World at 1 watch
I listened by mistake – the head girl AKA Lady Brooke – has the hots for the darling kiddies to go back to school – right now – back to school ….
Does she have skin in the game ? Surely her kiddies would go to a private one … ?
Any way – the BBC seems to want the kiddies to go back to school so that the comrade teachers can say ‘no’ and go on strike – no school without a vax …
Then when the go back to scchool the BBC can say ‘too early ‘ close the .down
Ok – I don’t listen to this tripe very often but the level of intelligence is very poor – I mean – assumptions are being made that the Chinese virus isn’t going to fire up and become something far more hostile than we ve seen .
Yes – I’m a pessimist – I used to plan for bad things so still have the habit .
Meanwhile – vaccine wars – an ethnic lady protesting that her ‘ special needs ‘sister (31) should get the vaccine …. she even said she wasn’t using ‘sharp elbows ‘ to campaign for this group … yet that’s exactly what she was using . …..
Fed, it was very Curate’s Eggish – grim in parts. At one point, Sarah was interviewing some ‘expert’ or other and she danced around ‘the infection rate’ a bit like girls without a partner dancing around their handbags on a grim Friday night in a Tyneside disco. I sniff some sort of deliberate avoidance of the ‘R’ rate by the BBC as well as by the so-called scientists they interview.
Is it because it would blow the lid off the latest Lockdown?
Are the MSM really questioning the need for PMQs? I watched yesterday’s one and the PM did his usual non answering of questions – but it’s the ritual which is great – when you know that when ‘we go to Ian blackford ‘ there is a collective grown from every one :;;
And the suspense – is this the week when blackford explodes or doesn’t mention ‘the people of Scotland ‘….
Yep totally useless 45 minutes – no accountability but great for popcorn sales and columnists to get some exercise ….
This vaccine is supposed to take 3 weeks before it becomes effective, never mind the second dose.
This means teachers would all need vaccinating by 15 February.
If they don’t get this it gives them another excuse not to go back to work.
It will keep them away from returning to school and give them time to look for the next reason why they cannot go back to work.
I wonder if the BBC realise the extent to which their encouragement of lazy pronunciation annoys viewers and listeners.
At lunchtime today the continuity announcer, while summarising the times of ‘Lockdown Learning’, could not pronounce ‘red button’ or the number ‘three’.
We were treated to “ret bu-on” and the new time of “free o’clock”. How did he or she get the job?
As for Nick Eardley, the political correspondent. His accent could take the rust off a Glasgow tram.
Coz eez black innit? The scientific name is Jay Blades Syndrome. There is no cure.
Alvar Liddell or John Snagge would not get through the door nowadays. The BBC has decided that ragamuffins talking patois are the people it wants as continuity announcers. One more reason to wind the whole thing up.
Jailed Hartlepool girls given anonymity, as they come to 18
Viciousness of their 5 hour attack on their 6.5 stone victim is unbelievable.
R4 Now : Victoria Gill and guests discuss some of the environmental challenges facing the planet.
..and 3 more Green activist progs to come
Victoria Gill @Vic_Gill @BBCNews
science & environment correspondent. Northerner. Feminist.
Live in the hills.
Tomorrow is my first official day as a @BBCRadio4 presenter! The clever @StuffAndPiffle & I are putting together 4 eps of #InsideScience on the challenges facing us all as we struggle to live sustainably on Earth. So, y’know, trifling stuff. Please be kind
They didn’t manage to put up any blurb before the prog
Seems it’s about trees
Expert “It’s not good to plant trees on new land’s best to plant where forest were recently”
– Then item about nickel mining in Borneo using a plant that sucks it up
– Story of where China planted an area the size of France with Locust trees and screwed up the water table.
– Now Zebra Finches collect less insects when their is traffic noise.
Dunno how that translates to other natural species.
Not impressed by the prof saying “I guess it would translate to other species”
Zebra Finches are a species are a species used in the lab ..rather than real world
Moves in the Green swamp
Ex BBC man and Green PR activist Richard Black tweets about
.. Matt of @YouthOurPlanet moving from his Public Policy Officer job at the National Trust over to Richard’s Green PR agency ECIU
.@JimAllister QC robustly challenges @williamcrawley on the appalling daily bias on TalkBack & the sneering elitism that pokes fun at anyone with a different viewpoint. It is the very worst of the BBC. @DefundBBC
Good Brexit News !
Cadbury to move Dairy Milk production from Germany to UK – £15m investment. Come on Al Beeb bang a nail in the Rejoiners coffin and report it. In support I will buy Cadbury’s chocolate again.
Also I note that since 12o’clock Mid Day, the pound £ has jumped up 1p.
I stopped eating Cadbury too when kraft took over, more to do with ever cheaper ingredients- like palm oil.
Then there’s the vanishingly smaller bars, which they and the media swear are now actually bigger than years ago…NO!
Black kitkats are the only chocolate bars I buy.
I’ll probably get locked up for it
A few minutes later they tweet again
Yet for the science prog that was on at 4:30pm not one listener tweeted anything bout it, as if few people listened.
From Molly Houses to secret diaries, stories from the history of the LGBTQ community.
After the report of what has happened to the Uyghur women
in the Chinese concentration camps . I know longer give
this totalitarian communist government the benefit of the
doubt about letting THEIR virus circulate to the rest of the world.
For a start we should buy NOTHING absolutely nothing
from this hideous regime. Whatever the cost !!!
Over a period of some months, my wife and I have regularly sequentially dipped into, and watched, all 90 or so episodes (including Christmas ‘bonus’ episodes) of the original BBC ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ series.
Brilliant – no smut, innuendo, or hidden political agendas – oh, how the BBC has changed since 1990, when the last episode was produced.
Funny thing – I don’t recall many BAME/LGBT/BLM/Antifa characters in the series – completely at odds with BBC ‘period dramas’ set in the same historical ‘timeframe’ these days. Must have been ‘white supremacy’ to blame, I guess.
Comment from the article……“You don’t understand the Gay Games until you actually participate,” Ng says.
Hmm…… that sort of completely excludes the vast majority of the world’s population, then – no ?
….but somehow ‘The Gay Games is the world’s largest all-inclusive sporting event‘. Really ?
Oh, and somebody had better make the International Olympic Committee aware of how exclusionary their quadrennial games (including the Paralympics) are…….
‘Gay Games’ doesn’t sound ‘inclusive’ to me.
It sounds very ‘exclusive’.
Imagine the uproar if we had ‘Heterosexual games’. Would that ever be called ‘inclusive’ ?.
I think these people are so caught up in their groupthink, they just don’t realise when they are being complete hypocrites.
Here’s something to thank the BBC for ,even if they inadvertently caused it by their sneering.
My patent for a safety device has been awarded , for the next twenty years .
Why the BBC link ?
Because they make snidey comments about patriots.
There was an international football competition on somewhere and England were playing . So the BBC asked if those who flew the England flag from their car rooftops were showing others how stupid they were , and if they flew two they were twice as .
“But those people don’t Get hit by HGVs or coaches on roads like the M25 , because the flags come into the vision of the drivers .“
So I adapted the idea for bikes . Maybe it will save lives , children’s lives . Maybe I will make money out of it . Maybe I get rich .
Thanks BBC , but I’m still not buying the telly tax .
Systematic anti-Israel bias at BBC Arabic in report by @JewishChron. It is an outrage that such clearly deliberate prejudice should permeate a service that is wholly funded by BBC licence fee payers.
A detailed dossier of apparent breaches was handed to Broadcasting House this week. A BBC spokesperson responded: “BBC Arabic shares exactly the same principles of accuracy and impartiality as BBC News in English, and we strongly reject the suggestion that its impartiality is compromised.”
As people here keep saying – the bBC is dangerous on so many levels.
Has anyone else come across an outfit called Common Purpose?
My research shows it to be a shadowy collection of individuals who are trying to construct a power group outside of Government to follow a pretty much left-wing hardline route in “training” individuals and students to join their cult and adopt their mantra.
They are supported partly by public money for some reason which is a bit like a turkey voting for Christmas, however much of their finance seems to come from “woke” organisations such as Deutsche Bank in Germany.
The nitty grits is that the BBC seem to really like them, so much so that they fund their own staff to undergo the “training”.
“According to a Freedom of Information response the Brussels Broadcasting Company BBC has spent a massive £158,100 on Common Purpose training. According to the BBC this was to “assist senior editorial staff in building partnerships and developing knowledge, experience and contacts in their local area.”
They go on to say that
“Staff who attended the course reported that it had been both a really useful learning / training experience and had also opened up a huge network of contacts.”
