Wyvern- For some reason I missed your similar comment. But at least there is somebody else that sees this BRITISH broadcasting
corporation for what it is. If you look up the word oxymoron in
the dictionary. It uses the example of ” Deafening Silence ”
BRITISH broadcasting corporation could just as easily be used.
There is NOTHING British about the BBC in it’s presentation.
Please tell me if you think that I am paranoid. BUT I
cant understand why the BRITISH broadcasting corporation
cannot be at least neutral when it comes to posting pictures
on the website of the India- England test matches.
Does BIG BROTHER from the diversity department have to
control this as well?
Fooc : Seville, Oliver Smith “its first new mosque since the 13th century.
It’s a bold new initiative that has involved an ex-Premiership Mali footballer, a former male model convert and an internet crowdfunding campaign, as reports.”
11:30am R4 FooC : other notes
Israel, Tom Bateman looked for the negatives
– ‘poor Palestinians’
– ‘ooh the fall in Covid is slowing, ooh 90% need to be vaccinated
.. ooh won’t be good enough to win election’
– “Chris Paige looks back on Ireland’s evolution since it became a republic into a firmly European nation.”
– “ooh look at the shiney EU roads, betty than sh*ty Northern Ireland”
– ‘Ireland prospered so much the first time it separated from UK’
Jeremy Bowen on Thirty years ago in Iraq
an American air strike destroyed an air raid shelter in Baghdad, killing hundreds.
The previous August, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had invaded and occupied Kuwait, triggering a huge international response.
‘Saint Biden will restore the Iran agreement’
India – Geetanjali Krishna conserving pangolins
The Festival of pangolin protection.
Meanwhile in the parallel universe that is the public sector……l
The BBC are reporting with their customary glee that, under pressure from the unions, the government is scrapping a £95,000 limit on civil service redundancy pay.
The unions are complaining that the limit can affect people earning as little as £25,000 a year.
Do the Maths. That must mean civil servants can get a redundancy payout of FOUR YEARS of annual salary.
There are at least two issues here. One is the stupefying largesse with which the public sector looks after its own, paid for by the rest of us. The other is that faced with such astronomic bills, the threat of redundancy and, by extension, re-organisation or restructuring is minimal, so we get an unadaptable unchanging civil service, unfit for purpose and comprising many with no real jobs and irrelevant skills.
No wonder the country is in a mess.
PS The maximum statutory redundancy pay is around £16,000. Typical in the private sector.
The problem lies with the outgoing PM Doris and the usless cowardly incompetent tories.
When he came to power, Doris could have lined up the mandarins one by one, invited them in and read them the riot act. If they and their minions refused to play ball, then they were shown the door. One strike and you are out type approach.
But no he chose to do nothing, and spent most of his time pandering to them after the issue with the Minister for strongly worded statements when she apparently bullied someone.
Tony Blair as is well known, politicised the uncivil serpents back in the late 1990s. Doris had the chance to start digging ditches that would have drained the swamp, but ultimately and as befits a creature with no back bone, he’s just slithered in to the water with them.
Not forgetting Treesa, WW, whose comprehensive political naivety persuaded her to be surrounded with ‘servants’ like Olly Robbins who worked tirelessly to ensure the EU could run rings round her.
She thought her ‘powerful woman’ image would dominate negotiations, instead she sat in empty corridors at 2am, waiting for Juncker and Barnier to finish their brandy and cigars.
Memories of Sarkozy ignoring the outstretched hand of Cameron – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and second largest contributor to their cartel – and then waiting for the group-shot photographer, standing ignominiously at one end of the back row, were lost to her. Sad woman.
In which BBC Newsnight, noted for the reliability of its selected quotees [cough] BIJ’s nutter [cough] Gets soundbite gold from the Editor of…. The Lancet!
“The unit of success is not the United Kingdom. It is the whole of the world.”
A quick glace at the BBC News channel with a cup of tea…
1. A report on Myanmar had a short video clip of a trans protestor holding a LGBT umbrella.
2. Trump impeachment trial showed Congress doing a standing ovation for the black policeman who was seen running away up the stairs.
A quick glace at the BBC News website…
1. A photo of a mixed race couple with the caption “Must see: Zendaya & Washington in the film that’s got everyone talking ★★☆☆☆”
The last one with 2 out of 5 stars sums up the BBC. “Must see” means “not any good but ticks all the boxes”.
Breitbart London
Worse than ever.
Every headline story today is about racism and discrimination.
Against indigenous white people!
Usually facilitated by members of the parasitic sector!
– Netherlands Stops International Adoptions After ‘Stolen Children’ Scandal Exposed
– EU Commissioner: Fewer Than One Third of Bogus Asylum Seekers Go Back Voluntarily
– Man Sentenced for Blackmailing Minors for Sex in Paris Suburbs
(Same as the Norfolk guy Labourer : David Nicholas Wilson )
– ‘Totally Unacceptable’ – Illegal Migrants Getting Vaccines Before At-Risk Brits at 4-Star Hotel
– Prosecutor Demands €5,000 Fine Against Marine Le Pen over Photos Exposing ISIS Crimes
– Spain : Gender Law to Allow Trans People Into Women’s Spaces, Under-16s to Access ‘Treatment’ over Parents’ Objections
– More Than Five Million EU Migrants Have Applied to Stay in UK
– Khan’s London:
No Prison for Woman Who Shoved ‘White B*tch’ Into Path of Bus
The ‘Pimlico Pusher’, who shoved a “white b*tch” in her sixties into the path of a moving bus, has been allowed to walk out of court free.
