“Women boardroom roles make ‘dramatic’ jump in five years” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56172775
Woke ?
Nice headline , but where I come from the word “Jump” has another meaning and its nowt to do with parachutes , ‘if you get my drift ‘ . Worthy of a Frankie Howerd pun -No?
Seriously, are they on the Boardroom because they tick boxes or because they are very good at the work they do ?
Too, the woman now heading engineering firm Schneider Electric UK, turns out to be a MBA graduate. Has not invented or designed anything. Unlikely to from the blurb.
This is just one more in the blizzard of sub-standard appointments of sub-standard people but satisfy the requirement – skin colour, female and its variants.
Catch-up links to last posts on previous thread
– page 3 started Tuesday lunchtime and became a full page
– page 2
I’ve taken to keeping a spare tab open with the login page on
So when I get the time-out error as I try to post I can flip to the login page, then login ,
then flipping back to the failed post tab and clicking back , and post again to get the post to work.
Or is their hide the correct colour or their sexuality uncertain?
Makes a difference yer know.
Tell me once more please. How many genders are there and is the earth flat?
“Eighteen people rescued from refrigerated lorry in Peterborough”
And they keep on coming …………..
Where is Boris? , Priti ? and her Border Farce?
By land sea and probably air – We are being invaded.
Do they all get put up in a 4 Star Hotels for free ?
Something the UK BBC wont be talking about – a twitter comment by George Galloway-
STARTS “I believed in a Scottish Parliament with all my heart. I gave some of the best years of my life to fighting for it. It was a ghastly mistake. It has ruined Scotland” ENDS
A venn diagram of his and my politics would almost consist of two separate circles but I must say, I do have a real respect for him and just do not believe the shite the MSM spout about him.
I would also, I’m sure, very much enjoy an evening socialising with him over a pint. Honest.
Prior to the election, Boris made it quite clear that he was going to welcome all migrants, illegal of course.
In USA, the usurper Biden is transforming America, as Obama promised, from a First world country to a Diverse one, by open USA to all, without and within.
One of the advantages of being a mature Diverse country is that it stops illegal and legal migrants for ever wanting to come to a Diverse country,
It’s very strange.
The British are a rabid racist people with a deep hatred of the foreigner and, not only that but Britain is overwhelmingly contaminated with the proven racist disease, the deadly and fatal Covid 19 (ask our “experts”)and yet— and yet — STILL THEY COME. STILL THEY RISK DEATH ON THE OPEN SEAS TO GET TO OUR DISEASE RIDDEN RACIST HELL! Are they insane? Or are WE??
I wonder if they have certificates to say that they don’t have rabies, leprosy, aids, ebola and worse…
No doubt the TV tax stazi are rubbing their grubby little hands at the thought of yet another huge government spend for them to ‘control’ what it says on the documents…
Of course, they may just take a job lot, and accuse a citizen first, then ask questions afterwards!
I suppose there will a box to tick which says something like ‘Are you a normal British Citizen, or are you something else’?, and then there will be a list about eight pages long, finishing with some weird name for a pseudo-religious group with an address in some unpronounceable village in Asia, or Africa.
Maybe (as above for vaccination certificates), the TV tax stazi will get 80% of the forms back, then assume that the rest are illegals, so it’s a Home Office problem which will be forgotten about when the Sir Humphreys realise that it’s far too big an issue to deal with, and squirm out of it all.
There might be a box on TV licensing though, after all, there’s no taxation without representation here!
On Monday I posted about a DT article on how the Danes were making it much more difficult for immigrants and asylum seekers to settle there. It prompted me to re watch Borgen which is about twelve years old. The politics displayed by the screen writers of the show clearly had resistance to Islamification as far right and totally unacceptable. How things have changed in the past decade or so. More and more Europeans have woken up to the fact of the invasion and the great replacement. Sadly in the UK we lag far behind many of our European neighbours in this regard. At least our elite does but as with Borgen what is shown on TV by the liberal MSM May lag years behind what the people actually think and want. That certainly seems to have been true in Denmark. But perhaps a crucial point is that in Denmark they have always had freedom of speech and protected it , remember the cartoons of Mohammed, in Britain our leaders have suppressed freedom of speech and outlawed it.
When I lived in Malaysia I knew an alcoholic woman from the state which was the most heavily fundamentalist.
She befriended some Danish people and over time the story came up that she was moving to Denmark for some job.
There was a going away party for her.
Yet 3 weeks later I met her on the street. I asked what had happened and she said she couldn’t get on with Denmark.
I took that to mean that they’d either refused her entry or thrown her out if the country pretty quick.
Denmark got the full Islamic treatment when Jyllands-Posten published the Muhammad cartoons.
They published it anyway, and France as well. Publish and be damned.
The great free speech nations, UK and the USA, slinked out. At the time the National Review and others in America called France as ” cheese eating surrender country”. Later they kept quiet .
Anyway, Denmark has been getting tough over the last 10 years, not giving citizenship to any foreigner whose culture does not fit. France is now near war status.
We are way behind. UK policy has always been to be too late, then start making Spitfires asap.
The PM must already be regretting his saying the first sound-bite that came in to his head when being pushed to exit Lockdown 3 or Lockdown 4 (depending on where you live): “Guided by the data not dates.” If only the PM had taken time to carefully inspect the data on his own instead of having a SAGE member nudge his elbow and push a back of the envelope chart and prediction in front of him.
The data is far from robust, especially the ‘R’ number. However it has made an appearance again this morning, once again without size of the ‘R’s being mentioned, nor its decline rate, and this makes something of a record for BBC Radio. Two days in a row.
What a shame they didn’t mention it daily as in the Falklands War reporting in 1982 “I counted them all out and I counted them all back.” What a shame that they do not get a statistician from PH(E) or the ONS and give them a real grilling over these farcical numbers. If they can do it to a Secretary of State for Health for h his h half hhalf hour of fame, why not one of the dodgy data providers?
One asks because on the day following a major policy announcement affecting the future of the nation, the leader of the opposition, Sir Keir, would seem to have precious little to say for himself.
The Labour-friendly titles choose headline stories suggesting their man has furloughed himself and is happily self-isolating once again.
‘The great British take-off. Lockdown-weary sunseekers spark holiday booking boom‘ – shouts the Daily Mirror. Perhaps hoping to initiate a package deal panic-buying surge that might bring down the Tories?
‘Call for jabs at home to stop covid becoming a “disease of the poor”‘ – suggests the Guardian. Read on and you will find this isn’t a highlight from Sir Keir’s bright new bundle of briefs – this is the brainchild of: ‘Speaking to the Guardian, Halima Begum, chief executive of the Runymede Trust thinktank...’ – ee bah gum… what’s ‘appened t’Labour?
And if you imagined for one moment this notion of the do-it-yourself at home NHS was dreamed up to help the workers: ‘Ministers are being urged to offer vaccines door-to-door, in hard to reach, deprived and minority ethnic communities…‘ – and when they say hard to reach they sure as heck don’t mean remote Yorkshire hill farms. Hard to reach, indeed. Seems we must have imported the Khyber Pass or the Kalahari Desert into the British geography.
Perhaps Sir K’s best policy is to keep his head down. It worked for Sleepy Joe Biden. Poor Sir Keir, he’s managed to place himslef on the wrong side of all the big issues of the day.
When more than half the country wanted Brexit he clung to Brussels. Daft old Corbyn, he had some mad ideas, but at least you knew in his heart of hearts he was a Leaver. Now since Boris caught the Wuhan Wobblies and there’s an obvious oppositional opportunity Sir Keir is for Lockdown earlier, harder and longer. That may excite his nearest and dearest (I mean the teacher unions) but it leaves those of us who value our freedoms cold.
When Rishi spends like a drunken sailor with borrowed cash: ‘Stamp Duty holiday will be extended by months. Sunak plans budget boost for property market‘ (Times) – you just know if Sunak is for a big spending policy or conversely a tax-raising policy then either way Sir Keir will be more so.
Don’t imagine for one moment that we’ve all suffered financially from lockdown. The FT carries a frontpage advert for a private equity firm: ‘Put your bonus to work. You’ve worked hard in 2020‘ – probably from home.
Unlucky drivers, eh? The last time Tiger Woods was involved in a car smash was when he was parked in his own driveway and his wife set about him with one of his own drivers. She had just found out he had been playing a round. ‘Tiger Woods in surgery after rolling car‘ (Times) – let’s wish him a speedy recovery and hope he’s learned his lesson about taking a quick roll in the grass.
The FT has company news that has us in fear of drowning in a vegan milk lake: ‘Oatly taps into frothy thirst for vegan milks with plans for $10bn floatation‘
‘New wave of £7,500 grants for self-employed – but scheme may be scrapped as restrictions end‘ – promises the Telegraph. It’s as though our government tied the suicide’s noose for him, then congratulated itself as a life-saver for balancing him on a rickety stool.
Allison Pearson in the Telegraph suggests: ‘The one thing you can’t innoculate against is human nature‘ – oh, I don’t know, bung Pfizer a large enough government contract and they’ll come up with a formula.
Asiseeit – herr Starmer is definitely using the false president technique to get elected – sit in the bunker for another 4? Years and come out when the count is fixed .
I feel a tiny bit sorry*for him when he asks nut nuts husband a question and BoJo just says – ‘that idiot supported the EU vaccine club” – then Starmer looks like he has been hit with a brick and does not say a word …
Hitchens went on Channel4 for a long session discussing Free Speech with some black writer.
what happened ?
Despite assurances the broadcast version had been edited to suit their narrative
and Hitchens had foolishly not recorded it himself.
There’s a discussion beneath his tweet.
Edited highlights (not including my final words or my recollections of my own Trotskyist student attempts to silence opponents) of my C4 news debate tonight (Tues) with writer Nels Abbey https://t.co/wlTudVZrSc via @mattfrei
AsISeeIt, sounds as though Captain Hindsight is speaking true to form. Apparently in London there are already nurses going door to door to vaccinate the difficult to reach and have been for at least the last couple of weeks.
Deborah, the Practice Nurse for our GP lived not far away, a matter of 200 metres or so. To save some oldies a two mile trip by bus or car she used to pop by on the way home to administer influenza jabs. This was before local pharmacies also were allowed to dish, er … push them out.
Toady tells us that equal problems with cervical tests. Problem is, Londonistan again. Why Londonistan I wonder. What’s different about Londonistan? After all, we all cherish the ‘Diversitee’ don’t we?
TOADY Watch #2 – Lady Carnarvon sinks the PM’s Plan with a broadside of clear thinking
Lady Carnarvan was interviewed in the half hour leading up to the 8 a.m. news. The noble lady is proprietor of Highclere Castle, the setting for Downton Abbey, the TV series of the same name. Lady Carnarvon pithily observes: “How is it safe for someone to go around a superstore but not a super dooper castle?”
The Lady is quite right – the Government and SAGE’s sage advice has just not been intellectually credible. Quite how the PM can back out of this is uncertain. The BBC will be sure to attack him for it and trail a whole series of experts across the airwaves to tell us the PM and his Government are ‘killing granny’, ‘sinking the NHS’ and ‘putting us all at risk’.
I’m glad you report it so I don’t have to listen ….
I think this time in 2022 – as we pass 18 months ? In lockdown the BBC will be having a go at the government for not finding the last dozen people who need a jab before we start ‘lifting lockdown ‘ – stage one – opening the front door – stage 2 breathing air from outside the home ….
Fed, I think we will be ‘out’ by summer time because there will be a growing rebellion among the population at large. The BBC will be in a quandary: do they go with the popular mood or do they side with SAGE and other scientists and the Labour Party.
