9am R4 Jim Al-Khali show makes a claim about Thatcher
“Anne Johnson. : In the early days of the HIV AIDS epidemic, Anne proved that HIV AIDS was transmitted heterosexually. Her landmark study involved asking people detailed questions about their sex lives and she went on to co-create the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles.
The survey was *banned by the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher* “
” the Conservative Government – at the behest of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher – vetoed public funding of the study, arguing that it was too intrusive, even though the science had been favourably reviewed by Research Councils. Fortunately, the Wellcome Trust stepped in with funding enabling the first survey”
Stew, your typo was OK with me. It’s a science programme (one of the few I still enjoy on BBC R4) and I like to to think of Jim as Jim Alkali. After all, he comes across as not being at all acidic unlike a TOADY presenter or two that I can think of.
Maybe I should seek some outerwear from the cloakroom – it looks like rain.
“Pressure is growing on social media companies to tackle racist abuse directed at footballers on their sites”
is it ? Who is is doing the pressurising ?
Am I contacting Twitter to complain a footballer got a hurty reply that he almost certainly never read ?
.. especially since his twitter account is run by a PR agency
When Trump was getting a 1000 abuses per second Twitter did nothing.
Media need story>
>Media send intranet APB to all tame NGO/charities>
>NGO/charities write open letter to MPs>
Allow to simmer and get ignored.
>NGO/charities send PR to media>
>Media call for “quote”, add ‘quote’, turn into ‘story’>
>Labour says ‘something must be done’. Or… something>
>Labour PR sends this to media>
>media has another ‘story’.
Why our international soccer rivals will put more crosses into the box. And you have to be paranoid
Let’s spare a thought for the unfortunate South Africans. They don’t build our 5G networks, finance our next generation of nuclear plants and they certainly don’t manufacture just about every gadget in our homes – so when other lucky nations escape the slur, they still have to have a virus named after them, by even the most liberal of our press: ‘South Africa variant cases trigger “sprint” to curb spread in Britain’ (Guardian)
Dare one ask if the ‘…South Africa bug’ as the Daily Mirror indelicately terms it, may turn out to be disproportionately affecting BAME communities? That would be pilling irony upon apartheid irony.
‘A superficial democracy is hijacked again’ – don’t panic, this the ‘i’ fretting about rule of law, freedom of speech and civil liberties, anywhere in the world but here at home.
The Guardian may warn of: ‘Further crackdown in Myanmar’ – but now our homegrown crackdown comes much closer to home with the psychopathic Matt Hancock demanding we stick a swab up the nose of my ol’ ma :’Door-to-door tests for thousands in battle to eradicate South African virus in Britain’ (Daily Mail) – of course I for one have the gumption to tell Boris’s brigades of Bottom Inspectors they can leave me alone and go away and self-medicate with an anal swab.
‘China assures its citizens they won’t waddle “like penguins” following coronavirus anal swabs after “fake” video goes viral’ (Mail) – requiring no factcheck I can tell the Mail this was definitely not a “fake” video, it was indeed a video. It may well have been a spoof.
The free-at-the-point-of-access (but heavily subsidised by government advertising) Metro giveaway paper channels 1950s schlock horror sci-fi movies: ‘Test blitz on mutant virus’ – we know how the plot of this one goes – whether it be giant spiders, Godzillas, or flying saucers, the white-coated prof will eventually be over-ruled by the military who will “shower them with neutrons” and when the mushroom cloud clears… the monster emerges stronger.
The Metro frontpage carries a photo captioned: ‘A man tests himself’
Further comment would seem superfluous (cf an upcoming reference to George Osborne)
’80,000 told to have Covid test as South African variant spreads’ (Telegraph) – TOLD to have tests, mind you.
BBC: ‘More children are self-harming or taking overdoses, and at younger ages, says Bradford doctor John Wright’ – gosh, I wonder where on earth our kids are picking up that perverse societal vibe?
‘Footballers face limit on heading in training’ (Telegraph) – we note health and safety fanaticism promoting further the feminisation of the male species: ‘England footballers such as Harry Kane will have restrictions imposed on heading in training…’ – yer Spurs fans will tell you our Harry’s weakness is his knees and his ancles rather than his bonce. Dementia? In fact, he’s always spoken in that strange way – something to do with his chin.
‘Tony Bennett: Life is a gift even with Alzheimer’s’ (Daily Express) – I guess the footballs must have been heavier and harder back there across the pond in 1930s New York little Italy.
In further feminisation news: ‘Prince Harry set to lose military roles’ (Express) – this comes shortly after demob-happy Harry won an apology and substantial damages from the publishers of Mail on Sunday after he sued the British tabloid newspaper for libel over claims he had turned his back on the military when he ended his royal role.
Unemployment worries as anti-Brexit former Chancellor George Osborne loses 10% of his current jobs: ‘Osborne quits two jobs to be full-time banker’ – the Daily Telegraph surely aware of the implications of rhyming slang there.
‘Myanmar coup. Leader urges street protests’ (FT) – I guess we can now add lockdown-sceptic and covid-denier to the list of crimes of Aung San Suu Kyi.
The Sun – perhaps inadvertently – gives us a clue as why the psychopathic Matt Hancock wants more testing: ‘Covid cases lowest since Xmas’
‘What a result!’ exclaims the Express ‘British vaccines lined up until 2025’ – so when we’ve been vaccinated, we all have to queue up for another… and another…?
Or maybe not? ‘Jabs may be sent abroad before full roll out in UK’ (Times)
Finding modern parenting a strain? The Daily Mail is handing out free laptops and the ‘i’ paper has sent out a million free school breakfasts. These are token gestures. You’ll find the main burden will fall on the taxpayer via government taking over more and more of the childrearing responsibilities formerly the domain of parents.
And finally, the ‘i’ newspaper wins the prize for the day’s most on point example of neuro-linguistic programming, as they quote some online activist journo: ‘We exposed a Kremlin kill team. You have to be paranoid’
Another good one is littleJohn in the mail having a go at ‘influencers ‘( I can only guess what That means ) who are sunning themselves in sunny places ….. next to pictures of some noble nymphet ‘sunning themselves in sunny places ‘… they have ‘washboard abs ‘ and ‘peachy derrières ‘ like that’s a good thing ….
Amazingly their output also appears to alternate between cramming a pair of 36DDs into iPhone portrait format and getting upset about how they are not treated with respect.
You know when you instinctively know something isn’t right ? Well when I was a kid and played footy – the ball was made of a lead substitute and as a result I often experienced concussion after trying to head the thing ,….
Years later – now – the ball is as light as a ping pong ball but heading is too be banned …..
…… I’m sure a lot of those 70s/80s players suffered brain injury because the of lead ball – but now ?
Maybe wear crashhelmets ….
