To Fedup2 and all the others who maintain this site, thank you.
To Halifax, we worry about you and hope to see you here again soon.
To all the above plus everybody who contributes to this site, ‘happy Christmas and may 2021 be our return to normality’. Oh and here’s to our freedom from the EU whatever the deal.
And it is confirmed there is no chance of a deal before Christmas. But apparently there is still a chance a deal can be agreed in time to be ratified in the UK parliament by 11pm 31 Dec. I am told the talks are now “like a chess game with few pieces left on the board”. Who wins?
Two part tweet from Trump
about media reporting of election fraud
most we know about
..but sometimes crosses the line into fantasy when the presenter speaks of Dominion machines being programmed to send info to China & Russia etc.
Today Programme, this morning around 07:30 am…. Beeboid relaying tale from Rache Riley, Ch4 TV ‘personality’, regarding being trolled.
She claims she’s been called ‘a Nazi’, ‘a liar’, and (horror of horrors) ‘a Tory’…….as if any mainstream media in the UK these days would ever dream of employing someone who doesn’t swing to the left more than just a little…
Commiserations, of course from, the Beeboid introducing the piece, but no comment on Riley’s obvious political leanings, of course – after all, why would any Beeboid demur from regarding calling someone ‘a Tory’ as anything other than trolling a ‘TV personality’ at its worst.
This Friday an exclusive: ‘Radio Caroline to broadcast Queen’s Christmas Message on Christmas Day – 56 years after BBC turned us down for being a pirate station. Caroline has had an Ofcom licence since Dec 2017 and this year our request has been approved’…
Takes me back to my youth when the BBC (then part of the Post Offices) the BBC seemed to spend much if its time trying to close down pirate Radio stations in the North Sea and Channel. North Sea International and Radio Luxembourg were two others flouting the daft UK broadcast license laws of the time. The BBC finally gave in and Radio 1 was introduced (with some reluctance) by hiring some of the pirate DJ’s who went on to become well known names…. of respectability…fame…etc.
No chance of that with the current crop of BBC juvenile presenter anarchists claiming to be all things they are not. i.e. class warriors (all vanity placements) of zero tolerance and stale in 5 minutes.
Of today’s Radio 1 DJs, two are white males and the other ten are black or women or both. One white female is very obese in order to tick even more diversity boxes.
Bias? What bias?
BBC Radio 1 started in 1967. All DJs then were white males.
Now, almost 10% of the population is black. How does that equate to today’s BBC Radio 1 line up?
I saw a moment of Laura Keunessberg asking him something yesterday. Really couldn’t be bothered to listen to what she had to say, but she had her face twisted in a permanent scowl and was spitting the words at him like a petulant child.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – The BBC still do not understand tariffs and Faisal Islam should be ashamed of himself
A tariff is a tax applied by a Sovereign government (or Trading Bloc in the case of the EU) to an imported product to, ostensibly, protect home market providers. While we were in the EU, we in the UK paid more for certain goods from China; shoes for example. It was an increase in costs for EU member States’ consumers.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – I can see a collision coming
If the PM has agreed to a whole lot of EU demands on environmental and Climate Change ‘issues’ and I can think that the PM would readily agree in order to stay sweet with Princess Nut Nuts, this poor old GP is going to have to put up with a lot of stuffy rooms.
You cannot have open windows and circulating fresh air in winter without cranking up the heating by several degrees, depending on how the external ambient temperature is of course. Sooner or later there will be a collision of interests and that GP will have to surrender. AGW and Climate Change fanatics will insist on the windows being closed and the heating turned down.
Cambridge United say they don’t want any of that “DIVERSITY” nonsense
… they want CONFORMITY
conformity to BLM nonsense
otherwise it’s off to the works re-education camp for you
or even life exclusion .
A warm message to you all from the small country in the West of these Mysterious Islands that voted to get out of the EU………………..
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda 😉 !!!
Thanks, and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, to everyone who maintains and contributes to this site – and to my fellow ‘lurkers ‘ who seldom contribute but, like me, value the information to be found here on a daily basis.
A happy Christmas to all on this site . Particularly Fedup2 and the administrators . I pass through on a daily basis and dont comment often as I have improved my life by Cancelling the bBBC and am much better for it. So thanks to all of you who keep a weather eye on the enemy.
I am the same as you Swelter and have also purged that nasty old crack Whore “Aunty” from my life. Thank you to everyone here and especially the administrators. And also those of you who still suffer the BBC so we can comment occasionally .
Having been a reader of this site for some time now I have to say that without it I would start to loose hope for our people and country.
Reading the posts shows that we are not lost yet, we all see what is happening for real rather than rely on propoganda from the BBC.
We see through its agenda and it’s tactics and I could go on about all the bad things about them but am not going to right now, I just wanted to say how appreciative, am sure we all are for the work Fed does for this amazing community.
Keep up the good work and everyone have as much a good Christmas as you can under the Draconian, unnecessary, unjust rules that have been imposed on us all.
One good thing at least Boris has got brexit done, much to the annoyance of the BBC I guess haha ????
