The Far Left Biased BBC is doing its traditional job of undermining British morale . This time it is putting doubts in minds about the effectiveness of vaccines . Meanwhile it has announced that the licence is to increase by £1.50 to £159 per year . But the good news is – tv licence tax evasion is going up – its currently at an estimated 8% – according the BBCs own tax collectors …
Midweek Thread 10th February 2021
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Question Time : Michael Forsyth and 4 remainer lefties
…plus the presenter
Real teachers open schools..

“Blue-sky classroom at Nobori-machi National School. April 1946.
The school was burned out by the bombing, so spare rooms at Hiroshima Central Broadcasting Station and other facilities nearby were used. Still, classes resumed at first in “blue-sky classrooms” set up in the ruins of the school. The teacher to the far right, who has short hair and appears to be male, is actually a woman. Exposed to radiation, her hair fell out completely. At the time of this photo, it was just beginning to grow back.”
When humans had balls….
I am sure I can Google it, but as one still bunker bound half my life since the 50s, raised only on video game distopian centuries underground, it is interesting how quickly stuff seemed less Weetabixy than imagined.
Even China calls the BBC biased..
“China bans BBC World News from broadcasting
BBC World News will no longer be allowed to air in China, according to a decision announced on Thursday by the country’s broadcasting regulator.
Citing “serious content violation”, the body claimed that BBC journalism had breached TV and radio regulations on impartial reporting.
To be fair, it’s just tit for tat.
Ofcom bans CGTN, China bans BBC.
Off topic, the local council announced that the weekly recycling has been cancelled ‘due to Covid’ causing a lack of operatives.
I am cynical to this, given they spend 90% of their time outside in the fresh air, and as we are told, open windows to let fresh air in and move the virus particles on to reduce the risk etc etc….
However, given this public service has been cancelled, can I now expect a council tax rebate, or perhaps I should reduce my direct debit to the council, with the words ‘reduced payment, due to Covid’ ?
‘reduced payment, due to Covid’
Certainly works for me
It worked in Italy (Milan) in the early 1980s –
autoriduzione – an organised group of taxpayers paid local taxes into an escrow account supervised by trustees – they stopped the peculating commies and “conservatives” in their tracks…
Something similar cooked up wrt broadcasting in the UK might precipitate some fun?
Quite a lot of council tax goes on funding the Local Government Pension Scheme, plus the Police and Fire Service pension schemes.
Not that you would know. Our local council gave the break down until the late 2000s when presumably it got just too embarrassing.
Must be comforting for those made redundant or on short time working to know their taxes are being paid to provide a level of pension for others that they themselves have no hope of ever affording.
An example of inequality the BBC always manage not to mention.
Although the Fire Service pension scheme is similar to the LGPS schemes, as far as I am aware it is not funded. I’m not sure about the police.
The good news about LGPS schemes is that they ARE funded and the long-term pension liabilities fall on the funds, not future tax payers – unlike civil service pensions. (This assumes that the LGPS funds can meet their future liabilities.)
Furthermore, the LGPS members do contribute to the fund, although the councils put in a bigger proportion as the member gets older.
On the whole, I think this is a better than dumping the problem on future tax payers even though the cost is higher council taxes.
Additionally, active LGPS members no longer receive a pension based on their final salary index-linked to RPI, their eventual pension is related to their salary in each active year escalated using CPI each following year (which is significantly lower).
All the schools I know have huge pension deficits, but the accountants assure the governors there isn’t a problem because the government will bail them out.
Hello Deborah,
Are you talking about state schools?
If the employees in a school contribute to an LGPS pension, then any deficit is within the LGPS fund.
I’m not sure how a school would know its deficit other than the LGPS adjusting its required employer contributions after actuaries estimate fund shortages. When I worked as a software engineer at an LGPS, actuaries analysed the fund liabilities every three years. It could be more frequently now.
You are absolutely right that the ultimate underwriter for all the LGPS fund shortfalls is the government. It’s also true that the attitude of LGPS management is, to some small (in my experience) extent, “ultimately it’s the government’s problem if we fail”.
” the ultimate underwriter for all the LGPS fund shortfalls is
the government*the people*.”If teachers pensions take more money out of the pot
that means less nurses in hospitals.
Teachers working hard 40 weeks/year 6 hours/days.
BTW a 60 yo neighbour drives the school bus breathing the same air as 20 kids
Yet the teachers unions says the teachers should be in front of him in the queue.
Just as the prop up pot for BBC pension dodgy investments is the TVL….. payer.
I sort of agree with you that ultimately there is only one government pot of money (so by inference the availability of NHS beds could be affected if the LGPS fails to meet its obligations).
However, the LGPS pensions are paid from LGPS funds and up to now the funds have always handled the pension liabilities in full. I don’t think that there has ever been any government intervention (but I’m happy to be corrected on that).
Solomon you said “the ultimate underwriter for all the LGPS fund shortfalls is the government”
You seem to say that very rarely happens , OK that is good.
Multi academy trusts (MATS) have Independent accountants prepare the accounts and yes there is a figure there for the pension deficit and you don’t need many schools in the MAT for the deficit to be 6 figures excluding shillings and pence.
