BBC woman’s Hour tweet A recent survey found that 97% of women say they have been sexually assaulted.
How do we change cultures underpinning male violence against women and can other men help?
We hear from Professor Mike Berry,
Professor Mike Berry is the BBC’s go to guy at Cardiff Uni who produces reports saying “the BBC is NOT biased”
Now I know where Heinz got their Ad jingle “a million housewives every day pick up a tin of beans and say. Beanz Meanz Heinz”
Call You gov, pick a number, get them to “survey” and whatever you want comes back with an invoice.
BBC text pages tell us complaints on Piers Morgan’s ‘Meghan’s a liar…’ outburst have topped 57,000 making it the most highly critical response yet.
The US election has proved to our entire satisfaction that artificial inflation of such figures is out of the question, and although there is no obvious connection, the noble Duchess has an Ofcom action against Mr Morgan pending. Plus of course this must mean the approval ratings of Sussex Enterprises is far higher than other polls might suggest.
It seems to me that it’s often the very same people that are now so obsessed with horrible men assaulting women, that believe we can all just choose our gender. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
I remember the case of the serial sex offender who decided he wanted to become a she, whilst in nick. Let’s say his name was Bob and they allowed him to become Sandra. He was transferred to an all female prison, with the one proviso that he had to wear a woman’s wig. This he often refused to do.
I’ve seen a picture of this bloke and he’s a gruesome enough specimen as a geezer, blimey in drag he must look like Les Dawson after a particularly heavy session. Eugh!
Anyway, they allow “Sandra” to go to a women only prison, with disastrous consequences. Who’d have thought it…
I remember an agonisingly politically correct interview on Radio 2 hosted by Jeremy Vine. I still listened in those days, but I’m pleased to say I’ve broken the habit. He tiptoed around making sure he constantly referred to this sex offender as “she” and “her”. it was excruciating, but somehow hysterically funny at the same time.
JV was trying to describe an “incident” that occurred in the showers of the women’s prison. Remember “Sandra” still had …um…everything attached…cough…
“So, Sandra was standing at the far end of the shower as the other women entered and”…embarrassed pause…” began waggling her erect penis at the them…” I was driving at the time and very nearly went into a swerve. What part of that bleedin’ sentence makes any sense whatsoever?
Sex offending men pretending to be women is fine. Tens of thousands of under age white girls are groomed and raped and no-one bats a bloody eyelid. One utterly awful murder, committed by a white, middle-aged policeman and suddenly there’s all hell to pay…
This latest outcry has nothing to do with women’s safety.
Alas you in your hate of trannies you miss the point entirely.
You are able to cite one bloke who gamed the stupid system, but I can cite thousands who have comitted offences against women and because they have a special priviledge have got away with doing it.
Because of the offenders Pakistani priviledge he was given an amazingly lenient sentence which has led to the local Liberal leader calling for a review into the disgraceful sentence.
Our prisons are full of enrichers who have assaulted and abused women, yet thanks to political correctness we are not even allowed to talk about it.
I understand you hate trannies with a passion, but you shouldn’t allow that hate to blind you to the real threat. After all as far as I know trannies don’t have a concept such as Taharrush.
I do not “hate trannies”!
However, there have been multiple problems with blokes taking advantage of these insane rules…
As for the Pakistani grooming gangs, I referred to that; “Tens of thousands of under age white girls are groomed and raped and no one bats an eyelid.”
Oldham is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of those enriched northern areas have seen similar appalling crimes.
The media don’t seem to be bothered. Our MPs would rather talk about anything else. But the ones I despise most are the feminists. They know this is happening, but rather like their European sisters, they’d much prefer to pick on easy targets. White men!
With this latest assault, they’ve found an attacker they can really go for. There’s no cultural sensitivity, no race problem and best of all, he’s a copper.
There of course haven’t been ‘multiple problems’ there might have been multiple reports by hysterical women imagining problems.
Here’s the proof of ridiculous women becomming hysterical and imagining all sorts of issues over a ‘man’ in the womens toilets and what actually happens when the Gestapo get a report like that:
Of course the truth is never passed back to the hysterics, because of data protection etc, so they go on believing they were at great risk when nothing actually happened, and nothing was ever going to !
The problem which I will re-iterate, is not trannies, what ever you might think, but in Socialism, the most evil ideology the world has ever known and which has ended more lives than any other single cause. Even the black death didn’t manage to kill as many as Socialism has and that’s only in the last 150 years since it started!
Mass uncontrolled immigration and no border controls has been the problem, add into that identity politics and you have a much more realistic picture than the threat of a couple of trannies in the women toilet !
BBC presenters this morning openly taking the piss and sniggering about a Government minister having a Union Flag and picture of the Queen in the background. Video link here….
This tells you all you need to know about the pervasive attitude within this vile organisation.
Presenters and behind the camera staff sniggering and sneering at a Minister of the Crown displaying our nations flag and a portrait of our Head of State in his office.
I know that many will think it’s disproportionate in the scheme of things but this has really made my piss boil. I’m no fan of what this government is doing at the moment but these absolute w@nkers think they have the right to take the piss out of patriotism and thereby spit in the face of those of us who pay their wages – it’s a disgusting and childish reaction which reveals so much about the anti-British mindset which dominates our media generally and the bbbc in particular.
I don’t expect them to behave anything otherwise than sniggering lefty lib 6th formers ..that’s their bubbleworld.
The irony is lefty guests have their virtue signalling symbols
rainbows, BLM, Grenfell, Aids, EU flag, NHS badges ..and the metrolibs would be outraged if you sniggered at them
Nazir Afzal thinks “we” all agree with them
Lovely to watch Charlie Stayt tell Robert Jenrick that his flag isn’t big enough!@TVNaga01 couldn’t disguise her joy We all agree
Surely not the preening tosser usually despised because of his obvious, ‘unusual’ wish to be some sort of sixth form haircut idol to all the dumb birds, drooping around him in W1A?
I thought he’d left, but as I haven’t watched such drivel for years, I’m probably the last citizen to really give a monkey’s…
The awful BBBC really need to at least try and up their game; they don’t understand very much about true British values, do they!
Correct Scroblene; Charlie needs to Stayt home permanently and take that Munchbutty with him to his home Hampstead.
I am sure it is ‘big enough’ for the two, the amount we pay him..
We need a TV news station which gives you the news straight and not metropolitan biased opinions all the time.
Maybe the imminent ‘GB news’ station will be the answer with proper grown-ups presenting, here’s hoping.
