Gosh! I don’t particularly like what’s going on in Myanmar but this really is heartening news as I despise the machinations of OSF and Soros.
Maybe the first domino toppling?
It makes me shudder the think that if this is the OSF entanglement in a small nation like Myanmar what the hell have they got and what are they up to Globally?
Mayanmar might just be showing the World the way to go?
“Covid in Wales: Bonus payment for NHS and care staff”
Is the Welsh Assembly trying to buy votes ?
There is a growing feeling in Wales to get rid of the Assembly of overpaid bureaucrats.
Not a lot of people know this, But the BBC Charter required UK Newspapers to feature the BBC above all (as in first) in TV listings and radio magazines and papers. Its a hidden old media clause to plug the BBC output in all publications, (above ITV listings).
I read today in the telegraph that the BBC are at it again to try to ‘reinforce’ that message by creating that same requirement on your TV. They want a total monopoly to feature (for free) on every digital platform that you may look at.
Makers of smart TVs could face a fine of up to £250,000 for failing to give BBC iPlayer due prominence on their home screens, according to proposals put forward by the corporation.
It’s this same “normality” that explains much about the general craziness surrounding us from the younger generation. I would care to guess that drug use is de-rigour at the BBC now.
So the EU is threatening to ban exports of vaccines it has now banned to non EU countries – presumably it will just throw the Oxford vaccine away ….
Makes you wonder how much deeper the hole the ReichEU is digging for itself is going to get …
11am TalkRadio : Neil Oliver was on fire at 11am against the SNP
“The David Davis, parliament question is the story of the century
as it reveals that Team Sturgeon knew things in February 2020
even tho in the inquiry they testified they didn’t know until April”
Some say the Muslim Council are impressed by the revelations on child sex abuse in the football world, with the FA accused of turning a blind eye to dozens, if not scores of youth coaches taking advantage of many hundreds of their young charges.
Not to be outdone, sources say the government will be approached by the Council to look into many hundreds of cases involving several thousand under-age children abused by their members over several decades.
The investigation will most probably be outsourced to muslim city and town council officers, together with all relevant social service and police forces, in order to ensure a fair and balanced outcome.
I am not a Tory voter but most of my mates have been since Corbyn took the lead role in Labour. But the main thing they griped about was illegal immigration and the biased Al Beeb. Funny thing that, as these are two things the Tory Party have not done nowt about?
It’s time for the so called Party of the Working Class (What a joke) to pull it’s brain out of it’s arsehole and start listening to the voices of the indigenous working folk of Great Britain who know what they want and mean what they say and they are not morons . The Blair regime has a lot to answer for in this respect and I hope to live long enough to hear them at least apologise for their part in the damage which has been wreaked on our culture ever since but I will probably need to live forever to see that day dawn. I was surprised that the likes of John Prescott, who I had hoped would be voted in as leader appeared to go along with this shit. To me the only hero to come out of that lot was Robin Cook who had the courage to resign on a point of principle.
By the way Taff I am an erstwhile extreme? left wing Labour supporter so in a strange sort of way I should be grateful to comrade Blair for opening my eyes to the hypocrisy of Socialism.
Thanks Tone.
Here endeth the rant!
Oh my god taffman you dared to use the word B@sta**! Surely that word, like the Ni77er word, is now considered hate speech and is a slur against those born out of wedlock, or as
I usually term it “born on the wrong side of the sheet.”
The Wokerati will surely see to it that you pay very dearly for your transgression.
Personally my hide is at least 6 inches thick and anyone can call me whatever they like – as long as it’s not on the phone at 3am at which hour I can be a little bit tetchy.
I can remember, many years ago, one of my 4 boys telling his mate about me “It’s impossible to offend the old cunt. No matter what you call him he will just laugh and agree with you.” Surely this must be a sign of my insanity ? However, the men in white coats haven’t come for me yet and they haven’t got too many years/months/weeks/days? left to do it.
God bless all the vanilla boys and girls. May they go forth and multiply.
“European Commission could restrict vaccine exports” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-56426446
Is this a super EU ‘own goal’? It could be ‘back of the net!’ in fact .
I genuinely feel sorry for the people living under the EU’s dictatorship. I repeat my statement on the previous page ………..”Thank God , Nigel Farage got us out of that dictatorship. That man deserves. a knighthood.”
Alex Belfield’s new video about the Clapham agitator
“Twirly Patsy Stevenson”
NEW VIDEO Twirly Patsy Stevenson:
The actress playing the part of outraged activist on Sat (who has done non-stop PR since) wants murderers arrested before they’ve murdered & wants the MET to be psychic ????♂️
Been a while since I posted, hope everyone’s keeping well and avoiding the gaslighting. Here’s the latest from AWK proving the use of CGI in the fake Biden presidency. This follows an interview with ‘Fauci’ where his neck was peeling off his body showing it was clearly a mask. What does it mean? I don’t know, other than the BBC is evil.
Christ, Ambitious Holden and Unfunny Carr, only Davina McCall is missing. What IS it with programme planners. We are force fed the same show offs and talentless idiots on every show on a daily basis. I only got Netflix installed before Christmas, and its been my saviour.
Davina is practically cancelled now cos she dared to put out a tweet that didn’t heap hate onto men.
The sisterhood threw thousands of hatey tweets at her
Female abduction / murder is extremely rare. Yes we should all be vigilant when out alone. But this level of fear-mongering isn’t healthy. And men’s mental health is an issue as well. Calling all men out as dangerous is bad for our sons, brothers, partners.
BBC News tonight. Slowing down with the vaccine. Meanwhile Von der laydown, the leader of the Frogs, Dagos, Wops and Krauts threatens to withhold our supplies.
NHS source on Matt Hancock’s description of the letter as “routine”: “Routine – as in the latest in a series of updates from the centre, yes- not routine = news of a shortage of supply.”
Clever use by the BBC of EU “exports” rather than the UK “imports” which is actually the case, the BBC always slant the headline so it sounds like the EU is the good guy….
…..except, of course, the EU did not export any vaccine doses to the UK. Individual private companies, based within EU countries, with whom other countries have binding contracts, fulfilled their contractual obligations, and supplied the materials according to their commitments.
This is, of course, directly the opposite of what the EU has done. It prevaricated all over the place to try to get ‘better deals’ from vaccine suppliers, to the extent that the delays in agreeing contracts meant that they (specifically with AstraZeneca) were not binding in terms of deliveries, but were ‘best endeavours’ contracts – i.e. there were no guarantess whatsoever as to specific delivery dates.
Clearly the EU really screwed up big time, and it’s representatives (many of whom have been invited onto BBC programmes I have seen or listened to) are now outright lying when ithey say that suppliers have not met their contractual obligations, and associating the source country of supply (the UK, in AstraZeneca’s case) as being responsible for the actions of the suppliers. In the above article, it is trying to portray itself as an internationally benevolent entity, whilst trying to castigate others for trumped-up misbehaviours.
It’s about time the EUBBC started mentioning this every time a spurious claim appears from the EU – which is about daily at the moment – and called them liars to their faces.
An excellent 24 hours of negative news from the BBC – yesterday happily rebroadcasting anti Oxford AZ propaganda from the Reich EU – today gleefully reporting a leaked NHS letter saying there might be shortages in April .
The BBC has had years of unchallenged anti British propaganda and so it is well in the habit .
Yet yesterday over 500 000 – that’s half a million jabs were done – BBC not too loud in reporting good news like that . They must have put up a big bounty to find someone dying after getting the vax .
I know this sounds brutal because it is .
Also the BBC news skates over the implications of what the Helga in charge of the EU has threatened – and gives the impression that the EU is producing vaccines -not private companies …….
next item “Here’s a woman who runs a foodbank for immigrants
her T-shirt says Solidarity Britannia…
… it’s one of the objects chosen to be in the Museum of 2020”
Nitya Rajan ITV news
FFS what a contrived item
These people don’t watch their own progs
I repeat : Mr @BorisJohnson when are you going to deliver what you promised and grant amnesty to the 1.3 million undocumented migrants in the UK suffer in silence? pic.twitter.com/beJAIVejjF
— Solidarity Britannia (@wfl5uLdc2533YwG) March 16, 2021
BBC1 6pm news led on the number of vaccines being reduced in April. It was all very garbled. Somewhere amongst what we were being told was this was one of the regular letters going out to GPs telling them to concentrate on the over 50s. But is the reduced supply due to the EU and Ursula’s latest threat? The question wasn’t even asked.
There was then an item about Spain’s empty beaches and when countries might allow people to travel there. What of course they should be asking is when will it be safe for U.K. citizens to travel and not either catch covid there or bring back a nasty variant. But it was all about Spain needing U.K. money.
I have trouble uploading images as I don’t know what an URL is. Anyway, I’m sure you’ve all seen the glamour picture now bandied about of Shemima Begum, swishy hair and sunglasses. My question would be, “how did she get hold of the sunnies, and hair colourant with an immaculate blow-dry in a refugee camp ?”
a URL is just address of an internet file
.. for the webpage that’s at the top of the screen in the address bar
For an image file .. right or long finger press
A URL, Uniform Resource Locator, is what appears in the address bar at the top of your browser, e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk,
If you ‘right mouse’ button over the image you might be able to ‘Copy link location’ which can then be pasted into the box offered to you when you click on the ‘clicking here’ dialogue link below the biased bbc comment box. If you are really bold you can type put img between square brackets followed by /img inbetween square brackets, then paste your copied URL between the inner pair of square brackets, e.g. [ img ] URL [ / img ] but without the spaces.
Breaking News – To assist in her desperate attempts to be accepted by the British public the BBC has announced that Shamima Begum will be singing Rule Britannia at this years Last night of the Proms. ???? pic.twitter.com/f6v5LeTylW
Our BBC of the People finding it difficult to stifle watermelon grins and wild whoops as a major holdup in vaccine supplies is announced, compromising the hugely successful government inspired and organised vaccination program.
The fact that this is directly caused by the EU, with thousands of Oxford Astra-Zeneca doses going to waste while information and disinformation is published, denied, rewritten and rephrased, is a detail lost to the Admirable, Noble and Unbiased Source (ANUS) that is Our BBC.
I read a comment the other day, ‘my country, right or wrong’, isn’t a jingoistic expression, rather an acceptance that one takes the rough with the smooth, just like one would do with family.
Anyone coming to live here and taking British citizenship becomes ‘one of the family’ and should act accordingly.
