Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 2 started 9am Sunday
Only 2 pages, that must be cos everyone was out in the sun.
The BBC and metroliberal world was still pushing out plenty of bias
in their bluepill theatre view of the world.
It doesn’t matter if people duplicate others posts
but I’m lazy so I do tend to use Ctrl-F to search the page
to see if someone has already posted the topic
before I waste my time typing it in.
When Halifax first reported that he had been diagnosed with covid he suggested in a light hearted tone he would keep us updated on how the disease progressed. It was a couple of weeks later he reported he had spent 12 nights in hospital. He sounded very low and said he appreciated posters here support. Since then I have read of covid sufferers having to return to hospital and a number of deaths. I worry about Halifax as I consider those of us posting here as virtual friends who may disagree on some things but are united in our dislike of the BBC and all things woke. (P.S. I have real friends too but am only seeing them virtually too at the moment.)
If Rufus is around, maybe he could look up @Halifax’s email address
and write to say we are concerned for him.
I’d be inclined to expect bad news,
though sometimes people do lead complicated lives and things happen, like their spouse bans them from the compuy or something.
That’s 23rd Feb autocue reading problem
only a 15 sec clip is available
There are videos from other times where he has similar 3 second blips as he trips over the words
but can generally read 5 minutes OK
It just shows it’s all theatre
we all know he’s reading carefully crafted speeches
Trump was too, but could go off the cuff eassily
but was then mocked for his own made up words etc.
The president will be Kamala who didn’t even win the primary in her own state, and withdrew.
She is the Big Nerd’s choice. Its not the people but the Big Corps who chose her, using algorithms, fudge fractional maths, weighted vote counts, false information and all.
Meanwhile, the US military is fighting for free and fair elections one man/woman one vote for Afghans in Afghanistan.
The R5Yuccch news reported that President Trump’s meetings in Miami were ‘showing how divided the Republicans were ‘, and that ‘he left the White House in disgrace’!
Of course the Republicans are still discussing how the election was well out of order, and of course they want to get back to normality in their party, but for the awful BBC’s autocue-reader to spout such disingenous garbage and try and be clever, is unacceptable.
I don’t remember them gabbling like that when the crooked Billary crowd lost out on 2016.
Times : You thought Amnesty was about protecting prisoners
nope it’s been taken over by the Woke who prioritise other things #entryism
“backlash over its priorities
Supporters concerned that its focus on political prisoners …
may have been diminished by growing emphasis on inequality and climate change” *
Anyone here not a sinner?
Amnesty say they don’t have to protect Navalny, cos he picked his nose 10 years ago.
sorry … ” because of comments he made about migrants 14 years ago”
* I note that key line in the print edition
has been sanitised out in the online edition
Look North at 10.30 Sunday showed an MP saying that a 12 1/2 % pay rise the nurses’ union is campaigning for is away with the fairies. Needless to say we then had a nurse on saying the pay rise is all about recognition and all they have done for this country. I am sure nurses on covid wards have worked very during some parts of the last year, but I am not sure the same could be said about those in dermatology or during low covid rates last summer. But the nurse was typical of the Left and the BBC , where it all boils down to money, and it is money that people who have produced things have to have earned. There will be many people in this country, especially those in the hospitality industry but others too, who don’t even know if they have a job. 12 1/2% for nurses who have had secure employment during the last year? Trust the BBC.
The money that the NHS demands is earned by the wealth producing sector of the country. It is not the government and all its civil servants, NHS staff, school teachers, university staff etc, who are on secure employment + pension and all. They are all dependents.
When will the BBC and government ever consider the private sector that has been destroyed and discouraged. No kudos for them.
A doodle of (not) Bonnie & (river) Clyde. One of the few things I’m looking forward to in my eventual retirement is when the national archives declassifies whatever the heck was really going on behind the scenes because there’s clearly an angle that’s not yet being discussed
Credit Sky News for showing an hour or more of Trump’s CPAC speech. But then their newscaster interrupts to summarise some of the main points, “… repeating the lie that he had won the election …”.
She could have said, “… still asserting that he had won the election …”, but that would have been against company policy, wouldn’t it?
At one time I thought Sky was an improvement on the BBC, but sadly I was wrong.
On Channel5 Kate Humble walking show, there was a strong language warning at the start
It seems that was do with talking about the old alum works site where they talked about pee being an ingredient.
Perhaps it is timely to point out that 2021 is the 50th anniversary of the 1971 British Lions tour of Australia and New Zealand. For those somewhat younger than I an explanation is warranted. The Lions had never won a test against the All Blacks before then. After an unpromising start in Australia the 71 team arrived in New Zealand like lambs to the slaughter. To the average kiwi’s horror the Lions won every provincial team they played up until the first test match (they were long tours in those days) even beating skillful Otago and brutal Canterbury. To everybody’s shock the First test match was a British victory. The country was outraged “Didn’t them Poms know they are brought out to be beaten and ridiculed”. They were not supposed to win. Well of course the Lions went on to win the test series 2-1 (1 draw) and were never beaten in the provinces.
This was really huge at the time and shaped the future of rugby as the home unions regained confidence in themselves and could never be taken for granted again.
The stars of the show were largely Welsh, JPR, Gareth Edwards, John Dawes, Barry John etc but there were great contributions from England Scotland and Ireland. Think, McBride, Pullin, Duckham and Mighty Mouse McLauchlan.
I don’t think NZ will be celebrating this event but it is how the UK will be marking the anniversary that interests me? Will the BBC sports division be celebrating this great triumph as an example of Britishness at its best? Or will they ignore it completely. Or perhaps, like the Graun did in an article I read, concentrate only on Carwyn James the coach, pointing out he was a Welsh Nationalist?
Can the BBC be trusted to do the right thing? Er…just once?
This Covid thing has gone to his head. A lot of people I know are not voting Labour in the Assembly elections. They are trying to get more votes by allowing 16 year olds and any foreigners in Wales.
“A coronavirus “variant of concern” first detected in Brazil has now been found in the UK.”
Are they making these up as the go along ?
What happened to the South African virus, The Kent virus etc?
What next , The Welsh virus ? Very shortly someone is going to expose ‘the emperor’s new clothes’. Will it be a Tory MP with guts ?
I have been convinced that this is a stitch up from around 3 months in. I believe the idea is to make life and the economy so bad that everyone blames Boris and Brexit. I believe the vast majority of people in the upper life sciences tend to be very left wing. It all adds up.
Isn’t it strange that the Welsh emblem is a daffodil, a lovely sight at the start of spring, the Scots have a thistle, which is around most of the time, the Irish have a shamrock, which is always around, but the English have a red rose, which doesn’t flower for a goodly while after St George’s Day!
All our daffs are coming on strong now, and I always like to remember Wales in its full glory on days like this!
(I won’t mention last Saturday though – while spoil a great celebration…)!
I see the BBC are wetting their panties over the Golden Globe awards.
‘Nomadland and Borat Subsequent Moviefilm were the big winners’
Their highlights:
Chloé Zhao was named best director. Of course she was.
‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm .. was named best musical or comedy film.’. Of course it was.
Check this films IMDB comments and sort by review data. Lots of 1’s and 10’s. The 10’s are very clearly fake comments : they go way too far. The common theme is that it completey unfunny.
Baron Cohen made it political and the BBC reported every word:
“Thank you to the all-white Hollywood Foreign Press,” said Sacha Baron Cohen
He goes on: ‘Wait, Donald Trump is contesting the result. He’s claiming that a lot of dead people voted’. Comedy gold.
The other people they considered warranted special mentions: Rosamund Pike (Woman), Daniel Kaluuya (Black), John Boyega (black) , Chadwick Boseman (black), Andra Day (black), Regina King (black), and of the other people worthy of special mention, 2 are white males and 13 are women.
What a complete and utter farce. It’s the shameless double standards which amaze me.
The corrupt Golden Globes are decided by what freebies are given to the journos who have the vote.