– Rees-Mogg Rips ‘Red Khan’ for BLM-Inspired ‘Diversity Commission’ on Memorials
– Algerian on Trial After Keeping Son’s Corpse for 18 Months in Paris Apartment
– Soros-Funded NGO Demands Punishment for Hungary Migrant ‘Pushbacks’
– Police Investigate ‘Bomb’ Detonation at Greek Newspaper Offices That Followed Far-Left Vandalism
– Greek Far-Left Anarchists Storm News Agency To Support Terrorist Killer
– The MP for Rotherham has revealed that she knows rape gang survivors who are now 70, suggesting abuses date back far longer than suspected.
– Former Belgian Pro-Sharia Islam Party Candidate Sentenced over Death Threats
Thanks SG, I am too enraged, by the treason all around us, to delineate the crimes of the Beeboids.
Thanks also to all genuine contributors to BBBC.
Thanks also to our heroic ancestors, whose self sacrificial example we shall follow.
“I wondered what might have happened to an Iraqi news team if Saddam’s men had somehow managed to kill 400 civilians in London or New York. I thought they’d be strung up”.
He knows perfectly well what would have happened:
1) Candles would have been lit
2) Khan and Boris would have urged us not to be rude to Muslims as, clearly, the attach had nothing to do with Islam.
3) The security forces would have been blamed for not doing enough.
4) The Muslim Council of Britain would have told us that British foreign policy is at fault.
5) A year later the BBC would have forgotten all about it but Jeremy Bowen would be interviewing one of the parents of the attackers telling us what a nice devout lad he was.
6) Facebook and Twitter would censure all comments – This account of events is disputed. It has nothing to do with Islam.
ITBB has pulled a No.38 and issued a whole slew of of lovely new complements to here.
The picture of JezBo is telling, as his bloated physique matches his clearly addled brain.
How the BBC felt and feels he is an appropriate representative of this country in that region is, actually, astounding, in a Pesto sense, and abhorrent in a Mickey Mouse one.
Getting quite fed up being spoken for by people who do not represent me in any way, shape, or form.
Those that feel they a born to rule appear energised at present.
"Preventing the ‘unlettered’ from voting in elections wouldn’t just be immoral. It would also go disastrously wrong" | @MichaelPDeaconhttps://t.co/96JKe4wACV
Guest who
Poor Jeremy putting the cart before the horse. I would have thought getting an uncorrupted voting system would be the primary requirement .
The idea that voters would need to be able to read , write and know a bit of ‘civics ‘ is quite an aspiration . Currently the Party system delivers more than a representative number of fools and criminals into Parliament .
I listen to some of them – mainly Labour – and wonder who the hell voted for that idiot – example – the deputy leader of the Labour Party – who was made a ‘privy counsellor ‘ yesterday – I mean angie raynor -? WTF were they thinking – or actually they weren’t – just red as mum and dad always did .
In principle I’m with mr paxman but in reality it couldn’t be done .
It’s a bit like having a lifetime allocation of ‘benefits ‘ once you’ve used them you are on your own – and not living off the efforts of others ….
During the anti Brexit remainers hate campaign against Brexit voters……I often thought that these people….especially media types…..really thought that they should have two votes!
Context Saddam had invaded Kuwait
The Americans had not just sat back like the French/Germans do
but rather gone in to defend their ally
and in the process a bomb shelter with civilians in got blown up.
Bowen is repeating the “400” claim or the Saddam
no one is saying it wasn’t a lot of people.
One, the headline is clearly designed to accuse everyone in the the Tory Party of being a White Racist Supremacist for obvious hard left-leaning Independent reasons because this is how they work.
And two I think you will find Sean that the overwhelming majority of British people have problem with taking the knee in fact simply because it’s designed to subjugate and shame so why the hell should they just because someone orders it? it’s called freedom of choice and its under pressure from groups trying to take control over their lives.
The whole ‘you did not dance to our tune, therefore…’ is as daft as it is deployed cynically by now overempowered SJWs.
They tried it with the actress in the USA too.
How does such a tone play at all, much less well with their narrow groupie set?
Sean really need reminding that not everyone agrees with all Sean agrees with, so live with it Bubba, and stop trying to get folk fired like the BBC spends its energies doing.
Radio 4 watch
A vintage Saturday morning – tony Blair interviewed on Westminster – Blair has thar megalomania still – he wants Blighty to vaccinate the world – then the interviewer read a bit of his autobiography to him .
The comment was about sars – Blair decided to ignore it – play it down – deny it as a threat – not prepare for the worst .
Blair being lucky got away with it – but it shows how much to value that scumbags ‘ judgement .
This was followed by from our own correspondent – which I know has already been commented on . Jeremy Bowen exercised his enormous ego and was pretty disgusting . Bowen talked about the reaction of Iraqis after a dodgy missile strike which killed civilians . I could have told him that he didn’t get strung up because they saw him as ‘one of there own ‘ – which – of course – he is .
Then to crown it the Muslim planning to build a mosque in the middle of Seville ‘for all to see ‘. I know Seville – they have no fondness for ‘‘moors ‘ aka Muslims – strangely the bbc droid who loves the idea of islamising Spain again didn’t talk about the views of the locals …
….but I’d be surprised if it ever gets built …
8pm Red-io4 “we are doing a friendly edition of the Archive programme
who shall we choose ?”
Oh look a surprise, they’ve chosen Labour’s Alastair Campbell
They’ll probably avoid asking him about
His prior claim that “Brexit madness” will cause Covid vaccine delays.
+ if he was embarrassed to work for the Mirror & Maxwell ?
