Much ado – a Royal Funeral – Sabre Rattling in Ukraine and South China Sea – corrupt £Politicians and £Civil Servants – US Cops killing as usual – Dodgy SNP economics – an EU Chinese Virus Third Wave – and the UK Second vaccine doses going nicely ….
Weekend Thread 17 April 2021
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Lincs news “There has been a good take up of the vax among Lincoln’s Muslim community, someone from Lincoln mosque says ”
Of course I don’t think Lincolnshire’s Muslims should be excluded
but there really aren’t that many of them
The old mosque was for 60 people, the new one maybe 200
Top of the Pops?
File this one under the familiar heading – I couldn’t help but notice…
BBC online news page has three top news categories over and above UK, World, Business, Politics, Science etc…
They are Prince Philip, Coronavirus and Brexit.
A three horse race. Obviously Prince Philip will be pulled up early – who’s your money on lasting longest of the other two media obsessions…?
“It’s land fill Phil but not as we know it”
Gammon: the return of class hatred – spiked
Excellent piece, thanks StewGreen
4pm unusually these days the Book Show is not centred on a black writer
Oh hang on the 4:30pm Poetry show is.
5pm Next show : Wheelchair parenting
Could have been worse, they might have got Jay Blades instead.
I am so pleased that the awful BBC were instructed to make the funeral of Prince Philip an occasion for sympathy, love for a monarch, and above all, a statement of national awareness of what is needed to appreciate being British.
Luckily, there weren’t the normal banal interjections from the usual suspects from W1A; the military men and women took care of that! If some airhead BBC oik had started to describe what some bloke was (or wasn’t – ha ha), wearing, we’d have switched off immediately! The BBC were just ordered to do the ceremony properly, and luckily for them, they did, otherwise, the complaints from the way they farted around with the DOE’s death would have been incalculable, and quite rightly so.
Our military history has been founded on much greater ideals than those weedy hand-flippers and secondary luvvies at the BBC, so thank goodness someone rang them up and ordered them to make the ceremony work for proper British and Commonwealth Nations. Our soldiers, sailors and airmen – and women, were perfect in their preparation and precision.
Sadly, the awful BBC managed to squeeze in a few ‘comments’ from ‘onlookers’ in Windsor on the radio however, and funnily enough, they came from people who seemed to have English as a second language.
Once mistaken – too late…
I switched to Sky, as they had the better camera angles.
Edwina vs Adoniis
Tonight’s TV .. 8pm BBC2 Ade the Activist show
“This week I find out how far the Bangladesh government is going to protect its fragile coastline in the Bay of Bengal from the devastating effects of climate change.”
(Ade much of it is built on reclaimed land
weather variations means that every so often nature takes back reclaimed land)
Anyone who thinks Zero CO2 is magically easy
and believes temperatures will go off the scale the wise showing cult behaviour.
BTW well rehearsed script is the same he gave yesterday on Radio4
Does he actually know anything about the subject?
Clearly, he doesn’t – along with all the other leftie climate change aficionados.
His excuses
“We offset all our flights using the Albert scheme.
The world is not going to stop flying the genie is out the bottle. So when we do fly we should offset the carbon.
More importantly the aviation industry should be developing non carbon based greener fuels faster.
Overpopulation ?
“There’s enough space on our planet for all of us. It’s just we haven’t structured our society’s in an efficient way.
They’re vast areas of Europe that are just empty. Our main issue is that our economies are not run efficiently
We waste billions in food every year.
UK population is getting older, we need immigration otherwise we’ll face the same problems as Japan,
they’re economy is struggling because they don’t have a young workforce.” (is that true ?)
“Great opening to a conversation
I know the worlds not gonna end,
I just believe it will become uninhabitable for humans. (BS)
The ice is melting at a frightening rate at the poles and the Himalayas, the sea level rise will cause floods create refugees, and lead to wars and pandemics”
(Antarctic as a whole has not lost ice )
“In the end it won’t be about saving humanity, it will be about survival.
