Re data protection .. I disagree, but I have little work experience of it
Surely the principle is that private data is not forwarded to third parties.
ie that the supermarket doesn’t hand you phone number to double glazing sales companies.
The customer like Halifax has handed their email address over for purposes of site business here. Enquiring about his welfare is site business.
Using the email address to ask him out on a date is an example of breach of data protection.
If Halifax is visiting this site he will know that concerned folks have been enquiring how he is doing for some months. I feel sure that he would have responded. Hopefully he has just stopped using the site for whatever reason.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 1pm Tuesday lunch
– page 2
Page 3 includes 9 yes nine pictures of Meghan
& 27 mentions of her name
Why the heck are we dancing to MSM’s tune ?
She doesn’t matter plenty of genuine victims in the UK do matter.
TOADY Watch #1 – News? One thinks it is fairly restrained …
The BBC in a difficult position, perhaps? They like the glitz and glamour of rubbing shoulders with Royals and grabbing viewers & listeners with coverage of Royal ‘occasions’. They sympathise with Socialists – who mostly would tend toward Republicanism – on other political aspects of Socialism. Which way to jump?
Restraint. Just like the Palace. I listened to most of the first half-hour of TOADY and am pleased to say my ears were not battered by claims of inherent British racism or bad British attitudes to mental health. I have no early morning BBC anxieties thanks to the tone TOADY today. So far.
Scrobie, one rule for Lefties but if you are not fully signed up, like Morgan, out you go.
A modern trend is for Socialists and their ‘beliefs‘ to hold sway over cold, analytical, facts. But Piers Morgan and his ‘belief‘ about the authenticity of the Duchess of Excessives claims is suddenly unacceptable. I thought funny, funny I thought. Why not the same for everyone? Socialists? Pah!
It’s quite OK to leave the awful BBC and ITV these days; they’re mainly a stale old bunch of autocue-readers, not very interesting, followers of gossip, rather than go-getters!
Back when I was working, there was a minor breed of agent which was known as ‘the cut and paste brigade’, where all they did was copy everything that came through their door, and send it on to their clients. It was incredibly lazy, and while a lot more was done in the wine bars and pubs, later on in the morning, it took a proper person to actually work out a deal before the booze flowed.
The same seems to be going on in the BBBC and ITV – probably Sky, (but I don’t ever see that), and while I can see similar stuff coming from the broadcasters, I wish they’d actually go out and research and deliver their own stories, not some dross filched from the press!
Mind you, it’s very quiet stuff coming from the ‘normal’ US at the moment, because buqqer-all is happening anywhere there with such an inept party in power (apart from Opera Windpipe’s blurb), so there are some benefits I suppose…
1 the bbc is not driven by profitability
2 bbc staff have job security
3 bbc staff are looking for the next upward move
4 bbc staff are restrained because of their organisation
5 bbc staff do not have their own ‘brand ‘ ( I refer to staff not production company employees like the queer Irish one )
As an aside – I read that ITV is having both a ratings and advertising nightmare – who cares ? Go woke go broke
Fed, 11 million viewers wasn’t very good for a programme that had been trailed and advertised so heavily by the BBC as well as ITV. And 49 million viewers (if correct) for the rest of the world apart from UK & USA is pathetic.
The numbers suggest that Ginge & Cringe (or Minge) had really overdone the whingeing already. Way before the time of the interview with Oprah.
The least that can be said about Brazier is that I am completely, and blissfully, unaware of his political leanings or, more importantly, his political hates.
Which is certainly not the case for Al Beeb’s Lady Brooke/Humpty/Dumpty/Mishal/Mateless/Badall and many others, or Sly’s Bully or Beff.
Capitalism may or may not be seen as economic slavery but Socialism is DEFINITELY psychological slavery, which is way,way more evil. Only one train of thought and speech allowed down that road. No thankyou.
JA, any Socialist or virtue signaller can use their belief to trump facts, skin colour is irrelevant. In fact whites like to use it to claim they ‘black’. If I recall correctly there have been at least two well-documented cases in the USA of fraudulent claims to that effect.
From what ive seen of the MSM the mental issues collectively being experienced by the EU is under reported.
The latest being a claim that the UK as policy will not send vaccines to the EU . That claim was bad enough for the foreign sec to call in the EU ambo for a chat .
Also the eire PM ( pop 4milion ) says boris told him no vaccine for eire until the UK is done .this seemed to be treated as ‘bad’ but i saw it as ‘ good ‘ .
I dont see the UK owing anything to any EU statelet . But is does seem ironic that the whole population of eire could be vaccinated in a week if theyd joined our programme instead of the failed EU one .
Perhaps irish republicans would refuse the oxford jab ….
The vaccination programme in the EU doesnt seem to be improving – and the comments against vaccinating over 65s hasnt done them any favours .
Its very tough because i want the EU to fail but dont want to see european people suffering / dying because the failure of Brussells .
But if it was the other way round i think brussells would let us suffer and die unless we rejoined and paid 25% of their funds .
We have friends who as well as their house close to us here in the UK have a home along the coast from Nice. They have been in France for the last year and received an invitation at their UK address weeks ago to accept a vaccination, but obviously couldn’t take it up. They did consider flying back despite the red tape. The French state let it be known that you could turn up at a vaccination centre without appointment and receive it. They drove to the local centre, some distance on the other side of Nice to them. The centre was virtually empty but they were told no, you must make an appointment.
Had you listened on to the 0810 feature, your ears would have become battered by claims of racism and all the panoply of wokism.
Indeed, the top court of wokism, our, “Worlds Most Trusted”, are besotted because, ‘Polls say’ the younger generation ‘feel’ for Meghan and as we, “the Worlds Most Trusted” is currently seeking more younger viewers/listeners, we have a duty to our bank balance and the ‘wokist cause’.
Yes, the BBC Court of Wokism inspired by their own home-grown Marxism, is currently seeking jurists for forthcoming court hearings. All manner, all sizes, all sexes. Only qualification required is to be woke, blacks will of course be favoured over whites. ‘Roll up, roll up, all the fun of the fair’. They will not let this one go as professional scalp hunters. The sights are focussed and set for work and the BBC surely feel that the child public (they want) is well behind them. “Polls say”. Wokism has matured to that level to make the Royal Family targets.
If the BBC continue as they have started, my suggestion to the Royal family is to get themselves down to Do-It-all and buy some of those knee pads tilers and carpet fitters use in preparation for the ultimate humility of, ‘taking the knee’. Our “Worlds Most Trusted” will stop at no less.
I will just mention that following the feature of the Toady morning was followed by a trailer for another three part programme concerning HIV. Some interviewed jerk told us that HIV came about as a result of, you’ve got it: ‘Racism and Colonialism’. Well, fancy that. Even the female muslim interviewer sounded sceptical.
A simple fact of life on this planet? – What goes up, will come down.
Of the twin brothers
Chris van Tulleken ????
Dr Xand van Tulleken
The Jump: colonialism, environmental degradation & viruses: Chris van Tulleken on the human behaviours that are causing pandemics, paying the price for getting too close to animals by degrading their territory and allowing viruses to jump
Stew, I listened to ‘The Jump’ and very interesting it was, too. I would urge as many on here who did not listen to catch it via BBC Sounds (a.k.a. Radio iPlayer).
I also listened to the start of the new Alexei Sayle series and that was excellent. He took a dig at various institutions and ‘social mores’ and I expect he’s been getting quite a battering on Twitter and Facebook ever since.
I did, G, I did. I listened to almost another hour of TOADY from 7.40 a.m. onwards. I heard the Bel Amitri-cide on the Royal Family and noted that she, not Hugo Vickers – Royal biographer – had the last word.
As if the Meghan and Harry story weren’t tedious enough, Piers Morgan has somehow imposed himself into the drama: ‘TV Piers quits in storm over Duchess rant‘ (Daily Mirror)
However, we prefer the Metro’s: ‘End of the Piers show‘; the Daily Star’s: ‘Telly gobster Piers Morgan has quit GMB amid 41,000 complaints over his royal rants‘; and best of all the ‘i‘ is a surprise contender for pithiest headline: ‘Bigmouth strikes again‘
Channelling Morrissey of The Smiths fame, there. Well, Prince Harry was once The Last of the Famous International Playboys.
Since politics entered an odd place where the Conservatives no longer conserve anything anymore, least of all taxpayer cash, and Labour no longer offer an oppositional alternative to the great authoritarian lockdown policy of the day… our media seem to set great store by opinion polls. The Mail offers their opinion on the Sussexes and backs it with a poll: ‘Poll: Now strip them of titles‘
51% lose titles, 28% keep them… the missing 21% presumably replied with – why are you bothering me with this?
The ‘i‘ has its mind still focused on NHS payrises: ‘NHS pay rise: public says 1% not enough‘ – now the difference with asking this, compared to the question of should Harry still be refered to as a Prince, is that there are actual consequences. There would be a cost to the public purse. However, the bland asking of the question imposes no direct consequence on the respondent.
The ‘i‘ finds 62% of the survey subjects apparently thinking NHS staff ought to be paid more – although there’s something of a crafty bait and switch between the survey’s “Nurses” and the ‘i‘ headline “NHS”. One wonders, were the question linked with the notion that there would be a consequent extra – say £300-a-year tax bill – might that move the needle southward? And we ought not forget the element of virtue signalling involved with expressing gushing praise for the NHS. Was the polling sufficiently secret, in that was the questioning done in such a way as to devine honest unembellished and unashamed answers? The point is made I think.
Clearly, I’m no virtue signaller… more of a vice signaller and proud of it.
As for the second question polled for the ‘i‘, whether the public support or oppose a nurses strike, I’d like to know, given the lack of accessability to NHS services over the past year, with waiting lists now surely exceding life expectancy for many patients, how on earth anyone would be able to tell the difference?
Morgan should have never been heard of again after the Mirror fake news story about the soldiers. Actual men in the line of fire.
But the bubble rallied.
Have an actual opinion on a protected zone within the bubble that the bubble will not tolerate… toast.
Susanna Reid gibbering platitudes and gush until they hire ‘Dr’ Shola or Bonnie Greer as her offsider to make things diverse as well as feisty should be an interesting ratings track.
That news organizations are often being very selective about which stories to investigate carefully and report on – based on what is politically useful at the time.
When this happens, no one is “following the science.” People are just using the science or, rather, part of it.
This topic comes up periodically…I am a radio listener (never R4 though) and the only R2 I can listen to is Ken Bruce. His days are numbered. The controllers there are only interested in their target listener group, regardless of whether this is the actual demography of listeners.. This allows them to pursue their widespread woke agenda, and so the Presenters (DJs, traffic presenters, not sure about newsreaders) are increasingly female or gay, without any noticeable talent for radio broadcasting. Mayo’s program was very successful and who knows why, but the controllers really screwed it up, he left and then they could replace him with a woman. I look forward to his new show…probably not the adverts though ????
