Happy New Year.
I noticed there an appointment at bBC Scotland of ,one, Glenn Campbell as the new “politics editor” or equivalent bBC mumbo Jumbo .
this fella has form. He organised the 2nd scottish independence ref in 2014 debate between the Slug and Alistair Darling
The selected audience resembled a Sinn Fein/IRA rally and Darling got a chasing while Salmond stirred em up.
this guy is a traitor like his boss wee Burney.
Yet another reason as if more were needed to not only defund
but close it down in its entirety….although an argument could be made to retain the shipping forecasts.
Yes, it is a political organisation so no justification for taking money. But I’d also like to keep Only Connect.
(Wish we could just stop the politicking and keep the best of it!.)
On Toady and the Tv 1 pm news, the dredging and s***-stirring are maxxing out. They will look for anyone, anyone to bad mouth on Brexit. They sooooo hoped for chaos at Dover or Calais, with correspondents live in both places. Guess what? They have nothing to say. There are no issues. Then its off to oppose Brexit by interviewing A German MP who has a trade brief. He’s sorry about all the new form filling etc etc. Sob sob.
Then its over for some dissing on the ‘one shot’ vaccination plan. Over to a lady prof in Glasgow. They so want her to say how unfair it all is. But she’s not playing ball. The one-shot makes a lot of sense, she says. Oh dear.
Telegraph reports on the failure of the Reich EU to develop , order and deliver enough vaccine fast enough . It’s all meant to be centralised – yet some countries have gone their own way ….
Any breaches of EU ‘solidarity ‘ by our ‘friends ‘ is ok …
Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’ in annual address delivered hours after his father denounced him as a ‘self-serving’ politician
If you check the article with photo, I think his Dad was the funeral director in All Allo
Sticking my head above the parapet here. BBC2 this morning, an excellent escapist couple of hours or so, watching the New Year’s Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic.
But this was ‘the people’s concert’, the plebs got to ‘virtually’ clap without paying the ticket price that only a EuroElite can afford, (or more likely put on expenses).
Agree. No doubt the BBC will be suggesting to ORF that there ought to be much more diversity in the musicians and content. Why not for instance abandon Strauss in favour of some ethnic music? Look what it’s dne for the Proms.
(1) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang worship on Channel 4 at 7.30pm
(2) An all nine, white final to Christmas University Challenge on BBC 2 at 8.30pm
(3) Stunning restorations of the work of the Great Buster Keaton on Channel 11 at 9pm
You are not sticking your head above the parapet at all: you are in like-minded company. One oasis of pleasure that can be found each New Year’s day even on the BBC. Wonderful music, ladies who look like ladies, gentlemen who look like gentlemen, beautiful buildings, frescoes, Greco-Roman statuary and sculpture, marvellous dancers and stunning scenery from a city that cherishes much of its 18th and 19th century heritage in art,music and dance.
This is Europe: this is what we on this site and the millions who think like us, know and love as Europe; and this is why we must never give up the struggle to defend what Europe really is – a thing of beauty that should be a joy forever (I must say, though, Maestro Mutti’s hair could do with the attention of a pair of scissors).
The BBC do have some good stuff occasionally. But they never produce it themselves.
Anything decent with the BBC badge is always a collabaration with someone else. BBC just provide our money and I presume a lot of middle managers for a lot of meetings.
Another of those little ‘drips’ as Western ‘liberals’ continue to degrade childhood – BBC One this morning, Scared Shrekless, a cartoon film for children.
Ho, ho, ho, we know what you really wanted to say you Fockers.
Revealed: Taxpayers paid £1.5MILLION for Sadiq Khan’s ‘woke’ NYE light show – featuring BLM fist salutes and NHS tributes – after he masterminded event and worked with BBC and Met Police to keep it a secret
All this continued defiance by the Remainers signals that they will mount a strenuous Rejoin campaign. How far will they go? I think they will do their best to damage our economy. The Remainer fifth column is still working to reverse Brexit. They will have one wing out in the open appearing daily on the BBC et al and another covert wing working hand in glove with Brussels. There are so many of them in so many influential positions that they form a protective circle and so can’t be purged as they should be. But that circle could be broken if the BBC was taken out. Getting rid of the BBC is essential to safeguard Brexit. Until then, the price of sovereignty is eternal vigilance.
Double – the pro reichEU propaganda won’t let up . But the Reich will have problems of its own – loss of our cash (20% plus of the budget ? ) plus the need to hike taxes to pay for covid and the strains will show .
I think quite a few members were ‘weak ‘ before covid so won’t be happy about higher / new tax demands to keep the EU project afloat .
With a bit of luck internal strain will push some states toward the exit – and if the UK can make the exit door bigger so much the better – but I’m talking about beyond 2021 really and the timescale is ‘unknown ‘…
Meanwhile the SNP will be the EUReich in the UK Parliament – being supported by the MSN BBC at every turn ….
Retired doctor slams ‘bureaucratic’ chaos clogging UK’s mass-vaccination rollout as she describes in painstaking detail the red tape she faces to deliver vaccine… but is STILL waiting for start date EIGHT MONTHS after signing up
Like Al Beeb, OfCom appear to be working to change the mindset of the people instead of monitoring the biased broadcaster for its impartiality. I would guess that they are responsible for the demise of British comedy. Why are there no Tory MPs calling them out ? What does our culture & heritage minister do for a living? Does he read this site? Is he in cahoots with the DG of Al Beeb?
On the 3rd November, Cyber Security Expert, Colonel Philip Waldron witnessed a data transfer from a Dominion machine to a CIA cyberwarfare facility inside the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany.
On the 9th November, U.S. Special Operations Forces successfully seized Dominion Voting System servers held in the CIA cyberwarfare facility inside the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany. The CIA used a Hammer and Scorecard cyberwarfare attack on the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. SCORECARD steals elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points of state election computer systems and outside third party election data vaults as votes are being transferred. CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery’s evidence shows that John Brennan and James Clapper, under President Barack Obama’s administration, illegally commandeered HAMMER and its exploits, including SCORECARD, which they used to steal the 2012 presidential election in Florida.
On the 18th November, the National Security Action Memorandum 57 transferred powers from the CIA to the Department of Defense, 305th Military Intelligence Battalion. United States Secretary of Defense, Christopher Charles Miller, consolidated all US Special Forces under a single command. None of them answer to the Pentagon. All of them answer to the Secretary of Defense, and he answers to the President.
Subsequent review of the secured servers yielded proof that Trump won all the swing states as well as Virginia, Maine and Rhode Island. Servers compatible with the Smartmatic voting software made it easy for a systems analyst or hacker to manipulate votes in multiple platforms and states. Log files and software evidence from the seized CIA servers, show Packet analysis results from intercepted real-time vote rigging traffic, which includes the specific instructions from CIA servers to add hundreds of thousands of votes in real time to Dominion tabulation machines in swing states. This is now publicly confirmed by Colonel Philip Waldron.
Dominion executives have also confessed to engineering backdoors into the systems, which have also been acquired. SSL certificates from dominionvoting.com were used multiple times.
Patrick Byrne, a Tech billionaire who assembled a cyber-intelligence team to analyze the U.S. voting system said that 2020 election fraud is the secret “Assassin‘s Mace” of the Chinese Communist Party, where they take out the U.S. with one stroke. Chinese developers are behind the software that has infiltrated at least two of the main voting systems in the U.S. Byrne described the election as a soft coup. They found cheating was possible “at an industrial level, in terms of generating hundreds of thousands of fake votes”. He gives examples of vote tabulating being shut down, of poll watchers being denied entry, and of the video of Democrat election workers pulling out cases of ballots from under a table after observers had gone home and then scanning them. The Chinese Communist Party is funding Smartmatic through Panama, but it bounces through Venezuela. Dominion is claimed to be a front for Smartmatics, a company that was built specifically for rigging elections. Dominion has come under scrutiny for its ownership structure after its parent company owned by the Chinese Communist Party raised $400 million with the help of a Swiss bank before the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
If proof of foreign election interference under the cover of COVID darkness and the complete collapse of courts as a check on federal and state officials is shown to be the case and revealed as such to the American public, then Trump’s imposition of Martial law after the 6th January could be effective in tracking down and arresting the plotters, corrupt politicians, foreign enemies, and fraudsters.
The evidence is that more than a million people are heading to Washington to protest. And that the US Army is ready to protect them and enforce a temporary period of Marshal Law.
All this is set to start on the 4th January. Happy New Year.
If much of that is true I reckon a fair few individuals are going to have fatal car ‘accidents ‘ and the like ….
… but surely if the Trump option is being considered the evidence would need to be of the criminal level of proof and beyond countering by the most motivated troll ….
The only reported deaths turned out to be from an Army helicopter which crashed at the same time as the raid in Frankfurt. Usually the CIA would murder people like Eric Coomer, but this seems to be the first time that the CIA has been neutered by an American President. The mainstream media haven’t even reported the fact that the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion has taken over from the CIA.
Other news censored by the BBC is that John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) confirmed that there was interference by China. His report is expected to be sent to Congress by the 6th January. Five states Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania, are sending dual sets of electors. If Ratcliffes report includes the evidence above. Then the argument can be made that states with contested electors were subject to massive election fraud. Then a foundation to nullify the Democrat electors from the contested states is laid in congress. Therefore not needing a temporary period of Marshal Law.
The DNI’s report was due before Christmas, so why is it so late?
Also, I don’t trust Pence at all. It is up to him as to whether to certify the votes of the various states, and he now has ample evidence of the rampant fraud and corruption. If he goes ahead and weakly allows the steal to go through, he has signed the death warrant for the Republican Party and American democracy. But at least the MSM will say what a nice fellow he is.
BBC Slippery people, slippery edits from April 2020
63 seconds Pence standing there
63.01 seconds Pence vanished as BBC flips to later much shot
from 25 minutes later.
then a second splice from 50 mins into the conference with loaded commentary that the female scientist could barely contain herself
Hang on this is 25 mins after where she is reponding to a different question Trump’s question.
