If you’re here you’ve probably figured this already. We had to change the site URL from biasedbbc.org to biasedbbc.tv. This cock-up was due to a combination of errors – mainly due to the domain registrar being bought out and and transferring the domain to the parent company without telling us. They also didn’t keep the correct domain settings, so the site became unreachable. Due to them being overwhelmed by not-so-happy customers it’s proved rather difficult to get to our domain and fix it! We thought it quicker just to change domain name as it was getting a bit frustrating.
So sorry about the downtime…
I’m going to send out an email to our user base to notify everyone. If you would prefer we don’t have your user account any more feel free to use the contact form (biasedbbc.tv/contact) and we’ll remove your details.
Rufus, just pleased the site is back. Only apologise for things you get wrong.
And thanks for all your hard work, we all appreciate it, I am sure.
Apologies, I was so excited to have the site back I forgot to claim ‘first’!
Welcome back and thanks for all your hard work. I have missed you.
Phew ! I thought the site had been attacked and was gone for good ! Thanks to Rufus & Fed for all the hardwork.
Thought the Russkies had you targeted for a Distributed Denial of Service. Welcome back.
Yippee 🙂 thank you and well done 🙂
Thank you for the email 🙂
I was worried this site might have been lost for good.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. This is the best site on the internet 🙂 would not want to be without it 🙂
Well done 🙂
Fantastic! So glad it’s back.
Hello, good to see you again! Thanks to all for the associated slog. The joys of cyberspace…….
Welcome back. Missed Yer.
Thank you all so much for your efforts to get the site up and running again, I have really missed visiting this site where, I find solace that there are many others who feel the way I do about the propaganda machine that is BBBC (and other topics as well!)
Cheers LL
Since GuestWho had already posted on the end of the StartTheWeek post I added some more posts there on page 3 obviously near the end
Sorry for lateness,but have only just checked e-mail on laptop.Thank God you are back as two days without this site,and all posters,left me feeling like I had lost good friends!Thank’s to all whose efforts restored this site.
I kept getting security alerts when I tried the old URL, I thought the site had been nobbled. What a relief to see that email in my inbox, thanks for that. Glad you’re still here, fighting the good fight!
Thank you for sorting 👍👍👍👍👍
Well done That Man!
We don’t ask for much these days, but continuity is very important, because one day, it might not be there any more!
I sure have missed the banter, and even an hour ago, was going to try your name on LinkedIn or similar, to try and find out if anything was wrong!
The analysis of this by BBC NA BS will be interesting.
Or maybe they will find more newsworthy topics requiring their professional insights?
Also terribly odd how after a period of relative calm the Russians and Chinese appear to be kicking off too.
Can’t wait for Simpo, JezBo etc to analyse what may have changed.
At least the, ‘Thugs of the World’ (Russians) and their now so called, “allies”, “the Worlds thieves” (Chinese) have a plan. While the rest of the developed World has not it exhibits the principles of ‘Flower Pot Management’ (FPM). ‘FPM’ is an expression I came across in business in the late 60’s early 70′ and it relates to those practitioners’ waking up in the morning and randomly changing everything, irrespective of the consequences and whether it will work or not.
Go no further that the Fake Presidents reversal of everything Trump.
Btw, question: for how long will the Russians put up with the Chinese stealing their technology and claiming that Vladivostok is in Chinese territory?
I tend to view the witterings of the award winning victim that is Ms. Spring and her ‘Author! Author!’ colleagues in the USA later in the day, but as the world goes to hell in a hand basket the efforts of close colleagues are a good guide.
Seems big tech’s solution to the BLM narrative being so off it is embarrassing, is they are now banning any mention of it. Very BBC ‘not newsworthy’. That’ll work.
Meanwhile, sex sells.
News that Justin (not Rowlatt) has bought seven veils and has a new dance routine IS eagerly awaited by all state broadcast networks.
Apparently. BBC Press Office might even buy ads on social media.
So glad you are back! Thanks for the email! I was thinking you had been done in by “NAME:WRECK” …
This from the clown trying stir up a race issue with family funeral on his show.
Seems the bbc still has a problem with old white men.
Now, if Bunter and Jon Snow can just weigh in…
BBC Local Democracy Desperate Radio
M&S launched Colin the Caterpillar 30 years ago.
It now wants Aldi to remove Cuthbert the Caterpillar from sale.
Either mocking, hilarious or mockingly hilarious.
The BBC editorial bond with M&S PR of course strong is ©️LucasFlim
Remember Stu Rose flogging tat off his barrer on ‘BBC Business’?