+ about Dr David Kelly’s death
+ “45 mins from WMD” presenter’s thread
We investigate claims that exhausted migrant workers in Malaysia have worked up to 12 hours a day, 29 days a month to produce the gloves so desperately needed in hospitals around the world, with some exposed to outbreaks themselves at work https://t.co/LSlnbVszhY
BBC is 10 weeks late on that story
Malaysia’s equivalent of SkyNews 1st of December 2020 The Department of Manpower Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM) has opened 21 investigation papers involving 63 charges, including 19 against six groups of Top Glove companies.
On November 16th soldiers had installed barbed wire in front of workers quarters at one of the many glove factories due to a Covid outbreak.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I find it logically inexplicable how they can ignore all the terrible things Blacks/Muslims/BLM/Antifa do. Look at the outrage over Floyd, yet the unarmed womans murder at the Capitol has been completely swept under the carpet. Any decent citizen is worth 100 Floyds.
For the Left, the ends justify the means. Their real pupose is ideological : they will oppose the Right whatever it takes. They view them as inferior. It’s massive, massive hypocrisy – but while people like the BBC and the MSM are part of the problem, they will get away with it.
But of course history is littered with such people. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin and many others. They were all prepared to do whatever it took to win.
Never heard of him. A quick check with Google enlightened me.
‘The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself.’
‘Tactics mean doing what you can with what you have.’
‘If people don’t think they have the power to solve their problems, they won’t even think about how to solve them.’
‘In the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.’
Oh for an end to the lockdown, when I can again visit my local pub to sample the fine ale, food and ambience. But wait— is it the wrong name ? as a brewery has renamed four of its pubs over concerns they had racist connotations, three of them called The Blackboy.
Dr Halima Begum, of The Runnymede Trust, welcomed the news, saying the names had been a continual reminder of a “history of oppression”. Whaaat ? Some self centered woke idiot once again laying down her views and beliefs, which we are forced to swallow. She really needs to get a job, maybe with that old favourite Sadiq Khant- renaming or removing statues and street names (yes he’s back on that one again – so glad I don’t live in Londistan)
Now here’s the funny bit….
A spokesperson for the chain said “despite the obscure origins” (no one knows why they are called The Black Boy) there was a perception the names were “linked with racism, which is why we knew we had to take this step’. So somebody ‘perceives’ and we all have to change. Effectively what he is saying is ‘Nothing’.
The joke is on all these idiots as if I were them and so worried about nothing I would be wanting to celebrate The Black Boy, not ban it.
There used to be a pub near me called Uncle Tom’s Cabin (heaven forbid) and what about The Three legged Mare, The Quiet Woman, The legend of Oily Johnnies or even The White Horse (how insulting to non white horses), Dirty Dick’s, Filthy Fannies and The Famous Cock (disgraceful smut – if you so perceive).
Think it’s been renamed ‘Sally Pussey’s’ to avoid unfortunate mixups. When I were a kid, it used to be a conventional pub, with a rather less than conventional sign, with a naked woman sat with a black cat curled in her lap… I didn’t get the joke at the time (being something like 10 years old).
I live in Reading. There is a junction a few yards up the road from the pub. Last time I went past it was still signposted “The Black Boy Roundabout”. On local radio traffic news the same, as is notorious for congestion during rush hour (in normal times).
England won the rugby against Italy, but Italy retained national pride by refusing to abase themselves and ‘take the knee’. All credit to the entire team.
More memorable, though, was the ad during the first break for the Jaguar F-Pace. Created by an agency with PC in mind – aren’t they all? – the choice of driver, for a prestige SUV was perhaps, some could think, unwise. To suggest that such a top-end vehicle might be so easily hot-wired must surely be off-putting for potential buyers?
In China they have state-run media,
…. in the West we have media-run states.
Surely it’s time for us little people, to wake up and take back control
… We have let the left Trojan horse entry all of the institutions. #entryism
That’s a message coming out of a new YouTube channel @GuestWho mentioned the other day
called @NotTheBBC
Has anyone looked the videos listed there ?
Here’s an example
Today’s Times has a “PR as news” article for Tesla
The article debunks its own headline three quarters down
but it contains the remarkable Ha-robbin like line
“Critics have accused carmakers of continuing to push the sale of petrol and diesel cars..”
Wow carmakers who have trillions pounds worth of petrol diesel factories are PUSHING the product they make
…. “how dare they” /sarc
“Well sir, this car can be refuelled in under a minute and will give you a good ten years of reliable service while this car takes all night, (as long as it’s windy and not too cold), and will be clapped out in less than five years.”
Jon not happy ☺. Clutching at straws. Let it go Jon you imbecile.
Important point – though #ImpeachmentTrial fell short of super-majority required this is most bipartisan vote to convict in US history, and first time since 1868 that a majority has voted that way
Every single democrat (50%) would have voted guilty even if Trump was accused of adultery with Catherine the Great.
That’s where US politics is now. 3rd world corrupt.
It is sad to see the Democratic party confusing a vote of confidence with impeachment, something that should only be considered when there is actual proof of a crime being committed, not just because they don’t like someone.
Hodges arguing that lockdowns are the way to go
built up a strawman “All countries use lockdowns, so all scientists support them, so people arguing against them must be CONSPIRACY THEORISTS”
That’s a strawman cos not all countries use lockdowns
and lots of scientists don’t support them
No wonder Hitchens won by a magnitude of 11 to 1
Yesterday I saw an article (on GAB I think) showing AOC leading a mob of protestors (rioters) actually inside pelosi’s office in the Capital Building. (Hunting her down?)
It looked just like the pictures we are still being shown of the recent crowd in the Capital Building.
About 40 of them were arrested by the police.
This was in 2018
If anyone has this perhaps they could put it up on here.
