Anyone notice that Al Beeb is playing down the recent major clanger dropped by the European Dictatorship ? A case of “nothing to see here”.
Who does Al Beeb support Great Britain or The European Union ?
De fund the traitors .
Nothing happening north of the border, either.
Next week, after Salmond’s day in court, things may well be rather different but using the BBC standard approach to un-newsworthy minor side issues that might deflect from the task of putting Boris down, perhaps it will all go away?
I have listened to the radio traffic over the last few days and have noticed a number of pro-SNP speakers with English accents pushing for Scottish independence? As the discussion continues they appear more concerned about getting Scotland back into the EU than independence itself.
I have come to the conclusion that one or two contributors are avid EU rejoiners who are pushing the agenda of breaking up Great Britain to get us back into the EU.
Perhaps that was the great plan of the EU after all.
Are there any Scottish readers on this site that have an opinion ?
SNP are hardcore Marxists aided and abetted by the Watermelons in driving Scottish society and the economy off the cliff edge through their hatred of the English. This hate is West Coast Scots and is right out of Ireland.
Sturgeon’s dream would be be 70’s Northern Ireland in Scotland.
From my previous experience of visiting Scotland and from my acquaintances there I think there must be many good, sensible Scotch people who are beginning to feel marooned among an alien mad society.
Had my first jab today. I was handed a leaflet after the deed was done (sadly not on national tv), and quelle surprise, 2 grinning oldies on the front page – in the background a grey haired white lady, and in prominent position a mature man of colour. The advertising industry are stoking the fans of racialism, the opposite of what they think they’re achieving.
I’m now convinced it’s as simple and as nasty as the Left saying ‘F*ck you’ to the right. If it makes racism worse, all the better : they get more opportunity to do it.
They absolutely don’t care about anyone else. It’s all driven by hate. Their complete disregard for Muslim wife-beating and homophobia is evidence enough. They are far more valuable as weapons against the Right.
We have countless examples of the Left turning a blind eye to its own bad behavior Their hatred of the right trumps anything else. Even common sense or facts.
…and mine is tomorrow. I guess you had received a NHS guide leaflet for “older adults” with the letter asking you to make an appointment. This in contrast has a mature woman of colour and a grey haired white man.
Designed to avoid any complaints of a lack of diversity balance?
Yess Bulldog, I did, and both leaflets have the person of colour in the prominent front position. At least for equality they could have put the white privileged person at the front on one of them ! and as these pamphlets are dished out nationwide, I guarantee I’m not the only one thinking this – thus making more having ‘racial’ thoughts that creates more division.
Lloyd’s of London appointed Inga Beale to head it, first woman in that role in their history. Her obsession was diversity. Shame she wasn’t very good at the rest of what should have been her role.
Could it be that many people of colour just aren’t good enough ? like the cry that few BAMEs are given acting awards or that Academy boards are not diverse enough, well, with the exception of a few – Trevor Phillips being one of them, then articulation appears to be a huge drawback. Marcus Rashford was interviewed recently and it was like watching teeth being pulled. Young black boys and girls are randomly interviewed on the street and its hard to understand them. I’m not saying that whites are any better, but many of the now mixed race young presenters being pushed on many programmes, are clearly employed only for their colour than any articulate presenting skills.
Main Stream Media busy proclaiming the nation got the clap at 6pm and various signallers of virtue pictured to back up the headlines.
A quick glance as the comments sections tells another story however.
For the record, no one around me did, except the old biddy across the road who if given the chance would stand on her doorstep all day and talk to anyone in earshot about her various medical ailments, so she doesn’t count.
Note to the outgoing PM, Sorry Doris, your attempts at unifying the country are not working. We are all mighty p******d off with things. Take note and sort it PDQ.
£408 million? Blimey just think how many brain specialist could be employed with all that loot on repairing the minds of people damaged by BBC propaganda!
Yes 408 million – it doesn’t say the source of that number but the BBC will play the ‘auntie ‘ card and say which radio stations and TV stations do you want closed ? – me – I’d sell them all off ….
….and will this £408 million be a cut compared to this year’s budget, or will it be in the form of a cut to next year’s budget, when the BBC is ‘expecting’ a rise of £1 billion (plus inflation, at the BBC rate of inflation, of course, which bears no relation to reality) ?
(This is how public sector ‘cuts’ are calulated and proclaimed these days…)
If it were me, I’d be saying to the BBC – right, there will be a real cut of 10% of today’s budget per year, every year, and you can sort yourself out about how and when you want to go ‘public’ – but at that point, the remainder will be wiped out. In any case, 10 years from now, you’ll be fending for yourself whether you like it or not.
Those dividers on Only Connect must have been really expensive because I am blowed if I know what other costs they have had because everything has been repeats (see Xmas 2020 schedule).
The mail helpfully dug out 3 occasions when the Labour Leader said the UK should stay in the failed EU vaccine shambles – including x2 in parliament – mark francious tried to get a point of order in parliament today on this – starmer the fool and liar and wrong .
TWatO Watch #2 – Ask a question, Sarah, ask a question
Sorry it’s late but needed my memory jogged to remember. The ‘Now you see it, now you don’t’ ‘R’ rate‘ was mentioned on TWatO today by Sarah Montague and the contributor, think they were talking about vaccines and protection from infection from Covid. I was yelling at the radio “Ask what the ‘R’ rate is, Sarah.” but the Montacutie did not hear.
Isn’t it more than a little strange that the ‘R’ rate is very important one minute and not the next.
Reminds me, Up2nsuff, of one of the latest BBC ploys whilst interviewing government ministers these days. Regularly, during the ‘interview’, the Beeboid will make a long-drawn out speech in two parts. The first part is possibly linked to the previous answer to a question (but not necessarily), but it is a negative statement about either the government or its so-called ‘transgressions’, with the second part eventually being a question which has little or nothing to do with the initial statement made by the Beeboid.
If the government representative starts challenging the first part of the beeboid’s comment, he is immediately accused of ‘not answering the question’ and shut down as quickly as possible. Of course, if the interviewee does not challenge the first part – it’s a ‘gotcha’ by the Beeboid.
These days, Beeboid newsreaders tend towards talking more than the interviewee – and with a very partisan tendency.
The opposite is true when they are talking to the government’s opponents – bear witness the Beeboid ‘interviewing’ Rachel Reeves just this morning on the ‘Today’ programme. These ‘interviews’ are quickly allowed to become a Party Political Broadcast by any opposition representative, with the Beeboids apparently being incapable of asking any (never mind ‘probing’) questions
Richard – there is also the ‘while your here ‘ question where a politician is to be questioned about a particular issue but is hit with something another politician has done or said – used mainly against tories ….
……..clever Tory politicians use the ‘arsenal wenger ‘ method – of “ I didn’t see the incident which got my player sent off but he his not the sort to do something bad ..” in a french accent …
12 days until the target 15 million are ‘offered ‘ a vaccine – there’s a lot of letters going out – I guess they might make 14 million actual ….. still quite a feat ….
I still blame the government for not controlling our borders and for seeding covid in the care homes.
So i see the vaccine rollout much like Benjamin the donkey sees his tail ( in Animal Farm):
“He would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would sooner have had no tail and no flies.”
The Amol show, their blue pill universe : when Fox News was mentioned they crossed themselves.
The Discovery boss “Oh no GBnews wouldn’t be too a British Fox news, that wouldn’t even be legal.”
FFS that is a false cartoon baddy view of Fox News
In the left corner there is CNN, James O’Brien both 100% anti Trump all the time… and the rest of the MSM a tone lower.
In the right corner is Fox News, liberal, multiracial, and a high proportion of female presenters
Yes presenters almost all conservative, but many anti-Trump.
Fox is less rightwing than CNN is left wing, it is hardly shameful like they made out.
TalkRadio is actually quite like FoxNews except for Labour presenter on Saturday and JHB’s TDS.
The Discovery guy also made reference to “we’ll be balanced like LBC”
… by which he means you are allowed to have a partial righty presenter, like Farage and later have a lefty one.
Reference was also made to that on last week’s Amol show. And both last week and this week Amol’s listeners tweeted scorn at the idea LBC is balanced now.
The current LBC is quite a lot like a lefty shockjock station
except righty Ferrari who is very Anti Trump
and Maagid who is lefty but based in that he genuinely doesn’t hate Trump, and is anti-lockdown fanatism.
The rest of the presenters are a gang of Trump hating, Brexit-hating lefties …. led by O’sneer himself.
“Captain Sir Tom Moore: Nation claps for NHS fundraiser”
An excellent effort by Captain Moore raising a total of £M39 for the NHS which should have been funded by our government, a government that is spending millions on four star hotels for thousands of illegal immigrants.
Our Home secretary appears to care more for foreign illegals than she does for the people of this nation ? What are we not being told ?
We have a Liberal Tory Party that is full of huff, puff, pledges and promises .
This will not end well for Tory MPs sitting in marginal seats .
Lefty groups encouraging the illegals with the French still assisting – see NF here.
Illegals, now ‘asylum seekers’, represented in court by expensive ‘human rights’ lawyers from Deighton Pierce Glynn and Doughty Street Chambers (Starmer’s Chambers).
WOW ????????
“A deputy High Court judge today ordered that an asylum seeker & potential victim of trafficking who is housed at the Napier army barracks in Kent must be urgently re-housed in alternative adequate accommodation within 24 hour”
The local news showed a Dr Jill ‘O’ Leary discussing the camp talking about the terrible conditions she had encountered there. A cursory look on Google told me that she actually works for a charity that supports refugees. Not an ordinary doctor but one with a vested interest! Deception by omission once again from the media.
Roll up, roll up.
Welcome to the Captain Tom virtue-signalling wokerati auction, sponsored by the Social Media foundation.
What am I bid?
A mention in the news.
Dear me, come on.
An announcement in Parliament.
A minute’s silence in Parliament.
That’s better. Any more?
A bus going past his house.
Kensington Palace levels of flowers.
Mass applause at 6 pm.
A TV special trbute programme.
Thank you sir. We’re getting there.
A statue.
Going. Going. One more?
A state funeral.
That’s more like it.
SOLD to The BBC news department’s emotional manipulators on behalf of the gullible and naive.
Captain Tom is gone. It’s sad but he went out with a bang the rest of us can only hope for.
Everything we are seeing at the moment is virtue-signalling and cynical attempts to use him for political gain and propaganda. I guarantee every politician who stood clapping will have had a photographer on-scene.
I can’t even begin to imagine the level of hypocrisy on twitter.
I am sure they did not give him HCQ and zinc to treat the covid.
Now that Trump has been toppled by the coup, the learned journals in the USA have decided that HCQ treatment is fine after all. They were only against it because Trump was for it.
How many people died because of this? Don’t ask the MSM, they don’t care. They only know Trump was a bad man.
I regret deeply the loss of Tom Moore’s life – but I noticed the media photo of him and his family ‘enjoying the sun’ in Barbados……
……what the hell ? – if ever I have seen a photo of a man who really did not need to be ripped out of his home and transported across the Atlantic to an island which probably offers very little of any interest to a 100-year-old veteran of the 2nd World War – and I don’t care how many times it is written that this was one of his ‘bucket list’ items. His family looked as thouh they were enjoying it, though – I wonder who got in touch with BA to tell them that this was one of his ‘dreams’ ?
And, of course, this trip really didn’t have anything to do with the rapid deterioration in his health ?
