Another quiet week in prospect.. … it seems the excellent ‘is the BBC biased?’ Website is suspending operations – a great shame and we wish the publishers well – with many many thanks .
Start the Week 15th March 2021
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BBC Bias was plainly on view in TWoTWeeeee today. Jonny ‘Disjointed Dalek’ Dymond made a disparaging remark about former President Trump’s four years in office.
Many Beeboids would have winced at the next bit: John Bolton on the programme saying encouraging things about Brexit and slightly disparaging things about the EU. 🙂
Definitely ‘a Nelson Muntz moment’
“Ha ha!”
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 11:30am Sunday
– page 2
R4 Religion Show had a guest who unnecessarily had swipe at Trump through a dig at Capitol protesters when talking about something completely different.
I think it was some kind of BLM activist trying to draw a parallel between George Floyd and the Clapham victim FFS.
– Feminist accusing the church of teaching misogyny
ah that was Rachel Treweek the Bishop of Gloucester
There was supposed to be an item about church-sexual-abuse survivors, but they cut it, to make space for the Clapham vigil stuff.
Sarah Sands got to plug her new book
Marianna will be busy checking stuff like this.
Quite so. The victims parents must be so glad their daughter died so that they could all join the outrage crowd trend….
And….it’s alright to be off work with 80% of pay to protect against Covid…..and then alright to be cheek to jowl with hundreds of others?!
I await a rational justification.
Unleash…. the Kraken!
All going swimmingly in tv (not fake) news land…
Also Stateside…
Meanwhile, as facts fly around, I am still being told the coup attempt at the Capitol saw bloody slaughter, by inference of the goodies by the baddies..
Anyone know the truth? Jon? Lurch?
I am aware a couple died of heart attacks.
What about the police officer? This has morphed from a lynching to ‘nobody is sure’.
And then the one violent death attributable…
They need to edit a lot more ! just leaving ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’.
vd seriously ITV even the BBC realised she was tripe
Up2 ,
Doesn’t the BBC and the rest of the Gramscian class show their dichotomy of thinking .?
One the one hand Great Britain is not great and should subjugate itself into any and every international body , then 180 degree turnaround and Great Britain Is great and should lead the world , usually on woke things like climate change ,
income inequality , diversity and multiculturalism, human rights and the rule of law .
Then there’s the “we must use soft power “ – why us and for why ? Are we better than other countries?Then the Everyone in the world is equal- we’re no better than anyone else . So why should we “ lead” .?
At the end of the day it seems the Powers That Be want to strut the world stage at the expense of the working man – as the new Cumbrian coal mine versus the international conference shows .
How can we lead the world when by every metric the BBC uses we are behind somewhere?
‘Somewhere’ of course is different for each metric.
Perhaps, just perhaps, we’ve got it ‘just about right’?
Meanwhile, across ta Manche.
I have nothing to do with social media, at all – my commenting is restricted to sites like this, and similar. I use a VPN all the time, and hope to remain below the radar for a little longer.
Interesting that the rabidly Leftoid (to the point of Marxist) Greens are against surveillance.
What used to be said…’if you’ve nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’.
Rule of law is not woke; its fundamental for a democracy.
I also don’t see why climate change needs to be woke, though it is often used as a front for other agendas it seems to me.
Nibor, yes it it is full of contradictions, everywhere. Quite insane.
I repeat OG’s post from yesterday where he admits he hides away from it now – don’t blame him in a way – and my reply for what it’s worth:
Old Goat – March 14, 2021 at 9:02 am
All of it, for me, is vomit inducing, banal claptrap. That’s why I pay no heed to the press or television media, have little to do with the “public”, and live somewhere where I don’t have to mingle with them, other than on a quick foray to the supermarket (which is pretty awful, anyway, with ranks of mask-clad zombies wandering around, trying to keep away from me, and each other).
I spend a lot of time watching Youtube videos about how it used to be within my living memory, and have come to the conclusion that it was SO much better. As I witness (occasionally) the antics of the world through alternative media (the only real way to reach the truth), I realise that we never had it so good (as suggested by McMillan), and try to relax as I approach my demise.
Depressing, innit?
Reply – Up2snuff
OG, ca va bien? Funny thing, but I was thinking today of the turmoil of the 1970s when invasion from Russia externally, or internally via Arthur Scargill & the NUM, was a possibility versus a counter-revolutionary take-over via armed forces created for the purpose by wealthy businessmen. The three-day week, power cuts, constant strikes, incredible inflation and price increases all added to the woes.
And you know what?
It seemed preferable to the lunacy of today!
‘Morning, Up2.
Apart from the usual limitations imposed by old age, and one or two other issues, I’m well, thank you.
In view of posts later this morning, I feel a bit of a fraud posting here, as I rarely watch the BBC, or listen to it (gave up “Today” years ago) – in fact watch little telly at all, now. It’s such patronising drivel. Thus I may be assumed to be a “friendly” troll, not having much about the BBC to comment on!
Yes, I remember the seventies very well, but at that time I was in the police, and had a slightly different outlook on life, and enjoyed the privileges endowed then upon us by a respectful public. Yes there were bad times, punch-ups, riots, and protests – I remember Blair Peach at Southall, and trouble at Brixton, Finsbury Park, Broadwater Farm, etc., but all in all, we as a nation still felt British, and equipped and able to cope with anything that came our way.
Recent developments are far nastier, and sinister, and those who should be supporting and protecting us, are merely obeying some other hierarchy, and telling us what to do, what not to say and think, and to hide away at home.
That’s pretty serious, and will be devastating in the end.
So I observe, and comment from my dugout, hoping that none of it will get to me before I shuffle orf this mortal coil – time is of the essence.
“Recent developments are far nastier, and sinister, and those who should be supporting and protecting us, are merely obeying some other hierarchy, and telling us what to do, what not to say and think, and to hide away at home.”
“Great Britain” is just the name of a large island. I don’t know why you think joining together with other countries is subjugation rather than cooperation, although some of our leaders do seem keen on subjugating Britain to the United States.
WildWomanOfThe Woods, Scottie.
Great Britain is not just the name of a large island because it is indeed Great.
I like Great Britain , that’s why I live here.
As a person who has travelled the world, I have noticed how Great it is. A much better place to live than in any other country. As evinced by the illegal attempts of people from Europe trying and risking their lives to get in.
Perhaps you will recollect that we have frequently cooperated with many countries. In recent times Great Britain went into two World Wars with the cooperation of other countries. We have cooperated with the Commonwealth. SEATO and NATO and other organisations to our cost . But the difference came with cooperating with the European Union, for that involved in surrendering our sovereignty to an unelected cabal that was morphing into a dictatorship.
I voted for Brexit, as did the majority that voted in that election, despite Al Beeb’s Bias to remain in “the ever closer union”. An European Union, all without a vaccine.
We are already in an Union, and that is the United Kingdom.