One doesn’t come here from, say the USA, marry a Brit then trash his family, because now they are family too!
6pm news on BBC1. Yet again an item about criticising the government; wedding venues which cannot open in April. A man was shown who owned such a business and he had assumed his venue could open and he had taken bookings. If I owned a wedding venue/hair dressers/cafe etc, I would read the guidance before making plans to open.
Being a rebel in the 1970s left wing sense of the word of course, I would have thought “Stuff these Capitalist rules – I am open. And I would have almost certainly got away with it and also had the physical – quite legal at that time – on the streets backup of the Interntional Socialists. Inexplicably to me now, I once subscribed to their magazine “The Socialist Worker” and soaked up every word. Please excuse my naivete.
Today, seeing the Grim Reaper beckoning me from the the top of yonder mountain I soak up nobody’s word about anything – including even my own or yours without prior examination.
Lefty – funny is nt it – I started out ‘right ‘ as a kid and have moved further ‘right ‘ as I’ve seen my taxes spent on things with which I don’t agree …
Ah yes. But what can one expect of a Fascist, Nazi, Racist ,Homomphobic blah-blah- blah blah etc. etc blah blah blah.——–
Any road up I remain your friend and I am tarred with the same brush so – Cheers mate.
Funny how leftists were vehemently in support of #FascistBritain when the vast majority of them lobbied for even more draconian lockdown restrictions having already sat on their arses and done nothing when the government announced protesting was illegal a year ago.
Not the bBBC, but, I was watching the racing from Cheltenham and noticed there wasn’t one Bame trainer or jockey. Not even a Bame presenter now that Rishi does the cricket. Shouldn’t blm be taking this up with whoever is in charge of horse racing in the UK. However there was a ray of hope, in one segment they managed to work in a puff piece about a young black lad who’d been taken on by a yard. Come on, let’s have more bames in racing.
Northern Voter
Blimey mate I thought RACING was the one thing in which the BBC excelled. However perhaps you were, wisely, not tuned in to our National Broadcaster to garner the true picture, but the rest of the MSM are not much better anyway.
could easily make me vomit! ALL London based, woke groups or BAMEs (perhaps the new acronym should be, LBBers, as in “London Based Blacks”?) which I find downright insulting for anyone who is trying to break into this type of industry, but doesn’t have the skin colour or location to their advantage!
It is one reason why I rarely have any interaction with the Beeb anymore – their day will come. OTOH, what is the exact pronunciation? Is it B A M E, or “Bamer”? I’ve always wondered???
I’ve just looked down the list of winners. It doesn’t matter that I haven’t heard of or seen most of them, they’re obviously not targeting white heterosexual males in their late forties in programming now, nor even pretending to. It’s the fact that none of these people or programmes are of any interest at all to any other member of my extended family or my wider social circle, regardless of their age or gender.
Most of the winners named are so niche and so woke and so metrocentric that they are completely unrepresentative of the majority of licence-payers and viewers. How can viewers relate or empathise with the output presented as aspiring here when it is so alien to so many. The winners of these awards and the blatantly agenda-driven effluence that flows from them are of such limited appeal. These awards do nothing but further highlight a growing disconnect.
100%! Could not have said it any better. It also is just SO BBC based. Very little is from ITV, that has to follow the market to some degree.
Stop the Licence Fee IMMEDIATELY, or at least, divvy it up according to the different regions, where there would be some degree of non-woke, London-centric product. Though my gut feeling is that the elites in each region would then follow the same, woke trends.
Last year, I got to co-present an important new children’s tv show called ‘IRL with team Charlene’ where we talked race, racism and Black Lives Matter to inform & explain racism to a younger audience & we only went & won an @RTS_media award! How amazing! ????????☺️ #RTSAwards#RTShttps://t.co/Yf33mKqSwu
The Sports Programme award goes to @SkySports & @SkyCricket’s England v West Indies 1st Test: Black Lives Matter programme, which the judges described as “a remarkable piece of television – editorially superb and technically exceptional” #RTSAwardspic.twitter.com/v2o6h6ODMY
I can’t seem to find any information about who the judging panel is at all.
I think the RTS are desperate to avoid any suggestion of sexism and racism as their ‘Specialist Group Chairs’ are 1 BAME, 3 white women and 8 pale, male and stales. Can’t afford to get the woke twitter mob’s attention about that.
Anyway, as The Guardian informed me, all white anything is racist and all BAME anything is a triumph of multiculturalism.
On the list. The astute observer will realise that once they get what they want, they quickly move on to something else. It will NEVER end until it dawns on people and they stop giving in.
Actually, now I read it back, it’s a bit like my wife ….
I was watching it too – I noticed how they laid on their ‘care for horses ‘ with a trowel – pictures of trainers sitting on dead horses are not going away .
Otherwise the coverage is highly recommended – particularly with your bets are going well ….
The thing is, if the horse is dead then it’s purely the feelings of the person complaining we are talking about. Nothing whatsoever to do with the horse.
As an animal lover, I disliked that picture intensely. But the horse had been well cared for and died of a heart attack. But I am much more upset by anything with animals actually in distress.
This is a perfect example of the difference between Left and Right. The Left are all about their own feelings. And the clever Lefties (aka activists) use that to pull others to their agenda. It’s extremely shallow and selfish if you think about it. I’ve always considered the Right are about real-world common sense and getting things in perspective. The last few years have made the difference much more pronounced.
Racing is a cruel sport, forcibly inbred horses are trained and coaxed to near breaking point (and if you don’t believe they’re dosed with every ‘supplement’ going you’re naive), most that don’t make the grade end up taking an early trip to the knackers yard, and those that do often die very young anyway. Greyhound racing is even crueller in my eyes.
On the other hand, both sports support thriving industries and thousands of people, and we probably wouldn’t have so many pet horses and hounds in this country if it wasn’t for them.
You could also argue that sports relying on human athletes are hardly any kinder, and that overweight women lolloping around on horses and ponies that are way too small for them, causing the poor animals undue suffering, and an early trip to the knackers yard is just as cruel.
I remember when Tescos used to sell horsemeat as steak (thanks to the EU), and I have to say I think I ate some, and it was good, so there are better uses for a dead horse than some fat bloke sitting on it.
Independent “Tommy defends”
they are talking about his bankruptcy court case
“ooh look there are people who say he mis-spent donations”
FFS sometimes whilst filming they slept in cars
never mind the weeks he was illegally jailed.
Ah he’s declared himself bankrupt in anticipation of being stitched up over the coming Syrian school kid libel trial.
A cut and paste from the BBC newspaper . I’ve put in some helpful fact for BBC droids at the end –
The BBC is preparing to relocate many high-profile national journalism roles from London to Leeds, sources at the broadcaster have told the Guardian, as part of a major push by new director general Tim Davie to move jobs outside the capital.
It is thought that Davie will unveil more of his plans in an all-staff meeting on Thursday morning, which is expected to see a large number of people currently based in the capital moved to offices in other parts of the UK.
The BBC declined to comment on the claims but a source at the broadcaster said “we’re committed to serving better those who pay for us”. There is speculation within the organisation that large parts of the corporation’s news output and some of its best-known radio programmes could be moved.
Davie has repeatedly made clear he wants more senior managers based outside London on a full-time basis, a position that aligns with the government’s insistence that it is committed to “levelling-up” the north of England and other parts of the UK.
If the BBC moves journalism jobs to Leeds it would help boost the media scene in West Yorkshire, with Channel 4 committed to a secondary base in Leeds city centre. Any BBC moves are likely to take place from 2022 onwards, with education reporters and staff covering underserved communities as part of the “original journalism unit” among those likely to make the move.
Although BBC staff would probably be offered relocation packages if their jobs move to Leeds, the experience of Channel 4 suggests many are unlikely to leave London, potentially creating job openings in Yorkshire. There is also political pressure to move more roles to Scotland.
Davie will address staff six months after he took the top job at the public broadcaster, facing the twin challenges of a hostile government and a rapid change in media consumption habits. Since taking the position he has introduced a new social media code of conduct designed to reduce news stories about the personal views of the broadcaster’s employees, targeted left-wing comedy shows that have angered the government and started a purge of high-earning managers.
Although Davie’s public commitment to representing the whole of Britain has helped him head off the imminent threat of decriminalisation of nonpayment of the licence fee by the Conservative government, his leadership has also had to deal with growing discontent from some BAME staff.’ENDS
Useful facts for beeboids –
Leeds to Islington is 3 hr 34 min (192.2 mi) via M1.
Leeds to kings cross by rail is about 2 hours 30 min
Main language in Leeds- English
The John Lewis in Leeds is at Victoria Gate
The currency is – the pound
Counselling will be offered for those required to ‘move north ‘…
You can take the Woke Liberal out of the metropolis but you still have a Woke liberal who spouts their Wokism at every opportunity. This is justmore window dressing designed to look like change when in fact everything will remain the same. The only way I could ever be reconciled to the continued existence of the BBC would for it to implement an immediate injection of several thousand non Woke, right of centre folk into its programme making and news rooms. Will the BBC ever agree to promoting diversity of thought? Not a chance . Therefore , my view is that it must ,at the very least, be forced to become a subscription only service.
The BBC simply doesn’t yet realise that millions of folks who are forced to pay for its propaganda actually loath it. The day of reckoning is coming for all Beeboids. No , not from the TINO government but from ordinary folks who have had enough and are judging stopping paying the License Fee. Together we will bring the bastards down.
They could move whatever or whoever they want from the BBC London to Outer Mongolia but the pack still will equal 52. The BBC lies and disinformation knows no geographic boundaries.
Take for example their US team………………… All partially blind and when it comes to reporting, all with mentally controlled speech impediments
Deported man to be removed from country for second time in three years
Mantas Peckys was using a false identity when he was stopped by police last year
Mantas Peckys, 29, was stopped on the M180 on April 22 last year after police spotted him driving a BMW at speeds of 101mph.
Judge David Tremberg told Peckys he will be deported to Lithuania once he has served half of his sentence in custody. https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/news/local-news/deported-man-who-sparked-nine-5130378
I mentioned the drip,drip,drip technique used by the BBC and all good brainwashers and came across the most blatant example I have seen yet:
Sir David Attenborough answers dinosaur query from Otis, 4 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-56429104
Why on Earth does that deserve a slot on the front page I wondered.
Well, it starts by being sickly sweet in a rollercoaster tale of cute little Otis who wants to know what happened to dinosaurs but quickly becomes intertwined with the climate change agenda. Greta’s name gets thrown in as well of course.
