As the Far Left anti British BBC asks for more money – the forthcoming New TV station will give an ideal indication of as to the trust( or lack of it ) the public have in BBC content . The sooner this compulsory funded monopoly is challenged and broken – the better .
Midweek Thread 24th March 2021
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Guido reports that laurence fox mayoral candidate for london had a visit from plod today warning him he could be in breach of covid regulations by campaigning . :
Police state ? No …
( could someone put the twiiter footage of plod up please )
Meanwhile brillo reports that the BBC put a ‘ syrian refugee ‘ up without saying that he is a Labour Party Activist – habitual now
His Mayoral Campaign has an article
I didn’t bother to watch any videos
cos they already did the same to David Kurten
like claim doing mayoral campaign duties was illegal.
AFAIK the problem is the bosses that sent the police on a fools errand
‘we are just warning you that illegal things are illegal’
Fox’s video tweet
Reading the dailies today I saw that the Bent Bastard Corporation have been told to cut out the anti tory bias and such.
Question- If they do, how will they feed each other the lines that they laugh at?
Northern Voter
Maybe I’m a White ,Racist ,Fascist , Nazi, Homophobic, Trump supporter but my suggstion would be —wait for it—- they could try a few Bernard Manning quips. Oh dear. Now I really have condemned myself to eternal hell and damnation. Oh well I was going there anyway so,who knows, maybe I may be able to get a job as the gatekeeper to Hell and welcome in those conpersons who have for so long tried to rule us by fear and guilt complex.
Bloke goes into a shoe shop.
Buys a pair of tortoise shell shoes.
It took him five hours to walk back out of the shop.
EU raids a factory in italy in search of non existant vaccine destined for the UK –
It was actually going to Begium and Covax .
Cant see Remainers being above the parapet any time soon ….
Be nice to get the EU to split …
Would love to see the BBC impartiality lesson plans – perhaps based on the one about the ‘ water drinking course ‘ the BBC did a while ago .
Dont have to work very hard to find evidence of institutional bias in the BBC do we ?
Spiked hasn’t fogotten
New BBC1 programme called “This is my house” on now at 9pm. The first 2 minutes showed it is going to be an hour long load of utter crap and a box ticking exercise.
In the trailer they showed a house full of women – tick, 2 gay men – tick, 5 blacks in a row – tick, Muslim bearded man – tick.
I’m completely disgusted by your report of the BBC’s anti- disability bias.
Where were the wheelchair users?
I hope the house was a bungalow.
“Priti Patel pledges overhaul of asylum seeker rules”
“Labour said the proposals would do “next to nothing to stop people making dangerous crossings” or to deal with criminal gangs.”
Another Own Goal by Labour .
And an Own Goal by the Tory Home Secretary.
We have the Royal Navy and The Royal Marines who will do the job.
Human Rights, what about the Human Rights of the people of Britain ? There will be trouble ahead and then we will have – “lessons to be learned” .
Picture the scenario – A thousand Russians in camouflage land on our Dover coast in dinghies and shout we are ‘asylum seekers’, and the same the following day…………… ad-infinitum……….
Planning to invade France? Shoot the bogus asylum seekers?
There are better ways of course, Patel should be pressing the French to take them back, and if they refuse she should take legal action against them.
The French however don’t believe in the rule of EU law, and they still haven’t paid the compensation amounts for foot and mouth, nor any of the other judgements made against them.
So Patel should simply leave the Asylum treaty, or at least threaten it, and then Merkel would pull Microns strings and force him to stop sending migrants here.
Failing that we leave the treaty and return every Asylum seeker coming from a safe country immediately to the place they claim to be from.
Leaving the treaty does not mean we don’t offer a safe haven to those who genuinely need it, but it does mean we would save hundreds of millions in legal fees hearings accommodation etc etc.
Of course the left would be up in arms, but a simple offer of a fund for them to make up the money the government is no longer going to waste should soon put a stop to that.
“Of course the left would be up in arms”.
The left are now a dying breed, when the lockdown is over the fightback begins……………
“Government buildings to fly Union flag every day”
Is the crossing dangerous? I may be wrong, but I can only think of one illegal who has died in recent years making the crossing. Please correct me and if necessary.
As has been mentioned here before, returning all those picked up in the Channel (not many bother these days get to Kent) to France this traffic would stop immediately.
No illegal is going to pay a smuggler if they end up where they started.
Australia solved the problem, why can’t we?
EU’s ‘most embarrassing’ day: How the story behind the vaccine factory raid unravelled
Italian elite unit found millions of AstraZeneca doses thought to be meant for the UK – but their destination was the EU itself
Yet another Own Goal !
“Migrant crossings: What happens to migrants who reach the UK?”
Nothing about 4 Star Hotels ?
How many are fugitive criminals, and terrorists on the run ?
Does our Home Secretary know ?
This is getting serious now. Our Border Farce is broken, it has been broken for years . How can this nation sustain and support over a million illegals ?
Another old Tory pledge , nothing changes …………
Oh yes.
At 2205 on BBC1 news, arch remainer Katya Adler does her softly softly routine on the EU vaccine protectionism.
She’s reporting from outside EU HQ with all the EU flags behind her (no sarcastic comments of course).
She’s wearing Euro blue from head to toe !!!!!!
It couldn’t be more obvious. All she needs now is to add some yellow star accessories!!!!!!
“Coronavirus: EU and UK try to end row with ‘win-win’ on vaccines”
Comments could be going better?
