Can you feel the fresh wave of Grief the BBC is feeling as it comes to terms with really leaving the EU in 4 days time ? Will it experience acceptance ? Or set up a ‘rejoin unit ‘ to pump out more anti British Propaganda and telling taxpayers what they are ‘missing ‘in their perfect EU? Meanwhile an extra 12 million people have signed up to pay TV in the last year …..
Start the Week 28 December 2020
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Its very lonely here at the moment 🙁
I think everyone must be watching “Black Narcissus” on Al Beeb TV now ?
Only joking ! But where are all the other biasedbbc posters ?
Second Also ?
Only joking AnneG
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Hi there
Hi there
Second I think.
At least today the beeb has stopped lying about the new varient. On Saturday it was originating in England now it is using the correct identified first in England.
Are they reading this site.
Of course you are second!
“Are they reading this site.”
Of course they do !
Any organisations managers worth their salt would check out what the public think of them?
You can also take a safe bet that some even post here .
Piku , maxincony ……………?
Taffman – the site is never quiet – and I’m never far away lurking – I’m sure we are monitored for ‘extremism ‘ and a few low grade BBC types dip in for entertainment purposes to see what the dumb punters are thinking – and more importantly – whether their jobs , expenses , pensions and fiddles are safe ……..
Top Man !
Its pretty certain we are being “monitored” .
IMHO and only my humble opinion, the ‘high grade’ Al Beebs are hoping for Al Beeb to be de – funded and gets closed down. Why ?
Good redundancy payouts and then they move to the private side known as ‘BBC Studious’.
The low grade lefty Al Beebs can ‘go to the wall’.
I think the BBC management are far too arrogant and sure of their own superiority to bother reading any sites by right-wing scum like us. They simply can’t accept anyone else could agree with us.
But I’m sure a few of the younger Leftie employees are here writing the same kind of ultra-low grade student comments they also write on HYS.
I still remember ‘Exit Brexit’ being the number one comment on a big story. Such insight. It’s not much different now. The BBC must realise that their HYS have turned into spiteful schoolboy rants.
“Covid-19: UK records 30,000 new cases and 316 deaths”
But how many have actually died because “Of” Covid in 2020 ?
More testing means more cases .
If the BBC news on the tv can give the up to date figures, it is a pity that their website hasn’t been updated for 3 days.
Indeed taffman, how many did actually die as a result of Covid in 2020-informed that the death certs do not necessarily for example state that the person died of old age symtoms-the certificate will in most cases state death ‘due to Covid 19’. The figures are not to be trusted. Not everyone who has contracted the Covid virus is going to hospital-one of my sons and daughter-in-law have got the symtoms of Covid and have felt rotten but have stayed at home. There must thousands of people that have been infected but have not felt they needed to go to Hospital dealing with it if possible themselves. Media, BBC et al continually play the fear game-we have to live with this virus as we have done in ages past and not Lockdown, society and destroy the economics of this nation, now close to the brink. No there is no absolute answer, not even with the vaccine- I would like to know a lot more about the vaccine being pushed out by Pfizer before being injected-wouldn’t you?
NOT on the beeb: Dominion Vote Rigging Systems now using intimidation to silence whistleblowers.
Lurch is so going to love this.
Al just opened a major can of worms.
The first attack is that the selectors are racist.
If that doesn’t hold water, they will claim the system is racist for not giving their children the chance to sing.
If that doesn’t hold water they will claim society is racist because their children did not grow up where they have choirs.
If that doesn’t hold water and they’ve run out of other options, they now use the general term ‘white privilege’ which needs no justification.
It is now beyond ridiculous. I bet even some Lefties are starting to realise it (inbetween loathing themselves and hating people on the Right).
Funnily enough only the other day some one (on here?) was saying he was glad there had not been any black children in the choir because then the cameras would have been on him all the time. And one of the complainers had said she watched every year, and every year she thinks “where are the girls?” If she hasn’t realized by now how the choir is organized she must be exceptionally dim.
And the choir consists of people who can sing. Sometimes it contains black people (who are often Anglican) and sometimes it doesn’t. Tough cheese!
“BBC embroiled in race row after Carols from King’s broadcast”
choir was all white
If a non-white person could show they had been excluded then that would be news.
The fallacy is that a Church of England choir does NOT reflect the general population
It reflects people who are in the CoE
By definition they’ll be no Hindus, no Sikhs, No Muslims etc.
There are a lot of black Christians but they tend to go to evangelical churches.
Same for brown Christians
and Filipinos tend to go to Catholic churches.
Of 100 kids in a CoE choir it’s entirely likely that 97 are white.
“Covid-19: London Ambulance Service receives as many 999 calls as first wave”
“The rapid spread of the new variant of Covid-19 was said to be the cause of the increased demand, according to the message.”
The interesting bit is “Said to be the cause” ?
How many 999 calls for stabbings or have they stopped now in London ?
Anecdote – I was in NE London at lunchtime Sunday , I came across someone who was on the ground after falling over . There was a group standing by . I went to see if I could help – I’m a trained first aider and have ‘practiced ‘ a lot . I asked a chap if there was anything to be done … he said ‘I’m a doctor ‘ which I believed . An ambulance and Response car turned up about a minute later .
Message – the LAS is not overwhelmed ; if it was we’d have been waiting another hour … There is a reasonable response time – the wait at A&E is a different matter . ..
This is in a borough with one of the highest R rates in the country ….
I couldn’t agree more. I stopped on seeing somebody on the ground with an obvious fractured NOF 2 weeks ago. Everyone was being very sensible and had wrapped her in blankets etc so I left her with her daughter and a passing nurse. Imagine my horror at returning 2 hrs later and seeing her still there….
