R4 prog this morning was about parents who have an out of control kid who is into guns and drugs
(they sound white)
They just want him locked up and retrained cos at the moment he can’t control himself.
Luckily for them he gets arrested after someone is spotted hiding a gun.
But then the police bring him back .. he goes crazy and smashes up much of the house and breaks his own hand .
What happens next is they get a surprise knock from the police who re-arrest him saying he’d threatened officers in the interview and also disclosed some other of his crimes.
How screwed up is the system that they let him go in the afternoon only to re-arrest him in the evening ?
I guess they might let people go to see which crimbos they contact on release.
Anyway in the end he never gets released cos a psychologist signs the order saying he has no capacity to be free.
well thats my Belgian cultural tour gone then, I had planned for 10 minutes in a chocolate shop and some rolling tobacco before popping off to Amsterdam via Switzerland to pick up a cuckoo clock and some tips on neutrality
I am going to miss Europe…well maybe Paris, but then again that is more like Syria now
Bill Still has a longish and very thought-provoking interview with Dr Jerome Corsi on his website about the American political situation. I’m not including a link as it gives our moderators the shivers diverting attention from the Nation’s Favourite Broadcaster. However one thing I took from the interview – Trump will fight.
@Square-Eyed If you want to share in an unobtrusive way way
instead of filling this page with embedded videos
one trick is to put the video in a link
eg (a href=”https://youtu.be/2GPVAw7NtcM”)Ben Still Cors clip(/a>)
But instead of brackets use less than/ more than symbols Ben Still Cors clip
Thank you for your advice. I am a little confused by a href and the abundance of symbols in your example but have made a note and will give it a try next time.
Ok,ok, so I’m a heartless b******. But……
Lots of coverage today about the guilty manslaughter verdicts on the people traffickers who killed 39 Vietnamese in a lorry trailer. OK, an awful way to die.
But no coverage of the nakedly illegal economic migrant status of the victims. Young, capable, maybe. But illegal.
A couple left their own young children behind in Vietnam, who are now orphans for C***** sake. Irresponsible or what. Child neglect or what? No-one asks. No- one thinks to consider.
Appalling biased BBC coverage with their heads in the sand on the main issue, but plenty of time for the human interest sob stories..
The BBC Manchester black reporter
does a story about the black community in Manchester
about they did a big black illegal rave
2 black men got shot
but none of the black community want to talk about it and solve the story
and catch the killer who is almost certainly black.
Where’s this all fit with Black Lives Matter ?
cos its as if that is just a phrase that actually means “White man bad, all whites need to bow down”
Police in Manchester say the biggest challenge of the investigation has been gaining the confidence of the local community
They've spoken to 350 people who were at the event in Moss Side where the murder happened – but have struggled to get people to give official statements
since when has policing been about gaining the confidence of the local community (immigrants)?
I was under the impression it was about preventing crime and arresting those who mug rape and burgle etc
seems I am wrong
the very immigrants who come here are well aware of how the police in their war torn sh’tholes deal with crime
it has little to do with gaining confidence
How they must laugh at the twats we call police
Saddam Hussein was quite happy to throw people into vats of sulphuric acid for daring to criticise him, then they come over here and the bloody police are kneeling in front of them
A tip from me to the police: It will not work, they are used to sniffing out weakness
That article has nothing whatsoever to do with news. It’s out and out propaganda.
Not a single word to suggest that he might have been shot deliberately. Which seems very likely to me.
Are we to believe that such a wonderful and caring human being could be targetted in this way ?.
Or might we believe that this guy was involved in something bad and was involved with the kind of people who murder those who cross them ?.
And no explanation of why people are scared to give evidence.
And despite the identity of the suspect ‘being out there’, we are not given any name or picture.
The bottom line here is that these people have created their own society which is just the same as the sh1tholes they originated from. Import 3rd world, you get 3rd world. And the Left are doing everything they can to cover it up.
What a complete and utter farce.
BBC News Home
“Twitter’s copyright policy ‘used to silence activists’
[With compulsory photograph of a type 2 aesthetically unfortunate, demonstrating her mastery of technology,
she can hold a mobile phone in both hands.]
[Go to article] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-55186932
2020-12-22 00:00
“Tanzania ‘using Twitter’s copyright policy to silence activists'”
[Home, World, Africa, let’s fill the BBC pages with pictures of the prettiless.]
2020-12-22 00:00
“1,000 lost on one boat – this woman hopes to name them.”
[The 1000 were members of the religion of hate. They have turned North Africa into a fourth world heaven on earth.
Now determined to visit Europe against our wishes, and civilise us.
Are we lucky?
My view, it is a pity the headline did not have some more zeros.
The drowning of the invaders took place in 2015, only the BBC knows why it (the story, not the boat) needs re-floating.]
[A huge opportunity is being missed by the BBC. If the BBC concentrated on the British their staff could all have
£500K+ sinecures with perquisites that would a Marxist local councillor envious. The licence fee could then be
three groats and we would all be happy-ish.]
Prof Shi Zhengli told the BBC she is open to “any kind of visit” to rule out claims that the coronavirus leaked from her laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
Maybe Baroness Shami and the guy they used post McAlpine to find the entire top floor had temporary institutional Alzheimer’s?
That is absolutely outrageous. Lucky for him, the reality of the MSM being predominantly a Left-Wing propaganda machine, he will not be crucified as he deserves.
One thing for sure after our failed diversity experiment (a project I am now convinced was started by the Left partly just to spite the right) : wherever it starts, it will be here within 48 hours.
“Covid-19: UK and France to set out plan to restart freight”
Or how the French are using dirty tricks to rob us of our international right to our waters and our fish. Will Boris be a Churchill or a Chamberlain?
It’s not looking good for our fishermen .
“New coronavirus variant: What do we know?“
“It is thought the variant either emerged in a patient in the UK or has been imported from a country with a lower ability to monitor coronavirus mutations.”
As it appears to be effecting the SE , did it come across on a rubber dinghy from France?
Have they spoken to any of the thousands of Ethiopians fighting and rioting in Piccadilly during lockdown ? or the BLM idiots ? ot the hundreds in the mosques every week or the Luton mayor found in a back garden in Luton with hundreds at a muslim party?
Up to 1,000 Ethiopians and their supporters protested against the killing of a musician outside the country’s embassy in London on Friday.
The demonstration came after the killing of Hachalu Hundessa, whose songs highlighted the plight of the oppressed Oromo people in Ethiopia. It has sparked resistance and repression, with at least 166 protesters dead and many more wounded.
Police are called to Luton mosque after huge row erupts involving up to 300 worshippers inside building
Six police cars arrived at Jalalabad Jame Masjid Mosque in Luton on Friday
Footage of police breaking up altercation emerged on social media on Monday
Allegedly started following dispute involving secretary Syedul Islam Khan
Arrived to worship as normal despite being removed from position by other committee members
Just done my daily (very) brief check of what the Beeb are reporting today and saw the article about Biden getting the vaccine.
What struck me was that every report I can remember about Trump had a negative slant with a bad picture. Every single one about Biden up to now has a positive slant with a picture to make him look good.
