I don’t like to say ‘I told you so’ but……..
Captain Tom has died and BBC are treating it as if the Queen had died. The wall to wall sycophancy, the self-righteousness, the cringefest, the adulation, on Breakfast tv Dan actually threatened to pass the hankies to Louise.
In reality of course, this is a glaring example of the power of the media. An uncontrolled social media picks up a story almost at random. It runs. It snowballs. It gets out of control. The MSM big it up, easy copy.
Naive people with little else to do swallow the story. Suddenly it becomes the most important thing.
Captain Tom was a decent man. He was pretty much blameless in all of this. He just went with the flow.
And now he’s died. And there was been nothing else on the BBC news. As emotional manipulation goes it’s right up there but this one is obvious. Many other examples less so. It’s what we on this site call BBC bias.
And I only switched on for the weather. Still waiting.
You used a term with which is disagree – it was ‘switched on ‘.
I tried to start ‘taking ‘ BBC products again just to be witness – particularly with the recent EU ‘trouble ‘( being airbrushed away ) but just can’t do it .
You are right the the MSM grabs onto a particular story and turn it into a whole ‘thing ‘ – other examples include the kid in streatham? Stabbed to death at a bus stop 25 years ago or more recent an American coloured criminal who came to a sticky end at the hands of plod …
The requirement to express some emotional response to these individual stories is a mark of our times . No doubt idiots will be kneeling and clapping again led by a kidult media with nothing to do .
By the way moggie63 – as far as I know the site is ok. I just try to balance out volumes of comments – particularly recently because of events …
——-I try not to ‘cut across ‘ discussion flows or contributions which are long and ‘considered ‘ or relevant the the biased BBC core subject in case people don’t read past threads …
Moggie – I wait for quiet – normally – before putting a new one up . It’s trivial in the scheme of things … I also try to make sure it’s a troll free time of day ….
One thing the BBC are playing down on this is that it appears Captain Tom came back from Barbados tested Covid Free, spent a few days in an NHS hospital then returned home got sick and tested positive.
This has been happening for years, same policy in MURICA, All MSM outlets copy each other, to them if 9 out of 10 people are saying it, then it must be true.
they used the same Logic on donald trump and its worked. I always felt like the man never got a fair shout or at least nothing like what treatment the Democrat party gets.
as for here in the UK, thankfully our democrat party the Labour Party is not in a position of power.
to actually talk about your post, I think your spot on and isnt BBC part of the BLUE CHURCH group, same as other MSM outlets in states.
Then there are accusers who say things the bbc turns into full stories, if poorly substantiated, like Capitol deaths vs. ever more credible claims on voting machines and practices.
Today’s BBC Moaning Emole… allegedly…
Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape
The men always wore masks, Tursunay Ziawudun said, even though there was no pandemic then.
And they wore suits, she said, not police uniforms.
Sometime after midnight, they came to the cells to select the women they wanted and took them down the corridor to a “black room”, where there were no surveillance cameras.
Several nights, Ziawudun said, they took her.
“Perhaps this is the most unforgettable scar on me forever,” she said.
“I don’t even want these words to spill from my mouth.”
Read full story >
Matthew Hill, David Campanale and Joel Gunter
BBC News
Matt, Dave and Joel are new to me. On the spot, or working off ‘reports’ of what spills from mouths in W1A cubicles?
There is a link so l’ll check and report… on the report… of the report…
“Some employers like the BBC do lots of lateral flow tests”
“The government records say 700K tests/week of which 350K are PCR
.. BBC tests are not included cos the BBC doesn’t submit them”
Teacher stats come from the teachers union
– only 3 towns used
– they falsely compare that group that includes self reporting and some double counting
vs groups which are positive test only
actually 770K tests/week
385K PCR, 350K Lateral Flow
They said they don’t know how many workplace tests make it into those govt figures ..they think the BBC’s don’t
.. It’s difficult to compare stats from 6 months ago, cos most tests are the same workforce being tested every week.
Test and trace , they used to try to phone everyone in your house separately, now they just tell one person and count that as all
So of course now log 93% of contacts as traced.
The newspaper headline said teachers are 3 times more at risk
That seems a bum stat ..cos when you drill down and look at proper data ie when teachers were working, there is no evidence that they got it more than an average worker.
I didnt listen to more or less. But have read the ONS survey.
Male secondary teachers get a bit more covid than the average. All other teacher groups are at or below. Primary schools are safe.
But as mentioned previously, case rate rises were highest in the 20-40 age group. So its quite possible that teachers are at higher risk because they are giving it to each other, not via the kids.
But ‘Union admits its members are giving the virus to each other’ is not a headline I expect to see any time soon.
Butterflies, they didn’t do the normal thing of debunking XR numbers
but in a roundabout way agreed with them
They went on about different classes of butterflies
“Rare” and Common
They concluded that rare collapsed by 68% in the hot summer of 1976 and never recovered
For Common butterflies there has been a slow decline of about 33%
So they say on average it’s a 50% decline
But they failed to mention some basic things
#1 You can rig stats by cherrypicking
choice of Start and End year matters a lot
eg use a high year as the start and a poor year as an end
Look at the graph below and imagine you’d started in a low year like 1977
#2 Looks to me that butterfly numbers are not a regular thing, but vary hugely from year to year
eg 2019 “Fine weather boosts species in UK”
“A once-in-a-decade mass emergence of painted lady butterflies saw nearly half a million recorded across the UK” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-49685108
#3 European numbers do how a steady decline to 50%
but there may be other measuring biases
UK data doesn't look that convincing to me. Virtually all the decline is driven by one measurement in 1976. pic.twitter.com/UKSCEwjWZF
They said Lateral Flow tests are OK with caution
#1 They don’t have the problem of over-sensitivity of PCR
which pick up a lot of long gone virus or similar particles
#2 Lateral Flow almost always pick up people who are emitting a high viral load
and miss to asymptomatic people, but that doesn’t matter cos those with a low load don’t spread the virus
#3 There is the problem that some spreaders are missed cos they are being tested too early or too late when they don’t have a high viral load.
… I’d guess that you might pick that up another way.
eg if 5 care home workers are tested the one who tests negative would still have to isolate cos of her colleagues positives.
The key rule with Lateral Flow is that a negative equals “don’t panic”
It does not equal “go and party”
Provide clear precise, credible guidance about specific behaviours.
Use Media to increase sense of personal threat.
Use media to increase the sense of responsibility in others.
Use media to promote positive messaging around actions.
Tailor messaging.
Use and promote social approval for desired behaviours.
Consider enacting legislation to compel required behaviours.
Consider use of social disapproval of for failure to comply.
Develop and mobilise adequately resourced community infrastructure.
Provide financial, and material resources to mitigate effects of measures on equity.
By a very long way the most important and strategically significant news today comes from the latest Oxford Astra Zeneca trial results. These show, for the first time I think, that the vaccine reduces coronavirus transmission.
This is a key piece of information but what to do with it? How about priority vaccinating those in the the 20-40 age group? Am I off my rocker? Well, no because the latest Zoe statistical survey shows this group had by far the fastest increase in cases during December, when infections took off. It is of course because this group do not fear the virus, and so play fast and loose with the hands/face/ space rules. And they then pass it on, unsuspecting, asymptomatically, to those who are at much greater risk. Elderly in care homes, and young people under 20 have had low case rates for the last 3 months. In schools the danger does not come from the kids, but the teachers, especially younger ones. Who knew?
On BBC breakfast, between 0810 when I hoped to see the weather forecast, and 0845 when eventually I did, there was no time at all spent on the OAZ results. It was wall-to-wall Captain Tom.
The BBC no longer inform and educate, but manipulate.
Diana fever sets in, once again, with a vengeance.
If you require a statue built of you in your honour, be sure to give all your worldly wealth to the anychess, to spaff up the wall on empty wards and tik-tok videos.
Me thinks you have ‘the play book ‘ …. the difficulty sometimes is to spot the ‘play ‘ – for instance at the 5pm ‘briefings ‘ for a while the public was encouraged to use hospitals … empty A and Es were being reported in the Press ….
..and inconveniently people were staying at home and dying there ….
…… I don’t want to appear trivial here – because the silent unmeasured suffering being caused by the continuous message to be frightened and act as though everyone has COVID – including you – has gone deep into the National blood stream .
A friend of mine fell over and hurt his arm . He didn’t want to go to hospital but gave in after 2 weeks of pain . We went in – had an X-ray and was treated . 2 weeks after that he died of a massive heart attack . Cause and effect ?
By the way – attending a funeral in restriction circumstances is just awful ….
Who dares “Go there” and military titles are suddenly all the rage
Inevitably our newspaper frontpages are chock full of tributes to Captain Tom, NHS fundraising hero, Knight Bachelor, Myanmar Star, Blue Peter Badge etc.
The Sun for instance boasts no less than an 8-page tribute.
I’m oddly reminded of David Bowie, Berlin era Hero, Black Star, back catalogue self-fundraiser, etc, with his alter ego, Major Tom, who really made the grade and of whom the papers wanted to know whose shirts he wore?
I’m intrigued to see only the Sun, alone among the major titles, decided to “go there” in their main headlines: ‘Died of covid at 100’ – of course the term died of old age obviously went out with Noah. Conspiracy theorists will read prior press reports and perhaps diagnose some new mutant strain of Barbadian Pneumonia – but I couldn’t possibly comment.
The Express decides to “go there” with: ‘We are asking you to take to your doorsteps tomorrow night at 8pm…’ – thanks, but I’ll pass. As usual of an evening I’ll be busy pacing up and down my hallway 100 times like some thirsty caged tiger in solemn remembrance of the closing of the local public house.
So what else do we have on the front covers of our papers this morning?
