As the Far Left anti British BBC asks for more money – the forthcoming New TV station will give an ideal indication of as to the trust( or lack of it ) the public have in BBC content . The sooner this compulsory funded monopoly is challenged and broken – the better .
Midweek Thread 24th March 2021
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I want to know if Nikola has resigned yet but I cannot face the BBC1 news celebrating one year of covid. I don’t really mean celebrate but the BBC will see it as a year of attacking the government and emoting and trying to forget Brexit.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 6pm Tuesday
..and has 6 posts posted after this thread opened … went until 11pm
– page 2
I agree Deborah. All day I was nearly chewing my arm off at the incessant non reporting by the news channels, as they resorted to Britains Got Talent , with the public and key workers being interviewed as to ‘how their year has been’, and how many times do we need to see a communal zoom choir mainly consisting of people’s nostrils ???? Then there were the depressives, telling us of their job losses, businesses going under, mental health issues, kids not getting their education.
Not forgetting the remembrance of those who have passed – I have mixed views on this – should it be something personal to the families, or is it necessary to have a mawkish and public reflection time ?
Dear God, on and on and on it went. Still, now we are on to a new day – fingers crossed.
It would appear that the Shooter in Boulder is Syrian born Ahmad Alyssa who was known to the FBI and is described as having paranoia, begging the question how he was able to obtain an assault rifle and ammunition in the first place.
And of course we get:
‘Alissa, whose family emigrated from Syria, may have been suffering from mental illness, according to his 34-year-old brother, Ali Aliwi Alissa.’
What a surprise. It’s mental conditioning, not illness.
Strangely, the BBC only tell us he spent most of his life in the USA and fail to mention Syria at all. Or the fact he was a Muslim. But they do give a link to the other recent shooting which as the picture of a white man to imply they are similar. None of the words Muslim, Islam or Syria appear in the article despite the fact they are likely to be very significant to the story.
The fact people are dead might be similar, but the motives are light years apart.
I see the trick for this one is to brush the religion under the carpet and focus on gun control. Biden is using it to demand a ban on assault weapons – but it’s an AR-15 pistols and most definitely not an assault weapon. Perhaps the ‘BBC Fact Checking Team’ can look into it.
‘Perhaps the ‘BBC Fact Checking Team’ can look into it’…
Don’t hold your breath, oh, but wait a minute, the magic words ‘I can’t breathe’ may just make it to the airwaves in some other clip.
The awful BBC is trying desperately to get anything that Mr Biden has done since January, onto the headlines. ‘Executive orders’, my harse…
The most ironic thing about ‘I can’t breathe’ is that is was a lie told by Floyd to resist getting into the squad car. The knee to the neck cut off the blood flow, not his breathing. There are ‘no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation’.
Considering he just got out of a car, he can’t have been too scared to get in another one.
Yet none of the media – including the ‘impartial’ BBC have gone anywhere near this. It’s wall to wall lies. Everybody knows it and they don’t care. That’s the ethical standard of modern media.
George Floyd died because his lungs were full of fluid because he had taken an overdose of fentanyl.
The restraint technique used on him did not kill him or harm him. It was a technique taught to the officer by the police, he did not just make it up. It was designed to restrain a suspect without injuring him.
Far from wishing to harm George Floyd, the police called an emergency ambulance out for him. They were not callous about his safety. Yet because the phone recordings of him saying he could not breathe went viral, it was immediately assumed that he could not breathe because he was being restrained. The reality is he could not breathe because his lungs were full of fluid.
The fact that this case has even come to trial, with the officer being charged with murder, shows that the USA has become a sick and lawless society.
I wait with interest to see what the trial brings forth and what bits of it are hidden by the BBC because they don’t fit the narrative.
It’s a show trial of course with a Jury biased towards women and BAME.
And if he is not found guilty of murder, they will riot. That’s what these people and the Left call ‘justice’. My way or no way. They have no interest whatsoever in the truth.
The parallel with the fall of Rome is becoming increasingly apparent.
Probably a Dem voter + Antifa
Mental Issues. Of course.
Covid: UK shines a light as it remembers Covid victims
Basically an excuse to have a candle lit vig; in the absence of terrorist attacks .
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the country had been through a year-long “epic of endurance and privation” ‘
Now I wonder who put us through all that unnecessary trouble..????
The candle at number 10 unfortunately didn’t ‘light’ up the whole street..
That black cop got himself an easy shift.
Now you’re talking !
A domino toppling extravaganza.
I used to love doing them.
Oh wait, it’s just more boring candles.
I hope they aren’t ‘carbon’ producing candles.
And what about the candles plastic cases, hasn’t the BBC noticed
Or is just kids they want to worry..
“Waitrose ditches magazines with disposable plastic toys”
“Thank you to Waitrose for agreeing with us and no longer selling the unwanted plastic tat.
I hope all retailers can do the same and then the publishers will realise this is not acceptable anymore. We really like the magazines – we just don’t want or need the plastic packaging or the cheap plastic toys.”
Said Skye, a 10-year-old from Gwynedd…
Quite right, she should be at ze local Woke youth training camp, not playing with funky plastic Blippi pet care toys.
I have said to the ladies on the checkout at Waitrose, if each child gave up a plastic toy, could I have a plastic carrier bag instead. They have look at me as though I was crackers. But during lockdown I have had supermarket deliveries which have brought me enough carrier bags to last me the next 10 years. Mr Tesco switched to tray liners half way through, charging me 40p and they are useless for anything else. Where is Greta when you need her?
One of the reasons that we use plastics is that they are cheap and versatile. The reason they are versatile is because they are. They are cheap because they are a by product of the fuel we used to provide energy. And as such, are abundant. Too, with little tinkering of the chemical structure, they can be made into anything- versatile. Without plastics, the screen you are reading this, and the computer connected to it, will vanish. Plus most of the stuff in the world.
The crazy Left have convinced everyone, specially in politics and Royalty, they can do with just wind and solar. But wind and solar do not provide plastics as a byproduct. They will have to be created some other way, and it will be very expensive.
