Holocaust Memorial Day … …………………………………………………………..
And then this –
Below is a sentence in a BBC online report
“Police have begun an investigation into potential breaches of Covid-19 regulations at the funeral of an IRA veteran in Londonderry.”
Over to you
I’m sure that I’m not the only visitor to this site who wonders whose side the BBC is on. I would expect them to be attempting to boost the nation’s morale, instead of which I can almost sense the disappointment when the covid death figure fails to break more and more records. To keep the nation motivated, today they wheel out a procession of poor souls to wail and weep about their dead or dying kinfolk. This is tragic and I cannot even begin to express my deepest sympathy to all affected. However, I don’t expect the BBC to have a ”look how sad these people are” top ten every morning.
Anyway, get to the point Mick. What has ghasted my flabber this morning is that while reporting the attempted bombing of a vaccine factory in North Wales, the BBC give out the full address of the industrial estate and a few nice clear street views to help any would-be heroes. This (If it is their plan) is making the news, not reporting it.
“Collaboration with the enemy” might be too strong a term, but they aren’t far off.
I am sure you are the only vistor to this site who wonders what side the BBC is on!
Certainly any of us who lived through the Falklands war knows they aren’t on our side at all, as they reported on the ‘British’ navy, reported ‘fall of shot’ back to the Argentinians and spied on our positions.
Bit like the Falklands I’m sure. Our “Worlds Most Trusted” warned the Argies on one part of the campaign. Not only is the organisation downright dishonest, it is also dangerous. And on the World Stage included.
Good to see the Sun shaming bBC for reporting on an IRA Terrorist funeral…and using the word “veteran” to describe the participant ….. It is reported on Guido that they are backtracking….
This exemplifies the bBC mindset in relation to IRA Terrorism.
Some years back an SNP member, one john Mason” was called out for calling IRA terrorists “Freedom Fighters”
The tweet exchange where Mason was called out was reported by the bBc on the N Ireland section of its website but to my knowledge they offered no rebuke of Mason.
The answer might be that the bBC in Scotland did not wish to “upset” that significant portion of the SNP support which also favours Irish republicanism and also Scottish Independence,
Not hard to imagine the cocktail of events which will kick off if any vote for scottish independence was ever to succeed.
In the meantime bBC Scotland are well worth the watching as they persist in giving this Wee Burney every opportunity to put her radio face in front of us.
Mick – when I read your comment I thought ‘aha – false reporting ‘ – but no – to my true true disbelief the report is on the BBC Wales site ,..
Maybe the BBC will put up the location of all plants making the vaccines so that they can taken out at the same time ? I truly despair .
I’m surprised that some ‘d’ notice on such locations hasn’t been put in place …
While I’m ‘on’ – priti Patel is saying with a straight face in parliament about travel bans – maybe the boys in the dinghies coming from the french enemy should be told …..
Suspected Bomb at Wrexham AZ vaccine factory! Now I wonder who could be on the list of possible suspects? EU Special Forces, disgruntled Remainers or local pranksters. The BBC will somehow work in Far Right White supremacists into the story.
In their bash-the-Government piece on Covid deaths, among the causes of our high death rate the BBC casually toss in the UK’s “ethnically diverse and densely packed urban populations”.
(And there was I believing our diversity was our strength.)
But has the Beeb ever delved into why certain minorities are disproportionately affected? Nothing to do with disregarding guidelines on social-distancing and other measures, surely.
‘Tory rhetoric’ and ‘suggests’.
I was wrong.
He’s gunning for a slot on Wendy’s squad.
Top pitch to be fair.
I’m completely at a loss to understand why the plonker Femi believes the charts he provides say anything to his argument. It shows that the majority of people in the NHS are white…. and the mjority of medical staff, as well as non-medical staff are white…..and that’s all it says…. you can even infer from the data that BAME people are more likely to work, as a percentage of the population, in the NHS, and Asian people in the NHS are more likely to be medically inclined. But the charts are cut off for white people, which, for instance, if you add up the non-white people on the first chart, the numbers total 22.3% of NHS staff – leaves the remainder of 77.7% of NHS as white….. but the chart is cut off by Femi at 60% – WHY ? Unless you want to present data in a less favourable light for white people ?
