If you read the 69 pages of the ‘BBC Annual Plan 2021 – 2022’ – published this week – you recognise a number of recurring themes .1. That the BBC is ‘London centric ‘ 2. It is worried about viewing figures 3. It knows it cannot compete with online subscription services 4. It is worried about the word ‘impartial – which features a countless number of times 5.It thinks it is British – and fails to mention Brexit or its ‘ EU fan club at all . Reading the Plan – knowing the reality as opposed to the BBC fantasy -that it is unbiased – one plays a game of reading between the lines and seeing that the users of this website ( on behalf of the good British public ) are slowly but surely winning and that the days of the current BBC are numbered .
Midweek Thread 31 March 2021
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Yes, it’s all going swimmingly.
145 illegals arrived at Dover yesterday and more have aleady been ferried in this morning.
More reinforcments for the Batley mob.
More for the bBC to obscure or celebrate (impartially).
Border Farce. Where is our Royal Navy?
All this is going on while the country has been in lockdown . Expect more to come while the French take our money .
Deliberate turning of the blind eye by the Home Office . So much for Priti and her tough talk .
We have a Tory government full of Liberal, career, politicians .
Taffman – the Royal Navy is away on a diversity course . The sailor who is currently the Navy – is away with the girl who is currently the British Army – they are being trained by 20 admirals and 20 generals ….
As I commented above it’s a Farce . The people of Britain are being left undefended . Why do so many want to come here to a “Racist” country ?
This Goverment will not change. It will follow previous and maintain the ‘Open Border’ policy clandestinely. Apart from theisland above, we would not know whether the Government are encouraging more imports or not. I say, ‘encouraging’ because continuing to accept and disperse the criminals is ‘encouraging’ more to come. Remember some years back when Farage stood on a panel and, in the midst of commie ridicule, he repeated over and over, “How many then?”. They didn’t like that question and tried to drown him out. Same now. The question should be to Priti Useless (accepting they will not halt the inflow), ‘How many?’ and/or, ‘How many is enough?’, what long term arrangements are in place to house them? How many Hong Kong Chinese have arrived and where are they?
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 2 started 11:30pm Monday
Only Taffman’s comment over spilled onto page 3
As the pound reaches 1.172 to the euro is Al Beeb undermining our economy with its business page ?
Nothing but negative negative negative ?
‘Britain is a model on race for other countries, with children from ethnic minorities outperforming their white peers at school‘ – that’s what we’re told in enthusiastic terms by the formerly patriotic Times this morning.
Can anyone see any self-respecting nations, such as Japan for instance, being eager to follow that model?
We’re used to being fed a lot of nonsense on the subject of race but I have to wonder whether the editor of the Times actually read this line on his frontpage and thought it was really a positive message for Britain? – and yes it is a he, I googled him. John Witherow, born Johannesburg, South Africa – interestingly enough.
How come we get this supposedly good news blooper in the press? ‘The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disputes, formed last July after the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement…‘ has apparently found: ‘Diverse UK hailed over narrowing of race gap‘
This was clearly a waste of effort and taxpayer cash and their report is already a dead letter since the Left won’t believe it: ‘Britain not “institutionally racist” claims PM’s commission‘ (‘i‘) – and with that less than resounding welcome, because as every Lefty knows, racism is everywhere and endemic to Britain, the ‘i‘ goes on to threaten: ‘Findings set to prompt fierce debate about inequalities in UK‘ – well, there’s something for us to look forward to.
Elsewhere on our newspaper frontpages there’s a lot of the usual fuss about a sunny day we just had.
I’m going to praise the freebie Metro for once as it strikes a sensible note – their annoying red “Corona Crisis” logo turns yellow which is good news since this giveaway rag sustained by corporate and government adverts so closely follows official prompts and messaging. Here’s a positive message for once: ‘If your experiencing high temperatures… just enjoy it!‘
An end to imagined crises? Don’t hold your breath. There’ll be a global warming crisis along soon enough if we get another sunny day.
But see it – what about the positive ?
1 appearance fees from the BBC for the Race industry to rubbish it
2 the second report in 2 days which doesn’t match the BBC anti British narrative
3 plenty of opportunities for us to get even more evidence of BBC bias
4 everyone with good weather outside – no one watching …
I refered in the ‘header ‘ to the issues the BBC has . I left one out -‘ production inflation ‘ – because Prime and Netflix are putting huge amounts of money into making TV – the BBC is having to spend more on a diminishing budget .
In the report the BBC winges that American competitors to do not reflect ‘British culture and values ‘ – I choked on this line …..
….. the irony is that those broadcasters are far closer to the British than the BBC – but the woke infection is spreading …
You’re right in all you say except your comment about the American broadcasters. Apart from Fox they are all in perfect goose-step with the BBC and Sky.
I was going to put lockstep but thought goose-step was more accurate.
One of those situations where your ears hear what is being said/stated but you immediately recognise the real World is being obscured.
BBC R4 news
Bias by omission – didn’t mention that EU countries are talking to Putin about getting the Sputnik jab . Me thinks if Europeans didn’t trust Oxford AZ – are they going to take Putins ‘ nerve agent vaccine ?
Yes…that is ironic and funny….they all know about novichok and poisoned umbrellas…..but they’ll go scurrying over there for vaccine!
Fed, there was disconcerting chatter on a BBC N&CA programme the other day about Ukraine. I wonder if the EU are going to try and re-heat that still-smouldering conflict as a distraction from problems at home?