Sorry Deborah,
I tried to post a reply and it failed twice so I gave up.
The LGPS I worked for had a good handle on employers monthly contributions and had the threat of fines and sanctions for late payers. The system worked well.
There were 89 LGPS’s in England and Wales then. (Some have merged now.) Not all are particularly well run. If an LGPS does not chase non-payment of contributions, then why should the employer bother paying?
As far as I am concerned if an accountant tells an employer not to pay its contributions, then the LGPS should cease taking that employer’s contributions, freeze the staff’s pensions and pursue the employer for any arrears. That would be the proper way for an LGPS to act to protect the fund from shortfalls.
I would hope all LGPS’s would act properly, but I fear the worst. If as you say “the accountants assure the governors there isn’t a problem because the government will bail them out” and the LGPS has the same mentality, then there will be a day of reckoning and it won’t be pretty. (Yes, Stew, we the people will pick up the tab as usual.)
I assume being a bit slooow ‘pon occasion – due to being on a single server that gets a bit overworked? – but I have noticed quite a bit of latency ….
Happened in January at Boston borough council
I have watched the impeachment trial since it started and have drawn this conclusion from the quality of the speeches, reliance on emotion, and tired clichés: there is no way these actors could actually win elections; they are there because elections must have been fixed for quite a long time. No one would genuinely vote for them.
There is only so long these frauds can survive, it’s only the corrupt media propping them up
Shameless greedy liars.
That’s why so many are politicians.
One of a growing subset of the human race I despise as experience teaches me the personal characteristics of the people who choose to be in that group.
‘…the first thing….let’s kill all the lawyers.’
Henry IV Part.2
Wm. Shakespeare
Shakespeare or not, some lawyers are good and honest
boo-word labelling whole groups of people is wrong.
In the long term law needs really reforming
cos the current system means of the 2 opposers in a court case one is backing someone who is lying .. really both should be truth-seekers.
Wouldn’t you think that if Shakespeare felt the point worth making 500 or so years ago, there might be some relevance?
Something about leopards and spots?
Stew is correct.
The principle of ‘innocent until proven’ guilty has been eroded a lot of late, by many usual suspects, and needs preserving.
I merely note the number of lawyers who are politicians currently engaged in some rather wild practices, being allowed to do so by an MSM that is at most generous ‘selective’ on who gets held to account on massive hypocrisy and downright scary claims and legislative attempts.
On a personal basis my experience of lawyers, even good, honest ones, is that they do not lose, and to ensure they do not lose, even when you win, you do.
The system is that rigged. Still. If not worse.
Has the BBC become a loyal supporter of Royalty?
Got home to hear Radio 4 6 pm news seemingly very excited at the success of the Z list actress against the Daily Mail. Top News Item (had nothing more important happened?) liberally sprinkled with ‘the Duchess’ this, ‘the Duchess’ that.
Is it the same on other news channels?
Aside: Had the Queen known that dear Megs was immediately going to leg it off across the Atlantic, would she have conferred the Dukedom on Harry?
Watching yet another repeat of the heartrending performance for Tom Bradby during the SA tour, I found myself wanting to tap the poor sap on the shoulder and whisper in his ear:
‘Tom. Please. She’s an ACTRESS mate…’
I’m sure I’m stating the bleeding obvious but it seems like tumbleweed from the global warming – climate change nutters at the moment!
Probably all too busy collecting logs to put on the stove.
Yeah, the global warming story doesn’t have too much traction just now.
But don’t worry. You can always rely on the BBC to keep the war on the motorist going ad infinitum.
So on BBC London today’s scare story switched to ………PM10 particulates!
Amazing, isn’t it?
\\’Frozen sea foam’ appears on Somerset beach as temperatures fall//
And Bo Jo is going on about a Carbon Tax . Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?
C’mon Al Beeb, lets have it from you, the coldest temperature for ten years.
PM10 of course is not only motor vehicles
Nor just fossil fueled engines
It’s wood stoves and biomass burners
and tyre dust and road dust and soil particles and pollen, and atmospheric Sahara sand particles etc.
.. It’s not only the size of particles but their varying toxicity.
and how long they sit in your lungs, not very long mostly
It rains a lot in the UK so such particles often tend to get washed out anyway.
I wonder what they’re going to do in the summer if there’s still less flights then as there will be less jumbos for them to hold up their thermometers behind at Heathrow as they take off.I suppose they’ll still have the greenhouses at Kew Gardens to fall back on to keep their scam going!
Ah but, yes but, no but – at least Dartmoor is on fire. Yes, someone has set fire to Dartmoor.* I heard it on the BBC, so it must be true.
* Got to be a new Goon Show script somewhere in that story.
Given the falling revenue and viewing numbers, one would think the head of Al Beeb would find out why, by looking online for sites that are critical of the broadcaster?
He would also delegate one of his minions to counter that criticism – no ?
Any suggestions of whom the culprits could be on here ?
maxincony, who would you point the finger at ?
On the metrolibs policy of ever increasing immigration
legal or illegal
and the turning a blind eye whilst saying resources are getting scarcer or talking about ecological impacts of society.