BTW I disagree with Mr Politico
In the transcript Trump never says anything about
“inject/injecting bleach”
But rather asks a sane question
like is it possible to get “something like” a disinfectant to work inside the
To simplify the science to the point where a BBC Journalists would understand. I would try to explain to the moron that an antiviral of antibiotic could be described as a disinfectant or even a bleach that could work inside the body. Deadly to bacteria and viruses but harmless to cells essential to the Human body.
Yes, it’s very wearying having the obligatory ethnic of colour inserts in every drama, news programme, documentary, comedy (don’t make me larf!), and advert. Not to mention the BBC apparatchiks populating every quiz show, despite appearing to be quite thick. But then anyone who is spoon-fed and feted (patronised) by an organisation like the BBC wouldn’t recognise reality if it hit them squarely in the kisser.
Do you think those ladies will ever have listened to Radio 4 in their life?
I doubt it as it is probably part of a set from Shutterstock – “Happy young curvy women jogging together on city bridge. Healthy girls friends running on the city street to lose weight. Group of multiethnic oversize women running with building in the background.”
Essentially every picture that the BBC uses on its websites is a fake.
That’s great. Health is very important. Especially for women who – judging by the size of most of the young mums who walk past our window every day – spend most of the time on the sofa eating chocolate.
What country are they reporting from ?.
I see that a lot of footballers are voicing their support for Cavani who has been banned for using the n word in a tweet to a good friend in South America . Some of them are saying that it’s ridiculous and the world is going to pot. Yet these are the same players who have been taking the BLM knee before every game for months. If they can’t see the connection they must be incredibly dumb. This is exactly why so many sensible folks have been appalled at the way in which so many companies, institutions and broadcasters have taken up the BLM agenda. If they can’t see where it is leading to they are as daft as the footballers.
I think this shows a disgusting level of racism by the FA dullards.
How can they object to a Spanish speaking footballer writing a phrase in Spanish? It is his language, he knows what the words mean, and the cultural nuance they have, in Spanish.
I am sure Son could write whatever he likes in Korean, none of the FA lamebrains will understand it. But if a Spanish speaker uses a Spanish word which “looks” a bit racist to an English speaker, but is not at all racist in Spanish, how dare they punish the man for merely using his own language?
What we are witnessing is a new form of Left wing fascism. There isn’t a word for it yet – but once it reaches it’s peak and is quashed by right-minded people, historians will come up with a phrase which encapsulates the hate and intolerance they represent. It will be despised alongside labels such as ‘Nazi’.
We who are in the midst of it for now need to remember that evil prevails when good people do nothing.
The lying Beeb are breathless with excitement at the coming inauguration of criminal Joe Biden. (Of course what really excites them is the prospect of President Harris shortly after: female, black, brown, green, far-left… Bingo!)
Pages of meaningless gush on their webshite.
Meanwhile back in the real world, they’re TAKING DOWN the stands for the inauguration. Officially because of the WuFlu, but according to Salty, it’s because either Biden won’t be sworn in, or, if he is, NOBODY will bother attending his inauguration, just like they didn’t attend his miserable non-event ‘rallies’, or even bother to watch him online or on-air.
(And they would have you believe 80 million people voted for a man they wouldn’t cross the street for?!)
I suspect we will see very little of Joe Biden ‘live’ from now on because of his slurred speech and clear cognitive deterioration.
But we all know he’s only there to do what others tell him. All they need to do is keep him alive.
I think it was Mark Steyn or perhaps Rowan Dean who compared the Biden campaign to the 1958 film ‘El Cid’ where at the end the great leader has died, but his body is prepared for battle and tied to a horse and leads the troops to the final battle. It’s not long before the battle starts and in the meantime the horse and upright corpse are charging alone along an endless beach.
free tonight Sky Arts on Freeview
special series on the comedy greats
6pm – Laurel & Hardy
7pm – Sid James
8pm – Charlie Chaplin
9pm – Buster Keaton
11pm Billy Connolley
12am John Cleese
Just watched 10 mins of Dr Who while getting my evening meal. The f*cking daleks again !!. And what utter sh1te the woke bit I saw was.
Then watched an episode of ‘The Mandalorian’ while eating said meal. Absolutely brilliant. Believable in it’s context – which is the crucial part of any sci-fi. It has it’s woke message of course, but it keeps it secondary to the main plot.
The policy of hiring people because of their ethnicity, sex and political views are now clear for all to see. They are bereft of any creative talent. What a complete farce. The sooner they are forced into the real world the better.
I believe that the next Bond will be black and he will trade his PPK for a concealed blade. He will approach his underworld enemies in crowded areas, knife them quickly 4 or 5 times then run away – safe in the knowledge that the public will not be given a description of him unless he has been tried in court and found guilty.
“Channel migrants: More than 8,000 people make crossing in 2020”
“The number of migrants reaching the UK by boat was four times greater in 2020 than 2019, official figures show.”
Lets all give a clap to the head of Border Force and the Clandestine Channel Threat Commander. We are out of the EU now, so what excuse can Bo Jo give this time? After all wasn’t securing our borders one of main reasons the majority of the people voted for Brexit ?
Sky TV whistleblower wins dismissal case after he reported studio manager over ‘sexually degrading remarks’ about female stars including Helen Mirren and Kay Burley
He claimed that throughout his training period Mr Lacey – who regularly tweets selfies of himself with Sky News guests including actress and MeToo movement campaigner Rose McGowan – referred to him in derogatory terms in emails and said he felt he shouldn’t be employed by Sky.
(Mr Duffy) also referred…to witnessing serious sexual harassment including sexually degrading remarks and thrusting motions by Mr Lacey towards female presenters and guests including (Kay) Burley and Dame Helen Mirren,’ the tribunal heard.
‘Why is Alicia Keys singing about New York for London’s New Year?’ Viewers slam BBC for using US singer as music act to welcome in 2021 as they criticise ‘out of tune’ performance
The singer, from New York, performed a concert from Los Angeles on BBC One
Viewers unhappy that an American singer was performing instead of UK talent
Ratings for Jools Holland on BBC2 saw 5.4m people tuning in, and Keys’ had 5.2m
I suppose that if a country goes mad , joins a project working against it , kills off a lot of its industry and other trades then it’s possible that it could end up relying on super sophisticated businesses that reside in a few square miles , but what country would do that ?
“While services represent two thirds of the EU economy and account for some 90% of job creation, the services sector is underperforming. Productivity growth in the sector is low and the rest of the world is catching up. Barriers stop firms from being set up and expanding, and lead to higher prices for consumers and less choice. Moreover, the performance of manufacturing is increasingly linked to the competitiveness of services. Barriers to trade in services in the Single Market are therefore barriers to the competitiveness of EU manufacturing. To reverse this trend and create additional jobs and growth, Member States need to stimulate the development of the services economy and make better use of the potential of the Single Market for Services.”
What that boils down to is that there is no ‘single market’ for services in the EU, each country has its own standards and ways of doing things so there is limited scope for the UK at the moment anyway. To be able to offer, say, car insurance within the EU an insurance company could be faced with setting up 27 national offices and 27 families of policies, not the most attractive export market.
Fancy that? Remember when Graham Norton went from BBC Radio to Virgin radio recently in December. He still works for the BBC, of course on another (private channel). You might wonder what other channels the BBC owns, and its all ‘private’ so your -‘not-to-know’. Unless your ‘curious’ and wonder ‘why’ the same Graham Norton (ex BBC) is plugging BRITBOX subscriptions. (a so called ‘independent’ TV production)…
After all we want the BBC to be a subscription service! However the BBC had looked into that ‘future’ and found it can make more money by buying TV media companies and selling the same BBC content with a profit . That’s the BBC argument…. In addition: Why pay a ‘middle-man’ when you can also be the ‘middle man’, and also the ‘buyer’ (of the content) and sell and buy it all itself and re-sell it (again) to yourself, right?
What If the NHS started to sell its own drugs, profit from the re-sale of the same drugs and then place orders for the same drugs in the same places it also owns, it would be called illegal. Not so the BBC.
The BBC would never do that would they?
But they do, everyday. Its NOT illegal in the UK but it is illegal in many countries such as America, (anti trust public laws forbid it).
Its a wrinkle in public monopolies here in the UK.
They create the TV programs using the BBC TV license. They own copyright and then sell them though BBC WorldWide. The next stage is a media broker to take the profits to third party private companies that are all privately owned by the same company. Private fees for private clients who are also employed by the BBC. Which is how Graham Norton gets to be employed, even when he ‘leaves’ the BBC, to be gainfully employed on another BBC ‘enterprise’ such as BRITBOX.
But its far worse than that.
The BBC does accept advertising on its ‘private’ TV channel ventures which are all generators of income ‘for the BBC’ (after expenses), the profits are kept in BBC WorldWide. Whilst the BBC claims it is following the Charter, in practice it can ignore it and funnel any profits through BBC WorldWide, of which is the only ‘profitable’ part of the entire BBC monopoly, which in most part (the BBC admits) it loses money on Radio, and regional Radio stations that the Charter asks it to maintain.
So in short, its making the best of a bad job, (being charitable to the BBC).
It has awful staff constrained by mediocrity. Unionised to absurdity. Diversity compliance to absurdity. Payment allowances equalling absurdity, a huge ‘expense’ account for everything from tea-bags (£28,000+/year) and the BBC routinely pays for all TAXI services for lame (limp) staff, then it has to pay off all those ‘media consultants’ (who are nothing of the sort), and even has to resort to its own ‘right stuff’ family members being employed -at the BBC – who are (always) – ‘desperate for a job’! We end up with a ‘dogs-dinner’ breakfast which is the BBC central office. Valueless, clue-less job centre. Forever finding new ways to spend your money an find ‘jobs’ for the new unemployables. There are a lot of them ‘interbred’ all have rights, and are not afraid to use them. Its a mad house.
The only escape is a ‘private function’ outside the BBC and the BBC has found out a way to avoid all the prying eyes, by quietly buying-up the TV independent UK media competition for extra profit. Some would call it another ‘monopoly’ but at arms length of the BBC itself.