It’s the blatant hypocrisy by the Left about the BBC being unbiased which bothers me the most. They have no integrity or sense of shame whatsoever. ‘The ends justify the means’. I’m sure Stalin thought that too.
We are told that perishable food has been held up by the trucks stacking up at Dover ? But I thought that the fresh food was being imported in from France ?
The remainers and remoaners are weaponising this so called pandemic. We have a very active ‘fifth column’ at work in Britain aiming for a BRINO.
Check the top rated BBC HYS comments to get an insight into the typical Remainer personality (they almost always open HYS for bad-news Brexit stories).
I’ve never come across a set of more shallow and spiteful people in my life. They would love the country to completely collapse so they could gloat and say ‘I told you so’.
I hope for their sakes they just naive, arrogant students who will have the stuffing knocked out of them when they have to get a real job in the real world and pay tax.
We all know that when it comes to leader page pictures
of school children on the BBC website that at least 75%
are of ethnic kids. But before some woak , inclusive,
positive discrimination , obsessive diversity moron takes one
off there are two of the SAME ethnic pair of kids on the
leader page right now.
Only when it’s good news – such as record pass marks or some kind of victim can be painted. If it’s about knives are anything like that, the hand shown holding it will be white.
For me, having any ethnic group represented on the BBC by more than their actual percentage in society is racist. Or at least it was when they were white. Seems the BBC have different rules depending on your skin colour. What hypocrites.
I reckon the BBC have somebody I expect earning
at least £100,000 a year reading our comments !! I’ve
just been out for a walk in the mud with my crazy
springer spaniel Mimi and low and behold the
double ethnic schoolkids photo’s have been replaced
by two identical photos of a group of white kids !!
Honestly I didn’t make the original feature up.
So maybe we do have an influence on the diversity obsessed
BBC !!!
@Fos That school pupils photo is only featured once.
The BBC argue that BAME need “people like me” photos
That page has BAME photos :16
vs non-BAME : 17
ie BAME are 3 times over-represented
although if stories are international of course we don’t expect as many white people as UK stories.
Marcus Rashord’s photo is by far the largest photo on the page
“Labour and Scotland: Can Keir Starmer save the United Kingdom?”
More devolution! – another ‘own goal’ by Labour ?
Even Baldrick could not have thought of that plan.
An excellent cunning plan, lorries are warming up with containers full of deep fried mars bars and sausages made of blood for export and bloody porridge with salt added
and cds full of songs that could even make the
Dalai Lama depressed
I don’t know if it’s BBC or not but a report in the DT ( daily telegraph ) says that the 2 sticking points in trade negotiations are fishing rights – we’ve offered 35% reducing over 5 years as well as ‘independent arbitration ‘ over tariffs . The French apparently want us to have 25% fishing – which means 3 blokes at the end of Deal Pier .
And the’ independent arbitration ‘will staffed by 2 frogs and a kraut ……
…..methinks Christmas Eve sell out announcement ….
Its funny, that behaviour, it started in Arran but spread all around the coast within a year, before that they just used to follow the schools around but stay about 100 yards away from the coast
my son caught his first mackerel in Campbeltown and just about to land it and ended up with a head and a happy seal
He styled himself the “Conquerer of the British Empire”, using the letters CBE after his name, and awarded himself the Victoria Cross and the Military Cross.
He also took five wives, fathered dozens of children, and insisted on being called “Big Daddy”.
While the military had grown under Obote, it multiplied in size under Amin, who characterized the government in military terms. He renamed Government House “the Command Post”, placed military tribunals over civil courts, appointed military commanders to head civilian ministries and parastatals, and informed civilian cabinet ministers that they were subject to military law. The commanders of barracks located around the country became the de facto rulers of their regions. Despite the characterization of the country in terms of a military command structure, the administration was far from well-organized. Amin, like many of the officers he appointed to senior positions, was illiterate, and thus gave instructions orally, in person, by telephone or in long rambling speeches.
The regime was subject to deadly internal rivalries. One area of competition was a rivalry between British-trained officers and Israeli-trained officers, who both opposed the many untrained officers, resulting in many trained officers being purged. The purges also had the effect of creating promotion opportunities; commander of the air force Smuts Guweddeko began as a telephone operator.
On my feed as Shaimaa and Marianne both ‘liked’ it.
I took a minute of our show earlier to try and capture for our viewers around the world the extraordinarily uncertain moment the UK has arrived at. @BBCWorld pic.twitter.com/Bt3hweRXxe
It may be a dank dark day wherever Ros Atkins is appearing but I woke to a magnificent sun rise with a blood red then pink sky and have had a lovely walk with the sun shining (but it was a bit cold). I suppose if you are so depressed about leaving the EU then even a bright sunny morning doesn’t lift the spirits.
Yes indeed Ros, YOU, the Bbbc, have “wrapped” Christmas in “worry and uncertainty”. And you will continue to do so, irregardless and reckless, full of feigned and false feelings not facts.
As you do every subject, every moment or incident of national significance, or indeed of national insignificence, of no interest to anyone unable to quote ‘The West Wing’, overblown in panic and angst.
The anti-British, useless and unneeded and more and more unwanted.
As our once beloved Britain devolves into a weird facsimile of one of those lesser-known, and rather forgettable, provinces visited by Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver…
…one where the people appear to believe natural death from old age is a transmittable disease and where the elected King is locked in perpetual independence talks with the neighbouring Empire. This peculiar backwater but once powerful realm is ruled by a sometimes chuckling, sometimes glum, Big-Endian, and it is where the elite regard their population as Yahoos and play riduculous tricks on them such as mandating in which direction they walk in shopping centres and how many family members may or may not meet in their houses at festival times, depending whether it happens to be a Wednesday or a Tuesday. Those two days of the week, by the way, having been reversed on the advice of the King’s wife-to-be the Princes Nut Nut.
From eighteenth century satire to today’s newspaper headlines…
‘UK sealed off from the world’ (‘i’) – blimey, it’s almost as though we let a dangerous new virus out of the NHS or alternatively caused it to jump to infecting humans by putting up bat boxes. World Health Organisation to our rescue?
And from that flight of fancy to the traffic jam in the Daily Telegraph: ‘Johnson plans mass testing of lorry drivers to reopen ports’ – well, how else are all those Polish lorry drivers going to get their empty container trucks back home for Christmas so they can load up with another consignment of EU exports to Britain in the New Year?
The Telegraph further reveals what we might have guessed: ‘Police knew of lorry smuggling gang’ – this rather insipid headline conceals the outrage that the gang whose activities eventually led to the death of 39 immigrants were on the authorities radar for more than a year. Let that one sink in.
You can tell lockdown is here with us again. Both the Mirror and The Express are offering: ‘Free home delivery for 6 weeks’ – this next bit makes me smile: ‘Payment for newspaper still required’ – one contemplates the confused mindset of a consumer so conditioned to lockdowns that he not only complacently assumes no human will be involved in the delivery but that his newspaper (along perhaps with every other good and service in the economy) can be free and still available when he eventually emerges from his cave.