Now here’s the biggie : did you know that dinosaurs were killed off by climate change and exactly the same will happen to us if we don’t mend our ways (and give those involved more money).
And there was me thinking a large meteor and a catastrophic event had something to do with it. Yet it wasn’t even mentioned.
And other biggie : to fight climate change, we should eat less meat !. I wonder the ‘BBC Fact Check Team’ would like to investigate their claim that the UK eating less meat can make any appreciable change at all compared to what China and the USA get up to. No. Thought not.
So now little Otis (whose bright little eyes were on-stalks as he discovered what he could do to fight climate-change) knows the real, Woke Left reason dinosaurs are extinct. Except for the meteor bit.
And just in case you started to feel this is just too far over the top, they round off with the statement ‘Sir David is just a wonderful human being. He’s worked so tirelessly to help us all understand our own impact on the planet and how important it is for us to take action now.’
If I want to read totally lop-sided, factually-barren activist propaganda laced with every dirty emotive trick in the book, I’ll read an in-flight magazine thank you.
– Climate Change
– emotional blackmail
– Narration by Nadaya Hussain
– fictional African child Aysha (Muslim name)
– all main media carried it
By 2040, climate change could make water perilously scarce for 1 in 4 children. Without clean water, children’s lives are at risk.
Do you really think that in less than 19 years water will be really scarce for one quarter of the world’s children ?
Sure we get periodic water shortages like one 3 years ago in Capetown, but the rain always comes.
It’s a question of planning to have enough dams, maintenance, and not over consuming.
The solution to clean water for those children is to tackle the massive corruption in their governments.
But – for similar reasons ‘Stop The War’ only campaigned against the West while Russia were obliterating entire villages which had ISIS in them – the Left don’t support them because they are not aiming their agenda at people in this country.
As we all know, black people must be preserved as victims to be used against the struggle against the Right. Highlighting just how bad a lot of them are does not fit the agenda. As Floyd proved.
My earlier comment mentioning Floyd got me wondering what is happening in the trial as it seems to have been dropped by the BBC.
I found this snippet about the foam Floyd had around his mouth:
‘Nelson wants to show the jury evidence supporting his argument that the foam resulted from Floyd swallowing drugs. Pills containing fentanyl and methamphetamine were found in Floyd’s car; semi-chewed versions of such pills were found in the back of the police car where officers had struggled to get Floyd to sit, Nelson said.’
I have a feeling a lot of this trial is going to remain unreported by the BBC.
The truth and evidence is probably immaterial. If the jury can be rigged it will be . If it can’t be rigged and the officers set free then the MSM/ BLM propaganda machine will go into action and claim it’s all about white privilege etc etc followed by mass rioting.
“Newspaper headlines: EU will ‘grab your jabs’ and tough migrant stance”
Do you believe Priti this time ?
IMHO this will scare all the illegals in the 4 Star hotels to ‘do a runner’ . The government could have commandeered three empty cruise ships and anchored them in international waters as a place fo process the illegals . They would soon stop coming from France.
Newspeak words we have learned under Al Beeb and the present government – stay safe, build back better, bumpy , game changer, Nightingale hospitals, lessons to be learned, etc etc .
Please feel free to add………..
Ok , it’s a bit quiet here ? ????
A bit of ‘ insider dealing ‘from a volunteer moderator …
If the site gets a 100 comments per day that is a good day . Wednesday got nearly double that .
The actual number isnt really important but the content is . I worry – sometimes – that some people turn up – dump their comment – and dont read those of others – so there id not exchange of views ….
But how people treat a site like this for themselves … except for trolls not talking about the BBC – who can leave
Nothing like a bit of “insider dealing”
I think most of the readers and contributors on this site really value your thankless work.
Hats off to you all !
Night shifts get a bit quiet and boring as Al Beeb doesn’t update its website much at night, of late . Could be less staff on night shift?
One question, do you have a record of new joiners/posters ?
More inside info – I get a personal email whenever someone joins – I could get more info but my email would be too busy – there are various logs I can access too . I could email posters directly but have never done that – although I do link to our late friends at Other websites…
Al Beeb and other ‘news’ outlets inform me that HMG is drawing up a paper detailing a plan to send illegal immigrants ‘overseas’ whilst their claims are being processed. The Isle of Man and Gibraltar were mentioned as destination.
Yet more ‘tough talk’ from the minister for strongly worded statements no doubt later today.
I wonder what the current populations of the two proposed venues think of the plan to pollute their neighbourhoods with the scum of the earth?
Weather in the channel is settled for many days so expect lots of boat people this weekend.
Amazing that with the resources of the Armed Forces at their disposal, HMG can’t do thing about them coming…. yet can introduce draconian lockdowns on the indigenous people at the drop of a hat.
Useless tories aided and abetted by a national broadcaster that hates the country that funds it.
TOADY Watch & BBC WEB-SITE Watch combined #1 – and the first instinct of the BBC is?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/ first item, top left https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56438629
The first instinct of the BBC now seems to be when anything goes wrong: blame the Government. Would they do that if it was a Labour Government? I do not recall that happening so much from 1997 to 2007. It certainly increased during the last years of Labour, 2009/10 especially.
The billions wasted on extra unnecessary PPE and the early stages of Track and Trace together with Nightingale Hospitals and underused testing facilities were probably not just down to disfunctional officials in the Dept. of Health but also down to media pressure, especially and most of all from the BBC.
I dont think so Up2 – once they got the cheque book out chucking a few billion here and there has been the default .
If interest rates head up they ( we ) wont be able to avoid the cut backs in Everything to furnish the debt interest being racked up .
It feels like all that debt built up in WW2 which only got finally paid off recently …
… the BBC – being fixated on anniversaries has decided the inquiry into covid should start now – a year after the 1st lockdown or something .
Very much a kidult attitude when the assumption is being made that normality is about to return …
… and even if it was an effective inquiry any ‘ lessons learnt’ would soon be forgotten.
Speaking of ex-presidents and sad ex-news broadcasters, the Moaning Emole…
Donald Trump’s wealth takes tumble during presidency
Donald Trump’s net worth dropped by about $700m to $2.3bn (£1.65bn) during his time as president, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The pandemic hit his fortunes hard, with Mr Trump’s office buildings, branded hotels and resorts losing revenue and falling in value. His fleet of planes and golf courses have also seen drops in their value. Mr Trump is currently under a criminal investigation into his financial affairs and his family business.
Interestingly, financial fortunes of certain folk have soared thanks to BBC support… Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Gates… and of course such as the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens.
Even eco chaps like Gore and Kerry. And in the spirit of BBC dags, Kerry is in a slot of bother having been ‘accused of’ forgetting even billionaires need masks in planes that are not Lears.
Unless he is claiming to be an autistic toddler to get the media onside that way.
President Trump donated all his presidential salary to charities, but Mr Biden seems to be taking about $400,000 p.a..
Perhaps it’s in the form of Chinese zloty or something…
What is it with ‘career’ politicians? Our lot are bad enough, especially labour, but to suck at citizens’ hard-earned taxes all their lives, is like non-job-creation at the awful bbbc!
And given that wimmin, real, young ones, appear to suffer the highest rate of brain blood clots post COVID vaccination, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because of a contraindication when taking the contraceptive pill.
Covid: From boom to bust – why lockdown hasn’t led to more babies
By Stephanie Hegarty
Population correspondent
The BBC has a ‘population correspondent’. Apparently.
Steph and the photo ed appear to have worked hard to source imagery of the more fecund sector, some married, which does not include 33 yo Germans who get in touch with the BBC.
One couldn’t help oneself but smile at a minor business headline in the FT this morning – in this instance one needs to know that Dignity is not a platitude for grandad’s oneway ticket to a short stay in Switzerland (more of that later) but you’re close, it’s a firm of funeral directors: ‘Dignity in red, despite rise in deaths‘
If Dignity plc can’t make a profit in a pandemic then perhaps they’re in the wrong line of business? Or perhaps…?
The NHS have been doing the best they can – BBC: ‘Covid-19: Concern over “do not resuscitate” decisions during pandemic‘
Telegraph: ‘Care home residents put on DNR orders without consent‘
For all the furore over a supposed pandemic, we just don’t see our undertakers coining it from the plague pits; we don’t see fleets of ambulances going door-to-door collecting casualties like plague carts and we certainly never really did see any overwhelmed hospitals.
I sense there’s something amiss.
I’m minded of that Bruce Willis movie The Sixth Sense and have a perverse line stuck in my head – “I DON’T see dead people”
Of course it’s all about the fear
Looking back, somewhat nostalgically, to March 2020 and the famous loo roll panic buying spree, an alien observer, new to earth, must have thought our population had collectively crapped itself.
Oh well, one takes solice where one may find it. Our media apparently does care for the well-being of precisely half our population. How do I know? Read on: ‘Keep women safe‘ (FT) – which on the face of it sounds about the most male chauvinist of statements possible.
The ‘i‘ newspaper seems a little conflicted as to the status of women in about the most patriarcial society known to man: ‘The Isis brides. Victims or terrorists?‘ And yes, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has seen its acronym reduced to the status of a lower case weasel word in our media house-styles.
I guess Robert Shrimsley at the FT makes it right in his article and anyway we’ve now reached the Orwellian stage where our press could print just about any old tosh and if it sounds vaguely right-on, despite logical fallacies it’s all good: ‘Protecting half the country must be the priority‘
What if science made women obsolete? ‘Human embryos created from skin cells‘ (Telegraph)
Matt Hancock pops up on the front page of the Times looking more psychopathic than ever. His manic expression rivals both Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix for their Jokers.
This comes on a day when the Guardian frontpage pinches the tabloid Daily Star’s long-running joke about Boris in clown makeup: ‘Behind the bluster. The PM explained‘ – as a side note, the teaser for this feature appears in the position on the Guardian cover where often the paper pontificates about which of a particular musical artist’s recordings we should think best. The point being the Guardian’s tone is heavily pedagogic with its lefty audience. Noticably over-keen to tell them precisely what to think about every aspect of life from their politics to their favourite records.
Hancock’s department suffers the wrath of a special advisor scorned in the FT: ‘Health critic. Cummings takes a swing… a “smoking ruin in terms of procurement”‘ – tell us something we didn’t know.