Local BBC news : “Lincolnshire MP hits out at report linking historic local buildings with slavery
Historic England have wasted £15,000 of taxpayers money
the report should be shredded”
MP = Sir John Hayes
Blankney, Burghley House, Little Ponton Hall and Woodhall Spa are all included in the report by Dr Mary Wills and Dr Madge Dresser entitled ‘The Transatlantic Slave Economy and England’s Built Environment: A Research Audit’.
The report said
“recent events associated with the Black Lives Matter movement serve as a potent reminder
of how this history of exploiting human life for profits permeates many aspects of English history.”
… that sounds a bit Marxist
Yes using human labour to create business that enriches, permeates English history ..and enriches society.
Sometimes the transaction was unfair as in most slavery, many serfs, millworkers, coalminers etc.
A source within the Department of Culture told the MailOnline of Ministers’ “increasing frustration” with “public bodies focusing on divisive parts of Britain’s history rather than celebrating our shared heritage”.
The source told the MailOnline that “we should face up to the challenging parts, but this needs to be done in a balanced way rather than constantly putting down our past”.
Radio Lincs audio from 1h23m
“Would you visit a historic house, knowing it has links to slavery”
– Intro
– Item on Blankney village and that family receiving abolition compensation
– MP opinion “What are you on about calling a village hall or even a whole village, is has a bit link, when it’s pretty tangential
I’m proud of Wilberforce and abolition
but not sure we need this report of tangential slavery links”
It seems I cannot mention a BBC guide on masterbation on a forum aimed at adults but the BBC can target the article on masterbation towards kids though.
Whilst the half wits were happy clapping their NHS it was busily sticking DNR notices on victims without approval of anyone outside the medical mafia – its being explained away as ‘misunderstanding ‘ ‘mis communication ‘ – but if 500 cases have been tracked down – imagine how many ‘informal DNRs ‘ have been done to kill people .
Before anyone goes off on one I am aware of emergency triage principles – I also think there is a need for criminal investigations if the medical mafia have been ‘offing ‘ people actively or by neglect . I have direct experience of them doing both .
Bbc news
Confusion rules . One minute the bbc is trying to get its favourite colour to take the jab it then gets on the blood clot ‘concerns ‘ to raise doubt – then it is in a panic about the shortage in April and who to blame ….
…. then – to it’s credit – it reports on bits of the EU where they are dropping like flys ….ironically in the Reich itself …
The fruit loops whom they BBC was giving air too – who wants the UK to export vaccine to ‘more needy countries ‘ have gone quiet …
THis afternoon the European vaccine mafia is to announce whether Oxford AZ is too dangerous to use – I’m sure political pressure will trump medical views to ban it – which might give us more doses !
Teenage boy stabbed to death Wednesday afternoon in my neck of the woods . Asian . For some reason there is no vigil – no shouts – no candles or flowers – the local man hating MP says it doesn’t look ‘gang related ‘.
Guess the colour of the suspected killer – there is no description so draw your conclusion – you can tell the ferals are back at school at tea time murders take off again …
Walthamstow stabbing: Teenager, 18, knifed to death ‘and mother slashed by thug trying to steal designer jackets’
Hussain Chaudhry was attacked by thugs trying to steal designer jackets from his family’s home-run business, neighbours said
Witnesses said the boy was stabbed in the neck by an attacker posing as a customer who then fled the scene.
The guy ran off with a jacket.
“They came to steal jackets, there were two of them they, were teenagers. The lad was trying to stop them getting away.
#APPEAL | Yesterday evening an 18-year-old man was stabbed to death on Lea Bridge Road in #Walthamstow.
It's a busy road and we know plenty of people were in the area at the time. If you can help detectives please ???? 101 or contact @CrimestoppersUK.
— Waltham Forest MPS | North East BCU (@MPSWForest) March 18, 2021
The spectator on Twitter rebroadcasts the 0743 breakfast TV interview with minister Robert Jeneric ? At the end the interviewer BBCs ‘ Charles Stait comments on the size of the Union flag – and the portraits of The Queen in the ministers ‘ office .
If anyone wants to question why the BBC is seen as anti British now – and losing the British taxpayer – there is an ideal example .
Stait is something rhyming with Hunt . Truly .
The usual snide smugness from Charlie Stayt and Naga Munchetty on @BBCBreakfast making fun of a government minister for having a union flag and portrait of the Queen in the background. All very well, but you just know they wouldn't dare treat this one the same way.
Kate Hoey @CatharineHoey tweeted This is exactly why @BBCNews should no longer be allowed to charge a licence fee
– always snidey about anyone standing up for our country and Her Majesty.
Meanwhile, the Moaning Emole has a special guest ‘analyst’…
Sturgeon cannot brush this away
Nicola Sturgeon’s team is already trying to dismiss the findings as a partisan attack; a predictable political play designed to damage the first minister, who has been almost untouchable for so long.
The findings they really fear are from the separate Hamilton Inquiry, being carried out by an independent lawyer into whether she broke the rules that govern ministers’ behaviour.
If she’s found to have done that, convention suggests she would have to resign.
It is clear Ms Sturgeon has no intention of giving in to opposition demands out there to get her to quit on the basis of the MSPs’ conclusions.
But a public finding from a parliamentary committee that she misled them can’t just be brushed away.
Read full analysis >
Laura Kuenssberg
BBC political editor
Or, Krankie could pull a Naga and get one of her people to issue an incoherent non apology and just carry on.
Stew – I have no time for breakfast TV – but when I saw the 0743 bit on Twitter I just instinctively thought about complaining . Then I remembered I don’t pay for this traitorous crap and never will .
But it made me think that these people live in their own swamp / bubble so such a comment is not unusual for them – but to do it live on TV crosses that line ,
Sooner or later these people must pay a price for such insolence – nice to see Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah sniggering away …
A day or so ago, I referred to the US having become a ‘basket-case’. A few weeks ago, I suggested that the Communists now in power will render the US unrecognisable in a year’s time. I reaffirm both. President Trump will be unable to reconfigure or reverse the changes now underway by the Communists. Too far gone. The US is being destroyed before everyone’s eyes.
But still Drayton broke the law
It shouldn’t have taken 10 mins for staff to notice the alarm call
The court heard people had previously fallen from the Splash Canyon ride at Drayton Manor into the water, and on the day of the accident people had stood up in the boats 70 times.
IMHO its deliberate.
They want Al Beeb shut down so that they can pick up huge redundancy payouts .
They then move to other broadcasting companies with their ‘golden handshakes’. Of course it would only apply to the senior employees. The juniors ‘can go to the wall’.
I think I have posted similar before?