Another ‘lurker’ here who would like to add her gratitude to Fedup2 and team for providing a sane and rational outlook on the news. When the site was “off air” last week, I panicked at the thought of living without it! Thanks for all the work. Merry Christmas to all.
Cheers Lurkers, we know you are around,
cos it’s clear people in medialand have one view of the world
and that is quite different from most voices I hear if I stand in the market place.
Years ago, it was traditional to get woken up around 3.30am by squeals from the girls’ rooms!
Now it’s ‘mercy visits’ for the two of us during the night, and JRT also needs to do something similar…
So it’s Christmas as usual, and the Complements of the Season to everyone here, with a special thanks to Fed for letting me witter on regardless, in my own bubble!
As we no longer have anything to do with the BBC other than the website I very rarely post on here but today I would like to wish everyone posters and administrators alike a very merry Christmas and hopefully a much better New Year in 2021. From a snowy South of France Joyeux Noel .
Hmm double the wishes
As we no longer have anything to do with the BBC other than the website I very rarely post on here but today I would like to wish everyone posters and administrators alike a very merry Christmas and hopefully a much better New Year in 2021. From a snowy South of France Joyeux Noel .
Like a number of others before me on this thread, I am an avid reader but seldom post these days.
Nevertheless, I have the utmost respect for those contributors who regularly trudge through the bias and puerile output, presented to us on a daily basis by the big bubble children. I can’t do it anymore!
Keep up the good work. You are appreciated. Have a great Christmas!!
Happy Christmas to all in one of the few places left where people who have the independence of thought to reject Leftie GroupThink can say how it really is without being censored out or bullied.
Happy Xmas, now we have the bbc remake of Wurzel Gummidge, to warm the cockles of our heart, and, you’ve guessed it, the English countryside has turned black
A cup of tea and fried chicken, rice and peas please
“Yes quite, a typical array of rustic country-dwellers on display there. Highly plausible characterization. We ‘as livd in dis manna for generationz innit blud? …. Have the makers ever visited the countryside?!? …. By way of amends, perhaps we could move The Archers to Hackney? That wud make senz fam.”
“So the episode was set in the Carribean then was it? And there was me thinking this was a story from Olde England before the wind rushed in.”
“The character names John and Susan don’t suit the actors, Should be Tyrone and Tanicha.”
I would like to see a remake of Roots with the Carry on Team only cast, if that were possible
“Infamy, infamy, the planation master’s got it infamy”
I feel a screenplay is coming on over the Xmas break, a light hearted take on life in the cotton fields, with the usual Carry On confusion and double entendres
and Bernard Breslaw in ill fitting stockings and lingerie slotted in somewhere
hand delivered to the bbc, despite their injunction after the last one with Ray Winstone playing Nelson Mandela
the bbc remind me of that lot that turned down the Beatles, they don’t know a winner when they see one
Thanks Fed, specifically for keeping it all together and remember on this day of light and celebration that trolls only inhabit the darkness.
On Brexit, the devil will be in the detail and as Doris the outgoing PM doesn’t do detail we shall have to wait and see… However console yourselves with the fact that ‘Lord’ Adonis was crying into his latte yesterday afternoon, so it can’t all be bad….
PS has the hypocrite Sturgeon resigned yet?
She needs to give us all a wonderful Yuletide gift as we all know, like she keeps on insisting, the wearing a mask, Either in public or a private wake isn’t just for Christmas.. ☃
Sorry to drag something up from 3 years ago, but it really is a cracker. I found it in the frenzied article today about the black woman who died of COVID where the word racist is thrown at everything – including the virus. But what really made me weep was this link it contained – Go test yourself so they can call you a racist:
BBC at it’s finest : massive misrepresentation of data to infer everything we did that they don’t like (including elect Trump) was simply because whitey is racist and sexist.
Someone should tell them that black people and women can be racist/sexist too.
John, no need for me to take the test. I know what I am. Many thanks to our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, BLM and all the rest for pushing me that way.
Yep but such sciency stuff
is not proper science but voodoo science “The IAT, this research suggests, is a noisy, unreliable measure that correlates far too weakly with any real-world outcomes to be used to predict individuals’ behavior — even the test’s creators have now admitted as such. The history of the test suggests it was released to the public and excitedly publicized long before it had been fully validated”
Another article calls it “the ducking stool”
if you don’t drown you are guilty.
06:15 Christmas morning – drop off presents for daughter and grand children – leave them at the gate of their farm (8 miles from here). Not seen them since the summer because they are hiding from the virus. I’ve tried telling them that I’ve lived through 4 pandemics and I didn’t notice the other three; and that pre-pubescent children just don’t catch covid, all to no avail. Guess where they get their news from?
Meanwhile, ‘Another nail in the coffin!’ BBC warned Christmas schedule could spell end of licence fee –
Merry f-in Christmas and thak you all for being here.
Ask them to check Covid survival rates, info. Even 70+ comes out at 94.5% with younger groups closer to 99%.
Mind you, we must both accept that they won’t believe it without confirmation from the BBC, the BMA and the least ‘SAGE’ assembly in human history but at least you can try.
Well friends, thought I’d mosey over to The Duran yesterday afternoon to see what they made so far of the so-called, “Brexit Deal”
“Brexit deal or is this a ‘THIN’ deal to prevent a NO-DEAL (Live)”
Brutally honest commentary, as always and normally very accurate.