(South Central)
My first thought was ‘actual and attemoted suicides’.
That line is classic for the kind of thing we see on the BBC. It states something quite specifically to make you think a certain way, but if you check the wording, you realise it isn’t ‘fact’ at all.
It’s how they get the high ‘trustworthy’ ratings from news-site fact-checkers and can’t be accused of lying.
It is of course deliberate and cynical misrepresentation from someone people think they can trust. Which is far worse and far more sinister than straight lies.
But of course there will always be someone who scours the news looking a reason to shout ‘Racists’.
And that person is usually coloured with a massive chip on their shoulder. And quite possibly being paid from our taxes to do it.
\\Covid in Scotland: Health leaders warn NHS could be ‘overwhelmed’//
Where is Krankie ?
Taff, she’s in hiding, the daily, continual press hounding of her has taken its toll. Ala the approach to Cummings. Day in, day out attacks….
All because she didn’t follow her own rules and was pictured not wearing a mask.
Hypocrite. Anything she now utters is worthless.
I am just watching the 10pm news on BBC 1 this Sunday evening. Where do I start ? There was John Simpson*s hatchet job on Donald Trump. Constantly repeated was that Biden will be in the White House in a few days, he will need to join the Accord on Climate Change, he will have to counteract Trump’s support for Israel etc etc.
But before all that we had to learn about the first woman to get the covid jab in Germany, who got inoculated in Greece. We had more about the joint efforts of the EU. They don’t get it. We have left the EU. It is of no interest to us.
“days” ? Biden doesn’t take office until 3 weeks time
Deb – watching the EUBC news ? I assume out of duty …. I catch it sometimes and feel dirty afterward . It’s just foreign and shabby .
Two Nigerian men charged over alleged Isle of Wight oil tanker hijacking
.. Guardian leaves out the word “Nigerian” from the headline
As do the BBC. Who also replace the word ‘hijacking’ with ‘security alert’.
As usual, it’s not what they say that tells the story, it’s what they leave out.
The everyday hate from the BBC London historian
A “Doctor” that does not know what an ice FLOE is
So what if Julia Hartley-Brown is in her fifties, have listened to her prog and from what I have seen she handles interviews with intelligence and knowledge. She might drift off on an Ice flow as you put Dr Raw, whoever you are, so what, I hope to enjoy a lot more of Julia H-Brown.
Sorry Mrs Brewer that I put the word Brown instead of Brewer-had a senior moment!
Sidney Powell’s Legal Team Has Binder of Documents She Says Establish the 2020 Election was a Fraud
Zenger News publishes the Powell binder in its entirety.
In a Dec. 23, 2020 interview with Zenger News, attorney Sidney Powell stepped through a binder of information her legal team provided two hours before cameras rolled.
Powell contends that documents in the binder prove direct foreign interference and fraud tainted the Nov. 3 presidential election, and that President Donald Trump was re-elected. The entire binder is reproduced here for exclusively.
I admire Sidney Powell for her tenacity in finding the overwhelming evidence that the Democrats rigged the election. The problem is that the courts, right up to the Supreme Court, refuse to hear the cases.
The only answer to this must therefore be political. On 6th January Republican Senators and Congressmen must refuse to accept the results of the Electoral College, and Vice-President Pence must stand by them. Only then will the election be put to the House of Representatives on a one vote per state basis, which should mean President Trump is re-elected.
The Republicans need to stand firm behind President Trump in the face of this massive crime by the Democratic Party. If they do not, they should have the sense to realise that they are finished. The Democrats have worked out how to win elections without needing voters, so they will never lose again. It’s now or never for the USA.
‘President Trump Has Called’: Supporters Plan D.C. Rally To Overturn His Loss On Day Congress Certifies Election
(other sites are saying there could be over a million attending )
Supporters of President Trump from across the country are planning a large rally in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6—the day Congress is scheduled to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory—in what’s being characterized as a final push to overturn the election’s results.
‘Volunteer army ready to distribute Covid vaccine’ says the Telegraph.
Just as well, seems our funded with billions, lionised, sainted, bolstered with Nightingales and over-protected NHS still just ain’t up to scratch.
‘Doctors fear highly infectious strain could “overwhelm” NHS’ (Times)
So what have our NHS doctors been up to over our much curtailed Christmas? Well, 1,316 of our MDs have been doing a survey – some highlights (lowlights more like) of which find their way into this morning’s Guardian.
‘Vaccine strategy “puts NHS staff at risk”‘ – one gets to the point where the moaning and whingeing, both from and on behalf of the NHS, becomes tiresome to say the least.
‘…almost two thirds of medics have still not had the vaccine’ – there might be all kinds of reasons for this, a degree of perhaps not anti-, but perhaps… wary-vaxxers?
‘Half believe its delivery to the NHS frontline has been “ad hoc” – well, let’s be realistic here. The vaccine has been rushed through testing in double quick time for mass innoculation on an unprecedented scale. Can we really expect there will be no teething troubles in terms of supply and distribution? Anyone using our NHS will be all too well acquainted with the queueing, form filling, waiting, confusion, bureaucracy, bottlenecks, self-regard and sheer glacial work-to-rule slowness of NHS systems.
The Guardian would have us believe: ‘Frontline NHS staff have been denied the Pfizer… vaccine, leaving doctors alarmed and “scrabbling” to get immunised’ – there they go again with the “Frontline”. I’m afraid the Guardian would have us imagine there are just two elements to our NHS-industrial complex – the selfless self-denying Frontline blessed souls and the Tory Government Ministers, with basically nothing in between.
