem as described by someone. Once they had decided their course of action the facilitator would throw in something that would change the scenario and thus their course of action.
It was a programme for intellectuals so would never be shown now.
But it is what I feel we are living with at the moment. The facilitator told the panel there was a virus, but half way round the world. What would the panel do? Then he told them it had reached Europe. Would that change their course of action. They decided to have a lock down. He told them it didn’t work. What would they do now? They decided to invest in a vaccine. The facilitator tells them it had bad side effects. Then he tells them the virus has mutated. Would that change their plan? Christmas is coming, would that change their decisions? Etc etc.
It was an excellent programme, but I just didn’t expect to be living through it.
They decided to have a lock down. He told them it didn’t work. So they decided to have another lock down. He told them it didn’t work either. So they decided to put the word out via the media that they’ll have a third lock down.
Guess what. That won’t work either.
Government so-called experts have only a couple of crude tools in their tool box.
1. Masks
2. Lockdown
Thats it. They have tried all combinations of the two, and work. So they repeat.
A new tool is available. It is not tested but worth a go.
Possibly Connections hosted by James Burke?
I didn’t like it because, like now, whenever someone came up with a strategy Burke would tell them why they couldn’t do it. There was usually some law or lack of a resource that got in the way.
Of course the real disorganised world doesn’t work like that. The unexpected can happen. A Connections 1939 scenario would have prevented the invasion of Poland (it would be illegal) and we would have been unable to fight the Battle of Britain because we didn’t have the capacity in our aircraft factories to make enough planes.
In reality Hitler ignored international law and we stopped making cars and built fighters instead.
Connections exemplifies the BBC can’t do approach versus the now exterminated American can do.
I had a picture of James Burke in my head but couldn’t remember his name. But I then seemed to remember the facilitator being an older grey haired man with an American accent (I wasn’t very old but watched it with my Dad who loved it). Maybe they changed facilitators? But it is how I feel things are ie ‘you have got the vaccine’ and ‘it doesn’t work’.
I think that the Canadian Bob McKenzie May be the host that you are thinking of. He was a regular on all manner of news and current affairs programmes on the BBC during the late sixties and seventies. He had grey hair ( but in the days of b and w it might have been fair!) and glasses and a Canadian accent which could be easily mistaken for American.
Yes Doublethinker, that was him. Thank you. He (at least to a child) appeared to be an excellent facilitator. And as I remember he didn’t lead the panel in any particular direction and I am very sure he didn’t mention climate change.
Unfair to James Burke! ‘Connections’ was a solo show in which Burke (entertainingly IMHO) showed how one invention/solution leads to another throughout history. Earlier, as a co-presenter of Tomorrow’s World he helped to introduce a lot of people to science and engineering. He isn’t a scientist, he has one of those ‘useless’ degrees in English.
You have nudged my memory a bit further, Connections was as you described, Scenarios was the programme that I should have referenced.
That was a very BBC programme as the guests were effectively rail-roadedinto the programmes pre-determined conclusions.
Interesting Deborah-I am inclined to agree with the facilitator that Lock-Downs don’t work other than to supress the virus whilst allowing the Hospitals some breathing space, but once unlocked the virus will surely spread again to other hosts. Eventually enough of us will have built up an immunity-those with health issues will still have to be very careful initially. Italy is going into another lockdown-same scenario applies as fas as I can see-only a limited period of virus supression not the formular for dealing with this virus. Don’t really have much faith in the hurridly rushed Pfyzer vaccine’s-for the moment I will wait and see what the results from those that have the vaccine will be. China have a lot to look for.
Deborah – this sort of exercise is run very often . The problem is that human nature gets in the way during exercises . People don’t want to appear thick amongst their ‘peers ‘ and bosses – so they prepare … and it becomes a ritual .
Worse than that – afterward every one forgets about it and gets on with the day job . This is what happened in the pandemic exercise run 2 years ago . Jeremy hunt( health secretary for 9 years?) has avoided scrutiny about the findings of that exercise and I’m sure the civil service who run it will white wash it when the ‘Public Inquiry ‘ into the Chinese virus takes places in 2030 with a report published in around 2040 – redacted of course…
Deborah, I seem to have a vague recollection of that programme although I think it may be a decade or two later than the 1960s/1970s. Was it not morphed more recently into the BBC ‘Free thinking’ and ‘Four Thought’ series and was it not at the root of the TED Talks (not BBC but initially covered by them) ie. inspiring that series?
My memory is somewhat hazy.
@Deborah Right from the beginning the government behaviour has been like of a Guardian reading teacher
.. rather than someone who understands risk assessments and proper safety procedures.
Why ? Maybe cos the Guardian reading class that rule over us have a style ..which is a sham.
“Here’s a manifesto that contains your concerns, proper border control and not much of the green stuff”
…”Right now you voted for us, we’ll stuff the manifesto and put in as much Guardianland policies as we can get away with
.. cos w Guardian land people are top, and yous are all thick”
The governments Covid policy is that of a teacher who PUNISHES THE WHOLE class.
Someone has been talking in class
and instead of figuring out who the government is giving us all detention.
Whereas the gov should have worked out where Covid leaked last week, whether it was airline pilots or Devon hospitals or a factory of Polish workers and thus targeted restrictions for those likely to be next .. not targetted everyone.
That forgotten “challenge” prog
The Great Egg Race was an engineering challenge show
but I don’t remember a “twist” segment.
James Burke was much more than an English graduate
he didn’t start work in TV until he was 29 with Granada
Before that he had got a whole lot of real life experience like being in the RAF and headmaster of Rome International school.
I am 2nd…can’t believe it. Feel guilty as don’t post as much since dropping most BBC.
