We may have seen the end of remotely fair elections in the West . I was wondering what would happen if some one of the right uses the same cheating technique in the near future and gets his country a government of the Right ….. against the grain … as was seen by those huge rallies Mr Trump held day after day …..
….. in blighty the need for incorrupt elections will be needed to be shown even more than ever …. but I bet a few members of Labour Party HQ will be quietly be reporting back on how the Democrats fixed it so easily ….
re pot banging, just read comments on BBC *CCGB
On another matter, if teachers insist on not working, maybe we should all refuse to pay our council tax as we are no longer getting the services we are paying for. Maybe if those promoting lockdown were not getting paid things would be significantly different.
Indeed. Loads of comments about paying them “properly”
Err, hello !!! At least someone with some nounce.
that' s what they get upwards 0f £28K for nurses is not a bad wage for a 37.5 hr week, plus all the other things they get, they knew the wage and what the job was when they took it on, before you start a wife 20 years a nurse, me 17 years in the NHS.
Who “deserves” the money ?
#1 The vat majority of nurses are not on the Covid frontline
#2 This year the differential between such government workers and laid off self employed and laid off lower workers, will be huge
It would be unfair to make this differential bigger.
Thousands of Trump supporters gather in front of White House before dawn for ‘Save America’ demonstration demanding VP Pence blocks certification of Biden’s victory
Trump supporters started lining up before dawn near White House in Washington, DC, on Wednesday
Crowds are there for the ‘Save America’ rally protesting planned certification of Joe Biden’s election victory
Donald Trump Jr, House Rep. Mo Brooks, and other high-profile Trump supporters addressed crowd
National Park Service issued permits expecting 30,000 people to attend Wednesday’s demonstrations
Trump is expected to address the rally at 11am Eastern Standard Time
Washington DC Time is in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States of America (USA). Eastern Standard Time ( EST ) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT-5 ).
The BBC seems to be reporting the sentencing of the local (Reading ) man – mass murderer – with a somewhat straight bat … was this because his 3 victims in the park were Gay ?
Anyway – the BBC report includes this gem
“ Rossano Scamardella QC, defending, said the sentence should be one of life imprisonment with a starting point of 30 years, due to a lack of serious premeditation, the “fleeting” strength of his commitment to Islamist jihad, and his mental health issues.”
Maybe coming out with a line like that with a straight face is why QCs get big taxpayer funded bucks ….
Why are we paying the BBC to make articles and tweets that promote the electric car dream
The tweet says “Norway has an electric vehicle market share exceeding 50 percent.”
AFAIK that falls apart
#1 They mean cars not all vehicles
#2 They don’t mean all cars
Norway has few EVs most people keep their old petrol diesel car 20 odd year, the stat refers to new car sales
#3 the subsidy laws do make electric cars attractive
but someone pays for that subsidy, and many people choose to buy a diesel van instead of an electric car
#4 EV buys always almost have a second petrol car to drive long distances.
Norveç, elektrikli araç pazar payının yüzde 50'yi geçtiği ilk ülke oldu.
Who would have thought it ? ……………
Democracy under attack, freedom of speech under attack, education under attack, our Channel borders are under attack, the nation’s proud history under attack, the economy under attack . All under a Conservative Government and Prime Minister.
Boris is like some pathetic, passive, bovine beast that responds to prodding. He’ll come out blustering with some half-cocked, garbled policy on Monday and by the weekend you can guarantee that Starmer and Krankie will have bullied him into another U-turn. It must be an absolute nightmare if you’re one of this prat’s ministers. He definitely said we’ll have five days freedom for Christmas…We’re not going to impose another lockdown…Schools will definitely be re-opening on…Oh, hang on, Chris Whitty has given him another directive. Boris is not and never will be a leader.
Perhaps I’m growing old and whimsical and I’m looking at the halcyon days of my long lost youth through rose tinted glasses. We all do it.
I find myself getting nostalgic and misty eyed, longing for the days when we had dynamic, decisive leaders. Leaders with guts, certitude and a real sense of direction.
A man the nation can trust!
Oh ! How could I forget …………. Al Beeb still gets financed by criminal law despite the fact that you do not watch it if you watch other tv channels .
The Tory Government allows this to happen.
What “Tory Government”?
“Mayor Muriel Bowser asked that area residents stay away from downtown, but added that “we will not allow people to incite violence, intimidate our residents or cause destruction in our city.”
At last after all the blm desruction they have decided to act. funny that
“Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, has seen a series of protests following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Some of the events were peaceful, while many involved violence, looting and destruction of property. ”
May 30
Vehicles on fire,
Protesters gathered around the White House again on May 30. Police vehicles were damaged with one protester graffitiing words disparaging the President.Monuments on the National Mall including the Lincoln Memorial and National World War II Memorial were defaced.
May 31
Protest at 15th and I Street NW on May 31
On May 31, dozens of businesses in CityCenter, Georgetown, and Farragut Square were looted
I don’t know if anyone heard me yelling and screaming at about 1/4 to 4 this afternoon, but if you did, may I apologise for my language. I was out and about, swabbing for the ONS, as I do 7 days a week. The radio had been off for most of the afternoon (not keen on Ryland). Turned R4 on, and there were two gents talking about the ‘vaccine’ (none of which are vaccines in the way that I understand a caccine to be, merely suppressants in the way that cough medicine suppresses a cough). Towards the end of the conversation the Beeboid asks the ‘expert’ how long it will be before we are ‘back to normal’, and throws in a line about Strictly. The expert replies, in a coy way, that their dancing isn’t that good. At the end of the chat, the Beeboid thanks Professor Neil Ferguson for his time.
What the hell is that man doing on the radio. He is a debunked (at least four times) snake-oil salesman, a complete fraud. Why is he still a professor? And why in God’s name are the BBC inviting him on to Strictly.
I was wondering what that dreadful noise that woke me around 4 in the morning was. I was furious. But I accept your explanation and your apology. It’s a nice warm summers day outside and I’m feeling good.
Just try not to do it again.
“UK records coldest night of the winter so far”
\\The Met Office has issued yellow “be aware warnings” for snow and ice for Scotland for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.//
Global Warming anyone. Who said our kids would never see snow ?
Using London, Edinburgh, and the northern and southern extremities of the UK (Out Stack in Shetland, and Pednathise Head in the Isles of Scilly respectively) as reference points, it’s clear just how far north we’re situated.
Even the southernmost point of Britain is further north than the northernmost part of the contiguous United States (the 48 adjoining states, so this does not include Alaska or Hawaii), while London lies further north than almost all major Canadian cities, including Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec City, and Toronto.
The UK lies to the north of almost all of China, the entirety of Japan, and most of Mongolia
Britain benefits hugely from the Gulf Stream – an oceanic current that moves warmer water north and east from the Gulf of Mexico up towards the UK and the rest of northwest Europe.