Hancock is not so much our Big Brother as the bonkers cousin we don’t talk about and lost track of since he did that last mad thing in public. The Times frets: ‘Setback for Britain’s Covid vaccine rollout. Under 50s programme paused‘ – I wouldn’t rush out to the supermarket aisles to grab some twelve-packs of the stuff advertised by puppies just yet – on the basis a reasonably healthy individual in that age group has about a one in six-digit number chance of contracting and dying of this lurgy. That is as long as our untested mass release of vaccines into the population hasn’t provoked rapid evolutionary mutation of what would in the past have been an inevitably gradually more benign virus suddenly mutating into something more dangerous?
The Express has always been more pro-Brexit: ‘Proof… if you need it! EU will never let go‘ – You’re preaching to the choir with this pro-Brexit reader. Although frankly, when they came for our fish, I wasn’t a fisherman and was quiet; when they came for our lightbulbs, I sat in the gloom and was quiet; they come for our… I’m not too excited about this rush for vaccines.
The Metro frontpage pillories EU Commission boss Ursula von der Leyen for her: ‘We’ll grab your jabs‘ – oh how times and sentiment have changed for the Metro, that deep in the pocket of the government advertising budget freebie. All those anti-Brexit frontpages we used to read now flushed down the memory toilet. Also on the Metro cover we have a pic of Sabine Schmitz, former racing driver, looking uncannily like our Ursula – one and the same?
And finally, the short-statured minister for gobby sound-bite policies that never come to fruition has been at it again: ‘Priti: Asyslum seekers to be sent overseas‘ (Daily Mail) – I sniff more horse manure than implied in the Mail’s ‘Cheltenham Pullout‘
“If Dignity plc can’t make a profit in a pandemic then perhaps they’re in the wrong line of business? Or perhaps…?”
Normally the local Coroner’s office opens 0700-1600.
One would think, listening to the BBC, that now they would be ’24/7′.
No, they open at 11:30, ‘because of Covid’.
“And yes, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has seen its acronym reduced to the status of a lower case weasel word in our media house-styles.”
the Bee Lady, Martha Kearney gets the item on clubbing after the serious bit, the 8.10 a.m. Interview was handled by Justin Webb who was struggling with the analogue clock this morning. For some reason the TOADY Editor insists that an analogue clock is used for time checks on the programme. Quite crazy.* They should also have a digital clock and train the TOADY presenters to only look at that and read the time from it straight off. But no.
They have a digital clock down in the bottom of their computer screens but in the TOADY studio rules are rules and the presenters are, apparently, not allowed to use them.
Anyway, Martha is all wistful for the days of clubbing and will be heading up the road to Dundee (borrowing Laura Kuenssberg’s season ticket?) to visit this new V&A exhibition.
* An analogue clock is essential in a radio or TV studio because it shows the passage of time over twelve hours whereas a digital clock only provides a readout of one moment in time. Why Beeboids cannot have and use both is beyond me.
A long time ago when I used to listen to Today, before I gave up because it was just too depressing, I thought that what they needed was a screen that told them what to say, rather than giving them a clock that they get wrong.
Just a bit of javascript, no problem. Then I thought that I don’t really know what kit they have in the studio and in any case the BBC has billions and thousands of staff, most of whom claim to be ‘creative’, so let them get on with it themselves. Besides I had just about given up on them by then.
A couple of years ago I was reading something about clocks etc. and they quoted a bit from Today in which they thanked a kind listener for doing exactly what I had proposed. (Moral: If you wait long enough someone else will do it).
So where has it gone? Perhaps got lost in the upgrade from MS-DOS 3.3?
Jim, the TOADY presenters and Editors get regular ‘mail’ about improving the time checks. But the BBC, being the BBC, insist on doing it their way and refuse to change. The rest of us just read the clock and say “9.21 a.m.” or “9.47 a.m.” in words. Simples.
Shamima Begum is in the news media once again today. She has had a makeover, Western dress, make up, hairdo, and positively no Hijab.
Someone is paying a PR company to try to make this woman palatable to the people of the UK and sway public opinion in favour of her being allowed to return to the UK.
It doesn’t appear to be having much success, but that is not the point.
Our independent press is not what it was. Filled with woke idiots from yooni who haven’t a clue and can’t even spell let alone use correct grammar and punctuation.
There is no longer any meaningful investigative journalism which might discover the powers behind this outrage, and yet someone without a doubt must be pumping substantial funds into her cause.
The public have a right to know who this is and what their motives are.
Thoughtful, is it the Times newspaper? Or the journos on the Times personally footing the bill?
There was always a whiff of that PR campaign right from the outset. The journalists deliberately located her out of thousands in refugee or isolation camps. They searched for her and pushed for access. It is all very dishonest.
11:30am R4 FooC
item #4 Indian Farmers
Will the report be IMPARTIAL ?
… Well the reporter is the daughter of the Skipping Sikh
Minreet Kaur seems an Activist Reporter here’s her Twitter photo
Bio : London, @NUJofficial
Other items
#1 Rebuilding Raqqa – The story of one of the original Syrian protesters from Raqqa and efforts to rebuild the city.
Residents of the city of Raqqa experienced Islamic State. Now the city is trying to rebuild.
Leila Molana-Allen met with one of the original protesters, along with those who are working to restore the city.
#2 The Venezuelan diaspora trying to help people back home battling the pandemic and a collapsing economy.
Vladimir Hernandez lives in Nairobi, and describes how Venezuelan friends and relatives are issuing pleas for help via messaging apps.
#3 The murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall in 2017 on board a Danish submarine
Maddy Savage reflects on her experience of covering the trial of Kim Wall’s killer.
#4 The Indian government argues that it can make life better for farmers via a series of free-market reforms. But the plans set off a furious backlash. Minreet Kaur, who lives in the UK, has been hearing why the protests have been so widespread – and so heated.
#5 Switzerland’s system of direct democracy is famous for putting decision making firmly in the hands of voters.
This led to the recent vote to ban the burqa and the niqab. Imogen Foulkes
#4 Her cousin farms 14 acres
He has a tractor
FFS 14 acres is nothing .. it’s a market garden
“The government has ripped farmers off for years”
.. but hang on the government is getting out of the market shouldn’t that be better ?
The government has caved in and added MISOGYNY to a hate crime list
Woman’s Hour are discussing later
first they are discussing Gloria Hunniford’s tattoo
The BBC is obsessed with victimhood. Almost every program is about the plight of some minority group or other. It provokes a form of entitlement to grief by women. Stop it.
The Aberdeen University debate saw students discuss renewing a union policy on a demilitarised campus – which would actively bar military personnel from recruiting students.
When international students raised concerns about the presence of the British Army on campus, the history and politics student wrote in a webchat: ‘If the British military makes them feel uncomfortable, why did they come to a British uni?’
Shortly afterwards she wrote the words ‘Rule Britannia,’ she told The Telegraph.
I wonder if the cancellers know – or are the least bit interested in the fact – that Dr Arne's famous melody was a setting of words from a masque written by not one but two Scots, David Mallet (né Malloch) and James "The Seasons" Thomson? Either way, a disgrace to my alma mater.
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
From Parler:
“Myanmar: Military regime seizes bank accounts of George Soros’s OSF, issues arrest warrant against staff members”
If they carry on like this, perhaps we could get to like them?
Gosh! I don’t particularly like what’s going on in Myanmar but this really is heartening news as I despise the machinations of OSF and Soros.
Maybe the first domino toppling?
It makes me shudder the think that if this is the OSF entanglement in a small nation like Myanmar what the hell have they got and what are they up to Globally?
Mayanmar might just be showing the World the way to go?
“Covid in Wales: Bonus payment for NHS and care staff”
Is the Welsh Assembly trying to buy votes ?
There is a growing feeling in Wales to get rid of the Assembly of overpaid bureaucrats.
Not a lot of people know this, But the BBC Charter required UK Newspapers to feature the BBC above all (as in first) in TV listings and radio magazines and papers. Its a hidden old media clause to plug the BBC output in all publications, (above ITV listings).
I read today in the telegraph that the BBC are at it again to try to ‘reinforce’ that message by creating that same requirement on your TV. They want a total monopoly to feature (for free) on every digital platform that you may look at.
Makers of smart TVs could face a fine of up to £250,000 for failing to give BBC iPlayer due prominence on their home screens, according to proposals put forward by the corporation.
The BBC Charter has to go. And go now.
Smells like panic to me!
No Royal Charter can possibly impose conditions on organisations that aren’t a party to the charter, which the newspapers most certainly are not.
BBC Charter
Be careful or Ms. Spring will take a selfie with you!
Festivals: ‘Grave concerns’ over drug safety this summer
Katie (not her real name) has tickets for two big festivals this summer. She normally takes MDMA at festivals, but hasn’t taken any over lockdown.
“Me and my boyfriend have been talking about how our tolerance is really low, so we’re going to be careful,” she tells Radio 1 Newsbeat.
“We’re always careful, because you’re an idiot if you’re not.
Oh the irony. Anyway why is the BBC interviewing drug users and trying to normalise drug taking?
It’s this same “normality” that explains much about the general craziness surrounding us from the younger generation. I would care to guess that drug use is de-rigour at the BBC now.
So the EU is threatening to ban exports of vaccines it has now banned to non EU countries – presumably it will just throw the Oxford vaccine away ….
Makes you wonder how much deeper the hole the ReichEU is digging for itself is going to get …
11am TalkRadio : Neil Oliver was on fire at 11am against the SNP
“The David Davis, parliament question is the story of the century
as it reveals that Team Sturgeon knew things in February 2020
even tho in the inquiry they testified they didn’t know until April”
I’ll write more when I’m back from the shops
Oliver said
“The SNP are a not about freeing Scotland but rather making you UNfree and controlled by them”
“The SNP are a DEPENDENCE party not an INDEPENDENCE party
They want Scotland 100% of the SNP”
“The SNP are not about freedom of speech for Scotland
..they are about silencing Scotland”
“An abscess lanced was how I felt too watching David Davis, but the rotten tooth is still there”
Some say the Muslim Council are impressed by the revelations on child sex abuse in the football world, with the FA accused of turning a blind eye to dozens, if not scores of youth coaches taking advantage of many hundreds of their young charges.
Not to be outdone, sources say the government will be approached by the Council to look into many hundreds of cases involving several thousand under-age children abused by their members over several decades.
The investigation will most probably be outsourced to muslim city and town council officers, together with all relevant social service and police forces, in order to ensure a fair and balanced outcome.
The way of the Koran, only unbelievers can be guilty….
