Good God – just when you think the BBC has scraped the very bottom of the ‘all whites are racist’ barrel, we get this:
Here we have a very lengthy article all around the simple fact that many people cannot pronounce the name of Yewande Biala from Love Island (No, I’ve never heard of her either) properly. Including a statement directly from her that she thinks it is racist.
And just so you know, it is considered macro-aggression, not micro-aggression. Whatever that means.
She deserves ridicule for a lot more than her unpronounceable name. One of the most pathetic articles I’ve seen for a long time.
I wonder if the BBC would take it quite so seriously if she was Polish or Russian instead of another black female victim.
people seem to steadfastly shorten mine even though I always introduce myself with the full name
but the funniest bit of the article
“One of the most common excuses when it comes to my name is, ‘oh we can’t pronounce it,’ but Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t an everyday name and people have taken the time to learn it.
It makes you think – is there a racial aspect?”
How about the actor David Oyelowo – I defy anyone to pronounce his surname correct at the first attempt. AND AND AND even fellow actor Denzil Washington (in a weekend article) also admitted struggling with it 🙂
I am of Ukrainian heritage. I have a strange (for Britain) surname. It is fairly difficult to pronounce.
All my life people have stuggled. School teachers, doctors etc, many different and funny pronunciations have been used.
Never ONCE have I even pulled anyone up on it, just had a laugh, that’s all. It’s a strange , rare, non British name so folk will no doubt get it wrong .
That is life , that is just fact and it is 100% sweet FA to do with racism or the like.
I suggest Miss Biala gets a life and that chip removed from her shoulder.
And for the BBC reporting it , well ……simply pathetic but what do we expect ?
Many immigrants, from anywhere to anywhere else, have changed their names to suit local customs. That used to be part of the price of moving.
I read once that some people in the USA called ‘Ferguson’ had arrived in the USA with scarcely a word of English, so when asked what their name was had responded, “Ich verstehe nicht”, “I don’t understand”. The immigration officer hadn’t understood either and so a new member of the Ferguson family was created.
What are we to do with people from cultures with a different naming convention? The Chinese work in reverse order for instance. Do we have to spend billions re-writing database software to cope? And then along comes narcissists like ‘Prince’ who want to be identified by a symbol.
The likes of Yewande Biala are particularly ‘problematic’ as one bends over backwards to accomodate Africans, only to find that the ‘African’ is called Jane Smith, couldn’t find Africa on a map amd talks like she has never left Liverpool, which she hasn’t.
I am of Ukrainian heritage too. People always say my Christian name then look round helplessly and I let them off by telling them it’s me. They invariably say they don’t know how to say my surname and I laughingly point out that they don’t know how to say my Christian name either. Happy grins all round and I’ve rarely considered smacking them with a bat for being racist.
Oh it’s racist if someone can’t pronounce your name
… Americans cannot say the word Stew ..only Stoo
..the vowel sound St-jew doesn’t exist in American English
One of the women chosen by the BBC for this race-baiting bilge states that her name “shows my culture and where I’ve come from” (which is Rwanda). Really. I notice that all three of these black ladies have straightened their hair and two have long hair, a style associated with Europe, China, India, South America… well, just about everywhere except Africa, where the the style is usually short and curly (”woolly”) or bald. And come to think of it, I can’t ever recall seeing an actual African in Africa with an ‘Afro’ hairstyle… Looks like a very bad case of cultural appropriation, so why not go the whole hog, ladies, and adopt a Western-friendly name or nickname, such as most of my Chinese, Indian and Arabic friends and contacts in the UK have done?
Respect “the culture and where I’ve come from”? Sure, and you can respect the culture of where you have come to.
This is a way of gaining a privilege and publicity for their own advancement. People like this are fully aware that sob stories like these will hit the UK woke press like manna from heaven.
Henceforth in any contact with the Press. Agents, Employers etc. they will henceforth be treated with faux respect born out of a fear by these people being seen as micro-aggressive and therefore immune from any criticism or real appraisal.
It’s a bandwagon for artificially enhancing their status.
BLM have perfected this for their “cause”. Much easier than being right or good at what you do.
I’m blessed(?) with a very old, Anglo-Saxon surname, connected with what is now a tiny hamlet, but at the time of the Vikings was a ‘large and influential Saxon settlement’. Presumably at least one of my ancestors came from there.
Virtually no one, from any part of the world, can pronounce it correctly (Scandinavians maybe?), most people add an extra letter, or two, for no apparent reason. It’s a running joke in the family, and an aunt has an interesting collection of letters where they’ve misspelt it – she has literally hundreds of them.
Having spent several years in Australia as a child, then in various parts of the UK, before ending up in the West Country, I (and my sisters) have unusual accents. That’s also led to some interesting assumptions and a great deal of ‘ribbing’ over the years.
We’re also of ‘mixed race’ (whatever that means), as in we have ancestors from the Near East, and Southern and Northern Europe. Which again has led to some strange assumptions (and ‘ribbing’).
Do we complain about it?
Nope, we just laugh about it (and think everyone else is stupid).
Life goes on, everyone is ‘different’ in their own ways, stop making yourself a ‘victim’ and get on with it.
I mentioned this last week, but today there is an excellent article by Sue Reid in the Mail that ethnics are refusing to be inoculated. So now I’m taking the attitude, ok don’t take it, but don’t have BAME families weeping to the media about excess deaths in their communities. If its Allah’s will to get Covid then its Allah’s will they die ! and if whole communities get wiped out then its not going to be on my priority list to worry.
”Last week, NHS England announced it is to give £23 million to local councils to encourage uptake of the jab among high-risk groups, including the BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) community.”
Hey, that £23 million is our taxpayer’s money and could be spent on treating patients.
TWato Watch #2 – it’s both excruciating and exciting to see which way the BBC will jump or to be more correct ‘fall’ . . . ….
… on the coup in Myanmar. The BBC, of course, now have history – they have shot their impartiality foot off – in relation to the EU Referendum and the US Presidential Elections in 2016 and 2020. In fact, over the course of the first two years since 2015, the BBC developed gangrene after that foot wound and had to have their whole ‘impartiality leg’ amputated. They are still wobbling around on crutches and you think any moment there will be a crash caught on mic and broadcast to the nation.
The phrase ‘disputed election’ must send shivers down the necks of some foreign correspondents, Editors, Producers and News Executives. And then, when Aung San Suu Kyi calls for her supporters to come out on the streets and to demonstrate against the military coup in Myanmar, it must send paroxysms of guilt cascading through those same foreign correspondents, Editors, Producers and News Executives. Or maybe not?
Perhaps they rationalise it: ‘Trump was a bad man – everyone says so and we believe that to be the case.’? And justify themselves, in their own eyes, that way. I’m not sure the listening and viewing public in the UK and the USA and around the world via World Service will agree.
Myanmar’s military has taken control of the country after detaining de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other politicians.
Top comment:
Good ridence!!! she lost all credibility when she turned a blind eye to the genocide committed against the minorities under her watch. What goes round comes round dear.
I’ve just seen sky news and they are describing Burma as the first coup of 2021 – I’d Ben to differ – the first was live on the TV a few days ago …. they took control of the military too …
( ‘there is no evidence for this ….”)
Speaking from her treadmill after Sunday's double marathon, Eddie Izzard said she felt "very honoured" by the support for her fundraising campaign
Ha ha – was just reading that.
‘Comedian Eddie Izzard has completed her 31-day virtual marathon run by raising over £200k for charity.’
‘Her’ ???.
Eddie now looks like a bricklayer crossed with Jo Brand.
The world has gone completely bonkers.
Ha ha – was just reading that.
‘Comedian Eddie Izzard has completed her 31-day virtual marathon run by raising over £200k for charity.’
‘Her’ ???.
Eddie now looks like a bricklayer crossed with Jo Brand.
The world has gone completely bonkers.
And HE played Robert Watson Watt in a decent enough film about the invention of Radar….
Tough tellingly it was a BBC production, so the casting, though effective, may have come with an agenda……
Keep saving your work in case the power goes off
“Blackout risk is now up to 22%. Balancing mechanism prices up to £600/MWh. (normal price is £30-40
Wind’s contribution is pathetic, at just over 2GW. “
The wedding laws item rails against couples in the UK being obliged to be married in a designated place such as Church or Registry Office and calls for this to be relaxed so they could for instance be married anywhere by anyone.
Sob stories about couples who would like a “ceremony” in say their own garden or on Zoom are still being obliged to go and register the marriage to make it legal.
Way down the article you come across this footnote:
“Many Muslim weddings are not classed as legally binding under English and Welsh law, and couples are required to have a civil ceremony if they want to have it legally recognised.
Abdul-Azim Ahmed, the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Wales, said Islamic marriages could be undertaken by “anyone, anywhere” and the existing laws were “too bureaucratic ” and not reflective of the diverse cultures and traditions of modern Wales.”