So where does the blame go for the quacks not getting first dibs on the jabs? ‘They fear the government’s decision to prioritise over-80s and care home staff over health workers has left them at risk…’ – so there we have the crux of the argument. It is a vaild and arguable issue of policy. But it does rather smack of the familiar institutional capture by the employees. A public body intended to serve the public having its resources bent to the benefit firstly of those who work within it.
In contrast with the Guardian most tabloid newspapers put on a positive slant to the news of another version of the vaccine being waved (given the relaxation of the usual safety checks should that be waived?) through this morning: ‘A shot at freedom’ (Mirror); ‘Vacc to the future’ (Sun); ‘We’ll be free by February’ (Express)
The broadsheets tend to want to prolong the agony: ‘Hospital cases of covid surge towards new high’ (Times); ‘Covid’s impact on mental health will last years, royal college warns’ (Guardian)
Unfortunate then that the Sun tells us: ‘Cheers Deirdre nation’s no. 1 agony aunt steps down after 40 years’
When our NHS lets us down – like we know they’re going to – I guess we have to self-help and take matters into our own hands: ‘Volunteer army ready to distribute Covid vaccine 10,000 recruits poised to begin innoculations…’ (Telegraph) – and if that doesn’t warm the cockles of your heart… and bruise your arm trying to find the vein, then I don’t know what will.
‘Swamped’ says the Daily Star. No, that’s not our NHS, it’s a weather report: ‘100mph Storm Bella leaves Britain under floodwater’ – not where I live it didn’t. But as I look out of my window I also don’t see much of this supposed pandemic. Not a single plague cart trundling through the streets with Frontline NHS heros calling “bring out your dead”, not a single house with Frontline health workers bravely painting the red X. I guess they’re busy doing a survey.
AsISeeIt, the Nightingales have gone…at least the big one in London has.
Richard Tice has made a couple of visits to the old site and the hospital has been completely demolished. It is as though it was never there.
I’m not sure why they’ve gone. Some say that they were never needed, though listening to the increasingly hysterical BBC this morning, that’s hard to believe. The Beeb have presented us with a series of doom laden talking heads that make Fraser from Dads’ Army sound like Polly Anna.
You feel like slashing your wrists…
Others say that the NHS didn’t have the trained staff. Once again you’d have to ask why they would build these bloody things, at a cost of something like £250 million, in the first place.
I’ve reached the uncomfortable conclusion that nothing the government has done regarding covid has made much sense.
“The lack or staff” argument.
Student nurses complain they were not called up
.. only in the last week did Wales finally put in a call for student nurses.
I’ve read that a lot of retired doctors and nurses have offered their services, but were informed that would have to undergo ‘re-training’ / child protection courses and loads of other ‘tick’ boxes, so many haven’t bothered.
Bris, my mother (late 70s) is a retired nurse and considered volunteering, until she heard from a friend of the same age, who was apparently told that ‘at her age’ she’d be ‘vulnerable’ and wouldn’t be ‘up to date enough’, or something along those lines.
Knowing ‘aunty’ Maggs (who is of Catholic Irish origin) her response was probably… ‘colourful’. Mind you, some of her ‘homely’ language would probably land her in court these days, with current sensitivities over certain racial terms and all. I’d really like to see and hear what she made of a transexual personage attempting to use the ladies’ loos… oh yes, I would.
Whereas your last sentence makes complete sense. How long before the population at large realizes this? Perhaps it never will.
Don’t you just hate it when Xmas traditions are ignored by the bbc?
Whilst we may just have seen Carols from Kings for the last time because choristers were too white (next year Snoopy Dog Grimes Dubstar Old Skool will be taking over, probably)
I am more concerned about the bbc dropping it’s long established, quaint Xmas tradition of filming kiddy fiddlers let loose in childrens’ hospitals and Top of the Pops studios (Harris, Savile etc) that brought tears to the eyes of the nation year on year.
Is nothing sacred ?
If they are too ill, or banged up, there are no doubt plenty of replacements in, oh I don’t know maybe Rochdale or somewhere similar, queueing up to get access to the hospitals.
And provide a free taxi service into the bargain for the presents
Come on bbc think outside of the box for once
Think of the kids
Not on BBC
Censorship or what?
Talkradio host Julia Hartley-Brewer drew fire and fury online by injecting some statistics into the incendiary ‘lives v the economy’ debate. “Just 377 healthy people under 60 have died of Covid. That’s not a typo. There are no zeros missing,” she tweeted, sharing a post by columnist Paul Embery.
Anyone else woken up to 6 inches (oooh matron) of white flaky stuff settled overnight on the ground?
Looks like I’ll need my global-warming scraper to scrape all this white cold global warming off my windscreen.
If I’m bored later I’ll build a global-warming man with a carrot for his nose. Might have to black him up a bit so I’ll pour some soil over him.
Corn rows for the hair please
No man (with a Jamaican accent)
You can’t black-face a snowman.
At the very least you’ll geta knock on the door and be investigated for hate crime.
Better to make a black one then white-face it with snow. You might even get a job as BBC head of diversity afterwards.
“SNP MPs to vote against Brexit trade deal”
Why ?
If it is not signed we head for a ‘no deal’ on Jan. 1 . Its not what Krankie wanted.
Krankie also complaining that scottish fishermen have been sold out at the same time
she sure has got some bloody cheek
Here is one poser for the ‘attack dogs’ at Al Beeb………. Will Nigel Farage get a knighthood along with Liz Truss in the New Year’s honours list ?
