On the 6 pm news, the fragrant Sophie Raworth announces that the Prime Minister stated at the 5 pm news conference that the death rate from the new variant was higher, at 13-14 per 1000 cases, than the old variant at 10 per 1000.
But we watched the news conference. And the simple fact is… he didn’t say it !!!!!!
It came from Patrick Vallance.
But you can see how the BBC will seek to normalise that fake news as fact and then at a future date challenge ( i.e criticise) the PM about it with the only possible agenda being to undermine the government.
This being the biased BBC website and not the ‘covid opinions’ website, which are many and varied , I offer this observation as an unimpeachable example of the biased BBC at work in practice.
“…Sophie Raworth announces that the Prime Minister stated at the 5 pm news conference that the death rate from the new variant was higher, at 13-14 per 1000 cases, than the old variant at 10 per 1000.”
No she didn’t !!!!!!
She ‘announced’ that the PM stated that the the death rate from the new variant was higher, and then that Government Scientists said the stuff about; “13-14 per 1000 cases…”.
Don’t take my word for it?
You can rewatch what she said here:
This dick stalks the BBBC corridors once in a blue moon with some “scoop” typed with the enthusiam of a conjuror producing a live lagomorph before the membership committee of the Magic Circle.
I conclude, from the rarity of cony “contributions” , that 99% of the criticism of the treasonous BBC, which appears on this website, is totally deserved.
At the briefing a graph was shown indicating that this week or last there were 1 million people with covid, presumably linked to the story on the BBC the other day that 1 in 62 people had the disease.i think it was ONS figures.
I know that these are extrapolated figures whereas the 175 in 100,000 in my local area is derived from the number tested. But the difference is enormous. It would have been helpful if Hugh could have asked Chris Witty or Patrick Valence, at least Hugh didn’t ask the usual BBC question of ‘shouldn’t you have done this sooner, Prime Minister?’
“helpful” question
..You know what they are like they are looking for “gotcha” questions
The national average is 415 cases per 100K ie 0.4%
In my area it’s 0.14% yours 0.175%
in in 62 is 1.6%
ie 4 times more than the measured figure
That was certainly possible last spring
But now there is loads of testing and tracing we should mopping up most cases
It is entirely possible that there is only one1 case missed for every 2 counted ie counted being 0.4% and missed 0.2%
or maybe 1 for 1 which would make an average of 0.8%
I say again like we saw at the inauguration many people think masks make them invincible and they start staying too close too long etc. So maybe that is a reason for cases not falling much.
There are better things to do in life that watch the PR theatre of the daily press conference
and the PR theatre of a BBC news progs.
BTW there were very tentative about those “13. 14″claims for the new virus.
.. cos they have got that much data and isn’t that clear
You’ve got a few different variants of virus, and you probably only get a virus fingerprint for a fraction of the patients and that will vary from day to day.
And you are going to get cross contaminating factors
like one day more of your dead have the new virus, but then it turns out the same people are all super- fatties as well etc. etc.
So you can’t just say it was the type of variant that flipped them into death.
At 6.15 pm the BBC gives us, as part of their pro BAME pro Muslim narrative, a piece from the women at a Mosque cleaning the body of a dead covid victim in preparation for the funeral.
How delightful at tea time.
Why does the BBC choose to feature this?
Whatever woke Leftoid reason they may invent, they are revealed as more racist than any number of ‘Far Right’ individuals they select to brand as such.
The BBC. Where white British culture has been ‘cancelled’ .
“The BBC. Where white British culture has been ‘cancelled’.”
How exactly is a report about the covid deaths of British Muslims “cancelling white British culture”?
Earlier in the programme they had an interview with a “White British” woman who had lost her “White British” mother. Do you consider that as an example of; “Where brown British culture has been ‘cancelled’”?
Hi maxi – you’re early ! I had a feeling you’d be in full scale cut and paste mode tonight … as you’ve been seeing the BBC is being used as a propaganda instrument to get dark skinned types to get the vaccine …..
…. I thought the 6pm news was a bit early to be showing preps for burial in the same way as body bags in the myrie show … but different tastes I suppose …
I hope you are keeping well . One day you will make a direct defence of your BBC as opposed to comments made by others here . But I won’t hold my breath …. stay safe max.
Listen very carefully Maxi. There isn’t such a thing as brown British culture or Black British culture, there is only British culture and it is being attacked from all sides by idiotic liberals who allow millions of black and brown folks into our tiny overcrowded island and compound the error by allowing them to bring their various cultures with them without any need to even acknowledge British values let alone adopt them.
All countries must have mandatory laws that require immigrants to show that they can be part and parcel of the prevailing culture and norms of the country they want be a part off, before they are allowed in. And they continue to do so for two generations.
Or else there is discord, mayhem, and in the fullness of time, civil war. Not a nice prospect for anyone.
Listen very carefully Maxi. There isn’t such a thing as brown British culture or Black British culture, there is only British culture and it is being attacked from all sides by idiotic liberals who allow millions of black and brown folks into our tiny overcrowded island and compound the error by allowing them to bring their various cultures with them without any need to even acknowledge British values let alone adopt them.
When moderate Rights say something against someone who isn’t English, it’s usually because that group did something bad. Like Gypsies terrorising a whole Town. Or Muslim rape gangs.
The racism from the Left though is a far more sinister kind. It’s based on hate, spite and absolute intolerance of differing opinions. The kind which leads them to murder millions when they find that history and circumstances have given them the power to do so.
I find it endlessly amusing how these hypocrites try to paint Hitler as far right. He was a Jew hating socialist right up to the end. He actually lost the war because their socialist state was out-produced by a free-market.
I think you will find that it was the Soviet Union who really defeated Hitler.
The resiliance of the Russian people, especially at Stalingrad was something to marvel at.
This is something the left cannot accept, that the left would be fighting the left, and yet the story of the post Russian revolution Bolsheviks and Menscheviks, and Trotskys murder with an ice pick is something they appear to never have been taught.
The concept of ‘splitters’ is also something they have never heard of, and yet the father of Ed & David Milliband was a ‘splitter’ ostracised by the far left for his unconventional views.
Broadly people fall in to one of two camps, those that want change and those that don’t.
A difficulty is that people may have a foot in both camps on different issues and the reasons that they do or don’t want change differs.
In general the people that want change are more active than those that don’t, one has only got to watch people put up with things that don’t work around the house, they put up with it rather than actively go out and seek a replacement.
The result of this is that the people wanting change form coalitions, ‘What Do We Want? Change! When Do We Want It? Now!’, the likes of Obama traded on this and it took him to power.
Then the ace ditherer didn’t know what changes to make and it turned out that his supporters differed in the direction that they wanted him to take.
Biden, hardly the sharpest brain, will also dither and be pulled in different directions, like the school bus stalled on the railroad crossing, ‘Go back! Go forward! Bang!’.
The trouble is the USA is a big bus and the pieces will no doubt hit us too.
Jim, good point. The other problem for the Democrats in the USA and various other liberal/Socialist groups in other nations, a lot of their ‘wish lists’ and ‘wants lists’ is that they contain items that are mutually contradictory. Carry out one policy or change and you have to accept that you must go cold on or not deliver something else.
Paris Climate Accord versus blasting rockets into space and ‘Slebs’ flying around the world
UN’s vegan diet versus the need to feed poor people a good diet and three meals a day.
Free health care for everyone versus doctors and dentists and opthalmologists wanting a high salary and a top lifestyle
Interesting point. I’d been wondering how the rocket thing was never questioned re greenhouse gas emissions. Personally I love space exploration- but there is definitely a contradiction!
Sepper, sure is! Love the space thing, too, but hate the lie that is AGW and Climate Change. However, it is for the Green Mob to explain how they accept the space bit but somehow overlook the AGW/CC aspects. They ought to be taken to task by the BBC’s so-called ‘journalists’.
Not so much from the heat of the engines in our atmosphere and fuel burned leaving it although apparently new gases are now being added to the UN IPCC’s list of global warming gases and the latest is nitrous oxide.
Every space mission uses a lot of CO2 in constructing non-re-usable components. Anything made of carbon fibre has to be heat treated in ovens here on earth. Then there’s a lot of CO2 expended in transporting large components at slow speeds about the place.
Then there’s the massive amounts of electricity used for all the computing in design, telecoms and general mission control. It all adds up to a massive CO2 burn that cannot be talked away by ‘use of renewables’.
It is exactly the same with the Poles. Arctic and Antarctic tourism has expanded massively in the last thirty-five to forty years. Ironical, that is during the time that the AGW/CC Prophets of Doom started and constantly been failing at their act.
Fed, who was it who used to start their Friday afternoon/eartly-evening radio show of contemporary (mostly pop) music with “The weekend starts here.”? Was it Tony Blackburn?
You could hide behind that as an excuse. 😉
I hope you are nor really banning Dover Sentry. We need him on duty now more than ever.
Would I ever ban someone …? I’ve stuck to the moderator convention in the running of the site – I couldn’t think of a better one – apart from a new thread every day … which would be … oppressive …
I don’t know about a radio show, but “The weekend starts here” was the catchphrase of Ready Steady Go! – a Friday early evening television pop programme hosted by the late Keith Fordyce and the ageless Cathy McGowan.
Skeldings – Quite right, it ran from 1963 for about 3 years so good timing just at the start of the dominance by British pop groups- ITV always seemed to produce far superior pop programmes to the beeb in those days – and TOTP will always be tainted by one J Savile.
Maybe Old Grey Whistle Test was part redemption though.
John Peel’s late night slot was also pretty good as well. He often had unheard-of bands on, but the occasional gem popped up too.
I once heard him put on Bob Dylan’s ‘Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands’, and found it so absorbing I dropped off to sleep. When I woke up half an hour later, it was still playing…
Yes, that was it. My memory is ummh … er, becoming a bit selective. I can see myself spending another happy half-hour on Wiki (usual disclaimers) having spent more than that reminding myself of the history of pirate ship radio.
Up2, I think it might have been the ITV programme “Ready, Steady, Go” broadcast live around 6.00 pm on a Friday, but televised later at about 11.00 pm in Granadaland where I lived.
BBC news ran yet another politics of envy piece about coronavirus targeting the ‘poor’ disproportionately.
Lets think about this from another angle, one the BBC are highly unlikely to consider.
Which generic group……
Has received full pay throughout the pandemic?
Has maintained all their perks?
Has received full pension benefits and future entitlement?
Has had little or no furlough, short-time working, pay cuts, or threats of redundancy?
And is now in many cases jostling to be at the front of the vaccination queue?
The public sector of course.
And where do the ‘poor’ predominantly work?
In the private sector.
Where average pay is lower than the public sector in 9 of the 10 deciles. Where pension benefits are frequently minimal and rarely related to earnings. Where there have been 800,000 redundancies and millions more on furlough and short-time working. Where the hospitality and leisure sectors have been utterly destroyed.
And now, where many will have to wait and wait for their vaccines.
You can guarantee the BBC will fail to report on the blindingly obvious when it goes against their agenda and especially sense of entitlement.
If we free thinkers were wrong about “election fraud”, they wouldn’t need to censor us. Once upon a time newspaper’s employed reporters to report news, and those Journalists competed to be first with the headlines. Now we have journalists trained in left-wing schools of journalism who take spin and media releases written ready for them to copy and hand in to their editors.
Politicians have created taxpayer funded media units of spin doctors, marketing people, psychologists and other trained manipulators and deceivers, to monitor the media and manage the media for the politicians.
