Monday sees the start of delivery of the Oxford Vaccine . The BBC could provide a service by pressuring the government to get millions of people vaccinated now . Will it ? Or will undermine any National Effort with tales of ‘reactions ‘ and ‘refusals?’ . This will be make or break for the government . Let’s see how it goes as we all get locked down again .
Start the Week 4 January 2021
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“EU firms refuse UK deliveries over Brexit tax changes”
Their loss , we buy elsewhere. Simples.
Expect more Al Beeb ‘re-joiner’ scare tactics as the weeks go on .
It would be interesting to know how many Tory MPs go to this site to check what people are thinking about Al Beeb, Boris and Priti?
There must be a lot of Tory voters with businesses ‘going to the wall’? Will we see a new PM in the coming months ?
Who? ……….
Liz Truss now looks a better leader than the present incumbent.
What happened to Jacob Rees-Mogg? I had great hopes for him.
Any more suggestions ?
I can’t see any politician of any description looking at websites – apart from those which will affect their enemies -of whatever political colour ….
We know the game
It’ all about chipping away , and lurkers
rather than direct contact
We feed into a pool, which feeds into Twitter and TalkRadio and some LBC
which feeds into some MPs
Times : Lenny Henry: Television is too white.
(Poor underclass thing how he suffers)
After four decades on screen, I still feel lonely
The actor says streaming services such as Netflix are better than terrestrial channels at representing Britain’s ethnic diversity
of course he really saying some outrageous things to plug his new book.
: “Access All Areas: The Diversity Manifesto for TV and Beyond, ”
co-written with Marcus Ryder, a media diversity specialist
Times readers are annoyed
Even though you have to be a paying subscriber to comment
There are 1,800 comments , and some of them complain comments are been blocked or removed.
Top Comment
Eighty-seven percent of British people are classified as White so Lenny’s loneliness will last a good while longer unless Blacks are disproportionately represented in the acting and entertainment industry. Something entirely possible when you see ludicrously produced Edwardian and other ‘historical’ type British productions with actors and actresses playing roles which are a bit ‘historically incorrect’, to put it mildly!
has anyone also noticed the enormous preponderance of non-white characters in TV ads? Way, way out of proportion to their ratio in the population at large. According to the ads, every family in the UK is now of mixed races, every young woman has a black or Asian boyfriend, and so on. Ridiculous, and frankly, offensive. It seems that advertisers and their various agents etc are over-keen to do obeisance to the prevailing mood of “black faces good, white faces bad”
The Times – please take note of your readership – we are fed up with your constant pushing of the ‘woke agenda’ – we just want unbiased quality journalism – don’t turn into The Guardian or we’ll desert you in drove
behind the camera fall to less than 10% at the BBC, (11.5% at ITV.)
the BBC announced that 20% of off-screen talent on new commissions from April this year
should come from “DIVERSE communities
(ethnic minority, disabled or working-class background)
Lenny cites George Floyd ..not popular in the comments.
Co-writer Marcus Ryder gets a kicking in his own thread (most beyond the MoreReplies gate)
When lockdown ends
Looks like a class full of migrant children.
And hideously white…
lol – you won’t see any classroom with that gender makeup on the BBC again. At least one of the front row HAS to be black.
Unless it’s all bad news of course. Then they must be white. Especially any teenage hands holding knives when we talk about the rise in stabbings.
Is that the Woke re-education camp?
I see that the BBC has ‘fact checked’ President Trump’s phone call to Georgia.
Just looking at the claim that the video at State Farm Arena showed malpractice our ‘fact checkers’ say:
So there is nothing unusual in carrying out counting with no observers present? And nothing is wrong because the people running the system say there is nothing wrong?
Hardly ‘fact checking’, just ‘Mandy Rice-Davies applies’ in action.
But this is typical of BBC ‘fact checking’, an opinion or speculation from the people they like is a ‘fact’ but one from an opponent is ‘unsubstantiated’, ‘baseless’ or even a lie.
Over at IsTheBBCBiased some work has been done in fact checking the BBC ‘fact checks’ after the dust has settled. More often than not we can now see that they were just guessing themselves.
The worst part – and absolutely typical BBC – is that they have formed a special ‘Reality check team’ to give it some kind of official respectability. Which I suspect is a graduate in some pointless subject still reeling that they actually got a job with the BBC being told to research it using google to find any evidence which might lead the reader to the desired outcome.
They don’t need to ask what the outcome must be. They wouldn’t have got the job if they didn’t already know that.
If they do it well, they might get a job in the Panorama team.
If you think you have Covid the first thing to do is a home test on your sense of taste
I find Black Sheep is the most effective.