The whole purpose of the Left and the Environmentalists is to shut down the economy of the West. Plastics and Oil are the key elements of the Industrial economy. Plastics are now more important then steel
Of course politicians and Royalty will not be walking or
carrying bags of any kind.
All waste plastic can be safely burnt in high temperature incinerators to make energy.
As plastics burn at high temperature, it means they produce more energy pound for pound then coal. Its a win.
But that only means that it gives more justification for the Left to shut it down.
If for some reason, wind and solar could be made just as efficient, or even more so then oil, then the Left Ecoloons will be protesting loudly and violently to shut them down too.
Slight typo : ‘Read Skye from a sheet she was given’.
Just like Greta does. Along with facial expression changes as directed at the start of each new paragraph.
It’s all quite embarassing.
I am afraid it’s all about distraction and virtue signalling. I did not see any of it in my street. Did anyone ?
Only the old bint opposite me Taff, and she would watch the opening of a Wheelie Bin.
Darker than parts of Africa, no candles. No street lights either. Hey ho.
I bet that the ‘Partners’ at Waitrose don’t understand that at Easter, the Paschal Candle is a direct appreciation of Western Christianity, and therefore, a symbol of all that is good with this part of the world, and buqqer all to do with woke issues, and other religions where murderers are encouraged!
Must check whether the awful BBBC understands this as well…
And why is it that the census is held every ten years, in years ending in “1”. That is 2021, 2011, 2001, ….. etc., presumably to year 1.
Poor Mary had to travel very pregnant, from Nazareth to Bethlehem on a Little Donkey.
Some nations in Europe have the census in December in years ending in “0”.
8 o’clock was always going to be difficult for me. That’s when we have to book our game of golf in 15 days time. You’d have thought that Boris would have known that and adjusted accordingly. Let’s get our priorities right!
Clocks go forward on Saturday, Popeye, so please make sure you book the correct slot!
I’ll happily see our resident golf fanatic biking past for his first game in ages, and wonder whether chucking my clubs away all those years ago, was a good idea…
(It was an air-shot on the ninth at Tenterden which finally persuaded me…)!
Is it the Labour Party demonstrating how their Energy Policies would work?
Or the 2021 Turner Prize winner?
Ms. Spring, (I’m only 25 you know), likes to chide us for believing in conspiracy theories but the MSM does itself no favours.
Recently questions were being asked about an appearance by Biden in which his hand suddenly appears to be the wrong side of a ‘furry’ microphone.
I have just done a quick search of the ‘debunkers’, Reuters, AP and the Independent amongst others. They all assure that that interview was genuine and quote people who claim to have been there but none of them come up with an explanation as to how this ‘optical illusion’ came about.
So basically it’s “don’t believe what you see, believe what we say”. But they can only play that game so many times, the boy who got washed up on different parts of the beach, the building peacefully burning down etc.
No Mariella, trust has to be earned and once lost it really has to be earned. A cub reporter of Twitter isn’t exactly a rock on which to build trust either.
Actually JimS I did see a video where someone went through the optical illusion
And it was similar to what I suggested that the camera was high up and the fluff microphones were on the ground pointing up
So for a second it looked like Biden’s hand passed through the fluff microphone
whereas in reality his hands were some distance away from them.
A team Marianna matter
Why did they put so much effort into reporting on the tens of thousands of mild mannered lockdown protesters on Saturday in London
..and do nothing to research the anarchist/antifa-types gathered in Bristol
who ended up on Sunday doing something the equivalent of a mini-terrorist attack
.. with £millions of damage, 20 police officer injured , 2 very seriously ?
Wasn’t Team Marinna/Wendling’s effort put into investigating the wrong group ?
My point isn’t that no-one explained the effect but that the MSM didn’t, just relying on the ‘trust us’ message.
They seem to think that putting a big ‘Tick of Truth’ logo on their brand makes them believable.
For example if British manufacturers get a reputation for good quality adding ‘Made in Britain’ labels might produce more sales. Sticking ‘Made in Britain’ on a product first won’t convince people that the quality is good if the experience of other British products has been bad. Earn the reputation, don’t claim one.
Trust in the BBC would be greatly improved if they got rid of Mariella and instead started saying things like, “On Monday we told you this, today, Wednesday, we admit we got this bit wrong.”, rather than the six months later, foot of page 99, six-point type, Naga-style regrets, response we get now.
@JimS I just skip past such videos when people put them up
cos they break the “too wow to be true rule”
.. a big claim made with very little evidence
So typical of videos put out by people like Lin Wood
.. a lot of those American channels putting out hyperbolic videos
which might as well be being run by leftists cos they distract as they drag people down rabbit holes.
Sure the White House might fake stuff, but they are not going to do things if dozens of journos are supposed to be on the conspiracy.
I think the main point for me is that it would not have appeared on snopes if it were true.
As usual I checked the authors (Dan Evon in this case) twitter and it was a list of Left wing/Anti-Trump activism to the point of obsessive. Same as every other ‘fact checker’ on snopes I have looked at.
As you say they do avoid incovenient topics
but they have tried to get away with weak spun fact checks to dismiss sometimes
“Priti Patel promises overhaul of asylum seeker rules”
Now where have I heard that before? Promises, promises, promises. How many more have come in since the last promise?
“Priti Patel promises overhaul of asylum seeker rules”
It would be funny if it was not so damaging to our culture and economy.
Tories say they want to limit inward immigration – but we get more migration anyway.
labour say they want more migration.
It is almost as if we dont live in any sort of real democracy. It is almost as if someone other than the political party nominally in charge is making the decisions in Europe
Hmmmmmm who ever could that be?
Step forward Uncle George
Radio Lincs aired Gainsborough MP saying the reforms don’t go far enough
What do reckon Salvini ?
The overhaul is designed to let everyone get immediate Leave to Remain, the moment they apply.