Then after three months of freedom, someone, somewhere will find a mutation on the bottom of their shoe and it will be panic stations as millenials take their winter colds to the GP for treatment and oldies who have other conditions catch colds and influenza and become hospitalised.
The PM will be forced into Lockdown 5 by a Teaching Assistant somewhere who snogs her boyfriend who has been snogging a spare girlfriend just in case #1 doesn’t work out and catches and passes Covid on to her class. We will have to save the NHS all over again.
The panic of teachers having to teach the little darlings again is amply portrayed by its spokesman – aka the BBC .
Moaning ‘heads’ will be rolled on to say ‘nothing can be done ‘ and ‘ its too quick ‘ and ‘ the darlings are best at home with their State provided free ipads, wifi , food , testing kits , tv programmes, free holidays , books? ,
4pm “West and the Rest”
Bestselling author Matthew Syed asks whether an ancient shift in our sexual behaviour and a ban on cousin marriage
could have triggered a surge of innovation in the west.
Easily reproducible experimental findings in the west don’t stack up when you use non-western subjects. Many of our classical assertions about the workings of the human mind are based entirely on the western human mind
I have noticed that African-Africans, i.e. persons of colour who live in Africa, don’t respond to interview questions the same way as ‘white’ Europeans.
OK, the The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency books are just novels, but they surely encapsulate the observations of Alexander McCall Smith as to how the people of Botswana talk and think.
Differences betwen peoples surely exist, but are they cultural or genetic. The trouble nowadays is that the question can’t be asked, unless the answer doesn’t suit, i.e. there is no difference between black and white people when it comes to running a company, yet the white boss won’t have sickle cell anaemia but the black boss might, no doubt all the fault of ‘white’ medicine!
@JimS In Britain we ask questions, where the answer can be Yes/No
In mot countries that’s a bad idea
..cos people will answer Yes whatever the real truth is.
Am I missing something ? A foreign golf player has had a car accident and survived . This is national news – item 2 – on the BBC news …..
Is it because he has treated ladies badly in the past ? Or something else ?…
I commented last night on this as it broke, but someone sniffly replied that they didn’t consider it news… Well AlBeeb clearly do because Tiger is one of the chosen ones.
I’m not sure and don’t care what the twitterati make of it as I don’t frequent that particular den of mindless narcissists or refer to it.
Listening to global new this AM, the police offer investigating the incident stated this morning it was in a known ‘high frequency area’
In the old days, probably would have been described as an ‘accident black spot’
“someone sniffly replied that they didn’t consider it news”
that probably means me.
But that’s free speech, of course other people are entitled to care.
My opinion is that Tiger, Mars landings etc. are all a circus, trash used to distract us away from REAL issues.
Tigers crash is news worthy to a point, He’s a sportsman know the world over for his ability in the game and for other less sporting things. The Beeb will love him and go over the top, because he ticks all their special boxes. That’s why we comment and highlight on this site.
Personally, I’d much rather learn about the Mars landing and science in general, this is newsworthy because it’s a great technological achievement and shows what can be done if we as humans use our ability properly.
I’ve looked at Twitter and 90% of the content their if it were in paper form I wouldn’t use for toilet paper, not news, not educational, just a waste of resource.
I confess I never, ever watch so called soap operas which, in my view are no more than social training exercises for the susceptible but Mrs Wright has an addiction to a couple of them. Fair enough. However, I can’t help but notice the cover of her weekly TV mag, which 100% bears out your view that ALL the bad people are depicted as white. Yes and as we know, the Mau Mau were all saintly freedom fighters of course who wouldn’t harm a fly. Can I suggest that in order to forestall a future white equivalent of the Mau Mau rising in my country, that the MSM address this anomaly PDQ.
I will be 81 years old this year so whatever happens is unlikely to affect me too much but it WILL affect my children and grand children and the coming generations.
Some years ago one Michael Schumacher, some kind of petrolhead I believe, had a bad skiiing accidenr and the media were all over it. His sport isn’t my cup of tea but he was a major figure in it with a huge following, just like Tiger in his chosen sport. Schumacher’s lovelife is uncontroversial and his physog as white as the snows of Méribel so I don’t think your speculations have any merit.
Car racing isn’t for me either – and I could care less about a German driver coming unstuck and nearly dying as he did –
– but I would suggest the reason the bbc is all over the golfer with a broken leg after a road accident is because he is coloured . Nice to see you are a golfing fan ….
TOADY Watch #3 – It’s never enough (reminds me of a contemporary song, just can’t think of title or group)
Gavin Williamson, former bag carrier to Theresa May and youthful SoS for Education has squeezed multi-millions for education out of the Chancellor Rishi Sunak while the latter is in meant to be in Covid Lockdown as well as Budget Lockdown a.k.a. ‘purdah’. Nice work!
Needless to say the teaching Unions have been quick to say “It’s not enough!”.
Sir Keir Starmer really needs to get a grip on the teaching Unions (preferably hand over the face mask) to stop their vocal opposition to everything the Government does, because it is doing the poor suckers chances of keeping his job and Labour’s chance of winning the next General Election no good at all.
It was the teachers unions that made me so anti union. Throughout secondary school in the 1980’s it was constant NUT strikes, then more at 6th form college and even a few days strike action at my University.
Back in the beyond of my schooldays, one of the few ways in which to avoid National Service was to become a teacher – and so a number of my contemporaries got their degrees and, with no vocation for the job whatever but an earnest desire to shirk discipline, began to teach the youngsters of that time.
And the results of that selfless devotion can be seen today.
Sir Kweer was on AlBeeb Farming Today this morning, addressing the virtual conference of the National Union of Farmers or some such.
Apparently, and not a lot of people know this, Our Charmers very very first job as a young lad was working a summer job on a local farm….. Still has the wellies apprently.
Bit the Mare of Londonistan proudly claiming his old fella was a taxi driver…
I listened to Sir Kier at the conference, well some of it as I decided watching paint dry was more interesting. This claim that he had worked on a farm was his best attempt at finding a connection with farmers. He offered no ideas and I felt as an Islington Leftie he had no more connection with rural areas as he working men in the north.
Well, I’m not at all sure what the latest lockdown rules “allow” me to do, but what the heck? I’m visiting Kew Gardens this morning and to Hell with the consequences. Yes, it’s reckless, it’s daring and it’s foolhardy, but that’s the kinda guy I am. I’m a right rebel…
The grassy banks will be bright with crocus and those lovely little blue irises and the early daffs will just be breaking bud. It’s a heart warming place in the early spring.
Just a year ago, a little jaunt like this seemed quite normal. I used to go every other week, but of course, that was before lockdown.
I fondly remember those days. Even the most prosaic event could be pleasurable.
Thoughtlessly, one might say almost skittishly, I recall going to the supermarket. There wasn’t a mask or hand sanitiser in sight. There were no arrows on the floor. We weren’t corralled along endless aisles and told where to stand or how far to stand apart. People seemed carefree and friendly. Blimey, occasionally they even smiled at each other. Of course, there’s little point smiling at someone now because your face is wrapped in a nappy and no-one can tell…
I feel like a pioneer. One stoical Englishman daring to venture where the brave dare not go. I’m breaking out, travelling miles on the train (several trains!) risking life and limb. I know the police are out there just waiting for an unwary rule breaker (a covidiot) and of course, the much feared Covid Marshals will be lurking in the shadows.
So, fellow BBC loathers, wish me luck on this adventure.
I’m just going outside for a while
and may be some time…
Well, I’m a member and pay about £60 a year and can then have access any time along with a guest. If you’re not a member I believe it’s now over £16 each visit. Quite steep, but you can stay as long as you like.
Oh, BTW, everybody now has to book in advance.
I had reason to visit the Public Record Office at Kew and thought I would go for a coffee and a quick walk round afterwards. Kew Gardens is just too expensive for short visits.
Gosh I must be older than most here because when I visited it was only one penny. Apparently Queen Victoria decreed there should be a charge to remind the people there is a cost to maintaining the garden. Perhaps the BBC view the licence fee the same way (Tim puts the value at £400).
If you become a member it’s very reasonable. And the more you go the better it gets. During the spring and early summer I try to visit every fortnight and I can take a guest in free of charge.
As I said earlier, it’s only about £60 for the entire year.
Of course, if you’re just popping in, it’s really quite pricey.
Go to it Jeff, another week or so and I’ll be off to the coast to bend the fishing rods in search of Plaice, if the French and Dutch Supertrawlers haven’t hoovered them all up yet. It’s my local beach but involves crossing the county line, so I’m expecting road blocks, bears in the air and lots of high vis….
On the subject of fishing, in boats. Farming today this morning on AlBeeb interviewed a Scottish trawler man about the ongoing issues with EU exports and the many boasts tied up in harbour.
Despite Brexit being mentioned, It transpired during the interview that a) boats are mainly tied-up due to Covid impacting the hospitality industry in the home market and b) the guy being interviewed was actually a union type for the Scottish trawler industry, so no bias towards HMG there then AlBeeb.
I breached a lent promise last night – I watched a BBC documentary on ‘60 years of british comedy “ . The dismal programme didn’t start with a bit of ‘Mozart’s requiem for BBC comedy ‘ but it should have .
It was pure tick box – naturally dominated and led by race relations – which the BBC is happily making worse – then spent 3 minutes on wimmin – then queers at minute 22 . Which is when I had to go and shout at the moon .
The talking heads were the usual tick box coloured with no insight and no humour – a coloured man wearing a hat indoors ( always a sign he doesn’t like being bald ) sneered from on high ….
After queers it went to ‘class” with a smug Lou grades ‘ son again delivering his verdict from on high …
Anne Widdicombe s son – a bishops son – Jack ‘funny ‘ Dee droned on – in fact the whole thing – droned – which was quite an achievement talking about comedy …. Steve ‘nasty ‘ coogan kept turning up doing his professional lefty act …
Strangely – Dads Army – the pinnacle of BBC comedy output ( and still being repeated Saturday nights ) didn’t get a mention – but a programme called ‘vicar of dibley ‘had a full 4 minutes ..
The other night a nocturnal troll asked Taffman ‘if he hated the BBC why did he watch it ? “
This sort of inward looking ‘repeats ‘ programme answers that question . It was something once – but is no more …. and is now a harmful influence by forcing an identifiable political and social belief on those who do not – and will never – agree .
I felt stressed at the end and went off to grind me teeth ….
My favourite ever HYS was after the first of the new Dr Who.
The BBC selected several positive comments from twitter, then the obligitory one midly negative for balance but quickly cancelled that one with another saying the opposite.
The HYS however was universally scathing.
Don’t know if they deleted the comments section after that. The Telegraph do that trick very regularly if you go against their agenda – but at least we can choose not to support them.
bBC Scotland continue to give a national daily platform to Miss Sturgeon, aka wee Burney.
To spout plain as your nose SNP propaganda.
She is a menace. It is also looking more likely with the almost daily revelations from the Salmond Inquiry….that she i is also a liar. He might also be a liar or at minimum an opportunist.
What bothers me most , living here in Brigadoon is the entirety of cost about this ” Scottish parliament”
The high costs of the operation coupled with the eye watering amounts of waste suggests we have a “busted flush.
Apparently Sturgeon has surrounded herself with eye watering numbers of special advisors and chauffeur driven cars.
the bBC are not highlighting this and appear to be operating to an SNP, anti Unionist agenda .
people must be thinking down south that the staggering waste and mis management calls for it to be put in special measures
while a full external audit of what is going on is undertaken.
this would include side-lining both Sturgeon and bBC Shortbread.