But this does not, in the slightest, tell anyone what is the propensity of people, by ethnicity, to take (or not) any particular medication, nor any reasons why this might be so. However, we are told, by apparently authoritative analyses on the potential uptake of medication, that BAME people are far more likely to reject COVID antivirus jabs. In the long term, this is likely to mean, given the community habits of BAME people to live more closely together, to mingle more, to interface across generations more, that they are more likely to acquire the virus if they have not been innoculated, and thus to pass on the virus within their own communities if these communities have refused, en masse, to have the antivirus.
And none of that is due to ‘Tory rhetoric’, you idiot. Enough of this false statistic nonsense. You’re basically denying the science, and likely to kill people with this tripe.
Femi is an intriguing entity.
With no clear career path, or funding, he has a manager, and during Brexit was the choice of many a tv producer as the face of supposedly young, supposedly average, supposedly person in the street Remain.
He came to my attention when he looked like stunned rabbit as his minder pulled an interview based on no ‘while you are here’ questions ©️Entire BBC.
Then he vanished. But now seems back with a new cause but same mysterious reasons for being.
As to denying the science, that would fall under Mile Wendling, but he is choosy on who to target, who not, and who to get out the picture.
Maybe ask Marianna to check as part of her year long mission?
Assuming you can get through. The BBC is unique that way.
Femi is currently editting a piece of Covid.
Stuff in. Stuff, bbc rules apply.
As for approaching this ‘problem’ in a spirit of ‘collaboration and responsibility, what VDL’s colleague means is ‘the responsibility is yours, AZ, and we are being nothging but collaborative across the EU in blaming you for this…’…
And the complete information required by the EU is quite staraightforward – according to AZ, the Europeans were three months late to the bidding, and were only given a ‘best endeavours’ contract, and not a guarantee of delivery…
Next, Ms Wonder Lying ?
Basically BAMEs have taken more than their ‘fair’ share of jobs in the NHS.
If it was the other way round Femi would be bleating about ‘institutional racism’ and there would be ‘working parties’ producing ‘strategies’ to ‘redress the imbalance’.
The BAMEs seem to have ‘stolen’ half the medical jobs, leaving the poor whites to do the rest of the work.
My ‘take’ would be: 1) Why don’t Asians want to do non-medical NHS work (not enough money?) and 2) Why the hell aren’t our medical schools aprox. 80% white or why have we got a white doctor shortfall – That is where the real discrepancy is.
Like it or lump it Femi, black, blacks are a minority of BAMEs now.
A little bit of good news for you Anti Beeboids ……….
The present state of the £
1 GBP = 1.13275 EUR
Despite Brexit .
Perhaps your last comment should read “Because of Brexit”
Lefty Wright
Anti? No, simply keen for them to walk the talk, occasionally.
Cue a plug for the ever forensic ITBB complement to here as I munch a ginger nut…
Christian certainly being spared by the usual outrage merchants.
And then… BREAKING…. as they say…
Seems Wendy could not quite let go, at least until he was confident an outbreak of actual facts contrary to his ‘there or thereabouts’ averages to low ends looked like being more embarrassing than his department being pretty much an internal echo chamber, and reduced outside engagement by at least one.
It would be interesting to hear Timmeh! Or Franny explain quite how going beyond ignoring facts to obliterating questions being asked falls under the noble values the BBC claims to espouse.
Sounds more like a bunch of short fuse, chippy, lightweight propagandists and censors capable only of overturning the table if the game does not proceed necessarily to their advantage.
Of little surprise to any here, but hard to follow up or address, as they have gathered. Oddly, it has not occurred to ECU, OFCOM, dcms or Olly.
A fact checker that tries to suppress facts and blocks people wary of BBC versions of them seems… redundant.
Phew, at least the lovely Ms. Spring is still with us and still promising, er… stuff.
Meanwhile, yes, as hoped…
Plus ‘lots’…. ‘getting in touch’, though oddly not many via the usually febrile pulpit that is twitter.
Looks like she is now the acceptable face of Wendy.
Oh, and… about zero she refers to has anything to do with facts or even fake news.
It is a trawl for BBC Vox pop edited feelings to pass on as ‘news’.
Why the licence fee payer needs to fund that is a good question.
No wonder Wendy is working to ensure only BBC-vetted ones get through.
Still dull photos with no lighting. How strange?
Uncle Joe CANNOT BE SERIOUS – – can he!?? Or is this just our Katie having a bit of fun?
What a wonderful PM this lady would make!!
Now THAT would be what I call a revolution.
Probably this:
Not the BBC – but an incompetent government .