Ocasio-Cortez, youth protesters storm Pelosi office to push for climate plan
More than 200 youth activists, flanked by Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, flooded House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office this morning urging Democrats to act more decisively on climate change.
Capitol Police said they arrested 51 protesters for unlawfully demonstrating outside Pelosi’s office in the Cannon House Office Building. The arrests began a few hours after the demonstration began, when protesters refused to leave the area. Pelosi said she welcomed the protest and called on the police “to allow them to continue to organize and participate in our democracy.”
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who left before the arrests began, said she was there to support the protesters and encourage Pelosi to listen to them.”
Two impeachments, two aquittals. Alarm bells should be ringing at deafening volume.
An impeachment should only be made when some accusation after an event of such magnitude has taken place, everyone agrees it is not acceptable.
In a just and decent world, those behind these impeachment attempts should now be held to account as the traitors to democracy they are. Pelosi first.
Nobody at the BBC or in the MSM is going to go anywhere near it.
The BBC article about this is quite disgusting in it’s bias. It reads like somebody died. Reminds me of those I read the day after the Brexit referendum.
Trump will win by a landslide if he stands in 2024. No COVID and 3 years of Harris.
I just caught 5 minutes of the BBC News channel. They read out a comment of someone who said, “Trump should be exiled”. Why the BBC felt the need to report that comment but not get the comments of any Trump’s 17 million voters is no surprise.
Funny isn’t it – I wanted to see the weather forecast on the BBC – but instead I got wall to wall American internal DC politics which is of no relevance to us at all .
But since the BBC sees itself as an American liberal broadcasting organisation I guess i should not be surprised .
Will they impeach him again to get the right number – or fiddle the outcome of this one ?
All this Trump2024 talk is simplistic narrative
It’s 3 years before the election starts
anything could happen before then
Trump isn’t young for a start.
Anyways reform should be a movement not just one man.
But no one else in the Republican Party has anything remotely like Trumps charisma, this is not a job , it’s a calling and only certain real men have it!
Nothing else on so watched an old favourite, ‘Crocodile Dundee’ on C4. It under-ran by 8 minutes – because they’d chopped out all the parts that ‘might have given offense’ in a film seen by tens of millions over the years, a huge number of them children.
The last time the public were treated this way was in the 17th century, by the Puritans in our first Commonwealth.
And that didn’t end well either.
Probably the best bit in the film? Doesn’t matter where it happens in the world, USA, Canada, UK etc. the hand that wields the knife tends to be non-white.
Trump acquitted, so just a matter of time until all those criminals on the left get just desserts now… America will not forgive or forget their Shitty machinations.
Let’s just sit back with our popcorn while Joe totally F****cks the USA and opens the door for Donald again…. there is only so long you can fool people
Libmob narrative “far right, far right, far right life is OK for brown skinned people except for the far-right”
Saira Khan “I said I’m not a practicing Muslim any more and now I’m getting death threats”
Here’s the THEN and NOW video
Don’t forget that Newsome looks like being recalled in California and Whicker in Michigan is looking wobbly – all connected to this banking of virus – other Dems queing up too…
Don’t forget that Newsome looks like being recalled in California and Whitmer in Michigan is looking wobbly – all connected to mismanagement of virus response – other Dems queing up too…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Marc Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Quick glance at the BBC sport webshite, cricket headline ‘India punish England’
The score at time of typing is India 250 for 5 on day one.
Hardly punishing. If you understand the game you will know.
Now if it gets to 650 for 5 on the 3rd day, that could be described as punishing.
The BBC once again emphasise anything negative they can and make it clear they are so so desperate to see England fail at anything.
Wyvern- For some reason I missed your similar comment. But at least there is somebody else that sees this BRITISH broadcasting
corporation for what it is. If you look up the word oxymoron in
the dictionary. It uses the example of ” Deafening Silence ”
BRITISH broadcasting corporation could just as easily be used.
There is NOTHING British about the BBC in it’s presentation.
This mornings Breakfast sports news, rugby section, was only about Scotland v Wales. Didn’t mention England were playing Italy.
Please tell me if you think that I am paranoid. BUT I
cant understand why the BRITISH broadcasting corporation
cannot be at least neutral when it comes to posting pictures
on the website of the India- England test matches.
Does BIG BROTHER from the diversity department have to
control this as well?
Victoria Australia back in lock down
Why ?
The “deadly UK-strain”
(5 days, but people fear it will be extended)
This was ‘news’ yesterday.
BBC World Service ran a piece about the spectators leaving the Aussie Open Tennis as the ban came into effect.
Anyhow if it’s racist to call it the China virus, why is ok to refer a mutation as the UK strain?
oh comments have collapsed ?
Things look a bit odd on this site this, morning, folk don’t seem to have much to say. All posts are blank at my end!
Ah, I’ve just noticed the side-bar and I’m relieved to discover that I’m not the only one looking at a blank message board.
Some sort of glitch? Far left shenanigans?
Or has Gary Lineker paid for an online hitman?
Sorry ladies and gents – working on it now.
Fooc : Seville, Oliver Smith “its first new mosque since the 13th century.
It’s a bold new initiative that has involved an ex-Premiership Mali footballer, a former male model convert and an internet crowdfunding campaign, as reports.”
11:30am R4 FooC : other notes
Israel, Tom Bateman looked for the negatives
– ‘poor Palestinians’
– ‘ooh the fall in Covid is slowing, ooh 90% need to be vaccinated
.. ooh won’t be good enough to win election’
– “Chris Paige looks back on Ireland’s evolution since it became a republic into a firmly European nation.”
