Let us for one moment reverse the equation and suppose that a black policeman has followed his correct restraining procedures and knelt on the neck of a known white male thug only to find that the white male thug has suffocated to death.
Racism? Not at all. The policeman was merely doing his duty as any loyal American would and the President of the USA would nod his head in agreement.
I do wonder if this very fast ‘verdict’ has been deliberately engineered to prevent mass unrest in the USA. I see the prosecution deliberately ignore the judges instructions not to introduce new evidence I see Joe Bidens intervention and I wonder if they haven’t deliberately handed the defence the reasons to appeal this case, and to then quietly acquit Chauvin when the Blacks have calmed down a little. Antifa of course will never calm down and should have been proscribed here when the Marxist Tory leader Theresa May had the chance.
The Birmingham pub bombings in 1974. Six convicted as responsible. Their convictions were quashed in 1991. A large chunk of the appeal which resulted in the quashing related to Tom King MP and his pubic comments during the trial. Same as this black woman, Walters and, naturally the Fake President’s comments. Nothing changes only the ‘musical chairs’ and different actors, as is said, “The facts remain, only the names have been changed”.
I hear that legal academics in the US have been called upon to prepare a new legal handbook for public consumption. Its proposed title?
‘Law of the Jungle’.
the BBC have posted at 22:25 This is the first time a white police officer has been found legally responsible for the death of a black man in custody in Minnesota’s history, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Still peddling racial divide where none was proven. The BBC are utter scum.
Anti-Brexit cult
“Loud, obsessive, tribal’: the radicalisation of remain”
FBPE : Short for Follow Back Pro-EU. This is used by some Twitter users in their bio, usually accompanied by an EU flag
It’s the world of Guardian offshoot the Byline Times.. editor Peter Jukes and his mates Lord Adonis, Soubry
“Notorious Twitter lawyer and ‘#FBPE’ cult leader, Jolyon Maugham”
Excellent from David, including how the left have rejected any notion of objective truth and how ‘corporate woke’ has infected the HR department of every company, profession and learned society. I would pay good money to see lightweights Keir ‘I really don’t need a lecture from you’ Starmer or indeed BJ attempt to ‘debate’ David Starkey on any issue. The bBC gets a few mentions.
Nigel in the Telegraph today… The BBC is so out of touch, its presenters are still ‘haunted’ by the rise of Ukip I have argued for many years that the BBC is stuffed full of out-of-touch Oxbridge graduates like Ahmed who appear to regard anybody with a political opinion that conflicts with theirs as being beneath contempt. Her comments are just another depressing illustration of how far removed the corporation is from everyday licence payers, yet they do serve one important function: they illustrate why the TV licence fee must be abolished forthwith….
.. and more
Remarkably, it has survived and, indeed, prospered, despite its abysmal general record which includes paying vastly inflated sums to executives who do little more than shuffle paper; frittering away hundreds of millions of pounds on failed building projects and computer programmes; and handing out further millions in “golden goodbyes” to favoured employees. Did you know that it is going to spend about £150 million of licence fee income every year until the end of the decade not on TV and radio shows, but on a recovery plan to meet the £1.8 billion shortfall in the BBC pension scheme? That is in itself a scandal.
Well said Nigel, well said.
The BBC is truly bankrupt now, it was expected.
And we still have to bail them out whilst they claim to be ‘independent’ from ‘The Grauniad’ that nobody would buy to read, were it not for the BBC keeping a dead horse alive.
The bbc like many tax-funded crowds have already used the taxes that the elderly have paid throughout their lives, and have no need to show any appreciation, provide entertainment, or even listen to these citizens.
All they’re thinking about is how to keep payers of the TV tax from getting out of the morass they’ve deliberately encouraged, so they can squander all the slush-money on bame, blm issues etc., to try and attract the kids.
Can anyone really think that today’s kids will ever want to cough up for an outdated bunch of softies in W1A when they grow up?
Our beloved BBC are really spoiling us tonight. Already we’ve had wall to wall ecstasy over the jury result from the US. I often wonder how they’re able to bring us a blow by blow account of a case happening on another continent, but if it was a Muslim paedo gang tried in their own backyard, then it’s a different matter.
Just in case the verdict went the other way the Beeb were doing their best to stir the racial pot with yet another airing of the Stephen Lawrence murder on BBC 4. FFS, do you not think the long suffering British public have had just about enough of this bloody case? It’s been shoved down our throats every year since it happened. It’s over a quarter of a century ago and literally thousands of young black lads have been murdered since…but I couldn’t name one of them. I wonder why?
Oh, and when you’ve enjoyed an hour of self flagellation over the Lawrence debacle, BBC 4 are bringing us a truly heart warming story. Lights Up : Adam. The true story of a young trans man and his remarkable struggle to be himself.
BBC last night Totally flooded with Black people, from the news presenter through to the reporter in America-only white one was Jon Sopel. Am I racist, I thought I wasn’t but now I’m begining to think I am moving that way.
No one seems to remember that he pointed a gun at the stomach of a pregnant black woman while he and his pals launched a home invasion on her home, stole her stuff, and and ruffed her up.
The Lefty ‘fact checkers’ went wild with that one so I did a bit of research on my own at the time to find out what really happened.
Apparently George burst in holding her at gunpoint (it’s not actually known if she was pregnant) then his mate pistol-whipped her (presumably saying ‘where’s the money’) while George ransacked the apartment looking for drugs and cash.
But the fact-checkers didn’t mention any of that. They called it fake because she wasn’t pregnant.