Sorry if anyone posted before but driving a lot today and everytime R4…doom gloom and all public sector bloody moaning and invited on to R4. Not a word about the destruction to economy…it appears the vaccine won’t make a difference..well that’s how BBC portray it..
NHS heros overwhelmed..exhausted teachers ..ambulances queued up outside hospitals..people all getting together over Christmas .is evil…and all the fault of Boris and Govt
And of course Neil Ferguson given full reign to spurt his crap….no questions asked
Almost everyone I know is just bored now.and BBC are promoting fear….
Defund the outfit – simples.
The more the merrier!
Callum Smith v Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez
Date: 19 December Venue: Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas
“Smith finds himself in the unusual position of being a world champion and an underdog as he prepares to face boxing’s best-paid star in Texas.”
BBC’s obsession with pay and stars …
Canelo is considered boxing’s pound for pound king, why don’t they just call him that.
Much kudos to Callum if he can pull this of.
Canelo is an exceptionally hard nut to crack.
If he does Callum can forget being BBC sportsman of the year unless he takes the knee or transitions.
“Coronavirus: UK R number back above one”
More testing = more positive results .
Simples .
I trust the bbc remembered to explain (for the thousand time) what the R number is..
More testing = more accurately knowing the real situation.
Stop watching the news = no more pandemic, no more wars, no more disasters.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
Paid your Telly Tax yet ?
Me? I don’t have a TV licence. I don’t need one for the wireless, which is where I get my news from. Haven’t had a televisual device for years. It’s not compulsory you know.
Then you are not aware of the Bais promulgated by Al Beeb’ TV programmes, however there is enough Bias on their wireless stations to offer some criticism of the failing broadcaster .
WildWomanOfThe Woods
So what do you have to offer us about Al Beeb’s Bias ?
If Tim Davie visited this site he would understand why Al Beeb’s viewers were switching to Netflix etc.
Perhaps he does?
Remind me, which Netflix shows present a traditional white British conservative world view?
WildWomanOfThe Woods
Remind me, what Al Beeb shows present a traditional white British conservative world view.
Why should anyone be forced to pay Al Beeb for watching other live broadcasting TV channels ?
Have you paid the tax that robs from the poor to give too the rich?
Don’t need a TV licence to watch Netflix either. But if you are saying that people are deserting the BBC for Netflix because the BBC doesn’t reflect their world view then you need to show how Netflix does reflect that world view.
I have no need to show what view Netflix reflects .
My criticism is of Al Beeb . After all, this is what this site is about.
Now where are your examples of Al Beeb’s Bias , or as I previously posted – you are just Trolling.
If you are trying to support Al Beeb you are wasting your time .
‘Its a dead man walking’ , to survive, its robbing the poor to give to the rich.
No argument that Netflix is leftist . But the difference between It and the BBC is that on its drama and most other programmes the Woke view isn’t anywhere near as dominant as it is on the BBC . However given that the high priestess of Woke and her puppy dog have signed a contract with Netflix this may well change. But then the other main difference between the foul corporation and Netflix is tha if you don’t like Netflix you are not forced to pay for it even if you don’t watch it and Netflix put you in prison for refusing to pay for it.
More on the pro BBC. Book : The War Against the BBC .
Chapter 4 , £230,000 ….on Tea .
This of course is a chapter telling us that the BBC maybe once was a little profligate in the past but has made superhuman efforts to be leaner, meaner and better than ever before.
Ten odd pages about the best value for money etc .
Well it starts thus :
“A perennial criticism of the BBC is that it is bloated and inefficient, overpaying it’s executives and presenters and routinely wasting licence-payers money .”
I suppose if the BBC can be defended it should be and I hope you’re all with me in that we’ll give the Beeboids a fair hearing .
“ Most such attacks are purely anecdotal , based on how much a particular executive spent on taxis , dinners or hotels , how many people were sent to cover a music festival, or whatever. IN CONTRAST, THIS ARTICLE WAS PRESENTED AS A SERIOUS ATTEMPT TO EVALUATE ITS OVERALL EFFICIENCY, USING REAL NUMBERS .
Firstly I’m surprised at that last sentence.: / presented / was / this article /!
More sense would be ; this chapter shows ; a serious attempt….etc.
And that my friends is half the battle on a critique of this book . You could condense a whole chapter or almost do a line by line analysis and rebuttal of the authors work .
Which leads to the next paragraph titled’ BBC Spends Less Than Half Its Cash on Programmes’ and further on in another para ends with The Daily Mails’ less than half’ claim was miles from the truth .
So I set a challenge. Using the authors figures, would Maxi , Piku or whoever challenge me to prove the Daily Mails claim ?
6pm BBC1 news. Hugh Pym told us the ONS findings that last week 1:100 people had the virus. Not bias, but I am just trying to get my head round it. Testing in my area has about 150 cases per 100,000 (I swear the number changed from the bbc website and Look North) . That isn’t 1%. The test results are people who think they are ill, work for RNHS, in hospitals, care homes etc. I would have thought testing would produce a higher infection rate than the ONS survey I am open to anyone explaining why I am wrong.
I expect they mean actually have the virus even untested
, rather than just the 0.150% in your area that show up as positives tests.
In the old days the vast majority had it so mild they were never tested so the community rate was said to be ten times the test tally.
However these days it will be far less cos there is testing all over the place : in uni, in schools, for each hospital appointment etc.
AFAIK the UK average is about 200/100K ie 0.2%
So if they say the community rate is 1% that would mean the ratio of tested positives to actual positive is 1 to 5
I very much doubt that
Though I could believe it could be 1% in urban South Wales and a couple of parts of London.
Thanks Stew.