I think we all knew what the Downing Street Dunce was going to inflict on us, probably even before he did…
Starmer has been bullying for lockdowns, Krankie was goading him and the BBC were sending Laura in to bat with her ubiquitous two questions “Why have you delayed locking us down, Prime Miniser?” And “Do you think your slowness will cost lives?” Inevitably, the poor, pathetic old bottler lost his nerve (as I knew he would) and imprisoned us all…again. This creature is just too feeble for words.
People are in despair. Just around the corner to me were two small businesses. Now they are both boarded and shuttered. A lovely little country pub a couple of miles away has gone the same way. I thought I’d get a quick trim just before Christmas…yes, the one that he cancelled… We were still in Tier Three at the time. “If there’s another lockdown I’ve had it” my barber told me. This decent bloke has been tending my receding barnet for twenty five years or more. He wanted to hand the business on to his son. The poor bloke was in tears.
You know, what truly baffles me is why would anyone keep repeating the same mistake time and time again? It’s as though they say “Well, that didn’t work, we’ve had a brain-wave…let’s do it all again”. It’s insane! Baldrick’s frigging cunning plan would be better than this.
Just try to imagine a real leader; a Churchill or a Thatcher deliberately deciding to crucify their nation’s economy, freedom and future for a bloody virus. An illness that for most of us is no more dangerous than the flu…
You can’t, can you?
and why not?
More like a woke Dalek than Dr Who.
Bet there’s quite a few people at the BBC would love to see that become reality!
That had a discussion on 5live earlier this evening.Two woman guests and a woman presenter all agreeing how great the current Doctor had been such a great role model for girls.
As for the next Doctor they said a ‘person of colour’ would be great.One of them said they’d like them whatever colour or gender they were even transgender maybe that would be good!
I feel a bit sorry for females like Jody and Greta.
They have been used big-time by the BBC for their own agenda with no regard for what the resulting pressure might do.
I saw a bit of a Eurovision song contest a while ago (I was comparing the old, angelic performance of Dana with the recent ugly, fat girl telling us how beautiful she is) and when the camera was in the audience (all clearly staged), a ‘celebrating’ white guy reached off camera, grabbed a black girl and shoved her quite violently in front of the camera. She looked quite startled.
That’s what the Left are to me. Unpleasant hypocrites.
BBC Chilld brainwashing
“If you thought the first episode of last week’s BBC Christmas Lectures was bad, just take a look at the third and final episode, which is supposedly about our atmosphere!”
… and, of course, we are NEVER told by the biased and useless BBC exactly how the CO2, being only 4% of the 1% of the atmosphere that isn’t Nitrogen or Oxygen, could possibly be having the effects described. Also, remember that up to 3/4 of this 4% was there anyway, before fossil fuels were burned on any large scale by humans!
Al Beeb
“Covid: Schools in Wales to stay shut until 18 January”
So what happens to Covid after 18 January?
Tuesday 9:45am and 00:30am Another Radio4 climate sermon
@Jane_Burston Director of @CleanAirFund
about tackling #climatechange and #airpollution
I’m suspicious when activists try to equate these 2 things
cos burning wood and straw is NOT cleaner for the air than coal never mind gas.
Same for liquid biofuels
There’s a definite coordinated MSM campaign underway now against Trump. The final push to remove his public support and let wake-up-Joe displace him.
What makes it so obvious is that nobody is allowed to comment on these propaganda pieces. I’ve also noticed on the last Daily Telegraph report which did allow comments that they may well be using fake commentators as the tone was suddenly violently anti-Trump.
All of it just convinces me more that they would have no ethical issues about election fraud either. This is Left showing us what they really are. Usually they can be more subtle but Trump makes them unable to contain their hatred.
For them, the ends justify any means. As we have seen through history and the millions upon millions their ideology has cynically murdered.
Beat me to it – again, John!
Listening to R5dead last night, there was an item about the Georgia Senate vote. Biden had all the space, President Trump was just mentioned in a nano-second.
I wondered about the BBC website, so got up to see what they were saying, and sure enough, it’s all negative towards President Trump, and Biden is on most of the pics.
I’ve noticed that the BBC website is much more cagey these days about President Trump’s fraud assertions. Had the political roles been reversed, they would have been shrieking negativity all over the Republicans – especially The Don, but there’s not a lot to read about Biden, even though they are desperately hoping that he will eventually get to the WH, by fairness or fraud.
As Sopel, Kat and Lurch (who did a small paragraph in the BBC item, which was just an opinion as usual), seem to have also gone quiet, I’d like to feel that there’s something afoot this week!
We’ll know tomorrow if the Democrats ‘win’ Georgia’s Senate seats, but will have to search hard to find out about a Republican win!
I think the Washington protest is the watershed in terms of how many turn up
of course there will be plenty of violence from BLM / antifa which will be largely ignored by all media.