Clearly, flying a 100 year old man for ten hours or more is a good way to finish him off. Sir Tom seemed pretty healthy and could probably lived happily for several more years. Hope the free holiday was worth it.
I just watched a recorded BBC Four Royal Institution Christmas Lecture on the gases in the atmosphere. The lady lecturer stated that man has warmed the planet by 1degC since the Industrial Revolution.
She continued, “But what does 1degC mean for the planet? Well if we look at the human body and we have a 1degC increase in temperature we can cope but another 0.2degC increase and we become sick. It is the same for the planet.”
You cannot argue with science like that! Best bit was when the camera shot changed to the school kids, watching the lecture via video link, the one at the front of the classroom did the biggest yawn.
The Royal Institution only allows perversions of science approved by lady lecturers like Greta. What Winston Churchill called “Perverted Science”. The Royal Society now regards people like Professor Richard Lindzen as purveyors of Jüdische Physik. See GWPF Report 6, Forward by Richard Lindzen, who says “perversion not only of The Royal Society but of science itself”
Ten facts banned by the perverted BBC.
(1) A white male can survive a temperature increase of ten degrees is six hours.
(2) Life in Britain can survive a temperature increase of ten degrees in six months.
(3) Farmers look forward to spring and summer despite the terrible threat to life caused by the warming.
(4) Evidence shows that for a short period, the Medieval Warm period was half a degree warmer in Scotland than today.
(6) The “Unified Theory of Climate” Atmospheric mass formula, not only explains the Greenhouse Effect on all known Planetary Atmospheres, but also explains the Greenhouse Effect on Earth at the time of the Dinosaurs, providing the solution to why the Earths average surface temperature was ten degrees higher, but Solar irradiance being weaker, thus correlating with the higher atmospheric pressure seen in bubbles trapped in Amber, much of the Earths atmosphere being lost to space since this time.
(7) It follows that a 6 Bar Atmosphere seen in Amber 270 Million years ago, correlates with Carbon Dioxide levels in the Earths Atmosphere being six times higher than today. Caused by the 270/1 Oceans/Atmosphere mass ratio.
(8) According to the “Unified Theory of Climate” Atmospheric mass formula. Man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.002128 Kelvin to Global Warming.
(9) Apart from the Sun. Other sources of heat are Geothermal heat, Friction and Interstellar heat such as the Stars, Galaxies and the big bang.
(10) I heard that heating engineers in New York say that Black people prefer a higher heat setting than White people. At least five times the 0.2deg C increase that “Whites” become sick.
Climate change is just the excuse for the great reset. It is the excuse the Davos crowd are using to steal the wealth of ordinary people for themselves.
As more people see through this, as they are impoverished by the elite, then there will be rebellion. Our so-called democratic system has failed. Look what happened to Trump, toppled by a coup. The response of the MSM? Nothing to see here folks.
This is not going to end the way Boris and Princess Nut Nuts think. They are the Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette de nos jours.
Given bbc American bs essentially operates within Twitter, is it possible they have not noticed some things that were big news to the bbc now appear less certain?
Watch AOC’s story change.
First – She didn’t go to the extraction point because she feared other Congressmen.
That was too ridiculous. She changed it to – “a police officer purposely withheld the extraction information.”
Miss Occasional Cortex is a piece of work – but there is more…
I do wonder if the BBC are going to go along with the Capitol “riot” being “as bad as 9/11”
Tucker should run for President. He’s good. He’s clear. Great communicator. Well ordered-brain connected to mouth unlike some politicians I could mention. Or is he only sounding good thanks to the autocue?
The really big question is, should he go for the Democratic Party nomination against an incumbent President and seek to reform the DNC or should he take the – perhaps easier – route and seek nomination for the Republican Party?
Apologies – but, given the absolute hatred, vitriol, and behaviour from the left and it’s a**e-licking US MSM over the past 5 years towards Donald Trump and his family members – and in particular, his wife and youngest son – I cannot blame Tucker Carlson from shying away from any political position. And don’t kid yourself that this is anything but a deliberate attempt to create a one-party state in the US.
Just observe the difference when Mr Obama’s daughters are even mentioned in the press in a less-than adulatory comment…..
“Napier Barracks: ‘Evacuate asylum site’, MPs told”
Expect more to come . Who is actually running this country ?
Message to Home Secretary and Nigel Farage………We are being invaded.
… and Dr. Effin O’Leary doesn’t seem to have even visited the camp?
– “remote clinical assessment” ? I’m wondering if the lady has a full time medical gig – or is she a full time (lefty?) activist bankrolled by a billionaire away from the humdrum of routinely ministering to sick people?
– in fact no reporters or activists – or even the iPhone toting “refugees” seem to have documented the conditions.
– and then the place spontaneously catches effin fire?
There may well be some deserving cases – but as it stands… they are diluting the goodwill of their hosts. It seems likely there’s some real wrong ‘uns in the residents – time to weed them out and throw the feckers out.
What? Vaccination? Lockdown? BLM? Anti-Brexit? The BBC TV Licence Fee?
The campaign to avoid increased Income Tax on high incomes. The lead item on the programme after 6 a.m. News, Weather and Paper Review was more of this from yesterday: It is so transparent to some but I guess most people will happily stumble into the trap that is being set.
Those on low incomes and the poor need housing, heat, light, food and water. The essentials, the basics for life that no-one can do without.
What does the BBC want to see taxed in campaigning for this with an impassioned contribution from Roger Harrabin? Not income and especially not the high incomes that Beeboids enjoy. No.
The BBC want tax on some specific foods that are essential for good health and on gas for heat. Be aware and beware; the BBC do not have your best interests at heart. This ‘BBC love for the planet’ has their own self-interest behind it.
I see the mainstream media are now have a new GroupThink comparing the EU to Trump because the EU played dirty.
I can’t imagine two sets of politics further apart. The EU displayed the gross hypocrisy and dishonesty typical of the Left whereas Trump always said what he was going to do and then did it.
Guest who
Thanks – someone put up a mind numbing 45 minute video of the gals presidents’ press briefing yesterday – I got to 35 minutes before realising there was no punch line – or value in the video and felt this site was being abused – and so was I
“However, Lady Justice Andrews and Mr Justice Warby said they could not treat the BBC too leniently as it would “send out the wrong message to those with a more cavalier attitude towards restrictions on reporting, recording and broadcasting court proceedings”. ”
Pretty lenient, compared to being arrested, tried and imprisioned within the hour.
If I was a judge I would be inclined to be more lenient when judging an individual, acting off the cuff, than a team of professionals for whom every millisecond of output is carefully chosen to produce the ‘right’ effect.
Just like when they got found out for cropping out the black guy wielding the wooden club at the police during the ‘mostly peaceful’ BLM riots.
There can’t be much room left under the carpet by now.
I hope you are not pushing the fake defund the BBC conspiracy?
Don’t you realise the upset this is causing within families in leafy Surrey or Cheshire who are in fear that they might lose their mult-million pound mansions and ponies?
Keep it up and Mariella’s laptop’s face recognition software won’t let her log in anymore.
Gets a kicking in the Telegraph replies
‘Tim Davie says The BBC would cost more than 400 per year if it was turned into a subscription service
as it claimed to offer almost twice the value for money as Netfix’
Corporation claims it offers almost twice the value for money as Netflix, but warns documentaries could soon be cut
Hmmmm – possibly -but only if the BBC held on to all the useless media outlets it already has, instead of cutting out all of the dead wood, providing ‘jobs for the boys’ at our expense – anyone hazard a guess why so many people got into ‘Media Studies’ degrees over the past decade or so….. there’s your answer.
And if it offers ‘twice the value for money’ that Netflix does – why don’t Tim Davey and all of the thousands of people skimming off the public purse put their money where their mouths are.
But hey – just a thought – isn’t this whole premise a bald admission that they really would not be able to hold their ‘audience’ without criminal prejudice against those who don’t want to pay for the BBC ?
Post script – I now see that ‘As I See it’ picked up on the same point further down the page….. but posted earlier than I did.
I give up ! I’ve tried posting whilst reading points from latest to earliest, and got caught out repeating points from earlier posts – and now I’m getting caught out posting while reading posts from earliest to latest. I can’t win ….so to hell with it, I’m just going to trust that posters here will understand that I’m not trying to steal anyone’s thunder, and making points when they come to me.
I don’t think it matters if you do that, Richard, I usually repeat comments and then finish up by telling myself, or anyone who bothers to read my stuff that “ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant””
I post while I can remember what the hell it is I want to write. Ten seconds can sound the death knell of a well thought out (to me) and well written (also to me) post.
TOADY Watch #2 – some serious goalpost moving from a scientist sounding very vague and uncertain
Compare Prof. Hayward (Haywood? spelling uncertain – BBC diction is not what it used to be!) to that famous double act Whitty and Vallance. Or even, the triple act or quadruple act, you could call them the Marxist Brothers if you add Neil Ferguson and Matt Hancock to that dynamic duo. They are certain. They are guided by the science.
They are all absolutely certain, Lockdown is essential, Lockdown cannot be lightened but schools must be re-opened. Prof Hay/ward/wood is not so sure but then he thinks maybe yes in the spring. Nick Robinson forgets to ask this so-called scientist when spring is and Nick also forgets to ask Hay/ward/wood a real killer question – “What is the (occasionally very important) ‘R’ rate for the whole of the UK?”
But it turns out that Captain Tom tested positive for covid on his day of release from hospital, having been in there for 10 days and tested negative on more than one occasion previously.
The Telegraph reckons 75 other people caught covid at the same hospital as Captain Tom during his stay there. Many other available statistics are absolutely damning on this issue.
I realise the NHS is utterly untouchable but killing a person who has raised £30m for you is a little harsh, don’t you think? And a fitting topic for an impartial state news organisation to investigate?
You say things which cannot be written . To reveal the truth – that the failure of the NHS to have clean hospitals speeded up the death of a National Hero – just cannot be said .
There is no evidence for this – and there never will be – they’ll make sure of that …..
Funny how the absolutely overworked and jammed NHS could spare so many staff to leave their hundreds and thousands of patients to go outside and clap for a photograph – see:
I see BLM are trying to target statues of Captain Cook now.
Now they have their complete freedom and have benefitted from all the rich’s of the society who originally enslaved their distant ancestors has to offer, I wonder how many of these hypocrites have expressed their hatred of ‘white privilege’ by relocating back to an African country run by black people.
I would love to hear their justifications of why they haven’t. I’m sure it would involve white racists somehow.
Surely they could give Captain Cook a pass. He has the excuse of being bludgeoned to death by a group of Hawaiian largely peaceful activists. So, crime atoned for!
Said trainee C of E priest is coloured and gay – and seemingly a gift which keeps giving and a new entrance into the crowded field of the ‘hate whitee which is ok if you are coloured industry ‘.
The prosecution rests ….
Fed, they just don’t help themselves do they ? the BAMEs just keep giving fodder to us whitey’s who in the past never had a racist thought in our body, but now…………
I guess that up to recently, normal citizens didn’t realise that coloured gangs were stabbing and shooting each other all the time, Brissles!
As I never go to London now (and never will while that little Khan bloke is ‘Mare’), I’m pretty well insulated from all that violence, and just like to stay here in a fabulous village!
I’d invite you all down if I could, and we could have a rave until the only copper in Kent decides to call by…!