The PCR test is suspect in any event.
Covid in Germany
click the boxes to see the 7-day trend
Exponential up
Well done all the guys and gals who kicked out the gremlins on our site over the past few days! Thank you all!
During several hours, when I couldn’t load this site, it got me thinking about how much I rely on real news and alternative outlets, well away from the MSM! I did see several interesting items on ITBBCB, and thought I’d try and join in, if our BBBC went down for good, (do you like all these acronyms…), and a few trips to Guido and co filled some of the gaps, but reality kicks in when places like the BBC and ITV, and I suppose Sky etc., aren’t even on the horizon when proper news is needed, not fake news.
I’ve long dismissed the leftie opinions of most of the MSM, especially the BBC of course and sad, failing rags like the Guardian and the Independent, and never bother even to apply ‘The Logic of Scrobs’, which is to automatically think the opposite to anything spouted by these people, and therefore arrive at a real, truthful conclusion, which is one which the majority of citizens here in Great Britain revere and understand!
A bit of truth goes a long way, and while the BBBC spurts endless, confusing Covid statistics, plucked from some ‘expert’, hatred of a Conservative ethos, and a twisted tweet from a lost ‘autocue-reader’ in America, it’s refreshing to know that indpendent commentators like chums here, are worth much, much, more than an over-paid bunch of fakers in W1A.
Long may we continue, and thanks to Fed, Up2, Deborah, Brissles, Stew, AsI, Taff, Guest, G, and everyone who knows me…
(Senor Ceredigion Ron O’Blene – Fellow of the Association of Radio Typography).
Senor Ceredigion Ron O’Blene – Fellow of the Association of Radio Typography
Hear, hear!
Gremlins? I thought somebody forgot to cough up the renewed subscription in time.
It’s funny you know, I was checking something in the BB archives from just five years ago. It was a lot livelier, with serious articles in it instead of just three open bunfights a week, and a lot more participants. Where did they all go? Leaking faster than Beeb viewers to Netflix. You’re withering away you know. I’m afraid the BBC will outlast you.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
Then How about contributing some evidence of Al Beeb’s Bias then , instead of Trolling?
After all, that’s what this site is all about .
You love it really. Without it you’d all just be agreeing with each other on just about everything – BBC bias, Brexit, climate change, Covid, Trump, immigration, you name it. Groupthink and all that. It would be so dull without somebody to disagree with wouldn’t it? I’m providing a service really.
Wildy, you don’t stick around for long normally, do you? While you are here, would you be so kind as to contribute an entertaining post about BBC bias?
I think it’s too busy going back 5 years in order to criticise the present – before going back to Facebook to get some ‘upticks’. I’m inclined to delete it .
No, well it gets a bit repetitive sometimes. And I have work to do. I keep trying to entertain you as much as you entertain me but my words fall among thistles it seems.
I’ve just woken up ,or have I? Am I having a dream about
being in South East Asia ? I am on my computer and I
look at the BBC home page. Minister’s to meet over increase
in Covid cases. Is this in Tokyo ? or maybe Ho Chi Minh because
the picture included shows an oriental family in masks holding
their cell phones looking at Christmas decorations.
We live in a multi cultural, ethnically diverse society which is
a good thing. However although BBC detest the fact over 80%
of the population is indigenous, we are not ashamed of
being Caucasian . Even if it’s an anathema to the BBC. And we
see this every day on their website with their picture
That’s why Al Beeb’s viewing figures are dropping. Take note Tim Davie.
I wonder if it has dawned on Tim that nobody in the BBC has any intention of changing because they firmly believe they are right and everyone else must be changed to agree with them. Anyone who disagrees with this does not last long before they realise their career will go nowhere and get a job somewhere else.
It’s simply impossible to make such a magnitude of change through the entire staff structure in less than a decade. The BBC cannot be saved.
“We live in a multi cultural, ethnically diverse society, which is a good thing.”
Why is it a good thing?
I’m not being awkward, it’s just that I’ve noticed that whenever terms like “Multicultural and ethnic diversity” are used they are always deemed to be a good thing.
They are very often considered beneficial by folk who live a very long way from the “diversity” that they seem to crave.
I know that both the Dimbleby brothers, exponents of “vibrant ethnic mixes” when they were on the BBC, both choose to live in very rural, homogenous villages. They must hate it!
It isn’t, but in society nowadays it is important to be seen to be saying the right things. Thanks a lot, social media.
Jeff- Sometimes I let my facetiousness run riot.
“We live in a multi cultural, ethnically diverse society, which is a good thing.”
A situation foisted on the people of Great Britain against the wishes of the majority of people of this nation, continuing unabated, under a Tory Government.
Not a good thing! As we are gradually discovering .
After having lived and worked in Europe and a little in West Africa, I was always happy to know that my good old country was 90% white Christian-but Oh dear, been back around 11 years and am continually looking around me with astonishment at how successive governments have allowed so many people from so many countries to come and live in the United Kingdom-of course they have diverse cultures, languages and religious faiths, none of which are compatible with ours. Why one must ask would they all want to come to live in a group of small islands off the coast of northern Europe, with terrible weather? I suspect many of us will have a clue to the answer, which will of course include being a member of the European Union-hopefully not for much longer. The people I met and worked with in France for example, treated my wife and I very well and we became close friends with many-speaking French did help of course-they never quite understood why Britain had become a member of the EU, not being on the continent of Europe. They even think a no trade deal is now best for the UK-in fact underneath they would like to leave the EU but know that their ecnomic position would suffer badly. They need us more than we need them in that instance. The cultural viversity of multiculturalism has gone too far for it to be altered-my goodness wasn’t Enoch Powell far seeing.