The Swamp left no stone unturned in preventing any investigation into the thousands of sworn affidavits, let alone the video evidence of scrutinisers being ejected and not allowed to oversight the count. Judges will see nothing when ordered not to look. Russia did it before, but this time the Judiciary must not look at the thousands of sworn affidavits.
Rudy Giuliani said that the national news networks would no longer book him for on-air appearances, because he mentions illegal activity which purportedly swayed the election to Joe Biden. “I can’t get on, I can’t get on ABC, NBC, CBS, can’t even get on Fox anymore. If I say the word ‘fraud,’ I’m thrown off the network,” he told former Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Newsmax TV. “I’m sorry, there was fraud. I’m telling the truth and they’re lying. And not only are they lying, they’re practicing a level of censorship that is so un-American that it’s frightening. “If they didn’t cheat,” Giuliani wondered aloud, “why won’t they let us examine the [voting] machines?” “You know, this has been since somewhere in October of this year, it’s been the strangest experience of my life,” he explained. “It’s like I’ve been living in the Iron Curtain. I’m living in a country with the kind of censorship that I remember as a young child in East Germany, the Soviet Union.”
I think its because we thought Communist China would adopt Democracy. But in fact America has just adopted Communist censorship.
“Lets investigate election fraud” is a Thoughtcrime
When those who can’t speak, For the justice they seek,
All are silenced and accused of wrong think.
The BBC at last have decided to provide information about the Impeachment of former President Trump. Apparently, it is not time barred, despite the Inauguration of a new President. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55761044
I get the impression that the BBC’s coyness over this is because the vote in the US Senate, requiring a two-thirds majority to find the former President guilty, may be lost. The Republicans may just rally around Trump (at long last!) to make a point about President Biden’s Executive Orders issued thus far.
However, the Democrats now have a two House majority. Barak Obama’s dismal record in office is usually excused by Democrats, other liberals & socialists including the BBC as being due to not controlling Congress or the Senate for the whole of his two terms as President. President Biden and his supporters cannot hide behind that excuse for the time being.
Whatever, the sensible Worldwide know what happened and forever will consider the Democrat/Communists to be synonymous with criminal behaviour, fraud, inciting violence, attempting a coup and, no doubt more criminal offences too numerous to mention. They and the US is tarnished and no one will forget that fact.
Jubilation in Moscow and Beijing as the ‘democratic’ ship is holed beneath the waterline and tilts toward accepting communism.
I concur on the busyness anecdote – the north circular ( which exists ) as opposed to the sarfff circular ( which doesn’t ) is far busier than lockdown one ….
Send your friend Sopel my – ‘thoughts ‘
By the way – good rumour on the Twitter that President Trump got the Hump that pelosi made the National Guard sleep on the floor – mr trump opened a hotel for some … wonder if it is true … ? Even for a few …
I like Basildon. It always makes me think of Fawlty Towers, peculiarly, “Baaazzilll, what ARE you doing, Basil, stop it immediately and come here! Nowww!, Basil.” but not the stationery.
Reports coming in that Donald Trump is allowing the National Guard troops forced by Pelosi to sleep in a carpark, to use his DC hotel, Trump International. pic.twitter.com/bn39U98Xoc
I can’t even begin to imagine the headline the BBC would have run if it was Trump forcing them to sleep in a car-park and Pelosi had put them in a hotel.
Not that the vile old crone ever would.
This vid is doing the rounds on Twitter/FB. Perhaps they are really sitting in DJT’s hotel.
A heart full of gratitude to all our law enforcement officers…Enjoy America’s Living Room and great having you all with us… @DCPoliceDeptpic.twitter.com/HxofXMiEkl
They are also in the Trump hotel in DC, instead of a basement car park.
Florida and Texas have recalled their NG, as the Dems used them for a show that the Repubs were mounting a coup, and then insulted the NG when there was no use of them
“English councils battling financial ruin” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55754882
It has only just began.
I sense that there are a lot of disgruntled Tory voters in the kingdom this evening and they are not sitting in the pubs watching Al Beeb on TV.
More votes for The Reform Party.
taffman, I hope the Reform Party have a good plan for .. er … reforming taxation in the UK. We need it. So do Local Authorities. Topping up their income from fees for this that and the other during Lockdowns just does not work. Especially if they are expected to share in the support of childrens’ education and help house the never ending stream of illegal migrants.
How long before we see a bad picture of Biden on the front page like we got for Trump every single time ?.
Never is my guess.
I have noticed that they have been using more reasonable ones of Trump since he left office. I’m certain it’s damage limitation now the desired result has been obtained.
Taff, I see from the papers today, that one of the aforementioned councils, Bath is to introduce charges for diesel and petrol vehicles entering the city. A move to top up the coffers methinks. How many tourists will stop going? I know there’s a lockdown but what happens when normality returns. How much was spent on putting in bicycle lanes?
The charges don’t apply to private cars and motorcycles, they do, however seem to apply to coaches etc. at £100 per day, which should do wonders for the non-existent tourist industry.
As Gary says, there are no alternative routes. If the council had any sense it would have built a new river crossing decades ago, but, regardless of party, they have a love-hate relationship with tourists, they want the people but not the means of them getting there!
Perhaps if they filled in the Avon valley they could make the city suitable for bicycles?
BANES. Council (Bath) are a bunch of toxic, grasping boneheads – I hope their congestion charge goes the same way as their crane-away car ransoming scheme – which was the subject of multiple arson attacks on the portacabin offices…
To say that the charges are unpopular in surrounding towns is an understatement….
The council is appallingly inept – they’ve also decided that Bath is some kind of high priority terrorist target and are now proposing blocking off a whole slew of central streets as I understand it. Retail footfall is what keeps Bath alive and BANES council are clearly hell bent on driving people and especially cars away.
Live just down the road from the ‘beautiful’ city of Bath, and I have to agree with tomo.
These days Bath is little more than the empty facade of a city, all it has are: tourism and second homers, no industry, no major businesses, not even any major public sector/MOD offices any more, and a lot of the shops have closed too, they’ve pretty much all shut down, or relocated in last couple of decades. There is a hospital still, but everyone locally tries to go to one of the more distant alternatives, because it’s so hard to get to, and impossible (and expensive!) to park there.
The city has always had to contend with bad congestion and parking. To be fair, some of that is due to an unfortunate combination of ancient Roman and Georgian road planning, being sited in a narrow valley, and having some of the most expensive and protected real estate in the country. But, the City Council seem hell bent on making a bad situation worse in every way they possibly can.
Every move they make seems deliberately intended to make the place as uninviting and difficult to navigate as possible, especially for drivers. I vaguely recall one of the councillors proudly proclaiming ‘war on cars’ some years back, which just seemed insane. They deliberately shut down all but one of the overcrowded park and ride schemes, so unless you were coming from the north, you had to go all the way around the city (on terrible, congested little country roads) to get to the one remaining P&R car park, which was often full, with people being turned away.
Was only talking about this to my mother the other day, years ago we’d pop into Bath regularly, probably a couple of times a month, for shopping, or going out, most people locally did. Don’t recall the last time I went there, must be 10 years, or more now, and talking to others locally all say the same. We all drive miles out of our way to avoid the place, and the resulting congestion which spills out into the surrounding towns and villages.
The maternal uncle of Kamala Harris says he is confident she will be the most active vice-president America has ever had. Speaking from New Delhi, Gopalan Balachandran said Kamala’s mother was the greatest influence on her life.
Most of it against former President Trump . They obviously have bought from the scriptwriters a fire sale job lots of staleTrump “jokes” , and need to use them ASAP . They don’t realise most normal people think Christmas cracker jokes are funnier than them .
How they’ve enjoyed the Two Minutes Hate every minute .
They do say let sleeping dogs lie . I think the Beeboids will let Sleepy Joe lie .
Capitol : Some funny things about the ITV footage BBC is promoting here on its Facebook page
See how FRAMING tells you things that are not true in the video “risked everything” … “extremists storming”
But the video shows no risk, no gun toting “extremists” like you’d see it Arab/African revolutions
Mostly just normal people
a bit shouty
some doing rather petty vandalism
no one hitting anyone etc.
As the subtitles show , they kept explaining how they are normally good law abiding people.
The fear factor is only in Moore’s words
like “I thought they might have guns” (they didn’t there was a gun ban)
“I thought they might hit me” in the clip no one is hitting anyone
(Other clips did show the front rows of small crowds pushing against cops, which is a dangerous action)
Compared to 90% of revolutions I have seen this was a picnic
Lots of people like me have walked through streets full of burning cars … air heavy with tear gas
And a block away are real trigger happy cops who have shot people dead that day (obviously you don’t go near that and you get out of the burning street within a minute)
Who is the bad man ?
Who is the bad man ?
Those gooballs wondering around were no ISIS
… they don’t look like bad bad men to me
Are the media bad men with their sh*t stirring & PRtrickery ?
Didn’t dozens of people end up dead in 2020 riots across the USA partially due to the stirring the media did ?
Has anyone seen a proper analysis of the ITV Robert Moore 7 minute theatrical piece they ended up with ?
It seems to me conveniently he & Sophie were the only MSM there .
All media used the ITV footage
Was any of this pre-planned ?
I can imagine a scenario where some of that was pre-planned
At the jounos club ‘Ah we have got a HINT that some something negative for Trump might happen at this rally
whilst Trump is giving a speech 2 miles away
but cos of Covid and a Trump crowd who will be hostile to CNN and BBC we can’t send the normal circus
So what about we send a British ITV crew
who perhaps have already had Covid so have no Covide risk ?
We know what they are like they will be awarding Moore and Sophie as if they had spent 6 months undercover in the ISIS killing fields for this Capitol event which was like 90 minutes.
I think the whole affair gets the award for the least number of shots fired during an ‘attempted armed coup’ in history.
I’m beginning to think a civil war will be the only way out of this – the Left are tightening their grip and the suppression of opposition is well under way. I see many similarities with what the most famous socialist of all did in the 1930’s.
Watching Russia Today, they commented that everytime this has happened in a foreign country such as Ukraine the US Deomcrats have hailed it as the people taking control of democracy and removing corrupt politicians from power – except in this case.
So what’s the difference now? It was the Democrats who were the corrupt politicians this time !
Anyone watch ‘Death In Paradise’ ?. A very light-hearted ‘detective’ show where a comedic British policemen is stuck in the Carribean and every week, a group of 5 or 6 British turn up for some absurd reason, one gets murdered and every single one of the others turns out have a motive and also lies to said policeman. The show is successful due to entertaining, likeable characters such as ‘Cat’ from Red-Dwarf and ‘Philip’ from Rising-Damp along with beautiful scenery and a really fit female companion to get the dad’s watching.
As all my other favourites (Father Brown, Midsomer Murders, Grantchester etc etc) have become unwatchable because of wokery, I settled down to watch the first of the new series. I thought this one would be safe as it already has mostly black characters due to the location – and as it is exactly like it would be in life, that’s fine.
So I settled down to be whisked away into fantasy world for an hour. But what’s this ? – I was expecting ‘Dougal’ from Father Ted but the copper is now ‘Anthony’ (Ralf Little) from The Royle Family. A singularly unfunny chap who has got worse with age.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind. Nothing else to watch so I carry on. Then it dawns on me – there will be no white tourists with someone famous in the group playing the bad guy. It’s all locals now. The entire cast is black except for Ralphy. But the worst part is that there is no wit, no humour and no entertainment value at all. It’s completely flat. Absolute rubbish.
If anyone watched it and it got better after 20 minutes, let me know and I might try it again.
The BBC is now absolutely bereft of creative talent. For God’s sake, someone put it out of our misery.