9am Melvyn Bragg has found a female historic scientist to discuss
French mathematician Emilie du Châtelet, 1706-49, created a translation of Newton’s Principia from Latin into French.
Well lord Bragg know which way the tide is going – bit like those coloured folk that turn up on ‘dessert island disks ‘these days … I’m trying to work out when a whitee like me gets a go – I think I’m in group 101 consisting of 85% of the population – which means never ….
Stew, it’s a bit like University Challenge now.
Questions are on things like Female Estonian architects of the 19th century.
I wonder what Bamber thinks about the bbbc pc’ing it up to be all woke and tick box instead of entertaining.
From libmob conspiracy theory news site the Byline Times
“So according to electoral records, the New BBC Chairman* has donated over £400,000 to the Tories.
…..You’ve also got Tim Davie, announced as the BBC’s new Director General-stood as a councillor for the Tories in 1993 and 1994,
but the BBC is impartial right? Rolling on the floor laughing”
* former Goldman Sachs banker Richard Sharp
who it says was a Tory part fundraiser
Our “Worlds Most Trusted” aka, the Black & Asian Broadcasting Corp. carefully crafted the set-up to support their preferred position on the new coal mine in Copland. Even wheeled in some Communist Phd from the US to tell us that Boris could have a “Green” influence on the illegitimate Biden if he were to down his trousers and display his “Green” credentials by not authorising the go-ahead for the Copland mine on the priciple of, ‘Look what I’ve done Joe, aren’t I a good ‘green’ boy perhaps you’d like to join me?’
Next to be interviewed, the Mayor of Copland who explained that the coal to be extracted was purely for the manufacture of steel. Nothing more. No Coking Coal, no steel or industry. The Bee Lady tried all ways to twist the position to align with BBC policy and failed miserably at every turn: ‘Carbon Footprint’ if it comes from Columbia or Australia; Why do we need steel? Well, to make the ‘Green’ things like Wind Generators. And so on, i.e. you can’t ban drinking water.
The item was curtailed promptly, presumably by a word, “cut” from the Bee’s earpiece controller. ‘Get out quick’. I suspect we will not hear about the new Copland coal mine on Toady again.
G, thanks for covering that item so well. Am afraid I had switched OFF before the 8 a.m. news. Best part of two hours was enough for anyone, esp. after the sinister Prof!
I had to switch it off as keot swearing at the American oink…BBC introduced as godfather of climate change….he was an idiot….
Didnt understand about this coalmine and strangley didnt mention how the UK has reduced emissions to the point that it is inconsequential compared to China and India and US….
BBC defund in 21
No alternative climate views exist
On a morning when the Daily Star warns the likes of us hereabouts: ‘Sad keyboard warriors who targeted heroes like Marcus Rashford and Captain Sir Tom Moore should get a life before they get nicked…’
We say, thank you for the caution, but we will continue to exercise our freedom of speech – such as it is – while we still may.
‘Boris: now let’s give Captain Tom a statue’ – the Daily Mail helpfully providing a bronzed pic of the old chap (jokes about Barbados may come to the attention of the plod), supported by his familiar Zimmer frame, atop a stone plinth: ‘Inspiring: How statue might look’
I do admire the once popular newspaper mock-ups of how things may look.
This could be a timely intervention from Boris as we seem to have a plethora of spare plinths coming available.
Meanwhile not all famous British captains are in favour: ‘Captain Cook statues next on activists’ lists’ – the Telegraph informing us BLM campaigners have added the “genocidal” explorer their national hit list.
Calm considered debate on the issue doesn’t appear to be on the cards as campaigners brandish their: “Topple the racists” list, apparently compiled by something named the “Stop Trump Coalition” – so I’m afraid this won’t be just a few nutty student types, we’ll soon see the likes of English Heritage, the National Trust and little man Khan in London jumping on the bandwagon.
Poor old Donald Trump, his name is now media shorthand for bad.
Allister Heath in the Telegraph strains our prior understanding of political alignments to tell us: ‘The Trumpian EU has destroyed its last reason for existing’
Don’t write off the EU and their disinclination for elections just yet. They have their man in place in Italy: ‘Draghi steps on to political stage with “difficult” task to rescue Italy. ECB’s ex-chief accepts mandate’ (FT) – scare quotes there, as is often the case, being somewhat superfluous.
It’s a sign of our diminishing horizons, in a supposedly global world, that a truly heroic Britain such as Captain Cook who circumnavigated the globe expanding our knowledge of the wonders of that wider world, should be replaced with an old chap who circumnavigated his own back yard and raised funds for the public sector – and I’ll say this again – I remain bemused as to how our tax-funded NHS can be both the ideal model of healthcare and simultaneously be constantly in need of charitable funds? Surely, we’re gilding the lily? Or are we making of Our NHS a graven idol, a shibboleth, to which no amount of offerings are ever sufficient?
Speaking of which: ‘BBC subscription “would be £400 a year”’ – we’ll excuse the Telegraph’s – annoying scare quotes there and read on as this is very much on topic. This is the bloated Beeb blowing their own bassoon, claiming they are twice the value of Netflix. This is supposed to have me think I’m paying just £150 and getting £400 of broadcast value. Which in fact has me doing a quick calculation to the effect that were the licence not compulsory the BBC are suggesting only about 40% of their current captive audience would take up the subscription.
Not all corporations are fretting for their survival: Amazon sale boom during pandemic’ (Telegraph)
The Mail has Prince Harry pictured in uniform (library pics as opposed to Netflix): ‘Harry in new battle for military titles’ – harking back to a time, not so long ago, when men were men. And for the ladies, the Mail would have us know they long to: ‘Leave lockdown looking ten years younger. Femail magazine beauty special’
One’s beer goggles may have been shut away for the duration, but one suspects our post-lockdown jam jar specs may come into play here and the fairer sex may well appear all the more alluring, to the tune an entire decade, once we’re all released from our giant panda-like captivity.
The ‘i’ presents us their: ‘Love doctor’ and her ‘Science behind finding a good match’ – we all support the science these days, and we love a doctor, right? Although you can’t see a GP for love nor money. There’s always private, I guess.
‘Arts degrees ditched as students opt for medicine’ (Times) – follow the money, eh? We read on and notice a plaintive quote from a historian: ‘Although history doesn’t seem to have an immediate utilitarian use, nonetheless it instils intellectual disciplines…’ and another historian argues history is : ‘probably the best discipline available for anyone who wants learn how to research, how to marshal their material and their thoughts, and present their arguments in the most effective way’ – nah, let’s just knock over the racist statues!
‘We’re past the peak’ (Metro) – ain’t that the truth.
I’m sure the giveaway Metro’s heart is in the right place here: ‘Disability and sex: breaking the old taboos’
And finally, do we perhaps see the end of lockdown in sight? One doubts it. The pattern seems to be the authorities give a little, then take a lot.
‘Sunak concerned scientists are “moving goalposts” on lockdown’ (Telegraph) – From flatten the Mexican hat… to act like you’ve got the virus… are they moving the goalposts?
Like Scots football fans at Wembley in 1977, they’ve not only moved the goalposts, they’ve knocked them down and carried them away with them to Gretna Green.
A very considered review … thanks … I’ve trying to ponder ‘life after COVID ‘ – the time when deaths ‘with COVID ‘ is at an acceptable level .
We know the NHS can’t and won’t be changed at all – nor the structure of the medical mafia – that’s a given .
But what about ‘ordinary folk ‘? Will we appreciate things more ?or quickly forget and get back into our former ways ?
I know one thing – in about 10 years there will be a surplus of virologists – we ll tripping over unemployed virologists begging in the streets ….
Unless of course – there is another pandemic ..
Fed, I think I’ve got bad news. That TOADY Interview with Prof Hay/ward/wood was, I felt at the time, deeply sinister. With a couple of hours to mull it over, I’ve come to the conclusion that it was deeply sinister, is deeply sinister and is a flavour of the deeply sinister things that may come out of all this Pandemic and Global Warming and Climate Change stuff.
There are so many people now with vested interests in keeping this all going until ‘kingdom come’. 😉
Not just Big Pharma who are always up for a bit of a Virus Quantitative Easing.
The NHS is always in crisis every winter when there is a Conservative Party-led Government. Why? The Tories throw huge amounts of money at the NHS – just like Labour. I think we can guarantee there will be a NHS crisis due to something or other starting next September or October and it will possibly be helped along by the sudden discovery of a mutant strain of a mutant strain of a mutant virus that Great Aunt Ethel brought back to the UK from a walking holiday in Bruce Chatwin’s or Martha Kearney’s or somebody’s footsteps.
If Devolved Government for a small geographical space like the UK has been a complete disaster, there is the devolved NHS not just between the four constituencies but within those constituencies. I find it hard to keep with the different ‘health bodies’ that exist just for England. They all have their Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs and sub-Deputy Chiefs and Directors for This and That and instead of ordering their PPE supplies they would rather be getting appearance fees from the BBC, raising their profiles on TV and then getting more fees for writing learned pieces for the Times on the latest mutant and how to chew it.
Then there are all the scientists. It wasn’t that long ago that they were being trailed across the BBC studios to proclaim “Woe, woe and thrice woe – we will not be able to survive without the handouts from the Brussels Bureaucrats now that the UK is leaving the EU.” They are just as greedy as the BBC for money, as luvvies are for the limelight and ago on TV or radio, and the new opportunities for funded reasearch and producing papers as Scientists. Academe at the top level is very trough like, over papers published, Fellowships, tenure and Chairs, etc..
Then the Trade Unions, especially the Teaching Trade Unions now know that they are onto a money-spinner. “We have a child with a sniffle – it could be a coronavirus – they have been sent home to isolate.” “We now need resources (ie. more money) from Government for cleaning or we may have to close the whole school.” “We already have teachers staying at home because of possible infection.”
Then other unionised work groups can all down tools ‘due to sickness’ at the drop of a hankie. Had an apologetic e-mail from Local Authority that delayed bin collections were due to sickness, not the cold weather or the near continual rain. Rail workers, bus drivers, postal workers, all the usual suspects, can now milk the common cold and ordinary influenza as a ‘Covid Virus’, especially with some help from a City or Regional Mayor who doesn’t like the flavour of The Government of the Day.
I think it may be a recurring performance every autumn, winter and spring from now on. This could very well be ‘the new normal’.
But look on the upside – there are now a whole new source of celebrities – when will we see the guys and gals who do the 5pm ‘gotcha’ gigs doing ‘strictly ‘ or presenting documentaries ?
And on the downside – I’ve been to a cemetery today – there was a funeral with around 20 people there – away from the dispersed group were 2 plod standing there looking on .
The body language didn’t look good – I could see plod wasn’t welcome .
The image of plod looking on – with a riot van nearby – was not a good one ….
“Climate change: Boris Johnson ‘risks humiliation’ over coal mine”
“The leading climate scientist James Hansen has warned Boris Johnson that he risks “humiliation“ over plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria.”
This James Hansen should point his criticism at the biggest coal producer in the world .
Isn’t he the guy who supported Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ theory of Global Warming – by tampering with his own data ? The ‘Hockey Stick’ effect being thoroughly debunked when it became obvious that you could create the same effect by choosing random data to input to the algorithm being used by Mr Mann to make claims about global temperature data….. and, of course, just like the University of East Anglia, if I recall correctly, they all denied access to their data manupulations (completely counter to the’ Scientific Method’ whereby other scientists can re-create the data/results to verify, or otherwise, the work supposedly being done).
