Today the BBC will deliver coverage of the inauguration as president of a 78 year old man in a foreign country . How will it be covered ? A celebration ? A festival for the Far Left ? Or something more neutral ?And how will the BBC treat the outgoing President ? 5pm UK time – we ll get the answer .
Midweek Thread 20 January 2021
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Odd goings on on BBC and Channel 4 (the ugly sisters).
They are trying to pander to the angry Trump supporters with soothing words after all the bile they have been spewing out up to now.
Couldn’t be that they are beginning to realise that the majority of USA citizens are really angry about the fiddling that has just occurred and that sleepy Joe has an impossible job on his hands trying to run the show with a false following and that it might just fall to pieces in short order?
Catchup links to latest pots on previous thread
– page 3 started 11:30am on Tuesday
.. page 2
Buyer’s remorse ?
This election fraud will live in Infamy.
The Democrats, by their election cheating, and using Big Tech to shut down free speech, have now put the mark of evil on themselves for this century.
They will never get rid of that taint of evil, hard as they might.
Damage limitation now the job is done.
The BBC know how fragile their responsibility-free future is. They will have to do what the viewers demand if they go to subscription.
If you have cancelled the BBC from your TV, now is the time to think of cancelling the rest of the election cheaters before they cancel you.
I’m transferring my google mail to more honest and neutral emailers who do not use your data for their own use. I’m even thinking if reverting to letter writing. It has a human touch.
Similar for search engines – duck duck.
Twitter and Facebook are options I do without.
Me too – but apparently DUck Duck gets its data via Bing which I think bill gates has involvement with …. I might be wrong though ….
Thank you Fedup2.
Will keep any eye on them. I think they all will be drawing in their horns, as they know in their hearts, that all of them cheated.
This election fraud will live in Infamy. The Democrats, by their election cheating and using Big Tech to shut down free speech, have hanged themselves high to Hanan.
I’ve never written on Twitter or other social media apart from this site and never will . I now visit Twitter maybe once a day – but I always make sure I block at least 10 advertisers . I understand this hurts Twitter … I hope
… elsewhere – the NAO report of BBC Funding is 62 pages long and I’ve been browsing it – but it gives useful real figures to give us comfort over its’ decline .
The BBC unsubtle elevation of non whites will further put off the majority audience and send them away from it – which is uplifting but slow ….
I notice that the more advertisers I block, the more adverts I get. I don’t think they like it, but it’s very cathartic.
For sometime I have felt a hypocrite as I listened to BBC Radio whilst not paying the BBC license.
No more guilt. For the last six months I dont tune to BBC Radio. I now I tune to Swiss Radio musicwelle, through an old mobile, linke to the hifi.
Far better and more varied light music. In these days of unlimited Broadband, audio byte usage does not make a dent.
Too, I’m tuning to a fellow non-EU radio station. Like us, Switzerland is the oldest nations state in the world, Democratic as well, while the rest of the EU was and still is, wallowing in totalitarian thuggery, sometimes a mild infection, and sometimes full strength. .
NO to NetFlix + Hollywood, and Amazon. I’m out of both.
No more of my money anyway.
Video “Is the MSM a Virus ?”
David Sedgwick guests on the David Vance show
Oops the remote audio got stuck in a echo field
Then here 10 minutes in it was fixed
DS “One of the jobs of the BBC is to turn the world upside down
.. make minority opinions seem like, they are THE MAJORITY
make majority opinions seem like, they are THE MINORITY”
Good point
And to make criminals of the same order and type as the law abiding majority. That way they can appear to be fair. But all it amounts to is lies, distortion and debasing truth.
BBC News
Police in London are three times more likely to use force on black people compared to white people.
The BBC has investigated the case of Kevin Clarke, who died in police custody in 2018.
The BBC has seen what ‘works’ in the US.
Are people really THAT bothered in this country ? Some might tut tut, but then wonder what they’re going to have for tea. If it doesn’t concern them then why worry about it.
I wonder if anyone has bothered to work out how much more likely an arrested black person is to be a violent criminal than a white person.
I don’t know the answer and the real problem here is that nobody is ever going to tell me. But going on the fact that the black 10% of the USA population commit 50% of the murders, I tend to think it is true for good reason.
Police more likely to use force on black people ?
… are they more likely to be involved in specific types of crime
ie violence ?
Stew, the other day I watched a video clip of a BAME anti-lockdown protester being confronted by police and arrested. There was a lot of verbals and arm waving on her part which I guess tends to make Officers want to ‘cut to the chase’ (or more pertinently end the chase), get the cuffs and any restraints on and the ‘client’ taken away for cooling down in a cell and eventual processing.
Well, we can look at the prison statistics! Many years ago I remember the Guardian using them alone as evidence for racial discrimination by the police and the legal system.
Shame they have to go back more than two years to find and example of police brutality – or mishandling of a mentally handicapped man – whichever best suits your narrative…
Larry Savvato has just told Ritula Shah (BBC R4 TWoT) that Joe Biden will be over-turning the Executive Orders issued by President Trump. Ritula doesn’t comment on the divisiveness of this.
Things are only divisive when the right do them.
Too, the Left cant do simple arithmetic.
I wonder if the courts will prevent Biden overturning Trump’s executive orders in the same way as they prevented Trump overturning Obama’s?
I’m joking.
This went well then.
Ah you got it already, he’s got ratioed 4 to 1 so far (replies +QTs)
Maybe there is nowhere near as much bias either!
I pay £0 per month .
And get better service .
Do you not get an endless choice of movies with Netflix?
You are not forced to watch Slebs Slipping on Ice and goggle at yourself goggling at Gogglebox or agonise over which Party to vote out of the Party People because you don’t like how they run the Island you Love.
Like Nibor I pay £0 per month and get an excellent service especially the peace and quiet when I hit the Radio 4 ‘OFF’ switch.
With a TV license I spent most of the time, about an 30 mts three times a day, to find something worth watching. Hardly ever found anything worth the effort and time. BBC and the MSM are too biassed and stupid worth watching.
Since “cancelling” the TV license, I have far more time to read , and less irritable as I’m not paying good money to watch stupid views ( Climate Change), propounded by grossly overpaid morons.
Wendy on the blower to get him to join the team with Springster and I’m Wrong Shysterperson?
So how many people are in jail for not paying Netflix?
Lots of the twitterati noting that the BBC fact checkers have not noticed one of their own manipulating the goal posts, again.
Lots of the Twitter Commies claiming that the BBC is a hard right Conservative Government organisation.
Al Beeb must have started a major propaganda push against the falling viewer statistics.
Out of touch BBC idiot tweets !!!
Uses most expensive package for effect , as if it’s a “fact” . Luckily , plenty see thru his lies
Doob – thanks for putting that up – sandford is getting the sort of response you might expect . Basic Netflix is £5.99 . He can’t even get that right .
But he has lovely hair.
Like Nancy Pelosi.
I might rejoin twitter, just for moments like this.
Labours send some of its Twitter army down to say “Yeh no Tory propaganda” (200 likes)
Just found a link to President Trump’s farewell speech which you will not find anywhere on mainstream media; quite incredible.
It was as usual, very heartfelt, inspiring and a little boasting but why not on what he has actually achieved; unfortunately always drowned out by ‘never Trumpers’ on the media. I wished we had a PM who seemingly loved his country as much.
If only President Trump had been a little more conciliatory with his enemies he would have brought most of the GOP with him and had a landslide victory and another 4 years.
I fear the worst put hope for the best as Socialism now has it’s icy grip on the USA.
Start with Katie Hopkins 1 min vid
She’s put up another 2 since
Trump speech
Some words from the transcript
Trump noted Middle East peace deals his administration brokered and lauded his foreign policy agenda.
“We revitalized our alliances and rallied the nations of the world to stand up to China like never before,” he said. “I am especially proud to be the first president in decades who has started no new wars.”
“All Americans were horrified by the assault on our Capitol.
Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans. It can never be tolerated.
Now more than ever, we have to unify above our shared values and rise a before the common destiny.”
The president did not mention his successor, Joe Biden, by name in his remarks. But he suggested his movement would go on.
“Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning,”
I don’t spot any news networks quoting this bit
We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
We slashed more job-killing regulations than any administration had ever done before.
We fixed our broken trade deals, withdrew from the horrible Trans-Pacific Partnership
and the impossible Paris Climate Accord,
renegotiated the one-sided South Korea deal, and we replaced NAFTA with the groundbreaking USMCA
— that’s Mexico and Canada — a deal that’s worked out very, very well.
Also, and very importantly, we imposed historic and monumental tariffs on China; made a great new deal with China
PM Justiin Tr of Canada was happy that Pres Trump is out. Not so now, as the first thing Biden did was to cancel the oil pipeline. Canada makes a lot of money from this, and has sunk a lot of investment here. Big Oil ain’t gonna be happy. They have far more real power and muscle then platforms running opinion clubs.
It won’t be long before we have multiple Twitter type portals. Too, I expect Android like, and even better OS systems for mobiles. Its not that difficult as the basis exists already – Linux, Unix etc.
I’m glad.
You might recall that The False President said he was going to ‘end the oil industry ‘ during one of the debates and his handlers had to lie their way out of it …..maybe the oil industry has done a deal with him to get the oil price up …..
There is a big difference between Twitter locking your account and BP applying pressure on the valve till the pips squeak.
Yes. Historians will see this much, much differently.
And I don’t mean ‘historians’ like Dan Snow!
The almost universal media hate and bigotry about Trump …and irrationality… really quite a phenomenon.
Garry, it was full-on hate, sneer, despise, sneer and hate and that was just ten minutes of the TOADY Prog from 6 a.m. onwards. I switched off after that and now I see I have missed the rest of TOADY.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
I fully agree with you, and I am a left-leaning green who believes in climate science.
I’m not a fan, but at the same time I understand why people voted for him, and I see where his achievements have been.
The nastiness from the left/media has not impressed me; it comes over as entitled and agenda-driven.
I think historians will make a calmer, more balanced assessment.
Their hatred is really of us. Despite their continuous anti-Trump propaganda, Trump’s popularity tells them that we don’t believe them. They hate us for that.
So we have them. The more we support Donald Trump, the more it drives jourrnos to insanity.
TDS is far worse the BDS. It may well lead to hospitalization or worse.
Now if only I can think of an anti-TDS vaccine. I could be a billionaire in a month.
Re your last sentence, the U.S.A. could be entering a new Ice Age, might last more than 4 years and spread far and wide
I am tentatively confident that after 4 years of what Biden and Harris are going to ram down their throats, Republicans will win comfortably next time.
First order of business : set up a few committees looking for reasons to impeach and keep them running for the full term. Let them know they cannot just get away with such disgraceful behaviour.
I’m sorry to knock your confidence – but if one election can be stolen so easily why can’t another one .?
Despots and corrupt leaders around the world must think its Christmas again …..and today Wednesday hundreds of millions of people will witness a crime in progress …. amazing
The only managed this one because it was so close. They waited to see if it was worth the risk and it was : a few percent made all the difference.
They have no chance if it is a landslide.
I still haven’t seen any convincing explanation of why the vote counts stopped and thousands of votes for Biden arrived in the dead of night. It’s as if the MSM put their fingers in their ears and start saying ‘I can’t hear you’ whenever it is mentioned.
Until that is properly explained, I will assume it was rigged.
Much of the of the developing world hates the USA already. They will be laughing now at what hypocrites they are.
John C. “Republicans will win comfortably next time.”
Sadly I disagree. The Dems have tools in their arsenal to ensure the GOP never comes to power again.
First is their plan to legalise millions of illegal migrants. That’s millions of votes overnight.
Other plans include gerrymandering border lines and even creating new States.
Then the MSM and Big Tech will continue covering for the Dems, and once in power there’ll be even less incentive to clean up election fraud.
If the so-called Democrats manage to grant Washington DC and Puerto Rico the status of states, as happened with Hawaii, that means two Senate seats for each. These are thought likely to be won by the Democrats, so the present 50*-50 might turn into 54-50. The Republicans might yet make progress by flipping Senate seats in the 2022 mid-terms, but the mountain to climb would certainly get a bit higher.
I agree that the MSM and Big Tech are serious problems to overcome.
President Trump DID score a landslide victory.
He received 10 million MORE votes than in in 2016. This is unheard of. In 2012 Obama received 3.5 million fewer votes than in 2008 and still won handily.
Yet somehow Sleepy Joe, who rarely left his basement, called a lid on campaigning most days by 10 am, and who spoke to crowds in single figures got 81 million votes, the most in history? C’mon man.
The fix was in. The Democratic Party had this ready from the start. However many votes Donald Trump got, Joe Biden was going to get more. There was nothing Donald Trump could have done better to have won this election, the steal was in from the start. We all know it. Even Jon Sopel.
Pres Trump actually received more then the 75 million that were actually counted for him. He probably won around 100 million. And Biden around 60 million, fraud included.
Take 25 million off Trump and add it to Biden, gives Biden 85 million. Thus showing that Biden won more then Obama. But not too much more , as it lessons the glow of Obama.
Also I think that Trump won far more then Obama. So much more that the counting had to be shut down for the night, and restarted hidden behind curtains.
So the algorithm had to
1. Make Biden win but not by too much to make Obama look bad
2. Had to make Trump lose and be less then Obama on a bad day but not too bad.
I got the guess work of Biden getting 85 million. He actually got 81 million,- more then Obama did.
But the basis is still right. Donald Trump won more votes then any president in history, and by a long margin.
And why else not allow a an audit of the vote.
The Dems, MSM and Big Tech are guilty and know it. Why else do they act guilty.
Sore winner – Brilliant.
It must be real bad to be a sore winner. How does one live with that?
Its like winning Wimbledon men’s final playing against Federer, by bribing the referee and line judges.
One accepts the trophy, protected by armed military, while getting soundly booed by the audience.
Would that be a reasonable analogy?
PS: Apologies to Wimbledon for suggesting that anything like the American fraud election would ever happen on their court.
A lot of the GOP are really Democrats who are there to destroy the party from within. China is happy to work with one party states. Trump bypassed them and went straight to the American people. The swamp lied and cheated to remove him.
Very true. I have often felt that quite few of the GOP are actually placements, to prevent the seat going to genuine GOP.
Once again the know nothings at the BBC cannot get their facts right. The coal mine in Cumbria. They hate it because it is coal. But it is specialised coal for steel making. So we give up making steel do we ? The BBC would love that., Not one if them has ever done a real job of work. On the land or in the industrial economy.
I am sick of their rubbish. If we do not dig the coal we will have to import it. They do not even begin to understand this.
A stupid organisation staffed by the terminally ignorant.
Greta is reported as being really angry about this new U.K. coal mine, recommend her having a chat with President Xi Jinping about when he is planning to shut down the 3,000 mines in China.
Same reason as why ‘Stop the war’ never campaigned against Russia in Syria.
No fame, spotlights, VIP spots on the BBC or in the guardian or social media glory for them in that (and of course the finance which comes with it through books. appearances etc). Just hard facts of life.
Yes. Sad thing is…it’s for Serbian steel making.
Yes. Sad thing is…it’s for Serbian steel making.
I’ll be the first.
Bamous on BBC 1.
I’m currently selling nails and coffins and business is booming, I’m looking for an apprentice to keep up with demand.
The agility of the British entrepreneur! That’s why we shall be all right.
“Italy’s PM @GiuseppeConteIT has survived vote of confidence
His is now a minority government.”
I can’t see the actual size of the restaurant rebellion against closure
.. the 50,000 number is clearly just a PR number
Thousands* of restaurants have opened in Italy in defiance of the country’s strict Chinese coronavirus lockdown regulations.”
