Much ado – a Royal Funeral – Sabre Rattling in Ukraine and South China Sea – corrupt £Politicians and £Civil Servants – US Cops killing as usual – Dodgy SNP economics – an EU Chinese Virus Third Wave – and the UK Second vaccine doses going nicely ….
Weekend Thread 17 April 2021
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Drinks Round Any Tavern?
Churchill: Path to Victory: Channel 5: 9pm
Samira Ahmed – formerly of C4 – now of BBC anguishes – apparently about giving Brexiters ‘airtime ‘ in the run up to the Referendum and may have facilitated an ‘out ‘ vote .
Perish the idea of unapproved thought being aired by the BBC .
Next they’ll go on about ‘freedom of the Press ‘ .
I’m guessing ms Ahmed won’t be on the BBC naughty step because she is ethnically fire proof – the story is in the Mail today so it might be a bit true …
BBC presenter Samira Ahmed says she is ‘haunted’ by fear that corporation’s coverage boosted Nigel Farage and Ukip
background : “Ahmed became a BBC news trainee in 1990. ”
“Ahmed joined Channel 4 News in April 2000, and became a presenter in July 2002. In June 2011 Ahmed left Channel 4, and went freelance”
Times : Ahmed describes herself on LinkedIn as a “freelance journalist/broadcaster”, although she is understood to be a member of BBC staff.
The article is the normal soap opera type BS
cos although the title implies she wants censorship
the body says
The BBC said: “All BBC news and current affairs journalists must avoid appearing to express personal views. We have discussed the video [of the event] with Samira and she is clear that she was referring to being ‘haunted’ by the number of complaints rather than trying to give a wider commentary.”
Now that is either true or a lie to cover up she’s breaking impartiality rules
In the Times Twitter thread
\\ It’s also a variant of the ‘Brexiteers are stupid’ trope,
in that we are supposedly unable on our own to distinguish good arguments from bad,
so the BBC has to regulate our access to arguments for our own sakes. //
The BBC was never actually giving UKIP extra airtime
\\ The rules on representation of parties based on electoral results were (and are) quite clear.//
\\ When they did give it airtime
it was almost always a set up in an attempt to discredit it //
After the referendum there was loads of comment from desolate Remainers that the reason the disaster had happened ( Brexit they meant) was that the BBC had treated the Leaves campaigns as though they were normal political parties instead of telling everyone they were in fact far right facist racist liars. They vowed that next time they wouldn’t make the same mistake! This has been superseded by the US election where they just decide the result they want and fix the result. No need to worry about how ordinary people might vote its irrelevant.
Big thank you to Fed, and above, all Rufus McDufus for getting the site problems sorted out. 🙂
BBC 6pm news. Interview with the Arch Social Worker of Canterbury over the Funeral of Prince Phillip. He manages to keep any reference to Christianity out of the interview.
Meanwhile the Red Pope invites Chelsea Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Deepak Chopra, for conference on “mind, body, & soul”!?
Clinton is a leading pro-abortion activist, even Liberals consider Deepak Chopra “King of woo woo”,
Fauci complicit in Wuhan virus.
3 experts on “mind, body & soul”?!!
+ Google Health, The Aerosmith guitarist, Pfizer, Tech oligarchs, depopulation supporter Jane Goodall, UK Muslim scholar Shaykh Dr. Asim Yusuf (Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists); pro-abortion American model Cindy Crawford and others.
There are 2 Catholic priests (and a Cardinal) out of 114 speakers.
Combine social media with media and the results seem better than media with social media.
It will be interesting if other MSM titles post as these guys do, but the comments that follow contextualise.
The Hill is of course basically what BBC NA BS use as content.
White hands, of course. Message?
quote \\ Bodycam footage shows the criminal with a gun in his hand partially behind his back.
The officer instructs the criminal standing in a low light alley to put his hands up.
The criminal flipped the gun behind his back against the fence he was standing next to. //
GW, I received the following from an American friend … it was corroborated by another friend who was my next door neighbour when I lived in Chicago
New bodycam footage taken at night reveals a white Chicago police officer chasing a 13-year old Latino male who allegedly had a gun. A Fox News guest familiar with the incident claims the teen was recruited by a local gang called the Latin Kings. Reportedly, Adam Toledo, 13, was instructed to shoot at random cars as they pass by. The bodycam shows the police officer chasing Toledo down a alley and telling him to stop repeatedly. The officer screams, “stop right f—— now.” Toledo then stops for a moment before he turns toward the officer, at which point the cop tells him to, “Show me your f—— hand.” As Toledo’s hands move upward, the officer shoots and kills Toledo.
Footage from a surveillance camera provides a different perspective of the police chase, with Toledo appearing to reach behind the fence after he stops. The footage later shows a gun on the ground alongside the fence, feet from where Toledo was shot.