It is surprising that the BBC stated previously, that BBC staff trained by Common Purpose such as Mr Harding (a member of the London Common Purpose Advisory Board), were involved with Common purpose in a “totally private capacity”, which had “nothing to do with his position at the BBC.”
So, it appears that the BBC spends £151,000 of licence payers’ money for Common purpose training which benefits them in their private time. Does this sound like a lie, corruption, false accounting or massive incompetence?
Alternatively we know that key BBC employees such a Robert Peston are not only fully involved with Common purpose but are prepared to advertise their involvement and recommend Common Purpose using their BBC title. Mr Peston is of course also a member of the Media Standards Trust alongside none other than Julia Midleton CEO of Common Purpose.
Considering that Common Purpose is intimately and directly linked to NuLabour and political think tanks such as Demos, a detached third party observer might well get the impression that Common Purpose is a political training vehicle for the government. What do you think? ”
I wonder just how many BBC staff are connected with this shadowy outfit and whether it would be right and proper for the BBC to make this connection clear when said people give their views on screen in a political context?
cpexposed say:
“Evidence shows that Common Purpose is rather more than a Charity ‘empowering’ people and communities’. In fact, CP is an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace democracy in UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.”
It would go a long way to explaining the Corporation’s political stance.
If you take a browse through the common purpose “graduates” list published by cpexposed you will see an abundance of “students” in Local Government, Police, Healthcare, Universities, Education and Media and in particular the BBC.
If we accept that 110,000 died of Covid in a country of 67million
that is 1 death in each block of 609
In my area that would be 286 from 175K population
In fact 276 have been reported.
So we are slightly under national average.
I’d expected a lot lower than national average but the demographic here is quite old.
Just one more for the record:
Covid vaccine: How many people in the UK have been vaccinated so far?
Their graphic has 11 identifiably white people from a total of 38. 80% of the population shown as 28%. When minorities are under-represented, it’s racist. Why isn’t this ?.
The interesting thing is that since this country has operated without a border for so long – they really don’t know how many are here and who they are .
So although the ‘registered ‘ population might well be vaccinated there will be a few million not on the books …
Maybe there could be a vaccinate and deport policy
They will bury it like they always do.
Politicians will happily let the whole country take the hit in silence than put their heads above the parapet for the Left to scream ‘racists’ at them.
That was Trumps greatest quality : he stuck his head up anyway. And just look what they are doing to him. It is beyond disgusting.
In my opinion, they have set the conditions up perfectly for civil war in the USA. The question is whether they can suppress dissenters enough to prevent a spark igniting it. They have been very successful at that here in the UK.
Even the Daily Mirror onto the
Captain Tom caught covid at hospital angle.
Will the BBC dare mention it?
“Captain Sir Tom Moore caught Covid at hospital amid ‘potentially avoidable’ infections
National treasure Captain Sir Tom Moore, who died on Tuesday, caught Covid-19 at Bedford Hospital – this comes as a report found the facility was often unable to isolate patients
A “significant proportion” of Covid patients at the NHS Trust which cared for Captain Sir Tom Moore caught the virus while receiving treatment for other illnesses.
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust released a board report this week detailing their fight against the “second surge” of coronavirus.It shows that 13 per cent of positive tests last month came at least five days after patients were admitted to hospital.
The report states: “The highly transmissible nature of the circulating mutant virus and the inability to isolate patients in single rooms combined with infections in staff and asymptomatic carriage resulted in high numbers of nosocomial [acquired in hospital] infections.
It also emerged that “a number” of patients fell ill with Covid despite being “medically fit” for discharge.
The report added: “A significant additional factor was the length of stay for many patients who were medically fit for discharge but were unable to return to their place of residence.”
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is in charge of Bedford Hospital and Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.
Capt Sir Tom was admitted to Bedford Hospital on January 12 and diagnosed with pneumonia.
He was discharged on January 22 but tested positive for coronavirus the same day.
By January 31 he had been returned to the same hospital to receive treatment to help him breathe.
On Wednesday the NHS Trust issued a report from its board of directors.
They revealed that their hospitals saw a “steep rise” in Covid cases during November and December.
On January 11, 53 per cent of adult beds at Bedford Hospital were occupied by Covid-19 patients.
The report adds: “A significant proportion of cases in the second surge were detected 8+ days following admission, indicating infection was due to acquisition in the hospital
It emerged that between October and December last year there were “six incidents of potentially avoidable” Covid infections within the Trust.
The data also shows that hundreds of staff contracted the virus in January.
The report adds: “Understandably, many staff, clinical and non-clinical, are feeling overwhelmed and distressed at the rise in the number of COVID cases and deaths.
“The data also shows that hundreds of staff *contracted the virus* in January.”
When you get tests showing hundreds of people test positive
that could be 100% true, especially if backed by symptoms
But it could also be true that if staff seem healthy that they are non-even asymptomatic carriers, but rather non-carriers who have particle in their blood due to old infections they have long gotten over.
Even the Daily Mirror onto the
Captain Tom caught covid at hospital angle.
Will the BBC dare mention it?
“Captain Sir Tom Moore caught Covid at hospital amid ‘potentially avoidable’ infections
National treasure Captain Sir Tom Moore, who died on Tuesday, caught Covid-19 at Bedford Hospital – this comes as a report found the facility was often unable to isolate patients
A “significant proportion” of Covid patients at the NHS Trust which cared for Captain Sir Tom Moore caught the virus while receiving treatment for other illnesses.
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust released a board report this week detailing their fight against the “second surge” of coronavirus.It shows that 13 per cent of positive tests last month came at least five days after patients were admitted to hospital.
The report states: “The highly transmissible nature of the circulating mutant virus and the inability to isolate patients in single rooms combined with infections in staff and asymptomatic carriage resulted in high numbers of nosocomial [acquired in hospital] infections.”
Yes, Eddie, I’m glad to see that even the ghastly Mirror has twigged where Captain Tom caught the dreaded virus.
A number of people had tried to imply that he caught Corona because he ventured to Barbados. They’ve been critical of the man and his family and even dug up pictures showing that he wasn’t “isolating” while in the Caribbean. FFS what an unspeakably joyless bunch of puritans we’ve become.
Well… some of us have become…
Thankfully, as we now know, his holiday had nothing to do with with him contracting Covid. He was regularly tested, before he left these shores, he was tested while he was away and again on his return. No virus. Right as rain.
Some weeks later he was taken ill and developed pneumonia and was admitted to hospital. That’s where he got it.
I’ve got a few questions some of you might be able to help me with…
Do we have any more information about the much heralded Nightingales? Are any being used? Have they all been dismantled? Why aren’t we making full use of these facilities having spent over £200,000,000 building them?
These are the questions the media could be asking. I think they’re rather relevant.
I suspect the Nightingales were planned on an assumed available workforce at the time of concept. Since it appears likely that a significant – but unquantifiable – number of NHS staff are unavailable, for one reason or another, the majority remain empty and will probably stay that way. Unless of course those teachers weaned on public service and at a loose end volunteer to fill the gaps?
No one is going to say the source of infections is Nhs transmission – we are all locked down but the infections continue – no stats as to the origin – but I’d bet 33% are ‘in hospital ‘ tests where are heroes are infecting and killing otherwise non COVID victims ….
Meanwhile care home helpers are refusing to be vaccinated …
Although the Babylon Bee mock-up is ‘fake’ there is an element of truth in it, in that what AOC has said to camera many times isn’t consistent, and some might say mentally deranged, which some might say is not telling the truth, Snopes has come down on her side.
We saw the same thing with the Covington ‘MAGA’ boys, when, after the truth came out, there was a journalist who insisted that the story was still ‘morally true’, i.e. it was the sort of thing that these boys probably thought, and then more recently with the burning building backdrop to the ‘mostly peacful’ demonstration story.
We are living in dangerous times when a large number of Americans believe that they are morally right and the ends justify the means, so ‘punch a nazi’, lets one do anything to an opponent once one has identified them as a ‘nazi’.
The Democrats have form here, there was a time when they thought that anyone who they identified as a nigger was good for lynching, so they formed the Klu Lux Klan. Now they call it Antifa.
There is now a claim she was recreating the air vent scene in Aliens 2 with Hills from the Capitol, under sniper fire, but so far this is an evolving story.
“Popular fact-check site Snopes provided cover for Ocasio-Cortez by labeling the claim that she exaggerated the danger she was in during the Capitol riot as “mostly false,” despite admitting that she was not in the main Capitol building at the time. ”
Mariella is probably an AOC wannabee! If she is at a loose end she could work through some of the BBC’s back-catalogue, some of which is still being used, like ‘Thatcher closed all the coal mines’.