I used to love his Drive-time R2 show, but I guessed they would never leave it alone as it wasn’t trendy or particularly woke. Was genuinely disappointed when my own prediction came true.
I hope he succeeds.
Careful guest you will be ‘ fact checked ‘ or told this was reported at 0127 on the 8th ….
…..seeing this article – perhaps i shpulf have ‘ themed ‘ this thread as about ‘ego s’ – first there was Morgan RIP now Mayo .
What does Mayo do ? Introduce and spin 45 records ?
It reminds me of that tragic comment by a disc jockey called DLT or DLR who made some comment about “forces within the BBC ‘ before being sacked – as though he thought people cared …..
Maybe the MSM just attracts ego s or inflates them .,
Those who were interested in the birth of Archie wondered
without any racist implications, what colour his skin may
be. However the BBC very much do care about the colour
of ones skin when using their “positive discrimination” in
job application for the BBC. In presentation, and practically
every other aspect of their output. Talk about hypocrisy , and inverted racism!
Inverted racism. Everyday racism. Scientific racism. All available at the BBC, Foscari.
The TOADY programme contained a trail for a new R4 Series starting today at 11 a.m. presented by Chris van Tulleken. He claimed the HIV was a product of colonialism and racism and jumped from chimpanzees to humans at close to the beginning of the twentieth century. Can’t see the science behind that myself. Oops, questioning a claim made by someone else.
Oh silly me,and all the while I thought that HIV was the result of some peoples’ insistence on using the exit as an entrance without a mask.
Ah well, I learn a little every day – and forget a bloody sight more.
Lefty, also what was known ‘euphemistically'(?) as sex tourism. Or did I get the apostrophes in the wrong place there? Start again.
Lefty, also what was known euphemistically as ‘sex tourism’.
I seem to recall there were outbreaks in Sweden and/or other Scandinavian countries among wealthy women. These women were travelling to exotic locations for a couple of weeks pleasure and sightseeing was not much involved, if at all.
Sorry, Foscari, but I disagree with one tiny part of your post. What you describe is not ‘inverted racism’……it is racism, pure and simple.
If we allow a confused picture of more than one form of racism to grow, then this will eventually, and inevitably, extend to the argument that there really is only one form of racism that should be condemned, i.e. only white people can be guilty of racism.
richard D
Tonight I shall go into my front garden and clap – which is something I have never deemed necessary before. If my neighbours and passers by look at me as though I am some kind of nutter and try to convince me that I have missed my chance by weeks I will say “Oh no my friends. I am clapping tonight for the common sense of my mate richard D.
So the Royal response is brief, restrained and diplomatic.
I must confess I hoped for more, but it only goes to show that service and dedication teach rather more than personal prejudice.
History repeats itself. While Charles, for all his many faults, shows continued and enviable loyalty and devotion to the love of his life – though it might be added that big knockers can have a remarkable effect on a man’s sense of perspective – his late lady ex-wife’s string, some say squadron of lovers culminated in a very public affair with the debauched coke-snorting wastrel son of a ‘businessman’ of dubious probity, as calculated and spite-laden snub to the Royals as her fertile mind could possibly have conceived. And now Harry continues in the same vein.
Most pertinent comment continues to come from Oz where, for example, Alan Jones on Sky News concluded his biting and accurate summary of the Winfrey Opera by quoting from Shakespeare’s King Lear: ‘How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.’
What ancestral snub the Royal Family once gave the Spencers is lost in time. It surely predates any connection with the Saxe-Coburg und Gotha-Battenburg/Mountbatten-Windsor line, but their revenge continues.
Meanwwhile ITV, already smarting under major losses of advertising revenue, think it a sound financial move to ditch a loud-mouthed, prejudiced, wildly outspoken major ratings draw for a minor, chip-shouldered mixed-race ‘weatherman’. I hope they feel the deal worthwhile.
Ratings draw, eh, Beltane? I heard via TOADY that the Oprah interview has now been watched by 49 million people worldwide. I assume that is excluding the US & UK audiences. Obviously it was a bit of a ‘yawn and turnover after finding where the remote had gone’ for the rest of the world.
To put it into context, the TV ratings people reckoned that within a year or so of the televising of Serie A soccer (from Italy) worldwide, 50 million people in China alone were tuning their TVs to watch it. This was the early 1990s and before massive worldwide Internet use.
When the Premiership soccer TV rights was lost or not won by the BBC, many millions more people in China would tune in if it was a game where Manchester United were playing. The China branch of the ManU fan club was, iirc, larger than the Ginge & Cringe Whinge viewers worldwide.
Piers Morgan tells reporters at his home: “I had a good chat with ITV & we agreed to disagree. I’m just going to take it easy and see how we go… “If I have to fall on my sword for expressing an honestly-held opinion about Meghan Markle and [her] diatribe of bilge… so be it"
9am BBC Socialist Radio4 yet another prog investigating campaigning for a Universal Basic Income benefit.
Hyperbolic intro
“The UK has 16 million people living in poverty
and it looks to grow”
… FFS no recognition that “poverty” is defined by you having less that 60% of average income.
So if your neighbors are on £1m and you get £0.5m you live in poverty.
By that definition the UK will always have massive poverty.
Next part of the intro campaign played an Atlee clip and claimed
“Britain created the welfare state and it was so good it was copied all around the world”
Another calumny believed by all and sundry. The Welfare State and NHS were conceived in 1940 by Churchill and Beveridge, the Attlee government merely put the concept into action.
That as vile a politician as Aneurin Bevan is lauded as ‘The Father of the NHS’ is as risible as it is ludicrous.
One thing I learned this morning from a chum, is that his wife (a Headmistress at two large schools), has been working ever since lockdown started last year! She’s now back totally full-time with all the extra responsibilities the jobs entail, as to date the children were all from essential workers’ families only!
I don’t remember the awful BBC giving such good people a round of applause every Thursday!
They’ll be asking citizens to clap them soon, for ruthlessly reporting the state of mind of a couple of spoiled ex-royals, who escaped to a small mansion in LA, and wanted some old bird to tell their non-story.
Indeed Scrobs. Had good old Nye Bevan been able to restrict the new services to working class Welshmen with some Scots and a very few qualifying English thrown in for balance, I’m quite sure he would.
His prejudices and spiteful immaturity had marked him out for greatness within the Labour movement almost since birth.
Finland abandoned its small UBI experiment in January 2019
“critics contend that UBI programs are costly and ineffective.
Other countries including Holland, Canada, and Kenya have also experimented with basic income schemes.”
He wrote that quite nasty and divisive bbc news website essay that barely hid his anti-English racism – ostensibly about US Thanksgiving, if I remember (and how they don’t really like it at all, apparently) and the connections to racist religious bigots from England, and it was somehow linked to how the US needed Catholic presidents.
Not biased at all. No agenda.
How are they getting away with it?
My only guess us hardly anyone reads it.
Arrest that person for 1) Walking around with an offensive trolley, 2) Walking past an empty shop selling bare ladies’ bits and 3) Walking on the cracks in the pavement…
The BBC and all broadcaster constantly using the word ”revelation” when referring to Meghans Markles accusation of racism in the royal family during her nauseating well acted interview
((Revelation meaning-”an act of revealing or communicating divine truth”), where’s the proof Meghan..???
The word the BBC and other broadcasters need to use is…Allegis or Allegation..(meaning-”a statement by a party of what the party undertakes to prove”)
Anybody can waffle and pontificate how hard done by they are and make serious allegations, where’s the proof
(Sorry, posted this in the wrong thread, initially.)
Why does this Meghan Markle story sound to me to be so like the Jussie Smollet hoax. The vague assertions that ‘some white guys’ attacked him, slinging racist comments around….. no corroborative evidence, no real descriptions or identifying information, recruiting his mates to lie on his behalf ….. and, of course, the complicit media like the BBC were willing to believe anything that fitted their warped picture of the world. And they still try to convince people today that Smollet was the innocent in all of this.
They try to explain Meghan’s explanation as ‘her truth’, like Oprah did, when there appears to be little or no evidence to support the claims….. and even when her husband, who apparently told her the story of some ‘racist conversation about her son’, completely contradicts what she said about the simple matter of when and where…. the media ignore such trivia, and go with the story that suits their prejudices better.
Even the friends of Meghan this morning on Radio 4’s Today programme kept going with the crap, such as that she was terriifed because Archie wasn’t proteceted, and didn’t receive the title of ‘Prince’….. both stories which have been completely debunked – but hey, it must be true, because ‘Megs’ says so, and it’s ‘her truth’, and nobody should doubt her in any way.
Just like it all played out for Jussie Smollet – but he got found out. Many people live in hope that she, too, will be found out, and perhaps that will shut her up permanently.
But the race baiters will never let such things go. And the likes of BLM and the complicit media will go ballistic if/when the policeman charged with ‘killing’ George Floyd is judged innocent of such a crime, and that Floyd’s death was due to his drug habit.
Excellent point and parallel. It’s very disturbing that so much of the British MSM seem to accept the bitches account at face value with no proof offered , no corroboration, just a stream of allegations. Apparently she threatened ITV over the remarks made by Morgan and they buckled . It seems if you simply disbelieve a black person, no matter how wild the allegations , you are guilty of racism! Make no mistake a society run onthese lines cannot long survive, massive trouble is not far away.
Watching the interview again, I get the strong feeling that Meghan is lying a lot of the time. Oprah is a good interviewer and often reflects back with a terse summary of what Meghan has just been saying. This invites a plain Yes or No but Meghan rarely gives such an answer. She deflects Oprah’s direct questions. For example: “So are you saying you did not feel supported by…the monarchy?” It should have been easy to say Yes.
I also notice that Meghan puts her hand to her mouth when she is describing incendiary or implausible scenes. “Every time the lights went down in that royal box, I was just weeping,” she says from behind her hand. This is a gesture that often indicates the subject is lying.
In my opinion, and from what I have read, Meghan as a child had unmet emotional needs. In trying to compensate for this, she identified with and fixated on Diana. So now, far from not wanting to be alive anymore, I think she cannot believe her luck in realising her Diana Royal Victim Fantasy and being able to act it out on the world stage.
I have one concern for her. A tragic early death may also be part of the fantasy.
Truly perceptive Zelazek. I’m sure she will have played on all-too susceptible Harry’s subconscious with her undoubted skills, a touch here and a link there and the poor fish was hooked and landed.
Those Diana/Markle comparison shots yesterday speak volumes.