You might recall that I wrote here that the government was requiring me to breach lock down by taking my car for an MOT – and renewing my driving licence at a Post Office – because the picture is 10 years old .
Well – I did both – despite being scared of the exposure .
Anyway I wrote to my MP and the sec state for transport .
I’ve had a reply – basically – if you are in the same boat as me – tough – you will have to do the same . There are no extensions – unlike last year . So a more infectious virus means nothing – when the State says so….
… meanwhile the DVLA is Swansea is suffering from widespread COVID infections …..
If it’s any consolation I personally know a man who was diagnosed with terminal cancer earlier this year with just months to live and a few weeks ago tested positive for the Chinese Flu. Now wouldn’t you think that this would be the final straw and signal the end?
Not the case. He is still suffering from the cancer but he is still alive and apparently the flu has not made him any nearer death.
So I have to question how potentially dangerous or even lethal the Chinese flu is to otherwise healthy people. Unhealthy people are and always have been, sadly, more susceptible to all manner of minor illnesses than healthy people but never before has it been seen fit to shut down and perhaps wreck the economies and cultures of thriving countries because of it.
The argument that says “If it saves one life it is worth it” does not hold water. After all everyone knows that we could potentially save hundreds of lives a year just by banning road traffic but very few of us would be willing to contemplate that.
Maybe that could be the next BBC social training (propaganda) campaign? Perhaps their carrier pigeon “Eastenders” could subtly convey the message. Oh no I mustn’t plant seeds in their heads.
The mot /driving licence issue I describe is a trivial one . But I don’t understand the incoherence of a government shouting ‘stay at home ‘ and another bit of the government shouting – get this done by going out .
Communist dogma is not manufactured to be understood – merely to be obeyed.
Government Briefing watch
Doomster myrie in the run up . The BBC droids talking about the EU bitching over Oxford AZ vaccine production and only mentioned that the EU hasn’t authorised the vaccine yet and might do it this Friday – if they feel like it . …….
Amol interviewed one of the Mirror phone hacker guys who is now editor of the DailyExpress
(DailyMirror AKA Reachplc own the Express)
online is a 49 min version
He said was proud of their Brexit stnce
“My son goes to Eton and is a Labour supporter”
We sell about 250K copies day , 300 million annual page views
..THAT’s pathetic .. 1% of UK households !
If 100,000 people viewed 10 pages/day that would be 365 million views
Phone hack question was at the end.
“Gary Jones is @TonyBlair re-incarnate
just not as genuine”
Does Ms Spring actually perform a service apart from posting selfies of herself. Maybe she is hoping to get on a “reality show”?
She was auditioning for Snog, Marry, Avoid, but the guys thought she was genuine. Apparently. Tragic.
If the camera pulled back you could see Mike W operating the strings.
… Oops that’s a conspiracy theory.
BBC Not News
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says she is “not ecstatic” about reports the UK PM will visit Scotland on Thursday.
PM briefing
The PM kept saying he was confident that vaccine contracts would be maintained and ducked a question as to whether the UK should licence vaccine exports if the EU does it first .
To me it looks like the EU will do it because the Helga in charge had a look of desperation behind an angry facade in a speech she gave yesterday . The desperation comes from the flak she and Brussels is getting from member minor states after screwing up vaccine procurement .
So how will the BBC handle the decision by their best friend to steal vaccine from the UK and the over 70s ?
We know that the BBC doesn’t care about the over 70s indeed – the over 60s 50s 40s 30s ….. so I think they’ll say it’s ‘fair ‘ because ‘their need is greater than ours ‘….
…. it will be dressed up of course – and turned around to say we should have stayed in the EU and the ( failed ) EU vaccine programme – which many remainers were fans of -but strangely no longer mention it ( see ED Davy – and Captain Hindsite) .
Let’s see … may well come to a head this weekend …
… by the way – with the questions at the briefing – there weren’t any ‘gotcha ‘ questions along the line of ‘why didn’t you do xyz earlier ‘.?
And rarely – quite a number of intelligent questions ….
BBC News
Nia Dennis says her floor routine was “a celebration of everything [black people] can do”.
[Could she breathe?]
Guest Who
Bearing in mind that I have never in 80 years invented anything or composed anything to the benefit of my fellow man, I must confess to being a mere white heterosexual man which says it all really doesn’t it. Really??
One for Wendy and Squad to check?