Dipping in to twitter to find what our Scotch cousins think of Sturgeon, the SNP, Salmond and the whole debacle, is to discover an exercise in petty spite, paranoia, anti-English venom and a degree of self-delusion which would be truly funny, were it not so tragic.
To the nationalist faction – who do not represent Scots despite the PR – please, please gain your ‘independence’ it will serve you right.
So tell me, why is the First Minister of Scotland giving a daily Covid briefing relevant to Scottish people “SNP propaganda” but BoZo giving a Covid briefing isn’t propaganda for the Conservative Party? Bozo may be British PM but on health matters his remit is limited to England. His briefings for England still appear on the main BBC news bulletins in Scotland.
On a number of occasions crankie has leaked agreed policies before the UK PM has been able to announce them .
The strategy of the SNP – her – is to undermine the UK by any means in order to get her socialist republic .
I had a feeling you would be a fan and will live in the independent Scotland – obedient to the Reich of course – if your dreams come true ….
Well said trubble! She makes Kim Jong-un appear saintly in comparison. Her and the SNP are a repulsive group of shady reptiles
who would slap us all in the gulag she is probably thinking of building with all the cash this lot splurge. Scotland is going to rack and ruin and wee crankie fiddles (in more ways than one)
from the science_and_environment* News update page
‘I thought I’d have to leave farming to come out’
By Hannah Stacey BBC Radio Cornwall
A herdsman says he suffered “years of anguish”
because there were no LGBT role models in agriculture.
* so farming must count as environment
The next article complains “I’m not a sheepophine, so where I working in Welsh farming there were no role models for me”
Our BBC gave some more of your money to ‘historian’ Prof. Lucy Worsley in her finely researched ‘Blitz Spirit’, a program designed to de-bunk memories of heroism determination and courage in the face of the enemy. All nonsense apparently, the British remained selfish, self-serving and cowardly despite the folk-lore of the time and since.
Another re-write of history from another modern historian who joins professors Mary Beard and Kate Williams in confirming their feminist agendas to undermine reality.
My well deceased uncle, who was a senior person in aircraft production during the war told me that, to ensure the assemblers boosted their overtime, they used to of jump up and down on the wings of Hurricanes to bend them so they failed the final examination before being turned over to the RAF.
And I also remember watching a documentary many years ago on what it was like to gain your wings as an NCO and be placed within the billet of the ‘Officer’ types…………
“As well as differences in treatment between nco pilots and officers – such as accomodation”
In at least one incident that difference in accomodation might have saved a crew’s lives.
A Mosquito crew was about to walk to their aircraft when the Flight Sergeant navigator realised that he had forgotten his pipe, (a war-time essential), so returned to his quarters. A few minutes later the cockpit had some extra holes in it care of the Luftwaffe.
Perhaps if both the crew had been officers they would have been smoking together so no pipes would have been forgotten and then they both would have been killed?
Fed, yes, apparently if the officer types were forced to share joint accommodation, they strung up blankets between themselves and the NCO’s as a notional barrier/wall.
Its not the fault of these over promoted feminist profs. They are trite and boring. They got their degree from universities in Humanities, that have trashed standards over the last 30 years. This was to allow minorities and women to compete with men. Specially in STEM
Front page headline:
Fashion designer Alexander Wang accused of assault
Article Headline:
Fashion designer Alexander Wang accused of sexual assault
Now why would they omit that word for the main page headline ?.
Turns out he is gay and sexually assaulted another man.
Just one of many small, dirty tricks they use to avoid tarring the agenda to the casual headline reader.A favour they would never extend to heterosexual males.
Just like the regular use of apostrophes to infer fact from a biased opinion when it suits them.
BTW Reminds me of when Fed said “the Polish serial rapist and murderer in Hull”
The day after I heard the same BBC headline Fed had probably heard
“The serial-sex-offender has been jailed for rape and murder”
The serial-sex-offending was actually much smaller pervy stuff like stealing underwear, the whole point of the trial was that he had stepped up into a different magnitude of crime”
Yes I do, cos the police were free to introduce any evidence of any alleged previous rapes into the court, but they didn’t
… He was creepy as heck and other weird things were introduced,
I am not comfortable with making giant claim about people
without proper evidence.
The whole point of court cases is innocent until proven guilty.
Like at the moment Salmond is creepy, but not a rapist.
“On Monday 1 March the Petitions Committee will hold a virtual e-petition session to discuss TV licensing.
MPs will discuss the issue in light of the petition you have signed calling for the Government to revoke the TV licence using legislation. Jonathan Gullis, a Member of the Petitions Committee, will lead the debate. The Minister for Media and Data, John Whittingdale MP, will respond for the Government.
TWATO today, 2 minutes in and Lady Brooke, whose real name is Sarah Montague, aka ‘Miss Shouty’, asks Ruth Davison why she had re-tweeted a twat (that is the correct term for one of these messages, isn’t it?) which had suggested conspiracy and cover-up in the Socialist Republic of Jockland.
WTF! Does Al Beeb EVER question Gormless Gary Lineker as to why he not only re-tweets unproven allegations about the Government but provides us with his own, rabid anti-Tory narrative consistently?
I wonder what the SNP supporters think they will get from full independence? And what the English are going to think of it .
If they get independence i would want it to be total – meaning a controlled border – visas to enter england and visa versa – forget the barnett formula – totally separate tax regimes – the works –
The last time the model for the economy was that shetlands’ oil would keep scotland afloat – but that was pre fracking …
Maybe crankie will have to resign but theyll be another ‘leader ‘..
The SNP get the chance to divvy up the budget without anyone looking over their shoulders.
The rest are just racist and hate the English due to their inferiority complex and sour nature.
I remember when Telegraph let anyone write comments : the absolute worst, nasty and extremely bitter posters were a Jock and an Irish guy. What they wrote was shocking.
Some years ago, I made a business trip to Scotland. My first appointment was with the Senior Electrical Engineer at BSC Ravenscraig. Within minutes of shaking hands, he said, (or words to the effect of), “What right do you people have to come from, ‘down South’ touting for business in Scotland”. Could have bowled me over with a haggis………… Some while after, Ravenscraig was shut down.
Bit like all the shipyards on the Clyde following the workers policy of continually striking to destroy their employers business. And their jobs it so happened. From my limited experience based on other situations, all the Jocks carry a massive ‘self-destuct’ device around their necks.
Lefty Twitter is unanimous poor headteacher “Lee Hill is getting a beasting for doing nothing wrong”
…except it was him that was beastly to the memory of Nelson by calling Nelson a racist & slavery supporter
The only evidence being a letter which was proven to be doctored after his death.
Local BBC presenters tweets “I’m appalled at this. I’ve read much praise of Lee Hill.
Why should a hard working, caring headteacher suffer abuse like this?
Sorry on behalf of some of my profession who have stoked this.
That BBC person hasn’t mentioned 2 contexts
#1 “The caring teacher” shared jokes about beheading the education minister
#2 “The caring teacher” defamed Nelson as a racist and slavery reporter
cos he took the ex-pupils statement at face value even tho it based its claim on a Nelson letter proven to have been doctored fter his death
I could put that in the discussion, but the beeboid would block me.
Mr CrimeBodge has issued an appeal
He’s reckons police & Action Fraud, have been deliberately fobbing the public off,
so he’s making a big documentary.
He wants to hear from people who had proof of the people defrauding them online, but the police did nothing
..and wants to hear from police insiders as well
Just been looking at the paperwork given when I had my Astra Zeneca jab. “The vaccine…..contains……alcohol…..”. Very low take-up with muslims. I wonder why……………..
Lovely Luvvies
What! Not even the SMALLEST of pricks??
I bet you saw that one cumming?
I didn’t have a coat so – oo-er- Fedup is probably ready to pounce -er -I’ll just creep out the back way.
I know I shouldn’t watch so many Carry On movies but I find them SO adDicktive. It’s my age you know.
Apparently the Muslims think it contains pig and the blacks think the government will be able to track them if they have it.
They don’t deserve all the special effort to get them to take it. There were no vaccines in the stone age.
If we were to confirm that it contains pig and that they will be forced to take it, maybe they might try and avoid it by, by, by……………….
exercising one of their dual passports.
They would not leave the teat no matter what. They would protest and riot and burn our flag, but they would never go back.
Just like those who despise us for bringing them out of Africa with slavery – but now they have their freedom, they are strangely reluctant to go back. They seem to prefer to live in the countries they hate.
4:30pm Amol Rajan, Media Show
– Facebook vs Australia media
with journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald (Australian non-Murdoch lefty paper)
+chief executive of the Competition and Markets Authority
The Petitions Committee are to hear an e-petition on March 1st. to discuss TV Licensing.
The petition is titled: “Revoke the TV licence using legislation”
Snowball in hell I fear, but the only glimmer of light is that the petition will be responded to by John Whittingdale MP the minister for media and data.
Mr Whittindale was “one of only 6 ministers to come out in favour of Brexit in 2016 and is still a supporter of Leave means Leave”, lets see if he has lost his balls in the meantime hey?
Considering that we are told to call individuals by their preferred pronoun rather than what we would like to call them why does the BBC not use the form preferred by the organisation?
Actually it is quite common with British print media too. There is a false argument that if the initials of an organisation can be made into a pronounceable word then it should be written that way.
I don’t like it being done either as it leads the eye/brain into looking for a proper word that one has never hear of, (there is no word Nato), and then having to back-up and translate it into what it should have been in the first place!
If sturgeon thinks a part of the UK can go independent then by that logic part of scotland could also go independent.
I’ve heard that the Shetlands (or Orkneys ((or both))) want to stay in the Union.
If they vote to remain with us then they should be allowed to (plus the oil would be handy)
Probably some of the lower areas and border areas would like to stay in as well.
Krankie could get herself a situation similar to Ireland and NI where she has a part of scotland to rule over.
Maybe it’s what she wants.
When all of the people have been contacted and vaccinated, what about the possibly 5-10 million illegals and those who are in the hidden economy. We know the supermarkets cater for 80 million so there’s a substantial number mixed in with the governments supposed population number.
Will they all be told to come in for the jab “no questions asked”
or will nutnuts grant them all amnesty and citizenship.
Certainly Orkney does! SNP does nothing for folk north of Perth! And they think it’s only sheep north of Inverness!! Wee Krankie makes me so angry. Scotland used to be well known for its excellent education system….not now!! Trouble is she has stitched up the system and SNP tentacles reach far and wide. As to her daily briefings, give me a break. It’s a political platform. Outrageous that it is still allowed.
A few weeks back Lord ‘Beefy’ Botham wrote a well-researched and in parts scathing attack on the BBC, making a central part of his argument the unwarranted and devious decision to remove free TV licences from the elderly, and to blame the government for what was purely an in-W1A-house decision.
Beefy is a keen game shot – and I do assure you, you’d be more than surprised to learn some of the names who share his passion but whose moral cowardice allows them to enjoy their sport without being seen to support it – and he has also been at the forefront of a successful campaign to promote game meat to a wider public.
So, in one of those cruel ironies that our BBC are so good at divising, BBC News today features ‘new’ research to show that a very high percentage of game birds carry toxic lead shot in their flesh. And it’s true, a percentage do – but not remotely as high in birds on supermarket shelves that will have been scanned before processing. And any level of research would show this to be true.
That apart, the toxicity of lead while being irrefutable only applies to minute particles which might enter the bloodstream, a pellet might chip a tooth but sitting in your gut won’t cause any harm. This is why it has been illegal to use lead shot for shooting wildfowl for many years – because their feeding method can scoop up spent shot along with food particles all of which is ground to fine paste in their gizzard before digestion. Galliformes, like pheasants, that scratch for their food are highly selective and would discard and drop lead pellets found while feeding. Those in their muscles would remain inert and harmless, just as many soldiers – my old man among them – can carry bits of bullet around for decades.