Yup that would be that James Hansen……to whom we should all pay attention…. yeah, right.
And, of course you are absolutely right, taffman, maybe Mr Hansen could possibly direct a tiny bit of attention to China, who are going to be opening a coal-fired power station at the rate of around one every couple of weeks or so, at home and abroad, for the rest of this decade, before they even think about carbon reduction. China not looking, on the back of the ‘Global warming crisis’, for a commercial competitive advantage against the rest of the world, then, eh ?
And when is the BBC going to poke a certian cretin, Roger Harrabin, in the eye with a sharp stick when he pontificates to us in the UK about global warming ?
Great Britain would be a much better place if those people who hate this country just left.
That would probably include most of those employed at Al Beeb.
It is rather amusing that so many BAME people choose to use hyphenated surnames that are redolent of the dominant white and Imperial culture of the past Victorian and Edwardian Colonial eras. You would think they would be keen to avoid that sort of thing these days.
Apparently the fatherland isn’t done with the Helga running the ReichEU – various krauts want a scalp in the run up to the Reich Election –
So Helga might have to repeat a scene from Wagner …..
Come to think of it – crankie might be up for ‘career adjustment of the salmon gets his revenge ….
I had to switch it off as keot swearing at the American oink…BBC introduced as godfather of climate change….he was an idiot….
Didnt understand about this coalmine and strangley didnt mention how the UK has reduced emissions to the point that it is inconsequential compared to China and India and US….
BBC defund in 21
No alternative climate views exist
Yoshiro Mori, the Tokyo Olympics committee president and a former Japanese prime minister, prompted outrage after he said women talked too much in meetings and should have their speaking time regulated.
A leading climate scientist has warned Boris Johnson that he risks “humiliation“ over plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria.
UK PM Boris Johnson ‘risks humiliation’ over coal mine
UK PM Boris Johnson ‘risks humiliation’ over coal mine
A leading scientist warns Boris Johnson digging for coal undermines the UK’s climate change efforts.
It has been noted that when the BBC ‘quotes’, “quotes” or quotes someone and does not mention who, the BBC is at best being coy. No matter how renowned they may be.
Standard practise for them : They pick any quote which matches their agenda, no matter how ridiculous and put it as the main headline – but with apostrophes around it. To the casual reader, it might sink in as a fact.
You have to dig into the article to find out that it is merely the opinion of some lefty/activist/misandrist with a big mouth. It’s absolutely ethically dishonest.
Maybe Timmeh! Could be tasked directly on the ‘value’ of BBC propaganda, preferably not by a committee of scientific illiterates and ex-Beeboid colleagues propped up by Princess Pea and Hazel’s Johnson buddy?
Tim Harford OBE is an economist, writer and broadcaster. A Financial Times senior columnist, presenter of BBC Radio 4’s ‘More or Less,’ TedX speaker and honorary fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, he was awarded an OBE in 2019 for services to improving economic understanding. His best-selling book ‘The Undercover Economist’ enlightened millions of readers about the economic principles powering everyday life. In this in-depth interview, Tim discusses his mission to encourage people to have a positive and “healthy scepticism” towards statistics and data, as the best way to tackle fake news and widespread misinformation; shares his motivation for writing his latest book where he tempts his readers to share his love of statistics; and argues that the UK government needs to “get its priorities right on research” – with more money currently being spent on measuring sport than on crime…
Yup, and another… well, golly, BBC presenter who is a columnist for the FT.
And guess what… he is also tackling… ‘fake news’.
That will be him off with the rest as the BBC implodes in irony.
There is a picture. Like Wendy, wise if no selfies. on daytime channels.
So far as I can see, this declared, “economist” has only, if anything, survived three years in business outside being a reporter. Even then, we are not told what he did in “business” for those three years.
Question? – can you describe yourself as an, “Economist” when very little of that is spent, ‘hands-on’ / coal face?
Simply not reporting news because you don’t want people to know about it is ethically not much different from reporting fake news. Either way they end up believing something which is not the truth.
The BBC are masters of the former. They can’t do the latter as it can be proved in a court. But they get very close sometimes.
I’ve now read a few comments saying there should be a statue of Captain Tom.
Sounds like a good idea….
….until some of the wokerati chuck it into the Thames because he bought a shirt from India made by child labour or maybe he read a Harry Potter book by the now hated JKR.
Covid January 19th is the peak death day at 1,336 deaths.
Not much delayed death data likely to come in
so suggesting peak cases were a week before lockdown started on January 4th.
But the decline is slow as of yet there is no down step you’d expect to show the lockdown worked. graph
He can’t be that much of a hero, he only had 3 medals.
At least, not compared to the odds and sods we see at ceremonies on tv where their below lapel medal ribbons look like they’ve cut out one of the Daily Mails header pictures of one of the current Rotherham ‘grooming gangs’ with 60-80 heads in rows and glued it onto their uniform.
Look at all the decorations the royals have on display and compare to Cap’n Tom.
But, we know who the Hero is.
Mike Graham show is basically saying that no one clapped unless there was a camera there.
Callers suggested making such a fuss is offensive to Sir Tom’s Yorkshire culture.
Where I live, I don’t think anyone came out to clap. Weather? Apathy? Fewer people paying attention to the media and the PM? Maybe people want to show respect in different ways.
Jarel’s apology tweet
Damage limitation by having replies switched off
and the original tweet was deleted, I don’t know what ratio it reached.
Ah it was sent also with replies switched off, which indicates knew it was controversial when he posted it
But it got ratioed by Quote Tweets alone.
I offer an unreserved apology for the insensitive timing and content of my tweet regarding the clap for Captain Tom.
I’ve now read and will sign the Church of England's Digital Charter:
— Jarel Robinson-Brown || Black Prophetic Fire ???? (@JarelRB) February 3, 2021
Of course he wasn’t attacking ‘Captain Tom’, he was attacking all you 60 million white racists.
The Twitter mob are so thick and hair-triggered that they thought it was about that man and so kicked up a fuss.
Our Churchman of Colour, preferring the CoE’s Digital Charter to the Gospel (“love thy fellow man”), excuses himself from any anti-Tom interpretation of his remarks while still leaving us with ‘you 60 million white honkies are racist’.
‘..and now it’s over to our Westminster correspondent, Nick Eardley…’
I’m sorry? Why do we need a fugitive from the set of ‘Trainspotting’ with an unintelligible Glaswegian accent, dressed as if for his latest court appearance, to provide us with news from The Mother of Parliaments?
I wonder how many English reporters keep their eager audience up to speed on BBC Scotland?
There is no rule of law in the USA any more. When the Supreme Court refused to hear the case brought by Texas it was all over.
Look at the political capital President Trump used to get so-called conservatives on to the Supreme Court. He shouldn’t have bothered, they were cowards. Now it looks as if Sleepy Joe may just pack the court anyway. If so, it’s all over for the USA.
I think it’s over any way for fair trials – there would need to be fully vetted counters – cctv – personal voting only with good ID – and a common simple counting system without computers ….
… I doubt if any politician of any type anywhere would want that …..
A disgraceful individual who should be de-frocked without defence. This type of rotten anti British talk does such people no favours but simply piles on the disgust they bring upon themselves. I shall stop now before I become very verbal……..!
I presume anyone calling HIM a racist are included in the ones guilty of racist abuse ?.
Perhaps Jarel accepting his own comment was racist would be a good start. Seems he doesn’t.
So. In conclusion. The #EU threatens a hard border out of spite. The men of violence threaten conflict. But the #BBC says it’s all the fault of @BorisJohnson and #Brexit – shameful, dangerous and irresponsible journalism.
BREAKING: AOC just emailed her followers to mass-report everyone who tweeted #AlexandriaOcasioSmollet today so Twitter and Facebook will take down any posts criticizing or fact-checking her
There’s Left-Wing style free speech for you.
I read her comments on the BBC and they were absolutely outrageous. She has no place in any civilised government.
Of course the BBC only published them to support her and the far-left agenda. No criticism whatsoever.
I’m at a loss trying to understand how a mainstream USA political organisation such as the Democratic Party can be in the position of having someone like this so close to the top of its power structure. It’s a house of cards and will topple eventually.
It’s what happens when cynical young ideologues chose a thick young ideological front person to seduce even thicker young ideological media folk in ‘news’ kindergartens, and they all run for the safe space when the popular spoilt kid throws a strop having demanded and been given too much for too long and blows a fuse.
Jon, Lurch, Katty and Nick likely joining Franny, Timmeh!, Wendy and the cute blonde at that retreat they suddenly got booked on on Bora Bora.
“The Bank was also clear that the post-Brexit trading rules will hit the economy, and that there are new “barriers” likely to lower trade between the UK and EU, some which are yet to emerge.”
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Anyone notice that Al Beeb is playing down the recent major clanger dropped by the European Dictatorship ? A case of “nothing to see here”.
Who does Al Beeb support Great Britain or The European Union ?
De fund the traitors .
Taff, they summed up their view on the whole shabby debacle during the first hour of the Toady Progarmme on Monday morning.
The male anti-beeboid drone described it as ‘ a spat’
Nothing happening north of the border, either.
Next week, after Salmond’s day in court, things may well be rather different but using the BBC standard approach to un-newsworthy minor side issues that might deflect from the task of putting Boris down, perhaps it will all go away?
I have listened to the radio traffic over the last few days and have noticed a number of pro-SNP speakers with English accents pushing for Scottish independence? As the discussion continues they appear more concerned about getting Scotland back into the EU than independence itself.
I have come to the conclusion that one or two contributors are avid EU rejoiners who are pushing the agenda of breaking up Great Britain to get us back into the EU.
Perhaps that was the great plan of the EU after all.
Are there any Scottish readers on this site that have an opinion ?
Oh I have an opinion alright.
SNP are hardcore Marxists aided and abetted by the Watermelons in driving Scottish society and the economy off the cliff edge through their hatred of the English. This hate is West Coast Scots and is right out of Ireland.
Sturgeon’s dream would be be 70’s Northern Ireland in Scotland.
From my previous experience of visiting Scotland and from my acquaintances there I think there must be many good, sensible Scotch people who are beginning to feel marooned among an alien mad society.
Had my first jab today. I was handed a leaflet after the deed was done (sadly not on national tv), and quelle surprise, 2 grinning oldies on the front page – in the background a grey haired white lady, and in prominent position a mature man of colour. The advertising industry are stoking the fans of racialism, the opposite of what they think they’re achieving.
I’m now convinced it’s as simple and as nasty as the Left saying ‘F*ck you’ to the right. If it makes racism worse, all the better : they get more opportunity to do it.
They absolutely don’t care about anyone else. It’s all driven by hate. Their complete disregard for Muslim wife-beating and homophobia is evidence enough. They are far more valuable as weapons against the Right.
We have countless examples of the Left turning a blind eye to its own bad behavior Their hatred of the right trumps anything else. Even common sense or facts.
…and mine is tomorrow. I guess you had received a NHS guide leaflet for “older adults” with the letter asking you to make an appointment. This in contrast has a mature woman of colour and a grey haired white man.
Designed to avoid any complaints of a lack of diversity balance?
Yess Bulldog, I did, and both leaflets have the person of colour in the prominent front position. At least for equality they could have put the white privileged person at the front on one of them ! and as these pamphlets are dished out nationwide, I guarantee I’m not the only one thinking this – thus making more having ‘racial’ thoughts that creates more division.