America faces a ‘migration tsunami’ thanks to Joe Biden
I guess this might get reported on the bbc lol, sorry unlikely!
I am not a Tory voter but most of my mates have been since Corbyn took the lead role in Labour. But the main thing they griped about was illegal immigration and the biased Al Beeb. Funny thing that, as these are two things the Tory Party have not done nowt about?
Henry Ford was supposed to have offered the Model T in any colour as long as it was black.
UK politics comes in many colours but they are all globalist/socialist now.
It’s time for the so called Party of the Working Class (What a joke) to pull it’s brain out of it’s arsehole and start listening to the voices of the indigenous working folk of Great Britain who know what they want and mean what they say and they are not morons . The Blair regime has a lot to answer for in this respect and I hope to live long enough to hear them at least apologise for their part in the damage which has been wreaked on our culture ever since but I will probably need to live forever to see that day dawn. I was surprised that the likes of John Prescott, who I had hoped would be voted in as leader appeared to go along with this shit. To me the only hero to come out of that lot was Robin Cook who had the courage to resign on a point of principle.
By the way Taff I am an erstwhile extreme? left wing Labour supporter so in a strange sort of way I should be grateful to comrade Blair for opening my eyes to the hypocrisy of Socialism.
Thanks Tone.
Here endeth the rant!
Lefty Wright
Rant away . After all that’s what this site I presume is for, particularly for Anti-Beeb rants.
I am thankful to this site for bringing to my attention Al Beeb’s bias, thus encouraging me to de-fund the B@sta**s and cancel my Telly Tax.
Oh my god taffman you dared to use the word B@sta**! Surely that word, like the Ni77er word, is now considered hate speech and is a slur against those born out of wedlock, or as
I usually term it “born on the wrong side of the sheet.”
The Wokerati will surely see to it that you pay very dearly for your transgression.
Personally my hide is at least 6 inches thick and anyone can call me whatever they like – as long as it’s not on the phone at 3am at which hour I can be a little bit tetchy.
I can remember, many years ago, one of my 4 boys telling his mate about me “It’s impossible to offend the old cunt. No matter what you call him he will just laugh and agree with you.” Surely this must be a sign of my insanity ? However, the men in white coats haven’t come for me yet and they haven’t got too many years/months/weeks/days? left to do it.
God bless all the vanilla boys and girls. May they go forth and multiply.
“European Commission could restrict vaccine exports”
Is this a super EU ‘own goal’? It could be ‘back of the net!’ in fact .
I genuinely feel sorry for the people living under the EU’s dictatorship. I repeat my statement on the previous page ………..”Thank God , Nigel Farage got us out of that dictatorship. That man deserves. a knighthood.”
Hartlepool Labour candidate stitchup
“The SNP are a DEPENDENCE party not an Independence party”
dunno if WordPress works for you
Alex Belfield’s new video about the Clapham agitator
“Twirly Patsy Stevenson”
Been a while since I posted, hope everyone’s keeping well and avoiding the gaslighting. Here’s the latest from AWK proving the use of CGI in the fake Biden presidency. This follows an interview with ‘Fauci’ where his neck was peeling off his body showing it was clearly a mask. What does it mean? I don’t know, other than the BBC is evil.
Here’s the latest direct warning from Vernon Coleman as well.
Tonight’s TV
7pm 60 mins of cooking show
7:30pm 90 mins of cooking shows
9pm The Bill Bailey show .. maybe OK
Celeb stuff
9pm ITV Amanda Holden & Alan Carr DNA prog
9pm Ch4 Caroline Flack doco
9pm Ch5 Rose West doco
Christ, Ambitious Holden and Unfunny Carr, only Davina McCall is missing. What IS it with programme planners. We are force fed the same show offs and talentless idiots on every show on a daily basis. I only got Netflix installed before Christmas, and its been my saviour.
Davina is practically cancelled now cos she dared to put out a tweet that didn’t heap hate onto men.
The sisterhood threw thousands of hatey tweets at her
Talentless is the new talent.
BTW the Times catchup recommendation
is another dark prog
doco on grooming perv Max Clifford
Awesome. No wonder it went viral.
BBC News tonight. Slowing down with the vaccine. Meanwhile Von der laydown, the leader of the Frogs, Dagos, Wops and Krauts threatens to withhold our supplies.
BBC finds nothing that it does not want to.
Lewis is on it in classic BBC style.
Clever use by the BBC of EU “exports” rather than the UK “imports” which is actually the case, the BBC always slant the headline so it sounds like the EU is the good guy….
Brexit peeve still running high in W1A I think!
Re BBC’s RealityCheck clip, Guest Who…
…..except, of course, the EU did not export any vaccine doses to the UK. Individual private companies, based within EU countries, with whom other countries have binding contracts, fulfilled their contractual obligations, and supplied the materials according to their commitments.
This is, of course, directly the opposite of what the EU has done. It prevaricated all over the place to try to get ‘better deals’ from vaccine suppliers, to the extent that the delays in agreeing contracts meant that they (specifically with AstraZeneca) were not binding in terms of deliveries, but were ‘best endeavours’ contracts – i.e. there were no guarantess whatsoever as to specific delivery dates.
Clearly the EU really screwed up big time, and it’s representatives (many of whom have been invited onto BBC programmes I have seen or listened to) are now outright lying when ithey say that suppliers have not met their contractual obligations, and associating the source country of supply (the UK, in AstraZeneca’s case) as being responsible for the actions of the suppliers. In the above article, it is trying to portray itself as an internationally benevolent entity, whilst trying to castigate others for trumped-up misbehaviours.
It’s about time the EUBBC started mentioning this every time a spurious claim appears from the EU – which is about daily at the moment – and called them liars to their faces.
An excellent 24 hours of negative news from the BBC – yesterday happily rebroadcasting anti Oxford AZ propaganda from the Reich EU – today gleefully reporting a leaked NHS letter saying there might be shortages in April .
The BBC has had years of unchallenged anti British propaganda and so it is well in the habit .
Yet yesterday over 500 000 – that’s half a million jabs were done – BBC not too loud in reporting good news like that . They must have put up a big bounty to find someone dying after getting the vax .
I know this sounds brutal because it is .
Also the BBC news skates over the implications of what the Helga in charge of the EU has threatened – and gives the impression that the EU is producing vaccines -not private companies …….
ITV local news seems to be a national item claiming the 1921 census data release will show BAME
“People think BAME only came after Windrush…. ”
… They produced no evidence of earlier BAME in Humberside/Lincolnshire of course.
next item “Here’s a woman who runs a foodbank for immigrants
her T-shirt says Solidarity Britannia…
… it’s one of the objects chosen to be in the Museum of 2020”
Nitya Rajan ITV news
FFS what a contrived item
These people don’t watch their own progs
OK so the random person they chose to begin the item with
– London person
– Refugee Activist
– Last tweet is hate against Boris
…and there it is again, the left’s chosen description of ‘undocumented migrants’ , as oppose dto the reality, ‘illegal immigrants’.
And anyway, exactly when the hell, since Boris Johnston became Prime MInister, did he guarantee amnesty to 1.3 million illegal immigrants ?
BBC1 6pm news led on the number of vaccines being reduced in April. It was all very garbled. Somewhere amongst what we were being told was this was one of the regular letters going out to GPs telling them to concentrate on the over 50s. But is the reduced supply due to the EU and Ursula’s latest threat? The question wasn’t even asked.
There was then an item about Spain’s empty beaches and when countries might allow people to travel there. What of course they should be asking is when will it be safe for U.K. citizens to travel and not either catch covid there or bring back a nasty variant. But it was all about Spain needing U.K. money.
I have trouble uploading images as I don’t know what an URL is. Anyway, I’m sure you’ve all seen the glamour picture now bandied about of Shemima Begum, swishy hair and sunglasses. My question would be, “how did she get hold of the sunnies, and hair colourant with an immaculate blow-dry in a refugee camp ?”
mouse over image
right click
select “copy image URL”
Handheld may need extra step
“open image in new tab”
Then once there right click to copy URL
Here use the post image link, next to the Post Comment button
a URL is just address of an internet file
.. for the webpage that’s at the top of the screen in the address bar
For an image file .. right or long finger press
A URL, Uniform Resource Locator, is what appears in the address bar at the top of your browser, e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk,
If you ‘right mouse’ button over the image you might be able to ‘Copy link location’ which can then be pasted into the box offered to you when you click on the ‘clicking here’ dialogue link below the biased bbc comment box. If you are really bold you can type put img between square brackets followed by /img inbetween square brackets, then paste your copied URL between the inner pair of square brackets, e.g. [ img ] URL [ / img ] but without the spaces.
either primark will set up shop anywhere or more likely her lawyers or the newspaper supplied the togs
reminds me of the old joke
Q : what do you call a scouser in a suit
A: The accused
Answer has to be from the Trojan Horse.
BBC ‘Make-up’ team?
Or pickup a tweet ….. satire here
Lol thanks – maybe she could get a job working for the American actress who was in ‘suits ‘?
Our BBC of the People finding it difficult to stifle watermelon grins and wild whoops as a major holdup in vaccine supplies is announced, compromising the hugely successful government inspired and organised vaccination program.
The fact that this is directly caused by the EU, with thousands of Oxford Astra-Zeneca doses going to waste while information and disinformation is published, denied, rewritten and rephrased, is a detail lost to the Admirable, Noble and Unbiased Source (ANUS) that is Our BBC.
Why can’t Britain handle the truth about Winston Churchill?
Priyamvada Gopal
I am at a loss to understand why anyone with these views would even want to come and live in the UK let alone become a senior academic there!
Ah… I see!
‘White lives don’t matter’ Cambridge academic has post ‘deleted by Twitter’
I read a comment the other day, ‘my country, right or wrong’, isn’t a jingoistic expression, rather an acceptance that one takes the rough with the smooth, just like one would do with family.
Anyone coming to live here and taking British citizenship becomes ‘one of the family’ and should act accordingly.
One doesn’t come here from, say the USA, marry a Brit then trash his family, because now they are family too!
6pm news on BBC1. Yet again an item about criticising the government; wedding venues which cannot open in April. A man was shown who owned such a business and he had assumed his venue could open and he had taken bookings. If I owned a wedding venue/hair dressers/cafe etc, I would read the guidance before making plans to open.
