One advantage of finishing work after 1am – it means I can be first on the weekend thread. Having a look at the Beeb’s webshite and mass carnage in Croydon tonight – a spate of stabbings has left one dead and ten others injured. The Met are saying that there is no information to suggest the incidents are all linked. DI Nicky Arrowsmith has come out with the lugubrious statement: “Sadly, tonight we have seen a number of needless and completely abhorrent violent altercations…” Just call a spade a spade, love, it was black-on-black stabbings. Sadly now all too familiar in the hellhole that is our capital city.
Cooper- It just looks like a typical Friday night in South London. I don’t think the BBC will make much of it. I expect that the BLM
were just having one of their regular meetings. Just discussing
if the name of their organization was an oxymoron or not.
CM & Foscari, Oi! How dare you besmirch the good name of London. In London they keep up a stabbing rate of one a day, unless illness, drunkenness or some other substance induced paralysis intervenes. :-0
Croydon is very defintely not London. 🙂 The last time I looked it was in Surrey.
This coyness by both the police and the media has been going on for years. It used to baffle me. We’d hear that “some youths” had been “involved in an altercation”. The wording could often sound like a rather jolly event that had got out of hand and led to some mild pushing and shoving. Then you’d hear that six people had been stabbed and two had died. Some altercation…
I always found the giveaway, in the old days, was when we were told that Operation Trident were involved. This was the Met’s taskforce that dealt specifically with black on black crime. I’ve not heard much of this group lately. There’s certainly no reduction in the amount of black on black carnage, I just think the name became too familiar and they like to keep things vague.
If the BBC cover this at all it will be from the angle of the grieving mother…there’s never a father, guaranteed. The parent will feel let down by the police, the judiciary, the government and if possible they’ll manage a few swipes at “Tory cuts”.
It’s all so depressingly familiar…
However, scant as the Beeb’s coverage of the Croydon carnage might be don’t fret. If some idiotic twerp makes a “racist” remark on Twitter to a Premiership footballer, possibly earning in excess of £150,000 a week, our beloved BBC will be all over it like a rash.
We’ll hear from Ian Wright, Marcus and that sweet and innocent little lad who has the image of a sub machine gun tattooed to his leg. We’ll be lectured about how racist we all are and there will be sympathetic documentaries about BLM.
I’m sure if you put a black baby in a white family he would grow up with their values. Just as a white baby with a black family would grow up thinking dealing drugs, joining a gang and stabbing those selling gear on your turf was OK.
It’s all about culture. And they’ve brought it with them. Same as the Muslim’s.
That is the part the Left didn’t realise when they brought them all in. They thought they would live like us.
I’ve just set off with ‘The Righteous Mind’ by Jonathan Haidt. So far, (1/12th in) I’m very impressed. He distinguishes (by research) how morals and attitudes come about in children: Born with them or induced through upbringing?.
“I’m sure if you put a black baby in a white family he would grow up with their values.” And, white in black, vice versa. Needless to say, far from as simple as that and as I get further into the arguments, I am intrigued. I’ll let you know when I’ve finished it.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread.
@Fed’s posted a new long Telegraph article about the Licence Fee office abusing pensioners, at the bottom of thelast page.
– page 4 that started 1pm Friday
– page 3
Just looked down his twitter feed and what stood out is how few pictures of the suspects/victims of stabbings there are. Most of the pictures are of white people and not for stabbings.
I don’t believe he himself is doing it : he seems to put pictures up whenever he gets them. What it tells me is that the police are supressing the identities of these people on a large scale.
And going by the occasional BBC ‘fact sheets’ showing the people actually convicted of murder by stabbing (by the pictures, not the article because the elephant is never mentioned) we can safely assume the vast majority of these are by black people.
And if the police are supressing them, I think we can assume they have been told to do so.
I wish someone would put this information to Lammy and watch the racist idiot get flummoxed for a second before blaming white people.
Cooper-It just could be that a few of the boys were taking
to heart that they should know the benefits of vaccination.
And some , for the public good were practising how to
give vaccinations. And it got out of hand, so to speak.
If you actually say ‘white lives matter’, you are labelled as abhorrent and racist.
THAT is the problem with all of this. It’s hypocrisy and double standards on a massive scale.
BLM was just another tactic to bring down Donald Trump.
The perpetartors of this fraud of an election are so full of pride, they cant help boast of their achievement. They are actually admitting what they did and how, safe in the knowledge that they are immune to criminal prosecution. They claim they did it to safeguard democracy.
American Thinker and The Gateway Pundit have continuing articles on this ensuing Fraud. Needless to say, Gateway Pundit has been removed from Twitter.
So much for the American First Amendment.
I have hope that the constitutional Republic is robust enough to squash this assault. And when and if it does, I hope we’ve had no part in the Fraud.
Mark Carney Has told the BBC that while there were parallels between the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, damage to the environment and ecosystems has the potential to cause many more deaths.
No further context from the BBC potentially explaining how we all might die or on what basis?
Carney said something about trillions more investment needed, blah, blah, so that’s okay then.
Carney is now the United Nations envoy for climate action and finance. So no skin in the game whatsoever.
You can’t see the fire for bloody envoys these days!
There’s one for every quango going, and Blair started it all off when he was kicked out in favour of the last envoy for stupidity, G.Brown!
If all these blasted time-wasters are worth their salt, then go private, prove you know what you’re talking about, and go on the David Icke Seminar for belief in little green men…
Ah! Mr ‘Precision’ again. It was only a matter of time before you dived in with hyper criticality.
Please confirm your source of of the ‘truth’ that the tax take is “zero from wind / solar gimmicks”.
My energy supplier who primarily supplies wind/solar for as much of the time as possible, provides me with bills which contain VAT. My eyes don’t deceive. That’s tax.
So now we have another great scientific mind on Climate Change. Lets see
1. Archbishop Attenborough
2. Archbishop of Canterbury
3. Prince ‘s galore
4. Greta
The governor of the Bank of England is also a Climate scientist. He thinks that Climate will be worse then covid 19.
First, its not certain that covid 19 is as serious as its made out to be, as the data of massive infection rates was used as a reason for the postal vote in the USA. Covid 19 was a necessary component to take down Donald Trump .
What contemporary western politicians have done, is the destruction of any residual trust people have in these people.
You won’t see many articles as one-sided as this one anywhere:
Perfect for the BBC : they can selectively quote from an interview with no need to provide any balanced viewpoint.
The end part is my favourite : they quote Biden saying ‘… but he would leave the Senate to decide whether the Republican should be barred from ever holding public office again.’
How magnanimous of him. But I didn’t realise he could personally just ban opponents he didn’t like from ever standing against him.
Maybe the senile old duffer is confusing it with a law they will try to bring in later. Adolf would be proud.
But dare I add that in a law-abiding country that believes in and follows the Rule of Law, there has to be a law or power that provides that facility. As I asserted in the last thread, any semblance of the Rule of Law has been abandoned in the US from the pre DJT times and leading up to the last, so-called, “Presidential Election”.
Btw, the Rule of Law is part of a twin which includes ‘Democracy’. No wonder that the latter is disappearing equally as quickly.
G: But dare I add that in a law-abiding country that believes in and follows the Rule of Law, there has to be a law or power that provides that facility.
Are you implying there is no rule of law in the UK or USA. Its the rule of the wild West we are now in.
Fear of the police has never been so great as it is now.
The urgency to remove Donald Trump from office was so great that anything short of murder, was deemed OK.
The Globalists had put in 30 years of work on AGW/Climate Change to get the public to accept this scam as reality. Another four years of delay to implement the Great Reset, using Climate Urgency, and re-configure Energy usage, was not possible.
Donald Trump, had to be removed.
In the last few days, on this site, I wondered how could it be possible that it appeared so many very rich people and organisations, conspired to bring down Donald Trump. Large scale conspiracies are generally tin foil hat stuff.
And so it turns out. The conspirators are now admitting electoral fraud did take place, but in a roundabout way.
Unless Biden and the Democrats are removed within a year, the electoral maths would be so distorted by mass immigration, that electoral fraud would not be necessary.
These same people now want that such tactics made illegal. Obviously.
Down your street in about 20,000 years if everything carries on as it has for millions of years.
‘Stop Global Cooling’ will be the gravy train just before that.
Doubt it, Planet Earth is a Goldilocks planet. Do you remember when the cosmologists were saying that? Way back in the 1960s and early 1970s, when humankind was on the way to the moon.
The real danger is the coming ice age. A fall in temperature will lead to massive fall in plant growth and agriculture.
To avert this catastrophe, drive petrol or diesel vehicles. This Increases CO2 in the atmosphere, thus increasing plant growth. Then insect and all flora and fauna. Moreover, electricity is very smart energy, and should only be used for purposes that require smart energy- not push a car around.
One maxim to keep in mind. Whatever the Left supports, is very likely to lead to massive mortality. That has been the lesson of the 20th centiry.
I define Smart energy as an energy source whose amplitude and phase are both controllable. Moreover it should have small reaction times ie Time constant.
The amazing thing about electric power is that its phase and time constant do not change as its inertial mass is changed. One sees that as one increases the speed of rotation of a motor.
Such a wonderful created energy source should not be used for trivial purposes, as shoving a vehicle around.
I agree – we are in between ice ages – it will affect us in a future life but we ll all have the option of going ‘off world ‘ by then with ‘a chance to start again in a land of wealth and opportunity ‘…
But I bet we will be still ‘locked ‘ down with an R rate of -1.0….
We have been very lucky so far. The chance invention of mechanical engines that require oil, have possibly delayed the onset of the ice age by a 1000 years.
Now these AGW lot, want to stop the engine of heat, comfort, increasing agriculture, and send us back to the pre-industrial age. This is the age that has first known comfort and huge food supply, able to able to go anywhere in the world in hours.
It requires cupidity of mammoth proportions to think cooling the planet is the answer. All they will do, if anything at all but certain waste of resources, is deprive us the time and resources to ameliorate the ice age.
Al Beeb in taffland………
“LGBT asylum seekers: Call for dedicated housing in Wales”
There is a shortage of housing in taffland as it is .
An other own goal by a Labour MP?
House the asylum seekers down the same street as the MP and his family.
Then see what they have to say about it.
These people are the biggest hypocrites of all.
I can't believe men from North Africa and the Middle East would hold homophobic views. They must have been far-right Brexiteers in disguise.
The actual story here is that the Muslim economic immigrants pretending to seek asylum are being the nasty kind of homophobic everybody already knows they are. To the point people are fearing for their lives.
But the BBC and all the leftie hypocrites will never acknowledge that fact because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Which is why they disgust me so much.
A Moroccan man says he faced homophobia while housed with other asylum seekers in Wales.
He probably is telling the truth. Muslims, men or women, hate homosexuals.
Also housing Christian refugees ( truly suffering persecution), along with Muslims, is bad policy. They will be beaten or stabbed. Its well known that even on refugee boats, Christian refugees if found out, would be thrown into the sea.
It was due to this very great danger that Christian refugees felt safer in Syria, then on board a boat or refugee centres in Europe.
“Weather warnings for snow, ice and floods in place across Britain”.
Global warming ?
Heating bills going up ? An excuse to bring in a carbon tax ?
The UK has little carbon emissions in comparison with China, USA and India.
Another example of the UK’s soft touch population being used as an example to pacify the ‘shouty green’ minority in this country. Bo Jo needs to realise that the people in the UK are on their knees following ‘the great lock down’.
A foot note to our government : stuffing immigrants into the UK pushes up our carbon footprint .
….and on the ‘Today’ programme this morning, some numpty ‘green’ energy advocate said that hydrogen systems are a real non-starter – rather blowing a hole in one of the BBC’s stated alternatives for gas central heating systems – but that heat pumps and boreholes were the way to replace gas-powered central heating systems….. you would, of course, have to cough up £12,000 for a borehole,and then you have the new heat pump, new (much bigger) radiators, etc., etc. – and because borehole heat pumps aren’t always effective…. we could just top this up with (and I kid you not) ‘excess wind energy’……. are these people living on the same planet as us ? How the hell do we get to ‘excess’ wind energy ? For example, on a cold, dark, still, frosty morning – how many more windmills will we need to have on-line to do this ? No simple questions like these from the Beeboid, of course.
Oh, and good luck with boreholes in communities living in flats in city and town centres.
You cannot make this stuff up…… actually, let me re-phrase that – the BBC would like us to believe all this crap that these ‘green’ advocates completely make up.
Support the Muslims with some lie like this to goad the opposition to state the opposite.
Gain the support of said Muslim’s.
Standard dirty left wing politics. They have no ethics whatsoever. Power is everything.
One if the saving graces of the Marxist Left is they eat their own in great numbers. Unfortunately they just destroy everything else too.
One of the great mysteries of the present, is despite the well know fact that the Left is responsible for the greatest mass murder in history, the universities still continue to turn out vast numbers of leftists.
Here is the full text of the debate on 3 Feb. in Hansard so everyone can read for themselves the utterances of the “disingenuous Labour scum” (as Sargon rightly says)
e.g. from Charlotte Nichols (Warrington North) (Lab) I am particularly concerned about the increased risk of online harms related to child sexual exploitation during lockdowns, with children spending more time online, away from school, and with far-right myths about the ethnicities of offenders in group-based child sexual exploitation being exploited online to fuel divisions between different communities.
Norman Brennan on stabfest mentioned above
RIP Lavs of the Hitsquad Gang
Enabled by the 'anti stop and searchers', lack of deterrents and their media telling them that gangs are cool… The 'Hitsquad' gang and others do their thing. Shocking that there is no outrage for these victims. ????
“Members of the OFB and MPK and CRO have said that the Police have lost control of the streets after they ordered the killing of a rival gang member on the active Peckham Hitsquad over an ongoing beef. ”
Looking at all the above posts …….
It is rather unfortunate for us all that we have a ‘Pound Shop’ Churchill running the country with such a huge majority.
Regarding all the ‘climate change’ claptrap, e.g. Carney et al., does anyone know a good weather/climate text for primary school level since the grandchildren are already being indoctrinated?