What they don’t want is chaos.
If the predictions are right much of Bangladesh will be under water in the next 30-40 years. *
Where do all those people go? To the *closest countries*, India and China”
#1 * I doubt an IPCC report contains such a prediction
#2 *closest countries* is not China
It’s various Indian States and Myanmar and Malaysia and Indonesia
The culture means they have loads of kids and already overspill
into those states/countries, especially Muslim ones (not Myanmar)
He’ll be in Bhutan too. Some people claiming it is a carbon negative country. (also Surimane)
It has a a lot of hydropower so exports it to India etc.
and has a low population.
Suriname , might argue it has low popn and is planting lots of trees.
Actually Suriname has quite an oil industry now
“Recent oil discoveries have propelled #Guyana and #Suriname onto the energy world stage, with top IOCs leading the way in developing significant offshore projects in the region.”
If it did it demonstrates that the IPCC have never been to Bangladesh and know nothing about it. I have never been to Bangla but at least I know something of its geography thanks to friends who had been there. Another friend lives & works there. Only the Ganges delta really floods and that is due to other factors, nothing to do with Global Warming And Climate Change. Hah! So much for the IPCC.
Funny thing but have you – and anyone else on here – noticed the sea level rising recently?
Big thing on BBC R4 News at 7 a.m. this morning was the melting of the world’s biggest iceberg. Apparently it has disappeared more or less overnight. Melted. Gone. And lorssst. I seem to recall some environmentalists (including the BBC) claimed that the sea level would rise when it melted.
Another failed prediction guys. How many does that make?
floating ice does not raise sea level
It does when it melts though.
If you have an iceberg, the size of Africa, floating in the Atlantic Ocean, when it melts it will not have raised the sea level by even one millimetre.
That is basic science.
Basic science? This is basic science:
Apply that formula to the situation you have described and you will see that you are wrong.
There GreenBlob & Green-hedgefund science
and there is is real world science
Seriously is that the best you can do StewGreen?
There is one very important factor missing which renders that demonstration meaningless.
Remember: D=M/V
Density = Mass/Volume
The density of ice is less than water , that’s why it floats .
Water level will not rise if ice melts.
I wanted to reply to taffman but his ‘Reply’ button is missing.
You are correct taffman, because there is a lot of air in floating ice. In addition, if it is freshwater ice it will have a different density to that of frozen sea water.
@Up2snuff Density is a red herring
A floating object has WEIGHT
and it is this weight that displaces water
If you have a 100 tonne iceberg which is a cube
and a 100 tonne iceberg which is a closed boxed full of air
They will both displace 100 tonnes of sea water
When they melt you have a 100 tonnes of pure water (which is almost the same as the 100 tonnes of salty sea water it was displacing) which almost exactly fits into the previously displaced space there is no sea level rise.
(Strictly there is a tiny tiny rise cos of the difference between fresh water and salty water)
A tragedy in three parts…
7:48 PM; “…real world science – *YouTube*, Melting Ice in water does NOT cause the water level to rise!”
8:35 PM; “@Fed you might want to get the sweeping brush out, @P!ku doesn’t seem to be arguing in good faith”
9:41 PM; “Strictly there is a tiny tiny rise cos of the difference between fresh water and salty water”
Someone asked the Adepitan twitter account
about Bangladesh having a culture of having too many children
and thus settling people on vulnerable reclaimed land.
It’s a difficult question to answer, because globally I don’t think population growth is the problem.
It’s more an issue of poorly organized societies.
Tiny amounts of our global population own huge amounts of land.
It would also be difficult to tell people to stop having babies.
Note his reply avoids answering two of the points in the question
#1 He totally ignored the point about building on reclaimed land.
#2 Also he had previously argued that in the future Bangla will have too many people for its land so they will go into other countries
My point was that if Bangla didn’t have a culture of high birth, it would not in future have have a land problem.