“UK seeks to drill more oil and gas from North Sea”
It looks like ‘Nuts Nuts’ is not in charge after all , or we are running out of oil ? Someone has realised that the wind farms are vulnerable.
I suspect nut-nut is in charge unless someone who lives in the real world tells Boris something different. And we know by now that Boris completely relies on advice from others.
On my recent trip to Leeds and back I saw many wind turbines and not a single one was turning. I assume the decision to build in a location will be based on the average windspeed. I think they have only just realised the figure means ‘per year’ not ‘per day’ and it doesn’t blow at all for a lot of days.
Boris, the government, the BBC and main stream media don’t know the difference between ‘capacity and generation’
Yes, there was a reason that fitting engines to ships was a great success.
“Kill the Bill Bristol protests: Police action at demo”
They were at it again last night. What do they think they will actually achieve?
The hard-left using an opportunity to vent their hate and their spite. They don’t care if they achieve nothing.
This is the first excuse they’ve had since BLM.
Here’s a nice example of BBC hypocrisy:
‘Tendulkar and Beckham interviews faked by Tory candidate’
I’ve heard many, many times on Radio 2 where the BBC have faked an interview. They clearly have a tape of someone answering questions which they play when the host asks the appropriate question.
It’s so obvious because the background noise and audio quality is completely different between the two and there is never any acknowledgement or feedback for the presenter.
Framing Today, BBC wireless radio 4.
They managed to find a Plant Doctor that mentioned the Chinese virus mutations when doing a piece on weeds out competing the crops due to herbicide non-use.
Did not focus on the fact the crops are ‘modified’ to produce higher yields, but this modification means they don’t grow so tall, hence the taller weeds thrive.
But, more amazingly. Not. One. Mention. Of. The. B. Word. I suspect there will be a new producer in place this time tomorrow.
The WestWyvern
Well maybe the BBC considers the word “Bastard” hatey thpeech.
In its latest “reality check” the BBC attempts to rebut seven of the “most frequently-shared” “false and misleading claims”.
It’s written by Jack Goodman, a “producer, newsreader and reporter at BBC Radio Derby”, and Flora Carmichael, a “journalist and producer with a strong track record of developing media partnerships and managing international projects and teams”.
The new advisor to me-me-Meghan and half-wit Harry has made some interesting comments in The Telegraph:
Genevieve Roth said she realised she was “racist” after marrying her black husband.
“It does not matter how many marches I have planned or how many progressive candidates I have campaigned for or how many times I have chanted Black Lives Matter in the streets: I am rife with internalised racism and unconscious bias.
And they saved the best for last:
“And to all of the non-black folks reading this, we need to get clear on something: So are you.”. That statement alone is absolutely racist.
Every single black person I have ever known has been anti-white racist to some degree but this self-opinionated cretin seems unable to see it. It’s human nature to things which are different. I don’t mean to an abusive level, just something that is always there.
Everyone is racist to some extent – but rarely to the point of being offensive. It’s all about culture, upbringing and personal experiences of life. Until virtue-signalling idiots like this can accept that, they are just driving a wedge through society that wasn’t there before.
I’m sure this big-mouthed hypocrite isn’t thinking about the cash from me-me when she is saying this.
God help Harry. What an idiot. Even he must be wondering how he got into this mess.
Needless to say The Telegraph does not have the balls to open this for comment. They know what normal people will say – and it won’t help them suck up to Meghan and Harry at all.
If you want racism you should see the Pakistani origin Christians against the Indian origin Christians at one of our local C of E churches. Which has a black African vicar.
The white Christians are the least racist by a long distance, but the BBC could be guaranteed not to notice this, if they ever looked for such a story. Which they won’t.
People are naturally wary of everyone else to some extent, sex, age, accent, profession, nationality etc.
Skin colour is one of those differences that are easily noticed so gets its own label, but hatred of lawyers, say, could be very strong in some people but isn’t an ‘ism’.
I bet an awful lot of ‘African-American’ see Obama, Harris and Markle as fake ‘blacks’.
Joan Armatrading, once asked about experiencing racism said, “No, but I have met people that didn’t like me”.
Haven’t we all had that experience?
Now come on John, you must know this is nonsense – there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ it simply doesn’t exist!
I even wrote to the font of all leftist knowledge, the BBC to ask them what it was, but they didn’t know either.
Sometimes the bias is in the small throwaway details.
On Toady between 0700 and 0730.
It is announced that Netanyahu has won the Israel election and will look to form a ‘right wing’ government. Can anyone imagine the BBC defining a ‘left wing’ government? Nope, me neither. What’s the betting it would be ‘progressive’ or the ‘people’s government’. Just to make sure you got the message at the 0730 headlines theyndid it again, referring to the ‘right wing Likud’ party. In BBCland, it is right wing to want to protect and defend your country.
Next up we had ‘the government is in conflict with green campaigners’. Notice how the BBC gives moral equivalence between the government and ‘green campaigners’ aka Extinction Rebellion and their ilk. And the use of the word ‘conflict’ to maintain the aggression and agitation.
On the one hand the above could just be careless use of words. But we all know such carelessness comes from fundamental bias.
That’s how I first became aware of BBC bias many years ago.I think I’ve told the story before but listening to Radio 4 late one night a guest was introduced as being from a left of centre think tank whilst the other guest was introduced as being from a right wing think tank.The second guest quickly intervened and said ‘if he’s left of centre then I’m right of centre’ The host ignored him and just carried on with their opening spiel.
Yup, Sluff. The MSM constantly describes them as Bolsinaro’s right-wing’ government, Netenyahu’s ‘right-wing’ government, Trump’s ‘right wing ‘ government…….
….. but how many times have I heard mentioned the Biden …. sorry, Biden-Harris….. ‘left-wing’ government ?
“Europe’s trust in Britain has gone. We’re now a problem, not a partner”
Let us begin, again, by pretending that Europe and the EU are one and identical.
Guardian “journalists” have been trying, and failing, with this lie for decades.
Europeans do trust the UK. Granted there would be a lot more trust if 90% of UK MPs stopped batting for our enemies, of which the EU is a prominent example.
