So a Parliamentary Committee (DCMS)has determined that the structure of the BBC cannot be changed until the whole country has topJonny broadband . Then – maybe – financing of the BBC can be considered. Politicians can now rely on this to avoid responsibility for change for the BBC – in any form.
The report is freely available on the web but here is a link –
Don’t forget – for no reason clocks go up or down or back or forward Saturday night
I think I’ve found the new campaign to be forced through by the BBC. My theory is based on a piece on the BBC website describing how a ‘group of charities ‘ are ‘campaigning for UK vaccines to be donated to ‘poor ‘ countries ….
There is no counter argument . There is no mention of how many UK taxpayers have not had a first vaccine – yet alone a second one – including me .
So it is proposed that foreigners get vaccinated despite having no contribution to the development of the vaccine or paying for it – and UK getting nothing – nothing in return .
And the BBC is okay with this ….
Al Beeb has a World Service funded by us that pushes for a world health service funded by us .
Fed, just saw this after posting my comment below.
I don’t do ‘Charidee’ as I pay enough taxes and I don’t fund the Beeb. I’m sick of them spewing forth this sort of rubbish when our own backyard is far from rosy.
A pox on all these organisations houses
The photo editing, as with bbc in such cases, is poetic.
In complement, with apologies to Fed, but if this does not see heads explode all round W1A, Westminster and Salford studio green rooms…
Have pigs stopped wearing hats as part of their costume?
Happy British Summer time everybody.
I was always told that charity begins at home.
However on AlBeeb this morning they tell me the Welcome Trust and Save the Children have written to HMG demanding the UK stop stockpiling the jab and to send it overseas to aid workers in needy countries.
The BBC, yet again the mouthpiece for anything that Doesn’t put Great Britain first.
In other news they told me union reps are shrilling that many employers have not carried out risk assessments regards Covid safe offices for their staff to return to.
Of course they are. Furlough is great for many and with the weather looking good and restrictions easing on Monday why would they…. answers on a postcard to Broadcasting House.
Comments going… slowly.
Marianna has competition. Actually… more likely assistance…
What an awful start to British Summer Time – I just awoke to see that the awful bbbc is still here and spouting borrocks as usual…
In a great book by Frank Hardy, the ‘Outcasts of Foolgarah’, one of the main topics was the action of ‘poking mullock’ (ridicule), which rather sums up the way we should treat the leftie c**p that British citizens get fed as ‘news’ by the over-nourished pricks in W1A!
Whilst going through the channels I came across ‘The Gadget Show’ which looks at various items of technology in a magazine type of format.
As with all channels now, this one was also woke. I can’t remember which channel it is but there’s no differences.
The panel is 50% bame representing the 15% bames.
The first outside item was a family with lots of children looking at old technology to see what they make of it. This was an electric typewriter.
The family was bame of course.
The next outside item was an aeroplane spotter. As we all know this is mainly a hobby of bames and sure enough a black lad was the spotter to look at 3 items your average plane spotter would want to use.
The third and final item was the two black presenters putting up tents in a field to compare camping stuff. Camping is, of course, another hobby mainly done by black people if you hadn’t noticed.
This show must be aimed at the ‘kidz’ as the presentation looks very blue peterish. (Black Peter?)
There was an old white bloke on, mainly used as the butt for the jokes.
Yes, tended to like the gadget show despite its box ticking, but when for the second week in a row the family looking at old gadgets was bame, I had to reach for the off button. I don’t think I will be watching again.
I stopped watching when Suzi Perry left.
Roger is, of course, no scientist.
So perfect as a bbc ‘reporter’ in this field.
????♂️ @nottspolice ordered to take off collar numbers to arrest me. It appears all body cams turned off too.
Arrested over imaginary accusation of a bomb threat BY THE BBC WITH NO EVIDENCE
If true, surely the BBC would normally get quite excited by the ability of the police to render themselves immune from any counter by peaceful protestors?
Lovely image.
Of a high risk youngster.
When stylists go bad.
For froth the ST is hard to beat.
I dont think that if who ever Dan Walker is – walked off the BBC the share price would drop by £250 million – just spotted the problem there
Go woke go broke …
Radio 4 BH Programme started at nine .
Headline news- over fifties are persuaded to get the jab before supplies run out .
Next item – Britain should share the jab with African countries, charities say as we are sitting on a surplus of 100 million .
So we have a shortage of a surplus ?!