Bangladeshis are muslims, and hence beyond reproach. I expect poor Ade wants to keep his head on his shoulders.
I thought you got lost ! Welcome back …
I was lost but then l was found thanks to your good selves.
Good to be back , now where do I start?…………
Admin issue
If you google ‘biasedbbc’ you still get the ‘org ‘ version showing up . Does anyone know if the current ‘TV ‘ version will show up any time soon ?
I’ve noticed the absence of a number of regular users since the ‘up / down grade …..
Asking for a fiend …
Fed, I hunted and was on the point of contacting Rufus when his e-m with news of the new ‘address’ hit my mailbox. Was using DuckDuckGo and the old address appeared there.
I have fiends, too. Funny that. One of them is called the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Up2- it wasn’t a smelling mishtake … I’ve emailed Rufus to ask for another email to be put out to registered users but that email seemed to have bounced ‘ … not missing troll types though ….
Nice to see more people commenting ….
… I’m guessing that after this weekend the Britain hating BBC will revert to type …
Yeah, I see somone has pikud up the message about the new site’s address. Will maxi get here before midnight? Or just afterward?
The irony is said Carrot Chunk likely alerted any using the site reply facility that it was back up.
Only needed to yell over the cubicle to the others currently excitedly piling on whilst the pack can dominate.
Wildly probably having her hair done blue post lockdown, and nose ring MOT’d.
@Fed re Google
There is a slight trick
Google picks up on people clicking through
if you always enter the site through Googling biasedbbc.TV
it will boost our ranking
Generally I think Google is over-rated, as an entry point to websites
People tend to find out about website from other means like friends …rather than raw Google searches
SEO sales people don’t like me saying that.
The Google algorithm generally picks up on site content
We rated very highly before cos we had lots of content
Stew, I’m fed up with Google for:
1. being Google,
2. buying YouTube
3. being Google
4. putting up cookie barriers on Google
5. being Google
6. putting up cookie barriers on YouTube
7. –
8. putting up cookie barriers on Google maps
9. being Google, and,
10. also being Google.
I’m looking forward to exploring this shortly:
Oh dear, something is going wrong with the site software again, Fed. 🙁 The reply button is going missing on some posts.
The BBC likes to report on ‘innocent ‘ people being killed …so I wonder if a man by the name of
Nabil Habashy Salama
Will be mentioned ?
There is a beheading video of him being killed by Islamic terrrorists .
His crime ? Building a church in Sinai .
I wonder if the murderers spoke with a London accent …?Maybe only certain lives matter …..
( you might guess whether is shows up in the BBC website )…
Actor Hugh Grant has been spotted enjoying lockdown easing out shopping in Somerset. His is far from the first celebrity sighting in the area, so what makes the county such a popular destination for the stars?
The Love Actually leading man was seen in Frome on Tuesday and was recognised by staff at Parsons bakery in Badcox where he bought a bacon roll, a coffee and a custard slice.
Sophie Jayne Ilott served the actor and said he was a “very polite and well-spoken gentleman”.
I am amazed Hugh Grant isn’t vegan.
Deborah, I’ve always thought he IS a vegetable
6pm Countryfile
– shortfall in the number of seasonal farm workers needed to gather their harvests. Can UK cover any shortfall Charlotte Smith investigates.
(Translation will anyone bother to actually get any British workers
or will they use foreign gang masters as usual ?)
– Sean Fletcher in Buckinghamshire chocolate box landscape with a whistlestop trike tour
how can we breathe new life into the area?
– the old cottage industry of lace-making is poised for a comeback
– he saddles up to meet a couple opening up their farm to enable safer riding in this corner of the countryside.
Adam Henson is busy with some new arrivals
picking season dawns
The prog first did a series of shot where about 6 British workers said they found picking-work so hard
Then they gave a narrative 50K British registered on the website but then only 6K did the online interview section
A few thousand did go out working
but the vast majority left after a few weeks
Yes such high turnover is normal , cos you find you get rainy days where you earn no money etc.