They also managed to suggest that the UK Church is holding onto it’s position on this for greedy financial reasons..
“In 2018, 2,223 weddings were held in Church in Wales churches. With couples paying a standard fee of £455, weddings contributed more than £1m in total towards the estate.”
An odd coincidence or by design?
And how very BBC!
Like snails, they always leave a trail of slime if you look closely!
If we are ever to make progress in being diverse, it is vital that we are intentional and always encourage sincere unbiased representation by locals for locals.
Now why would that get a rough ride and all the usual nutters screaming if you substituted Britain for Nigeria and British for Nigerian?
TWatO Watch #3 – the BBC still wobbling, I can see a fall coming …
….. over education. One of the BBC’s favourite groups ‘the poor and disadvantaged’ are being disadvantaged by missing out on education due to one of the Labour Party’s (esp. Angela Rayner’s) favourite groups: the teachers and their Unions. That’s what happens, unfortunately, when the teachers skive instead of the pupils.
There are a couple of solutions: compulsory vaccination of all teachers, school administrators and teaching assistants. Not sure how well that would go down with the Teaching Unions and the BBC: “It’s discriminatory!” they will howl over any teacher, TA and administrator who cannot have or chooses not to have the mandatory vaccine jab.
At PMQ last week Starmer suggested that all teachers and staff could be vaccinated ‘during half term’ …. as a priority so they they’ll be protected from the little darlings when the schools start to open on 8 March .
The PM replied by asking which priority group does Starmer want to delay the vaccine – and that the groupings have been set up based on medical risk rather than a political one …
Let’s face it – the teachers are over the moon doing nothing and not having that terrible pressure of getting the little darlings ready for exams …. as they count down the days to their lovely pension …
Last week i dug deep into the Zoe covid study.
On about page 20 odd of 30 pages of A4 was data about the case rate of covid over time by age group.
During the late December early January infection peak the case rate for under 20 s i.e. school children barely changed from the previous several weeks and was and still is at a very low comparative level.
Meanwhile the case rate for those between 20 and 40 was around five times higher at the peak
So in fact its not the teachers who should be worried about the children, but the other way round. Something the BBC seem not to have noticed.
But given that the teacher unions (I must be fair and distinguish them from many perfectly decent individual teachers) wanted to close the schools AND then also prevent teachers from teaching online (in case parents watched them at work) clearly any opportunity to receive full pay for doing absolutely nothing has to be grabbed.
I couldn’t help notice how Owen Jones uses the same omission of facts to try and persuade the public just like the BBC does.
Here he mentions the deportation but doesn’t mention the criminal record probably “due to editorial constraints”.
22-year-old Osime Brown came to the Britain when he was 4. He has severe autism and a learning age of between 6 and 7. Now he faces being deported to a country he knows nothing about.
“Osime Brown served a five year prison sentence for robbery, attempted robbery and perverting the course of justice!
Was the stolen phone not found in his possession?”
Now you can argue that the conviction was unfair
but what you shouldn’t do is brush it under the carpet
If the court was unfair you have to go through the judicial process.
British law applies to people who are 100% British Nationals.
He is not a British National so the law applies to him in a different way .
Were he a white Jamaican, American, South Africa etc.. he would be treated the same.
Commenters highlight some inconstistencies
• He was in care, she failing to mention this now she is playing the loving mom, also said he is the most loving one out of her 5 kids but he ended up in care?
• A judge has to take mental health issues on board before sentencing, so he wouldn’t have got 5 years unless he didn’t have serious mental health problems or the mom is not telling the full extent of the crime. Might of been diagnosed when they found out he was being deported? When did he get diagnosed & who by?
• She said his dad is in America & her family live in Canada.
Watching the BBC News in the run up to the 5PM gotcha show – the negativity of the coverage is overwhelming . Care home staff have ‘cultural difficulties ‘ accepting the vaccine … but not much probing of what these ‘cultural difficulties’ are .
From my personal experience of the 15 minute ‘care’ home visits I’ve seen evidence of impersonation and sometimes thought that there was plenty of fraud going on .
Maybe some of the ‘cultural difficulties ‘ are fraudulent staff ….
( there is no evidence of this – as the BBC recites so often – for certain subjects ) ….
CNN’s Brian Stelter argued Sunday that censorship isn’t really censorship when the left does it, claiming that ‘reducing a liar’s reach’ is not the same thing, and calling for conservative media broadcasts to be purged from the airwaves.
Stelter outlined his idea for “A harm reduction model”, which he was at pains to explain was definitely not part of any “cancel culture”.
“This is complicated, but harm reduction is possible. Harm reduction is possible by adding more news and less opinion to the content,” he added, pretending to be unaware that the network he works for engages 24/7 in pure opinion.
It’s BBC creating a brand called “BBC Good Food”
then renting the rights to magazine publisher Intermediate Media Ltd
who then stick adverts on it
but don’t on their homepage make any reference to not being the official BBC site.
.. and don’t forget ‘Every penny you donate goes to children in need’.
The charity ‘Children in Need’ that is. Not children who need it. Who cream off 6 million for themselves.
Strange, but I can’t find a mention on the BBC regarding the apparent ‘apology’ from Labour’s Shadow Minister for Europe (Catherine West) for her comment that the Conservative government’s decision to not enrol in the EU’s vaccination plan last year was ‘dumb and dumber’.
Her tweet today says
“Last year, I tweeted about the EU vaccine scheme. My tweet has proven to be wrong, and I’ve now apologised and deleted it. Our NHS is doing a great job and I’ll continue supporting the effort to vaccine Britain.”
Sorry, but exactly who has she apologised to ? The Conservative Government ? If so, let’s see the grovelling apology in full…. unless she thinks that the tweet itself is an apology – which it absolutely is NOT !
Another Labour non-apology, which says she was comenting on the EU Vaccine Scheme – which she clearly was not – she was commenting on Boris Johnston and the UK government’s decision-making – and which also tries to squirm out of any sort of expression of regret to those she was criticising, by praising the NHS.
I bet the BBC is just working hard on holding another Labour Shadow Cabinet member to account…….NOT.
Now that the government has allowed the South African variant to have a free ride on a plane into the UK – how they contain it when the areas affected include Tottenham and Enfield – some of the very third world areas of London ……?
TWatO Watch #4 – the BBC could still find they have an uncomfortable landing on the ground.
The Education thing again – my update to the previous post got lost due to an internet drop-out. Blair & Brown appeared to be getting ready to privatise Secondary Education in the UK with Gordon Brown’s Child Trust Fund initiative being the first step in expanding paid for education in the UK. The budget for education spending occupies a top spot in the list of annual HM Treasury expenditure every year. Not sure whether it is No.2 after the NHS but it is certainly in the top five.
In addition, having allowed, perhaps encouraged, teachers over the years to be indoctrinated with Socialism in all its varieties, the Labour Party now has to deal constantly with bolshie teachers and their Unions when they are in government. Wouldn’t it be good not to have to deal with that at a Secondary level at least? Then a Labour government could spend that money on other ‘favourite causes’.
The same is now true for a Conservative Government who, like Viv Nicholson, have had to “Spend, spend, spend” but due to the Pandemic. I’m sure Rishi will be looking to get some spending off the books at Treasury. It was notable that on TWatO today, the BBC had some private solutions to the current education problems that are disadvantaging children. Some Beeboids have enjoyed private education and I’m sure that others choose to spend their high incomes sending their kids to private schools or at least paying for tutors and ‘holiday crammers’ in order to get their little darlings through their exams.
Which way would the BBC fall though, if a Conservative Government chooses to follow that probable Labour Party path? The Teaching Unions would howl with rage, and so would the Parliamentary Labour Party. Would the BBC, minus its impartiality leg, fall in with them or on the side of a Conservative Government needing to ‘balance the books’? One way of avoiding a 75% top Income Tax rate band on high BBC incomes would be to privatise Secondary Education.
6pm BBC1 news and a report to say that the pandemic will cost school children £40,000 over their working lives. I think, give or take, it means £1,000 a year. Of course we could all enjoy an extra £1,000 but will mean little difference in 20 years time. But it gave the BBC the opportunity to go hurtling off to an area of high deprivation for their usual whinge that things aren’t fair.
That Muslim PR agency that gets Muslims on TV gets another hit
BBC local news : Scunthorpe Muslim couple .. she’s a nurse in the hospital and got Covid whilst pregnant so ended up that her baby was 6 weeks premature and she couldn’t see it for 6 weeks.
LBGT History month
R4 Arts prog tonight 1 of 3 items is We mark the publication of a landmark anthology of queer writing, Queer: A Collection of LGBTQ Writing from Ancient Times to Yesterday, which brings together an unusually broad range of voices from across the ages and the globe to form a survey of queer literature”
Then 8pm The Anti Trump prog
8:30pm prog “Personality Politics” ..probably more anti-Trump
9pm The Mike Wendling show “Year of Misinformation”
more anti-Trump
Is Shayan some sort of computer whizz?