@ThIsland the point is not for the kids to follow some magic GURU
but for them to grow up BASED
ie Red-pilled based in the real world
Thinking for themselves, ASKING QUESTIONS instead of parroting dogma to fit in.
eg history GCSE is not about learning dates
….. but having good Critical Thinking skills
So you can’t be BASED about the environment unless open discussion from both sides is allowed
.. That doesn’t happen in metroliberal BBC/Guardian world
The presenter became cold to Naomi the moment it seemed that Naomi might have a vald point.
The MSM trivialises the impotrance of Climate study by concentrating on teen age girls, who would have difficulty in 1st year Thermodynamics in Mech Eng..
I don’t think there is anything for Primary Schools. But hear are three Videos for older Students.
(1) Piers Corbyn speaks the truth to Momentum about the Atmospheric Physics behind the Weather. Also he talks about the formula for the Greenhouse Effect based on Atmospheric mass, gravity and air pressure first suggested by James Clerk Maxwell in 1871, and proved correct in 2011 for all known Planetary Atmospheres by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller. (
(3) Calculating planetary surface temperatures made easy. Using the Ideal Gas Law and proving that the CO2 warming story is caput. (
Everything broadcast on the BBC for adults is at the Primary School level.
Thank you Richard. Its good to see a proper paper on the subject by adults.
Its pleasing to know that James Cletk Maxwell first suggested that gravity and the resulting air pressure, causes temperature.
James Maxwell made the greatest prediction in the history of science, by predicting that there might be some form of waves, based purely on very complex vector mathematical forms he had derived. This was based on pure thought, as there was no experiment to even suggest that such waves should exist, or were required.
Its only the experiment of Herz, and when Heavisde reduced Maxwells equations to the four we know now, and the fact we know radio and TV work, that we accept such waves.
Otherwise, its silly to think that Maxwells equations predict waves that can travel even in vacuum with enormous fixed velocity, for no driving reason whatever. Absurd.
BBC News channel interviewing Jackie Weaver, famous for kicking out Parish Councillors during a Zoom meeting. Lots of praise from the BBC on how well she handles technology but never asked if she overstepped her authority. They mentioned how liked she is on social media and you can buy ‘merch’ such as T-shirts with her name on them.
The BBC, and the left, really do like the cancel culture.
According to this, she did indeed overstep her authority.
I’m surprised the BBC didn’t do some basic legal homework themselves. At a guess, it’s because they knew the answer and it spoiled the angle they were taking about angry white men?
Because I’m a loser, I looked up Handforth Parish Council’s Standing Orders – it seems Jackie Weaver had no right to exclude the Chairman without a vote
And also that the Vice-Chairman was entitled to preside in the Charimans absence
The first problem at Handforth was the Chairman claiming he could clerk the meeting as well as chair it as evidenced by him putting up ‘clerk’ as his zoom name. I would be really surprised if it isn’t written into the regulations that he couldn’t do it.
Jackie Weaver acting in an advisory capacity should have advised there should be a vote to close the meeting.
It was obvious that there was going to be problems at the meeting and a good clerk would have anticipated it and taken advice before hand. I have clerked difficult meetings (not just taken minutes) and know clerking is a real skill with knowledge of the Law etc as well as handling agitated attendees.
But this site is about the BBC and my thoughts are that the BBC should not have taken up this story nor made a joke of it, for example Sophie Rayworth on Friday’s 6pm news. This is a parish with real problems that will have to be resolved and the people living there will have to resolve whatever the issues are. The BBC will have made it so much worse and I can only imagine the additional stress the BBC will have caused to those losing their temper. I could imagine being laughed at on national news causing permanent harm or worse. But the BBC wouldn’t let permanent damage to someone get in the way of a lighthearted story.
While I normally avoid Parish Council meetings and only attend when their attitude is to flood the village with too much development, the ones I have been to have been pretty well organised, and normal procedures have been respected. But this was all pre-zoom…
I agree the BBC shouldn’t start sneering here, as they also did on R5Live last night, and if they really want to be taken seriously, then they could actually do more than plug a mere Woman’s Hour clip, and then they can just shut the f*** up.
The BBC are well known for their ignorance in local matters – and it isn’t a joke when these same locals are paying them from meagre pensions to squander their misguided, leftie beliefs.
The FT this morning complains of something the millennials among us would term a first world problem: ‘Parents fear post-Brexit immigration system will spell au revoir to au pairs’
One feels the need to urge them over there at the pink financial paper, take a deep breath and just relax… try to let it go.
The Telegraph meanwhile can’t bring itself to let go of Captain Tom. Despite the fact – just like batsman Joe Root in India – he’s had a pretty good innings.
By the by, it remains a somewhat perplexing mystery to me that sport seems to get a pass, despite lockdown. The Times promotes: ‘Scrum Your guide to the Six Nations‘ – I just think it’s a bit rum.
Who mentioned alcohol? : ‘Pubs may open in April (with no alcohol)‘ (Telegraph) – Boris there completing his transformation from the laughing cavalier we voted for to frowning puritan roundhead.
But getting back to Captain Tom in the Telegraph where they treat us to some clunky modern journalese: ‘…his daughter… has paid tribute…’ – in the real-world relatives don’t tend to say they “pay tribute”
Following the time-line laid out for us in the Telegraph (which appears to have been glommed from an ITV interview) we learn the old chap entered hospital on 12th January with pneumonia and was discharged 10 days later. He was then readmitted on Sunday 31st we are told, and died on Tuesday 2nd February. We are then rather blandly informed, by way of a quote: “He was Covid-19 positive…” – make of that what you will.
Hollywood veteran: ‘Sound of Music star Christopher Plummer dies aged 91’ (Express) –I’m sure we’ll have plenty of “pays tribute” but I doubt the media will feel the urgent need to provide an evidential timeline.
Incidentally, most everyday folk in their common parlance also don’t tend to employ the formulation “Covid-19” as Tom’s daughter seems to have done, but I will concede his relatives have been talking to medics a good deal and might well have picked up the habit.
‘UK on track for vaccine for every adult by end of June’ exclaims the ‘i’ newspaper.
‘Most adults jabbed by end of May’ shouts the Daily Mail.
One wonders what the variable is here? Perhaps authorities are unsure by quite a considerable margin how many people are (or will be) in the country?
The cynic in me wonders whether UK entry quarantine restrictions and fines of £1,000 which are clearly coming in a year too late to stop infection are instead insurance against our open door border to our free vaccinations?
From mass jabbings to mass stabbings: ‘One man has died and at least nine others have been injured in a spate of stabbings in south London’ whispers the BBC.
‘Oxford jab is just as effective in fighting new mutant strains’ (Daily Mirror) – so these new mutant strains can’t be all they’ve been cracked up to be.
Doing the maths on the Croydon stabbings we deduce knife attacks are only lethal in fewer than 10% of cases. Just as well we have a dearth of guns in the country.
‘Exposed shocking state of UK army’ (Daily Mail)
‘Ministers to seize control of the NHS. New laws herald biggest health reform for a decade’ – or so says the Times in their portentous headline. In fact, as the Telegraph explains, this move simply reverses David Cameron’s failed NHS reforms. Expect the left-leaning press to go berserk about this but if ministers are going to be held directly responsible for everything that happens in the NHS then they may as well run the thing directly.
The FT celebrates: ‘The micro wedding’ – and looking at the stock photo, who would have guessed, the bride wore white but was black, contrasting diversely with the white groom.
We would really prefer not to bother about colour, but the media will insist on shoving it at us at every opportunity. We sometimes dare to complain even though we know it’s meant as a red rag to a bull and they tend to do it to get a rise out of us.
Speaking of colour, our media’s other fav is green: ‘The Green World Order. Renewables are reshaping politics’ (FT) – it’s not a conspiracy, it’s all there in plain sight.
And for our “and finally” – an appreciative hat tip to UK Column News which pointed us toward this wonderful report in the Independent online: ‘Orgy involving at least 81 people raided by police in France for breaking covid rules’ – Ooh la la!
Apparently, the gendarmes: ‘…arrived on the scene at around 9pm and found 11 people in the car park, who they fined €135 for breaking France’s coronavirus curfew, which restricts movement from 6pm to 6am. At 11pm, officers were granted legal permission to enter the warehouse where a large number of people were engaged in an orgy’
Allo ‘Allo! Qu’est-ce que, do we ‘ave ‘ere then?
‘“The event was in breach of the curfew, and there were also problems with masks and social distancing,” an investigator said.’
– we must also praise UK Column News for their gag that if these French orgiastic libertines had kept their masks on (feathered, Venetian Carnival-style) the scene would have been oddly reminiscent of the Tom Cruise movie Eyes Wide Shut
81 in an orgy ? Some poor sap has to count them all – almost as many genders as in the BBC sex text book for 6 year olds .
Now that the ‘name ‘ of the dead yoof in Croydon has been ‘aired ‘ – how will he be described ?
Promising footballer
Promising architect
Law student
Young father
Lived life to the full
Had ‘chaotic ‘lifestyle
One of the few ‘pluses’ of These incidents is that the race industry mouths suddenly go quiet – unless – of course – the killer is a whitee – then the full diverse carnival takes to the air ..
via BH : Today’s Guardian offering is in lockstep with Harrabin’s piece about heating homes. One might almost think they consult each other (or rely on the same press releases):
Less than 5% of green homes grant budget paid out, Labour reveals
Party calls for flagship renewables scheme to be extended amid significant delays and problems
Almost all news is PR and Harra and Guardian will be cutNpasting from the same Green PR agency
.. the one that Harra virtually lives in.
Mike Lindell’s documentary pointing out all of the ways the election was stolen from Trump and who was involved. The video’s already been banned from Youtube and Twitter which obviously means it’s accurate.
This is already a pivotal month kicking off with the Myanmar coup, which was because of its election being flipped using the exact same Dominion software as rigged the US for Biden. This sets the precedent that the military can and must take control of its nation’s government in the event of an attempted illegal takeover from a civilian party. That’s why the fake Biden government immediately started making threats towards Myanmar – they know this is going to absolutely bury them in short order.
There’s also credible information (including video) suggesting that Biden has never actually set foot in the White House and his entire presidency is being filmed at Castle Rock Studio in California. The inauguration itself was obviously not shot live due to the massive number of continuity errors, and even if it had been it didn’t take place at 12.01pm as mandated by the constitution. Not only that, but the original constitution had March 4th as the inauguration date and Trump has apparently invited 30k staff to Mar-a-Lago on March 3rd, as well as increased room prices at his hotel in DC during that week. Something’s obviously planned.
When it becomes obvious that the BBC and other corporate media shills have been fully compliant in a communist coup attempt on the US and instigated WW3, it’s not enough to demand the license fee be abolished. There needs to be prosecutions and imprisonment for the propagandists.
Is there a condensed version of that video ? It’s 1 hour 59 minutes long – I gave up after 12 minutes of the chap ranting without a script . Life is to short and he gave me a headache .
Fed, the Belfield vid (not the one to which you refer above) – which I agree is also poor on presentation – at least mentioned a specific article in Time magazine. I did a check on that and searched the Time site and it is on there. It is scheduled to appear on 15 February – unless it gets pulled. L a L is making claims above that, from previous experience with those of Richard Pinder, I think will come to nothing.
” which obviously means it’s accurate.”
FFS wanting to believe something doesn’t make it true
The reason it’s banned is cos it makes vast accusations against Dominion corp
Was the election stolen ? yes it a lot of ways
but an extreme narrative that somehow China controls Dominion machines seems like a wacky psy-op designed by the Dems to distract away from the real issues.
“The reason it’s banned is cos it makes vast accusations against Dominion corp”
But you don’t pull videos just because they make accusations, otherwise there’d be thousands of videos pulled making false claims about Trump and his supporters. These social media companies ONLY censor videos from the right, most of which turn out to be accurate, while leaving threats of violence and libelous nonsense against them to remain without penalty.
If you still can’t see that then I’m afraid you’re not as detached from the MSM web of lies as you like to think you are. It’s not a matter of debate whether or not China and other countries influenced the election, it’s audited and verified fact. You rightly state that wanting to believe something doesn’t make it true, yet you’ve gone the exact opposite direction and are clearly at more of an extreme than I am – you’re pathologically cynical and won’t accept any information unless, paradoxically, it comes from the exact same sources such as the BBC that you know are lying to you.
Please get it into your head that this is not about an election any more, this is a spiritual and cultural battle. If you need any more evidence, go here for yet another example of the evil we’re facing and the double-standards of the left. Not only the article, but the sick trolls on the comments section projecting the left’s own behaviour and beliefs onto the victims.
Is there a reason to suppose that the electors of Myanmar, not so long after living under a military dictatorship, would have voted in large numbers for the military-backed opposition party?
Is there a reason to suppose that the electors of Myanmar, not so long after living under a military dictatorship, would have voted in large numbers for the military-backed opposition party?
Remainers bleating they will have to pay their au pairs fair wages after Brexit – as opposed to “pocket money” & lodgings – is a brilliant example of how out-of-touch they are with reality
This shows it was always about cheap EU labour & self interest! ????????♂️
TOADY Watch #1 – Mishal misses the big question, something suspicious about it …
Mishal was Torturer for the 8.10 a.m. Interview and again the ‘R’-rate of Covid Infection was mentioned but yet again a BBC interviewer did not ask what it currently is for the UK. I realise I keep mentioning this in some of my posts on here but the ‘R’-rate is very important for those ‘guided by the science’ ie. HM Government. It is equally important for the BBC who claim they are holding politicians to account, but in reality show a lack of curiosity about many, many, things that they should be questioning.
What’s going on?
Well I’ve heard rumours about something called “The Great Reset” in which we will all be trained to forget our past lives and adopt a complete new way of thinking. In other words an attempt is being made to reset our minds. Or brainwashing as it used to be called.
Now if this rumour is true then as far as I am concerned I can only say – to paraphrase a certain English lady “You reset if you want to but this old geezer is not forgetting. Anything.
At one point, Lefty, that ‘R’-rate was SO IMPORTANT and then suddenly it disappears for days or weeks on end. Then it pops up again – and it is important again. Then nothing. It is sloppy science.
You have a measure in place. It is important. Then you must use it consistently and constantly.
On the ‘what is going on’ question, the worldometer website shows a fairly consistent pattern for different countries showing the peak 7 day death average to come in about 3 weeks after the 7 day peak cases average. Typically peak deaths represent 2-2.25% of the peak cases. In the UK, the 1000 deaths a day we have now follows as night follows day from the 50,000 case rate in early/ mid January.
