I wonder which passport mr Campbell will get – a Scottish one or a british one ? When his glorious day comes … and maybe he will be applying for a ‘work visa ‘ to be in England ….
.. by then – though – the BBC will at least be broken up or ‘and privatised ….
Campbell is a dick and always has been. He was at university the same time as I was. A particular highlight forever vivid is of my brother thumping him at a party where he was practicing for his future as a thoroughly obnoxious asshole.
I’m guessing that the BBC ‘Sunday ‘ programme chose not to cover the comments made by a coloured queer Cof E trainee vicar about ‘captain Tom ‘ – nor the response 18000 signatures to a petition to sack him nor the letter from Cof E supporters for said racist coloured queer – Britain hating trainee vicar ….
"Something unusual is happening in Washington, DC: Media briefings, and lots of them. Real live briefings where the press gets to ask questions to the administration and spokespeople and senior officials actually answer them" | Joe Lockhart for @CNNOpinionhttps://t.co/nUctrzglRE
“Napier Barracks: Police release photographer without charge”
“He was questioned on suspicion of criminal damage, but the arrest prompted questions in Parliament concerning press freedom.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-55957306
The police should have arrested the demonstrators for criminal damage not the photographer.
@Taffman “demonstrators for criminal damage not the photographer.”
If you look at the photographer’s tweets and others about his old interactions with police, you can see he is an activist, rather than mere observer. So the police decision to arrest him was not a surprise. He seems to be using his presspass as a shield.
Emma Barnett for a few seconds strays from the gangs line
by daring on Woman’s Hour to ask about Woman imams.
and SayeedaWarsi condems her
The pile on against Barnett in the replies and quote tweets appears to be from 500-1000 Islam supporters
Just caught up with this and really disappointed that @BBCWomansHour managed to turn a historic positive moment @MuslimCouncil into such a bizarre and ill informed line of questioning
Full credit @ZaraM01 (MCB boss) for her calm collected professional responses to silliness
Emma ‘ congratulations of being appointed as a female top Muslim spokesman, what is the situation like for other women, are there any female imams ?
There aren’t are there ?”
… no real answer was given
What a disgusting interview. But then, it's not the first time Emma Barnett has arrogantly attacked a woman of colour. @ZaraM01 has shattered a dozen ceilings to be elected and *[White] Women's Hour* chooses to skulk down this ignorant islamophobic line – & then clip it no less.
Did you see the BBC make a fuss in 2007 when the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain was launched with a female leader Maryam Namazie ?
And has always had a high representation of female spokes-people
but now MCB did
libmob are like “ooh isn’t this progressive”
Via Facebook, BBC ‘editorial integrity’ at its most venal.
Why are the BBC intent on trying to ‘Imply’ Racism when there is none with headlines like this. Are they trying to shame players for not ‘Taking the Knee’
Jewish-News makes astounding claims They found “extremely high” infection rates of 64 percent across the strictly Orthodox community, with 75 percent infected in some demographics such as secondary school students and working age men.
also found infections peaked during early March 2020, before the first national lockdown, and “fell sharply”
I am beginning to wonder if the real covid peak was in the first 3 months of the year and it spread before the lockdown. The recent resurgence is because that is what such viruses do in the winter. Little testing took place in the first quarter unlike the last one.
For all the wokerati.
Another one to chuck into the nearest river.
“Looking for statues and the like of those who have caused misery, death and suffering to mankind”
Pop into Highgate Cemetery where you will find a large stone figure of someone whose politics has caused hundreds of millions of deaths.
You can easily find it by following your nose to the unwashed smelly druggie air around a bunch of filthy woke hippies alongside high rankers from Chinese, Russian and other dictatorships.
clue. It’s not Adolf (him responsible for the spat* between us and Germany in ‘39)
*I think that’s what it’s now called (by the bbbc)
The first thing I thought of was (1) We need at least one country in the World to not have a Lockdown (2) After six months we need then to compare that country or US state with Britain.
Someone did that study for the World Health Organisation and found that Lockdowns don’t work. They only cause economic and social damage. It then follows that scientists should then try and find out why Lockdowns don’t work.
Successful science is about a single scientist on ordinary pay but appointing assistants if needed. Not a panel of over a hundred heavily overpaid academics, paid over three times more than ordinary doctors. Like Climate Change, all of them chosen because they all agree with each other. No diversity of opinion is tolerated. All with a vested interest in perpetuating Lockdowns and a State of Emergency. This is what is called perverted science. Boris is also doing this perverted science with Climate Change.