The EU opinion is irrelevant, they are an enemy, and their behaviour has shown this, to anybody not determined to believe otherwise, regardless of the facts.
Hence the EU hostility and its 100%, 24/7/365, determination to act in bad faith.
“.. a partner” The EU strategy is to introduce as many aliems, historical enemies who hate us, into Europe to vote for more Globalism.
The Communists at the Guardian love it, **** them.
Trice for PM.
Last chance
Thanks for bringing attention to that one – if there is one positive out of the vaccine debacle – it is separating us from the ReichEU far quicker than Brexiters like me might have hoped .
I know it is ‘bad ‘ but if the EU place export controls tomorrow that will help the cause even more – particularly if there is internal devision in the Reich .
More generally – as I scan headlines in thr telegraph guardian mail each day I can understand why the collective mental health might be deteriorating – particularly with the Guardian.
Meanwhile the new DG has announced cuts to ‘business reporting ‘ – will any one notice ?
The last time I heard their stuff it was the continued fixation on ‘wimmin an minorities in the boardroom’ which is where the off switch got busy …..
But on the up side – with the bbc any cut is good news …
Last chance
I forced myself to read the piece you kindly put up . It is by someone called ‘ Rafael Behr ‘ .
I’m sure this globalist anti British lefty would get on really well in the BBC .. – be a good friend to Justin and katya – I’m tempted to wiki him but I think I can guess …
BBCs Jonathan Amos “Science correspondent” proving he has no knowledge of science again.
Nasa to fly Ingenuity Mars helicopter in early April
It features four specially made carbon-fibre blades, arranged into two 1m-long rotors that spin in opposite directions at around 2,400 revolutions per minute. That is many times faster than the blades would turn on a passenger helicopter here on Earth.
He has compared it to a passenger helicopter but the 1.8kg aircraft is nothing like a helicopter. It is more of a drone and drones on Earth have rotors than spin a lot faster than the one on Mars but that would confuse him as the air on Mars is less dense.
This is what happens when someone has a little bit of science knowledge but doesn’t understand the full picture but at the BBC full facts don’t matter.
Tabs, oh dear, lots of global warming & climate change there: four specially made carbon-fibre blades
Ginge and Lord Hypocrite can carpool on their Teslas and reminisce on the heady days as bbc special correspondents.
I feel like I’m a ‘chief impact officer ‘ sometimes
( can you imagine the discussion about making up a job to get this idiot on board ?)….
Love it !! LOL !
Teslas? The hypocritcal burk is driving a 5 Litre supercharged Range Rover around!!
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC encourages criminality
The prime interview at 8.10 a.m. by JustRemainIn Webb is with Priti Patel, Home Secretary, on the proposed Refugee Asylum law changes. It is quite clear that the BBC wish to encourage criminality – smuggling – of people and other things, drugs, weapons, explosives(?), alcohol, cigarettes and so on.
It is quite strange that the BBC don’t encourage criminality – evasion – when it comes to the TV Licence Fee.
I wonder why . . …
Tofu red meat
Priti damned easy
Pretty detatched
The gobby little Minister, for never putting a consevative policy statement into practice, has been at it again: ‘Priti: I make no apology for fixing broken asylum system‘ (Daily Express) – and if you believe that will ever happen… let’s put it this way… to preempt somewhat the 2021 Census results… just like the UK offspring of mothers from abroad – there’s one born every minute.
The BBC spins it this way: ‘Refugees coming to the UK via official schemes will find it easier than those arriving illegally, she says‘ – and considering how easy it is for the illegals, then that must be pretty damned easy for the “refugees”
The Times seems to do a fair impression of the type of confusing mangled language we’re accustomed to reading in FT headlines: ‘Border curbs demanded to stop strains from France‘ – oh, silly me… how could I be more mistaken, this isn’t the former Thunderer tippy-toeing around illegal Channel crossing arrivees to Dover. Au contraire, this is yet another tedious new press line on the chuffin’ flu.
‘Bells toll for 126,000 lives lost‘ – I’m going to stick my neck out here and guestimate that those sadly lamented old folks of threescore and ten plus (not forgetting the small numbers of co-morbidity ridden younger folks) have been more than sufficiently replaced during the lockdown interim by new migrant arrivees and births.
Our sorry excuse for a PM has his PR experts decide he needs to do a tv victim show special as though he were a Meghan or a Diana: ‘Visibly shattered, PM’s pained confession on night nation mourned Covid catastrophy‘ (Daily Mail)
The Guardian wants more lucrative long-term employment opportunities for lawyers: ‘Johnson admits Covid regrets but rejects clamour for public inquiry‘ – the only questions I’m clamouring for an inquiry into are do lockdowns work? And what precisely was the source of this virus (am I safe to eat bat soup or safe to get a pet pangolin – as I suspect this lurgy was like everthing else in the shops these days – Chinese made) and how exactly did it enter the UK? And I’ll wager you dollars to doughnuts those three question will be ruled out of bounds for any inquiry – so forget it, save us the wasted expense of this Labour-inspired would-be show trial of the Dominic Cummings and the Tories.
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror openly reveals how any inquiry will be politically motivated and how the left has already made their judgement without the bother of the actual inquiry: ‘Boris Johnson… under growing pressure to set a date for a public inquiry into No10’s mismanagement of the Covid crisis‘ – in other words – hurry up and hold that trial to look into your guilt.
Meanwhile – ‘Top Saudi “made death threat” over UN inquiry‘ (Guardian) – you tell ’em, Sheikh.
The rather government-centric as a result of government-advertising-funding Metro freebie encourages us all to have a little blub, so as to (hopefully) distract us: ‘“Our grief and loss”‘ – I believe they are quoting the Queen.
‘Children in line for Covid jabs from August‘ – warns the Daily Telegraph. But, isn’t this all supposed to be over by the summer? Something else we weren’t told?
