The Far Left Biased BBC is doing its traditional job of undermining British morale . This time it is putting doubts in minds about the effectiveness of vaccines . Meanwhile it has announced that the licence is to increase by £1.50 to £159 per year . But the good news is – tv licence tax evasion is going up – its currently at an estimated 8% – according the BBCs own tax collectors …
Midweek Thread 10th February 2021
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Direct quote from the BBC article on Trumps impeachment:
‘Some have argued in court that they went to the riot because Donald Trump told them to’
They didn’t go to a riot. They were exercising their democratic right to protest. One of the ways corrupt governments answer to the people.
‘”That’s a high crime and misdemeanour,” Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland said of the footage.’. “If that’s not an impeachable offence, then there’s no such thing.”. What they completely fail to mention that he is the lead prosecutor.
One of the most disgusting deliberate misrepresentations I have seen for a while. The BBC must be stopped. This is absolutely unacceptable.
Absolutely, John.
Just looked at the BBBC’s bit online, and they fill the bottom of the page with the ‘report’ on the day’s events, which is sickening in it’s bias against President Trump’s supporters.
If I could really be bothered, I’d try to dig out such an awful report from them on Antifa, BLM riots etc, but as everyone knows, it won’t be there.
And Fed, on topic, I like your last sentence, describing the failure of the BBC’s tax collectors! There’s so much around on YouTube now, I fear it’ll all be banned, but as most people see all they want on that particular channel, I doubt it…
Funny that, market forces versus proof of serial tax-harassment…
The bit I did like was the clear disappointment that so few Republicans voted against Trump after all their hype that a lot more would.
If Trump is impeached twice and both attempts fail, there should be an outcry for reform of the system because it has very clearly been abused for political purposes. Impeachment should be event driven, not policy driven.
THAT is the treason here in my opinion. Pelosi should be in the dock after this.
What I would love to see is the Rebublicans show what a complete farce it all is by immediately setting up committees to impeach Biden. The complete change of tone by the media is beyond doubt but would be something worth seeing.
What possible advantage to anyhting could have Donald Trump have gained by insighting such a riot? None at all-this whole disgraceful business was rather a dilberately planned action by certain hard line Democrats desperate attempt to besmirch the name of D Trump-they hated him from the first day, they hated the fact that he could not be bought, and further loathed the obvious fact that the people of America supported him. Still over 74 million votes went to Trump. This new government will be a danger for the future of our world.
You should read the guys statement after the video. All about how people were sure they were going to die. How they were making final phone calls and sending last text messages to loved ones. I’m quite certain this scumbag lawyer wishes the protesters had murdered someone or at least fired some shots.
Nothing to do with whether Trump incited the riots or not.
Absolutely disgusting hypocrisy when compared to their response to the BLM riots.
America is descending to a lawless state with increasing rapidity, ruled by people who have no morals. Most are godless marxists who would like nothing better then burn Trump, and anyone who speaks the truth- Jordon Peterson.
America was once a Chrsitian nation, based on Western mores and values. No more, as it descends to Mordor.
@JohnC as well as the Raskin misrepresentation.
the BBC made a huge claim in a misrepresentative way
‘Some have argued in court that they went to the riot because Donald Trump told them to’
Well what’s that but a paper tiger
Democrats told people to go to BLM protests
that is NOT telling people to riot.
It’s OK to state a hypothesis
like “Trump told people to riot”
But when the BBC takes that and tries to spin it up to an EXTRAORDINARY claim
then it has to state the EXTRAORDINARY evidence to back it up.
“insighting” ..It’s inciting .. I say that cos on Twitter people go to war with lefties and so often start on the wrong foot by making a simple spelling mistake.
I already saw “Mean Campf” this morning
All three investigations/impeachment of Donald Trump were really coverup of Democrat crimes – the Russia collision/The Ukraine financial crimes/Electoral frauid.
Its not 74 million. More like 80 million plus, if one counts the Trump votes handed yo Biden, and only knows how many votes dumped or lost.
Too, Biden has opened the country to everyone, including millions who harbour ill to the West.
This is crime of the century.
Dan Bongino is one this today.
Worth checking. And I mean that in case he is over enthusiastic in accuracy.
However, that the MSM and especially BBC NA BS is going nowhere near, bar vague allusions to QAnon from Marianna, indicates something worthy of note they want deep sixed asap.
Oh, and those they are meant to hold to account.
“……there should be an outcry for reform of the system because it has very clearly been abused for political purposes.”
Problem is, the Marxist/communists hold all the overt levers of power. “Overt” because that’s Governmentally. The even bigger problem is, Dem/Communist sympathisers are embedded everywhere. The Swamp. It’s only when an issue arises that needs their actual support, they surface to expose themselves (Wall St / Silicon Valley / military / DoJ). Excluding the very obvious and apparent 24/7 MSM of course.
Personally, I don’t think any change is on the cards. I suspect that now DJT is out of office, even he realises now, the problems are as vast as they are. The US will turn, within a short time into a communist dictatorship under the total control of the CCP. A few months ago, it was perhaps a toss up between a coup and mention of ‘military courts’ or armed insurrection. But events since now show that a coup is not on the cards as most of the top military are on the communist/CCP’s payroll. Incidentally, as most of America is. Its been a long time as, “Work in progress”. Now, “Blossoming forth”
My conclusion? From above, only one option left……………
There have been many worthy revolutions throughout history. And every single one was called ‘insurrection’ by those on the receiving end.
If a group really wanted to carry out an insurrection in a country the first thing they would do is take over the TV and radio stations.
In the USA that happened a long time ago.
Each and every Trump investigation/ impeachment was to hide the Democrat Russia /Ukraine crime.
This present one is to hide 3rd Nov. Electoral fraud. Thus all three Donald Trump impeachments are to cover up Democrat crimes.
BBC currently crowing that ‘history has been made with Trump being impeached twice’… by the Dems and their MSM henchpersons ensuring it happened using every dodge in the book.
But not how most will read it,
I hope America and us too come out of this very bad situation. America could lash out. That wont be good for us.
Catchup links to last posts on previous thread
.. cos it’s always worth looking at last night’s posts see if you missed anything.
– page 3 started at 4pm Tuesday
– page 2
The rapid descent into political and media madness can’t be stopped – is fuelling itself. They are determined to “unperson” Trump, and that’s what they’ll succeed in doing, as nobody on HIS side appears to have any teeth, or any stamina. Even the judicial system has folded in on itself..
I know he wants to win, but maybe he should just consider leaving them to it, and just sit back and enjoy the rest of his life, because he is so broadly hated, no-one would respect him any more, anyway – even if he were to win another term.
Short of a civil war erupting when they try to cancel the Second Amendment, and grab everyone’s guns, I fear that the yanks will inevitably go the same way as Europe has, and, God forbid, the Former UK, too.