There is no indication that these scientists are doing any experiments using the scientific method. In fact secrecy about how they come up with scientific advice is opposite to how science works.
I remember Dr Magnus Pike on the BBC. He did scientific experiments in the war, given as information to the public in pamphlets. He then became a BBC presenter famous for doing scientific experiments on the telly. Now we have more than a hundred pompous over paid Professors all covering each others backs from personal financial corruption and incompetent opposition to the World Health Organisation and other scientists who use the scientific method.
A new book shows how a network of men such as the Beatles' manager Brian Epstein had a flair for spotting talent – and attracting trouble https://t.co/bqD7dqxk9g
Labour’s Coventry South Parliamentary candidate Zarah Sultana 26 abuses Jews for being white
The Labour candidate for Coventry South repeatedly used racial slurs to brand Jewish students as “YT” (whitey) and “the white woman” while studying at Birmingham University.
In one Facebook post directed at a Jewish student, Ms Sultana, who sat on the national executive of Young Labour and the national executive of the National Union of Students, wrote: “I can’t believe this YT thinks she can represent us.”
Just watched the repeat of NI Sunday Politics and @MarkCarruthers7 interview with the @moneillsf What a difference to the one with @DUPleader He used the term ‘with all respect’ and did not interrupt her once -Just so obvious the difference in approach from @BBCnireland
Something’s clearly wrong with this image. Look at the corner behind the squatter-in-chief. If the picture is genuine, he’s clearly on a set as I suggested previously.
The comments on IMDB are very obviously all from gay people.
Good to see the BBC spend so much of our money to satisfy the 2% of the population who are gay.
What a shame everything else for the other 98% is absolute woke rubbish.
6:35pm local BBC news
Indian reporter’s item
“You know them Indian farmers protests in India
– Here’s a Hull Indian woman who is concerned, cos her family were farmers in India
– Here’s a Hull Indian social worker woman who is concerned
– Here’s Hull Lincolnshire farmers union woman in a solidarity protest”
… Hang on “workers”, those look like kids at a small Green Dream project
Oh The Farmworkers Alliance, seem like a front group for Climate/ food poverty activists
.. Oh by coincidence the reporter is the local journo union rep
Stew – from my limited exposure to bbc news I’ve noticed how important the bbc takes Indian farmers – for a bit it didn’t click – but then I realised the relatives are here – also all those benefits cheques sent back to the home country will have an impact …
The BBC grievance hotline is nothing if not consistent.
“I’m spending everything that we’ve got to fix something that isn’t our fault.”
NHS worker Hana Imaan, who lives in a Birmingham flat with dangerous cladding, explains to #Newsnight the huge costs associated to living in the building
I agree – not for me – they think they can bring down the legitimate president – change election results and walk on water . They’ll be awarding each other luvvie medals of no value apart from to their bank balances …..
now “Mote moorland fires, due to factors like climate change”
… Bias is mentioning some factors and not others.
… Most of those fires are started by someone
..idiots having BBQs , idiots on backyard trials bikes etc.
Seamless transition (forgive the pun) between ski Sunday and antiques road show re lgbt agitprop. You could not make it up. Swop channels. Same message. Same time. Wow – what a mindset!
I wonder what the Horror Bin known as Roger has his thermostat set at today? A Global Warming preventing 12°C ? Oh, silly me! He probably has air-source and ground-source heat pumps in his detached house with a Solar Panel driven-not-today (too cloudy) electric boiler to back them up.
Plus chimneys and fire grates in the lounge and dining room for that nice cosy log fire – of a sustainable-source dried wood from Waitrose – as the evening chill sets in.
I was going to compliment the BBC on the Sunday evening show of songs from the musicals. I had thought after nearly a year, the BBC has given thought to providing something uplifting and entertaining. I thought I might not stay with it especially as the sound and the lips didn’t seem to be in sync. However I have just heard the title song from 6. Shall I just say I don’t think it will stand the test of time but presumably aimed at attracting a young audience. Song 4 and it is dreadful, a the black lady singing is awful. Off switch will be deployed now.
wearing my judge fed up hat if I’d been plod I’d have told the people in that crowded to disperse and if they refused I’d have used the spray on them –
What happened outside is a different matter . I cannot believe so many people would be in such a small space in the current circumstance s
There is bound to be CCTV outside that cafe – and if the cop punched him – even during ‘resisting arrest ‘ he ll be up for charges …. but that cafe – ? When I have not been out for days ? Not right – perhaps the council can close it ….