Great Britain is Great and it would be an even greater place if those that hated it just quietly left and went to live in another country of their choice .
Rule Britannia!
Great response. Britain is not just an island but a very special island. Its a pity that education is of such low standard, that most people do not know how “Great” it is.
Its long history, its unbroken tradition of nationhood and the resulting political maturity, not by dictat of the “forefathers” leading to the US constitution, a kind Mosaic law from the mountain, but a natural growth – like a family growing up together. The result is the political democracy that all nations aspire to. For them it will always be forced, with little or no roots in history. It was this great maturity of England that was threatened extinction if we had adopted the Socialist/Marxist/Napoleonic EU constitution. I’m fairly certain that the latter topdown artificial construct will die, along with the EU.
Then the invention and development of engineering and science in this country, has led to modern civilisation we all know.
This is just the visible on the surface.
the wildwomanwithwoodforbrains seems to be suggesting a return to empire lol
she will also no doubt at the same time support Irish nationalism Welsh nationalism and Scottish nationalism
WWW. Uptick for “large”.
are you being sarcastic ??
There is an evil dark force spreading its tentacles thorough out our media, politics, broadcasting and in our universities . It is creeping into our electronics, our equipment, communications and health disguised in many things under the guise of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Extinction Rebellion and Wokeism. You will find it in the cheep pound shop goods, undermining our manufacturing industry. The tentacles are even spreading into our recorded history and rewriting it, airbrushing it out, pulling down statues, Iconoclasm, undermining our democracy, the greatest democracy in the world. It is coming from the East to attack the Cradle of Democracy. It is divisive, putting women against men.
We all know where the head of the snake is. This country needs to be alert and arm itself.
This nation needs a real Leader, because just like WW2 we stand alone, Fortress Britain. Marxism is not dead it is alive and kicking in Britain but its head is in the East.
I wouldn’t like to say where the head is as the US has been exporting its version for decades.
Back in the 1960s ‘racialism’ became ‘racism’ and we imported US ‘race’ advisors and that led to the Race Relations Act.
Of course there was a big difference between the US and the UK, the ‘people of color’ in the US were the decendants of slaves that has been promised full citizenship but felt they hadn’t got it. The coloured people in the UK were few in number and had come here by choice post WW2.
There weren’t any ‘black’ people anywhere until the Black Power movement in the US and then eventually that label was forced onto everyone who wasn’t indigenous European whether they liked it or not. There weren’t any ‘white’ people either in the UK. We were bemused by those US cop shows that referred to ‘caucasians’, whatever they were.
Since then every baty idea has eagerly been seized upon by Academia here. It’s a good game because those that play it are always the new ‘experts’ as they invent new terms so the rest of us are always portrayed as ignorant. (Example 60 million people in the UK are ‘CIS’ but they don’t even know it they thought they were, well, normal. Isn’t it funny how every weirdo demands their self-description be accepted but the rest of us have it imposed by a minority?).
The whole thing is hard to analyse as most ‘players’ are the ‘useful idiots’. Classic left-wing stuff, stir up everyone with a grievance and promise ‘change’. The mob will join in the pulling down but be assured 99.999% of them won’t get their particular ‘utopia’. I am not even sure that the smarter elements even realise that, they play a dangerous game when they pull in Muslims to their cause.
We will see that work out first with the Labour party, either the Muslims will take over and it will become an Islamic party or the Muslims will leave saying ‘thank you for the training and the networking’, we are setting up on our own.
Marxism or Islam? Two hundred years versus two thousand years.
Islam has its presence all over the West. Its particularly strong in France and Germany. The number of attacks in a country, is a good indicator of the strength of Islam in the country.
Since Donald Trump was removed by coup, the gates are now open in the USA too.
Its worthwhile recalling that it took 800 years for Spain to evict Islamic colonial rule. I don’t think we will get such a chance now. It will be rapid demographic conquest, while the media hide the ongoing rapes, forced conversions and terrorism.
Bear in mind that despite Islam insisting there is no blasphemy law in operation now, Asia Bibi types of murderous threats continue. It has to, as its coded in Sharia, and cannot be revoked.
Someone wrote a book way back in the 1960s or 1970s entitled ‘Satan is alive and on Planet Earth’ (although the Bible refers to ‘spirit in the air’ in relation to Satan) – not sure about the author’s name. Was it Hal Lindsay?
We have seen in the twentieth century the forces of, for want of a better prefix, ‘ultra’ Socialism really get a lot of power in the world. It isn’t going away any time soon.
Up2 and taffman
The “Head of the snake” in the Christian view, is the Serpent wrapped around the tree in the Garden that England truly is, from the metaphorical sense.
The head of the snake, or what comes out of it, is Greed and unearned covetousness, that has destroyed so many before. So yes, it is in the air and airwaves.
The murder of the poor women is something terrible. But
it gives the anarchist Marxist hierarchy a new cause celebre
to get their tentacles into at the BBC. The subjugating knee bending
for the BLM organization is beginning to implode ,so
the BBC has found something new to support.
My god, has the Metropolitan police chief made some cock
ups. The police should of kept well clear of Clapham Common
as the police wisely did outside Ibrox Park in Glasgow last week.
It takes just a few anarchists mingling in with the crowds to
start a riot. And that’s what happened in South London.
BUT heads should role in the Metropolitan police force in
letting this evil bastard who obviously had previous being
allowed to be on the street.
I just say one more thing.I reiterate the murder was horrendous
Of course anybody should be able to walk safely in a park. But
you really need to be street wise in our crime ridden capitol.
Why oh why did this poor women feel safe to walk across
this shit hole, where every kind of pervert is always there to
be found.
As I used to live near Clapham Common, I have thought about why any young woman might set foot there at night. The only thing I can think is that she was about to take a direct route through the common, thought twice, and may have been approached by a man, who showed her his warrant card, and so she thought she would be safe as she was being accompanied.
This is only a suggestion as we of course don’t know whether the arrested man is guilty. I hope he gets a fair trial but the BBC don’t seem to care about that.
We all do stupid things and most of us survive them. Sadly for her and her family she didn’t but there is absolutely nothing that can save all people all of the time.
She’d already crossed the common. She was walking along the South Circular – you’d think that would be well lit and busy enough.
Clapham Common used to have a quirky road system to continue onto the South Circular, which was easy to miss – especially at night!
Ever since an ex-politician was caught being naughty/nasty there some years ago, my vision of the place soured and stayed that way…
Still think a pepper spray would be more useful, a rape alarm wouldn’t do much in some dire places!
Clapham Common is a notorious gay cruising zone.
Nowhere could a woman be safer.
Sadly she was abducted from a main road.
10pm Sunday BBC1 news. The first 10 minutes was Mark Easton emoting all about women feeling intimidated, scared for years or since they were little, etc etc. They only wanted to attend the vigil to support other women (the poor murdered woman almost forgotten). There were more lies being spoken than in a recent interview, and like Oprah, nobody to call them out. Apparently there were calls for Cressida to resign (we weren’t told by who) but for once I felt she was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t. These vigils are all about anarchy and the BBC are complicit.