‘Toxic shot’ is just like ‘climate change’: an argument based on false science, promoted by people with an agenda, in this case to ban shooting. Lengthy research by the University of Illinois back in the 60s and 70s debunked much of the pseudo misinformation but the ‘ban lead brigade’ don’t want to know about anything that might contradict their beliefs, again like so many of the ‘climate facts’ churned out and believed by sheep the world over. That word ‘toxic’ does the trick, every time.
Beltane – thanks for reminding me about how much I am missing my rough shooting – I think shooting and killing animals to eat gives a bigger appreciation of meat one buys in a supermarket and the life it cost ….
…. I remember a magical March moment a few years ago when I had a rifle which was pointed at a Hare – it looked into my sight at about 100 yards and took up the mad boxing pose . I could never shoot a hare …
Can your “people with an agenda” include our hallowed “experts”?
Myself I think the answer is definitely in the affirmative.
I can well imagine that most of them at some time in their lives went through a university education where they will have almost certainly been lectured to by “experts” about the evils of private enterprise. No doubt that, in the way distant past, similar “experts” were convinced that the earth was flat and passed on their “knowledge” to the unsuspecting hoi polloi who hung on their every word but I imagine that THOSE “experts” at least truly believed what they were saying. About this lot I have my doubts.
I am, and will remain, a sceptic.
Lead shot is harmless in itself, and has the advantage that it you do bite it by accident you do not break your tooth on it.
No other metal has the properties of lead when it comes to shotgun pellets. Sadly, and despite all scientific evidence, our useless shooting organisations have agreed to a ban on lead shot in five years, largely because the EU plan to do it. Has nobody told them we have left?
I thought I would relay what I heard on my way to work very early in the morning about 3am- 5am a few years ago whilst listening to BBC radio 5 live.
They were playing a Podcast of The Naked Scientists and the Founder and respected Cambridge Virologist Dr Chris Smith was talking to I believe another Professer/Doctor about the Ebola crisis in Africa.
He said, as far as i can remember,
‘Of course one of the reasons Ebola is so prevalent is that the family and friends wash the body and then drink the water the body is washed in because they believe it gives then strength’
Welcome aboard – not much coverage was made of the French African third worlders in sarff London who swallowed the line that drinking their own wee each day kept covid away –
So no vaccination for them …..shame there was no quality control on what landed on these shores …
Kinell?? Have you traced the history of that name?
Joking apart – Nice to know you and welcome.
The only reason I can think of that the MSM and the BBC haven’t brought that to the attention of the public is because it hardly chimes with the notion that the planet Earth is a country.
In other words it does not comply with the rules of THE GREAT RESET.
Unfortunately I haven’t so far seen a perfomance by Jimmy Jones but we always knew when my sister- RIP- had been to see him because at our monthly family get together the playing cards would inevitably come out and if things were not going her way Sis would suddenly exclaim ‘KINELL!! Great times sadly missed.
I thought that was the Fukarwi tribe. A tribe of tiny people – no more than 18 inches in height – and when they walked through very tall grasslands they could be heard shouting to each other “We’re the Fukarwi? We’re the Fukarwi?
Of course that could just be a story put about by those wonderful “experts” of yore.
“It almost seems like the UK is now open to the world with no plan of stopping this. Until various agreements are scrapped and rewritten we will not see any change.”
So, 145 illegal immigrants are immediately whisked away to a 4 star hotel. Very nice!
Our government seem completely unconcerned. They clearly couldn’t give a toss.
Meanwhile, if you happen to be returning from a fortnight in The Algarve and fill in the wrong form, you could be spending the next decade in Wormwood Scrubs…
At least someone else has noticed ?
I think Priti said “we intend to introduce legislation later this year”
Operative words “intend” and “later”.
We left the EU last year. We paid France millions to stop the illegal invaders. We recruited an Ex Royal Marine “Clandestine Channel Threat Commander”.
Vote for Nigel Farage and The Reform Party next time .
Last year we had this ……………..
“Migrant crossings: Use of navy ships to stop boats ‘dangerous'”
Using Royal Navy ships to help stop migrants crossing the English Channel is “dangerous” and “won’t change anything”, a Calais politician says. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-53719575
The Australian Navy did not find it “dangerous”.
A Calais politician wants to empty his camps ?
Expect more to come as the weather improves – all this under a so called “Tory Government”. Following the next outrage will we hear the usual go-to statement “Lessons to be learned”? Well its been going on for years .
Trouble is , they never learn.
Doublethinker makes an excellent point about Borgen. Borgen woke me up to the fact that islamification was Europe-wide as it, along with the other BBC 4 Scandi-dramas, was riddled with the same claptrap emanating from our own Island. So I suppose I myself became Woke, but not in the way our zealous overseers hoped.
Have you missed something?
Well yes. If you want free money,free board and lodgings, free health care etc. you must first do something that is illegal.
AND you must believe that 2.5 + 2.5 = 7.75. Simple really.
MONARCHS TO THE BBC. I hope THAT offends the bar stewards. Still with all that unearned money they get why should they worry about a little bit of verbal?
The BBC quoted the sort of abuse that the Head has received. Apparently someone called him ‘pathetic ‘. If that is the worst they could find, he must be a snowflake.
All but one of the comments at the end of North supported this ‘inspirational ‘ headteacher. The school is RI in most categories ie second from bottom. May I humbly suggest that the Head should be concentrating on improving education. I also noticed that Look North didn’t get a comment from the Chair of Governors which is in itself telling.
A bit late, but this morning I took an older person who lives near me to the doctors. I didn’t go into the waiting room, but sat outside in my car. Living in Northern France the only English stations I can receive are Radio 4 and Radio 5. Being foolish I turned on the radio, 10 o’clock. Up comes Naga Munchmynuts blathering about Boris reopening schools, summer schools to clear the missed schooling and extending the schoolday hours. This stupid woman came out and said live on air that teachers would be worn out if this happened. Shouted at said radio, THEY’VE BEEN ON HOLIDAY FOR 12 MONTHS HOW CAN THEY BE WORN OUT, STUPID COW, and hit the off switch, must have been all of 20 seconds.
Are our school teachers born with their Socialist ideals or are they taught them? They don’t seem to understand that what finances them is money extracted, by law, from the pay packets of the majority of British citizens.
Perhaps they think, like the children they are paid to teach otherwise, that government funds are like the Bank of Mum and Dad which, in the eyes of children of course , is a bottomless money chest.
Our educators would do better to teach our children how to read,write and understand the English language, to work out basic mathmatical problems and a measure of individual responsibility. Forget the social training. We learn that stuff through living life. Neither me, my wife or any of my teenage mates were given social training at our schools in the 1940s /1950s and yet, to my knowledge every one of those kids grew into responsible adults. The 1960s drugs culture has yet to answer for it’s sins. I think history will judge it harshly. In hindsight I already do.
The social training and wokery is a very good reason to keep the schools closed and take advantage of the China Virus. Every night on TV news are experts talking about lost learning backed by gormless children echoing the same complaint and adding that they miss their friends at school.
Now they have a chance to learn, free from teachers.
Perhaps someone might review what kids are learning and why ? I recall being taught stuff which i considered to be meaningless and in my working life still was .
Teach them stuff they need to know – it wont happen of course because inthink education is as self serving as the NHS .
Both outfits know theyll always have a captive ‘customer ‘: victim
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“Women boardroom roles make ‘dramatic’ jump in five years”
Woke ?
Nice headline , but where I come from the word “Jump” has another meaning and its nowt to do with parachutes , ‘if you get my drift ‘ . Worthy of a Frankie Howerd pun -No?
Seriously, are they on the Boardroom because they tick boxes or because they are very good at the work they do ?
I have heard people used it as a euphemism for sex
“a jump’s a jump” etc
But Stew, that was no ordinary jump it was “a dramatic jump”.
actresses have dramatic jumps
Apparently there are few or no Sewer cleaning women. Why is that. Why aren’t women applying for such jobs.
Too, the woman now heading engineering firm Schneider Electric UK, turns out to be a MBA graduate. Has not invented or designed anything. Unlikely to from the blurb.
This is just one more in the blizzard of sub-standard appointments of sub-standard people but satisfy the requirement – skin colour, female and its variants.
How many are looking for jobs here?…………………..
There must be vacancies for sewer cleaning.
Catch-up links to last posts on previous thread
– page 3 started Tuesday lunchtime and became a full page
– page 2
I’ve taken to keeping a spare tab open with the login page on
So when I get the time-out error as I try to post I can flip to the login page, then login ,
then flipping back to the failed post tab and clicking back , and post again to get the post to work.
Or is their hide the correct colour or their sexuality uncertain?
Makes a difference yer know.
Tell me once more please. How many genders are there and is the earth flat?
“Eighteen people rescued from refrigerated lorry in Peterborough”
And they keep on coming …………..
Where is Boris? , Priti ? and her Border Farce?
By land sea and probably air – We are being invaded.
Do they all get put up in a 4 Star Hotels for free ?
How was the refrigerated lorry threatening them ?
Are these the people Maxincony said should replace you , Taffman ?
Eighteen illegals for one patriot , still not a bargain .
Something the UK BBC wont be talking about – a twitter comment by George Galloway-
STARTS “I believed in a Scottish Parliament with all my heart. I gave some of the best years of my life to fighting for it. It was a ghastly mistake. It has ruined Scotland” ENDS
I wonder how this will play out ?
He wil be “no platformed “ or “cancelled” .
Well if she survives this, she’ll never leave.
An interesting man Mr Galloway.
A venn diagram of his and my politics would almost consist of two separate circles but I must say, I do have a real respect for him and just do not believe the shite the MSM spout about him.
I would also, I’m sure, very much enjoy an evening socialising with him over a pint. Honest.
You’d be on your own then, because he doesn’t drink. Never has.
Prior to the election, Boris made it quite clear that he was going to welcome all migrants, illegal of course.
In USA, the usurper Biden is transforming America, as Obama promised, from a First world country to a Diverse one, by open USA to all, without and within.
One of the advantages of being a mature Diverse country is that it stops illegal and legal migrants for ever wanting to come to a Diverse country,
For free?
No, I’m quite sure it’s very costly indeed.
The BBC only tweeted this one
Then reporter Simon Jones tweeted once
… 74 preplies/QTs against the BBC
then 6 moaning “the gammon are commenting”
They were working on the refrigeration unit when the bloody driver started off.
It’s very strange.
The British are a rabid racist people with a deep hatred of the foreigner and, not only that but Britain is overwhelmingly contaminated with the proven racist disease, the deadly and fatal Covid 19 (ask our “experts”)and yet— and yet — STILL THEY COME. STILL THEY RISK DEATH ON THE OPEN SEAS TO GET TO OUR DISEASE RIDDEN RACIST HELL! Are they insane? Or are WE??
“Covid-19: PM promises review on issues of vaccine passports”
Will they be easy to forge ?
Vaccine passports – will bogus asylum seekers need them ?
I wonder if they have certificates to say that they don’t have rabies, leprosy, aids, ebola and worse…
No doubt the TV tax stazi are rubbing their grubby little hands at the thought of yet another huge government spend for them to ‘control’ what it says on the documents…
Of course, they may just take a job lot, and accuse a citizen first, then ask questions afterwards!
They will be given them by the boat organisers.
Census forms next month .
I`m putting myself down as a non practising telly tax payer .
I suppose there will a box to tick which says something like ‘Are you a normal British Citizen, or are you something else’?, and then there will be a list about eight pages long, finishing with some weird name for a pseudo-religious group with an address in some unpronounceable village in Asia, or Africa.