‘The Duke of Sussex wants to keep military titles’ – quite why the Telegraph has a sudden nostalgic attack of court etiquette there and can’t name him Prince Harry is odd. Of course they could use the modern politically correct form Mr Meghan. One further speculates why Harry wants to be Captain General of the Royal Marines, Honorary Air Commandant of the RAF and Commodore-in-chief of Small Ships? Maybe this is for Meghan, Princess of Small Private Jets. Do we think Harry is set to appear dressed as a Swiss Admiral in their next Netflix show?
Who dares go here…? One suspects the ‘i’ is pulling our leg with their travel feature: ‘Dream Trips? Ski Afghanistan’ – Après ski presumably consisting of a non-alcoholic goat’s milk nightcap, leave your trusty ski instructor to stack the AK47s away in the corner, wish the locals a quick inshallah, then curl up in a sleeping bag on the dirt floor of your walled compound.
Excuse me while I don’t go there. This looks to me more akin to a tour of duty with the SAS.
The Daily Mirror focuses its vacation sights closer to home: ‘Win a Haven holiday home 38 UK locations to chose from’
This comes as the Express predicts, with their customary weather forecasting relish: ‘Snow chaos sweeps in’ – seems we could take a staycation or with less effort simply have a visit to Windowsill Bay (as my old mum used to quip)
Let’s just a pause for a moment to characterise the typical tabloid reaction to our weather. I’d say it’s somewhere between Dad’s Army’s grumbling Scot, Private Frazer – “We’re all doomed” and children’s folklore figure Henny Penny (US: Chicken Little, Scandinavia: Greta Thunberg?)
Consider this: the tale concerns a chick that believes the sky is falling when an acorn falls on its head. The chick decides to set off to tell the king. On its journey it meets other animals which join it in the quest. After this point, there are many endings. In the most familiar, a fox invites them to its lair and then eats them all.
One surveys the press for a climate change report here. The best I can do for an ironic segue is this example from today’s FT: ‘Big oil hit by record losses from lockdown and clean fuel activism’ – and as I find myself often asking of an FT double whammy headline – so which is it?
Speaking of FT headline doubles: ‘Double-dip contraction hits Eurozone’
Good news for Oxford: ‘One Oxford jab cuts transmission’ (Telegraph)
I though we still had to be super careful despite having had our vaccine? Or was that yesterday? I should keep up. Are we perhaps keeping up with the Ruskies?: ‘Russian vaccine 91% effective… a Lancet peer review has found‘ (FT)
An apparent superabundance of excellence for Cambridge: ‘Cambridge University has told students it could withdraw places if too many meet the entry criteria’ (Times) – our top educational institutions there adjusting to the inevitable surge in brilliance of lockdown Zoom-schooled kids with grades assessed by our marvellous unionised teachers.
And we sometimes like to end with a laugh. The Guardian has news for us: ‘Revealed: strategy for Labour to win back red wall’ – no doubt following on from the apparent popularity of Captain Tom some expensive PR firm will have done a Zoom Powerpoint for the comrades: ‘Labour must make use of the [union] flag, veterans [and] dressing smartly’ – according to a leaked strategy presentation.
I’m imagining the photoshopped image of piggie-eyed Sir Keir on the doorstep of No10 dressed up as a Swiss Admiral.
Asiseeit – I get the ‘press gazette Uk ‘thing every day . It reports on a ‘spat ‘( press word ) between marina “port’ Warner of the Giardian who had bad things to say about thr forthcoming non lefty TV station(s) . Said tv station took umbrage at her negative prejudice and wrote a reply which was for publication .
The Giardian declined to publish said letter ……
However – all will be well as mr dacre is being ‘tipped’ as the next head of OFCOM…
Those with exceptionally long teeth will remember when 50% of Labour MPs were Communists backed by Communist Unions.
Who all backed lovable “Uncle Joe” and could not care less about the survival of the UK.
Until Uncle Joe and his army collapsed when the Wehrmacht attacked.
Then it was “second front now” and pretend you are British.
Lost your Job? Blame Blair.
Poor housing getting worse? Blame Blair.
Daughters gang raped? Blame Blair.
Neighbours blown up by Muzzies? Blame Blair.
You have an anti British Hard Left MP? Blame Blair and the mass raping, highly explosive, multi voting, “British Patriots” he imported.
Two types of Labour enthusiasts, those who should be in jail and those who should be in the ground.
Battersea Poltergeist is a fascinating eight-part investigation into Britain’s strangest ever haunting. Here's paranormal psychologist @_EvelynHollow to introduce a significant case update.
Will the BBC be hiring Pugsley and The Thing too in an effort to improve diversity? You have to hand it to them Lurch has been grunting already for years.
Can a “Paranormal Psychologist” not dress, and behave like a normal person?
Do they have to dress like Goths or vampires, and be surrounded by silly artefacts, model skulls, and other associated paraphernalia which is supposed to make one believe that they are “special”? Because they’re not…
It seems to me that some media types chose not to discuss certain inequalities, accusing those who question it as lacking tolerance of other cultural or religious practice, without actually asking the opinions of those who are oppressed.
If a gang of white guys assault this woman then that’ wrong
but I would suggest that it’ 100 times more likely that a gang of non-white guy would attack her teenage son.
NGO's new advert that they intend to bombard us with night and day on the television. You're not supposed to even look at black people according to this advert ???? pic.twitter.com/CKf4mw7rxw
There was a time when ‘the village looked after the child’. Children ran free but knew that any adult would come to their aid if they got in trouble, (and probably ‘shop’ them to their mums if it was naughty trouble!).
Then the BBC and their kind got involved. Schools became like inside out prisons, walled in, access phones, CCTV, notices everywhere.
The old man taking a walk could have been familiar, a source of free mint imperials. Now toddlers scream, “A man! A man!, if any adult male is within 50 metres of a park.
Then they came for the women. Always cross to the other side of the road, don’t assume that any woman might want to talk etc.
Now the bastards have got us all masked, stepping into the road to avoid half-a-second’s exposure to someone else’s bubble.
“A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.”
Doesn’t the walling up of schools in this country date back to 1996 and the actions of two different lunatics?
The Dunblane massacre committed by Thomas Hamilton and the attack on a nursery school in Wolverhampton by Horrett Campbell.
Campbell was armed with a machete with the words ‘666 kills the filthy Devils’ written on it, the actions of nursery teacher Lisa Potts prevented further tragedy.
Dunblane didn’t help but ‘Stranger Danger’ had been pushed well before that.
Part of the problem is ‘global news’. A child gets killed in a village, well it was a ‘one off’ and most unlikely to happen again.
Now a child gets killed in a village and it is a global threat, ‘villages’ everywhere put in place their action plans to guard every school.
Working alongside this is ‘the precautionary principle’ – I say there is no risk, take no action. You say there is some risk, take some action. If nothing happens no-one holds you to account, if even one child dies world-wide I become a ‘child killer’ so I have an incentive to play safe.
The trouble is that we create divisions. Going back to the original video, if that ‘lady of colour’ crosses the road to avoid the risk of racial abuse people see that and sense that they are not likeable. It is a short step from that to assume that all black people are not likeable and only another small step to turn to hate.
So this woman achieves what she fears. But let her go out and risk abuse, so what, ‘sticks and stones’ and all that, ‘turn the other cheek’. The abuser/bully gets no response and might give up. Passersby observe the actions of both parties, invariably she will get sympathetic looks, words and smiles.
What response do you think she would get if she made a friendly remark to her neighbour in a queue?
What did Pres Trump do that made a large fraction of politicians believe that it was imperative to remove him from office using any means? I believe that it was the political hypothesis that Climate Change was going to destroy the earth, and affect the future of life on earth. This has been the main political truth of the BBC for years, and taught in all schools.
Pres Trump had stopped US contributions to the Paris accords on CC. Another Trump administration would destroy the political momentum behind Climate Change.
When it became obvious that Pres Trump was going to win by a landslide, the only option left was to stop counting the vote till enough ballots had been manufactured for purpose.
If your last statement was to be upheld in a court of law the Western World would be on the road to — I was going to say revolution — however it would in fact amount to a much needed counter revolution.
As a younger man I used to be a Socialist Dreamer. I read and absorbed the writings of Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse.
Then I woke up.
What I found myself was wondering why was such a large fraction of official America, the ones of the Left who join committees, and thus get to count the votes, so committed to bring down Pres Trump. It wasn’t just Democrats, but all manner of people who could not be deemed Lefty. What was so important that they were willing to lie and cheat?
The problem is that no court of law has yet found or been given the opportunity to find that these people have lied and cheated.
Until that happens then, in law, nobody has committed an offence but it does appear that evidence has been either with held or ignored. Perhaps one day the historians will open a can of political worms.
Lefty W: The problem is that no court of law has yet found or been given the opportunity to find that these people have lied and cheated.
Courts have used all manner of “moots”, “Latches”, “standing” etc, to deny letting any evidence to be aired. All cases, even the suit brought by several states, led by Texas, that Swing states violated their own election laws. Nothing to do with fraud – just law.
This is what perplexes me. By and large , disclosure in the courts has been of good standards in America. In this case even SCOTUS refused to even consider the legality of constitutional election law – its main reason to exist. Just dismissed it out of hand.
Now the effort to impeach Pres Trump, after he has left office.Unconstitutional.
I hope its a “Bridge too Far” for the Democrats and Big Tech.
Something is amiss. Why are some Americans prepared to sacrifice the existence of America by resorting to mass election fraud – just to dethrone a president.
It will be the ones who pay their bills, who will have to foot the bill of the incompetents in office.
Who kept the gates open at the height of covid 19 infection? Why of course our estimable PM and his advisors, committed to the UN migration pact.
The UN migration pact is entwined with the Climate Change hypothesis (scam). On its own its of not much impact. But Climate Change (which most people have been brainwashed into), is the reason required to change the entire economic foundation of the Western world.