Or not. They may not know a thing about it.
But are fielding lots of calls. Lots.
BBC1 6pm news we are back to complaining about lockdown continuing and schools not back for 5 weeks. It was only yesterday the BBC were complaining about 100,000 deaths and why hadn’t the government done more.
Schools to remain closed. please please, not more interviews with gormless children telling us how they are missing the social interaction with friends and how they miss school.
Given that the under 12s are now considered experts on health, disease, society etc. I feel a smirk coming on when I consider these little buggers will be replaced by another bunch of 12 years olds before they are old enough to start work.
If the Labour Party had won the last election things would have been SO, SO different. Oh dear. – Drain the swamp!!
Guido on 6pm news : Christina Pagel ..libmob activist
Deborah – I watched out of duty , for some reason they showed a head mistress morning about lack of guidance about whether whole schools will be back on 8 March or particular years ?
Why show this ? Didn’t they listen to what the PM said ? He said that date is an ‘earliest aspiration ‘…. the BV`c seems to watch to paint a picture of an uncertain government in certain circumstance . The former is true but the latter is a lie .
For all we know the vaccine programme could be massively disrupted in coming weeks or a new even more aggressive variant could come along ….
ITV local news just like BBC last night
a 5 minute item about Grimsby Muslim doctor
who can’t get his liver transplant done
cos due to Covid such live donor ops are postponed
Funny thing is the Daily Mirror already did his story in July.
His son’s English was fine
He and his wife’s was not clear.
Got it the July article was looking for a living donor
who has to be Iraqi apparently
Now they found a donor but have to wait for surgery to open back up
“Abbas, 52, originally came from Basra 20 years ago and has since been working tirelessly for the NHS”
2021-01-27 18:00
“Coronavirus: EU demands UK-made AstraZeneca vaccine doses”
Now BBC local news is copying ITV news from last night.
“We celebrate some of the 100K who died from Covid
including the almost 3,000 in our region”
Guess which one they start with ?
Same lesbian wife as ITV did
– Then Muslim doctor
– Now some white woman whose grandma died, obviously more typical.
Now interview with young woman funeral director.
6:55pm Liberal Party Political broadcast
I thought parties were not allowed. Will the scuffers be round?
The BBC along with the rest of the MSM TV Channels are frantically grabbing crying bereaved people onto the screen in a death ratings war now they have hit the 100,000 and it is becoming despicable.
It’s almost as if they had all this in readiness waiting for the magic number to come up.
In my opinion it’s not only demeaning for the poor people they latch on to but must be distressing and even terrifying for many old and frightened people at home.
I think we all know why they are doing this with such gusto and it’s nothing to do with reportage or sympathy!
On the general covid topic.
It’s taken a little while to work this one out, but then all the ‘journalists’ together at the BBC have comevup with nothing on this.
A lot of people die in any given January. On the latest ONS figures, total deaths are indeed much higher than usual. But here’s the thing. Non covid deaths in the first wave back in April were also much higher than normal. But in this wave, non covid deaths are much LOWER than normal. In other words many deaths, especially among the elderly have ‘transferred’ from flu or pneumonia to covid. They would have died anyway, but this year they are flagged up as covid.
So the death rate is not nearly so bad as it appears in the headlines. That is not to underestimate the seriousness of the situation.
I could mention that the 7 day peak average maximum for this wave was BEFORE the date of the lockdown. But that’s another story.
thought I would just pop on to https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport and get the football scores
block 2 4 stories 1 waycism 1 black excellence woman 2 points
block 3 4 stories 1 waycism
block 4 4 stories 1 first black woman blah blah double points 1 black woman lesbian triple points
block 5 feisty black woman double points
I just wanted the football scores
I read today that the Beeb were in court, during a trial on zoom.They recorded this and showed a 6 second segment on South Today. Now the laws after them as it is illegal to record and broadcast court proceedings. Tough. By the way their QC is one Trevor Burke. As Littlejohn says, You couldn’t make it up.
Channel 4 wheel on Richard Horton editor of the Lancet to rubbish the Governments covid response.
It doesn’t take much digging to discover that Mr Horton has a very labour supporting background even calling for a new “Zero Covid” Response which happens to be the title just chosen by Jeremy Corbyn for his new Labour breakaway group.
Mr Horton has also swung both ways in the past re Covid measures.
He wrote in a tweet: “A call for caution please. Media are escalating anxiety by talking of a ‘killer virus’ plus ‘growing fears’.