I’ve just had to call the police again to deal with my evil Lithuanian neighbours. Multi cultural, a “good thing”?
If the neighbour was BAME you would be in prison by now for complaining about the,.
For there to be a multi-cultural society there have to be cultures, plural, and cultures are produced by homogeneous societies i.e. mono-cultural societies.
Multiculturalism destroys the very thing that is supposedly of value.
Simple example: English boys put down jumpers and play football, Chinese boys form a line and put on a dragon costume. In the multi-cultural society there aren’t enough boys to form a football team or do a dragon dance so both activities cease. All the boys now go to MacDonald’s, drink Coca-Cola and watch Facebook videos.
That is why multiculturalism is wanted.
We always hear that “diversity is a good thing” by those who are in front of a camera – to having an opposing view in front of millions would be tantamount to suicide. What they believe and say in the privacy of their own environment could be a totally different matter. Before the curse of social media, most of what was said on the tele and in the press might have created headlines for a day or two, but in the main we all went back to holding our own views without fear of the thought police giving us a battering.
BBC American BS’ take on this will be a hoot.
They could fly the 24yo blonde over to check the stats and discuss with the blonde and three white guys.
Or quietly ignore it.
Then, throw this in the mix.
Or they could just RT CNN. As ever.
Not any replies, obvs.
Funding needs to be withdrawn immediately.
Are they aware that most of the white population in Britain are angry that most advertisements barely portray any white people at all ? and that historical dramas are ‘product placing’ black actors for the sake of it ! (I will not be watching the Netflix ‘Bridgeton’ drama because….. well, take a look at one of the landed gentry, and you’ll see why)
“ ‘Just a few hours’ left to agree Brexit trade deal, says Michel Barnier”.
Has Al Beeb’s clock stopped?
Maybe Timmeh! Divvy could ask Alan Yentob to head an inquiry?
Ooh! Claws out! Country Squire magazine doesn’t have a vested interest in slaughtering the wildlife, does it? (Does the Duke of Buccleugh know it has pinched his crest? Or is he in on it?)
I love that final sentence! How dare Mr Packham criticise his betters!
They breed them specially at the bbc.
I bet her kids enjoy a bundle of laughs when Father Christmas turns out to be a favourite uncle, just checking the beds…
Where do these people learn to be such tiresome idiots?
Dont hold your breath Davy will do the minimum he can get away with. I think his mission is not to install change and make Aunty efficient but to buy time and to keep as much of the ghastly BBC “talent” in situ so that they will be there to give us all of the “good” news when the “Reset” happens.
House Journal
Way more accurate than they intended.
Guardian Opinions
No mention of actual numbers like ….
Marianna Spring liked this.
JO’bsworth was already dangerous territory.
The BBC getting into such as Hasan overseeing other media is … actually entirely predictable.
Someone at the BBC is going to be in trouble. The Guardian is missing from ‘The Papers’ but even worse, the Sun appears twice! Oooh dearie, me! The House Journal is absent and that Murdoch rag fills its space.
“The Guardian is missing” !
Tim Davie has been peeping at this site to find out why Al Beeb’s money pool and viewers are fast draining away.
As any DG of a failing company worth his salt would do .
2020 has been a strange year. So many inexplicable occurrencies. Take for example the small matter of the fact that the BBC’s online daily newspaper frontpage line up used not to include the tabloid Sun. Suddenly this year the Sun appeared.
Now this morning the Sun makes the line up twice. Same frontpage. The conspiracy theory would be that BBC editors were keen on the Sun’s headline: ‘Camilla does Strictly. Surprise guest tonite’
By the way, these days you don’t hear so much of that old claim by companies that they have been granted the endorsement By Royal Appointment. Commercial organisations are more likely to boast how they’re an Equal Opportunities Employer or have no connection to Modern Day Slavery. I should hope so. But I digress.
The BBC are unlikely to have been caught in a conspiracy here. They may well be after the glamour of Royal approval for their gay glitterball last foothold in popular light entertainment. Occam’s Razor suggests BBC staff just made a mistake and duplicated the Sun frontpage.
Meanwhile we have a supermarket advert from the Sun to ponder twice over. Interesting after yesterday’s hungry NHS nurses hullabaloo: ‘Tesco carrots 1kg was was 41p, then 29p now 19p, Tesco parsnips 500g was 42p then 29p now 19p… More Christmas offers on page 6’
Now I know the supermarkets do loss leaders but come on, food isn’t that dear. What I’m suggesting is we each buy a little bit extra this week and pop it into the local food bank. Alternatively as a special acknowledgment for all the marvelous work our NHS has done to protect us from the Chinese Flu this year we could really demonstrate our appreciation by wandering along to our nearest NHS hospital, clinic or GP surgery and – careful to comply with their Covid restrictions – chuck all our cheap veg for the nurses in through the front entrance. Or a window – if they’ve left one open – which I believe they should have under the rules. Afterall, it is Christmas.
I said it was a strange year and the Daily Telegraph does not disappoint, publishing a headline of which Professor Quatermass would have been proud: ‘South East on alert over mutant virus strain’
Let me rephrase that: “Matt Hancock, Health Secretary, sacked after suffering delusions that he was living in a 1950s Sci Fi TV series”
Remember how our media ridiculed Donald Trump for his musing that we could maybe zap the virus with bleach?
Seems these days the BBC mantra is “inform, educate, entertain and put the frighteners on” Likewise the Telegraph: ‘Wood burners triple indoor pollution levels’ – you have to admire the way these new phrases get slipped into media parlance – “indoor pollution” I like it.
You know you’re onto a good thing when you conjure up some daft satire and a few weeks later the government copy your idea of a spoof as an actual new law.