“Covid-19: Pubs could require vaccine passports – Boris Johnson”
That would mean the young drinkers will miss out ?
I have heard that Nigel Farage is campaigning to highlight Illegal immigration and the termination of Al Beeb.
Wasn’t this something that The Tory Party have been promising for years .
Go for it Nigel .
Meanwhile over in Liverpool, the Labour council, plagued by appalling management and corruption, is having to give way to government appointed commissioners and even local Labour MPs seem to accept this as necessary.
Still. I’m sure this is an exceptional example of the outcomes of unchallenged socialism.
Oh, wait
Perhaps the BBC could investigate.
Nope. Thought not.
The BBC knows what is news.
The SNP are offering the unions only one third of what they demand (4% vs 12% )
ie they are much closer to Boris than close to unions demands.
FHugh Pym
Bbc Moaning Emole
HS staff 4% pay rise plan in Scotland*
NHS staff in Scotland are to be offered a pay rise of at least 4%, the Scottish government has confirmed. Nurses, paramedics and domestic staff are among those who could receive the boost to their salaries. Health Secretary Jeane Freeman says the average pay of a front line NHS nurse would rise by more than £1,200 a year. She says the offer – which does not apply to doctors – recognised the “service and dedication” of staff during the pandemic. The settlement will be backdated to 1 December 2020 in recognition of an “exceptional year of significant pressure”.
In England it was announced some NHS staff would receive a 1% rise, which Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended earlier this month. He praised “heroic” health and social care workers but said the rise was as much as the government could afford during the “tough times” of the pandemic.
* ‘in Scotland’ left off on headline.
Krankie making the licence fee ‘free’ too?
From which ‘pot’ is this money coming from?
10:30am “what happened to Bristol police” was the TalkRadio topic
This retired officer Chris Hobbs was on
“Ah you see the police are all geared up to deal with Far right violence”
… A number on Twitter said : WTF that’s a myth
eg1, eg2,
and I agree ..the show me the bodies rule applies
and I don’t see many
There are and have been some really nasty white people in Britain and maybe in the 70s National Front demos did try to fight police set fire to buildings, kill blacks I don’t know.
But these days term is rather used as a smear against people that are not supporting lefty/woke agendas.
I expected that Hobbs would have Labour and it’s front group HnH all over it, but no just references to violence he had seen in the deep past
and the incredible statement that antifa are good people
FFS .. when you follow hours of live footage you see they are the trouble makers, turning up trying to hijack their opponents rallies and prepared for violence.
A lot look like brainwashed thugs, plenty female as well.
Biden tasks Harris with tackling migrant influx on US-Mexico border
I’m half enjoying watching the BBC flap by trying to downplay any negative stories about Biden whilst at the same time knowing they have to report it otherwise their bias will be exposed.
‘But Mr Biden’s critics say his policies have led to a surge in illegal migration.’
Next line:
In February, US Customs officials took more than 100,000 people into custody along the southern border, a 28% increase on the previous month.
It seems they HAVE led to a surge BBC, despite you trying to imply it is just his critics who are saying it for political gain.
Reading the article, it sounds a lot like Harris has not really got any job except to stand next to Biden and remind us all she is a BAME woman. Tasking her to handle immigration is the equivalent of putting an incompetent staff-member onto ‘documentation’ because they can’t do anything useful for the main project. And of course she is safe from accusations of racism. 50% of the reason she is there.
These idiots are getting a lesson in the real world. The BBC will be doing some of their finest work in the coming months to cover it up.
Policing Minister Kit Malthouse failed to wait for Covid test and went back to work – tested positive.
Staff were forced to isolate, air vents had to be cleansed & changed
Only in January, Mr Malthouse said would be “preposterous that anyone could be ignorant of the rules”
Nadia the violence inciter
Melanie Phillips latest blog says it all:
We are now beginning to see the results of the supine establishment response to Black Lives Matter and the related campaign of demonisation against white society and the police.
Last Sunday — in no small irony — a “Kill the bill” demonstration in Bristol, against a proposed new law giving the police greater powers to curb demonstrations, turned into a riot against the police. There were further arrests for breaches of Covid regulations at another related demonstration in Bristol on Tuesday night.
In Sunday’s disorder, said to be the worst rioting in Bristol for a decade, some 21 police officers were injured by a mob armed with glass bottles, bricks and scaffolding. A police station had its windows smashed, and a police vehicle was set on fire while officers were inside.
As the Telegraph reports, Andy Roebuck, chairman of the Avon and Somerset Police Federation, said:
They tried to set fire to a police van with officers inside. To my mind that is attempted murder. I spoke to two officers who said they genuinely feared they would be killed.
It was said that an orderly protest had been hijacked by thugs. Police are reportedly hunting for up to 500 violent extremists who were involved. 500! With 3,000 having attended the initial peaceful demonstration, that’s some hijack!
But why is anyone surprised?
For months and indeed years, there’s been a steady and wildly unfair demonisation of the police.
They’ve been attacked for trying to enforce Covid regulations, as they are required to do but for which they have been accused of turning Britain into a “police state”.
They were attacked for heavy-handed policing of Covid regulations at the demonstration over violence against women following the murder of Sarah Everard, whose body was found after she disappeared while walking home in south London.
Conversely, they were attacked for failing to react robustly at a Black Lives Matter demonstration which vandalised statues and threw projectiles at retreating police officers.