The collection of Aldi and Lidl knock off names and designs is actually hilarious.
Ah, there you all are – I was getting worried…
And you too.
Ramadan approaches and the number of untaxed LDVs in country lanes is worrying even shire radio.
“……..the number of untaxed LDVs in country lanes..”
Aw, Cmon GW have some sympathy with the pre ramadan sheep rustlers……………
“New strain of Covid, from India, found in UK with 77 cases detected”
Question? – Did it walk across the continents until reaching Europe and then, with open borders, find itself able to simply hop on to a rubber boat……..
Problem is, with the site now, you have to ‘Log in’ every time you visit despite checking the ‘remember me’ box. Tedious but I’m sure it’s easily fixed.
Is any one else finding the same problem?
Ah – you might have to clear cookies and site data in your web browser settings. Try and make sure you do this just for biasedbbc.tv (and biasedbbc.org if it’s still in there) otherwise you’ll log yourself out of all websites you visit!
I’m just looking at Firefox on Windows and the settings are in Options -> Cookies & Site Data -> Manage Data. It’s similar for most browsers. I seem to recall a few users having problems particularly with Opera browser regarding cookies fairly recently.
If you don’t clear cookies/site data, this problem should gradually disappear anyway over the next few days or so as cookies expire.
By default WordPress sites (like this one) have cookies expire after 48 hours, or 14 days if the “Remember Me” option is ticked on login.
Just tested my access, G and Rufus, and after first ‘manual’ login, everything seems to be fine. Using Firefox, and went through a full PC shutdown, as well as simple log-off from BBBC to test access as thotoughly as I can.
Hope your problem gets sorted, G.
Or… what he says.
Bet Safari has a whole new set of ITiocy ready.
Thanks Rufus,
I had forgotten we communicated over this self-same issue a couple of months ago after me having altered my, ‘cookie’ settings. That did the trick then. As it has now, sorry I forgot.
Simply go into the cookie settings and find the old link to Biased BBC and delete it. Copy and paste the new link in that same location and……………hey presto!
Many thanks Rufus.
I remembered just after I typed my comment! Glad it’s working again. There are likely to be a few hiccups for a little bit.
Works OK on Chrome…
As the PC is always on in the hall, I usually peer at it from time to time, just to feel good about this site!
What on earth are we going to do when the awful bbbc is defunded!
I like gardening, so we could start a club of sorts…
Stew will solve it.
I am pondering deleting the old one from my browser faves, relogging in off Rufus’ link and then faving that.
Who knows? It might just work.
I don’t seem to have any problem so far
my password has not expired and I am still logged in from last night.
.. On Android I once had a problem getting it to remember passwords. That turned out to be related to the screenlock.
I had to turn off my screenlock pass word and then it would remember web passwords.
If I then turned the screenlock back on ..the same passwords stayed remembered.
Phew! Received an email link this morning.
Thank you to whoever is responsible for that.
I might have been left thinking the mighty Beeb had launched a take-down attack.
That was my main fear, Lucy!
Stay well!
Oooo 36th..happy days..x
Rufus, there is this reg123 page on our old site
Someone tweeted in a BBC employment form
Stew, that is brilliant nice one. So good to find this site again with the URL change.
The BBC is institutionally racist against white people
cos “Social Justice is Very Racist”
Lotus Eaters 21 min video tackles the Miranda Wayland BBC Diversity director’s statement
‘Black people must conform to stereotypes’
ABC apologises to Governor General after cooking the edit in a ship launching news report.
Dancing took place hours before the GG turned up
So the reaction video is not correct
Then also cooked an edit to make it look like the PM was storming off after a question.
A second Sky article
Likewise SJW’s “women’s rights action is sexist” as it applies to some women
but not all women .. 8min Sky Aust video
History Debunked’s new video
on the banning of the word “immigrant”
I’m sure that between us, the visitors to this site have a ready store of alternative words available.
Belfield police smash down door in Liverpool
cos guy skipped quarantine hotel
UK police hard on soft-crime, soft on hard-crime
clip : Belfield’s new April 20th court date
BBC/police are seeking a stalking prevention order
accusing him of stalking named staff by sending a total of 18 emails over 10 years
“5 names on the original documents have suddenly disappeared from the new documents.”
Tuesday 20th 2pm Notts magistrate court.