Can the BBC explain why BAMEs in the UK who can have the jab aren’t taking it but BAMEs in Africa complain they haven’t got the jab and want to take it ?
Perhaps I should resume listening to the BBC before it disappears up it’s own arse. On the hand ——
Perhaps I should resume listening to the BBC before it disappears up it’s own arse. On the hand ——
Oh my gawd! Have I got early stage Bidenitis? Not only did I completely omit the word “other” but I managed to post the thing twice. I really must phone my GP tomorrow.
Business and pleasure
We notice some slightly awkward juxtapositioning of BBC online headlines with those in the print press Sundays this morning:
BBC: ‘Covid: Boris Johnson urged to share vaccines with poorer nations‘
Sunday Times: ‘UK to offer covid jabs to Ireland‘
BBC: ‘Coronavirus: Search after people flee Dublin hotel quarantine‘
Cue a burst of some of that diddly-diddly music.
Our favourite weekend commentary on the whole pandemic thing comes once again not from a journo but from a cartoonist: ‘Put the clock forward three months and get us out of lockdown‘ – says the wife to her harassed-looking husband in Nick Newman’s Sunday Times gag.
I wonder if three months will do it? Boris just put a six month extention on the emergency powers. My bank just sent me a nice letter telling me how much they like to help the local community and all that, and, by the way, they’re closing another local branch.
You have to watch these little things that go on in real life – beneath the surface of the media headlines.
The Sunday Express is bullish – or should the attitude be described as bluster? : ‘Back to the life we love. Optimistic Boris toasts “Happy Monday” as minister says economy is ready for lift-off after Easter‘
If you hadn’t broke the economy in the first place, you wouldn’t now be hoping against hope that it fixes itself.
And in the Daily Star on Sunday tv psychic spoon-bender Uri Geller is taking credit for refloating that massive container ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal: ‘Star readers use Geller mind power to fix Suez crisis‘ – pity Uri wasn’t there to help British PM Anthony Eden in his Suez Crisis. [I always like to include a little something for our teenage readers to google – well, they don’t learn much in school these days]
And from there we could segue to a report in the Telegraph: ‘Whitehall inquiry into elite school sex scandal‘
Or alternatively to Prime Ministerial scandals: ‘Cameron and the toxic banker. Tycoon profited from controversial pharmacy deal rejected by civil service‘ (Sunday Times)
As if a British PM would facilitate a profitable scam on behalf of a dodgy drug company.
Thank goodness the present incumbent puts our interests first: ‘EU must acknowledge British taxpayer funding of Oxford jab‘ (Telegraph) – and I trust Boris all the way on this one (“sarc” – as the teenagers tend to abbreviate in their text messaging)
Speaking of Irish travellers (which we were, sort of) the Telegraph suggests an alternative to the once tradtional package Med holiday: ‘A van with a plan. Tow your own holiday bubble‘ – what could be more post-apocalyptic than tens of thousands of us suburbanites suddenly taking to the roads and heading toward the West Country in caravans….?
Hold that thought…the Telegraph would seem, however, to immediately cancel its own trip: ‘Katie Glass “I’m told I’m not welcome in Cornwell”‘ – ooops, have you ever tried to reverse with a caravan in tow?
The cartoonists nail it yet again: ‘It was a holiday romance…‘ says the couple in Matt’s joke in the Telegraph, ‘I tried to fly to a hot, sunny beach and he fined me £5,000‘
But don’t give up hope: ‘Boris Johnson’s global travel task force is studying a four-tier “traffic light” scheme…‘ – don’t let it be said that officials have developed delusions of grandeur with their “global travel task force”. They’re really just town planners, what with their traffic light systems.
The gobby ‘Piers Morgan breaks his silence..‘ – in the Mail on Sunday – that took all of three minutes.
The Sunday People hold out the prospect of a: ‘Summer of love. Garden of delights: Party for six‘ – steady on, they say three’s a crowd!
The Sunday Mirror goes with a bonking Boris story: ‘My four year affair with Boris. Business and pleasure. Jennifer Arcuri tells of romps with Johnson‘
And I’ve just had my breakfast.
Don’t imagine we don’t know how you feel, Jenny. I’m given to understand the Latin word is futuo – I’m sure Boris, as a classical scholar and a former schoolboy, will correct me if I’m wrong – and he’s done it to us all, luv.