You have to wonder whether the Express headline is serving the free delivery offer or the headline is pushing the offer: ‘Mutant virus skyrockets… Now Tier 4 to spread’
The Daily Mail scoops the royals transgressing family mixing rules: ‘Royals Xmas Blunderland. William and Kate mingle with Edward and Sophie’s family as group of NINE… despite rule of six’ – good luck to ’em I say. Naff orf, Daily Mail!
The ‘i’ newspaper promises: ‘Hope of early warning on dementia’ and I do believe I diagnose dementia in most papers, particularly the Times this morning: ‘Mutant virus is “everywhere”‘
Let’s all take a deep breath – or perhaps not. The mutant virus – apparently – is everywhere.
There’s a thin line between modesty: ‘I thought I’d be the one they took pity on’ – that’s Bill Bailey in the ‘i’ and then there’s victimhood: ‘Mikel Arteta, the Aresenal manager, has told his struggling players to stop being “victims”‘ (Times)
Esther Rantzen in the Telegraph offers: ‘How to cope with loneliness at Christmas’ – well, kudos to her charitable work and all that but this gift of Christmas hope comes from someone who is jewish. But I suppose that’s sort of how it all started?
And finally, Esther (as they used to say on That’s Life) from thoughts of wise men following the Star of Bethlehem to idiots in the Daily Star: ‘Supermarket shoppers go officially nuts. Just who the hell stockpiles lettuce?’
Peter Rabbit? He’s been on the authorities radar for over a year.
Asiseeit – I have disagree with you on the issue of exporting containers of good British air to the continentals . This a vital export and should be encouraged . With the cheese eating surrender monkeys playing border games again we need to fight back by boycotting French products … by not having a trade deal …
The lips are moving, a sound is emanating but of substance there is none, bar the demand that the government should do whatever the scientists tell it. https://t.co/5aRW3Prbw1
All very well explained by our own illustrious Home Secretary on Toady earlier:
We need much more testin, testin, testin. And if the people fail to follow the Rules, more policin, policin, policin.
Imagine being married to the frump after a few years of listening to that…………….
It follows that the major missing component of the elite’s thinking in terms of condoning the steady stream of millions of Third Worlder’s arriving is, ‘are we making a rod for our own backs’ in the future? No thoughts, no appreciation of what could/will happen. Just, ‘stick it on them to sort out, we only need them once every five years and with the BBC’s assistance softening them up, that’s a ‘slam dunk’.
I can remember staying at a mates place in Bradford in 1991, so nearly 30 years ago, and the racial tension there was palpable. In fact often it was worse, with physical confrontation. Six years later and Labour get their hands on Number 10, advocating an open-door policy in a United Kingdom already clearly becoming culturally divided. Nothing has ever been done to address the problems created in mainly northern areas, basically because whoever is in government simply do not care. Successive Prime Ministers have just shrugged their shoulders at the social problems that mass multiculturalism has created. We’re now at the back end of 2020 and the damage is irreversible. It’s game over I’m afraid.
“Plant operations manager Ilona Nowaczyk-Barank, who looks after 300 staff and is due to work on Boxing Day, says she believes supply chains will be safe over the next two to three days, but fears there is a potential risk “we will not be back” on 26 December “when we don’t have nothing to pack”, adding that 90% of the plant’s raw materials come from Europe.”
My alternative headline:
“Yes we haven’t got no bananas!”
In the interests of diversity, let’s calypso this one (apologies to Harry Belefonte)
Day-o, day-o
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day-o
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Work at home on a drink of rum
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Stuck on Zoon till de morning come
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Come, Mister Boris man, have you gone bananas?
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, come
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
As one who has had the unfortunate experience of a West Indian visitor next door dragging his white blonde girlfriend by the hair screaming for help at 2 AM around the road with a 3 year old child sobbing in the bedroom
four bloody times the last time took 5 police and two alsations to arrest him ( she was part of six girls he wanted sex from at any time of the day or night)
I can say with some confidence some courses in marital relationships could be in order whilst you are fighting with the police about racism
I have been to a series of Deep Purple final concerts that lasted less time than this logging off.
But antivaxx conspiracy theories – totally different to legitimate concerns – will rage on online in the meanwhile!
I might be logging off but do keep getting in touch if someone you know has been impacted or you see a suspect post – I just might not respond as quickly.
“I might be logging off but do keep getting in touch if someone you know has been impacted or you see a suspect post – I just might not respond as quickly.”
Really Marianna, but you’ve just this one job to do. And Christmas is, well, cancelled, or postponed ’til Easter, or is it until we get the vaccine, that’s right, isn’t it?
The UK's "latest concession on fishing" was far, far too generous, but the EU's rejection thereof does at least underline the fundamental absurdity of the bloc's negotiating position.
Yesterday NF was on Mike Graham’s show and there was a suggestion that if Boris delivered a proper Brexit he might just be forgiven for everything else. However, I fear we have gone beyond that point so in a sense Boris has nothing to lose by completing the sell out.
And not wanting to be ignored…#Etna is erupting, too! Over the past few weeks the summit has hosted intermittent ash explosions and some lava flows, together with some captivating pyrotechnic displays…
I honestly think that the world has gone mad. And that
the BBC is at the forefront of this lunacy! The BBC is making
a big issue of the fact that Gal Gadot the Israeli producer ,
actress is making and starring in a film about Cleopatra.Is
this “white washing” the BBC infers. Cleopatra may of had
some black blood in her and therefore an African or Arab
actress should of played her.
My history tells me that she was of Macedonian stock. If
you like Greek, South Eastern Mediterranean. Is it really such
a racist crime that an actress from Israel from the shores of
the Eastern tip of the Mediterranean should play Cleopatra?
Madness ! Madness!! Madness !!!
Yes, Cleopatra was Greek. She was the last of the Ptolemy dynasty, founded by one of Alexander the Great’s generals.
Alexandria used to be one of the great Greek cities, until Colonel Nasser threw all the Greeks out. Luckily ethnic cleansing doesn’t matter if it is only white Christian people who are being expelled from their homes.
In my view, Sir Anthony Eden was dead right about Nasser. The man needed killing. The world would be a much better place if the Americans had not stabbed us in the back over Suez.
“Flash Gordon gets warning for ‘potentially offensive’ Ming the Merciless”
\\More old movies could have warnings added about racism and stereotypes, after UK film censors said Ming the Merciless in 1980’s Flash Gordon was “dubious if not outright offensive”.//
Woke or what ?
If I was a Ming Vase I would be offended!
I am not surprised that TV and films these days are unwatchable.
“Covid-19: 1,500 lorries stuck in Kent as UK and France aim to restart freight”
I would hazard a guess that most are EU truckers trying to get back home.
Has France and ‘Macaroni’ made a boob ?
UK Covid : 36,804 cases and 691 deaths in the UK today
Where are these cases coming from
Not the pub, so how many derive from NHS and care homes ?
yet radio news says
“deaths are fallen for the second week in a row”
yep but that is ONS data only going up to Dec 1st
If a coroner can rule that air pollution was a factor in the death of Ella Kissi-Debra and Covid-19 be put on the death certificates of just about anyone who can help the medical ‘profession’ put a nail in the government’s proverbial coffin then surely the BBC can be cited whenever depression was a contributary cause?