Having watched that throughout, I then decided to scour others, including Nigel Farage. Another World!!!! Basically, luke warm but supportive contrasting to The Duran.
I ‘ll stick to The Duran’s version for its accuracy and serious doubts.
lol – now that really does make me wonder if one of those idiots has tried to portray an ethnic minority snowman.
Next we will be told God is a racist for making snow white.
Like many above I don’t post as often since cancelling BBC tax…letters piling up..
Thanks to all those who keep site going.
I listen to radio when driving…best bits last few days..BBC decide to talk to one of the lorry drivers at Manston…and they manage to find a female..what are the odds 🙂
Yesterday…R4 1pm news…they introduce two professors about Brexit…put question in a negative way…and await agreement…but no..Cambridge Prof didn’t ..he was positive and the presenter literally er er …as he tried to recover..brilliant..but the continued to explain how the UK is now diminished in the eyes of the world…BBC defund needs to build in 2021…
Happy Christmas everyone..
Merry Christmas to one and all. Thanks to Fed for keeping things going. This site really keeps me sane through these dark days. It is good to find like minded people, I especially like the random clips, music, links to other sites. Had a bit of a moment last week when I thought all you lovely peeps were gone????
Merry Christmas, everyone, from all at château Goat – a little light snow, this morning, but hardly sufficient to call it a white Christmas…
..may all your masks fall off, and all your lockdowns be short ones.
More lurking than posting from me too these days. Many thanks to all involved in keeping BBBC going, and may 2021 see the eradication of the malignant beast that is the BBC.
(No snow here, north of Bergerac).
Sitting through ’30 years of HIGNIFY’ merely confirmed how spiteful and conceited Hislop and Merton are, and how shabbily the best and quickest-witted host, Angus Deayton, was treated.
“This year, we celebrated International Nurses’ Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. As with other nursing pioneers like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the world.
“Today, our frontline services still shine that lamp for us – supported by the amazing achievements of modern science – and we owe them a debt of gratitude.”
I suspect she was advised to make such a gesture to ward off the baying twitter mob who will have been analysing everything she said for an excuse to vent their hate.
Quiet a few parodies on that clip but that is one of the best.
You can also spend an amusing few minutes trawling the web reading how the Left try to claim that Hitler – leader of the NAZI or ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party’ – was actually far-right. They actually lost the war because their socialist control of business meant they were far out-produced by the capitalist West.
After a while though, their desperation wears a bit thin and you get bored.
I’m reminded of a poster on my website, Digger, who complained to the BBC after they used the far right definition also for the BNP – who are also lefties.
I understand you have concerns with our presenters and reporters referring to the BNP or similar parties as “far-right” when you feel that this description is inaccurate.
I can assure you that we carefully consider the terminology before referring to any organisation or person in our news reports.
The BNP was born out of the National Front – a “national” party, who like many parties purporting to represent the national interests of a particular country, claim themselves to be national socialists. NS is an extremely left wing form of political belief – Hitler’s Nazi party were national socialists, and therefore technically left wing – but so left wing as to appear right wing in their extreme and racist views. The same can apply to the BNP.
I would like to assure you that I’ve registered your feelings about this matter on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.
Thank you once again for taking the trouble to share your views with us.
Ross Montgomery
BBC Complaints
“So left wing they appear on the right”
You couldn’t make it up – So with that reasoning from now on we should call the BBC ‘Right Wing’
‘Brexit deal is ‘best Christmas present I could have’
Mr Griffiths, has 900 breeding sheep that are in lamb. .
About 40% of British lamb is sent to the EU. If there had been no deal, reverting to World Trade Organization (WTO) tariffs would have driven down the price of lamb leaving sheep farmers with potentially large losses.
“It’s worth tens of thousands of pounds to me.
I now feel so much more confident that I can produce my lamb knowing I have a good tariff-free market for them.”
Whats he saying, farmers here would have to bear the cost of eu tariffs when exporting there?
Or tariffs would signal the eu / uk area protectionism from outside had ended.
‘Brexit deal is ‘best Christmas present I could have’
Mr Griffiths, has 900 breeding sheep that are in lamb. .
About 40% of British lamb is sent to the EU. If there had been no deal, reverting to World Trade Organization (WTO) tariffs would have driven down the price of lamb leaving sheep farmers with potentially large losses.
“It’s worth tens of thousands of pounds to me.
I now feel so much more confident that I can produce my lamb knowing I have a good tariff-free market for them.”
Whats he saying, farmers here would have to bear the cost of eu tariffs when exporting there?
Or tariffs would signal the eu / uk area protectionism from outside had ended.
‘Brexit deal is ‘best Christmas present I could have’
Mr Griffiths, has 900 breeding sheep that are in lamb. .
About 40% of British lamb is sent to the EU. If there had been no deal, reverting to World Trade Organization (WTO) tariffs would have driven down the price of lamb leaving sheep farmers with potentially large losses.
“It’s worth tens of thousands of pounds to me.
I now feel so much more confident that I can produce my lamb knowing I have a good tariff-free market for them.”