Even Dougal from Father Ted was a hopeless actor, never knew what to with his arms and stood so stiffly and awkwardly I am not surprised he needed to be replaced. We preferred Kris the actor from ‘My Family’.
However it was pure escapism. It didn’t matter the colour of the characters because it was fun. Sometime black people were the murderer and sometimes the white. Florence, the black detective was beautiful as was the lady before her. But the black characters camped up the Caribbean accents and we could enjoy it.
Thanks John for the warning. The BBC seem hell bent on destroying themselves and fun.
I have to admit, Dougal traded heavily on his ‘likeable idiot’ status from Father Ted. I didn’t like Kris at first because I really disliked ‘My Family’ but he grew on me for this.
John -When whitey is in a minority the BBC do not use
their standard position of ” positive discrimination.”Their
Londonistan regional programme is another example.
A further example of positive discrimination which I
find quite amazing, is that the advertising business has
decided that mixed racial marriages are not just fine ,
which they are. But it is also the default position of marriages
in the UK. So far as advertising is now.
I just tried – without success – to find out just how many UK marriages are mixed black/white (as opposed to just interracial).
Even when I found a promising title from Google, it always to led to some Guardian article which diverged into left wing propaganda with no actual information at all.
From what I saw, I would estimate a few percent at most. Which – of course – makes the whole thing racist.
And of course those people who complained so loudly about it being racist in the first place are suddenly quiet.
Nothing but shameless hypocrites motivated entirely by self interest and anti-white racism.
There was a comment here, some years ago when DFS pioneered the ‘mixed marriage’ illusion trick. Can’t remember who the contributor was but, I have used it myself when a ideal situation presents itself, viz:
(In the case of DFS as example). Any contact with DFS: ‘Is it true that your customers are only black or of mixed marriage as depicted in your advertising material?’
Even before the concept of ‘BAME’ was inserted by the Marxists.
I’ve cancelled my TV Licence, so thankfully I don’t subject myself to live broadcast TV anymore. Bravo! I hear from hereabouts. A quick scan through the daily newspaper frontpages tells me all I need to know about the mainstream, and more.
The Telegraph informs me: ‘The Government has launched an emotive television advertisement imploring the public to stay at home’ – well they won’t be “emoting” me, for all the scary hazmat gear and staring-eyed NHS heroes.
If I want my emotions played upon I’ll look to sport. Mind you, that’s fast being spoilt: ‘Has VAR ruined football?’ (Guardian)
‘Athlete vaccination plan to save Olympics’ (Telegraph) – I thought they were desperate to keep drugs out of sport?
The FT, on behalf of Boris, purports to give us a fact: ‘Johnson warns varient in Covid surge may be 30% more deadly’ – one is often struck how, for all its supposed cleverness, the FT struggles to convey concise meaning in its cluttered headlines. As one is distracted in attempting to parse the phrase “varient in Covid surge” one of course overlooks the key word “may”.
Oh, how we brave band of Brexiteers were battered, but battled through, a veritable barrage of “mays”, “coulds” and “despites”.
The Telegraph is equally happy to convey the Boris message, but unlike what we find in the FT, at least Number 10 ventriloquises through the medium of the paper’s headline as though English were the Telegraph’s mother tongue, rather than learnt tediously via technical journals, FT-style:
‘Fears lockdown may go on for longer after studies suggest the new varient could be 30pc more lethal’
– there’s a “may” and a “could” for you, topped off with a “suggest”. If you’re playing the game of spot the bullshit bingo that’s a tripple double top, scoring a 147 break – to tripply mix the in-door league gaming metaphors. With a “fears” side pocket bonus ball.
‘People-Smuggling kingpin still at large’ (Telegraph) – our blundering Keystone Cop Borderforce scoring zero there in the King Pin Bowling.
It’s all indoor league from now on. Sports Direct optimistically advertise: ‘Up to 99% off winter wear’ on the front cover of the Daily Star and Mirror. Mike Ashley obviously concerned we won’t be doing a lot of outdoor sport and thinking we need a pretty big percentage to impress us these days.
99% off – that’s a bigger loss leader than Boris Johnson. Excuse me while I get my sports hoodie…
Politics is the new soap opera. Which is just as well: ‘Pandemmerdale. Corrie and Dales filming suspended’ (Daily Star)
And the 999th episode in the perpetual political soap opera is: ‘Trump trial could start next week’ (Guardian) – my cursory reading of the US constitution tells me this is a farce. You can’t impeach an ex-President. It would be akin to dismissing an empolyee who has already retired. Perhaps they are scared he will stand again in 2024?
Just about the only diversity in press editorial opinion on show these days is when different titles attempt to out virtual signal one another. Today we have the Daily Mail: ‘Help us get computers to school kids’ – whereas: ‘Alarm over rise in screen use’ (Guardian)
You were roundly admonished by Greta Thunberg, climate activist. You shed a tear for Ella Kissi-Debrah, who died of air pollution (allegedly). Now Guardian reader, meet Amanda Gorman: ‘Voice of a New Era’, your latest frontpage campaigning pin up: “American poet and activist from Los Angeles. Her work focuses on issues of oppression, feminism, race, and marginalization, as well as the African diaspora”
The Star is on top form this morning: ‘High street shops set to torch stock in Brexit kerfuffle’ – the Darby and Joan types sitting on the park bench (what are they doing out of doors?) are saying: ‘Apparently they’re all burning their bras again, Doreen’
Star’s thought for the day: ‘We’re No1 for feminism. And bras’
The Mirror has a scoop: ‘Found. Pilot who flew Andrew to the Epstein parties’ – well done. The world needs to know these things the elite would prefer to hide from us. Perhaps they can now locate the Chinese lab assistant who split the contents of the Covid-19 test tube?
The BBC having joined in with the Democrats in the USA in misrepresenting former President Trump and the events in Washington on 6 January are now having to tiptoe around when talking about demonstrations planned in Russia today in support of Alexei Navalny. It is very enjoyable listening to the presenters, JustRemainIn and Mishal, having to tiptoe around to avoid having their and the BBC’s hypocrisy on show.
BTW Twitter just purged top Antifa accounts
I wonder why the waited so long.
“Twitter suspends Antifa accounts with more than 71K followers”https://trib.al/rAwRqkp
China Joe has made his first mistake. The BBC pull no punches but try to laugh it off. Removing the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office has not gone down well in Westminster and Whitehall and the Winston Churchill Society. It probably has not gone down well with the UK public at large or, more correctly, imprisoned in their homes with nothing to do except listen to the news of China Joe from the BBC.
Apparently, it has caused such hurt that the US Embassy has had to go on the PR defensive and issue a video to convince the UK that the ‘Special Relationship’ is important to the new President and will continue, despite the removal of Winnie from the seat of US Power.
A number of UK retailers have said they might have to destroy returns from customers in the EU, because it is cheaper than bringing them back to the UK.
‘The science is settled’ is a well-known meme in relation to Anthropogenic Global Warming and one that is repeated by the BBC in their propaganda on that subject to the public.
However, the scientists (and the doctors and nurses) are all now fighting like rats in the sack over Covid in all its variant forms. Vaccines: one dose versus two doses. Vaccine potency: it will protect versus it will not be sufficient for new variant protection. Facemasks: better ones for all nurses versus ‘standard’ ones. (Ooops! More evidence that facemasks do not work. Oh dear!) Lockdowns: let everyone get back to normal as soon as possible versus keep the lockdown going for part of the summer. New Covid variant: kills more people versus more easily transmitted or both. Border controls: lockdown or quarantine for travellers versus open borders.
Poor old BBC. It doesn’t know which side to choose. It really wants to attack the PM and the cabinet but also finds itself with a captive audience during lockdowns and thus wants to keep the show on the road. Meanwhile Beeboids are missing going out to eat in their favourite restaurants; it is just such a chore having to cook for oneself, dontcha know.
I think the first, fifth, twelth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty-second and twenty-forth letters of the alphabet should be ‘banned’ as they have been used to describe the act of owning people.
We can all be careful about what other people say, ‘love’.
It isn’t a race , quite right , but we all know that if the rate of vaccination in the UK was below the EU average the Remainer MSM would be all over it with comparisons made hourly on how badly the UK was doing in this life and death struggle compared to the oh so sophisticated EU. The BBC would grill any government minister about the comparison.
As it is the UK , population 60 to 70 million, has vaccinated 6 million folks , the EU , population 450 to 500 million , has vaccinated 8 million.
DESPITE Brexit ( or more honestly because of Brexit) the UK is vaccinating it’s population five times faster than is the EU, and if the vaccine supply predictions come true then this difference in rate will probably increase. The EU has completely failed to protect its citizens and will be directly responsible for many thousands of deaths that will result from that failure. Of course it won’t be held accountable for this disaster which is exactly why I and so many others voted Leave. We want our leaders to be accountable to us.
Come on BBC, Sky, Times et al tell us why the EU is so crap at doing it’s most important job!
Just to add to that – oxford astra zeneca has announced something like at 40% reduction in supply to the EU – which wont be approving it until 29 January at the earliest .
If ever there was a reason for the EU to be ended or downsized – there it is .
As you say – if it was the other way the BBC would be interviewing Queues of traitors telling us to rejoin their ReichEU
Yes indeed. If this disparity in rate of vaccination remains and if the vaccine is more or less as effective as predicted then the UK should be able to relax the lockdown Months ahead of most of the EU. As the lockdown is costing several tens of billions a month even only a three month lead on exiting lockdown would be worth a hell of a lot of money to UK PLC. This ought to put project fear to bed once and for all but I doubt it will ever be reported in such terms. Excuses will be found for the EU , hard facts ignored and suppressed, lies peddled, perhaps the only thing which will act as a weather vane will the pound /Euro exchange rate.
I was watching a YouTube of US politics and there was a Ben Shapiro retweet in Aug 20 of Biden lies by… Mehdi Hasan!
I need to figure out how to locate that as scrolling is now tricky.
But… in the interim…
Aug 31, 2020 – “I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again. I am not banning fracking, no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me,” – @JoeBiden
Lucky for these people that they are safe from the ‘Reality Check Team’.
I predict that any ‘Leftie’ facts checked (for balance in the summaries presented to any bias checkers) will be found to be OK.
Actually going back just half a year is… illuminating.
I mean, don’t shoot the messenger Roland, and I of course accept all those candidates have strong qualifications, but this is what Maxine Waters said today:https://t.co/V2FQyZGiLf
This would make more sense if the second date were “Jan 20, 2021” i.e. around Biden’s inauguration. Mary Vought’s mistake? Or was the second date and headline given to show that the “Aug 31, 2020” one was a volte face? I’m not sure.
Well, it’s too positive for the BBC so they find a negative angle.
Pathetic. Why do they hate the UK so much ???????
????️"We've got much less vaccine coming to us than we could potentially give"
GP @OllieHart7 tells @ChrisWarburton_ it’s “frustrating" there may not be enough vaccines to keep up with the current pace of roll-out in some parts of England????
Said it before – the ‘medical profession ‘ only seems happy when it is making money – bitching – or making dance videos ….
Maybe that one can go to the ReichEU and see how many vaccinations he can do there ….I read – by the way of a mayor in a region of Spain having to resign because he got himself family staff and ‘friends ‘ vaccinated ahead of everyone else ….
….when I read it I just wondered how he was so stupid to get caught….( might have been Italy – whatever )
What now, they don’t protect the wearer enough, or are the anychess worried about spreading it to the previously un- ilinfected?
Unless you have an N95 grade filter, respirator and source for oxygen, the virus, being rather small in size and transmittable via aerosol will get through.