– “ooh look at the shiney EU roads, betty than sh*ty Northern Ireland”
– ‘Ireland prospered so much the first time it separated from UK’
Jeremy Bowen on Thirty years ago in Iraq
an American air strike destroyed an air raid shelter in Baghdad, killing hundreds.
The previous August, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had invaded and occupied Kuwait, triggering a huge international response.
‘Saint Biden will restore the Iran agreement’
India – Geetanjali Krishna conserving pangolins
The Festival of pangolin protection.
Comments back hopefully. There’s a problem with some embedded images which I’ll try and fix a bit later.
[edit] – images should be OK now.
Meanwhile in the parallel universe that is the public sector……l
The BBC are reporting with their customary glee that, under pressure from the unions, the government is scrapping a £95,000 limit on civil service redundancy pay.
The unions are complaining that the limit can affect people earning as little as £25,000 a year.
Do the Maths. That must mean civil servants can get a redundancy payout of FOUR YEARS of annual salary.
There are at least two issues here. One is the stupefying largesse with which the public sector looks after its own, paid for by the rest of us. The other is that faced with such astronomic bills, the threat of redundancy and, by extension, re-organisation or restructuring is minimal, so we get an unadaptable unchanging civil service, unfit for purpose and comprising many with no real jobs and irrelevant skills.
No wonder the country is in a mess.
PS The maximum statutory redundancy pay is around £16,000. Typical in the private sector.
‘…so we get an unadaptable unchanging civil service, unfit for purpose and comprising many with no real jobs and irrelevant skills.’
Sounds like a perfect description of the EU. Has the one been working towards a mirror image of the other? Successfully too, Polly must be proud.
The problem lies with the outgoing PM Doris and the usless cowardly incompetent tories.
When he came to power, Doris could have lined up the mandarins one by one, invited them in and read them the riot act. If they and their minions refused to play ball, then they were shown the door. One strike and you are out type approach.
But no he chose to do nothing, and spent most of his time pandering to them after the issue with the Minister for strongly worded statements when she apparently bullied someone.
Tony Blair as is well known, politicised the uncivil serpents back in the late 1990s. Doris had the chance to start digging ditches that would have drained the swamp, but ultimately and as befits a creature with no back bone, he’s just slithered in to the water with them.
Not forgetting Treesa, WW, whose comprehensive political naivety persuaded her to be surrounded with ‘servants’ like Olly Robbins who worked tirelessly to ensure the EU could run rings round her.
She thought her ‘powerful woman’ image would dominate negotiations, instead she sat in empty corridors at 2am, waiting for Juncker and Barnier to finish their brandy and cigars.
Memories of Sarkozy ignoring the outstretched hand of Cameron – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and second largest contributor to their cartel – and then waiting for the group-shot photographer, standing ignominiously at one end of the back row, were lost to her. Sad woman.
Yeah it`s great . They can destroy an industrial or trade part of the economy , then get gold as others lose their jobs .
In which BBC Newsnight, noted for the reliability of its selected quotees [cough] BIJ’s nutter [cough] Gets soundbite gold from the Editor of…. The Lancet!
Ah, the Lancet – I can remember when this political activist rag was a reliable medical science journal.
Gone the way of so many things in this ever-woke media morass that purports (just like the BBC) to report ‘the truth’.
The BBC knows who can be relied upon to say what the BBC likes being said. Then quotes them saying it as if it was anything other than propaganda.
A quick glace at the BBC News channel with a cup of tea…
1. A report on Myanmar had a short video clip of a trans protestor holding a LGBT umbrella.
2. Trump impeachment trial showed Congress doing a standing ovation for the black policeman who was seen running away up the stairs.
A quick glace at the BBC News website…
1. A photo of a mixed race couple with the caption “Must see: Zendaya & Washington in the film that’s got everyone talking ★★☆☆☆”
The last one with 2 out of 5 stars sums up the BBC. “Must see” means “not any good but ticks all the boxes”.
Usually they just stick anything in ‘quotes’ and claim FOI exemptions.
Replacement tweet quotes
“This trial is about… silencing and banning the speech the majority does not agree with”
Donald Trump’s defence lawyer Michael van der Veen says impeachment is an attempt at “constitutional cancel culture”
I can’t find a screenshot of the deleted tweet
It’s probably on Facebook
Beauty and the BS have discovered death threats.
Maybe Marianna can check just how many months ago the phenomenon started?
Breitbart London
Worse than ever.
Every headline story today is about racism and discrimination.
Against indigenous white people!
Usually facilitated by members of the parasitic sector!
Usually not reported by AlBeeb!
– Netherlands Stops International Adoptions After ‘Stolen Children’ Scandal Exposed
– EU Commissioner: Fewer Than One Third of Bogus Asylum Seekers Go Back Voluntarily
– Man Sentenced for Blackmailing Minors for Sex in Paris Suburbs
(Same as the Norfolk guy Labourer : David Nicholas Wilson )
– ‘Totally Unacceptable’ – Illegal Migrants Getting Vaccines Before At-Risk Brits at 4-Star Hotel
– Prosecutor Demands €5,000 Fine Against Marine Le Pen over Photos Exposing ISIS Crimes
– Spain : Gender Law to Allow Trans People Into Women’s Spaces, Under-16s to Access ‘Treatment’ over Parents’ Objections
– More Than Five Million EU Migrants Have Applied to Stay in UK
– Khan’s London:
No Prison for Woman Who Shoved ‘White B*tch’ Into Path of Bus
The ‘Pimlico Pusher’, who shoved a “white b*tch” in her sixties into the path of a moving bus, has been allowed to walk out of court free.