The lawyer for the 13-year-old claims Toledo is a victim. The lawyer referenced the shooting as the assassination of a child.
Protesters are claiming the cop was in the wrong and it’s all about color. According to the NY Times, one of the protestors told the outlets, “He did all the right things. He put his hands up, and he still got shot.”
Here’s one problem: Nowhere in the NY Times article does it state information about the gun at the fence, or the Latin Kings, or Toledo’s alleged actions of shooting at innocent drivers, or that the cop chasing Toledo had told him to stop multiple times. Even worse, I defy you to find the story on under the big stories section. As I write this post Saturday morning, there is no mention of this shooting on within the top stories. In my opinion it’s because it doesn’t fit the narrative of “bad white cop who kills black man.”
But most disturbing, and why this country is a ticking time bomb, are the questions that follow:
(1) Why isn’t the media focusing on gang violence in America?
(2) Latin Kings recruits a lot of illegal aliens, so is Toledo an illegal alien?
(3) Why isn’t the media focusing on the dangers of 13-year-olds having guns and running from police?
(4) At 13, Toledo didn’t buy his gun legally, and so how do Democrats justify new radical gun legislation that includes background checks? How do those bills stop Toledo?
(3) Where’s the report on how innocent drivers are being shot at by minorities in Chicago? Do drivers lives not matter?
(4) Where’s the media questioning Toledo’s parents?
My reasonable questions can go on forever, but I will stop because we don’t have rationale people in power to give answers. At this point, Democrats, the media, radical riot organizers, and ambulance chasing lawyers are incapable of thinking, speaking, or reporting reasonably.
The story of Toledo and the cop should read like this: “Hero cop saves the possible deaths of innocent drivers by taking down gang member.” But you won’t find that title and article anywhere. Instead, the cop is the bad guy and the 13-year-old is the victim.
It doesn’t take a whole lot to understand why our country is a mess.
It wasn’t clear to the officer, cos at the start the kid had a gun behind his back
Then video showed he had dropped behind his back.
Pity the kid died, maybe the cop could have just backed off.
… but it was no execution.
The claim the NYT article doesn’t even mention the gun
sounds fishy
It certainly is mentioned here in the article from 16th
“In the moment before the shooting, Adam can be seen holding what appears to be a gun behind his back, which he drops behind a wooden fence just before he raises his hands, according to an analysis of the police videos by The New York Times.”
Thanks StewGreen, I don’t know which NYT article my source was looking at or when that piece was last updated
@GW Twitter has reopened so I checked
and I can’t see that any BBC account retweeted or Liked the Hill this time
but I saw accounts saying they were Marxist, anti-zionist, Antifa etc. so that is the BBC’s dinner party circuit.
Second most important story on 6pm news was the death of an actress from cancer. I am sorry for her husband and young children but I had never heard of her but there again I didn’t watch the BBC series Peeky Blinders.
I didn’t watch Peaky Blinders either, but she was a good actress and her portrayal as Cherie Blair in The Queen was excellent. Damien Lewis, her husband, is probably better known. Very sad.
Brissles, my complaint wasn’t that the BBC reported the death but that the death of an actress (who appeared in a BBC drama) was the second most important thing to have happened today.
The madness of the BBC’s diversity double-standards In Telegraphs today, Lots of comments on the BBC having lost the plot in the drama department….
….Indeed, the mostly white officers depicted in another BBC Crime drama, Line of Duty, appear to eat nothing but takeaway curries. Is the BBC’s Diversity department really expecting angry letters lamenting the inauthenticity of these characters shunning a steak and kidney pie? No? So then why must a black actor need to prove his “authenticity” by being seen to be eating Caribbean food? Can the BBC’s Head of Creative Diversity really not see the indignity inherent in that demand?
…..Two, the BBC will be facilitating a perverse system of segregation where actor and writer teams are put together based on the colour of their skin, producing “authentic” white and black characters. Three, the genuine integration between and within Britain’s diverse communities will be overridden by rigid stereotyped characterisations of ethnic groups.
And all this will be done in the name of diversity and inclusion.
The BBC is just perverse isn’t it? Everything it touches comes up smelling of poses. Drama queens pose and the BBC has a lot of them.
Lord give me strength !!!
They are making this out as a “major” day in the calendar !!!
April 22nd – Stephen Lawrence day 😕😕
Not BBC , but just seen a sickening woke “advert” for it on itv . No doubt BBC will get in on the act .
Deary me !!!!
Glad to be back with you all, I was lost for something to do. Doobs, they’ve been running it for the past fortnight. We ought to have a poll for a white male heterosexual to have a day for!
NV. I have a suggestion. Why not start up an Enoch Powell day. Just pick a day at random (like April 23?) and publicize it round the country.