Maybe (as above for vaccination certificates), the TV tax stazi will get 80% of the forms back, then assume that the rest are illegals, so it’s a Home Office problem which will be forgotten about when the Sir Humphreys realise that it’s far too big an issue to deal with, and squirm out of it all.
There might be a box on TV licensing though, after all, there’s no taxation without representation here!
On Monday I posted about a DT article on how the Danes were making it much more difficult for immigrants and asylum seekers to settle there. It prompted me to re watch Borgen which is about twelve years old. The politics displayed by the screen writers of the show clearly had resistance to Islamification as far right and totally unacceptable. How things have changed in the past decade or so. More and more Europeans have woken up to the fact of the invasion and the great replacement. Sadly in the UK we lag far behind many of our European neighbours in this regard. At least our elite does but as with Borgen what is shown on TV by the liberal MSM May lag years behind what the people actually think and want. That certainly seems to have been true in Denmark. But perhaps a crucial point is that in Denmark they have always had freedom of speech and protected it , remember the cartoons of Mohammed, in Britain our leaders have suppressed freedom of speech and outlawed it.
When I lived in Malaysia I knew an alcoholic woman from the state which was the most heavily fundamentalist.
She befriended some Danish people and over time the story came up that she was moving to Denmark for some job.
There was a going away party for her.
Yet 3 weeks later I met her on the street. I asked what had happened and she said she couldn’t get on with Denmark.
I took that to mean that they’d either refused her entry or thrown her out if the country pretty quick.
Denmark got the full Islamic treatment when Jyllands-Posten published the Muhammad cartoons.
They published it anyway, and France as well. Publish and be damned.
The great free speech nations, UK and the USA, slinked out. At the time the National Review and others in America called France as ” cheese eating surrender country”. Later they kept quiet .
Anyway, Denmark has been getting tough over the last 10 years, not giving citizenship to any foreigner whose culture does not fit. France is now near war status.
We are way behind. UK policy has always been to be too late, then start making Spitfires asap.
TOADY Watch #1 – Watch out! watch out! There’s ‘R’s about ….
The PM must already be regretting his saying the first sound-bite that came in to his head when being pushed to exit Lockdown 3 or Lockdown 4 (depending on where you live): “Guided by the data not dates.” If only the PM had taken time to carefully inspect the data on his own instead of having a SAGE member nudge his elbow and push a back of the envelope chart and prediction in front of him.
The data is far from robust, especially the ‘R’ number. However it has made an appearance again this morning, once again without size of the ‘R’s being mentioned, nor its decline rate, and this makes something of a record for BBC Radio. Two days in a row.
What a shame they didn’t mention it daily as in the Falklands War reporting in 1982 “I counted them all out and I counted them all back.” What a shame that they do not get a statistician from PH(E) or the ONS and give them a real grilling over these farcical numbers. If they can do it to a Secretary of State for Health for h his h half hhalf hour of fame, why not one of the dodgy data providers?
Poor love having a bit of a ‘mare as the WH Comical Psaki.
Then there was the youth 5* resorts where once there were kids in cages.
Meanwhile, here…
The EA locally is coy on affordable housing impacts on flood plains.
Meanwhile David Attenborough says it’s too late to ‘save the planet’ anyway, so that lot can all sod off home and do a real job for a change!
The ‘too late’ technique a) did not work and b) was as a consequence banned from use by the green blob as it rather backfired as above.
So why Sir Boaty is running it out with King Lear Gates and Airmiles Kerry is an odd one.
OT, off Parler… hope it works…
Fed up with BBC Climate Activism? Tory MPs Table Bills to Defund the BBC
Its now too late for anything to be done about Climate Change. Apparently happened a decade ago ( errant scientists claim even further back).
Its clear that governments have been deploying the Four Stage Strategy.
Its typical cynical policy of our government masters.
Anyone for a non story “report”
and tomorrow they may rise, and the day after….
The contest is between a market trader and an electric vehicle, that fails the test of efficiency.
In Engineering one designs for efficiency first, if its anything to do with motive energy. Then later for pretty and colour etc.
Efficiency is the main reason, or it should be, why wind turbines are an engineering disaster first, and a bloody environmental disaster second.
‘Courtesy of the BBC…’
What’s the opposite of forensic?
One asks because on the day following a major policy announcement affecting the future of the nation, the leader of the opposition, Sir Keir, would seem to have precious little to say for himself.
The Labour-friendly titles choose headline stories suggesting their man has furloughed himself and is happily self-isolating once again.
‘The great British take-off. Lockdown-weary sunseekers spark holiday booking boom‘ – shouts the Daily Mirror. Perhaps hoping to initiate a package deal panic-buying surge that might bring down the Tories?
‘Call for jabs at home to stop covid becoming a “disease of the poor”‘ – suggests the Guardian. Read on and you will find this isn’t a highlight from Sir Keir’s bright new bundle of briefs – this is the brainchild of: ‘Speaking to the Guardian, Halima Begum, chief executive of the Runymede Trust thinktank...’ – ee bah gum… what’s ‘appened t’Labour?
And if you imagined for one moment this notion of the do-it-yourself at home NHS was dreamed up to help the workers: ‘Ministers are being urged to offer vaccines door-to-door, in hard to reach, deprived and minority ethnic communities…‘ – and when they say hard to reach they sure as heck don’t mean remote Yorkshire hill farms. Hard to reach, indeed. Seems we must have imported the Khyber Pass or the Kalahari Desert into the British geography.
Perhaps Sir K’s best policy is to keep his head down. It worked for Sleepy Joe Biden. Poor Sir Keir, he’s managed to place himslef on the wrong side of all the big issues of the day.
When more than half the country wanted Brexit he clung to Brussels. Daft old Corbyn, he had some mad ideas, but at least you knew in his heart of hearts he was a Leaver. Now since Boris caught the Wuhan Wobblies and there’s an obvious oppositional opportunity Sir Keir is for Lockdown earlier, harder and longer. That may excite his nearest and dearest (I mean the teacher unions) but it leaves those of us who value our freedoms cold.
When Rishi spends like a drunken sailor with borrowed cash: ‘Stamp Duty holiday will be extended by months. Sunak plans budget boost for property market‘ (Times) – you just know if Sunak is for a big spending policy or conversely a tax-raising policy then either way Sir Keir will be more so.
Don’t imagine for one moment that we’ve all suffered financially from lockdown. The FT carries a frontpage advert for a private equity firm: ‘Put your bonus to work. You’ve worked hard in 2020‘ – probably from home.
Unlucky drivers, eh? The last time Tiger Woods was involved in a car smash was when he was parked in his own driveway and his wife set about him with one of his own drivers. She had just found out he had been playing a round. ‘Tiger Woods in surgery after rolling car‘ (Times) – let’s wish him a speedy recovery and hope he’s learned his lesson about taking a quick roll in the grass.
The FT has company news that has us in fear of drowning in a vegan milk lake: ‘Oatly taps into frothy thirst for vegan milks with plans for $10bn floatation‘
‘New wave of £7,500 grants for self-employed – but scheme may be scrapped as restrictions end‘ – promises the Telegraph. It’s as though our government tied the suicide’s noose for him, then congratulated itself as a life-saver for balancing him on a rickety stool.
Allison Pearson in the Telegraph suggests: ‘The one thing you can’t innoculate against is human nature‘ – oh, I don’t know, bung Pfizer a large enough government contract and they’ll come up with a formula.
Asiseeit – herr Starmer is definitely using the false president technique to get elected – sit in the bunker for another 4? Years and come out when the count is fixed .
I feel a tiny bit sorry*for him when he asks nut nuts husband a question and BoJo just says – ‘that idiot supported the EU vaccine club” – then Starmer looks like he has been hit with a brick and does not say a word …
(* the sorrow passes a nano second later )
Hitchens went on Channel4 for a long session discussing Free Speech with some black writer.
what happened ?
Despite assurances the broadcast version had been edited to suit their narrative
and Hitchens had foolishly not recorded it himself.
There’s a discussion beneath his tweet.
An experienced journalist and broadcaster took the word of a Ch4 producer and still went on? And neglected to keep a record?
Gosh, what is that creature?
AsISeeIt, sounds as though Captain Hindsight is speaking true to form. Apparently in London there are already nurses going door to door to vaccinate the difficult to reach and have been for at least the last couple of weeks.
Deborah, the Practice Nurse for our GP lived not far away, a matter of 200 metres or so. To save some oldies a two mile trip by bus or car she used to pop by on the way home to administer influenza jabs. This was before local pharmacies also were allowed to dish, er … push them out.
Toady tells us that equal problems with cervical tests. Problem is, Londonistan again. Why Londonistan I wonder. What’s different about Londonistan? After all, we all cherish the ‘Diversitee’ don’t we?
Quiz time.
A) Three planks B) Two planks
2:15pm R4 Melissa Murray’s feminist dystopian drama
Seven mysterious women arrive on our planet, without fanfare and without a spaceship.
Near Dover?
And run inland.
Still looks ok for his age.
Guest who – hasn’t aged a day ….
Man gets ‘flu.
TOADY Watch #2 – Lady Carnarvon sinks the PM’s Plan with a broadside of clear thinking
Lady Carnarvan was interviewed in the half hour leading up to the 8 a.m. news. The noble lady is proprietor of Highclere Castle, the setting for Downton Abbey, the TV series of the same name. Lady Carnarvon pithily observes: “How is it safe for someone to go around a superstore but not a super dooper castle?”
The Lady is quite right – the Government and SAGE’s sage advice has just not been intellectually credible. Quite how the PM can back out of this is uncertain. The BBC will be sure to attack him for it and trail a whole series of experts across the airwaves to tell us the PM and his Government are ‘killing granny’, ‘sinking the NHS’ and ‘putting us all at risk’.
I’m glad you report it so I don’t have to listen ….
I think this time in 2022 – as we pass 18 months ? In lockdown the BBC will be having a go at the government for not finding the last dozen people who need a jab before we start ‘lifting lockdown ‘ – stage one – opening the front door – stage 2 breathing air from outside the home ….
Fed, I think we will be ‘out’ by summer time because there will be a growing rebellion among the population at large. The BBC will be in a quandary: do they go with the popular mood or do they side with SAGE and other scientists and the Labour Party.
Then after three months of freedom, someone, somewhere will find a mutation on the bottom of their shoe and it will be panic stations as millenials take their winter colds to the GP for treatment and oldies who have other conditions catch colds and influenza and become hospitalised.
The PM will be forced into Lockdown 5 by a Teaching Assistant somewhere who snogs her boyfriend who has been snogging a spare girlfriend just in case #1 doesn’t work out and catches and passes Covid on to her class. We will have to save the NHS all over again.
Writing of educayshan reminds me ….
The panic of teachers having to teach the little darlings again is amply portrayed by its spokesman – aka the BBC .
Moaning ‘heads’ will be rolled on to say ‘nothing can be done ‘ and ‘ its too quick ‘ and ‘ the darlings are best at home with their State provided free ipads, wifi , food , testing kits , tv programmes, free holidays , books? ,
4pm “West and the Rest”
Bestselling author Matthew Syed asks whether an ancient shift in our sexual behaviour and a ban on cousin marriage
could have triggered a surge of innovation in the west.
Easily reproducible experimental findings in the west don’t stack up when you use non-western subjects. Many of our classical assertions about the workings of the human mind are based entirely on the western human mind
I have noticed that African-Africans, i.e. persons of colour who live in Africa, don’t respond to interview questions the same way as ‘white’ Europeans.