– Rees-Mogg Rips ‘Red Khan’ for BLM-Inspired ‘Diversity Commission’ on Memorials
– Algerian on Trial After Keeping Son’s Corpse for 18 Months in Paris Apartment
– Bomb Plot: 14 Suspected Islamist Terrorists Arrested in Denmark, Germany
– Soros-Funded NGO Demands Punishment for Hungary Migrant ‘Pushbacks’
– Police Investigate ‘Bomb’ Detonation at Greek Newspaper Offices That Followed Far-Left Vandalism
– Greek Far-Left Anarchists Storm News Agency To Support Terrorist Killer
– The MP for Rotherham has revealed that she knows rape gang survivors who are now 70, suggesting abuses date back far longer than suspected.
– Former Belgian Pro-Sharia Islam Party Candidate Sentenced over Death Threats
BTW There is a site that tries to record major racists crimes against whites
obviously misses most UK ones
#AWW: documenting and compiling data on violence, hate, discrimination and bigotry directed at #ethnicEuropeans
Thanks SG, I am too enraged, by the treason all around us, to delineate the crimes of the Beeboids.
Thanks also to all genuine contributors to BBBC.
Thanks also to our heroic ancestors, whose self sacrificial example we shall follow.
Jeremy Bowen being quoted over at ITBBCB?
He knows perfectly well what would have happened:
1) Candles would have been lit
2) Khan and Boris would have urged us not to be rude to Muslims as, clearly, the attach had nothing to do with Islam.
3) The security forces would have been blamed for not doing enough.
4) The Muslim Council of Britain would have told us that British foreign policy is at fault.
5) A year later the BBC would have forgotten all about it but Jeremy Bowen would be interviewing one of the parents of the attackers telling us what a nice devout lad he was.
6) Facebook and Twitter would censure all comments – This account of events is disputed. It has nothing to do with Islam.
ITBB has pulled a No.38 and issued a whole slew of of lovely new complements to here.
The picture of JezBo is telling, as his bloated physique matches his clearly addled brain.
How the BBC felt and feels he is an appropriate representative of this country in that region is, actually, astounding, in a Pesto sense, and abhorrent in a Mickey Mouse one.
Getting quite fed up being spoken for by people who do not represent me in any way, shape, or form.
Those that feel they a born to rule appear energised at present.
Odd how many with connections to a power that is exempted from being held to account.
Guest who
Poor Jeremy putting the cart before the horse. I would have thought getting an uncorrupted voting system would be the primary requirement .
The idea that voters would need to be able to read , write and know a bit of ‘civics ‘ is quite an aspiration . Currently the Party system delivers more than a representative number of fools and criminals into Parliament .
I listen to some of them – mainly Labour – and wonder who the hell voted for that idiot – example – the deputy leader of the Labour Party – who was made a ‘privy counsellor ‘ yesterday – I mean angie raynor -? WTF were they thinking – or actually they weren’t – just red as mum and dad always did .
In principle I’m with mr paxman but in reality it couldn’t be done .
It’s a bit like having a lifetime allocation of ‘benefits ‘ once you’ve used them you are on your own – and not living off the efforts of others ….
During the anti Brexit remainers hate campaign against Brexit voters……I often thought that these people….especially media types…..really thought that they should have two votes!
Context Saddam had invaded Kuwait
The Americans had not just sat back like the French/Germans do
but rather gone in to defend their ally
and in the process a bomb shelter with civilians in got blown up.
Bowen is repeating the “400” claim or the Saddam
no one is saying it wasn’t a lot of people.
Why do Tories have such a problem with taking the knee? asks Sean O’Grady in the Independent.
Why do the Tories have a problem with taking a knee?
Two points:
One, the headline is clearly designed to accuse everyone in the the Tory Party of being a White Racist Supremacist for obvious hard left-leaning Independent reasons because this is how they work.
And two I think you will find Sean that the overwhelming majority of British people have problem with taking the knee in fact simply because it’s designed to subjugate and shame so why the hell should they just because someone orders it? it’s called freedom of choice and its under pressure from groups trying to take control over their lives.
The whole ‘you did not dance to our tune, therefore…’ is as daft as it is deployed cynically by now overempowered SJWs.
They tried it with the actress in the USA too.
How does such a tone play at all, much less well with their narrow groupie set?
Sean really need reminding that not everyone agrees with all Sean agrees with, so live with it Bubba, and stop trying to get folk fired like the BBC spends its energies doing.
Radio 4 watch
A vintage Saturday morning – tony Blair interviewed on Westminster – Blair has thar megalomania still – he wants Blighty to vaccinate the world – then the interviewer read a bit of his autobiography to him .
The comment was about sars – Blair decided to ignore it – play it down – deny it as a threat – not prepare for the worst .
Blair being lucky got away with it – but it shows how much to value that scumbags ‘ judgement .
This was followed by from our own correspondent – which I know has already been commented on . Jeremy Bowen exercised his enormous ego and was pretty disgusting . Bowen talked about the reaction of Iraqis after a dodgy missile strike which killed civilians . I could have told him that he didn’t get strung up because they saw him as ‘one of there own ‘ – which – of course – he is .
Then to crown it the Muslim planning to build a mosque in the middle of Seville ‘for all to see ‘. I know Seville – they have no fondness for ‘‘moors ‘ aka Muslims – strangely the bbc droid who loves the idea of islamising Spain again didn’t talk about the views of the locals …
….but I’d be surprised if it ever gets built …
8pm Red-io4 “we are doing a friendly edition of the Archive programme
who shall we choose ?”
Oh look a surprise, they’ve chosen Labour’s Alastair Campbell
They’ll probably avoid asking him about
His prior claim that “Brexit madness” will cause Covid vaccine delays.
+ if he was embarrassed to work for the Mirror & Maxwell ?