It’s better than doing nothing.
Channel5 had a SL Day promo vid featuring 30 London faces
one of which was Starmer
Graun really rallying the troops.
@GW since you posted there have been events in that Twitter thread, than means the remaining bit doesn’t make sense
“This Tweet is from @Johnphumzile a suspended account”
I guess that was a crypto currency pusher jumping into this Guardian thread
10pm Friday night BBC1 news and a report from the Ukraine/Russia border. They did tell us that the conflict had been quieter for the last 6 years but erupted again ‘a few weeks ago’. There was no mention that this coincided with a change of President in the United States. I can only assume it isn’t relevant.
Such pushback against the BBC’s green dream propaganda.
No Hancock did not give his sister’s company a contract
The media has a long history of confusion over the nhs, when it suits…
BBCnews claimed their tweet saying David Cameron had attacked NHS-Wales in parliament was accurate
.. whereas their news story title indicated the truth that CD had attacked Labour’s running of NHS-Wales.
BBC defended the tweet until the end when the BBC Trust found against them.
But doesn’t it stink to high Heaven ? Like Cameron £ and senior Civil Servants – ? The corruption is truly awe inspiring .
But they didn’t break any codes / conventions. / laws …but guess who wrote them
Blighty likes to see itself as ‘corruption free ‘ – but it’s far from that – whether red or blue
Have a look at the declared interests of MPs to see how corrupt the bubble is …
@FedUp I don’t see that Cameron can have done anything wrong
lot’s of people lobby for their causes
eg Tony Blair, and Greta are welcomed.
When unfair contracts are signed it’s not so much the lobbyist, it’s the government officials that signed the contract.
What we often get is trickery to deny some lobbyists a seat at the table
eg those sceptical of greendreams are labelled “deniers”
I think there’s a small matter of Cameron gaining 20 million through his ‘job’ . This corruption led me to have a look at the declarations by MPs for outside earnings – some ‘speeches ‘ and advice receive eye watering sums …..
………if you think that is okay -good for you – but to me it is corruption . MPs should do one job – represent their constituency and parliamentary matters – not write books and get ‘advances ‘( see the entry for Diane Abbot ) .
This is similar to the overpayment BBC staff and agents get using taxpayers cash .
Never a shortage of politicians or journalists ….. £££££
@Fed Cameron £20m .. nope I know nothing about that
maybe you have a link
Cameron’s lobbying to Rishi didn’t work
Guido guy Christian Calgie on Talk Radio explained
Cameron said “Greensill is not eligible for Covid cash, that doesn’t seem fair ”
He did same to Australian and German govs.
The problem would be if Greensill had got money
and another biz whose lobbyists weren’t listen to didn’t.
#2 Now here’s real conflict
Bill Crowther a senior civil servant in charge of procurement also had a side job with Greensill.
#3 The handing out PPE contracts to people you knew were dealmakers does look like the Eton network etc.
#4 Another thing is firm X’s lobbier would have been on a list as “accredited lobbyist” whereas Cameron is not on such a list.
The BBC and ‘I think I got away with it’.
Head alllllllll the way to the end.
One for Marianna and Wendy.
! article dated 4th of March
5 weeks later had a correction, placed as usual in the most dishonest place, hidden at the end.
Correction 8th April 2021
: An earlier version of this article stated that the riot saw five people killed.
However as some of the deaths were due to natural causes,
and Officer Sicknick’s cause of death has yet to be determined, this line has been amended
Why have they still not released his cause of death ?
CNN said they were negotiating a plea bargain with bear spray guys
“Two men were charged last month with using bear spray against officer Sicknick; the U.S. Attorney who headed the first several weeks of the Justice Department’s Capitol breach manhunt said law enforcement is investigating whether the irritant played a role in Sicknick’s death.”
Seems it won’t go down as murder
even if those guys confess to something they didn’t do, to get a lower sentence.
A multinational firm
There’s a saying that goes – no news is good news – and so one tends to conclude that seeing practically nothing but Prince Philip on our press frontpages must be a positive development this week.
The Financial Times, however, does that thing today that the BBC often does – the pretence that it is not itself part of the media, but a somehow detatched observer. From this privileged, neither fish nor fowl, position it assumes for itself, the FT pontificates: ‘Royal funeral highlights dichotomy of British views‘
How so, we wonder? Well, like any current day press think piece, first we have to pay due obeisance to the ever present Wuhan wobblies: ‘Covid rules have pared back Prince Philip’s funeral‘ – one needn’t labour the point that viruses, no matter how dodgy they may be, don’t make rules. That’s the job of government.
The point the FT is makeing here rather alludes to the fact that were we at the status quo ante in terms of permitted public behaviour we would surely have seen large crowds expressing public support for the Royals.