I’m not sure searching for and quantifying posts on Gab is that easy, so I suspect his ‘most liked, reposted and discussed’ description may be a bBC fabrication.
Hopefully someone will know how to check and expose?
..and I can’t see anything cos I am not a member of any groups
It gives me a list of groups
I see no Trump group with 250K members
Trump 2020 214.8k Members
It’s contents aren’t secret I can see them without joining
I don’t see those posts in Hot Posts
I’m trying Top Posts
ah it loaded ..nope no noose posts there
Shayan’s tweet is not being talked about by British people rather the Quote Tweets are all by anti-Republican accounts in America
who’ve retweeted
.. “This is the right wing in America right now”
BBC news is about cooking narrative and the narrative he’s cooked up is
… ‘look see most Trump supporters want politicians killed #OrangeManBad
The opening gab post says Treasonous politicians should be executed, of course that’s a popular idea.
Secondly he then selected a few extreme replies, which actually have very few likes.
We don’t know who wrote those replies,
could be anti-Trump provocateurs
Even the initial post could have been written by an anti-Trump provocateur.
Boxing: ‘Crime boss’ Daniel Kinahan still working in the sport
Panorama, Boxing and the Mob is on BBC One on Monday 1 February at 21:00 and BBC iPlayer.
“Mr Kinahan’s lawyers said he has no criminal convictions and the allegations about him running a violent cartel are false and have no evidential basis.”
Unfortunately, for the BBC people in Ireland are innocent until proven guilty, why shouldn’t he continue to earn a living?
Standard BBC self loathing; comparing us heathens to the sophisticated Italians:
“Gobbling through a takeaway sandwich at the office desk is normal for the Brits.
…. the relaxing of restrictions in most of Italy today – means this nation’s sacred rituals can resume: a morning espresso inside a cafe; fresh pasta for lunch at the local trattoria; an Aperol spritz in the bar for the early-evening aperitivo on the way home from work.”
Ok whatever.
Then uses a photo “Breakfast in Rome” of a slobby woman holding a ciggy next to a pram ????
I am in complete agreement with Professor Palmer
who says that the BAME community need somebody
like Stormzy at the Downing Street pandemic conferences.
I expected to see Stormzy at Hancock’s half hour today.
He might explain to the 72% of the BAME community
who don’t want to be vaccinated that it could save their lives.
The rapper could do this in his own imitative way.
Just as the deaf sign presenters get across Matt’s views
for the hard of hearing Stormzy could use lingo his brothers
would understand.
I am sure Stormzy would do it better than my suggestions.
But it could go something like this.
” If your black jab the vacc. It’s much better for you than
shooting smack.
If your a Rasta inject the Astra. If your a gyal named Liza
you don’t want the diseaser, so jab the Pfizer.”
I am pretty sure with a role model like Stormzy uttering
this kind of advice or something similar. Many more of
the BAME community would get vaccinated.
DETERMINED to lay the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe,
Yes when I was studying the EU this came as a revelation to me – sold it as a simple ‘trading block ‘ not a US of Europe – we were lied to throughout …
Which makes a nonsense of the claim that “we thought we were joining a trading bloc” in 1973, and when we voted heavily to stay in the EEC in 1975.
That’s an “ever closer union” of peoples, not of states. It means working in partnership and not shooting at each other any more.
Of course those who speak of the “ReichEU” and other silly names are giving away their silly illusion that Britain is still at war with a Germany hell-bent on conquest. In 1975 the great majority of people voting Remain had lived through WW2 and quite a few of those had been through WW1; they didn’t want to go through it again. By 2016 there weren’t many of those left, but a great many who had grown up on the glorious mythology of a war we actually got through by the skin of our teeth, grateful to have survived.
On my livestream tonight I mentioned a group called Shout Out UK, who are working with MPs & Peers to "educate" children in politics. Left-wing politics only (obviously). Here's the BBC article and the group's website
Twitter watch
It seems that a certain EU commissioner called mairaid mcguinness ( spelling ) has said that she was unaware of the Friday night border fun in her own country .
This lady – sorry – horror is one of those bbc favoured EU mouthpieces who turns up on QT and various BBC shows and given the traditional easy time …
Tonight some fool from the EU has made reference to the pope with regard to fallibility of infallibility … not wise with regard to either southern or Northern Ireland ….
And something about another horror – Joanna cherry – one of those SNP – being sacked / stepping down from some job?…
On Only Connect, BBC2 8 pm Mon, there is the following sequence given. Beecham Pils, Beecham Group, SmithKline Beecham. And the answer to ‘what’s next’ is Glaxo SmithKline.
Victoria Coren Mitchell then states in terms ‘this is the most boring question we have ever had. Moving on quickly’
And that, dear readers, is what the statist BBC really think about private businesses that employ tens of thousands, bring in billions in overseas revenue, pay hundreds of millions in tax, and save us from serious illness along the way.
So much easier to be given £4 bn a year in compulsory tax than to have to earn your own living.
Professor Alan Dershowitz: The President never said “peaceful” and “patriotic” because I know that.
I watch CNN and PBS.
And if you watch PBS and CNN and you watch MSNBC, the president never said peaceful protests.
Because that’s the way we learn our history.
We learn it from channels that now doctor tapes and edit things out.
..the media simply picks and chooses which words to show the American public.
BBC news this evening.. Gleefully report a labour motion, supported by a number of conservative MP’s, about the cost of replacing cladding on buildings in lieu of the Grenfell fire.
Of course the BBC agree and expect the government to foot the bill with sob stories from the poor people in such unfortunate positions.
However, we have all seen that the BBC have no concerns whatsoever for the poor people, who in the future will have to foot the bill for the ridiculous green policy’s that they fully support and are so willing to have thrust upon on all of us.
Heat pumps, electric vehicles, charging points, triple glazed windows, extra insulation and the possibility of being unable to sell our houses if they do not conform with future energy efficient regulations.
Also the expected huge rises in the cost of power.
Not Islam
France “A man was arrested by the Raid on Monday, February 1 in Toulon, after the head of a homeless man was found in a cardboard box, thrown through the window on the 3rd floor of an apartment, located rue Garibaldi.
The man arrested is a former soldier in the process of divorce.
Naively looking at the BBC Sport webshite front page to check a football result, here are some of the featured stories.
Six LGBT sports people you should know more about.
Is football’s racism battle being lost……..
Para- bobsleigh not in 2026 Paralympics.
I knew coming out would hurt me……
Justin (gay footballer) taught me how to love without judging.
Meet milk – the figure skating drag queen.
I am gay – the fear of coming out in a macho world.
I was told black people sink in water.
Keegan Hirst – being gay in Rugby League.
You just cannot make this torrent of agenda-driven bilge up.
Are they having a laugh at our expense?
Have they gone utterly mad?
Have I gone through a wormhole into a parallel universe.
One thing is certain. The BBC’s concept of sport and the real world bears no relation whatever to mine.
There’s a sport’s story
‘Children are not born hating someone else’
It works hard to teach people to hate Trump, to hate Farage, to hate Brexit, to hate Boris, all the way back to hate Thatcher.
Then add in all those people portrayed as ‘victims’.
The BBC likes to push a generalised narrative, which isn’t really reporting the news impartially because it is wrapped up with their opinion. If they were subtle about it they might generate some sympathy to their cause. But they then go into overdrive, actively seeking personal stories from ‘victims.
So we go from, The ONS says that “95% of teachers come from Earth, 5% come from Mars”, to “Walton-on-Thames man, Mzchk Mkzx accuses Boris of not providing language lessons for his 29 starving children. Mzchk, who arrived on Earth last month, says the local authority have only provided him with a four-bedroom house and the local foodbank doesn’t stock Ckxhb, a staple of Mars, the only food that he and his 29 children and 2 partners can eat. Mkzx, who is a tri-sexual, accused Boris Johnson of not meeting his needs and speciesism. Far-right groups in the town have written strong letters to the Waltham-on-Thames Advertiser, saying their children should come first.”
To which we all think, “B*gger off, Mkzx”, and so another hate group is created by the BBC.
Anyone noticed that replies to BBc complaints are arriving in their E-mail inboxes at odd hours. Today a reply arrived at 05:30. My latest series of complaints concerns day time TV dross. Being screened in the 19:00 – 20:00 slot. I’m getting the usual replies scheduling is a difficult business we aim to please a wide verity of audience. Blah blah blah. It seems BBc scheduling is now reduced to pre 18:00 being pretty much a carbon copy every day of the week and is now extending into the evening. In response I did point out that the “show” I singled out was on the I player so anyone desperate to watch it could do so at any time. I did comment that they must have thousands of hours of TV stored somewhere and why do they not show some of that instead of the same old same old. Is it me or has Dads Army being on re run since the 1980s? I did suggest re running Gangsters (1970s Maurice Colbourne) I never saw series 2 on the DVD is selling for an eye watering £170 odd quid on a well know internet sales site. Or something like it ain’t half hot Mum also on the same site the cover appears to be featuring the BBC logo. I won’t hold my breath on those two.