This means abolishing coal, gas and oil. The replacement will be Renewables. What these will be, have yet to be invented. But the present ones are Sunshine and Wind.
How one is going to provide vast amounts of reliable and inexpensive energy, is not even guessed at. Destruction of the economy and industry of the West, coupled with unlimited migration of people who do not share our culture, will lead to the destruction of the West.
Pres Trump knew this, and had constructed policies to prevent this happening. He had to be brought down by any means.
So here we are, heaping on the kindling on ourselves and on Pres Trump.
BREAKING: Myanmar's ousted civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, has been remanded in custody for two weeks under import-export laws, her party says https://t.co/5qaTqEWLrh
I can’t believe they use terms like vanilla boys club and snowy peaks – could you imagine if a website start making references to those of a different shade to the 85-6% of the British isles?
This is so blatantly against whitey it’s baffling how they can get away with it.
Glad I don’t fund the rancid infested organisation any more, but plenty do and until that stops, they’ll be blatantly spouting out race baiting trash.
They have a field of only 297 of which 10 are ethnic minority so it only takes one more to add 0.3% to their statistic.
As with all this ‘equity’ nonesense the correct response should be ‘so what?’
Removing barriers is one thing but after that it has to be down to personal choice and ability – I don’t see many fat, white, old sprinters for instance so CEO might be their only career choice!
Under represented on the board of FTSE 100 companies? How they doing in other areas, such as: football, popular music, TV adverts, stock photos on the BBC website, NHS, pharmacies, gang violence, a-shootin’-‘n’-a-stabbin in London town, drug dealing, child rape gangs, social security fraud, takeaway food, taxi driving, slave labour sweatshops in Leicester?
Swings and roundabouts, perhaps?
As a proud vanilla boy I would like to know the answer to a serious question.
Does there exist anywhere in Africa a legally sponsered counterpart organisation to our own much loved “Black Lives Matter” – namely “White Lives Matter.” Do thousands of black supporters of said organisation rampage through the city streets burning and looting in support of their vanilla boy brothers and yet are still held in reverence by the authorities?
The US is in the process of becoming a Banana Republic. Not much further to go. Currently, all effort is being put into dismantling the Rule of Law. At all levels of Government, including the one that describes himself as ‘President’, is furtively working on ad hoc law – literally making it up as they go along. Quite amazing how it’s all fallen apart in such a short space of time. No oversight from anywhere. One wonders what would happen if China suddenly declared war or a spat broke out. How would Beijing Joe react?
It is truly a historical moment. The repercussions will be felt here in the not too distant future.
Nut nuts’ husband wants everyone to clap at 1800 today . Plod will be checking addresses where there is no evidence of clapping and issue fixed penalty notices to those failing to clap …..
Be warned – we are in the compulsory clap zone …
…..and let’s remember that in North Korea, senior party officials have been executed for ‘not clapping The Leader enthusiastically enough’.
‘North Korea has announced that Jang Song Thaek, the uncle of leader Kim Jong Un and formerly the second most powerful man in the country, has been executed……
He “behaved so arrogantly and insolently as unwillingly standing up from his seat and half-heartedly clapping…….’
I just been listening to Arlene Foster , the First Minister of NI, talking about the problems being experienced in importing UK goods into NI since the NI Protocol was put in place. The most absurd example is that importing seed potatoes from the main land is banned because they might have British soil adhering to them and once in NI they could make their way into the Republic and hence contaminate the EU!
But the people who are making these absurd decisions are not EU officials , or Republic Officials but astonishingly by NI government officials or British government officials!!! Why on earth would these British officials be making life so difficult for the people of NI? One possible answer is that they want to drive NI into the arms of the EU . The UK government needs to put a stop to this type of nonsense and police the NIP sensibly. The NIP was designed to prevent gross breaches of the EU internal market by the British using NI as a gateway into the Republic for lots of hardware items that had EU tariffs on them. That is all it was designed to do. Not stopping seed potatoes, or making life difficult for supermarkets to import UK produce, or to make it hard for a farmer in Yorkshire to sell a second hand tractor to someone in NI.
These officials are doing the work of EU fifth columnists. Thousands of Remainers are probably doing the same throughout the UK. The price of Brexit is eternal vigilance.
Double – you describe the mentality of the is called ‘civil service ‘ which looks to apply anything related to the EU strictly and unreasonably – unlike the non Anglo Saxons who ‘might get round to it one day ‘….
… hence those headlines across the years about curved cucumbers and similar which helped add to the alienation from the EU….
It would be painful if Unionist. Badged terrorists / ‘veterans ‘ get the troubles going again – – with an excuse for Sinn fein IRA to do the same – because of a Friday night spark caused by the Helga running the EU ….
I’waiting, but not with bated breath, for the anychess to put their hands up and say “yes he died after catching covid in our magnificent hospital”. The poor fellow only raised £30,000,000 for them.
Wow she’s another blunt knife in that box – I think she looks in the mirror and sees CJ from the West Wing … wonder when the false president is going to declare his dementia – but he will carry on – mirroring the West Wing again
Nicely links to the gang matrix which has had a 1000 coloured males wiped off it via the mayor of Londonistan because there ‘isn’t enough evidence ‘ they are gang members – apparently over 80% of the remainder are of ‘Afro Caribbean heritage ‘ – as they say in woke world .
They are trying to get that number down –
Maybe they need to get ‘gender proportionality ‘ to 50% of gang members being female – just to get things ‘balanced ‘…
Meanwhile the occasional 13 or 14 year old being shot or stabbed to death in Londonistan doesn’t get covered nationally any more – now the sport and weather ….
And Lammy honestly thinks it’s racist why there is a high percentage of blacks in prison .
My god, they make my blood boil !!!!!
There are none so blind as those who will not see
“It is a national scandal that more than half of young people locked up are from a Black, Asian or ethnic minority background. Instead of denying the reality of structural racism, it is time for the goverment to finally act like Black lives matter.” @DavidLammyhttps://t.co/x91tShYvUK
It couldn’t be that “ethnics” do in fact commit more crimes than us vanilla boys?
Nah.Impossible. It’s obvious that Great Britain is institutionally racist. I’ve just ordered my “Proud Vanilla Boy” hat.
Lammy is not interested in the truth. He is only interested in perpetuating the lie that differences in conviction rates and disparities in outcomes between whites and blacks can only be due to racism. He wants victimhood to be central to black identity and racism to be the only thing blacks ever think about. Why? In order that he can continue to get their vote. But he will never be able to actually help anybody.
He is incapable of helping his people because he never analyses the problems. He is only happy mouthing grievances and giving vent to his own unfathomable rage. He seems to me to be in politics only to wage some psychological war being fought deep in his own psyche.
Lammy could do with reading some black scholars like Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.
The trouble is that the Left have seen to it that nobody can challenge Lammy for what he is without have accusations of racism being immediately levelled against them. It seems black people cannot be racist and to call one such means you are the racist.
The Left have also seen to it that anyone given the racist badge is ruined. Even ‘blacking up’ for a fancy dress party 20 years ago means career over after being keel-hauled by the media.
Note the careful wording as usual.
As a deterrent, Trump made illegally entering the country a criminal offence so offenders would be held in prison and children were not allowed to be in the same prison as adults. Hence they were separated.
It’s those he is reuniting. The story is deliberately written to blame it on Trump. There is a weak admission that it happened under Obama buried deep in the story but conveniently no numbers are available and they simply dismiss it as much less.
The best lies are those hidden in a web of truths and the BBC are masters at it. It’s downright unethical.
The worst of the lot was Time magazine using a completely fake picture of a young illegal immigrant girl on her own screaming on their front page. Her mum had actually just gone to the toilet.
TWatO Watch #1 – thinking about it afterwards, was there any mention?
Wednesday is PMQs – slang for Prime Ministers Questions (to the PM) in Parliament. TWatO usually loves to have some ‘sound-bites’ to play on the programme and will often ask a Conservative MP and a Labour MP to add their comments and possible argy-bargy during the programme. But I do not recall it happening today.
I wonder why?
Could the cause be another lacklustre PMQs from the Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer?
Link that with the failure of the Scottish nation socialists to hi 1 million jabs by January end – they hit under 700 thousand – they need sheltering from admissions of failure ….
In the run up the the 5pm gotcha show a french Mep / politician was asked about vaccine shortages and replied that UK was being ‘nationalistic ‘- that’s when the eff word got used .
Of all the nationals talking about ‘national interest ‘- the french ?!
Lucky all these politicians had a photographer on the doorstep to get pictures to put on twitter.
The West is almost 100% hypocrisy and virtue signalling these days. It’s just crazy : I feel like I’ve been transported into some bizarre parallel universe.
@jonsnowC4 tweets
My interview with David Attenborough – about the new climate change report: and the need for Economists to price the current devastation
“current devastation” What the heck are these old white men on about ?
No devastation around here, bit of the usual variable weather
but the orchard gardens continues to produce good crops year after year
One thing is these people have something to SELL
I suspect there is the RED PILL true version of the world
and to sell their product , they have to give us their false BLUE PILL version of the world.
Amol show now
the Discovery Networks president just claimed the market is not saturated and their are more TV customers than ever”
That’s BS ..BBC audiences are tiny to what they used to be
with many primetime shows not watched by 95% of the UK population.
The MSM wanted schools closed ( as desired the the comrade teachers ) no they are pushing for them to be reopened before the earliest target date of 8 March ….. when they try to open the schools the teaching comrades will say ‘no’ – so the MSM are setting up a battle ….
The call for all teaching staff to be vaxed will be coming along shortly .
Everything switched off at 1755 today and waiting for a Knock at the door with plod asking me why I am not clapping …..
By the way – if captain moore did the RA in Burma he doesn’t need ‘drama’ clapping – he and anyone who did the Japs deserve full admiration for ever .