To be honest, looking at the state of some of those lesbian like women and female Swampies, they look as though they could clearly handle themselves in a tussle, and it would be a brave man that would take them on.
What would you say a lesbian looked like? Could you identify one on sight?
WildWomanOfThe Woods
You could ask maxincony, but that is an easy one – some are butch-like and prefer to dress like men.
You need to get out more.
Ask me one on sport.
It’s like describing an elephant. You know one when you see one.
Taff, what about the fellow who runs as a South African woman? Male, female or don’t know?
Northern Voter
Have a look at Cressida Dick
You are so good at picking out the positive aspect of any comment.
Well, er, yes I pretty much would say I could ! Some do dress in a mannish manner which make it obvious, some are very square jawed ie Jane Hill / Steph McGovern/Clare Balding, some are always ‘fresh’ looking in an athletic way and are generally seen in couples wearing tracksuits. Although admittedly I would be hard to define the ‘lipstick lesbian’ who can be very glamorous.
On a lighter note I think I have found a connexion between Cresside Dick and Priti Patel, which is why Patel won’t sack Dick.
Both drop their g’s as in policin’, reportin’ on an unlawful gatherin’ and demonstratin’. So there will be no sackin’ of Dick
G.W.F., very well observed. 🙂
I occasionally tried to post on ITBBCB but couldn’t sign in with disqus.
Saturday was the 25th anniversary of the Dunblane tragedy. There was very little coverage on the BBC and an hour, earlier in the week, on ITV detailed the harrowing experiences and spent time on the Snowdrop campaign which achieved an outright ban on handguns in the UK.
Understandable and deeply emotional, but the use of illegal firearms has actually risen steadily ever since. A slogan at the time ‘Outlaw guns and only outlaws will use guns’ remains true today.
Thomas Hamilton, multi-murderer, paedophile and serial offender was hardly mentioned, neither was how his Firearms Certificates, as a convicted offender with a long record of investigations which, by law, should have denied him any such privilege, came to be renewed.
And most significantly, most worryingly and most outrageously, when the normal period for state paperwork to be embargoed is 30 years, why was that relating to Dunblane and Hamilton locked away for 100, with another 75 to go? When every adult involved in any way will be dead and conveniently ‘unavailable for questioning’.
Excellent points. The Snowdrop Campaign hijacked the grief of the families for their own political ends.
The increased gun control which resulted, and the end of pistol shooting sports, did nothing for public safety, indeed cost over £50 million in compensation.
There is a myth that if you make guns illegal there will be no armed crime. We have tried that in Britain, and clearly there is. Criminals who want guns can get them, at a price. Most prefer the cheaper option of a knife. How many have been killed with guns and knives since Dunblane?
You are also right to point out that Hamilton should not have had a firearm certificate, and would not have had one from any other police force in Britain. You do not need a criminal record to be barred, any sign of bad character is sufficient, and Hamilton had that in spades. So why did Central Scotland Police allow him to have guns? As you say, the scandal is that the file is closed for 100 years. The only conclusion from this must be that they have something to hide.
Beltane, As one with sadly first hand connections with the Dunblane massacre, I think you should be aware of the masonic connections between Hamilton and the Scottish Police, which should be known in respect of his possession of firearms.
Of course this has been successfully covered up as one would imagine.
At the next General Election I will vote for any candidate that can swear on the the lives of his/her children to fight for the truth to be made public knowledge immediately about this obscenity.
The whole thing stinks.
I will miss their intelligent comments and fact checking that put Chris Morris and would-be-Wunder Mädchen Marianna Spring to shame.
We have lost so many to the grim reaper, (Anna Raccoon and Raedwald), without the good guys withdrawing too.
Jim S
Miss Raedwald. He had depth and breadth of knowledge through experience. A topic he did not want commentators to mention, was anything to do with Islam. Understandable, as he was posting from Austria.
Raedwald was required reading, and his depth of understanding and denouncing the nonsense normally associated with lightweight politicians and awful broadcasters like the BBC was renowned!
As I was in a similar business to him, I often wondered if I’d actually met him, but of course, will never know…
Note how Drakeford’s Bonkers plan to curfew all men at 6 pm has quickly disappeared from Al Beeb’s news web site?
One of my taffmen mates came up with a foolproof plan to get to and from the pubs after 6 pm at night when the lockdown is over.
Well, its like this, we all “self identify” as women.
Personally I don’t think 6pm curfews go far enough.
Compulsory sterilisation is the only thing that will work.
I’m sure the BBC would support such a plan, chiming as it does with their view that all masculinity is toxic.
Male sterilisation will only solve the problem with white male sterilisation. Get Woke man!
Probably because nobody, not even Mark Drakeford or Jenny Jones, intended it to be taken seriously. Just drawing attention to the way women are told not to go out on their own after dark but men never are.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
“nobody, not even Mark Drakeford or Jenny Jones, intended it to be taken seriously”.
What you have just posted there could be described in one word.
In South Wales you can get to most places underground.
From The Telegraph:
‘ITV forced to edit Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Harry and Meghan after including ‘misleading’ headlines’
‘Associated Newspapers said the press clippings were distorted to portray British coverage as racist’
The article goes on:
‘“Many of the headlines have been either taken out of context or deliberately edited and displayed as supporting evidence for the programme’s claim that the Duchess of Sussex was subjected to racist coverage by the British press.”
“This editing was not made apparent to viewers and, as a result, this section of the programme is both seriously inaccurate and misleading”.’
But it seems I can’t find this same story on the BBC. Just imagine how they would blow this up if it supported their agenda.
The big problem here is that this bias for their own activist agenda is now absolutely normal. They are running amok without any accountability for how they spend OUR money or abuse their position as state broadcaster.
Perhaps Bo Jo and his Tories may act this time?
“Covid-19: Netherlands suspend use of AstraZeneca vaccine”
What is the true reason for their action?
The Netherlands has an increasing infection rate and so far has recorded 16 k deaths with a current rate of 50 people dying each day. The population is less than 20% that of the UK. Currently less than 10% of the population has been vaccinated.
As far as I know there have been a handful of deaths attributed to being injected by the AZ vaccine world wide whilst tens of millions of doses have been given and it is proven that it is highly effective at preventing people from dying with Covid.
So I think it very difficult to believe that stopping using the vaccine in the absence of enough alternate vaccine will result in anything other than a large increase in net deaths.
Of course by rubbishing the AZ vaccine the EU and it’s member states do perhaps imagine that their awful vaccine procurement programme is shown in a less bad light. So following the unhinged behaviour of the EU since January it is possible that they are prepared to risk the deaths of their citizens in order to appear to less politically inept.
Good point. The EU is not likely to forget Brexit, and will use any opportunity to rubbish the UK.