Twitter is pushing this at me
“Video of Joe Biden outside the White House is real, according to fact-checkers
Fact-checking site Lead Stories and journalists working for the BBC
and Mashable said that President Biden was speaking from the south lawn outside the White House when he spoke to reporters on Tuesday.
Similar claims about former president Donald Trump were debunked in October.”
Shayan has done a massive 10 tweet debunk
dunno why, cos when i saw the video, I did post here that it’s probably just a strange camera angle
Both Twitter and FB are quick to fact check anything which puts Joe Biden in a bad light.
So I tried to tell a few untruths about Biden on FB and was not fact checked.
I said that when Biden was a medical student he discovered a cure for diabetes, then he switched to engineering and invented the first electric car. He has a distinguished military career and was awarded a Purple Heart, thereafter winning an Oscar for playing himself in the movie based on his military service. Joe has been trained as an astronaut and intends to be the firsts man to land on Mrs.
Not disputed. Perhaps somewhere some loon will believe this and vote for Joe
Dismal day for the BbC / ReichEU today as the EU vaccine club announces the Oxford AZ vaccine is good to use . The immediate BBC response was not to talk about EU politicians who suspended that part of the vax programme but to resume worries about vaccination in April in the UK .
The BBC will now be desperate for another reason to undermine the vaccination programme and get the blame put onto the government .
STARTS ‘ Naga Munchetty Defies BBC Social Media Impartiality Rules
Despite Director-General Tim Davie’s insistence that BBC employees will face sanctions for breaking impartiality rules online, it seems a few stars still just can’t help themselves. After sneering at Robert Jendrick for displaying a union flag in his office during a BBC Breakfast interview this morning, Naga Munchetty took to Twitter to continue the fun, liking gems such as ‘the flag shaggers will be up in arms’ and ‘[this] should be done every time the Tories roll out one of their talking head ministers’. Exactly what you’d expect from an impartial broadcaster…
The BBC’s impartiality rules are quite explicit on their employees’ social media use. New guidance released in October says:
“Nothing should appear on your personal social media accounts that undermine the perception of the BBC’s integrity or impartiality.
[…] Be wary of ‘revealed bias’, whether through likes or re-posting other posts, so that a bias becomes evident, and ‘inferred bias’ where a post is impartial but loose wording allows readers to infer a bias where there is none.
[…] Avoid ‘virtue signalling’ – retweets, likes or joining online campaigns to indicate a personal view, no matter how apparently worthy the cause.”
With Davie’s announcement today that the Beeb will be moving thousands of jobs out of London to try and reconnect with the rest of the country, Naga hasn’t timed her stunt particularly well. Naga is a repeat offender and clearly believes she is untouchable and the rules don’t apply to her. BBC Breakfast is already filmed in Salford…’ENDS
Which shield will this person shelter behind -Racism or Mysogeny? Bit of a tricky day for us on the @BBCTech team, having been told we have to move to Glasgow. It's a great city, but many of us not at the stage in life where we can uproot our families
Panorama has learned that internal complaints procedures have ground to a halt, with several bullying complaints outstanding against a serving cabinet minister in Nicola Sturgeon’s government
“UK to consider sending asylum seekers abroad”
“The UK could send asylum seekers abroad while their applications are processed, under plans considered by ministers.”
Operative words “consider” and “could”
Useless platitudes. Just look at their track record so far ?
Remind me, how many million illegals are here already?
Amol Rajan barely able to contain the excitement from latest BBC scoop from seedy US gumshoe paid by the Sun to check on Meghan’s background pre-Harry.
Had it been the Guardian that would have constituted investigative journalism at its finest, of course, but however described it was still well over four years ago with a great deal of quite colourful water under the bridge since then.
The government should take up this golden opportunity of opening up the economy having made the country safe with the vaccine plan long before the EU. They should end lockdown now and gain the advantage .
What are they following this time, dates or data ?
The timetable seems quite reasonable – taking into account the number of weeks needed after vaccination has taken place …. so even with a fair proportion of people getting their second jabs there must be a few weeks for systems to set up – working on the assumption that a very nasty variant doesn’t come along
. I reckon a UK summer is viable but not an overseas one because of the continuing need for house arrest on return because too many countries won’t have a sizeable vaccinated population .
If I recall the likes of Germany has only done 3 million on an 85 million population ….
Guido has just reported that Sturgeon misled the Hollyrood committee investigating her lies about the Salmond afffair. She will try to hang on with the support of her cronies and the cult. Corrupt little horror. Good bloody riddance!
Also from Guido After sneering at Robert Jendrick for displaying a union flag in his office during a BBC Breakfast interview this morning, Naga Munchetty took to Twitter to continue the fun, liking gems such as ‘the flag shaggers will be up in arms’ and ‘[this] should be done every time the Tories roll out one of their talking head ministers’.
“Alex Salmond inquiry says Nicola Sturgeon misled committee”
I think things are beginning to unravel ?
If there are any Scotsmen on this site they need to avoid the emotional patriotic feelings they get from watching ‘Braveheart’ and look at independence in the clear light of day . Scotland does not support itself financially neither will it be independent if Sturgeon gets her way to re-join the EU . Independence ‘end of ‘!
The same applies to Darkeford and his Marxist comrades in the Welsh Ashambles . First, the taffmen voted to Brexit, next will it be to Abolish the Welsh Ashambles? Stay tuned and see how the results of the May elections go. Of course, it depends on how much brainwashing the sixteen yearolds have had from their ‘socialist’ school teachers.
IMHO both leaders appear to be fixated on rejoining the EU. All helped along by Al Beeb. De-fund the outfit, it is un-British.
\\EU agency says AstraZeneca vaccine is ‘safe and effective’//
Why isn’t Al Beeb slamming the EU?
If the boot had been on the other foot it would have slammed the British government .
I am pretty sure now that most people in this country would be glad to see the Telly Tax abolished and replaced by a ‘pay to watch’ broadcaster.
Over to you Wildwoman & maxi……………………..
Who runs the Universities the Students or the Chancellor ?
This country needs a leader to promote Great Britain, someone of a Churchillian character, not a plastic one.
Someone who will make a start at getting rid of the Woke Al Beeb.
Any suggestions ?
The fake President refers to Putin as, ‘a killer’ on live tv.
The wheels are coming off by the moment. Anything goes now.
No one or any body or department to step in to halt the progression of nonsense and recklessness. It won’t end well, that’s becoming blindingly obvious.
‘Later on Thursday, the Russian leader invited Mr Biden to hold a live online conversation either on Friday or Monday.’
Bidens mental state is clear for everyone to see now.
Except – it seems – people like the BBC.