Whats he saying, farmers here would have to bear the cost of eu tariffs when exporting there?
Or tariffs would signal the eu / uk area protectionism from outside had ended.
Reminds me of the joke : a man says ‘Fish and Chips three times’ and the staff say ‘I heard you the first time’.
This is absolutely typical of the BBC though : focus on one case which is absolutely irrelevant in the scheme of things and try to make people think it is the bigger picture.
With the Left, absolutely everything is about money. They are shallow and greedy people- which of course explains why they are so quick to hate anyone who threatens them. I voted leave in the full knowledge I would probably be financially worse off in the short term.
Happy Christmas.
Just been watching the BBC 1 Blankety Blank revival.
A jolly format to be fair, I used to like it.
But this is BBC 2020 and quotas are in place.
Contestants, two men, two womwn. One BAME, one disabled.
Panel. Three men, three women. Two BAME. One open lesbian.
The BBC’s idea of equality of representation.
Tick tick tick.
Yes, even on Christmas Day, the top BBC priority is their leftoid woke agenda and propaganda.
Alice Roberts Channel4 show on Manchester opened with her stating the population is half a million
It’s wrong to quote just the population of the borough, when it’s so easy to walk into other boroughs like Salford or Rochdale
Better say the region if Greater Manchester has a population of 3 million.
Now the work of Marx and Engels in Manchester : The Communist Party manifesto.
A headscarved speaker is brought on to say Elizabeth Gaskell took those theories and incorporated them into her novels, so popularising the ideas.
Part 4 Frederick Douglas escaped slave speaking in Manchester
1.5 mins
Then “Manchester’s most famous daughter”
yes the *terrorist* Emmeline Pankhurst
though Roberts didn’t even hint at that word
Instead her prog ended with Roberts ceremoniously laying flowers at the foot of the statue.
Next expert says “social media oppresses women”
..”It’s a disgrace that her statue is the first female statue apart from royalty”
that a lie cos there are lots of female statues with a religious connection like Mary and the saints.
Faisal says by mistake he means that
Boris’s “manifest error in declaring there are “no non-tariff barriers” for trade with the EU had business leaders falling off their chairs.
This is patently not the case. The government has entire websites informing the public and businesses of tens of millions of new customs declarations, export health checks, regulatory checks, rules of origin checks, conformity assessments.
He quotes for example that electric cars must have maximum 60%-55%-45% non-EU content, not just mostly Chinese components.. thread
I read a couple of weeks ago a joke from someone saying they had a Radio Times from 1978 which could be used Xmas 2020. I realised tonight they were not joking.
JohnCMar 11, 02:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hard to disagree more with much of that. It’s my opinion that the globalist EU is at the root of…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
To Fedup2 and all the others who maintain this site, thank you.
To Halifax, we worry about you and hope to see you here again soon.
To all the above plus everybody who contributes to this site, ‘happy Christmas and may 2021 be our return to normality’. Oh and here’s to our freedom from the EU whatever the deal.
Good post. And I echo your sentiments. 🙂
Catchup links to recent posts on previous thread
– page 3 started at 4pm Thursday
..- So the end of page 2
also has some comments about the EU deal.
I’m waiting for Farage’s team to pick through it.
Deb, seconded and second I hope.
Positive news the Guardian and the LibDems have come out against the deal.
He’s one of thePredictors, so is Peston.
Two part tweet from Trump
about media reporting of election fraud
most we know about
..but sometimes crosses the line into fantasy when the presenter speaks of Dominion machines being programmed to send info to China & Russia etc.
The deal includes GREEN HANDCUFFS know the kind that half the EU states like Greece & Italy will be able to slip out of.
Today Programme, this morning around 07:30 am…. Beeboid relaying tale from Rache Riley, Ch4 TV ‘personality’, regarding being trolled.
She claims she’s been called ‘a Nazi’, ‘a liar’, and (horror of horrors) ‘a Tory’…….as if any mainstream media in the UK these days would ever dream of employing someone who doesn’t swing to the left more than just a little…
Commiserations, of course from, the Beeboid introducing the piece, but no comment on Riley’s obvious political leanings, of course – after all, why would any Beeboid demur from regarding calling someone ‘a Tory’ as anything other than trolling a ‘TV personality’ at its worst.
Is it too late for the Queen to give Boris a participation trophy for his EU ‘deal’ ?
So about 99.1% of the UK population have not been vaccinated
after 2 weeks of vaccinations
and other 0.9% have had half their dose
And the bbc still haven’t bothered to ask what % vacine refuseniks are ..
Is it cos we don’t like little pricks ?
On another ‘point’, we hear a lot about the stats of dying “with”, “of” or “linked” with Covid but where are the survival rates after Covid ?
This Friday an exclusive: ‘Radio Caroline to broadcast Queen’s Christmas Message on Christmas Day – 56 years after BBC turned us down for being a pirate station. Caroline has had an Ofcom licence since Dec 2017 and this year our request has been approved’…
Takes me back to my youth when the BBC (then part of the Post Offices) the BBC seemed to spend much if its time trying to close down pirate Radio stations in the North Sea and Channel. North Sea International and Radio Luxembourg were two others flouting the daft UK broadcast license laws of the time. The BBC finally gave in and Radio 1 was introduced (with some reluctance) by hiring some of the pirate DJ’s who went on to become well known names…. of respectability…fame…etc.
