Holocaust Memorial Day … …………………………………………………………..
And then this –
Below is a sentence in a BBC online report
“Police have begun an investigation into potential breaches of Covid-19 regulations at the funeral of an IRA veteran in Londonderry.”
Over to you
Not the BBC but Kate hoey has put up a piece of video of plod stopping and arresting a young man in the street for refusing to give his name and address . The level of officiousness of the plod is horrifying ….see for yourself …
Westmidlands plod tweeted that they are ‘aware’ of the video .
I give it 2 more months before people – particularly the young – say – enough …..
I’d already posted the newspaper article earlier on the previous page after I saw the Hoey tweet
Police carting someone off cos he wouldn’t give them his name
Obviously co-operate with police.
But if you think you have been specially selected out, you don’t need to give them your name, and they don’t have a right to insult you.
I wonder what the payout is going to be ? £5k for the stop- £10k for the arrest ? £20 k for assault And was he detained £20k ? Cell £50 k …
-that plod will make a great traffic warden …..unless he is charged with misconduct in public office or something
The lawyers must be queueing up for this disgrace
The going rate for wrongful arrest is £180 even if it temporary and they de-arrest you straightaway. This goes up to about £5000 if held for 24 hours.
Tabs – that’s not a lot of money – but if it costs that character his job it will be worth it .
BBC on West Midlands Police
\\ It shows Nino Romano, 21, questioned on his plans, before he is called an idiot and threatened with “locking up”.
West Midlands Police said the officer’s actions were “unacceptable” and there was no suspicion of any offence.
Mr Romano accused him of being “power-hungry”.
The force said it had reviewed both the footage and police camera video of the challenge to Mr Romano and concluded “conduct fell far below what we would expect”. //
US media is… interesting.
These libmob are so HATEY it’s unbelievable.
They just want him dead – and they’d want him burnt and his ashes flushed away – an amazing level of hate …
That’s their base character. It’s all part of having a shallow, greedy personality whilst considering yourself superior to everybody else. Bitterness and hate come easily to such people.
Their opposition to Brexit was all based on personal greed. Luckily for them – being so shallow – hypocrisy comes easy.
Those teachers at school who you now realise had absolutely no sense of humour and got unpleasant very quickly were Lefties.
And of course the most evil people in history were socialists. Including Hitler – however hard they try to convince us he was actually far-right. That’s just more hypocrisy.
BBC local news just opened with another Muslim doctor item.
There really could be a Muslim PR agency or something behind all this.
All item said was “Dr Omar Kureshi, has been working so hard he thinks he’s not getting enough family time”
Yes, well with three wives to service he’s probably got a point.
“An RNLI spokeswoman said it was extremely unusual to have six lifeboats all out on the same operation at the same time.”
If it was a man the term “spokesperson” would be used.
Why the difference?
C’mon man! **
Equality = girls get all the prizes
Diversity = ethnics only
Inclusivity = No white men allowed.
** Doesn’t that break the Pelosi edict?
I just tried to post a comment on a National Archives web page.
It responded by saying “you are posting comments too quickly, slow down”.
What am I supposed to do, C-l-i-c-k? (It worked on the second attempt).
It’s not just this website that has tantrums then!
Ham, eh?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – funny, this is a new one – getting anxious, BBC?
The BBC have posted yet another w-s article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/55825480 ‘Debunking the Covid deniers who enter hospitals.’ The best way of debunking the Covid deniers filming “It follows a trend of people filming supposedly “empty hospitals” and then posting them online and encouraging others to do the same” is to do some proper BBC journalism and check what the NHS spokespeople say is true.
The BBC are failing to do good journalism. Citizen journalists are therefore stepping up in the absence of the BBC and it appears that the BBC do not like the results. The solution is in your hands, BBC News & Current Affairs. Get several journalists and camera operators into NHS Hospitals and observe and film – with a displayed time code – over an extended period of time. Then make the films available on your own BBC web-site.
Job done.
I bet you will not do that though.
Instead, you just prefer to ‘rubbish’ the work of the citizen journalists.
BBC1 The One Show featured a black woman who cooks 200 meals and distibutes them to the local community including those from the Wind Rush generation….
… but previously I have been told all immigrants don’t need handouts.
Come on BBC get your stories in order.
“BBC1 The One Show featured a black woman who cooks 200 meals and distibutes them to the local community”
You sure it wasn’t Marcus Rashford ????????