Every time I hear Biden slur a word I remember the headline article the BBC wrote when Trump stumbled walking down a ramp.
I think I actually hate the BBC and everything it stands for now. Careful lies, misinformation and extreme double standards based on a political agenda. Is that a crime these days ?.
I 'liked' tweets today that were offensive in nature about the use of the British flag as a backdrop in a government interview this morning. I have since removed these 'likes'. This do not represent the views of me or the BBC. I apologise for any offence taken. Naga
The BBC are happy to support a foreign power & dress up their studio in EU colours whilst sneering at a UK government minister for displaying our flag & a picture of our
So the BBC finally take an interest in the anti-Asian hate crimes going on in the USA:
Of course it took a white guy to start it.
What seems obvious to me from reading the reports is that this guy is just your average American crazy white loner. He says he shot them because he was addicted to sex and wanted to stop them giving it to him. Not racial-hate, just another complete lunatic unable to cope with the modern world the USA has created.
‘Atlanta’s police chief, Rodney Bryant, said it was too early in the investigation to conclude that Tuesday’s shootings had not been a hate crime.’. WTF ?. Why even mention it until it has some evidence ?.
‘Activists and advocates have pointed to an increase in racially-motivated attacks against Asian Americans throughout the pandemic.’. Yes. Predominantly by racist blacks. Check the high-profile cases then do some detective work with google. You find they are all blacks. The news will not tell you.
These attacks are a delicate matter for the BBC which is why the whole topic has been very lightly reported. BLM support means not writing anything which questions their ‘victim’ status.
I’m always amazed at the irony of how the Left can throw away all principles of ethics and honesty when the subject interfers with their ‘morally superior’ agenda.
‘The ends justify the means’. They have more similarities with Hitler than just being socialists.
From the Telegraph:
‘Vaccine manufacturer claims Biden and India at fault for UK delays’
Can’t find that on the BBC. Would eb the main headline when Trump was President along with descriptions of how many will die because of it.
As an aside:
WTF have the BBC done with their search system ?. Is it deliberately designed to prevent you finding previous articles ?.
I just searched for ‘Biden’ to see if that topic was buried away and the second one on the list was from November last year. And they insist of giving each a big picture so you only get a few at a a time and it’s not quick to load sometimes. You soon give up completely. It’s completely useless.
Yes – I usually put BBC in the search if I’m looking for it specifically – though I have noticed how the BBC, the Guardian and most of the other far-left suspects ALWAYS come up before any others.
Every now and then I try the BBC search again to try and make sense of it but it seems to have no logic behind it whatsoever.
Well, searching for anything Mr Biden has said or done in the last couple of months will be fruitless, mainly because he seems to have done bugger all!
The BBC could probably recall their ‘team’ as there’s not a lot for them to do in the sad ol’ US at the moment – perhaps do an article on peanut distribution, or reviving old songs like ‘Home on the range’?
Here’s an idea, send Naga What’s her name over there, she’d fit in very well, sneering at the American flag – not…
Those Beeboids would never get away with that in any other country. Does the D G of Al Beeb consider why people do not pay the Telly tax anymore ? He was sent in to reform outfit but its getting worse. More importantly, our MPs must be aware of the situation.
Unfortunately, Taff, our MPs really do know the situation, but have always been too timid to do anything about it.
Just think how bad the reporting would be at the next GE, as there are still far too many mental lightweights around who believe what they spout, and a few of these even know how to vote!
But it’s only public money after all, and who’s best at wasting it?
Come April 5th, the minimum pension for OAPs will be around £175.00 per week.
I hope the bloated, slobbering under-managers and their dags and drones in W1A will sleep easy in their beds, knowing that millions of people on the breadline will be paying around a fiftieth of their annual income to support the pompous, profligate lifestyle of a failing, obnoxious, sneering (Nagalike), unsympathetic, unfunny, unwanted, unliked bunch of leftie spongers, who preen and toss (see Scrobs earlier), their third-form twaddle at the turn of a switch.
The awful bbbc just has to go, it is becoming the most universally hated organisation in Great Britain.
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah is just typical of the snobbish, condescending, sneery attitude encapsulated by everyone at the BBC. A horrible cow.
After months of stalling, Google finally revealed how much personal data they collect in Chrome and the Google app. No wonder they wanted to hide it. ⁰ Spying on users has nothing to do with building a great web browser or search engine. We would know (our app is both in one).
Up next on #R4Today: Oxford University VC Prof Louise Richardson on plans for a "calamitous" £1 billion cut in science funding
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
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DeborahMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sorry to hear it Atlas. 10 years ago it was the young Lefties who were screaming about ‘Big Pharma’ and…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I fear that is true. If, by 2025, 25% of the population is a first generation immigrant, then Britain is…
BBC woman’s Hour tweet
A recent survey found that 97% of women say they have been sexually assaulted.
How do we change cultures underpinning male violence against women and can other men help?
We hear from Professor Mike Berry,
Professor Mike Berry is the BBC’s go to guy at Cardiff Uni who produces reports saying “the BBC is NOT biased”
If they are talking about the YouGov survey of 1089 participants carried out for UN Women UK last January it isn’t very convincing.
Click to access YG-Archive-170321-UNWomenUK.pdf
Now I know where Heinz got their Ad jingle “a million housewives every day pick up a tin of beans and say. Beanz Meanz Heinz”
Call You gov, pick a number, get them to “survey” and whatever you want comes back with an invoice.
BBC text pages tell us complaints on Piers Morgan’s ‘Meghan’s a liar…’ outburst have topped 57,000 making it the most highly critical response yet.
The US election has proved to our entire satisfaction that artificial inflation of such figures is out of the question, and although there is no obvious connection, the noble Duchess has an Ofcom action against Mr Morgan pending. Plus of course this must mean the approval ratings of Sussex Enterprises is far higher than other polls might suggest.
but over 240,000 have signed petitions in favour of Piers Morgan
Yes Des – but that’s not on the BBC. It’s a question of priorities you see.
It seems to me that it’s often the very same people that are now so obsessed with horrible men assaulting women, that believe we can all just choose our gender. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
I remember the case of the serial sex offender who decided he wanted to become a she, whilst in nick. Let’s say his name was Bob and they allowed him to become Sandra. He was transferred to an all female prison, with the one proviso that he had to wear a woman’s wig. This he often refused to do.
I’ve seen a picture of this bloke and he’s a gruesome enough specimen as a geezer, blimey in drag he must look like Les Dawson after a particularly heavy session. Eugh!