And there was the deliberate tricky editing to obscure the BLM thug raising a plank
Hundreds of kids abused during a largely peaceful career #JimmySaville
And the BBC hypocrites were fully aware of what was going on.
A LOT of heads should have rolled over that one. And the witch-hunt they did afterwards to try and cover up their guilt.
Classic. Cognitive dissonance. The scenes of bikes being thrown at police horses ….and the animated jubilation when the police officer hit the lamppost…were shocking and horrendous.
If visible, that would have been self-evidently abhorrent, hence the bbc cropping and editorialising to prevent further checking.
Worked well for them, eh?
“Sir Andrew Neil” ‘Nope, stuff that’ he replied proving he’s based
Why not award a couple of Neil’s victims of biased interviews? Sir Tommy Robinson or Dame Katie Hopkins.
Front page main BBC headline:
Impeachment: ‘Convict Trump or it could happen again,’ trial told.
My internal disgustometer has bent itself around the end-stop in the red-zone over this impeachment.
How about ‘Convict Trump if you think he is guilty’.
This farce around Trump by the Left may destroy the USA as we know it. They are so bent with hate and greed for power, they are blind to the damage they are causing.
I’d like to know how anyone can become an ‘Impeachment Manager’!
BBC drooling about the start of the defence later today, and I’ll expect their normal ‘guilty in our eyes’ opinions whatever the outcome.
Absolutely : the change in tone is going to be remarkable.
I’m sure there will be plenty of ‘But …’ and ‘However …’ additions halfway down the articles to discredit whatever arguments Trumps lawyers make.
This is woke cancel culture coming into politics, simple as that. If you don’t agree or like something you get a bunch of thugs to ban it.
Main headline……..“Brexit: London loses out as Europe’s top share trading hub”
Small print ……………
\\Despite the current situation, Mr Bailey said that London would “undoubtedly continue as one of the world’s leading if not the leading financial centre”.//
Toady watch
I caught Robinson and bee lady’s ‘paper review ‘ which I’ve not heard for more than a year .
. Jeez – it’s just another avenue for pumping out far left propaganda – the frankly loopy head of the army who thinks borders are a bad thing – to pictures of queue s at soup kitchens in Pravda aka the mirror – to an easy slagging of winston Churchill as a racist and the British empire as ‘worse than the nazis ‘ –
All wrapped up in a bite sized 3 minutes …
Tucker Carlson did a piece on fox last night about moves to close it down – so if you appreciate it – you’d better watch a bit more before it is gone . I can’t see it being on YouTube much longer ….
…..seems the euthemism for censorship now is ‘being held accountable ‘
It sort of dove tales into UK news which the Left want dead before it is born – but they are pro killing babies anyway so why be surprised ?
Those attempts to shut down UK news using social media by the Left should have provoked outrage. Instead the first I knew about it was on here.
These are very dangerous times : they are setting the scene for what happens next.
3 min version of Tucker last night
– 32 min version
There are 49 min versions as well
5.06 million applications for EU citizens anxious to settle in the UK:
“Minister for Future(????) Borders and Immigration Kevin Foster said:
“It’s great news there have already been more than five million applications to the EU Settlement Scheme given there are still four months to go before the deadline on 30 June 2021.
“My message to European citizens and their family members is clear – apply now. There is plenty of support available and the new funding announced today means no stone will be left unturned in ensuring everyone gets the help they need.”
Secure your status in the UK by applying today on GOV.UK.
‘Come and get it, come and get it, plenty of money to lavishly go round.’ Particularly for disabled. More funding for migrants organisations (72). The list can be seen here:
‘Roll up, roll up, come and get your money………….
Volunteers would be welcome to come round weekends and help out tending the money trees blossoming to the rear of No.11 Downing Street.
I wonder if the polish serial rapist murderer in Hull who was sentenced yesterday is in that number – plenty of imported rubbish …
Point of order , there is no evidence of him raping or murdering before.
It was an escalation his previous convictions were for stealing underwear, masturbating in the street etc.
Contexts : this 2 week case got daily coverage on Hull local news
3 years ago the Hull court case of the Muslim racist who racially abused his white victim was not mentioned at all.
\\Jailed rapist Ahmed Abdoule who said Hull girl ‘can’t be a virgin because she’s white’
told 10 years is not enough//
Oh 2 years ago another
He will serve ten years for raping, as bad as holiday makers guilty of telling lies about recent travel history
Stewgreen – I’m so happy you are the defence for this polish character – I’m sure the girl he killed -mand her family – will appreciate your mitigation for him . I would top him .
That’s an unjustified personal smear against me
I prefer to stick to the topics, and not do ad homs against the other debater.
“polish *serial* rapist murderer”
If you have evidence that he has killed and raped before, then state it.
You understand the word serial mean “many” victims ?
yet you have only referenced one.
Toady watch
Robinson interviews some home office minister …. seems that the mad airport hotel lockdown scheme is full of holes . The government has failed to learn from the Australian experience and mistakes .
It appears to be an effing joke . Hotel staff can go home – after maybe being contaminated – or you can pop out and have a fag with unprotected security staff …..
I report this not because it is about the BBC – but about the credibility of the government – and on this one – it has echoes of the PPE failures about it .