All of this would be illegal in America, but here in the UK our nodding donkey politicians have just ignore the empire building of the BBC over recent year. It is now a two headed monster and growing a third head (as it seeks to own outright BRITBOX) as it has done so all other companies that seek its funding. It uses the money from the TV license fee to squeeze out competitors. It is well funded by its Charter and as such, it can sell, produce and license to itself or any number of other TV company’s it also controls outright.
BBC itself is saddled with ‘charter liabilities’ such as wonky staff and regional Radio. Its a white Elephant costing £3.8 billion. No profit. Not a penny in Corporation Tax is paid to the exchequer.
BBC WorldWide licenses and distributes content for ‘other broadcasters’ internationally, that profitable. Many of these programs will never appear on mainstream BBC. Profits are huge, as all royalties are directed to BBC WorldWide Ltd (formerly BBC enterprises Ltd). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Worldwide
Yes. Its a public monopoly and the BBC owns them all.
‘Greyham Norton’ who was employed by BBC Radio left to join Virgin Radio. But he also is part of the new BBC promotion of BBC BRITBOX.
BRITBOX is a push into international sales, for BBC license content (from BBC WorldWide of course!)
The BBC itself pays no Corporation Tax. BBC WorldWIde would be obliged to do as it is a ‘private company’ but then it can employ offshore banking to ensure it pays the minimum amount. It can and does employ the same staff at the BBC and pay them (again) and again. Sell anything and buy anything and fix the price.
Just ask yourself, why the BBC is not a public monopolies?
Does it not always advertise itself on all channels?
Answer because its is a CARTEL: (maintained by public Charter)
‘These are the most serious types of anti-competitive agreements, where two or more businesses agree, whether in writing or otherwise, not to compete with each other.
I can also add that paid for Web adversing (Google) content (paid by the BBC) which the BBC denied was linked to BBC online content during BREXIT referendum. They were able to do this through many BBC owned ‘private’ companies. The BBC Charter is effectively ignored.
And so they get away with advertising its own left wing causes… and can deny it and claim to be ‘private’ and not (directly) linked to the BBC TV license, which of course, is the problem here. A question of public accountability. The Charter is a fig leaf..
I couldn’t imagine a single BBC employee voting brexit because
1 they are globalists
2 they do not believe in the nation state
3 they have no single culture
4 they hate the idea of the UK
5 they have no pride in any big UK history ( ex the NHS)
6 they cannot understand or accept a contrary view
7 they identify with the socialism in the ReichEU
8 they find the likes of full brexiters like me repulsive
Dover Sentry
“I’ve noted that Brexiteers are not gloating. They don’t have to and are of a different breed.”
Because for true Brexiteers, Freedom, Sovereignty, and Democracy are enough! Gloating is not needed, for us there is work to be done, after Brexit ?
The end of Al Beeb and its woke, anti British propaganda.
We are proud of your work and of you as a colleague. Zero excuse for abuse. Sadly in recent years much of public discourse has been poisoned and polarised to extremes. Attacking @BBCNews is part of the game. It’s nothing new. Stand firm. ???????? https://t.co/oB4rLg2NuR
Cant see what this is about but BBC types need to know their propaganda is not universally appreciated – for the evil they do they deserve far more robust treatment ….can only be a matter of time …
“Whether you supported Leave or Remain, whether it feels like you have regained or just lost your identity – couples therapists have some advice on coping. “
Thank you – I understand a bit more now – not on the top of my reading list . I thought she might have been one of the droids sent to an empty Dover to report on the ‘brexit chaos ‘. …….
I’ve stood on guard over Dover for eons and without thought for rhyme or reason. I sense relief and triumph among my fellow guardians, who have no connection what so ever with a paper rag of that name.
Soon, we will stand down and retire from our duties and return to our families. That is the shared hope of the Dover Sentries. But, if events require, we will return.
The pile on was by Remainers
who didn’t like the tone of n article with her name on
DON'T PATRONISE ME after you have indulged right-wing extremists so often WTF is Farage doing on so many of your panels? He's not an MP. He's nobody. Invite ME instead – I'm a nobody with plenty to say! Unbiased? Don't make me laugh
Her 2017 work for the Metro
28/11/17 Brexit bill could be as much as £50BN
Jul 10, 2017
Cancer patients could suffer treatment delays because of Brexit
Sorry not the Beeb, but ITV. Torville & Dean is interesting, about them being in Alaska in order to dance Bolero outside, BUT its just one long climate change lecture fest. T & D didn’t give personal comments , but a pleading appeal at the end which perhaps was the price paid for ITV to foot the bill ! Every local in Alaska on camera rattled on about the ice melting, yes we know it is, but don’t blame me here in Bedfordshire, blame the f……g Chinese and India and the U.S for their intransigent use of coal – or its fancy name of fossil fuel as its now called. Nevertheless T & D still have what it takes to cut the ice even at their age.
Mrs Voter was watching that, she liked the skating. When the pair was on the ice with those loons who were setting fire to methane gas given off by permafrost melting, they were told that methane came from decaying organic matter. Why did they not ask ” where does the decaying organic matter come from” to be told “Oh it hasn’t always been permafrost, it used to be lush grassland once upon a time” Of course no-one from the media ever asks the right question do they?
I don’t think this is from the UK, but you have to appreciate care workers in the fight against the pandemic.
Close to 100 doctors, nurses and orderlies have a message for the world: they are having the time of their lives — and they have the time to rehearse and record a lengthy music video. How’s your lockdown treating you? pic.twitter.com/ALrMxrENUC
Happy new year all. If you’re struggling with Dry January, do what I do and spread the days out over the year. By the end of 2020 I’d managed to achieve 33 days without boozing!
Nearly half of Britons think the BBC fails to represent their values including a majority in the North of England, survey finds
Survey found 48 per cent said BBC does not adequately represent their views
Figure rose to 51 per cent in the north of England and 47 per cent in Scotland
YouGov survey also found only four per cent of Britons think BBC’s values have become more like theirs
“BBC defends The Goes Wrong Show festive episode after ‘offensive’ Christianity complaints
BBC has stood firm in its defence of a festive edition of comedy show The Goes Wrong Show following complaints from a number of viewers who branded it “offensive” to Christians.”
“Our Editorial Guidelines uphold the right to freedom of expression and the right of programme-makers to include material which some members of the audience may find inappropriate or offensive.”
You did this at Xmas, fair enough, I fully expect the same poking fun at muslims during Rama bleeding Dam
Here’s one about BLM:
‘First Minneapolis police death since George Floyd captured on bodycam’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55509694
The article is very sparse about the real story : the black guy had just committed some crime and shot at the police first after being cornered. A little research confirms this without doubt.
Meanwhile we have a lengthy article which deliberately treads around this elephant in the room and includes quotes such as ‘”He was just sitting in the car, and bullets were shot at him, and no reason,”‘ and ‘”Why are we here?… Because of colour. He is a black man. We want to know why my sweet son gets shot and killed.” from his dad who was nowhere near.
The article was obviously just another flimsy excuse to rake up George Floyd and BLM yet again as they haven’t been given any proper reasons lately.
What it should REALLY be discussing is the disproportionate amount of black crime and possession of guns which led to this. But we don’t go anywhere near that.
Anyway – do I win a coconut ?.
Oh, go on then, I’ll send it via Hermes and see if they can manage to deliver with the milk still inside.
I suspect it will end up on top of the van with a bunch of Eastern European delivery drivers out of their heads on home brewed schnapps throwing wooden balls at it.
As I managed to kip the whole night, I missed all the overnight R5’soontobedead’ ‘news’, so skimmed the headlines on their site, just out of curiosity.
Absolutely bugger all about how British business will start to prosper from Monday onwards…
What is it about the pensioner-tax-funded crowd in W1A, who only look for negatives in the post-Brexit euphoria?
Don’t know about businesses prospering. I’m still waiting for my guitars to sell on Ebay..lockdown does not help, had an offer from Scotland but will not trust couriers
Funny coincidence, but a couple of days ago, I got my old Spanish guitar down from the top of a cupboard, after a twenty or so years, and it was just filthy, so one of my next projects is to give it a good seeing-to!
There’s also an Eko 12 string to have similar treatment, and also a Yamaha electric which has seized-up controls, and which needs attention!
And the biggest project will be to convert an old electric bass to fretless. I had to remake it years ago, as it was originally a left-hander, so it has a new body, all the old kit (also seized), and a requirement for much study and TLC!
I wondered about Ebay, but have decided to leave the lot to my old school, as it’s there where I started to learn to play, and won my only prize ever, in the music competition…
Did the BBC ever do a prog on that repair thing where they did up a guitar? I might change the habit of a lifetime and watch it!
Have to be careful of Ebay but I have been lucky so far, buthheard some horror stories such as a Les Paul sold but a return demanded (you have no choice on Ebay) and arrived back in bits
I went a bit mad last year and bought a few now trying to slim down
but have an interesting acoustic a prototype developed by wifes friend in China, it has a carbon fibre soundboard although wood topped also, sound projection is amazing, am selling that one
Also a PRS which I never really got on with
and some tube amps which are too heavy for me at my age despite their sound
solid state has come a long way and have a great Roland blues cube artist and I challenge any tone snob to tell the difference
now trying to slim down the pedalboard so easy to buy more and more of these…
One of my oldest chums, who’s been playing for years told me about some gunk which frees up the ‘stiff knobs’, (no, not that stuff), but when I dismantled all the electrical innards, they were all corroded, and so it’s back to Ebay for some new bits when Senora O’Blene isn’t looking…
I like the sound of your carbon fibre instrument though – does it go like the metal case instruments?
As a Philistine, I do a lot on Garage band’s guitar app, and can easily produce the sort of stuff you hear on Smooth Chill, but then so can most other old idiots like me…
You can go ahead get a Blackstar Fly I have one it is 3 watts half the size of a cornflake packet can run on AA batteries if you like, built in reverb and sounds good unlike the Marshall version which sounds like a cornflake packet
Many here say they want to de-fund or even abolish the BBC, well that is never going to happen given the power of the BBC to set the political agenda.