Anyway, they allow “Sandra” to go to a women only prison, with disastrous consequences. Who’d have thought it…
I remember an agonisingly politically correct interview on Radio 2 hosted by Jeremy Vine. I still listened in those days, but I’m pleased to say I’ve broken the habit. He tiptoed around making sure he constantly referred to this sex offender as “she” and “her”. it was excruciating, but somehow hysterically funny at the same time.
JV was trying to describe an “incident” that occurred in the showers of the women’s prison. Remember “Sandra” still had …um…everything attached…cough…
“So, Sandra was standing at the far end of the shower as the other women entered and”…embarrassed pause…” began waggling her erect penis at the them…” I was driving at the time and very nearly went into a swerve. What part of that bleedin’ sentence makes any sense whatsoever?
Sex offending men pretending to be women is fine. Tens of thousands of under age white girls are groomed and raped and no-one bats a bloody eyelid. One utterly awful murder, committed by a white, middle-aged policeman and suddenly there’s all hell to pay…
This latest outcry has nothing to do with women’s safety.
Alas you in your hate of trannies you miss the point entirely.
You are able to cite one bloke who gamed the stupid system, but I can cite thousands who have comitted offences against women and because they have a special priviledge have got away with doing it.
Here is one of the most recent ones from the enriched town of Oldham:
Because of the offenders Pakistani priviledge he was given an amazingly lenient sentence which has led to the local Liberal leader calling for a review into the disgraceful sentence.
Our prisons are full of enrichers who have assaulted and abused women, yet thanks to political correctness we are not even allowed to talk about it.
I understand you hate trannies with a passion, but you shouldn’t allow that hate to blind you to the real threat. After all as far as I know trannies don’t have a concept such as Taharrush.
I do not “hate trannies”!
However, there have been multiple problems with blokes taking advantage of these insane rules…
As for the Pakistani grooming gangs, I referred to that; “Tens of thousands of under age white girls are groomed and raped and no one bats an eyelid.”
Oldham is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of those enriched northern areas have seen similar appalling crimes.
The media don’t seem to be bothered. Our MPs would rather talk about anything else. But the ones I despise most are the feminists. They know this is happening, but rather like their European sisters, they’d much prefer to pick on easy targets. White men!
With this latest assault, they’ve found an attacker they can really go for. There’s no cultural sensitivity, no race problem and best of all, he’s a copper.
They’re in Heaven.
Keep up!
Well seems to me you’re obssessed by them!
There of course haven’t been ‘multiple problems’ there might have been multiple reports by hysterical women imagining problems.
Here’s the proof of ridiculous women becomming hysterical and imagining all sorts of issues over a ‘man’ in the womens toilets and what actually happens when the Gestapo get a report like that:
Of course the truth is never passed back to the hysterics, because of data protection etc, so they go on believing they were at great risk when nothing actually happened, and nothing was ever going to !
The problem which I will re-iterate, is not trannies, what ever you might think, but in Socialism, the most evil ideology the world has ever known and which has ended more lives than any other single cause. Even the black death didn’t manage to kill as many as Socialism has and that’s only in the last 150 years since it started!
Mass uncontrolled immigration and no border controls has been the problem, add into that identity politics and you have a much more realistic picture than the threat of a couple of trannies in the women toilet !
“Hysterical women.”!!
Sounds a bit sexist…
not when you are a woman it isn’t!
Uh-oh… you now identify as a woman. Gulp!
Sorry Thoughtful, that explains everything.
I’ve touched a raw nerve…
My apologies.
BBC presenters this morning openly taking the piss and sniggering about a Government minister having a Union Flag and picture of the Queen in the background. Video link here….
In the present climate I think a petition to get these two sacked would be entirely suitable. Will they and the BBC apologise?
This tells you all you need to know about the pervasive attitude within this vile organisation.
Presenters and behind the camera staff sniggering and sneering at a Minister of the Crown displaying our nations flag and a portrait of our Head of State in his office.
I know that many will think it’s disproportionate in the scheme of things but this has really made my piss boil. I’m no fan of what this government is doing at the moment but these absolute w@nkers think they have the right to take the piss out of patriotism and thereby spit in the face of those of us who pay their wages – it’s a disgusting and childish reaction which reveals so much about the anti-British mindset which dominates our media generally and the bbbc in particular.
“Sniggering”! Are we allowed to use that racist word?
I don’t expect them to behave anything otherwise than sniggering lefty lib 6th formers ..that’s their bubbleworld.
The irony is lefty guests have their virtue signalling symbols
rainbows, BLM, Grenfell, Aids, EU flag, NHS badges ..and the metrolibs would be outraged if you sniggered at them
Nazir Afzal thinks “we” all agree with them
Surely not the preening tosser usually despised because of his obvious, ‘unusual’ wish to be some sort of sixth form haircut idol to all the dumb birds, drooping around him in W1A?
I thought he’d left, but as I haven’t watched such drivel for years, I’m probably the last citizen to really give a monkey’s…
The awful BBBC really need to at least try and up their game; they don’t understand very much about true British values, do they!
Correct Scroblene; Charlie needs to Stayt home permanently and take that Munchbutty with him to his home Hampstead.
I am sure it is ‘big enough’ for the two, the amount we pay him..
We need a TV news station which gives you the news straight and not metropolitan biased opinions all the time.
Maybe the imminent ‘GB news’ station will be the answer with proper grown-ups presenting, here’s hoping.
I suspect she’s loading the bullets for him to fire…..
Feb 10 Peston show .. tweeters sneered as well
So Jenrick’s flag is not a new thing
As above, re stayt…
@Scroblene I made my post by clicking to “reply” to Ed Hitter
it is in the same subthread I think
Dear me. They’re all preserved in aspic from their sixth form days…..
Local BBC news : “Lincolnshire MP hits out at report linking historic local buildings with slavery
Historic England have wasted £15,000 of taxpayers money
the report should be shredded”
MP = Sir John Hayes
Blankney, Burghley House, Little Ponton Hall and Woodhall Spa are all included in the report by Dr Mary Wills and Dr Madge Dresser entitled ‘The Transatlantic Slave Economy and England’s Built Environment: A Research Audit’.
The report said
“recent events associated with the Black Lives Matter movement serve as a potent reminder
of how this history of exploiting human life for profits permeates many aspects of English history.”
… that sounds a bit Marxist
Yes using human labour to create business that enriches, permeates English history ..and enriches society.
Sometimes the transaction was unfair as in most slavery, many serfs, millworkers, coalminers etc.
National report
Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden’s plea to public bodies to disengage from “activism”
A source within the Department of Culture told the MailOnline of Ministers’ “increasing frustration” with “public bodies focusing on divisive parts of Britain’s history rather than celebrating our shared heritage”.