Having spent many hours in the kit whilst working in decommissioned fuel tanks, I’d not putting much faith in cloth face coverings or even current issue PPE.
But hey, I’m sure they are just following the science.
“Students left without access to student finance
Money Box
Tens of thousands of students are being *denied* access to student funding despite a Government pledge in 2013 to change things”
BS they are not being DENIED
They just refuse none shariah money
ie money where interest is charged
All the government needs to do is give the loan document where mention of interest charges has been changed to “annual administration charge”
IMHO opinion there is no such thing as Islamic Finance
it’s just semantics.
Why hasn’t it been done since 2013 ?
cos I expect some Muslims won’t accept it unless their mate’s Islamic Finance corp is made the organiser. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000rm9y
TOADY Watch #4 – oblivious to the fun they are giving us
Vaccine Wars. Yes, you read that right. In the BBC Hive Mind there is a war going on and a steel plate of double or triple thickness for battleship duty, that keeps these two areas of thought in the brain separate. “Vaccine roll-out insufficient” and “The vaccine may not protect against the new variant of Covid.”
Well, which is it, Justin, Mishal? It’s make your mind up time. Which side of the steel plate are you?
The BBC has yet another reporter in America – this one is called Ally McBeal – or similar . This character did a piece comparing the Trump and Biden inaugurations . Anger . troops . Fences…capitol ‘mostly peaceful protect (my words ) …… but never mentioned the reason …
,,this seems to be the standard tactic – President Trump and supporters ‘bad’ – but don’t say why – don’t even mention the election – so no need to mention ‘theft ‘ ‘fraud ‘ ‘corruption ‘……
I was thinking ‘what would an alien just arrived ‘ think – it would have no idea of the background yet alone the truth . Bit like describing empty towns and cities without mentioning the Chinese virus .
Very poor – as expected – but ally mcbean will keep his job ..
Come, come Fedup2! “Ally McBeal” would be far too pale, male and stale! I think the North America reporter to whom you are referring is Aleem Maqbool – now, that’s much more like it!
Taff’s post of yesterday quoting BBC Politics told us: ‘English councils battle financial ruin’.
An update now tells us: ‘Council CEOs cut salary from £335/475k to same level as PM’s £152….’
BBC home page, Lady now has to fork out £10,000 instead of £1,200 to get shipping containers to import her goods…
(From China, not mentioned in the headline!)
Guardian home page with Cheshire Cheesemaker £250,000 down because of Brexit.
The Independent home page with Brexit tariffs of £100,000 slapped on bananas…
Looks like they got together over a Latte this morning to share them out!
Poor Maugham lost out on further soros cash running anti brexit court cases so now he says stupid things to become an internet ‘victim ‘ and thus get appearance money on BBC news on quiet news days … lawyers ….
Biden does not know one day to another, which office he is in. He probably thinks he is in the senate, ans is wondering why a big desk is in his office.
Note how Sopel was laughing under his mask at his mention of the Churchill bust. Also, there should have been a prepared answer but she just waffled saying she’d circle back to him with a reply.
Sopel pratttt.
Dover – I think the Churchill bust thing is similar to the ‘special relationship ‘ thing . America has its own interests and if they coincide with ours then it’s a special relationship .
The biggest indication is what America did whilst the Germans were bombing British cities – answer – they made money from us be selling us stuff –
America didn’t care until the japs attacked them
Careful what you wish for – the Devon fish exporter facing ruin who regrets voting for Brexit. Hope he survives. Others won’t. pic.twitter.com/DSB65ByOgM
I was down at a fish wholesalers on Tuesday and asked if they had the shellfish from Scotland that wasn’t reaching Europe. The response was there wasn’t any, just the fishermen point scoring.
There is somewhat of a problem but what there is is more due to Edinburgh choosing not to help or intervene in order to blame London and thus blame everything they can on Brexit and “the english tories” (rather than covid or mismanagement or negligence)
Who’d want to be in a Care Home ?- where half the carers refused to be vaccinated .
The Meadows Care Home in West London has vaccinated all bar one of its residents, however half the care staff have antivax views so refuse to be jabbed. The ethnic owner put in place a mandate that staff have to be vaccinated, but it only applied to new staff taken on after the pandemic started. There’s nothing he can do about the rest.
Listening to the why’s and wherefore’s of refusal, and being in West London, its mighty clear the ethnicity of those who refuse to be vaccinated – but neither the BBC or the other channels will confirm or admit to this. Like I said, its a scary thing to be old in these times.
So, Red Button then. Well, it’s a channel actually. Linked by a differently coloured (whoops) button. Playing programmes nobody is aware of. An FA cup game this afternoon is a fine example. It’s not even listed on an otherwise excellent website that publicises live games on TV. Not even publicised by the BBC itself. My better half calls it the secret station.
The trouble is that it is funded by the public under the auspices of criminal law. It’s a channel that has to be funded otherwise it would fold.
Like everything else at the BBC it is unaccountable, out of control and somebody’s ego trip. A public body that reserves the right to stay silent over it’s expenditure. Please annoy your local MP with this legitimate complaint because although it appears they couldn’t give a toss, enough volume of complaint tends to concentrate the mind.
Lawfare using Election Commissions just like we had in Britain.
Ezra Levant has just had a $3,000 fine imposed on him For writing and promoting a book .
Context : Journalists are almost always political and what they write affects people’s voting.
Ezra Levant could own a newspaper and have anti-Trudeau cartoons and promote the newspaper in the same way as the many Trudeau supporting newspaper do.
.. but election laws in Canada do not give everyone similar rights
They say that all political advertising must stay within limits
and non-party insiders like charities can apply for third party registration.
Cos he doesn’t own a newspaper Ezra came up with another way of getting his message across he wrote a book about Trudeau corruption. A book that has not been contested in the courts for libel or anything. And books and their promotion fall into the same category as newspapers ie they are exempt from election law.
Anyone theoretically is free to advertise their book how they want
and Ezra cheekily copied election style lawn signs.
Of course that exposes the double standard in Canadian election free speech, cos if the signs were not advertising a book they would be classed as election advertising.
However after a one year inquiry the Commission has decided to class that book advertising as an election sign anyway that’s one fine
And then imposed another sign saying that you are not allowed to compare candidates to mafia.
Ezra says he will fight to the end, cos the law specifically excludes books, but on the other hand the government has unlimited funds to go to court. https://www.rebelnews.com/elections_canada_fines_ezra_levant_3000_for_book_comparing_trudeau_to_tony_soprano
A UK connection is the way no Canadian MSM journos or their associations have stayed with their gang and won’t back Ezra.
Historian Ian Mortimer: “The University of Leicester have decided that they’re not just going to cancel Chaucer, but everything written in English before 1500”.
Historian Ian Mortimer: "The University of Leicester have decided that they're not just going to cancel Chaucer, but everything written in English before 1500".
Compare and contrast the ‘constructive discrimination’ rules and other similar legal constructs so often pursued so diligently by ‘friends of the BBC’ with this.
Mike Graham wants to defund the BBC: “Five people have been put in prison for not paying the licence fee. Can you imagine if Netflix… put you in jail?”
Mark Dolan agrees and says many pensioners have to choose whether to “heat their homes” or “pay for Gary Lineker”.
Guest Who
Thanks for doing links to ‘is the BBC biased ‘- we have an excellent relationship with our friends there.
The maitliss tweet seems a strange one to take down – maybe it wasn’t a recent picture . I can testify from personal experience that the t5 arrivals hall at Heathrow is a cattle market – disgraceful – with various suits looking on and doing nothing – matched only by uniform staff pretending not to see the chaos .
Last time I did it – which was December I was fearful for my health ….
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Amazing if so.
However, moving on.
A classic piece of BBC anti government bias.
On the 6 pm news, the fragrant Sophie Raworth announces that the Prime Minister stated at the 5 pm news conference that the death rate from the new variant was higher, at 13-14 per 1000 cases, than the old variant at 10 per 1000.
But we watched the news conference. And the simple fact is… he didn’t say it !!!!!!
It came from Patrick Vallance.
But you can see how the BBC will seek to normalise that fake news as fact and then at a future date challenge ( i.e criticise) the PM about it with the only possible agenda being to undermine the government.
This being the biased BBC website and not the ‘covid opinions’ website, which are many and varied , I offer this observation as an unimpeachable example of the biased BBC at work in practice.
“…Sophie Raworth announces that the Prime Minister stated at the 5 pm news conference that the death rate from the new variant was higher, at 13-14 per 1000 cases, than the old variant at 10 per 1000.”
No she didn’t !!!!!!
She ‘announced’ that the PM stated that the the death rate from the new variant was higher, and then that Government Scientists said the stuff about; “13-14 per 1000 cases…”.
Don’t take my word for it?
You can rewatch what she said here:
This dick stalks the BBBC corridors once in a blue moon with some “scoop” typed with the enthusiam of a conjuror producing a live lagomorph before the membership committee of the Magic Circle.
I conclude, from the rarity of cony “contributions” , that 99% of the criticism of the treasonous BBC, which appears on this website, is totally deserved.
maxi, Where Is That Apology You Owe Me?
Catch up links to latest posts on previous thread
– page 5 started 2pm on Friday
– page 4 ..page 3
At the briefing a graph was shown indicating that this week or last there were 1 million people with covid, presumably linked to the story on the BBC the other day that 1 in 62 people had the disease.i think it was ONS figures.
I know that these are extrapolated figures whereas the 175 in 100,000 in my local area is derived from the number tested. But the difference is enormous. It would have been helpful if Hugh could have asked Chris Witty or Patrick Valence, at least Hugh didn’t ask the usual BBC question of ‘shouldn’t you have done this sooner, Prime Minister?’
“helpful” question
..You know what they are like they are looking for “gotcha” questions
The national average is 415 cases per 100K ie 0.4%
In my area it’s 0.14% yours 0.175%
in in 62 is 1.6%
ie 4 times more than the measured figure
That was certainly possible last spring
But now there is loads of testing and tracing we should mopping up most cases
It is entirely possible that there is only one1 case missed for every 2 counted ie counted being 0.4% and missed 0.2%
or maybe 1 for 1 which would make an average of 0.8%
I say again like we saw at the inauguration many people think masks make them invincible and they start staying too close too long etc. So maybe that is a reason for cases not falling much.
There are better things to do in life that watch the PR theatre of the daily press conference
and the PR theatre of a BBC news progs.
BTW there were very tentative about those “13. 14″claims for the new virus.
.. cos they have got that much data and isn’t that clear
You’ve got a few different variants of virus, and you probably only get a virus fingerprint for a fraction of the patients and that will vary from day to day.
And you are going to get cross contaminating factors
like one day more of your dead have the new virus, but then it turns out the same people are all super- fatties as well etc. etc.
So you can’t just say it was the type of variant that flipped them into death.
At 6.15 pm the BBC gives us, as part of their pro BAME pro Muslim narrative, a piece from the women at a Mosque cleaning the body of a dead covid victim in preparation for the funeral.
How delightful at tea time.
Why does the BBC choose to feature this?
Whatever woke Leftoid reason they may invent, they are revealed as more racist than any number of ‘Far Right’ individuals they select to brand as such.
The BBC. Where white British culture has been ‘cancelled’ .
Its deliberate.
They want to be closed down.
They want their big, fat, redundancy payments.
“The BBC. Where white British culture has been ‘cancelled’.”
How exactly is a report about the covid deaths of British Muslims “cancelling white British culture”?
Earlier in the programme they had an interview with a “White British” woman who had lost her “White British” mother. Do you consider that as an example of; “Where brown British culture has been ‘cancelled’”?