I wonder if anyone will keep an eye on the false presidents ‘ public appearances ? How many ‘live ‘ questions he takes ? How often he is in a ‘spontaneous ‘ situation ?
I’ve got a feeling he is going to stay in the bunker or be like chancey Gardner in “being there ‘( I like to watch )…..
Re the Oval Office coming apart – apparently there’s a ‘secret door’ in that corner (so not that secret, after all) which could explain it. I should have checked before posting and in fact if true then it refutes the idea of it all being filmed on a set since there’d be no benefit to them rebuilding it with the hatch included. Plenty of much better evidence and testimony out there to support the idea that what we’re being presented by the media in the US isn’t actually what’s happening, not least the media’s own history of lies.
Was there a time when the BBC did not have opinions? It now has them about everything. I suppose that is the fundamental reason for the existence of this blog.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9fkQ0mWf/Screenshot-2025-03-10-121223.png[/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Building fake vehicles is a time-honored practice dating back to World War II, when the Allies built an entire fake…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The plot thickens .One of my former Parliamentary aides went on to work for Rupert Lowe – she is one…
DeborahMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sorry to hear it Atlas. 10 years ago it was the young Lefties who were screaming about ‘Big Pharma’ and…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I fear that is true. If, by 2025, 25% of the population is a first generation immigrant, then Britain is…
I wonder which passport mr Campbell will get – a Scottish one or a british one ? When his glorious day comes … and maybe he will be applying for a ‘work visa ‘ to be in England ….
.. by then – though – the BBC will at least be broken up or ‘and privatised ….
Campbell is a dick and always has been. He was at university the same time as I was. A particular highlight forever vivid is of my brother thumping him at a party where he was practicing for his future as a thoroughly obnoxious asshole.
I’m guessing that the BBC ‘Sunday ‘ programme chose not to cover the comments made by a coloured queer Cof E trainee vicar about ‘captain Tom ‘ – nor the response 18000 signatures to a petition to sack him nor the letter from Cof E supporters for said racist coloured queer – Britain hating trainee vicar ….
Even for CNN…
That red symbol at the top left of the tweet, denotes it is ADVERTISING on behalf of libmob.
“Napier Barracks: Police release photographer without charge”
“He was questioned on suspicion of criminal damage, but the arrest prompted questions in Parliament concerning press freedom.”
The police should have arrested the demonstrators for criminal damage not the photographer.
@Taffman “demonstrators for criminal damage not the photographer.”
If you look at the photographer’s tweets and others about his old interactions with police, you can see he is an activist, rather than mere observer. So the police decision to arrest him was not a surprise. He seems to be using his presspass as a shield.
Thanks for the update.
I don’t usually bother reading ‘tweets’.
Story Breaking in the USA but don’t expect it to be on the BBC 6pm news…
Ilhan Omar’s campaign contributed nearly 80% of political payments to husband’s consulting firm
Consulting firm E Street Group received more than $3.7 million in campaign spending
digg, as Lord Mountbatten was once described, I-O is so crooked that if she swallowed a nail she’d sh*t a corkscrew.
‘E Street Group’
Isn’t that Bruce Springsteen’s backing band?
Is that the brother/husband’s company? ????
Family business.
All the rage.
Dimblebys, Vines, Bidens…
Oo look… incurious media!
GW, you are so on point
Emma Barnett for a few seconds strays from the gangs line
by daring on Woman’s Hour to ask about Woman imams.
and SayeedaWarsi condems her
The pile on against Barnett in the replies and quote tweets appears to be from 500-1000 Islam supporters
Emma ‘ congratulations of being appointed as a female top Muslim spokesman, what is the situation like for other women, are there any female imams ?
There aren’t are there ?”
… no real answer was given
Did you see the BBC make a fuss in 2007 when the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain was launched with a female leader Maryam Namazie ?
And has always had a high representation of female spokes-people
but now MCB did
libmob are like “ooh isn’t this progressive”
One of those fights when you want both sides to lose.
Via Facebook, BBC ‘editorial integrity’ at its most venal.