“In truth, from what we currently know, 2019-nCov has moderate transmissibility and relatively low pathogenicity.
“There is no reason to foster panic with exaggerated language.”
He has been featured in a very Labour publication at length.
So in effect this interview was less of a investigation into a public health matter and more of a political Labour Party Broadcast.
He is also a bigwig on both of the Globalist Organisations the UN and WHO.
He has also shown himself to be less than scrupulous before…
Horton published an article in 2005 supporting Professor Sir Roy Meadow who had been charged with serious professional misconduct by the GMC for giving erroneous and seriously misleading evidence in the Sally Clark trial. This was especially controversial as the article appeared whilst the GMC proceedings were still under away and was published on the first day of Meadow’s defence. The article “incensed” Clark, a solicitor who had been the victim of a serious miscarriage of justice. With the support of erroneous statistical (and other) evidence from Meadow the prosecution wrongly convicted her of murder and she spent over three years in prison before her successful second appeal.
Her husband wrote a rebuttal letter to The Lancet in order to correct Horton’s ‘many inaccuracies and one-sided opinions’ and to prevent them prejudicing independent observers. James Le Fanu, medical practitioner and writer, also wrote to The Lancet in the same issue and described Horton’s words as ‘mischief’.[24] The Clark family issued a statement addressing and countering with established fact each of the points making up Horton’s biased support of Meadow
Right up C4’s street….
Oh and he also has a new book out!
Awesome ‘opening up’.
Ok, the money is good, but what kind of loser do you need to be to exist in this bubble?
Surely this £2K gift for migrants is a “too wow” to be true story
The Sun has held the BBC to account when it described an IRA terrorist murderer as a ‘veteran ‘ …..this is the cut and paste from the paper ‘
A spokesman said: “We used the term ‘IRA veteran’ to describe Eamon McCourt’s long involvement in Irish republicanism.
“We accept that this shorthand formulation could be misinterpreted and it has now been amended for clarity.
“Mr McCourt is now described as an ‘IRA man’ in our online news report. Related social media posts have also been updated.”
They added: “We understand the sensitivities around Troubles’ issues and legacies, including in relation to terminology. Much of this can be contested.
“No offence was intended and we regret any misunderstanding or upset that may have been caused.”
Comments on Twitter could be going better … and it is noted that the BBC has squirmed even over a correction – yet alone a true apology
I’m sure the trolls will be fully supportive ….
At least we know mr McCourt is toasting nicely in hell with the rest of ‘the boys’…
Kay Hoey was on TalkRadio earlier
It’s BBC NI policy “Funerals of protestant terrorists get call TERRORIST’
“Funerals of protestant terrorists get call VETERAN etc.”
If anyone will be watching QT the panel are all wimmin (with a wimmin host)
Thanks for the heads up….but I’d sooner stab my face with a broken bottle rather than watch QT.
Typical of them to claim they are fighting for diversity
by being UNDIVERSE
You see , that’s fine. It’s empowering. It’s progressive. It’s to be celebrated.
T’other way …….and it’s sexist, old fashioned, blah blah blah
It’s all ok this kind of stuff …..WHEN IT SUITS !!!!
Pale, female and stale. (I’ve always wanted to say that. Thanks QT 😉 ).
Medialand sit there sneering at normal working class people.
… Then on Holocaust Memorial Day they print this of all things.
Cos Holocaust Memorial Day isn’t about remembering the victims
It’s about EXPOITING THEM to score points against your modern day political opponents.
Very Saul Alinsky
The girls in the BBC will be sooooo excited.
And the ladies.
Noticeable that one sector of the business community who haven’t moaned about lack of business or begging for financial support from the government, and they are Funeral Directors.
The NHS is on its last legs
.. that is why both Cambridge & Bristol are advertising £60K and £38K pa Arts Director jobs
(Brexit supporters need not apply).
Tuesday Kate Hoey started a House of Lords Debate on why Boris the Bottler was backing down over decriminalising the BBC tax
only Colin Monaghan supported her
There was a massive rant against Talk Radio by Lib Den peer @TheDon_Foster Lord Foster of Bath. Former MP for Bath
“This Murdoch own Radio station had a propaganda exercise against the BBC”
Presenter Mike Graham is still trying to find out what event Don Foster is talking about.
Foster’s twitter reputation for supporting the BBC isn’t great
just one or two old things mentioned.