“Sarah Everard: Boris Johnson ‘deeply concerned’ by vigil footage”
What about the lockdown ? There was no good reason for the demonstrators to be out breaking the law.
The vigil was cancelled . There was an ulterior reason to go out provoke the police.
Women protestors complaining about the way they were treated .They wanted equality . They got it .
Two weeks ago I could not go to a funeral of a person I very knew well . How many woke protesters knew the poor lady that was killed?
No there was an ulterior motive behind this, just like BLM and Extinction Rebellion’s actions last year .
Strange (2014) casting in Radio 4 Extra’s Listening To The Dead this morning when the young Ruby with good diction morphs into old Ruby with the poor diction of the narrator, Ami Metcalf.
Probably a requirement of BBC Commissioning but just a distraction to the story arc, young Ruby makes friends with Nish Patel, who just happens to want to become a doctor. Ouch! A bit stereotypical there.
Just had an article from ‘The London Economic’ come up on my phone.
They are fuming about the axing of ‘The Mash Report’ calling it ‘The ultimate in cancel culture’ and ‘A right-wing takeover of the BBC’.
Along with some very offensive comments selected from Twitter (which the BBC are also doing on an increasingly regular basis).
WTF is wrong with these people. None of those statements make any sense. Are they stupid or just plain nasty, vindictive people looking for something to throw spite at ?.
I am continually amazed at how full of hate and hypocrisy the Left are.
Needless to say I selected ‘No more stories from The London Economic’.
As mentioned in the W/E post, John, the awful BBBC ‘journos’ are resorting to twitter more and more these days! It sure beats working for a living!
They spent so long on deriding President Trump for going straight to the people and ignoring the bias of most of the US press, and the BBC of course, and now these tax-paid kids are doing exactly the same!
Luckily, I don’t ever see tweets or whatever they’re called, except here, and I still don’t understand the format – well, I couldn’t give a toss actually!
I’m sorry your week has started so badly; I usually check my bank and get the same result!
But the coal delivery is coming today, with lots of lovely, smoky anthracite and gunk-mixed knobs, so it’s not all bad really, as there was a 20% discount!
I think they’ve cottoned on that they can directly link to anything – no matter how outrageously biased – and claim it has nothing to with them.
Another trick to get around the bias checkers.
Of course if Trump does it, they claim he is personally condoning whatever he linked to.
The only reason I go to the tweets is to click the person they linked to to check their previous tweets. They almost always have a long list of Leftie/Anti-Trump rants.
One degree of separation cover ‘views their own’.
Cute, but getting noticed.
There are only so many Nish’s Timmeh! can let go.
Quite right, Guest!
Limited views seem to be encouraged in W1A, it helps the under-managers to ‘think’ more clearly…
Of course, if anyone dared to be pro-Brexit, or pro-President Trump, the black pencil immediately crossed out the name for a ‘job’ on Newsnight, or any other boring leftie-fest, and the P45 waved in the gas-guzzling air-conditioning.
“The London Economic is a digital newspaper supporting liberal, progressive, pro-European and pro-business viewpoints.
We are the antithesis of the Murdoch media empire,
set up to counter *the spread of far-right rhetoric dominating the mainstream media* “
Set up as a pro Corbyn mouthpiece
7 months ago the venture capital firm, Greencastle Capital Limited, quietly took over The London Economic (TLE) by purchasing a controlling stake
Surely you mean the London E Comic?
Extinction Rebellion 2019
Black Lives Matter 2020
Wimmins rights and vigils 2021.
How hard is it to spot the rise of the professional Outrage industry?
And I wonder how many underemployed people have been involved in all three?
Sluff, and I wonder how many employed by the State have been involved in all three?
Don’t know if this site has been linked previously, apologies if it has…
Check with Marianna; she was very quick to know who and what was and is fake.
And what and who is not.
Marianna is sticking with the sistas.
Blonde, OfColor and Ginger. All we need now is to get that sport gay one whose show bombed, and the media could have The Spice Report up and running.
‘We’ll tell you what to think… tell you what to think…”
Give them credit, they are also sticking with #tellitoftneenough
One might almost want to join Twitter, (more than once?), and feed Ms. Spring with false, false conspiracies…
… maybe lots of people have already done it?
(Question as statement, so don’t blame me, nah, nah, pants on fire!)
Probably the less publicity Ms Stevenson gets the better. She was on GMB today and said her online actress profile was an “old profile from years and years back” and that she was “an ambassador for like women in STEM and women in Physics and things like that.”
I’m not sure whether she has popped up on the bBC again yet.
She’s a mature student. Of physics, since you ask, which I assume you approve of as something useful. Somebody found her ad seeking work as an extra – something a student looking for a way to fund her studies might well do – and read too much into it. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with being an actor. Ask Judi Dench.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
Why do you post here ?
Are you an actor or perhaps a comedian ?
No , you are a troll.
Public square. If you want to restrict access and keep dissenting views out why don’t you make it registered users only?
@PeterGrimes lot of sleuthing in that article but I’d dismiss it
#1 it goes all weird at the end, talking about magic number combinations and freemasons.
#2 Talks about 2 Twitter accounts
Saying the physics student had set a fresh account BEFORE the event
The first existing tweet is from 1:41am on Sunday
that’s AFTER the arrest on Saturday night
saying she’s gone viral so created a new account one tweeted her before that
And I thought it was Richard “you couldn’t make it up!” Littlejohn, feeding the outrage of the lower middle classes all the way from Florida.
Speaking of cute…
BBC Moaning Emole ‘If you listen to one thing today’
The Wayans Brothers and Wakowski Sistas bring you ‘Does The BBC Dream of an Audience of Sheep of Color?’
‘Afrofuturism: black women changing the SciFi scene’
No lesbian lizards in Lagos yet, but who knows when?
Secret inside film at the Amazon head quarters after they made the decision fo ban books critical of Transgender issues
9am R4 Marr is doing identity politics
Of course the show has whites in a minority
1 panellist against 2
– Matthew d’Ancona seems for recognising Identity
plugs his book : Identity, Ignorance, Innovation
– Kenan Malik focuses on ‘white identity’, and the ‘left behind’ in traditional working class
– Minouche Shafik “Director of the LSE” plugs her book : In What We Owe Each Other.
says “we need a new social contract fit for the 21st century”.
Last week she was on BBC Hardtalk
Seems like 3 middle class internationalists sneering at white working class
“They voted against their own economic interest in Brexit”
.. that is a fairly Guardian view
..if we’d stayed in granddad might have died cos he didn’t get a vaccination.
“You know Trump nearly won a second time, these popularists get elected, but they can’t run anything”
.. Seems the prog probably has very few listeners
there is no Twitter discussion.
Shafik kept making hard claims that were flaky
‘BAME get more Covid, but it’s nothing to do with their genes”
‘In Anglo countries it takes 7 generations to move from working class to rich, in Denmark it takes 2″
Malik was perhaps more sympathetic
but none of the panelists were white working class
D’Ancona’s father came over from Malta to finish school in Newcastle, though the grandmother was Scottish.