Since the 1993 Macpherson report, which on the basis of no evidence whatsoever damned the entire police service as “institutionally racist,” they have routinely been attacked for this alleged collective guilt. Now, on the basis of the death of a black suspect pinned to the ground in Minneapolis by a police officer’s knee, Black Lives Matter has turned up the temperature against the police to boiling point.
Many cultural and political figures in Britain have supported BLM despite the fact that its programme is anti-white, anti-west and demands that the police be defunded and abolished. Among these supporters was the Labour party leader, Sir Keir Starmer, who proudly tweeted a picture of himself and his deputy “taking the knee” in his Westminster office.
It was irrelevant that Starmer subsequently distanced himself from the BLM demand to defund the police. For reprehensible as the BLM platform is, the real damage is done by these respectable supporters who are literally genuflecting to the claim that their society is intrinsically evil.
By failing to denounce BLM for what it actually is — a subversive, racist, anti-white group aiming to overthrow western society — and, even worse, supporting it as a moral cause, they help give these and other political subversives the feeling that the revolutionary wind is with them.
The progressive classes have been lazily and irresponsibly giving this kind of succour to unconscionable agendas for years. Nihilist or hard-left activists bent on overturning western society have been regularly morphing from one anti-west cause to another — Stop the War, Occupy, Extinction Rebellion and now Black Lives Matter.
At every stage, these revolutionary wannabes have found swathes of respectable society nodding along to one vicious slander after another against the west — that America commits human rights abuses worse than Middle Eastern tyrants, that capitalism is unjust and punishes the poor, that industrialisation is bringing about the imminent extinction of life on earth, and that white western society is intrinsically evil.
Instead of saying robustly that these are all wicked lies against the west and denouncing their perpetrators as potential totalitarian despots, many in positions of cultural authority have endorsed the message if not the tactics. So the universities are falling over each other to “decolonise” the curriculum — that is, censor it and replace objective and balanced analysis by distorted propaganda that teaches students to hate their own society.
And instead of denouncing the instigators of the violence against the police, some people in responsible positions actually blame the police. The Telegraph reports that Dr Jo Grady, president of the University and College Union which represents more than 120,000 academics and support staff in further and higher education and who opposes the policing bill, said on Twitter:
You don’t have to be comfortable with the idea of violence or damage to understand that when the police turn up to events they also bring with them potential for violence. They literally bring violent tools, which are often deployed quickly to police with fear, not consent.
All this has led political thugs to become intoxicated with their own power. They have observed that taking to the streets in violent disorder may enrage some — but much more significant, it also elicits only indifference or actually gains support from many others. With allegedly conservative or high establishment figures describing Covid restrictions as “Stasi-like” oppression and calling for civil disobedience, with companies and other bodies requiring employees to denounce themselves for “unconscious bias” and white privilege, and with the police being damned if they do and damned if they don’t and finding themselves trying to police a society which is increasingly tearing up its own rules, is it any wonder that those bent on nihilist or revolutionary disorder believe their time has come?
The activists of “No Fixed Abode Anti Fascists”, which was involved in the Bristol demonstration, describe themselves as a “group of squatters, travellers and homeless people combating fascist and bailiff thuggery”. They have taken over a disused police station near the spot in south London from where Sarah Everard went missing. The Times reports:
Her killing brought an outcry about violence against women and the Metropolitan Police was accused of heavy handedness at a vigil for her at Clapham Common. Some officers have said that the vigil was hijacked by far-left groups after ACAB (All Cops are Bastards) was daubed on a police van.
The anti-fascist group has used the acronym on social media posts about the planned eviction at the former police station. Its social media contains images of disorder in Bristol and Clapham Common.
Squatters refused to comment yesterday on their involvement in either event, resorting to profanities when asked by The Times. One supporter said: “Kill the Bill has taken off as a campaign and people are willing to take to the streets for it. I am one of them.”
There are intelligence warnings that more violent confrontations by activists are in the pipeline. By endorsing the calumnies against the west being perpetrated by those intent upon bringing it down, a shallow, cowardly or ideologically twisted cultural establishment has sown the wind. Now Britain is beginning to reap the whirlwind
The lies by the media around all of this really make me sick now.
I saw a video on the internet of a group of BLM protestors saying how quiet and peaceful the protest was. But in the distance you could see some jumping and movement. Then a black man came running down a warehouse roof from that general direction and started to climb down. I though ah – they are zooming in to see what he has been up to.
But no : they zoomed in to take him out of the frame.
Lying scum. I can’t be any more pleasant about these people.
Long but excellent post.
And further to the Sarah Everard case (btw I’ll just mention that almost six times as many men than women are murdered by a stranger- not mentioned in any BBC coverage) the Times, Telegraph, and Mail have all featured stories about excessive ‘rape culture’ in certain private schools. This includes admittedly some pretty unacceptable behaviour which, being anonymous, cannot be verified.
It reads as if certain schools are terrible. But these schools are almost certainly not unusual. What is different about them is that they are unlucky enough to have extremely aggressive activist feminist former pupils prepared to kick off and foment discord over social media.
Everyone’s invited.
I see the jury for the George Floyd trial has been selected:
(The figure in brackets is how many there should be for a split representative of Minnesota ethnicity)
6 white women (6.15)
3 black men (1.35)
2 multi-racial women (0.9)
1 black woman (0.45)
3 white men (6.15)
They describe it as skewed to younger, white and female.
Actually, they should have 12.3 white people to represent the population. How can they say it is skewed to ‘white’ ?.
Only one group is severely underrepresented.BAME are all over-represented. But they don’t mention that.