I don’t think DJT is the sort of person to ‘lie back and enjoy the scenery’. The World is at stake. No, no one should share, for example, StewGreens position: why should we bother, its happening in another country. Oh! the adolescent naivety.
@G Strawman
That of course in NOT my position
but misrepresenting people’s position is what people do to try to win a debate.
My position these days is that
#1 The media give us theatre view of reality 2 + 2 = 5, 6, 7 The Blue Pill view
#2 There is actual reality : The Red Pill View
#3 There exists The Turquoise Pill the QAnon view of the world
in which all the unknowns are tied up by simple Conspiracy Theory explanations “It’s all Bill Gates, he’s in it for the money”
that’s a ” 2 + 2 = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10″ view of the world
… I believe it’s possible scenario that this QAnon stuff is a psy-op operation by the Blue Pill pushers
to get half of Trump supporters down a rabbit hole
.. A divide and conquer technique.
Why then, did you reply to me with words to that effect?. Perhaps it was just for the sake of replying then? Would you like me to go back and retrieve your exact phrase which could not be taken any other way? Yet again, you try to demean when on the defensive. Then cloud it over with gibberish.
@G Yes I do want you to quote me
However I do suspect that you are projecting
So that any further discussion will make you angrier and angrier
as you find you are fighting a demon that doesn’t exist.
I might have said something like
‘I wouldn’t get too pre-occupied with speculating about America, cos ultimately it’s something you don’t any control over;
especially wacky conspiracy theories for which there is little evidence for’
When people are petulant it reflects badly on them , not their victim.
@Old Goat, Trump did not drain the swamp
.. but his confrontational approach did lift the lid
whereas typical politicians spend their lives pretending they are playing along , in the hope that gives them the cover to get power an do some good stuff.
Old Goat
Trump broadly hated? Over 70 million Amaerican citizens voted for him last November. Maybe you’ve listened too much to the MSM spewing their Trump hatred.
What really concerns me for our nation, is the fallout that will occur when the truth comes out.
So far, the Dems have sewn up the country. But America is not Europe. When the truth comes out, there will be payment in more then full measure.
When there was a pretense of re-counting the votes in Swing states, Australia and some other nations, waited for the re-count before congratulating Biden. The correct thing to do. There was no need for our leaders to rush in and congratulate Biden -way early on.
The protest was mostly peaceful
Front page news!
Trump impeachment: Senate says trial is constitutional and can go ahead
Surely some factual news the bBC can actually report on!!!!!!!
How about the 100s daily arriving from France
And, at the vanguard, BBC NA BS, ably supported on selected facts by a 24 yo apparent American misinformation expert based in W1A.
Only the Left can rig an election under the justification ‘to protect America from ‘Trump’s assault on democracy.’’
They are so far up their own backsides they don’t even realise what they have become. They are modern day Nazis. The most famous left-wing socialist party of them all.
There are some 80m plus angry Trump voters looking for a vehicle to board. Once this faux impeachment is out of the way, Donald Trump will fire up the engine. There is never a case in democratic history where a majority of irate voters have been disenfranchised.
It does not matter if the Biden regime is in power. Once this 80m hp engine fires up, pins will start to fall.
I have a feeling that the present fraud winners will feel that it would have been better if they had lost.
Don’t tell the socialist snowflakes but Adolf was one of them –a SOCIALIST.
Absolutely right. And the shameless leftie hypocrites try to tell us he wasn’t.
The reason they lost the war was that they got massively out-produced by the capitalist West because of the beaurocracy of their socialist control.
I always find the ‘studies’ of the left-wing academics who conclude Nazis were actualy far-right amusing.
National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei,
Every communist party ( Socialist Peoples Workers party), screams at other variants as Fascist.
Therefore, there is no such thing as Fascists except other communists that exist in the fevered minds of communists.
andyjsnape …
Funny, I always thought it was up to the Judicial Branch of the American government to determine whether something is Constitutional or not.
I guess I must have missed that part in my Constitutional Law classes at uni
The BBC has decided it doesn’t like the airport hotel law . The hapless grant Shapps had a chat with Robinson – who was on pretty good grown with this mad policy .
I say ‘mad ‘ mainly because the stable door has been wide open for a year and arrivals have been let into blighty without control – for months – then 14 day home lock down and then 10 .
But enforcement has been patchy …
…now the government has lost the plot and even making people pay for airport hotel lockdowns and tests .
On toady – Robinson had an easy time with Shapps – who has a track record of being an idiot – so unusually Robinson allowed him just to ramble on…
… declaration – I have skin in the game – I have flights booked out of the UK throughout 2021 – and when I eventually leave I won’t be coming back until the airport lockdown is no more …
Oh – by the way – looks like we are going to have vaccine passports but with another name …
Meanwhile the indigenous population is under virtual house arrest with the promise of massive fines if they venture out….
And Professor ‘break my own lockdown rules’ Furgeson is quoted on global radio news this AM saying the lockdowns may need to go on for longer….again
Still think it’s about a virus?
I used to think it was all in our best interests – but looking at the number of people being vaccinated and the rapidly falling graphs of infections, hospitalisations and death rates, I’m really wondering why they have suddenly got so super-strict.
I think there is more to the super-woman saviour and the Oxford vaccine than they are telling us. It’s been a farce from the very start. I bet they all laid eggs when their super-cushy academic research number suddenly met the real world.
It seems ‘the most advanced vaccine in the world’ (from the BBC – deliberate misrepresentation to make it sound the best when in fact they just meant it was the furthest into trials) ) is now the worst.
As someone remarked a week or so ago, it has all to do with fear. Keep the public fearful. Of anything, that’s the way to exert total control and dependence on the State. But this is just a warm up for the forthcoming main event. ‘The Big Reset’. Notice everything is tightening up, imperceptibly. Banks will not permit you to remove your money to any significant level unless you disclose exactly what you want YOUR money for. Even then, you need almost to hit the, ‘well close account then’ threat before they concede without knowing the reason. All to do with preventing “fraud”. Any package deposited with the Post Office? They need to know what is in the wrappings.
Don’t get me going on internet. Every website visited now needs to plant a ‘cookie’ on your machine (if you let it).
Yesterday evening, on YouTube, I was presented with a Google ad.:
‘Save all your passwords safely with us’. I could not believe that! So you store all your password’s on Google? Have fun. I just had to, involuntarily burst out laughing.
‘“Kick in the teeth” for NHS heroes‘ (Daily Express) – well, it does make a welcome change from being pressured into giving them their Thursday evening clap.
I’m being satirical of course but nevertheless am relieved to read: ‘Homes exempt from hate crime law‘ (Telegraph) – this is the Law Commission backing away from their previous push toward policing our livingrooms for wrong speak.