Except Germany. Germany is running at about 3.5%. Not many cases but lots of deaths. Half as many again.
What is going on?
Perhaps Katya Adler could tell us…………
I reckon the government has done a deal with the BBC to avoid the R rate because it varies so much across regions and ‘communities ‘ ( if you know what I mean ) .
Also – I think they are banking on this being the final lockdown because they know the cost is increasing rapidly in all ways and that if there is a 4th lockdown it will be massively ignored .
No amount of plod would be able to enforce mass dissent .
Telegraph :’R’ rate hits lowest level in 10 months with herd immunity possible by July
UCL scientists believe rate as of Tuesday was 0.65 to 0.86, better than Government’s earlier estimate of 0.7 to 1.1
Stew, the ‘R’-rate was about 0.6 weeks ago and infections have come down since then. I have a suspicion it has gone through the floor – somewhere to the range of 0.1 – 0.4 – and that is why it is not being talked about. It would mean having to end lockdown.
The ‘R’ even with a relatively low but top of range shrinkage of -5% (range today is -5% to -2%) will go from 1.0 to 0.7 in a week, at low end 1.0 goes to 0.87. About three weeks ago (my memory may be defective on time) a newspaper (not the Guardian – was it the Mail?) claimed it was 0.6. If the case fall was the best possible parameter ie. -5% then in a week it goes from 0.6 to almost 0.4.
Somewhere in the range 0.1 to 0.4 could be feasible. e&oe on my calculator button pushing, btw.
What is certain is the Ferguson’s (and other SAGE sages) predictions in exponential increases in infections have never happened.
BTW, the ‘R’ rate can only be known cases. You cannot get into Rumsfeldying with Covid. 😉
Fed,the ‘R’-rate is also averaged across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and it is also averaged across the whole UK. Those are the figures that should be consistently presented to the public.
But as you say. A deal has been done. Or not done. HMG instead keeps moving the goalposts aided and abetted by SAGE and its various sub-committees and any other scientist who can get some ‘airtime’. The ‘R’-rate therefore doesn’t matter. Although it does to us, the public.
I think HMG are playing games with the BBC and the Labour Party where they lead the Labour Party and the BBC up a dead end street so they have some ‘evidence’ to use against the BBC.
I think averaging the R rate doesn’t do any one any favours and the local rate is more important – they might need to come up with combatting the impatience the BBC is causing by going on about school dates …
Also – the vaccination rate around the country varies greatly – I checked on my London health area today and it is only 67% of the top target group – but then again a lot of avoiders will be ethnics who are probably not set out of the house ‘for cultural reasons ‘…
Well, they tried being that specific in summer 2020, Fed, and ended up with Lockdown 2/or Local Lockdown- eg. Leicester (which doesn’t count as Lockdown if you are the BBC ‘cos they don’t live there) then we had Tiers to impose more Local Lockdowns (which counted with the BBC because they could drag City Mayors & regional Mayors onto R4 to complain, especially if they were Labour Party Mayors eg. Andy Burnham) ‘cos the BBC are in Salford and might be affected by it.
Heard some of the eulogy to Christopher Plummer this morning on BBC’s ‘Today’ programme. As ususal with these things, I was well on the way to completely tuning out the droning and faux gnashing of teeth, weeping and wailing, that is so easy for me when the BBC gets into full funeral mode for one of its own – i.e. a media ‘celeb’ – and then my ears pricked up when I heard Mr Plummer’s alternate title for his ‘best-loved’ movie, i.e. “The Sound of Mucous”
I genuinely hadn’t heard that one before, but thought it was so apt, and definitely amusing.
(Well, that’s hissed off half the population, I suspect – how sad, never mind)
I absolutely loathe The Sound of (bloody) Music.
I’ve never forgiven them for that long ago, catastrophic, afternoon when my mate, Steve, and I bunked in through the loo window of the Streatham Odeon. I’d performed this slightly dubious feat numerous times to see X rated films and sincerely believed we were about to see the movie, One Million Years BC. Oh dear…
Had I got us through the correct window we’d have feasted our teenage eyes on the gloriously curvaceous, Raquel Welch wandering about in nothing but an almost see through fur bikini. Alas…
Let’s be honest, I’ve seen it since and the film is absolutely dire, but at thirteen, By George!
Mrs S is firmly of the view that, with the exception of a share of woke moments, ITV news is distinctly more upbeat than the BBC. Good news is good news. Without the ‘buts’ especially of the gruesome twosome of Laura Doomsberg and Fiona ‘The Undertaker’ Bruce.
Of course the BBC doom and gloom is not confined to TV. On Toady this morning, they interviewed two A and E medics. In terms they stated that it is just as bad as ever, with full wards and no let up.
Which is rather odd, because EVERY METRIC shows an improvement. Cases, admissions, bed occupancy, deaths are ALL heading in the right direction. The daily bulletin, the ONS survey, the Zoe database.
So why exactly does Toady carefully select two A and E medics to state the opposite.
I believe the normal term is Fake News.
Deliberately propagated by a seditious, unaccountable statist broadcaster with a sense of entitlement, a visceral anti-government ( but pro EU) agenda, and an axe to grind.
My anecdotal experience is that thing as are improving – at one point more than 50% of the patients in my hospital had Covid (not with Covid, wards – recently operating theatres and recovery- full of people with oxygen requirements). Numbers down, ED attendance down and hoping to get male patients off my gynae ward asap.
Still nothing like normal, but about 3 weeks ago was the worst we have had locally throughout.
My sister had her C-jab this week, she got a friend to driver her to the centre. The staff there said the friend could wait too, then offered her a jab.
The friend is ten years younger and a French citizen. The World Health Service triumphs again!
No, you just receive a card – the size of a credit card, that you don’t lose, and take it with you for the second jab. I did ask the nurse about a proof of vaccine document, but she says this card is all we get for now.
This is for all you good people at Biased BBC. It is not about the BBC, but is about what the BBC is about- equality and diversity for all under authoritarian government.
As Government “social control” is used to collectivize and penalize anyone who may in some way be more intelligent, healthy, beautiful, stronger, coordinated, etc., creating an incoherent, dysfunctional, totalitarian nightmare. The film’s website notes:
2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is “finally equal….” The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains. It is a poetic tale of triumph and tragedy about a broken family, a brutal government, and an act of defiance that changes everything.
This is by kurt Vonnegut? Harrison Bergeron was a superb film starring Christopher Plummer and Sean Austin. Christopher Plummer IMHO was a brilliant actor, who only got better with age. Just watched ‘remember’ on Amazon with the also brilliant Martin Landau. Highly recommended.
One of my favourite short stories
Can’t help thinking about it when on the train and my thoughts are derailed by never ending annocements..
Harrabin ends his speculative and stupid on-line piece with:
“Heat creates about a quarter of the UK’s climate-warming emissions, so critics say ministers must tackle the issue with urgency.
Follow Roger on twitter @rharrabin”
In just one sentence, there is so much to disagree with!
How significant CO2 emissions are in “climate-warming” remains open to question. 99% of the atmosphere is Nitrogen or Oxygen, and most of the other 1% is gases such as Argon, with CO2 only 4% of this (thus 4/10,000 of the total) and most of it there anyway before humans really stepped up fossil fuel burning.
Next, there’s the relative size of the UK, roughly 1% of the world’s population (70m out of 7bn). What we do is a very minor consideration compared to China or India (1.4bn each) or even the USA (0.33bn). Even with per capita CO2 emissions above the world average (no surprise there, at 50-60 degrees north of the equator and our history of early industrialization and hence coal, gas & oil use) the UK is a very small contributor.
“… so critics say …” Who? Political activists? Non-scientists like Harrabin? This is deliberately vague.
“… [UK] ministers must tackle the issue with urgency.” No, Roger, it is the populous industrializing countries such as China who need to tackle the issue urgently – if anyone does – but the Paris accords appear to let them off the hook in the medium term. One new coal mine, such as the one proposed in Cumbria, is dwarfed by developments in China and is irrelevant to the Earth’s climate.
If I were a BBC “environment analyst” like Harrabin, I honestly don’t think I could do any worse than him and would likely do rather better … and that’s not saying much!
Mustapha, has the Horror Bin finally lost it? Is it time for the men in white coats to come for Roger? “Heat creates about a quarter of the UK’s” It certainly seems like it from those few words.
“There’s a problem, right there Roger Harrabin. Your fancy dark solar panels are causing Global Warming. Better scrap them. Better get all the tarmac in the UK painted white, Roger. Here’s a tin of paint and a brush. Off you go.”
‘…this is not compatible with his role as a BBC journalist…’
A nice thought but his prejudices and total lack of relevant credentials are precisely what have persuaded the BBC to promote him as an expert on the subject.
The coal from this mine is intended for the production of steel. If the mine is cancelled we will either have to import coal at extra expense and no “benefit for the environment” or not make steel. This will then be made elsewhere so again no “benefit for the environment”. Or perhaps let’s stop making steel all together – electric vehicles can be made of sustainable wood or knitted perhaps.
Anyone that advocates not extracting specific coal for steel production must be sympathetic to communism and the ruination of UK’s manufacturing industry, much less the country’s security i.e. in building weapons and warships.
Dear Mr Homewood . Thank you for your complaint . As you know the BBC treats the views by the public with great care and respect . There are a variety of views about Climate change and we try to reflect them all out of our duty to be balanced .
I’m sorry that you believe we have not done this . We have bought your view to the attention of the production team .
In other words – eff off – you don’t count – you are wrong ..
Yours sincerest
BBC complaint department
( complaint not upheld – because none of them are) …
Perhaps Mr Harrabin would care to comment on Chinese electricity generation, 64% of which comes from coal power stations.
How about it, Roger? Or SirDavid?
Further to the many comments on Cumbria, the beeb and MSM are making a big issue out of the decision to construct a new coalmine in Cumbria. They were delighted to see that James Hansen (ex NASA scientist) and Joe Biden’s climate “czar”, wrote a long rambling letter to Bojo with a CC to Alok Sharma and John Kerry, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate. Basically the letter (see link below) is highly critical of the U.K. Government in allowing a new coal mine to be built as he considers it is at odds with the U.K.’s target to substantially reduce carbon emissions by 2030 and, in his words, it will prove “humiliating” for Bojo when he hosts the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November. Hansen admits that the U.K. has made substantial progress in reducing emissions in recent years but is demonstrating he is yet another example of climate change activism whose theories Trump sensibly refused to sign up to. It would seem unlikely he would have sent this letter without Biden’s and Kerry’s knowledge but if they were aware it is disrespectful and deeply concerning for the future of the so-called “special” relationship between the U.S. and the U.K.
Hansen should direct his fire at his own country as the U.S. is the second highest producer of Co2 after China, followed by Russia and Japan. Strangely the pie charts he includes in his letter reinforce the fact that the U.K. is a very small contributor to the world’s Co2 emissions compared to China and the U.S.
The high grade, less polluting coking coal that will be produced in Cumbria will be used to fuel the U.K.’s iron and steel making plants and will provide 100’s of much needed jobs in the construction and operation of this mine. The alternative is that we continue importing the coal we need for steel production which would almost certainly be more expensive because of the transportation costs. The beeb’s webpage reckons that 85% of Cumbria’s output will be exported so this will earn us valuable foreign currency. The U.K. is already committed to closing down all remaining coal fired power stations by 2025 thus further reducing our Co2 emissions but this will inevitably come at the cost of 100’s of jobs so Cumbria will help to offset these losses.
This is a disgraceful attack on another nation’s internal decision making and it will be the only operational mine in the whole of the U.K. but Hansen is being championed by the beeb, sky and the rest of the left wing media, mainly because he is critical of the U.K. Government and Bojo in particular.
Alok Sharma, who is acting as President of the COP26 Climate Change Conference, has clearly caught the climate change virus as he is reported as “apoplectic” at the decision by Robert Jenrick to allow the Cumbrian project to go ahead, presumably because he doesn’t fancy facing down climate change activists at the Conference. If he cannot stand the heat from the furnace he should resign.
As for John Kerry, this is the guy that in 2019 flew with his family to Iceland in his private jet to a Climate Conference to pick up an award for his efforts in the climate change arena. In answer to a question from a reporter if his flight was environmentally friendly said….”If you offset your carbon – it’s the only choice for someone like me who is travelling the world to win this battle”. It is estimated that flying by private jet produces 40 times the carbon per passenger than for a scheduled commercial service.
If the mine does go ahead it will need to be well guarded as XR will do everything they can to disrupt and delay its construction.
I don’t recall seeing on this site (a far from reliable disclaimer) someone crediting The Epoch Times for its news coverage. Wikipedia describes it as “far-right”, which translates in my English phrase book as sensible and reliable.
Would anybody else care to offer a second opinion?
Search on the Black Broadcasting Corporation – Zero.
Time for the BBC to approach one of my favourites, Adam Hart-Davis, and enquire about a new series.
Episode #1 “What did the blacks do for us, or anybody else, ever?”
Episode #2 “What did the Muslims do for us, or anybody else, ever?”
As a scientist Adam will scrutinise the evidence and produce a resounding “nothing”.
Five minutes each episode should be plenty.
Episode #3 “Should we expel these worse than useless, British hating parasites PDQ?” Conclusion “YES”.
You have to be a bit careful regarding number two.
People living in deserts, no trees, no rain**, having not much else to do naturally spent time looking at the stars. They also had lots of sand to sketch out any ideas that might come to them.
The result was that some of them made contributions to mathematics and astronomy. Incidentally some of them were Muslims, which had a lot to do with where they were born and lived.
None of them made any discoveries because they were Muslims though, Islam provided no insight, indeed mainstream Islam would have one believe that the Sun rises and sets from a swamp, i.e. is an earthly, flying object, not a star the best part of 150 million km away.
No, some Muslims did quite a bit for us, but as they say, ‘despite’ Islam.
** How many times have we been told that a ‘must see’ event will happen in the sky tonight, only to find clouds blocking the view. Now put in place all those trees that we had in the past, star-gazing was always difficult in Europe.
“….Islam would have one believe that the Sun rises and sets from a swamp….”.