I would very much doubt he will taffman-he deserves one, because without him and his efforts on our behalf, we would not have had a Brexit at all. He fights continually for our freedoms which we are allowing to disappear. Britain doesn’t feel very free at the moment. And that’s bad news for Britain, certainly, but also for the world. Because – uniquely – British identity and our long heritage is rooted in the ideal of individual liberty. But what does this mean in the age of Covid?
Ladies, gentlemen… others…. I give you… #prasnews as sent in to the national broadcaster.
And published.
And here is why the BBC will have him on every day still.
thats the best news Ive heard in ages , whatever that war criminal touches turns to s**t
hopefully he will sink the green blob next.
Who is that character ? Never surprises how certain types jump from one gravy train to another . Industries like ‘race’ and ‘greens’ is a pretty crowded field these days though so they have to have a Unique Selling Point ..
Whatever it is, the word character should not be associated.
A drunk, mentally challenged bully who the bbc cannot get enough of on a #1degreeofseparation basis to rotate with an unemployed infant of color, several zombie Tories, Davo, Krankie and Lord Goldendome the Easy to See Controller.
Long may their production teams serve these oafs up.
Professional activist by the look of him. Always on the lookout for someone to hate.
What is particular repugant about that headline is how it implicity equates stopping Brexit with saving the planet.
Yes. I noticed early on in the ref campaigns coverage that the issue of road miles/greater self-sufficiency was effectively sidelined, because Brexit needed portraying as bad on all fronts, including environmental, and Remain as good on all fronts. So us buying cheaper products from further away was played down.
He should go back to porn, or whatever he used to do.
I consider myself green to some degree – unusually on this site, but I don’t believe we all have to agree – but I don’t trust that man. He is an anti-democratic (its there in that headline title) person who produced that dodgy, parliament-misleading dossier.
Why do the Left now consider it ok to be so anti democratic?
Radio5 Dead shrilling for all their virtue signalling worth this AM. They wants your call…. But you MUST AGREE with…
Another UK lockdown,
Schools to be closed in January
R any chess becoming totally overwhelmed…
Emergency services (see what they did there) stretched to the limit.
Oh yeah and a female jockey won a race over the weekend.
Let’s hope a few callers point out the number of lockdowns we have already had and how successful they have been…. Oh I forgot that all those that call in are lefty activists.
And a now an interview with winning jockey, but there’s snow on the motorway…. She may not make today’s fixture.
Shock horror.
I thought the climate change/global warmest Roger Harrabinger of Doom, told us it’s never gonna snow again.
Who is going to vote for the biggest trade deal in UK history, most without reading or understanding it?
Intersociety Claims 2,200 Christians Killed in Middle Belt of Nigeria
12/20/2020 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – The International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law (Intersociety), a nonprofit based out of Nigeria, has released a report in which they say that roughly 2,200 Christians have been killed already in 2020 by Fulani militants and Boko Haram throughout Nigeria.
The report states that “From Jan 2020 to this 13th Dec 2020, Intersociety has statistically found that as much as or not less than 2,200 Christians are most likely to have been killed in Nigeria and out of this figure, Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen is responsible for as much as or not less than 1,300 Christian deaths, followed by Boko Haram and its splinter groups (ISWAP and Ansaru) with 500 Christian deaths, Nigerian Army 200 Christian deaths and Jihadist “Bandits” 100 Christian deaths. The 500 Christian deaths by Boko Haram and its splinter groups, arrived at using 60% Muslim and 40% Christian casualty calculation or ratio, had arisen from estimated 1,200 defenseless civilians killed by the jihadists from 1st Jan to 13th Dec 2020. In other words, Nigeria in 2020 has lost average of six Christians per day and 180 per month.”
The timelines of ex Beeboids, and there are many, are interestingly consistent. Esler, O’Brien, Mason, Snoddy…..
A comment laced with the kind of spite and hate you only see in the most shallow of people. We all know someone like that. 100% typical Lefty post.
And he jumps in with the latest groupthink word ‘privilege’ even though it doesn’t really make sense.
What a grade-A turkey.
and still thinks the russians did it , lol
Matty quite the Remain advocate.
Best buds with Chris. Also ex BBC.
It’s like the MSM is just one great big BBC dominated swamp.
Hundreds of Pakistani Christian Families Flee Neighborhood Following Threats of Violence
Faith-Based Social Media Post Leaves Hundreds Homeless for the Holidays
12/27/2020 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that hundreds of Pakistani Christian families from Charar, a neighborhood in Lahore, have fled their homes after a mob of Muslims threatened to set fire to their neighborhood. Local sources report that the mob threatened the Christians after a faith-based social media post was published by a local pastor.
“Pastor Raja Waris published a faith-based post on Facebook on December 22, which Muslims claim hurt their religious sentiments,” Saleem Khokhar, a displaced Christian from Charar, told ICC. “The pastor apologized for the post and the issue was resolved the next day.”
To date, no blasphemy charges have been filed against Pastor Waris for the offending social media post. However, Pastor Waris and his family have gone into hiding due to threats issued against them by local extremists. Even though the issue of the social media post has been resolved, a mob of hundreds of Muslims continues to protest against the Christians of Charar. According to locals, the mob has demanded that Pastor Waris be beheaded for publishing the offending post.
“The situation turned dangerous when someone found out the Muslims were planning to set fire to the houses of Christians,” Khokhar told ICC. “This forced the Christians to flee the neighborhood.”