Without it Britain’s climate would be considerably cooler, and it’s this that often gives people a false sense of just how northerly (or not) Britain is situated compared to the rest of the world.
If the climate warms and the ice caps melt they will dilute the salt water Gulf stream to the point it does not function and our climate will become cooler
Do they know it will do that or do they guess it might do that ?. Considering they can’t tell me the weather accurately the day after tomorrow, I’m not convinced it’s not just more climate change scaremongering (with the single aim of more funding).
Like astro-physicists, they seem to wait and see what happens then retrospectively explain it as if they knew it all along.
BBC is gloating, looks like Trump’s attempt to stop Biden has failed and the media have united to establish – as the BBC repeats – that Trump’s claims of fraud are unsubstantiated.
So this Sharpe chap is the new Chairman of the BBC . An ex Goldman Sachs banker is likely share the globalist leanings of the organisation he is now in charge of , which is not good. On the other hand he might be less than enamoured of the deep seated leftist bias that runs through the corporation. But he is also part of the arty mafia and probably thinks the BBC essential to propping up this increasingly anti British sector.
Will he side with the abolitionists on the LF or support the continuation of the telly tax? In reality this is the only question that matters because I simply don’t believe that the BBC can be freed from its leftist internationalist outlook no matter how many reforms are introduced.
On balance I think it is a bit of Chris Patton type appointment, someone who is very likely to go native as soon as he sits at his desk. No doubt he will soon be telling us that the BBC is an essential part of our culture and any changes must be made with that in mind. My sense is that a great opportunity has been missed and we probably won’t get another one for years.
Unless that is we take matters into our own hands and don’t wait for government to act , we just collectively refuse to pay the LF . If 48% of British people think that the BBC doesn’t represent their views a strike of LF payers should be greeted with enthusiasm and soon have the BBC on its knees.
Re the Georgia Senate elections, I know that alleged wife-abuser Rev R Warnock has defeated the GoP’s Kelly Loeffler but is the Perdue v Ossoff race definitely decided? Until that is the case, it’s still 51-49 to the GoP. The BBC seems to think it’s over, i.e. now 50-50 with the unlovely Kamala Harris to break the tie in favour of the Biden Dems. Ossoff was ahead when I checked but it’s very close and the GoP’s Perdue started with a much higher level of first round support than Loeffler did (> 49% compared to < 26%).
Happy new year to all (apologies as a bit late).
There is an article on the bbc website called ‘Shoppers told not to buy more than normal’.
Whatever the intent of the article (whether genuine or sensational), the comment section is interesting in regard to the level of general distrust in the bbc.
Apologies if already discussed.
Looking for the article mentioned by Seppers ( and yes the top rated are a wonder to behold) I noticed there is a HYS on the new Clap for Carers rubbish.
I am delighted to report that slightly unexpectedly but delightfully CCBGB. And them some.
\\Reading stabbings: Killer’s interest in Islamic jihad ‘fleeting’//
Has anyone posted this yet ?
Take a look before it disappears from the front page .
Gloved clinician, into the left arm (if the recipient is right-handed) with swab held ready (appears to be in clinician’s curled fingers of his left hand) ready to immediately wipe the injection site.
The i newspaper, please note. The BBC does have some uses. 🙂
The London evening standard has a story about an actress called ‘Keleki ’ who pulled out the the Emma Barnett woman’s show because she heard that Emma had said bad things about her because keleki had said anti Semitic things about Harvey Weinstein and that was bad .
Sometimes you you wish you hadnt seen something and wasted your eyes….
Kelechi Okafor
“Pole fitness coach, twerk coach and actress,
born in Lagos, Nigeria and moved to Peckham in London when 5
“The worst reaction was when *some girl* decided that I’m a reverse racist because of the whole Reggie Yates 2017 drama.
I think she expected it to be more of a storm than it actually was.
I don’t feel the need to apologise where I don’t need to. ”
Kelechi believes that whenever someone non-black says something to her uncomplementary that is cos the person is a racist
* “some girl” = A Jewish Chronicle reporter
warning her privately to be careful about generalising when she agreed with Yates that Grime music producers are all “fat exploitative Jewish blokes”
On an open mike Barnett had repeated the incident
so when Kelechi heard it she kicked off saying Barnett was being racist about her, and ended the interview before it had even started
Local ITVnews a bit fakey
” Lincoln Hospital said yesterday that they had a major incident as covid patients were overwhelming them. ”
“Some anti-lockdown protesters tried to get in to film (to show how empty it was) they were stopped ”
Wow extraordinary
I looked it up
The protesters were there on Saturday
So that’s days BEFORE Monday night’s busy incident period
Dunno why @itvcalendar didn’t make that clear
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – just a little bit of cultural appropriation all in the name of diversity is OK for the BBC (first item on Home Page under the heading Food, just over half way down the page)
“A British take on quesadillas that makes a delicious quick lunch, combining caramelised apple with nutty gouda” Rick Stein (no doubt a Beeboid favourite)
Oh, that’s alright then, stand down those BLM demonstrators.
Teaching union is blasted for ‘appalling triumphalism’ over ‘gloating’ email telling members ‘You did it!’ after Boris Johnson shut schools in new lockdown
EXCLUSIVE: NEU sent ‘gloating email’ telling its 500,000 members ‘You did it!’
Teachers are incensed by tone of message after Boris Johnson closed schools
MPs also condemned ‘appalling triumphalism’ of Left-wing NEU’s email
Lovely to see the Trump supporters storming the hearing in Washington.
Even better to see the lefty , BBC , MSM being outraged about the behaviour .
Which is amazing , since it’s exactly the same behaviour that the Lefties, BLM, Antifa etc are so accustomed too and the exact behaviour the BBC love when the shoe is on the other foot !!!!!!!
Not sure we will see the headlines with “mostly peaceful” in them in the morning ????????
I’m really not sure what to make of that. I can’t blame them, as they’ve done everything by the book up to now and look where it’s got them. But I’m not sure it will do President Trump any good.
You can be sure these protesters won’t get the kid glove treatment the BLM rioters have been getting.
It was their plan all along… and many fell for it lock, stock & barrel… false flag blamed on trump supporters to deny objections. ANTIFA dressed as trump supporters…
Boris Johnson
Disgraceful scenes in U.S. Congress. The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power.
After months of turning a blind eye – or actively condoning – Antifa / BLM’s burning looting and murdering, suddenly the BBC put on their frowny face to deplore the demonstrations in DC. is failing on – the first time in 10+ years…. in fact – at the moment there’s no available at all on for 2021….
I find the Washington stuff from the BBC predictably overwrought but also the apparent fact the AntiFa seem to have stayed at home today and now the protesters are being escorted out of the building apparently without any ID checks …
I can’t recall a prominent MAGA rally that AntiFa didn’t show up for? – and they’ve had plenty of time to prepare for this one…
Some trivial CNN watching (going for a shower) has some talking heads calling the Capitol invaders “anarchists”
– simply doesn’t pass the sniff test.