Typical BBC weasel words. No different from lies.
Another one for the ‘BBC Fact Check Team’ and ‘snopes’ to ignore.
I used to enjoy ‘Bull’, but the utter manipulation of the system by all sides became depressing.
A transcript of in camera discussions between impartial champions of justice on the prosecution side would be interesting.
Viva Frei is the place to look for Chauvin trial info
2 days ago they covered jury selection and the way swallowing drugs was a George Floyd MO.
He’d done this same situation 1 year previous.
TOADY Watch #1 – misleading information from the BBC? Surely not?
Care home pay is mentioned during the first half hour of the programme. Alison Holt, BBC Social Affairs correspondent, gives the misleading impression that Local Authorities provide social care for the elderly in their homes. In some authority areas the LA will have their own teams but will also employ ‘freelance’ firms that are privately owned. Other LAs are unable to provide care and instead use private firms exclusively.
The implication was total direct employment by Local Authorities as well as underpayment to their staff by Local Authorities due to lack of funding from Council Tax, Business Rates and central Government.
Private firms sometimes do underpay (exploit their staff or make it difficult for them to work if not car owner/drivers) – the question is should LAs give work to those firms? Alison Holt – award winning BBC journalist – did not mention that.
I wonder why? [ I can make some good guesses. 😉 ]
This is multi-faceted.
Councils are governed by Union-based nation pay rates.
‘Up north’ it is possible to get a mortgage for a house even on the guaranteed minimum wage. Councils pay more than that. But they need to reduce their outgoings. The solution is to outsource social care ( and care homes btw, something I know about all too well via an elderly relative) where wages (and thus costs) are lower.
‘Darn sarf’ it’s different. National rates are too low to attract many who can get better private sector jobs. So the solution is either immigration or again outsourcing and a manifestation of this is the £50k per year cost of private care homes.
This is true across the whole public sector. Our NHS heroes earn excellent money in South Yorkshire where £150k can get you a 4 bed detached. National pay rates. With such available, the private sector cannot recruit at affordable rates to start businesses. So they don’t. And the long term result is a total reliance on the state sector for employment and no self-sufficiency.. Check out Liverpool as well. And Newcastle, where last time I checked a whopping 65% of the local economy was public sector. Yet they claim they do not have enough investment!
So weirdly if Boris wants to level up he should scrap national public sector pay rates and, over time, the market will do its job. It won’t happen of course. The squealing would be too great from those who insist the world owes them a living.
You can’t get a four bed detached in S Yorkshire for £150k. Not unless it’s falling down or in the path of HS4. The normal price in the shittiest areas is £190k.
You can’t get a four bed detached in S Yorkshire for £150k. Not unless it’s falling down or in the path of HS4. The normal price in the shittiest areas is £190k.
How long did this photo take to find?
The missing fifth probably decided to get a job and is doing nicely already.
I didn’t realise that no white males at all now go to University in the UK but thanks to the world’s finest impartial broadcaster I do now.
Driving a racist, homophobic right wing Sprinter of non Hamilton Hue as we speak… the employed, tax paying, productive ‘phobe, when he could be racking up a £50k debt not to pay back as a Local Democracy specialist fact checker for the Pink News bbc lgbt4-2-4 liaison team in somewhere beastly and Scottish.
Anyone checked on Thornbury?
BAME – tick
BAME – tick
BAME – tick
Female – tick
Ok, job done.
The virtue-signalling woke folly of Astra Zeneca giving away vaccine at cost has finally made it on to the BBC.
This morning on Toady it is strongly suggested that the reason AZ are having unending problems with their test results is challenges from all the other suppliers who are trying to sell at a profit and will be undercut once AZ is fully approved.
Meanwhile AZ are getting it in the neck from everyone including the EU and yet all the aggro is not worth it as the stupid folk at Oxford Uni insisted they cannot make any money from the whole thing.
Thus AZ are very unlikely to ever do the same thing again.
‘Greedy’ Pfizer, janssen, novavax et al have no such problems. They just make great new products people want to buy and look to turn a profit. So much easier than being woke.
Get woke, Go broke.
I don’t know how much the academics have been involved in the testing for Astra Zeneca, but in my experience as an engineer, anywhere they are allowed to participate in any decision making operation, it turns into a complete clusterf*ck.
They are not suited to the problems of real life. Thats why they stayed in education instead of the real world. You can’t fail in education. They should be locked in a room with all communication through a small, circular window in the door.
As Neil Ferguson keeps demonstrating.
I am not Woke, far from it. But whatever the motivation was behind AZs decision to supply at cost this life saving vaccine they are going to save many lives. You can denigrate this if you wish.
If you don’t make even the smallest of profits….then you are running at a loss. Not sustainable….and eventually everything goes pear shaped.
Academic and media don’t get this. I suspect that some secretly do…..but deeply internalise the notion…because it somehow makes them feel sullied.
AZ doesn’t the supply the rest of its product range at cost. It is just this one particular product. They may possibly have thought that they would use it as a ‘loss leader ‘ to show how philanthropic they were and gain in the long run. Whatever the motivation it was and is a life saver in poorer countries.
I fully understand the profit motive and how it applies in the pharma industry I worked in it for 40 years. No profits , no research , no products.
Doesn’t matter if it’s £3 or £30 our Tory government will pay.
I think they key point is that they will be employing competent and experienced people to do it because of how much profit they expect to make.
That’s capitalism. Not much motivates people like greed. A simple fact of life.
Thanks for the comments folks.