At the XR cult meetings they are all convinced there is a “Climate emergency” and campaign to get climate mentioned in more news stories.
Here’ today’s result Knebworth House: ‘Climate-change damage’ to turret to be repaired
£74K grant awarded (plus another £180K from the Historic Houses Foundation, through the government’s Heritage Stimulus Fund)
“cracks affecting 19th Century structure/decoration to the 15th Century Tudor building”
Do you have mega proof that it isn’t just wear and tear over the 150 years ? “It is *believed* the cracks have been caused by climate change, with increased rainfall combined with periods of higher temperatures, said Historic England.”
“A survey of the house will be carried out to determine the cause of the structural cracks and help develop a long-term repair plan.”
So #1 belief is not science
#2 You’ve jut stated that uncertainty by saying you need to do “A survey … to determine the cause ”
“Knebworth House has also received a grant of £180,000 from the Historic Houses Foundation, through the government’s Heritage Stimulus Fund, for more work on the north-west turret.”
Why is this second bit separate ?
I wonder if all the TV drama filming work done over the years has caused any damage.
As i mentioned earlier on – the UK has no policy to ban vaccine exports – something ignored by the MSM – but now raised by the PM at the start of PMQs –
He didnt mention ‘ our EU friends ‘ – because they are not .
Another irony lost to the BBC is that the EU conspicuously led by France and Macron consistently and repeatedly rubbished the Oxford Astra-Zeneca vaccine until forced to accept the reality of its effectiveness.
Now they complain we are ‘withholding’ supplies.
What’s the French for ‘kindergarten’?
Sargon’s 20 min video on Georg Floyd cop trial, first day
Defence argues he was high on drugs
… and that the cop followed procedure.
Third degree media charge has been dropped (ie not pre-meditated)
Jurors were first asked if they lost property in the riots
and then they were removed.
– BLM have created an autonomous zone near the court
already a man has been shot and killed there.
The cop is accused of white supremacism
.. the counter is that he married a Laotian woman and had a son with her.
Myanmar coup: ‘We were told to shoot protesters’, say police who fled
A direct quote from a 27 year old policeman :
“We feel that it was wrong for the military to overthrow an elected government.”. In a standalone paragraph with big gaps above and below so you can’t missit.
What excellent English this man has. And he got all the right keywords in there.
I call it 100% fake – written by the BBC who will claim they were ‘capturing the essence’ of what he said. But the quotes are to make you think that is exactly what he said.
The whole article is full of heresay and conjecture – all in support of the BBC agenda for the topic. No facts at all.
No side are ever the ‘Good Guys’ in these countries. Just different flavours of bad.
I’ve notice this is a trend on the BBC recently where a story from an individual (usually from twitter) is written and deliberately worded to lead you to believe it is the truth. No counter arguments or critical analysis of whether they have any reason to lie is entertained. And they can print what they like – because they hide the agenda behind ‘it’s just someone’s opinion’.
A technique crowned by this appalling situation where Meghan is actually being given credit for a truthful account of life in the Royal Family. Despite everyone knowing what a complete hypocrite and narcissist she is whose sole ambition is to further her own career. I’m certain they all know it’s exaggerated to the point of lies – but they are willing to go along with it because it suits their own agenda.
The very definition of ‘hypocrites’. All of them.
@John English is not so uncommon in Myanmar
But for that 27 year old I guess the words have been translated
“English was the primary language of instruction in higher education until 1964
… English continues to be used by educated urbanites and the national government.”
Guest Who
I’m sorry but the term “person of colour” always confuses this old fart.
I am a sort of pale colour tinged with pink in places and white on top, which surely makes me a person of colour. Aren’t we ALL persons of colour? Monarchs to all this wokery cobblers.
Originated in the bowels of the US activist/media/opportunistic media axis of weevils a long time ago; hence the spelling.
Of course you are correct.
But this no longer matters.
There is but one race who can say, do and demand what they want, when they want, and no other can even question much less critique. And they span from Sarpong to Megs on the chart.
A large chunk of said race likely do not feel this way, and some vocal representatives, often of darker shades, are very unimpressed to see themselves and others dragged in by those claiming to be leaders or representatives, but are often shy in explaining how. Luckily seldom asked. And if they are, ‘Raciiiiist’ silences all.
However, they who shout loudest get heard by those with the microphones, as heat over light sells, and the calibre of politician we have now only listens to what they hear broadcast.
Hence a silent majority is ignored.
This may not last, or end well, especially as envelopes get pushed further still.
I’m not Morgan’s greatest fan, but I sincerely hope he doesn’t buckle and “apologise for any offence caused as it was clearly an error of judgement”. He should join up with Lawrence Fox.
Google virtue signalling today On March 10, 2021 KUALA LUMPUR
— Google Doodle honoured the late Malaysian-Chinese epidemiologist Wu Lien-teh, who invented the surgical face mask, on his 142nd birthday on Wednesday
.. Hmm there are plenty of good Malaysian Chinese
but it’s a bit weird to celebrate someone’s 142nd birthday and claim they invented the surgicak mask
I imagine Aztec surgeons covered their faces when they cut out beating hearts.
Bottom of page “Carbon neutral since 2007”
“Google has been carbon-neutral since 2007, and matches all of its energy usage with 100% #renewableenergy purchases. ”
IMHO it’s all accountancy trickery
Google does add to manmade CO2
Google probably mean “first mass produced mask.”
“1897 Flügge and Johannes von Mikulicz was published. Their publication dealt with performing operations wearing a ‘mouth bandage’. In here, Mikulicz described a one-layered mask made of gauze”
“In Paris, the surgeon Paul Berger also began wearing a mask in the operating room the same year.”
Lien Teh was only 18 then
Then Mikulicz’ assistant Hübner resumed the topic and described a two-layered mouth protection made of gauze that should prevent driblet spread.
“Wu developed surgical masks he had seen in use in the West into more substantial masks with layers of gauze and cotton to filter the air.
.. The mask was widely produced, with Wu overseeing the production and distribution of 60,000 masks in a later pandemic, and it featured in many press images”
OK seems Wu in 1910 started on masks
then 1911 mass produced them
Behind the BBC is the Guardian readership. the Guardian readership devoid of leadership rely on the BBC for all news. Internationalist Socialism is the long held belief in Marxism (re-branded now as ‘Human Rights’, now includes; ‘Environmentalism’/’Climate Change’/’Global reset’ and the roll out as (new) UN Agenda 2030. UN Agenda 21 has already been accomplished a.k.a. ‘Climate Change’.. Tony Blair’s legacy is establishing international links to all the failed states of the World which follows the trend-setters of the United Nations World task force of top down, left to right global socialism. EU is a pivotal part of this adoption.
Only by abolishing identity, race and sex can they achieve complete compliance and create an ’emergency’ that only the UN can solve. The UN has long ago become a tool for the cause.
So you won’t be surprised that ‘Woman’s day’ is all about the abolishing of Woman ‘natural rights to exist’ as it is about Trans men and creating ‘clone like’ children (without a man or woman). How you may ask? and that is cloaked in ‘human rights’ terms that mean (in practice) the abolishment of ALL family values, western nation states and worse to follow…
Take this for example: ‘The document also promotes controversial social engineering. It calls repeatedly for “gender-sensitive” financing for political candidates, including those who identify as LGBT. This would give the UN system a license to interfere in the internal affairs of individuals and member states.’
Is this not the exact same agenda as the BBC elites?
If you have any doubt look at the evidence:
Your chance to vote against it. They will ignore it, of course but we have to try as the aim is world Marxism (and they already have ‘climate control’) and carbon C02 credits which is effectively a global tax (on industry) to finance the UN global ambition. The left believe all this nonsense without question.
Join the resistance!: The UN (2030) plan is to Abolish the family is already being discussed for deletion via the same (success of) political correctness role of BBC media streams. Removing any reference to Woman, parent, family or those with conservative (small c) values is already underway. Which means ‘abortion’ (is also) as a means, by any means necessary. To an automatic self declaration of international Birth control as part of ‘climate change’ emergency – at the same time as abolishing Woman as a unique sex then proposing abusing children as they do adults, abandoning childhood. The BBC had led the way on that front. We know what that means.
Shorter URL to link to make a stand against SOROS and his like.
I have been watching this being put together for some time. Radio 4 carried an item earlier this week re genome work being carried out at currently at plant level to remove the need for male and female crop reproduction. The BBC seems heavily behind it’s promotion and not asking the obvious question if humans were next in line for this process which I firmly believe is the hidden but ultimate target.
A factory production line of little Marxists. Read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley who predicted this and you can see what they are so eager!
Yes yes yes. My oft repeated line is how Huxley envisioned children being handed over to state run child rearing facilities after birth.
Are we that far away?
BBB CBeebies increasingly tells children what to think.
An entire state industry aka ‘Safeguarding’ has been built on the back of the Soham murders, with more gold plating every year.
Pupil Premium and the other things that go with Free School Meals involve a transfer of parental responsibility from parents to the state.
And now we have all the new ‘inequalities’ created by coronavirus school lockdowns which of course just have to rely on a state response.
The nationalisation of children goes on apace. After all, you just can’t be too careful with our children, can you ?
Proof of the Markle Honesty Brand confirmed by close friend Janina Gavankar – yes, you’re right, another one – who tells us to expect more ‘truths’ to come.
Leave aside that several of ‘my truths’ have already been disproved, those of the faith will not want to consider such distractions, not least because the race card is a Royal Flush all on its own, unbeatable, and M&H have currently played it to championship level.
Ironically it also bears remarkable similarities with the Nazi anti-Jewish laws, though in reverse. Then, anything remotely connected with being Jewish immediately classified as untermensch, sub-human and beyond all accepted standards.
Now, even the merest trace of ‘colour’ puts you immediately beyond criticism, a racially superior being proudly rising from centuries of oppression to stand, dare one say almost statue-like, while the pallid masses bow down in homage.
History goes in cycles. What goes round comes round. But don’t expect today’s disciples to know or care.
I agree with what Harry’s wife apparently said that everyone is entitled to privacy but I would also add that everyone is also entitled to freedom of speech and thought.
I doubt a Socialist government would allow this.
Even if they did I doubt that the MSM would follow suit because the MSM trumps our elected representatives. Very sad.
R4 now History of anthropologist Colin Turnbull
He visited one group of African pygmies
and though they were amazing.
Then he visits a second group
in a different situation
The Uganda government had relocated them
and they were stuck in a disastrous famine.
they had become absolute savages “the most selfish people on Earth”
.. and the prog prog claims he said this tribe were so genetically evil that they needed to be split up and dispersed across the country.