“Penally asylum camp ‘significant’ cost burden’ on police.”
\\The camp has been branded “inappropriate” for use by asylum seekers by First Minister Mark Drakeford// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-55917868
Yet the camp is is appropriate for use by British soldiers ?
Its time that Drakeford and his bureaucratic, Labour, talking shop of an ‘Assembly was closed down’. The ungrateful, so-called asylum seekers should be sent back to France or to the land from which they ran.
Yet another own goal by the Labour Party who are completely out of touch with the ordinary people of this country.
????????????????A national clap for Captain Tom will take place at 6 this evening ????????????????
Where across Herefordshire and Worcestershire will you be clapping for him?
Presumably they will have monitors out to see who is out there with Alan Smithee?
At great cost to nobody except the fragrant Senora O’Blene, Scrobs has devised a new word to describe the output of nearly all the press, and certainly the BBC, Sky (who?), and some of the other tin-pot dribblers!
From today, ‘journalism’ will be renamed as ‘YAWNALISM’ on account of the total lack of talent in seeking and conveying to the paying (paaah) citizens of our beloved country, any information which is relevant/non-squeamish/fawning/Minge-Harry gushing, lefty/victim wobbling etc., and this term will certainly apply to the awful BBC, because they just have queer opinions on some things, and bugger all on the rest!
Not just white London kids – I recall overhearing a bunch of teenagers in late 1990s Wiltshire market town giving it the full Ali G – without any hint that they were mucking about … life imitating art or something.
White shell suits, pink sideways baseball caps and bling chains seen too…
Some say that ‘received pronunciation’, all those ‘a’s that sound like ‘r’s etc. arrived in 1800 when the toffs started copying the Blady Landern street urchins for a bit of fun.
Middle-class white kids sounding like black Watts, Los Angeles trash, is maybe the other side of middle-class black people copying the white aristocracy and their double-barreled names?
That does make the whites losers and blacks winners.
6pm news on BBC1. They highlighted a school where 50 children have lost a relative to covid. I presume most were grandparents. I wonder how many lose a grandparent in an academic year anyway, and also sadly some will lose a parent or a sibling. It is part of life and like in so many figures produced by charities and repeated by the bbc, what is relevant is how many more than a normal year. We were not told. Reassuringly I have just been to a school governor meeting where were told that the primary school children have not had their mental health impacted by their time off school (don’t expect to hear that on the bbc).
Surprisingly (?) there was nothing on the 6pm news about Sir Kier lying to Parliament. It is usually a resigning matter.
Did Sir Keir lie to parliament? Well if he did that’s no surprise at all. As an erstwhile Socialist I can categorically say that leftists lie quite a lot. Particularly to themselves because they never stop to question their own philosophy. I eventually discovered that my political outlook did not coincide with reality. I now question everything, especially my own views, which however, don’t always hold water but none of us is perfik.
Deborah, at 100K deaths out of 67million people
we had 1 in every 670 dead of Covid
Been a few more deaths since so lets say 1 in every 640
At school I had 16 living relatives to cousin level
Lets say an average kid has 31
So 20 unrelated kids will have 620 living relatives between them
So in 20 kids 1 will have a relative who died of Covid
So in 200 kids 10 have a dead relative
And in 1,000 … 50 have a dead relative
Actually most schools there are brothers and sisters so 1,000 kids is not 1,000 families
but if there were 1,500 kids that might be 1,000 families
I think 50 is on the highend but kinda ballpark
I reckon that cos we don’t live forever about 1% of the population die each year
So in 1000 families of 31, you’ve got 31,000 people
and 1% is 310
ie in that school the kids should know 310 relatives who died this year of something
So 50 isn’t a huge number
It’s coming out that AOC lives in a fantasy universe like Alex Jones.
Yet the media print her narratives without question.
Yesterday she gave a dramatic Instagram testimony that implied she was in the building that was being attacked and was “nearly killed”
Some man was outside the door shouting for her, she was scared.
“: @AOC now admits she was not in the Capitol when the protesters entered the building.
She was in the Cannon Building where her office is located, about a six-minute walk from the Capitol Building.”
The man shouting her ?
that was the Capitol Hill Police who’d stopped by her office to do a welfare check.
They were always guarding the front of that building
.. no rioters ever entered it.
Plod has just visited . They’ve shown me video of no clapping at 6pm in accordance with community safety rules . I’ve been fined by FPN £1000 and am required to attend a re education centre at 0900 tomorrow. They said I should bring a toothbrush as I may be a while …
Is it me ? but I cant get my head around this ‘children’s mental health’ business. I can understand them having withdrawal strops if they have their phones and social meeja wrenched from them, but in my youth we would have been ecstatic at not having to go to school for months on end ! What’s wrong with them all ? Clearly this is the end product of having them wrapped in cotton wool from birth and having everything done for them.
Speaking to my contemporaries, they too agree that kids bounce back, and this business of a ‘lost generation’ is laughable. It all started to go downhill when Counsellors were drafted into schools to deal with hurt feelings.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II. https://twitter.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1898703634730295672
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
Problems with the site?
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 4 started 6pm Tuesday
– page 3
Picture speaks all
I don’t like to say ‘I told you so’ but……..
Captain Tom has died and BBC are treating it as if the Queen had died. The wall to wall sycophancy, the self-righteousness, the cringefest, the adulation, on Breakfast tv Dan actually threatened to pass the hankies to Louise.
In reality of course, this is a glaring example of the power of the media. An uncontrolled social media picks up a story almost at random. It runs. It snowballs. It gets out of control. The MSM big it up, easy copy.
Naive people with little else to do swallow the story. Suddenly it becomes the most important thing.
Captain Tom was a decent man. He was pretty much blameless in all of this. He just went with the flow.
And now he’s died. And there was been nothing else on the BBC news. As emotional manipulation goes it’s right up there but this one is obvious. Many other examples less so. It’s what we on this site call BBC bias.
And I only switched on for the weather. Still waiting.
You used a term with which is disagree – it was ‘switched on ‘.
I tried to start ‘taking ‘ BBC products again just to be witness – particularly with the recent EU ‘trouble ‘( being airbrushed away ) but just can’t do it .
You are right the the MSM grabs onto a particular story and turn it into a whole ‘thing ‘ – other examples include the kid in streatham? Stabbed to death at a bus stop 25 years ago or more recent an American coloured criminal who came to a sticky end at the hands of plod …
The requirement to express some emotional response to these individual stories is a mark of our times . No doubt idiots will be kneeling and clapping again led by a kidult media with nothing to do .
By the way moggie63 – as far as I know the site is ok. I just try to balance out volumes of comments – particularly recently because of events …
——-I try not to ‘cut across ‘ discussion flows or contributions which are long and ‘considered ‘ or relevant the the biased BBC core subject in case people don’t read past threads …
Seems like I’m ‘third ‘ how did that happen ?
I only mentioned it because it seemed extraordinary to be the first to comment at 8am, plus two similar but longer comments refused to post.
Moggie – I wait for quiet – normally – before putting a new one up . It’s trivial in the scheme of things … I also try to make sure it’s a troll free time of day ….
One thing the BBC are playing down on this is that it appears Captain Tom came back from Barbados tested Covid Free, spent a few days in an NHS hospital then returned home got sick and tested positive.
Now how could that happen?
Cant be the NHS was responsible.
This has been happening for years, same policy in MURICA, All MSM outlets copy each other, to them if 9 out of 10 people are saying it, then it must be true.
they used the same Logic on donald trump and its worked. I always felt like the man never got a fair shout or at least nothing like what treatment the Democrat party gets.
as for here in the UK, thankfully our democrat party the Labour Party is not in a position of power.
to actually talk about your post, I think your spot on and isnt BBC part of the BLUE CHURCH group, same as other MSM outlets in states.
BBC Odious Accusers are ten a penny, and given BBC platforms all the time.
Sources say.
Then there are accusers who say things the bbc turns into full stories, if poorly substantiated, like Capitol deaths vs. ever more credible claims on voting machines and practices.
Today’s BBC Moaning Emole… allegedly…
Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape
The men always wore masks, Tursunay Ziawudun said, even though there was no pandemic then.
And they wore suits, she said, not police uniforms.
Sometime after midnight, they came to the cells to select the women they wanted and took them down the corridor to a “black room”, where there were no surveillance cameras.
Several nights, Ziawudun said, they took her.
“Perhaps this is the most unforgettable scar on me forever,” she said.
“I don’t even want these words to spill from my mouth.”
Read full story >
Matthew Hill, David Campanale and Joel Gunter
BBC News
Matt, Dave and Joel are new to me. On the spot, or working off ‘reports’ of what spills from mouths in W1A cubicles?
There is a link so l’ll check and report… on the report… of the report…
Maybe it will turn out to be MIB agents K & J?
White Helmets.
Guest who
Thank you for the link – I’ve sometime thought about subscribing to that magazine but you’ve given me the reason for never doing so .
“last year the shamed hack was back reviewing newspapers for the Beeb, which evidently needs to reset its moral compass.”
Not all the NS shares with the BBC.
“Not only did the New Statesman retain the rogue, in February 2020 it rehabilitated Eaton as its senior online editor“.
Garden leave on full pay and back to a promo? Hugs all round.
Anyone sharing a sofa with George should remind Groper of this, assuming not chosen for shared ‘reliability’ too, like Mad Al.
9am Radio4 More Or Less
– Labour politicians have claimed teachers are more likely to catch Covid-19, is that true?
– England’s Test and Trace, is it OK now ?
– Row over how effective fast turnaround Lateral Flow tests are.
– XR claim British butterflies have declined by 50% since 1976.
Very bbc.
Missus is now a teacher of special needs kids.