* Even “thousands” is hyperbole
cos there are no that many italian photo tweets
and people mention heavy police presence etc.
Over 53 countries in the world look up to Great Britain as the ‘torch’ to the rest of the world for Democracy , Justice, and Freedom. It’s history has spanned the globe, some bad, but taken in context with all the other nations at the same time, it was great and good . We, the British should be very proud of our efforts – hence The Commonwealth of Nations namely the British Commonwealth.
We have in our midst Al Beeb, promulgating a defamation of our history and past in front of our Tory Prime Minister and our Cultural and Media Secretary. Will the world now look and trade with us in a new and dark light . Al Beeb is Anti-British and despises the nation, it should now be defunded, if only to respect all those British lives that died in Europe in the last hundred years .
How much longer must we put up with it Prime Minister ?
“But the greatest danger we face is a loss of confidence in ourselves, a loss of confidence in our national greatness. A nation is only as strong as its spirit. We are only as dynamic as our pride. We are only as vibrant as the faith that beats in the hearts of our people.
No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes, for these are the very sources of our unity and our vitality.”
Can you imagine our PM saying that. Even EU Macron can just about managing something like it.
I don’t need to imagine our friends in W1A splitting their sides over that speech, I know they will have done.
I wish they would keep their self-hatred to themselves.
It’s quite worrying that the BBC represents our country and culture to people across the world.
PM Boris supports the wokerism and all that goes with it. Why else did he turn a blind eye to the desecration of the Cenotaph and Churchill’s statue.
Its not the USA, its the whole West, that has been turned into a floppy rice pudding, through a steady diet of marxist educated female teachers, and their woke marxist lecturers in third rate universities that were created by John Major.
Now, even if we tried to create real jobs in manufacturing, we will have to import real engineers from China. All we have now are software writers. And they are as prone to cultural marxism as humanities students.
Humanities student from 3rd rate John Major university here…
Did not buy in to cultural Marxism (which wasn’t even really heavily pushed in the early 90s – I think it is a more recent stance), and despite differing in politics to many on here I do plainly see that the bbc wishes to impose a worldview on me.
I hope in some small way this reassures you…
Thank you.
You make a point .
The universities that were created, lowered the standard across the board, as they were all competing against each other for money from government.
Chasing a a finite number of students, led to increasing number of worthless studies, and all passed out with inflated grades. This was necessary for getting funding. Widgets out = Widgets in. Result, lower standards year by year. It then feeds back to A-levels, continuing the downward cycle
All this takes time. By late 1990s, it was beginning to be apparent in Mathematics – where it is easy to quantify standards. This affected engineering, and engineering industry. But as it turned out, we were heading to a financial services economy.
What does matter is that we don’t have engineering graduates trained in hard disciplines, unlikely to be persuaded by hand waving flourishes. That is why so many accept Climate Change as a science. Even the engineering disciplines we have are software.
Now we are one switch throw away from disaster. The nation that created engineering, which then birthed modern Physics, is so badly informed that its TV presenters call it “technology”.
Thank you for being patient with my simmering rant. I do love Engineering and Brunel, James Watt, Faraday etc. These are the men that created the modern world we take for granted.
Going off to prepare a coffee now.
New legislation protects Scottish shop staff from customer abuse
“The Protection of Workers Bill will make it a new specific offence to assault, abuse or threaten staff.
Incidents involving an age-restricted product, such as alcohol or cigarettes, could be treated more seriously.”
Another step towards a police state, and enhanced punishment for crimes committed against certain special groups.
They could try teaching their staff good manners and people skills instead.
There can be nothing better designed to upset the customers than those notices beyond the counter warning that abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Essentially they declare that all customer are guilty before trial, in which case what has the customer got to lose?
See you Jimmy, thump!
We are used to seeing these notices in hospitals and railway stations. Never mind the patients/passengers! This institution is run for the benefit of its staff. Enough to make you want to push a nurse into the sluice, or a porter on to the line.
Good point. From now I will ask why there aren’t similar enjoinders for staff. Are staff perfect? Do they never ever show intolerance and anger. Where does one get such staff?
If more people started to question the assumed bias of such notices, they will change.
I’m all for that law, no need for abuse.
Caught some of a SKY news interview around 5.30 p.m., I believe it was with DT’s biographer although cannot find her mentioned anywhere. Clearly a POTUS supporter but the SKY interviewer, Mark Austin, gave her a typical MSM anti Trump grilling, constantly interrupted her and just came out with the usual rubbish. She tried to go through some of his achievements over the last 4 years, the economy, high employment and the recent Israel/Middle East peace Treaties which she correctly said were woefully under-reported, Austin was having none of it and aggressively challenged her as if anyone supporting him should be charged with a criminal offence. As far as he was concerned his support for the storming of the Capitol meant that any Trump legacy was only fit to be consigned to the dustbin of history. No attempt to hear an alternative viewpoint to his own.
If anyone has SKY catchup or the interview finds it way on to youtube perhaps someone would be good enough to post it here. I thought the beeb were bad by SKY is definitely challenging them for top spot in the biased league table.
Let’s deal with them one at a time . Start with the one that we are forced to pay for if we watch it or not.
I’ve always found Mark Austin an uncomfortable watch, he continually shifts in his chair, he shouts his questions and comments, and is very aggressive. Equally as bad is Dermot Murnaghan who tends to sneer and scoff when commentating.
The most inoffensive imo is Colin Brazier, while remaining professional has the most relaxed demeanour of them all.
Here’s a short clip
On Twitter his anti-Trump people are vile
and want her banned.
whereas others condemn him
examples.. examples 2
I can’t find any longer clips
Gab’s search function is rubbish
There is noting on Facebook or Youtube
and SkyNews livefeed has passed on
Sorry, a bit late but thanks for finding these clips. Austin and his ilk in the MSM seem to get away with this aggressive style of interviewing whenever they disagree with their guest’s comments and try to impose their own prejudices. This lady was clearly unsettled by his constant interruptions and found it difficult to get her arguments across – any complaint about this type of behaviour just gets dismissed as “holding the interviewee to account”.
The media is always biased and its clearer when the dust settles, but the fact is that the bbc should not have a ‘side’. That’s what gets me. I am not a Trump fan, but the entitled bias is doing my head in, because they are supposed to be impartial.
I notice from others in my area that this new “code” that the Crapita/TVLicensing is the same ;
This has been “issued against” my address . Its also being issued to everyone else .
This Issued Against ?! Im not looking for confrontation , is the BBC ?
Ive never “issued against ” the BBC . I could live quite happily if it leaves me alone , but it comes looking for me .
I`ve offered a day in court as they are insistent , but they back down . And not gracefully .
Is this akin to stalking ?
You could try using the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
Ideally somebody like the Consumers’ Association could start a class action and get an injunction against Capita.
I am sure that, like me, you don’t own a shotgun, keep a ‘zoo’ animal or operate a distillery yet don’t recieve continual threats from the agencies involved in those licences.
I own a television, it is connected to an aerial, I can receive live broadcasts. Even if I have no TV licence there is nothing illegal in this. They would need to prove that I was using this equipment before they could take me to court for not having a licence. Having to prove your innocence is a kind of oppression that I thought we were free of.
“Theresa May: PM’s foreign aid cut damaged UK’s moral leadership, says predecessor”
Mrs May should have been more concerned with the her leadership and the needs of her own people. We are facing huge debts . She is a bitter woman.
taffman, there is a convention in the UK that an outgoing/outgone PM does not comment on his/her successor, especially when from the same Party. For all his faults (and there were many) John Major stuck to that rule, even when tempted or encouraged to break it by BBC presenters. Too late now but Theresa May would have done well to follow John Major’s example.
Yes, John Major, an example to us all!
True taff, but if one of your ministerial memories was that Abba-style conference entry, you’d be bitter too.