Hi maxi – you’re early ! I had a feeling you’d be in full scale cut and paste mode tonight … as you’ve been seeing the BBC is being used as a propaganda instrument to get dark skinned types to get the vaccine …..
…. I thought the 6pm news was a bit early to be showing preps for burial in the same way as body bags in the myrie show … but different tastes I suppose …
I hope you are keeping well . One day you will make a direct defence of your BBC as opposed to comments made by others here . But I won’t hold my breath …. stay safe max.
Listen very carefully Maxi. There isn’t such a thing as brown British culture or Black British culture, there is only British culture and it is being attacked from all sides by idiotic liberals who allow millions of black and brown folks into our tiny overcrowded island and compound the error by allowing them to bring their various cultures with them without any need to even acknowledge British values let alone adopt them.
All countries must have mandatory laws that require immigrants to show that they can be part and parcel of the prevailing culture and norms of the country they want be a part off, before they are allowed in. And they continue to do so for two generations.
Or else there is discord, mayhem, and in the fullness of time, civil war. Not a nice prospect for anyone.
Listen very carefully Maxi. There isn’t such a thing as brown British culture or Black British culture, there is only British culture and it is being attacked from all sides by idiotic liberals who allow millions of black and brown folks into our tiny overcrowded island and compound the error by allowing them to bring their various cultures with them without any need to even acknowledge British values let alone adopt them.
Black or Brown culture, wonderful as they maybe, belong in the soil where they are natural.
In Britain, it has to be European culture.
Pitching the TV Licence to Dragons Den.
When moderate Rights say something against someone who isn’t English, it’s usually because that group did something bad. Like Gypsies terrorising a whole Town. Or Muslim rape gangs.
The racism from the Left though is a far more sinister kind. It’s based on hate, spite and absolute intolerance of differing opinions. The kind which leads them to murder millions when they find that history and circumstances have given them the power to do so.
I find it endlessly amusing how these hypocrites try to paint Hitler as far right. He was a Jew hating socialist right up to the end. He actually lost the war because their socialist state was out-produced by a free-market.
I think you will find that it was the Soviet Union who really defeated Hitler.
The resiliance of the Russian people, especially at Stalingrad was something to marvel at.
This is something the left cannot accept, that the left would be fighting the left, and yet the story of the post Russian revolution Bolsheviks and Menscheviks, and Trotskys murder with an ice pick is something they appear to never have been taught.
The concept of ‘splitters’ is also something they have never heard of, and yet the father of Ed & David Milliband was a ‘splitter’ ostracised by the far left for his unconventional views.
Our BBC are rapidly losing interest in the American Coronation.
Have they now realised that it is an American Coronation and not ours?
Have they also realised that they now have to attack Biden as much as Trump? In the interests of BBC impartiality and fairness of course…????
Have they now realised that the Democrats will now have to face the reality of government and come out from behind their Student Union placards?
Despite Brexit!!
Wonder why Jon ????
One big lefty media love in , that’s why !!!!
Can’t wait for Biden to do something exactly the same as Trump did and watch the difference in the reaction of the msm !!
It’ll happen. Already had no mask from Biden brushed under the carpet.
Biden couldn’t do anything that Trump does. Pres Trump is original Mark 1, while Biden is a used LP on a warped disc.
Four years of press briefings that will consist of the recipients being told what they want to hear rather than the truth. Sycophants the lot of them.
Broadly people fall in to one of two camps, those that want change and those that don’t.
A difficulty is that people may have a foot in both camps on different issues and the reasons that they do or don’t want change differs.
In general the people that want change are more active than those that don’t, one has only got to watch people put up with things that don’t work around the house, they put up with it rather than actively go out and seek a replacement.
The result of this is that the people wanting change form coalitions, ‘What Do We Want? Change! When Do We Want It? Now!’, the likes of Obama traded on this and it took him to power.
Then the ace ditherer didn’t know what changes to make and it turned out that his supporters differed in the direction that they wanted him to take.
Biden, hardly the sharpest brain, will also dither and be pulled in different directions, like the school bus stalled on the railroad crossing, ‘Go back! Go forward! Bang!’.
The trouble is the USA is a big bus and the pieces will no doubt hit us too.
Jim, good point. The other problem for the Democrats in the USA and various other liberal/Socialist groups in other nations, a lot of their ‘wish lists’ and ‘wants lists’ is that they contain items that are mutually contradictory. Carry out one policy or change and you have to accept that you must go cold on or not deliver something else.
Paris Climate Accord versus blasting rockets into space and ‘Slebs’ flying around the world
UN’s vegan diet versus the need to feed poor people a good diet and three meals a day.
Free health care for everyone versus doctors and dentists and opthalmologists wanting a high salary and a top lifestyle
Interesting point. I’d been wondering how the rocket thing was never questioned re greenhouse gas emissions. Personally I love space exploration- but there is definitely a contradiction!
Sepper, sure is! Love the space thing, too, but hate the lie that is AGW and Climate Change. However, it is for the Green Mob to explain how they accept the space bit but somehow overlook the AGW/CC aspects. They ought to be taken to task by the BBC’s so-called ‘journalists’.
Not so much from the heat of the engines in our atmosphere and fuel burned leaving it although apparently new gases are now being added to the UN IPCC’s list of global warming gases and the latest is nitrous oxide.
Every space mission uses a lot of CO2 in constructing non-re-usable components. Anything made of carbon fibre has to be heat treated in ovens here on earth. Then there’s a lot of CO2 expended in transporting large components at slow speeds about the place.
Then there’s the massive amounts of electricity used for all the computing in design, telecoms and general mission control. It all adds up to a massive CO2 burn that cannot be talked away by ‘use of renewables’.
It is exactly the same with the Poles. Arctic and Antarctic tourism has expanded massively in the last thirty-five to forty years. Ironical, that is during the time that the AGW/CC Prophets of Doom started and constantly been failing at their act.
Don’t forget about ending racism by being racist against whites.
And ending sexism by being sexist against males.
Thanks for the reminder, John, good spot, forgot those. maxi where were you?
The Biden gang now have to run the affairs of state, while trying to keep the Truth of their election win coming out.
Its a difficult task, Lies and Truth, and Lies again, from the same tongue.
Spoken Like True Street Thugs: Google Threatens to Shut Down Operations in Australia if Bill Moves Forward that Forces Them to Pay News Publishers
Fortunately neither Twitter or Facebook, think they have the power to shut down Australia or Britain.
LOL ????. To think the BBC couldn’t and still can’t get enough of this washed up , bitter Remainer.
Why do they never “FACT CHECK” claims / statements from Lefties ?? Only ever those deemed “right”
Shouldn’t this thread start date be 22nd January and not 23rd as at the top of the page?
Jon Sopel has just phoned me and he is shocked… ????
Dover – you are banned….
… but i got the month and year right which is quite an achievement. I put it up early because
1 the last thread had got to an excellent 600 posts or more
2 i m going on the single malt …
…the bunker is locked – the claymores have been set …
Cheers …
Fed, You’ll have to ban Jon Sopel also. He started it and I really tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen.
He did mention to me that he wished he had voted for Brexit as he now feels an outcast.
Fed, who was it who used to start their Friday afternoon/eartly-evening radio show of contemporary (mostly pop) music with “The weekend starts here.”? Was it Tony Blackburn?
You could hide behind that as an excuse. 😉
I hope you are nor really banning Dover Sentry. We need him on duty now more than ever.
Would I ever ban someone …? I’ve stuck to the moderator convention in the running of the site – I couldn’t think of a better one – apart from a new thread every day … which would be … oppressive …
Up2, I was banned but I jumped the wire wearing my Steve McQueen outfit. Steve never made it despite many replays, but I did. 🙂
Now back with you.
I don’t know about a radio show, but “The weekend starts here” was the catchphrase of Ready Steady Go! – a Friday early evening television pop programme hosted by the late Keith Fordyce and the ageless Cathy McGowan.
Skeldings – Quite right, it ran from 1963 for about 3 years so good timing just at the start of the dominance by British pop groups- ITV always seemed to produce far superior pop programmes to the beeb in those days – and TOTP will always be tainted by one J Savile.
Maybe Old Grey Whistle Test was part redemption though.
John Peel’s late night slot was also pretty good as well. He often had unheard-of bands on, but the occasional gem popped up too.
I once heard him put on Bob Dylan’s ‘Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands’, and found it so absorbing I dropped off to sleep. When I woke up half an hour later, it was still playing…
Fabulous song still!
Yes, that was it. My memory is ummh … er, becoming a bit selective. I can see myself spending another happy half-hour on Wiki (usual disclaimers) having spent more than that reminding myself of the history of pirate ship radio.
Up2, I think it might have been the ITV programme “Ready, Steady, Go” broadcast live around 6.00 pm on a Friday, but televised later at about 11.00 pm in Granadaland where I lived.
BBC news ran yet another politics of envy piece about coronavirus targeting the ‘poor’ disproportionately.
Lets think about this from another angle, one the BBC are highly unlikely to consider.
Which generic group……
Has received full pay throughout the pandemic?
Has maintained all their perks?
Has received full pension benefits and future entitlement?
Has had little or no furlough, short-time working, pay cuts, or threats of redundancy?
And is now in many cases jostling to be at the front of the vaccination queue?
The public sector of course.
And where do the ‘poor’ predominantly work?
In the private sector.
Where average pay is lower than the public sector in 9 of the 10 deciles. Where pension benefits are frequently minimal and rarely related to earnings. Where there have been 800,000 redundancies and millions more on furlough and short-time working. Where the hospitality and leisure sectors have been utterly destroyed.
And now, where many will have to wait and wait for their vaccines.
You can guarantee the BBC will fail to report on the blindingly obvious when it goes against their agenda and especially sense of entitlement.
Hopefully, some of the private sector workers will not have to pay the TV tax if they’re on pension credits?
Might have to check that, but if it’s fake news, then I’ll lend it to the BBC for their use…
If we free thinkers were wrong about “election fraud”, they wouldn’t need to censor us. Once upon a time newspaper’s employed reporters to report news, and those Journalists competed to be first with the headlines. Now we have journalists trained in left-wing schools of journalism who take spin and media releases written ready for them to copy and hand in to their editors.
Politicians have created taxpayer funded media units of spin doctors, marketing people, psychologists and other trained manipulators and deceivers, to monitor the media and manage the media for the politicians.
The Swamp left no stone unturned in preventing any investigation into the thousands of sworn affidavits, let alone the video evidence of scrutinisers being ejected and not allowed to oversight the count. Judges will see nothing when ordered not to look. Russia did it before, but this time the Judiciary must not look at the thousands of sworn affidavits.
Rudy Giuliani said that the national news networks would no longer book him for on-air appearances, because he mentions illegal activity which purportedly swayed the election to Joe Biden. “I can’t get on, I can’t get on ABC, NBC, CBS, can’t even get on Fox anymore. If I say the word ‘fraud,’ I’m thrown off the network,” he told former Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Newsmax TV. “I’m sorry, there was fraud. I’m telling the truth and they’re lying. And not only are they lying, they’re practicing a level of censorship that is so un-American that it’s frightening. “If they didn’t cheat,” Giuliani wondered aloud, “why won’t they let us examine the [voting] machines?” “You know, this has been since somewhere in October of this year, it’s been the strangest experience of my life,” he explained. “It’s like I’ve been living in the Iron Curtain. I’m living in a country with the kind of censorship that I remember as a young child in East Germany, the Soviet Union.”