I recall seeing a Tommy Robinson march in Piccadilly, London about freedom of speech. Comprised of pensioners, families etc. peacefully walking along, thousands of them, and a baying mob of “antifa”, screaming abuse, kept back by police with difficulty.
shocking to see the antifa behaviour. Like a bunch of Nazi fascists. Ironic really.
No doubt the irony is lost on them, or the bbc who failed to report it.
While the paymaster, Soros, just sits back and watches.
How come is has taken nearly a whole month to arrest the Proud Boys leader who burnt a BLM banner ?. Ever so coincidentally 2 days before their big protest. It’s just a political activists flag : not even the American flag.
Would you get arrested for burning a BLM T-Shirt ?. Or handkerchief ?.
Pure Left wing suppression of opposing views. Also know as fascism. Hitler would have been proud of how they have managed to get the country into this position.
We are even worse. Anyone who hasn’t watched the interview with Tommy Robinson should do so whether you agree with him or not. I was shocked at what OUR establishment are prepared to do to shut people up.
It gets it into perspective when ISIS can burn our NATIONAL flag with impunity on the streets of our capital.
First, there’s Communism where somebody somewhere decides what’s wrong or right. Much made up, ‘on the hoof’. Second, there’s so-called, “Democracy” where the individual is confronted daily by ‘wall to wall’ law. Encapsulated / stifling. Where a determined policeman or State will find some reason to arrest and incarcerate you. Might take a while, but it is there, just a matter of finding it.
So, Communism v Democracy, please tell me what is the difference.
The link is the political Left. The masterstroke they have shoehorned in by degrees is ‘Hate Crime’ which has ended free speech and allows arrests of political enemies such as this one which are quite ridiculous.
If they had the power to do it, they would love to send the accused to a Gulag and remove them from society altogether.
The TalkRadio youtube account is now marked as suspended
Any reason given?
Left-wing fascism.
I’ve just seen this, having tried to tune in. I do like to have an hour or so with Julia Hartley Brewer in the mornings…
Perhaps Talk Radio has sailed too close to the wind. They have quite a few lockdown dissidents among their regulars and Peter Hitchens is interviewed every Monday morning.
Clearly they haven’t been showing a sufficient sense of balance when looking at the virus crisis. Unlike the BBC which offers us wall to wall covid horror stories, whether you’re listening to the news, Gardeners’ World or even an afternoon play. There’s no escape…
Talk Radio often remind us that they are the fastest growing radio station in Blighty and have even been known to cast aspersions towards Extinction Rebellion and BLM.
In tolerant, modern Britain such dissidence can not be allowed.
Conspiracy theorists have been generally denigrated
Well the conspiracy of silence is all around us now
the only conjecture left is who is pulling the strings
It is possible Brexit was the last democratic vote in the west as the result was not forseen
I am reminded of Paul Burrels quote from the Queen
In his first interview since being acquitted of stealing Diana’s personal treasures, Mr Burrell said that the Queen had urged him to be vigilant. “There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge,” he said she had told him.
She’s the perfect Royal as far as I’m concerned, Darcy, and at this rate she’ll wipe the floor with the rest of the philandering bunch!
I cannot believe that she’s been let down so badly by pretty well all her kids, although Edward is a good man and also has a gorgeous wife!
I bet the BBC are still slavering about her final wishes, and sincerely hope that we don’t have a socialist mob in charge when they have to do some British work for a change.
She certainly has dignity and iron self discipline, rare commodities nowadays
TOADY Watch #1 – Funny but there’s nothing on the web-site, was it FakeNews?
Around 6 a.m. the TOADY Prog brought me the news that some or other ‘green group’ has said that our cities are going to face water shortages and be very dry in future so we must plant lots of green stuff in them like trees and plants.
Hello! If you are facing a future of dried out cities and water shortages in cities, where will you get the water for growing things? And what about all that melting ice and flooding for our cities that you have been predicting for 2050? Did you not tell us that the flood waters would be covering London and only the Shard and other very tall buildings would be visible above the waters?
I suspect this item may have been FakeNews that some BBC Assistant Editor without connecting their brain but reading the press release through BBC Green Glasses, thought ‘Oooh, that sounds important and a good item, let’s include it in the News on Toady.’. I switched off in disgust before 6.30a.m. but I wonder whether it will be carried in the 7a.m. and 8a.m. News?
You can’t really expect a BBC autocue-reader to understand facts about gardening, Up, they all live in tower blocks, or tower bubbles!
And you won’t get an answer from GQT either, as they’ve gone woke, so I’d suggest a few glances at Dr Hessayon’s books would suffice, and they can put them on expenses!
Dr Hessayon, Scrobie, wrote a wonderful book on growing roses. I have a copy. They don’t need much water, if I recall correctly. I must get around to getting some planted in the front garden.
Am I allowed to go to a Garden Centre? Are they still open under the present Government diktat?
I’ve got a very old copy of that one, Up!