All have gone in all along. Full PPE. Swiped my telescopic pointy thingy from back in the day for use on PC monitors.
She had a sniffle and temp and advised them. Still going in tomorrow but early and testing first.
“Some employers like the BBC do lots of lateral flow tests”
“The government records say 700K tests/week of which 350K are PCR
.. BBC tests are not included cos the BBC doesn’t submit them”
Teacher stats come from the teachers union
– only 3 towns used
– they falsely compare that group that includes self reporting and some double counting
vs groups which are positive test only
actually 770K tests/week
385K PCR, 350K Lateral Flow
They said they don’t know how many workplace tests make it into those govt figures ..they think the BBC’s don’t
.. It’s difficult to compare stats from 6 months ago, cos most tests are the same workforce being tested every week.
Test and trace , they used to try to phone everyone in your house separately, now they just tell one person and count that as all
So of course now log 93% of contacts as traced.
The newspaper headline said teachers are 3 times more at risk
That seems a bum stat ..cos when you drill down and look at proper data ie when teachers were working, there is no evidence that they got it more than an average worker.
I didnt listen to more or less. But have read the ONS survey.
Male secondary teachers get a bit more covid than the average. All other teacher groups are at or below. Primary schools are safe.
But as mentioned previously, case rate rises were highest in the 20-40 age group. So its quite possible that teachers are at higher risk because they are giving it to each other, not via the kids.
But ‘Union admits its members are giving the virus to each other’ is not a headline I expect to see any time soon.
Butterflies, they didn’t do the normal thing of debunking XR numbers
but in a roundabout way agreed with them
They went on about different classes of butterflies
“Rare” and Common
They concluded that rare collapsed by 68% in the hot summer of 1976 and never recovered
For Common butterflies there has been a slow decline of about 33%
So they say on average it’s a 50% decline
But they failed to mention some basic things
#1 You can rig stats by cherrypicking
choice of Start and End year matters a lot
eg use a high year as the start and a poor year as an end
Look at the graph below and imagine you’d started in a low year like 1977
#2 Looks to me that butterfly numbers are not a regular thing, but vary hugely from year to year
eg 2019 “Fine weather boosts species in UK”
“A once-in-a-decade mass emergence of painted lady butterflies saw nearly half a million recorded across the UK”
#3 European numbers do how a steady decline to 50%
but there may be other measuring biases
Note the contrasting Daily Mail deadline
The first headline there is
7 Apr 2019 !Butterflies flutter back in huge numbers after years of decline” thanks to heatwave.
Most insects prefer warm weather and climate.
The last thing we want is a Freeze that will tip us into an ice age.
That will cause an extinction of flora, fauna and us.
So please burn fossil fuels, as it warms the planet. Too, CO2 is good for plants. Plants are food for insects and the rest of the chain upwards.
Quite so. The long hot summer.
Good point. It is a relative measure.
They said Lateral Flow tests are OK with caution
#1 They don’t have the problem of over-sensitivity of PCR
which pick up a lot of long gone virus or similar particles
#2 Lateral Flow almost always pick up people who are emitting a high viral load
and miss to asymptomatic people, but that doesn’t matter cos those with a low load don’t spread the virus
#3 There is the problem that some spreaders are missed cos they are being tested too early or too late when they don’t have a high viral load.
… I’d guess that you might pick that up another way.
eg if 5 care home workers are tested the one who tests negative would still have to isolate cos of her colleagues positives.
The key rule with Lateral Flow is that a negative equals “don’t panic”
It does not equal “go and party”
Here’s how it works BBC et al.
Sage advice to Government 22march 2020.
Provide clear precise, credible guidance about specific behaviours.
Use Media to increase sense of personal threat.
Use media to increase the sense of responsibility in others.
Use media to promote positive messaging around actions.
Tailor messaging.
Use and promote social approval for desired behaviours.
Consider enacting legislation to compel required behaviours.
Consider use of social disapproval of for failure to comply.
Develop and mobilise adequately resourced community infrastructure.
Provide financial, and material resources to mitigate effects of measures on equity.
By a very long way the most important and strategically significant news today comes from the latest Oxford Astra Zeneca trial results. These show, for the first time I think, that the vaccine reduces coronavirus transmission.
This is a key piece of information but what to do with it? How about priority vaccinating those in the the 20-40 age group? Am I off my rocker? Well, no because the latest Zoe statistical survey shows this group had by far the fastest increase in cases during December, when infections took off. It is of course because this group do not fear the virus, and so play fast and loose with the hands/face/ space rules. And they then pass it on, unsuspecting, asymptomatically, to those who are at much greater risk. Elderly in care homes, and young people under 20 have had low case rates for the last 3 months. In schools the danger does not come from the kids, but the teachers, especially younger ones. Who knew?
On BBC breakfast, between 0810 when I hoped to see the weather forecast, and 0845 when eventually I did, there was no time at all spent on the OAZ results. It was wall-to-wall Captain Tom.
The BBC no longer inform and educate, but manipulate.
It’s exactly the play book Gov.UK …
Diana fever sets in, once again, with a vengeance.
If you require a statue built of you in your honour, be sure to give all your worldly wealth to the anychess, to spaff up the wall on empty wards and tik-tok videos.
Me thinks you have ‘the play book ‘ …. the difficulty sometimes is to spot the ‘play ‘ – for instance at the 5pm ‘briefings ‘ for a while the public was encouraged to use hospitals … empty A and Es were being reported in the Press ….
..and inconveniently people were staying at home and dying there ….
…… I don’t want to appear trivial here – because the silent unmeasured suffering being caused by the continuous message to be frightened and act as though everyone has COVID – including you – has gone deep into the National blood stream .
A friend of mine fell over and hurt his arm . He didn’t want to go to hospital but gave in after 2 weeks of pain . We went in – had an X-ray and was treated . 2 weeks after that he died of a massive heart attack . Cause and effect ?
By the way – attending a funeral in restriction circumstances is just awful ….
I dont blame your friend. Hospital acquired covid is very prevalent ……and always swept under the carpet.
Matter how hard.
FAIL BREAKING NEWS: Captain Sir Tom Moore tested positive for coronavirus after a 10-day stay in hospital, family reveal
So… that’s OK then? Envy of the… less sunny parts of the world.
Who dares “Go there” and military titles are suddenly all the rage
Inevitably our newspaper frontpages are chock full of tributes to Captain Tom, NHS fundraising hero, Knight Bachelor, Myanmar Star, Blue Peter Badge etc.
The Sun for instance boasts no less than an 8-page tribute.
I’m oddly reminded of David Bowie, Berlin era Hero, Black Star, back catalogue self-fundraiser, etc, with his alter ego, Major Tom, who really made the grade and of whom the papers wanted to know whose shirts he wore?
I’m intrigued to see only the Sun, alone among the major titles, decided to “go there” in their main headlines: ‘Died of covid at 100’ – of course the term died of old age obviously went out with Noah. Conspiracy theorists will read prior press reports and perhaps diagnose some new mutant strain of Barbadian Pneumonia – but I couldn’t possibly comment.
The Express decides to “go there” with: ‘We are asking you to take to your doorsteps tomorrow night at 8pm…’ – thanks, but I’ll pass. As usual of an evening I’ll be busy pacing up and down my hallway 100 times like some thirsty caged tiger in solemn remembrance of the closing of the local public house.
So what else do we have on the front covers of our papers this morning?
‘The Duke of Sussex wants to keep military titles’ – quite why the Telegraph has a sudden nostalgic attack of court etiquette there and can’t name him Prince Harry is odd. Of course they could use the modern politically correct form Mr Meghan. One further speculates why Harry wants to be Captain General of the Royal Marines, Honorary Air Commandant of the RAF and Commodore-in-chief of Small Ships? Maybe this is for Meghan, Princess of Small Private Jets. Do we think Harry is set to appear dressed as a Swiss Admiral in their next Netflix show?
Who dares go here…? One suspects the ‘i’ is pulling our leg with their travel feature: ‘Dream Trips? Ski Afghanistan’ – Après ski presumably consisting of a non-alcoholic goat’s milk nightcap, leave your trusty ski instructor to stack the AK47s away in the corner, wish the locals a quick inshallah, then curl up in a sleeping bag on the dirt floor of your walled compound.
Excuse me while I don’t go there. This looks to me more akin to a tour of duty with the SAS.
The Daily Mirror focuses its vacation sights closer to home: ‘Win a Haven holiday home 38 UK locations to chose from’
This comes as the Express predicts, with their customary weather forecasting relish: ‘Snow chaos sweeps in’ – seems we could take a staycation or with less effort simply have a visit to Windowsill Bay (as my old mum used to quip)
Let’s just a pause for a moment to characterise the typical tabloid reaction to our weather. I’d say it’s somewhere between Dad’s Army’s grumbling Scot, Private Frazer – “We’re all doomed” and children’s folklore figure Henny Penny (US: Chicken Little, Scandinavia: Greta Thunberg?)
Consider this: the tale concerns a chick that believes the sky is falling when an acorn falls on its head. The chick decides to set off to tell the king. On its journey it meets other animals which join it in the quest. After this point, there are many endings. In the most familiar, a fox invites them to its lair and then eats them all.
One surveys the press for a climate change report here. The best I can do for an ironic segue is this example from today’s FT: ‘Big oil hit by record losses from lockdown and clean fuel activism’ – and as I find myself often asking of an FT double whammy headline – so which is it?
Speaking of FT headline doubles: ‘Double-dip contraction hits Eurozone’
Good news for Oxford: ‘One Oxford jab cuts transmission’ (Telegraph)
I though we still had to be super careful despite having had our vaccine? Or was that yesterday? I should keep up. Are we perhaps keeping up with the Ruskies?: ‘Russian vaccine 91% effective… a Lancet peer review has found‘ (FT)
An apparent superabundance of excellence for Cambridge: ‘Cambridge University has told students it could withdraw places if too many meet the entry criteria’ (Times) – our top educational institutions there adjusting to the inevitable surge in brilliance of lockdown Zoom-schooled kids with grades assessed by our marvellous unionised teachers.