Police have been deployed to Charar to keep the mob’s protests from turning violent. Despite the police presence, many Christians have stayed away from the neighborhood and sought shelter with friends and relatives.
“This is supposed to be a time of joy and celebration,” Khokhar told ICC. “But we are out of our homes and begging our relatives and friends to protect and feed us. None of us are feeling good about this situation.”
ECtHR Requests Information on Armenian POWs
12/27/2020 Nagorno-Karabakh (International Christian Concern) – The European Court of Human Rights granted the request by the Republic of Armenia on December 21st that the Government of Azerbaijan provide information related to prisoners of war (POWs) by December 28th.
These POWs were captured during the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh). This territory is internationally recognized as belonging to Azerbaijan, a Turkic Islamic nation, but Karabakh’s demographic is Armenian Christian. Azerbaijan, with the support of Turkey, invaded Karabakh and engaged in a number of activities that were genocidal in nature. Both Azerbaijan and Turkey have made it clear that this invasion is being pursued according to a pan-Islamic Turkic agenda.
Video footage obtained by ICC allegedly showing Armenian prisoners of war experiencing mistreatment at the hands of Azerbaijan show the religious undertones of this conflict. Grey Wolf symbolism features heavily throughout many of these videos. The Grey Wolves are an extremist organization from Turkey who have been involved in major cases of religious freedom violations, including the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.
12/21/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – It’s pitch black in a sweltering truck. As it travels, you catch the smells of spices, hear the sounds of traffic, sirens, and people laughing. You grab your hands as they shake from fear, and the sound of your heart drowns everything out as you near the border of Laos and Thailand. If they find you, the police will arrest you and dispose of the precious cargo you know thousands of Lao Christians desperately need.
Underground missionaries are forced to smuggle Bibles into countries like Laos because it is illegal to own a Bible. It is the only way to bridge the gap between the hundreds of thousands of Christians and their limited access to the Gospel.
I’ve just endured a pretty gruesome ten minute interview on the Beeb’s breakfast show. The two simpering sofa surfers were chatting, via video link, to a young black British actor. He’s the romantic lead in a period piece set in the Regency period.
Bridgerton, I believe it’s called.
He’s playing a sort of Darcy-esque figure. Tall, dark and handsome and the girls are getting all a flutter…
Well maybe, but not in England in the eighteenth century they wouldn’t have been.
And neither would he…
How is it if some white TV chef cooks a bit of “jerk chicken” or some air-head pop star puts her hair in braids, there’s all Hell to pay, with accusations of “cultural appropriation”?
There are, quite literally, questions in the house…
And yet, I’m supposed to suffer watching some black geezer strutting about pretending to be a Regency Dandy. He’s wearing breeches and a stove-pipe hat and has adopted all the fashionable manners of the period.
And the two insipid BBC twerps sit there gushing over this historically illiterate crap. Any response other than swooning over this tripe would be considered offensive.
We, the ever gullible, paying public, are supposed not to notice. We’re supposed to sit there and say, “Oh, isn’t this splendid.” The costumes… the production. They’ve captured the Regency period superbly.”
You know, If they ever get around to re-making Zulu, Michael Caine had better watch his back…
They don’t need to remake it much, just send a camera crew into Hackney on a Saturday night
Read a review that suggests it is mainly Mandingo Does Bustles.
Doubtless got all the BBC girls a flutter.
Maybe some of the women too.
Maybe Pride and BLM goes South can do a Femi shirt off Poldarkerstill Cornwall special?
Surely the pervasive little uniquely funded creep will have to move on to climate soon?
The BBC can do a Two Men in a Sinking Ship, shot in black and gammon vein busting pink for viewers with cheaper tvls?
He’s deffo in the running unless John Boyega gets wind.
I thought they were stills from a furniture advert for a second.
Or any bank advertisement. Or any government information film.
But no doubt they’ll have a whitie in their next production about Martin Luther King Jr, or Mandela. Or whities among the warriors in the next remake of Zulu?
Seriously why would any Black actress want to play an historical personnage that was so obviously white skinned? So yes Tess Summers, from the ridiculous to the utterly insulting against a nation that has given refuge, and a new life in a (just about) democratic country. This insult does those coloured no favours-suprised that they would tolerate such patronising.
He is an ugly blighter, and makes it worse by never wearing proper clothes.
…and his black, Jeff…
(Why is it that a reply to a particular comment seems to tack itself onto any comment, but the one intended? Infuriating…)
The irony here is surely the ignorance of the writers of this drivel regarding black history in the real world?
Want to create a romantic period drama about a black man in European high society, here you go:
There’s a real story about a real black man in 18th Century Imperial Russia, and a genuinely interesting story, if the writers were actually prepared to do their research properly.
Years ago, I would have found a drama about ‘The Moor of Peter the Great’ fascinating, and might even have learnt something from it. Now, it would be so ‘woke’ it’d make me puke.
On second thoughts go back to colouring in the faces on the covers of old Mills and Boon novels with a black marker pen to ‘update’ them for stupid millennials.
Agree with your sentiments.
What they are actually doing is patronising black people.
Drawing on Hitler moustaches?
@Jeff doh they are just trolling you.
It’s artistic fantasyland
.. you know where dogs can talk, where pantomime dames are men etc.
So why can’t black men dress as Victorian gentlemen ?
I guess if there were similar interesting African or Indian cultural periods you could write stories about them
and fill them with white actors, if you liked.
messing around with actual historical characters is a different matter.
Simon Webb does a lot about
the blackwashing of British history
Of course they were black. I am surprised the question even needed to be asked.