Some guesswork on this one can be rendered un-necessary
I simply do not believe it is morally or ethically correct or good business sense to sell the AZ vaccine to the EU for under Eu2 per dose.
Do we really need to subsidise these countries?
Don’t expect a single penny piece of goodwill in return.
Is there nothing at all, on any of the newspaper frontpages today which reflects my view of the world?
‘Howard. I didn’t like any Take That song‘ (Daily Mirror) – ok, touché. We all tend to exaggerate a bit just to make a point.
But oooh er, well, lookee here…! : ‘Ipso upholds complaint against Metro on covid death numbers: Page 2‘ (Metro)
I’ve no physical copy of the giveaway, funded by government and corporate advertising, freebie paper. The Independent Press Standards Organisation website is something of a maze and I don’t find the ruling. The Metro website doesn’t easily allow a search.
Can anyone help me out here?
You see I’ve got (metaphorically) this nervous old granny who has been hiding in the cupboard under the stairs for the last twelve months…
Whereas me, I’m more of a Bill Murray in Ghostbusters figure – I ain’t fraid of no ghost…
The government covid propaganda machine… have they told too big a whopper this time and over-egged the pudding?
Do let me know. Granny hasn’t seen the light of day for a year now and the only excitment she gets is when the chap comes to read the gas meter – and that hasn’t been for nine months now. He reckons he’s working from home but I’ve got my doubts.
Government will be ‘forced to rely’ on BBC licence fee model, MPs suggest
The government will be forced to rely on the current BBC TV licence fee model until 2038, a group of MPs has said.
A report from a Commons select committee suggests the failure to find a viable alternative form of funding meant the licence fee must remain for the term of the next charter.
It concluded that the government’s failure to put in place the necessary broadband infrastructure, which would allow for other funding mechanisms, meant it had no option but to stick with the licence fee for the next 10-year charter period.
Who the hell makes these decisions? Is it that easy to pull the wool over their eyes? The BBC signal could easily be scrambled and unscrambled with the existing UHF broadcasting. Going subscription doesn’t mean broadcast TV is just replaced with iPlayer.
It really boils my p***. If Amazon needed to make a subscription service over UHF they would develop it and would be selling it to the public a month after they thought about it. But with the BBC nothing can be done until 2038 at the earliest.
The gravy train is still running but it is a steam service stopping at every station.
Left hand, right hand, short memories… The excuse (sic) is that 1.8 million people do not have access to high-speed broadband. Yet just five days ago the government announced the first areas to benefit from a £5 billion project to provide high-speed fibre broadband to every household, including remote areas. As reported by, er, the BBC:
Now, critics might note that the original plan was for this to take place by 2025 and that it is slipping, but this will will only be by a couple of years. As to the claim by the government “that reaching the final 1% of homes in very remote areas could be prohibitively expensive”, this is also a red herring. The cost of satellite delivered internet is around £30 a month, meaning the cost of equipping the final 1% (about 400,000 homes) would be £624 million per annum i.e. about as much as Britain spends on so-called foreign aid every two weeks.
The licence fee, the charter and the BBC itself need to become history in 2027. This is our equivalent of the Berlin Wall coming down, the end of apartheid in South Africa, the collapse of the USSR. There is no other event so key in obtaining long term freedom, which is precisely why the establishment is fighting tooth and nail to retain them.
The big carrott the BBC are dangling is that BBC Limited (a commercial arm of the BBC) does make enough money from freeview Ads and BBC (repeat fees) license fees to (other freeview channels) and does make a huge profit. They claim this helps ‘support’ the BBC (loss making part) itself and is use to justify the public TV license.. The problem is the BBC itself is designed to make a loss. Everything they earn in TV license fees is wasted on things NO other commercial broadcaster could afford without going bust. Thanks to the BBC Charter, the BBC can never be profitable as it has Charter ‘liabilities’ such as maintaining Local Radio which never make any money. They use that threat (and the closure of either Radio 4 or a TV channel. to claim they are skint. They are not skint. Just Bankrupt. The problem is preventing the BBC from going Bankrupt, as it also runs the World Service which it can use as bait for dim MP’s who still think the BBC is a British Institution that (it thinks) can be turned around from the brink. Tim Davie is the last chance the BBC has.
Tory voters and supporters , should have a “Forced” word in your Tory MP’s ears .
Obviously it just a cap out. But it doesn’t matter, we , the people, can do it ourselves. We just stop paying the LF . The first few hundred thousand will soon be followed by a few million more and the License Fee will be toast. Of course the danger is then that the useless TINO government then starts to fund the foul corporation directly out of taxation. But I think that even this government would find it difficult to go against such a powerful demonstration of the will of the people and it would most certainly stop the BBC from being able to claim that we all loved it , respected it and couldnt do without it.
So a few people out in the sticks not getting fast broadband is going to be the running excuse for no change in financing the BBC .
We might as well close down ..
Those that “love it” can pay for it by subscription .
I am not paying anything that is Biased and anti Great Britain.
I live out in the “sticks” where TV reception is useless, but I still had to pay the telly tax despite that .
Another reason why I stopped my payments to the outfit.
No no no. We must keep battering away with the simple message that everyone who despises , or doesn’t trust the BBC should simply stop paying the LF. I’m sure that millions of people agree they just need to be motivated to take the first step in shrugging off the Woke yolk of the BBC. This site can help.