The BBC is beyond redemption.
He will absolutely not have any advantages in life due to being the son of mega celebrity Katie Price. Of that we can be sure.
‘Mega celebrity’? According to whom? Mega something…
BJ & Biden ClimateCult, Great Reset & all that nonsense
Gareth Gordon @BBCGarethG BBC Northern Ireland Political Correspondent.
There are more examples under his tweet
eg she replies
\\BBC article from TODAY, quoting PSNI referring to “Protestant, unionist, loyalist”//
Kat Hoey clip
‘In the House of Lords it’s always the same remainer class ..as if to be trendy London person you have to be defending the BBC’
here the first 45s is Graham waffling
Discussion about website started AGAINST Lockdown-skeptics
Boris and Sleepy in lockstep.
BBc Moaning Emole in complement
UK climate summit is our ‘last best chance’
The new US climate envoy says a summit in Glasgow this November will be crucial. Dozens of world leaders will attend the United Nations COP26 conference. And the former Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been given the climate role by President Joe Biden, tells the BBC: “Glasgow will be extremely important. It is the last best chance the world has to come together in order to do the things we need to do to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis.”
All the way to local papers via BBC local democracy reporters.
“Boris and Sleepy in lockstep.”
Just confirms our thoughts on the nature of Boris’ World views.
Nice coment that I read regarding the UK/EU vaccine dispute:
“I think we should allow vaccine manufactured in the UK to be exported to the EU. But only after we have filled in the necessary EU export / import forms and the appropriate fees have been paid. I believe it could take some time.”
Agreed, but the problem is, it is the public that will suffer at the hands of their incompetent intransigent elite who don’t give a s**t for their public.
The doctor has so far rung me twice about when am I going to have the vaccine. There is pressure and an unwillingness to answer questions but if you persist you do get answers.
I asked which one is available. It seems that it is pot luck which is not satisfactory in my opinion as they are very different. Then it is not clear when the second jab is available. If I were to hazard a guess i would say 12 weeks is now standard. Then the question of whether the two jabs would be from the same vaccine. Again no real facts. In reality questions are unwelcome and that is not good. The government must be open about all this.
As I write I have not made any decision.
While you lot sleep, the self-appointed night-soil man, Blackwell has just dropped six piles in the recent comments section. I haven’t looked at them all because I have to go shopping. I did sneak a quick look at one which he kindly left for us. It boils down to ‘ pro climate change emergency group has evidence that they are better educated than sceptics’.
They are hardly going to say or anything else for god’s sake.
But it does make me wonder when someone will do a gullibility
survey on the populace.
Mind you as the word ‘gullible’ does not, and never has appeared in any dictionary I supposed we won’t see one.
Thanks Pug, this was a tasty bit on R5Dead’s news early this morning.
As if Homeland Security need a puff from the BBC! I’m sure the HS have other departments looking at the really nasty people, who are now going to get to the US and create much more unpleasantness to everyone!
Thanks Pug, this was a tasty bit on R5Dead’s news early this morning.
As if Homeland Security need a puff from the BBC! I’m sure the HS have other departments looking at the really nasty people, who are now going to get to the US and create much more unpleasantness to everyone!
Chicago Sun rag interview on R5Dead as usual, proclaiming the hard work of the new messiah.
Joe Biden really has done so much for the world, tomorrow he’ll probably be a saint, but I’m not sure what he’ll be after that!
All that signing and no indication of writer’s cramp!
Toenails really being that blatant?
Runs to the Graun to rally the troops to send them en masse to a bunch of ex Beeboids at Ofcom to prevent any challenge?
And under the banner of debate and democracy?
Mike Wendling having just blocked someone querying facts at BBC fact checking after Craig at ITBB showed the BBC was propagandising.
This is the two-faced weasel who tried to push the glory of walking past a statue and quote about telling you things you did not want to hear.
Unique indeed.
Isn’t it interesting that individual journalists are using their position and prejudice to attempt to further control ‘free speech ‘ in Blighty ?
The likes of BBC staff such as Robinson and Sopel wanting to strangle competition at birth indicates their underlying fear that the daily open bias will eventually kill them as people turn away .
I think we should feel a big sorry for them . Their main hate target has been removed so they need another one . It looks like UK TV or whatever it is called is that target .
It makes me determined to tune in and engage with it whether it is any good or not – apparently it is free on freeview .