Cladding crisis: ‘I was a first-time buyer at 27, and bankrupt at 28’
BBC sentimental inaccurate tosh ; like being bankrupt is a life ending event , and especially not true these days.
Finishing with her pleading to be left alone from people still after her money.
That’s the whole point of bankruptcy – debt collectors can’t continue to pursue debt , in fact cant even contact the person anymore. .
The basically heathen left in the USA are trying a new tactic re the Capitol Protest ( I won’t call it a dangerous riot or a violent insurrection because it wasn’t either whatever they claim )
They are now trying to tie it up to Christianity.
It is so clear that what these people really want is a Godless Marxist State subjected by fear and denouncements.
The World has to fight this malicious and evil wave in whatever way it can.
I predict that if they keep pushing this sort of stuff it will eventually backfire and then they will see violence and push-back.
Guardian reporting that the EU is planning to ban export of vaccine to the UK . Looks like they won’t be getting any from the UK then _ – right ?
It could be a bad move? I can foresee the manufacturers shipping out of the Euro Empire in the future.
The Guardian and their bbbc co-conspirators salivating at the prospect of the rapid vaccine rollout in the U.K. grinding to a halt, or at best a trickle.
The EU just need to block the Pfizer and AZ supplies getting to the U.K., the AZ facility in Wrexham cannot produce enough to replace the amount we currently receive from Europe even if we have managed to build up enough of a stockpile to last for a few weeks. At best the EU will use their export bans as a form of blackmail so they can steal the lion’s share of our orders.
If the EU carry out their threats it will inevitably substantially reduce the number of vaccinations we can carry out and extend the gap between the first and second vaccinations. Let’s hope vaccines from other suppliers come on stream as quickly as possible
Brexiters vindicated, remainers having second thoughts?
Apparently, the EU Politburo has been caught with their trousers down. The plethora of laws for this and laws and regulations for that. Like trying to get about with lead boots on, or perhaps running in mud. Anything connected with socialism goes that way. it is inevitable that with so many laws, committee’s and so forth, it will trip over itself on the road to confusion and downright buffoonery. That’s why, deep down, we normally breathe a sigh of relief when a predominantly Conservative local authority takes over from Labour. Btw, I exclude this Red Tory Government from that assertion as the exception.
As I understand it, the AstraZeneca jab has not actually been approved yet by the Politburo.
G – they are meeting today to approve OxfordAZ – and then ban it for the over 65s – driven by the Germans – who have previous for killing off particular ‘types’ – then they’ll ban exports to the UK.
If the UK doesn’t reciprocate and takes some dumb ‘higher moral ground ‘ then nut nuts husband and the red tories will be toast – however well the vaccination programme it going .
If I recall the number yesterday was about 260 000 but not the 500 000 last weekend . ……
“Coronavirus: Tory MP Sir Desmond Swayne refuses to apologise over Covid claims”
It looks like The Reform Party could be getting a new member ?
Things can’t be good for Al Beeb ?
I frequently hear Al Beeb getting a negative mention whenever the outfit comes up in conversations with the locals. This, more so with the older generations.
The younger element don’t appear to watch or listen the broadcaster.
Taffman – I think the toughest nut to crack is the image it still has with too many people of being ‘auntie ‘. This is gradually being eroded by its’ own conduct ….
Are you deluded ITV reporter Chris Ship
or are you just saying stuff ?
Looks like useful blog
Piers planet
I feel bad for rewarding him with attention
Don’t give him the oxygen of oxygen.
Just seen a a party political broadcast on BBC Scotland. A close-up of some queer performance poet called Gray Crosbie. Earnest, effeminate manner. An already repellant visage made worse with face piercings and stretched ear lobes. Apocalyptic talk of sea levels rising and inundating our coastal communities. The horror of Brexit. Concern for the mountain hare.
It was for the Scottish Greens. It was not a parody.
Have the BBC featured the mayhem on Wall St yet?
It’s another populist movement.
The same people that can get stock trading stopped in the middle of the day, and vote counting stopped in the middle of the night.
The swamp..
Anger as trading in GameStop shares is restricted
The same people that can get stock trading stopped in the middle of the day, and vote counting stopped in the middle of the night.
The swamp..
S’funny, ‘cos a former Newsnight guest reporter became a Lord, and a Facebook exec.
BBC1 Question Times’s Fiona Bruce says, “not by design, but we have our first all female panel”.