I still have no idea why the Left defend these people so much. As much as I have considered it, I can come up with only 3 reasons:
1) Votes
2) Groupthink virtue-signalling (by the more shallow and stupid ones)
2) As a weapon to attack the Right (who they hate).
Their ‘compassion’ is 100% fake. Otherwise they would have it for people of all colours.
I wonder how many of the agitators’ leaders are actually professionals, paid to carry out their disruptive operations by Uncle George and others of his ilk.
Here here Dobyns, I have been asking my self the same question for some time-are we to assume that ‘the powers that be,’ have deliberately kept that issue quiet? Analytical data shows that the Black is more likely to cause a crime that a white person-especially in America as the figures show. I have worked in West Afirca and through that experience ascertain that the Black peoples problems are in their psyche-if what they want cannot be gained by corruption then the use of violence is introduced.
‘Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice’. While glancing up at heaven. I would venture George never sacrificed anything for anybody in his entire life. Quite the opposite in fact : he made them do the sacrificing.
I almost felt physcially sick listening to this nasty hypocrite virtue-signal off the scale with the kind of absolute tosh which could be straight from the very worst IMDB 1/10 straight-to-TV movie.
And she gets away with it. What has happened to the world ?.
Meanwhile in the real world, some fact checking has spoiled the thread for the glee club.
Yes we can; bomb the shit out of & destroy Libya, bail out the bankers, kick start the worst race relations since the '60s, give billions to Iran, allow China to expand unchecked & buy a $15 million dollar mansion on the coast while preaching climate doom.
Having watched a Grisham novel movie with a dashing Matthew Shirtoff, Sandra Bull and MoFo Jackson on the topic of mob threat justice not prevailing, it was ironic.
On the video of the incident, the “Mama” whom Floyd is referring to is his girlfriend. “Mama” is what he called her.
A small point, perhaps, but one of many that illustrates how Pelosi and the Left are pushing a false narrative about a harmless mama’s boy. They are not interested in the truth.
Like a scene from Macbeth she is one of the three witches, the ancient decrepit one,. Kamela Horrors is the Old cackling one and A O C is the young, totally crazy one with the mad eyes. They predicted that “Something wicked this way comes.” and sure enough we have Biden as Macbeth and Dr Jill as Lady MacB.
Policing in the USA is going to get very difficult from now on along with the recruitment of police officers . I predict that the crime rate will begin to rise .
Fishmongers’ Hall porter ‘stabbed Usman Khan with spear’
One really has to wonder how they can write such a detailed article without referencing the religion, motivation or even the word ‘terrorist’ once. The ‘attacker’ is all we get.
Is this more of the policy ‘It’s OK to lie in the name of the agenda’ Moffat told us about ?.
Such lies by omission are lies non the less.
Just imagine the size of the headline font if they could have put ‘Far Right’ in it – like the recent one from Germany where no attack had even taken place.
What is going on in their arrogant, Far-Left brains ?. What right do they have to decide what we should know and what we shouldn’t ?. They are a diluted version of every socialist tyrant in history.
What’s worse is that we are compelled by law to fund them doing it.
BBC Moaning Emole brings us all the U.K. national broadcaster thinks the TVL payer needs to know.
By Nafeesa Shan
Ex-police officer guilty of George Floyd murder
Story detail
African-American George Floyd was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin. That’s what the US jury decided after the 45-year-old was filmed kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes during his arrest in Minneapolis last May. The verdict broke late last night here in the UK but over in America hundreds of people cheered and celebrated as it was announced.
The footage sparked global Black Lives Matter protests against racism and excessive use of force by police and many have hailed Chauvin’s conviction as a watershed moment. It marks a “turning point in history” for the US, said Ben Crump, the Floyd family’s lawyer, saying “painfully earned justice has finally arrived”. Echoing this, US President Joe Biden vowed “this is going to be a first shot at dealing with genuine systemic racism,” adding: “At least now there is some justice”.
Chauvin, who is no longer a police officer, was found guilty on three charges – second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter. He is expected to appeal against the verdict, US media report. Whatever happens next, it is a landmark case for police use of force against black people, and the verdict marks a significant break with the past, says BBC White House reporter Tara McKelvey.
You can find out more about the case here:
The murder that drove America to the brink
Five key moments from the trial
Tara Key Moments knows her breaks. And when to use ‘justice’. A lot. Tell it often enough, love. Does she take a load of selfies too?
Then there’s something about India by Vikas Pandey & Shadab Nazmi. They and Nafessa must be wondering who let Tara get in on the act.
During my weeks here in Minneapolis, I met students who became radicalized and now support violence, and I spoke with men who knew Derek Chauvin, and sympathized with him. Here is my story about their world, and how it got turned upside down.
Screengrab from the Columbus bodycam video. Police & the mayor say the girl in black was attempting to stab the girl in pink. Officer shot the girl in black just after this.
Excuse me, young lady? Hi. Social worker here. Could you kindly not stab this poor young woman in the neck and put your knife down?
‘Town criers are back – but keep it quiet‘ (Daily Telegraph):
‘Town criers are making a comeback after a year of being silenced due to the pandemic‘ – Oh Nay, Oh Nay, Oh Nay… they’ve been silenced due to the government reaction to covid.
As to what we are experiencing actually being a pandemic, well that depends on your definition. Compared to what they had back in the days when our newsmen wore red coats, three cornered hats, rang a bell and delivered the daily news via a good old shout on our street corners, our little pandemic hardly scores a one on the Richter scale.
What’s that you say…? The Richter scale measures earthquakes and it’s the World Health Organisation that makes the rules that decide what constitutes a pandemic – well OK, we don’t mind rules about the technical language we use – so long as we’re very clear… WHO’s making them.