Or the first test for the false president … the Russians , Chinese and others must be getting ready to see if he ( and his people ) do anything – although I suppose they helped install him ….
Nothing on Mozambique of course, but the BBC Moaning Emole leads of course with ‘race’, and added… people… with thoughts, and doubtless feels… will be speaking with Nafessa.
By Nafeesa Shan
Race ‘less important’ in UK inequalities
Story detail
Race and racism are becoming “less important” in explaining inequalities in the UK but “overt racism” remains, according to a government-commissioned review. After the Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the death of George Floyd in the United States last year a Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities was set up to look at racial inequalities in areas including health, education, employment and criminal justice. The report found people’s outcomes had as much to do with social class and family structure as race.
There was no evidence surrounding concerns the UK is institutionally racist, the commission says, however it notes some communities continue to be “haunted” by historic racism, which creates “deep mistrust” and could be a barrier to success. And it says “overt racism” remained, particularly online.
The commission makes a number of recommendations including:
More research into why pupils perform well in certain communities, so this can be replicated to help all children succeed
The acronym BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) should no longer be used because differences between groups are as important as what they have in common
Organisations should stop funding unconscious bias training, with government and experts developing resources to help advance workplace equality
The full report is due to be published later and we’ll be speaking to people to see what they think about the findings.
There will be plenty of shoulders with chips on them around today ….
Toady watch
Robinson in a full attack on the leader of the Race report . White BBC man versus coloured man . Robinson just not have a counter narrative to that of his BBC .
The report relies on data – which is something the BBC doesn’t do – unless it aids the Narrative…
The example in education used was devastating – Caribbean coloured are x2 more likely to be excluded than African coloured . – not part of the bbc narrative with all coloureds as victims of nasty whitee …
Do you think the kneeling is going to continue ?
Robinson cut the author off to talk about fishing ! And now the weather ….and squirrels surfing
BBC 5 Column has a story:
The German medicines regulator found 31 cases of a type of rare blood clot among the nearly 2.7 million people who had received the vaccine in the country.
Top comment.
“ It’s completely irresponsible of Germany to do this. It creates fear, even among people in our country that isn’t necessary. Puts more doubts in those that are still not sure about having it, so will have a knock on effect in many countries not just Germany. I can’t imagine any vaccinations are risk free. Women still take the pill with a lot higher risk of blood clots than the vaccine has.”
And yet the BBC rushes to ‘frame’ the ‘story’.
The fear is generated primarily by the other pharma companies whose profits have negative hits for every Astra jab used.
Countries like Germany and France are actually being manipulated but the conceit and arrogance required of governments won’t allow them to consider, let alone acknowledge the fact.
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of doses go to waste in EU fridges – though that’s just a fringe benefit, the real killer is to cut off sales altogether through highly promoted scare stories repeated by the media.
Including the World’s Most Reliable, naturally.
Obviously a coincidence but they’ve just announced that the Pfizer vaccine is 100% effective for 12 to 15-year olds.
Now the Modena, or better still some French viral masterpiece yet to be released, will be found to give 20 to 50-year olds the magical 100% and Bob will, in effect, become your uncle.
Guest – yes they must be desperate to undermine the vax programmes and put more people at risk . I’m waiting for the conspiracy loons to be given BBC airtime to threaten the UK roll out .
I know of 2 cases where people have died on their way to getting the jab – does that make the jab dangerous – having a one in 15 million chance of dying on the journey to the vax centre ?
Judging by the deaths recorded/related to covid to date for any tenuous reason, why not record road deaths on the journey to the vax centre? Sounds like a good idea………….
On Monday an Asian woman was viciously beaten in NY, the attack caught on CCTV.
The assailant allegedly shouted ‘you don’t belong here’, which makes it a racist hate crime.
Usually the BBC are very big on racist hate crimes, but in this case, meh, not so much. Nothing.
I wonder why?
To be fair she didn’t die.
And the BBC does highlight US white on black racist murders, but not every attack.
As usual your comments misunderstand and undermine my point: If there was video footage of a strapping white bloke repeatedly kicking the head in of a frail elderly black or Asian woman while shouting that she ‘doesn’t belong here’, you can be absolutely sure it would be all over the BBC for weeks.
You ‘be fair’ to the rotten racist BBC if you want; I’m going for the jugular.
I am almost sure that a white druggie or alky has kicked a black old person in the head
and it has not been reported on the BBC.
they finally caught up
sort of
“Several security staff in the building APPEAR to watch the attack while one man uses a telephone”
yes they APPEAR to alright including one shutting the door on the scene leaving her prostrate on the pavement
I was mugged in Quito in a similar situation
I had felt safe cos every building on the street had armed security guard sitting in a booth in front of the building.
I had to overcome the two muggers myself
… afterwards people did come up to to me
(we all spoke Spanish of course)
Guess what everyone’s first question was ?
…. “How much did they get ?”
not “Are you OK ?”
I know understand that the security guards job was not to put themselves at risk by being lured out of their booth.
A cut and paste from the Daily Telegraph about the demise of BBC 4 – another nail in the coffin –
A decade ago, BBC Four felt like the jewel in the Corporation’s crown. It was responsible for several great dramas (including an acclaimed string of biopics featuring such figures as Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, Tony Hancock and Margaret Thatcher), the occasional hit sitcom (Twenty Twelve), and – its lifeblood – a raft of great documentaries, not least those with an arts focus. It also, of course, introduced us to the irresistible gloom of Nordic noir with shows such as The Killing and Borgen.