‘as chosen by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.” Wikipedia
As predicted, the BBC and the Toady radio show ramp up the project fear regards the Brazil B1 variant of Covid as UK authorities ‘hunt the unaccounted for person who tested positive’
So Vam Tams doom and gloom warnings went largely unheeded Friday night and over the weekend, so by Sunday night the machine has rolled into action and now there’s a big problem with another variant that may be resistant and could be up to 50% more transmissible….
Meanwhile people continue to arrive to the UK by legal and illegal means… how’s the lockdown working for you?
If there is only one suspect how can they deduce it’s more resistant and up to 50% more transmissible? Sounds like they are just wanting to put another log on the fire!
The ramp up in project fear on vaccination is on. I am getting multiple messages to shame me into booking an appointment. When this type of action by “the persuaders” occurs it has the opposite effect on me. (Why the late Tony Curtis and Roger Moore trying to get me to book I have no idea).
I am beginning to think Capita have been covertly engaged to rewrite the beeb threat letters into a vaccination threat format.
The fact he is the only white person in the advert is not the part which accused of being racist : it’s the fact it’s implying black people eat fried chicken.
What a complete load of toss. These people should not be given the oxygen of publicity.
Despite the text, there are other white people in the advert
36s in the screen is filled with 2 very white women.
perhaps one has dreadlocks
but within 1 second the film has moved on.
The Duke of Sussex has said he feared his family history was “repeating itself” before he decided to step back from the Royal Family. In excerpts from an upcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey, Prince Harry said: “My biggest concern was history repeating itself…I can’t begin to imagine what it must have been like for her [his mother Diana] going through this process by herself all those years ago, because it has been unbelievably tough for the two of us – but at least we [Harry and Meghan] had each other.” The full interview with the duke and duchess airs in the US on 7 March.
Avoid ride sharing with Tiger and Bruce as your Uber driver, mate.
“Cumbria coal mine plan”
“Boris Johnson has been warned by some of his foreign ambassadors that a planned coal mine in Cumbria is damaging his reputation”.
“Some”. Says who?
The BBC and the rest of the largely government-funded media seem rather quiet about this today.
*BREAKING* 1/3 The reason there is not a Substantial Meal rule in current road map. Someone in Hospitality stood up to the unscientific restrictions & won. ALL future restrictions imposed ,will have to be backed up with evidence! Small win with HUGE consequences @Sacha_Lord ????????
If the government is going to have to scientifically justify its restrictions rather than simply pointing the finger at some poor scapegoats without any evidence, this could be a very important judgement. But new variant.
Every restriction should be debated in Parliament but all MPs have got used to working from home on full pay whilst letting a handful of individuals ruin the economy.
Court cases are the only way left to end this madness.
Director of Nomadland, Chloe Zhao, made history at the Golden Globes, becoming the first Asian woman to win for best director, and only the second woman ever to snag the title.
Golden Globes: ‘Tears’ as Chloe Zhao becomes first Asian woman to win best director
Top rated comment:
“Please stop this “the first [race or gender] to achieve [something]”. It detracts from that person’s achievement. It implies that the reason that person is important is not because of the quality of their work, but because of their race or gender (i.e. something the have no control of). It is condescending. Please stop doing it.”
This is shaping up as the perfect sequel… ‘Toys 2. – Revenge of the Military Industrial Complex’
Synopsis – as Skynet drones slam into the Middle East, a collection of Ritalin-hyped kindergarteners in the WH basement desperately try and control their Biden, Harris, Psakis and Levine mannequins from going off script on autopilot (now federally mandated as named Georgina).
Stand and deliver – that’s what the rather dapper, masked man pictured top right corner affront the ‘i’ newspaper this morning, seems to demand. Appropriately enough the dark-clad apparition with eyes like Damon Hill comes out of the mist before us on this forlorn further-furloughed Monday morning.
And who is this dandy highwayman, who spends your cash on looking flash and your grabbing attention? – sadly, it isn’t Adam Ant: ‘Tax rises on way to pay virus costs, warns Chancellor‘
Let me just adjust that headline for you, ‘i’ newspaper – “…to pay for the cost of Lockdown policy”
But I guess correcting mistakes has gone out of fashion. Oddly enough this is the story in the realm of education: ‘Pupils’ online lessons cut to make time for Covid tests‘ (Telegraph); and ‘…many [University] admissions offices braced for a second year of turmoil over results and grade inflation...’ (Guardian)
Whilst a man planning to rob the public, smiling whilst dressed in a sharp suit, is lauded, there’s a hue and cry out across many of the papers for Plague Pedro: ‘Six cases are confirmed but one of the infected travellers remains unidentified‘ (‘i’)
‘Hunt for UK patient with Brazil mutation‘ (Telegraph) – seems we’ve caught the Samba Squits.
One has asked the question before but for the sake of clarity can someone please tell us why we can’t say Chinese Flu but Brazil Mutation is ok?
Dick Turpin, you will recall, rode his horse Black Bess to York. He would have laughed at we modern folk who closed the stable door ten months after our horse bolted.
‘Mutant strain, which may be more resistant to vaccines, entered country just days before hotel quarantine was introduced…‘ (‘i’)
We may not know the whereabouts of Theresa May but as for the word “may” after a brief retirement post-Brexit it is good to see it is once again just as busy at work as ever in our press headlines.
Speaking of rubbish ex-PMs the Labour-backing Daily Mirror has: ‘Gordon Brown’s budget plea. Save lost generation‘ – what’s the matter, Daily Mirror, is Sir Keir sleeping on the job? Besides, they are hardly lost, they’re stuck in their bedrooms all day, what with the school gates being locked for months on end.
It may just be me but I do believe there should be some special place in Hell reserved for FT headline writers. They have this bewildering knack of just missing the proper understanding of the phrases they pile on so as to overburden the reader: ‘Rapid vaccine rollout to spur faster economic recovery than first feared‘ – meaning the faster recovery is feared? I know what they meant to say but had to read it three times to be sure. The over use of the passive voice is often the problem: ‘Estimates of fiscal hole shrink‘ – has me, frankly, giggling quietly to myself.
The Guardian has some good news for us from the art world: ‘Gilbert and George take on Covid‘- a typically quirky piece titled “Woken 2020” I’m not sure how the peculiar modern art pairing are received hereabouts but I rather admire their work. By the way, as the Times told us back in 2017 the couple are: ‘Tory artists who scorn remoaners and loathe the educated‘
Well, they should get on pretty well with our new youngsters, the uneducated generation.
‘People smugglers will be jailed for life, vows Patel‘ (Times) – I’ve seen the video footage of Border Force shepherding the rubber dinghies to our shores, so I suppose she will now be arresting dozens of her own employees? They did claim she was a bullying boss.
A late report just in: ‘Brazil locals sue Norwegian minor over safety standards’ (FT) – our Greta is Swedish and now turned 18 so it’s not her. Is the FT perhaps being PC and using Norwegian as the familiar code for muslim?
Censorship issues : Sargon’s Lotus Eaters podcast is still suspended from YouTube
“We received a 7 day ban, for saying something we didn’t actually say”
Doesn’t matter to them as they always upload to multiple platforms at the same time
During the progs they go to great efforts to avoid mentioning words that are banned on YouTube like “Tommy R”
or discussions sceptical of Covid science etc.
A piece about children in Bradford not leaving the house during lockdown. The BBC have chosen Pakistani Bradford children as examples of typical UK children.
The difference between the photos of 2001 and 1939 children speaks volumes.
9am R4 Marr Show
expect eco-doom as people plug their books.
– “Helen Scales warns Andrew Marr of the unfolding environmental disasters as people seek to exploit this new world, far beyond the public gaze.”