Nobody would want to remember looking that stupid…
good way for her to get a UN post methinks
“Musicians ‘failed by government’ over EU touring, stars say”
It sounds like the Remainers are still at work ?
They can get visas like everyone else .
Taffman ,
The “musicians” should get in touch with Trans Am Trucking near Diss on the Norfolk-Suffolk border England , who took over Edwin Shirley haulage . Both companies specialise in the movement of equipment for music concerts all round the world .
At present most of their trucks are laid up due to the Covid crisis , any that are moving are doing container work to keep drivers occupied until they can get back to their normal work . That`s why you see these black or purple left hand drive Scanias doing “box jockey ” work .
Another specialist is Roger R at Sittingbourne , Kent .
Im sure these companies can give expert advice and look forward to getting back to hauling stage equipment .
“Donald Trump’s farewell: We did what we came to do”
The media swamp beat him. The media swamp in this country lost with Brexit and lost in the general election. It’s time they were drained.
Despite the best efforts of the ethically-barren Left-wing MSM, Trump ultimately lost because COVID gave them a golden bullet just at the wrong time.
What bugs me most about these people is that they do not care about the people or the country one little bit. It’s all about political agenda and hate.
John, it is just a teeny coincidence of Covid coming along when China is in a Trade War with President Trump & the USA, when Trump has defused tensions and had successful visits to Korea and Japan and was also seeking re-Election.
It is another teeny coincidence that Covid came along when there was Brexit happening for the UK & EU and a new Conservative Party leader was having to deal with that.
And it is just a peculiar happenstance that some of the countries worst hit by Covid just happened to be countries where the BBC really do not like the Governments: Brazil and Bolsonaro, India and Modi, Israel and Netanyahu, Italy and Giuseppe Conte, UK and Johnson.
And another strange coincidence, all those countries praised by the BBC for their handling of Covid: Germany, New Zealand, Scotland.
Fourteen months of incredible coincidences. Will we see the like of it again?
The world seems to have gone completely bonkers – all at the hands of the Left. Common sense is now completely out the window.
The one thing which pricks me is how all of this is against the way nature has worked over centuries to get us here. And as ALWAYS happens when things fight nature, it will eventually destroy us.
The Left has always been a destroyer of societies and humans. At its best it destroys the economy and reduces people to ration cards.
At its worst, its the biggest mass murdering ideology the world has ever been unfortunate to suffer.
I just don’t understand why people keep falling for getting free stuff if they vote for the Left.
Up2, it’s doubtful since Soros and his Globalist Partners have had their way
Personally, I prefer to be kissed first
The media mob still havent let Brexit go…R4. Within 10 mins…Brexit causing fish supply problems but scottish fish spokeman put R4 mouth in his place..then how Brexit has left musicians in a bad way. A letter to Boris.signed by all the good and great (in their own minds)
Somehow the fact they dont have freedom of movement will make concerts impossible? Err how do they play in the US Africa. Er anywhere outside EU…
And of course DT..announced as the only potus to be impeached twice and the toxic legacy left by him…
Not at all bias..
Defund now
Donald Trump has by no means lost. Exodus 17:8-13 seems hugely (bigly?) relevant today.
Square-eyed, and I have a verse for the Democratic National Congress and their about-to-be-inaugurated President: Psalm 106 verse 15. It is not my wish for the new President but he desired the office so much that God may just give him something more.
BBC Moaning Emole
In one way, Trump’s boast is true
Donald Trump, in his 20-minute pre-recorded farewell speech, said his administration did what it came to do – and more.
One can debate the significance of his accomplishments – whether 400 miles of rebuilt border wall, tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks, confirmed judges, trade wars, and modest Middle East diplomatic agreements amount to much in the way of substantive achievement.
But at least in one way, his boast is certainly true. Trump ran for president in 2016 to shake up the existing political order. He campaigned as an outsider giving voice to those who distrusted the establishment.
The unrest and resentment that Trump rode to the White House crested and crashed on the US Capitol two weeks ago.
After four years of shattered norms and traditions, of turning expectations of presidential behaviour on their head, Trump leaves US government changed – fundamentally and, perhaps, irreversibly.
That, at least, was a promise made and a promise kept.
Read more >
Anthony Zurcher
BBC North America reporter
Maybe Daniel Sanford could fact check this?
Actually Donald Trump is getting stronger as he leaves office. The democrats are robbers who cant win a fair fight without reverting to Big Tech tactics- shut down free speech.
The Dems and their hangerson of benefit scroungers, will regret it. They are now hung with the coat of election fraudsters and stealers. They cant do anything about it, as it is what is believed, even if the Democrats actually won it, fair and square – which they didn’t.
I’m not one for cut and pasting from the Guardian but today it reports some cheery news about the financial difficulties of the BBC via a report published today from the NAO – I’m going to try to cut and paste below ;
‘The BBC faces an uncertain future because it relies heavily on the licence fee as its audience share plummets, Whitehall’s spending watchdog has concluded.
In a pointed warning, the National Audit Office said the corporation has postponed making difficult decisions about future income streams, and is dipping into its reserves to cover the cost of free licences for viewers over 75 years old.
The NAO’s findings come amid criticism from senior Conservatives of the BBC and its reliance on the licence fee ahead of the BBC’s charter renewal in December 2027. Richard Sharp, the corporation’s incoming chair, said last month the fee “may be worth reassessing” as part of a review.
Reacting to the findings, Meg Hillier, the chair of the Commons’ public accounts committee, said the BBC has “shied away from making tough decisions for too long and has underestimated the cost of major projects”.
“It is much too complacent about risks that could materialise as soon as next year,” she said.
The watchdog’s report, released today, assesses the BBC’s financial strategy. It said the BBC had been “slow to change” on issues such as the fall in viewing by younger audiences, and still had no central strategy for tackling the problem.
“Falling audience share poses a financial risk as people are less likely to pay the licence fee if they do not view licensable content,” the NAO said.
Examining the corporation’s finances, auditors found that the BBC’s licence fee income fell by £310m between 2017-18 and 2019-20, to £3.52bn.
The number of under-75 households buying TV licences fell by 450,000, due to changes in audience viewing habits and more households qualifying for a free over-75 licence, the report said.
In 2019-20, the BBC generated income of £4.943bn, of which £3.52bn was public funding from the TV licence fee. The BBC began negotiations with the government in November about the future funding it will receive from the fee.
Auditors expressed concern at the corporation’s failure to evaluate its financial future. They said that although the BBC “considers that it delivers significant wider value to British and global society … it has not conducted an economic analysis of this in almost 10 years”.
The corporation’s financial health has also been unexpectedly weakened by the impact of Covid-19, such as a drop in advertising sales, the report said.
Today’s report also examines a drop in viewing. The amount of time an adult spent watching broadcast BBC TV dropped by 30% from an average 80 minutes a day in 2010 to 56 minutes in 2019.
BBC radio audience time has also declined among adults, falling by 15% between 2013-14 and 2019-20, when national commercial radio stations have maintained or increased their audience time.
“Despite its purpose of being a universal broadcaster and still being the most-used media brand in the UK, the BBC has seen a notable drop in audience viewing times. [The BBC’s] principal source of income, the licence fee, has also declined, and the BBC now faces considerable uncertainty about the income it will receive from the licence fee,” the report said.
Gareth Davies, the head of the NAO, said: “The BBC faces significant financial challenges as it embarks upon licence fee negotiations and its midterm charter review.
“It has made significant cost savings and has identified the need for more with licence fee income under pressure.
“As decisions about the licence fee are made, the BBC needs to develop a clear financial plan for the future, setting out where it will invest and how it will continue to make savings.
“Without such a plan, it will be difficult for the BBC to effectively implement its new strategic priorities.”
BBC insiders point out that executives have been examining alternative funding models. In August, it was reported that Tim Davie, the director-general, looked at whether the licence fee could ultimately be replaced with a new special income tax, based on the Swedish model for funding public service broadcasting.