I guess the years of a 80% Remainer panel wasn’t by design too?!?
All female = good
All male = bad
Fighting sexism with more sexism. They can’t take it, but they love to give it.
It’s all shameless hypocrisy from the most unpleasant of motives. Jealousy and spite. And the worst part is that I’m not sure they even realise.
A word of advice for any American Republican happening on this site. Learn from the opposition. They spent the last 4 years trying to diminish the President in every personal way possible from his hair to the size of his hands. So learn from this and go after Joe because he is a dotard losing us marbles and a geriatric puppet controlled by a crew of very nasty anti American – anti freedom activists.
All week I wondered why Katie Price and son were all over the bbc website , now I know a bloody documentary on BBC1 right now ….
Someone very high up in the BBC must have asked “who is Katie Price?” And got the answer “ oh she is very well known to all our license payers sir” to sanction this
I am speechless and off to bed!
To Twitter, Facebook and Google think about this statement. “ I may disagree with what you say but I defend with my life your right to say it”
If you abandon that principle you are lost to darkness!
digg, keep up! That’s old hat Voltarian white male stuff.
This is how it goes now ‘I disagree with what you say and I’ll defend to the death my right to censor you.’
Our children are being taught that that this is not how it should be. They are being taught that this is the way to think and there is no other way…
The UK teaching profession is an indoctrination service to Marxism pure and simple.
The BBC is now officially a parody…a report on RSPB bird count…I said to wife jokingly…now they will say there is a lack of representation from BAMES..literally 4 secs later she laughed and showed me the next section ( watching Breakfast on phone) and it’s a Black lad saying there is a lack of BAME involvement…:-) WTF…
The BBC mantra which is attached to every report ‘ there is a lack of BAME involvement…or BAME and poorer communities…
Defund in 21…
The boxer Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali had something to say about birds that the BBC might want to keep in mind:
“Listen, bluebirds fly with bluebirds, red birds gonna be with red birds. Listen, listen, tell me when I’m wrong. Pigeons want to be with pigeons….”
Ha. This might be interesting…..
We’ve got a lot of mongrel chickens. It’s funny….all the brown ones stick together……as do the white ones…and the grey ones.
If the BBC made a programme about chickens, it would feature exclusively white hens gathered around a black cockerel. However, if a white cockerel then arrived it could self-identify as a hen and start laying eggs…
When you abandon reality BBC-style, anything is possible.
“….and the grey ones”. That’s why we are here…………..
That’s because Bames are too “involved” in knife crime, child grooming gangs, theft and gang violence to be interested in the RSPB bird count !!!
“Impervious to criticism”.
Exempted from it.
And allowed to censor any who try.
Yet claim transparency and trust.
As to impartiality…
Ollie… you and your colleagues reap what you nurture.
Does not mean other means cannot be found to share it.
Time to feel sorry for the BBC . At some time today an autocue reader will look into the camera and tell us the EU is effectively banning vaccine export from the EU to the UK – and demanding vaccines made in the UK – destined for the UK – be sent to the EU .
For the BBC – they will have to dress this up as a ‘good thing ‘ otherwise all those years of pro EU propaganda will turn out to be a lie .
And remainers ? A lot are seeing the light – if Twitter is an indicator …..
…….if it wasn’t so serious I’d get the popcorn out again .
And ‘Katya adler’ – what goeballs was to the nazi party – but now the reichEU.
If the EU blocks exports to the UK the pressure to reciprocate will be overwhelming …
They are so on it…
This thing Amol started sharing the love with the production team is sweet.
Guest who – that looked as though the BBC droid really didn’t want to talk about it ….. and skipped over the Helga in charge of the Reich saying they’d ‘act as one ‘ when Hungary and Germany are going their own way under some ‘emergency ‘ provision …..
Friday 29th could be a bit indicator of how the UK and EU are going to be in the future …the phrase ‘our European friends ‘ might be being used a lot less . The c word might be more appropriate ….
Don’t rule out Boris flying to Deutschland to visit Frau Merkel, coming back with a piece of paper and going on about ‘Vaccines in Our Time’.
First rule of BBC royalty… when a fan writes, retweet.
Heard it all now . BBC Breakfast having a discussion about, yep, you guessed it ..Climate Change.
Lefty guest telling us that Companies are changing the way they operate to a more Climate friendly way due to people pressure. They are being forced to change.