But the FT, being a conduit of globalist anti-nationalist opinion, can’t let this moment be chalked up as an expression of public consevatism so takes the opportunity to air their anti-British sentiments – by way of posing the question: ‘..but his passing poses big questions about Britons’ views of the Royals and each other‘ – I’m sorry, I got that slightly wrong… the FT takes the opportunity of posing “Big” questions.
Oh dear me, patriotic sentiments are dangerous base emotions that come in ominous waves, threatening the non-patriotic calm seascape. Our intuitive political weather watches will undoubtedly discern their tendency of turning into a storm of nasty fascism, so thank goodness: ‘The wave of nationalist sentiment is not shared by all‘
In line with the biblical saying – physician, heal thyself – one might expand the notion to charge the press with – commentator, know thyself.
And, sure enough, the FT does take a moment of self-reflection to quote a line they assume their opposition would postulate – with the rather accusatory introduction: ‘…remarks one observer…‘ (in the way a BBC current affairs discussion presenter might introduce a conservative with the opener “and here’s what a right-winger has to say”: ‘“Fashionable metropolitans are sceptical of the monarchy and Brexit”‘ – I guess the FT thought they might as well throw Brexit into the mix there. Psychologists would call that projection.
Psychologist, analyse thyself…?
But worry not, FT reading metropolitanites – although Britain has wandered somewhat off the reservation in terms of Brexit, this worrisome wave of nationalism will soon pass and galloping over the hill to save the day, like the arrival of the US cavalry at the close of an old western movie will come… Diversity!
‘But as the UK plots its path outside the EU, another says the prince of Greek, Danish and German blood, embodied the fact that the royal family is a “multinational firm”‘
The end
Roll credits.
One thing that seems to have escaped most media is that as Johnny Foreigner in parts of rouge are ramping up after a five year hiatus, Bunker Biden is nowhere to be seen.
I will check if the first signs of Spring are feet, awards or selfies still, and how the book tours are going for the NA BS editorial during this period of BBC nothing newsworthy.
But some nationalism is ‘approved ‘ by the MSM – eg the Scotland ‘brave heart‘ brand or the IRA terrorist brand .
I wonder how the snowflakes are going to handle EU airports with ‘non EU ‘entry sections . Let’s hope they don’t have the 6 hour queues in the covid spreader – sorry – Arrivals – at Terminal 5 Heathrow ….
@Fed yes some R4 prog was going on about nationalism today and made that error
“Trump that was nationalism, Brexit was nationalism ..but now thing sare changing”
So we know the media is biased to the left. We’ve known this for years now. What is the point of repeating that by endlessly quoting examples? Its old hat.
I think there’s a point . If you don’t want to use this website – don’t do it . Evidence of daily bias needs to be recorded somewhere because one day – hopefully – there will be a reckoning for the BBC – and it’s privatisation or – hopefully – destruction .
The other practical way of combatting the BBC of course is not paying for it .
Some of us need others to report on BBC shenanigans, as like me, they have already done their bit in defunding them. I can’t watch, because I ditched the licence.
I think kesgrave has a cheek turning up here just telling us this site is a waist of time – smell of bullying about it – we are still free ( just ) to protest in the way we choose …..
And it’s easy for someone to say ‘don’t pay the TV licence ‘ when it is not that simple – such as where other family members see it a different way .
@Kesgrave There are many forces in a war, with many types of weapons.
#1 Truth matters .. I have managed to get a correction in a programme, before it ended quite a few times.
#2 Chipping away works
If you go into a senior school and get the kids away from the teachers and ask what the pupils think, quite a few say
“I used to believe everything my lefty teachers said, but now I come across new information and I don’t, but many of my classmates are still true believers”
Likewise there are many BBC insiders who are not in the cult and they need to e supported.
#3 It’s not a question of right good, lefty bad
Almost all the Tory party are in the same Guardianland bubble as the Labour Party” And see how half the Talkradio hosts have blind spots eg the way JHB goes around misrepresenting Trump
and spreads hate against him
eg how others spread green dream like a religion.
“…his passing poses big questions about Britons’ views of the Royals and each other.”
That means absolutely nothing. Who do the FT think they are?
Champion assured of a slot on Vine soon surely?
He knows when question need to be asked.
And Marr.
He knows when gropes are a good way to further bbc careers.
With apologies to Fed for possible collateral associative imagery, given the BBC are founder all purpose deployment culprits, and noting the possible irony, maybe IcIsmPhobephobia could be declared a thing, and banned? At least in media and #prasnews useage (which means media).
Neil Oliver is joining GBnews
A lesson in, ‘how to do it’ (get away with killing, big time) provided you are supported and kept hidden by your own community. No doubt. How else?