The Mirror joins the Express in an extraordinary bout of special pleading on behalf NHS employees: ‘Betrayal of docs and nurses. £500 parking bill for NHS heroes. Fury at hospital trust’s annual fee for staff who have lost workmates to virus‘
Seems there’s a theme developing here: ‘KPMG boss apologises after telling pandemic-hit staff to “stop moaning”‘ (FT)
Covid… to qoute Lord Falconer, Labour’s Shadow Attorney General: It’s a gift that keeps giving. No wonder there’s been so little public pushback over lockdowns – we’re loving it – this new-born nation of snowflakes.
Odd then that the FT‘s prime frontpage advert for a packing manufacturer employs the strapline: ‘Future success depends on what you’re made of‘
Seems Britain is facing the future with all the resilience of soggy corrugated cardboard.
What would the Bard of Avon have made of it all?
“Once more unto the lockdown, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead”
The free-at-the-point-of-access (but heavily subsidised by government advertising) Metro giveaway paper announces: ‘Traval crackdown. 10 days in a hotel room or it’s 10 years in a cell if you lie‘
Considering the special brand of hell that is being locked into a hotel room with a tired and fractious family returning from their hols for the best part of a fortnight, I’m now doing the mental maths. On the basis you have to pay a grand for your 10 days confinement and lockdown shows absolutely no sign of ending at any time soon one might opt for the decade long jail term with plenty of TV, recreational drugs and time off for good behaviour as the softer option.
The Times hints at the loss of moral fibre: ‘...the year we went soft‘ – steady on, this is a fashion feature and they’re talking about bras.
From which uplifting journalistic peek we cleave towards another Times frontpage story: ‘Midwives have been told to refer to chestfeeding rather than breastfeeding and replace the term mother with “mother or birthing parent” to be more trans-friendly’
The breadth of your review of newspapers is much admired – even going to the fashion section review of bra s . And when I think that we have completed covid related madness you come up with ‘chest feeding ‘ .
I think it will be a challenge to beat ‘chest feeding …and ‘birthing parent ‘ …is well … just enough …
Also – what’s wrong with making domestic ‘hate speech ‘ a criminal offence? – we can all be monitored on ‘alexa’ or the apple thing – be found guilt and sentenced to … house arrest ….
Mind would be permanent ….
Will there be further sub categories, like ‘hairy chest feeding’ and ‘shaven chest feeding’ to address the evident choices available to those keen on correct terminology?
Times: ‘Staff have been told the phrase breastmilk should be replaced with “human milk”, “breast/chestmilk” or “milk from the feeding mother or parent”‘
and if that doesn’t put you off your cornflakes…
Fortunately, AISI, I had porridge and was able to see the problem the Express has with its – entirely justified – outrage* over parking charges for staff at hospitals. But, in line with the current campaign of the Daily Express – ‘Campaigning Newspaper of the Year’ – should it not be asking NHS Staff to walk or cycle to work?
(*It should be outrage at parking charges for anyone – staff, patients, visitors at hospitals – after all we have paid for the NHS in the first place.)
Up 2,
Im going to get the old Birds Eye Beefburgers outta ma fridge , so that`s freezer chest feeding .
I did a time limited search on Twitter
Chest-feeding was rarely mentioned , mostly by Trans orgs
Only one health authority has ever mentioned it here
So today’s PR implies a change in NHS policy
I guess their could be family’s where the mother has had a masectomy or father feeds cos mother has died and the midwife might say ‘when you bottle feed can you sit the baby on your chest’ , but no one would be offended if she explained that it’s about keeping the experience as near to breast-feeding as possible.
Ha ha ha! I expect that some bloke ‘chestfeeding’ on a late-night Whitechapel bus may raise a few eyebrows!
And anyway, what’s happening to ‘midhusbands’, or ‘midtrans’…?
And what about the new name for the BBC – ‘British Blokecasting Corp’? Why should all the ‘broads’ get the credit there, especially as some may not have been one once!
This is my professional area, and there is equal horror.
Breast surgeons are particularly upset – men and women both have breasts and breast and chest examinations are very different. They have enough trouble convincing men with breast symptoms to present for healthcare without the media pretending that men could not possibly have breasts.
This is my professional area, and there is equal horror.
Breast surgeons are particularly upset – men and women both have breasts and breast and chest examinations are very different. They have enough trouble convincing men with breast symptoms to present for healthcare without the media pretending that men could not possibly have breasts.
This is my professional area, and there is equal horror.
Breast surgeons are particularly upset – men and women both have breasts and breast and chest examinations are very different. They have enough trouble convincing men with breast symptoms to present for healthcare without the media pretending that men could not possibly have breasts.
This is my professional area, and there is equal horror.
Breast surgeons are particularly upset – men and women both have breasts and breast and chest examinations are very different. They have enough trouble convincing men with breast symptoms to present for healthcare without the media pretending that men could not possibly have breasts.
This is my professional area, and there is equal horror.
Breast surgeons are particularly upset – men and women both have breasts and breast and chest examinations are very different. They have enough trouble convincing men with breast symptoms to present for healthcare without the media pretending that men could not possibly have breasts.
Seems to be the insanity of the time . Lot of it about . Sometimes I think it’s the ‘high water Mark’ of the madness but then the woke tide gets higher ….
Having a few sexual perverts dictating the language is offensive ..
I know someone who refers to both her natural parents as ‘Dad’.
We used to lock up the crazy people, now we are ruled by them.
“Fury at hospital trust’s annual fee for staff who have lost workmates to virus.”
And those who haven’t lost workmates get away scot-free? How unfair!
Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just;
And he but naked, though locked up in steel,
Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted.
How much are invaders paying for their quarantine accommodation?
No, no – they are being paid – with your money.
And the worst part is the lengths they are going to to keep that secret from you.
That’ll show ’em.
9am More Or Less
– Are exports to the EU from the UK down 68% since Brexit ?
– Ministers are tweeting reassuring numbers about flammable cladding on high rise buildings. We’re not so sure.
Is it really true that one in five people are disabled?
Plus, if you assembled all the coronavirus particles in the world into a pile – how big would it be?
Harford completely FORGOT to mention that there had been heavy stockpiling before Jan 1st
.. so that may well account for the government’s claimed 18% fall.
Has any one from AntiBBC asked Herr HandCock if the pressure is now easing on our sainted AnyChess?
If not, why not as we told the lockdown was all about saving the health service.
With almost a year to sort it out, they should be crowing for his resignation.
Job done.
It is what the bbc does.
Roger Harrabin is to fossil fuel what Jack The Ripper was to prostitutes
I guess most here know about THIS – but if you don’t – check out the carnival of conceit, arrogance, high-handedness and evasive slyness that The Environment Analyst orchestrated a while back.