I didn’t any mention of trades unions or Labour Party
Surely the Labour Party used to be an identitarian party
being comprised almot entirely of British born working class ?
On a morning when the BBC pointlessly tells me nothing about something I don’t want to know about anyway: ‘Oscars 2021: Nominations to be announced for Academy Awards‘ – my golden envelope prize for the most apt feature headline I’ve seen in months goes to the Telegraph: ‘A year of Lockdown. What it’s done to your brain‘
Quentin Letts in the Times speaks for me when he says: ‘Stop bossing me! The folly of modern rules‘
The Times also has: ‘Defiant Met cheif fights for job after vigil chaos‘ – I hold no candle for the militant feminists, nor do I cuddle a teddy bear, deposit any floral tribute, or sing Cumbyah or John Lennon’s Imagine for them. But if this nonsense brings the demise of Cressida Dick, then all’s well and good. Afterall, Al Capone was eventually brought down for tax evasion rather than his murderous ways.
You can sense which way the wind is blowing. The very government-compliant freebie Metro goes with: ‘Shaming of the Met‘ – one assumes Dick will have to take both knees and twerk her Caribbean Pride carnival arse for all she’s worth to survive this one.
But before we raise a glass in a modest celebratory libation – I think a bottle of some Brazilian beverage might be appropriate – we had better read this morning’s Daily Star: ‘Cough up before you sup up‘ – really, how so? ‘Brits gagging for a pint once pubs reopen may have to pay up front to stop hoarders who book tables and fail to show up‘ – yep, cue the new British tradition of booking a table at the boozer as though the local rubadub had suddenly become some fancy Michelin star restuarant. Thanks, but no thanks, mine host.
On the subject of the New Normal… the seeds of doubt are being sown, even as we speak of the lure of the public house: ‘Covid “will return”‘ – insists the Times: ‘The Office for National Statistics has warned of a further wave of Covid-19 infections in autumn despite strong early evidence of vaccine protection‘ – you might have though the media would have been wary of the word “despite”, what with Brexit and all that, but, despite Brexit, they still happily use it.
The ‘i‘ newspaper goes with: ‘The quest to understand long covid‘ – I’m willing to wager cases of long covid will rise in direct proportion to the quantity of publicity our media give to it. Put that equation in your computer modelling.
‘Lockdown delay was lethal mistake, PM’s allies admit‘ (Telegraph) – I’m sorry, but seems to me there’s hardly a glimmer of light at the end of the over-long Boris tunnel to nowhere – the government is doubling down on lockdowns.
The Express just looks silly with their bullish Boris optimism: ‘“British spirit” beating covid‘ – the small matter of statistics won’t win the day: ‘As virus deaths plunge to 52, PM says keep pulling together..‘ – I think what he meant to say was keep APART from one another. But he seems to have learnt another classical language to add to his Latin and Greek – 1984 Doublethink.
Meanwhile: ‘Ireland suspends jabs after side-effect fears‘ (Telegraph) – Uh-oh…don’t say you weren’t warned…
So to lighten the mood, here’s an ironical little sub featurette I’m considering running as a regular item – “I Never Thought I’d See The Day”
Cue: Shamima Begum frontpage pin up in the Telegraph, sporting a casual street-fashion look in zippered hoodie, shades, Victoria Beckham c2010 shoulder-length loose hair and not a burqa nor niqab in sight: ‘Jihadi bride Begum looks to the west‘
‘Her new look is said to be an attempt to convince her captors she has renounced IS‘
Britain has changed a bit since you’ve been away, luv. It’s not quite the freedom loving society you originally renounced.
I think there is a strand in Islam which allows its terrorist to pretend to adopt ‘western ways ‘ such as drinking booze as well as maintaining other customs like raping underage non Muslim girls – perhaps someone had suggested to this terrorist to follow the ‘kaffir ‘ practices and ‘go casual’.
I ll bet money there will be a nice newsnight interview about how much she is missing the little British things …. such a pity she didn’t go the way of her 2 friends who joined the Islamic terrorist movement with her – death .
I think you refer to: ‘Taqiyah’
“the practice of denying one’s religion, permissible when one is faced with persecution, especially by Sunnites: regarded as a means of protecting the religion.”
Yes – thanks – that’s the chappy – I think someone from the ‘legal team ‘ has taken some friendly M&S stuff out to make the monster look for ‘human’ – and keep her in the media eye ..
… elsewhere the BBC is continuing to rerun footage from Saturday night of Clapham Common – it doesn’t say how many fines were issued fir breaching covid regulations though …. I’m guessing it wasn’t hundreds …
I believe it has a broader significance G, in that the term refers to the ability to lie and deceive, principally in order to confuse the kuffar, and be seen as a laudable skill in the eyes of their god.
And, to be fair, they have got extremely good at it. Practice makes perfect, you might say.
Apparently there are four types of confusing or dissimulating – one of them is Taqiiya. Another is Kitman.
Great stuff, AISI. Had me chuckling! 🙂
The BBC goes ‘big’ on music awards …. but doesn’t ask whether their time is ‘done ‘? What are the sales now compared to the time of record sales ? Even comparison with ‘downloads ‘?
I d suggest it’s just another opportunity to push the agenda and play a snippet of crap at the end of the R4 news …
“Britain has changed a bit since you’ve been away, luv. It’s not quite the freedom loving society you originally renounced.”
Yes, the niqab is de rigueur now!
Begum could go to Scotland. Her kind are passing draconian laws that she might approve .
Yesterday the ‘wild woman ‘ popped up . I’ve indulged her – as moderator – and not called her a troll. But I drafted a nicely thought through comment about white and coloured face numbers on the BBC – I challenged her – that the TV should reflect the – maybe 85 % to 90% population which is white .
I never got a reply – although she continued commenting . She also threw in a casual insult addressed to all commenters on this site .
Therefore I designate her as a troll – I ask that any comment she makes be ignored – with a view to her removal from the site .
Like other trolls – they only argue with comments and never – never – defend their BBC . This might be because the BBC cannot be defended .
Fed, will ignore as requested. Another ‘signifier of trolls’ is they don’t seem to come up with any examples of BBC bias.
Funny, that.
Thanks – it’s only a suggestion – I think some people enjoy trying to ‘engage ‘ – but if you ask a troll ‘why post here ?’ You won’t get a sensible reply – or more often any reply at all – and never ever any direct reference to their beloved BBC .
At best it might give these trolls an indication that there are plenty of people who do not see the country the way they do and are willing to resist their sneering .
Fed, I called the disgusting creature out as an underground dweller after it made comments about the war dead and the desecration of the cenotaph flag back during the mostly peaceful BLM riots.
Filth that really should be banned, but hey ho, the brave war dead gave their lives to allow that POS free speech.