TOADY Watch #2 – In which Martha is desperate to get to the pub to party with her friends
Oh no! The Landlord will not let them all in. Martha is old enough to have had her jab but her younger friends have not. Surely the TOADY programme should have been screaming about discrimination – but no. All quiet and civilised with a discussion between two contributors, one of whom was from the Shepherd Neame Company.
Now, ask yourself why the TOADY Prog is not howling with rage over this?
Oh, the Labour Party are asking (Whipping) their MPs to vote in favour of an extension to the Government’s emergency Coronavirus powers which may include these restrictions including the fine of £5,000 for holidaying abroad. Something that very wealthy people will budget for in the cost of their holiday, no doubt.
The Lockdown Labour Party in action: discriminating in favour of the rich – now there’s a thing.
Back to the Blair and Brown years?
John humphries continues to supplement his BBC pension by writing for the mail. There is a column today . I managed the first few paragraphs . Humphries says he got stick for coming across as a Brexiter – but now he admits he was a Remainer all along .
But because of the Vaccine debacle he has become a brexiter . Who cares ?
We know that the BBC was and is an extension of the EU … and whatever evil the EU does today – the BBC will dress it up
Maybe Biden will be scripted to come in and allow exports from the USA. He banned modena and components a while ago – something which the BBC chose not to make a noise about …
IMHO Al Beeb was pushing the Remain propaganda as it could see itself evolving into an European Broadcasting Corporation.
Free holidays in Europe for the latte sipping, tofu eating, vegans employed by the elite of the outfit.
“New Alan Turing £50 note design is revealed”
Now, how about getting Britannia back on our coinage?
Why was it removed, after all, it had been there since the Romans were here? The start of woke politics of “Cool Britannia”.
Good that Turing is on the note, but I can’t help thinking that he is not there for his scientific work and contribution to the war effort.
Know what I mean.
Well according to The Imitation Game Joan Clarke was the better mathmatician (a woman) and the code was cracked by a cipher clerk (a woman) so his war contribution was minimal.
I saw that film – it left out some big detail.. Alan Turing was a convicted paedophile (many times over) and was the reason he was chemically castrated. His part in developing the Turing Computer to decode the ENIGMA machine was important but it was the Polish mathematicians who did much of the early work which are not credited on the film. I doubt Turing had a ‘girl friend’ as suggested in the film. He was only attracted to young boys. That is what the BBC sponsored film can never admit to or – suggest – what he was. Much better to try to make him a misunderstood hero.
Get Marianna to ‘check’, though she is still in a group hug with the half dozen trying to pretend their fake news conference was a hit.
Speaking of fake news, the entire BBC NA BS are still selling each other’s books or looking for squirrels.
Tommy Flowers didnt get much of a look in – wrong background – wrong class…
Tommy Flowers was the Post Office engineer who actually designed and built the first electronic computer.
All kept secret cos same was later used to crack Russian codes.
Fedup- Tommy Flowers lived for many years in Mill Hill in the
North West London suburbs , not far away from me in
Woodside Park.It’s funny I knew somebody who lived in the
house next to him well after he had died. I mentioned to
the folk,that Tommy had lived there prior and that there should
be a blue plaque to commemorate him.
In fact I did get in touch with a preservation society in the
area to recommend this, but nothing became of it. Later a
huge housing development took place where the old army
post office barracks were in Mill Hill and one of the roads
is called Tommy Flowers Way.
Tommy actually used his own money to build Colossus , over a
£1000 . He built this first computer in 9 months a feat which
even Turing thought was impossible. And Tommy was never
fully reimbursed for the money he spent. Tommy is remembered
at Bletchley Park for me being the top historical war time
“museum” you are ever likely to visit. Of course we also
have the RAF museum in our neck of the woods in Mill Hill
as well. I expect too many Union Jacks and photos of the Queen
for the BBC to be much interested in.
I think that it was Tommy Flowers who deserved most of the credit for actually turning Turing’s ideas into a practical , fast and powerful decoding electronic machine later called Colossus the first computer.Naturally Flowers and his GPO team got very little reward or recognition. Also Bill Tutte broke the secrets of the German secret teleprinter code a feat equal to that of Turing and Enigma.
I agree that the reason we hear so much about Turing and so little about Flowers and Tutte is that the latter were normal and Turing wasn’t and his suicide is used as weapon by the Gay rights movement.
Double – yes – if I recall he even used his own money to build colossus – but got a cheque after he helped end the war – I bet they wanted receipts …..
I don’t believe that Turing made any contribution to the development of the modern computer. His theoretical model was never turned into a practical device though perhaps the Forth computer language owes him something.
Turing’s model worked by changing code ‘on the fly’, a practice that breaks all the modern rules.
I could never understand the praise for the ‘Turing Test’ for Artificial Intelligence’ which basically says that if you can’t tell the difference between man and machine then AI has been achieved, i.e. a statement of the obvious that gives no idea as to how to achieve the goal, or for that matter to measure progress in that direction.
Trust in News conference: 22 – 24 March 2021
The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative is a partnership that includes organisations such as Facebook, Twitter, Reuters and The Washington Post. It is the only forum in the world of its kind designed to take on disinformation in real time. Now we and our partners are going to share what we’ve all learned about how to tackle disinformation, and you are invited.
Day 2 apparently included Ms Spring telling us all about the abuse and death threats she has received.
Meanwhile our ‘government’ (via Whittingdale and Atkins) is not only copping out of the licence fee issue – as discussed above – but actively working on a National Action Plan to protect the propagandists.
Depends on one’s definition of ‘journalists’ I suppose.