A race baiting National broadcaster ………they simply cannot help themselves.
What a rancid outfit
Lloyd’s of London appointed Inga Beale to head it, first woman in that role in their history. Her obsession was diversity. Shame she wasn’t very good at the rest of what should have been her role.
twice & then some
– 10:16 am by BBCBusiness
– 1:02 pm video tweet by BBC5Live
– 1:11 pm different video tweet by R4Today
– 4:20 pm by BBCNews (UK)
– 4:47 pm by BBCNews (UK)
The BBC are massively selective about quoting Trevor Phillips.
– so much so that I feel it shows them at their absurd woke worst.
Could it be that many people of colour just aren’t good enough ? like the cry that few BAMEs are given acting awards or that Academy boards are not diverse enough, well, with the exception of a few – Trevor Phillips being one of them, then articulation appears to be a huge drawback. Marcus Rashford was interviewed recently and it was like watching teeth being pulled. Young black boys and girls are randomly interviewed on the street and its hard to understand them. I’m not saying that whites are any better, but many of the now mixed race young presenters being pushed on many programmes, are clearly employed only for their colour than any articulate presenting skills.
Main Stream Media busy proclaiming the nation got the clap at 6pm and various signallers of virtue pictured to back up the headlines.
A quick glance as the comments sections tells another story however.
For the record, no one around me did, except the old biddy across the road who if given the chance would stand on her doorstep all day and talk to anyone in earshot about her various medical ailments, so she doesn’t count.
Note to the outgoing PM, Sorry Doris, your attempts at unifying the country are not working. We are all mighty p******d off with things. Take note and sort it PDQ.
I didn’t hear a thing at 6pm.
However RIP Captain Tom ????
Will the anychess zimmer formation team now do a missing man shuffle past?
Just now being recorded on Tick tock.
Defund The BBC is saying that the BBC has to ‘save £408 million over the next year. Hope that is true . The BBC pension costs must be eye watering ….
£408 million? Blimey just think how many brain specialist could be employed with all that loot on repairing the minds of people damaged by BBC propaganda!
Yes 408 million – it doesn’t say the source of that number but the BBC will play the ‘auntie ‘ card and say which radio stations and TV stations do you want closed ? – me – I’d sell them all off ….
….and will this £408 million be a cut compared to this year’s budget, or will it be in the form of a cut to next year’s budget, when the BBC is ‘expecting’ a rise of £1 billion (plus inflation, at the BBC rate of inflation, of course, which bears no relation to reality) ?
(This is how public sector ‘cuts’ are calulated and proclaimed these days…)
If it were me, I’d be saying to the BBC – right, there will be a real cut of 10% of today’s budget per year, every year, and you can sort yourself out about how and when you want to go ‘public’ – but at that point, the remainder will be wiped out. In any case, 10 years from now, you’ll be fending for yourself whether you like it or not.
Ball’s in your court.
Those dividers on Only Connect must have been really expensive because I am blowed if I know what other costs they have had because everything has been repeats (see Xmas 2020 schedule).
The mail helpfully dug out 3 occasions when the Labour Leader said the UK should stay in the failed EU vaccine shambles – including x2 in parliament – mark francious tried to get a point of order in parliament today on this – starmer the fool and liar and wrong .
Now that was funny.
TWatO Watch #2 – Ask a question, Sarah, ask a question
Sorry it’s late but needed my memory jogged to remember. The ‘Now you see it, now you don’t’ ‘R’ rate‘ was mentioned on TWatO today by Sarah Montague and the contributor, think they were talking about vaccines and protection from infection from Covid. I was yelling at the radio “Ask what the ‘R’ rate is, Sarah.” but the Montacutie did not hear.
Isn’t it more than a little strange that the ‘R’ rate is very important one minute and not the next.
That is just not right.
Reminds me, Up2nsuff, of one of the latest BBC ploys whilst interviewing government ministers these days. Regularly, during the ‘interview’, the Beeboid will make a long-drawn out speech in two parts. The first part is possibly linked to the previous answer to a question (but not necessarily), but it is a negative statement about either the government or its so-called ‘transgressions’, with the second part eventually being a question which has little or nothing to do with the initial statement made by the Beeboid.
If the government representative starts challenging the first part of the beeboid’s comment, he is immediately accused of ‘not answering the question’ and shut down as quickly as possible. Of course, if the interviewee does not challenge the first part – it’s a ‘gotcha’ by the Beeboid.
These days, Beeboid newsreaders tend towards talking more than the interviewee – and with a very partisan tendency.
The opposite is true when they are talking to the government’s opponents – bear witness the Beeboid ‘interviewing’ Rachel Reeves just this morning on the ‘Today’ programme. These ‘interviews’ are quickly allowed to become a Party Political Broadcast by any opposition representative, with the Beeboids apparently being incapable of asking any (never mind ‘probing’) questions
Richard – there is also the ‘while your here ‘ question where a politician is to be questioned about a particular issue but is hit with something another politician has done or said – used mainly against tories ….
……..clever Tory politicians use the ‘arsenal wenger ‘ method – of “ I didn’t see the incident which got my player sent off but he his not the sort to do something bad ..” in a french accent …
12 days until the target 15 million are ‘offered ‘ a vaccine – there’s a lot of letters going out – I guess they might make 14 million actual ….. still quite a feat ….
I still blame the government for not controlling our borders and for seeding covid in the care homes.
So i see the vaccine rollout much like Benjamin the donkey sees his tail ( in Animal Farm):
“He would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would sooner have had no tail and no flies.”
The Amol show, their blue pill universe : when Fox News was mentioned they crossed themselves.
The Discovery boss “Oh no GBnews wouldn’t be too a British Fox news, that wouldn’t even be legal.”
FFS that is a false cartoon baddy view of Fox News
In the left corner there is CNN, James O’Brien both 100% anti Trump all the time… and the rest of the MSM a tone lower.
In the right corner is Fox News, liberal, multiracial, and a high proportion of female presenters
Yes presenters almost all conservative, but many anti-Trump.
Fox is less rightwing than CNN is left wing, it is hardly shameful like they made out.
TalkRadio is actually quite like FoxNews except for Labour presenter on Saturday and JHB’s TDS.
The Discovery guy also made reference to “we’ll be balanced like LBC”
… by which he means you are allowed to have a partial righty presenter, like Farage and later have a lefty one.
Reference was also made to that on last week’s Amol show. And both last week and this week Amol’s listeners tweeted scorn at the idea LBC is balanced now.
The current LBC is quite a lot like a lefty shockjock station
except righty Ferrari who is very Anti Trump
and Maagid who is lefty but based in that he genuinely doesn’t hate Trump, and is anti-lockdown fanatism.
The rest of the presenters are a gang of Trump hating, Brexit-hating lefties …. led by O’sneer himself.
“Captain Sir Tom Moore: Nation claps for NHS fundraiser”
An excellent effort by Captain Moore raising a total of £M39 for the NHS which should have been funded by our government, a government that is spending millions on four star hotels for thousands of illegal immigrants.
Our Home secretary appears to care more for foreign illegals than she does for the people of this nation ? What are we not being told ?
We have a Liberal Tory Party that is full of huff, puff, pledges and promises .
This will not end well for Tory MPs sitting in marginal seats .
Lefty groups encouraging the illegals with the French still assisting – see NF here.
Illegals, now ‘asylum seekers’, represented in court by expensive ‘human rights’ lawyers from Deighton Pierce Glynn and Doughty Street Chambers (Starmer’s Chambers).
The local news showed a Dr Jill ‘O’ Leary discussing the camp talking about the terrible conditions she had encountered there. A cursory look on Google told me that she actually works for a charity that supports refugees. Not an ordinary doctor but one with a vested interest! Deception by omission once again from the media.
… and Dr. O’Leary doesn’t seem to have even visited the camp according to the BBC report on the activist MD(?) antics at Westminster …
– “remote clinical assessment”
Can the good judge accommodate them ?
Roll up, roll up.
Welcome to the Captain Tom virtue-signalling wokerati auction, sponsored by the Social Media foundation.
What am I bid?
A mention in the news.
Dear me, come on.
An announcement in Parliament.
A minute’s silence in Parliament.
That’s better. Any more?
A bus going past his house.
Kensington Palace levels of flowers.
Mass applause at 6 pm.
A TV special trbute programme.
Thank you sir. We’re getting there.
A statue.
Going. Going. One more?
A state funeral.
That’s more like it.
SOLD to The BBC news department’s emotional manipulators on behalf of the gullible and naive.
Captain Tom is gone. It’s sad but he went out with a bang the rest of us can only hope for.
Everything we are seeing at the moment is virtue-signalling and cynical attempts to use him for political gain and propaganda. I guarantee every politician who stood clapping will have had a photographer on-scene.
I can’t even begin to imagine the level of hypocrisy on twitter.
Captain Tom.
He gave the nhs £30 million plus.
They gave him covid.
You are right but has anyone noticed they haven’t made much of an issue about it…
Typical BBC hypocrisy…and a dilemma…our favourite saintly organisation killed our saintly media emotional vehicle.
Rip Capt Tom…glad he enjoyed his final years…
And hopefully the BBC will follow
I am sure they did not give him HCQ and zinc to treat the covid.
Now that Trump has been toppled by the coup, the learned journals in the USA have decided that HCQ treatment is fine after all. They were only against it because Trump was for it.
How many people died because of this? Don’t ask the MSM, they don’t care. They only know Trump was a bad man.
I regret deeply the loss of Tom Moore’s life – but I noticed the media photo of him and his family ‘enjoying the sun’ in Barbados……
……what the hell ? – if ever I have seen a photo of a man who really did not need to be ripped out of his home and transported across the Atlantic to an island which probably offers very little of any interest to a 100-year-old veteran of the 2nd World War – and I don’t care how many times it is written that this was one of his ‘bucket list’ items. His family looked as thouh they were enjoying it, though – I wonder who got in touch with BA to tell them that this was one of his ‘dreams’ ?
And, of course, this trip really didn’t have anything to do with the rapid deterioration in his health ?
Clearly, flying a 100 year old man for ten hours or more is a good way to finish him off. Sir Tom seemed pretty healthy and could probably lived happily for several more years. Hope the free holiday was worth it.
I just watched a recorded BBC Four Royal Institution Christmas Lecture on the gases in the atmosphere. The lady lecturer stated that man has warmed the planet by 1degC since the Industrial Revolution.
She continued, “But what does 1degC mean for the planet? Well if we look at the human body and we have a 1degC increase in temperature we can cope but another 0.2degC increase and we become sick. It is the same for the planet.”
You cannot argue with science like that! Best bit was when the camera shot changed to the school kids, watching the lecture via video link, the one at the front of the classroom did the biggest yawn.
Given that the temperature on Earth has ben measured to range from 58 to -88 Celsius, a range of 146 degrees, 0.2 is neither here nor there.
The Royal Institution only allows perversions of science approved by lady lecturers like Greta. What Winston Churchill called “Perverted Science”. The Royal Society now regards people like Professor Richard Lindzen as purveyors of Jüdische Physik. See GWPF Report 6, Forward by Richard Lindzen, who says “perversion not only of The Royal Society but of science itself”
Ten facts banned by the perverted BBC.
(1) A white male can survive a temperature increase of ten degrees is six hours.