Mea culpa. I suppose it says something for non-trolls that they can’t quite bring themselves to believe that some people have no spark of decency in them.
Some trolls must be very sad individuals.
Currently there is one over at The Conservative Woman who seems to try to be the first to respond to any article. The default position is to mock the author of the article, not so often to address the subject.
As other people start to comment the troll re-appears to take a swipe at them, again as people, not so much for what they write.
If we met these people ‘in real life’ they wouldn’t dare intrude in the conversation, if they did people would just turn away.
And if they persisted some would take them outside and thump them!
Perhaps sites as this perform a social service, keeping violence off the streets?
I just wish they’d defend – with evidence – the view that the BBC is not biased ….
But then they know what the BBC has become – an outlet for their own social / political believes – done under a compulsory taxation with criminal sanction for non payment .
Her presence was definitely confrontational and arrogant.
Will heed your advice.
Deleted trolling
bBC “reports..
Covid-19 pandemic: Trump urged to encourage supporters to get jabs
Then goes on to say “Mr Trump last month said “everybody, go get your shot” at a conservative forum.” – maybe he need to repeat it
Who can argue with those who say women ought to be able to feel safe? But wishing everybody was nicer or advocating re-education for men won’t work. Human nature is what it is. Deterrence is the important thing and only the law, if it is a strong law, can deter criminals. And if you want a safe society, you can’t afford to be squeamish about harsh punishments.
We can reduce the fear that women have about walking alone by increasing the fear that potential rapists and murderers have for the penalties with which the law will punish their crimes.
It would help if HM Opposition hadn’t been so concerned about cultivating the ethnic vote for the past 20 years that their councillors and police commissioners who were meant to supervise the police ignored completely the crimes against young, female CHILDREN!
The hypocrisy of the Leftoids knows no bounds whatsoever. Remember it took an investigation by the hated Murdoch Times to bring it to the fore. Al Beeb, the Grauniad and Leftoid fellow travellers ignored the problem for years.
It is wishful thinking to believe that harsher punishments will reduce crime.
Some people think through the consequences of their actions and some don’t. We can do an experiment with children, “Here is a sweet, you can eat it now but if you don’t I will give you another in an hour’s time”. Some will eat the sweet immediately, some will wait. No doubt one lot will be in debt all through their life while the other will eventually own their own house.
If everyone behaved better then as ‘normal’ behaviour shifts so, hopefully, will the extremes. What makes a man violent? Is it their female mother, female teachers or feminised society? Where are the good male examples? The absent father? The non-existent male teachers?
In recent times a new label has emerged, the ‘incel’, the involuntary celibates. A minority, a victim group, but a group to be mocked! What an excellent way to encourage hostility to women! Couple that with the ‘me too’ movement where women can behave as provocatively as they want but woe betide anyone that they don’t fancy responding in any way!
It doesn’t help either when we deliberately mix cultures. If Pakistani-heritage girls are locked up and chaste but their young men are let loose amongst European girls some of whom want to flaunt it all.
We don’t discourage car theft by encouraging leaving the keys in the ignition.
The idea of deterrence is based on observing human behaviour and has nothing to do with “wishful thinking”.
If you raise the cost of doing something, fewer people will do it.
You miss my point.
The child that eats the sweet hasn’t thought about the consequences of their action, namely that they have lost a sweet that they could have gained. They possibly have a ‘live the moment mentality’ which has a certain logic, ‘give me a sweet and I eat it and I have had a sweet, wait and you or someone else might take it away’.
The solicitor, doctor or teacher might thump his wife if all he gets is a fine but the realisation that a prison term will end his career could well deter. But these are people who have chosen student ‘poverty’ over a wage at 14 because they can plan ahead.
The thug with a reputation to be ‘hard’ will thump his woman because he needs to be seen as ‘hard’ in the moment, it just isn’t in their way of thinking to say, “Oh dear, in a week’s time I might be picked up by the police and by the end of the month the beak will have sent me down, best not hit her”.
It’s not the behavior of the good that we need to study but the behaviour of the bad. A ‘hard’ man might see smashing rocks as confirming his ‘hardness, being made to pick up litter not so much.
being made to pick up litter not so much.
Specially wearing pink shorts while kids went by in school busses. It was a technique applied by some sheriff in America, and was quite effective, not just on the perps but kids contemplating career options.
You say that I miss your point. Well, I was responding only to your remark that “It is wishful thinking to believe that harsher punishments will reduce crime.” I will look at the rest of your argument then.
You seem to contradict your own position later on when you state that wife-beating solicitors, doctors and teachers may modify their behaviour depending on the severity of the punishments for the crime. So do you now agree that harsh punishments reduce crime?
I agree that a thug is unlikely to consciously articulate his calculation of the risks involved in thumping his woman. Especially in the humorous way you put it. But an awareness of the possible cost would be there if the penalty was severe enough.
For most thugs and criminals, there is always some kind of a cost-benefit analysis going on. Look at how they actually commit crime. They go for easy targets rather than hard. They pick on the vulnerable rather than the strong. They abduct lone women. In America, burglary is rare compared with Britain. Why? Most Americans have guns in their houses. Most Brits don’t.
You imply that there are many criminals whose impulsiveness and lack of intelligence result in their not considering the consequences of their actions at all and that therefore my harsh punishments would have no effect. I think this is a tiny number of the criminal fraternity. They would probably be quickly caught and not have much of a criminal career. They would be considered mental defectives rather than criminals. I agree with you though that this group would certainly be undeterrable and would not be put off by the harsh penalties of the Zelazek criminal justice system.
No, simply put the good guys aren’t criminals so they don’t need to be deterred.
The bad guys are bad guys because they aren’t deterred.
Toughening the punishment has got to do more to making the legislators feel good – they have ‘done something’. Quite often they rush to legislate against something that is already illegal – if the previous legislation didn’t deter why should the new? Who keeps up to date with the law anyway? MPs certainly don’t.
Do you know the law regarding Covid? I don’t. I tried to find out the law, (not the BBC bullet points), and failed, yet I regard myself a competent researcher of many subjects, so I never bothered again. Boris and his mates can issue as many SIs as they like, I’m not listening. Joe Thug never bothered with any law anyway and why should he?
Ten commandments is probably five too many. In the parliamentary session, 2017-2019, 67 bills received Royal Assent, on average 3,500 SIs are put through each year. And Joe Thug reads everyone?
I don’t thump people because I know it is wrong. I have no idea whatsoever which law I would be breaking if I had a change of heart and no idea what degree of thumping would get me a community service order or life imprisonment.
It isn’t the criminal law, that I don’t know, that stops me thumping, its probably something ingrained now, no doubt helped by a memory of mutual thumping as a boy.
“It is wishful thinking to believe that harsher punishments will reduce crime.”
The common feature of ‘Victimhood’ is that retribution for their detractors elevates them above all others. It must be seen and done. It’s now prolific and gaining impetus in so many ways. Take black “victims”. With poor academic results they are being promoted for entry to Oxbridge. Following the US – and supported by white students who do not possess the brain to understand that any later competition for a, ‘real job’ is going to get tougher when employers put that bias into their selection.