They use that narrative to say “see white man bad, these people only became savage cos if the famine, he was unenlightened ”
Hmm I’m not sure about that
There are good communities of all colours across the world
.. likewise there are communities of all colours who have gone bad, probably some white
..but what comes to mind is certain “coloured” communities in South Africa (non-white, nor neither pure-black)
and a lot of communities in PNG
and certain black areas of Latin America who came to have a culture of violence within themselves
people saying “they would kill their own brother for nothing”
whereas other similarly poor communities around them are not violent.
4:30pm Amol vs AF Neil
Neil “The BBC has no respect for the north”
Amol “The BBC news in Leicester & Scunthorpe is NOT lefty”
FFS how out of touch
Scunny news come from Hull with Lefty BLM activist breakfast presenter ranting at his audience this week
Leicester BBC has extra news bulletins in Indian languages
even tho BBC has SouthAsian only Network
The gotcha was that GBnews will be based in Paddington
Next guest PinkNews editor
says “I don’t see why WOKE is used in a negative way, it’s a great thing”
… the point is Wokes are fakeWokes
.. eg they are bigots against non-lefties
The next guest says that Channel4News is OK
but GBnews sounds dodgy
said that opinion based news means it would be similar to LBC
.. that shows she is unaware of TalkRadio .. which it is actually similar to
cos LBC is mostly lefty activist presenters
A media storm in a tea-spoon. Meanwhile BBC media ‘luvvies’ and liberals who agree that China and Russian influence and trade are ‘beneficial’ (or ignored if your the BBC, until Biden says so). Is far more serious than that.
Harking back to the second world war is the (post second World War) protection of Japan and Taiwan nations. This goes far beyond the limited view of ‘Biden’ and he will have to show he is ‘serious’ about China. Even though they ‘helped’ him get elected.
Remember he (Biden) opposed Trump on this basis of (Trump) measures against China, so to prove himself as an effective LEADER (protecting the new vision of US domination), he will create a localised war and hope his popularity soars.That will escalate into a war.
We (UK) will be dragged in….
We are already there… our Navy is already involved.
Up against the EU (again):
The EU is ‘pro’ China and Russia (who now supply the EU essential gas pipeline into Germany). The UK is a major part of NATO (unlike Germany). The EU has always planned an EU token Army to undermine NATO and stamp out ‘nationalism’. So defenceless (or surrender) to Russia at the ‘right’ time.
And it all kicks off here….
Biden (despite his previous links to China), will be forced by previous USA legacy protection zones and a long held duty and obligation to protect the the wider world from ‘world domination’ trade links and influence. A war looms.
The UK is already involved. We can expect more China ‘espionage’ on our media and systems. Interestingly China is not impressed with the current BBC lack of support in media wars the (famous) ‘World Service’ (being put back into operation).
China could invade Taiwan by 2027, top US admiral warns The Chinese Communist Party, which claims Taiwan as its own even though it has never ruled there, has repeatedly threatened to invade its territory, and in recent months has intensified its aggressive military activity around the island
Brampton Manor, A state school in one of London’s poorest boroughs, has received a record number of Oxbridge offers for its pupils, beating Eton and other leading private schools for the first time.
When the BBc sucks up each other’s parts, they really know how best to do it.
Dawn Butler, a Member of Parliament from London told @HollyMAWilliams that the royal family has existed "cocooned in a bubble of whiteness."
"What they have to really unpick is how they made a member of their own family who had a different skin color feel," she said.
Sources have revealed American Booty has called the squad in to coordinate a pile on.
“I think we need more people who are willing to push boundaries, not less, on the air”
US Journalist Megyn Kelly says she may not agree with everything Piers Morgan says, but believes he should be allowed to express his opinion about Meghan Markle
Just read the Nominations and Nominees for the BAFTAs. Never heard of the films, and can’t pronounce the names of the nominees. Oh I tell a lie – there was one, Frances Dormund. So that must be a relief for whoever is MCeeing that night.
So the bend-over-backward and swing-the-pendulum-so far-other-way assault has started.
I love it when the BBC is glaringly biased even when they’re apparently trying to be even handed. It just shows them in their true light.
BBC1 6 pm news. Talking about the media in the light of the Piers Morgan resignation, Amol Rajan talks about the diversity in the media, and he says ‘ from the Liberal (xyz, I didn’t catch it) to the Right Wing Fox News.
Cast iron proof that, in BBCland there is no such thing as Left Wing. Cuddly, touchy-feely and therefore nice decent Liberal is as far as they are prepared to go.
I must admit that I probably have no right to post my opinions on this website because I almost never watch or listen to the BBC but as Fedup2 has never indicated that I should f–ck off and spit my right wing bile elsewhere I’ll just keep on spitting my right wing racist, homophobic bile here.
That aside, glancing through Mrs Wright’s TV mag, I noticed an advertised program on BBC2 tonight at 1130 pm which I will record and maybe,watch tomorrow.
I haven’t the foggiest idea why.
Odd, isn’t it, listening to the great and good droning on about the rule of law and how it forms the the basis of a fair and just society. Funny how the simple flourish of the race card trumps legislation such as the race relations and equal opportunity acts, allows rape gangs, gives a seeming cloak of invisibility to fgm and multiple wives etc and allows parallel quasi forms of law to co-exist. None of which is ever publicised by our great public service broadcaster, that great arbiter of what is right. And they wonder why people hold them in such contempt.
Megaphone Murkypast and her toyboy Wasaprince Harried have announced their latest Netflix endeavour: A full colour remake of The Prince and The Showgirl. The working title is The Clown.
I am getting so utterly pissed off with this BBBC bollox about ‘race’ and ‘identity’.
If they want to keep banging on about a subject that normal citizens care very little about, then go private and see who cares!
Why can’t all those fading little autocue-readers get a life in proper journalism, rather than pontificate dross, use ‘exciting’ words, and generally behave like lumpen idiots in front of a bored audience?
Up to a few years ago, I didn’t give a toss about what colour, creed or gender anyone was – If I liked them, I’d chat with them, if I didn’t, I’d make an excuse and depart!
The awful BBBC has a lot to answer for foaming discontent among all their taxpayers.
Scrob… To use the phrase” this is the new normal” the BBC is producing propaganda pure and simple its enough to make Stalin blush. As with the Climate change dissenters, who were silenced and traduced. The same tactic is now being ruthlessly and openly employed against anyone who questions the narrative that they spew out.
Like your good self, I have spent my life being colour blind . I have now had my eyes opened and I see the error of my ways.
Michael Deacon in the DT has written an unusually interesting piece today.
His article ‘The trouble with Meghan is that she doesn’t speak our language’ was flashed up as an example of the racist British media. He also says the date was not shown – obviously to make tracing it difficult.
He goes on to explain how had nothing to with race and was all about the differences between American and English language and how all her emotive comments such as feeling “humbled”, “empowered”, “passionate”, “inspired” just don’t go down well here.
It exposes the rank hypocrisy and complete lack of ethics behind all this. Now those who dare to speak against it are being ‘cancelled’.
Just try to imagine what these people would do if they had the power to do it. They truly are Facists by any definition except their own.
Very interesting. Steve Bird has gone through the headlines used in Oprah interview, and discovered that a third of them did not come from British press at all; of others, some headlines were exposing other people's negative remarks towards Meghan
Vanity Fair: Royal Sources: Prince Charles Couldn’t Bring Himself to Watch the Interview
The fallout over Harry and Meghan’s bombshell broadcast continues in the palace as the royal family attempts to move on.
A repeat of Inside the Factory on BBC2 tonight was about a Cornish Pasty factory.
When Greg Wallace was trying to join pastry to feed the production line he was making a mess of it when suddenly a black factory worker (worker of colour?) appears out of no where to help to keep the production line going.
Greg yells, looking at the worker of colour, “Where did he come from?”
Anyone else would be accused of racism by the cancel culture lot!
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Any news from fellow poster Halifax?
Do let us know how you are getting on.
Up2 no news from halifax . Ive got access to posters’ email addresses and making contact was discussed a while back .
I decided not to do so because on my read of data protection the circumstances would not allow it .
Halifax – we hope you are recovering nicely and avoiding the BBC .
Re data protection .. I disagree, but I have little work experience of it
Surely the principle is that private data is not forwarded to third parties.
ie that the supermarket doesn’t hand you phone number to double glazing sales companies.
The customer like Halifax has handed their email address over for purposes of site business here. Enquiring about his welfare is site business.
Using the email address to ask him out on a date is an example of breach of data protection.
If Halifax is visiting this site he will know that concerned folks have been enquiring how he is doing for some months. I feel sure that he would have responded. Hopefully he has just stopped using the site for whatever reason.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 1pm Tuesday lunch
– page 2
Page 3 includes 9 yes nine pictures of Meghan
& 27 mentions of her name
Why the heck are we dancing to MSM’s tune ?
She doesn’t matter plenty of genuine victims in the UK do matter.
TOADY Watch #1 – News? One thinks it is fairly restrained …
The BBC in a difficult position, perhaps? They like the glitz and glamour of rubbing shoulders with Royals and grabbing viewers & listeners with coverage of Royal ‘occasions’. They sympathise with Socialists – who mostly would tend toward Republicanism – on other political aspects of Socialism. Which way to jump?
Restraint. Just like the Palace. I listened to most of the first half-hour of TOADY and am pleased to say my ears were not battered by claims of inherent British racism or bad British attitudes to mental health. I have no early morning BBC anxieties thanks to the tone TOADY today. So far.
What a start to the day!
Guido’s all ‘piles for Piers’, the rags are all Minge and Ginge! Surely I don’t have to endure the BBBC…
Nope – come here for a chat – it’s much better for normal citizens!
Scrobie, one rule for Lefties but if you are not fully signed up, like Morgan, out you go.
A modern trend is for Socialists and their ‘beliefs‘ to hold sway over cold, analytical, facts. But Piers Morgan and his ‘belief‘ about the authenticity of the Duchess of Excessives claims is suddenly unacceptable. I thought funny, funny I thought. Why not the same for everyone? Socialists? Pah!
Surely he’ll pop over to Brillo’s new channel?
It’s quite OK to leave the awful BBC and ITV these days; they’re mainly a stale old bunch of autocue-readers, not very interesting, followers of gossip, rather than go-getters!
Back when I was working, there was a minor breed of agent which was known as ‘the cut and paste brigade’, where all they did was copy everything that came through their door, and send it on to their clients. It was incredibly lazy, and while a lot more was done in the wine bars and pubs, later on in the morning, it took a proper person to actually work out a deal before the booze flowed.
The same seems to be going on in the BBBC and ITV – probably Sky, (but I don’t ever see that), and while I can see similar stuff coming from the broadcasters, I wish they’d actually go out and research and deliver their own stories, not some dross filched from the press!