Tim says : that AOC is not a normal person, there is something like autism going on, cos when she repeats her own history it is mixed with fantasy.
He admits that he screwed up cos he had taken what she said as based in fact, yet when he checked timelines her story just cannot have happened, it’s not a case of her just making a couple of mistakes.
She states she was worried that the Trump supporters were invading her building at the time the cop was knocking on her door, but at that time no buildings had been invaded. Her building was being evacuated for a pipe bomb, and Trump was still speaking at that time, and the building was opened back up a short time later.
The staggering thing is that all media including Fox wrote up AOD’s story as if it were true , even asserting that Trump supporters were outside her door threatening. Of course they weren’t; it was only 1pm, no invading happened until more than 1 hour later.
Times Arts, I see they chose to review a novel, where the writer writes against keeping your family’s historic identity like say Jewish
Then a review by Aaronovitch about a book that is anti-popularism.. he’s joyed by it , being an extreme anti-Brexit guy etc.
Ha ha – is that a spoof ?. The poems are terrible.
What category did they win ?. ‘Best Poem by a Muslim girl under 12’ ?.
Let me try one as well:
‘My cat he likes to watch telly,
I don’t go out in the rain without a welly
on each foot.’
Where’s my coconut ?.
The Cumbria coal mine local TV news
this @bbcNWT video will expire at 7pm on Friday
The seg intro is at 9 minutes And really begins at 9m20s
and it wraps up with the reporter quoting FoE
‘bad for the Climate Summit’ at 12m25s
The “Perfect Planet”, just before Humans destroyed it
On the BBC, David Attenborough said that “Mother Earth” was once “A Perfect Planet”. But then the fall of Man from the Garden of Eden caused the corruption of the entire natural world.
Others say that history will complete itself and the ultimate destination will be when all mankind returns to the Garden of Eden after Attenborough’s death.
Others say that Charles Darwin destroyed Attenborough’s Utopian views many years ago.
Too many kids wasting their time in younee
getting useless degrees in meeja and drama instead of science and engineering. If we, as a nation are going to survive the future, our education system needs to ‘tool up’.
G, no endless rain, please either. What else is on the menu? May I have winter in Winter, spring in Spring, summer in Summer and autumn in Autumn as a side dish, please?
Well, these days ‘not terrorist related’ only means they don’t have any direct links to ISIS.
The definition varies according to what colour you are. Any act of violence the other way is a terrorist attack – even if it’s a nutter suddenly driving his van at a queue of people outside a mosque.
The question of what had enraged this man so much was never asked. Neither is the one about why Muslims are prepared to drive a truck through crowds of people and tape knives to their hands so they can stab as many innocent men, women and children people as possible before they hope to get shot dead by police.
For an outfit shown more and more to be ‘them’, the bbc sure uses we/us a lot…
“We stood on our doorsteps and clapped for them… but do we REALLY appreciate our key workers? And if you’re a key worker, do you feel appreciated?
A Worcestershire charity is criticising the decision to freeze funding for home care visits in the county. Meanwhile, we often hear about shop workers being abused and hospital staff facing criticism from covid deniers.
Should we being do more to show key workers our appreciation and how can we do that?”
Toady watch
– mistake – had the radio on at 0820 . Robinson doing some nonsense about ‘town council meetings ‘ – and who should pop up ?
One Anna soubrey – sober I think… but chucking in anecdotes about town councils like a remainer spouting project fear lies . ….
………were the disgraceful actions of the EU last Friday mentioned ? No . Was the failure of the EU vaccination programme put to this ex MP traitor? No .
Strange how the BBC airbrushes stolen elections and the savage Remainer activities out of the public mind isn’t it ?
Strong noises coming out now about schools reopening 8th March.
So, just to help the cause the BBC find some kids ill with long Covid.
BBC campaign for schools to be shut, when they shut they harrang ministers asking when will they be open, when they say when they will be open, they find scare stories to try and disrupt the reopening.
What a disgusting, rancid, not fit for purpose outfit.
Mother says debilitating effects of long Covid on her children are "heartbreaking"
Isn’t it incredible how the rest of the station (that’s what it looks like) is completely empty, devoid of any other passengers, but these three hit the ticket barrier at precisely the same time….it’s obviously so ‘staged’ – they keep trying to take us for idiots.
And as for ‘Generation Covid’….. jeez – a whole 11 months makes a generation these days – still, I guess the BBC has been supporting Nicola Sturgeon over the past few years when she claims that her definition of a ‘once in a generation vote’ means a period of just a few years.
Next ‘Generation’ will only have to exist for a few minutes before being named, I guess.
I love those type of BBC articles with moaning unemployed University graduates blaming the Tories/Brexit/Covid on why they cannot get a job with their Gender and Black Studies degree.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC Amnesia or BBC Barefaced Lies on behalf of the DNC?
In the News, and it may well have been an item covered during the rest of the programme (I only listened to about 45 or 50 minutes from about 7.50 a.m.) was the item ‘President Biden has signalled that he and the US will engage with the world bringing an end to the isolationist stance of the previous Administration’ or words to that effect.
Now I’m sure I will have forgotten all the isolationism that former President Trump engaged in so please add items I may have missed:
Recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocating the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv
An overseas visit to South Korea where tensions with N. Korea were diffused and relations improved with S. Korea.
A visit to Japan.
A visit to the UK and to France.
Putting the frighteners on President Assad in case he was tempted to use chemical weapons against opposition forces in the Civil War.
(unconfirmed) Enabling the assassination of a high ranking Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander considered to be responsible for terrorism and most significantly of all:
negotiating peace Treaties between Israel and some of the surrounding Arab States.
Beat that President Biden!
It is time to shuffle (not so) Great Aunt BBC off into a Care Home somewhere. She cannot cope on her own.
Cooling off in the Gulags, seeing red & chocolate’s coming home
‘Return of sport and socialising outdoors’ – or so the optimistic Times has apparently learnt.
Not so fast, says the miserabilist Guardian, after a quick chat with a former health secretary: ‘Hunt: Don’t end lockdown until covid cases fall to 1,000 a day’ – this is Jeremy Hunt setting some completely arbitrary target.
If Downing Street is going to leak unattributed stuff to the press, or have random backbench MPs make random suggestions, neither of which source is properly accountable, then why bother with all the expense of running the Houses of Parliament?
This is either organised chaos on the part of the government (which could well be the case) or a rather sinister PR campaign of push me, pull you, psychological manipulation, designed to destabilise the population making us all the more compliant.
The Daily Mail holds out the prospect of: ‘Most covid curbs “to end in May”’ – and if you’ve been paying attention “may” is the operative word there.
The fabulously named Baz Bamigboye, the Mail’s celeb chaser, has an exclusive about the actress famous for playing Lady Diana, the late lamented Paparazzi Princess: ‘Emma’s very risqué role to Di for… with Harry’ – forget the suggestive Oedipal implications, this is pop prince Harry Styles not Harry Sussex, Rear-Admiral to Princess Meghan, our Tell-it-to-the-Marines, Vice- Airport First Class Lounge Commodore-in-Chief. (Harry & Meghan want their deserved military titles – so we oblige)
The Times has a frontpage pinup for us. Smouldering Russian beauty: ‘Yulia Navalnaya… who wore a red top when her husband, the opposition leader Alexei Navalny was jailed this week’ – the Times there with a quick lesson in the fact Russian surnames have alternate male and female versions. Goodness knows how they put
up with this level of male chauvinism, but it tends to show they have a very different society to ours, however much our press would apparently wish to overthrow Putin. Which reminds me of a line from the honey trap spy movie Red Sparrow from a couple of years back – “Russian women are beautiful, but the men look like frogs”. Sadly for our Yulia her hubby is going to be rather locked down for the next three years or so. Cooling off in the Gulags. Watch out for our media flirting with the missus. I’ve no idea of her politics and I doubt our media have but she has all the attributes. The red outfit is now to be a symbol of the opposition, so for the first time we’ll have press photographers requesting “Pop yer top ON, luv!”
The Telegraph also has a pic of a young lady on the frontpage. Speaking of cold Gulags, all this chilly weather has brought out a sort of anti-Greta Thunberg: ‘Alice Goodridge, from Newtonmore, in the Scottish Highlands, swims in Loch Inch, in the Cairngorms National Park, after using an axe and a sledgehammer to open up the ice’ – they make ’em hardy up there in the Highlands but we noticer she kept her woolly hat on.
By the way, British media, what’s up with the SNP?