Maybe public schools are next on the target list- not muslim grammar schools of course – you can go picket them without the law intervening- Allah Wills it ..
Here is my cartoon of Mohammed –
Hope you liked that …
I have only just noticed a heading called Alba on the BBC web site.
Apparently there is a Scotch language and all the articles are written in Scotch.
I think there is also BBC scotland .., but no BBC England ….
Green crap is not popular
All 231 retweets of the PM’s tweet are negative
531 Likes vs 660 mostly negative replies
Meanwhile 28 hours ago @BarrySheerman Labour MP tweeted
\\ No invitation from President Biden
to our “Greed is good” Prime Minister
to discuss global climate change //
that is a lie, of course Boris is invited to next week’s conference
Climate change. Infinitesimally slow, over four and a half billion years – so much so that nobody alive today has experienced it. Nor will they, ever.
Meanwhile they do daft things like turn the lights out. Humanity is completely bonkers. I am glad I am a goat.
I saw nut nuts huband tell parliament it was UK first …. but if we find out that it has been putting millions of UK jabs into covax there really must be a price to pay
And i hope that at least one true tory MP will keep an eye . I guess there must be a dozon tories in their Party still …
The press is going to have a field day with overwhelmed UK holiday spots when we have the one day of summer in a few weeks …
And if we are allowed to get out of UK airports are going to get right nasty
I was told that all the 4 Star Hotels are “fully booked” already ?
Thursday night’s BBC2 British Black Power doco
@YardleyShooting points out there was a line
“The police are the enemy”.
\\ It is interesting historically, but the revolutionary Marxist message goes completely unchallenged.
There are no other balancing voices. #BiasedBBC //
You’ll be pleased to know that only 400,000 watched it then…..
David Vance – 7 minute watch.
One sentence should do it – “weapons of mass destruction”.
If we had listened to him and his views on Brexit, we would not have had any vaccine. I don’t remember Bliar standing in the last General Election ? Who voted for him, has he become a Tory ?
The island – I don’t like Blair – I despise him . He admitted not looking too closely at pandemic preparation when sars was on his desk . He admitted winging it and getting away with it .
However – I think he is right on his assessment of national responses to covid . But I draw a parallel – who wants to have a passport ? Who wants to be subject the airport checks ? But
If you want to travel you need to submit .
I don’t see this one as an example of globalism – maybe it’s actually the reverse .
The risk of the vaccine ? Yes maybe in some science fiction story we all drop dead on new years’ eve 2022 … with a time stamped vaccine implant .
And we do have a choice – don’t have a passport – don’t travel
Don’t have the vaccine – don’t travel – change your lifestyle to avoid producing evidence of vaccination – that’s choice ….
I don’t want covid – but I want to be at the mercy of the NHS even less …if the vaccine keeps me away from the NHS my choice is to take the risk – your choice -and yours Mr Vance
Muslim leaders issue threat to Britain to “show respect” for Islam
Muslim leaders in West Yorkshire will tell prime minister Boris Johnson that Britain must start respecting Islam or the Muslim community “will not be responsible for the actions of some individuals”.
I can imagine Bojo’s response.
‘We must, I repeat, must show respect to Islam and the er er Muslim ah community… or they will cut our heads off’
And our police ‘service’ will no doubt show respect by arresting anybody, whose head has been cut off, for littering and taking the knee to the murderer. There will be war on the streets, these people demand far too much and the hypocrisy would have the left wing in awe.
Who let that lot into the country while refusing entry to our very best of friends, The Gurkhas?
Theisland – picking up on your quote “Muslim leaders in West Yorkshire will tell prime minister Boris Johnson that Britain must start respecting Islam or the Muslim community “will not be responsible for the actions of some individuals”.
Strange, but I can’t recall a single instance where the the ‘Muslim Community’ has honestly accepted responsibility for any of the atrocities/bombings/murders/teen grooming/etc., committed by the individuals in their community.
So, where’s the difference ?
And the response to these thugs should simply be –“When you actually earn some respect (and a good start might be to accept responsibility for the atrocities committed by those in your community) then we might give it to you.”
I suspect rolling tumbleweed may drown out any cogent response on these fronts.
Not Al Beeb but as the Sunday roast was being made I noticed my dearest getting the gravy granules out and on the Bisto pack were the non-woke words, “Roast Britanni-aah!”
Well done Bisto !, I say , more of that we need .
Rule Britannia and buy British !