Avid readers will recall the likening of our ascending numbered covid regulation Tiers to Spinal Tap’s s absurd special amplifier knobs which could go beyond the regular 10 to reach 11.
The Daily Mail today appears to confirm the joke made reality by our governing knobs: ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like lockdown as ministers draw up plans for tough new “Tier 4″‘ – and why stop there? 5, 6, Tier 7…?
Matt Hancock will no doubt soon warn us of the danger of Daleks on Westminster Bridge necessitating new security measures and payrises for MPs, the outside chance Godzilla might begin ripping up the railways showing precisely why we need HS2 and the frequent visits to earth of little green men being the reason for further easing of restrictions on immigration.
Asiseeit – a fulsome report thanks . I can exclusively confirm that Tesco is selling parsnips for 19p a bag – as well as sprouts . I broke my house arrest yesterday to go and buy some . ( no knock on the door yet from plod – but I’m sure the bit of the state which monitors this site for ‘extremism ‘ AKA unapproved thought – will be putting my details in their ‘target ‘ file ..
Do you notice that the MSM does do features on the minimum cost of feeding – eg a chicken for £4 – the various offers available ? Just the mantra about more pay . Morrison’s – I think – even boasts about 10% off for the NHS and Teachers !
Ordinary punters are picking up that tab …
As for ‘strictly ‘ which I will never see – I guess the BBC has leaked the appearance of the adulteress to boost their ratings to justify their claim of ‘popularity ‘.in real life – of course – we know the truth . The few successes they have are flogged to death or endlessly repeated .
Generally the media lives in a strange world of contradictions – for instance one paper moans about ‘the end of the high street ‘ ( again ) – another moans about piles of parcels because the dysfunctional post office can’t cope as usual – and doesn’t know whether it want more tiers or not ….
I looked at the BBC website and found a fruity story about a white police sergeant who was top Jonny in their union – and an ‘Asian police woman’ – he left after she made complaints about ‘inappropriate ‘ communications .
But then the BBC report goes into pages and pages of the stuff this thick idiot sent to his ‘Asian babe ‘ . As I read I wondered where the stuff came from – was it her or the police ? And why so much features on the website – including a picture of said thick ex plod . Surprised they didn’t publish his home address just to kill him off ….
Do you notice the different ‘treatment ‘ approved and disapproved people get from the media ? Cummings gets more than the full treatment . The SNP MP woman gets a ‘no action “ – a remainer Tory MP – Tobias Elwood – gets the ‘no action as well ….
…. meanwhile they are still after Cummings ….who was a non elected individual in a paid post ….
Spot on !
Bit of a no-brainer really. Cummings was party to setting the very rules he broke. The other’s weren’t. Margaret Ferrier had her party whip withdrawn so she’s not an SNP MP. She can’t be forced to resign her seat and she has done nothing that would disqualify her.
Interesting that you think an SNP MP has no input into laying down the policy / law on covid control . Instead of ‘ going back 5 years ‘ to look at out archive a maybe go look at her voting record .
Your flexible morality also betrays you as a troll ….any MP who did that should go .
Durham Police confirmed Cummings broke no laws. Now run along back to the woods like a good little scum troll.
TOADY Watch #1 – clear evidence of BBC bias
Anyone with two or more brain cells to rub together will be wondering whether the fact that hospitals are filling up with suspected and/or actual Covid-19 sufferers is whether GPs and others in the system, especially (A&E) Junior Doctors – think back to when Jeremy Hunt was SoS for Health – are deliberately causing or ‘helping’ the rise in Covid-19 cases being hospitalised.
For one thing, the NHS can then scream for more vast funds to be provided by the taxpayer. The PM and the current SoS for Health, Matt Hancock, can be made to look bad and be forced into another U-turn over Christmas rule relaxation and delay in responding and making resources available.
The NHS not being overwhelmed in winter would be a news headline that, I guess, the BBC would be reluctant to broadcast.
Pro-NHS. Pro-Labour/Lib-Dem/SNP/Plaid etc. Or both, it doesn’t matter. The BBC’s failure to ask that vital question on air and to get its many journalists to investigate rather proves an anti-Conservative Government bias at the BBC.
The former SoS for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP was on TOADY this a.m. in his role as Chair of the House committee on Health. He spoke well. In a roundabout way, he triggered my point above, by being very measured about the Covid-19/20 crisis in marked contrast to the massive arm-waving and screaming from much, nearly all, of the MSM.
It is clear that the BBC now know that many hospitalised (or nearly all?) Covid-19 patients caught the Covid-19 infection while in hospital for other treatments.
The Prime Minister made a great error, in my view, in not keeping Jeremy Hunt in post as SoS for Health when choosing his new Cabinet this time last year.
I genuinely don’t know how to respond to that.
I have been an NHS consultant for just over a year, so recently a junior doctor. I very deliberately don’t claim NHS discounts as I count myself lucky to have a job. Looking after sick people is my job, I am paid well to do it but ultimately I am trying to help people. Many other people – the milkman, the supermarket worker etc are trying to do exactly the same thing.
Personally I don’t think the NHS needs more funds, any effective management would improve things.
The suggestion that I am causing “the rise in Covid 19 being hospitalised” is beyond insulting. Why on earth would I? I would love to be able to go back to operating without multiple layers of kit, to actually see all of my patients face to face and not on a video screen (although I see most face to faces), to not spend hours every week trying to balance the risk of someone maybe having a cancer needing investigating vs. potentially giving them Covid as they come up about some minor non life threatening. Of course I get it wrong, but I am trying as hard as I can.
“Brexit: UK-EU trade talks enter critical 48-hour period”
Unbelievable !