We’ve touched on reds under the bed, now we have: ‘Chinese spies posing as journalists expelled’ (Telegraph) – meanwhile Ofcom has revoked the licence of a Chinese broadcaster on the grounds it was controlled by the Communist Party. Further comment seems superfluous, as I like to say.
Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph perhaps suggesting an amnesty for some of our own UK dissidents hereabouts: ‘We need lockdown dissenters more than ever’
‘Ministers to requisition 28,000 quarantine hotel rooms. Dash to find space for passengers from “red list” countries’ – the Telegraph and it seems we’re seeing red everywhere.
Appropriately enough we turn to the economic outlook, where being in the black is good news and being in the red is bad: ‘BoE optimistic on recovery this year but holds negative interest rates in reserve’ (FT) – I’m going to take the Financial Times to task again for its annoyingly confusing headlines. Why on earth can’t we say boldly the BoE is optimistic “about” recovery, why this drippy journalese “on” recovery?
‘Savers face threat of negative interest rates’ (Telegraph) – this is a tricky one to get your head around but put simply it will mean no interest paid on savings and more bank charges for customers. And as our high street banks close more branches and discourage their customers from their branches that are still open with a system of lengthy queues stretching halfway up the high street on a rainy Monday morning. Less service, more charges – this makes sense, right?
More tea,vicar? And perhaps a little less Twitter with the cucumber sandwiches: ‘Vicar facing the sack after he dishonours Sir Tom tribute’ (Daily Star) – of the many and varied ways a clergyman might get himself defrocked this is a first. This is a right-on trendy vicar possibly losing his job for a somewhat mistimed virtue-signalling social media mini sermon.
And finally: ‘Chocs away! Dairy Milk is coming home’ (Times) – Cadbury’s owner is about to shift chocolate production from Germany and other Eurozone countries back to Bournville.
AISI, just a minor correction, Jeremy Hunt is former Secretary of State for Health but is not now just a backbencher: he is Chair of the House Committee on Health. I think the PM would have been wise to have chosen Hunt to be his SoS for Health instead of Hancock.
Hunt knows his way around both the NHS and the Dept. for Health and won a bruising battle with the Junior Doctors in his time as SoS. He was also the rival that the PM beat to secure the Party leadership.
Where the Guardian leads, the BBC follows:
“Denmark to build ‘first energy island’ in North Sea”
The Guardian’s story about sea noise.
Well, guess what? The BBC now has it too.
Do they get their news from the Guardian or do they both just respond to the same press releases from the usual suspects?
“Noise pollution ‘drowns out ocean soundscape’ “
Not a mention of the potential impact of offshore wind turbines of course (or of Danish energy islands, come to that).
History Debunked : Is the NHS failing people from ethnic minorities through ’structural racism’?
As claimed in Lancet report.
He asks why it fails to mention the widespread health problems attributable to cousin marriage.
I think Robinson is well paid for his actions .
The one that gets me a the moment is the hotel nonsense .
We went a whole year with unrestricted arrivals – no checks at the airport – but a 14 then 10 day unsupervised lockdown .
Now it is airport house arrest .
What will be done with those who refuse? Or fail to stay the 10 days ? Of escape and return ?
It is far too late to be bothering with such nonsense . I presume it is really being used as a deterrent and the government doesn’t expect thousands of arrivals in coming weeks …..
Mac •
So Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch took umbrage with an email question from HuffPo journalist Nadine White and republished the emails on Twitter. Bit of a Twitter storm in a tea cup as far as I can tell. Both sides probably overreacting.
However what’s noteworthy is the BBC reporting on the contents of the original email:
“In the emails, HuffPost writer Nadine White asked why Kemi Badenoch hadn’t participated in a pro-vaccine video”.
“The journalist was requesting a statement on why Ms Badenoch hadn’t participated in a social media video of black MPs encouraging vaccine take-up”.
Except that isn’t quite right. In the original email the journalist asked why the minister REFUSED to participate in the video. That gives the whole thing a slightly different tone. The implication is that the minister was REFUSING to do something that she ought to be doing. It’s more of an accusation.
So why didn’t the BBC use the word in their reporting of the email? I suspect there’s a bit of journalists siding with journalists here. But I also suspect there’s a very large target on the back of Kemi Badenoch ever since she hit the news last year with a speech against critical race theory. It’ll be interesting to see what other kind of stories about her make the headlines in the future.
(Also – and I don’t know what data protection would say about it – but I would love it if politicians started routinely publishing BBC journalists’ emails. You’d have to start a while new blog!)
Beyond the hilarious Labour PR as BBC news ‘calls for’, changing words for no good reason strikes me as beyond editorialising to outright partisan fakery.
Maybe Wendy and Marianna could steer clear?
Anyone have the Tweet in question to put next to the BBC “quote”
Labour has called for an investigation into whether the equalities minister, @KemiBadenoch breached the ministerial code by publishing a journalist's emails on Twitter. That journalist is @Nadine_Writes and she joins us today at 10am
So we are in trusted and transparent territory already.
BBC appear in the thick of it.
Now Downing Street’s senior race adviser has handed in, and then retracted, his resignation, citing the treatment of our journalist by the equalities minister @KemiBadenoch – and the lack of government action over it
The ‘Wrongists’ (which includes Labour, most MSM & the BBC) hate the thought of BAMEs reaching Ministerial level in the Conservative Party. They are out to ‘get’ Priti Patel and as an alternative target (Labour & MSM are just like Bomber Command in WW2) they are out to ‘get’ Kemi. She is also a former colleague of the PM’s when he was Mayor of London. Another reason they might have is that although she is a new MP, she has political experience and is good – good enough, possibly, to be a future candidate for Conservative Party leader.
Now that would put the ‘Wrongists’ noses out of joint if she got that gig.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The plot thickens .One of my former Parliamentary aides went on to work for Rupert Lowe – she is one…
World at 1 watch
I listened by mistake – the head girl AKA Lady Brooke – has the hots for the darling kiddies to go back to school – right now – back to school ….
Does she have skin in the game ? Surely her kiddies would go to a private one … ?
Any way – the BBC seems to want the kiddies to go back to school so that the comrade teachers can say ‘no’ and go on strike – no school without a vax …
Then when the go back to scchool the BBC can say ‘too early ‘ close the .down
Ok – I don’t listen to this tripe very often but the level of intelligence is very poor – I mean – assumptions are being made that the Chinese virus isn’t going to fire up and become something far more hostile than we ve seen .
Yes – I’m a pessimist – I used to plan for bad things so still have the habit .
Meanwhile – vaccine wars – an ethnic lady protesting that her ‘ special needs ‘sister (31) should get the vaccine …. she even said she wasn’t using ‘sharp elbows ‘ to campaign for this group … yet that’s exactly what she was using . …..
Fed, it was very Curate’s Eggish – grim in parts. At one point, Sarah was interviewing some ‘expert’ or other and she danced around ‘the infection rate’ a bit like girls without a partner dancing around their handbags on a grim Friday night in a Tyneside disco. I sniff some sort of deliberate avoidance of the ‘R’ rate by the BBC as well as by the so-called scientists they interview.
Is it because it would blow the lid off the latest Lockdown?
they will pick on some new terrifying graph perhaps some exponential new variants graph
Are the MSM really questioning the need for PMQs? I watched yesterday’s one and the PM did his usual non answering of questions – but it’s the ritual which is great – when you know that when ‘we go to Ian blackford ‘ there is a collective grown from every one :;;
And the suspense – is this the week when blackford explodes or doesn’t mention ‘the people of Scotland ‘….
Yep totally useless 45 minutes – no accountability but great for popcorn sales and columnists to get some exercise ….
This vaccine is supposed to take 3 weeks before it becomes effective, never mind the second dose.
This means teachers would all need vaccinating by 15 February.
If they don’t get this it gives them another excuse not to go back to work.
It will keep them away from returning to school and give them time to look for the next reason why they cannot go back to work.
I wonder if the BBC realise the extent to which their encouragement of lazy pronunciation annoys viewers and listeners.
At lunchtime today the continuity announcer, while summarising the times of ‘Lockdown Learning’, could not pronounce ‘red button’ or the number ‘three’.
We were treated to “ret bu-on” and the new time of “free o’clock”. How did he or she get the job?
As for Nick Eardley, the political correspondent. His accent could take the rust off a Glasgow tram.
Alf… luv the Glasgow tram simile . Made my day.
Coz eez black innit? The scientific name is Jay Blades Syndrome. There is no cure.
Alvar Liddell or John Snagge would not get through the door nowadays. The BBC has decided that ragamuffins talking patois are the people it wants as continuity announcers. One more reason to wind the whole thing up.