And we sometimes like to end with a laugh. The Guardian has news for us: ‘Revealed: strategy for Labour to win back red wall’ – no doubt following on from the apparent popularity of Captain Tom some expensive PR firm will have done a Zoom Powerpoint for the comrades: ‘Labour must make use of the [union] flag, veterans [and] dressing smartly’ – according to a leaked strategy presentation.
I’m imagining the photoshopped image of piggie-eyed Sir Keir on the doorstep of No10 dressed up as a Swiss Admiral.
Asiseeit – I get the ‘press gazette Uk ‘thing every day . It reports on a ‘spat ‘( press word ) between marina “port’ Warner of the Giardian who had bad things to say about thr forthcoming non lefty TV station(s) . Said tv station took umbrage at her negative prejudice and wrote a reply which was for publication .
The Giardian declined to publish said letter ……
However – all will be well as mr dacre is being ‘tipped’ as the next head of OFCOM…
“Maybe this is for Meghan, Princess of Small Private Jets. Do we think Harry is set to appear dressed as a Swiss Admiral in their next Netflix show?”
Bottle this for eternity!
Tea sur-keyboard!
AISI, brilliant yet again – one of your best! Fed, may I give AISI ten extra ‘likes’, please?
Up2- he is on 40 upticks already – any more and he’ll be head hunted by ITBC or other ‘competitors ‘…..
I do not get near the Guardian much these days.
“Anti-Brexit Labour Plans Patriotic Rebrand to Win Back Working Class Voters: Report”
Complete with picture of Muslim lover Sir Kneel.
Those with exceptionally long teeth will remember when 50% of Labour MPs were Communists backed by Communist Unions.
Who all backed lovable “Uncle Joe” and could not care less about the survival of the UK.
Until Uncle Joe and his army collapsed when the Wehrmacht attacked.
Then it was “second front now” and pretend you are British.
Thurs March 05 2015
“Labour ‘conspiracy let in 3.6m to create multicultural Britain’”
Lost your Job? Blame Blair.
Poor housing getting worse? Blame Blair.
Daughters gang raped? Blame Blair.
Neighbours blown up by Muzzies? Blame Blair.
You have an anti British Hard Left MP? Blame Blair and the mass raping, highly explosive, multi voting, “British Patriots” he imported.
Two types of Labour enthusiasts, those who should be in jail and those who should be in the ground.
Will the BBC be hiring Pugsley and The Thing too in an effort to improve diversity? You have to hand it to them Lurch has been grunting already for years.
Is that a chap or a pretend vampire ?
In other news, Maryanna Martin has been dropped by his (?) label after accusations of conduct unbecoming.
Seems Andrew Marr will not be having him (?) as a guest Sunday.
Can a “Paranormal Psychologist” not dress, and behave like a normal person?
Do they have to dress like Goths or vampires, and be surrounded by silly artefacts, model skulls, and other associated paraphernalia which is supposed to make one believe that they are “special”? Because they’re not…
Nice to know Goth isn’t dead.
BBC local bandwagon driving the clap.
Captain Sir Tom Moore has died with coronavirus — but how should we remember him?
There are calls for the nation to pay tribute by standing on their doorsteps and clapping. What will you be doing to commemorate his life?
A few gushing, but mostly #CCBGB
Solar energy empowers young women in Yemen
Ten women in Yemen’s Abs district have built and now run a solar microgrid.
The project was set up in 2019 with the help of the UN Development Programme
Kind of sad, seeing them celebrating solar power but covered up so
Maybe the power is used to create artificial vitamin D..
A photographic memory is a bit pointless eh?
That photo is one for their albums.
To be shown to their children and grandchildren.
“There’s your Mum/Granny. You’ve got her eyes”
Almost as painful as ‘go p-a-e-d-o-s ‘…..
Real story, the UN get a foot in the door in Yemen and justify it by taking a photo of some unidentifiable local women to make it palatable.
The UN are just going for an expansion of their Global reach and power and will use tactics like this to get it.
How do we know they are local wimmin?
They may be actors.
You can tell they are all local wimmin because they all shop at the same local clothes shop. Emmanuel.
Must have been where Tolkien got his inspiration for the Ring Raiths/Nazgull in the Lord of the Rings.
Is that a photo of the Ku Klux Klan in mourning dress?
Looks a bit spooky.
The accompanying video by the BBC, states that Yemen has the widest Gender gap in the world.
The BBC fails to see that the Gender gap is due to a cultural reason. For some reason, this fact escaped the BBC.
It seems to me that some media types chose not to discuss certain inequalities, accusing those who question it as lacking tolerance of other cultural or religious practice, without actually asking the opinions of those who are oppressed.
If a gang of white guys assault this woman then that’ wrong
but I would suggest that it’ 100 times more likely that a gang of non-white guy would attack her teenage son.
Full video from the Irish Equality Commission website
I try not to…
connected to this article
There was a time when ‘the village looked after the child’. Children ran free but knew that any adult would come to their aid if they got in trouble, (and probably ‘shop’ them to their mums if it was naughty trouble!).
Then the BBC and their kind got involved. Schools became like inside out prisons, walled in, access phones, CCTV, notices everywhere.
The old man taking a walk could have been familiar, a source of free mint imperials. Now toddlers scream, “A man! A man!, if any adult male is within 50 metres of a park.
Then they came for the women. Always cross to the other side of the road, don’t assume that any woman might want to talk etc.
Now the bastards have got us all masked, stepping into the road to avoid half-a-second’s exposure to someone else’s bubble.
“A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.”
Doesn’t the walling up of schools in this country date back to 1996 and the actions of two different lunatics?
The Dunblane massacre committed by Thomas Hamilton and the attack on a nursery school in Wolverhampton by Horrett Campbell.
Campbell was armed with a machete with the words ‘666 kills the filthy Devils’ written on it, the actions of nursery teacher Lisa Potts prevented further tragedy.
Dunblane didn’t help but ‘Stranger Danger’ had been pushed well before that.
Part of the problem is ‘global news’. A child gets killed in a village, well it was a ‘one off’ and most unlikely to happen again.
Now a child gets killed in a village and it is a global threat, ‘villages’ everywhere put in place their action plans to guard every school.
Working alongside this is ‘the precautionary principle’ – I say there is no risk, take no action. You say there is some risk, take some action. If nothing happens no-one holds you to account, if even one child dies world-wide I become a ‘child killer’ so I have an incentive to play safe.
The trouble is that we create divisions. Going back to the original video, if that ‘lady of colour’ crosses the road to avoid the risk of racial abuse people see that and sense that they are not likeable. It is a short step from that to assume that all black people are not likeable and only another small step to turn to hate.
So this woman achieves what she fears. But let her go out and risk abuse, so what, ‘sticks and stones’ and all that, ‘turn the other cheek’. The abuser/bully gets no response and might give up. Passersby observe the actions of both parties, invariably she will get sympathetic looks, words and smiles.
What response do you think she would get if she made a friendly remark to her neighbour in a queue?
What did Pres Trump do that made a large fraction of politicians believe that it was imperative to remove him from office using any means? I believe that it was the political hypothesis that Climate Change was going to destroy the earth, and affect the future of life on earth. This has been the main political truth of the BBC for years, and taught in all schools.
Pres Trump had stopped US contributions to the Paris accords on CC. Another Trump administration would destroy the political momentum behind Climate Change.
When it became obvious that Pres Trump was going to win by a landslide, the only option left was to stop counting the vote till enough ballots had been manufactured for purpose.
If your last statement was to be upheld in a court of law the Western World would be on the road to — I was going to say revolution — however it would in fact amount to a much needed counter revolution.
As a younger man I used to be a Socialist Dreamer. I read and absorbed the writings of Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse.
Then I woke up.
Lefty Wright
What I found myself was wondering why was such a large fraction of official America, the ones of the Left who join committees, and thus get to count the votes, so committed to bring down Pres Trump. It wasn’t just Democrats, but all manner of people who could not be deemed Lefty. What was so important that they were willing to lie and cheat?
The problem is that no court of law has yet found or been given the opportunity to find that these people have lied and cheated.
Until that happens then, in law, nobody has committed an offence but it does appear that evidence has been either with held or ignored. Perhaps one day the historians will open a can of political worms.
Lefty W: The problem is that no court of law has yet found or been given the opportunity to find that these people have lied and cheated.
Courts have used all manner of “moots”, “Latches”, “standing” etc, to deny letting any evidence to be aired. All cases, even the suit brought by several states, led by Texas, that Swing states violated their own election laws. Nothing to do with fraud – just law.
This is what perplexes me. By and large , disclosure in the courts has been of good standards in America. In this case even SCOTUS refused to even consider the legality of constitutional election law – its main reason to exist. Just dismissed it out of hand.
Now the effort to impeach Pres Trump, after he has left office.Unconstitutional.
I hope its a “Bridge too Far” for the Democrats and Big Tech.
Something is amiss. Why are some Americans prepared to sacrifice the existence of America by resorting to mass election fraud – just to dethrone a president.
The BBC expert ‘analysis’ to this will be epic.
Despite the wood burner, with kids looking for work at home, the bills have been… higher.
It will be the ones who pay their bills, who will have to foot the bill of the incompetents in office.
Who kept the gates open at the height of covid 19 infection? Why of course our estimable PM and his advisors, committed to the UN migration pact.
The UN migration pact is entwined with the Climate Change hypothesis (scam). On its own its of not much impact. But Climate Change (which most people have been brainwashed into), is the reason required to change the entire economic foundation of the Western world.