“Man who spent 16 years on the run over alleged involvement in fatal M4 crash sees case dropped”
Omar Hassan, 44, was accused of causing the death of Hama Falih Foran Jabar (same car I guess)
“It was the prosecution’s case that Hassan had caused the death of Mr Jabar by allegedly driving a defective car”
..dropped cos key witness could not be found,
.. intimidated ?
SG, thank you yet again for your duplicating contribution presumably for those who cannot read. If the link didn’t provide enough info you ought to offer your services to the newspaper. Oh hang on though, you didn’t bring more to the party than the link provided. Why’s that? please share.
Did he “get away with it” ?
I did fail to pick out the last line of the online newspaper report there
“Hassan, pleaded guilty to a single charge of failing to surrender
and was jailed for 32 weeks by Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke.”
The older BBC report says
“He was initially arrested on suspicion of entering the UK illegally in *December* ” (after being found walking on the M4 in the early hours of the morning on December 21, 2020.)
So he may well have spent additional time in custody as well.
(We don’t know whether he’s been in Britain or been abroad during the last 16 years)
Is he a killer ?
Seems to me a drove a defective car putting his and his friend particularly at risk
… and his friend died. His negligence ended up in the death of his friend, but I don’t know the other circumstances, he could have been swerving cos on another driver’s bad action I guess.
The Fedex killer has been identified
as a 19 yo suicidal white guy.
It’s not clear why his identity was shielded for so long.
Someone pointed out that if the killer commits suicide that indicates he’s white, cos non-white shooters rarely commit suicide.
The prominent among the 8 Fedex workers victims are 4 Sikhs. One or two maybe white or be black with European names.
But that doesn’t matter to black Twitter.
Dozens of blue ticks were tweeting
‘See this killing is white supremacist,
police always withhold skin colour if the killer is white’
A nice bit of bias by omission was the recent shooting of a kid of Mediterranean complex as opposed to the African type . BBC news did not refer to colour at all but still reported it as though America is not a foreign country where so many people are tooled up …
10:20am R4 Ade Adipetan is laying it on heavy
“Farmers in Bangladesh are dealing with climate change every day
.. I’ve got a new son
.. for the sake of our children we have to get on with decarbonisation”
.. He’s backed by co-guest Ben Fogle
Ade “The aviation industry has to go electric”
(That’s dumb ..if you want low CO2 use biofuel ..cos per kilo it has much more power than batteries)
The 9:30am Item : Woman whose ancestor in Stalybridge converted to Islam at aged 69 and helped found Britain’s first mosque there
“Christina Longden on her great, great, great grandfather”
she was plugging her 2019 book.
She argues that families left Islam and the history became hidden, cos with WW1 there was a backlash against all things Turkish.
I’ve often wondered how much its cost the licence payer to send Ade Adepitan and his wheelchair to all these far flung places of the world. He doesn’t appear to stick to the normal tourist trails, but does trips like sitting on ice-floes watching Eskimos (can I say that ?) catching fish through ice holes, or being hoisted by guides through jungle and rough terrain. I mean, what was the cost of organising that , and does he have a helper ? as well as a cameraman. I agree its good to show where the disabled can holiday, but how many want to go on a bloody ice floe ?? I would imagine that few disabled people could actually afford these types of holidays with all that’s involved, yet Mr Adepitan has seen the world, at probably double or triple the cost of an able bodied presenter, courtesy of the licence payer.
Someone above just tried to intimidate me from highlighting some of the text you see when you follow a news link that he had posted.
Sorry, but when I do that it helps people.
It is good that we get to see all the salient points right here,
instead of having to click the link and go on a wild goose chase.
If I do it once it saves 20 people, 50 people from having to click offsite and wade through the entire text.
I do prefer it when the original poster does that instead of just posting a raw link, but I understand that not everyone has the time to do that.
In that case I provided a number of extra contexts
: like that the driver , and dead person both had Muslim names
.. and seemed to be in the same car etc.
I quoted the actual charge
And provided a reason why the case had been suddenly dropped now.
“Someone”? Me, ‘G’. Not, “Strawman” or “Snowflake”?
Your excuses don’t hold water I’m afraid. Anyone inspecting the paper article I posted will see that. As for your accuracy, why did you not mention the fact that the evidence (the car) had since been destroyed?
Problem is, when something similar and unintentional happens to you – and I have personal experience – you turn on them as it some major crime has been committed in the duplication of your posting. I’ve said to you before, you are probably one of the most blatant hypocrites I’ve ever come across. But there, others can judge if they so wish by following the sequence of our exchanges, you cant change that.
@G I am loathed to reply to you cos whatever I say seems to fuel your incomprehensible anger, but I will correct some things.
“you turn on them as it some major crime has been committed”
” blatant hypocrites”
.. Ridiculous ! I certainly do not, I am not the type of person that shouts or loses their temper.