The source told the MailOnline that “we should face up to the challenging parts, but this needs to be done in a balanced way rather than constantly putting down our past”.
Radio Lincs audio from 1h23m
“Would you visit a historic house, knowing it has links to slavery”
– Intro
– Item on Blankney village and that family receiving abolition compensation
– MP opinion “What are you on about calling a village hall or even a whole village, is has a bit link, when it’s pretty tangential
I’m proud of Wilberforce and abolition
but not sure we need this report of tangential slavery links”
Presenter “what do you think, are you disgusted ?”
BBC Lincolnshire have done a slavery story webpage now
I just had a comment removed from a BBC Have Your Say for saying “I won’t miss BBC Radio Asian or the BBC3 guide on how to masterbate”
It seems I cannot mention a BBC guide on masterbation on a forum aimed at adults but the BBC can target the article on masterbation towards kids though.
Whilst the half wits were happy clapping their NHS it was busily sticking DNR notices on victims without approval of anyone outside the medical mafia – its being explained away as ‘misunderstanding ‘ ‘mis communication ‘ – but if 500 cases have been tracked down – imagine how many ‘informal DNRs ‘ have been done to kill people .
Before anyone goes off on one I am aware of emergency triage principles – I also think there is a need for criminal investigations if the medical mafia have been ‘offing ‘ people actively or by neglect . I have direct experience of them doing both .
Bbc news
Confusion rules . One minute the bbc is trying to get its favourite colour to take the jab it then gets on the blood clot ‘concerns ‘ to raise doubt – then it is in a panic about the shortage in April and who to blame ….
…. then – to it’s credit – it reports on bits of the EU where they are dropping like flys ….ironically in the Reich itself …
The fruit loops whom they BBC was giving air too – who wants the UK to export vaccine to ‘more needy countries ‘ have gone quiet …
THis afternoon the European vaccine mafia is to announce whether Oxford AZ is too dangerous to use – I’m sure political pressure will trump medical views to ban it – which might give us more doses !
Teenage boy stabbed to death Wednesday afternoon in my neck of the woods . Asian . For some reason there is no vigil – no shouts – no candles or flowers – the local man hating MP says it doesn’t look ‘gang related ‘.
Guess the colour of the suspected killer – there is no description so draw your conclusion – you can tell the ferals are back at school at tea time murders take off again …
Walthamstow stabbing: Teenager, 18, knifed to death ‘and mother slashed by thug trying to steal designer jackets’
Hussain Chaudhry was attacked by thugs trying to steal designer jackets from his family’s home-run business, neighbours said
Witnesses said the boy was stabbed in the neck by an attacker posing as a customer who then fled the scene.
The guy ran off with a jacket.
“They came to steal jackets, there were two of them they, were teenagers. The lad was trying to stop them getting away.
as Fed says absolutely no description of the attackers, the police pages appealing for witnesses either
Labour’s new straight talking advert
comes straight out with their worldview
… just not sure it is going to help in the ‘Red Wall’.
The spectator on Twitter rebroadcasts the 0743 breakfast TV interview with minister Robert Jeneric ? At the end the interviewer BBCs ‘ Charles Stait comments on the size of the Union flag – and the portraits of The Queen in the ministers ‘ office .
If anyone wants to question why the BBC is seen as anti British now – and losing the British taxpayer – there is an ideal example .
Stait is something rhyming with Hunt . Truly .
Twitter has created a thread on the topic
.. The first post was sarcastic, but they just changed it
One of the best there
Kate Hoey @CatharineHoey tweeted
This is exactly why @BBCNews should no longer be allowed to charge a licence fee
– always snidey about anyone standing up for our country and Her Majesty.
As stayt stuff above…
Meanwhile, the Moaning Emole has a special guest ‘analyst’…
Sturgeon cannot brush this away
Nicola Sturgeon’s team is already trying to dismiss the findings as a partisan attack; a predictable political play designed to damage the first minister, who has been almost untouchable for so long.
The findings they really fear are from the separate Hamilton Inquiry, being carried out by an independent lawyer into whether she broke the rules that govern ministers’ behaviour.
If she’s found to have done that, convention suggests she would have to resign.
It is clear Ms Sturgeon has no intention of giving in to opposition demands out there to get her to quit on the basis of the MSPs’ conclusions.
But a public finding from a parliamentary committee that she misled them can’t just be brushed away.
Read full analysis >
Laura Kuenssberg
BBC political editor
Or, Krankie could pull a Naga and get one of her people to issue an incoherent non apology and just carry on.
‘Brushing away’ is pretty much SOP for both.
Articles :
And back at the end of February
Stew – I have no time for breakfast TV – but when I saw the 0743 bit on Twitter I just instinctively thought about complaining . Then I remembered I don’t pay for this traitorous crap and never will .
But it made me think that these people live in their own swamp / bubble so such a comment is not unusual for them – but to do it live on TV crosses that line ,
Sooner or later these people must pay a price for such insolence – nice to see Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah sniggering away …
She was a shoo-in for the job a few years ago, when they had to replace a rather attractive lady.
A day or so ago, I referred to the US having become a ‘basket-case’. A few weeks ago, I suggested that the Communists now in power will render the US unrecognisable in a year’s time. I reaffirm both. President Trump will be unable to reconfigure or reverse the changes now underway by the Communists. Too far gone. The US is being destroyed before everyone’s eyes.
“H.R.1 – Is It Really “For the People”?”
A flavour of changes under this Act:
Evha Jannath: Ex Drayton Manor operator fined £1m after ride death
An article about a BAME girl, Evha Jannath, who died at Drayton Manor theme park in 2017.
You have to get to paragraph 14 out of 20 before the BBC tell you she was standing up on the ride.
But still Drayton broke the law
It shouldn’t have taken 10 mins for staff to notice the alarm call
Charlie Stayt and token Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah Yaxley Lennon snigger about the Flag and the Queen on Breakfast TV.
Why not just leave our country and our flag and monarch.
I deeply resent paying for this trash.
IMHO its deliberate.
They want Al Beeb shut down so that they can pick up huge redundancy payouts .
They then move to other broadcasting companies with their ‘golden handshakes’. Of course it would only apply to the senior employees. The juniors ‘can go to the wall’.
I think I have posted similar before?
I can remember the BBC playing the National Anthem before shutting down at midnight. How times have changed.
Twitter is pushing this at me
“Video of Joe Biden outside the White House is real, according to fact-checkers
Fact-checking site Lead Stories and journalists working for the BBC
and Mashable said that President Biden was speaking from the south lawn outside the White House when he spoke to reporters on Tuesday.