Twitter feed an hour ago was literally 50% the sort of adverts that make you ball your fists / grind your teeth – and Google “searches” were simply farcical.
It’s going to be weeks before the smartphone footage surfaces.
Democrats win control of US Senate after two improbable wins in Georgia, making it easier for new president Joe Biden to advance agenda
I believe the Republican members of Congress who have incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election must face consequences. They have broken their sacred Oath of Office.
I will be introducing a resolution calling for their expulsion.
– like that’s going to end well eh? – sounds awfully like going for a one party state before the inauguration?
I have no idea what’s going on. There is no news source I trust.
I just have a feeling we are watching a plan long in the making coming to its conclusion and that the invasion is a smokescreen for what’s really happening.
“Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party officially changes its name”
‘The Reform Party’ is underway . They will de-fund Al Beeb and control our borders , but they will need your help. Will they have enough time to get ready for the elections in May ?
I offered to help them with the knowledge I have about international and domestic haulage , but they dont have a research department for which I was hoping they could refute the BBCs doom “problems at borders” scenario .
I hope they professionalise in data collecting , analysis and putting forward solutions .
The Brexit Party was the biggest party in the EU . It was the main factor for getting us out of the EU. I am afraid I cannot see Fox’s party being as popular as Farage’s .
As to your question , who knows ?
Thanks Taffman, but I think the referendum result was the biggest factor and if my memory serves me correct the Brexit Party didn’t exist then. It was Ukip who did a lot of the ground work.
The Brexit Party came on the scene later and did good work to secure the movement against the Remoaners and backsliders.
I can’t get excited about Farage’s pop-up shop parties and I’m interested to see if Fox or anyone can offer something better.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
You are correct with UKIP’s ground work but the party had problems following Nigel Farage’s departure. If you recollect, they had problems with their new leaders.
Any one who has seen my posts in the past will see that I was an UKIP supporter and still am , but The Brexit Party made such a huge impact in the 2019 EU elections, they ‘took the biscuit’ being the largest party with the biggest number of seats, holding our government’s ‘feet to the fire’ to get Brexit Done.
The best thing that UKIP could do, now that we have Independence, is to throw their weight behind the Brexit Party, The Reform Party.
I cannot see the Tory Government having any effective opposition other than The Reform Party.
What is more, the Brexit Party, plan to get rid of the Telly Tax .
Elections in May? Won’t be happening. Look for the soundbites from the politicans: “In order to protect democracy, we sometimes need to suspend democracy”.
Now, shut up, keep wearing your masks and make sure you get your 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th ‘vaccine’ shots.
The latest HARDtalk guest is Alan Rusbridger. So we’re treated to a Beeboid interviewing the ex-editor of the Grauniad, who currently sits on the ‘Oversight Board’ of Facebook, discussing Fake News. Well, they should know all about it, representing between them three large outlets of highly biased news.
Of course when it’s someone the BBC likes, it’s not ‘Hard’ talk at all, it’s very chummy – even the confrontational bits are more like the fake wrestling of the WWE. Sackur ‘pressing’ Rusbridger hard to say what he, Rusbridger, wanted to say anyway and he, Sackur, wanted to hear, namely: Isn’t it awful that people don’t trust us highly professional journalists any more, and now think for themselves, tut-tut.
I would sum up their debate as: How dare upstart amateur members of the public spread fake news? That’s OUR job!
I dip my hat to you for watching it . I wondered who the ‘1’ on the viewing figures was . … I thought the BB`c would have been able to save cash by just sitting rushbridger in front of a mirror like a budgie for half an hour ….
Having been treated disgracefully by his critics and the MSM – especially the BBC – around the world (with one or two exceptions) President Trump has decided it appears to disgrace himself, his Presidency and his Party as a final act before leaving the White House.
There’s a good example to avoid in the UK, Prime Minister and devolved First Ministers.*
(* Probably too late for Mark Drakeford, but Nicola Sturgeon should learn some lessons from this.)
‘Facebook, Instagram and Twitter lock Donald Trump’s accounts’
This simply staggering. The President of the USA.
I am 100% certain they were instructed to do so by Trumps political enemies. It shows just how total the corruption in the Western media is now.
What can be done ?. It’s no better then China or Russia. At least they are not so deceitful about it.
Thing is, John, that the President just didn’t have the tactical nous and command of English to word his output on Twitter and Facebook in a way that his enemies – and he had a lot in the media, let alone political opponents on the Hill – could not use it against him. I’m told that President Trump really won a lot of young support by being on Facebook & Twitter. But were they existing Republican voters and new voters inclined to the Republican Party. Or were they swing voters or potential swing voters?
Doesn’t matter now. Trump has blown it. He now leaves the White House in disgrace. Boris Johnson, please take note before it is too late.
He had no chance either way. Whatever he said was always twisted and selectively quoted to make him look bad. Every single time I checked what he actually said, it never meant what they portrayed it as. As with Farage, he has effectively been assasinated and the boot will go in now to make sure he can never be a threat again.
The standout thing about this for me is the difference in coverage between this and the BLM riots.
As with Brexit, Trumps biggest contribution has been to expose the depth of bias and corruption in the media. Some of it has been so closely coordinated, it’s clear they have a higher guiding hand.
Society has been fractured as a result of both of these and things will only get worse. Free speech is already out the window. I wonder what is next.
Sure John, but that’s down to the President’s haste and clumsy use of words. Remember the bleach lie? That need not have happened. Trump walked into a lot of the trouble the MSM made for him with his own eyes wide shut.
This is going to cause a lot of trouble for Conservatives and conservatives worldwide now. The Socialist MSM will see to that. John Sopel will be insufferable from now on.
Person to feel really sorry for? Mike Pence who has seen his potential shot at the White House in 2024 disappear down the drain.
I get your point and I agree entirely that he made it easy for them. But mine is that they would have done it to him regardless.
The ‘Time’ magazine cover picture lie of a crying illegal child immigrant supposedly separated from her mother by Trump was an excellent example. Her mother actually came back minutes later and the policy was in place long before Trump took office.
Going forward from this, I am certain the Left see this as a victory in the war of ideology and just one more step towards supressing the opposition completely. They don’t care how dishonestly it was won. I can only imagine it will get worse and worse until something breaks.
If Trump had a careful way with words to avoid being deliberately misquoted or misunderstood he’d be just another politician. The whole point was that he isn’t a politician.
It looks like this is the end, unless he’s playing 3D chess at a level that would defeat Mr Spock.
You are right. Trump speaks like the ‘common man’ – we might say that we have ‘millions of things on our mind’, we don’t mean that literally but the meaning is understood.