Mind you, it’s very quiet stuff coming from the ‘normal’ US at the moment, because buqqer-all is happening anywhere there with such an inept party in power (apart from Opera Windpipe’s blurb), so there are some benefits I suppose…
I couldnt see two egos the size of brillo and morgan on the same planet . For both it is an obvious weakness .
Any way an ex sky chap called colin brazier has gone to the new TV channel and has been ‘speaking’ on thw twitter .
I dont do sky but im surprised that any one is insufficiency woke to qualify for a nap n woke channel … but we will see when it starts up soon .
Two big egos in the same basket? Why not? Happens all the time at the BBC, eg. TOADY.
1 the bbc is not driven by profitability
2 bbc staff have job security
3 bbc staff are looking for the next upward move
4 bbc staff are restrained because of their organisation
5 bbc staff do not have their own ‘brand ‘ ( I refer to staff not production company employees like the queer Irish one )
As an aside – I read that ITV is having both a ratings and advertising nightmare – who cares ? Go woke go broke
Fed, 11 million viewers wasn’t very good for a programme that had been trailed and advertised so heavily by the BBC as well as ITV. And 49 million viewers (if correct) for the rest of the world apart from UK & USA is pathetic.
The numbers suggest that Ginge & Cringe (or Minge) had really overdone the whingeing already. Way before the time of the interview with Oprah.
The least that can be said about Brazier is that I am completely, and blissfully, unaware of his political leanings or, more importantly, his political hates.
Which is certainly not the case for Al Beeb’s Lady Brooke/Humpty/Dumpty/Mishal/Mateless/Badall and many others, or Sly’s Bully or Beff.
I wondered what had happened to him. I found him to be one of the more ‘listenable’ news readers.
Capitalism may or may not be seen as economic slavery but Socialism is DEFINITELY psychological slavery, which is way,way more evil. Only one train of thought and speech allowed down that road. No thankyou.
Yes, I’ll pass on it also.
He can just use the ‘my truth’ that way you can say anything…oh sorry..only black people can use that
JA, any Socialist or virtue signaller can use their belief to trump facts, skin colour is irrelevant. In fact whites like to use it to claim they ‘black’. If I recall correctly there have been at least two well-documented cases in the USA of fraudulent claims to that effect.
From what ive seen of the MSM the mental issues collectively being experienced by the EU is under reported.
The latest being a claim that the UK as policy will not send vaccines to the EU . That claim was bad enough for the foreign sec to call in the EU ambo for a chat .
Also the eire PM ( pop 4milion ) says boris told him no vaccine for eire until the UK is done .this seemed to be treated as ‘bad’ but i saw it as ‘ good ‘ .
I dont see the UK owing anything to any EU statelet . But is does seem ironic that the whole population of eire could be vaccinated in a week if theyd joined our programme instead of the failed EU one .
Perhaps irish republicans would refuse the oxford jab ….
For sensible comment on the EU’s intentions and failings one needs to look elsewhere.
Brussels has 136 legal cases open against the UK, with more to come
EU careering out of Covid control – the result of its ‘Democracy Deficit Disorder’?
The vaccination programme in the EU doesnt seem to be improving – and the comments against vaccinating over 65s hasnt done them any favours .
Its very tough because i want the EU to fail but dont want to see european people suffering / dying because the failure of Brussells .
But if it was the other way round i think brussells would let us suffer and die unless we rejoined and paid 25% of their funds .
Any chance that GB tv will be like Aussie Sky?
We have friends who as well as their house close to us here in the UK have a home along the coast from Nice. They have been in France for the last year and received an invitation at their UK address weeks ago to accept a vaccination, but obviously couldn’t take it up. They did consider flying back despite the red tape. The French state let it be known that you could turn up at a vaccination centre without appointment and receive it. They drove to the local centre, some distance on the other side of Nice to them. The centre was virtually empty but they were told no, you must make an appointment.
And we complain in the UK!
If people knew more about the “vaccination” they wouldn’t be so frantic to get it.
Had you listened on to the 0810 feature, your ears would have become battered by claims of racism and all the panoply of wokism.
Indeed, the top court of wokism, our, “Worlds Most Trusted”, are besotted because, ‘Polls say’ the younger generation ‘feel’ for Meghan and as we, “the Worlds Most Trusted” is currently seeking more younger viewers/listeners, we have a duty to our bank balance and the ‘wokist cause’.
Yes, the BBC Court of Wokism inspired by their own home-grown Marxism, is currently seeking jurists for forthcoming court hearings. All manner, all sizes, all sexes. Only qualification required is to be woke, blacks will of course be favoured over whites. ‘Roll up, roll up, all the fun of the fair’. They will not let this one go as professional scalp hunters. The sights are focussed and set for work and the BBC surely feel that the child public (they want) is well behind them. “Polls say”. Wokism has matured to that level to make the Royal Family targets.
If the BBC continue as they have started, my suggestion to the Royal family is to get themselves down to Do-It-all and buy some of those knee pads tilers and carpet fitters use in preparation for the ultimate humility of, ‘taking the knee’. Our “Worlds Most Trusted” will stop at no less.
I will just mention that following the feature of the Toady morning was followed by a trailer for another three part programme concerning HIV. Some interviewed jerk told us that HIV came about as a result of, you’ve got it: ‘Racism and Colonialism’. Well, fancy that. Even the female muslim interviewer sounded sceptical.
A simple fact of life on this planet? – What goes up, will come down.
Of the twin brothers
Chris van Tulleken ????
Dr Xand van Tulleken
I knew it would be my fault sooner or later….
Stew, I listened to ‘The Jump’ and very interesting it was, too. I would urge as many on here who did not listen to catch it via BBC Sounds (a.k.a. Radio iPlayer).
I also listened to the start of the new Alexei Sayle series and that was excellent. He took a dig at various institutions and ‘social mores’ and I expect he’s been getting quite a battering on Twitter and Facebook ever since.
I did, G, I did. I listened to almost another hour of TOADY from 7.40 a.m. onwards. I heard the Bel Amitri-cide on the Royal Family and noted that she, not Hugo Vickers – Royal biographer – had the last word.
I survived.
Who spent their later days in a bunker?
Who ruled by ‘executive order’?
Who kept a German Shepherd Dog?
Who had an eagle symbol on his notepaper?
Who had concerns expressed over their mental health?
Adolf Hitler? Donald Trump!
C’mon man! It isn’t that hard but Sopel and the Strumpet haven’t worked it out yet.
The false president still hasnt done a press conference but the MSM doesnt care … look squirrels
“……look squirrels” – politically ‘Red’ ones naturally.
As if the Meghan and Harry story weren’t tedious enough, Piers Morgan has somehow imposed himself into the drama: ‘TV Piers quits in storm over Duchess rant‘ (Daily Mirror)
However, we prefer the Metro’s: ‘End of the Piers show‘; the Daily Star’s: ‘Telly gobster Piers Morgan has quit GMB amid 41,000 complaints over his royal rants‘; and best of all the ‘i‘ is a surprise contender for pithiest headline: ‘Bigmouth strikes again‘
Channelling Morrissey of The Smiths fame, there. Well, Prince Harry was once The Last of the Famous International Playboys.
Since politics entered an odd place where the Conservatives no longer conserve anything anymore, least of all taxpayer cash, and Labour no longer offer an oppositional alternative to the great authoritarian lockdown policy of the day… our media seem to set great store by opinion polls. The Mail offers their opinion on the Sussexes and backs it with a poll: ‘Poll: Now strip them of titles‘
51% lose titles, 28% keep them… the missing 21% presumably replied with – why are you bothering me with this?
The ‘i‘ has its mind still focused on NHS payrises: ‘NHS pay rise: public says 1% not enough‘ – now the difference with asking this, compared to the question of should Harry still be refered to as a Prince, is that there are actual consequences. There would be a cost to the public purse. However, the bland asking of the question imposes no direct consequence on the respondent.
The ‘i‘ finds 62% of the survey subjects apparently thinking NHS staff ought to be paid more – although there’s something of a crafty bait and switch between the survey’s “Nurses” and the ‘i‘ headline “NHS”. One wonders, were the question linked with the notion that there would be a consequent extra – say £300-a-year tax bill – might that move the needle southward? And we ought not forget the element of virtue signalling involved with expressing gushing praise for the NHS. Was the polling sufficiently secret, in that was the questioning done in such a way as to devine honest unembellished and unashamed answers? The point is made I think.
Clearly, I’m no virtue signaller… more of a vice signaller and proud of it.
As for the second question polled for the ‘i‘, whether the public support or oppose a nurses strike, I’d like to know, given the lack of accessability to NHS services over the past year, with waiting lists now surely exceding life expectancy for many patients, how on earth anyone would be able to tell the difference?
Morgan should have never been heard of again after the Mirror fake news story about the soldiers. Actual men in the line of fire.
But the bubble rallied.
Have an actual opinion on a protected zone within the bubble that the bubble will not tolerate… toast.
Susanna Reid gibbering platitudes and gush until they hire ‘Dr’ Shola or Bonnie Greer as her offsider to make things diverse as well as feisty should be an interesting ratings track.
Here is a rallying bubble.
And of course, Ms. Husain…
Amazingly, the Graun summarises the bubble perfectly.
Also tech…
There is a connection to the 11am prog
“virologist Prof Wendy Barclay who explains why she thinks it’s not the case that it escaped from a lab.”
Morgan is a ill-mannered oik but he was right about Markle.
At risk of concerning Stew…I merely share….
This topic comes up periodically…I am a radio listener (never R4 though) and the only R2 I can listen to is Ken Bruce. His days are numbered. The controllers there are only interested in their target listener group, regardless of whether this is the actual demography of listeners.. This allows them to pursue their widespread woke agenda, and so the Presenters (DJs, traffic presenters, not sure about newsreaders) are increasingly female or gay, without any noticeable talent for radio broadcasting. Mayo’s program was very successful and who knows why, but the controllers really screwed it up, he left and then they could replace him with a woman. I look forward to his new show…probably not the adverts though ????
Ads are a necessary evil.
That said, Classic FM is unlistenable even beyond the risible Global news in the morning, which they repeat bottom of the hour too.
The number of breaks and duration means the odds of switching on to music is poor.
And the topics and creativity are even worse.
I used to love his Drive-time R2 show, but I guessed they would never leave it alone as it wasn’t trendy or particularly woke. Was genuinely disappointed when my own prediction came true.
I hope he succeeds.
Careful guest you will be ‘ fact checked ‘ or told this was reported at 0127 on the 8th ….
…..seeing this article – perhaps i shpulf have ‘ themed ‘ this thread as about ‘ego s’ – first there was Morgan RIP now Mayo .
What does Mayo do ? Introduce and spin 45 records ?