Being a rebel in the 1970s left wing sense of the word of course, I would have thought “Stuff these Capitalist rules – I am open. And I would have almost certainly got away with it and also had the physical – quite legal at that time – on the streets backup of the Interntional Socialists. Inexplicably to me now, I once subscribed to their magazine “The Socialist Worker” and soaked up every word. Please excuse my naivete.
Today, seeing the Grim Reaper beckoning me from the the top of yonder mountain I soak up nobody’s word about anything – including even my own or yours without prior examination.
Lefty – funny is nt it – I started out ‘right ‘ as a kid and have moved further ‘right ‘ as I’ve seen my taxes spent on things with which I don’t agree …
Ah yes. But what can one expect of a Fascist, Nazi, Racist ,Homomphobic blah-blah- blah blah etc. etc blah blah blah.——–
Any road up I remain your friend and I am tarred with the same brush so – Cheers mate.
#FascistBritain is Trending
Very very unusual for @Femi to jump on a bandwagon
He tweets
Denied 16yr-olds vote to stop Labour ✅
Daily Mail editor head of OFCOM ✅
… sickening comparison to the regime that did genocide of 6 million
Not the bBBC, but, I was watching the racing from Cheltenham and noticed there wasn’t one Bame trainer or jockey. Not even a Bame presenter now that Rishi does the cricket. Shouldn’t blm be taking this up with whoever is in charge of horse racing in the UK. However there was a ray of hope, in one segment they managed to work in a puff piece about a young black lad who’d been taken on by a yard. Come on, let’s have more bames in racing.
Won’t you find that a lot of the owners are BAME ?
..and quite often media fail to realise that some of the BAME are Jewish
Northern Voter
Blimey mate I thought RACING was the one thing in which the BBC excelled. However perhaps you were, wisely, not tuned in to our National Broadcaster to garner the true picture, but the rest of the MSM are not much better anyway.
On another note;
could easily make me vomit! ALL London based, woke groups or BAMEs (perhaps the new acronym should be, LBBers, as in “London Based Blacks”?) which I find downright insulting for anyone who is trying to break into this type of industry, but doesn’t have the skin colour or location to their advantage!
It is one reason why I rarely have any interaction with the Beeb anymore – their day will come. OTOH, what is the exact pronunciation? Is it B A M E, or “Bamer”? I’ve always wondered???
I’ve just looked down the list of winners. It doesn’t matter that I haven’t heard of or seen most of them, they’re obviously not targeting white heterosexual males in their late forties in programming now, nor even pretending to. It’s the fact that none of these people or programmes are of any interest at all to any other member of my extended family or my wider social circle, regardless of their age or gender.
Most of the winners named are so niche and so woke and so metrocentric that they are completely unrepresentative of the majority of licence-payers and viewers. How can viewers relate or empathise with the output presented as aspiring here when it is so alien to so many. The winners of these awards and the blatantly agenda-driven effluence that flows from them are of such limited appeal. These awards do nothing but further highlight a growing disconnect.
100%! Could not have said it any better. It also is just SO BBC based. Very little is from ITV, that has to follow the market to some degree.
Stop the Licence Fee IMMEDIATELY, or at least, divvy it up according to the different regions, where there would be some degree of non-woke, London-centric product. Though my gut feeling is that the elites in each region would then follow the same, woke trends.
Ah Royal TV awards
“The inaugural comedy entertainment award went to The Ranganation – fronted by Romesh Ranganathan”
FFS for all I know Michael Holding might deserve an award for commentating
but I don’t spot even one token straight white male winning in any category
Did they an all black judging panel ??
I can’t seem to find any information about who the judging panel is at all.
I think the RTS are desperate to avoid any suggestion of sexism and racism as their ‘Specialist Group Chairs’ are 1 BAME, 3 white women and 8 pale, male and stales. Can’t afford to get the woke twitter mob’s attention about that.
Anyway, as The Guardian informed me, all white anything is racist and all BAME anything is a triumph of multiculturalism.
It’s pronounced ‘blame’, I believe (with an invisible ‘l’), as in “let’s blame everything on whitey”.
On the list. The astute observer will realise that once they get what they want, they quickly move on to something else. It will NEVER end until it dawns on people and they stop giving in.
Actually, now I read it back, it’s a bit like my wife ….
I was watching it too – I noticed how they laid on their ‘care for horses ‘ with a trowel – pictures of trainers sitting on dead horses are not going away .
Otherwise the coverage is highly recommended – particularly with your bets are going well ….
The thing is, if the horse is dead then it’s purely the feelings of the person complaining we are talking about. Nothing whatsoever to do with the horse.
As an animal lover, I disliked that picture intensely. But the horse had been well cared for and died of a heart attack. But I am much more upset by anything with animals actually in distress.
This is a perfect example of the difference between Left and Right. The Left are all about their own feelings. And the clever Lefties (aka activists) use that to pull others to their agenda. It’s extremely shallow and selfish if you think about it. I’ve always considered the Right are about real-world common sense and getting things in perspective. The last few years have made the difference much more pronounced.
Racing is a cruel sport, forcibly inbred horses are trained and coaxed to near breaking point (and if you don’t believe they’re dosed with every ‘supplement’ going you’re naive), most that don’t make the grade end up taking an early trip to the knackers yard, and those that do often die very young anyway. Greyhound racing is even crueller in my eyes.
On the other hand, both sports support thriving industries and thousands of people, and we probably wouldn’t have so many pet horses and hounds in this country if it wasn’t for them.
You could also argue that sports relying on human athletes are hardly any kinder, and that overweight women lolloping around on horses and ponies that are way too small for them, causing the poor animals undue suffering, and an early trip to the knackers yard is just as cruel.
I remember when Tescos used to sell horsemeat as steak (thanks to the EU), and I have to say I think I ate some, and it was good, so there are better uses for a dead horse than some fat bloke sitting on it.
Independent “Tommy defends”
they are talking about his bankruptcy court case
“ooh look there are people who say he mis-spent donations”
FFS sometimes whilst filming they slept in cars
never mind the weeks he was illegally jailed.
Ah he’s declared himself bankrupt in anticipation of being stitched up over the coming Syrian school kid libel trial.
A cut and paste from the BBC newspaper . I’ve put in some helpful fact for BBC droids at the end –
The BBC is preparing to relocate many high-profile national journalism roles from London to Leeds, sources at the broadcaster have told the Guardian, as part of a major push by new director general Tim Davie to move jobs outside the capital.
It is thought that Davie will unveil more of his plans in an all-staff meeting on Thursday morning, which is expected to see a large number of people currently based in the capital moved to offices in other parts of the UK.
The BBC declined to comment on the claims but a source at the broadcaster said “we’re committed to serving better those who pay for us”. There is speculation within the organisation that large parts of the corporation’s news output and some of its best-known radio programmes could be moved.
Davie has repeatedly made clear he wants more senior managers based outside London on a full-time basis, a position that aligns with the government’s insistence that it is committed to “levelling-up” the north of England and other parts of the UK.
If the BBC moves journalism jobs to Leeds it would help boost the media scene in West Yorkshire, with Channel 4 committed to a secondary base in Leeds city centre. Any BBC moves are likely to take place from 2022 onwards, with education reporters and staff covering underserved communities as part of the “original journalism unit” among those likely to make the move.
Although BBC staff would probably be offered relocation packages if their jobs move to Leeds, the experience of Channel 4 suggests many are unlikely to leave London, potentially creating job openings in Yorkshire. There is also political pressure to move more roles to Scotland.
Davie will address staff six months after he took the top job at the public broadcaster, facing the twin challenges of a hostile government and a rapid change in media consumption habits. Since taking the position he has introduced a new social media code of conduct designed to reduce news stories about the personal views of the broadcaster’s employees, targeted left-wing comedy shows that have angered the government and started a purge of high-earning managers.
Although Davie’s public commitment to representing the whole of Britain has helped him head off the imminent threat of decriminalisation of nonpayment of the licence fee by the Conservative government, his leadership has also had to deal with growing discontent from some BAME staff.’ENDS
Useful facts for beeboids –
Leeds to Islington is 3 hr 34 min (192.2 mi) via M1.
Leeds to kings cross by rail is about 2 hours 30 min
Main language in Leeds- English
The John Lewis in Leeds is at Victoria Gate
The currency is – the pound
Counselling will be offered for those required to ‘move north ‘…
Leeds is Metropolitan
unless by Leeds they mean Bradford ?
What is the point in Channel4 and BBC moving from metropolitan London
to Metropolitan Leeds ?
You can take the Woke Liberal out of the metropolis but you still have a Woke liberal who spouts their Wokism at every opportunity. This is justmore window dressing designed to look like change when in fact everything will remain the same. The only way I could ever be reconciled to the continued existence of the BBC would for it to implement an immediate injection of several thousand non Woke, right of centre folk into its programme making and news rooms. Will the BBC ever agree to promoting diversity of thought? Not a chance . Therefore , my view is that it must ,at the very least, be forced to become a subscription only service.
The BBC simply doesn’t yet realise that millions of folks who are forced to pay for its propaganda actually loath it. The day of reckoning is coming for all Beeboids. No , not from the TINO government but from ordinary folks who have had enough and are judging stopping paying the License Fee. Together we will bring the bastards down.
They could move whatever or whoever they want from the BBC London to Outer Mongolia but the pack still will equal 52. The BBC lies and disinformation knows no geographic boundaries.
Take for example their US team………………… All partially blind and when it comes to reporting, all with mentally controlled speech impediments
Also: Harvey Nicholls, Leeds, is in Briggate. We don’t want people to feel homesick.
Deported man to be removed from country for second time in three years
Mantas Peckys was using a false identity when he was stopped by police last year
Mantas Peckys, 29, was stopped on the M180 on April 22 last year after police spotted him driving a BMW at speeds of 101mph.
Judge David Tremberg told Peckys he will be deported to Lithuania once he has served half of his sentence in custody.
I mentioned the drip,drip,drip technique used by the BBC and all good brainwashers and came across the most blatant example I have seen yet:
Sir David Attenborough answers dinosaur query from Otis, 4
Why on Earth does that deserve a slot on the front page I wondered.
Well, it starts by being sickly sweet in a rollercoaster tale of cute little Otis who wants to know what happened to dinosaurs but quickly becomes intertwined with the climate change agenda. Greta’s name gets thrown in as well of course.
Now here’s the biggie : did you know that dinosaurs were killed off by climate change and exactly the same will happen to us if we don’t mend our ways (and give those involved more money).
And there was me thinking a large meteor and a catastrophic event had something to do with it. Yet it wasn’t even mentioned.