I’d agree Stew, if more people were capable of spotting the difference between fantasy and reality, unfortunately, we live in a world in which the line between the two seems to be increasingly blurred in many people’s minds.
I’ve enjoyed Netflix for a few years now (it’s been a better alternative to the BBC regarding entertainment value for money), but I’m increasingly dismayed with where it’s going.
If you have Netflix, do you ever read the little headings that come up for different categories?
‘Violent and Antisocial Programs’ amuses me (why should that come up on my personalised search, I wonder?)
But, dear God look at what is presented as ‘Historical Drama’, ‘European History’, ‘British History’ etc… at least half of it is outright fantasy (‘Merlin’!), not a lot there about any kind of real history, except maybe the new woke kind of ‘real history’, which is whatever you’d like it to be… apparently…
Just how bad Boris’s Treaty is will emerge sooner or later. Meanwhile, I suggest he stops using the expression, ‘take back control of our laws’.
“Britons fury: Small print revealed EU judge’s orders will be enforceable in UK”
So, it sounds as if there still is control over our laws from outside. But remember – EU Court = Soros.
Characteristic Boris – A liar of the first order
And when Labour get in at the next GE there will be even more ‘signing up’.
I could virtually confirm that the Brexit Party would win the next election hands down…………….
How? – After a thorough examination of the Boris Treaty and clear identification of the fact that we are still tied ‘lock stock and barrel’ to the EU,
Declare that upon coming into office, the Brexit Party would immediately terminate the Treaty with the EU.
BBC News channel currently doing a detailed 30 minute program called “Review 2020: The Coronavirus”. I must say, without this programme, I had almost totally forgot about Covid as the BBC only mention it every 2 minutes.
its a strange cycle they seem to run on ,
the end is nigh all stay in your bunkers dont kill granny save the nhs
followed by
woe is me some industry is dying due to covid restrictions
Roll out the red carpet they’re back (need more dosh, so a title will help)
Bet the Royal Family feel so enriched with their black experiment (she’s made a few dollars out of it whilst on the Royal dole, claiming benefits, shows initiative)
“Meghan Markle and Prince Harry want Megxit review extension as Duke plans UK return
MEGHAN MARKLE and Prince Harry want to secure an extension to their 12-month Megxit deal, with the Duke planning to fly back to the UK to discuss the agreement face-to-face.
Meghan Markle could accompany Prince Harry on the trip back to the UK, as the Queen’s grandson attempts to hash out a more permanent agreement to continue as non-working royals in the US. The couple will first hold video calls with senior royals to lay the groundwork for carving out a more long-term deal.
Don’t let the buggers in!!
This has been the worst Christmas schedule for TV programmes ever, endless repeats, usual films and to top it all Songs of Praise with gospel music from someone unknown.
I know the producers will say Covid restricted the ability to make programmes, however this is just another brick in the downward spiral of drivel on TV
Back to a good book and a discussion on the merits of voluntary euthanasia with the wife!
In the spirit of acknowledging worthy efforts, an MSMer, CNN no less, and blonde, pursuing a swampie Katty Kay has a poster of in her bunker.
BBC News channel showing a lie/repeat of the Spitfire aircraft 8 gun story. Because a 13 year old girl helped her father calculate that 8 smaller calibre guns were better than 4 medium calibre guns the BBC run with this as if a girl secured a WW2 win.
The story is presented as 8 guns remaining throughout the war which is totally untrue.
Glad I don’t watch that – my air fix mk 11 1/24 spitfire would have fallen off the wall … still prefer the Typhoon though …
Still prefer my Mozzie looking straight down four cannon streams do their bit.
Guest – the fuselage of the mozzie was built at a furniture factory close to where my grandad and family lived ….and the house got bombed because of it . Luckily that Anderson Shelter in the garden saved them ….
1 Merlin good.
2 Merlins better.
4 Merlins great.
More Merlins…
Actually gave me tingles.
I took this on a flypast a while ago:
Thanks Guest.
What a shame she was a white girl.
She’ll be black in the remake.
I think Wikipedia might need an update…
They say…
“Due to a shortage of Brownings, which had been selected as the new standard rifle calibre machine gun for the RAF in 1934, early Spitfires were fitted with only four guns, with the other four fitted later.”
If it suits them, they would headline that she helped him if she just picked his pencil up for him.
Wouldn’t be a lie and the agenda is more important than real truth.
For a moment let me quote from a German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich who has been practising as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world: Many other organsisations similar.
Fuellmich is also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10, 2020, this Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. Cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause.
This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a “Corona Scandal” and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason Dr. Reiner Fuellmich goes onto to explain that there are a network of international lawyers who will argue the biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.
Crimes against humanity were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg trials after World War II, that is, when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich. Crimes against humanity are today regulated in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the corona scandal are: 1. Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection? Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations, serve to protect the world’s population from corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe – without asking any questions – that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints? There is more in this report but herewith is enough to make one question the alleged corona pandemic?
I am also sceptical about the PCR test so-called “positive” results.
Covid 19 seems like a very funny disease, in which so many people can apparently have it without showing any symptoms. Odd sort of disease.
It is on the basis of these “tests” that the rates of Covid per 100,000 are based, which in turn determine which sort of lockdown we are put under. My area is tier 3, Maybe next week it will be tier 4. Who knows?
The life is being sucked out of the country. We are being demoralised, our economy is being destroyed, all on the basis of these PCR tests. Who voted for that?
Seems the Xmas spirit break has hit the BBC checking of facts, discombobulating misinformation and spreading propaganda hard.
On top of Chris Morris day, and M. Wrong Shysterperson’s recent failure to Google well, anything, ITBB has.. an omission special.