It reminds me of that tragic comment by a disc jockey called DLT or DLR who made some comment about “forces within the BBC ‘ before being sacked – as though he thought people cared …..
Maybe the MSM just attracts ego s or inflates them .,
@Fed he means the way I have complained about people posting annoying click bait articles from the new Lefty Express.
I don’t think they really tell us anything about BBC bias, they are just bait to get is to click.
Of course free speech and all that people can post what they want.
Those who were interested in the birth of Archie wondered
without any racist implications, what colour his skin may
be. However the BBC very much do care about the colour
of ones skin when using their “positive discrimination” in
job application for the BBC. In presentation, and practically
every other aspect of their output. Talk about hypocrisy , and inverted racism!
Inverted racism. Everyday racism. Scientific racism. All available at the BBC, Foscari.
The TOADY programme contained a trail for a new R4 Series starting today at 11 a.m. presented by Chris van Tulleken. He claimed the HIV was a product of colonialism and racism and jumped from chimpanzees to humans at close to the beginning of the twentieth century. Can’t see the science behind that myself. Oops, questioning a claim made by someone else.
Eccles type voice: “I resign!”
Oh silly me,and all the while I thought that HIV was the result of some peoples’ insistence on using the exit as an entrance without a mask.
Ah well, I learn a little every day – and forget a bloody sight more.
Lefty, also what was known ‘euphemistically'(?) as sex tourism. Or did I get the apostrophes in the wrong place there? Start again.
Lefty, also what was known euphemistically as ‘sex tourism’.
I seem to recall there were outbreaks in Sweden and/or other Scandinavian countries among wealthy women. These women were travelling to exotic locations for a couple of weeks pleasure and sightseeing was not much involved, if at all.
Sweden? Well I think the Swedes are fairly well known for their tolerence of all manner of sexual cuisine so no surprise there.
Sorry, Foscari, but I disagree with one tiny part of your post. What you describe is not ‘inverted racism’……it is racism, pure and simple.
If we allow a confused picture of more than one form of racism to grow, then this will eventually, and inevitably, extend to the argument that there really is only one form of racism that should be condemned, i.e. only white people can be guilty of racism.
richard D
Tonight I shall go into my front garden and clap – which is something I have never deemed necessary before. If my neighbours and passers by look at me as though I am some kind of nutter and try to convince me that I have missed my chance by weeks I will say “Oh no my friends. I am clapping tonight for the common sense of my mate richard D.
Very kind of you, thanks Lefty-Right.
So the Royal response is brief, restrained and diplomatic.
I must confess I hoped for more, but it only goes to show that service and dedication teach rather more than personal prejudice.
History repeats itself. While Charles, for all his many faults, shows continued and enviable loyalty and devotion to the love of his life – though it might be added that big knockers can have a remarkable effect on a man’s sense of perspective – his late lady ex-wife’s string, some say squadron of lovers culminated in a very public affair with the debauched coke-snorting wastrel son of a ‘businessman’ of dubious probity, as calculated and spite-laden snub to the Royals as her fertile mind could possibly have conceived. And now Harry continues in the same vein.
Most pertinent comment continues to come from Oz where, for example, Alan Jones on Sky News concluded his biting and accurate summary of the Winfrey Opera by quoting from Shakespeare’s King Lear: ‘How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.’
What ancestral snub the Royal Family once gave the Spencers is lost in time. It surely predates any connection with the Saxe-Coburg und Gotha-Battenburg/Mountbatten-Windsor line, but their revenge continues.
Meanwwhile ITV, already smarting under major losses of advertising revenue, think it a sound financial move to ditch a loud-mouthed, prejudiced, wildly outspoken major ratings draw for a minor, chip-shouldered mixed-race ‘weatherman’. I hope they feel the deal worthwhile.
Ratings draw, eh, Beltane? I heard via TOADY that the Oprah interview has now been watched by 49 million people worldwide. I assume that is excluding the US & UK audiences. Obviously it was a bit of a ‘yawn and turnover after finding where the remote had gone’ for the rest of the world.
To put it into context, the TV ratings people reckoned that within a year or so of the televising of Serie A soccer (from Italy) worldwide, 50 million people in China alone were tuning their TVs to watch it. This was the early 1990s and before massive worldwide Internet use.
When the Premiership soccer TV rights was lost or not won by the BBC, many millions more people in China would tune in if it was a game where Manchester United were playing. The China branch of the ManU fan club was, iirc, larger than the Ginge & Cringe Whinge viewers worldwide.
Boring soap opera that detracts away from the concerns of real people in grooming gang towns etc.
Boring soap opera #1 The Meghan school playground stuff
Boring soap opera #2 journos talking about journos
Bottomline free speech allows “hurty words”
The limit is incitement to violence
9am BBC Socialist Radio4 yet another prog
investigatingcampaigning for a Universal Basic Income benefit.Hyperbolic intro
“The UK has 16 million people living in poverty
and it looks to grow”
… FFS no recognition that “poverty” is defined by you having less that 60% of average income.
So if your neighbors are on £1m and you get £0.5m you live in poverty.
By that definition the UK will always have massive poverty.
Next part of the
introcampaign played an Atlee clip and claimed“Britain created the welfare state and it was so good it was copied all around the world”
Another calumny believed by all and sundry. The Welfare State and NHS were conceived in 1940 by Churchill and Beveridge, the Attlee government merely put the concept into action.
That as vile a politician as Aneurin Bevan is lauded as ‘The Father of the NHS’ is as risible as it is ludicrous.
I didn’t know that, Beltane…
One thing I learned this morning from a chum, is that his wife (a Headmistress at two large schools), has been working ever since lockdown started last year! She’s now back totally full-time with all the extra responsibilities the jobs entail, as to date the children were all from essential workers’ families only!
I don’t remember the awful BBC giving such good people a round of applause every Thursday!
They’ll be asking citizens to clap them soon, for ruthlessly reporting the state of mind of a couple of spoiled ex-royals, who escaped to a small mansion in LA, and wanted some old bird to tell their non-story.
Indeed Scrobs. Had good old Nye Bevan been able to restrict the new services to working class Welshmen with some Scots and a very few qualifying English thrown in for balance, I’m quite sure he would.
His prejudices and spiteful immaturity had marked him out for greatness within the Labour movement almost since birth.
Finland abandoned its small UBI experiment in January 2019
“critics contend that UBI programs are costly and ineffective.
Other countries including Holland, Canada, and Kenya have also experimented with basic income schemes.”
first welfare state??
I thought that was Otto von Bismarck
“It looks to grow.” What kind of English is that? It seems to be growing? It is trying to grow? It might grow?
“And here, in a change to the usual programme, bbc staff talking to bbc staff to promote their book”
It was broadcast 8 days ago.
Yes I did do a post about last week.
He wrote that quite nasty and divisive bbc news website essay that barely hid his anti-English racism – ostensibly about US Thanksgiving, if I remember (and how they don’t really like it at all, apparently) and the connections to racist religious bigots from England, and it was somehow linked to how the US needed Catholic presidents.
Not biased at all. No agenda.
How are they getting away with it?
My only guess us hardly anyone reads it.
Wales: “Shops and hairdressers in Wales hope to get the green light to open on March 15”
But only for the chosen few – see photo:
Here, to save you clicking off site
Arrest that person for 1) Walking around with an offensive trolley, 2) Walking past an empty shop selling bare ladies’ bits and 3) Walking on the cracks in the pavement…
Putting a colourfull modern lively lettering next to a Muslim, hoping it’ll rub off on her?
Peers Morgan to be interviewed by Oprah
About his relationship with an american actress . – reports .
Royals under pressure to make statement – some say.
That would make a brilliant sequel.
The BBC and all broadcaster constantly using the word ”revelation” when referring to Meghans Markles accusation of racism in the royal family during her nauseating well acted interview
((Revelation meaning-”an act of revealing or communicating divine truth”), where’s the proof Meghan..???
The word the BBC and other broadcasters need to use is…Allegis or Allegation..(meaning-”a statement by a party of what the party undertakes to prove”)
Anybody can waffle and pontificate how hard done by they are and make serious allegations, where’s the proof
(Sorry, posted this in the wrong thread, initially.)
Why does this Meghan Markle story sound to me to be so like the Jussie Smollet hoax. The vague assertions that ‘some white guys’ attacked him, slinging racist comments around….. no corroborative evidence, no real descriptions or identifying information, recruiting his mates to lie on his behalf ….. and, of course, the complicit media like the BBC were willing to believe anything that fitted their warped picture of the world. And they still try to convince people today that Smollet was the innocent in all of this.
They try to explain Meghan’s explanation as ‘her truth’, like Oprah did, when there appears to be little or no evidence to support the claims….. and even when her husband, who apparently told her the story of some ‘racist conversation about her son’, completely contradicts what she said about the simple matter of when and where…. the media ignore such trivia, and go with the story that suits their prejudices better.
Even the friends of Meghan this morning on Radio 4’s Today programme kept going with the crap, such as that she was terriifed because Archie wasn’t proteceted, and didn’t receive the title of ‘Prince’….. both stories which have been completely debunked – but hey, it must be true, because ‘Megs’ says so, and it’s ‘her truth’, and nobody should doubt her in any way.
Just like it all played out for Jussie Smollet – but he got found out. Many people live in hope that she, too, will be found out, and perhaps that will shut her up permanently.
But the race baiters will never let such things go. And the likes of BLM and the complicit media will go ballistic if/when the policeman charged with ‘killing’ George Floyd is judged innocent of such a crime, and that Floyd’s death was due to his drug habit.
Excellent point and parallel. It’s very disturbing that so much of the British MSM seem to accept the bitches account at face value with no proof offered , no corroboration, just a stream of allegations. Apparently she threatened ITV over the remarks made by Morgan and they buckled . It seems if you simply disbelieve a black person, no matter how wild the allegations , you are guilty of racism! Make no mistake a society run onthese lines cannot long survive, massive trouble is not far away.
I agree especially with the final six words Doublethinker.
There is a saying “The worm turns if you keep treading on it” or some such.
Watching the interview again, I get the strong feeling that Meghan is lying a lot of the time. Oprah is a good interviewer and often reflects back with a terse summary of what Meghan has just been saying. This invites a plain Yes or No but Meghan rarely gives such an answer. She deflects Oprah’s direct questions. For example: “So are you saying you did not feel supported by…the monarchy?” It should have been easy to say Yes.
I also notice that Meghan puts her hand to her mouth when she is describing incendiary or implausible scenes. “Every time the lights went down in that royal box, I was just weeping,” she says from behind her hand. This is a gesture that often indicates the subject is lying.