Most politicians are students of ‘Sir Humphrey’ and probably because of the way the modern ‘media’ work with their ‘gotcha’ questions. far safer to keep to the script written by HQ designed to upset no-one and reveal nothing.
A general point: The ‘radical’ wants change so is an ‘activist’. The ‘conservative’ wants things to largely stay the same so stays at home. (It’s only when that ‘home’ gets invaded that they start to act).
Stew, start within hours of the count in 2020. The red mist descended into the Presidents brain and he was claiming the Election had been stolen with the count still going on. Biden had not yet achieved a majority of Electoral College votes at the time.
What many people do not realise is that mature democracies have procedures in place for dealing with potential Election fraud. A calmer, more measured response with all the evidence gathered. Cannot remember who on here is US Citizen, is it Dobyns? Whoever it is, they set out on here – in quite a lengthy post – the procedure that needed to be followed and the safeguards in place. Trump has trashed that.
What are the results that President Trump has now achieved?
– He has alienated his political Party from himself and his family
– His wife, children and son-in-law will now be tarred with this should they seek nomination
– He has opened the door for Socialists around the world, including the UK & especially in the UK, to cheat in every Election
– He has re-enforced the Socialist belief that they have a God-given right to win power at all costs to prevent ‘that sort of leader arising in future’
– He has damaged the Electoral chances of any Republican who wins the Party nomination for 2024, and probably 2028 and maybe 2032 as well
– He has hung the Pro-democracy campaigners in Hong Kong out to dry
– He has opened the door wide to Chinese-style and North Korean-style dictatorships around the globe
– Oh, I nearly forgot; John Sopel 7 the other Beeboids in the USA will have annoying, smug, superior looks on their faces and will resurrect the events of the last 24 hours at any and every given opportunity.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – this smacks of the usual BBC hypocrisy
The BBC joined in the hounding of Dominic Cummings and the Scottish Parliament Health Minister (sorry, cannot remember her name) but not so much with Margaret Ferrier, the Scots MP who travelled on a train while awaiting a possible positive Covid test. Here they are excusing ‘Slebs’ in this article for their overseas holidays under Lockdown.
Is it because the BBC consider themselves to be celebrities?
The current restrictions on life are an incitement on pettiness . But I did enjoy reading the story of the CEO of the ‘equalities comminnsion ‘ – one ‘Rebecca Hilsenrath ‘ being reported by locals in a Welsh village for driving to her second home from Hertfordshire for Christmas . …in breach of the rules .
Hilsenrath was spoken to at said idyllic cottage and drove home.Hilsenrath. Described as ‘one of the 100 most influential lawyers in thr country ‘ professed ignorance of welsh laws and apologised – so that’s alright then .
How will the BBC treat such a serious flouting of rules by such a senior public figure ….?
How relieved the BBC must be that the woman shot dead was white. No need to choose which double standard to get behind.
Though I am certain they wish the protesters had shot somebody.
1. Rick Knobson managed to weave in unfairness to BLM in the story of the Trump supporters attacking the US Capitol.
How unfair it was that the police, doing nothing to prevent the Trump supporters, strictly patrolled the BLM demos. Strangely, The Knob made no mention of BLM supporters torching city centres night after night.
Now I am not defending Trumps’s manifestly ‘child’ psychology behaviour over the last several weeks, which has been a bad own goal but the absolute glee with which the BBC decries him tells us….well, what we already knew about their pro- Democratic bias.
2. Amid wall to wall doom and gloom about covid, with a queue of doctors and experts telling us how bad it is, there was a whole 2 minutes for an alternative opinion by Jonathan Sumption. But guess what? Just as it was getting interesting it was the usual tactic of ‘sorry we have run out of time and now over to the sports news’. After which there was more doom and gloom.
The bias-ometer is almost as high as the energy production from renewables is low during this cold anti-cyclone (a magnificent 7% from wind)
Given the calibre of global statesweasel in complement to the ideological MSM holding their enemies to account on their behalf, things look less than optimal.
Sluff, I listened to the first 15 minutes of TOADY from 6 a.m. and just could not bear to listen to any more. The Snuffy household may be a BBC free zone for a couple of days.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
Like Fed mentioned the other day, where is the headline
Live now UK markets
FTSE 100FTSE 100 London
Because as sure as eggs are eggs, t’other way round and it would be
Same with Dover and other ports …. BREXIT CHAOS PREDICTED
However, no chaos so no coverage.
The regular BBC2 prog …. EmilysOpinionNight
Again behaves like a school bully asking her victim to answer a question then cutting him off by talking over him with her sneering and wrong facts
I mean BBC2 EmilysViewsNight
I see we’re all expected to stand outside again banging our saucepans for the failing NHS. Performing seals comes to mind.
I see we’re all expected to stand outside again banging our saucepans for the failing NHS. Performing seals comes to mind.
We may have seen the end of remotely fair elections in the West . I was wondering what would happen if some one of the right uses the same cheating technique in the near future and gets his country a government of the Right ….. against the grain … as was seen by those huge rallies Mr Trump held day after day …..
….. in blighty the need for incorrupt elections will be needed to be shown even more than ever …. but I bet a few members of Labour Party HQ will be quietly be reporting back on how the Democrats fixed it so easily ….
re pot banging, just read comments on BBC *CCGB
On another matter, if teachers insist on not working, maybe we should all refuse to pay our council tax as we are no longer getting the services we are paying for. Maybe if those promoting lockdown were not getting paid things would be significantly different.
Indeed. Loads of comments about paying them “properly”
Err, hello !!! At least someone with some nounce.
Who “deserves” the money ?
#1 The vat majority of nurses are not on the Covid frontline
#2 This year the differential between such government workers and laid off self employed and laid off lower workers, will be huge
It would be unfair to make this differential bigger.
Happy to bang a pot if a teacher or union leader was wearing it
Where do they buy food ? have they no concern for the risks or health of shopworkers ? petrol station workers ? bank employees ?
Thousands of Trump supporters gather in front of White House before dawn for ‘Save America’ demonstration demanding VP Pence blocks certification of Biden’s victory
Trump supporters started lining up before dawn near White House in Washington, DC, on Wednesday
Crowds are there for the ‘Save America’ rally protesting planned certification of Joe Biden’s election victory
Donald Trump Jr, House Rep. Mo Brooks, and other high-profile Trump supporters addressed crowd
National Park Service issued permits expecting 30,000 people to attend Wednesday’s demonstrations
Trump is expected to address the rally at 11am Eastern Standard Time
Washington DC Time is in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States of America (USA). Eastern Standard Time ( EST ) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT-5 ).
The BBC seems to be reporting the sentencing of the local (Reading ) man – mass murderer – with a somewhat straight bat … was this because his 3 victims in the park were Gay ?