Peter – it’s a bit of an indicator about how the Clapham nonsense will go this week –
a lot of grandstanding in Parliament with certain MPs trying to be more anti male than the next –
Calls for the commissioner to resign – she won’t – contract to run until April 2022- then replaced by a coloured clone
Another incident where a woman is killed or seriously injured by a male – more noise and protest ….
Maybe more candles flowers or clapping ….
what will football do having taken a knee for months on end on behalf of a drugged up thug allegedly killed by a police officer 4000 miles away
How will they now top that for an innocent lady murdered allegedly by a police man their own backyard
will wimmims football at least take a stand.
Footballers will stand on one leg in solidarity with Meghan Markle and the unbalanced reactions to her genuine and honestly described experiences of her treatment by the Royal Family.
Donations may be sent to M&H@MillionairesParadise-Beverly
‘…with certain MPs trying to be more anti male than the next …’
Of the likes of Layla Morass, Eagle x 2, Joanna DinnaTake Ma Cherry oh and lots more, do you mean? The likes of Bryant , Fabricant and many more are surely pro male.
BBC is never one to miss a good protest… anywhere.
A Hindu-Muslim couple, who dated secretly for 13 years, are now facing a fresh obstacle: the government.
India’s interfaith couples on edge after new law
By Chinki Sinha
Ms. Sinha seems on edge too, for reasons that are unclear.
Enviable access to A3 printers and English fonts too for the ladies of faith.
It’s a touch ironic that they are being represented by someone called “Chinki”
Up2 – replied to your earlier post. Thanks for the mention!
Thank you for mentioning that . It is a great shame and the loss or any Ally against the evil of the BBC is sad . But the job goes on – with thanks to Sue and Craig . ( email on the way )
Welsh FM Mark Drakeford – ‘Sarah Everard was walking home. Her murder – and the stories from other women this week about their experiences – tell us why we have so much more to do to end violence and abuse against women. As candles are lit tonight, let us ignite a fire for change.’
His son was convicted for ‘sustained rape’.
Maybe better shut up.
I think it’s highly unlikely that ‘Dick of the Yard’ will resign.
The likes of her cling on no matter what.
Mind you, what person goes to a vigil for a murdered woman with a large ACAB placard. (All Coppers Are Bastards) as seen on tv.
It’s handy these wimmin mostly seem to have nose rings. Something the coppers can get hold of to lead them away like cattle.
In the pc virtue signalling woke times we live in I find one inconsistency that is strange. (Much more than one really but to carry on)
That is the swearing that goes on during the tv shows.
Just about all the ‘comedies’ and things like stand up shows we get loads of these ‘comedians’ effing and blinding all the way through their act or show.
Children effing away in front of their parents in comedies such as Cuckoo.
For a bunch of people who are so easily upset at just about everything I cannot understand how all this swearing is deemed ok.
I wouldn’t have dared to swear in front of my parents and they didn’t swear either. They would say swearing shows a lack of being able to state your views intelligently or something along those lines.
Occasionally it might work such as in The life of Brian where he tells the multitude of followers to eff off but generally it’s like spitting and shouldn’t really happen.
How things have changed.
I remember in my schooldays in the 60’s passing around a book (The Ginger Man) which had this line in it; There is a town in Algeria called Tit.
We thought this was very naughty.
I always recall the secret thrill of reading that line in Isiah:
‘Go see the men that sit upon the wall, that eat their own dung and drink their own piss….’
Mind you, that was in the days long before low carb diets were fashionable.
EG ….. parenting in general has gone down the toilet in the past 2 generations. Most of me and my contemporaries were brought up in loving homes but boundaries were drawn. Bad manners and answering back were not tolerated – now its a surprise to hear a child/teenager say please or thank you, and Mum was certainly not my big sister or friend !!!
Yes, fashion, the 60’s and social change has played a part in this breakdown. Our parents were from the war years, and we were raised during a fashion and pop explosion that had never been seen before. Gradually the lines have become blurred between parent /child, where music tastes and fashion are almost the same. Parents don’t instil ‘respect’, the tone of voice when disciplining is weak and more along the lines of “oh please don’t do that Thomas it isn’t nice”, (I’ve heard this so often), so as the child grows they feel they can get away with anything without being severely reprimanded.
We all know that if we approach even a couple of youths badly misbehaving in the street, we will get a mouthful of abuse for our trouble. My brothers at a similar age (and despite being absolute sods) wouldn’t have dreamt using expletives to complete strangers, or family, because they knew what the repercussions from an angry father would be.
Always be positive! Never, “Stop that at once!” but, “Honey, why don’t we….?”
Jeremy Swine just ‘interviewing’ two droids who were involved in the first Red Nose Day. Propaganda about food banks and the poor, blah blah, blah. No mentioned of payment of license fee by those that can’t really afford it…. haha.
Coming up, a discussion on why many EU countries are banning the AstraZennica jab…. why Jeremy, why? Are you going to debate the science or just use it as an excuse to bemoan Brexit or fuel the lockdown Covid project fear ‘debate’….?
Clapham : BBC used quote as a headline : ‘unsafe’ Vigil
libmob angry ..BBC removed it
Of course the Independent the online only newspaper is as bad as the Guardian
Today they have an article by mad pro-cyclist campaigner Donnachadh McCarthy
“We must protect our right to peaceful direct-action protests
The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is being debated by MPs today and tomorrow – reading it chilled me to the bone”
FFS protest and “direct action” re two different things, it often affects businesses earning and wages so is an act of war.
Police spoke of agitators who were out to hijack “a vigil” as part of a general “protest”
Patsy Stevenson the arrested woman does sound like a serial protester
Seems to me that at 2m10s a perhaps heavy handed reply has been edited out
Foxhole’s story
BBC are looking for back up.
Now, is Timmendra sounds like a safe pair of lips to ‘quote’.
They dare to talk of “right to protest”
without acknowledging that the UK has double standard justice
Guardianland metroliberals RED/GREEN-skins get away with everything
Clapham woman arrested & instantly released
Yet when the opposite side the PURPLE-skins do same style protest
thugpolice beat them
draconian bail, banned from London etc.
thrown in jail
media just sneer
I felt sorry for a BBC reporter called ‘Theo legatt” – Theo had been given the gig of reporting the new government plan for more buses.
On the face of it – good news – but Theo lacked the enthusiasm which you can spot when the BBC likes or approves of something .
His report was straight down the line – with plenty of ‘needs more ‘ or ‘ a sticking plaster ‘ policy …. from selected talking heads.
I guess a lot of BBC employees don’t have much contact with public transport – when there are taxis to get – same swamp as MPs ….
And – of course – they are based in londonistan – which doesn’t have the ‘backwater ‘ image they have for the rest of the UK ….