Anyone noticed that replies to BBc complaints are arriving in their E-mail inboxes at odd hours. Today a reply arrived at 05:30. My latest series of complaints concerns day time TV dross. Being screened in the 19:00 – 20:00 slot. I’m getting the usual replies scheduling is a difficult business we aim to please a wide verity of audience. Blah blah blah. It seems BBc scheduling is now reduced to pre 18:00 being pretty much a carbon copy every day of the week and is now extending into the evening. In response I did point out that the “show” I singled out was on the I player so anyone desperate to watch it could do so at any time. I did comment that they must have thousands of hours of TV stored somewhere and why do they not show some of that instead of the same old same old. Is it me or has Dads Army being on re run since the 1980s? I did suggest re running Gangsters (1970s Maurice Colbourne) I never saw series 2 and the DVD is selling for an eye watering £170 odd quid on a well know internet sales site. Or something like it ain’t half hot Mum also for sale on the same site the cover appears to be featuring the BBC logo. I won’t hold my breath on those two.
From memory Gangsters Series 2 isn’t worth watching. It was as though ‘the powers that be’ realised that a good crime drama had been produced that was not based in London so it had to be put down. The second series was more a comedy than a crime series.
Birmingham has always had a traditional place within the BBC, it is one of the few places outside London that they have heard of and has always been used for those ‘say no more’ jokes of the style used by all BBC people about Donald Trump.
(I heard Paul Sinha on Radio 4 Extra the other night in a programme, probably first produced towards the end of 2020, in which, finding an American in the audience, told him that we all depended on him ‘to vote the right way in November’ – audience laughs).
I read series 2 was a bit “out there”. Still I imagine even asking for it to be repeated will offend someone. There is a brief clip on you tube featuring a Austin Allagro being hammered around.
Stew mentioned the BBC flouting its ‘impartiality’ regarding advertising earlier in these posts. There’s a picture of a vegan Haggis.
Totally agree, Stew, they should keep their nutcase ideas to themselves and aren’t supposed to be allowed to advertise anything!
But anyway, if vegans and other minority cranks want to nosh their tasteless stuff, why do they have to call their crap ‘haggis’ or ‘sausages’?
If they’re trying to stay away from normal food, then why do they have to try and retain a semblance of nice, meaty, food taken by normal citizens?
I’m sure these odd people have enough time on their furlough to make up new words to describe the awful stuff they ingest, it’s a known fact that whenever they speak to anyone, even strangers, they tell the unfortunate ‘listener’, of their peculiar ideas!
If the supermarkets had a special aisle for totally vegan stuff, it’d be a complete waste of £45.00 a ft!
…rather like the glittering people’s palace in W1AA…
I bought one of those vegan Haggi (the plural of Haggis) and a normal Haggis for Burns night the other week.
The vegan one was like eating sawdust.
I tried mixing them together, but then it all tasted like sawdust.
When you think the BBC can’t stoop any lower, just look at this:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I’m a survivor of sexual assault’
They start by portraying her as the ultimate victim. Then they give her a soapbox quickly infer all the protesters at the Capitol were the same as her abuser. And it gets better : she eventually labels the entire congress as abusers.
Then, when Ted Cruz (Republican) tried to agree with her on something, she said ‘ “You almost had me murdered three weeks ago so you can sit this one out.”
The only one murdered as far as I remember was an unarmed woman protester. And to use that line during government business shows me she is entirely unfit for office. She is full of hate.
But the real elephant in the room is how the accusations of sexual abuse against Biden are never mentioned. Complete hypocrite.
This article rates as one of the worst pieces of ‘journalism’ I have seen on the BBC.
Thought that there was something wrong with AO-C a couple of weeks ago. She needs to step down from Congress and seek some good medical help for herself.
Been something wrong with her since day 1, when some smart, evil activists picked a thick good-looker and groomed her for greatness online and on TV, secure in the knowledge that the MSM at least would run interference or politely ignore.
Trouble is she started liking the attention, and hype and power. And has gone off piste a few too many times.
Bit like Greta. Not a good looker. Or of value much longer as ‘child’.
Or Marcus Rashford, whose team might struggle to keep up with all he issues, and is subjected to, mostly without him ever being aware.
TOADY Watch #1 – maybe it was just too early in the morning for him?
Another day, another ‘car crash’ or ‘train wreck’ interview on TOADY. Mishal was the presenter but it wasn’t a disaster for her this time but for Nick Thomas-Simmonds MP, Welsh windbag and Shadow Home Secretary. Labour has decided to call for a complete travel ban to the UK with compulsory quarantine in hotels some days after the UK Government has already put one in place.
The Labour ban would include travel to and from the Isle of Man which Mishal pointed out was completely Covid-free due to the travel ban and quarantine that was already implemented some time before the wider one. Poor Nick’s brain couldn’t compute a thought of such complexity. Instead he continued to hyperventilate over something that Labour thinks should be done that has been done already.
Perhaps Nick has Covid? Brain fog and confusion and the inability to think can be a symptom of illness. Or maybe at 7 a.m. it was just too early in the morning for a Labour MP? Or is it because he is a Labour MP that he is hard of thinking. His Parliamentary colleague and Deputy Leader of his Party, Angela Rayner, is definitely similarly afflicted.
The other thing displaying his ignorance is that most of the more recent cases on The Isle of Man have been from returning patients from English hospitals. Fortunately they have to go directly home to quarantine for a fortnight on the return from treatment. The IoM doesn’t have the population (the size of a medium town across) to support all of the specialities needed for a full health service..
Correction to my post above: apparently – according to TWatO – Priti is dragging her feet on the travel ban: it is not yet in place. Well, there’s a thing. Well, two actually. The Home Sec true to form and Darcy, maxi, piku and the Wild Woman all missing correcting a mistake!
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Good God – just when you think the BBC has scraped the very bottom of the ‘all whites are racist’ barrel, we get this:
Here we have a very lengthy article all around the simple fact that many people cannot pronounce the name of Yewande Biala from Love Island (No, I’ve never heard of her either) properly. Including a statement directly from her that she thinks it is racist.
And just so you know, it is considered macro-aggression, not micro-aggression. Whatever that means.
She deserves ridicule for a lot more than her unpronounceable name. One of the most pathetic articles I’ve seen for a long time.
I wonder if the BBC would take it quite so seriously if she was Polish or Russian instead of another black female victim.
people seem to steadfastly shorten mine even though I always introduce myself with the full name
but the funniest bit of the article
“One of the most common excuses when it comes to my name is, ‘oh we can’t pronounce it,’ but Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t an everyday name and people have taken the time to learn it.
It makes you think – is there a racial aspect?”
How about the actor David Oyelowo – I defy anyone to pronounce his surname correct at the first attempt. AND AND AND even fellow actor Denzil Washington (in a weekend article) also admitted struggling with it 🙂
And there is Femmy, don’t forget him. Femmy Ollywolly, if I remember correctly.
I am of Ukrainian heritage. I have a strange (for Britain) surname. It is fairly difficult to pronounce.
All my life people have stuggled. School teachers, doctors etc, many different and funny pronunciations have been used.
Never ONCE have I even pulled anyone up on it, just had a laugh, that’s all. It’s a strange , rare, non British name so folk will no doubt get it wrong .
That is life , that is just fact and it is 100% sweet FA to do with racism or the like.
I suggest Miss Biala gets a life and that chip removed from her shoulder.
And for the BBC reporting it , well ……simply pathetic but what do we expect ?
Many immigrants, from anywhere to anywhere else, have changed their names to suit local customs. That used to be part of the price of moving.
I read once that some people in the USA called ‘Ferguson’ had arrived in the USA with scarcely a word of English, so when asked what their name was had responded, “Ich verstehe nicht”, “I don’t understand”. The immigration officer hadn’t understood either and so a new member of the Ferguson family was created.
What are we to do with people from cultures with a different naming convention? The Chinese work in reverse order for instance. Do we have to spend billions re-writing database software to cope? And then along comes narcissists like ‘Prince’ who want to be identified by a symbol.
The likes of Yewande Biala are particularly ‘problematic’ as one bends over backwards to accomodate Africans, only to find that the ‘African’ is called Jane Smith, couldn’t find Africa on a map amd talks like she has never left Liverpool, which she hasn’t.
I am of Ukrainian heritage too. People always say my Christian name then look round helplessly and I let them off by telling them it’s me. They invariably say they don’t know how to say my surname and I laughingly point out that they don’t know how to say my Christian name either. Happy grins all round and I’ve rarely considered smacking them with a bat for being racist.
Full marks for your civilized restraint.