Instead let’s push to give the BBC things that it would like, more law and more public spending!
We could start with a BBC Act that would make their charter law. That law would be of the BBC’s favourite Blair-type. Should anyonefeel that the BBC has been impartial they would be able, with legal aid, to have the BBC prosecuted, the DG, the producer, the presenter, the lot!
When the Bronzed Strumpet ‘crosses the line’ it wouldn’t be some BBC ‘executive board’ slapping her wrists, or even her mates in Ofcom but ‘the beak’. Big time fines!
No longer would we get those cosy ‘questions’ between BBC ‘editors’ on the air pushing opinion not news.
Another thing the BBC always wants is ‘transparency’ so let’s get rid of that little clause in the dungeon of the Freedom of Information Act that lets them hide behind the ‘puposes of journalism etc.’ rule. Journalists’ sources should be protected but not editorial policy decisions.
Half of Britons feel the BBC does not share their values
44 per cent of the public thought that the BBC represented their values badly. Among those who voted for Brexit, 58 per cent were unhappy with the overall stance of the corporation.https://t.co/21J58q50vp
At that time of year when the nights have drawn in and we habitually used to enjoy those quintessentially English fanatstical tales, perhaps a ghost story by MR James. Readers, allow me offer…
A Warning To The Credulous
‘Prime Minister pledges to rebuild with thousands more police, nurses and teachers’ – or at any rate that’s the messages passed from No 10 to the Daily Express.
What’s the thinking here? You like the way the cops have been spending their time lately? Do you feel as though your health and wellbeing really figure as much of a priority with the NHS? You reckon our schools are providing an education that’s up to scratch?
Well, the government seems to think it would be a jolly good idea to tip more taxpayer money into these failing institutions to give you a lot more of the same failing services. Does anyone actually believe it is some lack of numbers on the payroll that is screwing up the performance of these services?
I see an old favourite, Mystic Meg, makes a return in the Sun this morning: ‘2021 Stars. Love & sex’ – Come on, it’s 2021, we know love and sex are two different things. I wonder what our horoscopes might have in store for us? – prepare NOT to meet new people in the coming year. Refuse all invites to social events. Concentrate on your familiar and immediate surroundings. Mask your personality from the world at large. Lose touch with an old friend…
Meanwhile the FT quotes their own star-gazing mystics who have come up with plenty of warnings for the credulous – it’s the latest from The Imperial College London. The only surprise here being the Social Justice/BLM tendency haven’t as yet come for the word “Imperial”
Anyway: ‘New covid varient spread rapidly even during lockdown, study finds’ – on the one hand this seems to be an admission that lockdowns are a failed policy. But knowing the lot we have in charge the concern is that what we’ll get is far tighter lockdowns.
‘Health Expert’ totty on the frontpage of the Times: ‘Viral style Carina Tyrrell, a global health expert and former Miss England, has told how she helped deliver the… vaccine’ – well she could certaintly alleviate my viral load… wait a minute… Tyrrell? That’s a name from Game of Thrones. You know, the George R R Martin tv series that was all bare bums and magic dragons. Tolkien for the Netflix generation. Margaery Tyrell was a character played by Natalie Dormer “said to be as beautiful as she is clever” When asked “Do you want to be a Queen?” she replied “No. I want to be THE Queen.” Give her a google, you’ll thank me.
Let’s not wander too far off the plot in this flight of fancy.
Handily the Times, after tempting us with covid science totty, provides: ‘The midlife health and fitness guide for men’
Plus: ‘Sophia Loren fabulous at 86’ – steady on. Is it reasonable to draw the line at ogling anyone qualifying by age for the initial roll out of the vaccine? Albeit from a bygone era when our pinups were actresses?
By the way, anyone seen stats yet for deaths of people having already had the jab – considering we’ve inoculated a million or so over-80s so far there have to be some numbers out there?
‘NHS warning to British public’ – just incase you didn’t realise who it was that succeeded in a quiet coup and took over the running of the UK, the ‘i’ newspaper reminds us the NHS is the all powerful dictator now.
Once again the frontpage pic of the line of lime green ambulances: ‘A&E staff in hotspots are already at “battle stations” – as infection rate climbs around UK’ – can someone please break from the credulous crowd and point out that the emperor has no clothes, but for a pair of skimpy lime green knickers?
I do enjoy the ‘i’ unqiue formulation in their headlines that goes – such and such tells ‘i’ – makes them sound like Bob Marley, tellin’ I dis an’ dat, This wouldn’t work for other titles. Well, maybe… “I’m national saviour, politician tells Mirror”
‘Exclusive Hospital admissions could double by peak of this third wave. Sage scientist tells ‘i” – there are very many things wrong with that headline – but I do still admire the “tells ‘i'”
‘Journalism you can trust’ (‘i’) – if they have to spell it out to you surely it tends to introduce the element of doubt.
‘8 pages of puzzles’ – promises the ‘i’ – more than eight, I’d venture.
‘Ant to wed again’ (Sun) – what do we reckon first attracted the pretty Anne-Marie to millionaire drunk-driver but now happily rehabed TV celeb Ant McPartlin?
‘Pandemic winners. Companies that made an opportunity out of a crisis’ (FT)
Absolutely vintage stuff – your best yet – and your line about
“ certaintly alleviate my viral load”
Just got me … and sophia loren at 86 ? Steady ….
Mranwhile one of my 2021 predictions is already kicking in – “pressure on vaccine rollout “
Astra Zen reckon they can do 2 million a day / week by mid january .
But we are about to see a health sector repeating PPE and failing us .
Give it to amazon argos and just eat to get it done by march … use the schools – they are all shut – as the hotels are full of … you know who
Back in the 80’s I bumped into Sophia Loren…….. literally.
I was in LA Airport awaiting my baggage at reclaim, in my rush to grab it I knocked flying this lady – with a Chanel furcoat over her arm (I noticed these things). I grabbed her arm and profusely apologised – then realised who it was ! She was utterly gracious, and as gorgeous off screen as on. I didn’t ruin the moment by asking naffly for an autograph but it certainly made my visit.
I feel sure that the BBC will be fully in agreement with the makers of the movie “Dunkirk” (available NOW on BBCi player) in the decision to remove Germany’s participation in WW2. We have become used to them being disguised as only “Nazis” but this movie goes further & anonymizes them to being “the enemy”.
I’m surprised they put it on, given that Baroness ‘Jackanory’ Benjamin reportedly walked out of the cinema after not seeing the now mandatory 60% ‘black’ casting.
If we had stayed in the EU it would probably have become illegal to show films about WW2, Europe ‘always’ having been united and ‘black’.
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents have just returned home after…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Happy New Year.
I noticed there an appointment at bBC Scotland of ,one, Glenn Campbell as the new “politics editor” or equivalent bBC mumbo Jumbo .
this fella has form. He organised the 2nd scottish independence ref in 2014 debate between the Slug and Alistair Darling
The selected audience resembled a Sinn Fein/IRA rally and Darling got a chasing while Salmond stirred em up.
this guy is a traitor like his boss wee Burney.
Yet another reason as if more were needed to not only defund
but close it down in its entirety….although an argument could be made to retain the shipping forecasts.
Glenn Campbell? Didn’t he have a hit in 1975 with Rhinestone Cowboy?
Yes, it is a political organisation so no justification for taking money. But I’d also like to keep Only Connect.
(Wish we could just stop the politicking and keep the best of it!.)
New Year. Old BBC.
On Toady and the Tv 1 pm news, the dredging and s***-stirring are maxxing out. They will look for anyone, anyone to bad mouth on Brexit. They sooooo hoped for chaos at Dover or Calais, with correspondents live in both places. Guess what? They have nothing to say. There are no issues. Then its off to oppose Brexit by interviewing A German MP who has a trade brief. He’s sorry about all the new form filling etc etc. Sob sob.
Then its over for some dissing on the ‘one shot’ vaccination plan. Over to a lady prof in Glasgow. They so want her to say how unfair it all is. But she’s not playing ball. The one-shot makes a lot of sense, she says. Oh dear.
The BBC. World class. Apparently.
Telegraph reports on the failure of the Reich EU to develop , order and deliver enough vaccine fast enough . It’s all meant to be centralised – yet some countries have gone their own way ….
Any breaches of EU ‘solidarity ‘ by our ‘friends ‘ is ok …
Macron says Brexit is the product of ‘lies and false promises’ in annual address delivered hours after his father denounced him as a ‘self-serving’ politician
If you check the article with photo, I think his Dad was the funeral director in All Allo
An amazing display of petulism and bitterness by a President of any country.
What a pathetic little man.
Sticking my head above the parapet here. BBC2 this morning, an excellent escapist couple of hours or so, watching the New Year’s Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic.
“Hideously white” ? how did that one slip throught the net?
heads will roll, why no bleeding rappers ?
Will Stomzy be using his ill gotten gains to sponsor some classically trained blacks now ?
Call me Nostradamus if you like, but I can see Cash Converters suddenly full of violins and cellos.
But this was ‘the people’s concert’, the plebs got to ‘virtually’ clap without paying the ticket price that only a EuroElite can afford, (or more likely put on expenses).
Agree. No doubt the BBC will be suggesting to ORF that there ought to be much more diversity in the musicians and content. Why not for instance abandon Strauss in favour of some ethnic music? Look what it’s dne for the Proms.
(1) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang worship on Channel 4 at 7.30pm
(2) An all nine, white final to Christmas University Challenge on BBC 2 at 8.30pm
(3) Stunning restorations of the work of the Great Buster Keaton on Channel 11 at 9pm
You are not sticking your head above the parapet at all: you are in like-minded company. One oasis of pleasure that can be found each New Year’s day even on the BBC. Wonderful music, ladies who look like ladies, gentlemen who look like gentlemen, beautiful buildings, frescoes, Greco-Roman statuary and sculpture, marvellous dancers and stunning scenery from a city that cherishes much of its 18th and 19th century heritage in art,music and dance.