All our roses came from grateful parents when their kids left school (she taught tots), and they all have names too, after the kids she taught!
You have my permission to go to any garden centre of your choice, and failing that Tesco always have loads of plants outside as well!
I’d ignore any advice from anyone at the BBC, as it must be difficult to make up fake news about growing roses, or other fussy comestibles like salsify or white radish…!
If some uneducated twit in W1AA believes all that tosh about water in cities, he needs to be re-programmed, preferably in the Sahara! It’s bad enough having that bloke Wong saying that gardens are ‘racist’!
Why do plane trees grow so well in London? Because they shed their bark to rid themselves of all the pollution Mare Khant spurts out on every street!
Scrobie “All our roses came from grateful parents when their kids left school (she taught tots), and they all have names too, after the kids she taught!”
Now that is a lovely tradition and thing to do – won’t hear about it on the BBC of today, though. 🙁
I think their entire lives are work, commuting to work, dinner parties and going to the theatre (mainly to say they have seen whatever production comes up in conversation at work).
I remember Graham Norton (who was great in Father Ted but has become gradually more and more self-obsessed and catty on the radio over the years) talking about his different groups of friends and spoke of his ‘theatre friends’ as if everybody has them.
Ha ha. Funny. And perceptive. I’m a rewilding dissident….so I await being burned at the stake….it’s the new religious dogma isn’t it?
Mind you, burning at the stake means too much carbon given off…..I’m saved!
But there are plenty with an in depth knowledge of cultivation of Cannabis sativa in any environment, for some reason
Update: no mention in the 9 a.m. News. I think someone at the BBC has realised that it is loony green nonsense and pulled it.
The big problem and a growing one for the BBC is that it means I am questioning whether I actually heard that item. I start to doubt my own ears and memory, then I start to doubt the BBC.
Morning all, Happy Lockdown, version 3.0. Of course the others didn’t work so expect more, much more from our dear leaders.
Not BBC but on the subject of the lockdowns, a quick glance at FlightRadar24 shows a large number of aircraft en-route to London Heathrow and Gatwick, with similar pictures around the regional hubs, Bristol, Newcastle etc.
Having checked a number of flights, they are carrying passengers, all I’m sure that will be registering, self isolating and following all the rules on arrival.
I am not surprised it did not work before, any media outlet showed blm protesters allowed to protest en mass, and endless millenial twats ignoring it and partying and of course our enrichers
If it is not policed then hardly surprising considering some of our residents who consider their ‘uman rights above all else
Xmas day our street was full of cars parked on grass verges around the area with visitors
just a pity the virus does not only kill those who are deliberately spreading it
To be reported on the bbc?
Or just the fact that a few eu suppliers won’t ship to the UK anymore!
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – this smacks of total W1A Beeboid think – New Year, New ‘Frige’ (sic)
Only the BBC could simultaneously give the impression that wasting food is bad but suggest throwing it away!
“New year, new…. fridge?(sic) How to improve your fridge organisation so you waste less food and spark more joy in the kitchen…”
– versus –
“Begin by categorising what’s in your fridge(sic) already so all similar items are gathered together, then check use-by-dates and see if there’s anything you already know you won’t be eating because it’s past its best. (That two year-old jar containing one pickle.) Be realistic; are you going to use these items? If not discard them.”
– and –
“One ‘positive’ that came out of lockdown was that consumers were keen to reduce food waste. After all, with it proving hard to predict when or how we could shop, we needed to make sure our provisions would last a week.”
– versus –
““It can be difficult to remember when you opened jars/packets that are then stored in the fridge(sic) so I recommend using a permanent marker to write the date you opened it on the jar,” says Spencer. “That way you’ll know when it’s time to throw it out.”
I throw it out when it looks, smells or tastes odd.
Nature has a way like that.
Indeed, John, why throw away a pickle? In fact, why keep it in the ‘frige’ in the first place? It is a pickle!
Except for some cheeses….
I admit some of them smell better after a week or two than when I opened them and it’s with a little trepidation that I use them in a sandwich.
Never got poisoned yet though.
I actually believe it’s good to eat things which aren’t 100% clean sometimes to keep all the stuff in your gut which fights it up to date.
I take Kefir and or the occasional yoghurt, although I forgot about one in the back of the fridge and it eventually exploded.
Never had a stilton explode yet…..
Hope there are no enrichers reading this, or they will be wandering around the Victoria line and Parliament Square with a rucksack full of out of date Actimel.
John, couple of points,
Think you are right on the guts thing. Seem to recall reading an article about how cheese eaters tend to have better overall health – because of the helpful and healthy bacteria that that cheese supplies to the human gut – than non-cheese eaters. That may have been on the BBC web-site. If it was, then it was probably before all that ‘save the planet, go vegan’ nonsense started at the end of 2018/beginning of 2019. Apparently, the Chinese have a natural tendency to react badly to cheese – but – modern world food imports (including from Britain!) have helped to cure them of that allergic response.