(2) Life in Britain can survive a temperature increase of ten degrees in six months.
(3) Farmers look forward to spring and summer despite the terrible threat to life caused by the warming.
(4) Evidence shows that for a short period, the Medieval Warm period was half a degree warmer in Scotland than today.
(5) Evidence shows that the Roman Warm Period was two degrees warmer than today.
(6) The “Unified Theory of Climate” Atmospheric mass formula, not only explains the Greenhouse Effect on all known Planetary Atmospheres, but also explains the Greenhouse Effect on Earth at the time of the Dinosaurs, providing the solution to why the Earths average surface temperature was ten degrees higher, but Solar irradiance being weaker, thus correlating with the higher atmospheric pressure seen in bubbles trapped in Amber, much of the Earths atmosphere being lost to space since this time.
(7) It follows that a 6 Bar Atmosphere seen in Amber 270 Million years ago, correlates with Carbon Dioxide levels in the Earths Atmosphere being six times higher than today. Caused by the 270/1 Oceans/Atmosphere mass ratio.
(8) According to the “Unified Theory of Climate” Atmospheric mass formula. Man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.002128 Kelvin to Global Warming.
(9) Apart from the Sun. Other sources of heat are Geothermal heat, Friction and Interstellar heat such as the Stars, Galaxies and the big bang.
(10) I heard that heating engineers in New York say that Black people prefer a higher heat setting than White people. At least five times the 0.2deg C increase that “Whites” become sick.
You are wasting your time arguing from science.
Climate change is just the excuse for the great reset. It is the excuse the Davos crowd are using to steal the wealth of ordinary people for themselves.
As more people see through this, as they are impoverished by the elite, then there will be rebellion. Our so-called democratic system has failed. Look what happened to Trump, toppled by a coup. The response of the MSM? Nothing to see here folks.
This is not going to end the way Boris and Princess Nut Nuts think. They are the Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette de nos jours.
Given bbc American bs essentially operates within Twitter, is it possible they have not noticed some things that were big news to the bbc now appear less certain?
Miss Occasional Cortex is a piece of work – but there is more…
I do wonder if the BBC are going to go along with the Capitol “riot” being “as bad as 9/11”
Tucker should run for President. He’s good. He’s clear. Great communicator. Well ordered-brain connected to mouth unlike some politicians I could mention. Or is he only sounding good thanks to the autocue?
The really big question is, should he go for the Democratic Party nomination against an incumbent President and seek to reform the DNC or should he take the – perhaps easier – route and seek nomination for the Republican Party?
Robert Barnes said he has spoken to Tucker about this
but Tucker replied no way will he be running.
Apologies – but, given the absolute hatred, vitriol, and behaviour from the left and it’s a**e-licking US MSM over the past 5 years towards Donald Trump and his family members – and in particular, his wife and youngest son – I cannot blame Tucker Carlson from shying away from any political position. And don’t kid yourself that this is anything but a deliberate attempt to create a one-party state in the US.
Just observe the difference when Mr Obama’s daughters are even mentioned in the press in a less-than adulatory comment…..
Candace Owens for me.
Cue BBC American BS suddenly seek pastures of excitement new.
AOC’s office is of course better defended than any American border.
#priorities .
“Napier Barracks: ‘Evacuate asylum site’, MPs told”
Expect more to come . Who is actually running this country ?
Message to Home Secretary and Nigel Farage………We are being invaded.
… and Dr. Effin O’Leary doesn’t seem to have even visited the camp?
– “remote clinical assessment” ? I’m wondering if the lady has a full time medical gig – or is she a full time (lefty?) activist bankrolled by a billionaire away from the humdrum of routinely ministering to sick people?
– in fact no reporters or activists – or even the iPhone toting “refugees” seem to have documented the conditions.
– and then the place spontaneously catches effin fire?
There may well be some deserving cases – but as it stands… they are diluting the goodwill of their hosts. It seems likely there’s some real wrong ‘uns in the residents – time to weed them out and throw the feckers out.
Why am I not surprised?
TOADY Watch #1 – a step up in the BBC campaign
What? Vaccination? Lockdown? BLM? Anti-Brexit? The BBC TV Licence Fee?
The campaign to avoid increased Income Tax on high incomes. The lead item on the programme after 6 a.m. News, Weather and Paper Review was more of this from yesterday: It is so transparent to some but I guess most people will happily stumble into the trap that is being set.
Those on low incomes and the poor need housing, heat, light, food and water. The essentials, the basics for life that no-one can do without.
What does the BBC want to see taxed in campaigning for this with an impassioned contribution from Roger Harrabin? Not income and especially not the high incomes that Beeboids enjoy. No.
The BBC want tax on some specific foods that are essential for good health and on gas for heat. Be aware and beware; the BBC do not have your best interests at heart. This ‘BBC love for the planet’ has their own self-interest behind it.
Get the Telly Tax rid – that helps everyone!
She has many followers.
How much does she get paid to only produce glorified selfies of herself.?
I see the mainstream media are now have a new GroupThink comparing the EU to Trump because the EU played dirty.
I can’t imagine two sets of politics further apart. The EU displayed the gross hypocrisy and dishonesty typical of the Left whereas Trump always said what he was going to do and then did it.
For Fed. Already covered but this is rated PG.
It has a named Beeboid, but he says it was one of them BBC accidents, so all good and time to put it behind us.
As you do. If the press. Except if you don’t like the person.
Guest who
Thanks – someone put up a mind numbing 45 minute video of the gals presidents’ press briefing yesterday – I got to 35 minutes before realising there was no punch line – or value in the video and felt this site was being abused – and so was I
“However, Lady Justice Andrews and Mr Justice Warby said they could not treat the BBC too leniently as it would “send out the wrong message to those with a more cavalier attitude towards restrictions on reporting, recording and broadcasting court proceedings”. ”
Pretty lenient, compared to being arrested, tried and imprisioned within the hour.
If I was a judge I would be inclined to be more lenient when judging an individual, acting off the cuff, than a team of professionals for whom every millisecond of output is carefully chosen to produce the ‘right’ effect.
Just like when they got found out for cropping out the black guy wielding the wooden club at the police during the ‘mostly peaceful’ BLM riots.
There can’t be much room left under the carpet by now.
There should be a BBC Calendar made up of stuff liked their cropped photos.
Can’t see the bbc surviving much longer.
‘My favourite pangolins’?
[pensive face ©️Spring.M]
I hope you are not pushing the fake defund the BBC conspiracy?
Don’t you realise the upset this is causing within families in leafy Surrey or Cheshire who are in fear that they might lose their mult-million pound mansions and ponies?
Keep it up and Mariella’s laptop’s face recognition software won’t let her log in anymore.
Botney, Naga… Timmeh!…. all these vastly overpaid Beeboids going full ‘tell it often enough’ errs on the desperate.
Is value not decided upon by a free market?
Gets a kicking in the Telegraph replies
‘Tim Davie says The BBC would cost more than 400 per year if it was turned into a subscription service
as it claimed to offer almost twice the value for money as Netfix’
Hmmmm – possibly -but only if the BBC held on to all the useless media outlets it already has, instead of cutting out all of the dead wood, providing ‘jobs for the boys’ at our expense – anyone hazard a guess why so many people got into ‘Media Studies’ degrees over the past decade or so….. there’s your answer.
And if it offers ‘twice the value for money’ that Netflix does – why don’t Tim Davey and all of the thousands of people skimming off the public purse put their money where their mouths are.
But hey – just a thought – isn’t this whole premise a bald admission that they really would not be able to hold their ‘audience’ without criminal prejudice against those who don’t want to pay for the BBC ?
Post script – I now see that ‘As I See it’ picked up on the same point further down the page….. but posted earlier than I did.
I give up ! I’ve tried posting whilst reading points from latest to earliest, and got caught out repeating points from earlier posts – and now I’m getting caught out posting while reading posts from earliest to latest. I can’t win ….so to hell with it, I’m just going to trust that posters here will understand that I’m not trying to steal anyone’s thunder, and making points when they come to me.
I don’t think it matters if you do that, Richard, I usually repeat comments and then finish up by telling myself, or anyone who bothers to read my stuff that “ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant””
No, I don’t understand it either…
I post while I can remember what the hell it is I want to write. Ten seconds can sound the death knell of a well thought out (to me) and well written (also to me) post.
TOADY Watch #2 – some serious goalpost moving from a scientist sounding very vague and uncertain
Compare Prof. Hayward (Haywood? spelling uncertain – BBC diction is not what it used to be!) to that famous double act Whitty and Vallance. Or even, the triple act or quadruple act, you could call them the Marxist Brothers if you add Neil Ferguson and Matt Hancock to that dynamic duo. They are certain. They are guided by the science.
They are all absolutely certain, Lockdown is essential, Lockdown cannot be lightened but schools must be re-opened. Prof Hay/ward/wood is not so sure but then he thinks maybe yes in the spring. Nick Robinson forgets to ask this so-called scientist when spring is and Nick also forgets to ask Hay/ward/wood a real killer question – “What is the (occasionally very important) ‘R’ rate for the whole of the UK?”
‘Heroes Kill Hero’
Not a headline expected on the BBC anytime soon.
But it turns out that Captain Tom tested positive for covid on his day of release from hospital, having been in there for 10 days and tested negative on more than one occasion previously.
The Telegraph reckons 75 other people caught covid at the same hospital as Captain Tom during his stay there. Many other available statistics are absolutely damning on this issue.
I realise the NHS is utterly untouchable but killing a person who has raised £30m for you is a little harsh, don’t you think? And a fitting topic for an impartial state news organisation to investigate?
You say things which cannot be written . To reveal the truth – that the failure of the NHS to have clean hospitals speeded up the death of a National Hero – just cannot be said .
There is no evidence for this – and there never will be – they’ll make sure of that …..
Funny how the absolutely overworked and jammed NHS could spare so many staff to leave their hundreds and thousands of patients to go outside and clap for a photograph – see:
Very strange, that.
I see BLM are trying to target statues of Captain Cook now.
Now they have their complete freedom and have benefitted from all the rich’s of the society who originally enslaved their distant ancestors has to offer, I wonder how many of these hypocrites have expressed their hatred of ‘white privilege’ by relocating back to an African country run by black people.
I would love to hear their justifications of why they haven’t. I’m sure it would involve white racists somehow.
Surely they could give Captain Cook a pass. He has the excuse of being bludgeoned to death by a group of Hawaiian largely peaceful activists. So, crime atoned for!
To pre emp AsIseeit and his excellent paper review ©️Pending – I have to share the story carried by the mail of a tweet by a ‘trainee priest ‘ in the State Religion who said he wouldn’t be clapping for ‘©️Captain Tom’ because it was a symbol of ‘white supremacy ‘-
Said trainee C of E priest is coloured and gay – and seemingly a gift which keeps giving and a new entrance into the crowded field of the ‘hate whitee which is ok if you are coloured industry ‘.
The prosecution rests ….
Fed, they just don’t help themselves do they ? the BAMEs just keep giving fodder to us whitey’s who in the past never had a racist thought in our body, but now…………
I guess that up to recently, normal citizens didn’t realise that coloured gangs were stabbing and shooting each other all the time, Brissles!
As I never go to London now (and never will while that little Khan bloke is ‘Mare’), I’m pretty well insulated from all that violence, and just like to stay here in a fabulous village!
I’d invite you all down if I could, and we could have a rave until the only copper in Kent decides to call by…!