No chance of that with the current crop of BBC juvenile presenter anarchists claiming to be all things they are not. i.e. class warriors (all vanity placements) of zero tolerance and stale in 5 minutes.
A fitting end to the year.
Of today’s Radio 1 DJs, two are white males and the other ten are black or women or both. One white female is very obese in order to tick even more diversity boxes.
Bias? What bias?
BBC Radio 1 started in 1967. All DJs then were white males.
Now, almost 10% of the population is black. How does that equate to today’s BBC Radio 1 line up?
Those stats for Radio1
are you sure that’s not 1Xtra ?
There is only one black guy on Radio1 today
and he’s on in the middle of the night
2 white women
and about 7 white men
According to the Tesco advertisement I watched today we are now mostly black.
Doh ..Jimmy Savile used to broadcast a show called The Under The Bedclothes club on Radio Luxembourg
If only I had a Time Machine and a shot-gun..
Boris being Boris with sprouts…great stuff ing!
99.7% of those infected with Covid survive.
Why is this never mentioned?
I saw a moment of Laura Keunessberg asking him something yesterday. Really couldn’t be bothered to listen to what she had to say, but she had her face twisted in a permanent scowl and was spitting the words at him like a petulant child.
I can’t get that Bell’s Palsy sneer out of my mind.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – The BBC still do not understand tariffs and Faisal Islam should be ashamed of himself
A tariff is a tax applied by a Sovereign government (or Trading Bloc in the case of the EU) to an imported product to, ostensibly, protect home market providers. While we were in the EU, we in the UK paid more for certain goods from China; shoes for example. It was an increase in costs for EU member States’ consumers.
Nothing to do with the paperwork for business.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – I can see a collision coming
If the PM has agreed to a whole lot of EU demands on environmental and Climate Change ‘issues’ and I can think that the PM would readily agree in order to stay sweet with Princess Nut Nuts, this poor old GP is going to have to put up with a lot of stuffy rooms.
You cannot have open windows and circulating fresh air in winter without cranking up the heating by several degrees, depending on how the external ambient temperature is of course. Sooner or later there will be a collision of interests and that GP will have to surrender. AGW and Climate Change fanatics will insist on the windows being closed and the heating turned down.
Cambridge United say they don’t want any of that “DIVERSITY” nonsense
… they want CONFORMITY
conformity to BLM nonsense
otherwise it’s off to the works re-education camp for you
or even life exclusion .
As I typed PJW just put up a new article
ah re-edited actually.
Northamptonshire armed robber photofit and £1000 reward
Peter Tierney ..offence 18th Dec
A warm message to you all from the small country in the West of these Mysterious Islands that voted to get out of the EU………………..
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda 😉 !!!
How is Mark Drakeford the babe magnet?
You been smoking banana skins again over the Christmas holiday?
Thanks, and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, to everyone who maintains and contributes to this site – and to my fellow ‘lurkers ‘ who seldom contribute but, like me, value the information to be found here on a daily basis.
A happy Christmas to all on this site . Particularly Fedup2 and the administrators . I pass through on a daily basis and dont comment often as I have improved my life by Cancelling the bBBC and am much better for it. So thanks to all of you who keep a weather eye on the enemy.
I am the same as you Swelter and have also purged that nasty old crack Whore “Aunty” from my life. Thank you to everyone here and especially the administrators. And also those of you who still suffer the BBC so we can comment occasionally .
We salute you – Have a wonderful Christmas all!
Having been a reader of this site for some time now I have to say that without it I would start to loose hope for our people and country.
Reading the posts shows that we are not lost yet, we all see what is happening for real rather than rely on propoganda from the BBC.
We see through its agenda and it’s tactics and I could go on about all the bad things about them but am not going to right now, I just wanted to say how appreciative, am sure we all are for the work Fed does for this amazing community.
Keep up the good work and everyone have as much a good Christmas as you can under the Draconian, unnecessary, unjust rules that have been imposed on us all.
One good thing at least Boris has got brexit done, much to the annoyance of the BBC I guess haha ????
Another ‘lurker’ here who would like to add her gratitude to Fedup2 and team for providing a sane and rational outlook on the news. When the site was “off air” last week, I panicked at the thought of living without it! Thanks for all the work. Merry Christmas to all.
Cheers Lurkers, we know you are around,
cos it’s clear people in medialand have one view of the world
and that is quite different from most voices I hear if I stand in the market place.
Years ago, it was traditional to get woken up around 3.30am by squeals from the girls’ rooms!
Now it’s ‘mercy visits’ for the two of us during the night, and JRT also needs to do something similar…
So it’s Christmas as usual, and the Complements of the Season to everyone here, with a special thanks to Fed for letting me witter on regardless, in my own bubble!
And Leslie West is dead now
On his Nantucket Sleigh-ride now Darcy.
Great musician.