Fraid I am an unbeliever cos I think the planets revolve around the Sun. Islam, even now, believes that the Sun moves (naturally excluding any revolution or cosmic movement). To say, ‘The sun is fixed without motion ……… goes against what is clear in the Noble Qur’ān and the authentic pure Sunnah.’” (Majmū Fatāwā Ibn Bāz 9/228)
I dread to think what islam thinks about the Flat Earth………..
With these steadfast opinions, you can see why islamists are so primitive. That’s why we need them to flood the UK – to put us straight on such important issues.
StewGreen – included in the quotation you gave is the assertion that ‘knowledge is racist’…..that must be up there with ‘facts are racist’, ‘the truth is racist’, etc.
It simply translates to… “If I don’t like, or don’t agree with something (probably including the colour yellow), then it’s racist ! And since I personally said that, if you disagree with me, then, by definition, you must be a racist.”
Just watch the first 10 seconds for him to claim “the British Empire was founded on slavery…at the end of the height of slavery, Britain was enslaving more people than any other nation”.
Total lies from a professor teaching this crap to gullible students.
‘Ministers considering lengthening the school day….’
And the amazing thing is that teachers, having enjoyed in effect a year off on full remuneration, have voted unanimously for another two or three hours work without any increase in pay, purely from selfless devotion to their calling, the well-being of the children in their charge, and to the benefit of the country.
Re Croydon. London/Greater London was always going to become a multi-cultural (ghetto-ised) heaven (hell). That’s why most of us who could made good with our own version of the Great Escape.
Roger Harrabin and the BBC Sciency Environment department are sponsoring a change to international engineering electric unit definitions to add Homes Powered (HP) to the SI system.
He’s also working with Greenpiece’s lawyers to legislate that grid scale baseload batteries will power everything by 2030.
I’m getting absolutely fed up with another of the BBC’s latest ploys. First of all, it picks up on some speculation, whether it be from one of their own ‘experts’, contributors, a ‘…..some people say….’ off-the-cuff comment, or, more frequently these days, a piece of speculative comment usually preceded by an inaccurate headline in the day’s press or on-line media.
Then the BBC invites similar ‘in-house experts’, contributors, or commentators to further speculate on the original speculation – then about 10 minutes later presses this speculatve speculation on a Minister, demanding that they react immediately to what they report is now being said. Of course, any response by the minister is choreographed into the next half-hourly news bulletin along the lines of “Government Minister denies….’, or ‘Minister refuses to confirm….’ something that was never a fact in the first place.
Journalism has completely lost the plot these days.
This is sewer journalism, a level below the gutter journalism of the Red Tops (ex-tabloids) where at least the celeb’s/footballers/tarts/vicars stories usually have some basis in actual fact. The BBC seems at times to want to create ‘news’ rather than report news. And you know what you’ll find in sewers …
If you want to help stop “Fox News style” TV in Britain:
*Tweet your mobile phone company using the hashtag #DontFundGBNews *Urge them not to advertise with GB News or any "Fox News style" channel, & explain why this matters to you:
Femi tweets Hi @EE,
I was on Orange since I started using mobile phones and switched to you almost as soon as you took them over.
But I will switch service provider immediately if I hear of one EE advert placed on that channel.”
What are Labour afraid of ??
people who report on anti-Semitism ?
Who are the school bully gang ?
I still pay some attention to Femi’s output despite many suggesting he would whither without the oxygen of oxygen.
Certainly he is not as pervasive as he once was, but during that time secured a fair following of noisy bullies not least by somehow being invited on to all the studio sofas going, especially at the BBC. Certainly enough to qualify as a ‘some say’ source for the BBC to push an agenda.
Now Brexit is done, his taste for the limelight has meant he has to move to pastures new, and his followers have dutifully tagged along, cow pats notwithstanding.
The Münchener Post was a newspaper published in Munich, Germany, from 1888 to 1933. It was shut down by Hitler in March 1933 immediately after he became the Reich Chancellor.
I put up a cut and paste article from the Daily Telegraph at the end of the mid week thread …. I’ve just looked at the comments – methinks the BBC doesn’t have the public support it thinks it has .
And the stories in the article of elderly people being pursued by capita BBC debt collectors shames both organisations …..
Shame the Red Tories have not got the courage to deal with it .
I do try and quote where on the BBC I saw something, but you will have to forgive me this time for one of my examples.
Earlier on this thread I showed how the BBC used the parish council story, without any care that it could bring further damage to the people concerned.
Here is a covid example.
Thursday (I think it was) on Look North we had a woman who had lost 4 of her relatives to covid. There was her dad, aged 75, an uncle of 82, an elderly lady and another uncle in his 70s. This has resulted in this lady being afraid to leave her house and she was explaining that she feels as if the covid is out there, lying in wait for people. Whatever your view of covid, vaccines and lockdowns, I can understand an uneducated (sorry I am being snobby but she didn’t sound Oxbridge) person being afraid after 4 of her family died is understandable and she appeared very distressed. Whether these relatives had co-morbidities, the BBC couldn’t be bothered to tell us.
The same evening we had either on the BBC1 news or the 24 hour news station (as I said apologies) showing a lady who had pancreatic cancer and whose treatment after diagnosis had been delayed. She is now approaching end of life. The BBC were delighted to show film of her and blame the government for the delays. Now I can understand the lady herself and her close family being upset at the delays. But this was happening during the start of the pandemic when nobody, neither in the NHS nor the government, would really have known what the country was up against. Sadly the success rate for sorting out pancreatic cancer is not high and maybe, just maybe, the doctors thought they ought to prioritise those they could definitely cure rather than those for whom they might just prolong life for a short while.
But for both these ladies, the BBC didn’t actually care about them and their distress. The lady who had lost 4 relatives, it was just a mawkish cheap story highlighting a lady whose state of mind wasn’t good, the latter it was just using a lady, near death, to attack the government even if things were not quite as they were presented. As with Clive Myrie, down at the morgue, the BBC will do anything and hurt anyone if they can make it a story – and if it is a story to attack the government/Conservatives from a BBC viewpoint, even better.
“Charity” Hope not Hate have commissioned a report shared with the Independent which apparently shows that “Diverse” communities are more prosperous than non-diverse ones. They say they have excluded London and most major cities from their calculations. They now pummel Government to relax immigration regulations and basically work hard to attract as many people as possible to come to the UK from all over the World. To end the hostile environment and thus push up standards of living in the UK.
So, they have cherry-picked some areas such as the road in Derby I have witnessed lined with gated mansions where all the Asian doctors, professors and shop owners live side-by-side no doubt.
Hope not Hate is another Marxist outfit and certainly not why I would deem a charity. They are politically bent on the communist Global World order and will use useful idiots like the Independent to help them.
I suspect this report will pop up on the BBC in short order.
John Humphreys to stand down as question-master for Mastermind – which must provide a feast of suggestions for his replacement:
David Lammy
Sir Lenward Henry
Eddie Izzard
Kehinde Andrews
Sami Chakrabarti
Neil Ferguson
My Lord of Heseltine
Jeremy Corbyn
June Sarpong ? if she can understand what ‘master mind’ means.
there again, it could be a gift for the BBC if they got Afua Hirsch who would give looks of disdain if white contestants couldn’t answer some questions.
2021 Adolf Femi says don’t buy from people who advertise on GB-News
“In 1933 the Nazis began their campaign against the Jews with a boycott of Jewish shops. It lasted only one day as most people continued to shop in their local stores and ignored the boycott.
2021 somewhere in NE Spain: who is who?”
‘Prof King estimates that just 11% of home heating will come from hydrogen.’
Which leaves 89% of household heating not being provided by burning hydrogen, so what will provide that, Roger?
‘A heat pump is a piece of electrical kit that works like an air conditioning unit in reverse.
Instead of sucking heat from a home and dumping it outside, a heat pump drags residual heat from the ground, the air or a water source and concentrates it to warm the house.
But there may be drawbacks, depending on what type of home you live in. The air-source heat pump can struggle to keep you warm on a very cold night, and the ground source heat pump needs big holes in your garden so pipes can draw out the warmth from the earth.
They’re expensive, too, at £10,000 or more – and they may need bigger radiators to be fitted.
Experts say disruption could be minimized by fitting a low-powered heat pump alongside a hydrogen boiler to crank up the temperature in a cold snap.’
I see, so to get things straight, a heat pump:
1. Requires electricity to pump heat.
2. Isn’t very effective if it takes heat from the air.
3. Or, requires a garden full of big pipes, if it takes heat from the ground.
4. Costs £10K+.
5. Requires new, larger radiators.
6. Also requires a hydrogen boiler (but, these will only provide enough heat for 11% of demand… so what happens on a cold night, when everyone’s heat pump isn’t working?)
When are we supposed to be ‘carbon neutral’ – nine years time, was it?
‘The climate committee says there could still be a few homes with wood boilers in rural areas.’
Yep, I’m now thinking of replacing my gas boiler with one. Along with my open fire, in which I can burn pretty much anything that can be chopped into pieces less than two feet long, I reckon that’s me sorted, plenty of stuff to burn around here, the smog blows east towards London, so no problems there either.
Well I never expected to say this.
Congratulations to the Scottish rugby team !!!!!!!!
Who almost to a man, not easy to spot with the ITV angled camera, exercised their right to independent thought and elected not to ‘take the knee’ during the continuing politically correct nonsense prior to sporting events, in this case the Calcutta Cup.
This was something that the BBC would never report on.
It is time that the barbaric practise of FGM was not only said to be illegal but those Dr’s who perform the operation should be jailed.
It was a real issue in Bristol some 4 years ago when I was reliably informed by a Bristol secondary school teacher that the teachers were trained to spot the young Somali girls who were suffering and refer them to get help but that was after the event. The girls were being operated on by Dr’s in Bristol and only one had been arrested as far as I knew.
At that time there were 7 NHS clinics around the country helping these girls but I don’t know how many there are now.
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Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II.
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Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
One advantage of finishing work after 1am – it means I can be first on the weekend thread. Having a look at the Beeb’s webshite and mass carnage in Croydon tonight – a spate of stabbings has left one dead and ten others injured. The Met are saying that there is no information to suggest the incidents are all linked. DI Nicky Arrowsmith has come out with the lugubrious statement: “Sadly, tonight we have seen a number of needless and completely abhorrent violent altercations…” Just call a spade a spade, love, it was black-on-black stabbings. Sadly now all too familiar in the hellhole that is our capital city.
Time for bed.
Cooper- It just looks like a typical Friday night in South London. I don’t think the BBC will make much of it. I expect that the BLM
were just having one of their regular meetings. Just discussing
if the name of their organization was an oxymoron or not.
CM & Foscari, Oi! How dare you besmirch the good name of London. In London they keep up a stabbing rate of one a day, unless illness, drunkenness or some other substance induced paralysis intervenes. :-0
Croydon is very defintely not London. 🙂 The last time I looked it was in Surrey.
This coyness by both the police and the media has been going on for years. It used to baffle me. We’d hear that “some youths” had been “involved in an altercation”. The wording could often sound like a rather jolly event that had got out of hand and led to some mild pushing and shoving. Then you’d hear that six people had been stabbed and two had died. Some altercation…
I always found the giveaway, in the old days, was when we were told that Operation Trident were involved. This was the Met’s taskforce that dealt specifically with black on black crime. I’ve not heard much of this group lately. There’s certainly no reduction in the amount of black on black carnage, I just think the name became too familiar and they like to keep things vague.
If the BBC cover this at all it will be from the angle of the grieving mother…there’s never a father, guaranteed. The parent will feel let down by the police, the judiciary, the government and if possible they’ll manage a few swipes at “Tory cuts”.
It’s all so depressingly familiar…
However, scant as the Beeb’s coverage of the Croydon carnage might be don’t fret. If some idiotic twerp makes a “racist” remark on Twitter to a Premiership footballer, possibly earning in excess of £150,000 a week, our beloved BBC will be all over it like a rash.
We’ll hear from Ian Wright, Marcus and that sweet and innocent little lad who has the image of a sub machine gun tattooed to his leg. We’ll be lectured about how racist we all are and there will be sympathetic documentaries about BLM.
Oh, they’ll cover that all right…
You know the words to the song well enough . The BBC doesnt want to demonised demons .
Its a bit of a sick ‘hobby’ reading between the lines of what the BBC chooses to leave out .
The same song is used for pakistani racist paedophile rape grooming gangs …
That’s so true : I find myself reading a BBC headline which doesn’t quite seem right then thinking about it to work out what part they are hiding.
“……There’s certainly no reduction in the amount of black on black carnage,…”
That’s cos they do what they do. Inbuilt propensity for it no matter where in the World. Just lie back and enjoy the moral less diversity……
I’m sure if you put a black baby in a white family he would grow up with their values. Just as a white baby with a black family would grow up thinking dealing drugs, joining a gang and stabbing those selling gear on your turf was OK.
It’s all about culture. And they’ve brought it with them. Same as the Muslim’s.
That is the part the Left didn’t realise when they brought them all in. They thought they would live like us.
I’ve just set off with ‘The Righteous Mind’ by Jonathan Haidt. So far, (1/12th in) I’m very impressed. He distinguishes (by research) how morals and attitudes come about in children: Born with them or induced through upbringing?.
“I’m sure if you put a black baby in a white family he would grow up with their values.” And, white in black, vice versa. Needless to say, far from as simple as that and as I get further into the arguments, I am intrigued. I’ll let you know when I’ve finished it.
A flavour? (Sorry its the Guardian)
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread.
@Fed’s posted a new long Telegraph article about the Licence Fee office abusing pensioners, at the bottom of thelast page.
– page 4 that started 1pm Friday
– page 3
Croydon stabfest news
Going well Sadiq
see this Twitter account
Just looked down his twitter feed and what stood out is how few pictures of the suspects/victims of stabbings there are. Most of the pictures are of white people and not for stabbings.
I don’t believe he himself is doing it : he seems to put pictures up whenever he gets them. What it tells me is that the police are supressing the identities of these people on a large scale.
And going by the occasional BBC ‘fact sheets’ showing the people actually convicted of murder by stabbing (by the pictures, not the article because the elephant is never mentioned) we can safely assume the vast majority of these are by black people.
And if the police are supressing them, I think we can assume they have been told to do so.