+ about Dr David Kelly’s death
+ “45 mins from WMD”
presenter’s thread
Next up, Femi, reminiscing about his Brexit period when he was on every sofa going, including a few his manager dragged him off.
He has been testing out a few new areas to get back in the studios.
Racism of course, him being a racist fool like Lammy.
But he seems to be confident TDS will see him restored in front of the cameras.
Recall a tour of the Alhambra when a nipper, and pointing out a wonky doorway to the guide.
“Ah,” said he, “this was a deliberate act by the craftspersons (he may not have used this term), as only Allah is perfect”.
Of late I have been wondering if Balfour Beatty, Amey, etc have embraced this concept around the shires.
Did the BBC, in all its factchecking forms, pick… or follow up on this?
The BBC doing what the BBC does…. er…
My lad works 12 hours a day, 6 days a week…outside..in the cold.
BBC is 10 weeks late on that story
Malaysia’s equivalent of SkyNews 1st of December 2020
The Department of Manpower Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM) has opened 21 investigation papers involving 63 charges, including 19 against six groups of Top Glove companies.
On November 16th soldiers had installed barbed wire in front of workers quarters at one of the many glove factories due to a Covid outbreak.
full range of Astro stories on Top Glove since November
Dr Rakib Ehsan from the Henry Jackson Society
says “far-Left” activists have “hijacked” movements such as Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion.
Actually they continually create such movements as Trojan horses for spreading Marxism and overthrowing society
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I find it logically inexplicable how they can ignore all the terrible things Blacks/Muslims/BLM/Antifa do. Look at the outrage over Floyd, yet the unarmed womans murder at the Capitol has been completely swept under the carpet. Any decent citizen is worth 100 Floyds.
For the Left, the ends justify the means. Their real pupose is ideological : they will oppose the Right whatever it takes. They view them as inferior. It’s massive, massive hypocrisy – but while people like the BBC and the MSM are part of the problem, they will get away with it.
But of course history is littered with such people. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin and many others. They were all prepared to do whatever it took to win.
That’s the Saul Alinsky playbook the Marxists use.
Never heard of him. A quick check with Google enlightened me.
‘The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself.’
‘Tactics mean doing what you can with what you have.’
‘If people don’t think they have the power to solve their problems, they won’t even think about how to solve them.’
‘In the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.’
JohnC, read his ‘Rules for Radicals’. It’s one of Killary’s favourites
It seems likely that both BLM and XR are stuffed with undercovers – one has to wonder if they are treading on each other’s toes?
Doh, It’s the same Socialist Worker guys
….. just wearing a different T-shirt
Who needs payola when you are amongst friends?
Oh for an end to the lockdown, when I can again visit my local pub to sample the fine ale, food and ambience. But wait— is it the wrong name ? as a brewery has renamed four of its pubs over concerns they had racist connotations, three of them called The Blackboy.
Dr Halima Begum, of The Runnymede Trust, welcomed the news, saying the names had been a continual reminder of a “history of oppression”. Whaaat ? Some self centered woke idiot once again laying down her views and beliefs, which we are forced to swallow. She really needs to get a job, maybe with that old favourite Sadiq Khant- renaming or removing statues and street names (yes he’s back on that one again – so glad I don’t live in Londistan)
Now here’s the funny bit….
A spokesperson for the chain said “despite the obscure origins” (no one knows why they are called The Black Boy) there was a perception the names were “linked with racism, which is why we knew we had to take this step’. So somebody ‘perceives’ and we all have to change. Effectively what he is saying is ‘Nothing’.
The joke is on all these idiots as if I were them and so worried about nothing I would be wanting to celebrate The Black Boy, not ban it.
There used to be a pub near me called Uncle Tom’s Cabin (heaven forbid) and what about The Three legged Mare, The Quiet Woman, The legend of Oily Johnnies or even The White Horse (how insulting to non white horses), Dirty Dick’s, Filthy Fannies and The Famous Cock (disgraceful smut – if you so perceive).
A favourite, near Taunton, is ‘The Far Canal’.
‘Sally Pussy’s Inn’ Royal Wooton Bassett.
Think it’s been renamed ‘Sally Pussey’s’ to avoid unfortunate mixups. When I were a kid, it used to be a conventional pub, with a rather less than conventional sign, with a naked woman sat with a black cat curled in her lap… I didn’t get the joke at the time (being something like 10 years old).
I live in Reading. There is a junction a few yards up the road from the pub. Last time I went past it was still signposted “The Black Boy Roundabout”. On local radio traffic news the same, as is notorious for congestion during rush hour (in normal times).
England won the rugby against Italy, but Italy retained national pride by refusing to abase themselves and ‘take the knee’. All credit to the entire team.
More memorable, though, was the ad during the first break for the Jaguar F-Pace. Created by an agency with PC in mind – aren’t they all? – the choice of driver, for a prestige SUV was perhaps, some could think, unwise. To suggest that such a top-end vehicle might be so easily hot-wired must surely be off-putting for potential buyers?
Surely it’s time for us little people, to wake up and take back control
… We have let the left Trojan horse entry all of the institutions. #entryism
That’s a message coming out of a new YouTube channel @GuestWho mentioned the other day
called @NotTheBBC
Has anyone looked the videos listed there ?
Here’s an example
Today’s Times has a “PR as news” article for Tesla
The article debunks its own headline three quarters down
but it contains the remarkable Ha-robbin like line
“Critics have accused carmakers of continuing to push the sale of petrol and diesel cars..”
Wow carmakers who have trillions pounds worth of petrol diesel factories are PUSHING the product they make
…. “how dare they” /sarc
Ha ha. They live in an alternative universe.