Fed, that’s because Theo knows that all the money would go on bus lanes. That will remove road space from the road economy, creating jams for the Beeboids to sit for hours in whenever they have to visit Blackburn, Bradford, Bingley or Bury.
This point of sale item has a very poor grasp of irony.
Or public patience elasticity.
Ah you mean that a certain portion of gypsies
will “take away” the possessions of others at the drop of a hat.
News headline: ‘Palace defence of Meghan would go a long way…..’ says expert.
Well it’s a theory. Maybe I’ll just open up and see who the expert is and what they have to say…..
Expert comment from Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu.
Oh, I see, it’s a joke. Not a very good one though.
I understand that the police did disperse this illegal performance of the Hokey Cokey.
Flippin’ heck, what’s it coming to “Dispersed for doing the Hokey Cokey” – what’s it all about. Oh, I see, ‘that’s what it’s all about’.
The right arm of the law in, the right arm of the law out, in, out, in , out, shake it all about……….
Cops never put a foot wrong
R4 Drama is bout a BBC World Service working undercover helped to start and continue the Burmese revolution in 1988
… Not a surprise that Boris won’t abolish the BBC
that the BBC guy goes back for the reunion
he mentions “his husband”
The Burmese revolution leader is horrified at this.
BBC guy “We Brits carry guilt wherever we go
..or so we we should
we made nations .. ”
The BBC had got out in 1988 and got glory
The revolution leader had been in jail for 8 years
and then for another 8 ..and feels very aggrieved the BBC guy had done nothing to help
He wonders if the BBC guy betrayed him to the regime somehow.
The Clapham hijack : Emma Webb writes
Jenni Murray controversy
Perhaps the over promoted scartty xxxx should watch a few documentaries about the origins of the nazis and the origins of the British Empire – as well as – in my opinion – the rise of the communist empire …
… but I guess ms Murray would prefer to just out woke her friends to top up her BBC pension ….
3pm news the BBC is still flogging its Clapham protest story
.. now their excuse is a Lord Sumption clip.
+ They are very excited that 2 female directors have been nominated for Oscars
“for first time ever”
radio five had the clapham commotion for its morning phone in where randoms get to voice there feels
just randomly the XR publicity manager, randomly managed to get thru
You may wonder where all the UK’s ‘loony’ lefties get all their pocket money from? There is no shortage of top-up ‘funding’ for ‘non-stop’ lefty campaigns on the BBC media TV and Radio. Last week week, Nigel Farage made it his mission to fight the ‘War on Woke’ (as has Laurence Fox), to give up Reclaim party to fighting the BBC inspired wokists. Nigel refused to name (on air) who he thought is responsible, stating that he has enough publicity already in the wider media. He did disclose that this individual has spent over £30 Billion on funding world wide NGOs (Non Government Organisations) around the world for the kind of politics the BBC regularly updates in interviews for its ‘guests’ (many of which you will have never heard of). They are often funded by the international billionaire SOROS through his active campaign group: Open Society. Giving Free money for political activists to go up in the public media (such as BBC R4) and claim ‘Human Rights’ claims and ‘radical’ solutions for ‘race’, ‘sex’ and ‘national identity’.
But its funded by Sorus, who is a world Globalist billionaire, he has an UN agenda on his side.
And he avoids publicity himself.
The EU project is a case in point. Corruption gets ignored…
A year ago, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) published the report “NGOs and the Judges of the ECHR”, revealing a serious problem of conflicts of interest within the ECHR. Some judges rule on cases in which one of the parties is an NGO of which they were once close collaborators or even founders.
—’Few political leaders dared to denounce the hold of a few foundations, in particular George Soros’ Open Society, on international bodies’.–
One year on. What has changed? Crisis, what Crisis?, ‘Open Society’, get you ‘employment ‘to the BBC through side channels linked (indirectly to Sorus) through his foundation. And there are hundreds behind the scene ’slush funding’ to undermine democracy in the EU and UK via the BBC itself.
….. this report showed that at least 22 of the 100 permanent judges of the European Court of Human Rights who sat between 2009 and 2019 are former founders, collaborators, or leaders of seven NGOs active before the Court as applicants, representatives or third-party interveners. 12 of these judges are closely linked to George Soros’s Open Society, six of them being even former national and international leaders from it.[1] The Open Society also funds the other 6 organizations identified in this report.
Evidence is buried here. Not that we will be advised on who earns what from Sorus at the BBC. We will never know who takes the money. But we know the connection is there. Follow the political activists and they are funded by Sorus.–etat-des-lieux?lng=en
I have no doubt that “Open Society” has a strong foothold amongst the staff at the BBC and probably the rest of the left-wing media. In times gone by they would be classed as traitors in that they are actively working for the overthrow of democracy in the UK.
This is being carefully orchestrated by Open Society installing their people into all the Global Institutions in the West including the UN, the WHO the ECHR, the Global Aid Agencies and quangos and probably the EU in Brussels as well.
No wonder they are somewhat irritated to see the UK leave this racket and hence the growing trend of finding ways to drag the UK into legal action including trade, borders and internet activity.
Working in the web business I have become aware of a raft of new EU regulations which are intended to penalise UK online business by imposing draconian Privacy legislation drawn up in Germany on this nation.
I suspect we will see this ramp up as time goes by and it is likely that the latest Astra Zeneca scare is just part of this tactic.
They will cannot allow the UK to prosper if they can possibly stop it as it weakens their purpose and aims which are World domination by committee commissars.
I would put money on the chances that the BBC are at this moment scurrying round to try to find a UK case of blood clotting in someone who has had the vaccine and they probably have plenty of Open Society leaning Medic types on speed dial to help them “look”.
More ReichEU statelets hiding behind ‘incidents ‘ involving the Oxford AZ vaccine and banning it – to cover their shortcomings . Their populations will suffer but on the upside perhaps we will have an additional supply to beat our targets and deliver secondary doses …..
Interesting moral dilemma for the BBC.
Do they support supplying vaccine to the EU in order to fulfil some outstanding orders? Even though many EU countries have decided to spite the UK by inventing reasons not to use the AZ vaccine?
Or do they support re-directing vaccine supply elsewhere to countries prepared to use it immediately, thus saving more lives in the process.
Global lives versus EU office livelihoods. Tough choice.
Expect this moral dilemma to be given top billing by the BS on Newsnight.
I suppose that the awful BBBC ‘world service’ would have something tucked away on their site, under ‘lost dog’…
British TV tax-payers fund all the squawking they seem to do in all sorts of countries, even in Yurrup, so if they had some sort of autocue-reader to send there, maybe you’d get an answer, but it seems they only send such kids and their ‘teams’ to faraway places, and rely on French or Dutch tweets to build their ‘news’ around here.
“Brexit: EU to begin legal action over alleged NI Protocol breach”
Who’s side is Al Beeb on ?
Show your opinion by voting to pay the Telly Tax or not to pay the Telly Tax.