This means abolishing coal, gas and oil. The replacement will be Renewables. What these will be, have yet to be invented. But the present ones are Sunshine and Wind.
How one is going to provide vast amounts of reliable and inexpensive energy, is not even guessed at. Destruction of the economy and industry of the West, coupled with unlimited migration of people who do not share our culture, will lead to the destruction of the West.
Pres Trump knew this, and had constructed policies to prevent this happening. He had to be brought down by any means.
So here we are, heaping on the kindling on ourselves and on Pres Trump.
Same as nabbed SamCam?
That’s one hellofa an identity parade …
She looks like she needs impeaching
Impeaching – Only White men.
Hi all
Not sure if anyone has noticed this one….
I can’t believe they use terms like vanilla boys club and snowy peaks – could you imagine if a website start making references to those of a different shade to the 85-6% of the British isles?
This is so blatantly against whitey it’s baffling how they can get away with it.
Glad I don’t fund the rancid infested organisation any more, but plenty do and until that stops, they’ll be blatantly spouting out race baiting trash.
They have a field of only 297 of which 10 are ethnic minority so it only takes one more to add 0.3% to their statistic.
As with all this ‘equity’ nonesense the correct response should be ‘so what?’
Removing barriers is one thing but after that it has to be down to personal choice and ability – I don’t see many fat, white, old sprinters for instance so CEO might be their only career choice!
Under represented on the board of FTSE 100 companies? How they doing in other areas, such as: football, popular music, TV adverts, stock photos on the BBC website, NHS, pharmacies, gang violence, a-shootin’-‘n’-a-stabbin in London town, drug dealing, child rape gangs, social security fraud, takeaway food, taxi driving, slave labour sweatshops in Leicester?
Swings and roundabouts, perhaps?
As a proud vanilla boy I would like to know the answer to a serious question.
Does there exist anywhere in Africa a legally sponsered counterpart organisation to our own much loved “Black Lives Matter” – namely “White Lives Matter.” Do thousands of black supporters of said organisation rampage through the city streets burning and looting in support of their vanilla boy brothers and yet are still held in reverence by the authorities?
Saw on a previous thread about the US trying to find evidence to fit their ‘insurrection’ narrative of the folks that ‘invaded’ the Capitol Building.
This non-event has now turned into their Reichstag Fire.
Permanent security fencing in DC, new laws, trials, etc.
The US is in the process of becoming a Banana Republic. Not much further to go. Currently, all effort is being put into dismantling the Rule of Law. At all levels of Government, including the one that describes himself as ‘President’, is furtively working on ad hoc law – literally making it up as they go along. Quite amazing how it’s all fallen apart in such a short space of time. No oversight from anywhere. One wonders what would happen if China suddenly declared war or a spat broke out. How would Beijing Joe react?
It is truly a historical moment. The repercussions will be felt here in the not too distant future.
I think they smell blood and sense weakness.
Just a matter of time for Boris I’d say.
Nut nuts’ husband wants everyone to clap at 1800 today . Plod will be checking addresses where there is no evidence of clapping and issue fixed penalty notices to those failing to clap …..
Be warned – we are in the compulsory clap zone …
…..and let’s remember that in North Korea, senior party officials have been executed for ‘not clapping The Leader enthusiastically enough’.
‘North Korea has announced that Jang Song Thaek, the uncle of leader Kim Jong Un and formerly the second most powerful man in the country, has been executed……
He “behaved so arrogantly and insolently as unwillingly standing up from his seat and half-heartedly clapping…….’
We’re getting closer…………
In the summary
“there isn’t enough of men hugging and telling each other they love each other on TV which would help normalise it”
This is why we constantly have the bbc repeating the same across various topics, to normalise what we all get used to!
That’s a particular opinion. Why should those norms be imposed?
I’m old school, stand off British……what’s wrong with that. It has its values.
I just been listening to Arlene Foster , the First Minister of NI, talking about the problems being experienced in importing UK goods into NI since the NI Protocol was put in place. The most absurd example is that importing seed potatoes from the main land is banned because they might have British soil adhering to them and once in NI they could make their way into the Republic and hence contaminate the EU!
But the people who are making these absurd decisions are not EU officials , or Republic Officials but astonishingly by NI government officials or British government officials!!! Why on earth would these British officials be making life so difficult for the people of NI? One possible answer is that they want to drive NI into the arms of the EU . The UK government needs to put a stop to this type of nonsense and police the NIP sensibly. The NIP was designed to prevent gross breaches of the EU internal market by the British using NI as a gateway into the Republic for lots of hardware items that had EU tariffs on them. That is all it was designed to do. Not stopping seed potatoes, or making life difficult for supermarkets to import UK produce, or to make it hard for a farmer in Yorkshire to sell a second hand tractor to someone in NI.
These officials are doing the work of EU fifth columnists. Thousands of Remainers are probably doing the same throughout the UK. The price of Brexit is eternal vigilance.
Double – you describe the mentality of the is called ‘civil service ‘ which looks to apply anything related to the EU strictly and unreasonably – unlike the non Anglo Saxons who ‘might get round to it one day ‘….
… hence those headlines across the years about curved cucumbers and similar which helped add to the alienation from the EU….
It would be painful if Unionist. Badged terrorists / ‘veterans ‘ get the troubles going again – – with an excuse for Sinn fein IRA to do the same – because of a Friday night spark caused by the Helga running the EU ….
A propos of nothing.
But had Captain Tom signed up with RocNation to manage his publicity?
Just asking. Because I hear they are very successful at ensuring their clients get associated in the public eye with various initiatives………
It’s harsh but I feel a statue coming on ….
Tonight it’s the clap for Captain Tom.
We’ve already had the carers and the nhs a few times, probably others that I’ve missed.
What is the logical progression from this exercise in virtue signalling?
The 2 minutes of hate of course (following their manual)
Will they start off with Donald or Tommy.
Kim or Putin.
I think this will suit the virtue signalling wokerati as they can try to out-hate each other with longer clapping or hateful facial expressions.
…..and just in case you need more on Captain Tom after the news and the 6 pm clap………the BBC are running a special programme at 7.30 pm.
The statue and national memorial must be on the way……as the wokerati try and outdo each other in their sincere adulation.
It’s like a grotesque auction.
I broke the house arrest at lunchtime to put the recycling out.
Outside for all of 5 minutes and a magic bus* arrived, circled the cul-de-sac and headed off. I dint give them eye contact.
Suspect they were reconnaissance for the performing seal show tonight!
*So named, because in the old days, if you upset the Polis enough on a Friday night, they’d give you a free ride in one..
First his centenary, then pneumonia, covid and now the clap. The poor old boy is well out of it. RIP Capt. Tom.
I’waiting, but not with bated breath, for the anychess to put their hands up and say “yes he died after catching covid in our magnificent hospital”. The poor fellow only raised £30,000,000 for them.
Bonus criteria met for picture editor ????
Look Dad! They even saved their bank passwords!
The caption reads
‘Look more free food- and a free computer “
The lady saint in Burma has been charged with a criminal offence . If she is found guilty she is banned from public office .
I wonder where the Burmese military got that trick from ?
( how is the Trump trial going ?)
There’s no doubt the Burmese coup would not have happened had Trump been President.
Watch out for instances all over the world as leftists push the boundaries.
She wasn’t much better seven years ago.
( west wing spoiler alert )
Wow she’s another blunt knife in that box – I think she looks in the mirror and sees CJ from the West Wing … wonder when the false president is going to declare his dementia – but he will carry on – mirroring the West Wing again
Fed, she’s an impressive stonewaller, Geoffrey Boycott level. As for the President’s dementia, I’ll circle back to you on that. 😉
She is the best the Xiden regime could come up with.
PJW brings us …
R4 Drama now The Muslim father of the knifed teenager is saying to the father of the perp that he forgives him. “I’ve been reading the Koran” he says
Nicely links to the gang matrix which has had a 1000 coloured males wiped off it via the mayor of Londonistan because there ‘isn’t enough evidence ‘ they are gang members – apparently over 80% of the remainder are of ‘Afro Caribbean heritage ‘ – as they say in woke world .
They are trying to get that number down –
Maybe they need to get ‘gender proportionality ‘ to 50% of gang members being female – just to get things ‘balanced ‘…
Meanwhile the occasional 13 or 14 year old being shot or stabbed to death in Londonistan doesn’t get covered nationally any more – now the sport and weather ….
And Lammy honestly thinks it’s racist why there is a high percentage of blacks in prison .
My god, they make my blood boil !!!!!
There are none so blind as those who will not see
The solution:
Legislate for the public to bear arms and then let the Blacks run riot.
You don’t happen to be, by any chance, the President of the British Coffin Makers Guild?
It couldn’t be that “ethnics” do in fact commit more crimes than us vanilla boys?
Nah.Impossible. It’s obvious that Great Britain is institutionally racist. I’ve just ordered my “Proud Vanilla Boy” hat.
Lammy is not interested in the truth. He is only interested in perpetuating the lie that differences in conviction rates and disparities in outcomes between whites and blacks can only be due to racism. He wants victimhood to be central to black identity and racism to be the only thing blacks ever think about. Why? In order that he can continue to get their vote. But he will never be able to actually help anybody.
He is incapable of helping his people because he never analyses the problems. He is only happy mouthing grievances and giving vent to his own unfathomable rage. He seems to me to be in politics only to wage some psychological war being fought deep in his own psyche.
Lammy could do with reading some black scholars like Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.
The trouble is that the Left have seen to it that nobody can challenge Lammy for what he is without have accusations of racism being immediately levelled against them. It seems black people cannot be racist and to call one such means you are the racist.
The Left have also seen to it that anyone given the racist badge is ruined. Even ‘blacking up’ for a fancy dress party 20 years ago means career over after being keel-hauled by the media.