In my opinion, and from what I have read, Meghan as a child had unmet emotional needs. In trying to compensate for this, she identified with and fixated on Diana. So now, far from not wanting to be alive anymore, I think she cannot believe her luck in realising her Diana Royal Victim Fantasy and being able to act it out on the world stage.
I have one concern for her. A tragic early death may also be part of the fantasy.
Truly perceptive Zelazek. I’m sure she will have played on all-too susceptible Harry’s subconscious with her undoubted skills, a touch here and a link there and the poor fish was hooked and landed.
Those Diana/Markle comparison shots yesterday speak volumes.
At the XR cult meetings they are all convinced there is a “Climate emergency” and campaign to get climate mentioned in more news stories.
Here’ today’s result Knebworth House: ‘Climate-change damage’ to turret to be repaired
£74K grant awarded (plus another £180K from the Historic Houses Foundation, through the government’s Heritage Stimulus Fund)
“cracks affecting 19th Century structure/decoration to the 15th Century Tudor building”
Do you have mega proof that it isn’t just wear and tear over the 150 years ?
“It is *believed* the cracks have been caused by climate change, with increased rainfall combined with periods of higher temperatures, said Historic England.”
“A survey of the house will be carried out to determine the cause of the structural cracks and help develop a long-term repair plan.”
So #1 belief is not science
#2 You’ve jut stated that uncertainty by saying you need to do “A survey … to determine the cause ”
“Knebworth House has also received a grant of £180,000 from the Historic Houses Foundation, through the government’s Heritage Stimulus Fund, for more work on the north-west turret.”
Why is this second bit separate ?
I wonder if all the TV drama filming work done over the years has caused any damage.
Or the forty-eight million decibels from rock concerts, which fund quite a lot of ‘repairs’ and surveyors’ fees…
But the climate has changed little, if at all, since it was built…
For Beff fans – she is back ….
Rigby off the subs bench
Burley still there
Morgan joins her
It escaped all of them that the recent budget had Cummings’ fingerprints on it.
As i mentioned earlier on – the UK has no policy to ban vaccine exports – something ignored by the MSM – but now raised by the PM at the start of PMQs –
He didnt mention ‘ our EU friends ‘ – because they are not .
Another irony lost to the BBC is that the EU conspicuously led by France and Macron consistently and repeatedly rubbished the Oxford Astra-Zeneca vaccine until forced to accept the reality of its effectiveness.
Now they complain we are ‘withholding’ supplies.
What’s the French for ‘kindergarten’?
Sargon’s 20 min video on Georg Floyd cop trial, first day
Defence argues he was high on drugs
… and that the cop followed procedure.
Third degree media charge has been dropped (ie not pre-meditated)
Jurors were first asked if they lost property in the riots
and then they were removed.
– BLM have created an autonomous zone near the court
already a man has been shot and killed there.
The cop is accused of white supremacism
.. the counter is that he married a Laotian woman and had a son with her.
Frei & Barnes did a preview of the trial
Barnes says that the second degree murder charge is bizarre and won’t stick
and interestingly the much publicised “family” paid for autopsy wont be used as evidence by the prosecution
Literally, jardin d’enfants
Interesting platform coverage.
I wonder if this will be picked up in the local censuses for places like Blackburn, Bolton, and Bradford later this month.
An older video shows how weird Jon Snow & Channel4news are
His next Glasto gig is going to be wicked.
Myanmar coup: ‘We were told to shoot protesters’, say police who fled
A direct quote from a 27 year old policeman :
“We feel that it was wrong for the military to overthrow an elected government.”. In a standalone paragraph with big gaps above and below so you can’t missit.
What excellent English this man has. And he got all the right keywords in there.
I call it 100% fake – written by the BBC who will claim they were ‘capturing the essence’ of what he said. But the quotes are to make you think that is exactly what he said.
The whole article is full of heresay and conjecture – all in support of the BBC agenda for the topic. No facts at all.
No side are ever the ‘Good Guys’ in these countries. Just different flavours of bad.
I’ve notice this is a trend on the BBC recently where a story from an individual (usually from twitter) is written and deliberately worded to lead you to believe it is the truth. No counter arguments or critical analysis of whether they have any reason to lie is entertained. And they can print what they like – because they hide the agenda behind ‘it’s just someone’s opinion’.
A technique crowned by this appalling situation where Meghan is actually being given credit for a truthful account of life in the Royal Family. Despite everyone knowing what a complete hypocrite and narcissist she is whose sole ambition is to further her own career. I’m certain they all know it’s exaggerated to the point of lies – but they are willing to go along with it because it suits their own agenda.
The very definition of ‘hypocrites’. All of them.
@John English is not so uncommon in Myanmar
But for that 27 year old I guess the words have been translated
“English was the primary language of instruction in higher education until 1964
… English continues to be used by educated urbanites and the national government.”
Fascinating scenarios abound where various media-created criteria are ranked to allow or disallow opinion, and allow or disallow crtiticism.
Hence above an old white media man rudely bullies a young woman of color because he disagrees with her.
Lauded by the left.
Guest Who
I’m sorry but the term “person of colour” always confuses this old fart.
I am a sort of pale colour tinged with pink in places and white on top, which surely makes me a person of colour. Aren’t we ALL persons of colour? Monarchs to all this wokery cobblers.
Originated in the bowels of the US activist/media/opportunistic media axis of weevils a long time ago; hence the spelling.
Of course you are correct.
But this no longer matters.
There is but one race who can say, do and demand what they want, when they want, and no other can even question much less critique. And they span from Sarpong to Megs on the chart.
A large chunk of said race likely do not feel this way, and some vocal representatives, often of darker shades, are very unimpressed to see themselves and others dragged in by those claiming to be leaders or representatives, but are often shy in explaining how. Luckily seldom asked. And if they are, ‘Raciiiiist’ silences all.
However, they who shout loudest get heard by those with the microphones, as heat over light sells, and the calibre of politician we have now only listens to what they hear broadcast.
Hence a silent majority is ignored.
This may not last, or end well, especially as envelopes get pushed further still.
I’m not Morgan’s greatest fan, but I sincerely hope he doesn’t buckle and “apologise for any offence caused as it was clearly an error of judgement”. He should join up with Lawrence Fox.
Something wrong with the Grammys now!
Zayn Malik lashes out at Grammy Awards voters
Nearly race related, i’m sure the bBC will keep looking
Google virtue signalling today
On March 10, 2021 KUALA LUMPUR
— Google Doodle honoured the late Malaysian-Chinese epidemiologist Wu Lien-teh, who invented the surgical face mask, on his 142nd birthday on Wednesday
.. Hmm there are plenty of good Malaysian Chinese
but it’s a bit weird to celebrate someone’s 142nd birthday and claim they invented the surgicak mask
I imagine Aztec surgeons covered their faces when they cut out beating hearts.
Bottom of page “Carbon neutral since 2007”
“Google has been carbon-neutral since 2007, and matches all of its energy usage with 100% #renewableenergy purchases. ”
IMHO it’s all accountancy trickery
Google does add to manmade CO2
Google probably mean “first mass produced mask.”
“1897 Flügge and Johannes von Mikulicz was published. Their publication dealt with performing operations wearing a ‘mouth bandage’. In here, Mikulicz described a one-layered mask made of gauze”
“In Paris, the surgeon Paul Berger also began wearing a mask in the operating room the same year.”
Lien Teh was only 18 then
Then Mikulicz’ assistant Hübner resumed the topic and described a two-layered mouth protection made of gauze that should prevent driblet spread.
“Wu developed surgical masks he had seen in use in the West into more substantial masks with layers of gauze and cotton to filter the air.
.. The mask was widely produced, with Wu overseeing the production and distribution of 60,000 masks in a later pandemic, and it featured in many press images”
OK seems Wu in 1910 started on masks
then 1911 mass produced them
Any bets on which overworked junior doctor will also find time to be in every studio?
Behind the BBC is the Guardian readership. the Guardian readership devoid of leadership rely on the BBC for all news. Internationalist Socialism is the long held belief in Marxism (re-branded now as ‘Human Rights’, now includes; ‘Environmentalism’/’Climate Change’/’Global reset’ and the roll out as (new) UN Agenda 2030. UN Agenda 21 has already been accomplished a.k.a. ‘Climate Change’.. Tony Blair’s legacy is establishing international links to all the failed states of the World which follows the trend-setters of the United Nations World task force of top down, left to right global socialism. EU is a pivotal part of this adoption.
Only by abolishing identity, race and sex can they achieve complete compliance and create an ’emergency’ that only the UN can solve. The UN has long ago become a tool for the cause.
So you won’t be surprised that ‘Woman’s day’ is all about the abolishing of Woman ‘natural rights to exist’ as it is about Trans men and creating ‘clone like’ children (without a man or woman). How you may ask? and that is cloaked in ‘human rights’ terms that mean (in practice) the abolishment of ALL family values, western nation states and worse to follow…
Take this for example: ‘The document also promotes controversial social engineering. It calls repeatedly for “gender-sensitive” financing for political candidates, including those who identify as LGBT. This would give the UN system a license to interfere in the internal affairs of individuals and member states.’
Is this not the exact same agenda as the BBC elites?
If you have any doubt look at the evidence:
Your chance to vote against it. They will ignore it, of course but we have to try as the aim is world Marxism (and they already have ‘climate control’) and carbon C02 credits which is effectively a global tax (on industry) to finance the UN global ambition. The left believe all this nonsense without question.
Join the resistance!: The UN (2030) plan is to Abolish the family is already being discussed for deletion via the same (success of) political correctness role of BBC media streams. Removing any reference to Woman, parent, family or those with conservative (small c) values is already underway. Which means ‘abortion’ (is also) as a means, by any means necessary. To an automatic self declaration of international Birth control as part of ‘climate change’ emergency – at the same time as abolishing Woman as a unique sex then proposing abusing children as they do adults, abandoning childhood. The BBC had led the way on that front. We know what that means.
Shorter URL to link to make a stand against SOROS and his like.
Agreed 100% Philip.
I have been watching this being put together for some time. Radio 4 carried an item earlier this week re genome work being carried out at currently at plant level to remove the need for male and female crop reproduction. The BBC seems heavily behind it’s promotion and not asking the obvious question if humans were next in line for this process which I firmly believe is the hidden but ultimate target.
A factory production line of little Marxists. Read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley who predicted this and you can see what they are so eager!
Yes yes yes. My oft repeated line is how Huxley envisioned children being handed over to state run child rearing facilities after birth.
Are we that far away?
BBB CBeebies increasingly tells children what to think.
An entire state industry aka ‘Safeguarding’ has been built on the back of the Soham murders, with more gold plating every year.
Pupil Premium and the other things that go with Free School Meals involve a transfer of parental responsibility from parents to the state.