Jailed Hartlepool girls given anonymity, as they come to 18
Viciousness of their 5 hour attack on their 6.5 stone victim is unbelievable.
R4 Now : Victoria Gill and guests discuss some of the environmental challenges facing the planet.
..and 3 more Green activist progs to come
Victoria Gill @Vic_Gill @BBCNews
science & environment correspondent. Northerner. Feminist.
Live in the hills.
Who in their right mind* puts that on a professional bio?
*Oh, carry on.
I recall Lord Smiffy of Finsbury proclaiming his positive STD status as some kind of qualification for high office.
They didn’t manage to put up any blurb before the prog
Seems it’s about trees
Expert “It’s not good to plant trees on new land’s best to plant where forest were recently”
– Then item about nickel mining in Borneo using a plant that sucks it up
– Story of where China planted an area the size of France with Locust trees and screwed up the water table.
– Now Zebra Finches collect less insects when their is traffic noise.
Dunno how that translates to other natural species.
Not impressed by the prof saying “I guess it would translate to other species”
Zebra Finches are a species are a species used in the lab ..rather than real world
Moves in the Green swamp
Ex BBC man and Green PR activist Richard Black tweets about
.. Matt of @YouthOurPlanet moving from his Public Policy Officer job at the National Trust over to Richard’s Green PR agency ECIU
Good Brexit News !
Cadbury to move Dairy Milk production from Germany to UK – £15m investment. Come on Al Beeb bang a nail in the Rejoiners coffin and report it. In support I will buy Cadbury’s chocolate again.
Also I note that since 12o’clock Mid Day, the pound £ has jumped up 1p.
I stopped eating Cadbury too when kraft took over, more to do with ever cheaper ingredients- like palm oil.
Then there’s the vanishingly smaller bars, which they and the media swear are now actually bigger than years ago…NO!
Black kitkats are the only chocolate bars I buy.
I’ll probably get locked up for it
Huzzah !
Its there now .
See, they do look at this site to get their news …………..
Any agendas to push Radio4 ?
yep LBGT stuff
A few minutes later they tweet again
Yet for the science prog that was on at 4:30pm not one listener tweeted anything bout it, as if few people listened.
8pm @DAaronovitch and his lefty mates give their opinion on the GameStop saga
After the report of what has happened to the Uyghur women
in the Chinese concentration camps . I know longer give
this totalitarian communist government the benefit of the
doubt about letting THEIR virus circulate to the rest of the world.
For a start we should buy NOTHING absolutely nothing
from this hideous regime. Whatever the cost !!!
Hard to avoid Chinese made stuff
But In protest I bought a Samsung tablet last year !
About the only one not made in China.
hard yes but every pound denied them is big money in the long run if we all do it.
Still not buying walkers crisps myself, get a nice warm feeling inside everytime I buy something else
Jon has flown in Jo Abbess and Rog to brief the squad on the new WH fluffing technique.
Somewhere in W1A, a young blonde ingenue takes a tear stained selfie…
Tonight’s TV
8.05pm BBC4 repeat of the very first episode of All Creatures Great and Small with Christopher Timothy
8pm Channel 5 Irish coast travelogue with some actor
Over a period of some months, my wife and I have regularly sequentially dipped into, and watched, all 90 or so episodes (including Christmas ‘bonus’ episodes) of the original BBC ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ series.
Brilliant – no smut, innuendo, or hidden political agendas – oh, how the BBC has changed since 1990, when the last episode was produced.
Funny thing – I don’t recall many BAME/LGBT/BLM/Antifa characters in the series – completely at odds with BBC ‘period dramas’ set in the same historical ‘timeframe’ these days. Must have been ‘white supremacy’ to blame, I guess.
“The Gay Games is the world’s largest all-inclusive sporting event ”
really what if your not gay ??
Comment from the article……“You don’t understand the Gay Games until you actually participate,” Ng says.
Hmm…… that sort of completely excludes the vast majority of the world’s population, then – no ?
….but somehow ‘The Gay Games is the world’s largest all-inclusive sporting event‘. Really ?
Oh, and somebody had better make the International Olympic Committee aware of how exclusionary their quadrennial games (including the Paralympics) are…….
Jeez – the madness is never going to stop.
Owen Jones going for gold in the Fudge nudging event ????????
There are 5 replies to the BBCspurt tweet but twutter will only let me see 1
I presume libmob have blocked the other by complaining about them
“The Gay Games is the world’s largest all-inclusive sporting event ”
..actually the Olympics includes all surely so is the largest.
‘Gay Games’ doesn’t sound ‘inclusive’ to me.
It sounds very ‘exclusive’.
Imagine the uproar if we had ‘Heterosexual games’. Would that ever be called ‘inclusive’ ?.
I think these people are so caught up in their groupthink, they just don’t realise when they are being complete hypocrites.
Here’s something to thank the BBC for ,even if they inadvertently caused it by their sneering.
My patent for a safety device has been awarded , for the next twenty years .
Why the BBC link ?
Because they make snidey comments about patriots.
There was an international football competition on somewhere and England were playing . So the BBC asked if those who flew the England flag from their car rooftops were showing others how stupid they were , and if they flew two they were twice as .
“But those people don’t Get hit by HGVs or coaches on roads like the M25 , because the flags come into the vision of the drivers .“
So I adapted the idea for bikes . Maybe it will save lives , children’s lives . Maybe I will make money out of it . Maybe I get rich .
Thanks BBC , but I’m still not buying the telly tax .
lets see if the so called BBC can live up to these standards
acronyms are waycist 3:40
A detailed dossier of apparent breaches was handed to Broadcasting House this week. A BBC spokesperson responded: “BBC Arabic shares exactly the same principles of accuracy and impartiality as BBC News in English, and we strongly reject the suggestion that its impartiality is compromised.”
As people here keep saying – the bBC is dangerous on so many levels.
Has anyone else come across an outfit called Common Purpose?
My research shows it to be a shadowy collection of individuals who are trying to construct a power group outside of Government to follow a pretty much left-wing hardline route in “training” individuals and students to join their cult and adopt their mantra.
They are supported partly by public money for some reason which is a bit like a turkey voting for Christmas, however much of their finance seems to come from “woke” organisations such as Deutsche Bank in Germany.
The nitty grits is that the BBC seem to really like them, so much so that they fund their own staff to undergo the “training”.
This from the cpexposed website;â£158100-common-purpose-training
“According to a Freedom of Information response the Brussels Broadcasting Company BBC has spent a massive £158,100 on Common Purpose training. According to the BBC this was to “assist senior editorial staff in building partnerships and developing knowledge, experience and contacts in their local area.”
They go on to say that
“Staff who attended the course reported that it had been both a really useful learning / training experience and had also opened up a huge network of contacts.”
It is surprising that the BBC stated previously, that BBC staff trained by Common Purpose such as Mr Harding (a member of the London Common Purpose Advisory Board), were involved with Common purpose in a “totally private capacity”, which had “nothing to do with his position at the BBC.”
So, it appears that the BBC spends £151,000 of licence payers’ money for Common purpose training which benefits them in their private time. Does this sound like a lie, corruption, false accounting or massive incompetence?
Alternatively we know that key BBC employees such a Robert Peston are not only fully involved with Common purpose but are prepared to advertise their involvement and recommend Common Purpose using their BBC title. Mr Peston is of course also a member of the Media Standards Trust alongside none other than Julia Midleton CEO of Common Purpose.
Considering that Common Purpose is intimately and directly linked to NuLabour and political think tanks such as Demos, a detached third party observer might well get the impression that Common Purpose is a political training vehicle for the government. What do you think? ”
I wonder just how many BBC staff are connected with this shadowy outfit and whether it would be right and proper for the BBC to make this connection clear when said people give their views on screen in a political context?
cpexposed say:
“Evidence shows that Common Purpose is rather more than a Charity ‘empowering’ people and communities’. In fact, CP is an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace democracy in UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.”
It would go a long way to explaining the Corporation’s political stance.
Maybe a FOI might be revealing?
The BBC appear exempted from FOIs.
As they are any consequences of valid complaints.
and people call talk of the illuminati masons et al conspiracy theories
I always find it very suss that davos has no minuets and no recordings of anything they dont deliberately publish
They’ve been around some time. I suspect Alistair Campbell might be in there somewhere.
I phoned them up once…apparently anyone can join.
I thought CP meant….communist party?
I have been warning people about Common Purpose for years.
They are one of the reasons that “leaders” who mess up in public life are allowed to walk into other high paying public sector jobs without reprisal.