Saw him and Deep Purple on same bill, tinnitus for couple of days but worth it
As we no longer have anything to do with the BBC other than the website I very rarely post on here but today I would like to wish everyone posters and administrators alike a very merry Christmas and hopefully a much better New Year in 2021. From a snowy South of France Joyeux Noel .
Hmm double the wishes
As we no longer have anything to do with the BBC other than the website I very rarely post on here but today I would like to wish everyone posters and administrators alike a very merry Christmas and hopefully a much better New Year in 2021. From a snowy South of France Joyeux Noel .
Like a number of others before me on this thread, I am an avid reader but seldom post these days.
Nevertheless, I have the utmost respect for those contributors who regularly trudge through the bias and puerile output, presented to us on a daily basis by the big bubble children. I can’t do it anymore!
Keep up the good work. You are appreciated. Have a great Christmas!!
Seasons greetings all
To coin part of a phrase from a song I once heard: –
???? All I want for Christmas is……. for the BBC to close ????
Take care all ????????
Happy Christmas to all in one of the few places left where people who have the independence of thought to reject Leftie GroupThink can say how it really is without being censored out or bullied.
There aren’t many left now.
Happy Xmas, now we have the bbc remake of Wurzel Gummidge, to warm the cockles of our heart, and, you’ve guessed it, the English countryside has turned black
A cup of tea and fried chicken, rice and peas please
CCBGB, for example:
“Yes quite, a typical array of rustic country-dwellers on display there. Highly plausible characterization. We ‘as livd in dis manna for generationz innit blud? …. Have the makers ever visited the countryside?!? …. By way of amends, perhaps we could move The Archers to Hackney? That wud make senz fam.”
“So the episode was set in the Carribean then was it? And there was me thinking this was a story from Olde England before the wind rushed in.”
“The character names John and Susan don’t suit the actors, Should be Tyrone and Tanicha.”
etc etc
is nothing sacred from bbc pc box ticking ?
There are a few things sacred at the bbc, but they most certainly do not include English history, literature, heritage or culture
I would like to see a remake of Roots with the Carry on Team only cast, if that were possible
“Infamy, infamy, the planation master’s got it infamy”
I feel a screenplay is coming on over the Xmas break, a light hearted take on life in the cotton fields, with the usual Carry On confusion and double entendres
and Bernard Breslaw in ill fitting stockings and lingerie slotted in somewhere
hand delivered to the bbc, despite their injunction after the last one with Ray Winstone playing Nelson Mandela
the bbc remind me of that lot that turned down the Beatles, they don’t know a winner when they see one
@Darcy3 by coincidence ITV3 is showing Carry On films all day.
Yes, and my preferred cast members for screenplays is diminishing by the year
I had Sid James down for the Martin Luther King biopic
“I ‘ad a dream, a bloody awful dream where I was covered in gold like that girl from the James Bond film,
I went to the doctor but ‘e sez it was just a gilt complex”
A light hearted look at the US civil rights movement
With Bernard Breslaw in a nurses uniform, or maybe as the Pope
That one didn’t even get past bbc security after they saw the first page, philistines
Merry Christmas to one and all on this site.
Thanks Fed, specifically for keeping it all together and remember on this day of light and celebration that trolls only inhabit the darkness.
On Brexit, the devil will be in the detail and as Doris the outgoing PM doesn’t do detail we shall have to wait and see… However console yourselves with the fact that ‘Lord’ Adonis was crying into his latte yesterday afternoon, so it can’t all be bad….
PS has the hypocrite Sturgeon resigned yet?
She needs to give us all a wonderful Yuletide gift as we all know, like she keeps on insisting, the wearing a mask, Either in public or a private wake isn’t just for Christmas.. ☃
Our East, they say a dog is not just for Xmas, you can have it cold on Boxing Day too
” ‘Lord’ Adonis was crying into his latte”
I hoped you would announce he had drowned in it”.
That would have been a happy Christmas.
It’s the way he would have wanted to go.
Sorry to drag something up from 3 years ago, but it really is a cracker. I found it in the frenzied article today about the black woman who died of COVID where the word racist is thrown at everything – including the virus. But what really made me weep was this link it contained – Go test yourself so they can call you a racist:
BBC at it’s finest : massive misrepresentation of data to infer everything we did that they don’t like (including elect Trump) was simply because whitey is racist and sexist.
Someone should tell them that black people and women can be racist/sexist too.
John, no need for me to take the test. I know what I am. Many thanks to our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, BLM and all the rest for pushing me that way.
Yep but such sciency stuff
is not proper science but voodoo science
“The IAT, this research suggests, is a noisy, unreliable measure that correlates far too weakly with any real-world outcomes to be used to predict individuals’ behavior — even the test’s creators have now admitted as such. The history of the test suggests it was released to the public and excitedly publicized long before it had been fully validated”
Another article calls it “the ducking stool”
if you don’t drown you are guilty.
06:15 Christmas morning – drop off presents for daughter and grand children – leave them at the gate of their farm (8 miles from here). Not seen them since the summer because they are hiding from the virus. I’ve tried telling them that I’ve lived through 4 pandemics and I didn’t notice the other three; and that pre-pubescent children just don’t catch covid, all to no avail. Guess where they get their news from?