Closely followed by… a old John getting forgetful…
Maybe 2021 will be a better year for them.
Or the last.
At least Marianna has her feet exclusive to fall back on.
OT, but as I surf widely and sign up often on the basis of ‘better to know what they are up to’ (a point 38Beegees, Compass, OpenDemocracy, Labour Central, Momentum, etc fail to grasp) I just got this…
Hi Rube,
With 2020 almost over, 2021 offers a new dawn.
The best decision you can make this week to ensure you start 2021 the right way is to sign-up to REUTERS NEXT (Jan 11-14, 2021).
Sign up for free to join the leading voices of change at REUTERS NEXT
REUTERS NEXT is a new kind of event. Curated by Reuters global newsroom, our world-renowned journalists will interview a diverse range of global leaders and forward thinkers to ask the difficult questions as we start to reimagine solutions to the challenges the new year brings.
Join the discussions and hear from:
Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google and Alphabet
Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of World Wide Web and CTO, Inrupt
Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank
Joe Kaeser, President & CEO, Siemens AG
Brian Chesky, CEO, Airbnb
Michael Wirth, CEO, Chevron
Ursula von der Leyen, President, European Commission
Kristin Peck, CEO, Zoetis
Vera Daves de Sousa, Finance Minister, Angola
N Chandrasekaran, Chairman, Tata Group
Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation
Jitse Groen, CEO, JustEat
Najwa Shihab, Newscaster & Founder, Narasi Newsroom
Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association
Weijian Shan, Chairman & CEO, PAG Group
Tim Davie, Director General, BBC
Mo Abudu, CEO, Ebonylife Media & Ebonylife Place
Nellwyn Thomas, CTO, Democratic National Committee
Taro Kono, Minister of State for Administrative Reform, Japan
And many more
Much explained.
Had to laugh at Timmeh! rating well down on Vera if just above Mo.
And many more.
Very good idea to fact check the fact checkers – show just one case where they are plain wrong and anything else they come out with is not -or in – credible ……
I’m waiting for a whole list of ‘project fear ‘ lies / predictions to be listed ……it will be a long list …
My way to fact-check the fact-checkers is to search for the authors name on twitter (they are always on there) and look at everything they post.
Without exception for me up to now, they have been serious anti-Trump/Left wing activists who have some serious hate and bias issues going on.
Which of course explains why they never fact-check people like the BBC.
Wot, no Sprungster?
They have tweeted that tweet an incredible 14 times since June
but didn’t get 14 likes altogether
Country of 67 million people.
The ratio of BBC staff to BBC staff social media posts to public engagement is actually very funny.
I’ve seen stuff on facebook where a whole team has travelled the world to excitedly share to fewer than six, and most of them #CCBGB
The Bexit reportage shows that tweet to be ridiculous.
In response to your suggestion –
“Very good idea to fact check the fact checkers”……… –
May I suggest that the likes of the BBC are possibly factually incorrect when they report ………….. ‘a man was seen running away from the crime, shooting, stabbing, explosion..etc’.
As we know that by omission they (BBC news) will not identify the likely ethnicity of the man however using that same kind of ‘logic’ how would they know what sex the possible ‘man’ may have been. Does the assailant self identify as a man/woman/other, could the person in question be a transvestite, masculine female, hermaphrodite, . Should they not find out how the person wishes to be identified before they report. Until then I suppose that they should report ‘what appeared to be a person was seen running away from the crime and the police are urgently trying to interview said person’. Stating an assumed sex of the assumed assailant may not be correct and certainly not politically correct (which is usually most important to the likes of biased BBC).
If you submitted that ‘suggestion’ to the EUBC (BBC) they’d probably spend the 2021 ‘management time ‘ exploring your suggestion … ‘a (local ) person was seen running away ‘…..
In BBC worlds, he was wearing a placard front and back saying, “MAN” unless it was an ingenious attempt to conceal his sex.
No sooner has Christmas been trashed than the miserablist BBC are busy pumping out the propaganda for the cancellation of New Year’s Eve. They find a couple of young Eeyores to back up the sullen stay at home, don’t socialise, message.
‘New Year’s Eve: ‘Why we’re happy it’s cancelled”
‘For 23-year-old Dayna, New Year’s Eve in Cardiff is usually a really big deal. And it’s the same every year.’
“You always come home with about £100 missing from your account. Probably because you’ve spent the majority having about three kebabs to survive the whole night.”
‘So this year, she’s actually glad not to have the pressure of going out, finding an outfit or having to save up the cash.’
‘Instead, she’s looking forward to just having “a big fat takeaway”.
“But I can’t wait to just sit down, watch some Christmas films and slob out in my pyjamas.”
‘Ed’s looking forward to New Year’s Eve this year too. But for him, it’s for the first time.’
“I’m not someone who’d usually want to go out,” he says.’
[Well, that’s just as well]
“I just can’t justify the money spent on it,” he says. “If you get money given to you for Christmas, that money will just be gone by New Year so that’s a big gripe for me.”
Bear in mind this is BBC Newsbeat which is aimed at youngsters.
It seems to me an irresponsibly depressing piece considering levels of young loneliness, social disfuction and suicide. And obesity – Dayna, I’m talking to you, luv.
If you have been adversely affected by the contents of this BBC report, then you are advised to cancel your tv licence – or more likely, you’ll need to ask your parents to do so. I doubt you’ll be getting a job, meeting a partner or setting up a home of your own anytime soon.