Having changed location for the Christmas period, leaving my BBC-free house for that of a TV obsessed relative, I can quite see why some people might want to ‘end it all’.
“Brexit: Johnson resists calls to extend transition into 2021”
The idiots in the fifth Column ie the remainers and rejoiners, are trying to undermine the UK’s bargaining power. They have been at it for four years . What they don’t realise is that a good or bad Brexit will effect them in their futile attempt to get us back in the EU. viz Al Beeb, Adonis, Heseltine and the rest of the LimpDems.
I think that Sir keir Starmer has ‘wised’ up now that Covid has diverted his concentration
“Paypal” ?
I have plenty of ‘pals’ but don’t ‘pay’ them. They even buy their own drinks.
You remind me of Miss Jones, aka ‘Miss Whiplash’, my English teacher.
Anyway, Merry Christmas. 🙂
“A further 24 people have died after contracting coronavirus in Wales, taking the total to 3,149, according to the latest figures.”
A question for Al Beeb were they already ill because of other causes?
They caught covid and got run over 23 days later – still died after contracting covid..
The BBC mendacious was a word made for them.
I had misfortune to be driving this morning so thought I would see how R4 is going – what a load of Cr*p. Moan moan moan, doom doom doom…. trying to get the gotcha from any Tory and inviting the usual suspects on to say what the BBC want to hear…
The new buzz word appears to be… lateral flow test..along with one of their airheads pontificating on the accuracy and therefore its use..
Tedious drivel but exercised my in car shouting …
Stew – did wonder – I didn’t think it would be that good ‘bad with a locked down tiered viewing public – even the ‘charismatic ‘ crisp salesman couldn’t rescue it .
I’ve got an idea for the next one ‘ stick it into that strictly show thing which gets the numbers – and half – at least – every ones pay …and limit it to non tax avoiders …..didn’t see it – never will …
@Fed you know what the BBC producers would say
“we don’t care, that we lost those viewers, cos they are
‘the wrong kind of animal’,
they were Tommy supporters no doubt
and we don’t want them watching our BBC”
Yes Taff
Heard this on R4 this morning – apparantely he was a nice boy, got excluded for over doing his macrame..
he was killed by a gang (no description given by BBC) and it was the school’s fault, the system’s fault, all of which need reviewing..
No, not the gang’s fault and nothing to do with parenting and nothing to do with the lad himself…
I wonder if there have been incidents of white working class boys in the same situation that got same publicity?
Seb Gorkha set out the election on TRadio
“The judges have been cuckholded, but it is not over”
Jan 6th Electoral College present votes to Mike Pence
then the House votes.
However if one guy objects they have to move into debate
If the debate is not resolved by Jan 18th the electoral college votes are abandoned and Congress itself votes on who the President will be.
I spoke to the President and although he is surrounded by people calling for him to concede, he still maintains every LEGAL vote must be counted and not the illegal ones
We will keep fighting”
I like the bit in there about how someone switched ‘white’ to ‘black’ and ‘men’ to ‘women’ in something some anti-white woman posted and twitter suspended his account for racism/sexism. Shows it all up as the astounding hypocrisy it is.
People should do that more often to make the point.
Black Lives Matter = Good. White Lives Matter = Abhorent and racist. What a complete joke.
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee https://qnews.com.au/transphobic-scenes-cut-from-new-release-of-crocodile-dundee/ Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
R4 Vaccine show : they did announce that next week’s episode
is a special with Bill Gates.
I personally think he’s a good guy, but that the beeboids are trolling with the way presented it.
I’m certain the BBC will stop opposing Brexit after January the 1st.
No, not really…. 😉
It is worth thinking about how Guardianland will end their madness over us.
Like will it take riots or something ?
R4 prog this morning was about parents who have an out of control kid who is into guns and drugs
(they sound white)
They just want him locked up and retrained cos at the moment he can’t control himself.
Luckily for them he gets arrested after someone is spotted hiding a gun.
But then the police bring him back .. he goes crazy and smashes up much of the house and breaks his own hand .
What happens next is they get a surprise knock from the police who re-arrest him saying he’d threatened officers in the interview and also disclosed some other of his crimes.
How screwed up is the system that they let him go in the afternoon only to re-arrest him in the evening ?
I guess they might let people go to see which crimbos they contact on release.
Anyway in the end he never gets released cos a psychologist signs the order saying he has no capacity to be free.
Belgium…. Belgium? Isn’t something headquartered there?
And they’ve got the bloody nerve to lock US out ?????
well thats my Belgian cultural tour gone then, I had planned for 10 minutes in a chocolate shop and some rolling tobacco before popping off to Amsterdam via Switzerland to pick up a cuckoo clock and some tips on neutrality
I am going to miss Europe…well maybe Paris, but then again that is more like Syria now
One does not need a french english phrase book anymore, an english arabic book is more useful like they sell in Luton
and if they visit Cambridge they are no doubt impressed by the new concrete pillars in the road and plethora of video cameras around Kings College
thanks arabs for that, you really do enrich everywhere you go,
diversity such a good thing
any old statue that needs relocating we have immigrants that do it for free
Darcy – can you explain, I genuinely don’t understand, what have concrete pillars and video cameras got to do with Arabs in Cambridge?
He means we have street CCTV to prevent terrorism.
And most terror attacks are to do with Islamic groups.
Ahh, I see. Thanks.
Bill Still has a longish and very thought-provoking interview with Dr Jerome Corsi on his website about the American political situation. I’m not including a link as it gives our moderators the shivers diverting attention from the Nation’s Favourite Broadcaster. However one thing I took from the interview – Trump will fight.
@Square-Eyed If you want to share in an unobtrusive way way
instead of filling this page with embedded videos
one trick is to put the video in a link
eg (a href=”https://youtu.be/2GPVAw7NtcM”)Ben Still Cors clip(/a>)
But instead of brackets use less than/ more than symbols
Ben Still Cors clip
Thank you for your advice. I am a little confused by a href and the abundance of symbols in your example but have made a note and will give it a try next time.
Ok,ok, so I’m a heartless b******. But……
Lots of coverage today about the guilty manslaughter verdicts on the people traffickers who killed 39 Vietnamese in a lorry trailer. OK, an awful way to die.
But no coverage of the nakedly illegal economic migrant status of the victims. Young, capable, maybe. But illegal.
A couple left their own young children behind in Vietnam, who are now orphans for C***** sake. Irresponsible or what. Child neglect or what? No-one asks. No- one thinks to consider.
Appalling biased BBC coverage with their heads in the sand on the main issue, but plenty of time for the human interest sob stories..
The BBC Manchester black reporter
does a story about the black community in Manchester
about they did a big black illegal rave
2 black men got shot
but none of the black community want to talk about it and solve the story
and catch the killer who is almost certainly black.
Where’s this all fit with Black Lives Matter ?
cos its as if that is just a phrase that actually means “White man bad, all whites need to bow down”
since when has policing been about gaining the confidence of the local community (immigrants)?