This is Europe: this is what we on this site and the millions who think like us, know and love as Europe; and this is why we must never give up the struggle to defend what Europe really is – a thing of beauty that should be a joy forever (I must say, though, Maestro Mutti’s hair could do with the attention of a pair of scissors).
The concert tradition started by the Nazis !
I’m surprised at the BBC .
The BBC do have some good stuff occasionally. But they never produce it themselves.
Anything decent with the BBC badge is always a collabaration with someone else. BBC just provide our money and I presume a lot of middle managers for a lot of meetings.
Still not sure, but going with the scare anyway, eh, Justin?
“Why 2021 could be turning point for tackling climate change”
Video : MSM misery at Brexit #Doomism
h/t MahyarTousi
People praising Sadiq’s POLITICAL firework display
Another of those little ‘drips’ as Western ‘liberals’ continue to degrade childhood – BBC One this morning, Scared Shrekless, a cartoon film for children.
Ho, ho, ho, we know what you really wanted to say you Fockers.
James Arthur
I and the 2 boy dogs were kept awake by a dreadful noise downriver. We discover that it was a BBC firework celebration of all we hold dear – and why nobody should pay a licence fee.
Revealed: Taxpayers paid £1.5MILLION for Sadiq Khan’s ‘woke’ NYE light show – featuring BLM fist salutes and NHS tributes – after he masterminded event and worked with BBC and Met Police to keep it a secret
All this continued defiance by the Remainers signals that they will mount a strenuous Rejoin campaign. How far will they go? I think they will do their best to damage our economy. The Remainer fifth column is still working to reverse Brexit. They will have one wing out in the open appearing daily on the BBC et al and another covert wing working hand in glove with Brussels. There are so many of them in so many influential positions that they form a protective circle and so can’t be purged as they should be. But that circle could be broken if the BBC was taken out. Getting rid of the BBC is essential to safeguard Brexit. Until then, the price of sovereignty is eternal vigilance.
Double – the pro reichEU propaganda won’t let up . But the Reich will have problems of its own – loss of our cash (20% plus of the budget ? ) plus the need to hike taxes to pay for covid and the strains will show .
I think quite a few members were ‘weak ‘ before covid so won’t be happy about higher / new tax demands to keep the EU project afloat .
With a bit of luck internal strain will push some states toward the exit – and if the UK can make the exit door bigger so much the better – but I’m talking about beyond 2021 really and the timescale is ‘unknown ‘…
Meanwhile the SNP will be the EUReich in the UK Parliament – being supported by the MSN BBC at every turn ….
If I was paying towards a 1.5 million firework display to be told I am a racist I would not be too happy
SICK of hearing about so called bloody racism
blacks in every bloody advert, poeple sacked to insert blacks into tv roles, blacks playing whites from history on tv yet still they bloody whinge
We have paid the bbc for four years to be told we are racist if we voted for leaving the eu.
Retired doctor slams ‘bureaucratic’ chaos clogging UK’s mass-vaccination rollout as she describes in painstaking detail the red tape she faces to deliver vaccine… but is STILL waiting for start date EIGHT MONTHS after signing up
And overseeing the BBC, there is…
Like Al Beeb, OfCom appear to be working to change the mindset of the people instead of monitoring the biased broadcaster for its impartiality. I would guess that they are responsible for the demise of British comedy. Why are there no Tory MPs calling them out ? What does our culture & heritage minister do for a living? Does he read this site? Is he in cahoots with the DG of Al Beeb?
On the 3rd November, Cyber Security Expert, Colonel Philip Waldron witnessed a data transfer from a Dominion machine to a CIA cyberwarfare facility inside the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany.
On the 9th November, U.S. Special Operations Forces successfully seized Dominion Voting System servers held in the CIA cyberwarfare facility inside the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany. The CIA used a Hammer and Scorecard cyberwarfare attack on the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. SCORECARD steals elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points of state election computer systems and outside third party election data vaults as votes are being transferred. CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery’s evidence shows that John Brennan and James Clapper, under President Barack Obama’s administration, illegally commandeered HAMMER and its exploits, including SCORECARD, which they used to steal the 2012 presidential election in Florida.
On the 18th November, the National Security Action Memorandum 57 transferred powers from the CIA to the Department of Defense, 305th Military Intelligence Battalion. United States Secretary of Defense, Christopher Charles Miller, consolidated all US Special Forces under a single command. None of them answer to the Pentagon. All of them answer to the Secretary of Defense, and he answers to the President.
Subsequent review of the secured servers yielded proof that Trump won all the swing states as well as Virginia, Maine and Rhode Island. Servers compatible with the Smartmatic voting software made it easy for a systems analyst or hacker to manipulate votes in multiple platforms and states. Log files and software evidence from the seized CIA servers, show Packet analysis results from intercepted real-time vote rigging traffic, which includes the specific instructions from CIA servers to add hundreds of thousands of votes in real time to Dominion tabulation machines in swing states. This is now publicly confirmed by Colonel Philip Waldron.
Dominion executives have also confessed to engineering backdoors into the systems, which have also been acquired. SSL certificates from dominionvoting.com were used multiple times.
Patrick Byrne, a Tech billionaire who assembled a cyber-intelligence team to analyze the U.S. voting system said that 2020 election fraud is the secret “Assassin‘s Mace” of the Chinese Communist Party, where they take out the U.S. with one stroke. Chinese developers are behind the software that has infiltrated at least two of the main voting systems in the U.S. Byrne described the election as a soft coup. They found cheating was possible “at an industrial level, in terms of generating hundreds of thousands of fake votes”. He gives examples of vote tabulating being shut down, of poll watchers being denied entry, and of the video of Democrat election workers pulling out cases of ballots from under a table after observers had gone home and then scanning them. The Chinese Communist Party is funding Smartmatic through Panama, but it bounces through Venezuela. Dominion is claimed to be a front for Smartmatics, a company that was built specifically for rigging elections. Dominion has come under scrutiny for its ownership structure after its parent company owned by the Chinese Communist Party raised $400 million with the help of a Swiss bank before the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
If proof of foreign election interference under the cover of COVID darkness and the complete collapse of courts as a check on federal and state officials is shown to be the case and revealed as such to the American public, then Trump’s imposition of Martial law after the 6th January could be effective in tracking down and arresting the plotters, corrupt politicians, foreign enemies, and fraudsters.
The evidence is that more than a million people are heading to Washington to protest. And that the US Army is ready to protect them and enforce a temporary period of Marshal Law.
All this is set to start on the 4th January. Happy New Year.
If much of that is true I reckon a fair few individuals are going to have fatal car ‘accidents ‘ and the like ….
… but surely if the Trump option is being considered the evidence would need to be of the criminal level of proof and beyond countering by the most motivated troll ….
The only reported deaths turned out to be from an Army helicopter which crashed at the same time as the raid in Frankfurt. Usually the CIA would murder people like Eric Coomer, but this seems to be the first time that the CIA has been neutered by an American President. The mainstream media haven’t even reported the fact that the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion has taken over from the CIA.
Other news censored by the BBC is that John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) confirmed that there was interference by China. His report is expected to be sent to Congress by the 6th January. Five states Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania, are sending dual sets of electors. If Ratcliffes report includes the evidence above. Then the argument can be made that states with contested electors were subject to massive election fraud. Then a foundation to nullify the Democrat electors from the contested states is laid in congress. Therefore not needing a temporary period of Marshal Law.
Marshal Law? Does Marshal know about this?
If you believe that nonsense you’ll believe anything.
The DNI’s report was due before Christmas, so why is it so late?
Also, I don’t trust Pence at all. It is up to him as to whether to certify the votes of the various states, and he now has ample evidence of the rampant fraud and corruption. If he goes ahead and weakly allows the steal to go through, he has signed the death warrant for the Republican Party and American democracy. But at least the MSM will say what a nice fellow he is.
I wish it was all going to happen but it’s over I’m afraid the election steal is done and dusted.
BBC Slippery people, slippery edits from April 2020
63 seconds Pence standing there
63.01 seconds Pence vanished as BBC flips to later much shot
from 25 minutes later.
then a second splice from 50 mins into the conference with loaded commentary that the female scientist could barely contain herself
Hang on this is 25 mins after where she is reponding to a different question Trump’s question.
BTW I disagree with Mr Politico
In the transcript Trump never says anything about
“inject/injecting bleach”
But rather asks a sane question
like is it possible to get “something like” a disinfectant to work inside the
To simplify the science to the point where a BBC Journalists would understand. I would try to explain to the moron that an antiviral of antibiotic could be described as a disinfectant or even a bleach that could work inside the body. Deadly to bacteria and viruses but harmless to cells essential to the Human body.
Yes, it’s very wearying having the obligatory ethnic of colour inserts in every drama, news programme, documentary, comedy (don’t make me larf!), and advert. Not to mention the BBC apparatchiks populating every quiz show, despite appearing to be quite thick. But then anyone who is spoon-fed and feted (patronised) by an organisation like the BBC wouldn’t recognise reality if it hit them squarely in the kisser.
This is MOST interesting…
Most interesting and disturbing, similar here.
No supporting evidence, unless you count a particular interpretation of current events that is.
What a lovely image.
Image library label says
” Group of multiethnic oversize women running”
The racist BBC could be saying that only BAME get fat.
Do muslim women get fat ?
“does my bomb look big in this ?”
Do you think those ladies will ever have listened to Radio 4 in their life?
I doubt it as it is probably part of a set from Shutterstock – “Happy young curvy women jogging together on city bridge. Healthy girls friends running on the city street to lose weight. Group of multiethnic oversize women running with building in the background.”
Essentially every picture that the BBC uses on its websites is a fake.
That’s great. Health is very important. Especially for women who – judging by the size of most of the young mums who walk past our window every day – spend most of the time on the sofa eating chocolate.
What country are they reporting from ?.