And Foreign workers are likely to stick or move to another farm
whereas British might go to other work
or benefits
I think the easy availability of benefits distract British workers from just working.
And then item went on to robot picking, which already coming in for certain crops.
The prog spun the eel industry as suffering from Brexit
The usually export young eels to stock EU rivers
.. but the rare species trade agreement hasn’t been done so they can’t export now.
So now UK eels are being van transported the upstream of UK rivers
… Em that is a good thing, cos UK eels were being lost to the EU
“no mention of otters which have decimated eel populations in UK rivers”
Then an item where urban kids go to ride
“horses aren’t racist , horses don’t judge”
.. the BBC guest giving them the line they want
But is that dream actually true animals do tend to respond to different people differently ..there are lot of countries/cultures where people are not comfortable with dogs
..and those dogs almost seem to respond to different skin colours differently.
Are horses so different are some groups less heavy than others and do the horses prefer that.
Animals might judge quite a lot by smell etc.
Back to crop picking
a few British workers said farmers just wouldn’t accept workers who drove or walked to work
they insisted all workers must live on site
I guess that means the farm pays you but then gets part back in rent
So that is why the farm prefers foreign workers,.
“..and those dogs almost seem to respond to different skin colours differently.
Are horses so different ..”
Where were you all? I was starting to get the DTs.
A “Conservative Woman” pointed me this way, no email for me either. Probably something to do with that bloody NI protocol.
Yes – worrying – wondering how excluded users can be found and bought home ….. ?
@Fed you might want to get the sweeping brush out
@P!ku doesn’t seem to be arguing in good faith
but rather is thread spoiling
Emmanuel Goldstein confirmed my point
anything after that is noise
Lucky piku doesn’t know me – I like the ‘ urban myth ‘ that the Chinese open a new coal powered fire station each week – but then again – I’m a human climate change denier – burn that carbon ……
…..sooner or later other trolls will surface here …..
Fed, I assumed that Prince Philip would not want a cremation as it might upset his firstborn as well as one of his grandsons but I’ve always assumed that cremation is one’s last and very final statement to environmentalists.
That said I do rather like the idea of a woodland burial . . . …..
It seems like you don’t like your lack of scientific understanding being highlighted StewGreen. How is that thread spoiling? You might need to come to accept that you are not the world’s expert on absolutely everything.
Try reading this:
The NS headline is misleading (I already knew the article)
A country sized completely melting iceberg raises sea level by an almost unmeasurable amount
cos it’s 100% fresh water so it dilutes the salty sea water ever so slightly.
Quoting the article
“f all the sea ice currently bobbing on the oceans were to melt,
it could raise sea level by 4 to 6 centimetres.”
Do you know how long that would take ?
AFAIK it would be thousands of years.
It’s melting glaciers on land than would actually raise sea level
but in practice while they calve at on end they grow at the other
and the pattern is variable over time and geography
so whilst glaciers in one place can even disappear new ones in another place can appear.
An almost unmeasurable amount = a measurable amount.
Emmanuel Goldstein said; “If you have an iceberg, the size of Africa, floating in the Atlantic Ocean, when it melts it will not have raised the sea level by even one millimetre”. Africa covers an area close to twice that of the whole of the Arctic. So is Emmanuel correct, or not?
Piku is a troll.
How about posting examples of Al Beeb’s blatant bias?
I did, taffman. Time for piku to divvi up.
The enthusiasm for Climate Action was noticeable in Ben Wright’s voice on R4’s TwotWeeee this lunchtime, it’s a typical Beeb bias.
“@Fed you might want to get the sweeping brush out”
Oh dear. Who said this, Stew?
“it’s low class if you runaway by blocking me”
Oh, hallo maxi, you’re out early today.
Where’s that apology you owe me?
“Where’s that apology you owe me?”
I’ve got no problem apologising if I’ve got something wrong, but I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. Could you be a bit more specific?