Yesterday it was – Michel Barnier says negotiations have “just a few hours”
Its all a bloody farce .
Its The Reform Party for me from now on.
Has a new virus been invented by our so called ‘government’ to scare the people of GB and prevent Brexit ?
Unless the sell out is announced on Christmas Eve as expected – I reckon 2020 might be extended into a 13th month – the Franco German alliance isn’t moving – macron must have french fishing rights – so the expectation is to ‘licence ‘ the rights to the EU for 5 10 15 years –
I must admit – I choose not the know the detail of the stuff but that sort of fudge would allow both sides to claim ‘victory ‘ and it would be business as usual .
By the way I love the way that boris and his crew always call them ‘our friends ‘ when they are not ….
Right Fredup2, they are certainly no bloody friends of this nation-we all know that the PM should have walked away a week ago-we must ask why is the governments team still talking to this bunch of duplictious scum bags-Russia and China for that matter are delighted that Europe is going down the tubes fast as one of its most important members jumps the rabid ship. Easy pickings for them.
A week? We should have walked away 4 YEARS ago. Even the densest politician (and this country has more than its fair share) could have known that ‘negotiations’ with the EU were futile as their idea of negotiations is the UK agreeing to every single one of their proposals.
Britain is wise to prepare for a new Cod War by Professor Gwythian Prins.
We need to use the same tactics against the French, if they send their frigates out to provide an ‘escort’ to their fishing vessels, as Iceland did against us.
Have we the political will to do this? The Prof. seems vaguely hopeful.
See also his earlier (Feb.) article on Fisheries and Deterrence.
The senior plod in charge of brexit policing has done a full on ‘project fear ‘interview saying plod might have more difficulty dealing with crime after a no deal trade arrangement .
You might recall they used this one in the run up to the referendum . The project fear grid needs updating .
I laughed at the irony – after the week when the Manchester chief constable ‘left ‘ after his constabulary was found to have failed to report at least 20% of crime reported to it. It was so thick it couldn’t even cover that corruption up.
The author of the article had the surname ‘French “….
Fedup. Agreed. Police don’t police anymore and I know this from bitter experience. In fact policing is the last thing on their mind.
I’m not sure you allow advertising here but as it’s near Christmas and all that, can I suggest a good read- called Welcome to the Farce by Detective Miggins (damn I’ve blown my cover now, but well retired) which explains all in a lighthearted way.
However, just in case you need the Police in a hurry (and obviously I hope you don’t) you need to mention knives being seen, a racially motivated or hate crime and a sexuality other than straight. They will be knocking at your door before you’ve finished the call.
You see that’s where the 20% went wrong in Manchester.
I’m waiting for the first arrest for possession of garlic with intent to supply.
I’m waiting for the first arrest for possession of garlic with intent to supply.
Wow. Such insight, wit and wisdom.
The BBC running with an article titled “What if the whole World went vegan?” on their home page, links to a page with 32 eco-loony frightener videos under the title of “Sustainable thinking”
Yes that’s 32 scare stories, all with doom-laden, bizarre scary headlines like “How half a degree could change the World forever”and “What if all the wasps disappeared?” and even “Is your pension contributing to Climate change?” (probably aimed at BBC executives this one!)… the one which made me howl with laughter was the one titled “Are you suffering from eco-anxiety?”
Well you will be when you have looked at this load of utter crap!
Maybe they should have made one called “Do we really NEED 22,000 staff?”
digg, that’s a great post. Well done.
London metropolitan liberal elite , very well paid , BBC bubble dweller sends his Christmas reminder to the plebs that we are all racist !!!!!!
ANOTHER bame who has seen his skin colour really hold him back !!!!! F off Adil ????????
Oh, and isn’t the OBE racist now ??????
“Your Majesty,
Just what sort of prick are you giving Honours to?
Give it more thought next time round……”
Leicester has been in lockdown since March. I’m sure it has nothing to do with ethnic minorities being unable to stay out each others’ houses, groups of 20 playing cricket in parks, mingling in the streets during celebrations and not wearing masks.
A note for your diary ( to miss )
Sunday night sees the BBC Sports Personality of the Year –
As Lord Hamilton of Monaco prepares his acceptance speech we can look forward to other gems .
Sir Gary Linacre serving out boxes of Wokers /walkers Crisps to starving waffs and strays
Sir Marcus Rashford serving up KFC from a foodbank
Pleas to cut obsesity levels amongst starving school children
…by the way – Lord Hamilton will be unable to come to the UK for tax reasons ….
Fedup. Even more than that and extremely annoying it clashes with ‘At home with the Nolans’, ‘19 kids and outnumbered’ and ‘Monster croc invasion’. Ah well…I’m in the mood for dancing.
SPOTY stretches to 2 hours !
Fedup- It wouldn’t surprise me if Lewis Hamilton insists that
everybody subjugates themselves by taking the knee before
he accepts the award. And ” Big Ears” will be the first to go
down. If you don’t know who Big ears is watch the clip on
You Tube with Ian Wright . Stevie Gerrard and Big ears in the
studio before a Champions League night. Ian Wright gives
Big ears just about the best and funniest come backs you
have ever seen. And its got nothing to do with crisps !!
I think big ears would go down on anyone if the price was right!
“Yes, I thought I was picking up the cup
but it was the back of your head.”
(.. suspect that was scripted)
I forgotten the kneeling ….
For anyone with popcorn – lady nut nut s husband is to do a press conference at 4pm Saturday afternoon … to announce …. deal / no deal – lockdown /no lockdown ….
….it’s a shame it clashes with ‘final score ‘…..