Not a hypocrite either.
I post here 300 times a week, I am not in the habit of personally insulting people.
“why did you not mention the fact that the evidence (the car) had since been destroyed?”
Why should I ? I don’t replicate the entire article
Seems to me it’s not a salient point, cos the car was destroyed years ago,
they knew that before they opened this current court case.
The NEW thing is that the witness refuses to cooperate now.
Let me “correct” some things. The paper article was good enough where it stood. Your tinkering did nothing, nothing whatever.
I realise you post hundreds of times here. In fact, you live here. This is your life. And there’s only one response to the last sentence.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Soren Kierkegaard
“Twitter down for millions of users in second major outage in hours”
Oh dear. What a pity. Never mind.
R4 punters today
#thenewsquiz on #r4 with @ZaltzCricket is the biggest load of left wing drivel since last week’s #thenowshow.
Pathetically unfunny.
Complete waste of #licencefee
The left wing bias is so blatant, with the assumptions that, for instance, we all (listeners) must be remainers.
(and all those for Brexit must be idiots) it’s offensive and massively UNFUNNY. “
Watching the live streaming of the funeral. Several sources on You Tube. But the BBC have several of their jabberers talking non stop, with recollections and explanations for us stupid people.
FooC ended with an item which was a 5 minute advert for Greta
The speaker seemed to be a great of friend of hers
and uttered the phrase “The Climate Emergency etc.” as if it was a holy truth.
Who was the speaker ?
here Joe Myerscough : bio Television Producer / Director Movie cameraTelevisionEarth globe europe-africa Greta Thunberg: A Year To Change The World – on BBC iPlayer now & PBS soon (22/04)!
He was with her in Turin, as she was on a tour of Italy
(no criticism of her unnecessary travel of course).
I scoured Twitter, but no radio4 listener mentioned anything on FooC.
Tweets went from about 10 about The Week in Westminster show before it, to 8 tweets about Moneybox after it.
Other items
– Taliban already in position ready to take over a lot of Afghanistan
– With Ukrainians expecting Russia to invade again soon.
– both Minneapolis cases ‘A teacher knew them both’, (yes thanks we already know)
– China muscling in South China seas, and how Duterte strangely keeps his mouth shut
Headups on Monday’s agenda pushing from Marr
9am R4 #Books #History Start the Week
Mon 9:00 R4
What if the Incas had colonised Europe?
@LaurentBinetH, @carolinepennock and Christienna Fryar discuss counterfactual history and rethinking the past
What if the Incas had colonised Europe?
They’d have found a lot more people to sacrifice to their sun god. Next.
Good afternoon everyone. My first post on here, though I’ve been a reader for three or four years. How does the song go? You don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.
Like many others, I feared the worse last week when I tried to log on to the old site, and got nothing!
Phew, after a bit of digital legwork I landed here on the (quite apt) dot tv site.
Keep fighting the good fight, and I sincerely believe we will bring down the Big Brother Corporation.
Many thanks to those running the site, and to all the people contributing. You are essential reading every day.
Good of you to comment – I think the move to Tuvalu has shaken things a bit but I think a few ‘regulars ‘ don’t know we are here yet – so I’ve asked rufus to re email people just in case the e mails didn’t get through to some …
Cheers Steve, I am always aware there are more lurkers than people might think
cos some people have to hide for fear of their jobs being affected
by being associated with with people who criticise the BBC and wokists.
I have to say I am a bit worried about the BBC and the Church of England or whoever arranged the funeral. Only started watching at 2.30 but there seemed no black solders deliberately picked out for a zoom because they were black. There was a BAME helping with the cover over the coffin but the camera remained on all the pallbearers and Huw Edwards appeared quite overcome when the camera switched to him when it was all over. He was about to discuss inanities with a couple of journalists after the event so at that point I switched off. But there was little or no speaking during the service. I wonder if the BBC had been threatened or did they think it was the last chance saloon?
I got fed up with presenters interviewing presenters ! and I gave little credence as to whether the funeral was diverse or not – as Jeremy Vine indicated. The family are white – cant change that ! – all my family are white, so would we get in a BAME just to appease others at a family event ? soooo ridiculous; but the ceremony did exemplify – to those who would want otherwise, that we are still a Christian country, and thought that the 3 choristers and soprano did a beautiful job.
Are you aware that the entire service was conducted without a contribution from Elton John. Surely he could have been tempted to do a revised Candle in the Wind. And no teenage poet of colour, nothing that resembled the Notting Hill Carnival. Meghan would have been so bored.
LOL !!!! so true .
Elizabeth Taylor night on BBC2 from 9:10pm
3 5 hours of docos
Stew, I saw that, and thought……. why ????
I guess they are struggling to supply material to keep the pensioner rebels quiet.