Oh it’s racist if someone can’t pronounce your name
… Americans cannot say the word Stew ..only Stoo
..the vowel sound St-jew doesn’t exist in American English
But when they see something disgusting they can say “Ewe”, so it is not as if they can’t actually make the sound.
Now sound in Stew is not st- ewe it’ more like sj-ew
Seems a lovely chap. Voice that is like a melted XO liqueur chocolate… but in our house still ‘That bloke from Kinky Boots and Serenity’.
One of the women chosen by the BBC for this race-baiting bilge states that her name “shows my culture and where I’ve come from” (which is Rwanda). Really. I notice that all three of these black ladies have straightened their hair and two have long hair, a style associated with Europe, China, India, South America… well, just about everywhere except Africa, where the the style is usually short and curly (”woolly”) or bald. And come to think of it, I can’t ever recall seeing an actual African in Africa with an ‘Afro’ hairstyle… Looks like a very bad case of cultural appropriation, so why not go the whole hog, ladies, and adopt a Western-friendly name or nickname, such as most of my Chinese, Indian and Arabic friends and contacts in the UK have done?
Respect “the culture and where I’ve come from”? Sure, and you can respect the culture of where you have come to.
It would be a safe bet that most at Al Beeb cannot pronounce the name Llewellyn Llwyd correctly ?
All the many heavily subsidized BBC Wales employees could say it.
This is a way of gaining a privilege and publicity for their own advancement. People like this are fully aware that sob stories like these will hit the UK woke press like manna from heaven.
Henceforth in any contact with the Press. Agents, Employers etc. they will henceforth be treated with faux respect born out of a fear by these people being seen as micro-aggressive and therefore immune from any criticism or real appraisal.
It’s a bandwagon for artificially enhancing their status.
BLM have perfected this for their “cause”. Much easier than being right or good at what you do.
I’m blessed(?) with a very old, Anglo-Saxon surname, connected with what is now a tiny hamlet, but at the time of the Vikings was a ‘large and influential Saxon settlement’. Presumably at least one of my ancestors came from there.
Virtually no one, from any part of the world, can pronounce it correctly (Scandinavians maybe?), most people add an extra letter, or two, for no apparent reason. It’s a running joke in the family, and an aunt has an interesting collection of letters where they’ve misspelt it – she has literally hundreds of them.
Having spent several years in Australia as a child, then in various parts of the UK, before ending up in the West Country, I (and my sisters) have unusual accents. That’s also led to some interesting assumptions and a great deal of ‘ribbing’ over the years.
We’re also of ‘mixed race’ (whatever that means), as in we have ancestors from the Near East, and Southern and Northern Europe. Which again has led to some strange assumptions (and ‘ribbing’).
Do we complain about it?
Nope, we just laugh about it (and think everyone else is stupid).
Life goes on, everyone is ‘different’ in their own ways, stop making yourself a ‘victim’ and get on with it.
I mentioned this last week, but today there is an excellent article by Sue Reid in the Mail that ethnics are refusing to be inoculated. So now I’m taking the attitude, ok don’t take it, but don’t have BAME families weeping to the media about excess deaths in their communities. If its Allah’s will to get Covid then its Allah’s will they die ! and if whole communities get wiped out then its not going to be on my priority list to worry.
From the Mail article
”Last week, NHS England announced it is to give £23 million to local councils to encourage uptake of the jab among high-risk groups, including the BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) community.”
Hey, that £23 million is our taxpayer’s money and could be spent on treating patients.
But the face coverings a lot of these effniks wear must give them protection against the china virus. Surely?
Re the £23m for BAME PR
11am Radio4
“Jordan Lee is one of 20 BAME Covid Leaders tasked with combating vaccine hesitancy in West Yorkshire”
“vaccine hesitancy.” An uptick for that beautiful phrase.
TWato Watch #2 – it’s both excruciating and exciting to see which way the BBC will jump or to be more correct ‘fall’ . . . ….
… on the coup in Myanmar. The BBC, of course, now have history – they have shot their impartiality foot off – in relation to the EU Referendum and the US Presidential Elections in 2016 and 2020. In fact, over the course of the first two years since 2015, the BBC developed gangrene after that foot wound and had to have their whole ‘impartiality leg’ amputated. They are still wobbling around on crutches and you think any moment there will be a crash caught on mic and broadcast to the nation.
The phrase ‘disputed election’ must send shivers down the necks of some foreign correspondents, Editors, Producers and News Executives. And then, when Aung San Suu Kyi calls for her supporters to come out on the streets and to demonstrate against the military coup in Myanmar, it must send paroxysms of guilt cascading through those same foreign correspondents, Editors, Producers and News Executives. Or maybe not?
Perhaps they rationalise it: ‘Trump was a bad man – everyone says so and we believe that to be the case.’? And justify themselves, in their own eyes, that way. I’m not sure the listening and viewing public in the UK and the USA and around the world via World Service will agree.
BBC News…. and its audience.
Myanmar’s military has taken control of the country after detaining de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other politicians.
Top comment:
Good ridence!!! she lost all credibility when she turned a blind eye to the genocide committed against the minorities under her watch. What goes round comes round dear.
Interesting chap.
British through and through.
Well, educated and works here.
Not for the BBC, but the name crops up a lot.
I’ve just seen sky news and they are describing Burma as the first coup of 2021 – I’d Ben to differ – the first was live on the TV a few days ago …. they took control of the military too …
( ‘there is no evidence for this ….”)
From now on all elections will be disputed ….
Fed, LOL! Happen back in January did it, just after mid-month?
George Clooney helps Eddie Izzard complete 31-day marathon challenge
Comedian Eddie Izzard has completed her 31-day virtual marathon run by raising over £200k for charity.
Speaking from her treadmill after Sunday’s double marathon, she said she felt “very honoured” by the support.
God help us.
They are not hiding it
Or the Labour Front Bench if she hits the tanning salon.
Well, assuming an election contested is won.
Ha ha – was just reading that.
‘Comedian Eddie Izzard has completed her 31-day virtual marathon run by raising over £200k for charity.’
‘Her’ ???.
Eddie now looks like a bricklayer crossed with Jo Brand.
The world has gone completely bonkers.
Ha ha – was just reading that.
‘Comedian Eddie Izzard has completed her 31-day virtual marathon run by raising over £200k for charity.’
‘Her’ ???.
Eddie now looks like a bricklayer crossed with Jo Brand.
The world has gone completely bonkers.
I wish he’d stick to acting (yes HE) because he ain’t half bad ! I thought his portrayal as Bertie Prince of Wales in Victoria & Abdul was brilliant.
And HE played Robert Watson Watt in a decent enough film about the invention of Radar….
Tough tellingly it was a BBC production, so the casting, though effective, may have come with an agenda……
I aint calling anyone possessing meat and two veg “she”
Have you actually looked?
I seem to be repeating myself. I have no idea why.
Its the radishes!
Its the radishes!
Keep saving your work in case the power goes off
“Blackout risk is now up to 22%. Balancing mechanism prices up to £600/MWh. (normal price is £30-40
Wind’s contribution is pathetic, at just over 2GW. “
Hey BBC is it true that you try to cram tick box special-victim groups into every programme
.. And a food programme would be about FOOD .. no it’s “refugees”
I suppose the BBC doesn’t have many programmes about Indian cooking
Oh hang on, there is this prog on twice everyday this week
.. “Drama about the first cookery book by groundbreaking Indian actress, Madhur Jaffrey.”
That sound lefties make when something is mused that makes them go utterly ment… more mental?
Is Katya being watched?
Interesting juxtaposition of 2 items side-by-side on the BBC website under “Society”
Pandemic has highlighted archaic wedding laws.
Muslim Council of Britain elects first female head.
So how could these two stories be related?
The wedding laws item rails against couples in the UK being obliged to be married in a designated place such as Church or Registry Office and calls for this to be relaxed so they could for instance be married anywhere by anyone.
Sob stories about couples who would like a “ceremony” in say their own garden or on Zoom are still being obliged to go and register the marriage to make it legal.
Way down the article you come across this footnote:
“Many Muslim weddings are not classed as legally binding under English and Welsh law, and couples are required to have a civil ceremony if they want to have it legally recognised.
Abdul-Azim Ahmed, the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Wales, said Islamic marriages could be undertaken by “anyone, anywhere” and the existing laws were “too bureaucratic ” and not reflective of the diverse cultures and traditions of modern Wales.”
They also managed to suggest that the UK Church is holding onto it’s position on this for greedy financial reasons..
“In 2018, 2,223 weddings were held in Church in Wales churches. With couples paying a standard fee of £455, weddings contributed more than £1m in total towards the estate.”
An odd coincidence or by design?
And how very BBC!
Like snails, they always leave a trail of slime if you look closely!
The independent championing a black women photographer in Nigeria who thinks that documenting stuff should be done by “locals”
I am a Nigerian photographer – we need more images in the media to be by locals for locals
If we are ever to make progress in being diverse, it is vital that we are intentional and always encourage sincere unbiased representation by locals for locals.