Why do I think this pandemic might be a bit of a dudd? Might eventually be admitted to have been little more than the flu to the vast majority of the population: ‘People with mild Covid-19 could take a pill or capsule‘ (Guardian); ‘Bozo’s magic pill‘ (Daily Star)
Speaking of ruling bodies: ‘…the British Town Criers Championships are returning after a year’s silence‘
But, Oh woe is me! The sport’s ruling body is going to forsake the true fans of the game. Rule changes are on the agenda and goodness only knows, this has to seen as a cruel betrayal of the grassroots of town crying. I’m sad about how this might impact negatively on those further down the town crying pyramid. It must be time for Boris and Prince William to have a (quiet) word.
Championship ‘entrants are having to enter their pronoucements in writing‘ – Infamy! Infamy! As the Carry On comic actor Kenneth Williams, surely a closet fan of town crying, might have wailed, howled and squawked.
This obnoxious proposed rule change by the adminstrators of our beautiful game – of town crying – goes against the very spirit of the sport as we know it. Our town criers may have been quiet, perhaps they have been shackled by the rules – unable to speak out freely – so the fans must make a stand.
‘It was hoped competitors could submit their cries of “Oyez Oyez Oyez” by video‘ – be be fair, technology inevitably had to enter the game in this day and age.
‘…but organisers have decided instead they must submit their proclaimations using the written word‘ – lord preserve us… what would the late great, the mighty, Brian Blessed make of that pettifogging restriction? What might he have bellowed in protest? What’s that, he’s still with us? Funny, I haven’t heard anything from him lately.
Whilst we’re in the mood to loudly and proudly bellow out our news: ‘I was told to play down my sexuality. BBC’s new nature presenter‘ (‘i’) – but does he know much about wildlife we wonder and might he able to convey his enthusiasm about it to the audience? Or am I missing the point?
‘In being the first open and proudly LGBTQI wildlife presenter, Dan O’Neill hopes to be a positive role model for a new generation‘ – quite right. Let’s dispell that nasty antiquated notion that the gays are in danger of frightening the horses. Although quite how he’s going to bring up the subject of sexual preference as he commentates over footage of a lion bringing down a zebra on the Serengeti boggles the mind.
‘When I was young, I vehemently denied being gay. I’d known it from a very young age, but my sexuality wasn’t something I ever felt able to talk about.’ – you’re certainly making up for it now though.
‘I was always the kid looking for slow worms in next door’s garden instead of playing football out on the village green with the other boys. But there was nobody like me on screen – that I knew of.’ – well, quite. Fact is, presenters never used to bang on about their sexuality and the audience never used to think that mush about it.
‘The truth is, there has never been a clear role model for the LGBTQI community doing adventurous things on TV.’
‘Today I am lucky to have a successful career in wildlife filmmaking, exploration and field biology.‘ – good old BBC and their absolutely fair and merit-based hiring systems.
‘I travel all over the world to remote and sometimes difficult places, and I am comfortable being myself. It’s strange, and sad, but sometimes I feel more judged for my differences at home.‘ – this I find to be a bit of a lie. I would challenge this chap to find a place in the world more accepting than Britain. Unless perhaps he’s been doing a lot of difficult and dangerous wildlife filming on San Francisco Beach.
Yes – it’s getting there – the final taboo – sex with animals . This queer ‘nature presenter ‘ will be doing a 13 part series with that Rasta in a wheelchair showing how animals are queer too .. so being queer is natural – so people can marry their pets . If chaps can marry other chaps why not marry your pet cat or dog ?
C4 last night did a big job on the Chinese virus and India – where they claim it’s out of control . The BBC will be running ‘specials ‘ for its foreign friends with full project fear stuff .
Apparently the crematoria are melting because of 24 hour use and they are due to run out of oxygen today – whip round anyone ? Or pay for their space programme ?
No, stuff with animals is only the penultimate taboo. What they really want are the kids – messing about with sheep and horses only annoys the farners, whereas abusing children is all about disrupting and destroying families. There is already a campaign to rebrand paedophiles as ‘minor-attracted persons’.
LGBT —> LGBTP. Coming soon to a state broadcaster near you.
Have the BBC forgotten something in their Floyd/Chauvin obsession? The national anthem before the 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. News broadcasts. Where was it? Is it only played on the radio for the Queen’s ‘official birthday’ in June?
BBC multiple articles are intriguing as much for what is not covered as what is.
BBC News
When Rita heard rumours that her son was gay she refused to believe it. She thought homosexuality was a “problem” that happened elsewhere, not in Uganda.
Seems Rita got in touch with BBC LGBTetc Editors at BBC Gombeshire and sent in a pic of herself in a mask.
That’s certainly very enterprising of Rita. Usually the BBC just give Getty Images a call who, in true Blue Peter style, just happen to have one that they made earlier.
A short video of the crowd outside the court all shouting “Say his name…. George Floyd…. Say his name…. George Floyd…”. I’m sure they would also have said the pregnant womans name (the one Floyd robbed) if they knew it.
Got me thinking though… what do these names have in common?
Nelson Mandela
Mark Duggan
George Floyd
They are all convicted black criminals rebranded into model citizens. What a messed up world we live in.
“what a day to be a Floyd” – yeah, no mention of him being a thug though – only being a gentle giant. Who believes that ??
Listening to Greg Milam on Sky, he was almost jubilant at the result ! He said ” Derek Chauvin is being handcuffed and led away – being shown the respect that George Floyd was denied “.
This was a ‘slam dunk’ verdict. The US was afraid of civil war had the verdict been Not Guilty.