I think – as I said last weekend – that the kidults have been put in their box for a while because the high command could not afford to be criticised for being anti British – which is – of course – their normal stance …..
…..I’m sure normal service will resume pretty soon .
Personally I want to see more of the corruption within the bubble given light – whether it be a bent ex PM or a moon lighting BBC droid ( eg Naga – yexley ) …..
Maybe someone didn’t want to pay £316 for an iPhone 12 Pro Max replacement screen …..was it an ‘ifire’?
Andy is certain it was antifa and has tweeted video of the storefront piled high with waste wood
The setting fire to stores in an antifa MO
and some have been charged for earlier fires this week.
“Now Porridge, this programme contains historical language now considered inappropriate”
Naff off you berk.
Strangely media are repeating the Jemma Cooper left BBC Points West story
AFAIK that was reported on Dec 8th after her drink drive court case on Dec 3rd
(end of August she’d been charged for having 70ml is that a lot ?
AFAIK 1 pint gives you 35, so that’s 2 pint , or a long time after many pints )
“last presented the weather in August last year. She reportedly continued to help with news stories until November 5.”
“footage appearing to show Ms Cooper marched against lockdown with coronavirus conspiracy theorists in Birmingham last August, and Cardiff in October.”
Don’t be daft it’s not like magic footage came to light
She never hid her support for the protests.
Just the same as other BBC staff went on the Bit of a Million anti-Brexit march
In an anti-lockdown WhatsApp group someone wrote “Are you the weather girl Jemma?”
The account replied: “Yes alas I work for the devil at the moment. I joined the corporation in 1999 when I was 28 and fully asleep. Comatose.”
Reader comments support her
A BBC spokeswoman said at the time that impartiality was the “cornerstone” of the broadcaster
All while keeping a straight face
The original Dec 1st article
I note that in the Dec 1 reports (The Scottish Sun and Bristol Live) the bBC ‘whistleblower’ is quoted as saying “We have rules in place where we’re being told we shouldn’t even be taking part in Black Lives Matter protests as BBC journalists …” Just one little word ‘even’ – but it shows that as a group bBC employees think BLM protests are good, but anti-lockdown protests are bad.
The author of both the Bristol Live articles left that bit out in his piece of 15 April.
Perhaps I’m reading too much into it.
American Beauty; always good value.
Hi All
Only just checked my email and glad to be back. Been frantic that we had been nobbled.
Now where were we, oh yes BBC up to it’s usual tricks no doubt normal service will be resumed after a week of obsequious coverage rather than their usual bash Blighty. Disconnect the BBC!
So, over in the US, some promising stirring opportunity based around Asian Americans.
Meanwhile, for the BBC, popping back in history is the next best resort…
BBC News
Unlike other Titanic survivors who received praise in the press, the six Chinese survivors were vilified due to anti-Chinese sentiment in the West – and disappeared from history.
Titanic: Searching for the ‘missing’ Chinese survivors
Well, of course they did. Team BBC. Lots of interesting bylines around the world on the U.K. tvl payer dime.
BBC News
A BBC team met the Taliban, a group that seems to be positioning itself as Afghanistan’s government-in-waiting.
Afghanistan: ‘We have won the war, America has lost’, say Taliban
The ability of the bbc to split America from American Presidents is very Bbc.
Usually Huw is very vocal on twitter.
We watched the main part of the funeral on The Royal Family YouTube channel with no commentary.
The @BBCRadio4 religion show bbcR4Sunday
contained numerous items claiming white Britons oppress BAME
in particular the 3% that are black
It was followed by R4 announcer Neil Nunnes
Then next item was Floella Benjamin reading the charity appeal.
.. both are black
The main item in R4Sunday
was a promo for BBC Panorama on Monday about racism in the church
The point is the church has its own racism report coming out this week
so running a Panorama BEFORE then, seems like a deliberate spoiler by BBCnews.
Clive Myrie anchoring, with Jez Vile on ‘analysis’?
R4 blurb
“– feeling stressed by the pandemic? You could try Sufi meditation to music. … We talk to musician Omid Asgari about what he calls “the music of the soul” and to clinical psychologist Dr Saloumeh Bozorgzadeh about how she uses it in her practice.
– United States mourns the victims of the shooting at Indianapolis
(talk with Sikh about claim it was a racial attack
… doh 2 out of 8 victims were white)
– talk with mother from 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting .
– as the Church of England prepares to publish a much anticipated action plan to tackle racism this week we’ll discuss what needs to be done now. It is not simply a matter of atoning for the past or removing old statues or symbols – this week too the BBC’s Clive Myrie investigates contemporary allegations of discrimination in the Church for Panorama.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has already backed plans for more black clergy and said the Church should rethink its depiction of Jesus as white.