I’m reminded of the World War One politicians and generals – it’ll all be over by Easter 2020… by Christmas 2020… by next Easter…. by next Christmas… The ‘i‘ resignedly confirms the next date in the ever extended new normal: ‘Summer 2021: holidays at home (again)‘
Just to cheer you up: ‘In defence of the Metropolitan elite‘ – Jasmin Alabhi-Brown writes an opinion piece in the ‘i‘.
The Daily Express delivers a bit of token (let’s call it tofu) red meat to conservatives: ‘Boris blasts out of touch BBC. PM attacks instinctive “Metropolitan bias” in wake of flag storm‘ – and if anyone takes him seriously then see above (as per Priti Patel’s toothless pronouncements). Read on in the Express report and already Boris is sounding mealy-mouthed mild, telling Tory MPs the BBC over Brexit was “pretty detatched”
I’m getting a little war-weary, what with day after day of slogging it out in the trenches against the BBC and that generally BBC-flavoured political tendency. Clearly we can’t vote the BBC out since so few MPs of any stripe will ever stand against the left-lib monster.
I’ve done my bit – cancelled my licence and will evangelise to anyone who will listen up to the point I become tiresome.
The BBC and the politics it represents…
I’m afraid to say it, but what with this bloody covid-enabled lockdown thing – it feels as though they’ve well and truly aced us out. All we’re fed is tofu red meat.
Yes it is a slog – and red Tories making noises but really doing nothing do not help .
Personally I think cabin fever has well and truly set in . Being without a TV licence I signed up to Netflix – but I look at the offerings now and can’t find anything new to watch – plus it gets more ‘woke ‘ by the day . So I cancelled and will need a good reason to go back .
As for the ‘news ‘ you so reliably report – the ephemeral ‘outrage ‘ about off the cuff comments by politicians really is just daily froth – like the ‘greed ‘ thing nut nuts husband used at the 1922 to get a question from a lefty at PMQ today …. just froth ….
I feel a bit of a fraud commenting on this site, because I rarely watch anything on the BBC, and not often anything elsewhere. In fact, my telly (and radio to a certain extent) remain off for much of the time.
I have found quite sufficient entertainment, and information on the internet via alternative news sites, video channels, etc., to keep me interested in world affairs, and I can usually rely on them to be accurate, and opinions genuine and researched.
The mainstream media are biased, adjusted, faked and opinionated in keeping with their respective agendas, and I have nothing to do with them.
I am here because I used to be a follower of the BBC, but that was a long time ago, and it intrigues me as to how far down the toilet it has plummeted (and continues to plummet). So I hope I may remain welcome here, commenting on an ad hoc basis!
No worries . What about me ? I’m the damn moderator and I regularly say about how much I ration my intake of BBC rubbish – being even unable to take it out of duty .
So – no fraud – there is no ‘requirement ‘ to be a user of the BBC – bu I think It is ‘civil ‘ to mention it directly from time time – which is why I get annoyed with trolls who never refer directly to it – but just pick fights with contributors …
I feel oblidged to add, on a slightly positive note – I have an old school friend, a long-term civil servant (just to be polite, I refreign from asking too often whether he’s still working from home) he is, sadly, habitually a BBC fan. But just this last weekend I recommended some very fine You Tube presenters who make videos of various specialist interest. They were obviously shunned by the mainstream. He tried their content and was enthused. He’s still some way off licence cancellation but at least he’ll be watching less BBC in future. Word of mouth recommendations, small personal victories.
As for YouTube recommendations – any one interested in WW2- try ‘Mark felton ‘ – over 1.2 million subscribers – always rave reviews …
For OG @ 9.23am . Agree OG as Mr Kitty and I live in France and the only access to the BBC for us is the website. We do have TV Mucho but actually programming any BBC apart from Masterchef and the Repair Shop on it would probably raise his blood pressure too much, when we were in the U.K. I banned him from watching newsnight as I feared for both his health and the tv. We rely so much on everyone who braves the BBC and can’t thank them all enough especially Fed for moderating.
I wish Mme. Goat shared my outrage, but she’s very much a snowflakey liberal, and gets cross when I rant. Living with opposing political mindsets is very difficult…
Old Goat
Mr & Mrs Wright have been an item since 1958 including a 4 year courtship. Now, to say we never argue would be a slight exaggeration but I have always found that if I keep my gob zipped and do as I’m told then we don’t argue. Mutual respect see! Only kidding. In reality we DO agree on most things. The only bones of contention seem to be our response to the dreaded flu virus and the viral contaminant we call the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Small beer.
Dear Miss Kitty, I too live in France and enjoy UK television. If you don’t live too far south, purchase a second hand Sky plus box, they are cheap as chips. You’ll get all the free to air channels, no need for subscription.
We’re only an hour away from Spanish border so we know it wouldn’t work but thanks for suggesting. We would need a satellite dish like the one in “Only Fools and Horses”
Me too, Old Goat. I scarcely watch or listen to the BBC but usually within 2 minutes of switching on, I am on the iPad, reporting here.
The alternative world presented by the BBC especially the news and my world would scarcely overlap in a Venn diagram. Seriously, I had expected something about the 2nd report on Nicola finding she did mislead, somewhere but I presume the report the SNP paid for exonerating her was sufficient for the BBC.
This post is in response to Old Goat saying he doesn’t watch much BBC but has appeared under Old Goat’s comment about Madame G. Mr D would be very upset if I described him as a snowflake as the heat of his rants would cause him to melt instantly.
O.G.: Are you disappointed by the lack of interest among so many people in looking for news and information on independent websites? People I know watch lots of TV and don’t even know about the alternatives.
Netflix is a lost cause. Their latest show is a version of Sherlock Holmes, in which Holmes is played by a black actor. No wonder the Obamas work there.
He’ll be called Homey then innit.
‘Bells toll for 126,000 lives lost‘
Do I get the noBell prize for mentioning the 200,000 they abort each year?
“200,000 they abort each year”
You can’t seriously expect us to drastically alter our habits, negate our freedoms and completely change our society, just to save those sort of numbers.