Why are the BBC intent on trying to ‘Imply’ Racism when there is none with headlines like this. Are they trying to shame players for not ‘Taking the Knee’
England 6-11 Scotland: Scottish Rugby backs players who did not kneel
Jewish-News makes astounding claims
They found “extremely high” infection rates of 64 percent across the strictly Orthodox community, with 75 percent infected in some demographics such as secondary school students and working age men.
also found infections peaked during early March 2020, before the first national lockdown, and “fell sharply”
No wonder they are not afraid of the big weddings
if they have all basically already had it.
Samples seems to be 200 blood samples from 500 households
I am beginning to wonder if the real covid peak was in the first 3 months of the year and it spread before the lockdown. The recent resurgence is because that is what such viruses do in the winter. Little testing took place in the first quarter unlike the last one.
For all the wokerati.
Another one to chuck into the nearest river.
“Looking for statues and the like of those who have caused misery, death and suffering to mankind”
Pop into Highgate Cemetery where you will find a large stone figure of someone whose politics has caused hundreds of millions of deaths.
You can easily find it by following your nose to the unwashed smelly druggie air around a bunch of filthy woke hippies alongside high rankers from Chinese, Russian and other dictatorships.
clue. It’s not Adolf (him responsible for the spat* between us and Germany in ‘39)
*I think that’s what it’s now called (by the bbbc)
The second World Spat.
Karl Marx the spot
The scientific method isn’t hard to understand.
The first thing I thought of was (1) We need at least one country in the World to not have a Lockdown (2) After six months we need then to compare that country or US state with Britain.
Someone did that study for the World Health Organisation and found that Lockdowns don’t work. They only cause economic and social damage. It then follows that scientists should then try and find out why Lockdowns don’t work.
Successful science is about a single scientist on ordinary pay but appointing assistants if needed. Not a panel of over a hundred heavily overpaid academics, paid over three times more than ordinary doctors. Like Climate Change, all of them chosen because they all agree with each other. No diversity of opinion is tolerated. All with a vested interest in perpetuating Lockdowns and a State of Emergency. This is what is called perverted science. Boris is also doing this perverted science with Climate Change.
There is no indication that these scientists are doing any experiments using the scientific method. In fact secrecy about how they come up with scientific advice is opposite to how science works.
I remember Dr Magnus Pike on the BBC. He did scientific experiments in the war, given as information to the public in pamphlets. He then became a BBC presenter famous for doing scientific experiments on the telly. Now we have more than a hundred pompous over paid Professors all covering each others backs from personal financial corruption and incompetent opposition to the World Health Organisation and other scientists who use the scientific method.
This should get the girls at the BBc excited.
And the women.
Labour’s Coventry South Parliamentary candidate Zarah Sultana 26 abuses Jews for being white
The Labour candidate for Coventry South repeatedly used racial slurs to brand Jewish students as “YT” (whitey) and “the white woman” while studying at Birmingham University.
In one Facebook post directed at a Jewish student, Ms Sultana, who sat on the national executive of Young Labour and the national executive of the National Union of Students, wrote: “I can’t believe this YT thinks she can represent us.”
‘YT’ is often used in a pejorative manner by people who wish to stress their own non-white heritage.
A Labour MP more than a few dried fruit shy of a muesli bar, but given a pass because ‘diversity’.
Long may Surkeer and the BBC champion such representatives of their failed ambitions.
Guilty of raisin the temperature in the currant situation.
The difference is the BBC knows it is Teflon.
Never to be covered in any MSM much less al beeb. …
But…. signing spree! Cute dogs! That redhead… hubba hubba!
Circling overhead in a stack. not back.
Did the forces of truth, justice and the Democratic way not organise a pile on last time the NYP did this?
She is excited. For sure. Oodles.
What does that even mean?
Something’s clearly wrong with this image. Look at the corner behind the squatter-in-chief. If the picture is genuine, he’s clearly on a set as I suggested previously.
Looks kinda oval for an office …
Golly, who would have imagined?
The comments on IMDB are very obviously all from gay people.
Good to see the BBC spend so much of our money to satisfy the 2% of the population who are gay.
What a shame everything else for the other 98% is absolute woke rubbish.