The waffle of the minister was very ‘in the loop ‘ of even ‘Jim hacker ‘ in ‘yes minister ‘…..
Declaration – I will never be paying £1800 to be locked up for 10 days …
Beat me to it, Fed! Well done. Set point to you. 🙂
It was tried here on IoM during the first lockdown when locals came back to the island. It wasn’t popular… only IoM residents were allowed to enter…and then had to isolate.
They were checked twice to make sure they were not out and about. Those that broke isolation went to jail for 4 weeks.
Isolate at home or in a hotel, Garry? And if the latter, did their ‘aerosols’ specifically single out hotel staff (who I assume were not quarantining) when room doors were opened to take in food.
Last year – when I was returning to the Uk via t5 Heathrow – after 4 hours on a plane – I wondered about the transit bit from airport to home – which for me was 32 stops on the underground ….
…….I mused about how much of a bio hazard I might be ….. and wonder now whether airport lockdowns will reduce transmission or is a scheme aimed at deterring people from coming to the UK but not directly killing airlines …
Fed, I think it is more about some Quantititative Easing for the hotel and security sectors. Think HMG have decided the airlines can suffer a bit longer.
One special hotel to begin with. No idea about the staff.
Returning residents have to isolate for 21 days now….or pay for three tests over 14 days isolation.
Also…no guarantee of being allowed back in.
It was tried here on IoM during the first lockdown when locals came back to the island. It wasn’t popular… only IoM residents were allowed to enter…and then had to isolate.
They were checked twice to make sure they were not out and about. Those that broke isolation went to jail for 4 weeks.
Garry – it either has to be done right or not at all- – otherwise it’s that inept ‘lessons will be learnt ‘,and then forgotten or ignored nonsense …
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC rubbishing of the Quarantine Rules (this could be an ongoing series!)
Nick Robinson proves how gullible Beeboids are. He just heard from an Australian epidimiologist in Melbourne and is repeating this to the Government spokesperson, Victoria Atkins. Funny I listened to that Australian ‘expert’ and the needle on my Bullshit Dial wanged into the red. He was trying to convince us that a sick person in a hotel room had filled the room with ‘Covid aerosols’ and when the guest opened the door all the Covid virus particles went down the corridor and infected the hotel staff.
The Norfolk Sceptic wishes to comment at this point: “Yeaher, roighht.”
This item really demonstrates how nasty and evil the BBC are. There has to be support for ‘the BBC angle’ of the day. An intelligent, University educated, presenter has to be prepared to be gullible and stupid on air merely to support ‘the BBC angle’, which was to attack the UK Government’s implementation of Quarantine Restrictions for travellers to the UK and cast doubt on their competence and effectiveness of the provisions.
BBC Moaning Emole reassures with classic BBC factual basis input…
“Documents seen by the BBC suggest the quarantine rules for passengers arriving in the UK from coronavirus “red list” countries – which come into effect on Monday – will be less strict than those enforced by Australia . ”
But surely – if someone is in an air conditioned hotel room the virus is going to spread through out the hotel isn’t it ? Hotels are not bio labs ….
That was one of the massive holes in the so-called scientist’s claim. There were many others, eg. do the ‘Covid aerosols’ know whether to turn left or or turn right to go down the corridor and infect hotel staff?
It was a disgraceful bit of BBC ‘politicing’ – reason enough to cancel the Charter and Licence Fee right now, in my view. Had I been in Nick Robinson’s shoes, I would have refused to make myself appear that stupid and gullible on air.
Mentioned this yesterday, but it gets better as Andrea went full BBC Editor on Newswatch.
And so… it persisted, #CCBGB
Bet Jon has a poster of her next to the one he has of BS.
Translation, it’s a bragging apology
‘yeh I made a mistake, but that’s cos I am too well read and too patriotic
: I studied AMERICAN literature, not some limey loser from a million years ago’
Waiting for the BBC Making History of Color Editor to get out of bed, but here it is from Variety…
“Oscars: ‘Soul’ Looks to Make History”
It is a cartoon that I have heard of mainly because kids have no idea what to make of it.
Interestingly, per BBC SOP, going further down… the actual award tip is for….
“Oscars Predictions: Best Visual Effects”
Historic indeed.
BBC News
When it comes to vaccine distribution there is one question most people are asking – when will I be offered it?
And they know this how?
Police remote working, football training on Zoom and the beans on bix challange
For our further edification, let’s take a peek at the frontpages of the Scots papers today, as helpfully provided by BBC news online.
We alight first in the rough, tough, often rambunctious city of Glasgow where the Glasgow Times boasts: ‘Nobody knows our city better’.
In sports news the Glasgow Times appears to play it straight down the middle of the pitch, devoting equal space to the rival green and blue, Celtic and Rangers, halves of their football stories. Meanwhile our main news headline reads: ‘We miss Liam every minute’ – this is the sad tale of an eighteen-year-old Celtic fan’s family who are interviewed, following the jailing of his killer. The Glasgow Times tight-fistedly paywalls the story so we go to the Daily Record for clues as to the circumstances of his death: ‘Dean Wright deliberately mowed down innocent Liam Hendry, 18, as he watched a brawl between two gangs unfold close to Glasgow’s Celtic Park in 2019’ – poor wee lad, there he was innocently watching a brawl…
Football is in the news for all the wrong reasons. The Scottish Sun doesn’t mince words: ‘Game of shame. Dossier reveals starlets preyed on for decades. Clubs told: Apologise to pervs’ young victims’ – starlets, we assume, are young males?