Anyway – the BBC report includes this gem
“ Rossano Scamardella QC, defending, said the sentence should be one of life imprisonment with a starting point of 30 years, due to a lack of serious premeditation, the “fleeting” strength of his commitment to Islamist jihad, and his mental health issues.”
Maybe coming out with a line like that with a straight face is why QCs get big taxpayer funded bucks ….
Woman gets £10,000 fine for throwing New Year’s Eve party for 100 as crowds thronged on Kensington street where police banned supercar meet
Why are we paying the BBC to make articles and tweets that promote the electric car dream
The tweet says “Norway has an electric vehicle market share exceeding 50 percent.”
AFAIK that falls apart
#1 They mean cars not all vehicles
#2 They don’t mean all cars
Norway has few EVs most people keep their old petrol diesel car 20 odd year, the stat refers to new car sales
#3 the subsidy laws do make electric cars attractive
but someone pays for that subsidy, and many people choose to buy a diesel van instead of an electric car
#4 EV buys always almost have a second petrol car to drive long distances.
BBC education presenters are probably good people
but I’m channelling the word “nonce” for some reason.
Who’s teaching art ? Rolph Harris ?
He’s a dab hand with a paintbrush…and good with kids
Who would have thought it ? ……………
Democracy under attack, freedom of speech under attack, education under attack, our Channel borders are under attack, the nation’s proud history under attack, the economy under attack . All under a Conservative Government and Prime Minister.
A Chinese sub-state is born.
How easy it has been to take control – they were almost invited in.
Boris is like some pathetic, passive, bovine beast that responds to prodding. He’ll come out blustering with some half-cocked, garbled policy on Monday and by the weekend you can guarantee that Starmer and Krankie will have bullied him into another U-turn. It must be an absolute nightmare if you’re one of this prat’s ministers. He definitely said we’ll have five days freedom for Christmas…We’re not going to impose another lockdown…Schools will definitely be re-opening on…Oh, hang on, Chris Whitty has given him another directive. Boris is not and never will be a leader.
Perhaps I’m growing old and whimsical and I’m looking at the halcyon days of my long lost youth through rose tinted glasses. We all do it.
I find myself getting nostalgic and misty eyed, longing for the days when we had dynamic, decisive leaders. Leaders with guts, certitude and a real sense of direction.
A man the nation can trust!
I wonder what happened to John Major…
Oh ! How could I forget …………. Al Beeb still gets financed by criminal law despite the fact that you do not watch it if you watch other tv channels .
The Tory Government allows this to happen.
What “Tory Government”?
Democrat Mayor
“Mayor Muriel Bowser asked that area residents stay away from downtown, but added that “we will not allow people to incite violence, intimidate our residents or cause destruction in our city.”
At last after all the blm desruction they have decided to act. funny that
“Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, has seen a series of protests following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Some of the events were peaceful, while many involved violence, looting and destruction of property. ”
May 30
Vehicles on fire,
Protesters gathered around the White House again on May 30. Police vehicles were damaged with one protester graffitiing words disparaging the President.Monuments on the National Mall including the Lincoln Memorial and National World War II Memorial were defaced.
May 31
Protest at 15th and I Street NW on May 31
On May 31, dozens of businesses in CityCenter, Georgetown, and Farragut Square were looted
Bo Jo used to be indecisive but now he’s not so sure?
I don’t know if anyone heard me yelling and screaming at about 1/4 to 4 this afternoon, but if you did, may I apologise for my language. I was out and about, swabbing for the ONS, as I do 7 days a week. The radio had been off for most of the afternoon (not keen on Ryland). Turned R4 on, and there were two gents talking about the ‘vaccine’ (none of which are vaccines in the way that I understand a caccine to be, merely suppressants in the way that cough medicine suppresses a cough). Towards the end of the conversation the Beeboid asks the ‘expert’ how long it will be before we are ‘back to normal’, and throws in a line about Strictly. The expert replies, in a coy way, that their dancing isn’t that good. At the end of the chat, the Beeboid thanks Professor Neil Ferguson for his time.
What the hell is that man doing on the radio. He is a debunked (at least four times) snake-oil salesman, a complete fraud. Why is he still a professor? And why in God’s name are the BBC inviting him on to Strictly.
I was wondering what that dreadful noise that woke me around 4 in the morning was. I was furious. But I accept your explanation and your apology. It’s a nice warm summers day outside and I’m feeling good.
Just try not to do it again.
“UK records coldest night of the winter so far”
\\The Met Office has issued yellow “be aware warnings” for snow and ice for Scotland for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.//
Global Warming anyone. Who said our kids would never see snow ?
Using London, Edinburgh, and the northern and southern extremities of the UK (Out Stack in Shetland, and Pednathise Head in the Isles of Scilly respectively) as reference points, it’s clear just how far north we’re situated.
Even the southernmost point of Britain is further north than the northernmost part of the contiguous United States (the 48 adjoining states, so this does not include Alaska or Hawaii), while London lies further north than almost all major Canadian cities, including Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec City, and Toronto.
The UK lies to the north of almost all of China, the entirety of Japan, and most of Mongolia
Britain benefits hugely from the Gulf Stream – an oceanic current that moves warmer water north and east from the Gulf of Mexico up towards the UK and the rest of northwest Europe.
Without it Britain’s climate would be considerably cooler, and it’s this that often gives people a false sense of just how northerly (or not) Britain is situated compared to the rest of the world.
If the climate warms and the ice caps melt they will dilute the salt water Gulf stream to the point it does not function and our climate will become cooler
Do they know it will do that or do they guess it might do that ?. Considering they can’t tell me the weather accurately the day after tomorrow, I’m not convinced it’s not just more climate change scaremongering (with the single aim of more funding).
Like astro-physicists, they seem to wait and see what happens then retrospectively explain it as if they knew it all along.
The UK isn’t as far north as Denmark though, according to Sandy Toxic!
Yesterday I was in Dorchester on the South coast, and it was freezing.
Today I was in Kirkcaldy on the Scottish East coast, and it was freezing.
Global warming my rectum.
Donald Trump live in DC shortly
“Our press … is the biggest problem we have in this country”
Its second to the BBC .
BBC is gloating, looks like Trump’s attempt to stop Biden has failed and the media have united to establish – as the BBC repeats – that Trump’s claims of fraud are unsubstantiated.
Here’s to the British soldiers who will inevitably die when dragged into a middle east war called by the Democrats.
So this Sharpe chap is the new Chairman of the BBC . An ex Goldman Sachs banker is likely share the globalist leanings of the organisation he is now in charge of , which is not good. On the other hand he might be less than enamoured of the deep seated leftist bias that runs through the corporation. But he is also part of the arty mafia and probably thinks the BBC essential to propping up this increasingly anti British sector.
Will he side with the abolitionists on the LF or support the continuation of the telly tax? In reality this is the only question that matters because I simply don’t believe that the BBC can be freed from its leftist internationalist outlook no matter how many reforms are introduced.