Certain cheeses, if I recall correctly respond well to ‘maturing’ with a certain amount of air. Cheddar for one is actually made like that. I have found that a mature Cheddar (and Red Leicester, too) can seem relatively bland when the packet is first opened but after some exposure to air and, I guess, some extra bacteria from that air, they have a better flavour.
You vill NOT question Matt Hancockup
@JuliaHB1 replied at 8:30am
Guido lists a number of reasons here why YouTube might do this. No one on TalkRadio has said ANY of those things.
We simply challenge the evidence that lockdowns are a proportionate response to the Covid virus.
It’s called free speech
And Julia has been so critical of Trump.
Link to TalkRadio audio on Facebook
Click the activate volume on the bottom Right
cos I prefer to listen at 1.5 speed
I just added an extension to Chrome called Video Speed Controller
With that extension tapping S/D changes Up/Down speed
tapping Z/X rewind/forward 10 second blocks
This morning’s Guardian headline hardly deviates from what the rest of the press are telling us: ‘PM imposes new lockdown and warns worst yet to come’ – from my examination of the facts I diagnose Johnson as suffreing Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
So as we settle into penal colony Britain – I’d call it leper colony Britain but I don’t see enough disease – let’s turn instead to more tangible issues.
The celeb-obsessed giveaway paper the Metro features Iman – yes, I know the national threat level is severe but you can come out from under the table, this is former model Iman Bowie, former missus of David aka Ziggy Stardust, Aladin Sane, etc..: ‘Why I’ll never marry again’ – well, why bother if you’ve already been hitched to multiple personalities…?
From Boris, the man who sold out Britain, to Bowie the man who sold the world, so here we go…
Moving on from Johnson’s Major Tomfoolery.
The Telegraph reports Emma Barnett’s debut on BBC Radio 4’s Women’s Hour – That’s obviously Suffragette City right there.
In the same organ Ruth Davidson asks: ‘The young are making the greatest sacrifice. How will we repay them?’ – she’s a Tory Rebel Rebel… and I’m none too sure if she’s a boy or a girl?
The FT as usual laments the fact we are no longer under the thumb of Brussels and would have us believe: ‘EU share trading flees London on first day after full Brexit’ – personally I reckon these could have been our Golden Years. The FT admits: ‘UK housing and manufacturing sectors improve despite tightening restrictions’
Unfortunately someone somewhere caught something from a China Girl and now it could all be Ashes to Ashes.
Nicola Sturgeon – the laughing gnome.
Asiseeit –
I say with some sorrow – that you appear to be seeking Fame …
“you appear to be seeking Fame”
Meow, I hadn’t thought you were one of those Cat People.
I’ll have you know I’m a Starman
I was going through my Bowie song book – I could only find 2 for that sentence – look -I’m sorry alright – ? ( was trying to find a good song title but couldn’t- I felt so under pressure …)
And the news just gets better…
Ooh he’s one of my favourites …..
I was hoping to peruse Casciani’s biography online or, at least on Wiki but no, nothing. Strange. I was anxious to see whether this BBC creature has, at least, a Law Degree to give him credibility to spout law. If our self-appointed ‘fact-checker’ could take a moment off of his constant patrolling of the contributions to find minor infractions?
About Casciani
I am a specialist journalist and broadcaster with BBC News based in London, reporting on national news stories for TV, Radio and Online.
My journalism covers home affairs across breaking news stories, news bulletins, online analysis and commentary and the occasional radio documentary.
My work as a home affairs journalist covers terrorism, law and order, immigration, public and civil law, crime and other related topics.
BBC News
23 years 1 month
Home Affairs Correspondent
2009 – Present12 years
Covering terrorism and security, criminal and public law, immigration and related public policy matters.
Various positions
Jan 1998 – 200911 years
Grimsby Evening Telegraph
Grimsby Evening Telegraph
1995 – 19983 years
Honors & Awards
Interview of the Year: An Extremist in the Family
Sandford St Martin Trust
Jun 2017
The Sandford St Martin Trust aims to promote excellence in religious programming. This award was for my November 2016 work with Nicola Benyahia, a Birmingham mother whose son was killed fighting with ISIS.
Hmm I thought I’d know beeboids who come from Grimsby
I guess he wasn’t born there cos in a couple of Twitter threads he hints at contempt for the Grimsby public.
One regular here has a blog that kept a track of Dominic
Luckily Rory is thinking things through…
Bri on science and Dan on History?
Uh huh.
Maybe hosted by Nish?
At least Rory can keep his lefty act going with impersonations of dead politicians and TV ‘personalities ‘… he did a very good ‘rolf’ and ‘Jimmy ‘ guys and gals ….