And other biggie : to fight climate change, we should eat less meat !. I wonder the ‘BBC Fact Check Team’ would like to investigate their claim that the UK eating less meat can make any appreciable change at all compared to what China and the USA get up to. No. Thought not.
So now little Otis (whose bright little eyes were on-stalks as he discovered what he could do to fight climate-change) knows the real, Woke Left reason dinosaurs are extinct. Except for the meteor bit.
And just in case you started to feel this is just too far over the top, they round off with the statement ‘Sir David is just a wonderful human being. He’s worked so tirelessly to help us all understand our own impact on the planet and how important it is for us to take action now.’
If I want to read totally lop-sided, factually-barren activist propaganda laced with every dirty emotive trick in the book, I’ll read an in-flight magazine thank you.
According to an informative New Yorker cartoon I saw, as a mother explained to her son, the dinosaurs died out because they didn’t floss their teeth.
Hull ITV/BBC news
Yesterday “Yay, The UK government is giving tax money to Norwegian corp Equinor for a Hull hydrogen plant project”
Today “the Norway government is refusing
to let the last Hull trawler Kirkella work in Norwegian seas”
So far the journos don’t seem to see the irony.
Wednesday’s big PR event in Whitby
– Climate Change
– emotional blackmail
– Narration by Nadaya Hussain
– fictional African child Aysha (Muslim name)
– all main media carried it
Do you really think that in less than 19 years water will be really scarce for one quarter of the world’s children ?
Sure we get periodic water shortages like one 3 years ago in Capetown, but the rain always comes.
It’s a question of planning to have enough dams, maintenance, and not over consuming.
Yes Stew, the world’s clean water supply will always expand to meet the growing population and increased industrialisation.
The solution to clean water for those children is to tackle the massive corruption in their governments.
But – for similar reasons ‘Stop The War’ only campaigned against the West while Russia were obliterating entire villages which had ISIS in them – the Left don’t support them because they are not aiming their agenda at people in this country.
As we all know, black people must be preserved as victims to be used against the struggle against the Right. Highlighting just how bad a lot of them are does not fit the agenda. As Floyd proved.
A Minister for rain could always be created. It worked for the UK in 1976 we were short of rain. I believe the Minister was Denis Howell
Eeh, Begum! You know you are in Yorkshire when you hear that good old name.
“Covid: NHS warns of ‘significant reduction’ in vaccines “
Will the government use this as an excuse to extend the lockdown ?
My earlier comment mentioning Floyd got me wondering what is happening in the trial as it seems to have been dropped by the BBC.
I found this snippet about the foam Floyd had around his mouth:
‘Nelson wants to show the jury evidence supporting his argument that the foam resulted from Floyd swallowing drugs. Pills containing fentanyl and methamphetamine were found in Floyd’s car; semi-chewed versions of such pills were found in the back of the police car where officers had struggled to get Floyd to sit, Nelson said.’
I have a feeling a lot of this trial is going to remain unreported by the BBC.
The truth and evidence is probably immaterial. If the jury can be rigged it will be . If it can’t be rigged and the officers set free then the MSM/ BLM propaganda machine will go into action and claim it’s all about white privilege etc etc followed by mass rioting.
The looting. Don’t forget the looting. Only a widescreen TV or some expensive trainers can compensate them for the injustice of it all.
The opening of the trial coincided with a $27 million pay off for Floyd George’s family.
“Newspaper headlines: EU will ‘grab your jabs’ and tough migrant stance”
Do you believe Priti this time ?
IMHO this will scare all the illegals in the 4 Star hotels to ‘do a runner’ . The government could have commandeered three empty cruise ships and anchored them in international waters as a place fo process the illegals . They would soon stop coming from France.
Newspeak words we have learned under Al Beeb and the present government – stay safe, build back better, bumpy , game changer, Nightingale hospitals, lessons to be learned, etc etc .
Please feel free to add………..
Ok , it’s a bit quiet here ? ????
A bit of ‘ insider dealing ‘from a volunteer moderator …
If the site gets a 100 comments per day that is a good day . Wednesday got nearly double that .
The actual number isnt really important but the content is . I worry – sometimes – that some people turn up – dump their comment – and dont read those of others – so there id not exchange of views ….
But how people treat a site like this for themselves … except for trolls not talking about the BBC – who can leave
Nothing like a bit of “insider dealing”
I think most of the readers and contributors on this site really value your thankless work.
Hats off to you all !
Night shifts get a bit quiet and boring as Al Beeb doesn’t update its website much at night, of late . Could be less staff on night shift?
One question, do you have a record of new joiners/posters ?
More inside info – I get a personal email whenever someone joins – I could get more info but my email would be too busy – there are various logs I can access too . I could email posters directly but have never done that – although I do link to our late friends at Other websites…
Thanks for the reply.
They would only need one. Once they cotton on to the fact they don’t get 3 meals a day and a 4 star hotel room on arrival, they will soon stop trying.
Al Beeb and other ‘news’ outlets inform me that HMG is drawing up a paper detailing a plan to send illegal immigrants ‘overseas’ whilst their claims are being processed. The Isle of Man and Gibraltar were mentioned as destination.
Yet more ‘tough talk’ from the minister for strongly worded statements no doubt later today.
I wonder what the current populations of the two proposed venues think of the plan to pollute their neighbourhoods with the scum of the earth?
Weather in the channel is settled for many days so expect lots of boat people this weekend.
Amazing that with the resources of the Armed Forces at their disposal, HMG can’t do thing about them coming…. yet can introduce draconian lockdowns on the indigenous people at the drop of a hat.
Useless tories aided and abetted by a national broadcaster that hates the country that funds it.
TOADY Watch & BBC WEB-SITE Watch combined #1 – and the first instinct of the BBC is?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/ first item, top left https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56438629
The first instinct of the BBC now seems to be when anything goes wrong: blame the Government. Would they do that if it was a Labour Government? I do not recall that happening so much from 1997 to 2007. It certainly increased during the last years of Labour, 2009/10 especially.
The billions wasted on extra unnecessary PPE and the early stages of Track and Trace together with Nightingale Hospitals and underused testing facilities were probably not just down to disfunctional officials in the Dept. of Health but also down to media pressure, especially and most of all from the BBC.
Time for HMG to settle a few scores?
Time for a new government or PM , surely?
I dont think so Up2 – once they got the cheque book out chucking a few billion here and there has been the default .
If interest rates head up they ( we ) wont be able to avoid the cut backs in Everything to furnish the debt interest being racked up .
It feels like all that debt built up in WW2 which only got finally paid off recently …
… the BBC – being fixated on anniversaries has decided the inquiry into covid should start now – a year after the 1st lockdown or something .
Very much a kidult attitude when the assumption is being made that normality is about to return …
… and even if it was an effective inquiry any ‘ lessons learnt’ would soon be forgotten.
As more draconian ‘hate crime’ laws are passed by our liberal PM expect a ‘witch hunt’ of men in the coming months.
Wow, a world renowned band have Barry and the BBC as fans.
Speaking of ex-presidents and sad ex-news broadcasters, the Moaning Emole…
Donald Trump’s wealth takes tumble during presidency
Donald Trump’s net worth dropped by about $700m to $2.3bn (£1.65bn) during his time as president, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The pandemic hit his fortunes hard, with Mr Trump’s office buildings, branded hotels and resorts losing revenue and falling in value. His fleet of planes and golf courses have also seen drops in their value. Mr Trump is currently under a criminal investigation into his financial affairs and his family business.
Interestingly, financial fortunes of certain folk have soared thanks to BBC support… Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Gates… and of course such as the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens.
Even eco chaps like Gore and Kerry. And in the spirit of BBC dags, Kerry is in a slot of bother having been ‘accused of’ forgetting even billionaires need masks in planes that are not Lears.
Unless he is claiming to be an autistic toddler to get the media onside that way.
President Trump donated all his presidential salary to charities, but Mr Biden seems to be taking about $400,000 p.a..
Perhaps it’s in the form of Chinese zloty or something…
What is it with ‘career’ politicians? Our lot are bad enough, especially labour, but to suck at citizens’ hard-earned taxes all their lives, is like non-job-creation at the awful bbbc!
Nothing the actual engagements to that story, with Colin dragging in Barry for reasons best known to bbc goblins.
Uh oh… anyone sense a patriarchy/screaming pierced blue haired heifer demanding her right to weekly abortions coming?
And given that wimmin, real, young ones, appear to suffer the highest rate of brain blood clots post COVID vaccination, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because of a contraindication when taking the contraceptive pill.
Another for Wendy and Marianna… to ignore?
Seems not coping with three jobs (doc, mp and green room troll) she is also struggling with reality.
Yet the BBC still seem to find her irresistible.
Her mouth is as big as Faiza Shaheen’s – remember that elocution expert?
BBC Anything Anyone Sends In ‘news’
“I’m sitting indoors in the years when I can have a child.”
Frederike, 33, is single and said that the pandemic was robbing her of the chance to meet someone and start a family.
Covid: From boom to bust – why lockdown hasn’t led to more babies
By Stephanie Hegarty
Population correspondent
The BBC has a ‘population correspondent’. Apparently.
Steph and the photo ed appear to have worked hard to source imagery of the more fecund sector, some married, which does not include 33 yo Germans who get in touch with the BBC.
Guest, does the BBC have an ‘Overpopulation Correspondent’ ?
If not, perhaps they should?
Seems a niche role.
Stationed on a beach near Dover, probably. With Keith Vaz and a welcome basket.
Meanwhile the Triage guys are doing double time outside private hospitals and getting excited about those on their last legs being treated with mercy.
DNR is not for the BBC though… billions must be pumped into that rotting corpse still.
Does it have a depopulation correspondent, or an abortion correspondent?
Crikey! All those pregnant BAMEs with poor ‘whitey’ getting a negative result, yet again.
They are taking the Michael.
Despite the Pandemic
And a few scatalogical references
One couldn’t help oneself but smile at a minor business headline in the FT this morning – in this instance one needs to know that Dignity is not a platitude for grandad’s oneway ticket to a short stay in Switzerland (more of that later) but you’re close, it’s a firm of funeral directors: ‘Dignity in red, despite rise in deaths‘
If Dignity plc can’t make a profit in a pandemic then perhaps they’re in the wrong line of business? Or perhaps…?