Yet there has been a downward slide, both in terms of quality and output, with fewer original programmes being made (currently repeats account for 76 per cent of its broadcast hours). Thus, the announcement in the Corporation’s Annual Plan for 2021-2022, that BBC Four would “become the home of the most distinctive content from across the BBC’s archive” feels crushingly inevitable; a sort of demotion for a channel that the big bosses fell out of love with, even if viewers like me didn’t.
I always felt that the intentions of BBC Four were noble: Reithian certainly, sometimes accessible, and sometimes inspirational in their intellectual ambition (note the channel’s commitment to the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures). But in recent years there has been a tendency to demystify – particularly in its documentaries – so that programmes became more like conventional primers on a certain subject (all those Lucy Worsley history shows for example), than carefully thought-out authored pieces by great iconoclasts (I will never forget punk poet John Cooper Clarke’s wonderfully hallucinatory take on Thomas de Quincey’s Confessions of an Opium Eater).
BBC Four has also had to contend with the rise of Sky Arts, a veritable commissioning machine which has muscled in on its turf and, last year, ended up moving to Freeview – seemingly a “tanks on the lawn” moment. The Sky channel might not be high profile, but there is no doubt that it has taken away some of BBC Four’s sense of purpose.
Certainly, I feel sad that BBC Four is being relegated to a repeats channel. Surely, iPlayer is already a repository for that – with plenty of good stuff from the archive, to boot? But as well as losing its raison d’etre, my main concern is what this all means for arts programming, long considered by many to be the Cinderella of British television. Yes, the ratings are usually low, but there is more to it than that, particularly when you bear in mind that the BBC is a supposedly non-commercial broadcaster. Arts programmes bring prestige, and also a form of education for those who do not have immediate access to concerts or galleries or theatres.
The million-dollar question is how far BBC Two (in a pre-digital world a natural home for the arts) will be committed to culture coverage. Certainly they have already stated that they will double their investment in arts and music over the next two years with a swathe of programmes announced, including Mary Beard on forbidden art, and a sweeping history of British creativity.
This seems all well and good, but something within the report made me feel a little anxious. It reads thus: “We will deliver more value to audiences by focusing on unique, high impact content, commissioning fewer but bigger titles of higher quality that can reach more audiences and with more opportunities for creative innovation.”
Apart from the fact that this reads like something that was written by a computer not a human being, it also suggests that there is going to be an obsession with “flagship shows” or “high impact content” which means only the big beasts (shows such as the critically mauled Civilisations, which the report goes on to mention) will get a look in. At the height of BBC Four’s success, you could always guarantee something which was ostensibly niche but had a terrifically strong narrative thread to hook you in. I am thinking of something like Jonathan Meades’s The Joy of Essex, which honed in on the much-maligned county to uncover a story of Victorian social experimentation and artistic dissent. It would be hard to imagine such an excellent standalone piece being given airtime on BBC Two now.
Of course, BBC Four’s fortunes are now contrasting widely with those of its original sister channel BBC Three like heroines in a Victorian novel. The Corporation have been upfront about their aim to pursue younger viewers in an increasingly fragmented age, and returning BBC Three to a mainstream TV audience is a sensible move, but it’s sad to think that its more rarefied sibling doesn’t hold the same value.
By Ben Lawrence
I think that it’s pretty obvious that most of the problems within the bBbc, though not all, arise from their total disregard or wilful ignorance of the notion “that the BBC is supposedly a non-commercial broadcaster”.
Stick a load of hopeless repeats on – wait for viewing numbers to drop even further – then close the channel to give the cash to the hopeless BBC 3 – ‘down with the kids ‘… who don’t pay for it anyway …
The news BBC policy
BBC3 to become a terrestrial channel catering to young people, with lots of new programming
How will they get the budget ?
By making BBC4 a repeats only channel for oldies
.. on the premise will probably have forgotten they watched the progs years ago
Yes…I thought it was the place for televisual essays…like Horizon used to be.
The original Controller had it right.
I knew I was too downmarket for it…..I did try to use my whacky creativity to get notions across to a wide audience.
Big success…but I suspect my creativity won’t be required…..
I’ve wondered, for some time, why the BBC needed four channels to push out their unmitigated crap, when one would suffice.
I have no problem with the BBC trying to attract a younger audience; but they seem to want to make programmes for heavy drinking females who wear lots of glitter, drink lager and have those very strange caterpillars above their eyes. The BBC has no understanding that not all young people are fixated with tattoos, what gender they are and smut. It all seems so terribly down market.
I think it was bbc4 that made the most amazing documentary about the seige of Leningrad, and the role of the local orchestra in maintaining morale amidst a background of hideous conditions. Half of them were barely alive.
It was moving and brilliant and sadly a thing of the past re the bbc.
“It was moving and brilliant and sadly a thing of the past re the bbc.”
It was made in 2016. A perfect summary of this site; campaign to starve the BBC of resources and then complain it doesn’t make programmes like it used to.
It starves it self of resources by its waste . Paying too much to too many of its employees and its loss of revenue by ‘Robbing the poor to give to the rich’. Added to that, it has turned many ‘subscribers’ away with its woke propaganda programs, hence the loss viewers . Are you paying the Telly tax ?
maxi, happy Easter! Where’s that apology that you owe me?