But here is the beauty .. he said, with a straight face ,
” I hear a lot of companies are struggling to recruit because people don’t want to work for a company that is seen to be bad for the climate and not ethical”
So there we have it, BBC drone on and on about unemployment then advise its viewers not to take jobs with unethical companies.
Oh to have the choice hey !!!! Must be lovely in eco friendly, smug, lefty bubble world when you can pick and choose a job like that.
Out of touch idiots. The lot of em !!!
I am pretty eco. Hate waste. Love efficiency.
We practice what I preach.
Well, the kids do… ish.
Still looking for work.
If Jeremy Clarkson offered them a job at an outdoor heater factory foundry fired by old tyres I’d tell them to take it.
But they would not need asking.
The BBC only knows young people struggling to get £200 coats in from overseas to London.
I don’t reckon much for our chances in the Eurovision Song Contest this year….
I really, really hope they don’t invite us.
It’s a beacon of everything wrong with the world on so many levels.
It wasn’t so bad when Terry got sloshed on the lavish expenses and just ridiculed it.
They owe us big time for Jeu Sans Frontières too!
The best bit was the prelude to Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s Te Deum.
A bit too Christian for the BBC though?
So, Jon… simple RT, or a bit of glowing ‘analysis’ in complement?
May even get a shared giggle at the next press fluffing from Red.
Ah, but Dr Anthony Faust has also suggested that people should wear double masks for ‘extra protection’. Perhaps if kids were forced to wear three or four masks and those of Republican parents were kept out of the schools it might just be possible? Plus members of the National Guard (if they’ve been vetted by the Democrat Party, of course) could wait at the school gates, sniff the hair of the young girls and report back ‘persons of interest’ to Sleepy Joe?
Just saw this headline in the Daily Telegraph:
‘Former president will face a trial in the Senate in February after he incited a mob to storm the US Capitol’
No point for a trial then. Seems like he has been found guilty by the kangaroo court of left-wing journalism.
I’m trying hard not to, but my opinion of journalists is currently that they are shameless scum with no ethics whatsoever.
You’re being far too kind to them 🙂
Funny how the Americans spent all that time going at the Soviets and their ‘political show trials’ – but I know Americans arnt sophisticated enough to deal with ‘irony ‘ yet – they still suffer from the biggest hyperbole disease …
This morning our national newspaper frontpages present us with a broad range of opinions on the contentious issues of the day.
The Daily Mail regrets: ‘If only we’d been told we were fat sooner’
On the contrary, insists the Daily Star: ‘Don’t call fatties fatties’
That’s the stuff of though provoking lively debate – and it doesn’t end there.
On the Scottish question the freebie Metro declares: ‘Sturgeon sides with EU in vaccine row’
Whereas the Daily Telegraph hedges somewhat: ‘Sturgeon accused of siding with EU’
As you can tell our free press, the product of our diverse democratic society, supplies us with all sides of the argument, thank goodness.
In the Times we may read how: ‘PM insists Oxford vaccine does work on over-65s’
If we prefer an alternative take on the issue, we have the Telegraph: ‘Experts defend efficacy of Oxford vaccine for the over-65s’
So I think we can agree, there’s no propagandistic unity of opinion, no one single narrative line of messaging, available to us in our mainstream media. (Sarc! – as texting teenagers tend to qualify their ironic brand of rancorous cynicism)
Speaking of which: ‘We don’t give a monkey’s’, scoffs the Daily Star. This is the news that: ‘Experts say CHIMPS can SPEAK but just can’t be arsed’ – those experts have apparently been at it again. Is the word expert now the most over-used term in the media? Someone should make a study.
I hope the chimps were well treated by those experts: ‘RSPCA to cease cruelty prosecutions’ (Telegraph). Some animal-lovers may regret this report. I can hear them now. However, as tends to be the way in recent times, give someone a little authority and a righteous-sounding mission and they can quickly turn into right busybodies. (Think about Heinrich Himmler and those SS Nazis). Quick personal anecdote. A while back a cat appeared from somewhere, hanging around Mr AsISeeIt’s back garden. With many and various neighbours close by, to the sides and rear, it was impossible to tell at which household the animal was the new pet. What was obvious was that it was shut out all day and had a habit of yowling loudly during daylight hours. It seemed otherwise well cared for. Some third-party neighbour must have been bothered by the plaintive meows to the extent that they tipped off the RSPCA. Imagine Mr AsISeeIt’s surprise and dismay one day to find an officiously written rather terse note stuffed through the letter box from the paramilitary wing of this formerly charitable organisation making accusatory allegations of feline mistreatment and neglect. Not guilty one muttered in answer to these Kafkaesque charges. I knew not my mistaken accuser. But where was my court of appeal? Was my domicile now backlisted on some database as a den of animal cruelty?