I was under the impression it was about preventing crime and arresting those who mug rape and burgle etc
seems I am wrong
the very immigrants who come here are well aware of how the police in their war torn sh’tholes deal with crime
it has little to do with gaining confidence
How they must laugh at the twats we call police
Saddam Hussein was quite happy to throw people into vats of sulphuric acid for daring to criticise him, then they come over here and the bloody police are kneeling in front of them
A tip from me to the police: It will not work, they are used to sniffing out weakness
That article has nothing whatsoever to do with news. It’s out and out propaganda.
Not a single word to suggest that he might have been shot deliberately. Which seems very likely to me.
Are we to believe that such a wonderful and caring human being could be targetted in this way ?.
Or might we believe that this guy was involved in something bad and was involved with the kind of people who murder those who cross them ?.
And no explanation of why people are scared to give evidence.
And despite the identity of the suspect ‘being out there’, we are not given any name or picture.
The bottom line here is that these people have created their own society which is just the same as the sh1tholes they originated from. Import 3rd world, you get 3rd world. And the Left are doing everything they can to cover it up.
What a complete and utter farce.
BBC News Home
“Twitter’s copyright policy ‘used to silence activists’
[With compulsory photograph of a type 2 aesthetically unfortunate, demonstrating her mastery of technology,
she can hold a mobile phone in both hands.]
[Go to article]
2020-12-22 00:00
“Tanzania ‘using Twitter’s copyright policy to silence activists'”
[Home, World, Africa, let’s fill the BBC pages with pictures of the prettiless.]
2020-12-22 00:00
“1,000 lost on one boat – this woman hopes to name them.”
[The 1000 were members of the religion of hate. They have turned North Africa into a fourth world heaven on earth.
Now determined to visit Europe against our wishes, and civilise us.
Are we lucky?
My view, it is a pity the headline did not have some more zeros.
The drowning of the invaders took place in 2015, only the BBC knows why it (the story, not the boat) needs re-floating.]
[A huge opportunity is being missed by the BBC. If the BBC concentrated on the British their staff could all have
£500K+ sinecures with perquisites that would a Marxist local councillor envious. The licence fee could then be
three groats and we would all be happy-ish.]
BBC News
Prof Shi Zhengli told the BBC she is open to “any kind of visit” to rule out claims that the coronavirus leaked from her laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
Maybe Baroness Shami and the guy they used post McAlpine to find the entire top floor had temporary institutional Alzheimer’s?
BBC News, with “quotes”
“We owe you big.”
US President-elect Biden has received his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.
I wonder if any of BBC American BS have RTd this?
Jon’s on holibags, Katty never leaves home, so that leaves Nick ‘I rote a TDS bookie Wookiee’ Bryant or Lurch.
Lurch’s last U.K. reference, from BS young stud producer…
Bri is like a short, cuddly, equally nuts Lurch.
That is absolutely outrageous. Lucky for him, the reality of the MSM being predominantly a Left-Wing propaganda machine, he will not be crucified as he deserves.
One thing for sure after our failed diversity experiment (a project I am now convinced was started by the Left partly just to spite the right) : wherever it starts, it will be here within 48 hours.
“Covid-19: UK and France to set out plan to restart freight”
Or how the French are using dirty tricks to rob us of our international right to our waters and our fish. Will Boris be a Churchill or a Chamberlain?
It’s not looking good for our fishermen .
“New coronavirus variant: What do we know?“
“It is thought the variant either emerged in a patient in the UK or has been imported from a country with a lower ability to monitor coronavirus mutations.”
As it appears to be effecting the SE , did it come across on a rubber dinghy from France?
If they do not want our lamb, why should we buy their letters
Well, golly, the BBC has ‘spoken to’ a few selected people.
Have they spoken to any of the thousands of Ethiopians fighting and rioting in Piccadilly during lockdown ? or the BLM idiots ? ot the hundreds in the mosques every week or the Luton mayor found in a back garden in Luton with hundreds at a muslim party?
bbc silence again
In the video Mr Malik can be seen with other Labour councillors laughing and eating.
Up to 1,000 Ethiopians and their supporters protested against the killing of a musician outside the country’s embassy in London on Friday.
The demonstration came after the killing of Hachalu Hundessa, whose songs highlighted the plight of the oppressed Oromo people in Ethiopia. It has sparked resistance and repression, with at least 166 protesters dead and many more wounded.
Police are called to Luton mosque after huge row erupts involving up to 300 worshippers inside building
Six police cars arrived at Jalalabad Jame Masjid Mosque in Luton on Friday
Footage of police breaking up altercation emerged on social media on Monday
Allegedly started following dispute involving secretary Syedul Islam Khan
Arrived to worship as normal despite being removed from position by other committee members
Darcy – did someone cough?
Just done my daily (very) brief check of what the Beeb are reporting today and saw the article about Biden getting the vaccine.
What struck me was that every report I can remember about Trump had a negative slant with a bad picture. Every single one about Biden up to now has a positive slant with a picture to make him look good.
It’s the blatant hypocrisy by the Left about the BBC being unbiased which bothers me the most. They have no integrity or sense of shame whatsoever. ‘The ends justify the means’. I’m sure Stalin thought that too.
We are told that perishable food has been held up by the trucks stacking up at Dover ? But I thought that the fresh food was being imported in from France ?
The remainers and remoaners are weaponising this so called pandemic. We have a very active ‘fifth column’ at work in Britain aiming for a BRINO.
Check the top rated BBC HYS comments to get an insight into the typical Remainer personality (they almost always open HYS for bad-news Brexit stories).
I’ve never come across a set of more shallow and spiteful people in my life. They would love the country to completely collapse so they could gloat and say ‘I told you so’.
I hope for their sakes they just naive, arrogant students who will have the stuffing knocked out of them when they have to get a real job in the real world and pay tax.
Rumours are about that Tory MPs are not happy and may recall Parliament? Keep an eye on Al Beeb .
I thought it was Twitter that decides things now, not MPs
an army of purple haired pierced wierdos of no particular gender who loath elections
except the Biden type, North Korea would be proud (try purple hair and nipple piercing there…)
Yes -recall it for Christmas Day or New Years Eve/Day – but I suppose they get treble expenses for switching on their taxpayer provided laptop ….
We all know that when it comes to leader page pictures
of school children on the BBC website that at least 75%
are of ethnic kids. But before some woak , inclusive,
positive discrimination , obsessive diversity moron takes one
off there are two of the SAME ethnic pair of kids on the
leader page right now.
Only when it’s good news – such as record pass marks or some kind of victim can be painted. If it’s about knives are anything like that, the hand shown holding it will be white.
For me, having any ethnic group represented on the BBC by more than their actual percentage in society is racist. Or at least it was when they were white. Seems the BBC have different rules depending on your skin colour. What hypocrites.
I reckon the BBC have somebody I expect earning
at least £100,000 a year reading our comments !! I’ve
just been out for a walk in the mud with my crazy
springer spaniel Mimi and low and behold the
double ethnic schoolkids photo’s have been replaced
by two identical photos of a group of white kids !!
Honestly I didn’t make the original feature up.
So maybe we do have an influence on the diversity obsessed
BBC !!!
@Fos That school pupils photo is only featured once.
The BBC argue that BAME need “people like me” photos
That page has BAME photos :16
vs non-BAME : 17
ie BAME are 3 times over-represented
although if stories are international of course we don’t expect as many white people as UK stories.