– The writer Philip Hoare explores nature through the work of the artist Albrecht Dürer
– The journalist Elizabeth Kolbert is the author of the international bestseller, The Sixth Extinction, which was a clear-eyed account of humanity’s impact on the Earth. In Under A White Sky she asks whether through scientific innovation we can reverse some of the damage done. She meets those re-engineering ‘super coral’ which can withstand hotter waters and those tasked with saving the rarest fish species in the world.”
Doh when people moan about a 1C rise possibly about to kill an area of coral, you find out that a few hundred Km north a similar coral lives in water 2C warmer.
A group of influential technology and media companies has partnered to form the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), a Joint Development Foundation project established to address the prevalence of disinformation, misinformation and online content fraud through developing technical standards for certifying the source and history or provenance of media content. Founding members Adobe, Arm, BBC, Intel, Microsoft and Truepic seek to establish a standardized provenance solution with the goal of combating misleading content.
The formation of the C2PA brings together founding members of the Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) and the Microsoft- and BBC-led Project Origin, unifying technical specifications under a single entity.
bBC Blog from 8/9/20 about the formation of ‘Project Origin’.
The bBC sees its priority as tackling disinformation which may “cause real world physical and societal harm.” In other words it sees itself as a (subjective) purveyor of ‘approved’ information rather than an objective news source. They do this by telling you which online sources are ‘reliable’ and which are not – because you are incapable of making up your own mind.
Trusted sources is a fallacy
Each story depends on the evidence that it presents.
It is better that kids are educated in school in critical thinking.
Think of the Times and the Hitler diaries
.. a too good to be true story that turned out to be fake.
And the BBC seems to run a few times each day with narratives that collapse over time.
There isn’t going to be some magic day when BBCnew achieves 99% robustness
spinning stories and leaving out half the story, is in its DNA.
TOADY Watch #1 – Prisoners of Blair’s & Brown’s device
In the House of Commons, they gather for the feast
With some weasel words, they call chancers to the cash Beast
Andrew Mitchell MP (Con), former DfID Minister and a sort of good MP and sort of honourable sort, is possibly a sort of good egg of sorts, reckons that killing the Beast of giving away 0.7% of gross national income to any old chancer would require legislation in the House and would not be passed by MPs. He was interviewed by JustRemainIn Webb at 7.30 a.m.
MPs out of touch with the national mood and the national needs.
David Vance : the news that the Pfizer vaccine may be less effective in people with obesity says a study apparently
– This study shows that those of us that are obese produce only around half the antibodies that healthy people do post vaccine.
– 62 percent of the UK population is overweight
this equates to 68% of men
And around a quarter of all adults are classed as obese
– in BAME community overweight it goes up to about 78% certainly in the 70s anyway so
So obesity might explain the large Covid death toll in the UK
– Don’t forget that ultimately that China is responsible
Well, it makes sense I suppose, the amount of the dose – being the same for everyone, would have a bigger internal area to cover and travel on someone 30 stone as opposed to a shorter distance in someone weighing 12 stone.
I recall seeing an item a few weeks ago which showed pictures of people who has passed away ‘ with covid ‘ – the next of kin were being talked to – every one involved was overweight … but no mention was made of this ….
….I thought about reporting it here but thought I might be ‘fattist’- even though being 9kg over my ideal BMI target weight for age / height / Genda….
Happy St David’s Day – I miss my walks in Penn y Fann .
The story about a girl bbc rugby ‘journo ‘ keeps going – today in the DT … I don’t do rugby – haven’t seen the comments ‘ abuse the girl got – but as far as I can see – if you do a public job you need to accept public comments –
And if you cannot – get another job .
The comments in the DT talk about the frustration. Of viewers who just wanted a game of rugby but got a woke lecture about some favoured BBC victim …. keep it up BBC – keep it up…
All day yesterday the BBC text pages ran the story. The support for their ‘abused colleague’ remained set in stone. She was unfairly treated by unthinking and prejudiced (probably right-wing) thugs.
She was the deeply injured party.
At no time was any explanation offered as to why she had been abused, that her confrontational and strident interviewing style led directly to her criticism. But then, to our BBC there was no need. She was only doing her job, as only a BBC reporter can – especially if female.
Beltane as I said yesterday
#1 Once cornered they the BBCnews bullies play the victim
#2 Taking offence is a way of bullying before.
When they have shouted “I am being trolled and bullied” and I have checked what the offending posts were, I have often found that the post was just a normal straight comment.
It’s like that woke headmaster who shut down his social media last week, claiming he was being bullied
The real reason he did was because people were finding dirt on that account
eg the way he Liked a post that said “bring me the education ministers head” etc.
Latest development according to Reuters is that Gauzere has admitted to WR Head of Officials, Joel Jutge, that he made mistakes. Top Welsh ref Nigel Owens goes further and says that both disputed tries should have been disallowed.
If sport and sportsmanship mean anything, the game should be replayed.
Jutge summed up World Rugby’s position by saying: ‘Gauzere is still a very good referee’.
No he isn’t.
Do not expect to see any of the above on BBC.
Yes, it’s a bit like applying to be a contestant on “The Weakest Link” and then complaining that Anne Robinson was beastly to you and hurt your fragile little feelingth. Oh Dear Oh Dear!
The last link you posted says the BBC posted 26.5million letters. I work that out (based on available online data) to be 53,100 trees chopped down to make the paper and 768,500 tonnes of CO2 emitted in the delivery of them.
To put that into perspective, a forest the size of 53 hectares (about 800 football pitches) is cut down each year and the CO2 footprint is the same as 793 Transatlantic airline crossings.
I’m happy for Marianna Spring to fact check these numbers.
I think it is disgraceful. The Italian Government should be sanctioned for permitting Etna to erupt. Just think of the air pollution caused, not to mention the Co2 emitted…………………..
Oh, what’s that you say? it is a natural phenomena. Surely the green cultists can find someone to blame (or cancel)……..
Surely our hero, Bill Gates can get involved and do something? After all, he’s anxious to plan to attain “zero” emission’s.
Btw, The carbon footprint: “……relatively insignificant……”. Well it would be if you were trying to scare people into believing there is a problem.
“The photo in question was taken some time ago and occurred after a horse had died of an apparent heart attack on the gallops.”
Says he was waiting for the body removal team and then got a business call
So automatically sat down to take it
Staff shouted, but he ignored them, as he was focused on the call.
Four horses dead live on ITV alone last weekend. One heart attack and three broken legs IIRC. Part and parcel, I have seen it dozens of times whilst working at Ascot and Newbury. The cameras train away from the stricken animal, but it is impossible to avoid if you are on course. It is only in the last decade that they erect screens to administer treatment or to euthanise.
Putting Emma Barnett in Woman’ Hour was the first part of Labour’s strategy to win the next election.
Today : ” We hear from mums in ‘Red Wall’ seats who are against cutting short summer holidays”
Do they mean perhaps all those times when our Brothers over the Border sneaked deals with France and Spain to push the old skean dhu deeper into our back? And griped in the predictable way we know and love when the ‘secret plans’ went pear-shaped?
They’ve been pants at diplomacy for centuries and nothing changes.
3pm R4 a panel of school food visionaries to re-imagine school meals
– Jeanette Orrey – a former dinner lady and co-founder of Food for Life, an organisation focused on transforming school food and food culture;
– Nicole Pisani a chef from Malta who gave up a posh restaurant job to make school dinners
– Christina Adane – a food poverty activist and chair for the Youth Board of BiteBack2030, a youth-led movement on a mission to fight child obesity and give young people access to healthy food and lifestyles.
Mike Graham on TalkRadio has been very pro-Trump all morning
He had Sebastian Gorka on etc.
Then 12:47pm a caller called into praise Trump and say that the election was stolen
Graham flipped as if the Ofcom police were in the studio
“You, you cannot say that Rudy Guiliani couldn’t find one piece of evidence move on Ben”
… Caller “that’s not true , the courts refused to look at the evidence”
Graham then talked over the caller again telling him to move on.