I wish someone would put this information to Lammy and watch the racist idiot get flummoxed for a second before blaming white people.
The police are now so well housr trained, they dont have to be told.
Cooper-It just could be that a few of the boys were taking
to heart that they should know the benefits of vaccination.
And some , for the public good were practising how to
give vaccinations. And it got out of hand, so to speak.
Black Lives Matter to those who care. That is, in the West, where all lives matter. Not so much elsewhere.
If you actually say ‘white lives matter’, you are labelled as abhorrent and racist.
THAT is the problem with all of this. It’s hypocrisy and double standards on a massive scale.
BLM was just another tactic to bring down Donald Trump.
The perpetartors of this fraud of an election are so full of pride, they cant help boast of their achievement. They are actually admitting what they did and how, safe in the knowledge that they are immune to criminal prosecution. They claim they did it to safeguard democracy.
American Thinker and The Gateway Pundit have continuing articles on this ensuing Fraud. Needless to say, Gateway Pundit has been removed from Twitter.
So much for the American First Amendment.
I have hope that the constitutional Republic is robust enough to squash this assault. And when and if it does, I hope we’ve had no part in the Fraud.
Mark Carney Has told the BBC that while there were parallels between the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, damage to the environment and ecosystems has the potential to cause many more deaths.
No further context from the BBC potentially explaining how we all might die or on what basis?
Carney said something about trillions more investment needed, blah, blah, so that’s okay then.
Carney is now the United Nations envoy for climate action and finance. So no skin in the game whatsoever.
You can’t see the fire for bloody envoys these days!
There’s one for every quango going, and Blair started it all off when he was kicked out in favour of the last envoy for stupidity, G.Brown!
If all these blasted time-wasters are worth their salt, then go private, prove you know what you’re talking about, and go on the David Icke Seminar for belief in little green men…
And what did Carney forecast about Brexit ?
If the UK hadn’t spent years down the Global Warming PR rabbit hole
it might have been better prepared for Covid
Green investment man, says we must start a WAR against his competition… is that news ?
It’s all a ruse to grab more tax. Nothing more.
Not true, cos they get loads of tax from fossil fuels
and zero from wind /solar gimmicks
Ah! Mr ‘Precision’ again. It was only a matter of time before you dived in with hyper criticality.
Please confirm your source of of the ‘truth’ that the tax take is “zero from wind / solar gimmicks”.
My energy supplier who primarily supplies wind/solar for as much of the time as possible, provides me with bills which contain VAT. My eyes don’t deceive. That’s tax.
Mark Carney: ‘Climate crisis deaths ‘will be worse than Covid’.
Currently at 2.9 million, Feb 2021…
Perhaps he should have done a bit research before spouting out such bollocks
I would think on absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
Comments welcome from Ms. Spring and Wendy
On no evidence whatsoever? So it is like lockdown.
Their temperature adjustments trick
#CoolingThePast #WarmingThePresent
to get the graph they want
So now we have another great scientific mind on Climate Change. Lets see
1. Archbishop Attenborough
2. Archbishop of Canterbury
3. Prince ‘s galore
4. Greta
The governor of the Bank of England is also a Climate scientist. He thinks that Climate will be worse then covid 19.
First, its not certain that covid 19 is as serious as its made out to be, as the data of massive infection rates was used as a reason for the postal vote in the USA. Covid 19 was a necessary component to take down Donald Trump .
What contemporary western politicians have done, is the destruction of any residual trust people have in these people.
“No Election! Top Eurocrat to Form EU ‘Technocratic’ Government in Italy”
Not on the BBC AFAIK.
The BBC does not “do” Democracy.
Ignoring the Democratic process, just like the EU, again.
Lots still do to import millions of Africans, mainly Muslims, to Europe, to forever destroy Europe.
That is the true aim of the EU.
You won’t see many articles as one-sided as this one anywhere:
Perfect for the BBC : they can selectively quote from an interview with no need to provide any balanced viewpoint.
The end part is my favourite : they quote Biden saying ‘… but he would leave the Senate to decide whether the Republican should be barred from ever holding public office again.’
How magnanimous of him. But I didn’t realise he could personally just ban opponents he didn’t like from ever standing against him.
Maybe the senile old duffer is confusing it with a law they will try to bring in later. Adolf would be proud.
Al Beeb are covering their arses with some sort of splurge about ‘Conservatives’ in the US getting their act together!
Maybe Sopel or Katty could actually ask him, or his rather strange puppet, what exactly he’s going to do next (that really matters, that is)…
Seventeen ‘executive orders’ seem quite a lot of work to organise – but at least it saves him from actually accomplishing anything.
But dare I add that in a law-abiding country that believes in and follows the Rule of Law, there has to be a law or power that provides that facility. As I asserted in the last thread, any semblance of the Rule of Law has been abandoned in the US from the pre DJT times and leading up to the last, so-called, “Presidential Election”.
Btw, the Rule of Law is part of a twin which includes ‘Democracy’. No wonder that the latter is disappearing equally as quickly.
G: But dare I add that in a law-abiding country that believes in and follows the Rule of Law, there has to be a law or power that provides that facility.
Are you implying there is no rule of law in the UK or USA. Its the rule of the wild West we are now in.
Fear of the police has never been so great as it is now.
The urgency to remove Donald Trump from office was so great that anything short of murder, was deemed OK.
The Globalists had put in 30 years of work on AGW/Climate Change to get the public to accept this scam as reality. Another four years of delay to implement the Great Reset, using Climate Urgency, and re-configure Energy usage, was not possible.
Donald Trump, had to be removed.
In the last few days, on this site, I wondered how could it be possible that it appeared so many very rich people and organisations, conspired to bring down Donald Trump. Large scale conspiracies are generally tin foil hat stuff.
And so it turns out. The conspirators are now admitting electoral fraud did take place, but in a roundabout way.
They are so proud of it, they cant help boasting.
Unless Biden and the Democrats are removed within a year, the electoral maths would be so distorted by mass immigration, that electoral fraud would not be necessary.
These same people now want that such tactics made illegal. Obviously.
Just got a spam email showing another climate-change hysteria cash-in attempt:
‘Glaciers to Visit Before They Melt’
Irony alert.
New Scientist alternates sending out dire warnings about AGW with invitations to fly to Tasmania for boat trips to ‘study’ ice floe fauna.
Many people mistake New Scientist for a science magazine
instead of an advertising vehicle for selling stuff to gullible rich people.
Like the BBC uses The Lancet as a source of ideology free medical info?
Thank you for that
New Scientist is like New Math and New Lit. Devoid of science, math or literature.
Education in even STEM subjects is now just CAD software. Engineering was the last to fall.
Where do these glaciers intend to visit? I’ll stay well away…
Down your street in about 20,000 years if everything carries on as it has for millions of years.
‘Stop Global Cooling’ will be the gravy train just before that.
Doubt it, Planet Earth is a Goldilocks planet. Do you remember when the cosmologists were saying that? Way back in the 1960s and early 1970s, when humankind was on the way to the moon.
Stop Earth axis precession.
Its the only sure way to stop Climate Change.
The real danger is the coming ice age. A fall in temperature will lead to massive fall in plant growth and agriculture.
To avert this catastrophe, drive petrol or diesel vehicles. This Increases CO2 in the atmosphere, thus increasing plant growth. Then insect and all flora and fauna. Moreover, electricity is very smart energy, and should only be used for purposes that require smart energy- not push a car around.
One maxim to keep in mind. Whatever the Left supports, is very likely to lead to massive mortality. That has been the lesson of the 20th centiry.
I define Smart energy as an energy source whose amplitude and phase are both controllable. Moreover it should have small reaction times ie Time constant.
The amazing thing about electric power is that its phase and time constant do not change as its inertial mass is changed. One sees that as one increases the speed of rotation of a motor.
Such a wonderful created energy source should not be used for trivial purposes, as shoving a vehicle around.
I agree – we are in between ice ages – it will affect us in a future life but we ll all have the option of going ‘off world ‘ by then with ‘a chance to start again in a land of wealth and opportunity ‘…
But I bet we will be still ‘locked ‘ down with an R rate of -1.0….
We have been very lucky so far. The chance invention of mechanical engines that require oil, have possibly delayed the onset of the ice age by a 1000 years.
Now these AGW lot, want to stop the engine of heat, comfort, increasing agriculture, and send us back to the pre-industrial age. This is the age that has first known comfort and huge food supply, able to able to go anywhere in the world in hours.
It requires cupidity of mammoth proportions to think cooling the planet is the answer. All they will do, if anything at all but certain waste of resources, is deprive us the time and resources to ameliorate the ice age.
Al Beeb in taffland………
“LGBT asylum seekers: Call for dedicated housing in Wales”
There is a shortage of housing in taffland as it is .
An other own goal by a Labour MP?
House the asylum seekers down the same street as the MP and his family.
Then see what they have to say about it.
These people are the biggest hypocrites of all.
@Taffman ‘Gay says Wales too dangerous because of too many other asylum seekers given sanctuary there’
“He called for dedicated LGBT housing”
So how many times did the BBC tweet that story ?
7:56am, 10:03am, 12:04pm,
A good reply
The actual story here is that the Muslim economic immigrants pretending to seek asylum are being the nasty kind of homophobic everybody already knows they are. To the point people are fearing for their lives.
But the BBC and all the leftie hypocrites will never acknowledge that fact because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Which is why they disgust me so much.
A Moroccan man says he faced homophobia while housed with other asylum seekers in Wales.
He probably is telling the truth. Muslims, men or women, hate homosexuals.
Also housing Christian refugees ( truly suffering persecution), along with Muslims, is bad policy. They will be beaten or stabbed. Its well known that even on refugee boats, Christian refugees if found out, would be thrown into the sea.
It was due to this very great danger that Christian refugees felt safer in Syria, then on board a boat or refugee centres in Europe.
“Weather warnings for snow, ice and floods in place across Britain”.
Global warming ?
Heating bills going up ? An excuse to bring in a carbon tax ?
The UK has little carbon emissions in comparison with China, USA and India.
Another example of the UK’s soft touch population being used as an example to pacify the ‘shouty green’ minority in this country. Bo Jo needs to realise that the people in the UK are on their knees following ‘the great lock down’.
A foot note to our government : stuffing immigrants into the UK pushes up our carbon footprint .
….and on the ‘Today’ programme this morning, some numpty ‘green’ energy advocate said that hydrogen systems are a real non-starter – rather blowing a hole in one of the BBC’s stated alternatives for gas central heating systems – but that heat pumps and boreholes were the way to replace gas-powered central heating systems….. you would, of course, have to cough up £12,000 for a borehole,and then you have the new heat pump, new (much bigger) radiators, etc., etc. – and because borehole heat pumps aren’t always effective…. we could just top this up with (and I kid you not) ‘excess wind energy’……. are these people living on the same planet as us ? How the hell do we get to ‘excess’ wind energy ? For example, on a cold, dark, still, frosty morning – how many more windmills will we need to have on-line to do this ? No simple questions like these from the Beeboid, of course.
Oh, and good luck with boreholes in communities living in flats in city and town centres.
You cannot make this stuff up…… actually, let me re-phrase that – the BBC would like us to believe all this crap that these ‘green’ advocates completely make up.
Scrap the BBC, get Netflix. Better value for money.
No compulsory licence needed.
“Shut up for the sake of diversity” is libmobs mantra re grooming gangs
Yet in the parliamentary debate yesterday Tom Hunt spoke like a normal person.
Sargon’s new prog
Another own goal by Labour? while The Tories are silent .
Support the Muslims with some lie like this to goad the opposition to state the opposite.
Gain the support of said Muslim’s.
Standard dirty left wing politics. They have no ethics whatsoever. Power is everything.
One if the saving graces of the Marxist Left is they eat their own in great numbers. Unfortunately they just destroy everything else too.
One of the great mysteries of the present, is despite the well know fact that the Left is responsible for the greatest mass murder in history, the universities still continue to turn out vast numbers of leftists.
A very poor website- the presenters are dire – in my opinion- but the MP ( Tom hunts) clip in Parliament said it how it is .
“Poor website, dire presenters” What ?
.. They do have a bad habit of sniggering about serious issues, but they are OK in that clip.
Here is the full text of the debate on 3 Feb. in Hansard so everyone can read for themselves the utterances of the “disingenuous Labour scum” (as Sargon rightly says)
e.g. from Charlotte Nichols (Warrington North) (Lab)
I am particularly concerned about the increased risk of online harms related to child sexual exploitation during lockdowns, with children spending more time online, away from school, and with far-right myths about the ethnicities of offenders in group-based child sexual exploitation being exploited online to fuel divisions between different communities.
Norman Brennan on stabfest mentioned above
RIP Lavs of the Hitsquad Gang
“Members of the OFB and MPK and CRO have said that the Police have lost control of the streets after they ordered the killing of a rival gang member on the active Peckham Hitsquad over an ongoing beef. ”
Looks like these animals don’t do ‘social distancing’ – but they are all ‘victims ‘…’mostly peaceful ‘….
#StayAtHomeSaveLavs … bit late now
So much for the ‘well thought out’ legislation to stop the sale of knives………………
Looking at all the above posts …….
It is rather unfortunate for us all that we have a ‘Pound Shop’ Churchill running the country with such a huge majority.
Regarding all the ‘climate change’ claptrap, e.g. Carney et al., does anyone know a good weather/climate text for primary school level since the grandchildren are already being indoctrinated?
Watching Paul Burgess talking to Anne Marie Waters about the eye-watering cost of green energy
I noticed he had also produced some climate realism educational videos for For Britain here.
They look alright to me but I was wondering if anyone with more scientific knowledge (perhaps RP) would comment.
@ThIsland the point is not for the kids to follow some magic GURU
but for them to grow up BASED
ie Red-pilled based in the real world
Thinking for themselves, ASKING QUESTIONS instead of parroting dogma to fit in.
eg history GCSE is not about learning dates
….. but having good Critical Thinking skills
So you can’t be BASED about the environment unless open discussion from both sides is allowed
.. That doesn’t happen in metroliberal BBC/Guardian world
For kids instead of Greta, Naomi Seibt is a start
The presenter became cold to Naomi the moment it seemed that Naomi might have a vald point.