Leningrad & the Orchestra that Defied Hitler (2015) Reef Production TV for BBC Two.
shown On Jan 6th 2016 or something
Google Maps to start showing eco-friendly routes, “reports” the beeb
Imagine only doing 47 miles, where normally its take 3 miles, this is a winner lol
Race and racism ‘less important in explaining social disparities’ – report
In a nutshell – The report shows that there is no racism in the UK but a few people still think there is some because there was many years ago.
What the report has failed to investigate is racism against whites. Such as a white person in London more likely to be stabbed by a black. A white car driver paying more than ever for car insurance due to Muslim insurance fraud, a white graduate not getting the job at the BBC because of their quotas etc.
Yes, I noticed that whilst positively noting that race was less the issue than other issues it was nonetheless almost reported that minority achievement was indeed fine and dandy, as better than whites, but not for carribeans who did worse than whites – so something needed addressing there.
I think the report was in favour of addressing socio economic disparity and, I guess, proper meritocracy, but the reporting sounded as if all was great as long as whites were bottom of the pile.
Fed – TOADY watch: Robinson may have cut the author off, but there was a threat -wrapped up in a giggle- that there would be a lot more on ‘systemic racism’ in Britain, once the recommendations were published, (rather than only the findings of the report). Robinson was clearly unhappy with Tony Sewell’s findings, which undercut race-baiters like him, threatening to reduce his virtue-signalling career on race. ‘Institutional racism’ keeps Nick very busy on TOADY, earning a nice living and it must have been irritating to hear a black man undermining this key NR career feature. As far as Nick is concerned, people are going to be doing a lot more kneeling.
Now Nick has brought on two more people to undermine the report, specifically to look at ‘decolonisation’. As I write Sathnam Sanghera assures us that the report ‘was always going to conclude what it was going to conclude’.
Fake – I’d turned the radio off but I guessed the 855 chat would be ‘back on the whitee bad ‘ narrative with a couple of like minded chips from the Race Industry – competing for BBC fees .
One thing which was touched on was the nature of coloured employment . As some one who has selected people for jobs I have looked at coloured ( and female ) candidates and assessed whether they are going to be keeping the HR people busy with threats of tribunals …. but that’s real life as opposed to the BBC …
Fed – I hardly ever listen to Toady anymore, but on the rare occasions that I do, I seem to find Nick on the topic of race. If not him, it will be someone else on R4. I wonder what they would do to justify their existence, without it?
Fake – I think Robinson suffers from the same uncertainty of post that other whitee male BBC types suffer.. and thus push to the extreme woke – otherwise they’ll be replaced by a young dusty girl of Islamic type …
…. I could list them but could care less …
” Sathnam Sanghera” is a go to man if you want racebaity quotes
I have some notes about his Times articles that I haven’t typed in yet.
So, next…. ‘Solitarity confinement seen as massive success in reducing all isms’, followed by ‘Unexplained outbreak in psychotic incidences outside school hours’.
21m. 1 reaction.
Turning into another BBC mega € smash.
Sorry, 33.
‘Schools eliminate all problems by not having schools – shock ‘
The story says
“A school claims to have almost eliminated bullying by banning games like football at break times.
Instead, students at Hackney New School participate in *supervised* quizzes, poetry recitals and other activities, including chess and choir clubs.”
I highlighted the key word.
Phew! thats one less thing to worry about!
Deceptive headline digg. What it actually means is a higher incidence of baths overflowing from taps left running.
Too pissed to remember, see?
R4 Moral Maze tonight
The new black panelist appears to be a conservative
Her tweets talk about liberals patronising black people etc.
I’ve just caught the end of, what I think, is a really telling comment by the ghastly Robert Jenrick, the housing secretary.
He was being interviewed by Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio and they were discussing the recent findings about Britain being a tolerant, non racist society. Blimey, don’t tell the BBC…
They spoke about education and Jenrick said “It’s really very positive, all ethnic minorities, other than black Caribbean, are now out performing white children” Hang on a sec’ mate, why’s that positive?
The minister’s answer clearly tells us that white pupils are now considered second class citizens. I find this overt racism, particularly from a, so called, conservative, really quite stunning.
Just imagine if this chinless wonder had said something like, “It’s really positive, most white boys are outperforming all other ethnic minority pupils”. His smarmy arse would be skidding out of the office door so fast the seat of his trousers would catch fire.
And what was Julia’s response, I hear you ask?
Sweet FA…
The Stacey Dooley panel game show is on again tonight.
Why’s it naff ? .. Richard Bacon is the inventor of the show.
Biden’s dog Major bites again at White House
He’s a nice dog, because Biden said so
Just imagine a dog owned by Mr Trump, the “report” done on him!
As metaphors go…
Daft media pleaser import goes very wrong.
Media pretends not to notice.
Well, what are the BBC going to do about this one?
A report post BLM suggests that the UK is not institutionally racist.
The race-baiting industry is already up in arms.
The BBC woke Guardianistas are distraught.
But I must just point out this one.
The reports finds ‘diversity has increased in professions such as law and medicine’
Mmm. Interesting. Because among doctors, the proportion of Asians is as high as 40%. Who says so ? The government!
White Doctors in the UK are proven to be in a minority, massively under-representing the general population!!!!
So what we have in effect is a total denial of institutional racism against white British.