The Scottish Sun meanwhile fluffs its lines and perpetrates a major frontpage typo in a Sturgeon puff piece report: ‘Nic hails “heroic” 1m jags push’ – nope she’s not gifting Scots with premium German motorcars, curtesy of the English taxpayer, that headline should read “jabs” not “jags”
To Dundee where the Evening Telegraph is the local rag and the strapline reads: ‘Dundee born and read’
It’s an old joke that Scots live on a diet of deep-fried Mars Bars, haggis and Irn Bru. The Evening Telegraph raises the culinary stakes: ‘Beans on Bix?! We try the latest viral food craze’ – top marks to the cub reporter pictured taking on the baked beans on Wheetabix challenge. Brave soul, she ranks as about the most Scottish-looking woman on earth this morning with her pale complexion, sour pained expression, lank ginger locks, and gritted teeth. Stick with the porridge, lass.
It’s not all culinary whimsey in Dundee, the main headline reads: ‘Cops who wrestled naked thug had to isolate. Boozy lout fakes covid symptoms’ – as for the local footie team, one doubts they will be challenging Scotland’s big two any time soon: ‘United resort to training on Zoom’
The Aberdeen and Inverness Press and Journal have doubled up for us and would hope to entice with: ‘A bracing stroll along town’s new waterfront boardwalk’ – reading their headline: ‘Mercury hits -23c as big freeze bites’ – I’ll pass on that, thanks.
Meanwhile Edinburgh Evening News offers: ‘Enter our Valentine’s competition win a two night break for two’ – given we’re in lockdown, break from what and to where, we wonder?
The saucy tabloid Star of Scotland offers: ‘Your definitive guide to beavers’
The Angus and Dundee edition of The Courier alarms us with news of: ‘Man charged for dangerous “snow peep hole” driving. Police: Officer says it is “miraculous” no one was hurt’ – so no one was hurt, then? In case you were wondering the motorist had a windscreen smothered in snow and had cleared for himself just a small peep hole patch to see through. Following in the hallowed tradition of cops almost everywhere, commenting on almost any event as being the worst example they’ve ever seen, Inspector Greg Burns commented: ‘It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is just about the most extreme example of lack of preparation we’ve ever seen’
The Daily Record draws our attention to: ‘Monster kept boy in cage. Woman, 34, faces prison after toddler, 2, suffers horrific catalogue of neglect’ – and we have a challenger for the most Scots-looking woman on the frontpages this morning, as Clare Boyle is snapped by the press capturing her ginger hair, sallow complexion and flipping the bird at the camera.
The Telegraph’s Scottish edition echoes the national headline: ‘Pandemic risks repeat of 1930s chaos says forces chief. Gen Sir Nick Carter warns economic crisis in wake of Covid could stoke nationalism’ – permission to speak, sir, in Scotland we’ve seen the chaos of nationalism for years now.
The Scottish Daily Mail lays it on the borderline for us: ‘Sturgeon threatens crackdown on border. Police patrols may be stepped up in row over holiday quarantine plans’
The First Minister had better check first she has the police resources with which to show England her middle finger as The Herald warns: ‘Cash-strapped police force in move to remote working’
No mention of the Spectator ‘winning ‘ a court battle about publish some salmon papers. Ok – I have no idea what the spat between salmon and crankie is about – but I do care is it weakens the miserable Scottish national socialist party …. maybe it should just be called the ‘hate England party’
Beans on ‘bix? Dry ‘bix’? Wow! Could be a potent combo.
‘Some people’ reckon that dry Weetabix is a cure for constipation. Baked beans are known for their .. umhhh …. er … how I can I put this delicately ….. ‘explosive qualities’ .. so in combo with a dry ‘bix or two, there could be a whole lot of pebble-dashing going on.
Well, certainly some dashing for the ‘smallest room’.
Brings a whole new meaning to the old dustbin collection story:
Refuse collector: “Oi, mate! Where’s yer bin”
Resident: “Whaare’sIzabean?” “Iza bean upstairs.”
Maybe there will be an ‘arms race ‘ involving the use of ‘curried baked beans ‘ which until recently were a banned weapon according to the Geneva convention ….
The Twitter traffic about beans on weetabix has. Expanded and has the chief Constable of Northants standing outside HQ doing a spoof press statement …
‘that headline should read “jabs” not “jags”’
My mum, trained as a nurse at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, always called injections ‘jags’.
I suspect that the use of that word, in Scotland at least, pre-dates the car company, which first used the name Jaguar in 1935. It must have been many years later before that trade name became familiar enough to the public to be shortened to ‘Jag’.
Ms. Sturgeon might be used to using short phrases, even ‘curt’ ones, but I am sure even she knows that the Jaguar trade mark is owned by Tata, an Indian company.