Similar claims about former president Donald Trump were debunked in October.”
Shayan has done a massive 10 tweet debunk
dunno why, cos when i saw the video, I did post here that it’s probably just a strange camera angle
Both Twitter and FB are quick to fact check anything which puts Joe Biden in a bad light.
So I tried to tell a few untruths about Biden on FB and was not fact checked.
I said that when Biden was a medical student he discovered a cure for diabetes, then he switched to engineering and invented the first electric car. He has a distinguished military career and was awarded a Purple Heart, thereafter winning an Oscar for playing himself in the movie based on his military service. Joe has been trained as an astronaut and intends to be the firsts man to land on Mrs.
Not disputed. Perhaps somewhere some loon will believe this and vote for Joe
Dismal day for the BbC / ReichEU today as the EU vaccine club announces the Oxford AZ vaccine is good to use . The immediate BBC response was not to talk about EU politicians who suspended that part of the vax programme but to resume worries about vaccination in April in the UK .
The BBC will now be desperate for another reason to undermine the vaccination programme and get the blame put onto the government .
“Nottingham Men”
Meanwhile in Walsall
Best crime news…
On par with ‘reasonable’, ‘proportionate’, etc.
Applicable only to those targeted for accusation and prosecution by the outrage mob/media/legal cabal.
The pound will now buy 1.17 Euros. I await the BBC applauding the rise with the same enthusiasm it attacked the fall to 1.09
Presumably once the BBC get this press release it will be ‘our NHS’ but not theirs. Or something.
From Guido on Twitter
STARTS ‘ Naga Munchetty Defies BBC Social Media Impartiality Rules
Despite Director-General Tim Davie’s insistence that BBC employees will face sanctions for breaking impartiality rules online, it seems a few stars still just can’t help themselves. After sneering at Robert Jendrick for displaying a union flag in his office during a BBC Breakfast interview this morning, Naga Munchetty took to Twitter to continue the fun, liking gems such as ‘the flag shaggers will be up in arms’ and ‘[this] should be done every time the Tories roll out one of their talking head ministers’. Exactly what you’d expect from an impartial broadcaster…
The BBC’s impartiality rules are quite explicit on their employees’ social media use. New guidance released in October says:
“Nothing should appear on your personal social media accounts that undermine the perception of the BBC’s integrity or impartiality.
[…] Be wary of ‘revealed bias’, whether through likes or re-posting other posts, so that a bias becomes evident, and ‘inferred bias’ where a post is impartial but loose wording allows readers to infer a bias where there is none.
[…] Avoid ‘virtue signalling’ – retweets, likes or joining online campaigns to indicate a personal view, no matter how apparently worthy the cause.”
With Davie’s announcement today that the Beeb will be moving thousands of jobs out of London to try and reconnect with the rest of the country, Naga hasn’t timed her stunt particularly well. Naga is a repeat offender and clearly believes she is untouchable and the rules don’t apply to her. BBC Breakfast is already filmed in Salford…’ENDS
Which shield will this person shelter behind -Racism or Mysogeny?
When is that period in life for many, exactly?
Why not relocate to Russia?
This could get ugly… if we’re lucky.
Just checking. Yup…
As usual the obligatory self publicity pic from Marianna. Waste of space!
Stew… spoof?
tweet has been deleted now
ITV local news “Going Green in Lincolnshire sustainable tourism”
“Green sustainable tourism”
“green” was mentioned about 30 times
bloke at a bike shop “look bikes are green”
“cycling holiday destination”
… hmm it does rain a lot.
8pm Sturgeon vs Salmond
“UK to consider sending asylum seekers abroad”
“The UK could send asylum seekers abroad while their applications are processed, under plans considered by ministers.”
Operative words “consider” and “could”
Useless platitudes. Just look at their track record so far ?
Remind me, how many million illegals are here already?
Meanwhile send them to 4 star hotels, which we are not allowed to stay in, even if you could afford the bill.
Amol Rajan barely able to contain the excitement from latest BBC scoop from seedy US gumshoe paid by the Sun to check on Meghan’s background pre-Harry.
Had it been the Guardian that would have constituted investigative journalism at its finest, of course, but however described it was still well over four years ago with a great deal of quite colourful water under the bridge since then.
@Keir_Starmer 10 Mar
Dominic Cummings: 40% pay rise.
Nurses: pay cut.
Boris Johnson’s mask has slipped.
A million first jabs done in the last 48 hours – government figures – 50% vax coming up soon . Second vax hitting 2million
The government should take up this golden opportunity of opening up the economy having made the country safe with the vaccine plan long before the EU. They should end lockdown now and gain the advantage .
What are they following this time, dates or data ?
The timetable seems quite reasonable – taking into account the number of weeks needed after vaccination has taken place …. so even with a fair proportion of people getting their second jabs there must be a few weeks for systems to set up – working on the assumption that a very nasty variant doesn’t come along
. I reckon a UK summer is viable but not an overseas one because of the continuing need for house arrest on return because too many countries won’t have a sizeable vaccinated population .
If I recall the likes of Germany has only done 3 million on an 85 million population ….
The bBC are still looking for an angle.
Guido has just reported that Sturgeon misled the Hollyrood committee investigating her lies about the Salmond afffair. She will try to hang on with the support of her cronies and the cult. Corrupt little horror. Good bloody riddance!
GuidoFawkes “The argument will now shift to if Sturgeon KNOWINGLY misled parliament.
If she did, she is toast.
If not she will likely survive”
+ ‘SNP are trying to censor us, but we won’t comply’
Also from Guido
After sneering at Robert Jendrick for displaying a union flag in his office during a BBC Breakfast interview this morning, Naga Munchetty took to Twitter to continue the fun, liking gems such as ‘the flag shaggers will be up in arms’ and ‘[this] should be done every time the Tories roll out one of their talking head ministers’.
“Alex Salmond inquiry says Nicola Sturgeon misled committee”
I think things are beginning to unravel ?
If there are any Scotsmen on this site they need to avoid the emotional patriotic feelings they get from watching ‘Braveheart’ and look at independence in the clear light of day . Scotland does not support itself financially neither will it be independent if Sturgeon gets her way to re-join the EU . Independence ‘end of ‘!
The same applies to Darkeford and his Marxist comrades in the Welsh Ashambles . First, the taffmen voted to Brexit, next will it be to Abolish the Welsh Ashambles? Stay tuned and see how the results of the May elections go. Of course, it depends on how much brainwashing the sixteen yearolds have had from their ‘socialist’ school teachers.