Its been discussed here often. The Police. As I’ve said many times before, the police no longer have the support of the public, largely. I asked my MP to campaign for the abandonment of the
Came home forcibly to me when I was on the receiving end of two con-persons police on my doorstep October 2018.
It is a bit grim seeing those ‘heavy handed ‘ groups of plod taking on an individual who won’t say where he lives as required by the Covid ( we can do anything we want ) regulations 2021 ….
….it’s as though they don’t care what taxpayers think of them – and although a lot of them seem less than 30 – they don’t seem to have adapted to being filmed do what they do…..
Mind you the creatures at the top end seem to feel untouchable whatever they do …
1. They abandoned the neighbourhood cop on the beat for swanning around in cars
2. They scraped the barrel, and were paid far too much for not doing what the police were supposed to do- catch genuine dangerous criminals , thieves and prosecute them.
The British police are now the worst police in the world. They intimidate decent people, while taking the knee to violent thugs. And ofcourse they dont go after criminals.
4:30pm Aleks Krotoski explores troll evolution
Rather grand hyperbolic claims “finding out why maliciousness became an evolutionary advantage in the digital space,
and asking what happens when being a troll is becoming the new normal.”
That’s BS
In 2021, things are very different. In the past, a random troll post on 4Chan would quickly sink into obscurity.
Now, *one proved* the start of the QAnon movement that lead to an attempted coup in Washington DC.
Again a grand claim
Most posts just disappear
Same was probably same for QAnon founders
probably posted hundreds , before a few started to get traction.
Malicious trolls are now the dominant type across our shared internet spaces, their numbers are rising, and their influence spreading both online and off,
* causing harm* to both individuals and wider society.
.. Again almost all BS
An internet troll you can just ignore
but when the press decided to go after Christopher Jefferies: or Cummings .. that is real harm.
I suppose a couple of teens have committed suicide
but even that still used to happen after playground bullying.
However those non-trolls, those Social media naked picture child blackmailers
are a magnitude higher harm.
I have noticed Stew that pretty much all of the left-wing media have taken up whack-a-mole against what they describe as “trolls”. What they really mean is anyone who disagrees with their plans to reset society.
So cancel culture comes to the media.
Whatever happened to: ” I disagree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it..” (Voltaire) or has he been no-platformed too?
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to one-year jail term for corruption.
plus a further 2 suspended
“Trying to bribe a senior magistrate”
4pm the show raises the possibility that Covid can be carried by birds like pigeons.
If that were true that might explain why shutting UK borders was never going to stop Covid, in the same way that it might work in New Zealand.
And if it were the case I can imagine government might keep quiet to avoid panic.
Tickles me how the posters on YouTube phrase their headlines to their videos for effect. Expressions like, ‘X “rips” into Y’; ‘X “destroys” Y’; ‘X “cancels” Y’; ‘X “crushes” Y’.
It has patently passed them by that anything negative directed toward the US Democrat/Communists has zero effect to ‘shame’ them as they are no longer even ashamed at their own lawlessness. To act with no regard to the law or Constitution is par for the course. They could not give two flying……. what they’re now seen as.
More disarray in the EU – this time it’s the idea of having a digital marker to show you’ve been vaccinated against the Chinese virus .
It will make it easy to travel for work and tourism .
Considering that one of the cornerstones of the EU is free movement of EU citizens this is pretty rich – gratefully various statelets have varying responses – putting more pressure on the Helga running the Reich and making the foundations just that bit weaker ….
Local news : “Local District now has one of the worst Covid counts in the country at 200 cases per 100K”
.. FFS that’s hyperbole
A few weeks ago 200 put you at lowest in the country
as the national average was 800 then 600 then 450 etc.
That district South Holland is on the edge of Peterborough
so tends to be influenced by that town
and there have been some recent outbreaks there at “students residences” etc.
Actually fascinating to read his groupies’ comments. Certainly of a mind. And, collectively, might assemble one. Jon and BBC NA BS must be so proud at what they inspire.
Always really happy to talk to young people looking to get into broadcast journalism – or who are interested in reporting on online disinformation and investigating the world of social media.
I am still feeling for the poor mites whose future career in broadcasting is shaped by an eminence blonde like the grizzled Ms. Spring, sans Kevlar helmet and ‘Selfie Babe’ flak jacket, who is still banging on about her Panorama outing, the feet and beastliness on twitter.
I have never seen a zoom meeting screen which did not include at least two black people. That there is both anti-white racist and anti-male sexist.
I will assume that ‘Online disinformation’ applies exclusively to things which don’t fit the agenda.
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StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Well, the Brazil variant is all over the Beeb news on the radio this evening.
Of course it is.
Sunny weekend. Many people ignoring the ‘rules’. Mmmm SAGE and their masters won’t be happy.
Time to roll out Covid project variant no. 10 ready for Monday.
Think BJ the phoney Tory PM is going to release you from house arrest any time soon…. still think it’s about a virus?
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 2 started 9am Sunday
Only 2 pages, that must be cos everyone was out in the sun.
The BBC and metroliberal world was still pushing out plenty of bias
in their bluepill theatre view of the world.
It doesn’t matter if people duplicate others posts
but I’m lazy so I do tend to use Ctrl-F to search the page
to see if someone has already posted the topic
before I waste my time typing it in.
Do tend to have about 8 posts during the weekend
and occasional ones during the week.
#DefundTheBBC do have an active Facebookpage
but it tends to noisy with hundreds of one line comments.
When Halifax first reported that he had been diagnosed with covid he suggested in a light hearted tone he would keep us updated on how the disease progressed. It was a couple of weeks later he reported he had spent 12 nights in hospital. He sounded very low and said he appreciated posters here support. Since then I have read of covid sufferers having to return to hospital and a number of deaths. I worry about Halifax as I consider those of us posting here as virtual friends who may disagree on some things but are united in our dislike of the BBC and all things woke. (P.S. I have real friends too but am only seeing them virtually too at the moment.)
I think about Halifax too – and have been reluctant to ask him how he is and hope for a ‘return ‘ sometime soon . Halifax – be well .
If Rufus is around, maybe he could look up @Halifax’s email address
and write to say we are concerned for him.
I’d be inclined to expect bad news,
though sometimes people do lead complicated lives and things happen, like their spouse bans them from the compuy or something.
Fatigue is the biggest threat from Covid-19 – had 4 friends with it, all complained that Tierdness is what caught them out.
Get ready for President Kamala as the imbecile currently holding the post falls apart before our very eyes.
And get ready for oodles of orgasmic adulation from the BBC over the first Black / Brown / Female / Lefty / Democrat President.
Vlad – this character is pretty repulsive and wrong because
1 they didnt vote him in – it was fixed
2 biden has dementia – that clip is upsetting. because ive seen those signs too many times before
3 its no good going after the false president – its the swamp that used him is the target – and almost beyond reach
Sooner or later bidens ‘public comments will really fire up speculation about his health – but that is not new news and was forecast months ago.
That’s 23rd Feb autocue reading problem
only a 15 sec clip is available
There are videos from other times where he has similar 3 second blips as he trips over the words
but can generally read 5 minutes OK
It just shows it’s all theatre
we all know he’s reading carefully crafted speeches
Trump was too, but could go off the cuff eassily
but was then mocked for his own made up words etc.
The president will be Kamala who didn’t even win the primary in her own state, and withdrew.
She is the Big Nerd’s choice. Its not the people but the Big Corps who chose her, using algorithms, fudge fractional maths, weighted vote counts, false information and all.
Meanwhile, the US military is fighting for free and fair elections one man/woman one vote for Afghans in Afghanistan.
President Trump at CPAC:
“Who knows, I may even decide to beat them for a third time.”
Not if the awful BBC have their way…
The R5Yuccch news reported that President Trump’s meetings in Miami were ‘showing how divided the Republicans were ‘, and that ‘he left the White House in disgrace’!