Now why would that get a rough ride and all the usual nutters screaming if you substituted Britain for Nigeria and British for Nigerian?
Let me think!
TWatO Watch #3 – the BBC still wobbling, I can see a fall coming …
….. over education. One of the BBC’s favourite groups ‘the poor and disadvantaged’ are being disadvantaged by missing out on education due to one of the Labour Party’s (esp. Angela Rayner’s) favourite groups: the teachers and their Unions. That’s what happens, unfortunately, when the teachers skive instead of the pupils.
There are a couple of solutions: compulsory vaccination of all teachers, school administrators and teaching assistants. Not sure how well that would go down with the Teaching Unions and the BBC: “It’s discriminatory!” they will howl over any teacher, TA and administrator who cannot have or chooses not to have the mandatory vaccine jab.
At PMQ last week Starmer suggested that all teachers and staff could be vaccinated ‘during half term’ …. as a priority so they they’ll be protected from the little darlings when the schools start to open on 8 March .
The PM replied by asking which priority group does Starmer want to delay the vaccine – and that the groupings have been set up based on medical risk rather than a political one …
Let’s face it – the teachers are over the moon doing nothing and not having that terrible pressure of getting the little darlings ready for exams …. as they count down the days to their lovely pension …
Last week i dug deep into the Zoe covid study.
On about page 20 odd of 30 pages of A4 was data about the case rate of covid over time by age group.
During the late December early January infection peak the case rate for under 20 s i.e. school children barely changed from the previous several weeks and was and still is at a very low comparative level.
Meanwhile the case rate for those between 20 and 40 was around five times higher at the peak
So in fact its not the teachers who should be worried about the children, but the other way round. Something the BBC seem not to have noticed.
But given that the teacher unions (I must be fair and distinguish them from many perfectly decent individual teachers) wanted to close the schools AND then also prevent teachers from teaching online (in case parents watched them at work) clearly any opportunity to receive full pay for doing absolutely nothing has to be grabbed.
I couldn’t help notice how Owen Jones uses the same omission of facts to try and persuade the public just like the BBC does.
Here he mentions the deportation but doesn’t mention the criminal record probably “due to editorial constraints”.
“Osime Brown served a five year prison sentence for robbery, attempted robbery and perverting the course of justice!
Was the stolen phone not found in his possession?”
Now you can argue that the conviction was unfair
but what you shouldn’t do is brush it under the carpet
If the court was unfair you have to go through the judicial process.
British law applies to people who are 100% British Nationals.
He is not a British National so the law applies to him in a different way .
Were he a white Jamaican, American, South Africa etc.. he would be treated the same.
five years sounds harsh for a youngster for a mobile phone robbery, I suspect the full story has a little more to it
Commenters highlight some inconstistencies
• He was in care, she failing to mention this now she is playing the loving mom, also said he is the most loving one out of her 5 kids but he ended up in care?
• A judge has to take mental health issues on board before sentencing, so he wouldn’t have got 5 years unless he didn’t have serious mental health problems or the mom is not telling the full extent of the crime. Might of been diagnosed when they found out he was being deported? When did he get diagnosed & who by?
• She said his dad is in America & her family live in Canada.
You seem to read the Guardian more than I do. You don’t have to, you know, if it’s not to your taste.
QT independent expert panel for the BBC Spesh on the handling of the pandemic sorted.
A few more female cousins of those in the cubicle gardens, who are also MPs… luvly.
Watching the BBC News in the run up to the 5PM gotcha show – the negativity of the coverage is overwhelming . Care home staff have ‘cultural difficulties ‘ accepting the vaccine … but not much probing of what these ‘cultural difficulties’ are .
From my personal experience of the 15 minute ‘care’ home visits I’ve seen evidence of impersonation and sometimes thought that there was plenty of fraud going on .
Maybe some of the ‘cultural difficulties ‘ are fraudulent staff ….
( there is no evidence of this – as the BBC recites so often – for certain subjects ) ….
Stelter outlined his idea for “A harm reduction model”, which he was at pains to explain was definitely not part of any “cancel culture”.
“This is complicated, but harm reduction is possible. Harm reduction is possible by adding more news and less opinion to the content,” he added, pretending to be unaware that the network he works for engages 24/7 in pure opinion.
Sound familiar?
BBC don’t do advertisements
then what is this ?
It’s BBC creating a brand called “BBC Good Food”
then renting the rights to magazine publisher Intermediate Media Ltd
who then stick adverts on it
but don’t on their homepage make any reference to not being the official BBC site.
Like that dodgy ‘masterclass’ series being flogged on Facebook.
.. and don’t forget ‘Every penny you donate goes to children in need’.
The charity ‘Children in Need’ that is. Not children who need it. Who cream off 6 million for themselves.
The BBc run advertising on Breakfast everyday. Well they did when I last watched it.
We ate the meaty version of this last week. It was on special offer at the supermarket and can be microwaved. So a very easy option.
Of course its the right-on BBC trying to tell us that being Vegan is good and eating meat is bad. Must be to do with global warming………
Strange, but I can’t find a mention on the BBC regarding the apparent ‘apology’ from Labour’s Shadow Minister for Europe (Catherine West) for her comment that the Conservative government’s decision to not enrol in the EU’s vaccination plan last year was ‘dumb and dumber’.
Her tweet today says
“Last year, I tweeted about the EU vaccine scheme. My tweet has proven to be wrong, and I’ve now apologised and deleted it. Our NHS is doing a great job and I’ll continue supporting the effort to vaccine Britain.”
Sorry, but exactly who has she apologised to ? The Conservative Government ? If so, let’s see the grovelling apology in full…. unless she thinks that the tweet itself is an apology – which it absolutely is NOT !
Another Labour non-apology, which says she was comenting on the EU Vaccine Scheme – which she clearly was not – she was commenting on Boris Johnston and the UK government’s decision-making – and which also tries to squirm out of any sort of expression of regret to those she was criticising, by praising the NHS.
I bet the BBC is just working hard on holding another Labour Shadow Cabinet member to account…….NOT.
Now that the government has allowed the South African variant to have a free ride on a plane into the UK – how they contain it when the areas affected include Tottenham and Enfield – some of the very third world areas of London ……?
TWatO Watch #4 – the BBC could still find they have an uncomfortable landing on the ground.
The Education thing again – my update to the previous post got lost due to an internet drop-out. Blair & Brown appeared to be getting ready to privatise Secondary Education in the UK with Gordon Brown’s Child Trust Fund initiative being the first step in expanding paid for education in the UK. The budget for education spending occupies a top spot in the list of annual HM Treasury expenditure every year. Not sure whether it is No.2 after the NHS but it is certainly in the top five.
In addition, having allowed, perhaps encouraged, teachers over the years to be indoctrinated with Socialism in all its varieties, the Labour Party now has to deal constantly with bolshie teachers and their Unions when they are in government. Wouldn’t it be good not to have to deal with that at a Secondary level at least? Then a Labour government could spend that money on other ‘favourite causes’.
The same is now true for a Conservative Government who, like Viv Nicholson, have had to “Spend, spend, spend” but due to the Pandemic. I’m sure Rishi will be looking to get some spending off the books at Treasury. It was notable that on TWatO today, the BBC had some private solutions to the current education problems that are disadvantaging children. Some Beeboids have enjoyed private education and I’m sure that others choose to spend their high incomes sending their kids to private schools or at least paying for tutors and ‘holiday crammers’ in order to get their little darlings through their exams.
Which way would the BBC fall though, if a Conservative Government chooses to follow that probable Labour Party path? The Teaching Unions would howl with rage, and so would the Parliamentary Labour Party. Would the BBC, minus its impartiality leg, fall in with them or on the side of a Conservative Government needing to ‘balance the books’? One way of avoiding a 75% top Income Tax rate band on high BBC incomes would be to privatise Secondary Education.
The BBC might just topple in that direction.
The BBC love Crafty Crap
The BBC love Activism
hence 10pm BBC4 Craftivism
Comedian @jennyeclair meets crafters using their skills to make the world a better place, one stitch at a time.
Stew, is that another version or the equivalent of Woodcraft Folk?
6pm BBC1 news and a report to say that the pandemic will cost school children £40,000 over their working lives. I think, give or take, it means £1,000 a year. Of course we could all enjoy an extra £1,000 but will mean little difference in 20 years time. But it gave the BBC the opportunity to go hurtling off to an area of high deprivation for their usual whinge that things aren’t fair.
I also believe that this falls under BBC #couldfiles meaning it ‘could’ be anything, or nothing.
Looks like the BBC have recycled an old anti Brexit article and changed a few words.
Panorama tonight
the staggering news that gangsters are involved in the boxing industry
.. must be some brand new thing …/sarc
The Media.