‘Police issuing 350 Covid fines a day’ (Telegraph) – Rishi will be pleased. It won’t paydown the National Debt, but it’s a start.
‘State takes holdings in start-ups under Treasury’s 1bn convertible loan plan’ (FT) – so under the Tories not only do we see de facto re-Nationalisation of the railways but also the station florist shop, the café, the dry cleaners, the nail bar, the hairdressers… well, if you must stamp out small businesses and the spirit of entrepreneurship the State will have to step in. Jeremy Corbyn must be kicking himself the Tories nicked his manifesto.
‘Union paid firm owned by leader’s friend £95m for £7 project’ (Times) – this is Len McCluskey Unite’s boss under the spotlight for some dodgy dealings. Hey, grandad, what’s a trades union and how come they have bosses?
Back to the 1970s with trades union barons and their beer and sandwiches at No10, replaced by crony corporate lobbyists and the public sector. Replace the power workers with Serco. Replace the NUR with NHS. Replace the NUM with the NUT. Replace the 3-day Week with Lockdown and we’re nearly there. Calling the IMF to the rescue?
After the mawkish death porn of recent days some of our tabloids go all patriotic: ‘Another shot in the arm for Britain’ (Daily Mail); ‘Union Vacc’ (Sun)
Not so, the formerly patriotic Times: ‘Royal film banned by Queen is leaked online’ – we read that this Royal reality TV show was broadcast back 1969 but We was not amused, and it wasn’t supposed to be seen again. The BBC and their bloody repeats, eh!
To further embarrass the Palace: ‘Guards from Queen’s elite held over arms theft’ (Daily Mail) – seems the grenadiers have been knocking off ammunition from the stores. Let’s be honest, it’s not the most outrageous tabloid story we’ve heard of guardsmens’ antics and besides our army are all social workers now, so they’ll only be firing the odd blanks to keep their hand in (cf. my “and finally” story).
‘Virus tests with many false results cost £800m’ – the Guardian there appearing to go dangerously off-message. Not to worry, it’s just another hit job on Dominic Cummings because apparently this cock up was his fault.
The giveaway Metro would entice us with: ‘The lust list’ – but rather deflates our expectations with tech, gadgets and games. Featuring prominently appears to be a Smeg kettle.
Gird your loins for this last one one, chaps: ‘Study claims virus may damage male fertility’ (Telegraph) – not as much as the lockdown closing of all the bars and nightclubs, methinks.
Asiseeit – well I see you’ve found the BOLD font – thanks to Up2 giving up the secret – I recall … as for your cat story – I saw parallels with something I saw in a documentary about the nazis – that the gestapo didn’t have to go looking for dissenters – but spent their time going through letters snitching on their neighbours – with various motivations …..
I thought struck me about the plight of the Royal Family unable to ‘open things ‘ and ask the VIPs ‘and what do you do “. I think the trolley dolly one has done some Twitter thing saying how hard it is being stuck in just one palace …..
As for a ‘lust list ‘ – I think I’ve got to an age where I’d lose it …did i leave it in the car – where’s my keys …phone … remote …
So many hits on target AsISeeeIt, love it!
BBC Question Time last night. A while since I watched it so I decided to take a look.
First question – should the UK (given that it’s doing rather well vaccinating people) let other countries (particularly those within the EU) have some of our vaccines? Answer, almost universally (save for Camilla Tominay) was yes, it’s a global problem and “we” need a global solution.
One contributor was even stupid enough to trot out the same old argument that was used in the early days of the Brexit withdrawal agreement negotiations – remember the one that went something like “we should extend the olive branch and set talks off on a good footing by granting all EU citizens the right to stay in the UK without a similar undertaking by the other side”?
Apparently these absolute melts think it would be a good idea to slow down UK vaccinations and give the EU some of our vaccines so it can catch up – all with nothing in return of course – just to show what good neighbours we are. Putting our own citizens at risk so that we look like a progressive, caring and globalist nation.