OK, the The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency books are just novels, but they surely encapsulate the observations of Alexander McCall Smith as to how the people of Botswana talk and think.
Differences betwen peoples surely exist, but are they cultural or genetic. The trouble nowadays is that the question can’t be asked, unless the answer doesn’t suit, i.e. there is no difference between black and white people when it comes to running a company, yet the white boss won’t have sickle cell anaemia but the black boss might, no doubt all the fault of ‘white’ medicine!
@JimS In Britain we ask questions, where the answer can be Yes/No
In mot countries that’s a bad idea
..cos people will answer Yes whatever the real truth is.
Am I missing something ? A foreign golf player has had a car accident and survived . This is national news – item 2 – on the BBC news …..
Is it because he has treated ladies badly in the past ? Or something else ?…
“Woods recovering after huge car crash”.
Maybe if he had driven a small car he wouldn’t have crashed?
Below par driving?
I commented last night on this as it broke, but someone sniffly replied that they didn’t consider it news… Well AlBeeb clearly do because Tiger is one of the chosen ones.
I’m not sure and don’t care what the twitterati make of it as I don’t frequent that particular den of mindless narcissists or refer to it.
Listening to global new this AM, the police offer investigating the incident stated this morning it was in a known ‘high frequency area’
In the old days, probably would have been described as an ‘accident black spot’
“someone sniffly replied that they didn’t consider it news”
that probably means me.
But that’s free speech, of course other people are entitled to care.
My opinion is that Tiger, Mars landings etc. are all a circus, trash used to distract us away from REAL issues.
One mans news, another mans snooze.
Tigers crash is news worthy to a point, He’s a sportsman know the world over for his ability in the game and for other less sporting things. The Beeb will love him and go over the top, because he ticks all their special boxes. That’s why we comment and highlight on this site.
Personally, I’d much rather learn about the Mars landing and science in general, this is newsworthy because it’s a great technological achievement and shows what can be done if we as humans use our ability properly.
I’ve looked at Twitter and 90% of the content their if it were in paper form I wouldn’t use for toilet paper, not news, not educational, just a waste of resource.
The BBC have a plan to reinstate black men with dubious backgrounds to god status again, Tiger Woods is the latest after Mike Tyson and OJ Simpson….
In BBC land there are NO bad black people, ALL the bad people are white.
I confess I never, ever watch so called soap operas which, in my view are no more than social training exercises for the susceptible but Mrs Wright has an addiction to a couple of them. Fair enough. However, I can’t help but notice the cover of her weekly TV mag, which 100% bears out your view that ALL the bad people are depicted as white. Yes and as we know, the Mau Mau were all saintly freedom fighters of course who wouldn’t harm a fly. Can I suggest that in order to forestall a future white equivalent of the Mau Mau rising in my country, that the MSM address this anomaly PDQ.
I will be 81 years old this year so whatever happens is unlikely to affect me too much but it WILL affect my children and grand children and the coming generations.
I thought he played golf, but that must have been some one else beloved of the media.
Some years ago one Michael Schumacher, some kind of petrolhead I believe, had a bad skiiing accidenr and the media were all over it. His sport isn’t my cup of tea but he was a major figure in it with a huge following, just like Tiger in his chosen sport. Schumacher’s lovelife is uncontroversial and his physog as white as the snows of Méribel so I don’t think your speculations have any merit.
Greater value would have derived from thiiis contributionr by just using the ninth to sixth last words.
Car racing isn’t for me either – and I could care less about a German driver coming unstuck and nearly dying as he did –
– but I would suggest the reason the bbc is all over the golfer with a broken leg after a road accident is because he is coloured . Nice to see you are a golfing fan ….
TOADY Watch #3 – It’s never enough (reminds me of a contemporary song, just can’t think of title or group)
Gavin Williamson, former bag carrier to Theresa May and youthful SoS for Education has squeezed multi-millions for education out of the Chancellor Rishi Sunak while the latter is in meant to be in Covid Lockdown as well as Budget Lockdown a.k.a. ‘purdah’. Nice work!
Needless to say the teaching Unions have been quick to say “It’s not enough!”.
Sir Keir Starmer really needs to get a grip on the teaching Unions (preferably hand over the face mask) to stop their vocal opposition to everything the Government does, because it is doing the poor suckers chances of keeping his job and Labour’s chance of winning the next General Election no good at all.
It was the teachers unions that made me so anti union. Throughout secondary school in the 1980’s it was constant NUT strikes, then more at 6th form college and even a few days strike action at my University.
Back in the beyond of my schooldays, one of the few ways in which to avoid National Service was to become a teacher – and so a number of my contemporaries got their degrees and, with no vocation for the job whatever but an earnest desire to shirk discipline, began to teach the youngsters of that time.
And the results of that selfless devotion can be seen today.
No doubt coming soon on the BBC’s “it’s never enough” playlist:
Extend furlough hand outs
Extend stamp duty hand outs
“It’s never enough until your heart stops beating” ? New Order -Shellshock?
‘I just can’t get enough’ Depeche Mode….
Sir Kweer was on AlBeeb Farming Today this morning, addressing the virtual conference of the National Union of Farmers or some such.
Apparently, and not a lot of people know this, Our Charmers very very first job as a young lad was working a summer job on a local farm….. Still has the wellies apprently.
Bit the Mare of Londonistan proudly claiming his old fella was a taxi driver…
Labour hey, you couldn’t make em up!
I listened to Sir Kier at the conference, well some of it as I decided watching paint dry was more interesting. This claim that he had worked on a farm was his best attempt at finding a connection with farmers. He offered no ideas and I felt as an Islington Leftie he had no more connection with rural areas as he working men in the north.
If anyone has any doubt about how bad Covid really is here is Dave Bartram from Showaddywaddy to tell us!!!
How does the BBC find these people?
Opportunities abound.
That’s the 2018 photo of the 2 Showaddywaddy bandmates
in the Leicester Mercury’s 2018 big photo report,
about bassist Al James (72) funeral
Reading his symptoms, it was the same as mild flu. Oh, the agony…
Maybe a come-back tour? Covid-Busters? 🙂
Well, I’m not at all sure what the latest lockdown rules “allow” me to do, but what the heck? I’m visiting Kew Gardens this morning and to Hell with the consequences. Yes, it’s reckless, it’s daring and it’s foolhardy, but that’s the kinda guy I am. I’m a right rebel…
The grassy banks will be bright with crocus and those lovely little blue irises and the early daffs will just be breaking bud. It’s a heart warming place in the early spring.
Just a year ago, a little jaunt like this seemed quite normal. I used to go every other week, but of course, that was before lockdown.
I fondly remember those days. Even the most prosaic event could be pleasurable.
Thoughtlessly, one might say almost skittishly, I recall going to the supermarket. There wasn’t a mask or hand sanitiser in sight. There were no arrows on the floor. We weren’t corralled along endless aisles and told where to stand or how far to stand apart. People seemed carefree and friendly. Blimey, occasionally they even smiled at each other. Of course, there’s little point smiling at someone now because your face is wrapped in a nappy and no-one can tell…
I feel like a pioneer. One stoical Englishman daring to venture where the brave dare not go. I’m breaking out, travelling miles on the train (several trains!) risking life and limb. I know the police are out there just waiting for an unwary rule breaker (a covidiot) and of course, the much feared Covid Marshals will be lurking in the shadows.
So, fellow BBC loathers, wish me luck on this adventure.
I’m just going outside for a while
and may be some time…
Jeff, how much do they charge these days? I can remember when it was four pennies (ie. real £:s:d money) in the honesty box to go in to Kew Gardens.
Good luck – have a nice day there. Be refreshed! 🙂
Well, I’m a member and pay about £60 a year and can then have access any time along with a guest. If you’re not a member I believe it’s now over £16 each visit. Quite steep, but you can stay as long as you like.
Oh, BTW, everybody now has to book in advance.
I had reason to visit the Public Record Office at Kew and thought I would go for a coffee and a quick walk round afterwards. Kew Gardens is just too expensive for short visits.
Gosh I must be older than most here because when I visited it was only one penny. Apparently Queen Victoria decreed there should be a charge to remind the people there is a cost to maintaining the garden. Perhaps the BBC view the licence fee the same way (Tim puts the value at £400).
If you become a member it’s very reasonable. And the more you go the better it gets. During the spring and early summer I try to visit every fortnight and I can take a guest in free of charge.
As I said earlier, it’s only about £60 for the entire year.
Of course, if you’re just popping in, it’s really quite pricey.
Dangerous places, those extensive windswept gardens.
Go to it Jeff, another week or so and I’ll be off to the coast to bend the fishing rods in search of Plaice, if the French and Dutch Supertrawlers haven’t hoovered them all up yet. It’s my local beach but involves crossing the county line, so I’m expecting road blocks, bears in the air and lots of high vis….
On the subject of fishing, in boats. Farming today this morning on AlBeeb interviewed a Scottish trawler man about the ongoing issues with EU exports and the many boasts tied up in harbour.
Despite Brexit being mentioned, It transpired during the interview that a) boats are mainly tied-up due to Covid impacting the hospitality industry in the home market and b) the guy being interviewed was actually a union type for the Scottish trawler industry, so no bias towards HMG there then AlBeeb.
Jeff, you will be remembered. (Do keep a diary!)
I breached a lent promise last night – I watched a BBC documentary on ‘60 years of british comedy “ . The dismal programme didn’t start with a bit of ‘Mozart’s requiem for BBC comedy ‘ but it should have .
It was pure tick box – naturally dominated and led by race relations – which the BBC is happily making worse – then spent 3 minutes on wimmin – then queers at minute 22 . Which is when I had to go and shout at the moon .
The talking heads were the usual tick box coloured with no insight and no humour – a coloured man wearing a hat indoors ( always a sign he doesn’t like being bald ) sneered from on high ….
After queers it went to ‘class” with a smug Lou grades ‘ son again delivering his verdict from on high …
Anne Widdicombe s son – a bishops son – Jack ‘funny ‘ Dee droned on – in fact the whole thing – droned – which was quite an achievement talking about comedy …. Steve ‘nasty ‘ coogan kept turning up doing his professional lefty act …
Strangely – Dads Army – the pinnacle of BBC comedy output ( and still being repeated Saturday nights ) didn’t get a mention – but a programme called ‘vicar of dibley ‘had a full 4 minutes ..
The other night a nocturnal troll asked Taffman ‘if he hated the BBC why did he watch it ? “
This sort of inward looking ‘repeats ‘ programme answers that question . It was something once – but is no more …. and is now a harmful influence by forcing an identifiable political and social belief on those who do not – and will never – agree .
I felt stressed at the end and went off to grind me teeth ….
‘if he hated the BBC why did he watch it ?’
‘Because he has to pay for it’ would be the appropriate answer.
I don’t buy drugs
but I am concerned about local drug gangss
cos they damage local environment.
For the same reason I am concerned about the BBC /MSM
cos they damage Britain & the world
more harm than good.
Reminder of open HYS
Have Your Says
from the site that mentions the BBC comment deletions
There’s a sports list as well
No Global Warming HYSs right now
the BBC always lose them
My favourite ever HYS was after the first of the new Dr Who.
The BBC selected several positive comments from twitter, then the obligitory one midly negative for balance but quickly cancelled that one with another saying the opposite.
The HYS however was universally scathing.
Don’t know if they deleted the comments section after that. The Telegraph do that trick very regularly if you go against their agenda – but at least we can choose not to support them.
bBC Scotland continue to give a national daily platform to Miss Sturgeon, aka wee Burney.
To spout plain as your nose SNP propaganda.
She is a menace. It is also looking more likely with the almost daily revelations from the Salmond Inquiry….that she i is also a liar. He might also be a liar or at minimum an opportunist.