Meanwhile, ‘Another nail in the coffin!’ BBC warned Christmas schedule could spell end of licence fee –
Merry f-in Christmas and thak you all for being here.
Ask them to check Covid survival rates, info. Even 70+ comes out at 94.5% with younger groups closer to 99%.
Mind you, we must both accept that they won’t believe it without confirmation from the BBC, the BMA and the least ‘SAGE’ assembly in human history but at least you can try.
Well friends, thought I’d mosey over to The Duran yesterday afternoon to see what they made so far of the so-called, “Brexit Deal”
“Brexit deal or is this a ‘THIN’ deal to prevent a NO-DEAL (Live)”
Brutally honest commentary, as always and normally very accurate.
Having watched that throughout, I then decided to scour others, including Nigel Farage. Another World!!!! Basically, luke warm but supportive contrasting to The Duran.
I ‘ll stick to The Duran’s version for its accuracy and serious doubts.
A sell out.
Pug, you racist (LoL)!!! A white snowman? Surely you cannot post that scene and not be harangued and sent packing never to surface again?
lol – now that really does make me wonder if one of those idiots has tried to portray an ethnic minority snowman.
Next we will be told God is a racist for making snow white.
There’s a clever skit doing the rounds on Whatsapp, where the snowmen says he’s the only white ‘man’ left on the tv ads !
Long time lurker. Just had to register to thank Fed et al for providing an increasingly vital forum in this dystopian, clown world of ours!
Merry Christmas to all
Like many above I don’t post as often since cancelling BBC tax…letters piling up..
Thanks to all those who keep site going.
I listen to radio when driving…best bits last few days..BBC decide to talk to one of the lorry drivers at Manston…and they manage to find a female..what are the odds 🙂
Yesterday…R4 1pm news…they introduce two professors about Brexit…put question in a negative way…and await agreement…but no..Cambridge Prof didn’t ..he was positive and the presenter literally er er …as he tried to recover..brilliant..but the continued to explain how the UK is now diminished in the eyes of the world…BBC defund needs to build in 2021…
Happy Christmas everyone..
Merry Christmas to one and all. Thanks to Fed for keeping things going. This site really keeps me sane through these dark days. It is good to find like minded people, I especially like the random clips, music, links to other sites. Had a bit of a moment last week when I thought all you lovely peeps were gone????
Merry Christmas, everyone, from all at château Goat – a little light snow, this morning, but hardly sufficient to call it a white Christmas…
..may all your masks fall off, and all your lockdowns be short ones.
More lurking than posting from me too these days. Many thanks to all involved in keeping BBBC going, and may 2021 see the eradication of the malignant beast that is the BBC.
(No snow here, north of Bergerac).
Sitting through ’30 years of HIGNIFY’ merely confirmed how spiteful and conceited Hislop and Merton are, and how shabbily the best and quickest-witted host, Angus Deayton, was treated.
Sorry guys, but, like it or not, life goes on.
China, China, China, China…………….
From the country that is now, obviously, controlled nine tenths by China.
Only a pure Military Tribunal will deal with this coup in the time available.
The Queen’s script
“… International Nurses Day
200 years of Florence Nightingale
… Mary Seacole (tick box) ”
“Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
… represents those ordinary people who put lives of others above their own”
“If you are alone my thoughts are with you
.. let the spirit of Christmas guide you”
7 min video
ends with NHS choir indoors , maskless, but 2m apart
Yeah, a diverse message. At least the unknown soldier was not a tranny
“This year, we celebrated International Nurses’ Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. As with other nursing pioneers like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the world.
“Today, our frontline services still shine that lamp for us – supported by the amazing achievements of modern science – and we owe them a debt of gratitude.”
I suspect she was advised to make such a gesture to ward off the baying twitter mob who will have been analysing everything she said for an excuse to vent their hate.
and the only photo was one of Phil.
Nothing for the Fresh Prince of BelAir to moan about here
Hitler reacts to Britain leaving the EU.
Quiet a few parodies on that clip but that is one of the best.
You can also spend an amusing few minutes trawling the web reading how the Left try to claim that Hitler – leader of the NAZI or ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party’ – was actually far-right. They actually lost the war because their socialist control of business meant they were far out-produced by the capitalist West.
After a while though, their desperation wears a bit thin and you get bored.
I’m reminded of a poster on my website, Digger, who complained to the BBC after they used the far right definition also for the BNP – who are also lefties.
Here’s the reply he got from them:
Dear Mr Digger
Thanks for your e-mail.
I understand you have concerns with our presenters and reporters referring to the BNP or similar parties as “far-right” when you feel that this description is inaccurate.
I can assure you that we carefully consider the terminology before referring to any organisation or person in our news reports.
The BNP was born out of the National Front – a “national” party, who like many parties purporting to represent the national interests of a particular country, claim themselves to be national socialists. NS is an extremely left wing form of political belief – Hitler’s Nazi party were national socialists, and therefore technically left wing – but so left wing as to appear right wing in their extreme and racist views. The same can apply to the BNP.
I would like to assure you that I’ve registered your feelings about this matter on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.
Thank you once again for taking the trouble to share your views with us.