Virtue signalling on a truly international scale – have these absolute w@nkers never done a negotiation?? “Yes certainly Mr Terrorist, the ransom money has been transferred to your bank account – now can we talk about the release of the hostage?”
The phrase used more than once (and listen out for this in the coming days and weeks) was “nobody is safe until everybody is safe”. Expect to hear a lot more of it as the UK hating lefty media attempt to guilt trip the government into submission.
Next question was “should we send the teachers back to work prior to them all being vaccinated?” – again, all contributors apart from Camilla Tominay said “no, a million teachers and essential education workers should get the vaccine as a priority”.
So to summarise the lefty position, those of us who aren’t already ill but are in our 50s and 60s should, after a lifetime paying taxes, get in line behind all 30 year old teachers and who knows how many non-UK citizens.
The ‘randomly selected’ audience excelled themselves too. When Fragrant Fi asked of them ‘Would you give up your jab to help out other nations?’ the whole lot held up their lying, duplicitous, pathetic and flagrantly dishonest hands.
Virtue signaling? Moi?
They did – it had me laughing out loud seeing the self righteous smug looks on their faces. Particularly the youngish bloke in the middle of the cluster of screens, exaggeratedly nodding his head like the dog on the Churchill advert in support of the points made by the others and desperate for the fragrant Fi to choose him to speak – the lad with the dark hair, dark t shirt and a face you’d never tire of slapping.
“…..just to show what good neighbours we are. Putting our own citizens at risk so that we look like a progressive, caring and globalist nation.”
Just ask the fish………..
Well said Nige ????????
Anyone checked on Katya’s anonymous BBC Complaints Dept. Defence team yet as they have already sent out the ‘she got it about right’ mass template?
Katya, Timmeh! And Franny in a huddle in Frankie Howerd yet to agree a BBC ‘line to take’?
Fair point !!!
Good point well made. Of course, the fuss is not really about anybody learning anything. It’s about the sudden lack of child minding!
What a dilemma for the BBC as the EU ramp up the AstraZeneca bully boy tactics despite the UK acting properly throughout.
Do they go with the UK being mean little Englanders to the EU and should accept less vaccine and therefore more deaths in the UK by depriving people in the UK of the vaccine so they can send it to the EU?
Do they go with the UK acted wisely and well for its people and should carry out what they intended to get as many vaccinated in the UK as possible?
We are all aware which way the despicable Sturgeon wants to go to curry favour with her pals in the EU….
digg, the BBC have also given much recent publicity to the rich nations versus poor nations access to vaccines. Judged by that UN/WHO standard, this EU row with AstraZeneca is a real foot shooting exercise by Ursula von der Leyen and the EU.
If the language is offensive please remove, but I think he has summed up the EU/vaccine situation perfectly
Thanks – There is a ‘health warning ‘ for content – its a pity it isn’t translated into French and Kraut ….
“Do they go with the UK being mean little Englanders to the EU and should accept less vaccine and therefore more deaths in the UK by depriving people in the UK of the vaccine so they can send it to the EU?”
What more do they want? British blood on European fields – again. Problem is, Boris is the sort of chap who would.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I get a distinct impression the BBC are preparing for change
Advertising on BBC Radio 4 for books, music, plays and films has been commonplace for quite some time, even after the Payola Scandal. Was that Radio 1 in the early days? Memory is hazy on the subject. I just remember the fuss that it caused at the time.
The BBC Web-site is now going for it in a big way now: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55800730 + https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-55559382 + https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-55795914 + https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/60VwXpwFrGtYsxbYNZmvqMw/i-had-always-wanted-to-be-an-inventor + https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55803244 + https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p095cvj5 + https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p094ctd2/arlo-parks-a-popstar-in-a-pandemic
Maybe if the Government keep an eye on this web-site maybe they should realise that there’s an alternative funding model available to the BBC. The Government could insist that the BBC reduce the TV Licence Fee year on year, while building up paid for advertising revenues at the same time.
My licence fee is currently £0.00.
Imagine that – cutting the licence by 20% each year until the BBC is self funding . But who would watch ?
Maybe Google could buy £5B of ‘advertising’ for it in The Graun, online.
Guest, the way the BBC dismisses the online channels of new media that young people use is unlikely to endear the BBC to the interwebby companies or their young customers.
Fed, doesn’t really matter. It could be safely and happily ignored by this ship and all who sail in her.
The Beeb would be forced to sell off the profitable bits – probably the Radio stations – to keep ‘you know who’ in crisps.