What bothers me most , living here in Brigadoon is the entirety of cost about this ” Scottish parliament”
The high costs of the operation coupled with the eye watering amounts of waste suggests we have a “busted flush.
Apparently Sturgeon has surrounded herself with eye watering numbers of special advisors and chauffeur driven cars.
the bBC are not highlighting this and appear to be operating to an SNP, anti Unionist agenda .
people must be thinking down south that the staggering waste and mis management calls for it to be put in special measures
while a full external audit of what is going on is undertaken.
this would include side-lining both Sturgeon and bBC Shortbread.
Dipping in to twitter to find what our Scotch cousins think of Sturgeon, the SNP, Salmond and the whole debacle, is to discover an exercise in petty spite, paranoia, anti-English venom and a degree of self-delusion which would be truly funny, were it not so tragic.
To the nationalist faction – who do not represent Scots despite the PR – please, please gain your ‘independence’ it will serve you right.
So tell me, why is the First Minister of Scotland giving a daily Covid briefing relevant to Scottish people “SNP propaganda” but BoZo giving a Covid briefing isn’t propaganda for the Conservative Party? Bozo may be British PM but on health matters his remit is limited to England. His briefings for England still appear on the main BBC news bulletins in Scotland.
Always entertaining as the acronyms spiral.
On a number of occasions crankie has leaked agreed policies before the UK PM has been able to announce them .
The strategy of the SNP – her – is to undermine the UK by any means in order to get her socialist republic .
I had a feeling you would be a fan and will live in the independent Scotland – obedient to the Reich of course – if your dreams come true ….
The answer is in your question. Sleep on it.
Well said trubble! She makes Kim Jong-un appear saintly in comparison. Her and the SNP are a repulsive group of shady reptiles
who would slap us all in the gulag she is probably thinking of building with all the cash this lot splurge. Scotland is going to rack and ruin and wee crankie fiddles (in more ways than one)
from the science_and_environment* News update page
‘I thought I’d have to leave farming to come out’
By Hannah Stacey BBC Radio Cornwall
A herdsman says he suffered “years of anguish”
because there were no LGBT role models in agriculture.
* so farming must count as environment
The next article complains “I’m not a sheepophine, so where I working in Welsh farming there were no role models for me”
If Hitler was SNP, the BBC would adore him.
Historically, the SNP was pro-Nazi.
In the 1930s, and even during the war, the SNP supported Hitler because they hated England so much. They don’t like to talk about it now.
They are truly demented.
Interesting! Thanks.
Our BBC gave some more of your money to ‘historian’ Prof. Lucy Worsley in her finely researched ‘Blitz Spirit’, a program designed to de-bunk memories of heroism determination and courage in the face of the enemy. All nonsense apparently, the British remained selfish, self-serving and cowardly despite the folk-lore of the time and since.
Another re-write of history from another modern historian who joins professors Mary Beard and Kate Williams in confirming their feminist agendas to undermine reality.
My well deceased uncle, who was a senior person in aircraft production during the war told me that, to ensure the assemblers boosted their overtime, they used to of jump up and down on the wings of Hurricanes to bend them so they failed the final examination before being turned over to the RAF.
And I also remember watching a documentary many years ago on what it was like to gain your wings as an NCO and be placed within the billet of the ‘Officer’ types…………
All within the scope of the ‘Blitz Spirit’?
Interesting about the wings .. i recall that looting of bombed houses and crimes in the blackout was covered up –
As well as differences in treatment between nco pilots and officers – such as accomodation …
“As well as differences in treatment between nco pilots and officers – such as accomodation”
In at least one incident that difference in accomodation might have saved a crew’s lives.
A Mosquito crew was about to walk to their aircraft when the Flight Sergeant navigator realised that he had forgotten his pipe, (a war-time essential), so returned to his quarters. A few minutes later the cockpit had some extra holes in it care of the Luftwaffe.
Perhaps if both the crew had been officers they would have been smoking together so no pipes would have been forgotten and then they both would have been killed?
Fed, yes, apparently if the officer types were forced to share joint accommodation, they strung up blankets between themselves and the NCO’s as a notional barrier/wall.
More importantly, did she get to play dress up?
Its not the fault of these over promoted feminist profs. They are trite and boring. They got their degree from universities in Humanities, that have trashed standards over the last 30 years. This was to allow minorities and women to compete with men. Specially in STEM
Front page headline:
Fashion designer Alexander Wang accused of assault
Article Headline:
Fashion designer Alexander Wang accused of sexual assault
Now why would they omit that word for the main page headline ?.
Turns out he is gay and sexually assaulted another man.
Just one of many small, dirty tricks they use to avoid tarring the agenda to the casual headline reader.A favour they would never extend to heterosexual males.
Just like the regular use of apostrophes to infer fact from a biased opinion when it suits them.
BTW Reminds me of when Fed said “the Polish serial rapist and murderer in Hull”
The day after I heard the same BBC headline Fed had probably heard
“The serial-sex-offender has been jailed for rape and murder”
The serial-sex-offending was actually much smaller pervy stuff like stealing underwear, the whole point of the trial was that he had stepped up into a different magnitude of crime”
Stew – if you honestly think that rape was the first only one that creature committed – well im a china man
One of the biggest problems is that victims are reluctant to come forward because of the treatment the system will subject them to .
Maybe now that the animal is locked ip more victims will come forward .,,
Yes I do, cos the police were free to introduce any evidence of any alleged previous rapes into the court, but they didn’t
… He was creepy as heck and other weird things were introduced,
I am not comfortable with making giant claim about people
without proper evidence.
The whole point of court cases is innocent until proven guilty.
Like at the moment Salmond is creepy, but not a rapist.
BBC subscriptions
“Revoke the TV licence using legislation”
“On Monday 1 March the Petitions Committee will hold a virtual e-petition session to discuss TV licensing.
MPs will discuss the issue in light of the petition you have signed calling for the Government to revoke the TV licence using legislation. Jonathan Gullis, a Member of the Petitions Committee, will lead the debate. The Minister for Media and Data, John Whittingdale MP, will respond for the Government.
Watch live from 4.30pm on Monday 1 March: https://youtu.be/_bRiLl7OA4A“
TWATO today, 2 minutes in and Lady Brooke, whose real name is Sarah Montague, aka ‘Miss Shouty’, asks Ruth Davison why she had re-tweeted a twat (that is the correct term for one of these messages, isn’t it?) which had suggested conspiracy and cover-up in the Socialist Republic of Jockland.
WTF! Does Al Beeb EVER question Gormless Gary Lineker as to why he not only re-tweets unproven allegations about the Government but provides us with his own, rabid anti-Tory narrative consistently?
And as for the independence and standing of the Crown Office…
I wonder what the SNP supporters think they will get from full independence? And what the English are going to think of it .
If they get independence i would want it to be total – meaning a controlled border – visas to enter england and visa versa – forget the barnett formula – totally separate tax regimes – the works –
The last time the model for the economy was that shetlands’ oil would keep scotland afloat – but that was pre fracking …
Maybe crankie will have to resign but theyll be another ‘leader ‘..
The SNP get the chance to divvy up the budget without anyone looking over their shoulders.
The rest are just racist and hate the English due to their inferiority complex and sour nature.
I remember when Telegraph let anyone write comments : the absolute worst, nasty and extremely bitter posters were a Jock and an Irish guy. What they wrote was shocking.
Some years ago, I made a business trip to Scotland. My first appointment was with the Senior Electrical Engineer at BSC Ravenscraig. Within minutes of shaking hands, he said, (or words to the effect of), “What right do you people have to come from, ‘down South’ touting for business in Scotland”. Could have bowled me over with a haggis………… Some while after, Ravenscraig was shut down.
Bit like all the shipyards on the Clyde following the workers policy of continually striking to destroy their employers business. And their jobs it so happened. From my limited experience based on other situations, all the Jocks carry a massive ‘self-destuct’ device around their necks.
Lefty Twitter is unanimous poor headteacher “Lee Hill is getting a beasting for doing nothing wrong”
…except it was him that was beastly to the memory of Nelson by calling Nelson a racist & slavery supporter
The only evidence being a letter which was proven to be doctored after his death.
Local BBC presenters tweets
“I’m appalled at this. I’ve read much praise of Lee Hill.
Why should a hard working, caring headteacher suffer abuse like this?
Sorry on behalf of some of my profession who have stoked this.
That BBC person hasn’t mentioned 2 contexts
#1 “The caring teacher” shared jokes about beheading the education minister
#2 “The caring teacher” defamed Nelson as a racist and slavery reporter
cos he took the ex-pupils statement at face value even tho it based its claim on a Nelson letter proven to have been doctored fter his death
I could put that in the discussion, but the beeboid would block me.
slavery supporter (damned autocorrect)
Mr CrimeBodge has issued an appeal
He’s reckons police & Action Fraud, have been deliberately fobbing the public off,
so he’s making a big documentary.
He wants to hear from people who had proof of the people defrauding them online, but the police did nothing
..and wants to hear from police insiders as well
Just been looking at the paperwork given when I had my Astra Zeneca jab. “The vaccine…..contains……alcohol…..”. Very low take-up with muslims. I wonder why……………..
Congratulations – can you keep a running log of after effects – ?
I’ve had my jab 5 hours ago (AZ) but honestly can’t feel a thing not even a sore arm? am worried now they jabbed me with an empty syringe!
The sore arm is usually caused just by having a needle shoved into a muscle.
It is often only noticed when you lie on that arm.
Lovely Luvvies
What! Not even the SMALLEST of pricks??
I bet you saw that one cumming?
I didn’t have a coat so – oo-er- Fedup is probably ready to pounce -er -I’ll just creep out the back way.
I know I shouldn’t watch so many Carry On movies but I find them SO adDicktive. It’s my age you know.
Fed, Zero effects.
Apparently the Muslims think it contains pig and the blacks think the government will be able to track them if they have it.
They don’t deserve all the special effort to get them to take it. There were no vaccines in the stone age.
If we were to confirm that it contains pig and that they will be forced to take it, maybe they might try and avoid it by, by, by……………….
exercising one of their dual passports.
One can only hope.
They would not leave the teat no matter what. They would protest and riot and burn our flag, but they would never go back.
Just like those who despise us for bringing them out of Africa with slavery – but now they have their freedom, they are strangely reluctant to go back. They seem to prefer to live in the countries they hate.
Perhaps they might consider reducing the amount of pork in the vaccine.
Tee he. Snigger
4:30pm Amol Rajan, Media Show
– Facebook vs Australia media
with journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald (Australian non-Murdoch lefty paper)
+chief executive of the Competition and Markets Authority
+ plugging David Lloyd, head of Boom Radio
for Boomers ..people in their 60s, 70s
staffed by some ex-Beeboids like recent local presenters
+ David Hamilton, Nicky Horne, Kid Jensen , Jane Markham, Bill Bingham
“Radio Has-Been” ?
The Petitions Committee are to hear an e-petition on March 1st. to discuss TV Licensing.
The petition is titled: “Revoke the TV licence using legislation”
Snowball in hell I fear, but the only glimmer of light is that the petition will be responded to by John Whittingdale MP the minister for media and data.
Mr Whittindale was “one of only 6 ministers to come out in favour of Brexit in 2016 and is still a supporter of Leave means Leave”, lets see if he has lost his balls in the meantime hey?
Fascinating 3 minute snippet of maitliss quizzing fraser nelson over ‘ crankiegate’©️On the twitter from newsnight.. and posted by brillo – maitliss more interested in attacking the spectator than the truth …
Nato or NATO
Why does the bBC always refer to NATO at Nato!