Yes it is low class … when the other person is debating in “Good Faith”
“Yes it is low class … when the other person is debating in ‘Good Faith’ “
But what PIku was saying was correct and apparently you already knew it was correct; “(I already knew the article)”. So why were you asking for Piku to be blocked?
What Piku said was not correct he stuck up a formula which had no connection with the issue at all
You and Piku are gaslighting by trying to convince us that a basic principle of physics is not true.
It’s a basic scientific principle that melting icebergs do not pose a sea level rise threat
which is why I jumped in when Up2Snuff said
” world’s biggest iceberg… I seem to recall some environmentalists (including the BBC) claimed that the sea level would rise when it melted.”
There won’t be a big list of BBC staff who actually made that claim cos it’s against basic physics.
If you and Piku maintain that the iceberg greatly raised sea level
You will supply a list of the BBC staff that made that false claim.
… but you’d rather spoil the threads, that is debating in bad faith,
“If you and Piku maintain that the iceberg greatly raised sea level”
I didn’t claim that, nor did Maxincony. You said that melting ice didn’t raise sea levels. You were wrong. You should stop now StewGreen, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Cold War continues ….
@Piku so you agree no BBC staff have said that melting icebergs pose any danger ?
and I was right to correct Up2Snuff when he gave the impression that BBC staff thought melting icebergs pose a great problem to sea level rise ?
Or can you name the BBC staff that made that claim
There is a huge difference between an on-land 1000 tonne berg melting
and adding all its water to the ocean
and a 1000 tonne melting floating iceberg which adds miniscule effect to sea level through salt dilution.
“@Piku so you agree no BBC staff have said that melting icebergs pose any danger”
I’ve no idea what you are talking about.
Moving goalposts and whataboutery …… poor effort StewGreen.
Maxi &Piku
If liquid levels rise when ice melts then McDonalds would have a messy problem , what with them selling millions of gallons of ice in Coca Cola every day .
Piku you originally jumped in on a post where that was the main point of the person I replied to,
you were replying to my reply to him, yet now you say “I’ve no idea what you are talking about.”
I’m sticking to the original point it’s you that tried to drive the discussion away from that.
But on the up side – at least when the ice melts they don’t have to sent some beeboid minor celeb to make a woke ‘nature ‘ documentary ….
I’m guessing Attenborough will be predicting the poles will have melted by 2030 as usual …..
‘Reveals”: Media #prasnews code for ‘her agent knows the direct line to the news desk’.
See also: Marianna.
I am back !
More importantly your back. Thanks to an email from Rufus .
I was concerned that Al Beeb had hacked this site
Well done to you all for keeping the site going 👍
I thought the same as I couldn’t access it on mylap-top, tablet or PC. In fact I thought I’d been hacked and prevented from accessing the site.
The wind is at ONE .. percent of UK grid power
The Crown Estate will probably ban their own windpower charts page soon
That’s enough to power all the factories making wind farms …
BREAKING: Three Dead in Austin ‘Active Shooter’ Incident
..shooter still roaming
He’s an ex cop Stephen Nicholas Broderick
Former Travis County detective identified as suspect deadly in NW Austin shooting incident”
The shooting comes hours after there people were killed and two seriously injured in a Kenosha, Wisc., tavern shooting:
Why could a cop be angry ?
the defunding of police by Austin’s mayor and city council
– a task force, made up of activists, many of them vehemently anti-police, released recommendations that would completely decimate the police budget and defang the force. Austin police, meanwhile, have been retiring and resigning at an alarming rate and cadet classes for new hires have been canceled. Meanwhile, the murder rate in the city has skyrocketed.
photo in ex cop
Methinks it’s time put up the Start the Week Thread ….
Israeli press accse David Tennant of promoting anti Israeli bias on BBC show.. Worth mentioning as it indicates how Israel is a legitimate target rather than the Pallies.
In other news Gloria del pero? Labour – joins Brillo news
And Starmer is thrown out of a pub on a walk about … with his goon confronting the landlord – on camera ….