Their motto I believe is – “leading beyond authority”.
Dangerous, barely accountable and Globalist to the core.
If you take a browse through the common purpose “graduates” list published by cpexposed you will see an abundance of “students” in Local Government, Police, Healthcare, Universities, Education and Media and in particular the BBC.
Its very eye-opening and explains a lot!
In case a Tory MP is in the audience, governance by Princess Vegetable Cutlet is attractive as Dawn Butler on her third bottle of Prosecco on race.
Window tax after that.
Martin has also tweeted on Labour’s ridiculous and hypocritical plans to attempt to win back the ‘red wall’
If we accept that 110,000 died of Covid in a country of 67million
that is 1 death in each block of 609
In my area that would be 286 from 175K population
In fact 276 have been reported.
So we are slightly under national average.
I’d expected a lot lower than national average but the demographic here is quite old.
we got 3 out of 12k
perhaps we just dont have any friends
Just one more for the record:
Covid vaccine: How many people in the UK have been vaccinated so far?
Their graphic has 11 identifiably white people from a total of 38. 80% of the population shown as 28%. When minorities are under-represented, it’s racist. Why isn’t this ?.
The interesting thing is that since this country has operated without a border for so long – they really don’t know how many are here and who they are .
So although the ‘registered ‘ population might well be vaccinated there will be a few million not on the books …
Maybe there could be a vaccinate and deport policy
They will bury it like they always do.
Politicians will happily let the whole country take the hit in silence than put their heads above the parapet for the Left to scream ‘racists’ at them.
That was Trumps greatest quality : he stuck his head up anyway. And just look what they are doing to him. It is beyond disgusting.
In my opinion, they have set the conditions up perfectly for civil war in the USA. The question is whether they can suppress dissenters enough to prevent a spark igniting it. They have been very successful at that here in the UK.
Even the Daily Mirror onto the
Captain Tom caught covid at hospital angle.
Will the BBC dare mention it?
“Captain Sir Tom Moore caught Covid at hospital amid ‘potentially avoidable’ infections
National treasure Captain Sir Tom Moore, who died on Tuesday, caught Covid-19 at Bedford Hospital – this comes as a report found the facility was often unable to isolate patients
A “significant proportion” of Covid patients at the NHS Trust which cared for Captain Sir Tom Moore caught the virus while receiving treatment for other illnesses.
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust released a board report this week detailing their fight against the “second surge” of coronavirus.It shows that 13 per cent of positive tests last month came at least five days after patients were admitted to hospital.
The report states: “The highly transmissible nature of the circulating mutant virus and the inability to isolate patients in single rooms combined with infections in staff and asymptomatic carriage resulted in high numbers of nosocomial [acquired in hospital] infections.
It also emerged that “a number” of patients fell ill with Covid despite being “medically fit” for discharge.
The report added: “A significant additional factor was the length of stay for many patients who were medically fit for discharge but were unable to return to their place of residence.”
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is in charge of Bedford Hospital and Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.
Capt Sir Tom was admitted to Bedford Hospital on January 12 and diagnosed with pneumonia.
He was discharged on January 22 but tested positive for coronavirus the same day.
By January 31 he had been returned to the same hospital to receive treatment to help him breathe.
On Wednesday the NHS Trust issued a report from its board of directors.
They revealed that their hospitals saw a “steep rise” in Covid cases during November and December.
On January 11, 53 per cent of adult beds at Bedford Hospital were occupied by Covid-19 patients.
The report adds: “A significant proportion of cases in the second surge were detected 8+ days following admission, indicating infection was due to acquisition in the hospital
It emerged that between October and December last year there were “six incidents of potentially avoidable” Covid infections within the Trust.
The data also shows that hundreds of staff contracted the virus in January.
The report adds: “Understandably, many staff, clinical and non-clinical, are feeling overwhelmed and distressed at the rise in the number of COVID cases and deaths.
“The data also shows that hundreds of staff *contracted the virus* in January.”
When you get tests showing hundreds of people test positive
that could be 100% true, especially if backed by symptoms
But it could also be true that if staff seem healthy that they are non-even asymptomatic carriers, but rather non-carriers who have particle in their blood due to old infections they have long gotten over.
Even the Daily Mirror onto the
Captain Tom caught covid at hospital angle.
Will the BBC dare mention it?
“Captain Sir Tom Moore caught Covid at hospital amid ‘potentially avoidable’ infections
National treasure Captain Sir Tom Moore, who died on Tuesday, caught Covid-19 at Bedford Hospital – this comes as a report found the facility was often unable to isolate patients
A “significant proportion” of Covid patients at the NHS Trust which cared for Captain Sir Tom Moore caught the virus while receiving treatment for other illnesses.
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust released a board report this week detailing their fight against the “second surge” of coronavirus.It shows that 13 per cent of positive tests last month came at least five days after patients were admitted to hospital.
The report states: “The highly transmissible nature of the circulating mutant virus and the inability to isolate patients in single rooms combined with infections in staff and asymptomatic carriage resulted in high numbers of nosocomial [acquired in hospital] infections.”
Yes, Eddie, I’m glad to see that even the ghastly Mirror has twigged where Captain Tom caught the dreaded virus.
A number of people had tried to imply that he caught Corona because he ventured to Barbados. They’ve been critical of the man and his family and even dug up pictures showing that he wasn’t “isolating” while in the Caribbean. FFS what an unspeakably joyless bunch of puritans we’ve become.
Well… some of us have become…
Thankfully, as we now know, his holiday had nothing to do with with him contracting Covid. He was regularly tested, before he left these shores, he was tested while he was away and again on his return. No virus. Right as rain.
Some weeks later he was taken ill and developed pneumonia and was admitted to hospital. That’s where he got it.
I’ve got a few questions some of you might be able to help me with…
Do we have any more information about the much heralded Nightingales? Are any being used? Have they all been dismantled? Why aren’t we making full use of these facilities having spent over £200,000,000 building them?
These are the questions the media could be asking. I think they’re rather relevant.
I suspect the Nightingales were planned on an assumed available workforce at the time of concept. Since it appears likely that a significant – but unquantifiable – number of NHS staff are unavailable, for one reason or another, the majority remain empty and will probably stay that way. Unless of course those teachers weaned on public service and at a loose end volunteer to fill the gaps?
Follow the money.
No one is going to say the source of infections is Nhs transmission – we are all locked down but the infections continue – no stats as to the origin – but I’d bet 33% are ‘in hospital ‘ tests where are heroes are infecting and killing otherwise non COVID victims ….
Meanwhile care home helpers are refusing to be vaccinated …
Ah, the Americans have a version of BBC ‘truthiness’.
But searching Snopes for ‘AOC mortal danger’ gives ‘no results’,
searching for ‘AOC’ gives “Did AOC Exaggerate the Danger She Was in During Capitol Riot?”, which, apparently is ‘mostly false’.
You’ll be getting a selfie with Ms. Spring next!
For bystanders : The Babylon Bee is a PARODY site.
Oh @JimS , surely you didn’t take it seriously ?
I was dubious, which is why I looked at Snopes.
Although the Babylon Bee mock-up is ‘fake’ there is an element of truth in it, in that what AOC has said to camera many times isn’t consistent, and some might say mentally deranged, which some might say is not telling the truth, Snopes has come down on her side.
We saw the same thing with the Covington ‘MAGA’ boys, when, after the truth came out, there was a journalist who insisted that the story was still ‘morally true’, i.e. it was the sort of thing that these boys probably thought, and then more recently with the burning building backdrop to the ‘mostly peacful’ demonstration story.
We are living in dangerous times when a large number of Americans believe that they are morally right and the ends justify the means, so ‘punch a nazi’, lets one do anything to an opponent once one has identified them as a ‘nazi’.
The Democrats have form here, there was a time when they thought that anyone who they identified as a nigger was good for lynching, so they formed the Klu Lux Klan. Now they call it Antifa.
Marianna can occupy herself checking satire for misinformation.
When it suits.
There is a rich seam in her own building. Often in news rooms they RT. And not satire.
There is now a claim she was recreating the air vent scene in Aliens 2 with Hills from the Capitol, under sniper fire, but so far this is an evolving story.
Thanks for that:
“Popular fact-check site Snopes provided cover for Ocasio-Cortez by labeling the claim that she exaggerated the danger she was in during the Capitol riot as “mostly false,” despite admitting that she was not in the main Capitol building at the time. ”
Mariella is probably an AOC wannabee! If she is at a loose end she could work through some of the BBC’s back-catalogue, some of which is still being used, like ‘Thatcher closed all the coal mines’.
So a lie by the side you support is morally true eh!