Apart from that, well done, as usual!
connected : breaking : Celtic issue fresh apology for historic sexual abuse in Scottish football and at Boys Club
Authors of the Independent Review of Sexual Abuse in Scottish Football alleged a number of senior staff at Celtic, including a former board member, had possibly been aware of allegations of abuse within Celtic Boys Club.
Torbett has twice been imprisoned for attacking young boys between 1967 and 1994.
@AsISeeIt Glasgow Times archived page
Liam Hendry’s parents pay tribute to kind, popular son who was murdered near Celtic Park
(Do you see, now ? )
“(Do you see, now ? )”
Stew, is this a question & is it perhaps addressed to me?
I’m afraid usually I only have an hour so or a day to make my humble contributions hereabouts and can’t really devote much time to replies & clarifications. Are you wanting to engage or just make some point and “put it out there” for whatever reason? I really can’t tell from your short posting.
By the way, I don’t take myself too seriously nor do I expect my contributions here to be taken too seriously. This is not an academic exercise nor a full-time occupation and research time is obviously limited. What I’m after is capturing the surface impressions gained from and purveyed by our media. I rather suspect we may differ in this respect. I like to keep things light whilst touching on general themes of media bias and preoccupation. Do forgive me if am misrepresenting you – short typed messages can easily be misunderstood – the shorter the more scope for misunderstanding – but I somehow sense you are “having a go” as they say.
We can’t really admonish those occasional pro-BBC posters for nitpicking low-hanging fruit and general bad faith trolling behaviour if we fall into the same traps in our comments.
@AsISeeIt “typo” , Nope
Jag/jaggy is a Scottish word meaning sharp. “Jaggy Thistle”.
….as also made famous by Billy Connelly in his early days (before he became crude) on the track ‘The Crucifixion’ from the album ‘Billy Connelly – Solo Concert’, where he referred to the wearing of a ‘Jaggy Bunnet’.
Pedro seems golden still, at least in Beebworld.
So, either Marianna had logged off when it needed checking for BBC Abhorrence* purposes, or they just decided there was no time or space.
*Maybe Mishal has a chart?
Pedro Pascal update : Not had her lefty co star made the same analogy previously
..the lefty had tweeted a photo of child cages and labelled it Trump’s America.
It now emerges the cages were not in America
They are Palestinian Authority child cages.
Carano’s own “Mandalorian” co-star Pedro Pascal made a Nazi comparison to Trump’s border policies in 2018, likening detention of immigrant children to rounding up Jews in Nazi Germany.
Since the comparison took aim at Trump, Pascal’s commentary was permissible.
When Carano flipped the coin, however, it was a racist offense that warranted firing.
A bit of light relief for once, although no doubt commies would look at this with hatred or perversion as they always manage to do for everything but their deified governments.
For a busy bunny, her body of work seems mostly circling back in nature.
At least she’s off the feet thing.
This always putting her face in tweets
Has Wendling decided that is a technique that Anna Brees does, so he is copying it ?
She has a new vid saying Facebook has removed her ban (screengrab of the ban )
(AFAIK there are two ways that bans normally come in ..both are automatic without the corps actual staff doing a review.
.. #1 Activists falsely do a mass complaint against you
#2 Algorithms counting trigger words in the text or audio get triggered .”Trump, stolen election” )
This woman is beyond stupid.
Before the internet broadcasters and newspaper reporters ‘spoke’ to their audience but their audience didn’t get to speak to them, except by telephone call or letter, both of which had to get past the switchboard and mailroom staff.
No old-time broadcaster or reporter would have published their home address or telephone number, yet effectively this is what she has done. She expects to be free to make broad accusations against the general population but to get no adverse feedback.
Indeed it is almost as if she wants to encourage online abuse which both reinforces her moral narcissistism and provides material for her next round of public shaming.
Seems the BBC learns from the Guys in Gaza as much as covers for them.
Stick the kids in front.
The ‘C’ in BBC stands for?
Did any one watch the Scottish BBCQT or should i say the PRO Indie SNP question time show?
they allowed a pro SNP speaker to rabble on for 5-10 mins about how Nicola Sturgeon should be allowed to break ministerial conduct as there is a pandemic and no appetite for her to resign from the people of scotland.
its crazy thinking when your prepared to ignore the rules to enusre you get what you want.
the hypocrisy coming from some not all scottish and pro indie ref people at minute is crazy.
there was 2-3 invididuals that acutally had a common sense approach to all.
but any SNP follower or member seem to be deluded at the minute.
Journalist???? Is this a joke. She would be better employed at the sun. Absolute abuse of licence fee. Defund!!!
I hardly catch anything on the BBC these days; I can’t stomach it. However, last Sunday I was sitting by the fire with a cup of tea and thought “Oh, The Antiques Road Show…that’ll be nice…”
I guess I lasted about three minutes. As I tuned in I saw the expert chatting to a really rather strange looking middle-aged woman. I can’t recall what the antique was, because it was all about this “woman’s journey.” It transpired that “she” was actually a he and had “transitioned” and our expert was fascinated by her experience. I’m afraid that I wasn’t…
You see, I know I’m a dinosaur, but I really enjoy someone bringing along their grandfather’s old watch, maybe a lovely piece of furniture or even a bloody commode and hearing about its history. I have no interest whatsoever in how Mr Brown became Mrs Brown, or vice-versa. I just don’t want to know.