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC ask no questions but are happy to tell some lies instead
In the first half-hour of the programme there was a lot of concern about Covid cases rising in India. I find it increasingly strange that it has not occurred to any clever journalists at the BBC (who are paid very large incomes – presumably for being well-qualified and clever) that there is something rather suspicious about ‘Conservative’-led countries being hit excessively hard by Covid in all its forms.
Not only that, the country that managed to get rid of its previous ‘Conservative’ President, Donald Trump, in favour of a more liberal or Socialist administration, now has a Covid infection rate that is hardly ever, if never, mentioned on the BBC.
The only current exception is Israel and there is currently a chance that Bibi Netanyahu may not be able to form a Government and might lose if there has to be yet another election there.
Cannot anyone at the BBC not add two and two together (without using fingers) and realise that there is something strange about a ‘Communist’ virus hitting Conservative-led countries particularly badly? It is all very strange …
Meanwhile, as Guest Who has picked up in his 7.07 a.m. post above, the BBC are quite happy instead to repeat lies about the ‘invasion of the US Capitol building’.
“Conservative-led countries” Pardon my pedantry here but there is only one Western country led by a Conservative party and that is the UK.
In terms of conservative led countries – please note the lower case which might be a small difference but changes the meaning completely, again there is only one, which is Hungary led by Victor Orban, and which doesn’t appear to be badly affected.
All of the others are far Left leaning Socialist countries attempting ever greater oppression of their people.
Good point, Thoughtful. I was using the term ‘Conservative’ very loosely as a Republican Party – technically – would be anti-conservative whether spelled with a Capital or lower case c.
Good point about Hungary, too. Had forgotten about them. Am I right in thinking that they have been big users of the Russian ‘Sputnik’ vaccine?
You could argue that Bojo as a so-called Conservative is now fully barking up the Socialist tree, so much so, that Sir Keir is Confused (capital ‘C’ deliberate) as to what his job is and what he ought to be doing.
Just a thought here, if my interpretation of US law is correct, all the other officers accused along with Derek Chauvin are automatically guilty of aggravated felonies, because they were present at a murder scene assisting the ‘murderer’.
It wouldn’t surprise me now if a whole slew of cops hand their notice in as a result because you couldn’t pay me enough to work under that kind of threat.
I don’t understand how Chauvin could be found guilty of all 3 charges unless the jury panicked for their own safety. From my Googling into this case:
Second-degree murder is causing the death of a human being, without intent to cause that death, while committing or attempting to commit another felony. In this case, the felony was third-degree assault. Chauvin was charged with committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.
Third-degree murder is unintentionally causing someone’s death by committing an act that is eminently dangerous to other persons while exhibiting a depraved mind, with reckless disregard for human life. Chauvin was accused of committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.
Second-degree manslaughter is culpable negligence where a person creates an unreasonable risk and consciously takes the chance of causing death or great bodily harm to someone else. Chauvin was charged with committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.
Surely the more serious Second-degree murder charge covers the other 2. Perhaps the BBC will find time to analyse this once they stop reporting what a black Minneapolis cafe owner has to say.
The BBC news website is currently running an article, stating that ‘Netflix shares plunge amid fears (sic) virus boom is over’ (time to move your shares from Netflix to Big Pharma, eh?). Netflix is a major customer for output from the BBC and BBC Studios, but as always they don’t mention their vested interests.
Netflix continues to grow but below market expectations – “the company said a lack of new shows may have contributed to the shortfall.” Here’s something else they may not have thought of:
1. Their involvement with and multi-million dollar deals with Ginger and Sparkle (aka ‘The Duke and Duchess of Netflix’) to produce crappy woke documentaries and trash TV programmes.
2. The almost BBC-levels of new race and gender obsessed series.
Well, they were the two factors that caused me to cancel my subscription after 8 years…
Hardly surprising ! It would have been Meeghan pushing to be involved with streaming services, because Hapless’ level of intelligence stops at changing the remote button. Being a bit part actress does not a power player make.
My woke detector is very finely tuned and as a result – partly – I’ve cancelled my nexflix subscription – I think I was on it for about 6 months but noticed that there was less and less of quality and more and more of woke .
So I’m left with prime as part of the delivery package which is just about of the same level as Netflix ….
The good thing about these providers is the inflation of production costs making it harder for the BBC to finance its propaganda …
TOADY Watch #3 – a repentant sinner is always welcome, except he expressed no repentence at all
Learning from past mistakes while PM? No, not that either. The BBC gave a platform to Tony Blair – again – to propose a vaccine strategy – again – for our present Government. It was all to do with re-establishing the credibility of a vaccine, in this case the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.
One thinks back to how Tony Blair, as PM, undermined the security of the MMR vaccine and helped to create a growth in measles infections, to say nothing of infections of mumps and rubella, in Europe, the UK and the US. You would think he would be suitably penitent and state “Learning from mistakes I made ….” but no.
In fact, Tony Blair made things worse by clearly implying during his interview with JustinRemainIn Webb that the Covid vaccines don’t work, especially against any new variants that come along. And you can bet your sweet bippy that new variants will be ‘found’ every autumn, winter and spring from now on.
According to this article he was issued a phone but never used it. Blair does say, “I never had a mobile phone whilst PM” which is a very small lie compared to all his weapons of mass destruction lies.
SAT, 28 OCT, 2006
Tony Blair has taken ownership of his first ever mobile phone, it was revealed today
Downing Street sources confirmed that it was the first mobile he has owned personally.
He is thought to have been issued with a Government phone on coming to power, but has not used it
13:45pm R4 Should the price of a litre of petrol include the cost of the carbon clean-up?