I jest, of course.
UK Column reckon the true figure is 18,000 due to Covid, and lots of others due to the lockdown.
TOADY Watch #2 – how bright, intelligent, is JustRemainIn Webb?
Not very bright would be the answer if you listened to that 8.10 a.m. interview with the Home Secretary, Priti patel. JustRemainIn Webb knew nothing of neither the Dublin or Geneva Conventions or the reason why countries of all sizes have Embassies and Consulates around the world in different nations. You would think that the BBC’s former North America Editor would have visited the UK Embassy in Washington, D.C., at some time or another, wouldn’t you?
Or would JustRemainIn Webb have been deliberately trying to distort the truth, on air, for the BBC and … maybe …. some other ‘interested parties’ ?
“It’s for your own good….”
Ofcom proposes new guidance to help video-sharing platforms protect users against harmful content
I’ll bet.
Nish and Jo’s Punch a Tory… A-OK.
Being a bit wary of Norwegian Mental Health Professionals in various Coastal Holiday Inns seating fire to the room service trolley… hateful.
I wonder what colour the new prince Tindall will be?
I hope he doesn’t turn out to be one of those ‘soccer’ sorts!
At least we haven’t been inundated with arty shots of Zara cuddling and stroking her bump. Hard to imagine burly Mike Tindall being photographed barefoot in the park – or even agreeing to it !
NYT famously given the BBC treatment by the BBC’s old DG.
In this new era of trust and impartiality and in house selective fact checking depts, need to check back the era of “well it is something he might have said”, ‘truthiness’, etc.
TOADY Watch #3 – echo, echo, echo, echo . . . . ……
It is becoming apparent that there is a standard cry that is going up whenever HMG tries to do anything, whether it is negotiate a firm Brexit or, more recently, protect the people of both the North of Ireland and the Republic or change the way the UK deals with refugees: “The Government is (or will be) breaking International Law!”
Thus it was in the prime interview this morning, where JustRemainIn Webb echoed what appears now to be a new mantra of the Left. The fact he didn’t know what the Law actually is at present is, of course, neither here nor there as far as the BBC is concerned.
The BBC : merely a trumpet for the Left.
“the North of Ireland”. That’s the derogatory term Sinn Fein and Republicans use when describing Northern Ireland, a way of deliberately avoiding any acceptance of the legitimacy of this country by contemptuously disregarding and belittling Unionist identity and culture.
They use it constantly, it’s very insulting, and I don’t believe that you meant anything by it, but it’s just another example of the petty ‘drip,drip,drip’ type of propaganda used by the likes of Sinn Fein, the SNP, the EU and of course, the bBbc every day.
Rich – yes – I got caught out on sloppy words here not long ago – but the prospect of EU citizens (Irish ) making the trip north to defraud the UK vax process is priceless .
And – of course – any gratitude will be cloaked by the anti British chip which can be fired up when needed .
If I recall there are upto a million on Irish EU citizens in the Republic – I wonder if they’ll be getting a return ticket to a non EU country as well ?
Personally – I think when the vax programme is done in the UK we should offer it to Eire first – as nearest neighbour then decide who to help based on our national interest …. not there’s ….
I really don’t know how we can protect ourselves from the fallout when the Irish economy inevitably tanks. Their economy is built on sand, their cost of living ridiculous. They have welcomed indiscriminately migrants from the EU and immigrants from further afield for years now and this as led to all sorts of economic and social issues, especially with Eastern European and African crime and violence in Dublin,that is seldom recognised or reported in the UK. I don’t believe that we are equipped at present with the systems or the governmental fortitude needed to cope with the inevitable fallout.
I don’t care for the CTA, I see no benefits from it to the UK, but it and our political cowardice, apathy and compliance leave ourselves, Great Britain and NI, inextricably linked to this EU puppet by much more than simple geography. I think you’re right in regards to the Covid vaccine, for purely practical reasons, we owe them nothing.
My hometown is unrecognizable from what it was 10 years ago, it’s current state under current policies is depressing, it has been damaged irreparably by economic migration and the subsequent social issues and problems that arise, few, apart from exploitative landlords and unscrupulous employers, have benefited from the influx of so many Poles and Roma. Their benefits to our society are non-existent as far as I can see, they are separate communities within and contribute little. I don’t how this town and others like it could cope with an influx of even more Eastern Europeans and “Portuguese” from the South.
@Rich The UK economy should fall
Basically the politicians have created a property ponzi scheme , in the way they manage the housing markets
It’s propped up by continually bringing new customers, ie immigrants to buy into the scheme.
My students in Indonesia earn a 10th of a UK salary
but property is a 20th the price ..£7,000 for a terraced house.
(Basically cos developers build a big barn, and divide it into 4 houses ..and cos of the climate the insulation and garden are minimal.
And no one paid anything for the land they essentially build on public land)
So UK house prices should not rightly be 10 or 20 times more than other countries. There is plenty of land in most countries.
And now cos Guardianland libmob are in charge : the UK its a mafia country.
You start a biz and they’ll come a long and change the rules on you and come round and collect green-protection money off you, to give to their green-biz mates.
Rich, oops, beg your pardon. Brain fade on my part. I was being struck at the time of posting that HMG’s so-called ‘International Law breaking’ actually benefits the Republic in that they do not have to create ‘a border’ on their side of the border.
I see that people from the Republic of Ireland have been trying to book Covid vaccinations in Northern Ireland even though they have no entitlement to them.
Of course health, education and benefits tourism from the South has been going on unchallenged for years around the border areas of NI. The Irish have to pay for doctor’s appointments, prescriptions, dental treatment and have a much less generous benefits system. Get yourself a postal address in “the north of Irelnd” and reap the rewards unchecked. Must cost the UK millions every year.
The Fail are leading with this and even the Irish national broadcaster RTE are covering it.
Doesn’t make the EU look too good does it?
The bBbc reporting on this? Is it on the bBbc NI homepage?
No, you’re right, nothing.