Which fact , needless to say, never generates vigils, demos, riots, or any comment from any charidees, pressure groups or government agencies. Or Dianne Abbott. Or David Lammy…….
Totally OT, but stumbled on a Gary Delaney feed.
“As a kid we used to love dipping ginger nuts in hot tea.
Now it’s frowned on at school”
Topical in soooooo many ways.
Guest Who: By all accounts Gary Delaney is a genuinely nice guy and he is certainly very witty. How long before they come for him…
Britain is not racist, says report.
Mass sackings at the BBC predicted.
No, Al Beeb doesn’t believe the findings. Just heard Lady Brooke, aka Sarah Montague, aka Miss Shouty, summarise the findings on TWATo in a distinctly disbelieving and disdainful tone.
She got in the young Black boys 24 times more likely to be unlawfully killed but, as you would imagine, failed completely to add ‘mostly by other young Black males’.
I think I just upticked my own post by mistake. Apologies.
Since the Channel boat people manifestly have plenty of cash to pay the people traffickers. And since they manifestly also show poor hand hygiene, are not wearing masks, and are with 2 m of each other on the boats. And since there are more than six of them on the boats. And not taking exercise.
Why are they not being immediately prosecuted for breaching covid laws?
If I had been arrested for attending a vigil then I’d be a little bit p***** off at the unequal treatment.
Alibhai rides to the rescue.
That fool needs to be ‘controversial ‘’ to get the BBC appearance fees for rubbishing her host country …
Maybe she’d feel safer at home .. ( yes I’ll check my thinking )
And I have no compunction whatsoever in calling her and those who share her colour or darker, BAME’s, because that’s what they are ! If I don’t mind being called an Anglo Saxon, why should they get all picky over it. (perhaps they’re jealous, but they certainly have the largest chip on their shoulders)
Gosh, what an unpleasant read.
Another seriously horrible woman who thinks the only reason people cannot stand her and her vile, racist, misandrist views is because she isn’t white.
No love, all of those people don’t like you because of who you are. Nothing to do with your skin.
It takes a special kind of stupid to call Piers Morgan racist just because he said he doesn’t believe Meghan. No wonder she gets so much flak. I’ll bet anyone 10p she doesn’t go live anywhere else though.
She’s a troll
so we shouldn’t feed her with attention.
Famous for saying “I will leave this country if …”
and then failing to do so when it happens.
I think Yasmin should consider leaving this evil oppressive country and migrate to a land where she feels safe, get her rubbish published in the media and appear frequently on TV. There must be somewhere where she will be happy
They say Uganda is rather nice, she’d certainly fit in there now.
She’s still not gone though, has she?
I share many serious concerns raised on this site about the inability and lack of desire by our Government (and past Governments) to protect our islands from invasion. The latest ‘Tory, really?’ Government believe they are comfortable in that we as true right-of -centre-voters would never vote for the opposition or ‘waste’ our vote by voting for the REFORM party. We must now show they have made a huge mistake and mobilise as many people, friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, etc to vote for REFORM. I do understand that this may mean that the ‘Tory, really’ government will lose their majority but unless we are prepared to do something it will continue to be death by a thousand cuts.
Great Britain now has a sizeable ‘Fifth Column’ within its borders and its not looking good, especially with impending cuts to the British Army’s troop numbers. The Tories are building our future funeral pyre .
The recent report claiming that the UK is not institutionally racist also claims that ethnic minorities in education are performing better or at least equal to their white peers. So we could say that the white majority is performing poorer or at best equal to their ethnic peers. Is it not time that something was done to address this problem. Is this a result of some form of institutional racism?
Anne Marie Waters did a no holds barred livestream last night entitled “Mohammed Cartoons”, which rapidly disappeared from YouTube.
Watch it on rumble (65 minutes).
“This is not about causing offence – this is about who we cause offence to.”
For anyone who bought Deliveroo shares before it floated today – utmost sympathies ….
Deliveroo’s shares have flopped 30% in the first hour of its highly anticipated London float, wiping nearly £2 billion of its market value.
Deliveroo fell off its bike.
How can anyone think it has value ?
You can phone any old taxi service and ask them to pick up a takeaway for you.
I wonder if the BBC will show live coverage of one of their favourites – Macron at 8pm – when he
‘makes an announcement ‘
It won’t be good news and it’s suggested France will go into a tougher lockdown – apparently their excellent – far better than ours – hospitals can’t cope . …..
Macron might just be announcing an increase in the chocolate ration for Easter.
Underneath all the Macron hoohaa there is a related point which needs but does not get an airing.
For weeks and weeks the UK covid death rate was 2% or just over of the case rate 2 – 3 weeks previously. Thus 60,000 cases a day (7 day average) at the January peak gave way to 1200 deaths per day a little later.
The recent rate for France is about 1% thus half of that in the UK and before they have done much vaccinating.
Now I don’t know why that is but you’d think an investigative journalist or even a government health agency just might ask a few questions in case it’s not down to French statistical manipulation but there is in fact something important to learn………..
Probably a mixture of figure fiddling – and ventilation – or ‘cultural practices ‘…
I’ve got this ‘thing ‘ for ventilation as being as much of a key to infection control as hand washing or distancing – the face masks – not so much ….
I know earlier in the week the Germans were thinking of closing the border with France – except – of course – to get the Panzer IVs through …
They are excellent – and better than yours…
…and they haven’t rushed around like lunatics building hospitals in tents, only not to have them required, and taken down again.