On balance I think it is a bit of Chris Patton type appointment, someone who is very likely to go native as soon as he sits at his desk. No doubt he will soon be telling us that the BBC is an essential part of our culture and any changes must be made with that in mind. My sense is that a great opportunity has been missed and we probably won’t get another one for years.
Unless that is we take matters into our own hands and don’t wait for government to act , we just collectively refuse to pay the LF . If 48% of British people think that the BBC doesn’t represent their views a strike of LF payers should be greeted with enthusiasm and soon have the BBC on its knees.
Just scrap the outfit. No one watches it , Its a dead dog.
Let it pay for itself like the rest of us .
Farewell American democracy ????????????
Re the Georgia Senate elections, I know that alleged wife-abuser Rev R Warnock has defeated the GoP’s Kelly Loeffler but is the Perdue v Ossoff race definitely decided? Until that is the case, it’s still 51-49 to the GoP. The BBC seems to think it’s over, i.e. now 50-50 with the unlovely Kamala Harris to break the tie in favour of the Biden Dems. Ossoff was ahead when I checked but it’s very close and the GoP’s Perdue started with a much higher level of first round support than Loeffler did (> 49% compared to < 26%).
Happy new year to all (apologies as a bit late).
There is an article on the bbc website called ‘Shoppers told not to buy more than normal’.
Whatever the intent of the article (whether genuine or sensational), the comment section is interesting in regard to the level of general distrust in the bbc.
Apologies if already discussed.
Looking for the article mentioned by Seppers ( and yes the top rated are a wonder to behold) I noticed there is a HYS on the new Clap for Carers rubbish.
I am delighted to report that slightly unexpectedly but delightfully CCBGB. And them some.
Someone will be on the naughty step for this one.
\\Reading stabbings: Killer’s interest in Islamic jihad ‘fleeting’//
Has anyone posted this yet ?
Take a look before it disappears from the front page .
Morning Taffman – I cut and pasted the defence comment posted by the bbc ….
Ooops !
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the correct way to vaccinate (first left – around the UK)
Gloved clinician, into the left arm (if the recipient is right-handed) with swab held ready (appears to be in clinician’s curled fingers of his left hand) ready to immediately wipe the injection site.
The i newspaper, please note. The BBC does have some uses. 🙂
The London evening standard has a story about an actress called ‘Keleki ’ who pulled out the the Emma Barnett woman’s show because she heard that Emma had said bad things about her because keleki had said anti Semitic things about Harvey Weinstein and that was bad .
Sometimes you you wish you hadnt seen something and wasted your eyes….
Kelechi Okafor
“Pole fitness coach, twerk coach and actress,
born in Lagos, Nigeria and moved to Peckham in London when 5
“The worst reaction was when *some girl* decided that I’m a reverse racist because of the whole Reggie Yates 2017 drama.
I think she expected it to be more of a storm than it actually was.
I don’t feel the need to apologise where I don’t need to. ”
Kelechi believes that whenever someone non-black says something to her uncomplementary that is cos the person is a racist
* “some girl” = A Jewish Chronicle reporter
warning her privately to be careful about generalising when she agreed with Yates that Grime music producers are all “fat exploitative Jewish blokes”
On an open mike Barnett had repeated the incident
so when Kelechi heard it she kicked off saying Barnett was being racist about her, and ended the interview before it had even started
Local ITVnews a bit fakey
” Lincoln Hospital said yesterday that they had a major incident as covid patients were overwhelming them. ”
“Some anti-lockdown protesters tried to get in to film (to show how empty it was) they were stopped ”
Wow extraordinary
I looked it up
The protesters were there on Saturday
So that’s days BEFORE Monday night’s busy incident period
Dunno why @itvcalendar didn’t make that clear
BTW nothing happened to the protesters.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – just a little bit of cultural appropriation all in the name of diversity is OK for the BBC (first item on Home Page under the heading Food, just over half way down the page)
“A British take on quesadillas that makes a delicious quick lunch, combining caramelised apple with nutty gouda” Rick Stein (no doubt a Beeboid favourite)
Oh, that’s alright then, stand down those BLM demonstrators.
Teaching union is blasted for ‘appalling triumphalism’ over ‘gloating’ email telling members ‘You did it!’ after Boris Johnson shut schools in new lockdown
EXCLUSIVE: NEU sent ‘gloating email’ telling its 500,000 members ‘You did it!’
Teachers are incensed by tone of message after Boris Johnson closed schools
MPs also condemned ‘appalling triumphalism’ of Left-wing NEU’s email
Don’t blame the unions, blame the bloke in charge. The teachers’ union has been ultra left wing for decades. They make very little pretence about it.
The buck stops with Boris.
He hasn’t got a spine.
Lovely to see the Trump supporters storming the hearing in Washington.
Even better to see the lefty , BBC , MSM being outraged about the behaviour .
Which is amazing , since it’s exactly the same behaviour that the Lefties, BLM, Antifa etc are so accustomed too and the exact behaviour the BBC love when the shoe is on the other foot !!!!!!!
Not sure we will see the headlines with “mostly peaceful” in them in the morning ????????
Hey ho, can’t beat em, join em !!!!
I’m really not sure what to make of that. I can’t blame them, as they’ve done everything by the book up to now and look where it’s got them. But I’m not sure it will do President Trump any good.
You can be sure these protesters won’t get the kid glove treatment the BLM rioters have been getting.
Actually, on reflection I wonder if they are really Trump supporters. Or a false flag. Time will tell.
I’m watching Bill Still’s livestream. There are reports that the police escorted six buses of Antifa people towards the Capitol.
According to Bill’s reporter on the spot the incursion was by Antifa folk dressed as Trump supporters but carrying metal shields.
I’m watching Bill Still’s livestream. There are reports that the police escorted six buses of Antifa people towards the Capitol.
According to Bill’s reporter on the spot the incursion was by Antifa folk dressed as Trump supporters but carrying metal shields.
Two people, a man and a woman, have been shot and wounded within the Capitol, one in the neck and the other in the chest.
Filtering most active tweets mentioning “false flag”
shows evidence
Now I’m seeing tweets saying that FalseFlag claims are false
And some people in the photos are really far right
eg Matthew Heimbach
That’s certainly possible
that it was a rogue group of Trump supporters
but then I’d also expect loony orgs to have antifa agents within them
It seems youtube has shut down Bill’s livestream within the last ten minutes.
All the MSM “disgusted” by the scenes in the USA ! !!!
But, never give a toss, never bat a eyelid when it’s the Lefties pulling stunts like this .
They are completely oblivious to the fact it is THEM who are responsible for such division and hatred.
They really are something else !!!!!!!
Joe has his supporters.
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Every word of what Joe Biden is saying is SPOT ON. Hitting every right note.