Of course the Republicans are still discussing how the election was well out of order, and of course they want to get back to normality in their party, but for the awful BBC’s autocue-reader to spout such disingenous garbage and try and be clever, is unacceptable.
I don’t remember them gabbling like that when the crooked Billary crowd lost out on 2016.
Times : You thought Amnesty was about protecting prisoners
nope it’s been taken over by the Woke who prioritise other things #entryism
“backlash over its priorities
Supporters concerned that its focus on political prisoners …
may have been diminished by growing emphasis on inequality and climate change” *
Anyone here not a sinner?
Amnesty say they don’t have to protect Navalny, cos he picked his nose 10 years ago.
sorry … ” because of comments he made about migrants 14 years ago”
* I note that key line in the print edition
has been sanitised out in the online edition
Look North at 10.30 Sunday showed an MP saying that a 12 1/2 % pay rise the nurses’ union is campaigning for is away with the fairies. Needless to say we then had a nurse on saying the pay rise is all about recognition and all they have done for this country. I am sure nurses on covid wards have worked very during some parts of the last year, but I am not sure the same could be said about those in dermatology or during low covid rates last summer. But the nurse was typical of the Left and the BBC , where it all boils down to money, and it is money that people who have produced things have to have earned. There will be many people in this country, especially those in the hospitality industry but others too, who don’t even know if they have a job. 12 1/2% for nurses who have had secure employment during the last year? Trust the BBC.
It was on earlier also
I just assume if the prog has “news” in the title
them most of it will be PR.
The money that the NHS demands is earned by the wealth producing sector of the country. It is not the government and all its civil servants, NHS staff, school teachers, university staff etc, who are on secure employment + pension and all. They are all dependents.
When will the BBC and government ever consider the private sector that has been destroyed and discouraged. No kudos for them.
A doodle of (not) Bonnie & (river) Clyde. One of the few things I’m looking forward to in my eventual retirement is when the national archives declassifies whatever the heck was really going on behind the scenes because there’s clearly an angle that’s not yet being discussed
A crime of passion perhaps?
A woman scorned?
Sorry Calvin, I’ve just had to swallow a wee boke there.
Credit Sky News for showing an hour or more of Trump’s CPAC speech. But then their newscaster interrupts to summarise some of the main points, “… repeating the lie that he had won the election …”.
She could have said, “… still asserting that he had won the election …”, but that would have been against company policy, wouldn’t it?
At one time I thought Sky was an improvement on the BBC, but sadly I was wrong.
Comcast USA bought Sky in Sept 2018
“And three, don’t let the bastards grind you down.”
As Norman Stanley Fletcher himself might say,
“Naff off you scrotes!”
On Channel5 Kate Humble walking show, there was a strong language warning at the start
It seems that was do with talking about the old alum works site where they talked about pee being an ingredient.
Not yet another celeb walking about and saying “amazing”, “fantastic”, and “wow” a lot, surely?
I thought she was busy on her “little farm”?
The missile Biden just used in Syria
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant!
That’s Happy Saint David’s Day to all taffmen and the rest of you British posters and readers out there .
Thank you, Taffman.
Perhaps it is timely to point out that 2021 is the 50th anniversary of the 1971 British Lions tour of Australia and New Zealand. For those somewhat younger than I an explanation is warranted. The Lions had never won a test against the All Blacks before then. After an unpromising start in Australia the 71 team arrived in New Zealand like lambs to the slaughter. To the average kiwi’s horror the Lions won every provincial team they played up until the first test match (they were long tours in those days) even beating skillful Otago and brutal Canterbury. To everybody’s shock the First test match was a British victory. The country was outraged “Didn’t them Poms know they are brought out to be beaten and ridiculed”. They were not supposed to win. Well of course the Lions went on to win the test series 2-1 (1 draw) and were never beaten in the provinces.
This was really huge at the time and shaped the future of rugby as the home unions regained confidence in themselves and could never be taken for granted again.
The stars of the show were largely Welsh, JPR, Gareth Edwards, John Dawes, Barry John etc but there were great contributions from England Scotland and Ireland. Think, McBride, Pullin, Duckham and Mighty Mouse McLauchlan.
I don’t think NZ will be celebrating this event but it is how the UK will be marking the anniversary that interests me? Will the BBC sports division be celebrating this great triumph as an example of Britishness at its best? Or will they ignore it completely. Or perhaps, like the Graun did in an article I read, concentrate only on Carwyn James the coach, pointing out he was a Welsh Nationalist?
Can the BBC be trusted to do the right thing? Er…just once?
I remember that tour well . Getting up in the middle of the night to hear the matches on the radio. Happy days .
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant to you, too, taffman! And congratulations on the rugby victory. Apparently, it has caused a bit of a stir at the BBC.
An extra bonus !
Al Beeb appear to be taking a hammering .
Interesting. Drakeford’s stated desire to work towards severing Wales from England may well have hit a problem:
If fact, it may well be an even bigger problem for Drakeford and his acolytes.
When the time arrives to vote, it will be a toss up between Nigel Farage and the new, ‘Abolish the Assembly’ party. Best to decide closer to the date.
This Covid thing has gone to his head. A lot of people I know are not voting Labour in the Assembly elections. They are trying to get more votes by allowing 16 year olds and any foreigners in Wales.
“A coronavirus “variant of concern” first detected in Brazil has now been found in the UK.”
Are they making these up as the go along ?
What happened to the South African virus, The Kent virus etc?
What next , The Welsh virus ? Very shortly someone is going to expose ‘the emperor’s new clothes’. Will it be a Tory MP with guts ?
I have been convinced that this is a stitch up from around 3 months in. I believe the idea is to make life and the economy so bad that everyone blames Boris and Brexit. I believe the vast majority of people in the upper life sciences tend to be very left wing. It all adds up.
taffman and digg, I just love the opportunity to go all Macaulay Culkin and state: “Mutate? It’s what viruses do, it’s their job.”
Happy St David’s Day, Taff!
Isn’t it strange that the Welsh emblem is a daffodil, a lovely sight at the start of spring, the Scots have a thistle, which is around most of the time, the Irish have a shamrock, which is always around, but the English have a red rose, which doesn’t flower for a goodly while after St George’s Day!
All our daffs are coming on strong now, and I always like to remember Wales in its full glory on days like this!
(I won’t mention last Saturday though – while spoil a great celebration…)!
True emblem is the leek. Though this is always a hot chestnut.
“Last Saturday” ? Win some – lose some, as always.
I see the BBC are wetting their panties over the Golden Globe awards.
‘Nomadland and Borat Subsequent Moviefilm were the big winners’
Their highlights:
Chloé Zhao was named best director. Of course she was.
‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm .. was named best musical or comedy film.’. Of course it was.
Check this films IMDB comments and sort by review data. Lots of 1’s and 10’s. The 10’s are very clearly fake comments : they go way too far. The common theme is that it completey unfunny.
Baron Cohen made it political and the BBC reported every word:
“Thank you to the all-white Hollywood Foreign Press,” said Sacha Baron Cohen
He goes on: ‘Wait, Donald Trump is contesting the result. He’s claiming that a lot of dead people voted’. Comedy gold.
The other people they considered warranted special mentions: Rosamund Pike (Woman), Daniel Kaluuya (Black), John Boyega (black) , Chadwick Boseman (black), Andra Day (black), Regina King (black), and of the other people worthy of special mention, 2 are white males and 13 are women.
What a complete and utter farce. It’s the shameless double standards which amaze me.
Chadwick set to play Derek Chauvin in CPR:Minneapolis in a ground breaking ‘first to’ role.
The corrupt Golden Globes are decided by what freebies are given to the journos who have the vote.
‘as chosen by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.” Wikipedia
Hibernate through winter?
I’d like to hibernate through the Awards Season. Is it over now? Are we nearly there, yet?
Great shame the show was not hosted by Hollywood’s Bete noire Rick he is, last year telling it how it is, especially at 7m
Another load of twaddle from the minister for strongly worded statements… reports the Daily Fail On Line.