The MSM trivialises the impotrance of Climate study by concentrating on teen age girls, who would have difficulty in 1st year Thermodynamics in Mech Eng..
I don’t think there is anything for Primary Schools. But hear are three Videos for older Students.
(1) Piers Corbyn speaks the truth to Momentum about the Atmospheric Physics behind the Weather. Also he talks about the formula for the Greenhouse Effect based on Atmospheric mass, gravity and air pressure first suggested by James Clerk Maxwell in 1871, and proved correct in 2011 for all known Planetary Atmospheres by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller. (
(2) Ned Nikolov speaks at the 2016 London Climate Change Conference about this. (
(3) Calculating planetary surface temperatures made easy. Using the Ideal Gas Law and proving that the CO2 warming story is caput. (
Everything broadcast on the BBC for adults is at the Primary School level.
Thank you Richard. Its good to see a proper paper on the subject by adults.
Its pleasing to know that James Cletk Maxwell first suggested that gravity and the resulting air pressure, causes temperature.
James Maxwell made the greatest prediction in the history of science, by predicting that there might be some form of waves, based purely on very complex vector mathematical forms he had derived. This was based on pure thought, as there was no experiment to even suggest that such waves should exist, or were required.
Its only the experiment of Herz, and when Heavisde reduced Maxwells equations to the four we know now, and the fact we know radio and TV work, that we accept such waves.
Otherwise, its silly to think that Maxwells equations predict waves that can travel even in vacuum with enormous fixed velocity, for no driving reason whatever. Absurd.
BBC News channel interviewing Jackie Weaver, famous for kicking out Parish Councillors during a Zoom meeting. Lots of praise from the BBC on how well she handles technology but never asked if she overstepped her authority. They mentioned how liked she is on social media and you can buy ‘merch’ such as T-shirts with her name on them.
The BBC, and the left, really do like the cancel culture.
According to this, she did indeed overstep her authority.
I’m surprised the BBC didn’t do some basic legal homework themselves. At a guess, it’s because they knew the answer and it spoiled the angle they were taking about angry white men?
The first problem at Handforth was the Chairman claiming he could clerk the meeting as well as chair it as evidenced by him putting up ‘clerk’ as his zoom name. I would be really surprised if it isn’t written into the regulations that he couldn’t do it.
Jackie Weaver acting in an advisory capacity should have advised there should be a vote to close the meeting.
It was obvious that there was going to be problems at the meeting and a good clerk would have anticipated it and taken advice before hand. I have clerked difficult meetings (not just taken minutes) and know clerking is a real skill with knowledge of the Law etc as well as handling agitated attendees.
But this site is about the BBC and my thoughts are that the BBC should not have taken up this story nor made a joke of it, for example Sophie Rayworth on Friday’s 6pm news. This is a parish with real problems that will have to be resolved and the people living there will have to resolve whatever the issues are. The BBC will have made it so much worse and I can only imagine the additional stress the BBC will have caused to those losing their temper. I could imagine being laughed at on national news causing permanent harm or worse. But the BBC wouldn’t let permanent damage to someone get in the way of a lighthearted story.
Well said, Deborah.
While I normally avoid Parish Council meetings and only attend when their attitude is to flood the village with too much development, the ones I have been to have been pretty well organised, and normal procedures have been respected. But this was all pre-zoom…
I agree the BBC shouldn’t start sneering here, as they also did on R5Live last night, and if they really want to be taken seriously, then they could actually do more than plug a mere Woman’s Hour clip, and then they can just shut the f*** up.
The BBC are well known for their ignorance in local matters – and it isn’t a joke when these same locals are paying them from meagre pensions to squander their misguided, leftie beliefs.
Croydon stabbings: One killed and nine injured in spate of attacks
9 men injured in 5 separate incidents!
Fun Fact: 50.7% of Croydon population is BAME.
Allow an Addendum, please, Tabs; if I recall correctly, Croydon is also home to the Home Office’s Asylum Approval Centre or somesuch.
Parisian orgies & it’s all there in plain sight
The FT this morning complains of something the millennials among us would term a first world problem: ‘Parents fear post-Brexit immigration system will spell au revoir to au pairs’
One feels the need to urge them over there at the pink financial paper, take a deep breath and just relax… try to let it go.
The Telegraph meanwhile can’t bring itself to let go of Captain Tom. Despite the fact – just like batsman Joe Root in India – he’s had a pretty good innings.
By the by, it remains a somewhat perplexing mystery to me that sport seems to get a pass, despite lockdown. The Times promotes: ‘Scrum Your guide to the Six Nations‘ – I just think it’s a bit rum.
Who mentioned alcohol? : ‘Pubs may open in April (with no alcohol)‘ (Telegraph) – Boris there completing his transformation from the laughing cavalier we voted for to frowning puritan roundhead.
But getting back to Captain Tom in the Telegraph where they treat us to some clunky modern journalese: ‘…his daughter… has paid tribute…’ – in the real-world relatives don’t tend to say they “pay tribute”
Following the time-line laid out for us in the Telegraph (which appears to have been glommed from an ITV interview) we learn the old chap entered hospital on 12th January with pneumonia and was discharged 10 days later. He was then readmitted on Sunday 31st we are told, and died on Tuesday 2nd February. We are then rather blandly informed, by way of a quote: “He was Covid-19 positive…” – make of that what you will.
Hollywood veteran: ‘Sound of Music star Christopher Plummer dies aged 91’ (Express) –I’m sure we’ll have plenty of “pays tribute” but I doubt the media will feel the urgent need to provide an evidential timeline.
Incidentally, most everyday folk in their common parlance also don’t tend to employ the formulation “Covid-19” as Tom’s daughter seems to have done, but I will concede his relatives have been talking to medics a good deal and might well have picked up the habit.
‘UK on track for vaccine for every adult by end of June’ exclaims the ‘i’ newspaper.
‘Most adults jabbed by end of May’ shouts the Daily Mail.
One wonders what the variable is here? Perhaps authorities are unsure by quite a considerable margin how many people are (or will be) in the country?
The cynic in me wonders whether UK entry quarantine restrictions and fines of £1,000 which are clearly coming in a year too late to stop infection are instead insurance against our open door border to our free vaccinations?
From mass jabbings to mass stabbings: ‘One man has died and at least nine others have been injured in a spate of stabbings in south London’ whispers the BBC.
‘Oxford jab is just as effective in fighting new mutant strains’ (Daily Mirror) – so these new mutant strains can’t be all they’ve been cracked up to be.
Doing the maths on the Croydon stabbings we deduce knife attacks are only lethal in fewer than 10% of cases. Just as well we have a dearth of guns in the country.
‘Exposed shocking state of UK army’ (Daily Mail)
‘Ministers to seize control of the NHS. New laws herald biggest health reform for a decade’ – or so says the Times in their portentous headline. In fact, as the Telegraph explains, this move simply reverses David Cameron’s failed NHS reforms. Expect the left-leaning press to go berserk about this but if ministers are going to be held directly responsible for everything that happens in the NHS then they may as well run the thing directly.
The FT celebrates: ‘The micro wedding’ – and looking at the stock photo, who would have guessed, the bride wore white but was black, contrasting diversely with the white groom.
We would really prefer not to bother about colour, but the media will insist on shoving it at us at every opportunity. We sometimes dare to complain even though we know it’s meant as a red rag to a bull and they tend to do it to get a rise out of us.
Speaking of colour, our media’s other fav is green: ‘The Green World Order. Renewables are reshaping politics’ (FT) – it’s not a conspiracy, it’s all there in plain sight.
And for our “and finally” – an appreciative hat tip to UK Column News which pointed us toward this wonderful report in the Independent online: ‘Orgy involving at least 81 people raided by police in France for breaking covid rules’ – Ooh la la!
Apparently, the gendarmes: ‘…arrived on the scene at around 9pm and found 11 people in the car park, who they fined €135 for breaking France’s coronavirus curfew, which restricts movement from 6pm to 6am. At 11pm, officers were granted legal permission to enter the warehouse where a large number of people were engaged in an orgy’
Allo ‘Allo! Qu’est-ce que, do we ‘ave ‘ere then?
‘“The event was in breach of the curfew, and there were also problems with masks and social distancing,” an investigator said.’
– we must also praise UK Column News for their gag that if these French orgiastic libertines had kept their masks on (feathered, Venetian Carnival-style) the scene would have been oddly reminiscent of the Tom Cruise movie Eyes Wide Shut
81 in an orgy ? Some poor sap has to count them all – almost as many genders as in the BBC sex text book for 6 year olds .
Now that the ‘name ‘ of the dead yoof in Croydon has been ‘aired ‘ – how will he be described ?
Promising footballer
Promising architect
Law student
Young father
Lived life to the full
Had ‘chaotic ‘lifestyle
One of the few ‘pluses’ of These incidents is that the race industry mouths suddenly go quiet – unless – of course – the killer is a whitee – then the full diverse carnival takes to the air ..
I break curfew every. single. night.
And I have yet to encounter an orgy.
via BH : Today’s Guardian offering is in lockstep with Harrabin’s piece about heating homes. One might almost think they consult each other (or rely on the same press releases):
Less than 5% of green homes grant budget paid out, Labour reveals
Party calls for flagship renewables scheme to be extended amid significant delays and problems
Almost all news is PR and Harra and Guardian will be cutNpasting from the same Green PR agency
.. the one that Harra virtually lives in.
Mike Lindell’s documentary pointing out all of the ways the election was stolen from Trump and who was involved. The video’s already been banned from Youtube and Twitter which obviously means it’s accurate.
This is already a pivotal month kicking off with the Myanmar coup, which was because of its election being flipped using the exact same Dominion software as rigged the US for Biden. This sets the precedent that the military can and must take control of its nation’s government in the event of an attempted illegal takeover from a civilian party. That’s why the fake Biden government immediately started making threats towards Myanmar – they know this is going to absolutely bury them in short order.
There’s also credible information (including video) suggesting that Biden has never actually set foot in the White House and his entire presidency is being filmed at Castle Rock Studio in California. The inauguration itself was obviously not shot live due to the massive number of continuity errors, and even if it had been it didn’t take place at 12.01pm as mandated by the constitution. Not only that, but the original constitution had March 4th as the inauguration date and Trump has apparently invited 30k staff to Mar-a-Lago on March 3rd, as well as increased room prices at his hotel in DC during that week. Something’s obviously planned.
When it becomes obvious that the BBC and other corporate media shills have been fully compliant in a communist coup attempt on the US and instigated WW3, it’s not enough to demand the license fee be abolished. There needs to be prosecutions and imprisonment for the propagandists.
Is there a condensed version of that video ? It’s 1 hour 59 minutes long – I gave up after 12 minutes of the chap ranting without a script . Life is to short and he gave me a headache .
Fed, the Belfield vid (not the one to which you refer above) – which I agree is also poor on presentation – at least mentioned a specific article in Time magazine. I did a check on that and searched the Time site and it is on there. It is scheduled to appear on 15 February – unless it gets pulled. L a L is making claims above that, from previous experience with those of Richard Pinder, I think will come to nothing.
” which obviously means it’s accurate.”
FFS wanting to believe something doesn’t make it true
The reason it’s banned is cos it makes vast accusations against Dominion corp
Was the election stolen ? yes it a lot of ways
but an extreme narrative that somehow China controls Dominion machines seems like a wacky psy-op designed by the Dems to distract away from the real issues.
“The reason it’s banned is cos it makes vast accusations against Dominion corp”
But you don’t pull videos just because they make accusations, otherwise there’d be thousands of videos pulled making false claims about Trump and his supporters. These social media companies ONLY censor videos from the right, most of which turn out to be accurate, while leaving threats of violence and libelous nonsense against them to remain without penalty.
If you still can’t see that then I’m afraid you’re not as detached from the MSM web of lies as you like to think you are. It’s not a matter of debate whether or not China and other countries influenced the election, it’s audited and verified fact. You rightly state that wanting to believe something doesn’t make it true, yet you’ve gone the exact opposite direction and are clearly at more of an extreme than I am – you’re pathologically cynical and won’t accept any information unless, paradoxically, it comes from the exact same sources such as the BBC that you know are lying to you.
Please get it into your head that this is not about an election any more, this is a spiritual and cultural battle. If you need any more evidence, go here for yet another example of the evil we’re facing and the double-standards of the left. Not only the article, but the sick trolls on the comments section projecting the left’s own behaviour and beliefs onto the victims.
Is there a reason to suppose that the electors of Myanmar, not so long after living under a military dictatorship, would have voted in large numbers for the military-backed opposition party?
Just wondering.
Is there a reason to suppose that the electors of Myanmar, not so long after living under a military dictatorship, would have voted in large numbers for the military-backed opposition party?
Just wondering.
TOADY Watch #1 – Mishal misses the big question, something suspicious about it …
Mishal was Torturer for the 8.10 a.m. Interview and again the ‘R’-rate of Covid Infection was mentioned but yet again a BBC interviewer did not ask what it currently is for the UK. I realise I keep mentioning this in some of my posts on here but the ‘R’-rate is very important for those ‘guided by the science’ ie. HM Government. It is equally important for the BBC who claim they are holding politicians to account, but in reality show a lack of curiosity about many, many, things that they should be questioning.
What is going on?
What’s going on?
Well I’ve heard rumours about something called “The Great Reset” in which we will all be trained to forget our past lives and adopt a complete new way of thinking. In other words an attempt is being made to reset our minds. Or brainwashing as it used to be called.
Now if this rumour is true then as far as I am concerned I can only say – to paraphrase a certain English lady “You reset if you want to but this old geezer is not forgetting. Anything.
At one point, Lefty, that ‘R’-rate was SO IMPORTANT and then suddenly it disappears for days or weeks on end. Then it pops up again – and it is important again. Then nothing. It is sloppy science.
You have a measure in place. It is important. Then you must use it consistently and constantly.
On the ‘what is going on’ question, the worldometer website shows a fairly consistent pattern for different countries showing the peak 7 day death average to come in about 3 weeks after the 7 day peak cases average. Typically peak deaths represent 2-2.25% of the peak cases. In the UK, the 1000 deaths a day we have now follows as night follows day from the 50,000 case rate in early/ mid January.