Was the last Sweeney!, elevated from the same Meccashire Gazette as Oborne and Corbyn to the glory of something that barely registers on the ABCs but gets cited by the BBC?
A quick look at the 10 most read articles on the BBC News website right now:
6x Covid articles
2x sexual assault/harresment
1x bashing rich people
1x sympathy for poor people in debt
If I had to describe the BBC with one word right now it would be “boring”.
In general I find BBC articles to be like mind-numbing, totally one-sided in-flight magazine articles where you want to scream halfway through.
A bit like painting a room.
Or is that just me ?.
Sometimes it’s like living in alternative worlds – my favourite guardianista has written a column today about our terrible mistake of leaving the ReichEU …. we are all going to starve – it’s all going to be bad …..
So often the ‘life of Brian ‘ what have the Romans dun for us sketch ‘ gets replayed in newspaper columns …. any way the paper allowed comments – which lack ‘diversity ‘….
Meanwhile over on planet DT – an account of how the Helga running the EU is trying to pass blame down hill and is on the receiving end of much displeasure from her Kraut homeland …
…. the master race have done 2 million vaccinations – and the British heading for 10 million – WTF happened ? They are asking ….
Fortunately for brexiters the EU will keep the Helga in place as a reminder of all its ‘ faults …
Very true Fedup, Polly has excelled herself hasn’t she? There must be a degree of sympathy even the Guardian subs allow her while preparing her blather for the presses, but the cracks are going beyond the pancake make-up now.
Whatever, even her partial education and reliance on the past achievements of a relative can’t sustain her increasingly transparent membership of our ‘intelligentsia’ for much longer.
Time to put your feet up Pol. Tuscany and cool litres of Soave beckon.
\\’Nonsense’ to protect slavery statues, says TV historian// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-55893706
Do they want more statues pulled down ?
This guy should pop out to Africa and find out where it all began and who were supplying the slaves .
What will Boris and his ‘Heritage’ Secretary do about this ?
At the same time we get this ………….
“Cricket legend Ian Botham has hit out at the BBC’s army of debt collectors, who he accuses of “terrorising” over-75s into paying the TV licence fee.” https://tv-licensing.blogspot.com/2021/02/cricket-legend-botham-slams-army-of-bbc.html
De-fund the outfit! The fat cats at the top want their ‘Golden’ Redundancy Packages .
‘yoonee’ graduates want to completely undermine the pride of the people of Great Britain, especially during this time of lockdown and pandemic .
Al Beeb must be stuffed with them, but the British people are becoming aware of this. Falling licence income and viewing figures prove it.
There are ‘Dark’ forces at work behind this hatred of our nation. Especially more so, since the successful Brexit vote of 2016.
Lincolnshire local news “Labour Says”
“Labour Says, the compulsory quarantine hotels don’t go far enough and should be extended to 100% of countries at UK arrival”
“The government says is not feasible”
“over to the shadow minister”
here, has already mutated further, to resemble the Brazilian strain that has caused considerable anxiety, because it is thought to be more resistant to the vaccine than the Kent and original strains. What Semple did not say, because he was not asked, is how many cases of…
➡️ What about our vaccines? ➡️ Can we go out? ➡️ Can we go to work?
Emma, who runs the Covid-19 Southport Support Group, tells @rachelburden there’s more questions than answers about mass testing for the South African coronavirus variant in her area.
Compare and contrast the reports by the BBC, and the far left Labour supporting Mirror Group concerning a group of Nazis who attacked an Israeli owned weapons factory which used to be Ferranti in Oldham.
Guest who – thank you for putting that important article up -….
It might be worth a full ‘cut and paste ‘ and put on here .
OFCOM lays down the law – so tv producers look at a programme idea and cancel it if it fails the OFCOM checklist – similar with repeats from a time before PC .
How much good stuff from the past is binned because it ticks an OFCOM box? We will never know
And then there is the ‘prewarning ‘ – that little ‘disclaimer ‘ which is sometimes seen on ‘talking pictures ‘legally designed to stop the OFCOM storm troopers closing it down
But don’t worry – be proud we live in a free country – with no censorship….
Like the BBC, an OOFCOM ‘consultation’ is like their editorial integrity, where whatever is garnered by invitation of investigation goes into an FOI-exempted room for filtering before publication.
I’m cutting down again . I have to . One of the problems with social media is being exposed to loons . Yes loons . Some loon got some butter from Morrison’s . The wrapper is composed of the union flag ( produced in Eire?) so said loon tweeter says she doesn’t want her fridge to look like a brexiter shrine ‘…
…..you can tell this loon has no humour and really means it ….
Cutting down on full fat Twitter and BBC again methinks ….
Beware of the far-right Morrison's Hate Butter, which is rubbing salt in the wounds of Rejoiners, who are currently suffering from an acute case of butterhurt. https://t.co/VpIkQm73Cs
“This my sweet is Morrison’s Salted British Butter. It comes with a flag on the packaging, because it’s made in Britain. It is not a call to arms for Oswald Mosley. Happy toast making Ange!” pic.twitter.com/y4Odf2crv6
TOADY Watch #2 – just waiting for the oldies to die off then we can re-join
One or two folk on here have speculated that Covid may not have disrupted Brexit as hoped for by the BBC and other Remainers but it has helped to bump off some oldies. The standard Remainer view, promoted heavily by the BBC, is that ignorant, ill-educated, old people voted to leave the EU purely because they hate foreigners and that when enough of them are dead, calls can be made for a new EU Referendum.
The UK will then surely vote to re-join the UK despite the cost.
Listening to TOADY from about 6.40 a.m. today and with the 7 a.m. News especially, it felt like the BBC was fighting for Remain before June 2016 all over again. There were at least two major news items – could have been more – that were anti-Brexit.
I returned to Heathrow yesterday to avoid the upcoming hotel quarantine. I had been in the UAE which was put, without notice, on the red list. No direct flights are allowed from red list countries. However UK residents can get home via 3rd countries. We had, at substantial cost, to fly via Qatar.
This is the first time a British government has placed a ban but not allowed residents to fly back direct, say on a few BA flights?
If the logic is we may be COVID spreaders then why make us go through a 3rd country? This is happening all over the world to thousands of Brits.
When we got to Heathrow we had a 4 hour wait at immigration. The queue had old people and families with toddlers. It was a real super spreader event!
Hate to mention it, but had you considered a rubber dinghy?
Hassle free and the Government come over half way to pick you up. There’s now a three or four star hotel for you this end. Don’t believe all you hear on the BBC: there’s no more Army barracks.
Nah – hijack a ship – you’ll get a free exhibition of skills from the SBS and be sent on your way after a health check – you might even get a COVID jab for your troubles ….
Grumbler – welcome back …? I , too have run the biohazard that is T5 arrivals – which each time I have used it in the last 12 months – has taken my breath away ( ugh) with the lack of control – distancing – cleaning materials – helpful staff of any description and a generally frightening environment .