Tom Heap reveals a radical approach to carbon emissions
Tom hears about the ‘Carbon Take Back Obligation’ concept
– in which oil and gas producers would have to capture and store C02
– ratcheting up from 1% of what they produce by 2023, to 10% in 2030
and 100% by 2050.
Some say it’s impossible to meet the aims of the Paris Climate Agreement without it.
… how much of the cost would *trickle down* to the petrol pump?
If you pay £1.30 litre
mining tax, Fuel duty , and VAT are about £1 already
The air pollution part of that depends on how clean the engine is
and as engine tech evolves it’s almost nothing
rather someone who doesn’t maintain their engine is different.
CO2, What’s the damage of a trillion tonnes ?
#1 Greens would have go argue they know Atmospheric Sensitivity..
ie how much each tonne warms the atmosphere.
#2 Calculate the negative effects minus the positive effects
eg warmings help increase yields
– improved quality of life
– and reduce winter deaths
#3 They’d also need to demonstrate urgency
It’s likely that the UK flails itself now and then in 50 years time China laughs as some cheap magic CO2 free energy like fusion comes out anyway
For all their pointless COPs and climate summits and meetings, which necessitate the use of their private jets for transport, whilst attempting to deny the rest of us air travel, their combined efforts thus far, have come to nought, and will continue to come to nought.
CO2 increases and decreases as it sees fit, without our help, and with the likelihood of an approaching Maunder-style sunspot minimum during cycle 25, we should cling desperately to any means available to us to keep warm, rather than mistakenly (and foolishly) try and remove CO2 from the atmosphere – it won’t work, and in many ways will cost us dearly.
Of course here the lockdown rules on haircut duration for people of rioting can soon be whipped up by BBC Mayhem into a nifty mostly peaceful protest now.
@Steve_Laws_ 3h
113 illegal immigrants arrived yesterday bringing this years total to 1,780.
It’s getting really difficult to watch the illegals flood in daily.
Meanwhile @PatriotActive66 is to stand trial in October on 12 charges. The prosecution is trying to get a ‘Criminal Behaviour Order’ (CBO) put on me and have me banned from the area as it will be the only way to stop me filming.
I don’t know why the government are bothering – they know we know what is going on but they clearly don’t care and will carry on aiding and abetting the invaders anyway.
The US state really is going for Chauvin now, with the prosecutions filing a “Blakely motion for aggravated sentencing” which means the sentence will be even higher than the official sentencing guidlines allow.
Chauvin is 42 and the maximum sentence is 75 years, even at half that he’s never going to be released from prison, so what is the real life point of increasing a sentence on someone who will now have to spend his entire life in prison unless this blatantly unfair trial is overturned.
If you say ‘I can’t breathe’ in your attempt to fake claustrophobia to avoid being put into a police car, it proves you are just saying it to resist arrest.
So if you keep saying the same thing while you get put on the ground, it has no meaning whatsoever. You are still lying to try and gain some advantage.
I find it entirely fitting that they took this phrase as their slogan.
Johnny Mercer’s letter to the Prime Minister.
“I am deeply proud of my predecessors who served in Northern Ireland. They are not second-class veterans. They deserve the protections of the Overseas Operations Bill like everyone else. A policy decision was taken not to include them. I made a promise on your behalf that we would not leave them behind and would walk through simultaneous legislation for them. No discernible efforts have been made to do so, and I can see no prospect of this changing. I have no choice but to leave Government and campaign for them in Parliament.”
Obviously Johnny Mercer is no match for the treasonous types in Whitehall.
He’s probably as popular as a fart in a spacesuit right now. I bet he couldn’t get away fast enough.
She’s really worked a number on him : all his bridges are burnt now. What an idiot.
I see nobody dare question her reason for not attending the funeral. Everything in her world is fake and lies.
Although it appears he may have exercised choice in the matter. Millions of people have not had that luxury during the past year and have been forced by government decree to miss the birthdays of their grandparents, parents and other family members. In many instances they have been unable to say final goodbyes to those relatives who ended up the ‘Killing fields’ of the nursing homes last year.
Police body camera footage of the 16 year old (and a 16 stone) black girl being shot dead which the BBC are trying to frame as a racist killing
The action starts at 6m40s where the police arrive to see blacks attacking blacks. I had to watch it about 20 times to appreciate how fast the policeman reacted. The shot girl had a knife trying to attack the girl in pink. The policeman killed her 13 seconds after getting out of his car.
At 7m00s the black guy on the right is screaming “she is just a kid”. That same black guy was the one who pushed another black girl over at 6m48s tried to kick her in the head at 6m51s.
Bless them. If it wasn’t for the police this would have been nothing more than a normal day time black stabbing black whilst another black kicks another black in the head.
But now a white copper is most likely facing a “racist”murder trial for trying save a black girls life.
One conclusion can be drawn from this. A reasonable police officer would recognise that it was black on black and keep a reasonable distance away. Very sad for the black victim, but what else could a reasonable officer do in a world governed by unreason.
Recall the concerns over claims (Oi… Marianna… finished wiv the feet yet?) in the States that the litigious culture meant that if a person in the street needed medical attention, the absolute last person to volunteer would be a medical professional.
I lift my hat to anyone using the BBC today . I just could not do it – even to bear witness.
Im sure the police killing case is getting the full treatment . It illustrates the weird mindset of the BBC in relation to America.
America is a foreign country a long way a way . It is very big and very different . Yet it is treated in a similar way to any region here.
Policing is treated as though it has the same system as here . I blame the origins of the country and the common language .
The BBC uses the problems of america as though they are the same here. They are not.