“Well sir, this car can be refuelled in under a minute and will give you a good ten years of reliable service while this car takes all night, (as long as it’s windy and not too cold), and will be clapped out in less than five years.”
“Is that the only difference?”
“No sir, the second car costs £2,000 more.”
Lockdown for some, take a knee for others
Quite. Nobody will bother though.
Unlucky BBC ….
All the best Mr Trump
Well no one saw that coming
.. I guess Ladbrokes have lost billions …. / s a r c
Jon not happy ☺. Clutching at straws. Let it go Jon you imbecile.
Every single democrat (50%) would have voted guilty even if Trump was accused of adultery with Catherine the Great.
That’s where US politics is now. 3rd world corrupt.
So really Trump won 43-7!
It is sad to see the Democratic party confusing a vote of confidence with impeachment, something that should only be considered when there is actual proof of a crime being committed, not just because they don’t like someone.
The Hitchens vs Dan Hodges anti-lockdown debate
Hodges arguing that lockdowns are the way to go
built up a strawman “All countries use lockdowns, so all scientists support them, so people arguing against them must be CONSPIRACY THEORISTS”
That’s a strawman cos not all countries use lockdowns
and lots of scientists don’t support them
No wonder Hitchens won by a magnitude of 11 to 1
Good news about Donald.
Surely President in 2024.
Yesterday I saw an article (on GAB I think) showing AOC leading a mob of protestors (rioters) actually inside pelosi’s office in the Capital Building. (Hunting her down?)
It looked just like the pictures we are still being shown of the recent crowd in the Capital Building.
About 40 of them were arrested by the police.
This was in 2018
If anyone has this perhaps they could put it up on here.
Why is she not in the dock (rhetorical)
It was a climate sit-in
I mentioned it before
I can’t find my old post
but the arrests were on 12 Nov 2018
Two impeachments, two aquittals. Alarm bells should be ringing at deafening volume.
An impeachment should only be made when some accusation after an event of such magnitude has taken place, everyone agrees it is not acceptable.
In a just and decent world, those behind these impeachment attempts should now be held to account as the traitors to democracy they are. Pelosi first.
Nobody at the BBC or in the MSM is going to go anywhere near it.
The BBC article about this is quite disgusting in it’s bias. It reads like somebody died. Reminds me of those I read the day after the Brexit referendum.
Trump will win by a landslide if he stands in 2024. No COVID and 3 years of Harris.
I just caught 5 minutes of the BBC News channel. They read out a comment of someone who said, “Trump should be exiled”. Why the BBC felt the need to report that comment but not get the comments of any Trump’s 17 million voters is no surprise.
My neighbour was actually watching the BBC News Channel and its yet another Hour of Hate against Trump
… Sad that she is so brainwashed
Trump’s son tweeted
Funny isn’t it – I wanted to see the weather forecast on the BBC – but instead I got wall to wall American internal DC politics which is of no relevance to us at all .
But since the BBC sees itself as an American liberal broadcasting organisation I guess i should not be surprised .
Will they impeach him again to get the right number – or fiddle the outcome of this one ?
Bet they wished they could have used the dominion machines for the vote.
James O’Keefe basically says look at all these journos who live in narrative-world rather then the real world
If Trump can get back into power this shit needs sorting….
Unless somebody has the balls to smash it the USA has a bleak future indeed.
If ?
“Trump impeachment: Senate falls short of majority needed to convict”
It’s a bloody good start
No “ifs” about it, Eh ?
Definitely bloody good start!
Just read the linked BS and Lewis twitter threads.
They are certifiably nuts.
All this Trump2024 talk is simplistic narrative
It’s 3 years before the election starts
anything could happen before then
Trump isn’t young for a start.
Anyways reform should be a movement not just one man.
But no one else in the Republican Party has anything remotely like Trumps charisma, this is not a job , it’s a calling and only certain real men have it!
Nothing else on so watched an old favourite, ‘Crocodile Dundee’ on C4. It under-ran by 8 minutes – because they’d chopped out all the parts that ‘might have given offense’ in a film seen by tens of millions over the years, a huge number of them children.
The last time the public were treated this way was in the 17th century, by the Puritans in our first Commonwealth.
And that didn’t end well either.
Probably the best bit in the film? Doesn’t matter where it happens in the world, USA, Canada, UK etc. the hand that wields the knife tends to be non-white.
Trump acquitted, so just a matter of time until all those criminals on the left get just desserts now… America will not forgive or forget their Shitty machinations.
TRUMP 2022….
Let’s just sit back with our popcorn while Joe totally F****cks the USA and opens the door for Donald again…. there is only so long you can fool people
We taffs are on our way …………………….
Come on real Americans time to trash the commie trash Facebook and Twitter, vote with your support!
Get off it now!
Libmob narrative “far right, far right, far right life is OK for brown skinned people except for the far-right”
Saira Khan “I said I’m not a practicing Muslim any more and now I’m getting death threats”
Here’s the THEN and NOW video
Some suggestions for any upcoming US elections.
All counts to be within the USA.
All counts to be subject to third party verification
All party officials allowed full observation of voting procedures.
That sounds fair to me!
The USA is temporarily in the hands of people who wish it real harm. Let us wish for that to be put right as soon as possible.
Vote for Farage and The Reform Party.
Ab Beeb have a track record of backing the losing side .
Al Beeb will ‘ no platform’ Farage.
Don’t forget that Newsome looks like being recalled in California and Whicker in Michigan is looking wobbly – all connected to this banking of virus – other Dems queing up too…
Don’t forget that Newsome looks like being recalled in California and Whitmer in Michigan is looking wobbly – all connected to mismanagement of virus response – other Dems queing up too…