The Antiques Road Show used to be safe, Sunday tea-time viewing. It was comfortable. It was usually filmed on a splendid summer’s afternoon in a lovely garden. There were ladies in pretty frocks and chaps in fedoras. It was comfortable…like an old cardigan or an early episode of the Midsomer Murders… without all the carnage.
Not now…
FFS they’ve even wokified antiques!
Oh, yes – they now actively search for ‘unusual’ or bizarre visitors, rather than antique objects – any tinge, or deviation from the norm is like a magnet to the BBC.
I think they used to call the slot between 8pm and 10pm the ‘habitat ‘ spot where whitee people could watch whitee programmes without having a dose of colour – morse – heartbeat – last of the summer wine … that sort of thing …
… but as you see queers and others land up in everything to tick the ‘diversity ‘ box
I was wondering the other day about the fuss coloured footy players make when they go onto social media and get called nasty names – musing what reception they’d all get doing the kneeling nonsense before every game ….I’d like to hope sky footy subscriptions are falling but I suppose the furloughed need footy even more now..
TOADY Watch #2 – Only asked twice, Nick and no “Forgive me” ?
Toady had an item in the half-hour segment before 8 a.m.. Rick Nobinson interviewed the CEO of HS2 about the approval granted yesterday in the House for the line extension further north from Birmingham to Crewe.
That, despite an existing railway line – currently suffering a lack of passengers – running up to Crewe. “Oh, Mr Porter! what a to-do!”
The Boss of HS2 will need a porter to carry his salary: it is £650,000 per annum. Nick asked about that and whether the HS2 CEO would be willing to take a pay cut. The CEO would not answer and merely trumpeted some HMG waffle. Nick tried a second time but it was noted by this listener that that was an end to the questioning and there were no interruptive repeat attempts interspersed with “Forgive mes”.
A general observation:
It’s a shame that the sheeple aren’t panicking over the damage that the lefties and greenies are doing to our species, isn’t it? The sheeple worry about a tiny virus which will not affect most of them, yet are happy to follow a plan to rob them of their basic freedoms, their money, their culture, and their future, on the pretext of a Great Reset, which will also deprive them of their jobs, cash, inexpensive electricity, gas, and their property. And they are ‘informed’ that they will be “happy”.
These things don’t appear to cause them an iota of angst, yet they’re terrified (allegedly) of a slowly changing climate, and yet another ‘flu virus to add to the existing fleet.
Uber-gullible to the extent of being a severe threat to the rest of us.
“…..a tiny virus which will not affect most of them,…”. Absolutely.
Well, those ‘Scientists’ again:
“Four additional symptoms of Covid-19 identified by scientists –
a loss of appetite
muscle aches”
Sounds like a ‘good old’ cold coming on………….Remember the common cold?
The proper thing for proper journalists to do would be to find hospital people who have worked there for 30 years…..and ask them if there is actually more suffering now……
The scientists should also add these as symptoms:
loss of employment
loss of house
no weddings
no dating
no pubs
no holidays
no fun
Manchester Polish cafe update
Has it been to court?
officers were called to a suspected mass Covid breach at the ‘Kate & Luc Cafe’ on Burnage Lane, Manchester.
Lucjan Domanski, 39, has been charged with assault of an emergency worker.
He will appear at Manchester City Magistrates Court on Tuesday 23 February 2020.
Democrats never had problem with violent rhetoric towards Trump
“A senator thretened boo-hoo-hoo”
Project Veritas’ Twitter Account Banned After Confrontation With Facebook Vice President
“Fox News has learned that the suspension came just 20 minutes after Project Veritas attempted to appeal Twitter’s decision to lock both accounts after they shared a video showing Project Veritas journalist Christian Hartsock approaching Facebook executive Guy Rosen outside of his home. The confrontation was over remarks he made during an internal video conference that was previously leaked to Project Veritas.”
Is that different from the doorstepping of Cummings ?
Twitter called it doxxing, cos someone’s house can be identified
.. surely a Facebook exec already has security against nutcases.
One rule for me, another for thee
KPMG boss Bill Michael quits after ‘stop moaning’ row
This is the salient paragraph way down the article…
“When Mr Michael stepped aside pending the investigation into his comments KPMG appointed its first female leaders in 150 years.
Bina Mehta stepped in as acting chairman and Mary O’Connor took over Mr Michael’s day-to-day executive responsibilities as acting senior partner.”
Looks like it was a stitch up job by the woke lefties in the Company to me!
This will become a big and common thing to get rid of top people who don’t follow the mantra. Mark my words!
Sargon is live now, many updates
eg Project Veritas banning
This is the livefeed link
It gets changed later to an archived file
Yesterday’s Disney thing ..the lefty had tweeted a photo of Palestinian Authority child cages and labelled it Trump’s America.
Looking at the guests for tonight’s Any Questions
straight away I see her asking for white employees only
… oh black I mean.
The BBC have an update on a gay couple wanting to buy their first home.
Help to Buy deadline extended amid Covid delays
Greg Saunders, 31, who is buying with his boyfriend David Leith, 36, told the BBC in January that their purchase was in doubt owing to the delays.