These people wouldn’t recognise truth if it bit their arse!
The BBC has form on ‘thruthiness’.
And ‘mostly peaceful’ events.
Sounds like one for Wendy or Marianna to address.
Or, if outcome not per BBC narrative, not.
Omission, especially once ‘tell it often enough’ has been established, is equally damning.
Tim says : that AOC is not a normal person, there is something like autism going on, cos when she repeats her own history it is mixed with fantasy.
He admits that he screwed up cos he had taken what she said as based in fact, yet when he checked timelines her story just cannot have happened, it’s not a case of her just making a couple of mistakes.
She states she was worried that the Trump supporters were invading her building at the time the cop was knocking on her door, but at that time no buildings had been invaded. Her building was being evacuated for a pipe bomb, and Trump was still speaking at that time, and the building was opened back up a short time later.
The staggering thing is that all media including Fox wrote up AOD’s story as if it were true , even asserting that Trump supporters were outside her door threatening. Of course they weren’t; it was only 1pm, no invading happened until more than 1 hour later.
Sargon also has a video
BBC Newsnight doing their best to show Biden in a good light however he still looks like the joker out of Batman without his makeup!
Times Arts, I see they chose to review a novel, where the writer writes against keeping your family’s historic identity like say Jewish
Then a review by Aaronovitch about a book that is anti-popularism.. he’s joyed by it , being an extreme anti-Brexit guy etc.
Worthy winners ?
“There once was a Norwegian in IKEA,
But the establishment had legislated no fear….”
Isn’t she probably pretty? Isn’t she probably pretty? Isn’t she probably pretty?
As Harry Enfield probably wouldn’t dare say today.
Ha ha – is that a spoof ?. The poems are terrible.
What category did they win ?. ‘Best Poem by a Muslim girl under 12’ ?.
Let me try one as well:
‘My cat he likes to watch telly,
I don’t go out in the rain without a welly
on each foot.’
Where’s my coconut ?.
The Cumbria coal mine local TV news
this @bbcNWT video will expire at 7pm on Friday
The seg intro is at 9 minutes And really begins at 9m20s
and it wraps up with the reporter quoting FoE
‘bad for the Climate Summit’ at 12m25s
The Clueless Climate Kid thinks the coalmine is for an energy project.
(It’s for steel, carbon steel. The coal provides both the heat and 1% content of the steel )
It’d be good to have an archive that requires some work for the BBC to get content taken down from… something that worked like
– to make a local copy from iPlayer…
– and contrived twaddle squeezed out of regional BBC was put up for posterity.
The “Perfect Planet”, just before Humans destroyed it
On the BBC, David Attenborough said that “Mother Earth” was once “A Perfect Planet”. But then the fall of Man from the Garden of Eden caused the corruption of the entire natural world.
Others say that history will complete itself and the ultimate destination will be when all mankind returns to the Garden of Eden after Attenborough’s death.
Others say that Charles Darwin destroyed Attenborough’s Utopian views many years ago.
Too many kids wasting their time in younee
getting useless degrees in meeja and drama instead of science and engineering. If we, as a nation are going to survive the future, our education system needs to ‘tool up’.
“A Perfect Planet”. Yes, volcano and oil / gas free…………
G, no endless rain, please either. What else is on the menu? May I have winter in Winter, spring in Spring, summer in Summer and autumn in Autumn as a side dish, please?
Al Beeb – Anyone know what’s going in Scotland’s hospital ? A case of nothing to see here – move along . Not terrorist related ? Stabbing ?
Well, these days ‘not terrorist related’ only means they don’t have any direct links to ISIS.
The definition varies according to what colour you are. Any act of violence the other way is a terrorist attack – even if it’s a nutter suddenly driving his van at a queue of people outside a mosque.
The question of what had enraged this man so much was never asked. Neither is the one about why Muslims are prepared to drive a truck through crowds of people and tape knives to their hands so they can stab as many innocent men, women and children people as possible before they hope to get shot dead by police.
As If we have not had enough with lockdowns, expect us to be taxed to the hilt to pay for Carbon ? Was it Bo Jo’s idea or his girlfriend’s?
“Covid-19: Hotel bookings for quarantine being made ‘at pace’”
If you want to beat the queue arrive by rubber dinghy, you will be guaranteed a four star hotel at the least.
And, importantly, FREE!
“Covid: Local elections to go ahead in England and Wales “ in may ?
Some say Bo Jo is getting a new job installing goalposts . Is that true ?
For an outfit shown more and more to be ‘them’, the bbc sure uses we/us a lot…
“We stood on our doorsteps and clapped for them… but do we REALLY appreciate our key workers? And if you’re a key worker, do you feel appreciated?
A Worcestershire charity is criticising the decision to freeze funding for home care visits in the county. Meanwhile, we often hear about shop workers being abused and hospital staff facing criticism from covid deniers.
Should we being do more to show key workers our appreciation and how can we do that?”
Toady watch
– mistake – had the radio on at 0820 . Robinson doing some nonsense about ‘town council meetings ‘ – and who should pop up ?
One Anna soubrey – sober I think… but chucking in anecdotes about town councils like a remainer spouting project fear lies . ….
………were the disgraceful actions of the EU last Friday mentioned ? No . Was the failure of the EU vaccination programme put to this ex MP traitor? No .
Strange how the BBC airbrushes stolen elections and the savage Remainer activities out of the public mind isn’t it ?
Yup, Fedup2 – Of course, ‘…and while we have you here,,,,’ is a one way tactic as far as the BBC is concerned.
Kilmarnock hospital locked down for three hours after ‘serious incidents’
Last night the BBC were quick to say “it is not terrorism”. Now they are hinting all 3 events were linked but nothing more to say.
Meanwhile Sky News reports a member of staff at a hospital in Kilmarnock has been the victim of a stabbing but nothing from the BBC.
From this we can say we confidence that the stabber is either black, Muslim or an illegal immigrant from the local hotel.
Tabs …. and with the now obligatory Mental Health issues.
I’ll bet you my hat that if they are immigrants, they will be Muslims.
But no link to ISIS = not terror related. Just racist hatred related.
Don’t overlook the chance of Alec having a pop at Nicola…
Or vice-versa, of course.
Your confidence was misplaced.
Your confidence was misplaced.
Look before you leap.
Strong noises coming out now about schools reopening 8th March.
So, just to help the cause the BBC find some kids ill with long Covid.
BBC campaign for schools to be shut, when they shut they harrang ministers asking when will they be open, when they say when they will be open, they find scare stories to try and disrupt the reopening.
What a disgusting, rancid, not fit for purpose outfit.
Wow. Yet another Bonus for the picture editor ….. well done for digging this one out.
Amazing how often it happens (not)
Isn’t it incredible how the rest of the station (that’s what it looks like) is completely empty, devoid of any other passengers, but these three hit the ticket barrier at precisely the same time….it’s obviously so ‘staged’ – they keep trying to take us for idiots.
And as for ‘Generation Covid’….. jeez – a whole 11 months makes a generation these days – still, I guess the BBC has been supporting Nicola Sturgeon over the past few years when she claims that her definition of a ‘once in a generation vote’ means a period of just a few years.
Next ‘Generation’ will only have to exist for a few minutes before being named, I guess.
Well don’t forget that if sentenced to life for murder you’d do about three weeks .
Well don’t forget that if sentenced to life for murder you’d do about three weeks .
They all off on a jolly to Syria?
I love those type of BBC articles with moaning unemployed University graduates blaming the Tories/Brexit/Covid on why they cannot get a job with their Gender and Black Studies degree.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC Amnesia or BBC Barefaced Lies on behalf of the DNC?
In the News, and it may well have been an item covered during the rest of the programme (I only listened to about 45 or 50 minutes from about 7.50 a.m.) was the item ‘President Biden has signalled that he and the US will engage with the world bringing an end to the isolationist stance of the previous Administration’ or words to that effect.
Now I’m sure I will have forgotten all the isolationism that former President Trump engaged in so please add items I may have missed:
Recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocating the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv
An overseas visit to South Korea where tensions with N. Korea were diffused and relations improved with S. Korea.
A visit to Japan.
A visit to the UK and to France.
Putting the frighteners on President Assad in case he was tempted to use chemical weapons against opposition forces in the Civil War.
(unconfirmed) Enabling the assassination of a high ranking Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander considered to be responsible for terrorism
and most significantly of all:
negotiating peace Treaties between Israel and some of the surrounding Arab States.
Beat that President Biden!
It is time to shuffle (not so) Great Aunt BBC off into a Care Home somewhere. She cannot cope on her own.