9:11 PM · Jan 6, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Boris Johnson
Disgraceful scenes in U.S. Congress. The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power.
All I want is folk like Julia, Sopel, Katty, Zurcher etc to explain these !!!!!
Other way round, they would be screaming blue murder !!!!!!!
Go on Julia, explain this !!!!!
After months of turning a blind eye – or actively condoning – Antifa / BLM’s burning looting and murdering, suddenly the BBC put on their frowny face to deplore the demonstrations in DC.
But surely, Vlad, the protests have been “largely peaceful”, to reuse a BBC phrase from the BLM riots?!
Been following the kerfuffles at the US Capitol is failing on – the first time in 10+ years…. in fact – at the moment there’s no available at all on for 2021…. is working fine….
I find the Washington stuff from the BBC predictably overwrought but also the apparent fact the AntiFa seem to have stayed at home today and now the protesters are being escorted out of the building apparently without any ID checks …
I can’t recall a prominent MAGA rally that AntiFa didn’t show up for? – and they’ve had plenty of time to prepare for this one…
Some trivial CNN watching (going for a shower) has some talking heads calling the Capitol invaders “anarchists”
– simply doesn’t pass the sniff test.
Twitter feed an hour ago was literally 50% the sort of adverts that make you ball your fists / grind your teeth – and Google “searches” were simply farcical.
It’s going to be weeks before the smartphone footage surfaces.
“Two improbable wins.” But still they refuse to join the dots.
Actually, that’s unfair. They’ve joined them long since. But they pretend they haven’t.
Improbable = impossible.
“Perdue a perdu”, as the French might say … this seemed unlikely when he was near to 50% even on the first round (with two opponents).
This is shaping up to turn quite nasty I feel…
Congresswoman Cori Bush (D, Mo) :
– like that’s going to end well eh? – sounds awfully like going for a one party state before the inauguration?
I have no idea what’s going on. There is no news source I trust.
I just have a feeling we are watching a plan long in the making coming to its conclusion and that the invasion is a smokescreen for what’s really happening.
Perhaps it will be clearer in the morning.
A Viking was identified as Antifa. An unnamed woman was shot dead. Never to be named, false name or memory hole if Antifa woman.
Now named.
Four dead so far.
the rinos should be starting to worry,
They allowed trump to get cheated out of office
And thought it would stop there … idiots
Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Were used in switching votes.
Miltary satellite used for fraud
“Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party officially changes its name”
‘The Reform Party’ is underway . They will de-fund Al Beeb and control our borders , but they will need your help. Will they have enough time to get ready for the elections in May ?
I offered to help them with the knowledge I have about international and domestic haulage , but they dont have a research department for which I was hoping they could refute the BBCs doom “problems at borders” scenario .
I hope they professionalise in data collecting , analysis and putting forward solutions .
Get in touch with them again.????
Will this be another Party like the Brexit Party where Nigel chooses all the candidates or will it be a democratic party?
Will this be another Ukip party where Nigel will turn on his loyal supporters just when it needed a bit of backbone?
Or is this a real populist party and designed to stick around for a while? The one that Britain needs so badly.
Would not Lawrence Fox’s party be a better bet?
Just asking.
The Brexit Party was the biggest party in the EU . It was the main factor for getting us out of the EU. I am afraid I cannot see Fox’s party being as popular as Farage’s .
As to your question , who knows ?
Thanks Taffman, but I think the referendum result was the biggest factor and if my memory serves me correct the Brexit Party didn’t exist then. It was Ukip who did a lot of the ground work.
The Brexit Party came on the scene later and did good work to secure the movement against the Remoaners and backsliders.
I can’t get excited about Farage’s pop-up shop parties and I’m interested to see if Fox or anyone can offer something better.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
You are correct with UKIP’s ground work but the party had problems following Nigel Farage’s departure. If you recollect, they had problems with their new leaders.
Any one who has seen my posts in the past will see that I was an UKIP supporter and still am , but The Brexit Party made such a huge impact in the 2019 EU elections, they ‘took the biscuit’ being the largest party with the biggest number of seats, holding our government’s ‘feet to the fire’ to get Brexit Done.
The best thing that UKIP could do, now that we have Independence, is to throw their weight behind the Brexit Party, The Reform Party.
I cannot see the Tory Government having any effective opposition other than The Reform Party.
What is more, the Brexit Party, plan to get rid of the Telly Tax .
Elections in May? Won’t be happening. Look for the soundbites from the politicans: “In order to protect democracy, we sometimes need to suspend democracy”.
Now, shut up, keep wearing your masks and make sure you get your 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th ‘vaccine’ shots.
This story looks interesting ……
“Covid-19: Baby’s mother issues mottled skin warning”
Hardly a peep on Al Beeb’s business section, on how Brexit’s effect on the economy is going any more ?
As they say at the BBC about Brexit:
‘Good news means no news.’
The latest HARDtalk guest is Alan Rusbridger. So we’re treated to a Beeboid interviewing the ex-editor of the Grauniad, who currently sits on the ‘Oversight Board’ of Facebook, discussing Fake News. Well, they should know all about it, representing between them three large outlets of highly biased news.
Of course when it’s someone the BBC likes, it’s not ‘Hard’ talk at all, it’s very chummy – even the confrontational bits are more like the fake wrestling of the WWE. Sackur ‘pressing’ Rusbridger hard to say what he, Rusbridger, wanted to say anyway and he, Sackur, wanted to hear, namely: Isn’t it awful that people don’t trust us highly professional journalists any more, and now think for themselves, tut-tut.
I would sum up their debate as: How dare upstart amateur members of the public spread fake news? That’s OUR job!
I dip my hat to you for watching it . I wondered who the ‘1’ on the viewing figures was . … I thought the BB`c would have been able to save cash by just sitting rushbridger in front of a mirror like a budgie for half an hour ….
Diversity of thought indeed ….
White woman shot by police
therefore no outrage, was she a “family woman” with kids ?
Why were the police not on their knees in front of her ?
What wre they doing when blacks were looting shops and rioting a few months ago ?
I wonder if she had a criminal record as long as your arm, was high on drugs and ever held a gun to a pregnant womans stomach…
I switched on the radio at 6.00am to catch the headlines, only to hear Sopel equate the disturbance in Washington dc to Pearl Harbour.
TOADY Watch #1 – he deserves no sympathy
Having been treated disgracefully by his critics and the MSM – especially the BBC – around the world (with one or two exceptions) President Trump has decided it appears to disgrace himself, his Presidency and his Party as a final act before leaving the White House.
There’s a good example to avoid in the UK, Prime Minister and devolved First Ministers.*
(* Probably too late for Mark Drakeford, but Nicola Sturgeon should learn some lessons from this.)
‘Facebook, Instagram and Twitter lock Donald Trump’s accounts’
This simply staggering. The President of the USA.