Marcus Rashord’s photo is by far the largest photo on the page
“Labour and Scotland: Can Keir Starmer save the United Kingdom?”
More devolution! – another ‘own goal’ by Labour ?
Even Baldrick could not have thought of that plan.
An excellent cunning plan, lorries are warming up with containers full of deep fried mars bars and sausages made of blood for export and bloody porridge with salt added
and cds full of songs that could even make the
Dalai Lama depressed
what could go wrong ?
Wasn’t breaking England up into separate zones/regions the EU’s plan all along?
I don’t know if it’s BBC or not but a report in the DT ( daily telegraph ) says that the 2 sticking points in trade negotiations are fishing rights – we’ve offered 35% reducing over 5 years as well as ‘independent arbitration ‘ over tariffs . The French apparently want us to have 25% fishing – which means 3 blokes at the end of Deal Pier .
And the’ independent arbitration ‘will staffed by 2 frogs and a kraut ……
…..methinks Christmas Eve sell out announcement ….
my experience in fishing in Scotland is the bloody seals nick them before you get a chance at reeling them in
and then its back to the hotel for blood sausages and salty porridge
and some cheering bagpipe music about Edward the First mutilating them and their family whilst they all look at you funny
and f’ck knows what they are all talking about I did’nt have a phrase book, I only know Luton sign language
Darcy – a bet the seals were French or Dutch ….
Its funny, that behaviour, it started in Arran but spread all around the coast within a year, before that they just used to follow the schools around but stay about 100 yards away from the coast
my son caught his first mackerel in Campbeltown and just about to land it and ended up with a head and a happy seal
It’s a shame there can’t be a closure of all fishing grounds for a few years to rebuild the stocks … I guess the Icelanders have proper control .
yeh with their navy, one step up from Idi Amin’s navy who did not have a coast but it did not stop him
a genuine optimist that one, glass half full all the time, never a dull day in Uganda
He styled himself the “Conquerer of the British Empire”, using the letters CBE after his name, and awarded himself the Victoria Cross and the Military Cross.
He also took five wives, fathered dozens of children, and insisted on being called “Big Daddy”.
While the military had grown under Obote, it multiplied in size under Amin, who characterized the government in military terms. He renamed Government House “the Command Post”, placed military tribunals over civil courts, appointed military commanders to head civilian ministries and parastatals, and informed civilian cabinet ministers that they were subject to military law. The commanders of barracks located around the country became the de facto rulers of their regions. Despite the characterization of the country in terms of a military command structure, the administration was far from well-organized. Amin, like many of the officers he appointed to senior positions, was illiterate, and thus gave instructions orally, in person, by telephone or in long rambling speeches.
The regime was subject to deadly internal rivalries. One area of competition was a rivalry between British-trained officers and Israeli-trained officers, who both opposed the many untrained officers, resulting in many trained officers being purged. The purges also had the effect of creating promotion opportunities; commander of the air force Smuts Guweddeko began as a telephone operator.
On my feed as Shaimaa and Marianne both ‘liked’ it.
However, any ‘moment to capture’ from any Beeboid is worth not touching with a very long barge pole.
Their NYE BLM and Sadiq’s best hits from the girls in the cubicle gardens round up has set the scene already
It may be a dank dark day wherever Ros Atkins is appearing but I woke to a magnificent sun rise with a blood red then pink sky and have had a lovely walk with the sun shining (but it was a bit cold). I suppose if you are so depressed about leaving the EU then even a bright sunny morning doesn’t lift the spirits.
Yes indeed Ros, YOU, the Bbbc, have “wrapped” Christmas in “worry and uncertainty”. And you will continue to do so, irregardless and reckless, full of feigned and false feelings not facts.
As you do every subject, every moment or incident of national significance, or indeed of national insignificence, of no interest to anyone unable to quote ‘The West Wing’, overblown in panic and angst.
The anti-British, useless and unneeded and more and more unwanted.
Not forgetting it was this giant prick of a snowflake , Ros Atkins who started the 50-50 gender target for guests at the BBC.
A bigger pile of wetness, you will struggle to find. How he identifies as man is beyond me.
As our once beloved Britain devolves into a weird facsimile of one of those lesser-known, and rather forgettable, provinces visited by Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver…
…one where the people appear to believe natural death from old age is a transmittable disease and where the elected King is locked in perpetual independence talks with the neighbouring Empire. This peculiar backwater but once powerful realm is ruled by a sometimes chuckling, sometimes glum, Big-Endian, and it is where the elite regard their population as Yahoos and play riduculous tricks on them such as mandating in which direction they walk in shopping centres and how many family members may or may not meet in their houses at festival times, depending whether it happens to be a Wednesday or a Tuesday. Those two days of the week, by the way, having been reversed on the advice of the King’s wife-to-be the Princes Nut Nut.
From eighteenth century satire to today’s newspaper headlines…
‘UK sealed off from the world’ (‘i’) – blimey, it’s almost as though we let a dangerous new virus out of the NHS or alternatively caused it to jump to infecting humans by putting up bat boxes. World Health Organisation to our rescue?
And from that flight of fancy to the traffic jam in the Daily Telegraph: ‘Johnson plans mass testing of lorry drivers to reopen ports’ – well, how else are all those Polish lorry drivers going to get their empty container trucks back home for Christmas so they can load up with another consignment of EU exports to Britain in the New Year?
The Telegraph further reveals what we might have guessed: ‘Police knew of lorry smuggling gang’ – this rather insipid headline conceals the outrage that the gang whose activities eventually led to the death of 39 immigrants were on the authorities radar for more than a year. Let that one sink in.
You can tell lockdown is here with us again. Both the Mirror and The Express are offering: ‘Free home delivery for 6 weeks’ – this next bit makes me smile: ‘Payment for newspaper still required’ – one contemplates the confused mindset of a consumer so conditioned to lockdowns that he not only complacently assumes no human will be involved in the delivery but that his newspaper (along perhaps with every other good and service in the economy) can be free and still available when he eventually emerges from his cave.
You have to wonder whether the Express headline is serving the free delivery offer or the headline is pushing the offer: ‘Mutant virus skyrockets… Now Tier 4 to spread’
The Daily Mail scoops the royals transgressing family mixing rules: ‘Royals Xmas Blunderland. William and Kate mingle with Edward and Sophie’s family as group of NINE… despite rule of six’ – good luck to ’em I say. Naff orf, Daily Mail!
The ‘i’ newspaper promises: ‘Hope of early warning on dementia’ and I do believe I diagnose dementia in most papers, particularly the Times this morning: ‘Mutant virus is “everywhere”‘
Let’s all take a deep breath – or perhaps not. The mutant virus – apparently – is everywhere.
There’s a thin line between modesty: ‘I thought I’d be the one they took pity on’ – that’s Bill Bailey in the ‘i’ and then there’s victimhood: ‘Mikel Arteta, the Aresenal manager, has told his struggling players to stop being “victims”‘ (Times)
Esther Rantzen in the Telegraph offers: ‘How to cope with loneliness at Christmas’ – well, kudos to her charitable work and all that but this gift of Christmas hope comes from someone who is jewish. But I suppose that’s sort of how it all started?