Before 12pm R4 had the Bill Gates programme
after 12 they started their repeat of 10 episodes of the biography of a Caribbean writer from 70 years ago
Following the BBC’s Charter, which states that as 3.3% of the population of the British Isles are black then 50% of the ‘news’ items should feature black people, their website is carrying an item entitled ‘To be a black, female headteacher is phenomenal’. Maybe, but not unique. Here’s another one, for example:
Again, patronising black people.
Maybe I lead a sheltered life, but I come a cross black people in my profession from time to time and have – until these weird days – thought nothing about it.
Not to be reported on by al beeb
I am surprised there is not some discussion here about “Black Narcissus”. Perhaps it was discussed earlier and I missed it. Apologies if this is old ground.
I liked the 1947 Deborah Kerr film and so I watched the first episode of the BBC series “Black Narcissus” last night.
There was no black nun in the original film. I presume there wasn’t in the novel either. Please correct me, someone, if I am wrong.
I can’t find any discussion about this casting decision on Google. An interview I did find with the black actress concerned failed to even mention the topic of race. It is as if everyone thinks this act of literary vandalism is perfectly natural and normal.
I hate black actors playing white fictional characters and white historical figures. I hate seeing black faces popping up in crowd scenes in Ancient Rome or Merry England which are designed to subliminally persuade us that we have always been a multicultural society.
It is not whitey’s fault that blacks don’t have a long recorded history and didn’t have a literary, dramatic or cinematic tradition until very recently. This infiltration of our drama is like a cancer. But I don’t really blame blacks for it. It is the posh, white, arty-farty wokerati who produce and direct this garbage who are responsible.
If I were a black actor, I would refuse such roles as Sister Philippa. Black writers need to start writing their own stories and creating authentic roles for black actors.
Black David Copperfield, black Anne Boleyn, black Aristocracy, this is only possible because of Shondaland. ………..
“The British period drama has long been the domain of white actors, but the genre is getting an inclusive update in recent years: Mary, Queen of Scots featured Gemma Chan as Bess of Hardwick in 2018, Dev Patel played the eponymous hero in The Personal History of David Copperfield this year, and Jodie Turner-Smith is set to play Anne Boleyn in a new Tudor series. Slowly but surely, actors of color are becoming period fixtures, and Netflix and Shondaland are adding historical romp Bridgerton to the list. (Though there was certainly no danger of a white-washed cast with SHONDA RHIMES serving as executive producer.)
“……….Black actors not only play leading roles (Bridgerton), as with Rhimes’s series Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder, but are also positioned amongst the highest rank of the aristocracy. ”
Rhimes is now as powerful in Hollywood (Netflix) as Winfrey is in broadcasting and entertainment. So we should expect to see more of this black washing in films and dramas, in light of the BLM movement, and to appease the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. Only time will tell at the box office whether audiences will accept this infiltration of history, or boycott it.
Aristocrats in period dramas are supposed to be dogmatic about good breading. A bastard aristocrat thought to have white working class roots is supposed to be out of bounds. A bastard born of an aristocrat and a slave is sent back to the servants quarters in the Jamaican plantation.
Its why this would be unwatchable or a comedy, if the aristocrats had cockney accents. The viewer wants to immerse themselves into the realities of the past. Not think about the political correct insanities of the present. As with the BBC, people in the Soviet Union were also forced to pay and watch “socialist realism”.
In Socialism, the workers are more important than the customers. The actors are the workers, the viewer is the customer. The Black actor must be given work equal to that of the white actor. Black actors should not be excluded from work, such as a farmers wife in the Yorkshire Dales before the war. The Black actor should not be given derogatory acting parts such as that of a slave to a white actor playing the part of Lord Hastings. So the Black actor must be given the part of Lord Hastings, and his slave Tarzan, must be played by a white actor. Black actors should always wear white European dress and be able to speak a white European language. It would be derogatory for a Black actor to be seen wearing skins or speaking a native black African language or to play the part of that of a slave to a Berber, Egyptian, Roman, Arab or European master.
As Black History Month showed. The greatest achievements of Black people are the cultural appropriation of Berber, Egyptian, Roman, Arab or European culture. A Berber historian in Algeria and the Egyptian Government have both complained about Black studies units in western universities, stealing the racial identities of the people of North Africa, such as a Roman Emperor of Berber parentage being pushed by the BBC as being Black, or Blacks complaining about an Egyptian Tourist pamphlet showing a Pharaoh with ginger hair.
Pathetic compared to other races and cultures are the great achievements of black Africans. Such as the first Black man to learn how to speak English or the first Black man to travel in a first class compartment on a train. Another thing I have noticed is many of those Black people of achievement such as Obama and Mary Seacole, mentioned by the Queen in her Xmas broadcast, were half white. As Seacole admitted herself, its obvious that these people inherited their brains from their white parentage.
You started me on the ‘best black drama ‘ – which is series 1 and 2 of ‘The Wire ‘. I never saw it in colour terms – all the drug dealers were coloured – half the police force was coloured .
But that wasn’t done as a ‘tick box ‘ – just ‘reality ‘ .
It seems strange that the DG of the EUBBC has gone off about ‘false facts ‘ again when his outfit is rewriting the past to make it more coloured – denying that Europe has been white for hundreds of years with a few coloured folk bought in like ‘pets’ until the last few decades …….without – of course – the consent of the resident population ….
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for Christmas week:
– BBC Spends £83,000 on Free Tea and Coffee
– Northern Irish Politician Slams TV Licensing
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
Further to Darcy3’s posts showing that it’s not a happy Christmas for many Christians throughout the world, here’s the latest on the subject from Gatestone: