The Far Left Biased BBC is doing its traditional job of undermining British morale . This time it is putting doubts in minds about the effectiveness of vaccines . Meanwhile it has announced that the licence is to increase by £1.50 to £159 per year . But the good news is – tv licence tax evasion is going up – its currently at an estimated 8% – according the BBCs own tax collectors …
Midweek Thread 10th February 2021
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A line from the BBC COVID propaganda today:
‘Studies suggest the virus has hit ethnic minority communities proportionally worse than white communities in the UK.’
What they don’t tell us is why.
It’s clear to me that the reason is they don’t follow the rules – for this or anything else – like white English people do. Presumably because I get the distinct impression they only consider themselves ‘British’ by the fact they live here.
It seems Muslims only do what their religious leaders and teachings tell them to do and the rest don’t pay much attention to any of our rules at all. As the BLM riots showed us.
Inconvenient truths so will not be included in any reports on the BBC.
You would have appreciated the BBC London feature on getting BAME people vaccinated.
A BAME doctor was shown making a personal visit to a Bangla Deshi couple. He is 88, she is 83 but they were concerned about the vaccine.
Meanwhile I await my jab. Having paid tax for 40+ years, and being one of the white British self-reliant suckers who are paying for this, I am way way down the queue.
Well I use buses from time to time in NE London – there is some distancing and some wear masks – but open windows for ventilation ? Forget it . I don’t get on a bus unless there are very few on it – I’d rather walk – as happened to me yesterday in the Arctic bit of outer Londonistan . ….
… but there again – even basic hygiene in a stranger to too many even in peacetime ….
ethnics worst hit
And yet
I think the libmob is very intersectional
they see everyone as belonging to a group and say they behave that way
eg that you are BAME and a victim
Whilst we know some pockets of Muslims behave as you say
and others don’t
An awful lot of ethnic Muslims want out of such pockets and don’t follow their practices.
The Government under fire on Channel 4 for not moving victimised families targeted by drugs gangs because their children won’t join the gangs. Hinting that the solution is to move all the nice folk out of drug gang infested areas at the Governments expense.
Not even going anywhere near tackling the scum in the gangs themselves.
Tomorrow no doubt they will be bleating about the police using stop and search cos it’s racist.
You could not make it up!
Just noticed BBC4 are to run a program at 9pm tonight called “The secret life of Bob Monkhouse”
Could this be another BBC “Whitey Man Bad” opportunity coming up?
Don’t know why I should be such a sceptic!
I think it is a repeat and something about the way the Great Man built a huge library of comic material across the years …really missed is Bob – who was something called a ‘comedian ‘ which is an extinct species …
Poor bloke was cursed with exceptional memory / total recall
Performed at local cricket club cabaret night twice 10 years apart in 1970s / 80s and remembered everybody’s name and the names of their children…
Maybe he took notes… but the locals were really astonished
A couple were visiting Blackpool when they noticed a tent with a sign, “Big Chief Howling Wolf – He Remembers Everything”.
The husband decided to give it a go so he paid his money and asked his question, “Who won the FA cup final in 1915?” and the Chief replied straightaway, “Sheffield United!”
Ten years later the couple were making a return visit to the town and were surprised to see that the tent was still there. The husband again decided to test the Chief’s memory, and, as the BBC keeps telling us, being some time ago, his language was what ‘we’ now consider unacceptable.
As he entered the tent he said, “How!” And the Chief, without looking up said, “Three nil, Kitchen scoring the final goal.”
Fabulous, Jim!
I’ve borrowed it and also h/td you, if that’s OK!
Following on from Taff’s earlier post about it being the coldest day of the year, and While BBC Look North are salivating about Whitehaven coal mine plans to be re-examined by the local council
Here is tonight’s power generation.
King coal saves the day
“Nero Fiddled while Rome Burned”
I wonder how much coal they will be burning in Florida under Uncle Joe Biden?
Under him, Oh I do hope so.
My son and his girlfriend have been offered agricultural jobs in Germany….to start in March.
They can’t seem to work out how to get through all the restrictions to driving from IoM to Bavaria.
And then the problem of not being able to get back into IoM if things go pear shaped.
The German embassy appears to be closed.
Anybody got any ideas? They are close to giving up on it.
#1 Mike Graham today mentioned today that UK farms bringing in foreign workers are exempt from Covid travel regulations .
..seemingly implying that planeload of Romanians can come in and live on a Lincolnshire farm.
#2 The Germans are a lot more sensible than us
I suspect you mean the youths were going to do a grape picking vacation
rather than a proper agriculture technician training scheme
In my experience the former is often a kind of scam where agencies take £1000 off the youths in return for finding them work.
Lets face Germany is probably going to have a lot of its own student labourers looking for work.
One idea I have is, is it possible for them to do their travel to another island state that is also Covid free ?
Like is New Zealand going to be short of workers
If they go to NZ for one year then 10 days quarantine isn’t a lot.
Iceland ? Greenland ? Some Norwegian Island ?
Thanks….but you’ve made a wrong assumption.
This isn’t grape picking or some such experiential stuff for faceless transients….they have plenty of work here on IoM. They are out the door at 5.30 am and back at 7pm everyday.
Until recently, they managed a stables / farm in Devon.
My son maintains vehicles / plant and farm infrastructure…as well as stock and crop handling.
They’ve got in touch offered him similar..including logging work….while she runs equestrian stuff.
As regards hopping from island to island… still has to go through U.K. thus nullifying advantages.
@Garry OK I did say “I suspect” so that is not an assumption.
What you are saying is that they are 2 rural industry specialists
One in machine maintenance etc. one in equestrianism.
So in Germany they would be on a “specialist worker” visa.
My experience is that an such remote work has to be done on suck and see probational way, so that either side can back out if it’s not working. Ideally something like ‘I’m pretty sure I can commit to 6 months, but can we start as a 2 month probation”
The thing with a work visa the paperwork might have to be different, you might have to say, sure it’s a 12 month contract.
The German government has a website
with info eg about the blue-card visa that special-workers get
if they are professionals who earn more than €42K
My general rule, is if you take a risk and it fails, then at least you learn.
Otherwise you then spend your life saying “what might have happened if I had gone for it ?”
Of course if they have Irish passports it might be handy.
Just set off
Don’t worry
Maybe you’re right. But if they reach Germany and can’t get in, they will have difficulty getting back into IoM.
Difficult times.
My son and his girlfriend have been offered agricultural jobs in Germany….to start in March.
They can’t seem to work out how to get through all the restrictions to driving from IoM to Bavaria.
And then the problem of not being able to get back into IoM if things go pear shaped.
The German embassy appears to be closed.
Anybody got any ideas? They are close to giving up on it.
9pm BBC2 the anti-Trump series starting
1 of 3 parts
“focusing on his bombastic approach to foreign policy.”
Ah. Objective reporting then?
Interesting that OU money is being used for the prog
Documentary about President Trump on the BBC? So sorry BBC but I’m not interested in hearing a load of hate speech. I will be too busy watching factual reporting on Right Side Broadcasting. Unless of course you ever get the courage to give a fair interview to any one of their reporters then I might give you a try. No? Thought not .Then you can get stuffed.
It would not gel with your Marxist dogma would it?. That’s all from me.Goodnight.
Twitter feed
Funny isn’t it – once upon a time to get a senior position in an organisation one had to be of the right class . Now , according to a report in the DT on the sacking of mr Ahmed – such a job should be based on colour – not ability – as the BBC no longer has any coloured folk at the top table . Plenty of girls there though ……
Perhaps said gentleman will give an interview to one of the ‘sundays ‘ about the BBC – but some how the code of silence which works so well in such a public organisation will remain intact …
Elites Admit Immigration Is Backfiring Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the Rubin Report
Part 1 is Woke Culture’s Similarities to Radical Islam
Local ITV news did school knife crime today
but didn’t try whiting-up the story
Simon Webb has a YouTube video
saying “We all had penknives as kids in the 50s and there was no trouble ..what’s changed ?
Britain isn’t Britain any more. That’s what has changed.
“Covid in Wales: Senedd gives itself option of delaying May election”
I don’t think it’s Covid they are afraid of ?
It’s their jobs.
Couldn’t they just send out postal ballots to anyone called Jones or Edwards living anywhere?
That could be the most fortified election in Wales and, before you object, your fears would be baseless!
it’s not about the IN, it’s supposed to stop you coughing the virus OUT into someone’s face.
Don’t let fear stop you’ – What’s it like being an LGBT+ football fan?
Anyone ever asked me my sexuality at the match, how about you ? anyone?????
Don’t let fear stop you’ – What’s it like being an LGBT+ football fan?
Anyone ever asked me my sexuality at the match, how about you ? anyone?????
No doubt this ‘victim’ makes sure everyone knows they are LGBT+ so they can take to twitter when they get home and describe their experience with suitable outrage.
If you go looking for trouble in groups of low-IQ males, you will find it. No matter who or what you are. I learned long, long ago that the only solution is to avoid these kind of people. Sure it shouldn’t be like that – but it’s not an LGBT+ thing.
It’s a bit like meeting someone who’s vegan, John – you’ll find out within just a few seconds of meeting anyone with that particular affliction!
Yup – then they are 100% ready to lock horns with you if you dare to point out that it is a step too far from vegetarianism (which I can understand).
Gay football fans, might have problems in some stadiums in foreign stadiums like Russia, Muslim , African states.
How would they be recognized, do they wear some kind of uniform?
The Swelter household is staying put and keeping its doubloons firmly in the old oak chest… One has to be extremely optimistic( I’m thinking Leyton Orient beating Liverpool) to have booked a holiday anywhere whilst the powers that be are attempting to squash the last vestiges of resilience out of the population.
A quick check of the BBC propaganda page this morning gave me this headline:
Trump ‘left everyone in Capitol for dead’
In their eyes, those two small apostrophes means that this most outrageous accusation can be put as a main headline on the front page with no other explanation.
I tried to read the full article but I was so disgusted, I only got to the second paragraph. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the accusations against Trump. Only with what happened in the Capitol. Oh how they wish a few people had been killed by the protesters. Preferably in a gruesome and graphic manner in front of a TV camera.