I see that a lot of footballers are voicing their support for Cavani who has been banned for using the n word in a tweet to a good friend in South America . Some of them are saying that it’s ridiculous and the world is going to pot. Yet these are the same players who have been taking the BLM knee before every game for months. If they can’t see the connection they must be incredibly dumb. This is exactly why so many sensible folks have been appalled at the way in which so many companies, institutions and broadcasters have taken up the BLM agenda. If they can’t see where it is leading to they are as daft as the footballers.
I think this shows a disgusting level of racism by the FA dullards.
How can they object to a Spanish speaking footballer writing a phrase in Spanish? It is his language, he knows what the words mean, and the cultural nuance they have, in Spanish.
I am sure Son could write whatever he likes in Korean, none of the FA lamebrains will understand it. But if a Spanish speaker uses a Spanish word which “looks” a bit racist to an English speaker, but is not at all racist in Spanish, how dare they punish the man for merely using his own language?
The world is turning into mierda.
What we are witnessing is a new form of Left wing fascism. There isn’t a word for it yet – but once it reaches it’s peak and is quashed by right-minded people, historians will come up with a phrase which encapsulates the hate and intolerance they represent. It will be despised alongside labels such as ‘Nazi’.
We who are in the midst of it for now need to remember that evil prevails when good people do nothing.
National Socialism ?
Mare Negra
Black Sea in Romanian .
Thats bloody maritime racism, even the pirates refer to Beard of Colour nowadays
Was this in the bbc round up?
The lying Beeb are breathless with excitement at the coming inauguration of criminal Joe Biden. (Of course what really excites them is the prospect of President Harris shortly after: female, black, brown, green, far-left… Bingo!)
Pages of meaningless gush on their webshite.
Meanwhile back in the real world, they’re TAKING DOWN the stands for the inauguration. Officially because of the WuFlu, but according to Salty, it’s because either Biden won’t be sworn in, or, if he is, NOBODY will bother attending his inauguration, just like they didn’t attend his miserable non-event ‘rallies’, or even bother to watch him online or on-air.
(And they would have you believe 80 million people voted for a man they wouldn’t cross the street for?!)
I suspect we will see very little of Joe Biden ‘live’ from now on because of his slurred speech and clear cognitive deterioration.
But we all know he’s only there to do what others tell him. All they need to do is keep him alive.
I think it was Mark Steyn or perhaps Rowan Dean who compared the Biden campaign to the 1958 film ‘El Cid’ where at the end the great leader has died, but his body is prepared for battle and tied to a horse and leads the troops to the final battle. It’s not long before the battle starts and in the meantime the horse and upright corpse are charging alone along an endless beach.
free tonight Sky Arts on Freeview
special series on the comedy greats
6pm – Laurel & Hardy
7pm – Sid James
8pm – Charlie Chaplin
9pm – Buster Keaton
11pm Billy Connolley
12am John Cleese
No Lenny Henry doing his classic “Trevor McDonut” newsreader with a pair of big glasses on ?
No, stop it, I’m in stiches again just thinking about it
Just watched 10 mins of Dr Who while getting my evening meal. The f*cking daleks again !!. And what utter sh1te the woke bit I saw was.
Then watched an episode of ‘The Mandalorian’ while eating said meal. Absolutely brilliant. Believable in it’s context – which is the crucial part of any sci-fi. It has it’s woke message of course, but it keeps it secondary to the main plot.
The policy of hiring people because of their ethnicity, sex and political views are now clear for all to see. They are bereft of any creative talent. What a complete farce. The sooner they are forced into the real world the better.
I refuse to watch Dr Bint and the black men, as for 007 James Bint….. I bet goes on a shooting spree once a month
I believe that the next Bond will be black and he will trade his PPK for a concealed blade. He will approach his underworld enemies in crowded areas, knife them quickly 4 or 5 times then run away – safe in the knowledge that the public will not be given a description of him unless he has been tried in court and found guilty.
He won’t run away, he’ll be on the back of a nicked moped.
“Channel migrants: More than 8,000 people make crossing in 2020”
“The number of migrants reaching the UK by boat was four times greater in 2020 than 2019, official figures show.”
Lets all give a clap to the head of Border Force and the Clandestine Channel Threat Commander. We are out of the EU now, so what excuse can Bo Jo give this time? After all wasn’t securing our borders one of main reasons the majority of the people voted for Brexit ?
Easy really, just start a war with Iran and bring back National Service they will start running in the other direction I am sure
How woke are the woke brigade really ?
Sky TV whistleblower wins dismissal case after he reported studio manager over ‘sexually degrading remarks’ about female stars including Helen Mirren and Kay Burley
He claimed that throughout his training period Mr Lacey – who regularly tweets selfies of himself with Sky News guests including actress and MeToo movement campaigner Rose McGowan – referred to him in derogatory terms in emails and said he felt he shouldn’t be employed by Sky.
(Mr Duffy) also referred…to witnessing serious sexual harassment including sexually degrading remarks and thrusting motions by Mr Lacey towards female presenters and guests including (Kay) Burley and Dame Helen Mirren,’ the tribunal heard.
‘He found this inappropriate and offensive.’
‘Why is Alicia Keys singing about New York for London’s New Year?’ Viewers slam BBC for using US singer as music act to welcome in 2021 as they criticise ‘out of tune’ performance
The singer, from New York, performed a concert from Los Angeles on BBC One
Viewers unhappy that an American singer was performing instead of UK talent
Ratings for Jools Holland on BBC2 saw 5.4m people tuning in, and Keys’ had 5.2m
A figure oft-quoted by the bBBC and other Remainers** is that services are 80% of the UK GDP and that these are not covered by the EU ‘deal’.
I’d be grateful if one of the many wise contributors here would run their eye over my ‘back of the fag packet’ figures. (Be gentle with me).
UK GDP about £2000bn, services £1651bn = about 80%.
Exports to the EU £294bn, services 42% = £123bn
∴ services to the EU = 6% of UK GDP.
So quoting the 80% figure in this context is just another load of Project Fear bo***x ?
** e.g. Layla Moran on LBC today. Why Eric Clapton wrote a song about her is beyond me!
I suppose that if a country goes mad , joins a project working against it , kills off a lot of its industry and other trades then it’s possible that it could end up relying on super sophisticated businesses that reside in a few square miles , but what country would do that ?
The EU has said:
“While services represent two thirds of the EU economy and account for some 90% of job creation, the services sector is underperforming. Productivity growth in the sector is low and the rest of the world is catching up. Barriers stop firms from being set up and expanding, and lead to higher prices for consumers and less choice. Moreover, the performance of manufacturing is increasingly linked to the competitiveness of services. Barriers to trade in services in the Single Market are therefore barriers to the competitiveness of EU manufacturing. To reverse this trend and create additional jobs and growth, Member States need to stimulate the development of the services economy and make better use of the potential of the Single Market for Services.”
What that boils down to is that there is no ‘single market’ for services in the EU, each country has its own standards and ways of doing things so there is limited scope for the UK at the moment anyway. To be able to offer, say, car insurance within the EU an insurance company could be faced with setting up 27 national offices and 27 families of policies, not the most attractive export market.
Fancy that? Remember when Graham Norton went from BBC Radio to Virgin radio recently in December. He still works for the BBC, of course on another (private channel). You might wonder what other channels the BBC owns, and its all ‘private’ so your -‘not-to-know’. Unless your ‘curious’ and wonder ‘why’ the same Graham Norton (ex BBC) is plugging BRITBOX subscriptions. (a so called ‘independent’ TV production)…
After all we want the BBC to be a subscription service! However the BBC had looked into that ‘future’ and found it can make more money by buying TV media companies and selling the same BBC content with a profit . That’s the BBC argument…. In addition: Why pay a ‘middle-man’ when you can also be the ‘middle man’, and also the ‘buyer’ (of the content) and sell and buy it all itself and re-sell it (again) to yourself, right?
What If the NHS started to sell its own drugs, profit from the re-sale of the same drugs and then place orders for the same drugs in the same places it also owns, it would be called illegal. Not so the BBC.
The BBC would never do that would they?
But they do, everyday. Its NOT illegal in the UK but it is illegal in many countries such as America, (anti trust public laws forbid it).
Its a wrinkle in public monopolies here in the UK.
They create the TV programs using the BBC TV license. They own copyright and then sell them though BBC WorldWide. The next stage is a media broker to take the profits to third party private companies that are all privately owned by the same company. Private fees for private clients who are also employed by the BBC. Which is how Graham Norton gets to be employed, even when he ‘leaves’ the BBC, to be gainfully employed on another BBC ‘enterprise’ such as BRITBOX.
But its far worse than that.
The BBC does accept advertising on its ‘private’ TV channel ventures which are all generators of income ‘for the BBC’ (after expenses), the profits are kept in BBC WorldWide. Whilst the BBC claims it is following the Charter, in practice it can ignore it and funnel any profits through BBC WorldWide, of which is the only ‘profitable’ part of the entire BBC monopoly, which in most part (the BBC admits) it loses money on Radio, and regional Radio stations that the Charter asks it to maintain.
So in short, its making the best of a bad job, (being charitable to the BBC).
It has awful staff constrained by mediocrity. Unionised to absurdity. Diversity compliance to absurdity. Payment allowances equalling absurdity, a huge ‘expense’ account for everything from tea-bags (£28,000+/year) and the BBC routinely pays for all TAXI services for lame (limp) staff, then it has to pay off all those ‘media consultants’ (who are nothing of the sort), and even has to resort to its own ‘right stuff’ family members being employed -at the BBC – who are (always) – ‘desperate for a job’! We end up with a ‘dogs-dinner’ breakfast which is the BBC central office. Valueless, clue-less job centre. Forever finding new ways to spend your money an find ‘jobs’ for the new unemployables. There are a lot of them ‘interbred’ all have rights, and are not afraid to use them. Its a mad house.
The only escape is a ‘private function’ outside the BBC and the BBC has found out a way to avoid all the prying eyes, by quietly buying-up the TV independent UK media competition for extra profit. Some would call it another ‘monopoly’ but at arms length of the BBC itself.