Another #1degreeofseparation dodge is ‘Reader’s Letters’, suitably ‘quoted’.
What`s that Immigration Enforcement all about ?
Enforcing what ?
They`re about as effective as a chocolate teapot , an ashtray on a motorbike , a BBC threatogram to me .
Twitter watch
Please be warned – group nervous exhaustion has now brought us to the merits of baked beans on wheatabix …and there are pictures floating about ..
Meanwhile Beeboids, trapped at home on full pay, are scouting for content… any content… please…. give them SOMETHING to witter about:
There will be imagery no doubt, likely of single mothers of several reduced to just the one fully funded trip to Ibiza wiv da brood, if they can be forklifted off the sofa.
So, said the BBC journalist who ought to have had a career in hairdressing, where are you going for your holidays?
Guest – why did you have to remind me ? Of that monarch flight I was on – so many years ago — wiv the ‘chaotic ‘ ‘family ‘ from hell sitting behind me and next to me and even on me ….
I’d managed to bury the trauma – but back it came …Ha ha ‘forklifted of the sofa ‘ settee?….also reminded me of a job I had where I visited people and as a noobee was told ‘never sit down ‘…..
We booked a holiday for the summer of 2020 for our family of five in August 2019.
We saw the way it was going early on last year and rearranged the fortnight we had booked in Port de Pollensa, Majorca, postponing it for a year.
It seemed like the right thing to do at that time, we even ended up getting some money back and changed it from the first two weeks in July to the first fortnight in August.
What are we supposed to do now? Will we be refunded? Can we postpone it for another year? Leave from work has to be booked well in advance, who can realistically book a holiday at short notice, it has to be done months in advance by the vast majority of people. Do we really want to holiday in Spain or the EU anymore anyway? What is the point of going abroad to possibly spend two weeks in an apartment, with beaches, restaurants and shops closed? Anywhere decent at home is already booked up, or a rip-off, or is within a couple of hours drive from my house anyway. So a summer in the garden, weather permitting, with three moping teenagers again then?
I’m not one of those who believes that a holiday is a right, it’s an opportunity to do something special together as a family, not a whim or a last minute booking, something that is planned and budgeted for, and therefore much appreciated. TUI tell us that holiday bookings for this year are high but how many of those bookings are holidays that were rearranged from last year?
I’m sure that there are thousands of people in the same position as me, the vast majority of holidaymakers, not those who jet off to Dubai for a weekend on the spur of the moment, families left in limbo, possibly now thousands of pounds out of pocket by having to choose between staying at home or spending two weeks being managed by authoritative Spanish government folly.
I really don’t know what to do at the minute, it’s a bit of a “first-world problem” isn’t it? Still, a bit of clear guidance from Government or factual and helpful journalism from the bBbc would help, although I shouldn’t really expect any of either should I?
When ever I hear the BBC it just seem to either want to know when something is being closed or something being opened …
As a pessimist – I think even if this country sorts itself out as far a COVID is concerned but looking – briefly – at the numbers in the ReichEU – 2021 looks written off to me – and I’ve got flights booked to go to my Mediterranean bunker throughout the year – all of which are being turned into ‘evouchers’ of ‘evil hers ‘ accounting to spell check …
May the year 2021 RIP.
By the way – if you book a hotel … which says the sum is ‘non refundable ‘ try to get it anyway – I had a booking last year which I couldn’t get to because of cancelled flights – I asked ( begged ) and got the money back ….
Cheers Fed,
You’re probably right but I think the Govt need to make a decision one way or the other for people to have any realistic way of getting their money back.
Until then I’m sure that I can rely on the bBbc and it’s Daily Fail-sidebar-standard-journalists to keep me informed of how to make sure my bikini-lines are properly waxed, using only Free Trade, Vegan friendly, BIPOC aware skin products of course, and “hacks” on how I can make my not-to-be-judged body “beach ready” in time for our possible but not probable trip abroad.
Washboard apps – peachy derrière – flaunting – skimpy – cold shower ……..
There’s a job waiting for you at the Daily Mail.
“Still, a bit of clear guidance from Government or factual and helpful journalism from the bBc would help…”
Blood hell, Rich, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I was you.
The government is an absolute shambles. Boris couldn’t find his own arse if you gave him an Indian tracker and a sat-nav.
And if you’re waiting for any helpful hints from our beloved BBC, I’m afraid all you’re going to get are more terrifying death statistics.
All either of these useless organisations will say is “Stay home, save lives.”
I’ve already “booked” my holiday. I can’t rely on the idiot in Downing Street, or the horrendous Matt Hancock, so I’ve made arrangements even these two can’t foul up. The wine is excellent and the cuisine superb.
A bottle of my homemade elderflower (nicely chilled) and a tuna salad using my home grown lettuce, tomatoes and new potatoes.
All to be enjoyed in… my garden.
You’re all welcome if you happen to be passing…
Question: does June Sarpong have superiors, and minions?
Poor Bill.
Seems his simple attempt to list Newsnight lefty number crunchers ran head on into some major diversity blancmange almost immediately.
Appears the todger piercing community was neglected.
No word on Mr. Chu’s abilities in chest feeding. But likely non white at least, even if Ms. Sarpong is now on the warpath, in a non Native American way.
Can someone explain as to why the Government/SAGE are continuing to promote the use of the PCR Tests, when a report from a Dr. Pascal Sacré suggests these tests detect viral particles, genetic sequences, not the whole virus. Positive RT-PCR is not synonymous with COVID-19 disease!”
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology used in the nasal swab test is considered the “gold standard” for COVID-19 detection; yet the PCR test was regarded by its own inventor, Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis, as inappropriate to detect viral infection. In a detailed June 27th analysis titled “COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless. The BBC/media naturally frighten everyone with new positive PCR tests, without any nuance or context, wrongly assimilating this information with the various suspected waves of COVID-19.
There is a deal of information which points to the PCR tests as being unfit for purpose. So why are these Tests being used-most delivering false positives-is that the aim to keep the infectious rates high? Thereby supporting continued Lockdowns? Yes I am cynical over this matter.
There is no explanation. For anything.
It’s made up as they go along, and the hole they are digging for themselves is getting progressively deeper, by the day.
Including Herr HandCocks 10years jail term if you break the travel rules.
Murderers, rapists and the like get far less. Far far less.
Still think it’s about a virus?
tarien, the WHO – apparently – have reduced the bar for a positive test, shaving it so low that a PCR will almost certainly give you Covid. As Dr Bakhdi – effectively – put it so memorably in a video: if you drink a thimbleful of vodka but the drink drive limit is 0.1ml, you’ll get fined and a driving ban. If you drink a bottle of vodka with the level set at 10,000ml, you’ll be fine but crash the car anyway.
I also have doubts about whether the PCR test can discern between different coronaviruses, hence the current high levels of cases with the peak winter ‘flu’ and cold season upon us.
“a Dr. Pascal Sacré suggests these tests detect viral particles, genetic sequences, not the whole virus. Positive RT-PCR is not synonymous with COVID-19 disease…”
Perhaps they are waiting to book a meeting to discuss the meeting previously.
Think it was one of my science teachers who used to say “Doing science is to find out how much we do not know.”
This is no doubt why there is so much mention of people having covid, but displaying no symptoms. It’s because they do not have covid! The usual way you know you have a disease is because you display symptoms of it. If you don’t have any buboes, you can be fairly sure you don’t have bubonic plague.
Bill Gates advertising his stupid “How to avoid a climate catastrophe” on Classic FM this morning. Practically every other ad is a finger-wagging about climate, smart meters, and Covid. Sick of it. Even Michael Caine has lent his voice, with that old queen Elton John. I expected greater things from Michael Caine, so he’s gone way down in my estimation.
And, of course, there’s this:
So the Whitehaven mine is being ‘re-examined’ and quite probably some exceptionally fine coking coal, essential for the production of high quality steel, will stay under the sea, unmined. The steel industry will source its coal elsewhere, somewhere with a finer sense of reality with more concern for its economy than feeble breastbeating at the expense of its people.
The pathos and pure absurdity of this tiny island being conned into believing that it can ‘make a difference’, brainwashed by the BBC and its promoted charlatans like Harrabin, while sitting on 600 years-worth of self-sufficient energy simply beggars belief. And while China, India and many points west continue to cock a snook at Greta, we gleefully bankrupt ourselves and rely on French and Russian energy sources in the vain, pathetic aspiration for the UK to be seen as a beacon of hope for the world to admire.
Attenborough will be long dead by the time these chickens finally reach their roosts, for now he must be content to act out his role as Saviour, paid by us to help commit national economic suicide while he blesses our efforts. Thanks Dave, you’re a gent.
And another increasingly high-profile problem child is our all too easily swayed PM’s squeeze – a man who exhibits all the symptoms of a phrase, too coarse to use here, but fully descriptive – whose hand is no doubt in this up to the elbow. Carrie Symonds, as Richard Pinder pointed out a few days ago, is a very real and menacing influence. Having got rid of Dominic Cummings, who for all his faults, was a far better advisor than Princess Nut-Nut will ever be, as her admiration for Greta, close friendship of the fanatic Mr Packham and evergreen credentials will prove to our cost.
We don’t need dirty steel. Everything will be made from Unicorn horns.
Plus the farts of the unicorns can be used to generate energy. Every household will be allowed 30 minutes of electricity per day, controlled by its smart meter (funny they never mention that capability in the ads), so they can watch Hancock’s half-hour briefings on Covid-22, Covid-23, Covid-24…
IR, the Montacutie (on TWatO BBC R4 1 p.m.) was obviously very nervous about the possibility of a ‘new variant’. Cor! Viruses mutate? Who knew?
“somewhere with a finer sense of reality with more concern for its economy than feeble breastbeating at the expense of its people.”
That would be China, then.
Shame they closed Haig, really, 35 years ago. I have great-grandparents who worked those seams. They are full of methane though, so if it doesn’t blow up it leaks into the atmosphere unless they are thinking of tapping the seam for gas, which would probably be a better and cleaner investment.
Coal seam gas seems a good thing
the greens usually oppose it “oooh it sounds like fracking, scary scary”
I think they got it banned in Scotland,
Haig mine is the same mine that is being developed.
Be a shame if somebody found a rubbish dump and drilled a bit further than the layer of rotting 20 year old veg wouldn’t it?
@Tomo it would not surprise me in the least if some farm has got a subsidy to turn biogas into electricity,
but is adding mains gas into the mix.
Well said. Great post Beltane
Very well articulated. Needless to ask why does the BBC not raise similar counter arguments to this ‘lemming, mentality for economic carnage and a loss of ‘security-of-supply’ of essential materials needed by these small islands.
PS: On one point I disagree. For me Dominic Cummings did not have many faults. He moved his family to a safe haven away from the left wing mob mentality. In the event that he and his wife’s virus infection was incapacitating he would have needed care for his child. I’m sure London Social Services are trustworthy.
Yours Cynically,
The Mouse
Alan yentob – BBC royalty – had a whole hour of luvvies moaning about ‘the arts ‘ suffering because of COVID . Ballet and theatres closing .
I have a solution – once the commercial bits of the BBC are sold off – use the money to fund what the luvvies want …
Seems a simple solution – or maybe BBC pensioners can give 10% of their tax funded pensions up for a hardship fund … but no taxpayers money – the NHS needs it – right ?
Or maybe get his kids company accountants in to get some ‘magic money ‘….( yentob had his fingers in the fraudulent ‘kids club’ – but there is no suggestion he made money from it – presumably he was after a peerage )
Or sponsor some ‘trump’ or ‘brexit ‘jokes on BBC comedy ….
The BBC have stocked up on popcorn for the upcoming impeachment trial of Trump and gone into full “explainer” mode as they do, Explainer being the BBC word for “indoctrination.”
Deep down the lengthy “explainer” The BBC add a link posing a theory…
“The link between Monica Lewinsky and Donald Trump”
So I hear you ask…
“What! ….. did the Donald partake of the charms of 22 year old Miss Lewinsky?”
Or.. “Was Lewinsky in fact working for Donald?”
‘Fraid not, the link is that she was involved with a President who faced impeachment, just like Donald is at present in fact…
There that wasn’t difficult was it?
I never fail to marvel at the machinations the BBC are prepared to go to to set the stage as they want it.
This is a clear attempt to inject as much crap into the story against DT as they can.
I expect lots more of this total “Bull***t is to come from the Commissars in W1A.
The lengthy and detailed coverage of matters in the USA is not reflected much closer to home, in Holyrood. While the SNP, hopefully, implodes, our national narrowcaster gives minimal coverage of the fracas, not least because they see Nicola’s nightly covid briefings as far more important to their brief of her promotion, and her enthusiasm for ‘retained’ EU membership as more dear to their hearts.
The simple truth is that even someone as pernicious and deluded as Ms Sturgeon and backed by the equally juvenile SNP as a group, base all their hopes and aspirations on their visceral hatred of the English – no more, no less.
Even a group as politically inept and biased as the SNP know full well that the EU have no interest whatever in assimilating a minor country with a ruptured economy, the worst health and drug-related problems in Europe and a non-existent independent financial structure. The EU will happily pander to her delusions and feed them enthusiastically, but when it comes to making actual decisions, they will surely be found wanting.
But if their machinations annoy and embarrass the English, they feel fully vindicated.