9am Melvyn Bragg has found a female historic scientist to discuss
French mathematician Emilie du Châtelet, 1706-49, created a translation of Newton’s Principia from Latin into French.
Well lord Bragg know which way the tide is going – bit like those coloured folk that turn up on ‘dessert island disks ‘these days … I’m trying to work out when a whitee like me gets a go – I think I’m in group 101 consisting of 85% of the population – which means never ….
Stew, it’s a bit like University Challenge now.
Questions are on things like Female Estonian architects of the 19th century.
I wonder what Bamber thinks about the bbbc pc’ing it up to be all woke and tick box instead of entertaining.
From libmob conspiracy theory news site the Byline Times
“So according to electoral records, the New BBC Chairman* has donated over £400,000 to the Tories.
…..You’ve also got Tim Davie, announced as the BBC’s new Director General-stood as a councillor for the Tories in 1993 and 1994,
but the BBC is impartial right? Rolling on the floor laughing”
* former Goldman Sachs banker Richard Sharp
who it says was a Tory part fundraiser
Wonderful piece on Toady just before 0900.
Our “Worlds Most Trusted” aka, the Black & Asian Broadcasting Corp. carefully crafted the set-up to support their preferred position on the new coal mine in Copland. Even wheeled in some Communist Phd from the US to tell us that Boris could have a “Green” influence on the illegitimate Biden if he were to down his trousers and display his “Green” credentials by not authorising the go-ahead for the Copland mine on the priciple of, ‘Look what I’ve done Joe, aren’t I a good ‘green’ boy perhaps you’d like to join me?’
Next to be interviewed, the Mayor of Copland who explained that the coal to be extracted was purely for the manufacture of steel. Nothing more. No Coking Coal, no steel or industry. The Bee Lady tried all ways to twist the position to align with BBC policy and failed miserably at every turn: ‘Carbon Footprint’ if it comes from Columbia or Australia; Why do we need steel? Well, to make the ‘Green’ things like Wind Generators. And so on, i.e. you can’t ban drinking water.
The item was curtailed promptly, presumably by a word, “cut” from the Bee’s earpiece controller. ‘Get out quick’. I suspect we will not hear about the new Copland coal mine on Toady again.
G, thanks for covering that item so well. Am afraid I had switched OFF before the 8 a.m. news. Best part of two hours was enough for anyone, esp. after the sinister Prof!
I had to switch it off as keot swearing at the American oink…BBC introduced as godfather of climate change….he was an idiot….
Didnt understand about this coalmine and strangley didnt mention how the UK has reduced emissions to the point that it is inconsequential compared to China and India and US….
BBC defund in 21
No alternative climate views exist
Old taboos and new graven images
On a morning when the Daily Star warns the likes of us hereabouts: ‘Sad keyboard warriors who targeted heroes like Marcus Rashford and Captain Sir Tom Moore should get a life before they get nicked…’
We say, thank you for the caution, but we will continue to exercise our freedom of speech – such as it is – while we still may.
‘Boris: now let’s give Captain Tom a statue’ – the Daily Mail helpfully providing a bronzed pic of the old chap (jokes about Barbados may come to the attention of the plod), supported by his familiar Zimmer frame, atop a stone plinth: ‘Inspiring: How statue might look’
I do admire the once popular newspaper mock-ups of how things may look.
This could be a timely intervention from Boris as we seem to have a plethora of spare plinths coming available.
Meanwhile not all famous British captains are in favour: ‘Captain Cook statues next on activists’ lists’ – the Telegraph informing us BLM campaigners have added the “genocidal” explorer their national hit list.
Calm considered debate on the issue doesn’t appear to be on the cards as campaigners brandish their: “Topple the racists” list, apparently compiled by something named the “Stop Trump Coalition” – so I’m afraid this won’t be just a few nutty student types, we’ll soon see the likes of English Heritage, the National Trust and little man Khan in London jumping on the bandwagon.
Poor old Donald Trump, his name is now media shorthand for bad.
Allister Heath in the Telegraph strains our prior understanding of political alignments to tell us: ‘The Trumpian EU has destroyed its last reason for existing’
Don’t write off the EU and their disinclination for elections just yet. They have their man in place in Italy: ‘Draghi steps on to political stage with “difficult” task to rescue Italy. ECB’s ex-chief accepts mandate’ (FT) – scare quotes there, as is often the case, being somewhat superfluous.
It’s a sign of our diminishing horizons, in a supposedly global world, that a truly heroic Britain such as Captain Cook who circumnavigated the globe expanding our knowledge of the wonders of that wider world, should be replaced with an old chap who circumnavigated his own back yard and raised funds for the public sector – and I’ll say this again – I remain bemused as to how our tax-funded NHS can be both the ideal model of healthcare and simultaneously be constantly in need of charitable funds? Surely, we’re gilding the lily? Or are we making of Our NHS a graven idol, a shibboleth, to which no amount of offerings are ever sufficient?
Speaking of which: ‘BBC subscription “would be £400 a year”’ – we’ll excuse the Telegraph’s – annoying scare quotes there and read on as this is very much on topic. This is the bloated Beeb blowing their own bassoon, claiming they are twice the value of Netflix. This is supposed to have me think I’m paying just £150 and getting £400 of broadcast value. Which in fact has me doing a quick calculation to the effect that were the licence not compulsory the BBC are suggesting only about 40% of their current captive audience would take up the subscription.
Not all corporations are fretting for their survival: Amazon sale boom during pandemic’ (Telegraph)
The Mail has Prince Harry pictured in uniform (library pics as opposed to Netflix): ‘Harry in new battle for military titles’ – harking back to a time, not so long ago, when men were men. And for the ladies, the Mail would have us know they long to: ‘Leave lockdown looking ten years younger. Femail magazine beauty special’
One’s beer goggles may have been shut away for the duration, but one suspects our post-lockdown jam jar specs may come into play here and the fairer sex may well appear all the more alluring, to the tune an entire decade, once we’re all released from our giant panda-like captivity.
The ‘i’ presents us their: ‘Love doctor’ and her ‘Science behind finding a good match’ – we all support the science these days, and we love a doctor, right? Although you can’t see a GP for love nor money. There’s always private, I guess.
‘Arts degrees ditched as students opt for medicine’ (Times) – follow the money, eh? We read on and notice a plaintive quote from a historian: ‘Although history doesn’t seem to have an immediate utilitarian use, nonetheless it instils intellectual disciplines…’ and another historian argues history is : ‘probably the best discipline available for anyone who wants learn how to research, how to marshal their material and their thoughts, and present their arguments in the most effective way’ – nah, let’s just knock over the racist statues!
‘We’re past the peak’ (Metro) – ain’t that the truth.
I’m sure the giveaway Metro’s heart is in the right place here: ‘Disability and sex: breaking the old taboos’
And finally, do we perhaps see the end of lockdown in sight? One doubts it. The pattern seems to be the authorities give a little, then take a lot.
‘Sunak concerned scientists are “moving goalposts” on lockdown’ (Telegraph) – From flatten the Mexican hat… to act like you’ve got the virus… are they moving the goalposts?
Like Scots football fans at Wembley in 1977, they’ve not only moved the goalposts, they’ve knocked them down and carried them away with them to Gretna Green.
A very considered review … thanks … I’ve trying to ponder ‘life after COVID ‘ – the time when deaths ‘with COVID ‘ is at an acceptable level .
We know the NHS can’t and won’t be changed at all – nor the structure of the medical mafia – that’s a given .
But what about ‘ordinary folk ‘? Will we appreciate things more ?or quickly forget and get back into our former ways ?
I know one thing – in about 10 years there will be a surplus of virologists – we ll tripping over unemployed virologists begging in the streets ….
Unless of course – there is another pandemic ..
Great resume, AsI!
Nice to see that flu infection is way, way down this year too! Can’t think why…
Fed, I think I’ve got bad news. That TOADY Interview with Prof Hay/ward/wood was, I felt at the time, deeply sinister. With a couple of hours to mull it over, I’ve come to the conclusion that it was deeply sinister, is deeply sinister and is a flavour of the deeply sinister things that may come out of all this Pandemic and Global Warming and Climate Change stuff.
There are so many people now with vested interests in keeping this all going until ‘kingdom come’. 😉
Not just Big Pharma who are always up for a bit of a Virus Quantitative Easing.
The NHS is always in crisis every winter when there is a Conservative Party-led Government. Why? The Tories throw huge amounts of money at the NHS – just like Labour. I think we can guarantee there will be a NHS crisis due to something or other starting next September or October and it will possibly be helped along by the sudden discovery of a mutant strain of a mutant strain of a mutant virus that Great Aunt Ethel brought back to the UK from a walking holiday in Bruce Chatwin’s or Martha Kearney’s or somebody’s footsteps.
If Devolved Government for a small geographical space like the UK has been a complete disaster, there is the devolved NHS not just between the four constituencies but within those constituencies. I find it hard to keep with the different ‘health bodies’ that exist just for England. They all have their Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs and sub-Deputy Chiefs and Directors for This and That and instead of ordering their PPE supplies they would rather be getting appearance fees from the BBC, raising their profiles on TV and then getting more fees for writing learned pieces for the Times on the latest mutant and how to chew it.
Then there are all the scientists. It wasn’t that long ago that they were being trailed across the BBC studios to proclaim “Woe, woe and thrice woe – we will not be able to survive without the handouts from the Brussels Bureaucrats now that the UK is leaving the EU.” They are just as greedy as the BBC for money, as luvvies are for the limelight and ago on TV or radio, and the new opportunities for funded reasearch and producing papers as Scientists. Academe at the top level is very trough like, over papers published, Fellowships, tenure and Chairs, etc..
Then the Trade Unions, especially the Teaching Trade Unions now know that they are onto a money-spinner. “We have a child with a sniffle – it could be a coronavirus – they have been sent home to isolate.” “We now need resources (ie. more money) from Government for cleaning or we may have to close the whole school.” “We already have teachers staying at home because of possible infection.”
Then other unionised work groups can all down tools ‘due to sickness’ at the drop of a hankie. Had an apologetic e-mail from Local Authority that delayed bin collections were due to sickness, not the cold weather or the near continual rain. Rail workers, bus drivers, postal workers, all the usual suspects, can now milk the common cold and ordinary influenza as a ‘Covid Virus’, especially with some help from a City or Regional Mayor who doesn’t like the flavour of The Government of the Day.
I think it may be a recurring performance every autumn, winter and spring from now on. This could very well be ‘the new normal’.
But look on the upside – there are now a whole new source of celebrities – when will we see the guys and gals who do the 5pm ‘gotcha’ gigs doing ‘strictly ‘ or presenting documentaries ?
And on the downside – I’ve been to a cemetery today – there was a funeral with around 20 people there – away from the dispersed group were 2 plod standing there looking on .
The body language didn’t look good – I could see plod wasn’t welcome .
The image of plod looking on – with a riot van nearby – was not a good one ….
“Climate change: Boris Johnson ‘risks humiliation’ over coal mine”
“The leading climate scientist James Hansen has warned Boris Johnson that he risks “humiliation“ over plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria.”
This James Hansen should point his criticism at the biggest coal producer in the world .
James Hansen, eh, BBC ?