Its as though incidents in america are publicised as though they have a bearing here – which is so different .
If the BBC cant find a problem here – it imports one .
I’m not interested about the ins and out of police killings in a foreign country – yet when the race element is added these foreign incidents seem to become something else .
The BBC has been desperate for a similar incident here but so far has failed to find one
You have missed the very important point you raise here Fedup.
America is the centre of the Hive Mind. The concepts the left raise and the language they use is transferred to the UK wholesale and without modification, so you will now hear the left hear claiming that it is unsafe for black people to venture out in public because they risk being murdered by the Police.
This is obviously completely untrue, not only in the UK but also in the USA. It is also massively irresponsible and dare I say it ‘racist’ to cause widespread fear amonst a section of the population based purely on their racial background.
You will hear the left in Britain now talk of ‘structural racism’ (US speak) or White supremecists as if we had the Ku Klux Klan active in Britain.
Black Lives Matter is another concept we didn’t need in Britain and yet it has been imported wholesale from the USA by the left and adopted by them and that includes the cowardly useless incompetent Tories who have backed it to the hilt.
2:15 R4 drama : Camberwell Green. Part 1/2
A two-part crime thriller set in a London bus control centre,
inspired by the everyday heroism of keyworkers during Covid.
Under law “any original content” is automatically copyrighted a soon as it is created
There is no need for a Copyright symbol
Server logs would prove the date of content.
Of course we share here a lot of content created elsewhere
but that is fair use in two ways
We don’t reproduce entire pages
.. And we don’t profit from others content by stuffing advertising around it.
Cheeky buggers. I once had an advert for a car I was selling stolen from one website and put on another, and I actually sold the car through the “stolen” advert! I suppose in some ways this spreads the message.
i see they’re scraping all the posts on this site. I’ll see if I can stop it. Thanks for alerting me to it.
I’m sure that people will be riveted by my wise words ……
‘over to you ‘
Although any exposure to the existence of this site should be welcomed – I get emails each time some one new comes along . I’ve not been overwhelmed yet ….
Football : An existing Super League was about to make announcement on Monday
.. that it was going to expand and include a few more teams
That super league already earns £3bn/year and its administrators keep £500m for themselves for admin costs.
It’s called the Champions League and the administrators are called UEFA
The big 6 deliberately made their new SuperLeague announcement on Sunday to firstly scupper UEFA’s own plan, which would have diluted the earnings of the big 6.
I like the way the libmob and media are patting people on the head
and saying “well done you little people, you stood up to the big guys
Yo People Power”
…FFS the UEFA fat cats are still there
I’ve copied your football bit to paste onto my not606 Sunderland page (my user name is Charley Farley) (I know) where they have a thread on this.
Hope that’s ok with you.
As mentioned previously the programme Countryfile, nominally about the country but in reality about the BBC woke agenda, was on last Sunday and featured the Hambleden Valley, which it just turns out I know very well.
Featured in the programme was Cobbstones Windmill, a lovely mill on a hill top near the village of Turville. The mill featured prominently in the film ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’.
And what a lovely sight it was, with the lovely sails.
Just one slight problem. The sails actually fell off during a storm, Storm Ciara or the like, in early 2020 I think, but maybe earlier.
I’ve checked with contacts who as of a few days ago confirm the sails have not been replaced.
So the BBC film shown in this programme is old stock footage and does not represent the true situation..
Not unlike a whole load of other examples readers could no doubt remember. The advantage of this one is that it is visible, tangible, and provable 100%.
Still, since when has the truth got in the way of BBC narrative?
It was never in doubt bbc staff rival bat guano in the brain cell stakes, but the blondes really are next level.
Last year 1,021 people were shot dead by police in America – the same year in the UK police shot dead 5 people. The difference is huge.
Have I missed something ? because with all the jubilation around the world, anyone would think that Chauvin was Hitler’s brother ! No one denies he shouldn’t have done what he did, but listening to all the media coverage the bloke is the Devil incarnate.
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
There’s no more justice in America, it’s now a justice system living in fear of mob rule and mob action …
Let the joyful looting and arson begin
Let us for one moment reverse the equation and suppose that a black policeman has followed his correct restraining procedures and knelt on the neck of a known white male thug only to find that the white male thug has suffocated to death.
Racism? Not at all. The policeman was merely doing his duty as any loyal American would and the President of the USA would nod his head in agreement.
There’s going to be lots of people going without a new pair of trainers tonight.
I do wonder if this very fast ‘verdict’ has been deliberately engineered to prevent mass unrest in the USA. I see the prosecution deliberately ignore the judges instructions not to introduce new evidence I see Joe Bidens intervention and I wonder if they haven’t deliberately handed the defence the reasons to appeal this case, and to then quietly acquit Chauvin when the Blacks have calmed down a little. Antifa of course will never calm down and should have been proscribed here when the Marxist Tory leader Theresa May had the chance.
Spot on Thoughtful
Given that the jury was not sequestered until they began deliberations, there’s grounds for an appeal based on biased media coverage
That being said, if he’s acquitted on ANY count on appeal, get your marshmallows and popcorn ready
I agree.
The most unfair trial in human history.
The Birmingham pub bombings in 1974. Six convicted as responsible. Their convictions were quashed in 1991. A large chunk of the appeal which resulted in the quashing related to Tom King MP and his pubic comments during the trial. Same as this black woman, Walters and, naturally the Fake President’s comments. Nothing changes only the ‘musical chairs’ and different actors, as is said, “The facts remain, only the names have been changed”.
I hear that legal academics in the US have been called upon to prepare a new legal handbook for public consumption. Its proposed title?