Will this be enough ?“
They also had an item with the Jesuit Refugee Service about their new report
Sarah Teather @SLCT201 & refugee friend Mark sharing the reality of life in the asylum system
The Sunday papers, almost uniformly, display their preferance for that photo of the Queen, sitting alone and forlorn in the carved oak pews of St George’s Chapel Windsor.
This pic is set to be iconic… historic.
Rather emblematic – dontcha think – of a monarch now without subjects, an ancient abandoned national indentity – which governments ordered so and people carelessly obeyed. And I don’t just mean lockdown, I mean the complete cultural negation of Englishness.
Admittedly there is still the barest hint of diversity of opinion in our press headlines. The Sunday People observes the Queen: ‘Alone in her grief‘ – whilst the Sunday Express attempts to reassure: ‘You’re not alone Ma’am‘
You can keep your multipage free commemorative pull out photo retrospectives, your clearing of the TV schedules to make way for pre-recorded obit documentaries, your minute silences at the footie… this image was truely sad and affecting – for what it represents for our historic national identity. It looks to me like a full stop. A period end.
Did we win the battle of Brexit – only to lose sight of how we were losing the real bigger war of Britain?
The Observer indicates the route back for Labour (as if leftists really needed Parliamentary seats to get their way when they’ve been doing pretty well, thank you, under the Tories): ‘Act now on sleaze crisis or lose red wall votes, Johnson warned‘
The cartoonist Newman in the Sunday Times lampoons David Cameron for his embarrasing and rather limp lobbying scandal (Tony Blair showed us an ex-PM may quietly make mega bucks on the side and still come up smelling of red roses and at least John Profumo got a good shag out of it prior to his political demise) but our satirical illustrator pinpoints the issue that still rankles with our liberal media when he has Cameron exclaim: “At least it’s stopped people saying the referendum was the biggest blunder of my career!”
Yep, Brexit was the glitch in the matrix (as the youngsters would say – if they hadn’t been educated to love the EU) but no matter. Like the very last little old lady sitting alone on a park bench with her memories – in contravention of social distancing lockdown rules – the hi-vized authorities will soon be along, brandishing tasers and bodycams, to wrestle her to the ground, push her into the back of the van and shuffle her off to the last and final confinement of history.
Ever accurate
It’s probably what he would have wanted.
Other than designing it.
Could have got Posh Spice to design it.
Something akin to…
The R4 religion show did not cover the film Women Leaving Islam
“It shows the risks facing some of those who stand up for the right to leave religion
– and the ongoing neglect of minorities within minorities in public life, says Helen Nicholls”
ie the way establishments pander to their pet Islamic activists, but don’t help ex-Muslims etc.
92 minute YouTube film
This publication is a hoot.
Only 2000 respondents but
56% of respondents said the BBC should be funded by advertising or subscriptions, including 67% of 2019 Conservative voters. Half (48%) of 2019 Labour voters said the BBC should be funded by advertising or subscriptions. Just a quarter (27%) of Britons believe the BBC should be funded by the BBC Licence Fee, while 17% don’t know.
Further, 70% of Britons say they would be more likely to vote for a Party that suggests scrapping the BBC Licence Fee. Just 30% say they would be more likely to vote for a Party that does not suggest scrapping the Fee.
Oh dear, what a pickle Auntie finds herself in over these covid passports. For once a genuine debate about democracy presents itself and the BBC flunks it. Normally it would be all over it but, of course, it must tug it’s forelock to it’s masters -Gauleiters Johnson, Gove and Handjob.
As for your other thread containing the words Cancel, Kesgrave and the BBC, I thought I had accidentally dropped a
tab of acid! (You’ve got to know the area – cancelling Kesgrave
Itself wouldn’t be a bad idea!)
Sums up the BBC nicely.
Falling foul of the cartel
Russophobia and catapillar cake wars
“M&S begins legal action against Aldi over Colin the Caterpillar cake”
From where I stand, unlike the BBC, for me this is up there with Ukraine versus Russia – I wouldn’t pick a side and if Putin really wants to grab a slice of that mess, let him go ahead.
However, on popping into my local Sainsbury’s I couldn’t help but notice:
“Wiggles The Caterpillar Cake” – although this wording is part of the link, I wouldn’t wish to put our resident copy and paster link explorer to the trouble. Amusingly, one has to accept Sainsbury’s “cookies” to paste the words.
So why does M&S seemingly give Sainsbury’s a free pass and yet pick on Aldi – have they somehow fallen foul of the cartel?
That would seem to be the only explanation for the BBC’s antipathy toward Russia and yet free pass for some very nasty regimes.
I’m afraid I am going to have to eat all the different varieties of Caterpillar cakes before I can pronounce any judgement in that case.
🙂 🙂 🙂