6:35pm local BBC news
Indian reporter’s item
“You know them Indian farmers protests in India
– Here’s a Hull Indian woman who is concerned, cos her family were farmers in India
– Here’s a Hull Indian social worker woman who is concerned
– Here’s Hull Lincolnshire farmers union woman in a solidarity protest”
… Hang on “workers”, those look like kids at a small Green Dream project
Oh The Farmworkers Alliance, seem like a front group for Climate/ food poverty activists
.. Oh by coincidence the reporter is the local journo union rep
The Hull social worker, is actually a Sikh religion teacher and lefty activist
lol – look at them. They are all students.
None of the tools have any dirt on them at all.
Stew – from my limited exposure to bbc news I’ve noticed how important the bbc takes Indian farmers – for a bit it didn’t click – but then I realised the relatives are here – also all those benefits cheques sent back to the home country will have an impact …
The BBC grievance hotline is nothing if not consistent.
DISCLAIMER: Have a bucket ready.
Nope, I don’t have to open that thread
and I am not going to.
I already know their world.
I agree – not for me – they think they can bring down the legitimate president – change election results and walk on water . They’ll be awarding each other luvvie medals of no value apart from to their bank balances …..
now “Mote moorland fires, due to factors like climate change”
… Bias is mentioning some factors and not others.
… Most of those fires are started by someone
..idiots having BBQs , idiots on backyard trials bikes etc.
Seamless transition (forgive the pun) between ski Sunday and antiques road show re lgbt agitprop. You could not make it up. Swop channels. Same message. Same time. Wow – what a mindset!
I wonder what the Horror Bin known as Roger has his thermostat set at today? A Global Warming preventing 12°C ? Oh, silly me! He probably has air-source and ground-source heat pumps in his detached house with a Solar Panel driven-not-today (too cloudy) electric boiler to back them up.
Plus chimneys and fire grates in the lounge and dining room for that nice cosy log fire – of a sustainable-source dried wood from Waitrose – as the evening chill sets in.
I was going to compliment the BBC on the Sunday evening show of songs from the musicals. I had thought after nearly a year, the BBC has given thought to providing something uplifting and entertaining. I thought I might not stay with it especially as the sound and the lips didn’t seem to be in sync. However I have just heard the title song from 6. Shall I just say I don’t think it will stand the test of time but presumably aimed at attracting a young audience. Song 4 and it is dreadful, a the black lady singing is awful. Off switch will be deployed now.
Polish cafe in Manchester that dared to open their business.
A policeman punches the owner in the face.
All the main accounts tweeting about it
JHB outraged
Norman Brenna complains it’s a short clip
2m20s clip combines the in-cafe scene with the punch scene outside
I think there is a lockdown resistance campaign in Poland
and some Polish cafe owners here might be in the same campaign.
(As ever early reporting here , gives us some context against the BBC report later)
wearing my judge fed up hat if I’d been plod I’d have told the people in that crowded to disperse and if they refused I’d have used the spray on them –
What happened outside is a different matter . I cannot believe so many people would be in such a small space in the current circumstance s
Time for the Start the week thread …
Stew – I meant to ask – what do you think of that clip ? If I was a plod I would not have wanted to go into that cafe ….
The policeman lost it, and police are not suppose to lose it.
There is a GMpolice statement
“This incident happened whilst a 38-year-old man was being arrested on suspicion of assault of an emergency worker and resisting arrest.”
There are no mention of police injuries
I don’t have to have firm view right now
It’ll come out in the wash I guess.
There is bound to be CCTV outside that cafe – and if the cop punched him – even during ‘resisting arrest ‘ he ll be up for charges …. but that cafe – ? When I have not been out for days ? Not right – perhaps the council can close it ….
More global warming……………………..
New thread opened
I wonder if anyone will keep an eye on the false presidents ‘ public appearances ? How many ‘live ‘ questions he takes ? How often he is in a ‘spontaneous ‘ situation ?
I’ve got a feeling he is going to stay in the bunker or be like chancey Gardner in “being there ‘( I like to watch )…..
Re the Oval Office coming apart – apparently there’s a ‘secret door’ in that corner (so not that secret, after all) which could explain it. I should have checked before posting and in fact if true then it refutes the idea of it all being filmed on a set since there’d be no benefit to them rebuilding it with the hatch included. Plenty of much better evidence and testimony out there to support the idea that what we’re being presented by the media in the US isn’t actually what’s happening, not least the media’s own history of lies.
Was there a time when the BBC did not have opinions? It now has them about everything. I suppose that is the fundamental reason for the existence of this blog.