Tweet of the Day this a.m. was quite amusing. A gobby ‘nature writer’, Mark Cocker, managed to talk very loudly for most of the one minute duration of TotD, and what we could hear of the Meadow Pipit’s song was reduced to two short segments, one of which was somewhat indistinct.
I get the feeling the BBC is not covering the sad case of the lady QCs dog attacking Freddie Mercury so badly it had to be put down . Pays to have ‘friends ‘…
The BBC online article
Ms Sabben-Clare said she wished “in hindsight” she had put her dog on a lead but at the time “it did not seem necessary”.
She continued: “I left for my own safety and that of my dog
As a little aside
Tony Hawks on the Just A Minute show Radio 4 a couple of weeks back denigrated (as comedy ?) Ex President Trumps Make America Great Again .
Why didnt he poke fun of Nick Clegg`s book released in 2017 titled
How To Stop Brexit (and Make Britain Great Again ) .
He should stick to skateboarding.
Here, he was in Morris Minor and the Majors, “Stutter Rap”. I didn’t know that.
Now it seems it’s more a case of “utter crap”.
Probably because he only reads tweets Nibor. Books are a bit too demanding.
” Professor John Ioannidis has estimated the global IFR for the WHO at 0.23% overall (survival rate 99.77%) and, for people under-70, 0.05% (survival rate 99.95%). “
That sounds worth closing the whole economy down for. Cost so far is £410 billion and rising…
From Guido, on the 8.10 Today interview this morning re illegal immigrants. It was so obvious listening to Mr Hassan Akkad that he was a deliberate Labour plant..
This has got to stop; such shameless daily bias and they just know they will get away with it as they always say ‘we get it about right’…!
Sky as well
I have just finished listening to ‘The Jump’, on BBC Radio 4 (11 a.m. for the last three Wednesdays) presented by Chris van Tulleken. I deliberately have not commented on it because I do not want to prejudice any other views that fellow Biased BBC posters might form while listening to it.
Comments, anyone?
Despite a raft of contradictions I’ve always been prepared to give Boris the benefit of the doubt – it’s the old ‘sense of fair play’ kicking in together with the reality of what he, or any other PM for that matter, currently has to cope with.
But his latest not so ‘bon mot’ on greed and capitalism being behind the vaccine success is a massive own goal and an insight into the sort ‘port and cigars at the Bullingdon’ quip that can still all too readily slip his lips.
Of course, the fact that his stupid words were humming to the Guardian and BBC within seconds only goes to prove how deeply embedded his friends in the cabinet office have become – but the silly oaf really should be aware of the fact. It’s the clearest indication of swapping Dominic for the Princess was not a wise career move.
Boris Johnson is a liar and a bullshitter. He always was, and always will be.
The fact he was elected leader of the Conservative Party merely shows that he was the best of a very poor bunch.
Suez Canal still not clear
The massive container ship ran aground after the ship suffered a blackout. And the reserve power didn’t kick in either
So a wind gust spun the ship sideways
where it hit the bank and the underwater bulbous front hull got impaled in the bank
Excavators are around trying to dig it out.
UPDATE 12:00 hours local time: According to information from the Suez Canal Authority, the grounded vessel has been partially refloated and is now alongside the Canal bank. Convoys and traffic are expected to resume as soon as vessel is towed to another position.
The update seems to be what they anticipate
cos the tracker shows it still not moved
Stew, I had a look at the photo on the BBC web-site just now: as I did so, a naughty thought occurred. Not sure I should share it as I’ll probably get into big trouble and have to resign but ‘gender, three-point-turns and the helm’ may just come into somehow or other.
This is shocking reading:
Who gave BBC bully boys a licence to terrorise? An 85-year-old with dementia is hounded on her doorstep and a man of 72 deemed ‘not blind enough’ as over-75s face TV bills
“Scores of pensioners are being bombarded with terrifying letters threatening fines and court action. Many are being chased for money they don’t owe and end up paying twice out of fear.
In one case, a 90-year-old woman was sent menacing mail after moving into a care home following a stroke.
Another elderly dementia sufferer reported enforcement agents twice turning up at her home.
And a bereaved wife in her late 60s said she was threatened with prosecution a week after informing TV Licensing her husband had died.
Others are being forced to battle for months to prove their disability is severe enough to qualify for vital discounts.”
And is Boris going to do anything about it? Well, I wouldn’t hold my breath even if he did say that Brexit had shown up the BBC’s “metropolitan bias”:
Could there be some action to back up your words, please!
Vine banging on about the second coming of Trump
.. the fictitious Trump that lives in his head
Ha all it was, was him bring on his beeboid mate Nick Bryant on to plug his anti-Trump book
Meanwhile here are two other Beeboids talking to each other as no one outside W1A seems interested in them.
As I good capitalist I celebrate ‘freedom of contract ‘. So when the ReichEU restricts the export of vaccines made under contract it shows us what the ReichEU is really about .
The BBC – naturally – dances around this fundamental threat to free trade. If the EU leaders -tomorrow – together it seems with Biden – nail down supplies to us I think it might be time to consider what should be done about non registered EU passport holders currently in the UK . ….
And to add to the EU confusion the kraut leader could not deliver on the Easter lockdown she ordered – so scraped it – in a couple of weeks the infection spike in the Reich could be painful ….
But me thinks the BBC will suppress such an event .
I hope you all find time to watch UK Column today – the BBC get a right panning for a scene in an Eastenders episode, where they promote the “vaccine” via a couple of BAMES, and make the poor white girl involved look like a right divvy, for not having a vaccine.
Pretty disgusting, I think – obvious bias, and poorly acted to boot.
O.G.: That was amazing and embarrassingly bad. They take us for complete idiots, and I suppose quite a lot of us are.
I’ve never seen east Enders and glad to say I never will . Hats off to anyone who watches that stuff . It disqualifies me from going on quiz show where they ask a simple question about a character in – say – coronation street – because I’ve never seen that either – and never will ….
Very wise!