That Muslim PR agency that gets Muslims on TV gets another hit
BBC local news : Scunthorpe Muslim couple .. she’s a nurse in the hospital and got Covid whilst pregnant so ended up that her baby was 6 weeks premature and she couldn’t see it for 6 weeks.
BBC N.America handling media sales?
In which a bbc cubicle garden cousin tells his relative a thing.
LBGT History month
R4 Arts prog tonight 1 of 3 items is
We mark the publication of a landmark anthology of queer writing, Queer: A Collection of LGBTQ Writing from Ancient Times to Yesterday, which brings together an unusually broad range of voices from across the ages and the globe to form a survey of queer literature”
Then 8pm The Anti Trump prog
8:30pm prog “Personality Politics” ..probably more anti-Trump
9pm The Mike Wendling show “Year of Misinformation”
more anti-Trump
In which the bbc selects what it checks.
Is Shayan some sort of computer whizz?
I’m not sure searching for and quantifying posts on Gab is that easy, so I suspect his ‘most liked, reposted and discussed’ description may be a bBC fabrication.
Hopefully someone will know how to check and expose?
Tell him we can see that of the 4 photos
we can see that 3 have very few Likes 2,5, 1
only the first one has 1,014 Likes
He’s cherrypicking, cos GROUPS is a special section
You go to a
..and I can’t see anything cos I am not a member of any groups
It gives me a list of groups
I see no Trump group with 250K members
Trump 2020 214.8k Members
It’s contents aren’t secret I can see them without joining
I don’t see those posts in Hot Posts
I’m trying Top Posts
ah it loaded ..nope no noose posts there
his claim that the most popular post of the 24 hours had 1,004 likes seems sus
cos 2 hours later I can straight away find a post with 1,766 Likes
Ah strangely his group just came up in the List that Gab served up to me it’s called “The_Donald”
For some reason he reordered them
and I spotted it
His post now has 1,622 Likes
Here :
but it’s slow to load
He claimed
“#1 This is the most liked,
#2 reposted
and #3discussed post on Gab groups today.”
That’s false, false, perhaps true
His post has 1,703 likes, *339* comments, 440 reposts
I found one easily with more Likes
1,845 likes 197 comments 865 reposts
and this one with 2.5 times more reposts
1,634 likes 53 comments 973 reposts
Thanks Stew.
Shayan’s tweet is not being talked about by British people rather the Quote Tweets are all by anti-Republican accounts in America
who’ve retweeted
.. “This is the right wing in America right now”
BBC news is about cooking narrative and the narrative he’s cooked up is
… ‘look see most Trump supporters want politicians killed #OrangeManBad
The opening gab post says Treasonous politicians should be executed, of course that’s a popular idea.
Secondly he then selected a few extreme replies, which actually have very few likes.
We don’t know who wrote those replies,
could be anti-Trump provocateurs
Even the initial post could have been written by an anti-Trump provocateur.
Was it not these people who had a bloody dripping Trump head and various plays and songs fantasising about murdering him?
Exactly as intended.
Looking at the twitter reactions it is possible there are more in Wendy’s team than engage.
And of those he blocks most.
Boxing: ‘Crime boss’ Daniel Kinahan still working in the sport
Panorama, Boxing and the Mob is on BBC One on Monday 1 February at 21:00 and BBC iPlayer.
“Mr Kinahan’s lawyers said he has no criminal convictions and the allegations about him running a violent cartel are false and have no evidential basis.”
Unfortunately, for the BBC people in Ireland are innocent until proven guilty, why shouldn’t he continue to earn a living?
“19 13
Italians savour the start of reopening”
Standard BBC self loathing; comparing us heathens to the sophisticated Italians:
“Gobbling through a takeaway sandwich at the office desk is normal for the Brits.
…. the relaxing of restrictions in most of Italy today – means this nation’s sacred rituals can resume: a morning espresso inside a cafe; fresh pasta for lunch at the local trattoria; an Aperol spritz in the bar for the early-evening aperitivo on the way home from work.”
Ok whatever.
Then uses a photo “Breakfast in Rome” of a slobby woman holding a ciggy next to a pram ????
I wonder why the BBC didn’t call him a ‘veteran’?
13 years old ….
I am in complete agreement with Professor Palmer
who says that the BAME community need somebody
like Stormzy at the Downing Street pandemic conferences.
I expected to see Stormzy at Hancock’s half hour today.
He might explain to the 72% of the BAME community
who don’t want to be vaccinated that it could save their lives.
The rapper could do this in his own imitative way.
Just as the deaf sign presenters get across Matt’s views
for the hard of hearing Stormzy could use lingo his brothers
would understand.
I am sure Stormzy would do it better than my suggestions.
But it could go something like this.
” If your black jab the vacc. It’s much better for you than
shooting smack.
If your a Rasta inject the Astra. If your a gyal named Liza
you don’t want the diseaser, so jab the Pfizer.”
I am pretty sure with a role model like Stormzy uttering
this kind of advice or something similar. Many more of
the BAME community would get vaccinated.
Does stormzy speak gudgerati then ?
I actually can’t believe that the Labour Party still thinks the ReichEU is a ‘trading block’… have they missed the whole reason why we left ?
Treaty of Rome, first two clauses:
Hidden in plain sight since 1957!
Yes when I was studying the EU this came as a revelation to me – sold it as a simple ‘trading block ‘ not a US of Europe – we were lied to throughout …
Which makes a nonsense of the claim that “we thought we were joining a trading bloc” in 1973, and when we voted heavily to stay in the EEC in 1975.
That’s an “ever closer union” of peoples, not of states. It means working in partnership and not shooting at each other any more.
Of course those who speak of the “ReichEU” and other silly names are giving away their silly illusion that Britain is still at war with a Germany hell-bent on conquest. In 1975 the great majority of people voting Remain had lived through WW2 and quite a few of those had been through WW1; they didn’t want to go through it again. By 2016 there weren’t many of those left, but a great many who had grown up on the glorious mythology of a war we actually got through by the skin of our teeth, grateful to have survived.
Anne Marie’s livestream is here.
The relevant piece starts at 37:00.
Twitter watch
It seems that a certain EU commissioner called mairaid mcguinness ( spelling ) has said that she was unaware of the Friday night border fun in her own country .
This lady – sorry – horror is one of those bbc favoured EU mouthpieces who turns up on QT and various BBC shows and given the traditional easy time …
Tonight some fool from the EU has made reference to the pope with regard to fallibility of infallibility … not wise with regard to either southern or Northern Ireland ….
And something about another horror – Joanna cherry – one of those SNP – being sacked / stepping down from some job?…
BBC shows true feelings again..
On Only Connect, BBC2 8 pm Mon, there is the following sequence given. Beecham Pils, Beecham Group, SmithKline Beecham. And the answer to ‘what’s next’ is Glaxo SmithKline.
Victoria Coren Mitchell then states in terms ‘this is the most boring question we have ever had. Moving on quickly’
And that, dear readers, is what the statist BBC really think about private businesses that employ tens of thousands, bring in billions in overseas revenue, pay hundreds of millions in tax, and save us from serious illness along the way.
So much easier to be given £4 bn a year in compulsory tax than to have to earn your own living.
Patronising tossers.
Funny, I thought it was what Victoria Coren Mitchell thought, not the BBC.
That BLM activist guy posing as a Trump supporter at the Capitol has rearrested for breaching bail terms
John Earl Sullivan is in custody
I see they have an article saying Ted Cru is backing away from Trump.
Professor Alan Dershowitz: The President never said “peaceful” and “patriotic” because I know that.
I watch CNN and PBS.
And if you watch PBS and CNN and you watch MSNBC, the president never said peaceful protests.
Because that’s the way we learn our history.
We learn it from channels that now doctor tapes and edit things out.
..the media simply picks and chooses which words to show the American public.
BBC news this evening.. Gleefully report a labour motion, supported by a number of conservative MP’s, about the cost of replacing cladding on buildings in lieu of the Grenfell fire.
Of course the BBC agree and expect the government to foot the bill with sob stories from the poor people in such unfortunate positions.
However, we have all seen that the BBC have no concerns whatsoever for the poor people, who in the future will have to foot the bill for the ridiculous green policy’s that they fully support and are so willing to have thrust upon on all of us.
Heat pumps, electric vehicles, charging points, triple glazed windows, extra insulation and the possibility of being unable to sell our houses if they do not conform with future energy efficient regulations.
Also the expected huge rises in the cost of power.
Not Islam
France “A man was arrested by the Raid on Monday, February 1 in Toulon, after the head of a homeless man was found in a cardboard box, thrown through the window on the 3rd floor of an apartment, located rue Garibaldi.
The man arrested is a former soldier in the process of divorce.
Naively looking at the BBC Sport webshite front page to check a football result, here are some of the featured stories.
Six LGBT sports people you should know more about.
Is football’s racism battle being lost……..
Para- bobsleigh not in 2026 Paralympics.