All of this would be illegal in America, but here in the UK our nodding donkey politicians have just ignore the empire building of the BBC over recent year. It is now a two headed monster and growing a third head (as it seeks to own outright BRITBOX) as it has done so all other companies that seek its funding. It uses the money from the TV license fee to squeeze out competitors. It is well funded by its Charter and as such, it can sell, produce and license to itself or any number of other TV company’s it also controls outright.
BBC itself is saddled with ‘charter liabilities’ such as wonky staff and regional Radio. Its a white Elephant costing £3.8 billion. No profit. Not a penny in Corporation Tax is paid to the exchequer.
BBC WorldWide licenses and distributes content for ‘other broadcasters’ internationally, that profitable. Many of these programs will never appear on mainstream BBC. Profits are huge, as all royalties are directed to BBC WorldWide Ltd (formerly BBC enterprises Ltd).
In addition it owns at at least twenty other broadcasting companies including UKTV play and Discovery channels relaunched on FREEVIEW.
Yes. Its a public monopoly and the BBC owns them all.
‘Greyham Norton’ who was employed by BBC Radio left to join Virgin Radio. But he also is part of the new BBC promotion of BBC BRITBOX.
BRITBOX is a push into international sales, for BBC license content (from BBC WorldWide of course!)
The BBC itself pays no Corporation Tax. BBC WorldWIde would be obliged to do as it is a ‘private company’ but then it can employ offshore banking to ensure it pays the minimum amount. It can and does employ the same staff at the BBC and pay them (again) and again. Sell anything and buy anything and fix the price.
Just ask yourself, why the BBC is not a public monopolies?
Does it not always advertise itself on all channels?
Answer because its is a CARTEL: (maintained by public Charter)
‘These are the most serious types of anti-competitive agreements, where two or more businesses agree, whether in writing or otherwise, not to compete with each other.
Cartels include agreements to:
– fix prices
– engage in bid rigging (for example, cover pricing)
– share customers or markets
I can also add that paid for Web adversing (Google) content (paid by the BBC) which the BBC denied was linked to BBC online content during BREXIT referendum. They were able to do this through many BBC owned ‘private’ companies. The BBC Charter is effectively ignored.
And so they get away with advertising its own left wing causes… and can deny it and claim to be ‘private’ and not (directly) linked to the BBC TV license, which of course, is the problem here. A question of public accountability. The Charter is a fig leaf..
Would any of the BBC staff admit voting for Brexit? Of course not, they’d be out of a job.
The BBC are very sinister with regard to this. They create compliance through fear.
I couldn’t imagine a single BBC employee voting brexit because
1 they are globalists
2 they do not believe in the nation state
3 they have no single culture
4 they hate the idea of the UK
5 they have no pride in any big UK history ( ex the NHS)
6 they cannot understand or accept a contrary view
7 they identify with the socialism in the ReichEU
8 they find the likes of full brexiters like me repulsive
Exactly! And if there are closet Brexiteers within the BBC, they will keep very quiet.
Perhaps things will change now that we have freedom? The doom and gloom will be gone and replaced by economic success.
I’ve noted that Brexiteers are not gloating. They don’t have to and are of a different breed.
Dover Sentry
“I’ve noted that Brexiteers are not gloating. They don’t have to and are of a different breed.”
Because for true Brexiteers, Freedom, Sovereignty, and Democracy are enough! Gloating is not needed, for us there is work to be done, after Brexit ?
The end of Al Beeb and its woke, anti British propaganda.
Cant see what this is about but BBC types need to know their propaganda is not universally appreciated – for the evil they do they deserve far more robust treatment ….can only be a matter of time …
I think she might have been getting comments about her article Brexit:Couples therapists’ guide to the break-up.
“Whether you supported Leave or Remain, whether it feels like you have regained or just lost your identity – couples therapists have some advice on coping. “
Thank you – I understand a bit more now – not on the top of my reading list . I thought she might have been one of the droids sent to an empty Dover to report on the ‘brexit chaos ‘. …….
Me? An empty Dover? How very dare you? I’m shocked 😉
Sentry – I realised the implications after writing it but didn’t cheat like the moderating Mafia normally do – apologies – may you fill up…
I’ve stood on guard over Dover for eons and without thought for rhyme or reason. I sense relief and triumph among my fellow guardians, who have no connection what so ever with a paper rag of that name.
Soon, we will stand down and retire from our duties and return to our families. That is the shared hope of the Dover Sentries. But, if events require, we will return.
The pile on was by Remainers
who didn’t like the tone of n article with her name on
Her 2017 work for the Metro
28/11/17 Brexit bill could be as much as £50BN
Jul 10, 2017
Cancer patients could suffer treatment delays because of Brexit
99% on the BBC speed-dial are not MPs.
Something terrible has happened to his face; it has gone all funny colours.
Sorry not the Beeb, but ITV. Torville & Dean is interesting, about them being in Alaska in order to dance Bolero outside, BUT its just one long climate change lecture fest. T & D didn’t give personal comments , but a pleading appeal at the end which perhaps was the price paid for ITV to foot the bill ! Every local in Alaska on camera rattled on about the ice melting, yes we know it is, but don’t blame me here in Bedfordshire, blame the f……g Chinese and India and the U.S for their intransigent use of coal – or its fancy name of fossil fuel as its now called. Nevertheless T & D still have what it takes to cut the ice even at their age.
I love Bedfordshire, so many beautiful little places, if only they could relocate Luton
Mrs Voter was watching that, she liked the skating. When the pair was on the ice with those loons who were setting fire to methane gas given off by permafrost melting, they were told that methane came from decaying organic matter. Why did they not ask ” where does the decaying organic matter come from” to be told “Oh it hasn’t always been permafrost, it used to be lush grassland once upon a time” Of course no-one from the media ever asks the right question do they?
No, blame the sun.
I don’t think this is from the UK, but you have to appreciate care workers in the fight against the pandemic.
Imagine how bored and underemployed you’d need to be to come up with that crap – I managed 5 seconds ….
Very North Korean. Masked anonymity is very sinister.
Studies have shown that masked people are capable of greater cruelty and compliance.
“Iran nuclear crisis: Tehran to enrich uranium to 20%, UN says”
I sense there will be trouble ahead.
Makes a change from them all enriching us
I hope they fail as badly as they do over here with that
Happy new year all. If you’re struggling with Dry January, do what I do and spread the days out over the year. By the end of 2020 I’d managed to achieve 33 days without boozing!
What a surprise……
Nearly half of Britons think the BBC fails to represent their values including a majority in the North of England, survey finds
Survey found 48 per cent said BBC does not adequately represent their views
Figure rose to 51 per cent in the north of England and 47 per cent in Scotland
YouGov survey also found only four per cent of Britons think BBC’s values have become more like theirs
“BBC defends The Goes Wrong Show festive episode after ‘offensive’ Christianity complaints
BBC has stood firm in its defence of a festive edition of comedy show The Goes Wrong Show following complaints from a number of viewers who branded it “offensive” to Christians.”
“Our Editorial Guidelines uphold the right to freedom of expression and the right of programme-makers to include material which some members of the audience may find inappropriate or offensive.”
You did this at Xmas, fair enough, I fully expect the same poking fun at muslims during Rama bleeding Dam
OK BBC ? Hello ? Hello ? I think they’ve hung up
After F2’s end of year quiz I think it is time for another competition
Spot the Bame
A countryside New Year’s Day walk
answers on a postcard c/o Dominion
Bonus prizes for the first to see :
The Illegal rave
14 year old county line drug dealer on a BMX bike
Any Hijab with a placard whingeing about something
The major stabbing incident
(extra prize for any BAME community leaders spotted blaming the police or society in general)
BLM protest (extra prize for every police officer spotted on his knees)
Here’s one about BLM:
‘First Minneapolis police death since George Floyd captured on bodycam’
The article is very sparse about the real story : the black guy had just committed some crime and shot at the police first after being cornered. A little research confirms this without doubt.
Meanwhile we have a lengthy article which deliberately treads around this elephant in the room and includes quotes such as ‘”He was just sitting in the car, and bullets were shot at him, and no reason,”‘ and ‘”Why are we here?… Because of colour. He is a black man. We want to know why my sweet son gets shot and killed.” from his dad who was nowhere near.
The article was obviously just another flimsy excuse to rake up George Floyd and BLM yet again as they haven’t been given any proper reasons lately.
What it should REALLY be discussing is the disproportionate amount of black crime and possession of guns which led to this. But we don’t go anywhere near that.
Anyway – do I win a coconut ?.
Oh, go on then, I’ll send it via Hermes and see if they can manage to deliver with the milk still inside.
I suspect it will end up on top of the van with a bunch of Eastern European delivery drivers out of their heads on home brewed schnapps throwing wooden balls at it.
Morning All…
As I managed to kip the whole night, I missed all the overnight R5’soontobedead’ ‘news’, so skimmed the headlines on their site, just out of curiosity.
Absolutely bugger all about how British business will start to prosper from Monday onwards…
What is it about the pensioner-tax-funded crowd in W1A, who only look for negatives in the post-Brexit euphoria?
Don’t know about businesses prospering. I’m still waiting for my guitars to sell on Ebay..lockdown does not help, had an offer from Scotland but will not trust couriers
Funny coincidence, but a couple of days ago, I got my old Spanish guitar down from the top of a cupboard, after a twenty or so years, and it was just filthy, so one of my next projects is to give it a good seeing-to!
There’s also an Eko 12 string to have similar treatment, and also a Yamaha electric which has seized-up controls, and which needs attention!
And the biggest project will be to convert an old electric bass to fretless. I had to remake it years ago, as it was originally a left-hander, so it has a new body, all the old kit (also seized), and a requirement for much study and TLC!
I wondered about Ebay, but have decided to leave the lot to my old school, as it’s there where I started to learn to play, and won my only prize ever, in the music competition…
Did the BBC ever do a prog on that repair thing where they did up a guitar? I might change the habit of a lifetime and watch it!