A BBC spokesperson said: “As the NAO has set out, we have made significant savings and increased efficiencies, while maintaining our spending on content, and continuing to be the UK’s most-used media organisation.
“We have set out plans for urgent reforms focused on providing great value for all audiences and we will set out further detail on this in the coming months.
“The report also stresses the importance of stable funding for the future, which we welcome as we begin negotiations with government over the licence fee.”ENDS
Obviously the biggest danger to people like me who objects to the existence of the BBC at all is that funding is subsumed into General Taxation so that we will have even less opportunity to object .
Since we are governed by politicians who have no principles at all anything is possible .
Just scrap the useless anti-British outfit. It’s a waste of time and money because fewer and fewer people watch the rubbish it broadcasts. The taxpayer pays too much as it is.
Hi taffman, I kept hitting like to your comment, but this site will only let me vote once. (unlike in Peterborough) 🙂
But it just goes to show, there’s nothing, not even a hint within those words, of a recognition that the BBC is, very simply, ‘not fit for purpose’ and it declines everyday toward its goal of complete Marxism.
I did like the passage: “… it delivers significant wider value to British and global society ….”
And global society? Bit like paying the subscription for viewers of Netflix – Worldwide. Why so?
‘Dipping in’ is a bbc specialty.
Especially to prop up pension pots. Hope the tvl payers remaining are not keeping a dodgy solar farm in Iceland going.
There’s an ad FB keeps stuffing at me pushing an event with Jon Snow and I think Dale Vince of Ecotricity. After a week it has yet to manage triple figures in response. And the comments are mostly around Jon, and Snow, and stage performances. Not in a good way.
The media is now a joke, only they don’t know it yet.
I can see the politicians’ enthusiasm for the BBC to be funded by general taxation. Just like the Road Fund Licence which so seldom funds roads, there will be no way to ensure all that lovely tax is spent in the way the Beeb would hope – provided we keep a right-handed government of course…
There is a dire need for pro-Climate Change propaganda. If The BBC are not able to carry on this propaganda, the government can tack on the BBC license cost within the Cllmate Change tax. Solves all probs.
As Pres Trump is gone for the moment, Climate Change taxation is now well within the grasp of the EU, of which we are still a part of, as we have to obey all laws emanating from EU courts.
In a pointed warning, the National Audit Office said the corporation has postponed making difficult decisions about future income streams, and is dipping into its reserves to cover the cost of free licences for viewers over 75 years old.
Death by a thousand cuts. I like it. Maybe they can get a Climate Change subsidy. They have done a lot on their behalf.
Fed, er what?
“The corporation’s financial health has also been unexpectedly weakened by the impact of Covid-19, such as a drop in advertising sales, the report said.”
What happened in Australia, where so many people stopped paying for ABC that they abolished the licence fee? Are the Australians paying out of taxation? I agree, that would be a bad outcome for us, but it would take BBC’s chestnuts out of the fire; after all, they are so indispensable to the Government as the propaganda arm, that they are not going to be let adrift.
9an R4 More Or Less the original fact-checking show
..where slowly BBC fact-spinning crept in.
– When will vaccines let us get back to normal ? never ?
– “Figures suggest the UK’s economy performed worse than almost anywhere else in the world during the pandemic. But are the numbers misleading us? ”
– Alarming claims have been circulating about the number of suicides during lockdown.
– will UK fishing quotas increase two thirds in the wake of Brexit?
(If we properly protect against bad fishing then stocks will grow)
I see the word ‘suggest’ anywhere near a bbc piece and I used to send it to Marianna to check.
She never did.
Always busy.
Over there. Elsewhere.
When not logged off.
Or posting selfies.
Maybe her cat can hook up with Nav Cat from the ‘mole?
Vaccines .. their expert had hospital admission declining by only a third, co old people rarely make ICU
.. alot of talk about vaccinated will still be transmitting the virus talk that sunlight makes a huge difference.
– All the other countries measure their GDP in an over positive way
– Expert did hi best to pooh pooh claims suicide is rising
‘ ah the background trend is rising anyway, ah the data take 1 year to collect’
.. sounded rubbish
Fishing yes UK ministers were overstating
The prog claimed UK only gives the EU 1/3
and that’s only going to decrease by 1/4 of that ie 1/12th ie 8.5%
It omitted a number of big things
– EU currently grabs much more than a 1/3 imply by flagging many of its vessels as British
– Our own fleets need to negotiate deal with the wider area that includes Norway and Iceland.
their expert had hospital admission declining by only a third UNTIL MID MARCH
..that is why I mentioned that Spring would be causing the number to decline on top of vaccines
So he seems very pessimistic.
but interesting that very few old people make it to ICU
the NHS gives up on them before that.
A previously lucrative domain
There’s a Sting with a tale in the Times
More post-Brexit Remoaning this morning: ‘Sting has joined rock and classical musicians who have denounced the Brexit deal, which they say has left performers unable to tour Europe without visas’
The Beatles seemed to get that gig in Hamburg way before we joined the Common Market. And are visa issues really the problem stymying Sting’s European tour plans at present? Perhaps he and his fellow artists ought to lobby against lockdowns?
Elton John and Simon Rattle have also thrown their rattles out of their diamonte-encrusted prams. John being domiciled… I’m not exactly sure where, for tax purposes…? Who else is on the bill? Roger Daltry of The Who: ‘a prominent Brexiteer on the list indicates the scale of fears about the costs of performing in Europe, a previously lucrative domain.’ Oh, so it’s a money issue? Perhaps the message is that the EU as a bloc tends to block fair trade with their restrictive barriers. Maybe they should address their complaints to the deaf ear of Brussels? Bob Geldof (who the Times neglects to remind us was “a prominent Remainer”) is of course on the list of complainers.
Special pleading, eh?
‘Give the jab to teachers and cops’ (Mirror) who is it calling for this age queue jumping? Why, Dame Cressida Dick and the teacher unions of course. I’m sure 70-year-old and the super vulnerable police officers and educators (should they exist) will get their vaccinations soon enough, the rest should damn well wait their turn.
This rush for vaccines was always going to be divisive and to look unseemly: ‘Free-for-all feared as councils offer jab to staff before elderly’ (Telegraph)
The BBC’s favourite newspaper frontpage today, topping their online press review, is naturally the freebie giveaway Metro: ‘At last, it’s the back of Donald Trump. 78 days after losing US elections the man who still says he won is leaving the White House’ – that 78 days by the way is how the US constitution works.
‘Biden to launch blitz on the age of Trump. New president will get straight to work by targeting his predecessor’s tax cuts, Covid policy and “Muslim ban” (Telegraph) – well, covid policy is largely in the hands of State authorities, but Biden can certainly raise Federal taxes and invite more muslims into the US.
The newspapers assume we enjoy reading about female celeb angst and pseudo-psychological hypochondria (PPH) – less so for chaps.
The ‘i’ democratises the phenomenon for us today: ‘My daughter’s magical brain. Autism for girls’ – I’m sorry, I’m sure it does happen to a minority, but most daft kids are just daft.
I’m sure we’ll all be chuffed to read all about: ‘Ewan Blair’s £70m fortune – now he’s richer than his dad’ (Daily Mail)
‘White curry worker wins race discrimantion case’ (Metro) His supervisor, Azheem Akhtar, originally from Pakistan, thought only British Asians like himself should be allowed to work at the company, a subsidiary of Mumtaz, that supplies meals to Indian restaurants and supermarkets, the hearing was told.
‘Bottle of Nando’s sauce confiscated at border’ (Telegraph) – no this isn’t another case of racial profiling and discrimation, nor is it the revenge of the culinary fascists. This is Spanish border guards coming down heavy on a bottle of Peri-Peri in the shopping bag of a British man crossing from Gibralta onto the mainland. Apparently you can’t bring processed vegitables into the EU single market – due to their safety standards.