Television licence fee ‘preferred option’ to fund BBC until 2038, say MPs
NO THEY DON’T! “MP’s” is just a Guardian wish upon a star…. it’s actually just a committee called The digital, culture, media and sport select committee sector who have skin in the game.
This is who they are….
Julian Knight Con Solihull
Steven Brine Con Winchester
Clive Efford Lab Eltham
Damian Green Con Ashford
John Nicholson SNP Ochil and South Perthshire
Heather Wheeler Con South Derbyshire
Kevin Brennan Lab Cardiff West
Alex Davies Jones Lab Pontypridd
Julie Elliott Lab Sunderland Central
Damian Hinds Con East Hampshire
Giles Watling Con Clacton
The committee also criticised the government for floating the idea of decriminalising non-payment of the licence fee last year, a proposal that has now been dropped.
“The government either needs to come out with a strong alternative to the licence fee that it can put to parliament, or strongly support the current model for at least the next charter period (2028-2038) and actively aid the BBC in driving down evasion,” they concluded.”
The BBC….
A BBC spokesperson said: “We welcome this thorough and detailed report. It is an endorsement of the crucial role played by public service broadcasters and the BBC as well as a clear call to build a strong future. We welcome the conclusion that the licence fee is the best way of funding a universal BBC.
I sense hand in glove in action here.
However, these MP’s will face the electorate at some time soon.
People are already voting with their cash, hence the falling Telly Tax renewals and ‘non payments’.
TOADY Watch #3 – in which the BBC forget to look at the data on their own web-site
Evergreen Shipping’s container ship that is wedged across the Suez Canal is disrupting world trade, Dominic O’ Connell tells me in the early morning business segment. It has already pushed up the oil price as it is assumed that there are several oil tankers queueing to go through the Canal when cleared.
Except it hasn’t. Dominic – normally reliable and on the ball – failed to look at the BBC’s own web-site whereupon he would have seen the oil price has fallen for two days in a row. To be fair to Dom, the error was presented that way by the newsreader in the main on-the-hour broadcasts. Perhaps Dom could teach BBC N&CA where to find the oil price.
‘Best bit”… from… a colleague.
Is he off to brillo TV ?
Didnt get the mastermind gig …
Views in pro-EU FBPE-land
Always good that people are told what they want to hear . I hope , really hope , that the ReichEU continues on its vindictive madness – except that this time it will cost lives – either directly through covid or indirectly …
Well done to the Express for calling out woke’ist bullshit.
wonder if the BBC can do the same!
Wokesters called ‘killer’ white supremacist until he turned out to be Syrian
What was even more shocking is that these wokists were blaming white supremacy while knowing the 10 victims were white and not knowing anything else about the killer.
The Express didn’t mention any specific tweets.
but Jack Posobiec screenshotted a Muslim account with 300K followers
tweeting “white male where was he radicalised?“
More on the Covid Conspiracy
The “big pharma” and lockstep government scam. Bill’s report begins at 0:51.
[Stew only] Sorry, Stew. I realise this kind of formatting upsets you. Although you kindly posted the better method a while ago I couldn’t differentiate the standard requirement to make it work and the unique part sandwiched between.
@Square-Eyed I don’t think any formatting “upsets” me
but I do sometimes suggest formats that make it easier for general readers to read.
So yes when people want to post 3 conspiracy videos in a row
I think it is better to use a link rather than have 3 video boxes clogging up the screen
You can do that by simply making sure the URL is not on a fresh line on it’s own
Also you can make a link begin at a particular second
by right clicking over the Youtube screen
and selecting “at current time” ..
Or you can write HTML like this
<a href=””>video link</a>
Belfield has a new video up ostensibly about 2 sacked Devon police offices
who lied in court about an arrest, when in fact someone had videoed the whole thing
It’s not new news, 50 seconds into the vid he quickly says it was 4 weeks ago.
But around the same time a Devon officer was jailed for an unconsensual sex act aginst a distressed crime victim in a police station toilet.
video blogger ..BBC story
So no wonder Bristol cops couldn’t quickly rely on cops from other areas, in the riots.
Morale in that out fit – for anyone who joined up to enforce the law – must be pretty low after their boss gave his blessing to damaging statues – reap and sow I guess – I’m afraid sympathy with them is severely rationed now …..
Can no one help with any detail behind the apparent frontpage mea culpa in the Metro freebie this morning?
“ipso upholds complaint against Metro on covid deaths numbers”
Seems as though it might be important vis a vis BBC reporting, and, oh I don’t know… fact checking and all…?
… Portes thread has screenshots
Basically Metro ran a headline
“Death Tolls Soar …Not From COVID
6 month UK death rates at home in UK
Diabetes (up 86%)
Parkinson’s (up 79%)
Prostate Cancer (up 53%)
Breast Cancer (up 49% ) ”
The trick was that these are not overall death tolls but “at home” death tolls
Of course they rose cos the same people normally die in hospital and the hospitals were shut.
Ah, I see, thanks.
October 2020
An alarmist Metro report about excess non-covid deaths.
I always imagined what the ideal London Evening Standard headline would be – “All commuters will die” – was my best guess.
Numbers is going to be a real issue with any coming covid inquiry – I saw a Princess Jane Corbin thing the other day – a good early indicator of how the BBC is to play the nations ‘ professor hindsite –
In the sense that she threw numbers around as though counting processes are the same across all nations – when I fear different hospital areas will have different ( and political ) counting methods – some bosses wanting more and others less according to bonus payments and funding …..