Adam Schiff, who was instrumental to the Russia hoax and fake impeachment, is the latest deep state operative to be linked to the Bidens’ Chinese business dealings. Both he and Chuck Schumer have also had long-buried paedophile accusations (backed up by photographs) brought back into the news cycle, as has chief justice John Roberts who is also now caught up in a scandal regarding a phone call he had with another justice saying he had counter-measures in place to make sure Trump wouldn’t be re-elected. The entire Epstein Island flight log was released yesterday, which showed both Schumer and Roberts on there as well as dozens from Bill Clinton. There is only one record of Trump visiting the Island, in 1997, which he admitted to and after which he started trying to get Epstein exposed. Two other prolific paedophiles have been arrested this week, both of whom have ties to Epstein and many of the figures associated with him. Biden’s daughter’s diary has been brought to public attention as well, in which she states that she was molested for years in her childhood.
Biden has now been blocked from receiving intel briefings from the Pentagon and Trump met Chris Miller yesterday, which coincides with EO 13848 where the first phase (an assessment by DNI Ratcliffe) was completed this week, and the next stage is the written report made public. Mark Zuckerberg has been caught funding the corrupt Democrat cities most implicated in the fraud as well as the DNC itself, and he’s sold $400m worth of stocks. Dominion systems were used in the French presidential election (among many others) where Macron won, and it’s now being reported that Le Pen actually won in a landslide and Macron only received 11% of the vote.
This is only a microcosm of what’s really happening, none of which the BBC will report until they literally have no choice. The biggest international corruption scandal in our lifetimes and our state broadcaster is silent and shilling for Beijing Biden. Disgusting.
Laughing – stand by for the standard troll response – showing empathy with their third world muslim paedo gang friends ….
Not bad Laughing at Lefties but I don’t think it’s one of your best.
This is one of my favourites.
“Laughing at Lefty Trolls
NOVEMBER 6, 2020 AT 2:31 PM
There’s credible rumours now that Trump secretly had the mail-in ballots watermarked because he knew the Democrats were likely to cheat. If that’s true, and there appears to be videos backing it up, the fireworks we see when this is proven will be incredible.”
What happened to those watermarked ballots by the way?
Wow – set the bait and to ‘moral high ground ‘ trolls turn up .
Scotty and maxincony working in pairs ?
They could be ‘Chums’.
You are a good advert for ‘Lefties’. No wonder they got hammered in the last general election. Keep it up but don’t give up your day job , (if you have ever had one?)
Well Piku, did you ever have a real job ?
Jog on scum troll, your foul views on those who gave their lives for these islands isn’t forgotten.
The Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm of Dominion machines was enabled. The bias ratios in favour of Biden were not enough for him to win. Although all server security logs prior to 4th November 2020 are missing, the Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with new ballot programming on 23rd October 2020 and then again after the election on 5th November 2020. So in the middle of the night, vote dumping was necessary.
So although attention is on the Dominion voting machines, I presume in time, watermarks will help with identifying dumped votes.
Thankyou Laughing at Lefties for explaining that so well. I get my information from alternative sources too as the MSM only ever show negatives or nothing at all.
More on the BBC apologists book The War Against The BBC .
I’m skipping through chapter 4 about BBC costs , a brief mention of chapter 5 Under Sustained Attack – Towards the Current Charter and Funding Deal
The authors seem to have John Whittingdale in their sights and feel that the BBC is unfairly got at by right wingers . They think that not enough analysis about the BBC is done and ++ more money should be given to the BBC .
I think they should remember that all British institutions come under financial scrutiny, even the Queen , so the BBC shouldn’t be exempt.
The next two chapters are anti Murdoch . In fact I’m going to speed read as I want to get to the chapter that mentions this site .
BBC Online News:
Attenborough “I cheered when Biden was elected”
If he had cheered for Trump, would the BBC have mentioned it?
When one of the BBC tribe cheers for Trump , that would be news .
Oh, I LOVE this……… (seen in yesterday’s D/Mail)
“UNWOKE actor Laurence Fox seems to disapprove of black actress Jodie Turner-Smith, playing Anne Boleyn in a new Channel 5 drama. ‘This is a real slap in the face for actors from the limb different community. Everybody knows Anne Boleyn had six fingers on her right hand’, says the Lewis star “
“‘Everybody knows Anne Boleyn had six fingers on her right hand’, says the Lewis star”
Only the ill-informed and those who believe in folk myths. That one was debunked in the 19th century when the body was exhumed.
That may be, but don’t you get the irony of his remark ?, it WAS’NT about whether she has 6 fingers, 34 toes or not !
Foreign folk don’t get ‘irony’.
Ha. You’ll be claiming next it was true because it was in the Guardian….
“Only the ill-informed and those who believe in folk myths. That one was debunked in the 19th century when the body was exhumed”
Whereas we all KNOW she was black!!
If I was you Wild, I’d get back to the bleedin’ woods…
Just listening to the afternoon footie around the grounds, latest scores etc on Talksport together with the running commentary on who has or hasn’t taken the knee (av you seen it?) Absolutely mind-boggling holier than thou comments by the link man. Obviously knee bending takes precedence over anything else happening on the pitch. For talksport read SKY read BBC read propaganda read covid lies read the National Let Us kill your Granny service read this pox-ridden Government.
Yep. Dion Dublin on final score and football focus. Turned both off.
I am a stark raving racist according to Dion because I don’t support BLM and taking the knee.
So, I , like many others I imagine, vote with my remote !!!
Didn’t the Beeb pay around £30 thousand for him to go on a ‘presenter’s course ‘ ? so they could oust Lucy Alexander and replace her with him in the Hammer shows ?
Eastenders viewing figures this week..guess ?