By accident today I heard something called R5 drive time – they were talking about ‘refugees ‘ ( which I’d rather just call criminals ) – there was a representative of some criminal NGO who must have stated the case for easing access to the UK for these criminals –
I swear to god she spoke without interruption for about 3 minutes … I thought it was ‘ just a minute ‘ but I think she was being allowed to read from a script without being stopped .
At the end the beeboid – who clearly had no detailed knowledge of the subject – asked ‘why is a size of the electorate against these criminals arriving ?
I thought referring to British people as ‘the electorate ‘ nicely dehumanised us . After listening to the NGO lady I thought it’s time to just either push the dinghies back to France or sink them on sight and see how well the criminals can swim ….
Regarding soap operas.
And there was I thinking that I must be kind of, well, sort of abnormal, but at least I now know that I am not the only one who feels that I really don’t need to watch social training films, as my parents gave me all the necessary social skills that I will ever need through life. My mother and father are and will remain, forever, my inspiration and my heroes. This is the bond that the Communists/Socialists have been trying to destroy. They will fail.
On sky news at about teatime they usually have someone called Mark Austin on as the studio news person.
His interview style is just awful.
He will ask a long question with lots of statements in it and then when the guest starts to reply he talks over him or her all the time so that nobody can understand anything said.
His ‘catchphrase’ must be “I’m sorry to interrupt but…”
Such a rude, arrogant man.
I’m so looking forward to when News GB (or whatever Brillo’s new non biased news channel will be called) starts to broadcast. It must be very near now.
Wouldn’t it be just excellent if they got, and kept, 70-80% of the viewers who must be sickened by the bbbc and sky far left news.
What a wakeup call that would be.
I could not agree with you more.
I turn him off, he makes my ears bleed with his shouty interviewing technique. The same with Dermot Murnaghan. Sadly there are few too men as newsreaders at the moment, and none of them cover themselves in glory. Clive Myrie, Huw Edwards, all have a sneery attitude towards those they question. I’ve said before, the only one I did like – Colin Brazier has left for new waters at Andrew Neil’s new channel. Can’t wait.
Perhaps he is auditioning for a seat on Toady – although being a whitee male suggests he is long down the selection list …
Bill is a sweet old duffer.
Raising stock photo selection to enhance the story, in defence of the BBC is… ‘brave’.
Bloody typical. All the news channels are interviewing settled here ‘refugees’ / asylum seekers, and my God haven’t they got a lot to say about their ‘rights’, and how we shouldn’t penalise them for being a refugee, and they’ve got a bloody cheek in telling us and our Government what we should do. As Piers Morgan said “I’ve never heard such bilge”. Yet none of them give a reason as to why they cant stay in France to claim asylum.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it won’t be long to the cricket season in the UK) the Geneva Convention and the Dublin Convention (although UK is now out of that after Brexit) are both quite clear: to be a legal refugee you must claim asylum in the first safe country that you reach. Most of these ‘Syrians’ even the ones from Afghanistan, Bhangladhesh, Thailand and Viet Nam have passed through several safe countries on the way to France.
Ah but there’s nothing quite so appealing as British naivete, their free social services AND those gorgeous British ladies. What’s not to like? Fill yer boots boys!
Lefty, 🙂
Livesy seems to occupy the same ground as o’brien , vine and the late piers morgan –
Basically the ‘ yob’ ‘ shouty’ end of the spectrum
How badly served people are .
If im wrong here indulge me as i have had very little listening experience of any of this ‘ talent’ ..
Don’t worry yourself, Fed, here we never listen to the news (except the R5Dying sometimes during the night), and certainly never watch it!
I get all my news here, Guido, some other reverent commenters and a smattering of the rags online, so I never suffer the nasty, leftie bias of the awful BBC with their smug, well-fed/paid ugly mugs!
But their latest ‘news’ about Scotland granting the nurses 4%, with the sneering attitude that it to be applied to the rest of Great Britain as expressly wished by the unions, is another example of Government-bashing by innuendo.
The ‘political’ way this 4% was shafted through a few seconds before the deadline, was un-noticed by the autocue-reader, but of course, it’s only his ‘job’ to witter the stuff he’s fed by the under-managers, and hangers-on in W1A.
7pm The Woke Show 1 hour
8pm The Jay Blades Show
9pm New Stacey Dooley and celebrities “Celebrity Home” panel quiz
7pm Cooking
8pm Cooking
9pm Channel5 The Black Cab Rapist doco
Lewis Goodhall retweeted this.
Hard to see it as a big issue for most.
Harrumph! What about Paris? And Milan? And New York? Do they not have model agencies?
Sets twitter alight.
I have just seen the “Alex Belfield FULL Story BBC & Nottingham Police” video uploaded to youtube 21 Mar 2021. I also saw some of the comments posted here about it.
Now I have to say I consider him a type of role model in the way he is able to strongly criticise the BBC and parts of the police, naming individuals, making very strong statements about them – while covering himself from being kicked off platforms and remaining within all the laws regarding slander, hate etc.
Could you , perhaps , summarise where he is because i cant watch him wingeing on and on without specifics .
Has anything happened with plod – for instance ?
No worries if you dont do it as it seems very ‘personal’ to him .
Elswhere – i saw that TR was subject to an anti harrasment order regarding a journalist last week …
C4 has done a brief report on labour corruption in Liverpool council . Will the BBC say anything about it ?
Or are they too busy campaigning on behalf of the Labour Party for a premature covid inquiry ?…
I looked on the main website – no trace – but they buried it on the England section – the john lewis shop closures is on the main page – important to BBC staff no doubt …
Fed, I think the flagship store in Oxford Street is safe for the Beeboids.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – just look at the CO2 pollution in that picture!
More polluted than the LA basin and foggier than San Francisco when the sea mist rolls in. And that is ignoring the light pollution visible in the simulated photo.
And what about all that CO2 used on our planet in building and testing the Mars-bound spacecraft and crew and the telecomms during the expedition. Get real, BBC! You cannot have it both ways.