Not BBC – but the Scottish quarter of the House of Commons will be good to watch for fights as 2 out of the 48? SNP MPs – ( all squatting in what they consider a foreign government ) defect to the Laba / Alba Party –
They must all be wondering ‘who is next to go? Who hates crankie more than Not Guilty Alex?
Fed, I’ve been on the track of the etymology of Alba and I think I have found another reason or two for the Beeb to pronounce it Alaba. The first is down to Runrigg who sing it that way in one of their hits. The second is that a normal hard ‘b’ is of course more English. The word Alba has links to the old name for Britain ‘Albania’ (and of course links to an English martyr, St Alban) → ‘Albion’ → which then becomes used in literature for England. (Scottish Presbyterian voice) “Ooooh deaarrrhh!”
I guess the BBC are wokering to the National Socialists in Scotland.
It would also be true that ‘in the Gallic’ the ‘b’ in Alba would have a softish sound but without, as far as I’m aware, an ‘a’ in front of it. I therefore have three reasons for the peculiar BBC pronounciation of ‘Alba’.
Ha! You weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
Especially on a dull Sunday afternoon in England.
I don’t know if anyone has picked up on this, and if so, I apologise for any unnecessary repetition. (Original data source – ‘Global Research – a centre for research on Globalisation – that should impress the Beeboids)
The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”
The results, up till March 13th this year….
BioNTech/ Pfizer: 2,540 deaths
Moderna: 973 deaths
Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 451 deaths
There are all sorts of medical conditions associated with these deaths listed, and additional ‘injuries’ are listed too, as a result of the vaccine.
The numbers are not given per head of population treated, so the data is standalone.
Interesting, though, given the EU leaders’ reactions in the past couple of weeks, when this data is available to them.
Are there any comparable stats to other large scale vaccination programmes – eg the annual flu jab –
And what is the size of vaccination programme ?
Just wondering on a miz Palm Sunday afternoon ….
I really don’t know, Fedup2 – I picked up on this issue on a US blog site, and tracked it back to source, because too many people would simply dismiss attribution to a blog site as ‘fake news’.
I guess ‘Eudravigilance’ might be the place to start to look for any such data.
Quoting the ‘Global Research’ site…..
“Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions).
Eudravigilance has been on the go since 2001, apparently.
Good luck in finding what you are looking for.
Richard thanks – I won’t be looking .. if people are looking for reasons to either stop a vaccine programme or swerve one – they’ll find one ….
richard, firstly, I think if there had been UK deaths directly attributed to the vaccine on that scale, the media would have been all over it. Especially the Left-leaning media, out to get the PM & the Cabinet.
Secondly, the Moderna vaccine, tbomk, has not yet been authorised for use in the UK and EU. It’s in line to be approved this week, if I recall correctly.
Thirdly, the FDA has approved the two European vaccines – Pfizer & AstraZenica – for use in the USA and they have been used successfully out there as far as I know. The USFDA is very picky and has to comply with a raft of legislation in their rule book.
Update : The Sadiq video below got removed
guess libmob lent on YouTube
but Belfield includes parts in his Sunday 5 minute video
When David Kurten asked mayor Sad-dick what he was doing about grooming gangs in London, 3 things happened:
1) Slippery Sad-dick avoided answering by playing the race / islamophobia victim card.
2) Chair Navin Shah shut down the questioner.
3) The BBC ignored the whole thing.
How all very predictable.
You can support Kurten by following or liking his Fb post:
The allegation seems there is no count
cos Sadiq has forbidden looking
Are victims in the news ?
March 2017 Four girls between the ages of 13 and 15 have reported being raped by a grooming gang who operate from a McDonald’s restaurant in Stratford, east London. Three boys and three men have been arrested after a police crackdown on the site identified at least 30 other potential victims.
Read more:
by Feb 2018 .. 3 men had been charged
2:58pm Red-io-4 is playing Billy Bragg
It’s another prog about POVERTY yet the title is “The New Anatomy of Melancholy”
Stew – I’m not sure that William Bragg PLC knows too much about poverty eh? – he might have read about it in The Guardian …. or maybe he should chat with Comrade O. Jones ..
The Big-Nosed Bolshevik from Barking, latterly the big bucks balladeer of Burton Bradstock.
He made a very little talent go a long way. All the way to a mansion in Dorset.