People smugglers could face life imprisonment says Patel.
Yeah, Right.
Anything on Al Beeb yet?
Illegals.They will only stop when France has emptied all its camps. After all, what are we paying them for ?
Collusion? You tell me.
As predicted, the BBC and the Toady radio show ramp up the project fear regards the Brazil B1 variant of Covid as UK authorities ‘hunt the unaccounted for person who tested positive’
So Vam Tams doom and gloom warnings went largely unheeded Friday night and over the weekend, so by Sunday night the machine has rolled into action and now there’s a big problem with another variant that may be resistant and could be up to 50% more transmissible….
Meanwhile people continue to arrive to the UK by legal and illegal means… how’s the lockdown working for you?
Where’s Dick and her electrician hit squad when clearly needed in the Cotswolds?
If there is only one suspect how can they deduce it’s more resistant and up to 50% more transmissible? Sounds like they are just wanting to put another log on the fire!
The ramp up in project fear on vaccination is on. I am getting multiple messages to shame me into booking an appointment. When this type of action by “the persuaders” occurs it has the opposite effect on me. (Why the late Tony Curtis and Roger Moore trying to get me to book I have no idea).
I am beginning to think Capita have been covertly engaged to rewrite the beeb threat letters into a vaccination threat format.
The fact he is the only white person in the advert is not the part which accused of being racist : it’s the fact it’s implying black people eat fried chicken.
What a complete load of toss. These people should not be given the oxygen of publicity.
Interestingly, if in a pro celeb match with current footballists, this balance would be accurate. But all good.
Despite the text, there are other white people in the advert
36s in the screen is filled with 2 very white women.
perhaps one has dreadlocks
but within 1 second the film has moved on.
Bbc Moaning Emole
Harry concern at Diana history ‘repeating’
The Duke of Sussex has said he feared his family history was “repeating itself” before he decided to step back from the Royal Family. In excerpts from an upcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey, Prince Harry said: “My biggest concern was history repeating itself…I can’t begin to imagine what it must have been like for her [his mother Diana] going through this process by herself all those years ago, because it has been unbelievably tough for the two of us – but at least we [Harry and Meghan] had each other.” The full interview with the duke and duchess airs in the US on 7 March.
Avoid ride sharing with Tiger and Bruce as your Uber driver, mate.
Yes. History repeats itself. Karl Marx was right when he quoted that history repeats itself, adding ‘First time as tragedy second time in farce’
“Cumbria coal mine plan”
“Boris Johnson has been warned by some of his foreign ambassadors that a planned coal mine in Cumbria is damaging his reputation”.
“Some”. Says who?
The ambassadors don’t vote in British elections.
Boris doesn’t have a mandate to stop coal mines.
The elite say the peasants don’t need jobs
Marie Antoinette ambassadors
The BBC and the rest of the largely government-funded media seem rather quiet about this today.
If the government is going to have to scientifically justify its restrictions rather than simply pointing the finger at some poor scapegoats without any evidence, this could be a very important judgement. But new variant.
Every restriction should be debated in Parliament but all MPs have got used to working from home on full pay whilst letting a handful of individuals ruin the economy.
Court cases are the only way left to end this madness.
Started the day well.
BBC News
Director of Nomadland, Chloe Zhao, made history at the Golden Globes, becoming the first Asian woman to win for best director, and only the second woman ever to snag the title.
Golden Globes: ‘Tears’ as Chloe Zhao becomes first Asian woman to win best director
Top rated comment:
“Please stop this “the first [race or gender] to achieve [something]”. It detracts from that person’s achievement. It implies that the reason that person is important is not because of the quality of their work, but because of their race or gender (i.e. something the have no control of). It is condescending. Please stop doing it.”
Clear covert BBC ECU director replies:
“no, it isn’t.”
Possible actual person of East Asianess chips in:
Hits assured.
It is a boring film anyway.
Pols not answering questions by waffling around is of course not new, but frankly Biden appointees are heading into Robot Ed territory.
First the ‘lady’ education fellah, and now Jenga stuck record.
At what point is that razor sharp brain of Jon Sopel and steely insight of BS going to… er… notice?
This is shaping up as the perfect sequel… ‘Toys 2. – Revenge of the Military Industrial Complex’
Synopsis – as Skynet drones slam into the Middle East, a collection of Ritalin-hyped kindergarteners in the WH basement desperately try and control their Biden, Harris, Psakis and Levine mannequins from going off script on autopilot (now federally mandated as named Georgina).
Stand and deliver – that’s what the rather dapper, masked man pictured top right corner affront the ‘i’ newspaper this morning, seems to demand. Appropriately enough the dark-clad apparition with eyes like Damon Hill comes out of the mist before us on this forlorn further-furloughed Monday morning.
And who is this dandy highwayman, who spends your cash on looking flash and your grabbing attention? – sadly, it isn’t Adam Ant: ‘Tax rises on way to pay virus costs, warns Chancellor‘
Let me just adjust that headline for you, ‘i’ newspaper – “…to pay for the cost of Lockdown policy”
But I guess correcting mistakes has gone out of fashion. Oddly enough this is the story in the realm of education: ‘Pupils’ online lessons cut to make time for Covid tests‘ (Telegraph); and ‘…many [University] admissions offices braced for a second year of turmoil over results and grade inflation...’ (Guardian)
Whilst a man planning to rob the public, smiling whilst dressed in a sharp suit, is lauded, there’s a hue and cry out across many of the papers for Plague Pedro: ‘Six cases are confirmed but one of the infected travellers remains unidentified‘ (‘i’)
‘Hunt for UK patient with Brazil mutation‘ (Telegraph) – seems we’ve caught the Samba Squits.
One has asked the question before but for the sake of clarity can someone please tell us why we can’t say Chinese Flu but Brazil Mutation is ok?
Dick Turpin, you will recall, rode his horse Black Bess to York. He would have laughed at we modern folk who closed the stable door ten months after our horse bolted.
‘Mutant strain, which may be more resistant to vaccines, entered country just days before hotel quarantine was introduced…‘ (‘i’)
We may not know the whereabouts of Theresa May but as for the word “may” after a brief retirement post-Brexit it is good to see it is once again just as busy at work as ever in our press headlines.
Speaking of rubbish ex-PMs the Labour-backing Daily Mirror has: ‘Gordon Brown’s budget plea. Save lost generation‘ – what’s the matter, Daily Mirror, is Sir Keir sleeping on the job? Besides, they are hardly lost, they’re stuck in their bedrooms all day, what with the school gates being locked for months on end.
It may just be me but I do believe there should be some special place in Hell reserved for FT headline writers. They have this bewildering knack of just missing the proper understanding of the phrases they pile on so as to overburden the reader: ‘Rapid vaccine rollout to spur faster economic recovery than first feared‘ – meaning the faster recovery is feared? I know what they meant to say but had to read it three times to be sure. The over use of the passive voice is often the problem: ‘Estimates of fiscal hole shrink‘ – has me, frankly, giggling quietly to myself.
The Guardian has some good news for us from the art world: ‘Gilbert and George take on Covid‘- a typically quirky piece titled “Woken 2020” I’m not sure how the peculiar modern art pairing are received hereabouts but I rather admire their work. By the way, as the Times told us back in 2017 the couple are: ‘Tory artists who scorn remoaners and loathe the educated‘
Well, they should get on pretty well with our new youngsters, the uneducated generation.
‘People smugglers will be jailed for life, vows Patel‘ (Times) – I’ve seen the video footage of Border Force shepherding the rubber dinghies to our shores, so I suppose she will now be arresting dozens of her own employees? They did claim she was a bullying boss.
Brazil in the news again
A late report just in: ‘Brazil locals sue Norwegian minor over safety standards’ (FT) – our Greta is Swedish and now turned 18 so it’s not her. Is the FT perhaps being PC and using Norwegian as the familiar code for muslim?