I used the tube – 32 stops – and that fell healthier …
I was trapped out of UK for 7 weeks trying to plot a cheap and quick way back direct – that’s how long it took me….. but I was lucky to have the option .
The MSM will say or do anything if they think it will advance their utopian dream of the global village. They just appear to hate the concept of a nation state and individual thought. I’m sure their ideal would be if we all look the same and think the same.
Ain’t gonna happen.
Looks really deep. Maybe 1 to 2 inches? You can clearly see both feet of the bloke on the right. That would be a problem if you had a shovel but yet could not use it.
Further to my earlier suggestions for Stormzy to rap to
Hancocks half hour to encourage the BAME and
and ethic communities to shoot the vaccine. For the
extreme fundamentalist, Jewish and Muslim adherents who think that
the vaccine may not be kosher or halal. Stormzy
could add the verse. ” Don’t be a dork , the vacc aint got pork.”
Thanks Guest Who: That pension pot is huge. Yentob was also known as ‘two jobs’ in the BBC as he worked only a 3 day week and ran a ‘Luxury Hamper Food company’ he then (on a pay BBC rise to focus on BBC ‘arts’ programmes’ and ventured headfirst into absurd works such as ‘KIDS COMPANY ‘ to ‘re-focus’ on the BBC diversity ‘challenges’ i.e. pay increase is a big part. It is rumoured that Yentob private BBC Pension is NORTH of £2 million.
That is because HE thinks he is ‘worth it’. They all are you know!
The importance of this is remarkable, in that it is the first time [that I know of] that the BBC has criticised the EU. We have thousands of examples on this site, collected over the years, of pro-EU bias. And this clip puts all the others in the spotlight.
BBC Removes Video That Teaches Children There Are Over 100 Genders. The BBC has removed a controversial video that taught children between the ages of 9 and 12 that there are more than 100 gender identities after parents objected to the “educational” content.
!! No doubt the BBC ‘will be back with more absurd claims that Darwin was a sexist (or racist, climate denier, ink blotter or purveyor of ‘fake news’ and failed to address the problem of gay penguins). BBC education is doubtful.
Via PAB : Police clearly abused their powers to wrongfully arrest, detain and strip search Rastafarian woman
..as ever the police complaints process failed
She engaged Ian Gould he went all the way through the court process and got he £45K compensation.
She deserved compensation she would have had mental torture over time not just on the day, and he’s a good lawyer so got the max
Herts police still won’t apologise properly.
.. Not only that but a gigantic waste of taxpayers money.
Secondly, police abuse their powers all the time, that compensation seems excessive, people like Tommy never get that kind of payout. https://iaingould.co.uk/2020/12/15/what-price-a-police-apology/
Summary : boyfriend SORN’s his Megane, and leaves it on what they consider a private road, DVLA cameras capture it, they send out bailiffs.
She spots the bailiffs and offers to move it to her drive.
Bailiffs refuse, she sits on the car roof as a protest.
Police arrive and take the bailiffs side, which they didn’t have to do.
She refused to give her name as is lawful. Police pull up “breach of the peace”. A silent protest doesn’t count as BoP
They cart her off, they decide they are going to strip search her, which the court decided was punishment for refusing to give her name. The police excuse was that her clothes had been withheld cos she might suicide. The court said, rubbish you’d given her a blanket and she could have suicided with that. She was released after 11 hours as she hadn’t broken the law.
Some three days ago, on the weekend thread, I ventured an opinion that Ursula von der Leyen was under attack for the EU vaccines fiasco, but that she might well escape, as an underling might be about to become very rich….. but redundant.
And what do we see this morning ? Von der Leyen and her buddies are throwing Valdis Dombrovskis, a former Latvian PM, and von der Leyen’s deputy (Minister for Trade) right under the bus for von der Leyen’s lack of capability.
Didn’t take that long, then.
The BBC will probably get round to reporting on this ‘shell game’ when they’ve worked out with their EU buddies what they need to say.
China virus project fear part VII in evidence across the anti-BBC wireless radio network this lunchtime. Various trigger words and phrases rolled out.
New strain,
Door to door testing,
Stay in – don’t got out for food or exercise,
Vaccine resistant.
(Meanwhile the borders remain open as porous as ever)
SAGE must has sniffed the faint signs of optimism in the air and decided that the fall in positive cases must be stopped. Boris clearly goes along with whatever they demand.
The state propaganda machine laps it up and spits it out in the most doom laden way they can.
Meanwhile Jeremy Swine provides an alternative outlook and shrills about home schooling.
Enjoy the lockdown all, its not going away any time soon.
“The 100-year-old charity fundraiser was taken to hospital on Sunday after being treated for pneumonia for some time and testing positive for coronavirus the week before last.”
BBC still avoiding the families recent Barbados holiday.
Good, so long as they treat everyone the same I guess..
The Tories tried Virtue Signalling to the LGBT limbob
who of course then piled into the replies, with HATE against the Tories
..(which the Tories could have switched off it they’d thought)
Just like the BBC who have alienated older listeners in their drive to pull in the younger audience and ended up losing both.
Now they exist for the gullible and woke. Not very good value for 3.5 BILLION of taxpayers money
Incredible to think that these people who get so many articles and so much positive discrimination (which by definition means negative discrimination at people not in that group) by the BBC actually constitute only 2% of the population.
Pug – thank you for posting that spoof BBC editorial – they even put the BBC logo in the top left corner ….
But I have a theory ….
Brillo is completing recruitment for his new TV station this week ( he says he has a large number of applicants ) . I think that editorial was an ‘audition ‘ for a job –
And I reckon if that chap doesn’t get a new job he ll be off to the gulag reporting on wimmins football at 0400 Monday mornings…..
Yesterday’s UK Column was good – especially the section about the Pfizer vaccine damaging the immune system of the elderly after inoculation, thus people are dying from a viral infection whilst their resistance is low, when they may have continued to live without the vaccine. So they killed them in the care homes first time around with the virus, and now they’re doing it again with the vaccine…
Certainly worth an hour of your time, three times a week.
As a gay man, stop patronizing us. Police have no business pushing this nonsense and wasting public money. We just want crime prevented, villains nicked and foreign wrong uns deported. Identity politics is cancer. https://t.co/QgcacrzJky
Julie has got her Unique Selling Point for the next promotion … but there might be another plod more queer than she is .. might even be coloured … checkmate …
Statistics from England show people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups have a greater risk of dying from Covid than their white counterparts.
With 21% of NHS staff from minority backgrounds, are those on the frontline getting the support they need?
Coupled with the bBC reporting on N.Ireland /Rep IRE and Scotland/SNP it is in its simplest form an undisguised an attack on the UK.
They are nakedly fomenting trouble, in short,. they are *hit stirrers.
And dangerous ones.