Hosted by Nish ? as funny as cot death
Good one about history! One wouldn’t want to put the kids in a coma with Mr Charisma!
Find me a kid over 11 that hasn’t got a smartphone!
They’re all online!!
Gets even better…
From the days of the real BBC. The only way I can see the daftness of Boris, Sage and the media being stopped. A sense of proportion and sanity seems to have been completely lost, for now.
Yesterday a few tweets in sequence struck a chord…
The NY times had a headline yesterday with something like ‘is it too late to impeach trump ‘.?
I’ve mused here before as to how the MSM will treat president trump if his office is stolen from him … I think we have the answer – like the treatment of Mr Cummings – now a private citizen – they will never never let go ….
I think we live in a time when they’d celebrate their death .
We live in a time where the Left control the media and thus they feel they can say what they want without fearing the kind of retribution they dole out to others. So they have let themselves go and shown us all what shallow, hate filled and intolerant people they really are.
I watched the Mandalorian the other day and was researching it a bit. It seems the big chunky woman has been the subject of a hate campaign (including ‘I hope you die’ comments) by the pro-trans mob because she refuses to acknowledge whatever stupid pronouns they are demanding today.
And I spluttered my conflakes out over my lap this morning when I saw the Daily Telegraph refer to Eddie Izzard as ‘she’.
Yes you got it in one JohnC. I would say incomprehensible, however such a word now has no meaning in this so called enlightened messed up world of ours. There is something nasty in the wood shed !
They did with Maggie.
The half of The Duran, which is Alex Christoforou had a very good take on this phone call, which was so shoddily edited by the MSM, together with a reference to the whole call (one hour).
All of what Trump had to say was polite, justifiable, and honest.
And when he says “find” he doesn’t mean “steal”…
*Why does this shoddy commenting system insist on plonking one’s reply to a comment in a place far removed from where it was intended to go – and take for ever to do so?
BBC Khan Network winning fans.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – incomplete news but it is the BBC so what should I expect?
They have been missing the essential oil and gas prices (in winter!) from the market data for several days now. Does no-one at the BBC look at these pages?
Not the BBC – but a general gripe .
I think it is not unreasonable to get daily data on the number of vaccines administered the previous day – and a 7 day rolling total …
….after all we are paying the highest price in terms of loss of freedom so the least the government can do is tell us something simple and important which is going on ….
We should also be told when the 2 million a week has been exceeded and when it gets to 3 million a week .
Boris compares himself to Churchill – well if you compare it to the Battle of Britain – the one thing that we were never short of was fighters …. vaccination must be seen the same way …
By the way – I heard a bit of ‘boasting ‘ about how the UK has a well developed plan for mass vaccination ….. so let’s see just how good it is ,,?
Yes, Fed. The BBC have not been asking enough questions about the statistics of this whole thing. I am not sure the numbers can be trusted. The BBC accept them without question.
Example: the R rate is important for a couple of days. Then it disappears, it isn’t mentioned for weeks on end. Then it pops up when it either gives concern or relief for, respectively, an increase or fall in the R rate. Then it disappears again.
Another example: the BBC are accepting NHS (England) figures and the statements of Chris Hopson, again seemingly without question. The NHS have all sorts of vested interests in keeping Covid going. No questions, BBC? How about putting him on your rack, Mishal, and stretching him with tough questions?
Surkeer calls for something.
BBC #prasnews scambles…
I’m with Starmer on this one – but I’d want 3 million a week by the end of January ….. arse in gear time ….
BBC TOADY Watch #2 – oh no, not another one! Mishal talks to an epidimiologist.
This one, Professor Sunetra Gupta, is actually quite good and is posing some difficult questions and saying things that Mishal does not like. Mishal fires back the ‘Asian household’ question. The Prof responds in a calm, measured way.
It is obvious that the Prof really wants to build up ‘herd immunity’ but she also implies the question ‘Are the diagnoses of Covid actually correct, could they be seasonal colds and influenza?’. That’s a question that has crossed my mind for several days.
The BBC, who should be questioning and enquiring as journalists however bad they are at that job, really ought to putting some of the claims of ‘NHS overwhelmed’, ‘massive increase in cases’ and ‘hospital beds full’ to the test. Where is Marianna to check these claims? If she is still on hols, what about Chris Mason now that he doesn’t have to fact-check Brexit?
It emerged during the interview that the BBC really needed to be talking a virologist. Why don’t they do that? I wonder …….
I presume people are still catching the Flu.
It shouldn’t be too difficult to test for Flu at the same time as Covid. I suspect that we would then suddenly discover that 90% of the population have Flu but don’t know it, (ditto Measles etc.).
I think that might be what has been called ‘an inconvenient truth’.