The Guardian tends to be super keen on race issues. This morning the title presents us with a stark contrast on their frontpage. Representing whitey: ‘Duvet or don’t they, The people who work from bed’ – past king of popular louche style, sworn enemy of magnolia, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen appears, still relucatant to go to the office and working from home yet again, indeed he’s still in bed in his silken dressing gown, keeping pet ginger pussy company.
No such decadent relaxation and watching the world go by for our BAME friends. The Guardian pictures a black GI: ‘Guarding the US Capitol in Washington yesterday’
‘Vauxhall owner warns Ellesmere Port at risk from Brexit and petrol car ban’ (FT) – so which is it?
Kudos again to the Mail, as the only title with writers who don’t seem to relish lockdowns: ‘Want to keep us in lockdown? Then give us a roadmap out’ (Sarah Vine)
‘Public against rush to reopen say ministers’ (Telegraph)
Has our easy acceptance of lockdown policies played on our laziness and decadence? ‘Big dipper. Swimmers take a plunge in their garden ponds’ (‘i’) – you have to laugh, or you’d cry.
“The BBC’s favourite newspaper frontpage today, topping their online press review, is naturally the freebie giveaway Metro:“
Well, hush ma mouth and call me Timmeh!; guess which one gets top billing on the BBC Moaning Emole?
Very visual, Beeboids. If predictable.
The Roger Daltrey thing is being pushed by Radio4 Twitteratti
“Oh look the pro-Brexit band member is complaining we need to develop free visas for touring bands’
Nope he always said that Brexit first and then WE CAN NEGOTIATE such things as touring visas.
EU want our bands
and they want to send their artists here.
Our bands are free to go to non-EU countries if they want.
Daltrey points out he toured Europe before the EU even started.
FFS 80% of tweets to R4 this morning are remainiacs spitting hate at Daltrey.
Ah what is happening is that no one pays much attention to Radio4
It’s Twitter traffic is quite small
but rather it’s @DrownedinSound a fanzine who posted the Radio4 item, not in a negative way
and the Remainiac pile on is in response to that
‘Bob Geldof (who the Times neglects to remind us was “a prominent Remainer”) is of course on the list of complainers.’
Did they neglect to say that he is an Irish citizen, which is why his knighthood is honorary?
Plus, from the most trusted global mole…
Need something different?
A two-year-old cat that went missing in Dorset has turned up 24 miles away – in the village where it was born. “He must be smarter than he looks,” said the cat’s owner. And here’s some Wednesday morning inspiration – a British man diagnosed with terminal cancer is trying to cycle to China.
Maybe the cat will be there to greet him? As an appetiser.
Bet he’s thrilled to be second to a moggy. Good luck in lonely bits of the ME, dude.
BBC director general Tim Davie, who started in the role in September, and new chairman Richard Sharp, who joins next month, will lead negotiations with the government on future funding and the licence fee.
“We have set out plans for urgent reforms focused on providing great value for all audiences and we will set out further detail on this in the coming months,” a BBC spokeswoman said.
What value do they provide to TV owners who pay the BBC, but rarely or never watch BBC product?
Priti Useless on Toady:
Timing not right
(We’re looking forward to working with the Biden team). “The two leadin’ democracies Worldwide”. Is this a funny? Had it been uttered just post the US election when the fraud began to come to light, it perhaps may have had more of a comical impact.
In my view, any so-called, ‘leadin’ democracy’ will do as the voters want. When ‘leadin'” democracies veer away from that fundamental premise and ‘go rogue’ democracy will wither. Aka, Labour and immigration et al.
Priti Useless on Toady:
Radio4 ‘File On Four’ made the claim that growing numbers of women are sexually abusing children.
The data cannot be used to show this because police no longer record a perpetrator sex.
They now record self-identified gender
@FairPlay say that currently they can’t prove that most female abusers are actually born male, but the suspicion is many many are.
Link to last tweet of their 10 tweet thread
Capitol Building : ITV man’s agent promoting his joint work with the BBC, building the false narrative about the Capitol event
“How ITV News crew @robertmooreitv & @SophieAlex1 risked everything to follow the* extremists storming* Capitol Hill.”
#MISREPRESENTATION FRAMING trickery : Most of the Trump people were just walking in they were not extremists storming.
People with cameras did not “risked everything to follow” Trump supporters into the Capitol.
There was no one hitting them etc.
(had the TV people stood in the way, their could have been a crush danger)
Risked everything?
What a joke…There’s been rioting in America all year,
this is nothing new.
I wonder if the BBC will make a big thing of the Biden inauguration crowds being smaller than Trump’s inauguration crowd.
All of my daytime BBC radio listening comes from Radio 3 nowadays. No doubt more and more of the music is from the pen of women and homosexual composers but at least it isn’t specifically obvious while the music is playing.
Being a mostly music station I don’t necessarily stay in the same room while it is playing, consequently I am vaguely aware that around midday they put out some news.
It used to be a special Radio 3 cut-down news but I find that now it is a Radio 2-style version with the awful Clare Runacres whose gravitas could out-perform a helium balloon.
‘Here are the latest death rates, you are all doomed, why not slash your wrists now?’, she laughingly seems to say.
I guess I could turn to Radio 4 Extra that always seems to be broadcasting the same programme every time I turn it on, but then I would run the risk of being exposed to ‘unacceptable’ language, which being a white supremacist, racist, homophobic, eurosceptic I can’t say I notice, unlike TV where ‘potty’ language is de rigeuer and comes without warning.
I like your style!
BBC commissioning a new series with three non historians… Chris, Nish and Dan, set in W1A.
Three Men in the Titanic.
TalkRadio news section “only days after a mob tried to murder members of congress”
Flippin heck what MISREPRESENTATION !
: there is a reason why I always fastforward past the Blue-Pilled-news
Stayed #Redpilled
BluePilled, RedPilled
… and maybe TurquoisePilled to denote those people
who push wild conspiracy theories David Icke style which muddy the waters
and damage RedPilled people’s cases.
Love it when they get found out. But, like all these Lefties, they just brazen it out.
So Chinese Government official media how do you feel ?
The work goes on without any more hindrance………….
They could have had a picture of the correct building at least! The White House. Dear me.
You just can’t get the calibre of despots these days.
The Chinese official news media have deleted their tweet 15 hours later
We have to face it: Whilst fighting valiantly, DJT had no chance to reform the USA long term. He was virtually on his own. Those whose only function is to destroy the US from within control too many of the levers of power.
And there’s that bizarre volte face by McConnell, her husband – total support for DJT then………. Wow! how did that come about? He no doubt had his instructions from Beijing. via, via……….
Not that I’m in to MSNBC but –
Then there’s Congressman Eric Swalwell (US Intelligence Committee) and his girlfriend, a Chinese spy.
One wonders who would also turn up at a, ‘Girl’s night out’ of all the other planted Chinese ‘Comfort Girls’.
Fact is, 75+ million DJT supporters? Even that massive number of patriots could not sway the US. I conclude, the only (and only real) solution is for a fresh start following a military coup. Otherwise, we will witness the very slow and painful death of the US.
Overreach :There is no proper evidence that Eric Swalwell was controlled by the Chinese spy
He saw her a few times around 2014
but cut off ties after being warned by the FBI
To quote the BBC, “There’s no evidence to support that assertion”.
Delve deeper. FBI…………… who are they, what do they do and who controls them?
It’s NOT up to me to prove, that she wasn’t “his girlfriend”
…. It’s up to the claimer to prove, she was “his girlfriend”
I’ll remember that tip. Just waiting.
Meanwhile smell this:
Best of luck with that “claimer”.
Lovely tweet there. Hang on though………its a “conspiracy theory”
@G to back your claim you cited The Daily Soak
… “DAILY SOAK is a satire and parody news site for entertainment only. “
“He saw her a few times around 2014”
Not according to the New York Post.