Their elevation of Sturgeon by way of the daily bBC “Sturgeon Show “is a matter for concern.
In a normal world a public servant of her standing would command a position in say, a local parish council
or third sector charity perhaps even making it to a junior management position.
To be given that amount of airtime on a UK funded state organ is evidence enough that the bBc is well past its sell by date.
She serves only as a dissident representing a dissenting cult.
To the extent that it is now a clear and present danger.
Captain Tom Moore has died “with” Covid. How many times will we see his daughter on BBC this week? I’m sure we will get to hear her thoughts on NHS underfunding, Brexit and Trump.
BBC NEWSFLASH – his last words were “tell them they must wear masks” and “there is still time to rejoin the EU”
Brace yourselves for prayers, candles and of course the obligitory silence. I dont actually dislike the old fellah, but he was 100, lived a rich and fulfilling life but I hate the way his family allowed him to be used as covid/NHS propaganda.
There are those of whom the BBC cannot get enough.
AOC: Ocasio-Cortez says she is sexual assault survivor
The Democratic politician fought back tears as she revealed her trauma during an Instagram Live.
And the audience the BBC seeks to serve with them.
“I just love her actions and words she is one tough lady. Her snap back at Ted Cruz was priceless when he agreed with her over GameStop, she said happy to work in partnership across the isle but you almost had me murdered last week.”
Trans activist sets up Twitter burner account
with only 10 followers he sets out to HIT his political opponent 74 year old Suffolk woman Maggie
by tweeting a claim to Innocent Smoothies (the high sugar division of Coca Cola)
Hello Andrew. We've sorted that out now so thanks a lot for giving us the heads up.
1. He was a decent man. He had an idea to do his bit. He could not have foreseen not I suspect wished that the random world of powerful modern social media would have picked him up, put him on a pedestal, and raised him to stratospheric levels of virtue and celebrity.
2. He dealt with his unexpected fame with good grace and stoicism.
3. He was 100 and could barely walk. He was well-known and I suggest well-loved. SO HOW THE HELL DID HE CATCH THE VIRUS ????? Someone should have the book thrown at them.
4. Further to 1 above, stand by for the cringefest as the media go overboard with their good wishes and attempts to canonise him in order to max out on the virtie-signalling. Anyone for a new Bank Holiday? A new memorial garden? Naming ceremonies for any number of planes, trains, and ships? A burial in Westminster Abbey following a state funeral?
You just know the bandwagon will be jumped on from a great height. And the BBC will be right there.
I bet the BBC1 The One Show will be an entire Capt Tom tribute.
You know the type of tribute when the likes of Michael Ball dedicates and sings a song for him from his soon to be released album, available online and in shops from Monday.
Captain Tom Moore, I take my hat off to him and his efforts which I am sure came from a good place and his death is sad but the Press as expected has gone only one (expected) route with the story as one…
BBC – Captain Tom Moore dies WITH Coronavirus
Guardian – Captain Sir Tom Moore / NHS fundraiser dies after testing positive FOR Covid
Independent – Record breaking NHS fundraiser Captain Tom Moore dies aged 100 after testing positive FOR Covid
Express – Captain Tom Moore dead : NHS and war hero dies surrounded by his family after Covid battle
Daily Mail – War hero who won nations heart to raise £3 million for NHS has died OF coronavirus.
Not one mention in any headline that he had in fact been suffering from serious Pneumonia for some time and not one waiting for any official confirmation from the Medics that Coronavirus was the direct cause rather than his existing condition. Combine this with the obvious fact that he was 100 years old.
I just had a two mile walk around the terraced streets in my town to get some exercise.
Street corner after street corner had a dark dead looking closed pub that once were the hub of the people living around them.
I also passed a high number of fast-food outlets all preparing for their evening rush of customers.
I am struggling to see why one is dangerous and the other not so and I have been trying to weigh up the balance between the decision to kill all these businesses without a second thought rather than allow them to take measures so they could continue in business.
I do know that many pub proprietors will never recover their businesses when and if this is over and our towns will never be quite the same again but maybe that’s the plan?
The only possible conclusion is that the slow killing of traditional British pubs is deliberate.
To what end?
Possibly a move to hasten the imposition of Sharia law.
The elites and the establishment, however, will keep their private subsidised bars (for a while at least).
Only a 5 second mention of Tom Moore in our local ITV news
which confirms my suspicion that the Hull/Lincoln edition is mostly recorded earlier, by the same team that put out the Sheffield edition live.
The picture telly presents of America is usually sensationalist nonsense.
I’ve crisscrossed the states many times by hitchhiking, cars, buses and trains. It’s lazy tv. They always show the extremes.
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9am R4 Jim Al-Khali show makes a claim about Thatcher
“Anne Johnson. : In the early days of the HIV AIDS epidemic, Anne proved that HIV AIDS was transmitted heterosexually. Her landmark study involved asking people detailed questions about their sex lives and she went on to co-create the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles.
The survey was *banned by the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher* “
Was it ? It’s possible
Oh not banned
” the Conservative Government – at the behest of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher – vetoed public funding of the study, arguing that it was too intrusive, even though the science had been favourably reviewed by Research Councils. Fortunately, the Wellcome Trust stepped in with funding enabling the first survey”
My typo
Jim Al-Khalili Show
Stew, your typo was OK with me. It’s a science programme (one of the few I still enjoy on BBC R4) and I like to to think of Jim as Jim Alkali. After all, he comes across as not being at all acidic unlike a TOADY presenter or two that I can think of.
Maybe I should seek some outerwear from the cloakroom – it looks like rain.
Rory cheerleading.
Interesting hair day.
And a new selfie.
After two others.
Keeps mentioning Wendy. But he seems the shy type.
“No evidence”…………….
Should that be shite hype?
“Pressure is growing on social media companies to tackle racist abuse directed at footballers on their sites”
is it ? Who is is doing the pressurising ?
Am I contacting Twitter to complain a footballer got a hurty reply that he almost certainly never read ?
.. especially since his twitter account is run by a PR agency
When Trump was getting a 1000 abuses per second Twitter did nothing.
The jerk circle.
Media need story>
>Media send intranet APB to all tame NGO/charities>
>NGO/charities write open letter to MPs>
Allow to simmer and get ignored.
>NGO/charities send PR to media>
>Media call for “quote”, add ‘quote’, turn into ‘story’>
>Labour says ‘something must be done’. Or… something>
>Labour PR sends this to media>
>media has another ‘story’.
FIN. Or ad infinitum.
Why our international soccer rivals will put more crosses into the box. And you have to be paranoid
Let’s spare a thought for the unfortunate South Africans. They don’t build our 5G networks, finance our next generation of nuclear plants and they certainly don’t manufacture just about every gadget in our homes – so when other lucky nations escape the slur, they still have to have a virus named after them, by even the most liberal of our press: ‘South Africa variant cases trigger “sprint” to curb spread in Britain’ (Guardian)
Dare one ask if the ‘…South Africa bug’ as the Daily Mirror indelicately terms it, may turn out to be disproportionately affecting BAME communities? That would be pilling irony upon apartheid irony.