‘Law of the Jungle’.
It will be much more convenient if Chauvin does an Epstein.
Given the testimony, there was enough doubt introduced by defense witnesses to constitute “reasonable doubt” on the Murder 2 and Murder 3 charges IMO
Guilty of murder2 murder3 and manslaughter all at the same time … That takes some doing
If an appeal is mounted, there’s no need to pack the Supreme Court to get the same verdict.
On the court verdict live update here
the BBC have posted at 22:25
This is the first time a white police officer has been found legally responsible for the death of a black man in custody in Minnesota’s history, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Still peddling racial divide where none was proven. The BBC are utter scum.
FBPE is a wacky cult just like QAnon
I wonder if both are rooted in false flag PR trickery ?
Was QAnon created by Democrats undercover agitators
to draw some Trump supporters into wacky conspiracy & ridicule
thus divide his support ?
Was FBPE created by team Farage
to make anti-Brexiteers look deranged ?
or L Ron Hubbardry?
FBPE? Please enlighten this remote colonial.
Florida Bureau of Professional Engineers.
They keep trying to build on shaky ground. And worship Femi, Tarzan and Adonis.
Anti-Brexit cult
“Loud, obsessive, tribal’: the radicalisation of remain”
FBPE : Short for Follow Back Pro-EU. This is used by some Twitter users in their bio, usually accompanied by an EU flag
It’s the world of Guardian offshoot the Byline Times.. editor Peter Jukes and his mates Lord Adonis, Soubry
“Notorious Twitter lawyer and ‘#FBPE’ cult leader, Jolyon Maugham”
A lefty describes it
Anna Soubry was on the bbc the day after the referendum, and I’ve never seen a politician look so angry.
When any nation concedes the course of justice to social media and the mob it’s a dying nation.
at least one national treasure appears refreshed
Excellent from David, including how the left have rejected any notion of objective truth and how ‘corporate woke’ has infected the HR department of every company, profession and learned society. I would pay good money to see lightweights Keir ‘I really don’t need a lecture from you’ Starmer or indeed BJ attempt to ‘debate’ David Starkey on any issue. The bBC gets a few mentions.
Nigel in the Telegraph today…
The BBC is so out of touch, its presenters are still ‘haunted’ by the rise of Ukip
I have argued for many years that the BBC is stuffed full of out-of-touch Oxbridge graduates like Ahmed who appear to regard anybody with a political opinion that conflicts with theirs as being beneath contempt. Her comments are just another depressing illustration of how far removed the corporation is from everyday licence payers, yet they do serve one important function: they illustrate why the TV licence fee must be abolished forthwith….
.. and more
Remarkably, it has survived and, indeed, prospered, despite its abysmal general record which includes paying vastly inflated sums to executives who do little more than shuffle paper; frittering away hundreds of millions of pounds on failed building projects and computer programmes; and handing out further millions in “golden goodbyes” to favoured employees. Did you know that it is going to spend about £150 million of licence fee income every year until the end of the decade not on TV and radio shows, but on a recovery plan to meet the £1.8 billion shortfall in the BBC pension scheme? That is in itself a scandal.
Well said Nigel, well said.
The BBC is truly bankrupt now, it was expected.
And we still have to bail them out whilst they claim to be ‘independent’ from ‘The Grauniad’ that nobody would buy to read, were it not for the BBC keeping a dead horse alive.
The bbc like many tax-funded crowds have already used the taxes that the elderly have paid throughout their lives, and have no need to show any appreciation, provide entertainment, or even listen to these citizens.
All they’re thinking about is how to keep payers of the TV tax from getting out of the morass they’ve deliberately encouraged, so they can squander all the slush-money on bame, blm issues etc., to try and attract the kids.
Can anyone really think that today’s kids will ever want to cough up for an outdated bunch of softies in W1A when they grow up?
Seems American Beauty reckons it’s safe to ‘report’ again.
How sweet. Barrack Obama getting an award from the person he loves most.
Our beloved BBC are really spoiling us tonight. Already we’ve had wall to wall ecstasy over the jury result from the US. I often wonder how they’re able to bring us a blow by blow account of a case happening on another continent, but if it was a Muslim paedo gang tried in their own backyard, then it’s a different matter.
Just in case the verdict went the other way the Beeb were doing their best to stir the racial pot with yet another airing of the Stephen Lawrence murder on BBC 4. FFS, do you not think the long suffering British public have had just about enough of this bloody case? It’s been shoved down our throats every year since it happened. It’s over a quarter of a century ago and literally thousands of young black lads have been murdered since…but I couldn’t name one of them. I wonder why?
Oh, and when you’ve enjoyed an hour of self flagellation over the Lawrence debacle, BBC 4 are bringing us a truly heart warming story. Lights Up : Adam. The true story of a young trans man and his remarkable struggle to be himself.
I simply can’t miss that…
BBC last night Totally flooded with Black people, from the news presenter through to the reporter in America-only white one was Jon Sopel. Am I racist, I thought I wasn’t but now I’m begining to think I am moving that way.
Nancy Pelosi thanks George Floyd for being murdered!
No one seems to remember that he pointed a gun at the stomach of a pregnant black woman while he and his pals launched a home invasion on her home, stole her stuff, and and ruffed her up.
Fine, upstanding guys you are/were!!
The Lefty ‘fact checkers’ went wild with that one so I did a bit of research on my own at the time to find out what really happened.
Apparently George burst in holding her at gunpoint (it’s not actually known if she was pregnant) then his mate pistol-whipped her (presumably saying ‘where’s the money’) while George ransacked the apartment looking for drugs and cash.