Belfield also has a new video about a Leicestershire Police female property officer stealing £9,300 of stuff and then collecting £91K in off-pay while she awaited trial
..It’s annoying he didn’t mention it’s an old news story from Sept 2019
Also in June 2019 another Leicestershire Police property officer
Martin Bryan, 62 admitted taking a bottle of whiskey and a games console from the force property store.
sentenced to 11 months, suspended for two years. He was also ordered to complete 250 hours unpaid community work and pay £1,800 court costs.
A search of his house found the items that had been taken from the property store.
I am in. Many thanks Rufus. You are a genius. This site is my main one.
For a while I thought we had been nobbled. I was thinking, first BiasedBBC then Conservative Woman then….
A bit late to the party, but welcome back. What a relief.
So pleased to be back in contact with my bbbc friends.
I found the link to set up again on our sister website, is the bbc biased, before I got the email.
I would suggest that if we lose contact again in the future, we could post something on ‘is the bbc biased’ pages as I noticed a few mentions about us whilst trying to find out what was happening.
I always like your posts, Emmanuel.
The times I searched for the site and still got Taffman’s last post was worrying to say the least!
So here we are, all back together, and the awful BBC is back in our sights…
Neil Oliver 1 hour appearance on Triggernometry
“Scotland is a Country Split Down the Middle”
Neil Oliver tells stories that are, unfortunately, passed-off as serious history. For example, he refers to “Britain” existing even when it was still connected, 6,000 years ago, by the landbridge which then disappeared. The word “Britain” had, then, yet to be invented.
It is somewhat remarkable that, in his above quote, Oliver acknowledges that Scotland is a “country”. The latter term has two uses: either geographical; or as the territory over which a state directly exercises control. Oliver, as a political hack of the UK state’s official TV-channel, the BBC, doubtless finds it expedient to recognise Scotland as being a “country” rather than acknowledge the existence of the Scottish “nation”.
No, it is the SCOTTISH NATION that contains differences of opinion. In my opinion, a “yes”- “no” referendum is not the best way forward. Instead, a constituent assembly should be voted-into-existence, and tasked with deciding “Scotland’s” future state-relations.
In essence, it has already decided to stay in the EU, i.e., it is not “split down the middle” on THIS question.
Roy’s – but surely -if a ‘constituent assembly ‘ comes into existence – isn’t that the current set up by another name ?
Personally – as an English chap – I favour Scottish independence – full nationhood – complete with a solid border – separate taxation and currency – as well as a place in the EU . Shetland – of course – keeps the oil rights if it so votes ….
Scotland can also have the BBC
Since when did Scotland decide to stay in the EU. It is part of the UK as far as I am aware and thus no longer a member of that repulsive organisation.
I’m assuming an independent Scotland would vote to be a dependent EU mini state – The Reich will be desperate to get anyone’s money
By the way ….i say C4 news interviewing crankie last night and within about 3minutes it was clear that SNP economic policy is nothing other than bribing voters in the run up to May …
Spot on Fedup. That is absolutely correct. The SNP seems to be sprinkling magical financial fairy dust about. She has no policies and promises things on the hoof. Free push bikes, free laptops.
Sturgeon has no costings for independance since we would be bankrupt by the time the vile wee hag gets her way.
But wee Krankie’s future empire won’t have any money, barely a bawbee and oodles of debt.
late last night : A gunman opened fire at a FedEx warehouse facility in Indianapolis , killing eight people and injuring others.
Police say the suspect fatally shot himself.
gunmen un-named so far
Such a depot probably has less white employees.
“Take back control of our borders”?
‘Well, no, not today thanks’. In fact, they can admit, ‘never’.
” Border Force crews said they felt as if they were being used as a ‘taxi service’ by illegal immigrants”. But without the tips from smugglers one hopes.
4:30pm R4 “Criticism of the BBC for programme changes made after the death of HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is unprecedented.
Did the corporation get its response badly wrong?”
Also, the Reverend Richard Coles talks about religion on the radio, and two young listeners discuss a controversial Radio 4 play about sexual consent and rape https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000v3qj
Thu : Woman’s Hour : Anti incinerator activist
\\A legal challenge began in the High Court this week about municipal waste incinerators.
It’s being brought by Georgia Elliott-Smith, an environmental engineer and campaigner, who says the level of incinerator emissions is “staggering”.
She hopes the legal challenge will result in a judicial review. //
Sorry just cos the person is a woman that doesn’t mean the issue is a WH issue
Radio 4 already has plenty of enviro/news progs.
They tried to say “it’s women that do the shopping”
Why is the blurb headed “Recycling Shaming” ?