‘A superficial democracy is hijacked again’ – don’t panic, this the ‘i’ fretting about rule of law, freedom of speech and civil liberties, anywhere in the world but here at home.
The Guardian may warn of: ‘Further crackdown in Myanmar’ – but now our homegrown crackdown comes much closer to home with the psychopathic Matt Hancock demanding we stick a swab up the nose of my ol’ ma :’Door-to-door tests for thousands in battle to eradicate South African virus in Britain’ (Daily Mail) – of course I for one have the gumption to tell Boris’s brigades of Bottom Inspectors they can leave me alone and go away and self-medicate with an anal swab.
‘China assures its citizens they won’t waddle “like penguins” following coronavirus anal swabs after “fake” video goes viral’ (Mail) – requiring no factcheck I can tell the Mail this was definitely not a “fake” video, it was indeed a video. It may well have been a spoof.
The free-at-the-point-of-access (but heavily subsidised by government advertising) Metro giveaway paper channels 1950s schlock horror sci-fi movies: ‘Test blitz on mutant virus’ – we know how the plot of this one goes – whether it be giant spiders, Godzillas, or flying saucers, the white-coated prof will eventually be over-ruled by the military who will “shower them with neutrons” and when the mushroom cloud clears… the monster emerges stronger.
The Metro frontpage carries a photo captioned: ‘A man tests himself’
Further comment would seem superfluous (cf an upcoming reference to George Osborne)
’80,000 told to have Covid test as South African variant spreads’ (Telegraph) – TOLD to have tests, mind you.
BBC: ‘More children are self-harming or taking overdoses, and at younger ages, says Bradford doctor John Wright’ – gosh, I wonder where on earth our kids are picking up that perverse societal vibe?
‘Footballers face limit on heading in training’ (Telegraph) – we note health and safety fanaticism promoting further the feminisation of the male species: ‘England footballers such as Harry Kane will have restrictions imposed on heading in training…’ – yer Spurs fans will tell you our Harry’s weakness is his knees and his ancles rather than his bonce. Dementia? In fact, he’s always spoken in that strange way – something to do with his chin.
‘Tony Bennett: Life is a gift even with Alzheimer’s’ (Daily Express) – I guess the footballs must have been heavier and harder back there across the pond in 1930s New York little Italy.
In further feminisation news: ‘Prince Harry set to lose military roles’ (Express) – this comes shortly after demob-happy Harry won an apology and substantial damages from the publishers of Mail on Sunday after he sued the British tabloid newspaper for libel over claims he had turned his back on the military when he ended his royal role.
Unemployment worries as anti-Brexit former Chancellor George Osborne loses 10% of his current jobs: ‘Osborne quits two jobs to be full-time banker’ – the Daily Telegraph surely aware of the implications of rhyming slang there.
‘Myanmar coup. Leader urges street protests’ (FT) – I guess we can now add lockdown-sceptic and covid-denier to the list of crimes of Aung San Suu Kyi.
The Sun – perhaps inadvertently – gives us a clue as why the psychopathic Matt Hancock wants more testing: ‘Covid cases lowest since Xmas’
‘What a result!’ exclaims the Express ‘British vaccines lined up until 2025’ – so when we’ve been vaccinated, we all have to queue up for another… and another…?
Or maybe not? ‘Jabs may be sent abroad before full roll out in UK’ (Times)
Finding modern parenting a strain? The Daily Mail is handing out free laptops and the ‘i’ paper has sent out a million free school breakfasts. These are token gestures. You’ll find the main burden will fall on the taxpayer via government taking over more and more of the childrearing responsibilities formerly the domain of parents.
And finally, the ‘i’ newspaper wins the prize for the day’s most on point example of neuro-linguistic programming, as they quote some online activist journo: ‘We exposed a Kremlin kill team. You have to be paranoid’
Another good one is littleJohn in the mail having a go at ‘influencers ‘( I can only guess what That means ) who are sunning themselves in sunny places ….. next to pictures of some noble nymphet ‘sunning themselves in sunny places ‘… they have ‘washboard abs ‘ and ‘peachy derrières ‘ like that’s a good thing ….
Amazingly their output also appears to alternate between cramming a pair of 36DDs into iPhone portrait format and getting upset about how they are not treated with respect.
The fun part is when Newsbeat picks up a week later on a Fail story and sends a crew out.
You know when you instinctively know something isn’t right ? Well when I was a kid and played footy – the ball was made of a lead substitute and as a result I often experienced concussion after trying to head the thing ,….
Years later – now – the ball is as light as a ping pong ball but heading is too be banned …..
…… I’m sure a lot of those 70s/80s players suffered brain injury because the of lead ball – but now ?
Maybe wear crashhelmets ….
Wow! have you stumbled on something?
“…… I’m sure a lot of those 70s/80s players suffered brain injury ”
All Brexiteers?
Was the last Sweeney!, elevated from the same Meccashire Gazette as Oborne and Corbyn to the glory of something that barely registers on the ABCs but gets cited by the BBC?
A quick look at the 10 most read articles on the BBC News website right now:
6x Covid articles
2x sexual assault/harresment
1x bashing rich people
1x sympathy for poor people in debt
If I had to describe the BBC with one word right now it would be “boring”.
In general I find BBC articles to be like mind-numbing, totally one-sided in-flight magazine articles where you want to scream halfway through.
A bit like painting a room.
Or is that just me ?.
Sometimes it’s like living in alternative worlds – my favourite guardianista has written a column today about our terrible mistake of leaving the ReichEU …. we are all going to starve – it’s all going to be bad …..
So often the ‘life of Brian ‘ what have the Romans dun for us sketch ‘ gets replayed in newspaper columns …. any way the paper allowed comments – which lack ‘diversity ‘….
Meanwhile over on planet DT – an account of how the Helga running the EU is trying to pass blame down hill and is on the receiving end of much displeasure from her Kraut homeland …
…. the master race have done 2 million vaccinations – and the British heading for 10 million – WTF happened ? They are asking ….
Fortunately for brexiters the EU will keep the Helga in place as a reminder of all its ‘ faults …
Very true Fedup, Polly has excelled herself hasn’t she? There must be a degree of sympathy even the Guardian subs allow her while preparing her blather for the presses, but the cracks are going beyond the pancake make-up now.
Whatever, even her partial education and reliance on the past achievements of a relative can’t sustain her increasingly transparent membership of our ‘intelligentsia’ for much longer.
Time to put your feet up Pol. Tuscany and cool litres of Soave beckon.
Amol flying out to Mongolia to ‘report’ on green fur farmers soon?