Lammy is too dim to read people like that.
The odds of this being fact checked and how by the BBC very much depends on the result the BBC seeks.
Note the careful wording as usual.
As a deterrent, Trump made illegally entering the country a criminal offence so offenders would be held in prison and children were not allowed to be in the same prison as adults. Hence they were separated.
It’s those he is reuniting. The story is deliberately written to blame it on Trump. There is a weak admission that it happened under Obama buried deep in the story but conveniently no numbers are available and they simply dismiss it as much less.
The best lies are those hidden in a web of truths and the BBC are masters at it. It’s downright unethical.
The worst of the lot was Time magazine using a completely fake picture of a young illegal immigrant girl on her own screaming on their front page. Her mum had actually just gone to the toilet.
The children that were separated by the Obama regime in the first place.
But in the eyes of the MSM, Obama can do no wrong, despite the most racist anti-America president in history.
Speaking of fact checking, and American News, and whatever BBC N. America BS do…
The BBC was pretty big on substantiated bases for claims. Until they were not.
But this is a supposed professional, impartial broadcaster of integrity who almost had Donald Trump slaughtering five people in his riot.
The ‘what used to beyond the pale, but is now A-Ok’ in the USA is almost hourly.
Has promise.
Saw a movie set in the near future based on this. Not around ankles mind.
Oh dear what a pity.
BBC fined £28,000 for recording and broadcasting High Court case on the evening news
Doesn’t seem to figure on the BBC New website.
Why aren’t they sharing a cell with Tommy?
So what the hell. It’s only public money!!
TWatO Watch #1 – thinking about it afterwards, was there any mention?
Wednesday is PMQs – slang for Prime Ministers Questions (to the PM) in Parliament. TWatO usually loves to have some ‘sound-bites’ to play on the programme and will often ask a Conservative MP and a Labour MP to add their comments and possible argy-bargy during the programme. But I do not recall it happening today.
I wonder why?
Could the cause be another lacklustre PMQs from the Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer?
Link that with the failure of the Scottish nation socialists to hi 1 million jabs by January end – they hit under 700 thousand – they need sheltering from admissions of failure ….
In the run up the the 5pm gotcha show a french Mep / politician was asked about vaccine shortages and replied that UK was being ‘nationalistic ‘- that’s when the eff word got used .
Of all the nationals talking about ‘national interest ‘- the french ?!
Quite possibly.
Britain. Today.
Lucky all these politicians had a photographer on the doorstep to get pictures to put on twitter.
The West is almost 100% hypocrisy and virtue signalling these days. It’s just crazy : I feel like I’ve been transported into some bizarre parallel universe.
@jonsnowC4 tweets
My interview with David Attenborough – about the new climate change report: and the need for Economists to price the current devastation
“current devastation” What the heck are these old white men on about ?
No devastation around here, bit of the usual variable weather
but the orchard gardens continues to produce good crops year after year
One thing is these people have something to SELL
I suspect there is the RED PILL true version of the world
and to sell their product , they have to give us their false BLUE PILL version of the world.
Did you mean old white socialist men?
Big difference.
Amol show now
the Discovery Networks president just claimed the market is not saturated and their are more TV customers than ever”
That’s BS ..BBC audiences are tiny to what they used to be
with many primetime shows not watched by 95% of the UK population.
Botney was trying to make out the BBC is still loved by all.
Are these figures not easily checked?
Maybe someone not blocked by Wendy could ask.
Then not be told.
And then get blocked.
The MSM wanted schools closed ( as desired the the comrade teachers ) no they are pushing for them to be reopened before the earliest target date of 8 March ….. when they try to open the schools the teaching comrades will say ‘no’ – so the MSM are setting up a battle ….
The call for all teaching staff to be vaxed will be coming along shortly .
Everything switched off at 1755 today and waiting for a Knock at the door with plod asking me why I am not clapping …..
By the way – if captain moore did the RA in Burma he doesn’t need ‘drama’ clapping – he and anyone who did the Japs deserve full admiration for ever .
“Penally asylum camp ‘significant’ cost burden’ on police.”
\\The camp has been branded “inappropriate” for use by asylum seekers by First Minister Mark Drakeford//
Yet the camp is is appropriate for use by British soldiers ?
Its time that Drakeford and his bureaucratic, Labour, talking shop of an ‘Assembly was closed down’. The ungrateful, so-called asylum seekers should be sent back to France or to the land from which they ran.
Yet another own goal by the Labour Party who are completely out of touch with the ordinary people of this country.
Footy starts at 6, will it be a BLM knee bend, or a Captain Tom clap?
Extremes abound.
The BBC is in full faux milk mode on this, but given Champion is usually green room royalty to keep things feisty… dilemmatime.
????????????????A national clap for Captain Tom will take place at 6 this evening ????????????????
Where across Herefordshire and Worcestershire will you be clapping for him?
Presumably they will have monitors out to see who is out there with Alan Smithee?
At great cost to nobody except the fragrant Senora O’Blene, Scrobs has devised a new word to describe the output of nearly all the press, and certainly the BBC, Sky (who?), and some of the other tin-pot dribblers!
From today, ‘journalism’ will be renamed as ‘YAWNALISM’ on account of the total lack of talent in seeking and conveying to the paying (paaah) citizens of our beloved country, any information which is relevant/non-squeamish/fawning/Minge-Harry gushing, lefty/victim wobbling etc., and this term will certainly apply to the awful BBC, because they just have queer opinions on some things, and bugger all on the rest!
I rest my case…
Heres a nice little graph of BBC News viewing figures from 2012 to 2019 that should cheer you all up bit…
I’d love to see the 20/21 stats!
Nice one, Digg!
I suppose the ‘spikes’ are when some ‘sleb’ shows it’s fanny, or Minge and Ginge get a mench for being absolute tarts!
Here’s another one showing production costs across the various BBC channels, imagine which channel comes out top?
Definitely banking on the kiddies, its CBBC all the way! However judging by the user hour cost it’s not really working out too well!
So long as they focus on the… Jung.
What like white London kids ridiculous habit of going round talking as if they were black ?
Not just white London kids – I recall overhearing a bunch of teenagers in late 1990s Wiltshire market town giving it the full Ali G – without any hint that they were mucking about … life imitating art or something.
White shell suits, pink sideways baseball caps and bling chains seen too…
Some say that ‘received pronunciation’, all those ‘a’s that sound like ‘r’s etc. arrived in 1800 when the toffs started copying the Blady Landern street urchins for a bit of fun.
Middle-class white kids sounding like black Watts, Los Angeles trash, is maybe the other side of middle-class black people copying the white aristocracy and their double-barreled names?
That does make the whites losers and blacks winners.
Maybe they’ll relate more to being frogs?
6pm news on BBC1. They highlighted a school where 50 children have lost a relative to covid. I presume most were grandparents. I wonder how many lose a grandparent in an academic year anyway, and also sadly some will lose a parent or a sibling. It is part of life and like in so many figures produced by charities and repeated by the bbc, what is relevant is how many more than a normal year. We were not told. Reassuringly I have just been to a school governor meeting where were told that the primary school children have not had their mental health impacted by their time off school (don’t expect to hear that on the bbc).
Surprisingly (?) there was nothing on the 6pm news about Sir Kier lying to Parliament. It is usually a resigning matter.
Did Sir Keir lie to parliament? Well if he did that’s no surprise at all. As an erstwhile Socialist I can categorically say that leftists lie quite a lot. Particularly to themselves because they never stop to question their own philosophy. I eventually discovered that my political outlook did not coincide with reality. I now question everything, especially my own views, which however, don’t always hold water but none of us is perfik.
Deborah, at 100K deaths out of 67million people
we had 1 in every 670 dead of Covid
Been a few more deaths since so lets say 1 in every 640
At school I had 16 living relatives to cousin level
Lets say an average kid has 31
So 20 unrelated kids will have 620 living relatives between them
So in 20 kids 1 will have a relative who died of Covid
So in 200 kids 10 have a dead relative
And in 1,000 … 50 have a dead relative
Actually most schools there are brothers and sisters so 1,000 kids is not 1,000 families
but if there were 1,500 kids that might be 1,000 families
I think 50 is on the highend but kinda ballpark
I reckon that cos we don’t live forever about 1% of the population die each year
So in 1000 families of 31, you’ve got 31,000 people
and 1% is 310
ie in that school the kids should know 310 relatives who died this year of something
So 50 isn’t a huge number
It’s coming out that AOC lives in a fantasy universe like Alex Jones.
Yet the media print her narratives without question.
Yesterday she gave a dramatic Instagram testimony that implied she was in the building that was being attacked and was “nearly killed”
Some man was outside the door shouting for her, she was scared.
“: @AOC now admits she was not in the Capitol when the protesters entered the building.
She was in the Cannon Building where her office is located, about a six-minute walk from the Capitol Building.”
The man shouting her ?
that was the Capitol Hill Police who’d stopped by her office to do a welfare check.
They were always guarding the front of that building
.. no rioters ever entered it.
Sargon’s Youtube channel has 2 discussions.
Plod has just visited . They’ve shown me video of no clapping at 6pm in accordance with community safety rules . I’ve been fined by FPN £1000 and am required to attend a re education centre at 0900 tomorrow. They said I should bring a toothbrush as I may be a while …
Is it me ? but I cant get my head around this ‘children’s mental health’ business. I can understand them having withdrawal strops if they have their phones and social meeja wrenched from them, but in my youth we would have been ecstatic at not having to go to school for months on end ! What’s wrong with them all ? Clearly this is the end product of having them wrapped in cotton wool from birth and having everything done for them.
Speaking to my contemporaries, they too agree that kids bounce back, and this business of a ‘lost generation’ is laughable. It all started to go downhill when Counsellors were drafted into schools to deal with hurt feelings.