The BBC would probably also have to do ‘a Dave’ and have an archive channel full of endless repeats – of the good stuff made a long time ago. “Another sherry, Henry?” “Oooh, yes please Bishop.”
The BBC in order to streamline their recruitment process their Division of Diversity and Equity (HR) have decided to scrap the ethnicity categories such as Black Afro-Caribbean, South Asian, White Irish etc.
There are going to be only two category tick boxes. These are:
Privileged White Patriarchal Male and Intersectional Oppressed Person.
This will also save tons of paper, thereby PROTECTING THE PLANET from CLIMATE CHANGE.
Apologies if already said
BBC Report
“The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has called for the EU’s vaccine contract with drug-maker AstraZeneca to be published, in a growing row over reduced supplies.
The contract signed in August contained “binding orders”, she told German radio, …………………..”.
Having personal experience in dealing with contracts, as I guess many have, I know that within each contract there is much that competitors would do anything to see. Why would you publish a contract agreed between 2 parties. They both should have a copy and any dispute would be sorted out by lawyers. Something doesn’t fit. Why have the BBC not made the point that it would be highly unusual for an agreed contract to be open for every tom, dick and heinz and every competitor to scrutinise?
I did hear that AZ are selling their vaccine at cost – does anyone know whether that arrangement is specific to the UK or is it universal?
Universal – it was part of the Oxford requirement . I’d want a union flag on the bottles …
At a glance at the contract
They have a problem cos some clauses class the EU as including the UK
and others don’t.
Lockdown lost the Cambridge Union debate last night
54% voted againt
Last week’s debate “This House Believes the US’s Future is Looking Bright.”
The results were: 16 ayes, 44 noes and 1 abstention.
So #1 Biden lot
#2 only a tenth of the audience of the lockdown debate
I see the Republican was saying the future looks bright
I don’t know if she is an anti-Trumper
or looking for the long term
Those idiots need to learn that the title for a debate should be a question which is then subsequently debated.
That title is a passive-aggressive threat at anyone who dares to disagree. Which of course is how the modern Left functions. Buy into the groupthink and you will be safe.
Noticed one of those brown UPS delivery vans yesterday. You see a lot of them about these days. Emblazoned on the side in letters larger than the actual corporate logo was the legend: “Electric vehicle”
Gosh, I thought to myself, isn’t it odd that if this should be some cost efficiency discovered by UPS that they would so blantantly advertise their advantage to competitors? FedEx etc will soon cotton on.
The old Unigate milk floats never used to shout about their electric three-wheelers.
I had to remind myself we live in the era of corporate virtue signalling. Electric vehicles are probably less efficient for the company increasing delivery costs to consumers but I’m sure the propaganda value of shaming us petrol vehicle plebs will pay dividends soon enough.
Can’t find anywhere to charge up the family runabout for a visit to the stores and in anycase the cost of the electricty has skyrocketed – you’ll just have to order your package online for delivery via UPS.
vans get ” (up to) £8,000 grant from the Government. ”
On 29 January 2020, Arrival announced that UPS had invested in the company and placed an order for 10,000 Generation 2 electric vehicles to be rolled out across the UK, Europe and North America before 2024 as part of their transition towards a zero-emissions fleet
Arrival Ltd is a London based technology company
Van production is carried out in Banbury, Oxfordshire
Founder Denis Sverdlov, 41, who made a fortune in the Russian mobile phone industry
It’s probably a front cos the Korean car companies are in on the deal.
Good luck with electric fire engines, and electric ambulances.
Those £8,000 grant are paid for by magic unicorns
Nope, sell for vans, and that is a nurse taken out of the NHS.
Maybe they will have photos of the child slaves in the DRC who mine the cobalt on the sides of the vans too?
The alternative funding model for the BBC is to take the funding away.
Calvin Robinson is on talk Radio debating BBC bias
..talking about Katia Adler
Not alone.
Frau Adler certainly is the chief ReichEU cheer leader . She should just give up her UK passport and formally swear allegiance to a corrupt foreign power – namely the EUReich ….
Google? Isn’t that where Peter Barron of BBC Newsnight went?
One for Mariella to check?
A reporter on Sky News says, “A chat group, is a group where people come together to chat, as a group.”
He must be paid by the word!
BBC say“Covid: EU publishes disputed AstraZeneca Covid jab contract
Others say it was the company who published. Why the difference? which is correct?