I can vouch for the French Health Service, and it knocks spots off the anychess.
I based my assumption on the standard BBC line that anything non British is better …. the nightingale contingency was a wise one – and better for it to have been unused than lines of next of kin stuck outside whilst their relatives died inside ,
As for France – it’s a hostile state – look at the facilitation of illegal immigration it permits each day …..
Greta trending
BBC : Greta Thunberg statue unveiled at UK university
Climate change or Spare change?..
I wonder if that statue will end up in the Itchen.
They must be able to find an ‘ist or ‘ism somewhere in her or her family’s past.
The PR operation known as Greta
seems to have signed a deal with the FT
12 tweet thread
“What will Greta do next ?” #PRtrickery
1pm R4 headline “black groups have hit out at an anti-racism report”
switch to local radio, different topics
..clip of Liberal politician saying something
followed by clip of Keir Starmer
… oh they had played 10 seconds of Rish Sunak first as he is visiting the area, Lib Lab much longer 35 seconds
Then onto shielding.
The local morning show black presenter retweeted this
His Twitter feed rarely features any white people.
(Strangely he didn’t work last week and is not working next week
I wonder if he doing the Bristol protests
.. but he is tweeting about food)
Will he still be reading the news ? if not there will clearly be a vacancy waiting for another BAME ! My money will be on Nadya Hussein, Ore Oduba, Andi Peters, Andi Oliver (aaaagh !),
I am sure others on here have noticed the BBC running with claims from France that 80% of COVID cases there are the “English” variant.
Logic alone tells me that with no land border, highly limited travel for quite some time plus hardly any cases in the UK that this is codswallop.
The conclusion I arrive at is that Macron and the French Medics are desperately trying to shift the blame from themselves by coming up with an “English” bogey man for the French people to hate.
Finally, why is it termed the “English” variant rather than the UK variant. I think Sturgeon and Drakeford could probably answer that one!
So glad we escaped these mendacious neighbours on the continent. Maybe the way things are going in the regions we might escape those too eventually
hmmm the “Kent” variant is rife in france?
where do all the dinghies land?
I just wonder about the origin of the “Kent” variant
My thoughts are that this variant was brought over from France on contaminated immigrants, identified here and thus named Kent.
We identified it so we get to name it.
I would have called it the French variant or maybe the Macron variant (if the finder can give it a name)
One of the side effects is making schoolchildren look like 30 year olds which appears to be a common symptom.
We don’t want or need lockdowns, masks, or any other restrictions on our lives because of this hastily renamed variant of flu, and which has been imported from Chinaaaah, in an attempt to scare and control the masses. Interestingly, the majority of the masses who kowtow to this rubbish are the biggest cowardly snowflakes of all, and readily comply, and hide behind their sofas.
There is no pandemic, only one of fear, and political chicanery.
It depends how many people who you have spoken to who have survived it …..maybe being on a ventilator for a week and still suffering is a figment of their imagination ….. wonder how Halifax is ,,
.People with respiratory disease often do end up on a ventilator. That doesn’t alter the fact that this nonsense has been hijacked for political purposes, and the infection (or rather “positive” test) rate and especially the death rate of those without underlying medical situations are minimal in anything other than those older than 82 years, where expectancy of death from any cause remains about the same.
Sympathy, of course, to those who are, and have been infected (and affected) but it is a conveniently grossly overblown situation.
That is the view I hold, and will continue to do so, unless I discover evidence to the contrary. Do you follow UK Column? It is very revealing…
Brutally dismissive – I’m glad I’m not in your world . Good luck – I hope you don’t get it – as for columns and blogs – I spend enough time on this – I tried to watch an hour blog of some lady talking into the camera but after 5 minutes she still hadn’t said anything meaning full – so I give up – which is why no bell field for me . …
If they’ve got that much time – good luck to them – I haven’t got it .
Sometimes “brutally dismissive” is the best way to be – that way, you tend not to fall victim to the lies and falsehoods thrown at you daily, by the MSM. I am not without empathy, I just have no wish to be drawn into an unnecessary fiasco.
The upshot of this nonsense will be bad for everyone in the end – including an old goat in France.
We have people on ventilators every winter without fail.
The difference this year is that the media are invading these wards and poking microphones in these poor sods faces.
One of the most appalling things I’ve seen was on Sky, but the BBC are no better. This poor bloke was gasping and the revolting journalist shoved a mic under his nose and asked what the government could have done better.
I mean, the bloke could barely breathe.
It was a bloody disgrace.
Jeff, I’m sorry but I beg to differ.
Yes, we have people on ventilators every year. My Home Counties dgh usually has 19 ventilated beds in intensive care. At the beginning of February we had 48 on conventional ventilation, with a further thirty something on CPAP (who would usually have been in ITU but one of our theatre complexes was repurposed).
Trust me, this has not been like any other winter.
“Police officers injured, knife found and two arrested as missiles thrown in violent disorder in Cardiff Bay”
Same in Bristol. Beginnings of a trend I have no doubt. Biased policing, Hate Crimes and all the petty rest cannot be passed without some reaction. I think the police had better expect a war to start but they, armour and all, don’t have the numbers to withstand a brewing ‘holy hell’.
Next, you’ll see the dissenters come to grips with and improve their tactics.
“The full impact of the UK’s departure from the EU will take years to materialise. But the government has already presented some quick wins.”