I think its because we thought Communist China would adopt Democracy. But in fact America has just adopted Communist censorship.
“Lets investigate election fraud” is a Thoughtcrime
When those who can’t speak, For the justice they seek,
All are silenced and accused of wrong think.
The BBC at last have decided to provide information about the Impeachment of former President Trump. Apparently, it is not time barred, despite the Inauguration of a new President. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55761044
I get the impression that the BBC’s coyness over this is because the vote in the US Senate, requiring a two-thirds majority to find the former President guilty, may be lost. The Republicans may just rally around Trump (at long last!) to make a point about President Biden’s Executive Orders issued thus far.
However, the Democrats now have a two House majority. Barak Obama’s dismal record in office is usually excused by Democrats, other liberals & socialists including the BBC as being due to not controlling Congress or the Senate for the whole of his two terms as President. President Biden and his supporters cannot hide behind that excuse for the time being.
Longtime Democrat Alan Dershowitz will likely stump for Trump I suspect ( hope even) – that’ll be fun.
I see “Trump erection” is tranding out there….
Whatever, the sensible Worldwide know what happened and forever will consider the Democrat/Communists to be synonymous with criminal behaviour, fraud, inciting violence, attempting a coup and, no doubt more criminal offences too numerous to mention. They and the US is tarnished and no one will forget that fact.
Jubilation in Moscow and Beijing as the ‘democratic’ ship is holed beneath the waterline and tilts toward accepting communism.
I was on the M25 yesterday afternoon engaged in essential business.
The M25 (it’s the London Orbital, for those who live on carrots), was as busy as it was a year ago. Lorries were the dominant force.
A very encouraging sign, despite Brexit.
On the orders of Mr Tusk, I now occupy a special place in hell, despite Brexit ????
I concur on the busyness anecdote – the north circular ( which exists ) as opposed to the sarfff circular ( which doesn’t ) is far busier than lockdown one ….
Send your friend Sopel my – ‘thoughts ‘
By the way – good rumour on the Twitter that President Trump got the Hump that pelosi made the National Guard sleep on the floor – mr trump opened a hotel for some … wonder if it is true … ? Even for a few …
Whether Trump put them up in a hotel or not, the fact is that he would have done it given the chance.
The South Circular is a joke. It’s not much more than an alley
with traffic lights.
As for the Tube connections south of the River…let’s not go there, in more ways than one. No wonder cabbies avoid it.
The DLR is going to … Thamesmead ….
Where’s Thamesmead? Is it in Essex? DLR link with Basildon would be good.
Dover – I read they want Thamesmead to be a ‘city ‘ … I’m not sure if the ‘Elizabeth line ‘ goes out as far as Basildon ….
Nothing goes as far out as Basildon other than lager.
I worked for a couple of years on the original Thamesmead grand project in the late 1960s!
I really wish I hadn’t now…
I like Basildon. It always makes me think of Fawlty Towers, peculiarly, “Baaazzilll, what ARE you doing, Basil, stop it immediately and come here! Nowww!, Basil.” but not the stationery.
Bill Moody nails it !!! Tapper would have 100% pinned it on Trump !!
Top man ????
I can’t even begin to imagine the headline the BBC would have run if it was Trump forcing them to sleep in a car-park and Pelosi had put them in a hotel.
Not that the vile old crone ever would.
If the Dems could do it, they would cancel all in the photo permanently. Too white and men.
This vid is doing the rounds on Twitter/FB. Perhaps they are really sitting in DJT’s hotel.
They are also in the Trump hotel in DC, instead of a basement car park.
Florida and Texas have recalled their NG, as the Dems used them for a show that the Repubs were mounting a coup, and then insulted the NG when there was no use of them
“English councils battling financial ruin”
It has only just began.
I sense that there are a lot of disgruntled Tory voters in the kingdom this evening and they are not sitting in the pubs watching Al Beeb on TV.
More votes for The Reform Party.
taffman, I hope the Reform Party have a good plan for .. er … reforming taxation in the UK. We need it. So do Local Authorities. Topping up their income from fees for this that and the other during Lockdowns just does not work. Especially if they are expected to share in the support of childrens’ education and help house the never ending stream of illegal migrants.
It seems the BBC are calling Joe Biden either the president or Biden , no sneering Mr Biden here.
QAnon obsession continues..
How long before we see a bad picture of Biden on the front page like we got for Trump every single time ?.
Never is my guess.
I have noticed that they have been using more reasonable ones of Trump since he left office. I’m certain it’s damage limitation now the desired result has been obtained.
I see the title Harris-Biden Administration has caught on. I wonder if one of the sixth formers at the BBC will let that slip out.
Taff, I see from the papers today, that one of the aforementioned councils, Bath is to introduce charges for diesel and petrol vehicles entering the city. A move to top up the coffers methinks. How many tourists will stop going? I know there’s a lockdown but what happens when normality returns. How much was spent on putting in bicycle lanes?
Bloody hell. There are a couple of main roads going right through it!
The charges don’t apply to private cars and motorcycles, they do, however seem to apply to coaches etc. at £100 per day, which should do wonders for the non-existent tourist industry.
As Gary says, there are no alternative routes. If the council had any sense it would have built a new river crossing decades ago, but, regardless of party, they have a love-hate relationship with tourists, they want the people but not the means of them getting there!
Perhaps if they filled in the Avon valley they could make the city suitable for bicycles?
You don’t seriously think it will stop there, do you? That’s never how it works.
BANES. Council (Bath) are a bunch of toxic, grasping boneheads – I hope their congestion charge goes the same way as their crane-away car ransoming scheme – which was the subject of multiple arson attacks on the portacabin offices…
To say that the charges are unpopular in surrounding towns is an understatement….
The council is appallingly inept – they’ve also decided that Bath is some kind of high priority terrorist target and are now proposing blocking off a whole slew of central streets as I understand it. Retail footfall is what keeps Bath alive and BANES council are clearly hell bent on driving people and especially cars away.
Live just down the road from the ‘beautiful’ city of Bath, and I have to agree with tomo.
These days Bath is little more than the empty facade of a city, all it has are: tourism and second homers, no industry, no major businesses, not even any major public sector/MOD offices any more, and a lot of the shops have closed too, they’ve pretty much all shut down, or relocated in last couple of decades. There is a hospital still, but everyone locally tries to go to one of the more distant alternatives, because it’s so hard to get to, and impossible (and expensive!) to park there.
The city has always had to contend with bad congestion and parking. To be fair, some of that is due to an unfortunate combination of ancient Roman and Georgian road planning, being sited in a narrow valley, and having some of the most expensive and protected real estate in the country. But, the City Council seem hell bent on making a bad situation worse in every way they possibly can.
Every move they make seems deliberately intended to make the place as uninviting and difficult to navigate as possible, especially for drivers. I vaguely recall one of the councillors proudly proclaiming ‘war on cars’ some years back, which just seemed insane. They deliberately shut down all but one of the overcrowded park and ride schemes, so unless you were coming from the north, you had to go all the way around the city (on terrible, congested little country roads) to get to the one remaining P&R car park, which was often full, with people being turned away.
Was only talking about this to my mother the other day, years ago we’d pop into Bath regularly, probably a couple of times a month, for shopping, or going out, most people locally did. Don’t recall the last time I went there, must be 10 years, or more now, and talking to others locally all say the same. We all drive miles out of our way to avoid the place, and the resulting congestion which spills out into the surrounding towns and villages.
BBC News
The maternal uncle of Kamala Harris says he is confident she will be the most active vice-president America has ever had. Speaking from New Delhi, Gopalan Balachandran said Kamala’s mother was the greatest influence on her life.
The BBC have lost their favourite Beastie in the form of Trump.
Also, Brexit has been a success despite Brexit.
Where next BBC, you warriors of the airwaves?
Did you hear The News Quiz on Radio 4 at 6.30pm .
Most of it against former President Trump . They obviously have bought from the scriptwriters a fire sale job lots of staleTrump “jokes” , and need to use them ASAP . They don’t realise most normal people think Christmas cracker jokes are funnier than them .
How they’ve enjoyed the Two Minutes Hate every minute .
They do say let sleeping dogs lie . I think the Beeboids will let Sleepy Joe lie .
Meanwhile, A Biden brings biscuits.
BBC News
First Lady Jill Biden also visited some of the troops to thank them personally, bringing biscuits from the White House as a gift.
Seems the BBC has moved Lily Allen’s embedded crew over to the States.
Or just has a direct conversion of WH PR to posts.
Capitol : Some funny things about the ITV footage BBC is promoting here on its Facebook page
See how FRAMING tells you things that are not true in the video
“risked everything” … “extremists storming”
But the video shows no risk, no gun toting “extremists” like you’d see it Arab/African revolutions
Mostly just normal people
a bit shouty
some doing rather petty vandalism
no one hitting anyone etc.
As the subtitles show , they kept explaining how they are normally good law abiding people.
The fear factor is only in Moore’s words
like “I thought they might have guns” (they didn’t there was a gun ban)
“I thought they might hit me” in the clip no one is hitting anyone
(Other clips did show the front rows of small crowds pushing against cops, which is a dangerous action)
Compared to 90% of revolutions I have seen this was a picnic
Lots of people like me have walked through streets full of burning cars … air heavy with tear gas
And a block away are real trigger happy cops who have shot people dead that day (obviously you don’t go near that and you get out of the burning street within a minute)
Who is the bad man ?
Who is the bad man ?
Those gooballs wondering around were no ISIS
… they don’t look like bad bad men to me
Are the media bad men with their sh*t stirring & PRtrickery ?
Didn’t dozens of people end up dead in 2020 riots across the USA partially due to the stirring the media did ?
Has anyone seen a proper analysis of the ITV Robert Moore 7 minute theatrical piece they ended up with ?
It seems to me conveniently he & Sophie were the only MSM there .
All media used the ITV footage
Was any of this pre-planned ?
I can imagine a scenario where some of that was pre-planned
At the jounos club ‘Ah we have got a HINT that some something negative for Trump might happen at this rally
whilst Trump is giving a speech 2 miles away
but cos of Covid and a Trump crowd who will be hostile to CNN and BBC we can’t send the normal circus
So what about we send a British ITV crew
who perhaps have already had Covid so have no Covide risk ?
The carefully crafted 7 minutes is on Youtube
..likewise the carefully crafted stirring transcript is here on Facebook
We know what they are like they will be awarding Moore and Sophie as if they had spent 6 months undercover in the ISIS killing fields for this Capitol event which was like 90 minutes.
I think the whole affair gets the award for the least number of shots fired during an ‘attempted armed coup’ in history.
I’m beginning to think a civil war will be the only way out of this – the Left are tightening their grip and the suppression of opposition is well under way. I see many similarities with what the most famous socialist of all did in the 1930’s.
Quite so. It’s appalling…..and seems to be universal across the media.
Watching Russia Today, they commented that everytime this has happened in a foreign country such as Ukraine the US Deomcrats have hailed it as the people taking control of democracy and removing corrupt politicians from power – except in this case.
So what’s the difference now? It was the Democrats who were the corrupt politicians this time !
Anyone watch ‘Death In Paradise’ ?. A very light-hearted ‘detective’ show where a comedic British policemen is stuck in the Carribean and every week, a group of 5 or 6 British turn up for some absurd reason, one gets murdered and every single one of the others turns out have a motive and also lies to said policeman. The show is successful due to entertaining, likeable characters such as ‘Cat’ from Red-Dwarf and ‘Philip’ from Rising-Damp along with beautiful scenery and a really fit female companion to get the dad’s watching.