The BBC should do this.
Hint: be BAME and use ‘mate’. A lot.
\\’Nonsense’ to protect slavery statues, says TV historian//
Do they want more statues pulled down ?
This guy should pop out to Africa and find out where it all began and who were supplying the slaves .
What will Boris and his ‘Heritage’ Secretary do about this ?
At the same time we get this ………….
“Cricket legend Ian Botham has hit out at the BBC’s army of debt collectors, who he accuses of “terrorising” over-75s into paying the TV licence fee.”
De-fund the outfit! The fat cats at the top want their ‘Golden’ Redundancy Packages .
Taffman – I can’t see why the door to door COVID inspectors can’t ‘join forces ‘ with TVL inspectors as well as plod to ‘check your thinking ‘…
…. come to think of it ‘door to door ‘ frsudsters demanding £50 for a COVID test will make a killing in N17, EN3 , W7 ……
‘yoonee’ graduates want to completely undermine the pride of the people of Great Britain, especially during this time of lockdown and pandemic .
Al Beeb must be stuffed with them, but the British people are becoming aware of this. Falling licence income and viewing figures prove it.
There are ‘Dark’ forces at work behind this hatred of our nation. Especially more so, since the successful Brexit vote of 2016.
Local Radio : Lenny Henry trailer for Virtue Signallers Relief (Comics Relief)
: Shappi Khorsandi trailer
presenter ‘oh I saw that on black Twitter, the Twitter that we in the black community use’
Stew, is Black Twitter part of the Dark Web?
OK, OK. I’ll get my coat ……
Lincolnshire local news “Labour Says”
“Labour Says, the compulsory quarantine hotels don’t go far enough and should be extended to 100% of countries at UK arrival”
“The government says is not feasible”
“over to the shadow minister”
Pesto showing those amazing bbc Comms skills…
Surely what he has is incurable?
Now, who is Emma, really?
Compare and contrast the reports by the BBC, and the far left Labour supporting Mirror Group concerning a group of Nazis who attacked an Israeli owned weapons factory which used to be Ferranti in Oldham.
Six Nazis were arrested for their criminal actions which they have vowed to escalate.
Given the revolving door, hardly surprising.
Ofcom is like a BAME funeral cortège.
Guest who – thank you for putting that important article up -….
It might be worth a full ‘cut and paste ‘ and put on here .
OFCOM lays down the law – so tv producers look at a programme idea and cancel it if it fails the OFCOM checklist – similar with repeats from a time before PC .
How much good stuff from the past is binned because it ticks an OFCOM box? We will never know
And then there is the ‘prewarning ‘ – that little ‘disclaimer ‘ which is sometimes seen on ‘talking pictures ‘legally designed to stop the OFCOM storm troopers closing it down
But don’t worry – be proud we live in a free country – with no censorship….
Like the BBC, an OOFCOM ‘consultation’ is like their editorial integrity, where whatever is garnered by invitation of investigation goes into an FOI-exempted room for filtering before publication.
The kids the bbc and bbc contacts encounter are very different to those around here.
But nothing like highlighting what gets attention, guys.
“What are the UK travel rules and will I have to quarantine in a hotel?”
If its up to our Border Farce it will be all arrivals by dinghy .
“….Bradford doctor…..”. Hmmmm……
The ‘white’ hand gang again. But at least it is not shown clutching a kitchen knife to send the right message.
Now, what circle jerk is being cooked up here by the BBC and the medical profession’s activist sector?
Meanwhile, the stringer for the Mecca Evening Bugle shares a funny.
Twitter watch
I’m cutting down again . I have to . One of the problems with social media is being exposed to loons . Yes loons . Some loon got some butter from Morrison’s . The wrapper is composed of the union flag ( produced in Eire?) so said loon tweeter says she doesn’t want her fridge to look like a brexiter shrine ‘…
…..you can tell this loon has no humour and really means it ….
Cutting down on full fat Twitter and BBC again methinks ….
H/T Amy via Sir Lefty.
Them replies ???????? Quite rightly she has been savaged ????
Update : she has “These Tweets are protected”
So her tweet is invisible
WatchRatio already took the screenshot
She’ll have protected so people don’t unearth her past transgressions, like this one RW found
Christ, she cant have much to do with her day if she’s posting pictures of butter.
Belter ????????
Doob, I’m literally crying at the comments, the humour on this site keeps me going.
TOADY Watch #2 – just waiting for the oldies to die off then we can re-join
One or two folk on here have speculated that Covid may not have disrupted Brexit as hoped for by the BBC and other Remainers but it has helped to bump off some oldies. The standard Remainer view, promoted heavily by the BBC, is that ignorant, ill-educated, old people voted to leave the EU purely because they hate foreigners and that when enough of them are dead, calls can be made for a new EU Referendum.
The UK will then surely vote to re-join the UK despite the cost.
Listening to TOADY from about 6.40 a.m. today and with the 7 a.m. News especially, it felt like the BBC was fighting for Remain before June 2016 all over again. There were at least two major news items – could have been more – that were anti-Brexit.
I returned to Heathrow yesterday to avoid the upcoming hotel quarantine. I had been in the UAE which was put, without notice, on the red list. No direct flights are allowed from red list countries. However UK residents can get home via 3rd countries. We had, at substantial cost, to fly via Qatar.
This is the first time a British government has placed a ban but not allowed residents to fly back direct, say on a few BA flights?
If the logic is we may be COVID spreaders then why make us go through a 3rd country? This is happening all over the world to thousands of Brits.
When we got to Heathrow we had a 4 hour wait at immigration. The queue had old people and families with toddlers. It was a real super spreader event!
Hate to mention it, but had you considered a rubber dinghy?
Hassle free and the Government come over half way to pick you up. There’s now a three or four star hotel for you this end. Don’t believe all you hear on the BBC: there’s no more Army barracks.
“but had you considered a rubber dinghy?”
Or a private jet? All the best Climate Activists have one.
Nah – hijack a ship – you’ll get a free exhibition of skills from the SBS and be sent on your way after a health check – you might even get a COVID jab for your troubles ….
Grumbler – welcome back …? I , too have run the biohazard that is T5 arrivals – which each time I have used it in the last 12 months – has taken my breath away ( ugh) with the lack of control – distancing – cleaning materials – helpful staff of any description and a generally frightening environment .
I used the tube – 32 stops – and that fell healthier …
I was trapped out of UK for 7 weeks trying to plot a cheap and quick way back direct – that’s how long it took me….. but I was lucky to have the option .
Ever since the BBC told us we would never see snow again due to apocalyptic climate change …well …it hasn’t stopped snowing.
BBC , they should be embarrassed, but they just front it out !!
That’s my home area. It gets closed every year. Driving over the tops is quite something.
According to Huffington Post this has been the coldest January ‘across Britain’ for ten years.