Is it true that, by sheer coincidence, these three mutations come from the three places where they experimented with vaccines?
Censorship issues : Sargon’s Lotus Eaters podcast is still suspended from YouTube
“We received a 7 day ban, for saying something we didn’t actually say”
Doesn’t matter to them as they always upload to multiple platforms at the same time
During the progs they go to great efforts to avoid mentioning words that are banned on YouTube like “Tommy R”
or discussions sceptical of Covid science etc.
A piece about children in Bradford not leaving the house during lockdown. The BBC have chosen Pakistani Bradford children as examples of typical UK children.
The difference between the photos of 2001 and 1939 children speaks volumes.
They would be typical in Bradford…
9am R4 Marr Show
expect eco-doom as people plug their books.
– “Helen Scales warns Andrew Marr of the unfolding environmental disasters as people seek to exploit this new world, far beyond the public gaze.”
– The writer Philip Hoare explores nature through the work of the artist Albrecht Dürer
– The journalist Elizabeth Kolbert is the author of the international bestseller, The Sixth Extinction, which was a clear-eyed account of humanity’s impact on the Earth. In Under A White Sky she asks whether through scientific innovation we can reverse some of the damage done. She meets those re-engineering ‘super coral’ which can withstand hotter waters and those tasked with saving the rarest fish species in the world.”
Doh when people moan about a 1C rise possibly about to kill an area of coral, you find out that a few hundred Km north a similar coral lives in water 2C warmer.
A group of influential technology and media companies has partnered to form the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), a Joint Development Foundation project established to address the prevalence of disinformation, misinformation and online content fraud through developing technical standards for certifying the source and history or provenance of media content. Founding members Adobe, Arm, BBC, Intel, Microsoft and Truepic seek to establish a standardized provenance solution with the goal of combating misleading content.
The formation of the C2PA brings together founding members of the Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) and the Microsoft- and BBC-led Project Origin, unifying technical specifications under a single entity.
bBC Blog from 8/9/20 about the formation of ‘Project Origin’.
The bBC sees its priority as tackling disinformation which may “cause real world physical and societal harm.” In other words it sees itself as a (subjective) purveyor of ‘approved’ information rather than an objective news source. They do this by telling you which online sources are ‘reliable’ and which are not – because you are incapable of making up your own mind.
Trusted sources is a fallacy
Each story depends on the evidence that it presents.
It is better that kids are educated in school in critical thinking.
Think of the Times and the Hitler diaries
.. a too good to be true story that turned out to be fake.
And the BBC seems to run a few times each day with narratives that collapse over time.
There isn’t going to be some magic day when BBCnew achieves 99% robustness
spinning stories and leaving out half the story, is in its DNA.
TOADY Watch #1 – Prisoners of Blair’s & Brown’s device
In the House of Commons, they gather for the feast
With some weasel words, they call chancers to the cash Beast
Andrew Mitchell MP (Con), former DfID Minister and a sort of good MP and sort of honourable sort, is possibly a sort of good egg of sorts, reckons that killing the Beast of giving away 0.7% of gross national income to any old chancer would require legislation in the House and would not be passed by MPs. He was interviewed by JustRemainIn Webb at 7.30 a.m.
MPs out of touch with the national mood and the national needs.
Well, there’s a thing.
David Vance : the news that the Pfizer vaccine may be less effective in people with obesity says a study apparently
– This study shows that those of us that are obese produce only around half the antibodies that healthy people do post vaccine.
– 62 percent of the UK population is overweight
this equates to 68% of men
And around a quarter of all adults are classed as obese
– in BAME community overweight it goes up to about 78% certainly in the 70s anyway so
So obesity might explain the large Covid death toll in the UK
– Don’t forget that ultimately that China is responsible
Well, it makes sense I suppose, the amount of the dose – being the same for everyone, would have a bigger internal area to cover and travel on someone 30 stone as opposed to a shorter distance in someone weighing 12 stone.
I recall seeing an item a few weeks ago which showed pictures of people who has passed away ‘ with covid ‘ – the next of kin were being talked to – every one involved was overweight … but no mention was made of this ….
….I thought about reporting it here but thought I might be ‘fattist’- even though being 9kg over my ideal BMI target weight for age / height / Genda….
Happy St David’s Day – I miss my walks in Penn y Fann .
The story about a girl bbc rugby ‘journo ‘ keeps going – today in the DT … I don’t do rugby – haven’t seen the comments ‘ abuse the girl got – but as far as I can see – if you do a public job you need to accept public comments –
And if you cannot – get another job .
The comments in the DT talk about the frustration. Of viewers who just wanted a game of rugby but got a woke lecture about some favoured BBC victim …. keep it up BBC – keep it up…
All day yesterday the BBC text pages ran the story. The support for their ‘abused colleague’ remained set in stone. She was unfairly treated by unthinking and prejudiced (probably right-wing) thugs.
She was the deeply injured party.
At no time was any explanation offered as to why she had been abused, that her confrontational and strident interviewing style led directly to her criticism. But then, to our BBC there was no need. She was only doing her job, as only a BBC reporter can – especially if female.
Beltane as I said yesterday
#1 Once cornered they the BBCnews bullies play the victim
#2 Taking offence is a way of bullying before.
When they have shouted “I am being trolled and bullied” and I have checked what the offending posts were, I have often found that the post was just a normal straight comment.
It’s like that woke headmaster who shut down his social media last week, claiming he was being bullied
The real reason he did was because people were finding dirt on that account
eg the way he Liked a post that said “bring me the education ministers head” etc.
Latest development according to Reuters is that Gauzere has admitted to WR Head of Officials, Joel Jutge, that he made mistakes. Top Welsh ref Nigel Owens goes further and says that both disputed tries should have been disallowed.
If sport and sportsmanship mean anything, the game should be replayed.
Jutge summed up World Rugby’s position by saying: ‘Gauzere is still a very good referee’.
No he isn’t.
Do not expect to see any of the above on BBC.
Yes, it’s a bit like applying to be a contestant on “The Weakest Link” and then complaining that Anne Robinson was beastly to you and hurt your fragile little feelingth. Oh Dear Oh Dear!
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the start of the week:
– TV Licensing Kite-Flying: Falsely Accusing People of TV Licence Evasion
– TV Licensing Sued After Refusing to Reimburse Payments to 82-Year-Old
– BBC Spent £7m Posting TV Licensing Threatograms During Coronavirus Pandemic
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
The last link you posted says the BBC posted 26.5million letters. I work that out (based on available online data) to be 53,100 trees chopped down to make the paper and 768,500 tonnes of CO2 emitted in the delivery of them.
To put that into perspective, a forest the size of 53 hectares (about 800 football pitches) is cut down each year and the CO2 footprint is the same as 793 Transatlantic airline crossings.
I’m happy for Marianna Spring to fact check these numbers.
Air quality in Sicily
I think it is disgraceful. The Italian Government should be sanctioned for permitting Etna to erupt. Just think of the air pollution caused, not to mention the Co2 emitted…………………..
Oh, what’s that you say? it is a natural phenomena. Surely the green cultists can find someone to blame (or cancel)……..
Surely our hero, Bill Gates can get involved and do something? After all, he’s anxious to plan to attain “zero” emission’s.
Btw, The carbon footprint: “……relatively insignificant……”. Well it would be if you were trying to scare people into believing there is a problem.
Trending : a smiley photo of trainer making a business call
whilst using a dead horse as a stool
Racehorse trainer Gordon Elliott has apologised
Betfair says it has ended their relationship with the trainer.
Dead horses are a reality of racing
just like a blown up engine in car racing I guess.
“The photo in question was taken some time ago and occurred after a horse had died of an apparent heart attack on the gallops.”
Says he was waiting for the body removal team and then got a business call
So automatically sat down to take it
Staff shouted, but he ignored them, as he was focused on the call.