Have to be careful of Ebay but I have been lucky so far, buthheard some horror stories such as a Les Paul sold but a return demanded (you have no choice on Ebay) and arrived back in bits
I went a bit mad last year and bought a few now trying to slim down
but have an interesting acoustic a prototype developed by wifes friend in China, it has a carbon fibre soundboard although wood topped also, sound projection is amazing, am selling that one
Also a PRS which I never really got on with
and some tube amps which are too heavy for me at my age despite their sound
solid state has come a long way and have a great Roland blues cube artist and I challenge any tone snob to tell the difference
now trying to slim down the pedalboard so easy to buy more and more of these…
There are some good fretboard cleaners / oils (lemon oil) avilable for restoration
and some sprays you can get for electrics
(for stiff knobs…ooer missus)
wish they would not show so many Carry On films over Xmas, I can’t help myself now
One of my oldest chums, who’s been playing for years told me about some gunk which frees up the ‘stiff knobs’, (no, not that stuff), but when I dismantled all the electrical innards, they were all corroded, and so it’s back to Ebay for some new bits when Senora O’Blene isn’t looking…
I like the sound of your carbon fibre instrument though – does it go like the metal case instruments?
As a Philistine, I do a lot on Garage band’s guitar app, and can easily produce the sort of stuff you hear on Smooth Chill, but then so can most other old idiots like me…
Regarding Senora O’Blene
I saw a sign in a guitar shop last year:
“Please socially distance, otherwise you may die and your wife will sell your guitars for the price you TOLD her you paid for them”
the carbon fibre looks like a normal acoustic but the carbon fibre adds stability for tuning despite any humidity and adds sound projection
I will have to look at this app never heard of it but then again not too good with apps
currently relearning mixolydian scales and others in lockdown, the memory is not what it was in my twenties
That looks a real beauty, Darcy! (Detective Scrobs at it again…)!
I haven’t heard of a PRS guitar, why is it not so good?
As for Garage Band, there is a dedicated screen where you can strum, bend – everything! https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/garageband/id408709785
But this is where it really got going…
This is mine: a nice guitar but lacks any particular character unlike a strat or les paul
thanks for those links lockdown is about to become more engaging !
Looks great!
Like the detail, too!
I’ve often wondered about an accoustic electric, but obeying Senora O’Blene’s 5 decibel limit, it’s really a non-starter!
(Fed, please accept my apologies for going off-topic yet again – an early start (4.30am), means that all other human life has been seen and watched)!
You can go ahead get a Blackstar Fly I have one it is 3 watts half the size of a cornflake packet can run on AA batteries if you like, built in reverb and sounds good unlike the Marshall version which sounds like a cornflake packet
Yes, apologies back to the biased BBC
Darcy and Scroblene … not the bBc but still germane
\\ Covid-19: Call for all schools to stay shut amid U-turn ‘chaos’// Another U turn ?
Are London stabbings coming down because of Covid or is BLM working ?
Blondes and spreads.
Andre Walker spoke to Steve Bannon on NYE (talkRADIO).
Time to dig out the Mandarins in London.
Can’r wait for all the BBC Health Correspondents to get back from Verbier.
And Marianna to log back on.
Many here say they want to de-fund or even abolish the BBC, well that is never going to happen given the power of the BBC to set the political agenda.
Instead let’s push to give the BBC things that it would like, more law and more public spending!
We could start with a BBC Act that would make their charter law. That law would be of the BBC’s favourite Blair-type. Should anyone feel that the BBC has been impartial they would be able, with legal aid, to have the BBC prosecuted, the DG, the producer, the presenter, the lot!
When the Bronzed Strumpet ‘crosses the line’ it wouldn’t be some BBC ‘executive board’ slapping her wrists, or even her mates in Ofcom but ‘the beak’. Big time fines!
No longer would we get those cosy ‘questions’ between BBC ‘editors’ on the air pushing opinion not news.
Another thing the BBC always wants is ‘transparency’ so let’s get rid of that little clause in the dungeon of the Freedom of Information Act that lets them hide behind the ‘puposes of journalism etc.’ rule. Journalists’ sources should be protected but not editorial policy decisions.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
At that time of year when the nights have drawn in and we habitually used to enjoy those quintessentially English fanatstical tales, perhaps a ghost story by MR James. Readers, allow me offer…
A Warning To The Credulous
‘Prime Minister pledges to rebuild with thousands more police, nurses and teachers’ – or at any rate that’s the messages passed from No 10 to the Daily Express.
What’s the thinking here? You like the way the cops have been spending their time lately? Do you feel as though your health and wellbeing really figure as much of a priority with the NHS? You reckon our schools are providing an education that’s up to scratch?
Well, the government seems to think it would be a jolly good idea to tip more taxpayer money into these failing institutions to give you a lot more of the same failing services. Does anyone actually believe it is some lack of numbers on the payroll that is screwing up the performance of these services?
I see an old favourite, Mystic Meg, makes a return in the Sun this morning: ‘2021 Stars. Love & sex’ – Come on, it’s 2021, we know love and sex are two different things. I wonder what our horoscopes might have in store for us? – prepare NOT to meet new people in the coming year. Refuse all invites to social events. Concentrate on your familiar and immediate surroundings. Mask your personality from the world at large. Lose touch with an old friend…
Meanwhile the FT quotes their own star-gazing mystics who have come up with plenty of warnings for the credulous – it’s the latest from The Imperial College London. The only surprise here being the Social Justice/BLM tendency haven’t as yet come for the word “Imperial”
Anyway: ‘New covid varient spread rapidly even during lockdown, study finds’ – on the one hand this seems to be an admission that lockdowns are a failed policy. But knowing the lot we have in charge the concern is that what we’ll get is far tighter lockdowns.
‘Health Expert’ totty on the frontpage of the Times: ‘Viral style Carina Tyrrell, a global health expert and former Miss England, has told how she helped deliver the… vaccine’ – well she could certaintly alleviate my viral load… wait a minute… Tyrrell? That’s a name from Game of Thrones. You know, the George R R Martin tv series that was all bare bums and magic dragons. Tolkien for the Netflix generation. Margaery Tyrell was a character played by Natalie Dormer “said to be as beautiful as she is clever” When asked “Do you want to be a Queen?” she replied “No. I want to be THE Queen.” Give her a google, you’ll thank me.
Let’s not wander too far off the plot in this flight of fancy.
Handily the Times, after tempting us with covid science totty, provides: ‘The midlife health and fitness guide for men’
Plus: ‘Sophia Loren fabulous at 86’ – steady on. Is it reasonable to draw the line at ogling anyone qualifying by age for the initial roll out of the vaccine? Albeit from a bygone era when our pinups were actresses?
By the way, anyone seen stats yet for deaths of people having already had the jab – considering we’ve inoculated a million or so over-80s so far there have to be some numbers out there?
‘NHS warning to British public’ – just incase you didn’t realise who it was that succeeded in a quiet coup and took over the running of the UK, the ‘i’ newspaper reminds us the NHS is the all powerful dictator now.
Once again the frontpage pic of the line of lime green ambulances: ‘A&E staff in hotspots are already at “battle stations” – as infection rate climbs around UK’ – can someone please break from the credulous crowd and point out that the emperor has no clothes, but for a pair of skimpy lime green knickers?
I do enjoy the ‘i’ unqiue formulation in their headlines that goes – such and such tells ‘i’ – makes them sound like Bob Marley, tellin’ I dis an’ dat, This wouldn’t work for other titles. Well, maybe… “I’m national saviour, politician tells Mirror”
‘Exclusive Hospital admissions could double by peak of this third wave. Sage scientist tells ‘i” – there are very many things wrong with that headline – but I do still admire the “tells ‘i'”
‘Journalism you can trust’ (‘i’) – if they have to spell it out to you surely it tends to introduce the element of doubt.
‘8 pages of puzzles’ – promises the ‘i’ – more than eight, I’d venture.
‘Ant to wed again’ (Sun) – what do we reckon first attracted the pretty Anne-Marie to millionaire drunk-driver but now happily rehabed TV celeb Ant McPartlin?
‘Pandemic winners. Companies that made an opportunity out of a crisis’ (FT)
Absolutely vintage stuff – your best yet – and your line about
“ certaintly alleviate my viral load”
Just got me … and sophia loren at 86 ? Steady ….
Mranwhile one of my 2021 predictions is already kicking in – “pressure on vaccine rollout “
Astra Zen reckon they can do 2 million a day / week by mid january .
But we are about to see a health sector repeating PPE and failing us .
Give it to amazon argos and just eat to get it done by march … use the schools – they are all shut – as the hotels are full of … you know who
You’ll have to make allowances for me. I don’t get out much.
I feel a virulent new strain coming on.
Not “mutant”, I hope.
Claim to Fame moment…..
Back in the 80’s I bumped into Sophia Loren…….. literally.
I was in LA Airport awaiting my baggage at reclaim, in my rush to grab it I knocked flying this lady – with a Chanel furcoat over her arm (I noticed these things). I grabbed her arm and profusely apologised – then realised who it was ! She was utterly gracious, and as gorgeous off screen as on. I didn’t ruin the moment by asking naffly for an autograph but it certainly made my visit.
ITBB catch Mark Easton showing the BBC operating as ever, even under difficult conditions.
And doing what comes naturally.
The BBC, inside a very small bubble.
Thank you Darcy 3 for “does my bomb look big in this”. It made me laugh out loud. Something our woke comedians could never do.
You are welcome, please forgive any typos am being restrained by three policemen who kicked the door in a while ago.
I suspect thats the last english sausage I see for breakfast in the near future.
I feel sure that the BBC will be fully in agreement with the makers of the movie “Dunkirk” (available NOW on BBCi player) in the decision to remove Germany’s participation in WW2. We have become used to them being disguised as only “Nazis” but this movie goes further & anonymizes them to being “the enemy”.
I’m surprised they put it on, given that Baroness ‘Jackanory’ Benjamin reportedly walked out of the cinema after not seeing the now mandatory 60% ‘black’ casting.
If we had stayed in the EU it would probably have become illegal to show films about WW2, Europe ‘always’ having been united and ‘black’.
Not a patch on the original.