UK population 67 million
lets say 56 million adults
Do 50%, 10, or 5% watch the BBC’s main soap ?
Yep 5%, just 2.8million watched Eastenders
95% of UK adult population didn’t watch
It appears that since I was on earlier today, that we only need maxi to complete a Triple Crown (of Trolls) with Piku and Wildy.
Happy Christmas to our Trolls and a healthy New Year. I wish you would join in with pointing out the BBC Bias instead of merely attacking posters on here.
Oh, I totally agree that the BBC has a bias. It’s infuriating. It’s biased towards the status quo, the monarchy, the Union, the government of the day. It keeps repeating Count Arthur Strong on the wireless, for example, even though I’ve never met anybody who finds it remotely amusing.
I like Count Arthur Strong. It’s worth the licence fee on its own.
Then start paying for it . It is desperate for your money.
The pensioners who it was robbing are dying off.
They really are delusional bubble dwellers.
It’s on the wireless, dear. I believe there was a TV version but I’ve never seen it. No licence required for listening to the wireless, not since 1971.
Good for you Piku – maybe you should move into the commune with Wild Woman – you’d get on great – say hi to maxi when you get there ….
Don’t suppose Snarky Bint in a Bush knows?
The FOI is likely to be exempted.
It’s watching for Rupert Murdoch sneaking in by the service door to brief his subordinates of course. Now there’s a scandal that you all keep quiet about,
No 10 has about 10 different underground entrances
so if they wanted to sneak someone in, you wouldn’t even notice.
It’s typical of BBC to keep pushing their Global Warming religion saying that CO2 is a magic control knob
and that YOU must make huge sacrifices
.. for you then to notice the BBC is using 4 petrol tankers/day to fuel its helicopter.
Guardianland where “rules apply to thee, but not to mee”
Guardianland where “rules apply to thee, but not to mee”
No, that’s Cummingsland.
Your hatred and fixation on one man – who seems no longer in number 10 betrays your mental state . Maybe you should refrain from ranting – or go somewhere it is more common – I’m sure you know where that is ..
…and how manipulated by the MSM your type is .
12:10pm Worst TV shows of the Year
They had no shortage of candidates
#Reality : ITV’s Don’t Rock the Boat
#Drama : BBC1 Roadkill only aired cos David O’Hare is a lefty who hates Boris
BBC’s NHS Superstars
Channel4’s : The School That Tried to End Racism
footage showed white kids crying cos the school told them are “racists”
BBC1’s Peter Crouch Save Our Summer
He’s a good guy but the format ruined it
Eastenders : They had a huge boat sinking, but failed to drown half the cast & never mentioned the event 2 weeks later.
Steph McGovern’s Packed Lunch
axed for having zero viewers, but they are bringing it back
An extremely depressing press briefing but all koonsburg could do was a “gotcha” . No mention of the use of nightingale hospitals or oxygen ppe supplies which are going to be needed if their graphs are not lying .
As for containment in the SE of england – might slow it down but wont stop spread .
Sainsbury’s Twitter Ad pushed at me
… They think they are sooo cool
cos after getting complaints about over-representation of BAME, they responded by making sure almost zero ads are fronted by white people
Laura “my face has been shaped with a axe” Kuensberg all high and mighty with Boris about the new Christmas plans and apparently according to the wonky faced raving Lefty, he has let people down at short notice and ruined Christmas.
BUT , that’s EXACTLY what the BBC have been campaigning for 24/7 !!!!
And when they get what THEY want, they blame Boris and take no responsibility !!!!!!!
Was pretty foul journalism I think . For such a grave briefing it’s a shame she didn’t go ‘off script ‘ and ask a relevant question .
The BBC news has a perky coloured presenter who is obviously over the moon about such bad news . He looks like he might wee himself …
“Relaxation of Christmas Covid rules scrapped for much of south-east England”
BoJo is shutting the country down.
We tried that in Taffland and it did not work.
The perfect complement.
Brum Council social care worker.
Didn’t listen to the outgoing PM. Can’t be bothered with him, the ‘journalists’ or the scientists.
Lockdowns are not working.
Masks are not working.
The NHS is not working.
However our ‘leaders’ demonstrate utter madness.
In that clearest sign of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again in the futile hope of something changing.
“The definition of Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
and yet these are not stupid people , so the real question is why?
“…and yet these are not stupid people , so the real question is why?”
They are just obeying orders?
And if they are not stupid (questionable in some instances), they will be aware that that excuse was not accepted at Nuremburg.
(1) Lockdowns are not working: So we need a 24 hour curfew for ever & ever.
(2) Masks are not working: So we need to stop everyone from breathing.
(3) The NHS is not working: So we need to spend more money on more Leaders.
Signed: Senior Climate Leader of Great Britain, Princess Nut Nut
Tonight’s TV
9:20 BBC1 The Big Paul McCartney interview
.. with who ?
The BBC commissioning editors rule is
“Show me The Money”“Show me The BLACK”So it’s Idris Elba
Christ all mighty, that bloody Elba gets where castor oil can’t. At least Daniel Craig didn’t prostitute himself for every pay packet going before he got the Bond role. One can only hope this person doesn’t get the part that so many want to see him in.
8:20pm Channel4 : Alice Roberts the history of Manchester
Oh will that be woke ?
What did you expect ?
subtitle is Resistance & rebellion in Manchester
She just tweeted
“Sitting at the desk where Marx and Engels drew up their manifesto.”
She is also at the statue of Emmeline Pankhurst
Pankhurst was the leader of the suffragette *terrorists*.
and Fathers For Justice complain she later led the the white feather campaign that bullied hesitant men to g and fight in the trenches, where many died.
Thommo really worked wonders.