She seems to be talking about CO2 trading
Burning rubbish is usually counted as zero CO2
on account it does emit CO2, but in the process replaces fossil fuel use.
In the long term the same waste left in the ground would breakdown and emit CO2 and methane.
Thanks for letting us all know what happened Fed, I was beginning to think the BBC had ordered old bill to knock your door down and cart you off to the gulags.
Your thanks should be addressed to Rufus – and the people of Tuvalu for their kind hosting of this site – I’ve been pondering whether the trolls know where we are now !
By the way the weekend thread is going up in a bit .
Hi Fed, I don’t know whether you intend the .tv version to be the permanent solution but as a web guy it would be a shame to lose your google number one ranking spot for the .org site. If you get back control of the old domain I would suggest you consider putting in what is know as a permanent (301) redirect to the new site. Hopefully then google will just pick up the new sites relevance and position where the old one left off.
I am sure this has crossed Rufus’s mind and a well deserved well done to him!
Let’s hope things are ‘stable ‘ – I’m currently in Tuvalu waiting for a plane back – but they’ll have to build a runway first ….
Yep, when we get the .org domain back (which’ll hopefully be in the next few days) we’ll add a 301 redirect. I’m mulling over the idea of changing it back to .org but it’s a bit of a faff and the .tv is quite good.
We bought up .net as well just in case of future silliness and that redirects to .tv too.
It was once biasedbbc.com and we managed to lose that once upon a time too through a similar act of idiocy (OK largely self-inflicted in that case). Unfortunately that domain is several thousand quid now as opposed to 10 or 20, so not going to happen!
Rufus – just send me your account details and I promise thousands – by the way don’t forget the number on the back of the card and the PIN …. currently very sunny in Tuvalu …
Last night’s Newsnight China Climate item opened
with incredible whataboutery from Prof Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia Earth Institute)
“China ? what about America’s Human Rights abuses ?”
The guy he was on against basically said ‘FFS it’s a different level .. I was kidnapped and tortured by the Chinnese gov’
Then on Twitter a mountain of China stooges and British lefties praised Sachs
FFS Sachs ravings were projection “Trump is a total psychopath” etc
.. Full vid https://youtu.be/mmd6WFoNS2w?t=360
Other Twitter comment “Jeffrey Sachs, chairman of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission,
has a lot of ties to the Chinese Communist Party”
Did Twitter protect James O’Keefe’s scoop
or did they protect CNN ?
There’s a 50 min Raheem podcast https://youtu.be/Nug2vLVApmk
Before his account O’Keefe was a accusing a lefty journo of illegal espionage. (GMG Union team)
The person he accused has put his own account in protected mode
just like a guilty person would.
O’Keefe’s Wall of Retraction
listing all of the times journos have retracted wording in their articles against him, now has 337 plaques,
Weekend Thread time – yes I know it’s early ….
Re: site change. Not too keen on it, and I think we have lost half the readership moving from .org to .tv
Its not just the BBC mindset portrayed on TV but its Radio effort that falls short. Not keen on new ending at all.
Anyway, I do know a little on these internet things and I can conform that it is possible to keep the ‘old’ biasedbbc.org and get it to divert automatically to biasedbbc.tv This is usually done by the new ISP who can simply divert a URL from one domain to another. This should be set up straight away, as it takes weeks for Google to pick up and list (and less keen if it does not like the content, as we know). At the moment readers (without an account) think we have been taken off air.
So Rufus (IT)- perhaps you can look into that. Keep the old domains as well as the new one, just divert it to the new.
Yes – that would be good wouldn’t it ? But I think I know the result . ….
Forgive my ignorance. I’m curious… has anyone been able to find this new Biased BBC site with a simple google search?
I’ve had to bookmark it.
What search terms will do the trick? How can we spread the word without presenting someone with a specific link?
“Biased BBC” certainly doesn’t bring it up.
As much as one draws comfort from renewed contact with the familiar old crowd, ultimately, is there much point in just talking among ourselves?
I’m reminded for some reason of that rather cosy Richard Briers BBC sitcom Ever Decreasing Circles.
Well, I’m very late to this party – serve me right for not updating my email address. I too thought that the long arm of the BBC had reached out and taken down this site for good.
So good to see it back, it was really going to leave a hole in my spare time!!
Thanks Rufus
Phew!! I was getting severe withdrawal symptoms.
Great work getting back on track. I never look at the email address I use for this site. I guess I had better do so occasionally.
Thanks for all of your hard work.