IMHO both leaders appear to be fixated on rejoining the EU. All helped along by Al Beeb. De-fund the outfit, it is un-British.
\\EU agency says AstraZeneca vaccine is ‘safe and effective’//
Why isn’t Al Beeb slamming the EU?
If the boot had been on the other foot it would have slammed the British government .
I am pretty sure now that most people in this country would be glad to see the Telly Tax abolished and replaced by a ‘pay to watch’ broadcaster.
Over to you Wildwoman & maxi……………………..
#DefundTheBBC is trending on Twitter
Darren Grimes is one tweet
Quite right . I am amazed that people even pay the TV Tax.
Rule Britannia!
Everard case by Crimebodge
Aberdeen : Student banned from Student Union after saying ‘Rule Britannia’ in a Zoom meeting
Simon Webb provides an intro to the matter This issue
How discriminatory is Rule, Britannia?
As usual Webb’s twice daily vids are worth a glance
but I don’t like the way he calls the Clapham vigil peaceful
BBC and various film producers are determined to alter the fabric of past.
#1 Lucy’s Worsley rewriting the Blitz
#2 Clarice Cliff film “particularly keen to recruit BAME extras”
St Patrick and other slaves snatched from England
Who runs the Universities the Students or the Chancellor ?
This country needs a leader to promote Great Britain, someone of a Churchillian character, not a plastic one.
Someone who will make a start at getting rid of the Woke Al Beeb.
Any suggestions ?
The fake President refers to Putin as, ‘a killer’ on live tv.
The wheels are coming off by the moment. Anything goes now.
No one or any body or department to step in to halt the progression of nonsense and recklessness. It won’t end well, that’s becoming blindingly obvious.
‘Later on Thursday, the Russian leader invited Mr Biden to hold a live online conversation either on Friday or Monday.’
Bidens mental state is clear for everyone to see now.
Except – it seems – people like the BBC.
Every time I hear Biden slur a word I remember the headline article the BBC wrote when Trump stumbled walking down a ramp.
I think I actually hate the BBC and everything it stands for now. Careful lies, misinformation and extreme double standards based on a political agenda. Is that a crime these days ?.
I wonder if she knows she wrote this?
‘This DO not represent…’
‘I apologise for any offence TAKEN…’
Ignorant bitch, grammatically and in offering no apology for the offence GIVEN by her remarks.
Methinks she ain’t apologetic at all.
someone replied to Naga’s non-apology apology
Oh another
So the BBC finally take an interest in the anti-Asian hate crimes going on in the USA:
Of course it took a white guy to start it.
What seems obvious to me from reading the reports is that this guy is just your average American crazy white loner. He says he shot them because he was addicted to sex and wanted to stop them giving it to him. Not racial-hate, just another complete lunatic unable to cope with the modern world the USA has created.
‘Atlanta’s police chief, Rodney Bryant, said it was too early in the investigation to conclude that Tuesday’s shootings had not been a hate crime.’. WTF ?. Why even mention it until it has some evidence ?.
‘Activists and advocates have pointed to an increase in racially-motivated attacks against Asian Americans throughout the pandemic.’. Yes. Predominantly by racist blacks. Check the high-profile cases then do some detective work with google. You find they are all blacks. The news will not tell you.
These attacks are a delicate matter for the BBC which is why the whole topic has been very lightly reported. BLM support means not writing anything which questions their ‘victim’ status.
I’m always amazed at the irony of how the Left can throw away all principles of ethics and honesty when the subject interfers with their ‘morally superior’ agenda.
‘The ends justify the means’. They have more similarities with Hitler than just being socialists.
DefundTHeBBC again
From the Telegraph:
‘Vaccine manufacturer claims Biden and India at fault for UK delays’
Can’t find that on the BBC. Would eb the main headline when Trump was President along with descriptions of how many will die because of it.
As an aside:
WTF have the BBC done with their search system ?. Is it deliberately designed to prevent you finding previous articles ?.
I just searched for ‘Biden’ to see if that topic was buried away and the second one on the list was from November last year. And they insist of giving each a big picture so you only get a few at a a time and it’s not quick to load sometimes. You soon give up completely. It’s completely useless.
I don’t think the search function on the BBC website has ever worked.
It does function as if from time to time someone adds a link or two to a searchable list of approved stories.
Try using as part of a search on Google.
Yes – I usually put BBC in the search if I’m looking for it specifically – though I have noticed how the BBC, the Guardian and most of the other far-left suspects ALWAYS come up before any others.
Every now and then I try the BBC search again to try and make sense of it but it seems to have no logic behind it whatsoever.
Well, searching for anything Mr Biden has said or done in the last couple of months will be fruitless, mainly because he seems to have done bugger all!
The BBC could probably recall their ‘team’ as there’s not a lot for them to do in the sad ol’ US at the moment – perhaps do an article on peanut distribution, or reviving old songs like ‘Home on the range’?
Here’s an idea, send Naga What’s her name over there, she’d fit in very well, sneering at the American flag – not…
A small but telling moment on BBC Breakfast as Charlie Shite and Naga Munshitty mock a Tory minister, the flag and the Queen’s portrait.
Alex Belfield is having none of it.
Those Beeboids would never get away with that in any other country. Does the D G of Al Beeb consider why people do not pay the Telly tax anymore ? He was sent in to reform outfit but its getting worse. More importantly, our MPs must be aware of the situation.
Unfortunately, Taff, our MPs really do know the situation, but have always been too timid to do anything about it.
Just think how bad the reporting would be at the next GE, as there are still far too many mental lightweights around who believe what they spout, and a few of these even know how to vote!
But it’s only public money after all, and who’s best at wasting it?
Exeter Lives Matter
…. but not to the London media
Come April 5th, the minimum pension for OAPs will be around £175.00 per week.
I hope the bloated, slobbering under-managers and their dags and drones in W1A will sleep easy in their beds, knowing that millions of people on the breadline will be paying around a fiftieth of their annual income to support the pompous, profligate lifestyle of a failing, obnoxious, sneering (Nagalike), unsympathetic, unfunny, unwanted, unliked bunch of leftie spongers, who preen and toss (see Scrobs earlier), their third-form twaddle at the turn of a switch.
The awful bbbc just has to go, it is becoming the most universally hated organisation in Great Britain.
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah is just typical of the snobbish, condescending, sneery attitude encapsulated by everyone at the BBC. A horrible cow.
Mine is about £137 per week. The full amount available.
I’ve paid in for 50 years.
I’m on the older second class pension.
Is this not where a BBC Newsnight editor went?
Tom illustrates science issues.