Jim, can the Covid tests, done under pressure, guarantee a clear differentiation between a heavy cold (a coronavirus), regular influenza (another coronavirus – for which we have had ‘jabs’ for years) the old SARS (yet another coronavirus – vaccines available in China, Mexico and the US) and Covid-19/20/21a/21b (the first of which used to be known as a novel coronavirus but has now left the building) ?
Flu is largely absent this winter although some people get a lethal combination of flu and Covid. If it was present the health service might indeed be overwhelmed as it normally is at this time of the year.
The last bad flu year was 2018 when there were 50,000 excess deaths. It hardly got mention on the news. We are heading for 100,000 deaths which is like two bad flu years in a row.
TalkRadio banned by YouTube. Free speech being closed down by big tech again.
Its clear, YouTube are presenting me with a diminishing range of videos when I turn on. Most of these are tarted up older videos seen, in some instances, 2/3 months ago. This ‘thin’ presentation coupled with the discernible move from YT for the channels I frequent means that I am migrating to Bitchute more often. Is this what big tech want? As I see it, that is the beginning of the end for them and typically like the ‘Left’ in general, they can’t see the writing on the wall.
The other hammer blow, waiting in the wings, is a change in US legislation making the likes of YT far more vulnerable to legal challenges.
Long live Trump!
Every time I go to Alex Belfield’s YouTube channel I half expect it to be gone I bet they’re watching him very very closely.
Has Mr Politico been banned by You Tube? He used to be put on this site quite often.
I’ve been exposed to more bbc than I’d like recently so am feeling quite unwell … anyway I think I’ve worked out another attack line the BBC is going to use if the vaccine program gets its act together ….
… the attack line is ‘what are we doing for the poorer countries ?’ …. I head a couple of beeboid journos talking to each other about ‘fairness ‘ on some crap very recently …
…seems they are more concerned about foreigners getting vaccine than our own people .
Simple answer – vaccinate UK – send the left overs abroad for a fee – with a tie in to trade ….
Weren’t we supposed to wait until a disabled lesbian Muslim discovered a vaccine at Oxford? (Probably made from ground-up statues of Cecil Rhodes)?
Be assured that whatever scheme is used to schedule the distribution it will be wrong!
The Oxford virus probably only works for ‘white’ people anyway (Oxford and Moderna trials draw from strikingly white cohort, for a virus that has disproportionately affected people of colour).
I can’t get my head around the idea that race and sex are ‘social constructs’ yet a virus ‘knows’ the difference.
Jim, the Covid-19 virus sure nailed those wealthy whites on the Diamond Princess. How come the Socialists at the BBC are not, with BLM, celebrating that fact?
Yah, rich whitey gets sick going on a priviliged round the world cruise!
We ought still to be hearing about the Diamond Princess; it was nearly a laboratory controlled experiment, and a very reassuring one.
Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Boris. Johnson:” Hold my beer- I’m going to try another national lockdown. .”
Let me ask as to why the BBC are not in lockdown-it could not be considered a key worker by any stretch of the imagination. Why should they be exempt? Assuming we are all in a Lockdown situ which will only supress the virus until the lockdown is lifted and it slips out to infect its next host.
I read a heading that said ‘The year we sold our liberties to medical tyranny’ close don’t you think?.
May have quoted this before neve rmind its worth saying it again as it is apt now. US President Dwight Eisenhower said in his farwell address in 1961 ‘Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.’ Closer than we think maybe?
‘Cancel culture is like a medieval mob’: Rowan Atkinson blasts social media and blames it for widening divisions in society
Rowan Atkinson said that he finds playing Mr Bean ‘stressful and exhausting’
The actor, 65, also said the only character he enjoyed playing was Blackadder
He compared online cancel culture to ‘digital equivalent of the medieval mob’
Funnily enough I find Mr Bean ‘stressful and exhausting’ too, (once had to endure a plane load of Dutchmen guffawing to a Mr Bean in-flight movie).
Blackadder is definitely enjoyable, even more so if you imagine him having a go at the real Tony Robinson!
Yep Mr Bean is generally not funny.
Though generally most foreigners do find him hysterical
So it was played on a loop in the Singapore immigration office
It doesn’t fit in with my British sense of humour.
I knew a Swede called Gunnar. He told me what he thought was funny. “We used to put a yellyfish in a fellow’s bed,” he said. “Yoke,” he added, to make sure I understood.
Spare a thought this morning for people resident in the Isles of Scilly.
Apparently no coronavirus cases since September, yet now placed under full lockdown.
So even when the Wuhan flu is not even present, the government will still impose draconian and nonsensical lockdowns on the population.
I wonder if the same awaits the rest of us at some point in the future and once the virus is no more.
Aren’t people in the Scilly Isles locked down anyway?
Beeboid Adel Rey celebratesbanning of TalkRadio
..gets flak from Ritchie Allen etc. so now deleted tweet
Hey James O’Brien what do reckon to deleting tweets ?