The NHS have been doing the best they can – BBC: ‘Covid-19: Concern over “do not resuscitate” decisions during pandemic‘
Telegraph: ‘Care home residents put on DNR orders without consent‘
For all the furore over a supposed pandemic, we just don’t see our undertakers coining it from the plague pits; we don’t see fleets of ambulances going door-to-door collecting casualties like plague carts and we certainly never really did see any overwhelmed hospitals.
I sense there’s something amiss.
I’m minded of that Bruce Willis movie The Sixth Sense and have a perverse line stuck in my head – “I DON’T see dead people”
Of course it’s all about the fear
Looking back, somewhat nostalgically, to March 2020 and the famous loo roll panic buying spree, an alien observer, new to earth, must have thought our population had collectively crapped itself.
Oh well, one takes solice where one may find it. Our media apparently does care for the well-being of precisely half our population. How do I know? Read on: ‘Keep women safe‘ (FT) – which on the face of it sounds about the most male chauvinist of statements possible.
The ‘i‘ newspaper seems a little conflicted as to the status of women in about the most patriarcial society known to man: ‘The Isis brides. Victims or terrorists?‘ And yes, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has seen its acronym reduced to the status of a lower case weasel word in our media house-styles.
I guess Robert Shrimsley at the FT makes it right in his article and anyway we’ve now reached the Orwellian stage where our press could print just about any old tosh and if it sounds vaguely right-on, despite logical fallacies it’s all good: ‘Protecting half the country must be the priority‘
What if science made women obsolete? ‘Human embryos created from skin cells‘ (Telegraph)
Matt Hancock pops up on the front page of the Times looking more psychopathic than ever. His manic expression rivals both Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix for their Jokers.
This comes on a day when the Guardian frontpage pinches the tabloid Daily Star’s long-running joke about Boris in clown makeup: ‘Behind the bluster. The PM explained‘ – as a side note, the teaser for this feature appears in the position on the Guardian cover where often the paper pontificates about which of a particular musical artist’s recordings we should think best. The point being the Guardian’s tone is heavily pedagogic with its lefty audience. Noticably over-keen to tell them precisely what to think about every aspect of life from their politics to their favourite records.
Hancock’s department suffers the wrath of a special advisor scorned in the FT: ‘Health critic. Cummings takes a swing… a “smoking ruin in terms of procurement”‘ – tell us something we didn’t know.
Hancock is not so much our Big Brother as the bonkers cousin we don’t talk about and lost track of since he did that last mad thing in public. The Times frets: ‘Setback for Britain’s Covid vaccine rollout. Under 50s programme paused‘ – I wouldn’t rush out to the supermarket aisles to grab some twelve-packs of the stuff advertised by puppies just yet – on the basis a reasonably healthy individual in that age group has about a one in six-digit number chance of contracting and dying of this lurgy. That is as long as our untested mass release of vaccines into the population hasn’t provoked rapid evolutionary mutation of what would in the past have been an inevitably gradually more benign virus suddenly mutating into something more dangerous?
The Express has always been more pro-Brexit: ‘Proof… if you need it! EU will never let go‘ – You’re preaching to the choir with this pro-Brexit reader. Although frankly, when they came for our fish, I wasn’t a fisherman and was quiet; when they came for our lightbulbs, I sat in the gloom and was quiet; they come for our… I’m not too excited about this rush for vaccines.
The Metro frontpage pillories EU Commission boss Ursula von der Leyen for her: ‘We’ll grab your jabs‘ – oh how times and sentiment have changed for the Metro, that deep in the pocket of the government advertising budget freebie. All those anti-Brexit frontpages we used to read now flushed down the memory toilet. Also on the Metro cover we have a pic of Sabine Schmitz, former racing driver, looking uncannily like our Ursula – one and the same?
And finally, the short-statured minister for gobby sound-bite policies that never come to fruition has been at it again: ‘Priti: Asyslum seekers to be sent overseas‘ (Daily Mail) – I sniff more horse manure than implied in the Mail’s ‘Cheltenham Pullout‘
“If Dignity plc can’t make a profit in a pandemic then perhaps they’re in the wrong line of business? Or perhaps…?”
Normally the local Coroner’s office opens 0700-1600.
One would think, listening to the BBC, that now they would be ’24/7′.
No, they open at 11:30, ‘because of Covid’.
“And yes, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has seen its acronym reduced to the status of a lower case weasel word in our media house-styles.”
Well better than hiding completely behind Daesh.
Brilliant post all through. Thank you.
TOADY Watch solo #2 – that good time party girl
the Bee Lady, Martha Kearney gets the item on clubbing after the serious bit, the 8.10 a.m. Interview was handled by Justin Webb who was struggling with the analogue clock this morning. For some reason the TOADY Editor insists that an analogue clock is used for time checks on the programme. Quite crazy.* They should also have a digital clock and train the TOADY presenters to only look at that and read the time from it straight off. But no.
They have a digital clock down in the bottom of their computer screens but in the TOADY studio rules are rules and the presenters are, apparently, not allowed to use them.
Anyway, Martha is all wistful for the days of clubbing and will be heading up the road to Dundee (borrowing Laura Kuenssberg’s season ticket?) to visit this new V&A exhibition.
* An analogue clock is essential in a radio or TV studio because it shows the passage of time over twelve hours whereas a digital clock only provides a readout of one moment in time. Why Beeboids cannot have and use both is beyond me.
A long time ago when I used to listen to Today, before I gave up because it was just too depressing, I thought that what they needed was a screen that told them what to say, rather than giving them a clock that they get wrong.
Just a bit of javascript, no problem. Then I thought that I don’t really know what kit they have in the studio and in any case the BBC has billions and thousands of staff, most of whom claim to be ‘creative’, so let them get on with it themselves. Besides I had just about given up on them by then.
A couple of years ago I was reading something about clocks etc. and they quoted a bit from Today in which they thanked a kind listener for doing exactly what I had proposed. (Moral: If you wait long enough someone else will do it).
So where has it gone? Perhaps got lost in the upgrade from MS-DOS 3.3?
Jim, the TOADY presenters and Editors get regular ‘mail’ about improving the time checks. But the BBC, being the BBC, insist on doing it their way and refuse to change. The rest of us just read the clock and say “9.21 a.m.” or “9.47 a.m.” in words. Simples.
Moral: If you wait long enough someone else will do it.
Gosh, that is such a useful text.
Shamima Begum is in the news media once again today. She has had a makeover, Western dress, make up, hairdo, and positively no Hijab.
Someone is paying a PR company to try to make this woman palatable to the people of the UK and sway public opinion in favour of her being allowed to return to the UK.
It doesn’t appear to be having much success, but that is not the point.
Our independent press is not what it was. Filled with woke idiots from yooni who haven’t a clue and can’t even spell let alone use correct grammar and punctuation.
There is no longer any meaningful investigative journalism which might discover the powers behind this outrage, and yet someone without a doubt must be pumping substantial funds into her cause.
The public have a right to know who this is and what their motives are.
Thoughtful, is it the Times newspaper? Or the journos on the Times personally footing the bill?
There was always a whiff of that PR campaign right from the outset. The journalists deliberately located her out of thousands in refugee or isolation camps. They searched for her and pushed for access. It is all very dishonest.
Must be the same PR outfit running the G&W campaign.
If Harridan in a Hijab was not playing, Sloane in Sunnies in Downtown Aleppo sure as hell isn’t either.
And it looks like Nancy Pelosi flew her hairdresser over in Kerry’s Lear, which is why he had to go commercial.
To make any makeover to, ‘I’m a reformed character’ plausible, I trust they got her to hold an AK47 in one hand for comparison…………..
11:30am R4 FooC
item #4 Indian Farmers
Will the report be IMPARTIAL ?
… Well the reporter is the daughter of the Skipping Sikh
Minreet Kaur seems an Activist Reporter here’s her Twitter photo
Bio : London, @NUJofficial
Oh FooC is at 11am actually
Other items
#1 Rebuilding Raqqa – The story of one of the original Syrian protesters from Raqqa and efforts to rebuild the city.
Residents of the city of Raqqa experienced Islamic State. Now the city is trying to rebuild.
Leila Molana-Allen met with one of the original protesters, along with those who are working to restore the city.
#2 The Venezuelan diaspora trying to help people back home battling the pandemic and a collapsing economy.
Vladimir Hernandez lives in Nairobi, and describes how Venezuelan friends and relatives are issuing pleas for help via messaging apps.
#3 The murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall in 2017 on board a Danish submarine
Maddy Savage reflects on her experience of covering the trial of Kim Wall’s killer.
#4 The Indian government argues that it can make life better for farmers via a series of free-market reforms. But the plans set off a furious backlash. Minreet Kaur, who lives in the UK, has been hearing why the protests have been so widespread – and so heated.
#5 Switzerland’s system of direct democracy is famous for putting decision making firmly in the hands of voters.
This led to the recent vote to ban the burqa and the niqab. Imogen Foulkes
The program credits there
6 Female (4 reporters, presenter, producer)
1 Male reporter
She found someone who paid a smuggler to get him into Germany
.. she says he’s now paid smugglers to bring him back.
A few years ago I used to live 200Km north of the border
We had lots of Syrian refugees in town , mostly rich
… sometimes they would go back .
#1 Raqqa is being rebuilt, so far ground floors
The people still feel a threat from fighting still in other regions
She said older Muslims support the burqa ban as it frees women ..even though the PR said “oh it’s a far right rule”
But the new Muslim refugees from Bosnia did believe that line, and opposed it
“India is home to me” she said
The farming reforms mean the farmers will get market prices
instead of getting a guaranteed price from government.
#4 Her cousin farms 14 acres
He has a tractor
FFS 14 acres is nothing .. it’s a market garden
“The government has ripped farmers off for years”
.. but hang on the government is getting out of the market shouldn’t that be better ?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – poor vaccine practice?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/ The photo top left demonstrates an ungloved nurse giving a vaccine jab. Pic may not be there for long. Rush to enjoy now!
The government has caved in and added MISOGYNY to a hate crime list
Woman’s Hour are discussing later
first they are discussing Gloria Hunniford’s tattoo
Not directly bBC but shades of Last Night at the Proms methinks.
The Aberdeen University debate saw students discuss renewing a union policy on a demilitarised campus – which would actively bar military personnel from recruiting students.
When international students raised concerns about the presence of the British Army on campus, the history and politics student wrote in a webchat: ‘If the British military makes them feel uncomfortable, why did they come to a British uni?’
Shortly afterwards she wrote the words ‘Rule Britannia,’ she told The Telegraph.