And finally, Esther (as they used to say on That’s Life) from thoughts of wise men following the Star of Bethlehem to idiots in the Daily Star: ‘Supermarket shoppers go officially nuts. Just who the hell stockpiles lettuce?’
Peter Rabbit? He’s been on the authorities radar for over a year.
Asiseeit – I have disagree with you on the issue of exporting containers of good British air to the continentals . This a vital export and should be encouraged . With the cheese eating surrender monkeys playing border games again we need to fight back by boycotting French products … by not having a trade deal …
Meanwhile Toady is still trying gotchas on Ministers likely a bit busy to go to supermarkets to know the bbc is lying through its teeth.
That bloke could be the third Milliband
@PAP explains about police enforcing Boris Cromwell’s rules on Covid
All very well explained by our own illustrious Home Secretary on Toady earlier:
We need much more testin, testin, testin. And if the people fail to follow the Rules, more policin, policin, policin.
Imagine being married to the frump after a few years of listening to that…………….
G – do you take personal offence against the Minister for stron’ statements all because she keeps droppin’ your ‘iven name ?
( I ‘ave up tryin’ to use words with a lot of ‘) G…
At least with her you know you’d never need to buy trousers …
I think it’s quite an endearing trait – the Home Sec is a female William Brown as in ‘Just William’.
Is Martin Jarvis getting extra royalties or an appearance fee when she is on the BBC?
When are they going to start desecrating churches ?
they have already started on statues
Imagine the outrage if this new lockdown was during a muzzie religous holiday
they would completely and utterly ignore it, as they do every week in every mosque
all waving a British passport in their grubby hands
It follows that the major missing component of the elite’s thinking in terms of condoning the steady stream of millions of Third Worlder’s arriving is, ‘are we making a rod for our own backs’ in the future? No thoughts, no appreciation of what could/will happen. Just, ‘stick it on them to sort out, we only need them once every five years and with the BBC’s assistance softening them up, that’s a ‘slam dunk’.
I can remember staying at a mates place in Bradford in 1991, so nearly 30 years ago, and the racial tension there was palpable. In fact often it was worse, with physical confrontation. Six years later and Labour get their hands on Number 10, advocating an open-door policy in a United Kingdom already clearly becoming culturally divided. Nothing has ever been done to address the problems created in mainly northern areas, basically because whoever is in government simply do not care. Successive Prime Ministers have just shrugged their shoulders at the social problems that mass multiculturalism has created. We’re now at the back end of 2020 and the damage is irreversible. It’s game over I’m afraid.
You are either part of this country or not part of this country, it’s history and heritage and culture, your choice
there are airports and ferries waiting for you
dont try to change us we have bloody thousands of years forming our “kulcha”
you want your culture f’ck off to Syria or Africa and try to apply for benefits there
Very confused. Darcy, that reply reads that’s it’s aimed at my comment, I assume I’ve misinterpreted it?
A slam dunk that’s another thing
Where are the white people under represented in basketball ?
do we have a snoop doggy rapper investing some money to sort that out ?
nope he just wants to get blacks into Cambridge and Oxford cos they is black
now they will demand Adidas gowns, probably, and forget Carols from Kings College, they will have a deck and shout about slapping their bitches
I feel so enriched by this diversity
life is about give and take so I am told
some just take
at the point of a gun or knife if all else fails with the police villified for attempting to control
BBC’s headline:
“We may have nothing to pack” – salad workers
“Plant operations manager Ilona Nowaczyk-Barank, who looks after 300 staff and is due to work on Boxing Day, says she believes supply chains will be safe over the next two to three days, but fears there is a potential risk “we will not be back” on 26 December “when we don’t have nothing to pack”, adding that 90% of the plant’s raw materials come from Europe.”
My alternative headline:
“Yes we haven’t got no bananas!”
FFS if I was working there and had to speak to the boss I would struggle with the pronunciation of czyk
do they get their names from a mixed up scrabble board with too many consonants left over?
maybe we could crowd fund some vowels to them
as for the poor old priest at the baptism no wonder they turn to drink
diversity doncha just love it
@Darcy3 There is always a system that makes it easy
The normal thing is we are trying to use British interpretation of the foreign alphabet
Nowaczyk- “no”-VAH-“check”
cos w = UK “v” like in German
cz =”ch”
y = “e”
I bet you never got to pull the czyks either, did you?
In the interests of diversity, let’s calypso this one (apologies to Harry Belefonte)
Day-o, day-o
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day-o
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Work at home on a drink of rum
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Stuck on Zoon till de morning come
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Come, Mister Boris man, have you gone bananas?
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, come
Christmas come and me wan’ go home
a fine encapsulation of the West Indian mentality with two important points missing
the relevance of women
the relevance of homosexuals
as for trans a machine gun at the least
diversity doncha just love it
As one who has had the unfortunate experience of a West Indian visitor next door dragging his white blonde girlfriend by the hair screaming for help at 2 AM around the road with a 3 year old child sobbing in the bedroom
four bloody times the last time took 5 police and two alsations to arrest him ( she was part of six girls he wanted sex from at any time of the day or night)
I can say with some confidence some courses in marital relationships could be in order whilst you are fighting with the police about racism
diversity doncha just love it
I have been to a series of Deep Purple final concerts that lasted less time than this logging off.
“I might be logging off but do keep getting in touch if someone you know has been impacted or you see a suspect post – I just might not respond as quickly.”
Really Marianna, but you’ve just this one job to do. And Christmas is, well, cancelled, or postponed ’til Easter, or is it until we get the vaccine, that’s right, isn’t it?
“I just might not respond as quickly.”
No genuine dedication to the ’cause’ then?
We rescued the child, my girlfriend at the time had the courage to pick him up, I was too white to intervene, the police put alarms in the house
and next week he was back and the week after and on and on
diversity, I love it, what else would one have to do at 2AM rather than watching a girl get dragged by her hair down the road
at the time the police were not kneeling in front of him
now they do because the poor souls are victims
Yesterday NF was on Mike Graham’s show and there was a suggestion that if Boris delivered a proper Brexit he might just be forgiven for everything else. However, I fear we have gone beyond that point so in a sense Boris has nothing to lose by completing the sell out.
Looks like the Krauts have got to threaten the frogs that they’ll be coming through the Ardenne pate forest again …. 3rd time lucky …
Etna : phase of high activity
Trying to organise a funeral from this virus
a relative who died alone in a care home which decided to charge rent for months after she died cos of the virus
I am in the wrong business, triple time pay at the weekend apparantley if I want it on a Saturday
And required to sign a form, over the internet, but not in capitals sent back twice now
I thought local authorites were w@kers this lot take it to a whole new level
I honestly think that the world has gone mad. And that
the BBC is at the forefront of this lunacy! The BBC is making
a big issue of the fact that Gal Gadot the Israeli producer ,
actress is making and starring in a film about Cleopatra.Is
this “white washing” the BBC infers. Cleopatra may of had
some black blood in her and therefore an African or Arab
actress should of played her.
My history tells me that she was of Macedonian stock. If
you like Greek, South Eastern Mediterranean. Is it really such
a racist crime that an actress from Israel from the shores of
the Eastern tip of the Mediterranean should play Cleopatra?