But too much detail and complexity I think . I ran a ‘performance unit ‘ once upon a time and saw first hand how numbers are fiddled to meet targets or ends ….
……. luckily I had an ‘inquisitor ‘ role where I could actively investigate and challenge numbers to get to some form of reality and accountability . I was really (un) popular …
Muslims at Batley Grammar School, Yorkshire school are demanding the resignation of a teacher who showed caricatures of Muhammad. (allegedly)
Parents protesting at the gates,
“French Cartoons” The Muslim protesters tweet says
..Screenshot of apology letter
That teacher better be careful – it got at least one teacher murdered in France, by the Religionists of Peace and Tolerance.
I’m sure beheading a teacher in the playground at lunchtime will make the ‘local news’ for 30 minutes ….look squirrels …
I suppose the third world guest workers play a game of ‘most offended ‘ …..
…………have they got a proper MP I wonder …
Alex Belfield has just been arrested. See his YouTube channel.
Video shows him trying to talk to big police team through upstairs windows
He asks “am I to be arrested ? are you raiding the house again ?”
cop “yes arrested”
bossy cop steps forward “come down or we’ll put your door in”
AB “I need to speak to my lawyers, then I will come down”
..he ends the video
his Twitter thread
People mention it’s a a tactical support group team and van.
That makes it look like Intimidation Policing
Obviously the could argue that they need to seize his computers so have a van to take them away.
But an arrest could have be done by simply phoning him to ask him to turn up at the station.
I don’t think he would have refused.
The 18 min video does does give more explanations of the accusations and process.
For the crime of criticising the BBC no doubt.
Or Wrongthink perhaps.
The conclusion of that group of bBC supporting MP,s that the Licence Tax will extend to 2038 demonstrates one thing.
this Licence Tax is like crack cocaine or the heroin equivalent to the bBC ……………………they are totally addicted.
We are up against hard line addicts
Sadly, a feeling is developing that only future technology will obsolete these addicts.
If they get the green light for really aggressive pursuit of evasion
that might force things to a head.
Its clear now that responding to surveys, supporting opinion polls
and highlighting their daily MO is having minimum effect.
A compromise might be required where they legally split the
news and political element from the entertainment element.
The entertainment side could be funded by reduced Licence tax….£80…….the MP,s could be tasked with defining how their
news section is funded.
The entertainment division would then stand against competition
e.g. Netflix and have 5 years to migrate to a subscription model.
This 10 year business proposed is a boot on the henry halls!!
I see that the poisonous BBC have had Alex Belfield arrested again….
Is this the real reason why everyone in so called ”’authority” attended ”’common purpose” courses alng with Al-Beeb.
So they could all stand together on bullshit like this?
Makes you wonder…
The BBC have a more or less unlimited amount of British taxpayers money, license fee payers money, their own revenue to adopt such tactics – pressurising individuals until they break. It has happened to many individuals. The BBC are an extremely powerful organisation both in Britain and world wide. One should never forget that. It produces out right propaganda which it takes into the schools, it smears and attacks all those that go up against it, it buys out others, it works with activist groups in Britain and worldwide to help organise protests and marches and societal change. This is my opinion and I believe there is overwhelming evidence for it.
This is an unusual” contribution” from me. On the 1PM
news on BBC TV What was the first question do you
think the BBC reporter asked the Bank of England
representative about the new Alan Turing £50 note ?
I will give you a clue. It had nothing to do with the Bank
of England flying a rainbow flag over the bank. Or
for that matter Alan Turing being gay. Just think to
yourself what the number one obsession is with the
If you are still mystified it was “when are we going to see an
ethnic face on a bank note? “
Wendy best look out; Prince Ginge is muscling in on the new gig.
Skiing’s good, too.
He’s 36 you know.
The ‘cost’ is far more than monetary.
Expect many more to come. The EU’s revenge for Brexit.
Either we have a weak government or it is done by complicity .
The people of Britain are under a strict regime will invaders are given free range under the cloak of Covid.
Calvin Robinson criticises ‘insane’ claim that all white people are ‘rife with internalised racism’
..Starts with BBC sneering at Union flag
then Meghan’s new white PR saying that white people are racist at a cellular level.
More jaw dropping Naivety from the cowardly useless incompetent Tories yet again!
They simply don’t have a clue what they are dealing with nor where this is inevitably headed.
Listen to what is being said by the left instead of trying to explain it away and rationalise it because you will always inevitably arrive at the wrong answer.
Here it is laid out in the most simplistic bare bones way I can explain it.
All White people are racist – they are born that way and there is nothing can be done to change that.
We need to eliminate racism
Conclusion we need to eliminate White people.
This folks is the end game, it’s another genocide, the left are full on in your face Nazi and no one is capable of speaking out about it.
We saw the mess the cowardly useless incompetent Tories made the last time Nazism arrived, today they are far worse than they were then, and don’t lets talk about Churchill as he was the lone voice crying in the wilderness they had exiled him to and they didn’t want him to lead their cowardly useless incompetent party, they wanted Lord Halifax
Halifax was a strong appeaser and a fool only brought to his senses by the intervention of the civil service who in what is politly described as a ‘frank discussion’ was made well aware of the disastrous concequences of Tory cowardice.
It was only after this that Halifax forced Chamerlain to agree to support Poland in the event of invasion.
The Tories have been cowards for decades, and they will do just the same as they did prior to WWII.
7 million AstraZeneca doses lie untouched in EU countries, some states have 2/3rds of their stock unused.