And there was me thinking that it was quite mild. (kitchen invaded with garden slugs for instance).
We had a trickle of snow last week. Two years ago we had a good four inches.
‘Weather’ it be hot or cold, Climate Change!
The MSM will say or do anything if they think it will advance their utopian dream of the global village. They just appear to hate the concept of a nation state and individual thought. I’m sure their ideal would be if we all look the same and think the same.
Ain’t gonna happen.
Looks really deep. Maybe 1 to 2 inches? You can clearly see both feet of the bloke on the right. That would be a problem if you had a shovel but yet could not use it.
Further to my earlier suggestions for Stormzy to rap to
Hancocks half hour to encourage the BAME and
and ethic communities to shoot the vaccine. For the
extreme fundamentalist, Jewish and Muslim adherents who think that
the vaccine may not be kosher or halal. Stormzy
could add the verse. ” Don’t be a dork , the vacc aint got pork.”
Botney, the BBC £6M man, a bit worried about the pension pot?
Thanks Guest Who: That pension pot is huge. Yentob was also known as ‘two jobs’ in the BBC as he worked only a 3 day week and ran a ‘Luxury Hamper Food company’ he then (on a pay BBC rise to focus on BBC ‘arts’ programmes’ and ventured headfirst into absurd works such as ‘KIDS COMPANY ‘ to ‘re-focus’ on the BBC diversity ‘challenges’ i.e. pay increase is a big part. It is rumoured that Yentob private BBC Pension is NORTH of £2 million.
That is because HE thinks he is ‘worth it’. They all are you know!
The importance of this is remarkable, in that it is the first time [that I know of] that the BBC has criticised the EU. We have thousands of examples on this site, collected over the years, of pro-EU bias. And this clip puts all the others in the spotlight.
BBC Removes Video That Teaches Children There Are Over 100 Genders. The BBC has removed a controversial video that taught children between the ages of 9 and 12 that there are more than 100 gender identities after parents objected to the “educational” content.
!! No doubt the BBC ‘will be back with more absurd claims that Darwin was a sexist (or racist, climate denier, ink blotter or purveyor of ‘fake news’ and failed to address the problem of gay penguins). BBC education is doubtful.
The BBC pushing “Your Future’s not cancelled” via Facebook video.
100% slammed!
In case you are wondering, your future is to get yourself a white ho and daughter, natch!
Via PAB : Police clearly abused their powers to wrongfully arrest, detain and strip search Rastafarian woman
..as ever the police complaints process failed
She engaged Ian Gould he went all the way through the court process and got he £45K compensation.
She deserved compensation she would have had mental torture over time not just on the day, and he’s a good lawyer so got the max
Herts police still won’t apologise properly.
.. Not only that but a gigantic waste of taxpayers money.
Secondly, police abuse their powers all the time, that compensation seems excessive, people like Tommy never get that kind of payout.
Summary : boyfriend SORN’s his Megane, and leaves it on what they consider a private road, DVLA cameras capture it, they send out bailiffs.
She spots the bailiffs and offers to move it to her drive.
Bailiffs refuse, she sits on the car roof as a protest.
Police arrive and take the bailiffs side, which they didn’t have to do.
She refused to give her name as is lawful. Police pull up “breach of the peace”. A silent protest doesn’t count as BoP
They cart her off, they decide they are going to strip search her, which the court decided was punishment for refusing to give her name. The police excuse was that her clothes had been withheld cos she might suicide. The court said, rubbish you’d given her a blanket and she could have suicided with that. She was released after 11 hours as she hadn’t broken the law.
One from last week:
Steve Hilton on Fox News suggest that Dr. Fauci, still Biden’s virus expert, ignored a research ban under Obama and shifted it to China.
Accused, Judge, Jury and Executioner?
Some three days ago, on the weekend thread, I ventured an opinion that Ursula von der Leyen was under attack for the EU vaccines fiasco, but that she might well escape, as an underling might be about to become very rich….. but redundant.
And what do we see this morning ? Von der Leyen and her buddies are throwing Valdis Dombrovskis, a former Latvian PM, and von der Leyen’s deputy (Minister for Trade) right under the bus for von der Leyen’s lack of capability.
Didn’t take that long, then.
The BBC will probably get round to reporting on this ‘shell game’ when they’ve worked out with their EU buddies what they need to say.
China virus project fear part VII in evidence across the anti-BBC wireless radio network this lunchtime. Various trigger words and phrases rolled out.
New strain,
Door to door testing,
Stay in – don’t got out for food or exercise,
Vaccine resistant.
(Meanwhile the borders remain open as porous as ever)
SAGE must has sniffed the faint signs of optimism in the air and decided that the fall in positive cases must be stopped. Boris clearly goes along with whatever they demand.
The state propaganda machine laps it up and spits it out in the most doom laden way they can.
Meanwhile Jeremy Swine provides an alternative outlook and shrills about home schooling.
Enjoy the lockdown all, its not going away any time soon.
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the start of the week:
– BBC Bosses Accused of Fiddling Over-75 TV Licence Statistics
– Clementi Block Release of BBC TV Licence Fee Collection Strategy
– Cricket Legend Botham Slams BBC Army of Debt Collectors
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
11 38
Capt Tom ‘stands for us all’, Archbishop says
“The 100-year-old charity fundraiser was taken to hospital on Sunday after being treated for pneumonia for some time and testing positive for coronavirus the week before last.”
BBC still avoiding the families recent Barbados holiday.
Good, so long as they treat everyone the same I guess..
The Tories tried Virtue Signalling to the LGBT limbob
who of course then piled into the replies, with HATE against the Tories
..(which the Tories could have switched off it they’d thought)
poor old tories still so dumb they dont realise pandering wont get them any votes from the woke , but will lose them votes from the non-woke
Just like the BBC who have alienated older listeners in their drive to pull in the younger audience and ended up losing both.
Now they exist for the gullible and woke. Not very good value for 3.5 BILLION of taxpayers money
Incredible to think that these people who get so many articles and so much positive discrimination (which by definition means negative discrimination at people not in that group) by the BBC actually constitute only 2% of the population.
Pug – thank you for posting that spoof BBC editorial – they even put the BBC logo in the top left corner ….
But I have a theory ….
Brillo is completing recruitment for his new TV station this week ( he says he has a large number of applicants ) . I think that editorial was an ‘audition ‘ for a job –
And I reckon if that chap doesn’t get a new job he ll be off to the gulag reporting on wimmins football at 0400 Monday mornings…..
Yesterday’s UK Column was good – especially the section about the Pfizer vaccine damaging the immune system of the elderly after inoculation, thus people are dying from a viral infection whilst their resistance is low, when they may have continued to live without the vaccine. So they killed them in the care homes first time around with the virus, and now they’re doing it again with the vaccine…
Certainly worth an hour of your time, three times a week.