He also deleted a big tweet on Jan 3
He’d hyped the 5Live doom nurse
..then posted a retraction tweet
Open the windows to let the virus out…
… only go outside once a day to exercise.
Local ‘Covid Deaths’ since March, just one.
Turn off the BBC, live long and prosper.
“Open the windows to let the virus out…”
When we did that, influenza.
US House of Representatives
The new ‘Rules of the House’ include dozens of newly-proscribed words which may no longer be used in Bills put before the House. It also invents entirely new words which do not even exist in the dictionary, such as “themself”, to replace “himself” and “herself”. Our Editor’s “favourite nephew” becomes his “favourite child of his sibling-in-laws”.
Yesterday evening the Speaker of the House – the anti-Brexit Nancy Pelosi – was narrowly re-elected to her powerful position.
In her acceptance speech yesterday Ms Pelosi mentioned “With me in spirit are my mother and father, and my brother, Tommy.” What she meant to say of course, was “With me in spirit are my parent and parent, and my sibling, Tommy.”
The wicked witch is back.
Silly mare
I’ve only seen 3 politicians whose faces twitched and contorted with venom while they spoke to the camera.
Pelosi, Soubry and some Labour MP addressing the House. All females.
I think I know the reasoning behind this latest lockdown.
Third time lucky.
If we had a BiasedBBCblog party surely Kate Hoey would get invited.
12:15pm very strong performance from her on TalkRadio
Ending by laying in to the BBC and Boris’s feebleness against it
Prior to that she opened by paying tribute to Nigel Farage for the part he played in making Brexit happen.
“We would definitely not ever have had a referendum or got out of the EU without both Nigel and Boris. But Nigel took the flack.”
From her excellent Twitter feed
Typical BBC
‘ Brexit : calais traffic slow as borders face test ‘
Only when you read in to the article do you see that by ‘slow’ they are referring to there NOT being any queues at all despite the headline implying queues !!!!
( I live within walking distance of tunnel entrance and can confirm no queues at all there !! .. Just been to look !)
UNBELIEVABLE ! listening to ‘viewers questions’ , either the questions are made up, or the british public are even thicker than I’ve always thought. This is our umpteenth lockdown, and STILL there are numpties who don’t know their arse from their elbow with what’s being asked. Common Sense is clearly a thing of the past.
YouTube – A statement from @talkRADIO 12:17pm
“YouTube has removed talkRADIO’s channel from its platform. talkRADIO broadcasts specific programmes and a live stream from its studio on its YouTube channel.
talkRADIO also broadcasts on DAB and is Ofcom regulated”
And to be clear, the issue with YouTube is one of the inconsistent *politicisation* of rules.
The issue is not about the rights of a company to enforce their own rules.
We have all witnessed this politicisation & election influencing via Exhibit A:
the Hunter Biden story.
MaajidNawaz thread
Konstantin Kisin’s thread takes a similar tack
YouTube are completely out of control: censoring, shadow-banning, demonetising and throttling any channel they don’t like – i.e. conservative-leaning or expressing non-woke views.
They obviously have an aversion to the truth.
BBC Peroxide Poisoning victim pulls BBC conflation stunt to try and impress Lurch.
@BreesAnna tweets
I’ve been told @talkRADIO
have had their YouTube channel deleted
I lost mine on Christmas Day
but they apologised and it’s now back up.
Yes it seems the YouTube system is trigger happy about deleting channels
Was Anna given any reason?
For all the fake outrage at the BBC over Trump’s leaked phone call, the gist of it was him trying to put some fire into the bellies of the timorous lethargic RINOs in Georgia, telling them to get their act together, expose the fraud and find some of those stolen votes.
As usual his manner was un-presidential, but the storm in a teacup in no way deserves the prominence the BBC gave it at the top of their news bulletins, nor the spin they put on it, with invited guests – all highly partisan – warning what a threat to democracy his actions represented, possibly a criminal act, bla bla.
Just one more example of the Beeb’s pathological hatred of Trump and their attempt to undermine him in any way they can.
TheRebel : The recent Steve Laws court case
It’s political lawfare. He found the abandoned migrant boat on the beach
before Border Force arrived
His friend asserted that he has possession of the boat so BF agreed
and Steve set off in it.
Later on rescue services tried to rescue Steve assuming he was an illegal.
When they found he was British they threw the book at him.
The outcome of this court appearance was a preliminary court date for Mid-May
He reckons CPS might back out cos a few overclaims they have made.
The PM is holding a gotcha briefing at 1700 Tuesday . This precedes the return to Parliament debate on Wednesday . Big test for the MSM – support – criticism- ask common sense questions or just go for easy gotchas ..?
By the way – for what it is worth – I have written to my conservative MP suggesting if the Tories screw the vaccination programme up – don’t achieve 2 million a week at least – they may need another job ….