“I’ve taken a look at five examples given by ministers in speeches, statements or on social media in the three months since the end of the transition period.”
How about getting the vaccines done ?
As the pound reaches 1.1748 to the euro. Why is Al Beeb trying to undermine our economy with its negative Brexit page ?
Its almost as if it wants our economy wrecked ? Is it their revenge for voting for Brexit or is it determined to get us back in the EU ?
Heartening to see the Daily Express have picked up the story of the BBC witch-hunt against Alex Belfield.
“Broadcaster Alex Belfield arrested FIVE times and strip-searched in ‘BBC witch-hunt’
“The Home Secretary has been asked to intervene in an alleged “witch hunt” of a former BBC DJ who has been arrested five times but had no charges brought against him. North West Leicestershire MP Andrew Bridgen has written to Priti Patel raising concerns about the “disproportionate treatment” of Alex Belfield who is now a freelance journalist and leading Youtube broadcaster and commentator.
The letter follows Mr Belfield’s fifth arrest in around a year on Thursday last week where he says he was questioned for five minutes for an alleged bomb hoax at the BBC last weekend. During the arrest, the police smashed down his front door, confiscated all his equipment, dismantled his car and searched his home for four and a half hours.”
Oh dear, not very good ‘optics’ for the beeb, to use that fashionable expression trending within the meeja.
Just seen it as you said in the DE.
If he was lgbt or one of the other miscellaneous lot the bbbc and police wouldn’t dare do this.
If he was black, bame or whatever they are called today the bbbc and police wouldn’t dare do this.
If he was muzzie or anything like that the bbbc and police wouldn’t dare go anywhere near him.
And so on ……”
He’s in the only group that the bbbc and police can attack with impunity and we all know which group that is.
With the rejection of the CRED report, which has found ‘no institutional racism within the UK’, by such balanced and respected minds as Alibaba-Brown, Lumpen Lammy, Kehinde Andrews and many others of a similar disposition, does this not simply confirm that being the victims holds the most attraction?
They are not interested in equality, multiculturalism or any of its inevitable and undeniable long-term benefits, it’s supremacy they’re after and they want it now – as our BBC illustrates so well, if a trifle repetitively.
No question, Beltane. All the usual suspects doing exactly what we would expect from them. Beeb does not disappoint. Currently listening to the oh so predictable Evan Davis on R4, who is very, very excited about the report. In next to no time, Evan- incredulous that someone who was part of the findings could have a different opinion from him- has dragged Grenfell into the discussion. Evan wonders whether ‘Downing Street’ pushed the report into a certain direction, and is hard placed to let the answer go. Samir Shah apparently refuses to be bullied by him. Evan lets it go only to assure us there will be more on this in the R4 news
If the picture is the message, lunchtime TV 1 news on beeb excelled: it kicked off with lengthy comment on the report, with a large BLM poster as static background, followed by footage of BLM protests.
Mark Easton’s offering in the News at One was a tour-de-force. If he could have got away with blacking-up, the man would have simply stormed it.
True, Beltane. I noticed our Mark spoke very rapidly and swerved hither and thither, as if to avoid our understanding quite what he was saying.
As we speak, I notice our Evan has Black Power promoter Zenab Abbas on as a little treat on the R4 news. Now he even (seemingly) has to defend the report…when
she appears to suggest nothing much has changed since 1969. R4 news at six suggest the report was a ‘whitewash’. We are told the report has been subjected to a ‘barrage of criticism’ today. The BLM message emerges again, very explicitly. Well, we’ve heard it all before before before, so let’s do the ‘off’ switch.
BBCnews training manual
We are about helping OUR FRIENDS Xs
and hurting our ENEMIES Ys”
#1 When our enemies put something out
… the headline should be Xs ATTACK Y
… cos attack is a good thing
#2 When our friends put something out
… the headline should be Y DEFENDS
… cos defend is a bad weak thing”
So today we get “government DEFENDS the idea Britain isn’t very racist”
… and not “government report ATTACKS the idea that Britain is racist”
Absolutely spot on Stew.
Framing is everything
Amol’s prog today was about Reddit
Amol’s intro emphasised that Reddit is a FREE SPEECH discussion system
That’s strange cos Reddit is famous for banning some conservative stuff.
The 18 mins in Amol says
“in 2017 you banned A support group for men, who even advocated rape”
..ah so you do ban stuff
but only bad rapey stuff
Then Amol said “June 2020 you banned “The Donald meme group” which had 750K members”
Answer … “It was a a group of trolls testing our limit
..it’s difficult cos they knew what the rules are”
… OK so they actually stayed within the rules .. so why ban them ??
And you just equated them with a pro-rape group.
That is not fair
reddit yet another platform renowned for hiring neutral people to censor others
Stew – I did catch part of Amol’s interview. Noticed that a certain American president got targeted (again).
Nope, it wasn’t Joe Biden…
(Even though there would be many good reasons to target HIM)
Talking about Biden, I see Ms Merkel is due to quit soon. In the event that that actually happens, German MSM are getting very excited about Annalena Baerbock, chairperson of the German Greens to succeed her. We know -without looking- what the Greens are keen on, but on all other issues it would be fair to say they occupy an even more socialist position than the allegedly conservative Merkel.
That “The Donald” group, was of course the Trump supporters.
How can someone in the Greens become PM of the German conservative party ?
Surely it’s just a journo’s fantasy.