@G thanks, the article does not describe Fang as his “girlfriend”.
i. she left the country 5 years ago
Christine Fang, got close to several politicians, especially in the Bay Area, from 2011 to 2015, only to abruptly leave the country as the FBI was closing in.
ii. “Axios reports Fang had sexual relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors
Note Axios chose not to accuse Swalwell of having an affair with her.
NYP say “Swalwell won’t say whether he slept with the honeytrap.”
OK so no denial
but journos have a way of asking a question in such a way that you can’t answer Yes or No to it doesn’t prove anything.
iii. I said “He saw her a few times around 2014”
So when did he see her ? and how many times ?
The article says
“she focused on officials such as Swalwell, starting when he was a councilman and continuing after he won election to Congress in 2012.
So they don’t say whether he met her personally during 2011/2012 but had some communication.
He interacted with her at a number of public events over the years, and she was a fundraising bundler for his 2014 re-election campaign. She even helped place an intern in his office.
But then the FBI, in the midst of a counterintelligence probe into Fang’s activities, briefed him in 2015, and he cut all ties (though his father and brother remain Facebook friends with her).
So she came in 2011 and left in 2015
The article mentions 2014 and “at a number of public events over the years”
So the article do specify how many times he met her, but doesn’t mention any private meetings.
last line typo “So the article does mention 2014, but doesn’t specify how many times he met her, and doesn’t mention any private meetings.
Go to 18 minutes in:
G, I think Americans tend to give up on a loser. Not that president Trump wasn’t successful over his term but the election loss, could only eventually be a loss. Especially when mishandled by the President. It all disheartened the Republicans to the point where in Congress there were enough Republican Congressmen to vote in favour of the impeachment of Donald Trump.
Secondly, America is where polling was invented, where polling is taken to the ‘nth degree’. Some Senators and Congressmen probably don’t get out of bed until their pollsters tell them it would win an extra vote if they did.
Republicans will be looking to where they can be in the mid-terms (can they win back Congress?) and 2024. Who would be a winner for them? And for individual Congressmen and Senators who are due for re-election, they will be looking to the polling of their own demographics. Have they swayed enough ‘do not knows’ by turning their backs on Trump to win their seats again?
The real lesson – is to
be better at fixing election counts – either by software on dodgy computers of subverting the physical count be getting rid of observers and making sure the right sort of people are doing the counting – add corrupt postal voting to that too .
The biggest fix is to get the MSM and law enforcement to look away . The latter is easier because they knew A second term President Trump would have ‘squared up ‘a number of institutions including the Feds after his experience of them .
The MSM would , I would submit, be harder to square up but the BBC here is in a dominant position which we can undermine – but slowly and gradually – unless a second term Boris Johnson took it on . If princess nut nut remains one of his bedfellows such an action would seem unlikely …..
Fed, hopefully Covid will be a thing of the past in 2024. Or will it? Could all those coincidences be carefully maintained somewhere in a dark box and be brought out in November 2023 or January 2024?
” I think Americans tend to give up on a loser. ”
It’s only taken 49 years for loser Biden to become a ‘winner’!
Yup, and he needed Kamala Harris on the ticket and Covid to achieve it. Would China Joe have won in a ‘normal’ Presidential Election? I think not.
I’m sure I’ve heard the covid jabs give protection for something like 6 months (if given correctly with 3 weeks booster jab, not 12 weeks)
If that is the situation does it mean everybody will have to get re vaccinated autumn onwards, maybe at the same time as the flu jab.
If they are not given the jab when the first jabs are no longer effective we will return to the same situation as this winter.
Will all of the UK need to get covid jabs every year for the foreseeable future?
Long, but well worth a watch:
Particularly when comparing the three vaccines currently available in the UK
“I’m sure I’ve heard the covid jabs give protection for something like 6 months”
… em no one would know such a thing without doing testing for 6 months
So that sounds like unevidenced conspiracy theory.
It’s all , “unevidenced conspiracy theory” for you. Pray tell us, what medical qualifications do you possess?
@G shouting “qualifications !” is a form of the Fallacy of Argument From Authority
The small boy doesn’t have to have any tailoring qualifications to comments more accurately on the Emperors new suit than any of the courtiers did.
“The small boy doesn’t have to have any tailoring qualifications to comments more accurately on the Emperors new suit than any of the courtiers did.”
Using your logic, you would see that as a ‘conspiracy theory’ surely.
But please, continue to tell us what medical quals you have. The two principal contributors to the video I highlighted are highly respected and need no superficial criticism from you.
@G Sorry, you have a keen mind and a quick brain
So when @EmmanuelGoldstein posted at 11:52 AM
And you replied with a 1 hour 40 min video at 12:11pm
and the next comment was mine at 12:28pm your brain leapt to the conclusion that in the 17 minute interval I had watched the 1 hour 40 minute video and was commenting on that and was dismissing it.
In fact my comment was not to you at all
My comment began by quoting @EmmanuelGoldstein because that is who I was talking to
Now your video might have covered his question
… “I’m sure I’ve heard the covid jabs give protection for something like 6 months”
but I don’t know
cos when someone posts a long video, I almost never watch them
I just rely on what the commenter here says the video contains.
There is nothing wrong with a Conspiracy Theory when postulated or when it’s evidenced.
That is why in reply to EG (but not to you)
I wrote “sounds like *unevidenced* conspiracy theory.”
Katie Hopkins new clip
.. She gets close to the Al Jazeera camera MINUTES before the reporter goes live
He get’s triggered into shouting “you are RACIST, you are RACIST”
That’s wrong cos it’s a power label used to disempower someone.
He was still looking at his phone , he was not actually live.
BBC faces ‘financial risk’ over licence fee income, watchdog says
Comments could be going better. I expect they will pull this page once the managers get back from lunch.
Tabs – thanks for the link – strewth some of those comments are brutal toward the previous BBC and I can’t see them lasting long ….
469 upticks to 21 critical of a £75k 3 day week diversity czar ….
My blood seems to be permanently on the simmer at the moment.
The Daily Telegraph are running yet another Trump-hate article – this time from Kim Darroch (The Ambassador kicked out in disgrace).
‘Republicans must convict Trump or face a future as the voice of the angry white man’
No mention anywhere at all that Trump should only be convicted if he is guilty of the charge. He states quite clearly that they must find him guilty so they can be rid of him. Just as Pelosi has.
Welcome to the world of the Left. These are your human rights if you aren’t on their side.
Modern day Nazis.
Question is, John, can you impeach a President when he is no longer President? Perhaps Dobyns (think he lived there, certainly knows the US Constitution) can help us out there. I think the Impeachment Vote dies with the handover of the Seal of Office but could be wrong on that.
If I’ve learnt one thing since Brexit, it’s that the law becomes a very abstract thing when those trying to bend it are those who make it or are trusted to enforce it.
Two of the stand-out moments of Brexit for me were when they actually passed a law forcing the Prime Minister to ask for an extension and when gasps went around the court after the Supreme Court overruled everyone else. Including the Prime Minister and the Queen.
For the Left, it seems the Law is something to be used, not followed. I’m sure they will find a way and a Judge who agrees. Trump must be permanently removed.
Is it actually possible in the US Constitution to convict out of spite, without any actual evidence of a crime that would stand in a court of law?
Seems almost the sole job spec to be a Dem Speaker of the House.
And nice hair.
This is what is amazing me at the moment. They are all openly talking about using the impeachment to get rid of Trump so he can’t stand in 2024. Pelosi has said it directly.
And everybody is turning a blind eye to it. Because those who should be questioning it want rid of Trump as well.
It’s the most serious abuse of power I can imagine. By politicians AND the MSM. I would never have believed this could happen if I wasn’t watching it unfold with my own eyes.
If you think that derivatives of BLM have gone into a peaceful hibernation cos’ Beijing Biden takes the wheel today, think again.
What makes me laugh is that the Left think they doing are these people favours and they will all be equal friends.
BLM will turn on the Left (or anyone else who has what they want to take) in a heartbeat when it suits them. It’s just a question of time – and nature has plenty.