I knew coming out would hurt me……
Justin (gay footballer) taught me how to love without judging.
Meet milk – the figure skating drag queen.
I am gay – the fear of coming out in a macho world.
I was told black people sink in water.
Keegan Hirst – being gay in Rugby League.
You just cannot make this torrent of agenda-driven bilge up.
Are they having a laugh at our expense?
Have they gone utterly mad?
Have I gone through a wormhole into a parallel universe.
One thing is certain. The BBC’s concept of sport and the real world bears no relation whatever to mine.
There’s a sport’s story
‘Children are not born hating someone else’
It works hard to teach people to hate Trump, to hate Farage, to hate Brexit, to hate Boris, all the way back to hate Thatcher.
Then add in all those people portrayed as ‘victims’.
The BBC likes to push a generalised narrative, which isn’t really reporting the news impartially because it is wrapped up with their opinion. If they were subtle about it they might generate some sympathy to their cause. But they then go into overdrive, actively seeking personal stories from ‘victims.
So we go from, The ONS says that “95% of teachers come from Earth, 5% come from Mars”, to “Walton-on-Thames man, Mzchk Mkzx accuses Boris of not providing language lessons for his 29 starving children. Mzchk, who arrived on Earth last month, says the local authority have only provided him with a four-bedroom house and the local foodbank doesn’t stock Ckxhb, a staple of Mars, the only food that he and his 29 children and 2 partners can eat. Mkzx, who is a tri-sexual, accused Boris Johnson of not meeting his needs and speciesism. Far-right groups in the town have written strong letters to the Waltham-on-Thames Advertiser, saying their children should come first.”
To which we all think, “B*gger off, Mkzx”, and so another hate group is created by the BBC.
There seems to be a battle for prominence between bent and racist stories
Things people don’t tell you
Twitter is heavily connected to the Dems
left eat the left, they have started on Maajid Nawaz
One ideology, joined by a common trait.
Anyone noticed that replies to BBc complaints are arriving in their E-mail inboxes at odd hours. Today a reply arrived at 05:30. My latest series of complaints concerns day time TV dross. Being screened in the 19:00 – 20:00 slot. I’m getting the usual replies scheduling is a difficult business we aim to please a wide verity of audience. Blah blah blah. It seems BBc scheduling is now reduced to pre 18:00 being pretty much a carbon copy every day of the week and is now extending into the evening. In response I did point out that the “show” I singled out was on the I player so anyone desperate to watch it could do so at any time. I did comment that they must have thousands of hours of TV stored somewhere and why do they not show some of that instead of the same old same old. Is it me or has Dads Army being on re run since the 1980s? I did suggest re running Gangsters (1970s Maurice Colbourne) I never saw series 2 on the DVD is selling for an eye watering £170 odd quid on a well know internet sales site. Or something like it ain’t half hot Mum also on the same site the cover appears to be featuring the BBC logo. I won’t hold my breath on those two.
I think they outsource to BBC Uranus.
Anyone noticed that replies to BBc complaints are arriving in their E-mail inboxes at odd hours. Today a reply arrived at 05:30. My latest series of complaints concerns day time TV dross. Being screened in the 19:00 – 20:00 slot. I’m getting the usual replies scheduling is a difficult business we aim to please a wide verity of audience. Blah blah blah. It seems BBc scheduling is now reduced to pre 18:00 being pretty much a carbon copy every day of the week and is now extending into the evening. In response I did point out that the “show” I singled out was on the I player so anyone desperate to watch it could do so at any time. I did comment that they must have thousands of hours of TV stored somewhere and why do they not show some of that instead of the same old same old. Is it me or has Dads Army being on re run since the 1980s? I did suggest re running Gangsters (1970s Maurice Colbourne) I never saw series 2 and the DVD is selling for an eye watering £170 odd quid on a well know internet sales site. Or something like it ain’t half hot Mum also for sale on the same site the cover appears to be featuring the BBC logo. I won’t hold my breath on those two.
From memory Gangsters Series 2 isn’t worth watching. It was as though ‘the powers that be’ realised that a good crime drama had been produced that was not based in London so it had to be put down. The second series was more a comedy than a crime series.
Birmingham has always had a traditional place within the BBC, it is one of the few places outside London that they have heard of and has always been used for those ‘say no more’ jokes of the style used by all BBC people about Donald Trump.
(I heard Paul Sinha on Radio 4 Extra the other night in a programme, probably first produced towards the end of 2020, in which, finding an American in the audience, told him that we all depended on him ‘to vote the right way in November’ – audience laughs).
I read series 2 was a bit “out there”. Still I imagine even asking for it to be repeated will offend someone. There is a brief clip on you tube featuring a Austin Allagro being hammered around.
Stew mentioned the BBC flouting its ‘impartiality’ regarding advertising earlier in these posts. There’s a picture of a vegan Haggis.
Totally agree, Stew, they should keep their nutcase ideas to themselves and aren’t supposed to be allowed to advertise anything!
But anyway, if vegans and other minority cranks want to nosh their tasteless stuff, why do they have to call their crap ‘haggis’ or ‘sausages’?
If they’re trying to stay away from normal food, then why do they have to try and retain a semblance of nice, meaty, food taken by normal citizens?
I’m sure these odd people have enough time on their furlough to make up new words to describe the awful stuff they ingest, it’s a known fact that whenever they speak to anyone, even strangers, they tell the unfortunate ‘listener’, of their peculiar ideas!
If the supermarkets had a special aisle for totally vegan stuff, it’d be a complete waste of £45.00 a ft!
…rather like the glittering people’s palace in W1AA…
I bought one of those vegan Haggi (the plural of Haggis) and a normal Haggis for Burns night the other week.
The vegan one was like eating sawdust.
I tried mixing them together, but then it all tasted like sawdust.
I tried mixing the whisky with the haggis once.
Didn’t help.
So stuck with just the whisky.
‘Haggices’, philistine!
As an skoolboy and gurl kno, it decline like ‘durex’
When you think the BBC can’t stoop any lower, just look at this:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I’m a survivor of sexual assault’
They start by portraying her as the ultimate victim. Then they give her a soapbox quickly infer all the protesters at the Capitol were the same as her abuser. And it gets better : she eventually labels the entire congress as abusers.
Then, when Ted Cruz (Republican) tried to agree with her on something, she said ‘ “You almost had me murdered three weeks ago so you can sit this one out.”
The only one murdered as far as I remember was an unarmed woman protester. And to use that line during government business shows me she is entirely unfit for office. She is full of hate.
But the real elephant in the room is how the accusations of sexual abuse against Biden are never mentioned. Complete hypocrite.
This article rates as one of the worst pieces of ‘journalism’ I have seen on the BBC.
Thought that there was something wrong with AO-C a couple of weeks ago. She needs to step down from Congress and seek some good medical help for herself.
Been something wrong with her since day 1, when some smart, evil activists picked a thick good-looker and groomed her for greatness online and on TV, secure in the knowledge that the MSM at least would run interference or politely ignore.
Trouble is she started liking the attention, and hype and power. And has gone off piste a few too many times.
Bit like Greta. Not a good looker. Or of value much longer as ‘child’.
Or Marcus Rashford, whose team might struggle to keep up with all he issues, and is subjected to, mostly without him ever being aware.
TOADY Watch #1 – maybe it was just too early in the morning for him?
Another day, another ‘car crash’ or ‘train wreck’ interview on TOADY. Mishal was the presenter but it wasn’t a disaster for her this time but for Nick Thomas-Simmonds MP, Welsh windbag and Shadow Home Secretary. Labour has decided to call for a complete travel ban to the UK with compulsory quarantine in hotels some days after the UK Government has already put one in place.
The Labour ban would include travel to and from the Isle of Man which Mishal pointed out was completely Covid-free due to the travel ban and quarantine that was already implemented some time before the wider one. Poor Nick’s brain couldn’t compute a thought of such complexity. Instead he continued to hyperventilate over something that Labour thinks should be done that has been done already.
Perhaps Nick has Covid? Brain fog and confusion and the inability to think can be a symptom of illness. Or maybe at 7 a.m. it was just too early in the morning for a Labour MP? Or is it because he is a Labour MP that he is hard of thinking. His Parliamentary colleague and Deputy Leader of his Party, Angela Rayner, is definitely similarly afflicted.
The other thing displaying his ignorance is that most of the more recent cases on The Isle of Man have been from returning patients from English hospitals. Fortunately they have to go directly home to quarantine for a fortnight on the return from treatment. The IoM doesn’t have the population (the size of a medium town across) to support all of the specialities needed for a full health service..
Well said. It’s 3 weeks if you don’t have a test.
Correction to my post above: apparently – according to TWatO – Priti is dragging her feet on the travel ban: it is not yet in place. Well, there’s a thing. Well, two actually. The Home Sec true to form and Darcy, maxi, piku and the Wild Woman all missing correcting a mistake!