As all my other favourites (Father Brown, Midsomer Murders, Grantchester etc etc) have become unwatchable because of wokery, I settled down to watch the first of the new series. I thought this one would be safe as it already has mostly black characters due to the location – and as it is exactly like it would be in life, that’s fine.
So I settled down to be whisked away into fantasy world for an hour. But what’s this ? – I was expecting ‘Dougal’ from Father Ted but the copper is now ‘Anthony’ (Ralf Little) from The Royle Family. A singularly unfunny chap who has got worse with age.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind. Nothing else to watch so I carry on. Then it dawns on me – there will be no white tourists with someone famous in the group playing the bad guy. It’s all locals now. The entire cast is black except for Ralphy. But the worst part is that there is no wit, no humour and no entertainment value at all. It’s completely flat. Absolute rubbish.
If anyone watched it and it got better after 20 minutes, let me know and I might try it again.
The BBC is now absolutely bereft of creative talent. For God’s sake, someone put it out of our misery.
Even Dougal from Father Ted was a hopeless actor, never knew what to with his arms and stood so stiffly and awkwardly I am not surprised he needed to be replaced. We preferred Kris the actor from ‘My Family’.
However it was pure escapism. It didn’t matter the colour of the characters because it was fun. Sometime black people were the murderer and sometimes the white. Florence, the black detective was beautiful as was the lady before her. But the black characters camped up the Caribbean accents and we could enjoy it.
Thanks John for the warning. The BBC seem hell bent on destroying themselves and fun.
I have to admit, Dougal traded heavily on his ‘likeable idiot’ status from Father Ted. I didn’t like Kris at first because I really disliked ‘My Family’ but he grew on me for this.
John -When whitey is in a minority the BBC do not use
their standard position of ” positive discrimination.”Their
Londonistan regional programme is another example.
A further example of positive discrimination which I
find quite amazing, is that the advertising business has
decided that mixed racial marriages are not just fine ,
which they are. But it is also the default position of marriages
in the UK. So far as advertising is now.
I just tried – without success – to find out just how many UK marriages are mixed black/white (as opposed to just interracial).
Even when I found a promising title from Google, it always to led to some Guardian article which diverged into left wing propaganda with no actual information at all.
From what I saw, I would estimate a few percent at most. Which – of course – makes the whole thing racist.
And of course those people who complained so loudly about it being racist in the first place are suddenly quiet.
Nothing but shameless hypocrites motivated entirely by self interest and anti-white racism.
There was a comment here, some years ago when DFS pioneered the ‘mixed marriage’ illusion trick. Can’t remember who the contributor was but, I have used it myself when a ideal situation presents itself, viz:
(In the case of DFS as example). Any contact with DFS: ‘Is it true that your customers are only black or of mixed marriage as depicted in your advertising material?’
Even before the concept of ‘BAME’ was inserted by the Marxists.
Indoor League. Feminism. And bras
I’ve cancelled my TV Licence, so thankfully I don’t subject myself to live broadcast TV anymore. Bravo! I hear from hereabouts. A quick scan through the daily newspaper frontpages tells me all I need to know about the mainstream, and more.
The Telegraph informs me: ‘The Government has launched an emotive television advertisement imploring the public to stay at home’ – well they won’t be “emoting” me, for all the scary hazmat gear and staring-eyed NHS heroes.
If I want my emotions played upon I’ll look to sport. Mind you, that’s fast being spoilt: ‘Has VAR ruined football?’ (Guardian)
‘Athlete vaccination plan to save Olympics’ (Telegraph) – I thought they were desperate to keep drugs out of sport?
The FT, on behalf of Boris, purports to give us a fact: ‘Johnson warns varient in Covid surge may be 30% more deadly’ – one is often struck how, for all its supposed cleverness, the FT struggles to convey concise meaning in its cluttered headlines. As one is distracted in attempting to parse the phrase “varient in Covid surge” one of course overlooks the key word “may”.
Oh, how we brave band of Brexiteers were battered, but battled through, a veritable barrage of “mays”, “coulds” and “despites”.
The Telegraph is equally happy to convey the Boris message, but unlike what we find in the FT, at least Number 10 ventriloquises through the medium of the paper’s headline as though English were the Telegraph’s mother tongue, rather than learnt tediously via technical journals, FT-style:
‘Fears lockdown may go on for longer after studies suggest the new varient could be 30pc more lethal’
– there’s a “may” and a “could” for you, topped off with a “suggest”. If you’re playing the game of spot the bullshit bingo that’s a tripple double top, scoring a 147 break – to tripply mix the in-door league gaming metaphors. With a “fears” side pocket bonus ball.
‘People-Smuggling kingpin still at large’ (Telegraph) – our blundering Keystone Cop Borderforce scoring zero there in the King Pin Bowling.
It’s all indoor league from now on. Sports Direct optimistically advertise: ‘Up to 99% off winter wear’ on the front cover of the Daily Star and Mirror. Mike Ashley obviously concerned we won’t be doing a lot of outdoor sport and thinking we need a pretty big percentage to impress us these days.
99% off – that’s a bigger loss leader than Boris Johnson. Excuse me while I get my sports hoodie…
Politics is the new soap opera. Which is just as well: ‘Pandemmerdale. Corrie and Dales filming suspended’ (Daily Star)
And the 999th episode in the perpetual political soap opera is: ‘Trump trial could start next week’ (Guardian) – my cursory reading of the US constitution tells me this is a farce. You can’t impeach an ex-President. It would be akin to dismissing an empolyee who has already retired. Perhaps they are scared he will stand again in 2024?
Just about the only diversity in press editorial opinion on show these days is when different titles attempt to out virtual signal one another. Today we have the Daily Mail: ‘Help us get computers to school kids’ – whereas: ‘Alarm over rise in screen use’ (Guardian)
You were roundly admonished by Greta Thunberg, climate activist. You shed a tear for Ella Kissi-Debrah, who died of air pollution (allegedly). Now Guardian reader, meet Amanda Gorman: ‘Voice of a New Era’, your latest frontpage campaigning pin up: “American poet and activist from Los Angeles. Her work focuses on issues of oppression, feminism, race, and marginalization, as well as the African diaspora”
The Star is on top form this morning: ‘High street shops set to torch stock in Brexit kerfuffle’ – the Darby and Joan types sitting on the park bench (what are they doing out of doors?) are saying: ‘Apparently they’re all burning their bras again, Doreen’
Star’s thought for the day: ‘We’re No1 for feminism. And bras’
The Mirror has a scoop: ‘Found. Pilot who flew Andrew to the Epstein parties’ – well done. The world needs to know these things the elite would prefer to hide from us. Perhaps they can now locate the Chinese lab assistant who split the contents of the Covid-19 test tube?
Brilliant work AISI. And congratulations on giving up TV. You will not miss it.
TOADY Watch #1 – what fun!
The BBC having joined in with the Democrats in the USA in misrepresenting former President Trump and the events in Washington on 6 January are now having to tiptoe around when talking about demonstrations planned in Russia today in support of Alexei Navalny. It is very enjoyable listening to the presenters, JustRemainIn and Mishal, having to tiptoe around to avoid having their and the BBC’s hypocrisy on show.
Jon Sopel will be all over this, you just wait …..and wait ……and wait……and wait …………..
If it was Trump !!!! Well, you know the rest ????
Hang on …….jon has tweeted ……. About Trump !!!!! He is obsessed.
But Mrs. B gave soldiers biscuits…. biscuits!
Jon used to be a blonde man.
Moving from ‘another beauty’ to ‘so embarrassing’
Installed a winner there, Thommo.
BTW Twitter just purged top Antifa accounts
I wonder why the waited so long.
“Twitter suspends Antifa accounts with more than 71K followers”https://trib.al/rAwRqkp
TOADY Watch #2 – the fun continues
China Joe has made his first mistake. The BBC pull no punches but try to laugh it off. Removing the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office has not gone down well in Westminster and Whitehall and the Winston Churchill Society. It probably has not gone down well with the UK public at large or, more correctly, imprisoned in their homes with nothing to do except listen to the news of China Joe from the BBC.
Apparently, it has caused such hurt that the US Embassy has had to go on the PR defensive and issue a video to convince the UK that the ‘Special Relationship’ is important to the new President and will continue, despite the removal of Winnie from the seat of US Power.
Surprised he didn’t replace it with a bust of McGuiness donated by Corbyn.
To show solidarity.
Guest, LOL, either that or one of Michael Collins.
BBC Mighty News
A number of UK retailers have said they might have to destroy returns from customers in the EU, because it is cheaper than bringing them back to the UK.
Brexit: Retailers could burn goods stuck in EU
Or, ‘could’ not.
Seems like a baseless claim currently.
TOADY Watch #3 – the fun just goes on and on
‘The science is settled’ is a well-known meme in relation to Anthropogenic Global Warming and one that is repeated by the BBC in their propaganda on that subject to the public.
However, the scientists (and the doctors and nurses) are all now fighting like rats in the sack over Covid in all its variant forms. Vaccines: one dose versus two doses. Vaccine potency: it will protect versus it will not be sufficient for new variant protection. Facemasks: better ones for all nurses versus ‘standard’ ones. (Ooops! More evidence that facemasks do not work. Oh dear!) Lockdowns: let everyone get back to normal as soon as possible versus keep the lockdown going for part of the summer. New Covid variant: kills more people versus more easily transmitted or both. Border controls: lockdown or quarantine for travellers versus open borders.
Poor old BBC. It doesn’t know which side to choose. It really wants to attack the PM and the cabinet but also finds itself with a captive audience during lockdowns and thus wants to keep the show on the road. Meanwhile Beeboids are missing going out to eat in their favourite restaurants; it is just such a chore having to cook for oneself, dontcha know.
Interesting the comparisons already.
Especially what was done, now being returned to the way it always was.
Ah, those lovely ‘under fire’ headlines… like the bbc is prone to use….
Probably not here. Disney part of the new squad. Plus, well, that other thing.
June and SurLenny pro or con doctor’s orders?
On this…
I see Andrew Neil is engaging with a BBC 100 lady of entitlement on this very topic.
She is currently doing badly in debate.
Soon she will need to bring in reinforcements to accuse him of racism.
But not being patronising, as that might go badly too.
I think the first, fifth, twelth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty-second and twenty-forth letters of the alphabet should be ‘banned’ as they have been used to describe the act of owning people.
We can all be careful about what other people say, ‘love’.
It isn’t a race , quite right , but we all know that if the rate of vaccination in the UK was below the EU average the Remainer MSM would be all over it with comparisons made hourly on how badly the UK was doing in this life and death struggle compared to the oh so sophisticated EU. The BBC would grill any government minister about the comparison.
As it is the UK , population 60 to 70 million, has vaccinated 6 million folks , the EU , population 450 to 500 million , has vaccinated 8 million.
DESPITE Brexit ( or more honestly because of Brexit) the UK is vaccinating it’s population five times faster than is the EU, and if the vaccine supply predictions come true then this difference in rate will probably increase. The EU has completely failed to protect its citizens and will be directly responsible for many thousands of deaths that will result from that failure. Of course it won’t be held accountable for this disaster which is exactly why I and so many others voted Leave. We want our leaders to be accountable to us.
Come on BBC, Sky, Times et al tell us why the EU is so crap at doing it’s most important job!
Just to add to that – oxford astra zeneca has announced something like at 40% reduction in supply to the EU – which wont be approving it until 29 January at the earliest .
If ever there was a reason for the EU to be ended or downsized – there it is .