Except Germany. Germany is running at about 3.5%. Not many cases but lots of deaths. Half as many again.
What is going on?
Perhaps Katya Adler could tell us…………
I reckon the government has done a deal with the BBC to avoid the R rate because it varies so much across regions and ‘communities ‘ ( if you know what I mean ) .
Also – I think they are banking on this being the final lockdown because they know the cost is increasing rapidly in all ways and that if there is a 4th lockdown it will be massively ignored .
No amount of plod would be able to enforce mass dissent .
Telegraph :’R’ rate hits lowest level in 10 months with herd immunity possible by July
UCL scientists believe rate as of Tuesday was 0.65 to 0.86, better than Government’s earlier estimate of 0.7 to 1.1
Must be time for a new variant…
Stew, the ‘R’-rate was about 0.6 weeks ago and infections have come down since then. I have a suspicion it has gone through the floor – somewhere to the range of 0.1 – 0.4 – and that is why it is not being talked about. It would mean having to end lockdown.
Don’t be daft mate
Just the cos BBC Guardian go to one extreme that doesn’t mean the truth is an extreme on the other side.
Testing only unearths a chunk of all cases
but last week in unearthed 29K … this week 19k
that’s an R rate of 0.66
Stew, I have at last found it although I feel I did search in that place before with no success. Could be wrong on that. here it is:
The ‘R’ even with a relatively low but top of range shrinkage of -5% (range today is -5% to -2%) will go from 1.0 to 0.7 in a week, at low end 1.0 goes to 0.87. About three weeks ago (my memory may be defective on time) a newspaper (not the Guardian – was it the Mail?) claimed it was 0.6. If the case fall was the best possible parameter ie. -5% then in a week it goes from 0.6 to almost 0.4.
Somewhere in the range 0.1 to 0.4 could be feasible. e&oe on my calculator button pushing, btw.
What is certain is the Ferguson’s (and other SAGE sages) predictions in exponential increases in infections have never happened.
BTW, the ‘R’ rate can only be known cases. You cannot get into Rumsfeldying with Covid. 😉
Fed,the ‘R’-rate is also averaged across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and it is also averaged across the whole UK. Those are the figures that should be consistently presented to the public.
But as you say. A deal has been done. Or not done. HMG instead keeps moving the goalposts aided and abetted by SAGE and its various sub-committees and any other scientist who can get some ‘airtime’. The ‘R’-rate therefore doesn’t matter. Although it does to us, the public.
I think HMG are playing games with the BBC and the Labour Party where they lead the Labour Party and the BBC up a dead end street so they have some ‘evidence’ to use against the BBC.
I think averaging the R rate doesn’t do any one any favours and the local rate is more important – they might need to come up with combatting the impatience the BBC is causing by going on about school dates …
Also – the vaccination rate around the country varies greatly – I checked on my London health area today and it is only 67% of the top target group – but then again a lot of avoiders will be ethnics who are probably not set out of the house ‘for cultural reasons ‘…
Well, they tried being that specific in summer 2020, Fed, and ended up with Lockdown 2/or Local Lockdown- eg. Leicester (which doesn’t count as Lockdown if you are the BBC ‘cos they don’t live there) then we had Tiers to impose more Local Lockdowns (which counted with the BBC because they could drag City Mayors & regional Mayors onto R4 to complain, especially if they were Labour Party Mayors eg. Andy Burnham) ‘cos the BBC are in Salford and might be affected by it.
Now on Radio4 “Riyadh Khalaf is a broadcaster, celebrity masterchef winner and LGBTQ campaigner of Irish/Iraqi descent – he tells his story.”
Don’t tell me. And he uses a wheelchair.
Wikipedia entry says about this “celebrity”,
“Having not done well on his Leaving Certificate ( basically the Irish equivalent of A-levels), he decided to pursue a career in media”.
Says a whole lot doesn’t it?
Wikipedia entry says about this “celebrity”,
“Having not done well on his Leaving Certificate ( basically the Irish equivalent of A-levels), he decided to pursue a career in media”.
Says a whole lot doesn’t it?
“Pubs to open with no alcohol”
…. scratches head, looks around, scratches head again ….
I don’t recall voting for the Taliban
Heard some of the eulogy to Christopher Plummer this morning on BBC’s ‘Today’ programme. As ususal with these things, I was well on the way to completely tuning out the droning and faux gnashing of teeth, weeping and wailing, that is so easy for me when the BBC gets into full funeral mode for one of its own – i.e. a media ‘celeb’ – and then my ears pricked up when I heard Mr Plummer’s alternate title for his ‘best-loved’ movie, i.e. “The Sound of Mucous”
I genuinely hadn’t heard that one before, but thought it was so apt, and definitely amusing.
(Well, that’s hissed off half the population, I suspect – how sad, never mind)
I always call it The Hounds of Munich, from a stray memory from an ancient BBC radio comedy, (ah, those were the days!).
I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again. 🙂
I absolutely loathe The Sound of (bloody) Music.
I’ve never forgiven them for that long ago, catastrophic, afternoon when my mate, Steve, and I bunked in through the loo window of the Streatham Odeon. I’d performed this slightly dubious feat numerous times to see X rated films and sincerely believed we were about to see the movie, One Million Years BC. Oh dear…
Had I got us through the correct window we’d have feasted our teenage eyes on the gloriously curvaceous, Raquel Welch wandering about in nothing but an almost see through fur bikini. Alas…
Let’s be honest, I’ve seen it since and the film is absolutely dire, but at thirteen, By George!
You know, I don’t think Steve ever forgave me…
Mrs S is firmly of the view that, with the exception of a share of woke moments, ITV news is distinctly more upbeat than the BBC. Good news is good news. Without the ‘buts’ especially of the gruesome twosome of Laura Doomsberg and Fiona ‘The Undertaker’ Bruce.
Of course the BBC doom and gloom is not confined to TV. On Toady this morning, they interviewed two A and E medics. In terms they stated that it is just as bad as ever, with full wards and no let up.
Which is rather odd, because EVERY METRIC shows an improvement. Cases, admissions, bed occupancy, deaths are ALL heading in the right direction. The daily bulletin, the ONS survey, the Zoe database.
So why exactly does Toady carefully select two A and E medics to state the opposite.
I believe the normal term is Fake News.
Deliberately propagated by a seditious, unaccountable statist broadcaster with a sense of entitlement, a visceral anti-government ( but pro EU) agenda, and an axe to grind.
My anecdotal experience is that thing as are improving – at one point more than 50% of the patients in my hospital had Covid (not with Covid, wards – recently operating theatres and recovery- full of people with oxygen requirements). Numbers down, ED attendance down and hoping to get male patients off my gynae ward asap.
Still nothing like normal, but about 3 weeks ago was the worst we have had locally throughout.
My sister had her C-jab this week, she got a friend to driver her to the centre. The staff there said the friend could wait too, then offered her a jab.
The friend is ten years younger and a French citizen. The World Health Service triumphs again!
Are they issuing jab certificates?
No, you just receive a card – the size of a credit card, that you don’t lose, and take it with you for the second jab. I did ask the nurse about a proof of vaccine document, but she says this card is all we get for now.
This is for all you good people at Biased BBC. It is not about the BBC, but is about what the BBC is about- equality and diversity for all under authoritarian government.
As Government “social control” is used to collectivize and penalize anyone who may in some way be more intelligent, healthy, beautiful, stronger, coordinated, etc., creating an incoherent, dysfunctional, totalitarian nightmare. The film’s website notes:
2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is “finally equal….” The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains. It is a poetic tale of triumph and tragedy about a broken family, a brutal government, and an act of defiance that changes everything.
The story.
This is by kurt Vonnegut? Harrison Bergeron was a superb film starring Christopher Plummer and Sean Austin. Christopher Plummer IMHO was a brilliant actor, who only got better with age. Just watched ‘remember’ on Amazon with the also brilliant Martin Landau. Highly recommended.
One of my favourite short stories
Can’t help thinking about it when on the train and my thoughts are derailed by never ending annocements..
Link to the full story here
Paul Homewood has sent the BBC this complaint about Harrabin’s latest report on the Cumbria coal mine:
More Harrabin weasely BS this morning.
Harrabin ends his speculative and stupid on-line piece with:
“Heat creates about a quarter of the UK’s climate-warming emissions, so critics say ministers must tackle the issue with urgency.
Follow Roger on twitter @rharrabin”
In just one sentence, there is so much to disagree with!
How significant CO2 emissions are in “climate-warming” remains open to question. 99% of the atmosphere is Nitrogen or Oxygen, and most of the other 1% is gases such as Argon, with CO2 only 4% of this (thus 4/10,000 of the total) and most of it there anyway before humans really stepped up fossil fuel burning.
Next, there’s the relative size of the UK, roughly 1% of the world’s population (70m out of 7bn). What we do is a very minor consideration compared to China or India (1.4bn each) or even the USA (0.33bn). Even with per capita CO2 emissions above the world average (no surprise there, at 50-60 degrees north of the equator and our history of early industrialization and hence coal, gas & oil use) the UK is a very small contributor.
“… so critics say …” Who? Political activists? Non-scientists like Harrabin? This is deliberately vague.
“… [UK] ministers must tackle the issue with urgency.” No, Roger, it is the populous industrializing countries such as China who need to tackle the issue urgently – if anyone does – but the Paris accords appear to let them off the hook in the medium term. One new coal mine, such as the one proposed in Cumbria, is dwarfed by developments in China and is irrelevant to the Earth’s climate.
If I were a BBC “environment analyst” like Harrabin, I honestly don’t think I could do any worse than him and would likely do rather better … and that’s not saying much!
Mustapha, has the Horror Bin finally lost it? Is it time for the men in white coats to come for Roger? “Heat creates about a quarter of the UK’s” It certainly seems like it from those few words.
“There’s a problem, right there Roger Harrabin. Your fancy dark solar panels are causing Global Warming. Better scrap them. Better get all the tarmac in the UK painted white, Roger. Here’s a tin of paint and a brush. Off you go.”
Had a look at the BBC Complaints site as it has been a while, to see what they think is worth noting vs. what they appear not to have heard about.
All reaction I saw thought it was a waste of the TVL.
Vague enough to be pointless. Given the whinge about misinformation, ironic.
Bollocks. Meaningless grief porn used for gotchas. Rammed with BBC ‘filter’ voxpoppery. And ‘belief’.
Ditto. Why do they bother?
And avoid fact-based issues?
‘…this is not compatible with his role as a BBC journalist…’
A nice thought but his prejudices and total lack of relevant credentials are precisely what have persuaded the BBC to promote him as an expert on the subject.
The coal from this mine is intended for the production of steel. If the mine is cancelled we will either have to import coal at extra expense and no “benefit for the environment” or not make steel. This will then be made elsewhere so again no “benefit for the environment”. Or perhaps let’s stop making steel all together – electric vehicles can be made of sustainable wood or knitted perhaps.
Yes, I dive in regularly. And to ‘American Thought Leaders’ Without them, et al, you could be easily sectioned!!
Anyone that advocates not extracting specific coal for steel production must be sympathetic to communism and the ruination of UK’s manufacturing industry, much less the country’s security i.e. in building weapons and warships.
Dear Mr Homewood . Thank you for your complaint . As you know the BBC treats the views by the public with great care and respect . There are a variety of views about Climate change and we try to reflect them all out of our duty to be balanced .
I’m sorry that you believe we have not done this . We have bought your view to the attention of the production team .
In other words – eff off – you don’t count – you are wrong ..
Yours sincerest
BBC complaint department
( complaint not upheld – because none of them are) …
Perhaps Mr Harrabin would care to comment on Chinese electricity generation, 64% of which comes from coal power stations.
How about it, Roger? Or SirDavid?
Total silence.
Further to the many comments on Cumbria, the beeb and MSM are making a big issue out of the decision to construct a new coalmine in Cumbria. They were delighted to see that James Hansen (ex NASA scientist) and Joe Biden’s climate “czar”, wrote a long rambling letter to Bojo with a CC to Alok Sharma and John Kerry, the U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate. Basically the letter (see link below) is highly critical of the U.K. Government in allowing a new coal mine to be built as he considers it is at odds with the U.K.’s target to substantially reduce carbon emissions by 2030 and, in his words, it will prove “humiliating” for Bojo when he hosts the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November. Hansen admits that the U.K. has made substantial progress in reducing emissions in recent years but is demonstrating he is yet another example of climate change activism whose theories Trump sensibly refused to sign up to. It would seem unlikely he would have sent this letter without Biden’s and Kerry’s knowledge but if they were aware it is disrespectful and deeply concerning for the future of the so-called “special” relationship between the U.S. and the U.K.
Hansen should direct his fire at his own country as the U.S. is the second highest producer of Co2 after China, followed by Russia and Japan. Strangely the pie charts he includes in his letter reinforce the fact that the U.K. is a very small contributor to the world’s Co2 emissions compared to China and the U.S.
The high grade, less polluting coking coal that will be produced in Cumbria will be used to fuel the U.K.’s iron and steel making plants and will provide 100’s of much needed jobs in the construction and operation of this mine. The alternative is that we continue importing the coal we need for steel production which would almost certainly be more expensive because of the transportation costs. The beeb’s webpage reckons that 85% of Cumbria’s output will be exported so this will earn us valuable foreign currency. The U.K. is already committed to closing down all remaining coal fired power stations by 2025 thus further reducing our Co2 emissions but this will inevitably come at the cost of 100’s of jobs so Cumbria will help to offset these losses.
This is a disgraceful attack on another nation’s internal decision making and it will be the only operational mine in the whole of the U.K. but Hansen is being championed by the beeb, sky and the rest of the left wing media, mainly because he is critical of the U.K. Government and Bojo in particular.
Alok Sharma, who is acting as President of the COP26 Climate Change Conference, has clearly caught the climate change virus as he is reported as “apoplectic” at the decision by Robert Jenrick to allow the Cumbrian project to go ahead, presumably because he doesn’t fancy facing down climate change activists at the Conference. If he cannot stand the heat from the furnace he should resign.
As for John Kerry, this is the guy that in 2019 flew with his family to Iceland in his private jet to a Climate Conference to pick up an award for his efforts in the climate change arena. In answer to a question from a reporter if his flight was environmentally friendly said….”If you offset your carbon – it’s the only choice for someone like me who is travelling the world to win this battle”. It is estimated that flying by private jet produces 40 times the carbon per passenger than for a scheduled commercial service.