Cooling off in the Gulags, seeing red & chocolate’s coming home
‘Return of sport and socialising outdoors’ – or so the optimistic Times has apparently learnt.
Not so fast, says the miserabilist Guardian, after a quick chat with a former health secretary: ‘Hunt: Don’t end lockdown until covid cases fall to 1,000 a day’ – this is Jeremy Hunt setting some completely arbitrary target.
If Downing Street is going to leak unattributed stuff to the press, or have random backbench MPs make random suggestions, neither of which source is properly accountable, then why bother with all the expense of running the Houses of Parliament?
This is either organised chaos on the part of the government (which could well be the case) or a rather sinister PR campaign of push me, pull you, psychological manipulation, designed to destabilise the population making us all the more compliant.
The Daily Mail holds out the prospect of: ‘Most covid curbs “to end in May”’ – and if you’ve been paying attention “may” is the operative word there.
The fabulously named Baz Bamigboye, the Mail’s celeb chaser, has an exclusive about the actress famous for playing Lady Diana, the late lamented Paparazzi Princess: ‘Emma’s very risqué role to Di for… with Harry’ – forget the suggestive Oedipal implications, this is pop prince Harry Styles not Harry Sussex, Rear-Admiral to Princess Meghan, our Tell-it-to-the-Marines, Vice- Airport First Class Lounge Commodore-in-Chief. (Harry & Meghan want their deserved military titles – so we oblige)
The Times has a frontpage pinup for us. Smouldering Russian beauty: ‘Yulia Navalnaya… who wore a red top when her husband, the opposition leader Alexei Navalny was jailed this week’ – the Times there with a quick lesson in the fact Russian surnames have alternate male and female versions. Goodness knows how they put
up with this level of male chauvinism, but it tends to show they have a very different society to ours, however much our press would apparently wish to overthrow Putin. Which reminds me of a line from the honey trap spy movie Red Sparrow from a couple of years back – “Russian women are beautiful, but the men look like frogs”. Sadly for our Yulia her hubby is going to be rather locked down for the next three years or so. Cooling off in the Gulags. Watch out for our media flirting with the missus. I’ve no idea of her politics and I doubt our media have but she has all the attributes. The red outfit is now to be a symbol of the opposition, so for the first time we’ll have press photographers requesting “Pop yer top ON, luv!”
The Telegraph also has a pic of a young lady on the frontpage. Speaking of cold Gulags, all this chilly weather has brought out a sort of anti-Greta Thunberg: ‘Alice Goodridge, from Newtonmore, in the Scottish Highlands, swims in Loch Inch, in the Cairngorms National Park, after using an axe and a sledgehammer to open up the ice’ – they make ’em hardy up there in the Highlands but we noticer she kept her woolly hat on.
By the way, British media, what’s up with the SNP?
We’ve touched on reds under the bed, now we have: ‘Chinese spies posing as journalists expelled’ (Telegraph) – meanwhile Ofcom has revoked the licence of a Chinese broadcaster on the grounds it was controlled by the Communist Party. Further comment seems superfluous, as I like to say.
Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph perhaps suggesting an amnesty for some of our own UK dissidents hereabouts: ‘We need lockdown dissenters more than ever’
‘Ministers to requisition 28,000 quarantine hotel rooms. Dash to find space for passengers from “red list” countries’ – the Telegraph and it seems we’re seeing red everywhere.
Appropriately enough we turn to the economic outlook, where being in the black is good news and being in the red is bad: ‘BoE optimistic on recovery this year but holds negative interest rates in reserve’ (FT) – I’m going to take the Financial Times to task again for its annoyingly confusing headlines. Why on earth can’t we say boldly the BoE is optimistic “about” recovery, why this drippy journalese “on” recovery?
‘Savers face threat of negative interest rates’ (Telegraph) – this is a tricky one to get your head around but put simply it will mean no interest paid on savings and more bank charges for customers. And as our high street banks close more branches and discourage their customers from their branches that are still open with a system of lengthy queues stretching halfway up the high street on a rainy Monday morning. Less service, more charges – this makes sense, right?
More tea,vicar? And perhaps a little less Twitter with the cucumber sandwiches: ‘Vicar facing the sack after he dishonours Sir Tom tribute’ (Daily Star) – of the many and varied ways a clergyman might get himself defrocked this is a first. This is a right-on trendy vicar possibly losing his job for a somewhat mistimed virtue-signalling social media mini sermon.
And finally: ‘Chocs away! Dairy Milk is coming home’ (Times) – Cadbury’s owner is about to shift chocolate production from Germany and other Eurozone countries back to Bournville.
Despite Brexit.
AISI, just a minor correction, Jeremy Hunt is former Secretary of State for Health but is not now just a backbencher: he is Chair of the House Committee on Health. I think the PM would have been wise to have chosen Hunt to be his SoS for Health instead of Hancock.
Hunt knows his way around both the NHS and the Dept. for Health and won a bruising battle with the Junior Doctors in his time as SoS. He was also the rival that the PM beat to secure the Party leadership.
Where the Guardian leads, the BBC follows:
“Denmark to build ‘first energy island’ in North Sea”
The Guardian’s story about sea noise.
Well, guess what? The BBC now has it too.
Do they get their news from the Guardian or do they both just respond to the same press releases from the usual suspects?
“Noise pollution ‘drowns out ocean soundscape’ “
Not a mention of the potential impact of offshore wind turbines of course (or of Danish energy islands, come to that).
History Debunked : Is the NHS failing people from ethnic minorities through ’structural racism’?
As claimed in Lancet report.
He asks why it fails to mention the widespread health problems attributable to cousin marriage.
I think Robinson is well paid for his actions .
The one that gets me a the moment is the hotel nonsense .
We went a whole year with unrestricted arrivals – no checks at the airport – but a 14 then 10 day unsupervised lockdown .
Now it is airport house arrest .
What will be done with those who refuse? Or fail to stay the 10 days ? Of escape and return ?
It is far too late to be bothering with such nonsense . I presume it is really being used as a deterrent and the government doesn’t expect thousands of arrivals in coming weeks …..
BBC Editorial Integ… trickery, or outright dicking about being in the frame at the moment, this from ITBB General is apposite.
Mac •
So Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch took umbrage with an email question from HuffPo journalist Nadine White and republished the emails on Twitter. Bit of a Twitter storm in a tea cup as far as I can tell. Both sides probably overreacting.
However what’s noteworthy is the BBC reporting on the contents of the original email:
“In the emails, HuffPost writer Nadine White asked why Kemi Badenoch hadn’t participated in a pro-vaccine video”.
“The journalist was requesting a statement on why Ms Badenoch hadn’t participated in a social media video of black MPs encouraging vaccine take-up”.
Except that isn’t quite right. In the original email the journalist asked why the minister REFUSED to participate in the video. That gives the whole thing a slightly different tone. The implication is that the minister was REFUSING to do something that she ought to be doing. It’s more of an accusation.
So why didn’t the BBC use the word in their reporting of the email? I suspect there’s a bit of journalists siding with journalists here. But I also suspect there’s a very large target on the back of Kemi Badenoch ever since she hit the news last year with a speech against critical race theory. It’ll be interesting to see what other kind of stories about her make the headlines in the future.
(Also – and I don’t know what data protection would say about it – but I would love it if politicians started routinely publishing BBC journalists’ emails. You’d have to start a while new blog!)
Beyond the hilarious Labour PR as BBC news ‘calls for’, changing words for no good reason strikes me as beyond editorialising to outright partisan fakery.
Maybe Wendy and Marianna could steer clear?
Anyone have the Tweet in question to put next to the BBC “quote”
Getting there, but the usual suspects tweeting are never a good sign.
Nadine White’s tweets are (now) protected.
So we are in trusted and transparent territory already.
BBC appear in the thick of it.
Another usual suspect
@mariannaspring Replying to @Nadine_Writes
You’re a brilliant journalist
– so sorry you’ve been subject to this abuse! X
What Nadine cited as actual quotes was hardly abusive.
Seems Marianna keener on stirring than clarifying.
The ‘Wrongists’ (which includes Labour, most MSM & the BBC) hate the thought of BAMEs reaching Ministerial level in the Conservative Party. They are out to ‘get’ Priti Patel and as an alternative target (Labour & MSM are just like Bomber Command in WW2) they are out to ‘get’ Kemi. She is also a former colleague of the PM’s when he was Mayor of London. Another reason they might have is that although she is a new MP, she has political experience and is good – good enough, possibly, to be a future candidate for Conservative Party leader.
Now that would put the ‘Wrongists’ noses out of joint if she got that gig.