Digg – I suppose that is the reason Nancy pellossi is keeping thousands of National Guard on standby there in case democracy breaks out by accident …
They’ll find the true president guilty of something – maybe failing to empty the rubbish bin before the false president usurped the throne …
Favours done – promises made – Rinos will want to dissociate and get comfortable in the swamp for the next few years …,
Business as usual …
A typical BBC story that purports to be about a group of concerned investors lobbying Tesco, but is nothing of the sort and is in fact the usual lefty campaigning charity pushing an agenda as a visit to the ShareAction website shows. It’s truly staggering how many senior staff this charity manages to employ.
Of course, all this is lapped up by the BBC. This is pure PR, not news.
You may notice that BBC’s business news rarely seems to be about business, but often devoted to petty race issues and consumer affairs – a bit like its laughable coverage of the subject on BBC Breakfast.
reads like an Environment Analyst piece I thought…
– fancies himself as a Public ‘Elf pundit does Wod-Jah
One of the tabloids is carrying a story of a school in Doncaster experiencing a glitch with their online zoom lessons.
Apparently the “teacher” started the session provided by an outside organisation and then switched off their own part in the event and vanished.
The “lesson” was then hacked into by several “foreign” men, all naked and holding their privates on display and threatening the children. Of course the “teacher” was blissfully unaware as they obviously had better things to do than watch over their pupils activity.
That part of the UK sure is “enriched” by some of the diverse “locals” lending a helping hand to the teachers.
I don’t expect this story to be featured anywhere on the BBC, Guardian or Independent channels by the way!
Plus maybe the “teacher” involved might need a few zoom sessions with the safeguarding team?
Re my last post, the BBC like investigating things so here’s a suggestion, this might be worth investigating as well.
With questions like..
How safe was the session from intrusion e.g. shared links by kids?
Who was the external provider?
What was the teacher doing?
What was the subject of the session?
Did anyone vet the content before using it?
What are the police doing about it?
Any feedback from the Parents?
So many questions….. Don’t expect anyone to find any answers though, the subject is too difficult for the BBC to handle. Plus they are rather busy right now with the impeachment thingy so probably can’t spare anyone to look into it ….
You’d think that some interns/trainees/work experience folk at CCHQ might be tasked to track down and nail some of this – along with the bluidy irritating silent/threatening/pushy telephone robocaller garbage.
There lies PR gold
As ever the BBC probably read this blog and have finally put up a story 8 hours later at 8pm /sarc
Two men exposed themselves to pupils from several schools after apparently hacking into a “meet the author” Zoom session.
The intruders reportedly “committed lewd acts and made threats” towards pupils from six schools, police said.
Our local ITV news covers Doncaster
And today had a long item about children doing remote learning
but they omitted this story
(maybe not suitable for tea time news)
Views you don’t hear on the BBC
Popular vid now ..guy saying that the establishment has sold The English down the river
and all he can do is march to Hadrian’s Wall with his White Dragon flag
Big announcement due at 3pm from the WHO on Astra-Zeneca vaccine.
Possible suggestions include the total lack of evidence for links between the UK team and Wuhan Institute of Virology, just to reassure those who are being encouraged to doubt the efficacy of O/A-Z.
As if.
Very happy to be proved wrong – the WHO have fully recommended the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, in a move said to have caused M.Macron to have thrown at least one of his favourite dolls from Le Grand Pousette de la France
And of course following the WHO approval – especially of the length of time between jabs – I feel sure the BBC will provide the revered Dame Joan Bakewell with prime-time space for her fulsome apology for attempting to deprive a more needy recipient of a vaccine jab for her own entirely selfish and specious reasons.
She might also donate the cost of her aborted legal action against the government to charity – if she didn’t apply for legal aid? With Leigh Day working for her that’s more than probable.
I’m Imagining the BBC morning news briefing.
“So have we got every possible angle on the Impeachment thing covered?”
“I think so Sir, we have 75% of our reporters on the story”
“Anything else going on?”
“Well a report came in about a school zoom session in Doncaster being hacked into by some naked foreigners waving willies and making threats to the children”
“Doncaster? Where’s that? is it near the Capitol, they could have been proud boys!”
“No Sir it’s in the UK – in Yorkshire”
“Thats in the North isn’t it?”
“Probably fake news, let it go!”
Can’t see that one turning up in the hilarious ‘outtakes ‘ of zoom meetings currently on the comrades’ website …..
A bit of BBC headline correcting…
As issued:
Covid vaccine: Van Tam ‘really concerned’ fewer BAME people will get jab
Corrected, non race-baiting version:
Covid vaccine: Van Tam ‘really concerned’ fewer BAME people WILLING to get jab
There, not too difficult is it BBC?
Just inform them that there is still too much pork in the vaccine, and the swabs are soaked in alcohol.
Wato watch
Caught the end – some chap getting hot and emotional about the ever lasting lockdown – and there’s something we are not being told and boris needs to get a grip and it’s all too much .
He called Lady Brooke ‘Martha ‘ – the cad …
Then a commentary of the political show trial in the land of the free – I was guessing which sort of American journo it would be
Washington post or NY Times – it was the posts ‘ turn ….. no republican journos in American ….
Facebook ‘horrified’ by online abuse of Premier League footballers, reports the bBC
Yes, horrified
When you earn in a week what takes the average person 10 years to earn then I think a bit of “stick” after a bad performance is more than warranted !!!!!
If I earned that kind of money for kicking a ball around with my mates, you could call me from a pig to a dog and I would not give one toss !!!!!!!
Next it will be affecting their mental health !!!!!
Symptomatic of today’s soft society sadly.
I’m astonished that they even understand, and can actually read ‘online abuse’, seeing as how most of them don’t understand the rules of lockdown, how you’re not supposed to have parties, and what social distancing means.
When are we having the “Coldest Day this year!” so far from Al Beeb?
Don’t mention The Quaddaffi Institute at The London School of Economics Pike!
Maajid : “BBC Studios made deals with Tencent to stream its natural history content in 2018.
Davie was photographed with Suman Wang, chief editor of Tencent Video,
as they launched a partnership called BBC Earth Tribe, which gave the Chinese company 650 hours of BBC programmes”
Hmm hardly surprising that in supplying content to China the BBC dealt with its largest tech corp
2:15pm R4 Drama now starring Meera Syal
..Evil corporations with apps have taken over the healthcare system
6:30pm Granny Kumar chat show
which cos the BBC is REALLY DIVERSE stars Meera Syal
Result of the play
The corporation was revealed to have a rogue programmer who deleted all the inconvenient cases
13,000 where the app had killed the patient.
..The NHS was re-established
.. and everyone lived happily ever after.
The left are just out of control !!!
As discussed above in 6 posts beginning at 8:27am
My bad ????. As they say, worse things happen at sea ????
@Doobster not a bad, free speech and all that.
I was just saying
New Sargon podcast
” some of the propaganda surrounding the latest impeachment proceedings,
and look at France and Scotland’s war with woke intersectional ideology.”
I happened to watch a bit of the interview by American Dick Cavett of Enoch Powell the other day. Powell explained to Cavett that the UK ‘race problem’ was different to that of the USA’s and that, at one time, Powell and the rest of the people in the British Empire had not been citizens of the UK but subjects of the Crown.
The result of that had been that he and someone from India were treated the same when it came to trying to enter the UK, if, say he had been returning from a visit to France. The arrangement, however wasn’t reciprocal, he didn’t have right of entry into India.
We can see this residual Empire ‘citizenship’ nearer to home, the citizens of the Irish Republic have long been treated as prodigal Britons. To some extent the Irish play the game the other way, treating the Northern Irish as lost citizens of the republic, it being possible to gain full Irish citizenship if one or one’s parents/grandparents were born ‘in the north’.
Why then have we not seen Gina Miller, Femi and Polly Toynbee taking on Brussels and fighting for their lost EU citizenship? Is the EU the one empire that has given up its citizens after independence?
I must say it would be quite amusing if 60 million Brits claimed the right to vote in EU elections!
It seems so unfair that the democrats, who have fiddled the election (and there’s a huge amount of evidence no matter how much the lefty msm try to say it was fair) which amounts to a massive corruption against the whole population of the USA, that they are trying to charge Trump for a dubious phone call.
We all know it wasn’t a riot, nothing compared to their (democrats) spawns blm and antifa riots with their usual burning, looting and murdering.
Dressed in a fancy costume with your feet on a desk just doesn’t compare.
Shooting an unarmed woman in a corridor and the other deaths (3 police?) are being kept suspiciously quiet with little in the way of investigations as to what happened.
The democrats (it feels so wrong calling them democrats) are doing all the wrong things and are driven by pure hate yet the one in the dock is there for being truthful.
The left are truly vindictive.
So much wrong with so many things and the left are at the root of so much of it (‘grooming’ gangs over here being ignored for example because they want the muzzy vote)
When people look back on this time they will wonder how they (the left) got away with it just as we wondered how nazi Germany happened.
The bbc (and the rest) should be investigating to expose the truth but the truth is that they are fully contaminated by the left.
*dubious phone call.
I meant his appearance on tv.
Don’t know where I got the phone call bit from.
EG “3 police” ..see that’s what MSM do to you
One cop died some time AFTER
And there is still no proper explanation
as there would be if it was clear.
There’s some talk he had a pre-existing severe condition
– RIP one protester was trampled
– Two other away from the Capitol : 1 heart attack, 1 stroke
BBC News
Donald Trump’s lawyer Bruce Castor delivered a rambling 48-minute address that appeared to have very little substantive content.
Possibly accurate. But being the BBC…?
He was no Rumpole, that Castor bloke, making a real Pollux of his opening remarks at the Impeachment Trial.
I may need to visit the cloakroom, tad nippy outside can’t go without an overcoat.
“Diversity disappears with Kamal.”
Along with a vast money sink, if the BBC is lucky.
Anyone think of anything Studly actually did beyond send Libby Lady Hearts a flutter?
Accepting this is the outfit that has Botney on the books.
Why the next generation of astronaut will be female, older and even disabled
Reports msn, so surprised the bBC hasn’t pick up on this yet!! its still early
It’s one small zimmer frame for woman-kind.
GBNews 78 000 Twitter followers ….
Sad News – Courtesy of the guardian –
The BBC has made sweeping changes to the board of BBC News, including making redundant the editorial director, Kamal Ahmed, leaving the corporation temporarily in breach of its own rules on minority ethnic representation.
Fran Unsworth, the director of BBC News, has cut the number of positions on the board from 11 to eight to “deliver more value and better reflect the way BBC News will work in the future”.
Those to be made redundant under the restructure include Ahmed, the head of news output, Gavin Allen, and the head of current affairs, Jo Carr. Ahmed, 53, who earns more than £200,000 a year, had been named as a potential candidate to take over from Tony Hall as director general of the BBC
I dont think he ll turn up at GB News – hopefully .,.
Gary Lineker, the BBC Voice of Reason and Balance on all things woke, has apparently used his enviable education and wisdom to criticise Andrew Neil and GB News.
With his earlier quip about a ‘pay cut’ to reduce his absurdly unearned remuneration down to £1.4m, our Gaz doesn’t seem to be doing his status a lot of good.
Never mind, Ahmed’s girlfriend Sophie Long still has her job reporting from the States, so there’s no need for crocodile tears.
60% of recently qualified barristers are non-white
says Simon Webb
In his new podcast about Brainbox Lammy
There is an issue in that many don’t get jobs, and in the video gives 2 reasons
.. They don’t have the balanced knowledge, and may have the I’ll sue you for race discrimination attitude.
Links in the blurb
Tenancy stats about 80% white
I wonder if a lot of Commonwealth barristers take England/Wales exams
Being called to the bar has two stages
#1 The BPTC exam
.. 50% of the takers are from overseas
#2 The pupillage
A lot of overseas students don’t do this stage
but If a lot of Pakistanis and Nigerians do take pupillage
then successfully get “called to the bar”
that would account for high BAME~
If they then decide not to practise in the UK
This would explain why 80% of those moving to tenancy are white.
David Lammy represents everything that is wrong about force blending other ethnicities into your Country.
No intention of integrating, just victim squealing to get sympathy and rewards.
I am sure there are many who settle happily into our society and enjoy it but people like Lammy are just milking the victim card for personal gain.
I hope walkers crisps ‘ aka coke cola advertise of GB news ….
Media are being really careful with the Donal Trump Impeachment trial.
you will notice when they ask themselves, if he will be impeached, they say its unlikely as Democrats will need 17 reps to agree and only 7 do so far and unlikely anymore will jump the fence.
But here’s the crack, no one in the media is discussing the facts, the facts on the words Donald Trump used to answer that question of is he impeachable, they only debate whether he can or cant be impeached based on the number is the house voting for it.
its like reporting on a court murder case here in the UK and saying well depends on the jury, yes there is all the evidence for public consumption which proves murder allegations are completely false, the media are just sitting back and going yes we wont question the legitimacy of the trail, we will just debate the potential outcome.
Side Note: My TV License paying will cease March 2021, sacking off sky tv, just going to for an internet service provider and not an all in one service.
Side note to my Side note: My old man being Ex-Bill, he seriously believes the scope of the TV License will be modified to include streaming services like netflix amazon and internet access so people whom have been correctly not paying, will soon have to pay again? thoughts?