Claudia Webbe MP must be ‘trending ‘ on the BBC after posting an short rant about Bristol police and Marxism….
You might recall that Ms Webbe was elected as Labour MP fir Leicester as well as a councillor in the socialist republic of Islington at the same time .
I can’t remember if she is still on bail for a harassment allegation or not …
Anyway – Brillo republished her tweet and described her as a ‘Labour MP’ – you should see the hostility of the responses he got …
… not so much about the anti plod pro rioter tweet though …
Yes the Momentum human-Twitter-bot-army has been instructed to shout
“Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha she’s not a Labour MP
GBNews are liars who smell”
..They don’t explain more so I checked
Basically all her own media shows she considers herself a Labour MP roses, the word “Labour” etc.
but there is a technicality ..she has been *suspended* from Labour for 2 years now for harassment.
so the parliamentary voting website marks her as “an Independent”.
Her actual tweet said
pug “NHS England national medical director Prof Stephen Powis”
How many Chiefs does the NHS have?! It is getting ridiculous.
“Indonesia bombing: Worshippers wounded in Makassar church attack”
The ‘peaceful’ religion is at it again.
Some positives.. there was a security plan
so well done to the security guard who stopped the bomber at the Church gate.
reports of zero dead and 14 injured.
A lot of that island is the homeland of tribal people who were never Muslim.. I expect there is a sizable Muslim population of a city now.
And always were some as happens in port towns.
Some Easter reading from your trusted “British” news providers.
The “Independent”….
The choice is stark: destroy the Republican Party in its current form or watch American democracy die
The “Guardian”….
Patriot games: why flying the union jack has become so contentious
And the BBC’s lead up to Easter?….
Holi: What is the Hindu festival all about?
Black Power: A British Story of Resistance
The Myth of Race
I believe they are at war with the free West and simply want it to die off.
Sunday Radio/TV
3pm Radio4 drama repeat from 2 part drama based on the Bible Luke Acts
BBC2 9pm-11pm Frankie Boyle
9pm BBC4 repeat from 2020 Chris Packham population show … banging on about Climate
at least population is a fundamental enviro issue ?
10:30pm BBC1 Alan Yentob Arts show
… does anyone ever watch ?
6pm Countryfile ..fairly south again
“Joe Crowley
– joins a survey of heron populations
(oh ‘Global Warming ! has caused colder winters in the 2000s which have reduced numbers after a recovery in the 90s… Now they are stable )
– finds out about a new national DNA database for toads
– helps map the amount of plastic polluting the countryside.
– Tom Heap is scaring us with National Park reform”
Tom says “leaked government documents say …”
+ mountain biking with purpose
with Trash Free Trails ..litter pickers I guess
..load of buzzwords and agendas
Only in the last second say “Well you shouldn’t drop it in the first place”
It was not convincing that trails have a big trash problem
I expect it’s laybys and roadsides etc.
Lots of statements without context
“a dead mouse was found in a bottle”
an animal brought to RSPCA every 6 hours”
… So ?
mice don’t live for decades
Nature isn’t easy ..millions of animals die every year
maybe millions every week
Now, some PR for Woodland trust
2 pop stars spending 4 days planting trees to account for their CO2
My first thought 1000 trees isn’t actually that much
… strangely they also said that at the end.
Do you have to pay extra for the bottled dead mouse ?
Doric, a little-known form of North East Scots, is undergoing a pandemic-inspired renaissance.
Slow news day and a sign of the divergence between domestic web content and that offered to furriners to whom it’s offered as a “news” item. I wonder if we’ll be treated to like pidgin.
– as seen from a Belgium IP address.
Can I just put in a word to site members who don’t view YouTube much to have a look at Alex Belfield “ The voice of Reason”. He is currently in a humongous battle with Beeb and their acolytes at Nottingham police. He can be a bit overwhelming, but he is shining a light on what threatens to become a police state.
Re the boat stuck in the Suet Canal – once upon a time – before the world got really serious – there would have been a competition for the best idea to get it unstuck – now ? All they do is throw more and more tug boats at it ….
Suet…..I like it.
Depth charges near the stern would have been my option.
I favoured balloons – lots of balloons – like that painful ‘all in it together ‘ crap the BBC rolls out . Everyone send a ballon . And if all the balloons didn’t work – at least it would look pretty ….
Otherwise send more water and put it in the suet canal ….
New thread – I’m not sure if the last day was 23 hours or 25 hours long …