Sorry just a pet hate of mine, surely its not that difficult for them to get it right
Ditto Nasa v NASA!
Considering that we are told to call individuals by their preferred pronoun rather than what we would like to call them why does the BBC not use the form preferred by the organisation?
Actually it is quite common with British print media too. There is a false argument that if the initials of an organisation can be made into a pronounceable word then it should be written that way.
I don’t like it being done either as it leads the eye/brain into looking for a proper word that one has never hear of, (there is no word Nato), and then having to back-up and translate it into what it should have been in the first place!
If sturgeon thinks a part of the UK can go independent then by that logic part of scotland could also go independent.
I’ve heard that the Shetlands (or Orkneys ((or both))) want to stay in the Union.
If they vote to remain with us then they should be allowed to (plus the oil would be handy)
Probably some of the lower areas and border areas would like to stay in as well.
Krankie could get herself a situation similar to Ireland and NI where she has a part of scotland to rule over.
Maybe it’s what she wants.
When all of the people have been contacted and vaccinated, what about the possibly 5-10 million illegals and those who are in the hidden economy. We know the supermarkets cater for 80 million so there’s a substantial number mixed in with the governments supposed population number.
Will they all be told to come in for the jab “no questions asked”
or will nutnuts grant them all amnesty and citizenship.
Certainly Orkney does! SNP does nothing for folk north of Perth! And they think it’s only sheep north of Inverness!! Wee Krankie makes me so angry. Scotland used to be well known for its excellent education system….not now!! Trouble is she has stitched up the system and SNP tentacles reach far and wide. As to her daily briefings, give me a break. It’s a political platform. Outrageous that it is still allowed.
A few weeks back Lord ‘Beefy’ Botham wrote a well-researched and in parts scathing attack on the BBC, making a central part of his argument the unwarranted and devious decision to remove free TV licences from the elderly, and to blame the government for what was purely an in-W1A-house decision.
Beefy is a keen game shot – and I do assure you, you’d be more than surprised to learn some of the names who share his passion but whose moral cowardice allows them to enjoy their sport without being seen to support it – and he has also been at the forefront of a successful campaign to promote game meat to a wider public.
So, in one of those cruel ironies that our BBC are so good at divising, BBC News today features ‘new’ research to show that a very high percentage of game birds carry toxic lead shot in their flesh. And it’s true, a percentage do – but not remotely as high in birds on supermarket shelves that will have been scanned before processing. And any level of research would show this to be true.
That apart, the toxicity of lead while being irrefutable only applies to minute particles which might enter the bloodstream, a pellet might chip a tooth but sitting in your gut won’t cause any harm. This is why it has been illegal to use lead shot for shooting wildfowl for many years – because their feeding method can scoop up spent shot along with food particles all of which is ground to fine paste in their gizzard before digestion. Galliformes, like pheasants, that scratch for their food are highly selective and would discard and drop lead pellets found while feeding. Those in their muscles would remain inert and harmless, just as many soldiers – my old man among them – can carry bits of bullet around for decades.
‘Toxic shot’ is just like ‘climate change’: an argument based on false science, promoted by people with an agenda, in this case to ban shooting. Lengthy research by the University of Illinois back in the 60s and 70s debunked much of the pseudo misinformation but the ‘ban lead brigade’ don’t want to know about anything that might contradict their beliefs, again like so many of the ‘climate facts’ churned out and believed by sheep the world over. That word ‘toxic’ does the trick, every time.
Beltane – thanks for reminding me about how much I am missing my rough shooting – I think shooting and killing animals to eat gives a bigger appreciation of meat one buys in a supermarket and the life it cost ….
…. I remember a magical March moment a few years ago when I had a rifle which was pointed at a Hare – it looked into my sight at about 100 yards and took up the mad boxing pose . I could never shoot a hare …
Can your “people with an agenda” include our hallowed “experts”?
Myself I think the answer is definitely in the affirmative.
I can well imagine that most of them at some time in their lives went through a university education where they will have almost certainly been lectured to by “experts” about the evils of private enterprise. No doubt that, in the way distant past, similar “experts” were convinced that the earth was flat and passed on their “knowledge” to the unsuspecting hoi polloi who hung on their every word but I imagine that THOSE “experts” at least truly believed what they were saying. About this lot I have my doubts.
I am, and will remain, a sceptic.
I saw it too, a typically ignorant hit piece.
Lead shot is harmless in itself, and has the advantage that it you do bite it by accident you do not break your tooth on it.
No other metal has the properties of lead when it comes to shotgun pellets. Sadly, and despite all scientific evidence, our useless shooting organisations have agreed to a ban on lead shot in five years, largely because the EU plan to do it. Has nobody told them we have left?
Hello All,
First time poster but a lurker and supporter.
I thought I would relay what I heard on my way to work very early in the morning about 3am- 5am a few years ago whilst listening to BBC radio 5 live.
They were playing a Podcast of The Naked Scientists and the Founder and respected Cambridge Virologist Dr Chris Smith was talking to I believe another Professer/Doctor about the Ebola crisis in Africa.
He said, as far as i can remember,
‘Of course one of the reasons Ebola is so prevalent is that the family and friends wash the body and then drink the water the body is washed in because they believe it gives then strength’
I don’t remember hearing that on the BBC or MSM.
Welcome aboard – not much coverage was made of the French African third worlders in sarff London who swallowed the line that drinking their own wee each day kept covid away –
So no vaccination for them …..shame there was no quality control on what landed on these shores …
Kinell?? Have you traced the history of that name?
Joking apart – Nice to know you and welcome.
The only reason I can think of that the MSM and the BBC haven’t brought that to the attention of the public is because it hardly chimes with the notion that the planet Earth is a country.
In other words it does not comply with the rules of THE GREAT RESET.
Lol, No but I have seen the great London Comic Jimmy Jones live.
Unfortunately I haven’t so far seen a perfomance by Jimmy Jones but we always knew when my sister- RIP- had been to see him because at our monthly family get together the playing cards would inevitably come out and if things were not going her way Sis would suddenly exclaim ‘KINELL!! Great times sadly missed.
The name goes back to China thousands of years back when the great leader Fu chose it as the name of the tribe.
I thought that was the Fukarwi tribe. A tribe of tiny people – no more than 18 inches in height – and when they walked through very tall grasslands they could be heard shouting to each other “We’re the Fukarwi? We’re the Fukarwi?
Of course that could just be a story put about by those wonderful “experts” of yore.
“It almost seems like the UK is now open to the world with no plan of stopping this. Until various agreements are scrapped and rewritten we will not see any change.”
So, 145 illegal immigrants are immediately whisked away to a 4 star hotel. Very nice!
Our government seem completely unconcerned. They clearly couldn’t give a toss.
Meanwhile, if you happen to be returning from a fortnight in The Algarve and fill in the wrong form, you could be spending the next decade in Wormwood Scrubs…
Have I missed something?
At least someone else has noticed ?
I think Priti said “we intend to introduce legislation later this year”
Operative words “intend” and “later”.
We left the EU last year. We paid France millions to stop the illegal invaders. We recruited an Ex Royal Marine “Clandestine Channel Threat Commander”.
Vote for Nigel Farage and The Reform Party next time .
Last year we had this ……………..
“Migrant crossings: Use of navy ships to stop boats ‘dangerous'”
Using Royal Navy ships to help stop migrants crossing the English Channel is “dangerous” and “won’t change anything”, a Calais politician says.
The Australian Navy did not find it “dangerous”.
A Calais politician wants to empty his camps ?
Expect more to come as the weather improves – all this under a so called “Tory Government”. Following the next outrage will we hear the usual go-to statement “Lessons to be learned”? Well its been going on for years .
Trouble is , they never learn.
Doublethinker makes an excellent point about Borgen. Borgen woke me up to the fact that islamification was Europe-wide as it, along with the other BBC 4 Scandi-dramas, was riddled with the same claptrap emanating from our own Island. So I suppose I myself became Woke, but not in the way our zealous overseers hoped.
Have you missed something?
Well yes. If you want free money,free board and lodgings, free health care etc. you must first do something that is illegal.
AND you must believe that 2.5 + 2.5 = 7.75. Simple really.
Tallbloke’s on last night’s Biris & Attenborough show
Boris defends green activists like Carrie Symonds in UN climate speech
‘More of the usual tedious arm-waving evidence-free rhetoric on climate.
People deserve better.”
He says before summarising the Mail article
Boris is doing people party Political Advert tonight
6:25pm ITV
6:55pm BBC1
9pm BBC2 anti-Trump prog
10:30pm BBC4 Lucy Worsley again
MONARCHS TO THE BBC. I hope THAT offends the bar stewards. Still with all that unearned money they get why should they worry about a little bit of verbal?
Local BBC news Headteacher Lee Hill
He’s a victim, here’s Piers Morgan bullying him
“parents have rallied round”
Then they played 2 parents they selected
The BBC quoted the sort of abuse that the Head has received. Apparently someone called him ‘pathetic ‘. If that is the worst they could find, he must be a snowflake.
All but one of the comments at the end of North supported this ‘inspirational ‘ headteacher. The school is RI in most categories ie second from bottom. May I humbly suggest that the Head should be concentrating on improving education. I also noticed that Look North didn’t get a comment from the Chair of Governors which is in itself telling.
Funny cos tweets to the presenter were 17 for Lee v 30 against
Those for him had fallen for the narrative “poor Lee is being bullied by Piers Morgan
Barnes Wallace is from the the town of Howden.
A bit late, but this morning I took an older person who lives near me to the doctors. I didn’t go into the waiting room, but sat outside in my car. Living in Northern France the only English stations I can receive are Radio 4 and Radio 5. Being foolish I turned on the radio, 10 o’clock. Up comes Naga Munchmynuts blathering about Boris reopening schools, summer schools to clear the missed schooling and extending the schoolday hours. This stupid woman came out and said live on air that teachers would be worn out if this happened. Shouted at said radio, THEY’VE BEEN ON HOLIDAY FOR 12 MONTHS HOW CAN THEY BE WORN OUT, STUPID COW, and hit the off switch, must have been all of 20 seconds.
Northern – it’s like a ritual –
government throw money at schools – teachers shout ‘not enough ‘
Attempt to lengthen school day or term – teacher says ‘ too much for us and little darlings ‘
Attempt made to open schools – need more time to prepare – can’t do it because it’s half term .
Teacher thinks – one day closer to pension ….
Are our school teachers born with their Socialist ideals or are they taught them? They don’t seem to understand that what finances them is money extracted, by law, from the pay packets of the majority of British citizens.
Perhaps they think, like the children they are paid to teach otherwise, that government funds are like the Bank of Mum and Dad which, in the eyes of children of course , is a bottomless money chest.
Our educators would do better to teach our children how to read,write and understand the English language, to work out basic mathmatical problems and a measure of individual responsibility. Forget the social training. We learn that stuff through living life. Neither me, my wife or any of my teenage mates were given social training at our schools in the 1940s /1950s and yet, to my knowledge every one of those kids grew into responsible adults. The 1960s drugs culture has yet to answer for it’s sins. I think history will judge it harshly. In hindsight I already do.
The social training and wokery is a very good reason to keep the schools closed and take advantage of the China Virus. Every night on TV news are experts talking about lost learning backed by gormless children echoing the same complaint and adding that they miss their friends at school.
Now they have a chance to learn, free from teachers.
Perhaps someone might review what kids are learning and why ? I recall being taught stuff which i considered to be meaningless and in my working life still was .
Teach them stuff they need to know – it wont happen of course because inthink education is as self serving as the NHS .
Both outfits know theyll always have a captive ‘customer ‘: victim