Cheshire police, got this typical Quote Tweet
Can’t think why Dot Cotton needs to do Kissograms….
Julie has got her Unique Selling Point for the next promotion … but there might be another plod more queer than she is .. might even be coloured … checkmate …
Is ‘The Do’ taking over from Sweeney!?
The EU……….”All together one at a time”.
11pm Radio4 more Katya Adler
in the Women gossiping show
Lewis Goodhall RTd this.
Once you eventually get past the screed… #CCBGB
One for Wendy?
Or OFCOM? DCMS? Ollie? A stuffed parrot?
Coupled with the bBC reporting on N.Ireland /Rep IRE and Scotland/SNP it is in its simplest form an undisguised an attack on the UK.
They are nakedly fomenting trouble, in short,. they are *hit stirrers.
And dangerous ones.
Their elevation of Sturgeon by way of the daily bBC “Sturgeon Show “is a matter for concern.
In a normal world a public servant of her standing would command a position in say, a local parish council
or third sector charity perhaps even making it to a junior management position.
To be given that amount of airtime on a UK funded state organ is evidence enough that the bBc is well past its sell by date.
She serves only as a dissident representing a dissenting cult.
To the extent that it is now a clear and present danger.
Defund/Close/Outsource…….but quickly now please.
Captain Tom Moore has died “with” Covid. How many times will we see his daughter on BBC this week? I’m sure we will get to hear her thoughts on NHS underfunding, Brexit and Trump.
Sorry but what is the Barbados link ? Is it coconut airways ?
BBC NEWSFLASH – his last words were “tell them they must wear masks” and “there is still time to rejoin the EU”
Brace yourselves for prayers, candles and of course the obligitory silence. I dont actually dislike the old fellah, but he was 100, lived a rich and fulfilling life but I hate the way his family allowed him to be used as covid/NHS propaganda.
There are those of whom the BBC cannot get enough.
AOC: Ocasio-Cortez says she is sexual assault survivor
The Democratic politician fought back tears as she revealed her trauma during an Instagram Live.
And the audience the BBC seeks to serve with them.
“I just love her actions and words she is one tough lady. Her snap back at Ted Cruz was priceless when he agreed with her over GameStop, she said happy to work in partnership across the isle but you almost had me murdered last week.”
So… AOC and Tom all month now?
This is the linked story, which could do with a bit of checking on a variety of criteria.
AOC is a dangerous, vindictive, vicious activist and it is sad that the USA now accepts her as suitable for power over peoples lives.
The USA is going to the dogs.
The American version of Angie Raynor – the gift that keeps on …and on …
Trans activist sets up Twitter burner account
with only 10 followers he sets out to HIT his political opponent 74 year old Suffolk woman Maggie
by tweeting a claim to Innocent Smoothies (the high sugar division of Coca Cola)
Innocent respond like most pols and media.
Innocent drinks just done a Gerald Ratner ????
Ex BBC Newsnight anchors are doubtless exempted from Wendy’s gaze too.
Reference Captain Tom’s (Sir Tom to you) death.
1. He was a decent man. He had an idea to do his bit. He could not have foreseen not I suspect wished that the random world of powerful modern social media would have picked him up, put him on a pedestal, and raised him to stratospheric levels of virtue and celebrity.
2. He dealt with his unexpected fame with good grace and stoicism.
3. He was 100 and could barely walk. He was well-known and I suggest well-loved. SO HOW THE HELL DID HE CATCH THE VIRUS ????? Someone should have the book thrown at them.
4. Further to 1 above, stand by for the cringefest as the media go overboard with their good wishes and attempts to canonise him in order to max out on the virtie-signalling. Anyone for a new Bank Holiday? A new memorial garden? Naming ceremonies for any number of planes, trains, and ships? A burial in Westminster Abbey following a state funeral?
You just know the bandwagon will be jumped on from a great height. And the BBC will be right there.
I suspect he just wanted a quiet life…….
I bet the BBC1 The One Show will be an entire Capt Tom tribute.
You know the type of tribute when the likes of Michael Ball dedicates and sings a song for him from his soon to be released album, available online and in shops from Monday.
Michael Ball is a monster sized sycophant-cum-hypocrite and 100% luvvie.
I bet he is unable to change a lightbulb on his own.
Could be even worse though. It might be John Barrowman.
Captain Tom Moore, I take my hat off to him and his efforts which I am sure came from a good place and his death is sad but the Press as expected has gone only one (expected) route with the story as one…
BBC – Captain Tom Moore dies WITH Coronavirus
Guardian – Captain Sir Tom Moore / NHS fundraiser dies after testing positive FOR Covid
Independent – Record breaking NHS fundraiser Captain Tom Moore dies aged 100 after testing positive FOR Covid
Express – Captain Tom Moore dead : NHS and war hero dies surrounded by his family after Covid battle
Daily Mail – War hero who won nations heart to raise £3 million for NHS has died OF coronavirus.
Not one mention in any headline that he had in fact been suffering from serious Pneumonia for some time and not one waiting for any official confirmation from the Medics that Coronavirus was the direct cause rather than his existing condition. Combine this with the obvious fact that he was 100 years old.
I just had a two mile walk around the terraced streets in my town to get some exercise.
Street corner after street corner had a dark dead looking closed pub that once were the hub of the people living around them.
I also passed a high number of fast-food outlets all preparing for their evening rush of customers.
I am struggling to see why one is dangerous and the other not so and I have been trying to weigh up the balance between the decision to kill all these businesses without a second thought rather than allow them to take measures so they could continue in business.
I do know that many pub proprietors will never recover their businesses when and if this is over and our towns will never be quite the same again but maybe that’s the plan?
The only possible conclusion is that the slow killing of traditional British pubs is deliberate.
To what end?
Possibly a move to hasten the imposition of Sharia law.
The elites and the establishment, however, will keep their private subsidised bars (for a while at least).
Also provides lots of empty properties for mending ‘the housing shortage’, providing ‘quarantine facilities’ for travellers, etc..
For me bangingOn is boring
TalkRadio has been unlistenable since 3pm when it’s been going on and on about Tom Moore
Local ITVnews thank god has zero mention
Straight into big item about the heavy snow closing Penine roads etc.
Now Covidm
Only a 5 second mention of Tom Moore in our local ITV news
which confirms my suspicion that the Hull/Lincoln edition is mostly recorded earlier, by the same team that put out the Sheffield edition live.
9pm BBC2 expect more hate against Trump
The “incredible” Sasha Achilli for the likewise “incredible” bBbc.
Incredible can be defined as,
‘adj. So implausible as to elicit disbelief; unbelievable’.
Yes, I would have thought that all that ever increasing self praise was terribly bad form.
The picture telly presents of America is usually sensationalist nonsense.
I’ve crisscrossed the states many times by hitchhiking, cars, buses and trains. It’s lazy tv. They always show the extremes.