Ross Montgomery
BBC Complaints
“So left wing they appear on the right”
You couldn’t make it up – So with that reasoning from now on we should call the BBC ‘Right Wing’[/img
‘Brexit deal is ‘best Christmas present I could have’
Mr Griffiths, has 900 breeding sheep that are in lamb. .
About 40% of British lamb is sent to the EU. If there had been no deal, reverting to World Trade Organization (WTO) tariffs would have driven down the price of lamb leaving sheep farmers with potentially large losses.
“It’s worth tens of thousands of pounds to me.
I now feel so much more confident that I can produce my lamb knowing I have a good tariff-free market for them.”
Whats he saying, farmers here would have to bear the cost of eu tariffs when exporting there?
Or tariffs would signal the eu / uk area protectionism from outside had ended.[/img
‘Brexit deal is ‘best Christmas present I could have’
Mr Griffiths, has 900 breeding sheep that are in lamb. .
About 40% of British lamb is sent to the EU. If there had been no deal, reverting to World Trade Organization (WTO) tariffs would have driven down the price of lamb leaving sheep farmers with potentially large losses.
“It’s worth tens of thousands of pounds to me.
I now feel so much more confident that I can produce my lamb knowing I have a good tariff-free market for them.”
Whats he saying, farmers here would have to bear the cost of eu tariffs when exporting there?
Or tariffs would signal the eu / uk area protectionism from outside had ended.

‘Brexit deal is ‘best Christmas present I could have’
Mr Griffiths, has 900 breeding sheep that are in lamb. .
About 40% of British lamb is sent to the EU. If there had been no deal, reverting to World Trade Organization (WTO) tariffs would have driven down the price of lamb leaving sheep farmers with potentially large losses.
“It’s worth tens of thousands of pounds to me.
I now feel so much more confident that I can produce my lamb knowing I have a good tariff-free market for them.”
Whats he saying, farmers here would have to bear the cost of eu tariffs when exporting there?
Or tariffs would signal the eu / uk area protectionism from outside had ended.
The sheep don’t look too enthused
See, they even managed to get black faces in this picture!
looks like they all have afros too
Reminds me of the joke : a man says ‘Fish and Chips three times’ and the staff say ‘I heard you the first time’.
This is absolutely typical of the BBC though : focus on one case which is absolutely irrelevant in the scheme of things and try to make people think it is the bigger picture.
With the Left, absolutely everything is about money. They are shallow and greedy people- which of course explains why they are so quick to hate anyone who threatens them. I voted leave in the full knowledge I would probably be financially worse off in the short term.
Dear BBC,
Please look up “tariffs” again.
You plainly have failed, on multiple occasions, to grasp the concept.
Although that’s not unusual…
Happy Christmas.
Just been watching the BBC 1 Blankety Blank revival.
A jolly format to be fair, I used to like it.
But this is BBC 2020 and quotas are in place.
Contestants, two men, two womwn. One BAME, one disabled.
Panel. Three men, three women. Two BAME. One open lesbian.
The BBC’s idea of equality of representation.
Tick tick tick.
Yes, even on Christmas Day, the top BBC priority is their leftoid woke agenda and propaganda.
Alice Roberts Channel4 show on Manchester opened with her stating the population is half a million
It’s wrong to quote just the population of the borough, when it’s so easy to walk into other boroughs like Salford or Rochdale
Better say the region if Greater Manchester has a population of 3 million.
Now the work of Marx and Engels in Manchester : The Communist Party manifesto.
A headscarved speaker is brought on to say Elizabeth Gaskell took those theories and incorporated them into her novels, so popularising the ideas.
Part 4 Frederick Douglas escaped slave speaking in Manchester
1.5 mins
Then “Manchester’s most famous daughter”
yes the *terrorist* Emmeline Pankhurst
though Roberts didn’t even hint at that word
Instead her prog ended with Roberts ceremoniously laying flowers at the foot of the statue.
Next expert says “social media oppresses women”
..”It’s a disgrace that her statue is the first female statue apart from royalty”
that a lie cos there are lots of female statues with a religious connection like Mary and the saints.
.. Yes that is how the impartial BBB described Boris’s deal
“What Boris Johnson’s mistake tells us about our future
By Faisal Islam, Economics editor, 24 December 2020 ”
Faisal says by mistake he means that
Boris’s “manifest error in declaring there are “no non-tariff barriers” for trade with the EU had business leaders falling off their chairs.
This is patently not the case. The government has entire websites informing the public and businesses of tens of millions of new customs declarations, export health checks, regulatory checks, rules of origin checks, conformity assessments.
He quotes for example that electric cars must have maximum 60%-55%-45% non-EU content, not just mostly Chinese components..
I read a couple of weeks ago a joke from someone saying they had a Radio Times from 1978 which could be used Xmas 2020. I realised tonight they were not joking.
I was looking forward to Rolph Harris in the childens’ hospital and good old Jimmy Savile on Xmas Top of the Pops, where are they ?
Has Rolph been replaced by a couple from a Rochdale grooming gang yet and let loose in a kids’ hospital for Xmas by the bbc ?
and another one of them with a gold medallion clutching a couple of 14 year olds on Top of the Pops introducing Slade ?