And now we have all the new ‘inequalities’ created by coronavirus school lockdowns which of course just have to rely on a state response.
The nationalisation of children goes on apace. After all, you just can’t be too careful with our children, can you ?
It’s all part of the feminisation and castration of society
Proof of the Markle Honesty Brand confirmed by close friend Janina Gavankar – yes, you’re right, another one – who tells us to expect more ‘truths’ to come.
Leave aside that several of ‘my truths’ have already been disproved, those of the faith will not want to consider such distractions, not least because the race card is a Royal Flush all on its own, unbeatable, and M&H have currently played it to championship level.
Ironically it also bears remarkable similarities with the Nazi anti-Jewish laws, though in reverse. Then, anything remotely connected with being Jewish immediately classified as untermensch, sub-human and beyond all accepted standards.
Now, even the merest trace of ‘colour’ puts you immediately beyond criticism, a racially superior being proudly rising from centuries of oppression to stand, dare one say almost statue-like, while the pallid masses bow down in homage.
History goes in cycles. What goes round comes round. But don’t expect today’s disciples to know or care.
So, good news for Marianna and Wendy.
Unless CNN folds before The BBC.
Margen Meckle says “Everyone is entitled to privacy” following her appearance to 17 million viewers on the Oprah circus shit show….,-says-meghan-markle-in-new-clip-oO1D8ksR
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!…. you couldn’t make it up!
I agree with what Harry’s wife apparently said that everyone is entitled to privacy but I would also add that everyone is also entitled to freedom of speech and thought.
I doubt a Socialist government would allow this.
Even if they did I doubt that the MSM would follow suit because the MSM trumps our elected representatives. Very sad.
R4 now History of anthropologist Colin Turnbull
He visited one group of African pygmies
and though they were amazing.
Then he visits a second group
in a different situation
The Uganda government had relocated them
and they were stuck in a disastrous famine.
they had become absolute savages “the most selfish people on Earth”
.. and the prog prog claims he said this tribe were so genetically evil that they needed to be split up and dispersed across the country.
They use that narrative to say “see white man bad, these people only became savage cos if the famine, he was unenlightened ”
Hmm I’m not sure about that
There are good communities of all colours across the world
.. likewise there are communities of all colours who have gone bad, probably some white
..but what comes to mind is certain “coloured” communities in South Africa (non-white, nor neither pure-black)
and a lot of communities in PNG
and certain black areas of Latin America who came to have a culture of violence within themselves
people saying “they would kill their own brother for nothing”
whereas other similarly poor communities around them are not violent.
4:30pm Amol vs AF Neil
Neil “The BBC has no respect for the north”
Amol “The BBC news in Leicester & Scunthorpe is NOT lefty”
FFS how out of touch
Scunny news come from Hull with Lefty BLM activist breakfast presenter ranting at his audience this week
Leicester BBC has extra news bulletins in Indian languages
even tho BBC has SouthAsian only Network
The gotcha was that GBnews will be based in Paddington
Next guest PinkNews editor
says “I don’t see why WOKE is used in a negative way, it’s a great thing”
… the point is Wokes are fakeWokes
.. eg they are bigots against non-lefties
The next guest says that Channel4News is OK
but GBnews sounds dodgy
said that opinion based news means it would be similar to LBC
.. that shows she is unaware of TalkRadio .. which it is actually similar to
cos LBC is mostly lefty activist presenters
3 tweet thread
Amol is about as sad an example of anything to do with journalism as it is possible to be.
Hence Editor of the Indy to BBC Media Matey is fully explained!
Lefties are sneering in Amol’s thread
“gammon” “how dare GBnews have a Wokewatch segment” etc.
lot of subconsciously hatey tweets
A media storm in a tea-spoon. Meanwhile BBC media ‘luvvies’ and liberals who agree that China and Russian influence and trade are ‘beneficial’ (or ignored if your the BBC, until Biden says so). Is far more serious than that.
Harking back to the second world war is the (post second World War) protection of Japan and Taiwan nations. This goes far beyond the limited view of ‘Biden’ and he will have to show he is ‘serious’ about China. Even though they ‘helped’ him get elected.
Remember he (Biden) opposed Trump on this basis of (Trump) measures against China, so to prove himself as an effective LEADER (protecting the new vision of US domination), he will create a localised war and hope his popularity soars.That will escalate into a war.
We (UK) will be dragged in….
We are already there… our Navy is already involved.
Up against the EU (again):
The EU is ‘pro’ China and Russia (who now supply the EU essential gas pipeline into Germany). The UK is a major part of NATO (unlike Germany). The EU has always planned an EU token Army to undermine NATO and stamp out ‘nationalism’. So defenceless (or surrender) to Russia at the ‘right’ time.
And it all kicks off here….
Biden (despite his previous links to China), will be forced by previous USA legacy protection zones and a long held duty and obligation to protect the the wider world from ‘world domination’ trade links and influence. A war looms.
The UK is already involved. We can expect more China ‘espionage’ on our media and systems. Interestingly China is not impressed with the current BBC lack of support in media wars the (famous) ‘World Service’ (being put back into operation).
China could invade Taiwan by 2027, top US admiral warns
The Chinese Communist Party, which claims Taiwan as its own even though it has never ruled there, has repeatedly threatened to invade its territory, and in recent months has intensified its aggressive military activity around the island
OT, but the sound of Bow bells carries far.
More awesomeness from the thunderer.
Some mistake there; I can see two white faces.
I was just about to say that I wondered how they managed to get so many underprivileged bames in the one photograph, but you beat me to it!
Schools still need cleaning staff, you know.
(slightly racebaity journo) Charlene White steps downs from press awards
.. over editors denying newspapers are racist
When the BBc sucks up each other’s parts, they really know how best to do it.
Love the blonde yank and MP of color separation exhaling at each other.
“Priti Finally RETURNS Migrant Boats [08.03.21]”. Note the plural, “boats”
I don’t watch this character, ‘Mayhar Tousi’s’ videos because most are simply clickbait. The following is no exception:
If it ever happened that, a boat, singular, was returned. He would understand the term ‘Taquiyya’ more than most.
Ofcom? 41,000 complaints? Do me a favour! Fake news!
Sources have revealed American Booty has called the squad in to coordinate a pile on.
Just read the Nominations and Nominees for the BAFTAs. Never heard of the films, and can’t pronounce the names of the nominees. Oh I tell a lie – there was one, Frances Dormund. So that must be a relief for whoever is MCeeing that night.
So the bend-over-backward and swing-the-pendulum-so far-other-way assault has started.
IMHO, they are a mutual appreciation society for woke actors.
Aaaah but there could soon be a rebellion by the white woke actors who aren’t getting a look in !!!!
I love it when the BBC is glaringly biased even when they’re apparently trying to be even handed. It just shows them in their true light.
BBC1 6 pm news. Talking about the media in the light of the Piers Morgan resignation, Amol Rajan talks about the diversity in the media, and he says ‘ from the Liberal (xyz, I didn’t catch it) to the Right Wing Fox News.
Cast iron proof that, in BBCland there is no such thing as Left Wing. Cuddly, touchy-feely and therefore nice decent Liberal is as far as they are prepared to go.
I must admit that I probably have no right to post my opinions on this website because I almost never watch or listen to the BBC but as Fedup2 has never indicated that I should f–ck off and spit my right wing bile elsewhere I’ll just keep on spitting my right wing racist, homophobic bile here.
That aside, glancing through Mrs Wright’s TV mag, I noticed an advertised program on BBC2 tonight at 1130 pm which I will record and maybe,watch tomorrow.
I haven’t the foggiest idea why.
Number of hoots given…
Odd, isn’t it, listening to the great and good droning on about the rule of law and how it forms the the basis of a fair and just society. Funny how the simple flourish of the race card trumps legislation such as the race relations and equal opportunity acts, allows rape gangs, gives a seeming cloak of invisibility to fgm and multiple wives etc and allows parallel quasi forms of law to co-exist. None of which is ever publicised by our great public service broadcaster, that great arbiter of what is right. And they wonder why people hold them in such contempt.
Breaking news, not on the bBBC,
Megaphone Murkypast and her toyboy Wasaprince Harried have announced their latest Netflix endeavour: A full colour remake of The Prince and The Showgirl. The working title is The Clown.
I am getting so utterly pissed off with this BBBC bollox about ‘race’ and ‘identity’.
If they want to keep banging on about a subject that normal citizens care very little about, then go private and see who cares!
Why can’t all those fading little autocue-readers get a life in proper journalism, rather than pontificate dross, use ‘exciting’ words, and generally behave like lumpen idiots in front of a bored audience?
Up to a few years ago, I didn’t give a toss about what colour, creed or gender anyone was – If I liked them, I’d chat with them, if I didn’t, I’d make an excuse and depart!
The awful BBBC has a lot to answer for foaming discontent among all their taxpayers.
What a sordid bunch of parasites they are.
Scrob… To use the phrase” this is the new normal” the BBC is producing propaganda pure and simple its enough to make Stalin blush. As with the Climate change dissenters, who were silenced and traduced. The same tactic is now being ruthlessly and openly employed against anyone who questions the narrative that they spew out.
Like your good self, I have spent my life being colour blind . I have now had my eyes opened and I see the error of my ways.
Society of Editors executive director Ian Murray resigns after defending UK press over Meghan row
This is getting ridiculous now!
Michael Deacon in the DT has written an unusually interesting piece today.
His article ‘The trouble with Meghan is that she doesn’t speak our language’ was flashed up as an example of the racist British media. He also says the date was not shown – obviously to make tracing it difficult.
He goes on to explain how had nothing to with race and was all about the differences between American and English language and how all her emotive comments such as feeling “humbled”, “empowered”, “passionate”, “inspired” just don’t go down well here.
It exposes the rank hypocrisy and complete lack of ethics behind all this. Now those who dare to speak against it are being ‘cancelled’.
Just try to imagine what these people would do if they had the power to do it. They truly are Facists by any definition except their own.
Two countries separated by a commonly despised MSM.
Vanity Fair: Royal Sources: Prince Charles Couldn’t Bring Himself to Watch the Interview
The fallout over Harry and Meghan’s bombshell broadcast continues in the palace as the royal family attempts to move on.
Newsnight has its latest ‘source’.
A repeat of Inside the Factory on BBC2 tonight was about a Cornish Pasty factory.
When Greg Wallace was trying to join pastry to feed the production line he was making a mess of it when suddenly a black factory worker (worker of colour?) appears out of no where to help to keep the production line going.
Greg yells, looking at the worker of colour, “Where did he come from?”
Anyone else would be accused of racism by the cancel culture lot!
I rarely agree with an article as much as I agree with that one.