I am 100% certain they were instructed to do so by Trumps political enemies. It shows just how total the corruption in the Western media is now.
What can be done ?. It’s no better then China or Russia. At least they are not so deceitful about it.
Thing is, John, that the President just didn’t have the tactical nous and command of English to word his output on Twitter and Facebook in a way that his enemies – and he had a lot in the media, let alone political opponents on the Hill – could not use it against him. I’m told that President Trump really won a lot of young support by being on Facebook & Twitter. But were they existing Republican voters and new voters inclined to the Republican Party. Or were they swing voters or potential swing voters?
Doesn’t matter now. Trump has blown it. He now leaves the White House in disgrace. Boris Johnson, please take note before it is too late.
He had no chance either way. Whatever he said was always twisted and selectively quoted to make him look bad. Every single time I checked what he actually said, it never meant what they portrayed it as. As with Farage, he has effectively been assasinated and the boot will go in now to make sure he can never be a threat again.
The standout thing about this for me is the difference in coverage between this and the BLM riots.
As with Brexit, Trumps biggest contribution has been to expose the depth of bias and corruption in the media. Some of it has been so closely coordinated, it’s clear they have a higher guiding hand.
Society has been fractured as a result of both of these and things will only get worse. Free speech is already out the window. I wonder what is next.
Sure John, but that’s down to the President’s haste and clumsy use of words. Remember the bleach lie? That need not have happened. Trump walked into a lot of the trouble the MSM made for him with his own eyes wide shut.
This is going to cause a lot of trouble for Conservatives and conservatives worldwide now. The Socialist MSM will see to that. John Sopel will be insufferable from now on.
Person to feel really sorry for? Mike Pence who has seen his potential shot at the White House in 2024 disappear down the drain.
I get your point and I agree entirely that he made it easy for them. But mine is that they would have done it to him regardless.
The ‘Time’ magazine cover picture lie of a crying illegal child immigrant supposedly separated from her mother by Trump was an excellent example. Her mother actually came back minutes later and the policy was in place long before Trump took office.
Going forward from this, I am certain the Left see this as a victory in the war of ideology and just one more step towards supressing the opposition completely. They don’t care how dishonestly it was won. I can only imagine it will get worse and worse until something breaks.
If Trump had a careful way with words to avoid being deliberately misquoted or misunderstood he’d be just another politician. The whole point was that he isn’t a politician.
It looks like this is the end, unless he’s playing 3D chess at a level that would defeat Mr Spock.
You are right. Trump speaks like the ‘common man’ – we might say that we have ‘millions of things on our mind’, we don’t mean that literally but the meaning is understood.
Most politicians are students of ‘Sir Humphrey’ and probably because of the way the modern ‘media’ work with their ‘gotcha’ questions. far safer to keep to the script written by HQ designed to upset no-one and reveal nothing.
A general point: The ‘radical’ wants change so is an ‘activist’. The ‘conservative’ wants things to largely stay the same so stays at home. (It’s only when that ‘home’ gets invaded that they start to act).
@Up2Snuff what did Trump’s “bad” tweet say ?
Stew, start within hours of the count in 2020. The red mist descended into the Presidents brain and he was claiming the Election had been stolen with the count still going on. Biden had not yet achieved a majority of Electoral College votes at the time.
What many people do not realise is that mature democracies have procedures in place for dealing with potential Election fraud. A calmer, more measured response with all the evidence gathered. Cannot remember who on here is US Citizen, is it Dobyns? Whoever it is, they set out on here – in quite a lengthy post – the procedure that needed to be followed and the safeguards in place. Trump has trashed that.
What are the results that President Trump has now achieved?
– He has alienated his political Party from himself and his family
– His wife, children and son-in-law will now be tarred with this should they seek nomination
– He has opened the door for Socialists around the world, including the UK & especially in the UK, to cheat in every Election
– He has re-enforced the Socialist belief that they have a God-given right to win power at all costs to prevent ‘that sort of leader arising in future’
– He has damaged the Electoral chances of any Republican who wins the Party nomination for 2024, and probably 2028 and maybe 2032 as well
– He has hung the Pro-democracy campaigners in Hong Kong out to dry
– He has opened the door wide to Chinese-style and North Korean-style dictatorships around the globe
– Oh, I nearly forgot; John Sopel 7 the other Beeboids in the USA will have annoying, smug, superior looks on their faces and will resurrect the events of the last 24 hours at any and every given opportunity.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – this smacks of the usual BBC hypocrisy
The BBC joined in the hounding of Dominic Cummings and the Scottish Parliament Health Minister (sorry, cannot remember her name) but not so much with Margaret Ferrier, the Scots MP who travelled on a train while awaiting a possible positive Covid test. Here they are excusing ‘Slebs’ in this article for their overseas holidays under Lockdown.
Is it because the BBC consider themselves to be celebrities?
The current restrictions on life are an incitement on pettiness . But I did enjoy reading the story of the CEO of the ‘equalities comminnsion ‘ – one ‘Rebecca Hilsenrath ‘ being reported by locals in a Welsh village for driving to her second home from Hertfordshire for Christmas . …in breach of the rules .
Hilsenrath was spoken to at said idyllic cottage and drove home.Hilsenrath. Described as ‘one of the 100 most influential lawyers in thr country ‘ professed ignorance of welsh laws and apologised – so that’s alright then .
How will the BBC treat such a serious flouting of rules by such a senior public figure ….?
Is four dead enough for you BBC?
How relieved the BBC must be that the woman shot dead was white. No need to choose which double standard to get behind.
Though I am certain they wish the protesters had shot somebody.
Toady was right there in the gutter this morning.
1. Rick Knobson managed to weave in unfairness to BLM in the story of the Trump supporters attacking the US Capitol.
How unfair it was that the police, doing nothing to prevent the Trump supporters, strictly patrolled the BLM demos. Strangely, The Knob made no mention of BLM supporters torching city centres night after night.
Now I am not defending Trumps’s manifestly ‘child’ psychology behaviour over the last several weeks, which has been a bad own goal but the absolute glee with which the BBC decries him tells us….well, what we already knew about their pro- Democratic bias.
2. Amid wall to wall doom and gloom about covid, with a queue of doctors and experts telling us how bad it is, there was a whole 2 minutes for an alternative opinion by Jonathan Sumption. But guess what? Just as it was getting interesting it was the usual tactic of ‘sorry we have run out of time and now over to the sports news’. After which there was more doom and gloom.
The bias-ometer is almost as high as the energy production from renewables is low during this cold anti-cyclone (a magnificent 7% from wind)
Given the calibre of global statesweasel in complement to the ideological MSM holding their enemies to account on their behalf, things look less than optimal.
Sluff, I listened to the first 15 minutes of TOADY from 6 a.m. and just could not bear to listen to any more. The Snuffy household may be a BBC free zone for a couple of days.