This is the final nail in the coffin for the BBC for me now. No more benefit of any doubt.
OT, but ITV in complement.
Not sure Nance will be happy with the inference that the bullet would impose no real harm.
I see they are actually comparing it to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Utterly shameful thing to say.
This is the final massive push by the Left to get rid of Trump. Without COVID and with 4 years of Biden, they know he is certain to win if he stands again next time.
I doubt that anyone who isn’t approved of by the joint democrat/ republican elite will ever be nominated let alone win again. The people can have their elections but they can only vote for candidates that will tie the liberal establishment line. Elections are now a charade designed to maintain a pretence of democracy for simple ordinary folk.
The EU is way ahead of them.
Those in charge decide the candidates, the ‘democratic’ part votes to rubber stamp the new leader.
I wonder if they will have the ‘sacrifical lamb’ system like the EU where one person is booted out to give a fake impression it really is a democratic vote.
When the evidence for election fraud was in the form sworn affidavits the media said that wasn’t actual evidence.
Now that demonstrators got arrested which get this crazy US thing where people actually plead guilty to things they didn’t do , as part of the plea bargaining system
“sign this and you’ll walk out of this jail”
The BBC uses ITV footage , cos all media chose to boycott the protest except ITV
Thus the ITV footage has been given legs of its own by CNN etc.
The odd Capitol wacko may have wished Pence, Pelosi dead just as most libmob wished Trump to be dead
but no Capitol wacko was equipped to overpower the bodyguards protecting Pence & Pelosi.
As every extraordinary claims the BBC made
should be supported by extraordinary evidence.
Your threshold for realising what the BBC is must be very high . It lost the plot years ago – I’ve been trying to pin it down – perhaps someone longer in the tooth re this site can say when it happened .
I know it wasn’t over night – but maybe the rot was there 10 years ago with a rapid acceleration in the brexit years ?
The problem is that events distort time and encourage ‘forgetfulness ‘ …..
At the beginning of Blair and his “Cool Britannia”.
I pretty much ignored them because I didn’t know the real truth behind many of the stories as none of them really affected me.
Then came Brexit and I was stunned by just how far they were prepared to go to misrepresent the truth. Particularly with the things they didn’t even report. And they got away with it. Bouyed by this confidence, they have gradually pushed the boundary and got worse and worse. Now they are at a completely ridiculous level and they are still getting away with it.
There is no way they can be reformed from this point.
Fed, I think there was a definite change in the BBC – or, at least I noticed a definite change at the BBC – when Blair & Brown screwed up in 2006/2007/2008/2009. Bad behaviour by Campbell and Mc Bride and some others that I cannot remember had started to make headlines and ruffle the smooth New Labour exterior. Criticism of constant Labour policy initiatives started to come from the BBC. The financial crash happened which must have affected Beeboids fortunes.. Then, when power was handed to Brown and the BBC realised that there had been a substantial change of leader at the top of ‘their’ Labour Party things changed even more in the BBC’s approach to all the Parties.
Yes I suppose it was the Blair time when he implanted his approved people into key roles in the UK – and which continues to dominate all public organisations – the huge majority must have turned BBC eyes as well ….
About the time when quangos were being manipulated with ‘key’ persons, most of whom were ignorant of a private sector, struggling to get to grips with the enormous, calamitous failure of the Blair/Brown/Campbell years of financial torment!
Of course, the banks fled for cover, and ‘normal’ business was stifled to an even worse situation than we have now. I well remember thinking what shits we had to deal with back then, and I’m bloody glad I’m well out of it, for my personal – and Senora O’Blene’s eventual mental survival.
The hatred the private sector had to put up with was manic, and I’ll never forgive those three bastards for ruining my market-place and most of my immediate colleagues’ futures into the bargain.
I hope Sunak does the right thing to get us all out of this, and look to the private sector while cutting out the dross of non-productive government-sponsored layabouts.
The BBC will of course pour their sludge of negativity on any attempts to clamp down on their pampered hangers-on. So I’ll hate them even more.
It’s been there a long time.
The producer of my series constantly chatted to the crew about his hatred for Thatcher….and how we shouldn’t be in Ireland etc. Etc.
I’d been in education so I knew what to expect and to not get involved.
That was over 17 years ago.
What happened about that woman shot at point blank range who could easily have been grabbed from the front or behind as she climbed through the window?
BBC National Undermining Service
The coronavirus variant first found in Kent could become the world’s dominant strain, the head of the UK’s genetic surveillance programme has predicted.
Covid-19: Kent virus variant ‘on course to sweep world’
There is an HYS
The top comment on FB suggests they are already on to a winner.
Remind me…..where do a large proportion of foreign visitors 1st come into the country?
Let’s face it, by virtue of what’s there, this ‘Kent’ version is likely a melting g pot of France, Germany, Poland Romania etc etc. Not really avoidable given how much we need to import by truck in order to feed the nation.
No ‘blame’, just common sense.”
Ooo, they like her. A lot.
Not nekkid, luckily.
It will sweep the world. Have you ever met anybody that has never had a cold?!
You mean you aren’t celebrating the impending global dominance of the Kent Mutation? A worldbeating British triumph, surely? A vindication of Brexit showing that the UK can successfully export whereever it likes. Stamp a union jack on every item!
But who can say that this variant is a uniquely British/Kent product ? That same variant may well have arisen from mutations in many different countries – attaching the word ‘Brirish’ to it simply identifies where it was first detected – and many countries do not have the capacity to either analyse or detect these mutations…. but you probably knew that.
Does not seem the kind of thing to celebrate.
Unless trying to score a point, and again ignore the BBC aspect.
A box of rocks is waiting from its sibling to get back from the Internet cafe, clearly.
Come on Al Beeb, when are you giving us “the coldest weather for ten years despite global warming” ?
Rog is currently fighting June for newsworthy space…
The loonies rarely mention global warming these days. It got modified to climate change precisely to cover inevitable freeze ups which are quite hard to explain away to the hoi polloi. However who can argue that the climate doesn’t change? After all we see it almost every day in Great Britain and we accept it as – well- the weather.
I’ll get me coat – it’s bloody cold out there!
Must be time to put the power production meters up again here …
The bee lady asking hat mancock about health ministers controlling the NHS under new changes . Wasn’t that inevitable ?
When the BBC has spent the last year personally blaming government ministers for every NHS failing – as described on this site – then why not take control if you are going to be blamed anyway ? -right or wrong ?
It looks like the bbc is going to be running days and days of hardship stories caused by the 10 day hotel arrival lockdowns .
Inevitable I guess –
– I’m against this policy – because there was no control in the last year – and if they really were worried about infection arriving from overseas there would be no dinghies turning up on the south coast every day – as mr farage has laid out on Twitter today ….
BBC in full campaigner mode.
Even if the government said their would fund to fix every problem in every building right down to blocked plug holes and blown lightbulbs these people still would still demand more.
If the BBC and Owen Jones’s of the world got their Socialism Utopia they would still demand more. It’s in some peoples nature to never be grateful for what they have.
Still coping with Jeremy Corbyn telling all tenants they should not have to pay rent because… CovoRachmanism.
Decades ago I rented out my sole property whilst I was working overseas.
One month the tenants deducted £50 from the rent… call out fee for a sparks to come and change a bulb.
It signalled the end of the arrangement.
Now a full BBC team would be around with Leigh Day.
I notice now there is a new vague law on ‘well behaved pets’… that do not smell, presumably.
Just shaking the Moneytree!
Post industrial Britain
Let’s kick off today’s press review with a couple of BBC headlines exhibiting a tabloid-like penchant for sensation combined with a tedious adherence to the scare quote in pursuit of the in-house agenda.
‘Trump “left everyone in Capital for dead”‘ – or so reads the clickbait title whereas the report headline has the qualification: ‘Democrats say…‘
Closer to home, I do admire the irony of this one: ‘Prisoners like “caged animals” in lockdown prisons‘ – read on and we have this gem: ‘Prisoners in England’s jails have been locked in their cells for more than 90% of the day to keep them safe from Covid-19, the prisons watchdog says‘
Hey, BBC, what about us poor saps on the outside, I hear you shout? We’ve lost our pubs, our freedom to congregate, we’ve no access to a place of worship, no right to conjugal visits, blimey, they’ve cancelled Christmas and now they’re ruling out our summer holidays.
Let me in there! Three square meals a day, full-size ping pong ball table, easy access to the laughing grass, TV without paying for a licence… and the only down-side is one’s neighbours will likely tend to keep nicking bits of your monopoly set and someone there will definately bore you with lectures on jihadism.
The FT frets: ‘Amsterdam usurps London as Europe’s top share trading hub‘ – well, we were supposed to be rebalancing our economy away from casino finance back to some manufacturing, so perhaps this is good news? Anyway, wait until the EU starts taxing transactions, then we’ll see.
From the BBC going tabloid to a sensation rag going all BBC: ‘Coldest night in 74 years‘ – screams the frontpage of the Daily Star – although oddly enough the Beeb, those heretofore great aficionados of the weather superlative, don’t seem to go with this one.
‘-5c. I took the plunge with British ice swimmer‘ (Daily Mirror) – Despite global warming?
‘Chilly expert Beckie Vale & the Mirror’s Amanda Killelea see pages 14 & 15‘ – as I once heard a stand up comedian joke on the subject of women on a night out in Newcastle – as much as one may be a fan of the wind-stiffened nipple, I’ll draw the line at blue-veined flesh reminiscent of stilton cheese. However, the health and safety lobby will be relieved to know – as seems the norm these days – the girls kept their gloves and their woolly hats on.
It’s hard to put one’s finger on it but something tells me the Daily Mirror, once the domain of the horny-handed male proletarian, is becoming an all-female preserve: ‘Best chocolate recipes 21 tasty treats for Valentine’s Day‘; frontpage Tesco’s advert for a bottle of Bailey’s ‘£12 Clubcard price‘
Jo Ellison, who had the enviable gig as editor of the FT’s how to spend it section, now pops up in the ‘i‘ with the fanciful notion: ‘Anyone for dry February?‘
Speaking of giving the old credit card one for bobbin, don’t always blame the ladies: ‘I blue £175k on Mahrez bank card‘ (Sun) – Riyad Mahrez is a Premier League footballer (hence the massive credit limit) blue is a reference to Manchester City FC and his secret shopper is Sharif Mohamed: ‘a crooked forklift driver‘
In this post-industrial Britain – like so many of us, I’m sure – I’m not sufficiently versed in the intricacies of warehouse work to know what a crooked forklift might happen to be – but the credit card statement does give us a fascinating insight into modern society: ‘…Mohamed, 32, spent £20,000… partying and on designer clothes in Ibiza. In the UK his five week spree included a casino splurge, visits to ATMs for cash, and food from KFC, Nandos and Greggs‘
Gosh, he got himself a taste for the high life.
‘Mohamed of East Ham, East London, now faces jail‘ – given the way things are going on the outside, maybe I’ll see you in there chum.
Asiseeit – time to ‘monitise’? Your press review . It’s good to get stuff off your breasts / chests isn’t it .
Sounds like prisoners get 10% more time out of their cells than free people .
I’m plotting my escape from Blighty – which seems harder than getting back . I’m going to get to the french coast – destroy my passport – get a dinghy and avoid the £1700 hotel fees .
There is still a long list of exemptions from the hotel lock up rules – including aircrew – BBC staff and diplomats – presumably these cannot carry new viruses because of their jobs .
And will the price of naughty drugs be going up ? With more killings on the streets of Londonistan
Let’s not forget that the list of exemptions includes “seasonal agriculture workers”. That’s potentially a couple of hundred thousand poor souls from Eastern Europe and the Baltic coming to work for
somewhat belowminimal wage and live in crowded caravans and other unsocially distanced accommodation. Supermarkets and farmers are rubbing their hands with glee – thank you minister, the cheque is in the post.Ian – i was looking at the exemptions – luvbies are no longer excluded – poor things .
The risk of agricultural workers seems big to me – but the ‘ farming community ‘ need their profits so that they can bribe the Red Tories ..,,
Better to come from Eastern Europe than from BAME land.
“Sounds like prisoners get 10% more time out of their cells than free people.”
Last time I was in a cinema, (remember those?), there were adverts claiming that UK schoolchildren were locked up for longer than prisoners, (was it by Persil?). Anyway now they are out of school all the time and hating it!
Related but off the topic, I was speaking to the local kids and they have, using their own initiative, started restoring the over-grown BMX track in the park. Don’t they know they are supposed to get a kid-of-kolor to call the BBC and bleat about how we need to spend gazillions of pounds on da yoof, innit?
Just don’t black up as well or it won’t be a 4* hotel, it will be Belmarsh instead!
More on the, ‘upside down, inside out’ current state of the World and growing legitimacy of Communism.
North Korea raises concerns about Human Rights issues in Australia. Yes, you read that correctly.
BBC article on the Bank Of England Governor stating how unreasonable the EU are being in negotiations on Financial Regulations matters and fair do’s, the Governor says we wont be “dictated” too by Brussels.
Funny how the EU are being r soles again, we can see it, the Governor can see it but the BBC think the sun shines out their backsides and it was the UK that was always being difficult in the Brexit negotiations .
On another note, at the bottom of the article there is this nuggett
Despite the current situation, Mr Bailey said that London would “undoubtedly continue as one of the world’s leading if not the leading financial centre”.
Last month Mr Bailey said up to 7,000 finance jobs had so far been relocated from London to rival centres in the EU – well down on predictions of as many as 50,000 losses.
7000 hey … BBC assured us the WHOLE LOT would be off !!!!
Project fear being shown up for what is was , day after day. Lovely.
Our ‘EU friends ‘ rings more hollow by the day. The EU is an enemy and anything bad for that is good for us . Fortunately because of their lack of democracy they can’t get rid of the kraut Helga running the thing so just wait for the next screw up –
… which may well cost lives unnecessarily lost ….the vaccination numbers in EU mini states is horrible …
Th EU was unreasonable in negotiations with the UK whilst we were in the EU so why do we expect any change?
Not a story one might expect on the BBC. It’s OK, it isn’t.
Law of diminishing returns…
The Government close hotels due to COVID….
The hotel groups snarl about losing money…
The Government pay them to house illegal immigrants…
A predictable public outcry follows…
The Government start putting illegal immigrants into old army barracks….
The illegal immigrants kick off because they want to be in comfy hotels…
The liberal luvvies rise up with them against this inhuman treatment…
So transforming criminals into freedom fighters…
Can’t wait for the next Government chess move!
What about Liley Allen, Gary Linekar, JK Rowling etc all take some immigrants in? They promised they would but I guess the covid thing is stopping them from doing so!
I don’t believe, for one minute, that any of them intended to. Just the usual luvvie BS.
As much as I look forward to GB News (despite the anti-Trump rhetoric) , purely as it’s a dagger in the heart of the BBC/SKY/ITV, I can’t see how OFCOM, professional moaners complaining daily, and non Tory MP’s will allow it to continue.
I think the dilemma will be at the start – “ how different should we ( UKnews) be in order not to get complaints being upheld by ofcom versus being the non woke channel people are craving for “….
…. but there will be a lot of complaints anyway if non approved opinions are aired ….
…. personally i would like to see ‘banned sinners’ given some air – eg
David starkey
Carole Thatcher
Even if they just read the weather the snow flakes would get upset . Which would be fun
I note that colin brazier had been hired from sky . I dont know who he is but i cant see too many BBC droids being offered a job there .
Other than the delivery of approved thought i cant think of a quality journo at the BBC now …
When Femi Channeled Lewis.
Snowflake ArmageddoNukCarnaOutrage!
Paul Dacre is being proposed as the next chairman of OFCOM , if this happens we can expect some significant change for the better. But even if News GB is allowed to flourish we must not expect too much. Whilst it will be balanced onissues such as , the EU and Brexit, domestic politics , Scottish independence and to provide a counterweight to the extreme liberal bias of the BBC et al, it is unlikely to offer anything significantly different to the standard MSM narrative on the really critical issues of the day, mass migration, Islamisation , the stolen US election , the death of democracy , the cultural genocide we currently experience.
Double – think that is another joke – bit like Charles Moore …
Yes I fear it may be. We will probably get another apparatchik of the Woke liberal elite.
Anyone else noticed how the BBC News website, these last few days, is more advertising than reporting of news? The company names appear either in the title or first paragraph. The business articles appear on the homepage a lot more now.
Examples live right now on their website:
United Airlines
Royal Mail
Feel the enrichment.
June insisted he get the Mastermind gig yet?
A price which cannot be measured …
8:45am BBC Weatherman tweeted about coldest day
He’d actually tweeted at 6:30am, but the later lower data came in.
Other sources
Coldest February night for 66 years, Met Office confirms
Scotland’s coldest night in 26 years and there’s more to come
-22c in Braemar All time record is -27c
Most significant is Lossiemouth where this is coldest Feb night for over 67 years with low of -15.2C!
Personally I think the idea that local climate is driven by the average temperature of the entire atmosphere is flawed.
Local climate seems to be so dependent on local wind direction
Wind coming from the South leads to higher temp on top of the seasonal effect.
Wind coming from the North leads to lower temp on top of the seasonal effect.
You get a winter with a load of North wind days , you get a cold winter.
And patterns will vary over decades and centuries just like the path of a river.
Think of how many climate scientist, university professors and WHO officials would be out of a job if that was universally recognised StewGreen. I happen to believe exactly the same thing having seen three score and ten summers and winters but I can’t see it being accepted at all by the flat-earth loonie mob.
Stew, think you are correct. Local climate = wind direction + local topography/geography + exposure to sea currents + altitude.
Good example: Inverewe Tropical Gardens in Scotland – of all places – wonder how cold it was in Poolewe last night?
The BBC story went up around 9:03am
Open comments
Somehow a comment about Doncaster gritter names got 345 Likes
Second “I like it when it snows in the winter and when its hot in the summer. It really makes you appreciate the seasons and beauty of our earth.”
Third something about Global Warming has brought invasive species.
followed by someone pointing out that temperature rises a touch for distance south you get so it’s more likely species came in on ships/planes rather than the Climate
nicola said its westminsters fault
, and stated that if Scotland was independent this would never happen
It must have got close to freezing around Tunbridge Wells, as the rubbish carts certainly stayed in the warm…
BBC and Guardian go-to climate expert George Monbiot spent his time on BBC Politics this morning wearing a perpetual frown.
Some might uncharitably think this was in an unsuccessful attempt to appear intelligent but I rather fear it was because he might have been asked to comment on the coldest UK night-time temperatures since 1955 and their place in the overall CO2-related global warming scenario.
Has he rewilded W1A with Hyenas yet?
Oh… no need.
jackals… and wild bores.
The BBC really do give Moonbat preferential treatment …
Just out of curiosity … what did they want him to opine on?
as in – there’s usually something they reckon he’s the man to push…
– scratch “usually” – substitute “always” – was he in the studio or Zooming from Oxford ?
Sorry tomo. It was on, granted, and I know there were four zoomers plus whas’name in the chair, but as to what they were saying I’m afraid I didn’t pay it any attention.
Well, there was a totally unintelligible Scotch girl, I remember her, and someone from the Telegraph I think, but anyone from the Guardian tends to bring on my catatonia, so I must have passed out again.
Hang on though. I’m sure George had something to say at one point about NHS privatisation – but it can’t have been very important, can it?
No problem – I haven’t watched in over a year (and feel improved by the experience) 🙂
Ah yes – the NHS – I see the boobs at BBC web production have woken up to a 133-fold increase in “delayed” procedures…
Why are we paying for this? – who’d pay the wages of car mechanics who couldn’t / wouldn’t fix a car….
Ok – I watched the President Trump assassination show which was on the BBC last night . A whole stream of people who fell out with Mr Trump plunging the knife in .
If they spoke the truth – then it just showed that the swamp wasn’t ready for Mr Trump – in the second term they’d have adapted – but every one in the swamp knew there would be no second term .
It suited them all – particularly aspects of revenge – which they are still going for ….. I think Mr Trump s secret service detail will need to be on top of their game …. and the CCTV cameras kept on …
Just been checking my car over and Jezzer Vine came on the radio. As I was only going to be 10 minutes, I couldn’t be bothered to change it.
He was talking about the export problems with pig farmers. Quite amazingly, the two farmers he had on to interview were women. And as an engineer, I am adept at spotting when people know what they are talking about and when they are just repeating information given to them. These were definitely not the horses mouth.
Jezzer starting askign some very relevant questions. Where the EU being awkward out of spite ? was one. I was a bit shocked : I thought he would avoid such topics like the plague.
Then as I listened, I realised what was going on. Jezzer was repeating the claims we see in all the other newspapers and his ‘guests’ were there to dismiss them as just a small part of the problem.
And at the end he made the big announcement : the problems were due to 2 reasons. First (spoken quickly and flatly) was because of COVID-19. The second – which was pronounced like the winner of an oscar – was ‘Brexit Beaurocracy’. This part was very obviously planned well in advance of any answers the ‘guests’ might give.
I was very happy to turn it off. The whole ‘debate’ was a sham.
I think the BBC should come with a government health warning.
JohnC I agree, there is an old saying that there’s none so blind as those that don’t want to see!
Guardian screwed it up
The intern not understanding that -21.4C is COLDER than – 21.3C
The article was later completely updated with the -23C news
But something is up with Newssniffer as it hasn’t recorded updates.
The media are supporting the Democrats in the impeachment trial basing there argument on how “distressing and emotional” it was for them.
They don’t wan to look at the facts, the fact that Trump wasn’t there, the fact that his speech started after the protestors had already stormed the Capitol.
No nod as to why so many protestors turned up after the mafia and China controlled election fraud.
No wonder the protestors were angry and upset.
The Demo rats are trying to bag all the woke cards over this but it doesn’t change the fact that there are millions of very angry American voters who feel robbed.
It will in time come back to haunt them, probably 2024, especially after 2 years of Biden USA destruction….
The USA will eventually reject the poison that will be injected into their life over the net 2 years.
This is now certainly a creeping global communist plot, today we hear that North Korea of all goddam places have complained to the UN about the lack of human rights in Australia.
Wake up the West before it’s too late!
Is that a ‘quote’, or a “quote”.
From the BBC, or from a cabal of ideological retards masquerading as journalists at W1A?
I ask, because John C’s inverted commas make another appearance here.
Gina Carano dropped from Mandalorian after ‘abhorrent’ posts
So, were they as described?
‘Social media posts by Gina Carano, who plays Cara Dune on The Mandalorian, have been called “abhorrent and unacceptable” by Lucasfilm.’
Well, if taking the words of her ex-employers, yes. Otherwise?
Interestingly, JC noted above comparing the Capitol Tour with 9/11 is entirely OK chez BBC.
Reading on…
“The hashtag #FireGinaCarano trended on Twitter for hours following a story shared on her Instagram, that some branded anti-Semitic.
It has since been deleted.
In the post, the former MMA fighter compared “hating someone for their political views” in the US to the treatment of Jewish people during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.”
OOOoooo…. ‘some’?
Any other all-encompassing clai… oh… here we go…
“Back in November Star Wars fans called for her to to be fired after she put up several posts supporting Donald Trump.”
ALL fans of Star Wars, BBC? Or just a vocal collection who happen to share a certain derangement syndrome with BBC NA BS?
Little I read here adds up to much other than a hit piece for supporting the wrong President.
And not taking a knee on demand is no longer a crime… is it?
I’d be interested in the legal consequences as disrepute is one thing; having different beliefs is very much Dark Side territory.
There is of course a clown arguing that this is ‘different’.
The BBC does cater to its audience.
The ‘report’ from Variety, about as rabid an attack dog on anything pro-Trump in comparison…
Whoever writes BBC sub captions must be a Jon Sopel groupie dialled to ‘Play Misty For Me’.
Gina was trending on Twitter at 10am
I haven’t got round to writing yet.
The *abhorrent’ posts* were almost nothing
Basically said
‘You lefty guys should stop hassling people like me,
the trouble in Nazi Germany wasn’t mainly Nazi soldiers but rather neighbours LIKE YOU hitting out at their Jewish neighbours‘
..That of course is not offensive, but having invoked Godwin the mob can claim outrage and say she is anti-Semitic even
There are now 100+ pro Corano videos on YouTube
But this one from this black guy from BEFORE it all sets the context.
He explained that Disney just won’t risk the liberals having any dirt on them at all
.. so caves in over minor things.
In his video today he is overcome with grief
Disney : dis nae stand up to the SJW mob.
actual screenshot
A poor shot to include, but the twisted attempt by the entire MSM to reframe her actual point is pure 1984.
World has gone m… even more down the rabbit hole.
I saw that ‘leading headline ‘ and was so pleased I had no idea what or who it was about ….and have not interest.
Interesting that the BBC news led with an American woman who lives in America winning a defamation/ privacy case against a UK newspaper .
I’m sure the damages she receives will help her ‘lifestyle choices ‘….
“his speech *started* after the protestors had already stormed the Capitol.”
I don’t think that is true.
AFAIK his crowd were watching him
… at the same time as a couple of miles away there was another crowd
A few being bolshy
whilst a far bigger portion condemned actions like hammering on windows
TOADY Watch #1 – Now I wondered who advised the Government to do that?
Sir Jeremy Farrar, chair of the Welcome Trust was interviewed on the programme this morning. It could well be that others on here have commented on his prat-fall without even the help of a banana skin or a skateboard. He suggested the Government may have been too quick to come out of Lockdown last summer (although strictly & technically speaking we never left it) but he forgot to mention that HMG were, of course, ‘guided by the science’ offered by SAGE. And who was on SAGE at the time, Sir Jeremy?
R4 now “There has been a change of tone on last weeks story where it was thought Climate Change had affected a dam in India’s now apparent it was a landslide ..”
Two girly types the presenter and a Climate researcher are still trying to spin it as Climate
“Victoria Gill, Dr Anna Hogg and guests discuss the signs and symptoms of melting ice and anthropogenic climate warming,
illicit CFC production and the racket we make in the seas.”
“And continuing BBC Inside Science’s look at some of the issues facing COP26 delegates to Glasgow this autumn, Victoria is joined by cryosphere scientist Dr Anna Hogg,
Anna studies – sometimes from space – how polar and Greenland ice sheets are melting and shifting as our climate warms.
But those giant volumes of ice and concomitant rising sea levels might not be the only threat to people’s lives.
It may be that the recent deadly flash flood in India was a result of a swiftly melting Himalayan glacier.” (em the prog just said it wasn’t directly )
I switched off cos there was no balance, just 2 climate activist people.
Seems like only a week ago some were pondering a disaster decades ago where a dam was overtopped by a tsunami caused by a landslide.
And how in deep valley reservoirs such a thing might be a major design consideration.
Or, not. Just rely on the MSM to blame the climate.
Did anyone see the sky propaganda report about the ‘riot’
One sentence they used was that the rioters were in the Capitol building HUNTING DOWN NANCY PELOSI.
Inferring that had they caught her she would be torn limb from limb and burnt in front of the bloodthirsty howling mob.
The accompanying film showed a handful of people ambling along a corridor and one says “Nancy” in the way you might talk to a pet cat or dog.
It’s all about the framing
Once they are told in the intro that video show a “mob hunting Pelosi” that is what viewers will see .. even though the video is actually something different.
Will BBC NA BS being RTing this clip of genius?
Another beauty.
U called?
before anyone starts .. It’s a parody site.
‘Some’ children, BBC?
@GW that’s creepage
BTW Local radio, now the presenter doesn’t know the difference between “bored” and “boring” so keeps asking “Are you boring, then phone in”
7pm BBC2 Mary Beard show
talks to @Jason__Watkins of #W1A and #TheCrown
– the costume design Dress of @DowntonAbbey
– new movie The Dig, and the fact & fiction of real archaeology
late tonight the BBC’s activism progs are repeated
BBC1 an hour of Anti plastic
BBC2 2 hours of anti-Trump
7:30pm ITV building the foodbank narrative
viewer “What a bunch of scrounges!
That woman in her lovely house, fancy car, 30quid bunch of roses on table and she is scrounging af a Food bank.”
Not a finance guru. What is the truth?
This is just trading of EU-based institutions moving from London to Amsterdam, and is just a drop in the ocean compared to the total amount of volumes traded.
Bet some were on board.
Did not share with BBC house journal.
Where does the US MSM dig these corpses up?
It was also Jen Rubin who piled in
She’s opinion writer at the WaPo
Cruz replied “Between NBC & the Washington Post, you’d think somebody would have read Macbeth”
Undoing stuff is his forte.
Like the BBC.
Richard Partington, economics correspondent for the Guardian – source of all knowledge for the BBC, yet described by many as loo paper in-waiting – gleefully informs that the cost of Brexit will be four times greater for the UK than the EU.
It’s only a guess but probably safe to assume this forecast is based on the assumption that the Greek and Italian economies don’t implode, causing the Euro to collapse, that Macron is not swept from power by Le Pen and the Dutch and the Swedes do not embrace the concept of independence with ever greater enthusiasm.
Or, alternatively, that John Crace and Polly Toynbee seize power and vote us back in to the EU simply by the force of their wisdom and rhetoric.
It’s not often the BBC make my day.
Matt ‘Tony’ Hancock has been pontificating on summer holidays and the BBC webshite has put up a HYS.
The second highest rated reply and its several high rated replies call out the BBC for the bias we all know about, and Laura Doomsberg is encouraged to take a long holiday.
So good to see.
Laura Kuennsberg says certain comments leave us ‘shouting at the telly’. She is right. Mostly trying to get her negative, anti Tory, anti Brexit, anti anything this government do, drivel off the air, and to stop her asking the same stupid questions. Give us a break Laura and take a very long holiday.
Half-wit’s Half Hour airs everyday at 5pm on the news channel
I don’t think the government will be able to enforce the lockdown once the days get longer …..and if nut nuts husband doesn’t acknowledge this on 22 February there’ll be grief …
Huffpo journo Nadine White Has a History of Harassing Kemi Badenoch MP
says Neil O’Brien MP
He cites toleration in her threads of posting photos of Kemi with her white husband labelling her a race traitor