As you say – if it was the other way the BBC would be interviewing Queues of traitors telling us to rejoin their ReichEU
Yes indeed. If this disparity in rate of vaccination remains and if the vaccine is more or less as effective as predicted then the UK should be able to relax the lockdown Months ahead of most of the EU. As the lockdown is costing several tens of billions a month even only a three month lead on exiting lockdown would be worth a hell of a lot of money to UK PLC. This ought to put project fear to bed once and for all but I doubt it will ever be reported in such terms. Excuses will be found for the EU , hard facts ignored and suppressed, lies peddled, perhaps the only thing which will act as a weather vane will the pound /Euro exchange rate.
I was watching a YouTube of US politics and there was a Ben Shapiro retweet in Aug 20 of Biden lies by… Mehdi Hasan!
I need to figure out how to locate that as scrolling is now tricky.
But… in the interim…
Wendy and Marianna are so going to have to lock a lot of BBC records away.
Lucky for these people that they are safe from the ‘Reality Check Team’.
I predict that any ‘Leftie’ facts checked (for balance in the summaries presented to any bias checkers) will be found to be OK.
From a date limited search on @mehdirhasan’s tweets
Seems sarcastic to me
and this where Hasan implies the factcheck is flawed
Still can’t find it. Maybe it was a YT spat.
Actually going back just half a year is… illuminating.
It was a different time.
Max would have been da bomb. Pocahontas less so.
This would make more sense if the second date were “Jan 20, 2021” i.e. around Biden’s inauguration. Mary Vought’s mistake? Or was the second date and headline given to show that the “Aug 31, 2020” one was a volte face? I’m not sure.
Got to admit that it’s a cracking photo of the latter day Breznev , a more or less stuffed dummy whose mind went ages ago.
Still can’t let it go can they !!! How this programme keeps going is beyond me.
Benefits of Brexit: BBC ‘comedy’ no longer has to conform to Euro-Comedy Directive 05/45 – ‘doan menchen ze var’, englishen peeg dugs.
BBC News:
“Shipping crisis: I’m being quoted £10,000 for a £1,600 container'”
“In the UK the difficulties in international shipping have coincided with problems faced by businesses trading with the EU after Brexit”.
UK vaccine rollout one of the best in the world.
Good news story …yes ???
Well, it’s too positive for the BBC so they find a negative angle.
Pathetic. Why do they hate the UK so much ???????
I imagine a basement full of Gollum-like trolls
….. saying “gotcha, got to get a gotcha”
Said it before – the ‘medical profession ‘ only seems happy when it is making money – bitching – or making dance videos ….
Maybe that one can go to the ReichEU and see how many vaccinations he can do there ….I read – by the way of a mayor in a region of Spain having to resign because he got himself family staff and ‘friends ‘ vaccinated ahead of everyone else ….
….when I read it I just wondered how he was so stupid to get caught….( might have been Italy – whatever )
Indeed Fed. Here we go with PPE round 2 !!
Masks…. hahahah.
What now, they don’t protect the wearer enough, or are the anychess worried about spreading it to the previously un- ilinfected?
Unless you have an N95 grade filter, respirator and source for oxygen, the virus, being rather small in size and transmittable via aerosol will get through.
Having spent many hours in the kit whilst working in decommissioned fuel tanks, I’d not putting much faith in cloth face coverings or even current issue PPE.
But hey, I’m sure they are just following the science.
12pm Radio4 Money show
Guess the photo ?
“Students left without access to student finance
Money Box
Tens of thousands of students are being *denied* access to student funding despite a Government pledge in 2013 to change things”
BS they are not being DENIED
They just refuse none shariah money
ie money where interest is charged
All the government needs to do is give the loan document where mention of interest charges has been changed to “annual administration charge”
IMHO opinion there is no such thing as Islamic Finance
it’s just semantics.
Why hasn’t it been done since 2013 ?
cos I expect some Muslims won’t accept it unless their mate’s Islamic Finance corp is made the organiser.
Remember when Marianna and Wendy compared facts?
TOADY Watch #4 – oblivious to the fun they are giving us
Vaccine Wars. Yes, you read that right. In the BBC Hive Mind there is a war going on and a steel plate of double or triple thickness for battleship duty, that keeps these two areas of thought in the brain separate. “Vaccine roll-out insufficient” and “The vaccine may not protect against the new variant of Covid.”
Well, which is it, Justin, Mishal? It’s make your mind up time. Which side of the steel plate are you?
From our own correspondent watch
The BBC has yet another reporter in America – this one is called Ally McBeal – or similar . This character did a piece comparing the Trump and Biden inaugurations . Anger . troops . Fences…capitol ‘mostly peaceful protect (my words ) …… but never mentioned the reason …
,,this seems to be the standard tactic – President Trump and supporters ‘bad’ – but don’t say why – don’t even mention the election – so no need to mention ‘theft ‘ ‘fraud ‘ ‘corruption ‘……
I was thinking ‘what would an alien just arrived ‘ think – it would have no idea of the background yet alone the truth . Bit like describing empty towns and cities without mentioning the Chinese virus .
Very poor – as expected – but ally mcbean will keep his job ..
Come, come Fedup2! “Ally McBeal” would be far too pale, male and stale! I think the North America reporter to whom you are referring is Aleem Maqbool – now, that’s much more like it!
Taff’s post of yesterday quoting BBC Politics told us: ‘English councils battle financial ruin’.
An update now tells us: ‘Council CEOs cut salary from £335/475k to same level as PM’s £152….’
Sorry. Only kidding.
BBC home page, Lady now has to fork out £10,000 instead of £1,200 to get shipping containers to import her goods…
(From China, not mentioned in the headline!)
Guardian home page with Cheshire Cheesemaker £250,000 down because of Brexit.
The Independent home page with Brexit tariffs of £100,000 slapped on bananas…
Looks like they got together over a Latte this morning to share them out!
The BBC beauty gets his question in
Fox-killer Maugham should address his comments to the BBC and not betray his country of birth.
Poor Maugham lost out on further soros cash running anti brexit court cases so now he says stupid things to become an internet ‘victim ‘ and thus get appearance money on BBC news on quiet news days … lawyers ….
Biden does not know one day to another, which office he is in. He probably thinks he is in the senate, ans is wondering why a big desk is in his office.
Probably will demand his senate desk back.
Note how Sopel was laughing under his mask at his mention of the Churchill bust. Also, there should have been a prepared answer but she just waffled saying she’d circle back to him with a reply.
Sopel pratttt.
Dover – I think the Churchill bust thing is similar to the ‘special relationship ‘ thing . America has its own interests and if they coincide with ours then it’s a special relationship .
The biggest indication is what America did whilst the Germans were bombing British cities – answer – they made money from us be selling us stuff –
America didn’t care until the japs attacked them
Fedup2, spor on.
I’m reminded of Lord Palmerston, “Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”
‘Despite Brexit’ a Rumanian parcel delivery man asks if he can take a picture of my snowdrops. He says that in his country they flower in March.
If I was Roger Harrabin or Tom Heap I would have said, “Ours used to do that too, but Climate Emergency… “
Kev gunning for his sofa slots back
In other news, solemn interesting posts tracking Chinese bomber squadrons now Joe is in charge.
I was down at a fish wholesalers on Tuesday and asked if they had the shellfish from Scotland that wasn’t reaching Europe. The response was there wasn’t any, just the fishermen point scoring.
There is somewhat of a problem but what there is is more due to Edinburgh choosing not to help or intervene in order to blame London and thus blame everything they can on Brexit and “the english tories” (rather than covid or mismanagement or negligence)
Who’d want to be in a Care Home ?- where half the carers refused to be vaccinated .
The Meadows Care Home in West London has vaccinated all bar one of its residents, however half the care staff have antivax views so refuse to be jabbed. The ethnic owner put in place a mandate that staff have to be vaccinated, but it only applied to new staff taken on after the pandemic started. There’s nothing he can do about the rest.
Listening to the why’s and wherefore’s of refusal, and being in West London, its mighty clear the ethnicity of those who refuse to be vaccinated – but neither the BBC or the other channels will confirm or admit to this. Like I said, its a scary thing to be old in these times.
If it were actually a vaccination, why would the residents care if the staff had it?
So, Red Button then. Well, it’s a channel actually. Linked by a differently coloured (whoops) button. Playing programmes nobody is aware of. An FA cup game this afternoon is a fine example. It’s not even listed on an otherwise excellent website that publicises live games on TV. Not even publicised by the BBC itself. My better half calls it the secret station.
The trouble is that it is funded by the public under the auspices of criminal law. It’s a channel that has to be funded otherwise it would fold.
Like everything else at the BBC it is unaccountable, out of control and somebody’s ego trip. A public body that reserves the right to stay silent over it’s expenditure. Please annoy your local MP with this legitimate complaint because although it appears they couldn’t give a toss, enough volume of complaint tends to concentrate the mind.
Lawfare using Election Commissions just like we had in Britain.
Ezra Levant has just had a $3,000 fine imposed on him For writing and promoting a book .
Context : Journalists are almost always political and what they write affects people’s voting.
Ezra Levant could own a newspaper and have anti-Trudeau cartoons and promote the newspaper in the same way as the many Trudeau supporting newspaper do.
.. but election laws in Canada do not give everyone similar rights
They say that all political advertising must stay within limits
and non-party insiders like charities can apply for third party registration.
Cos he doesn’t own a newspaper Ezra came up with another way of getting his message across he wrote a book about Trudeau corruption. A book that has not been contested in the courts for libel or anything. And books and their promotion fall into the same category as newspapers ie they are exempt from election law.
Anyone theoretically is free to advertise their book how they want
and Ezra cheekily copied election style lawn signs.
Of course that exposes the double standard in Canadian election free speech, cos if the signs were not advertising a book they would be classed as election advertising.
However after a one year inquiry the Commission has decided to class that book advertising as an election sign anyway that’s one fine
And then imposed another sign saying that you are not allowed to compare candidates to mafia.
Ezra says he will fight to the end, cos the law specifically excludes books, but on the other hand the government has unlimited funds to go to court.
A UK connection is the way no Canadian MSM journos or their associations have stayed with their gang and won’t back Ezra.
It’s become quite clear to me that the law now means whatever those in power wish it to mean.
Historian Ian Mortimer: “The University of Leicester have decided that they’re not just going to cancel Chaucer, but everything written in English before 1500”.
Compare and contrast the ‘constructive discrimination’ rules and other similar legal constructs so often pursued so diligently by ‘friends of the BBC’ with this.
Mike Graham wants to defund the BBC: “Five people have been put in prison for not paying the licence fee. Can you imagine if Netflix… put you in jail?”
Mark Dolan agrees and says many pensioners have to choose whether to “heat their homes” or “pay for Gary Lineker”.
To be fair, BBC staff do delete themselves a fair bit.
Different reasons.
Not much Newsnight of late.
BBC Fact Checking at 105%
Of course, that is when they are not going near anything.
Ah, fact checking. It does not get much worse than that, Jim.
ITBB on a roll with those on a roll.
The there is the sweeeeerve.
Lovely hair. Shares Pelosi’s salon?
Guest Who
Thanks for doing links to ‘is the BBC biased ‘- we have an excellent relationship with our friends there.
The maitliss tweet seems a strange one to take down – maybe it wasn’t a recent picture . I can testify from personal experience that the t5 arrivals hall at Heathrow is a cattle market – disgraceful – with various suits looking on and doing nothing – matched only by uniform staff pretending not to see the chaos .
Last time I did it – which was December I was fearful for my health ….
The two sites are excellent complements.
Jon is going to have to get Joe to get jack to have guys like him banned.
BBC World goes out and ‘finds’..