Isn’t he the guy who supported Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ theory of Global Warming – by tampering with his own data ? The ‘Hockey Stick’ effect being thoroughly debunked when it became obvious that you could create the same effect by choosing random data to input to the algorithm being used by Mr Mann to make claims about global temperature data….. and, of course, just like the University of East Anglia, if I recall correctly, they all denied access to their data manupulations (completely counter to the’ Scientific Method’ whereby other scientists can re-create the data/results to verify, or otherwise, the work supposedly being done).
Yup that would be that James Hansen……to whom we should all pay attention…. yeah, right.
And, of course you are absolutely right, taffman, maybe Mr Hansen could possibly direct a tiny bit of attention to China, who are going to be opening a coal-fired power station at the rate of around one every couple of weeks or so, at home and abroad, for the rest of this decade, before they even think about carbon reduction. China not looking, on the back of the ‘Global warming crisis’, for a commercial competitive advantage against the rest of the world, then, eh ?
And when is the BBC going to poke a certian cretin, Roger Harrabin, in the eye with a sharp stick when he pontificates to us in the UK about global warming ?
But let’s listen to James Hansen…..
Great Britain would be a much better place if those people who hate this country just left.
That would probably include most of those employed at Al Beeb.
One of those’ Twitter frenzy ‘ jobs at the moment – with our jarel even having his own ‘defrock jarel’ petition . And the comments could be better .
I bet the British butter lady is pleased her position has been clarified ….
It is rather amusing that so many BAME people choose to use hyphenated surnames that are redolent of the dominant white and Imperial culture of the past Victorian and Edwardian Colonial eras. You would think they would be keen to avoid that sort of thing these days.
Apparently the fatherland isn’t done with the Helga running the ReichEU – various krauts want a scalp in the run up to the Reich Election –
So Helga might have to repeat a scene from Wagner …..
Come to think of it – crankie might be up for ‘career adjustment of the salmon gets his revenge ….
Not enough wimmin in politics I say …
I had to switch it off as keot swearing at the American oink…BBC introduced as godfather of climate change….he was an idiot….
Didnt understand about this coalmine and strangley didnt mention how the UK has reduced emissions to the point that it is inconsequential compared to China and India and US….
BBC defund in 21
No alternative climate views exist
They are running it now and what a mess they are making of it.
Fed, you haven’t heard then what the aged head of the Japanese Olympic Committee then thinks about ‘wimmin’.
Up2 – he should resign – he made a comment – some people didn’t like it – end of career … wonder if he is married … ?
Yoshiro Mori, the Tokyo Olympics committee president and a former Japanese prime minister, prompted outrage after he said women talked too much in meetings and should have their speaking time regulated.
The 83 yo has said sorry now.
What £400 is ‘worth’. Apparently.
BBC News
A leading climate scientist has warned Boris Johnson that he risks “humiliation“ over plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria.
UK PM Boris Johnson ‘risks humiliation’ over coal mine
UK PM Boris Johnson ‘risks humiliation’ over coal mine
A leading scientist warns Boris Johnson digging for coal undermines the UK’s climate change efforts.
It has been noted that when the BBC ‘quotes’, “quotes” or quotes someone and does not mention who, the BBC is at best being coy. No matter how renowned they may be.
Especially via Rog.
Citing in, 3rd para, a ‘former’.
Standard practise for them : They pick any quote which matches their agenda, no matter how ridiculous and put it as the main headline – but with apostrophes around it. To the casual reader, it might sink in as a fact.
You have to dig into the article to find out that it is merely the opinion of some lefty/activist/misandrist with a big mouth. It’s absolutely ethically dishonest.
Don’t forget ‘the question as headline’, that doesn’t need any facts or indeed a someone to express that opinion.
Is Trump/Boris/Brexit/Old White Men Responsible For Climate Change?
The ‘is’ and question mark are easily missed, as is the weasle admission in the middle of paragraph 20, ‘no’.
Here’s a bloke who knows his stuff sharing for free on what a BBC overpaid propagandist runs out for a large fee.
Maybe Timmeh! Could be tasked directly on the ‘value’ of BBC propaganda, preferably not by a committee of scientific illiterates and ex-Beeboid colleagues propped up by Princess Pea and Hazel’s Johnson buddy?
Mariann and Wendy ‘logging off’ for a while to join Timmeh! and Franny anywhere but here?
Lots of selfies to inline of… well, anything.
BLM has given black people the confidence to come out of the closet and show us just how racist they really are.
#whodathunkit #2457
Media Mast… persons of self pleasuring Podcast
Tim Harford
FT columnist, BBC presenter & author
Tim Harford OBE is an economist, writer and broadcaster. A Financial Times senior columnist, presenter of BBC Radio 4’s ‘More or Less,’ TedX speaker and honorary fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, he was awarded an OBE in 2019 for services to improving economic understanding. His best-selling book ‘The Undercover Economist’ enlightened millions of readers about the economic principles powering everyday life. In this in-depth interview, Tim discusses his mission to encourage people to have a positive and “healthy scepticism” towards statistics and data, as the best way to tackle fake news and widespread misinformation; shares his motivation for writing his latest book where he tempts his readers to share his love of statistics; and argues that the UK government needs to “get its priorities right on research” – with more money currently being spent on measuring sport than on crime…
Yup, and another… well, golly, BBC presenter who is a columnist for the FT.
And guess what… he is also tackling… ‘fake news’.
That will be him off with the rest as the BBC implodes in irony.
There is a picture. Like Wendy, wise if no selfies. on daytime channels.
So far as I can see, this declared, “economist” has only, if anything, survived three years in business outside being a reporter. Even then, we are not told what he did in “business” for those three years.
Question? – can you describe yourself as an, “Economist” when very little of that is spent, ‘hands-on’ / coal face?
Simply not reporting news because you don’t want people to know about it is ethically not much different from reporting fake news. Either way they end up believing something which is not the truth.
The BBC are masters of the former. They can’t do the latter as it can be proved in a court. But they get very close sometimes.
@GW You mean the Media Masters podcast
I’ve now read a few comments saying there should be a statue of Captain Tom.
Sounds like a good idea….
….until some of the wokerati chuck it into the Thames because he bought a shirt from India made by child labour or maybe he read a Harry Potter book by the now hated JKR.
Covid January 19th is the peak death day at 1,336 deaths.
Not much delayed death data likely to come in
so suggesting peak cases were a week before lockdown started on January 4th.
But the decline is slow as of yet there is no down step you’d expect to show the lockdown worked.
Again to our Captain Tom.
He can’t be that much of a hero, he only had 3 medals.
At least, not compared to the odds and sods we see at ceremonies on tv where their below lapel medal ribbons look like they’ve cut out one of the Daily Mails header pictures of one of the current Rotherham ‘grooming gangs’ with 60-80 heads in rows and glued it onto their uniform.
Look at all the decorations the royals have on display and compare to Cap’n Tom.
But, we know who the Hero is.
Just watch if they found out he voted for Brexit.
Mike Graham show is basically saying that no one clapped unless there was a camera there.
Callers suggested making such a fuss is offensive to Sir Tom’s Yorkshire culture.
Where I live, I don’t think anyone came out to clap. Weather? Apathy? Fewer people paying attention to the media and the PM? Maybe people want to show respect in different ways.
Jarel’s apology tweet
Damage limitation by having replies switched off
and the original tweet was deleted, I don’t know what ratio it reached.
Ah it was sent also with replies switched off, which indicates knew it was controversial when he posted it
But it got ratioed by Quote Tweets alone.
Of course he wasn’t attacking ‘Captain Tom’, he was attacking all you 60 million white racists.
The Twitter mob are so thick and hair-triggered that they thought it was about that man and so kicked up a fuss.
Our Churchman of Colour, preferring the CoE’s Digital Charter to the Gospel (“love thy fellow man”), excuses himself from any anti-Tom interpretation of his remarks while still leaving us with ‘you 60 million white honkies are racist’.
the account has been deleted now
screenshot of the apology
As ever I will defend his right to give his opinions .. It’s only Twitter
It is OK to cross the line to try to find where it i.
Probably a BBC staffer made it up with a stock photo
“As ever I will defend his right to give his opinions .. It’s only Twitter”
Except as a priest of the Church of England he should be offering moral leadership.
As amateurs we should all be free to offer an opinion, as a professional in the subject we rightly expect a higher standard.
I repeat what I said before, this priest has slandered the nation not the memory of Captain Tom.
Like Covid deaths the ‘cult’ is ‘of’ not ‘by’, ‘we’ are the ‘cultists’, ‘we’ are the racists, we are the subject of his tweet.
‘..and now it’s over to our Westminster correspondent, Nick Eardley…’
I’m sorry? Why do we need a fugitive from the set of ‘Trainspotting’ with an unintelligible Glaswegian accent, dressed as if for his latest court appearance, to provide us with news from The Mother of Parliaments?
I wonder how many English reporters keep their eager audience up to speed on BBC Scotland?
The ‘laying-open’ of the US to China is now well underway.
Posted earlier but this is so incredible that this could happen in America.
The illegitimate President Bidet.
Sargon’s discussion about Here Is The Evidence .com
..King John Biden ..the people await the return of the true just ruler
Sargon doesn’t reckon the law suit will get anywhere.
There is no rule of law in the USA any more. When the Supreme Court refused to hear the case brought by Texas it was all over.
Look at the political capital President Trump used to get so-called conservatives on to the Supreme Court. He shouldn’t have bothered, they were cowards. Now it looks as if Sleepy Joe may just pack the court anyway. If so, it’s all over for the USA.
I think it’s over any way for fair trials – there would need to be fully vetted counters – cctv – personal voting only with good ID – and a common simple counting system without computers ….
… I doubt if any politician of any type anywhere would want that …..
A disgraceful individual who should be de-frocked without defence. This type of rotten anti British talk does such people no favours but simply piles on the disgust they bring upon themselves. I shall stop now before I become very verbal……..!
Church statement
So he is keeping his job then – promotion ?
I presume anyone calling HIM a racist are included in the ones guilty of racist abuse ?.
Perhaps Jarel accepting his own comment was racist would be a good start. Seems he doesn’t.
MG against BBC on NI & EU
There’s Left-Wing style free speech for you.
I read her comments on the BBC and they were absolutely outrageous. She has no place in any civilised government.
Of course the BBC only published them to support her and the far-left agenda. No criticism whatsoever.
I’m at a loss trying to understand how a mainstream USA political organisation such as the Democratic Party can be in the position of having someone like this so close to the top of its power structure. It’s a house of cards and will topple eventually.
It’s what happens when cynical young ideologues chose a thick young ideological front person to seduce even thicker young ideological media folk in ‘news’ kindergartens, and they all run for the safe space when the popular spoilt kid throws a strop having demanded and been given too much for too long and blows a fuse.
Jon, Lurch, Katty and Nick likely joining Franny, Timmeh!, Wendy and the cute blonde at that retreat they suddenly got booked on on Bora Bora.
“Bank of England: Economy to rebound strongly due to vaccine”
Where is the “Despite Brexit” ?
>> Where is the “Despite Brexit” ?
It’s in the second last paragraph:
“The Bank was also clear that the post-Brexit trading rules will hit the economy, and that there are new “barriers” likely to lower trade between the UK and EU, some which are yet to emerge.”
Thought it must be to good to be true!
Solomon Grundy
Thank you, I was looking specifically for the usual “Despite Brexit”.
but they cleverly couched it in the jargon you quoted.
They are like a virus : they change subtly when the level of criticism reaches a certain level.