So trans charity what is on YV tonight ?
BBC Wales sent 25+ promo tweets about it
I guess it was shown in Wales first.
They need to re-make Twin Town for the woke, gender aware 21st Century
6pm BBC1 news on Wednesday evening and they start with the news that £3.5 billion of taxpayers money is being given by the government towards removing cladding on high rise flats. I am not going into a debate whether it is right or wrong buying do have to say that I have felt very sorry for people living in those flats but I also think they have been deliberately wound up by the BBC and other MSM into being more frightened than warranted as an attack by the press on the government. But on tonight’s news, immediately after the announcement, the BBC took us to a woman telling us it wasn’t enough. I may consider leaseholders are lucky to get anything.
Wasn’t it EU regulations the reasons that the cladding was added in the first place?
EU regs together with ‘environmental and societal considerations’ – to improve on grey concrete.
I watched that as a worried 20 something bleated outside her block. The block was obviously clad in 80% BRICK with tiny cement rendered panels under the windows. It stinks of BBC activism.
They are truly 100% despicable.
ITV local news : a syndicated item blaming the internet and data centers for CO2 (was it just PR for the company called ARK ?)
Ironically the item was big on narrative
and low on data.
– Alleged data centers are going green
– Alleged your tech has heavy use
(… I reckon someone whose an enthusiastic cook might be using a lot of leccy
or someone who uses Wash machine every day )
Didn’t mention massive energy use of crypto currency
or that DAB radio uses way more energy overall than FM and AM LW
or that for live TV the aerial old cable way will be much lower use than online streaming.
It is making the general point that ‘the internet’ isn’t just your phone, tablet or PC but the powered fibre cabinets, mobile phone masts and, most hidden of all, the big data centres.
In the UK EdF were reckoning ten years ago that IT and Comms. used 10% of the UK electricity, it is probably greater now.
On the plus side some data centres are being put in parts of the world where the ambient temeratures are lower so less energy is needed to cool them and they are being run hotter so need less cooling.
When data centres were first set up they worked to standards set from the days when paper tape and people occupied the same space and equipment was expected to have a lifetime of 30 years (standard telephone practice). Now the likes of Google rip out their kit every six months or so and the ambient temperature in a data centre only has to be bearable by humans for as long as it takes to pull out and replace a faulty unit.
That said, we do seem to use the internet for some silly things, like how many petabytes of Marianna’s mug shot do we really need?
Energy costs money
corp don’t waste it for the sake of it.
It was PR for said company.
BBC local news : emotional blackmail item
“both my 70yo parents got and died of Covid within 2 weeks”
In an earlier post I think I stated that a friend of mine was ,earlier THIS year, diagnosed with terminal cancer AND had tested positive for Covid. I meant to write “early LAST year and had tested positive for Covid”. Guess what! The old boy has beaten off the dreaded Chinese flu and is rallying nicely. A miracle? Or is Covid not quite the danger that the media is peddling? I have to wonder.
As with all serious conditions some will succumb and some will overcome and that includes coronavirus but the BBC only want to hear about the ones that don’t make it otherwise it dilutes the message which is “do what you are bloody told!
Plus as I have mentioned before I have lots of relatives, many friends and neighbours and many business associates through my self-employment and after nearly a year I don’t know one who has had coronavirus let alone died with it. I get the distinct feeling of being had!
What are the chances that someone who knows probably 300 people not knowing one who even had symptoms?
If the truth eventually surfaces there are going to be a load of very, very angry people.
And that goes for the stolen election in the USA too!
Green News = “Australian wildfire photo wins people’s choice award in NHistory Museum photo awards”
.. He’s Steve Irwin’s son so the BBC news featured his Save The Planet speech.
The BBC is always keen to highlight any number of ‘disadvantaged’ groups but never quite so willing to highlights the costs to the rest of us.
For instance, the government are coughing up £3.5 bn to replace cladding on various residential buildings.
Why should I pay through my taxes for this?
Let us remember the local council were spending £8 million on Grenfell Tower as part of the upgrade that went wrong. That was for 100 residential flats (ignoring multiple occupancies and sub-leasing). Now I’d be delighted if the council gave me £80 k to improve my home but not only do I not get that, I’m expected to contribute to a new £3.5 bn bill.
Meanwhile 1.2 million illegal immigrants are being encouraged to get a coronavirus jab. Are they all in groups 1-9? How much am I contributing through my taxes to keep 1.2 million illegals in the country?
How about it, BBC? No? Thought not.
The BBC is always keen to highlight any number of ‘disadvantaged’ groups but never quite so willing to highlights the costs to the rest of us.
For instance, the government are coughing up £3.5 bn to replace cladding on various residential buildings.
Why should I pay through my taxes for this?
Let us remember the local council were spending £8 million on Grenfell Tower as part of the upgrade that went wrong. That was for 100 residential flats (ignoring multiple occupancies and sub-leasing). Now I’d be delighted if the council gave me £80 k to improve my home but not only do I not get that, I’m expected to contribute to a new £3.5 bn bill.
Meanwhile 1.2 million illegal immigrants are being encouraged to get a coronavirus jab. Are they all in groups 1-9? How much am I contributing through my taxes to keep 1.2 million illegals in the country?
How about it, BBC? No? Thought not.
But just in case they want to tax me even more, they are compelled by a judge to provide accommodation at my expense for an Iranian sex offender who should not even be here, in my opinion.
Short version
“Officials have now told the court that suitable accommodation has been found in north-west England.”
A Home Office spokesperson said:
“We have apologised to the court for failure to comply with the order in time and will be submitting a full statement, which explains the reasons for this delay.
“Sourcing accommodation for individuals with convictions of this nature can be particularly challenging and we have also seen increased pressure on the asylum system due to the pandemic.”
So the crimbo was in Manchester
and one idea they had was to put him in a taxi to London
but he said that was too far.
FFS the HO is crap.. There must be thousands of released paedos in Britain, surely they have some system for housing them
I get they can’t put them together but prison is supposed to be rehabilitation .
The thing was we she shouldn’t be starting from here
They should have thought of all this before they let him claim asylum.
Sluff – I think a majority of illegals will be ‘no speeker da engleesh’ apart from when the word ‘benefits’ is mentioned …
BBC getting very verbal about Boris’s lack of clarity on when people will be able to jet away to Benidorm again.
It’s like asking why Churchill couldn’t tell them in1940 when people will be able to visit Berlin again.
Unless you want to go to Israel the list of approved destinations in 2021 May be very short – unless you are happy to do the airport hotel for 10 days once you get there ….
… call off the overseas great british holiday this year and leave the kiddies in school to catch up on their vital education …. same for yoonees
Yes Fedup2 but the BBC like to play all angles. Angry would be holiday makers versus nasty brits infecting the globe.