If the mine does go ahead it will need to be well guarded as XR will do everything they can to disrupt and delay its construction.
Click to access 20210203_HANSEN-JOHNSON_Letter.pdf
RIP. But MSM noting of events based on race is opening up limitless areas.
Checking US headlines for BBC uptake is fun. If confusing.
I don’t recall seeing on this site (a far from reliable disclaimer) someone crediting The Epoch Times for its news coverage. Wikipedia describes it as “far-right”, which translates in my English phrase book as sensible and reliable.
Would anybody else care to offer a second opinion?
Sitting here in a strappy top with the heating turned off, its 12deg and brilliant sunshine outside, and wondering when this 3′ of snow will arrive.
But are you ‘braced’?
Why do the lazy media always use this word?
I am so ‘braced’ that it is often a complete surprise what I see when I open the curtains in the morning!
“Enlightenment was ‘Little More Than White Identity Politics’, ‘Racist Knowledge'”
““Black Studies” professor Kehinde Andrews …”
Search on the Black Broadcasting Corporation – Zero.
Time for the BBC to approach one of my favourites, Adam Hart-Davis, and enquire about a new series.
Episode #1 “What did the blacks do for us, or anybody else, ever?”
Episode #2 “What did the Muslims do for us, or anybody else, ever?”
As a scientist Adam will scrutinise the evidence and produce a resounding “nothing”.
Five minutes each episode should be plenty.
Episode #3 “Should we expel these worse than useless, British hating parasites PDQ?” Conclusion “YES”.
Hear, hear!
You have to be a bit careful regarding number two.
People living in deserts, no trees, no rain**, having not much else to do naturally spent time looking at the stars. They also had lots of sand to sketch out any ideas that might come to them.
The result was that some of them made contributions to mathematics and astronomy. Incidentally some of them were Muslims, which had a lot to do with where they were born and lived.
None of them made any discoveries because they were Muslims though, Islam provided no insight, indeed mainstream Islam would have one believe that the Sun rises and sets from a swamp, i.e. is an earthly, flying object, not a star the best part of 150 million km away.
No, some Muslims did quite a bit for us, but as they say, ‘despite’ Islam.
** How many times have we been told that a ‘must see’ event will happen in the sky tonight, only to find clouds blocking the view. Now put in place all those trees that we had in the past, star-gazing was always difficult in Europe.
“….Islam would have one believe that the Sun rises and sets from a swamp….”.
Fraid I am an unbeliever cos I think the planets revolve around the Sun. Islam, even now, believes that the Sun moves (naturally excluding any revolution or cosmic movement). To say, ‘The sun is fixed without motion ……… goes against what is clear in the Noble Qur’ān and the authentic pure Sunnah.’” (Majmū Fatāwā Ibn Bāz 9/228)
I dread to think what islam thinks about the Flat Earth………..
With these steadfast opinions, you can see why islamists are so primitive. That’s why we need them to flood the UK – to put us straight on such important issues.
Watched QT from Thursday – funnily enough no mention of the vaccine fiasco in Europe from pro remain BBC.
If they did, and I missed it, apologies, probably because I NODDED OFF, half way through this now lame show.
Wow people still watch that ! You were probably 1% of the audience – I don’t even bother looking to see who is on it yet alone watch it .
The viewing figures must be too small to measure like all of their so called political rubbish
I’m surprised you got to half way … Well done!
broom wagon
You must be new round here then?
Kehinde Andrews can be relied on for racist quotes against white people
interview with the Times Higher Education Supplement plugging his upcoming book,
“The enlightenment was little more than White identity politics, yet its racist knowledge still underpins university education,”
Hear, hear!
Sorry, put this in wrong place but still valid
Professor Kehinde is paid (what, ca. £75k+ ? according to the scales I’ve seen) – largely (wholly) from taxes and gets to teach our kids …
I’m beginning to feel that an academic sinecure / tenure should be awarded / retained on a democratic basis, with the students voting every year.
I wonder if the diversity coordinators that he’s producing get any barista training vouchers with their degrees.
StewGreen – included in the quotation you gave is the assertion that ‘knowledge is racist’…..that must be up there with ‘facts are racist’, ‘the truth is racist’, etc.
It simply translates to… “If I don’t like, or don’t agree with something (probably including the colour yellow), then it’s racist ! And since I personally said that, if you disagree with me, then, by definition, you must be a racist.”
And the BBC/MSM lap this crap up.
Owen Jones interviewed this racist a few days ago
Just watch the first 10 seconds for him to claim “the British Empire was founded on slavery…at the end of the height of slavery, Britain was enslaving more people than any other nation”.
Total lies from a professor teaching this crap to gullible students.
‘Ministers considering lengthening the school day….’
And the amazing thing is that teachers, having enjoyed in effect a year off on full remuneration, have voted unanimously for another two or three hours work without any increase in pay, purely from selfless devotion to their calling, the well-being of the children in their charge, and to the benefit of the country.
Only joking.
Re Croydon. London/Greater London was always going to become a multi-cultural (ghetto-ised) heaven (hell). That’s why most of us who could made good with our own version of the Great Escape.
Roger Harrabin and the BBC Sciency Environment department are sponsoring a change to international engineering electric unit definitions to add Homes Powered (HP) to the SI system.
He’s also working with Greenpiece’s lawyers to legislate that grid scale baseload batteries will power everything by 2030.
Craig at ITBB has a helpful summary.
I’m getting absolutely fed up with another of the BBC’s latest ploys. First of all, it picks up on some speculation, whether it be from one of their own ‘experts’, contributors, a ‘…..some people say….’ off-the-cuff comment, or, more frequently these days, a piece of speculative comment usually preceded by an inaccurate headline in the day’s press or on-line media.
Then the BBC invites similar ‘in-house experts’, contributors, or commentators to further speculate on the original speculation – then about 10 minutes later presses this speculatve speculation on a Minister, demanding that they react immediately to what they report is now being said. Of course, any response by the minister is choreographed into the next half-hourly news bulletin along the lines of “Government Minister denies….’, or ‘Minister refuses to confirm….’ something that was never a fact in the first place.
Journalism has completely lost the plot these days.
This is sewer journalism, a level below the gutter journalism of the Red Tops (ex-tabloids) where at least the celeb’s/footballers/tarts/vicars stories usually have some basis in actual fact. The BBC seems at times to want to create ‘news’ rather than report news. And you know what you’ll find in sewers …
#DontFundGBNews is now trending due to these conspirators
Femi tweets
Hi @EE,
I was on Orange since I started using mobile phones and switched to you almost as soon as you took them over.
But I will switch service provider immediately if I hear of one EE advert placed on that channel.”
What are Labour afraid of ??
people who report on anti-Semitism ?
Who are the school bully gang ?
This makes you wonder about a headline such as “Fox ate my hamster” since he seems to be blaming Fox News for everything.
Perhaps Femi should try putting a Femidom over his mouth before any more sh!t spews out …
I still pay some attention to Femi’s output despite many suggesting he would whither without the oxygen of oxygen.
Certainly he is not as pervasive as he once was, but during that time secured a fair following of noisy bullies not least by somehow being invited on to all the studio sofas going, especially at the BBC. Certainly enough to qualify as a ‘some say’ source for the BBC to push an agenda.
Now Brexit is done, his taste for the limelight has meant he has to move to pastures new, and his followers have dutifully tagged along, cow pats notwithstanding.
Once a joke, now a sinister one.
The book-burning, newspaper-banning Adolf Femi
is campaigning today
I think we have been here before!
I put up a cut and paste article from the Daily Telegraph at the end of the mid week thread …. I’ve just looked at the comments – methinks the BBC doesn’t have the public support it thinks it has .
And the stories in the article of elderly people being pursued by capita BBC debt collectors shames both organisations …..
Shame the Red Tories have not got the courage to deal with it .
I do try and quote where on the BBC I saw something, but you will have to forgive me this time for one of my examples.
Earlier on this thread I showed how the BBC used the parish council story, without any care that it could bring further damage to the people concerned.
Here is a covid example.
Thursday (I think it was) on Look North we had a woman who had lost 4 of her relatives to covid. There was her dad, aged 75, an uncle of 82, an elderly lady and another uncle in his 70s. This has resulted in this lady being afraid to leave her house and she was explaining that she feels as if the covid is out there, lying in wait for people. Whatever your view of covid, vaccines and lockdowns, I can understand an uneducated (sorry I am being snobby but she didn’t sound Oxbridge) person being afraid after 4 of her family died is understandable and she appeared very distressed. Whether these relatives had co-morbidities, the BBC couldn’t be bothered to tell us.
The same evening we had either on the BBC1 news or the 24 hour news station (as I said apologies) showing a lady who had pancreatic cancer and whose treatment after diagnosis had been delayed. She is now approaching end of life. The BBC were delighted to show film of her and blame the government for the delays. Now I can understand the lady herself and her close family being upset at the delays. But this was happening during the start of the pandemic when nobody, neither in the NHS nor the government, would really have known what the country was up against. Sadly the success rate for sorting out pancreatic cancer is not high and maybe, just maybe, the doctors thought they ought to prioritise those they could definitely cure rather than those for whom they might just prolong life for a short while.
But for both these ladies, the BBC didn’t actually care about them and their distress. The lady who had lost 4 relatives, it was just a mawkish cheap story highlighting a lady whose state of mind wasn’t good, the latter it was just using a lady, near death, to attack the government even if things were not quite as they were presented. As with Clive Myrie, down at the morgue, the BBC will do anything and hurt anyone if they can make it a story – and if it is a story to attack the government/Conservatives from a BBC viewpoint, even better.
“Charity” Hope not Hate have commissioned a report shared with the Independent which apparently shows that “Diverse” communities are more prosperous than non-diverse ones. They say they have excluded London and most major cities from their calculations. They now pummel Government to relax immigration regulations and basically work hard to attract as many people as possible to come to the UK from all over the World. To end the hostile environment and thus push up standards of living in the UK.
So, they have cherry-picked some areas such as the road in Derby I have witnessed lined with gated mansions where all the Asian doctors, professors and shop owners live side-by-side no doubt.
Hope not Hate is another Marxist outfit and certainly not why I would deem a charity. They are politically bent on the communist Global World order and will use useful idiots like the Independent to help them.
I suspect this report will pop up on the BBC in short order.
Freelance pharmaceutical businesses ?
Is that a county lines delivery bike?
John Humphreys to stand down as question-master for Mastermind – which must provide a feast of suggestions for his replacement:
David Lammy
Sir Lenward Henry
Eddie Izzard
Kehinde Andrews
Sami Chakrabarti
Neil Ferguson
My Lord of Heseltine
Jeremy Corbyn
And together with…..?
Got to be female – coloured – and preferably with a stutter ….I take it humpreys if off to spend more time with his pension…
June Sarpong ? if she can understand what ‘master mind’ means.
there again, it could be a gift for the BBC if they got Afua Hirsch who would give looks of disdain if white contestants couldn’t answer some questions.
Any Difference?
1933 Adolf Femi said don’t by from Jews
2021 Adolf Femi says don’t buy from people who advertise on GB-News
“In 1933 the Nazis began their campaign against the Jews with a boycott of Jewish shops. It lasted only one day as most people continued to shop in their local stores and ignored the boycott.
2021 somewhere in NE Spain: who is who?”
Jolyon is making a list
The gestapo had lists I recall…..
He may not be too bright, but the truth might finally be sinking in, even for Roger Harrabin of the BBC:
‘How will we heat homes in zero carbon Britain?’
Good question Roger, how will we?
‘Prof King estimates that just 11% of home heating will come from hydrogen.’
Which leaves 89% of household heating not being provided by burning hydrogen, so what will provide that, Roger?
‘A heat pump is a piece of electrical kit that works like an air conditioning unit in reverse.
Instead of sucking heat from a home and dumping it outside, a heat pump drags residual heat from the ground, the air or a water source and concentrates it to warm the house.
But there may be drawbacks, depending on what type of home you live in. The air-source heat pump can struggle to keep you warm on a very cold night, and the ground source heat pump needs big holes in your garden so pipes can draw out the warmth from the earth.
They’re expensive, too, at £10,000 or more – and they may need bigger radiators to be fitted.
Experts say disruption could be minimized by fitting a low-powered heat pump alongside a hydrogen boiler to crank up the temperature in a cold snap.’
I see, so to get things straight, a heat pump:
1. Requires electricity to pump heat.
2. Isn’t very effective if it takes heat from the air.
3. Or, requires a garden full of big pipes, if it takes heat from the ground.
4. Costs £10K+.
5. Requires new, larger radiators.
6. Also requires a hydrogen boiler (but, these will only provide enough heat for 11% of demand… so what happens on a cold night, when everyone’s heat pump isn’t working?)
When are we supposed to be ‘carbon neutral’ – nine years time, was it?
‘The climate committee says there could still be a few homes with wood boilers in rural areas.’
Yep, I’m now thinking of replacing my gas boiler with one. Along with my open fire, in which I can burn pretty much anything that can be chopped into pieces less than two feet long, I reckon that’s me sorted, plenty of stuff to burn around here, the smog blows east towards London, so no problems there either.
OT and not BBC
Well I never expected to say this.
Congratulations to the Scottish rugby team !!!!!!!!
Who almost to a man, not easy to spot with the ITV angled camera, exercised their right to independent thought and elected not to ‘take the knee’ during the continuing politically correct nonsense prior to sporting events, in this case the Calcutta Cup.
I’ve just learn that today is apparently
“Zero tolerance of female genital mutilation day “. I don’t know if there is meant to be clapping or anything … wonder what divot thought that one up…
This was something that the BBC would never report on.
It is time that the barbaric practise of FGM was not only said to be illegal but those Dr’s who perform the operation should be jailed.
It was a real issue in Bristol some 4 years ago when I was reliably informed by a Bristol secondary school teacher that the teachers were trained to spot the young Somali girls who were suffering and refer them to get help but that was after the event. The girls were being operated on by Dr’s in Bristol and only one had been arrested as far as I knew.
At that time there were 7 NHS clinics around the country helping these girls but I don’t know how many there are now.