The BBC is an enemy of the state to around 80% of the
population of the UK. Their reaction to the report that we
are not racist shows this.Anybody watching the BBC
now realize that this is a media organization which could be
called the ABBC-Anti British Broadcasting Corporation.
As it is the BBC ‘S only value in it’s name, is for it to be used
in a dictionaries explanation of what an oxymoron is, next
to deafening silence. Because there is nothing British about
the BBC, quite the opposite!!
Local ITV news just described the rapist
..bet you can’t guess what word they left out.
ITV’s main item was about the way the park was left strewn with rubbish.
7 tonnes was picked up off the grass, they said.
FFS Islington elites spend all their efforts in magic greendream land, yet in the real world we’re miles behind with environmental basics.
“Suspect describes as Asian”
Damn these Chinese!
Yet if it had been a Muslim man murdered whats the betting he would have been described as Muslim and not “Asian”
Stew – They’re referring to her as a possible Chancellor (PM), probably in a coalition, rather than as CDU leader.
If memory serves, that would be nothing new. Joshka Fisher became Foreign Minister some years ago, because of the Greens sharing power. German media seem to believe Greens have gained much in popularity of late, so who knows…
Re your final sentence, journos do a lot of fantasy. It’s their way of pushing for an outcome, while seemingly merely reporting. (See US MSM role in putting Biden into the WH)
FNW surely the leader of the minor party never becomes PM.
Stew – This is true. Which tells you that, according to various polls, the Greens have been gaining in popularity at the cost of the CDU. If current trends were to continue, the Greens (23%) may well be the largest party, when (and if!) Merkel (CDU:27%) steps down.
“France fire: Young heroes climb building to save family in Nantes”
Why not do something really heroic?
**** off back where you came from, we have had 1500 years of this “heroism”.
Defund the BBC.
I have long thought that exercising Communism will be only as long as it suits the Communist leaders and politicians. Conversely, the nebulous so-called Democracy will only continue as long as it suits those politically in charge. Right now, the West has witnessed a totalitarianism hitherto unknown. Whilst ‘Lock downs’ in one form or another may be much a way of life in China and Russia and elsewhere, not in the West. Until now. But watch carefully: Our so-called Leaders in the West have had their first experience of totalitarianism and guess what, they like it. Quick, pass that on to the security services……………….
Let’s see the way they all lean now, US accepted.
G, according to ‘Siberian Rhod’, a Russian resident, British poster on the TCW web-site, there is no Lockdown in Russia.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – BBC a bit behind on the real buzz about bumblebees
Bumblebees do not live in hives as they are not honey bees, as such. If they tried to enter a hive, they would probably not live for much longer. The soldier bees that guard a hive, would probably attack it and kill it.
They tend to live in the ground, using holes made by other animals, small rodents for example or might find a home in a hollow, say, in a tree. Hullo! BBC giving misleading facts to youngsters?
I have written about this before, but the situation has
got worse. We the indigenous population are in a
minority in the capitol. It’s still a sizeable minority of
around 35-40%.
The regional London programme is on several times a
day , the longest slot being from 18.30 to 19.00. In every
other theatre of operation on the BBC they use what they
call “positive discrimination” with regards to using ethnic
presenters , reporters, pundits, actors in plays etc etc
etc. The one programme they don’t use it is in the London
programme where I reiterate the indigenous “whitey ” is
in a minority.
There are a plethora of ethnic presenters, reporters and the
topics reported are around 75% ethnic orientated.
BUT something has changed ! They now allow those being
interviewed to let us know how racist we indigenous folk
are. And there is no riposte from the reporters or presenters
of the programme.
To be honest the programmes should start with the warning
that the programme will contain segments which indigenous
Londoners will find offensive.
Those Liberal?Leftists (for it is only they who appear to believe in the idea of this “positive discrimination” nonsense, must surely have some sort of media induced psychological problem. Let’s not forget that many of these self hating white people are in a position to pass on their infection to our children and teach that 1+1=3)
Maybe these type of tutors need to consult an African witchdocter with a view to driving away their ghostly demons. A few old ,dry bones shaken in a dried tiger skin might do the trick.
Personally, I discriminate all the time. For instance,I never give a dog turd the same status as a sausage although they may well appear to be of similar dimensions, depending on where I buy the sausage of course.
Discrimination is discrimination however it is dressed up and we ALL use it. If we didn’t we’d be dead.
On my census form I registered as MALE
and ENGLISH. ( I didn’t have the guts to admit to being WHITE!
Woe is me Lord for I have committed a sin beyond redemption.
Only kidding folks . April Fool!
Oh shit I’m a day too early!!
BBC1 The One Show has Matt Baker back on. He is plugging his new show about him, his family and his farm. He then let slip that he has started a new production company.
I must say what a stroke of luck his new production company can make a series about himself and sell it to the BBC. What is the chance of that?
I think you are describing nepotism Tabs.
Fos – the guru Murphy – on c4 news – has – I’ve noted – a style very much like Robinson on toady – cutting across his victims – talking more than them – challenge – confrontational – aggressive – smarmy -….
… but tonight he met his match in one of the authors of the race report – who quite easily – put him in his box. The MSM – like the race industry – has been ‘disappointed ‘ by the report .
Before I switched to England v Poland – the guru Murphy had to Chuck in that no minister was available for C4 – a habit which I hope they maintain – as well as neither the current or previous equalities minister has ever appeared on C4 new ….
… so they have to find another victim to mug …