Madness ! Madness!! Madness !!!
Yes, Cleopatra was Greek. She was the last of the Ptolemy dynasty, founded by one of Alexander the Great’s generals.
Alexandria used to be one of the great Greek cities, until Colonel Nasser threw all the Greeks out. Luckily ethnic cleansing doesn’t matter if it is only white Christian people who are being expelled from their homes.
In my view, Sir Anthony Eden was dead right about Nasser. The man needed killing. The world would be a much better place if the Americans had not stabbed us in the back over Suez.
I think she was a possibly a bit of a slut when it came to Romans in uniform
just saying
dogging around the pyramids after dark and possibly a blowbang behind the sphinx
I am led to belive the hyroglifcs reveal :
“bury me in a Y shaped coffin if Ceasar is around”
“Flash Gordon gets warning for ‘potentially offensive’ Ming the Merciless”
\\More old movies could have warnings added about racism and stereotypes, after UK film censors said Ming the Merciless in 1980’s Flash Gordon was “dubious if not outright offensive”.//
Woke or what ?
If I was a Ming Vase I would be offended!
I am not surprised that TV and films these days are unwatchable.
“Covid: Army deployed to drive ambulances in Wales”
That’s another fine mess the Welsh Asshambles has got us into.
“Covid-19: 1,500 lorries stuck in Kent as UK and France aim to restart freight”
I would hazard a guess that most are EU truckers trying to get back home.
Has France and ‘Macaroni’ made a boob ?
Are there any poster from Dover on this site that can enlighten us ?
I am also led to believe there is no such thiing as a soft “c” in latin
thus the Kaiser in the first world war
we just got a blackboard rubber in the forhead at full velocity
God knows what Alexander and Ceaser did with her
no wonder she preferred an asp
given the choice between my psychotic latin master and his weapons, and an angry rattle snake
I am with you Cleapatra
New Zealand detected 10 new cases at the border today a step up from the usual 3 or 4
UK Covid : 36,804 cases and 691 deaths in the UK today
Where are these cases coming from
Not the pub, so how many derive from NHS and care homes ?
yet radio news says
“deaths are fallen for the second week in a row”
yep but that is ONS data only going up to Dec 1st
Three answers to that where the cases are coming from, in addition to the NHS and care homes.
#1: The Christmas Rush – more people occupying the same amount of (enclosed) space in shops, trains, buses and so on;
#2: The weather – probably a relatively minor factor but we are undoubtedly now in RSV season (C-19 likes the cold); and
#3 The schools – kids seem to be largely unaffected by C-19, but that doesn’t stop them from passing it on to people who do become symptomatic.
If a coroner can rule that air pollution was a factor in the death of Ella Kissi-Debra and Covid-19 be put on the death certificates of just about anyone who can help the medical ‘profession’ put a nail in the government’s proverbial coffin then surely the BBC can be cited whenever depression was a contributary cause?
Having changed location for the Christmas period, leaving my BBC-free house for that of a TV obsessed relative, I can quite see why some people might want to ‘end it all’.
“Brexit: Johnson resists calls to extend transition into 2021”
The idiots in the fifth Column ie the remainers and rejoiners, are trying to undermine the UK’s bargaining power. They have been at it for four years . What they don’t realise is that a good or bad Brexit will effect them in their futile attempt to get us back in the EU. viz Al Beeb, Adonis, Heseltine and the rest of the LimpDems.
I think that Sir keir Starmer has ‘wised’ up now that Covid has diverted his concentration
“an effect is the result of a change.”
If they change the result it certainly will ‘affect’ them.
apologies taffman I am the last who should be correcting but that does grate with me
one verb another noun
a little like our world class journalists (the well paid fact checkers) who have no idea about the difference between compliment and complement
at least I have no direct debit towards your mangling of language
do you do Paypal ?
“Paypal” ?
I have plenty of ‘pals’ but don’t ‘pay’ them. They even buy their own drinks.
You remind me of Miss Jones, aka ‘Miss Whiplash’, my English teacher.
Anyway, Merry Christmas. 🙂
If a whip was not sufficient there is no hope, but you seem to have fond memories
luv you too and my complements to all in taffland (sic)
BTW does she do private lessons? I’m struggling with conjugation and have a flat well away from the wife
Does she take Paypal 🙂
has she got a safe word when it gets too painful ?
taffman we need to talk, I never realised English grammar could be so exciting
“A further 24 people have died after contracting coronavirus in Wales, taking the total to 3,149, according to the latest figures.”
A question for Al Beeb were they already ill because of other causes?
They caught covid and got run over 23 days later – still died after contracting covid..
The BBC mendacious was a word made for them.
I had misfortune to be driving this morning so thought I would see how R4 is going – what a load of Cr*p. Moan moan moan, doom doom doom…. trying to get the gotcha from any Tory and inviting the usual suspects on to say what the BBC want to hear…
The new buzz word appears to be… lateral flow test..along with one of their airheads pontificating on the accuracy and therefore its use..
Tedious drivel but exercised my in car shouting …
The Sun : Sports Personality of the Year ratings HALVED this year as millions turned off the BBC’s ‘boring’ awards do
via @DefundBBC
Stew – did wonder – I didn’t think it would be that good ‘bad with a locked down tiered viewing public – even the ‘charismatic ‘ crisp salesman couldn’t rescue it .
I’ve got an idea for the next one ‘ stick it into that strictly show thing which gets the numbers – and half – at least – every ones pay …and limit it to non tax avoiders …..didn’t see it – never will …
@Fed you know what the BBC producers would say
“we don’t care, that we lost those viewers, cos they are
‘the wrong kind of animal’,
they were Tommy supporters no doubt
and we don’t want them watching our BBC”
“Tashaun Aird: Family of murdered boy critical of school exclusion”
Was it the school’s fault or the murder’s?
Yes Taff
Heard this on R4 this morning – apparantely he was a nice boy, got excluded for over doing his macrame..
he was killed by a gang (no description given by BBC) and it was the school’s fault, the system’s fault, all of which need reviewing..
No, not the gang’s fault and nothing to do with parenting and nothing to do with the lad himself…
I wonder if there have been incidents of white working class boys in the same situation that got same publicity?
Seb Gorkha set out the election on TRadio
“The judges have been cuckholded, but it is not over”
Jan 6th Electoral College present votes to Mike Pence
then the House votes.
However if one guy objects they have to move into debate
If the debate is not resolved by Jan 18th the electoral college votes are abandoned and Congress itself votes on who the President will be.
I spoke to the President and although he is surrounded by people calling for him to concede, he still maintains every LEGAL vote must be counted and not the illegal ones
We will keep fighting”
Recalling the rare occasions the BBC concedes, it is invariably due to mystery error, and even more mysteriously almost always unidirectional.
I like the bit in there about how someone switched ‘white’ to ‘black’ and ‘men’ to ‘women’ in something some anti-white woman posted and twitter suspended his account for racism/sexism. Shows it all up as the astounding hypocrisy it is.
People should do that more often to make the point.
Black Lives Matter = Good. White Lives Matter = Abhorent and racist. What a complete joke.