Avi’s new video complains about the Sydney court reporter
smearing him
and then using the Stealth Edit trick to 4 days later make a correction which removed 4 big claims.
Narrative ‘Avi-man bad, he sought to enlist this career criminal thug, who has now turned on him after he raised $500K
Avi stupidly reported the man to police for a death threat which was just a comedy sketch’
One example how the BBC waste money:
LIVE Trump leaves White House for last time as president
The post from 14:06 from a Samantha Granville, National Mall reporter, says, “There’s eight of us huddled in the BBC tent, fighting for power outlets and just hoping it starts to warm up before the ceremony starts”.
Then you have the BBC Newsnight team elsewhere. Probably well over 100 staff there altogether. Remember when the BBC needed over 50 staff to report the Dale Farm Travellers eviction many years ago?
He is still going !!!! What a bell end ????
I started to read an article on the Daily Mail website written by Sir Geoffrey Palmer, a black man, explaining why BAME people won’t have the vaccination. He has lived in the UK since 1955 and was a scientist in Scotland.
I started reading… and stopped. His theory why BAME people won’t have the vaccination is because
“One issue might be that when I switch on my TV to watch the frequent briefings from government ministers and the scientists advising them, I am painfully aware that nobody standing at the Downing Street lecterns looks like me.”
Well I am sorry but I don’t look anything like Professor Van Tam, Boris or Priti (different reasons why I don’t look like any of them) but it is no reason not to believe anything they say. Do we only believe a clone of ourselves?
Someone that looks like Geoff Capes is more likely to convince me that they know more about weightlifting than someone that looks like Darcy Bussell.
On the other hand someone that looks like Darcy Bussell might convince me that they know more about ballet than somone that looks like Geoff Capes.
Sir Geoffrey Palmer looks more like a racist bishop than a scientist.
He was great in Reggie Perrin, mind.
Anything run with ‘looks like me’, ‘you lot’, etc are destined for a bad reaction.
All still trotted out from one ideological direction only.
Deborah – thanks that is so funny and so pitiful …… if his coloured folk are that thick then maybe the jab would be wasted on them and go to a better place .
Labour councillor Chaudhary Mohammed Iqbal sat on Redbridge Borough Council for more than two years despite living in Barking.
He admitted electoral offences and perverting the course of justice.
The poor chap is probably bewildered that there is any sanction because after all where he or his family originate from corruption on a massive scale is custom and practise. Why dumb liberals think that folks will change their ways when they arrive in our country is beyond me particularly when those self same liberals are keen on multiculturalism where every migrant is told that they have no need whatsoever to adopt British values. Given another generation and bribery and corruption on a massive scale will become the norm here as migrants get a grip on most of our institutions. Well on our way to becoming the shit holes that the migrants came from.
How should the ‘tenant’ who lied be treated?
Well all he did was steal some money. He didn’t steal an election, and get rewarded.
From now, we should grade criminal frauds against the criminal fraud standard set by the USA, and accepted by both Houses of Congress and even the Supreme Court of the USA.
After his inauguration will dopey Joe exit the stage in his usual hilarious “running motion but walking pace” manner?
Dopey Joe trying to look young and vigorous but just making himself look like the proper dick he is.
If Trump took to doing that we’d never have heard the last of it.
Just think – at the very minute I am writing they are trying to get Biden to remember what day it is – who he is and what he is doing this afternoon instead of having his nap .
I’m not mocking (much ) but for a 78 year old to be showing early stage dementia – it is pretty cruel putting up at false presidential stooge at all …. perhaps the meds will help him do his ‘unity ‘ speech after completing the theft of the office …..
…. meanwhile hoards of MSM will be chasing president Trump ……..
The elite will ensure that Trump is made an example of in order to discourage anyone else from daring to take them on. Looking back over his term I think that initially he was naive and thought that once he was elected the apparatus of government would perform normally, the MSM would become at least a little more balanced, the Republican Party would back him. Instead he got open hostility from all three groups who conspired to bring him down and hobble his presidency . It took him the first half of his term to realise fully how deep , international and powerful the swamp actually is. His initial appointments were either semi swamp dwellers or folks who the swamp could get at and bend to their will.
The lesson for anyone else who wants to represent the people rather than the swamp is to Go in and start the revolution from day one, appoint your people not party recommendations , don’t play the political game .
For instance I think that he ought to have shut down the Russia gate special council immediately on taking office . There would have been a long lasting outcry but he could have got on with implementing the agenda he was elected on without being ham strung by Mueller et al.
But the question is even if anyone is brave enough to try to represent the people again , will elections ever be anywhere free and fair enough to allow the people to vote them in? Somehow I doubt it. I’m sure that liberal elites all across the West have note that the swamp has successfully stolen the election and will be taking lessons in how to do it. Democracy has died and we are witnessing its funeral in Washington today.
According to Tucker Carlson in a vid I just watched here: some of China Joe’s relatives are concerned that he is not able to withstand the pressures of the job. ‘The buck stops here’ was a memorable message to himself that one US President had inscribed on a block to place on his desk. Think it may have been FDR.
Donald Trump has done amazingly well – for a man impeached twice – remind me BBC, how is that vote going in the Senate? Oops, they are not sitting today – too late! Swearing-in Day for the new Senators, instead. Oh dear. How sad. never mind. The former President looks pretty much how he did four years ago. That’s unusual. David Cameron aged noticeably in just six years. Barak Obama aged noticeably but over two four year terms.
Pres Donald Trump, and his family have been subjected to continuous vilification and hate every day and every hour since he was elected, and still continues to this day. He was even beheaded in a cartoon sketch, and his severed head held high, for his family to see.
This level of hatred took place once before in the French revolution. This revolution was proto-Marxist, which then lead to the mass murder of hundreds of millions in communist countries.
Yet he has survived, standing tall, and still scaring the living daylights of the Crim Dems and Big Tech. They know, that like ObeOne, he is a greater danger now then when he was in the WH.
I dont think they expected the electoral fraud to come off so well. To get the whole deck was a surprise.
Now they are stuck with him. If they try the 25th amendment, Joe is likely to resist very strongly, and in public. To take him off the public scene with chemical restraints, will make the Dems the laughing stock of the world.(They already are)
I doubt ‘Uncle Joe’ knows which day of the week it is..
Meanwhile, Al Beeb news wonks (paid by the size of the Font)
on the news front page, taking up half the page..who really cares?
Have we landed on Mars or something, to warrant such coverage?
The future of political broadcasting as seen in this report on Old Jo.
Hope you can feel the embrace of Joe’s arms – BBC, Julia HB, Douglas Murray, Boris Johnson and all who have welcomed Trump’s departure.
Soapy goes Sandi.
Neatly filleting the whole sordid operation under his care.
The BBC running with an unfortunate headline…
“Biden Inauguration: The stage is set at Capitol”
Stages being usually associated with fictional events played out to the public.
Nuff said!
Over the next 4 years the levels of sycophancy on the BBC will be truly unbearable, first for the criminal Beijing Biden, then off-the-scale for phoney Harris as soon as he kicks it – probably some time next week.
No more news in this household.
can only hope in coming days Young Mr Grace/Biden,s nurse accidently leaves him miked up…
“time for your bed bath Sir”
Doing my duty watch the BBC coverage of a serious crime – Katy is doing a time check of how many minutes President Trump has in office . I’m surprised that the BBC didn’t put up a count down clock for it . The incoming VP is wearing gloves and a mask – presumably to not leave any identifying features behind .
Katy goes from one anti trump speaker to the next . No surprises …
From Day 1 of Trump’s inauguration his enemies launched the Resistance movement and they never stopped.
Here’s hoping Beijing Biden’s opponents return the compliment.
I hope so too.
The National Guard were brought in to protect”The Sore Winner” (See Tomo above), turned their backs on the Winner
PS: Do you have the link where the greats of Engineering, Physics, maths, were discussed over a lengthy blog post.
I would like a link please. Thanks