Four horses dead live on ITV alone last weekend. One heart attack and three broken legs IIRC. Part and parcel, I have seen it dozens of times whilst working at Ascot and Newbury. The cameras train away from the stricken animal, but it is impossible to avoid if you are on course. It is only in the last decade that they erect screens to administer treatment or to euthanise.
Putting Emma Barnett in Woman’ Hour was the first part of Labour’s strategy to win the next election.
Today : ” We hear from mums in ‘Red Wall’ seats who are against cutting short summer holidays”
Red wall? What red wall? You are obviously speaking from the wrong side of history.
11am Radio4 prog seems like an advert for port coach Hamza Malik
14:00 Radio4 : Horrible Histories on The Scottish Wars of Independence
Do they mean perhaps all those times when our Brothers over the Border sneaked deals with France and Spain to push the old skean dhu deeper into our back? And griped in the predictable way we know and love when the ‘secret plans’ went pear-shaped?
They’ve been pants at diplomacy for centuries and nothing changes.
3pm R4 a panel of school food visionaries to re-imagine school meals
– Jeanette Orrey – a former dinner lady and co-founder of Food for Life, an organisation focused on transforming school food and food culture;
– Nicole Pisani a chef from Malta who gave up a posh restaurant job to make school dinners
– Christina Adane – a food poverty activist and chair for the Youth Board of BiteBack2030, a youth-led movement on a mission to fight child obesity and give young people access to healthy food and lifestyles.
Mike Graham on TalkRadio has been very pro-Trump all morning
He had Sebastian Gorka on etc.
Then 12:47pm a caller called into praise Trump and say that the election was stolen
Graham flipped as if the Ofcom police were in the studio
“You, you cannot say that Rudy Guiliani couldn’t find one piece of evidence move on Ben”
… Caller “that’s not true , the courts refused to look at the evidence”
Graham then talked over the caller again telling him to move on.
Mr Gorka is now – I think – on the BBC ‘forbidden list ‘ because when ever he was on he ripped the beeboid a ‘ new one ‘.
A hugely entertaining ‘watch’ which I miss …
I hope he lands up as a regular on the coming Brillo Channel…..
Its been discussed here often. The Police. As I’ve said many times before, the police no longer have the support of the public, largely. I asked my MP to campaign for the abandonment of the
Came home forcibly to me when I was on the receiving end of two con-persons police on my doorstep October 2018.
Don’t know what happened there. Fourth sentence continued:
…..original 1829 Peel policing policy. Didn’t even receive a reply.
The current para-military force has pretty well abandoned all these policies.
It is a bit grim seeing those ‘heavy handed ‘ groups of plod taking on an individual who won’t say where he lives as required by the Covid ( we can do anything we want ) regulations 2021 ….
….it’s as though they don’t care what taxpayers think of them – and although a lot of them seem less than 30 – they don’t seem to have adapted to being filmed do what they do…..
Mind you the creatures at the top end seem to feel untouchable whatever they do …
Ze officers are not to blame. Zey are just followink orders. Zeirs iss not to reason why – Zairs is but to do and die.
Sieg Heil!!
The police went from bad to worse
1. They abandoned the neighbourhood cop on the beat for swanning around in cars
2. They scraped the barrel, and were paid far too much for not doing what the police were supposed to do- catch genuine dangerous criminals , thieves and prosecute them.
The British police are now the worst police in the world. They intimidate decent people, while taking the knee to violent thugs. And ofcourse they dont go after criminals.
4:30pm Aleks Krotoski explores troll evolution
Rather grand hyperbolic claims
“finding out why maliciousness became an evolutionary advantage in the digital space,
and asking what happens when being a troll is becoming the new normal.”
That’s BS
In 2021, things are very different. In the past, a random troll post on 4Chan would quickly sink into obscurity.
Now, *one proved* the start of the QAnon movement that lead to an attempted coup in Washington DC.
Again a grand claim
Most posts just disappear
Same was probably same for QAnon founders
probably posted hundreds , before a few started to get traction.
Malicious trolls are now the dominant type across our shared internet spaces, their numbers are rising, and their influence spreading both online and off,
* causing harm* to both individuals and wider society.
.. Again almost all BS
An internet troll you can just ignore
but when the press decided to go after Christopher Jefferies: or Cummings .. that is real harm.
I suppose a couple of teens have committed suicide
but even that still used to happen after playground bullying.
However those non-trolls, those Social media naked picture child blackmailers
are a magnitude higher harm.
I have noticed Stew that pretty much all of the left-wing media have taken up whack-a-mole against what they describe as “trolls”. What they really mean is anyone who disagrees with their plans to reset society.
So cancel culture comes to the media.
Whatever happened to: ” I disagree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it..” (Voltaire) or has he been no-platformed too?
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to one-year jail term for corruption.
plus a further 2 suspended
“Trying to bribe a senior magistrate”
He’ll appeal, and probably serve nothing.
4pm the show raises the possibility that Covid can be carried by birds like pigeons.
If that were true that might explain why shutting UK borders was never going to stop Covid, in the same way that it might work in New Zealand.
And if it were the case I can imagine government might keep quiet to avoid panic.
It is quite obvious that covid is carried by meteorites being sent from Mars in reprisal for the invasion by NASA or Nasa.
Our Zoe in the Guardian has penned an article kicking Boris that wouldn’t be out of place in junior school house magazine…
The only reaction I can think of to this rubbish is to wonder just what credentials you need to be a Guardian writer!
Zoe is obviously not into brainwashing her kids…..much!
Tickles me how the posters on YouTube phrase their headlines to their videos for effect. Expressions like, ‘X “rips” into Y’; ‘X “destroys” Y’; ‘X “cancels” Y’; ‘X “crushes” Y’.
It has patently passed them by that anything negative directed toward the US Democrat/Communists has zero effect to ‘shame’ them as they are no longer even ashamed at their own lawlessness. To act with no regard to the law or Constitution is par for the course. They could not give two flying……. what they’re now seen as.
More disarray in the EU – this time it’s the idea of having a digital marker to show you’ve been vaccinated against the Chinese virus .
It will make it easy to travel for work and tourism .
Considering that one of the cornerstones of the EU is free movement of EU citizens this is pretty rich – gratefully various statelets have varying responses – putting more pressure on the Helga running the Reich and making the foundations just that bit weaker ….
Local news : “Local District now has one of the worst Covid counts in the country at 200 cases per 100K”
.. FFS that’s hyperbole
A few weeks ago 200 put you at lowest in the country
as the national average was 800 then 600 then 450 etc.
That district South Holland is on the edge of Peterborough
so tends to be influenced by that town
and there have been some recent outbreaks there at “students residences” etc.
Meanwhile, in the brain of Lurch.
He has but one focus.
Jon too is looking an… ooooo… look squirrel!
Actually fascinating to read his groupies’ comments. Certainly of a mind. And, collectively, might assemble one. Jon and BBC NA BS must be so proud at what they inspire.
And what a seasoned panel.
Only 25%* selfie points, mind.
* and dropping. Other screens not visible on twitter.
“……looking to get into broadcast journalism and bring their inculcated Marxism with them……”
Yes, and make the swamp just a little bit deeper and murkier.
I am still feeling for the poor mites whose future career in broadcasting is shaped by an eminence blonde like the grizzled Ms. Spring, sans Kevlar helmet and ‘Selfie Babe’ flak jacket, who is still banging on about her Panorama outing, the feet and beastliness on twitter.
Which one is the thin skinned Rugby Correspondent ?
I have never seen a zoom meeting screen which did not include at least two black people. That there is both anti-white racist and anti-male sexist.
I will assume that ‘Online disinformation’ applies exclusively to things which don’t fit the agenda.
You got it in one sir!
Plenty here.
One recently by a business network forum thingie. Oodles of boxes little grey haired pink people in cardies. Bar one*.
Mind you, we are in the shires.
And frankly I was praying for a person of color so long as they were not a life coach, *junior bank droid (full suit) or massage therapist.