So there was a whole article on them 14 Jan and now this. Does the BBC go on Grindr to find people to write about or is there a secret hotline that only select people are told about?
ok someone explain why licence fee payers are no doubt paying for this
and a chess player ?? really did they struggle to find a shortlist ?
Do Indian broadcasters run a “British sportswoman of the year” prize ?
The shortlist for the BBC Indian Sportswoman award has been announced in Delhi.
The list of five contenders for 2021 features shooter Manu Bhaker, sprinter Dutee Chand, chess player Koneru Humpy, wrestler Vinesh Phogat and hockey captain Rani.
The BBC launched the inaugural edition of the award in February 2020 and, following a tumultuous 12 months in which the coronavirus pandemic has affected all areas of life, the campaign returns for its second year.
A panel *selected by the BBC*compiled the shortlist of Indian sportswomen.
Backed by the Official Sports Authority of India & some other gov depts
Look at the list of BBC India language channels supporting this programme
Why is the BBC licence fee funding all these channels ?
Isn’t it a form of imperialism ?
BBC knows who BBC likes.
They seem nice.
The outgoing bbC Chairman,s letter totally underscores the opinion that this organ is operating in a parallel universe!
PS Vonbedda _ re bbC Scotland QT.
I didnt see it but have posted observations here that bBC Scotland is a clear and present danger…..and seen by many as the media wing if SINN Fein/SNP.
Stumbled across a very bad movie on Netflix, based on a British Beauty during WW2.
Jon in the Glynis Barber role saving America seems apt.
This is not going away.
And as with Nick Sandmann, all who joined the pile on should suffer.
I include the BBC, whose smear editorial was beneath contempt.
The vipers’ nest that is the US media industry is quite special. Not in a good way.
No one is safe. From their own.
Has ‘allegedly’ in it, so the BBC must be excited.
Or not.
They seem… selective.
Guessing ‘not news’ in Beebworld?
Tel is on it. Found the link on FB.
And a lot of top serves back at libbies who have multiple standards.
My fave so far, beyond her co-star’s cage effort, is a full page on Disney justifying shooting Mulan near a concentration camp.
This has really worked out well for them and, hopefully, the BBC’s efforts in support.
Kids Company founder and former trustees win disqualification fight
In a statement after the ruling, Ms Batmanghelidjh, who founded Kids Company in 1996, said: “I hope this judgement will be the first step in refuting the many lies that have been told and banishing the false myths.
At this rate how long will it be before she gets around to refuting that she rented a house to live in (with a swimming pool) using charity money or that cash was given to kids to buy drugs?
Having this piece run in the corporate output of her £6M pension pot BBC co-luvvie will really help the banishing of false myths.
Marianna on it yet?
This caught my eye.
Police ‘outnumbered’ by Middlesbrough and Newcastle sledging crowds
”Large crowds congregated to frolic on Newcastle’s Town Moor and Flatts Lane Country Park in Middlesbrough on Wednesday and Thursday.”
The peasants are frolicking, jailed for frolicking, incitement to frolic.
Policing by consent
.. the police sent message by the way they policed BLM protests
Fit young people make a choice, that they know the risks
An actual safety team would just ensure that the people are spaced out enough etc.
I keep coming across fringe elements like anti-lockdown protesters
going the “We will win with Common Law and the Bill of Rights” route.
Is seems like someone is playing a psy-op game on them
cos AFAIK when it comes to court they stand up and make their great speech
and then the judge says ‘yeh but statute law trumps common law, so I’ll make a judgement under statute law”
.. AFAIK There’s no huge list of “Common Law” shouters who have won in court
“Asylum seekers: Napier Barracks and Penally camp inspected over conditions”
The camps are good enough for the ‘Brave defenders of the nation’ but not good enough for the ‘Amphibious invaders’ of our shores?
What sort of government is running our country?
If we didn’t have them here in the first place
or if they’d been interred in prison camps
the situation would be much more controllable.
There was no deterrent . I thought the ex PM of Australia came over to the UK to advise on border control?
Nope he came to advise on trade negotiations AFAIK.
On the contrary libmob provide a hamper INCENTIVES
– benefits, housing
#Victims Excuse Card
and if they are non-white special opportunities like BBC quota jobs etc.
PJW on the Gina Carano witch-burning
Loads more stuff on his Twitter feed
I’d pay to watch.
Lurch seems fascinated in one thing and one thing only.
What ‘we’ believe.
Interestingly the look Dem yesterday was basing all on what ‘they’ believed.
Like everything, truth and fact now depends on the colour of rosette.
He is also likely in close contact with his ex boss.
NYT going the ‘tell it often enough’ route all it can.
Show me the bodies.
Every day there were victims of things Antifa organised, many injured and some dead bodies.
I didn’t see white nationalist actually organise many things that they knew were likely to turn violent.
The occasional ‘going postal’ shooting does happen in America, but that is a different policing issue.
“Nigel Farage’s anti-lockdown party: Future force or busted flush?”
“Longer-term issues include overhauling the House of Lords, the voting system and the BBC.”
Whats not to like about that?
Its The Reform Party for me – you know it makes sense.