But the fact-checkers didn’t mention any of that. They called it fake because she wasn’t pregnant.
I still have no idea why the Left defend these people so much. As much as I have considered it, I can come up with only 3 reasons:
1) Votes
2) Groupthink virtue-signalling (by the more shallow and stupid ones)
2) As a weapon to attack the Right (who they hate).
Their ‘compassion’ is 100% fake. Otherwise they would have it for people of all colours.
“I still have no idea why the Left defend these people so much”
Its handy to have a thick mob to hand to be whipped up (at a whim) as and when its perceived appropriate to combat anything Right.
Yup. Only thing they are missing are the brown shirts.
I wonder how many of the agitators’ leaders are actually professionals, paid to carry out their disruptive operations by Uncle George and others of his ilk.
Racist view from a young woman of color.
Jon needs to RT Greg Gutfeld to counter such fact based horror about the role of the media narrative in redefining ‘justice’.
Here here Dobyns, I have been asking my self the same question for some time-are we to assume that ‘the powers that be,’ have deliberately kept that issue quiet? Analytical data shows that the Black is more likely to cause a crime that a white person-especially in America as the figures show. I have worked in West Afirca and through that experience ascertain that the Black peoples problems are in their psyche-if what they want cannot be gained by corruption then the use of violence is introduced.
‘Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice’. While glancing up at heaven. I would venture George never sacrificed anything for anybody in his entire life. Quite the opposite in fact : he made them do the sacrificing.
I almost felt physcially sick listening to this nasty hypocrite virtue-signal off the scale with the kind of absolute tosh which could be straight from the very worst IMDB 1/10 straight-to-TV movie.
And she gets away with it. What has happened to the world ?.
Jon knows his audience here.
Meanwhile in the real world, some fact checking has spoiled the thread for the glee club.
The word ‘justice’ joins others that have been absorbed into the blob, and hence BBC Editorial Unique Guidelines.
Having watched a Grisham novel movie with a dashing Matthew Shirtoff, Sandra Bull and MoFo Jackson on the topic of mob threat justice not prevailing, it was ironic.
But this was a different time.
On the video of the incident, the “Mama” whom Floyd is referring to is his girlfriend. “Mama” is what he called her.
A small point, perhaps, but one of many that illustrates how Pelosi and the Left are pushing a false narrative about a harmless mama’s boy. They are not interested in the truth.
Like a scene from Macbeth she is one of the three witches, the ancient decrepit one,. Kamela Horrors is the Old cackling one and A O C is the young, totally crazy one with the mad eyes. They predicted that “Something wicked this way comes.” and sure enough we have Biden as Macbeth and Dr Jill as Lady MacB.
Candace Owenwith Tucker carlson
America is a short step to civil war.
Maxine Waters and AOC are trying to out-ACAB each other and the usual MSM goons are piling in.
Policing in the USA is going to get very difficult from now on along with the recruitment of police officers . I predict that the crime rate will begin to rise .
Indeed. Gated community safety is only good for so long.
Then we learn more about players who supposedly hold power to account. But appear motivated more by agenda.
Once headed by the man who turned the BBC into what it is today, I believe.
And RTd as a source constantly by BBC NAnana BS staff.
Hi taff, a bit like the met, new officers have to sit in front of a panel of muslims to decide if they are to be acceptable
Fishmongers’ Hall porter ‘stabbed Usman Khan with spear’
One really has to wonder how they can write such a detailed article without referencing the religion, motivation or even the word ‘terrorist’ once. The ‘attacker’ is all we get.
Is this more of the policy ‘It’s OK to lie in the name of the agenda’ Moffat told us about ?.
Such lies by omission are lies non the less.
Just imagine the size of the headline font if they could have put ‘Far Right’ in it – like the recent one from Germany where no attack had even taken place.
What is going on in their arrogant, Far-Left brains ?. What right do they have to decide what we should know and what we shouldn’t ?. They are a diluted version of every socialist tyrant in history.
What’s worse is that we are compelled by law to fund them doing it.
Question: Do British MPs have to declare if they or their close family members have shares in private companies ?
BBC Moaning Emole brings us all the U.K. national broadcaster thinks the TVL payer needs to know.
By Nafeesa Shan
Ex-police officer guilty of George Floyd murder
Story detail
African-American George Floyd was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin. That’s what the US jury decided after the 45-year-old was filmed kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes during his arrest in Minneapolis last May. The verdict broke late last night here in the UK but over in America hundreds of people cheered and celebrated as it was announced.
The footage sparked global Black Lives Matter protests against racism and excessive use of force by police and many have hailed Chauvin’s conviction as a watershed moment. It marks a “turning point in history” for the US, said Ben Crump, the Floyd family’s lawyer, saying “painfully earned justice has finally arrived”. Echoing this, US President Joe Biden vowed “this is going to be a first shot at dealing with genuine systemic racism,” adding: “At least now there is some justice”.
Chauvin, who is no longer a police officer, was found guilty on three charges – second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter. He is expected to appeal against the verdict, US media report. Whatever happens next, it is a landmark case for police use of force against black people, and the verdict marks a significant break with the past, says BBC White House reporter Tara McKelvey.
You can find out more about the case here:
The murder that drove America to the brink
Five key moments from the trial
Tara Key Moments knows her breaks. And when to use ‘justice’. A lot. Tell it often enough, love. Does she take a load of selfies too?
Then there’s something about India by Vikas Pandey & Shadab Nazmi. They and Nafessa must be wondering who let Tara get in on the act.
Here’s Tara.
Lurch and Jon are tearing into a white woman. Safer.
Katty Kay’s twitter timeline of RTs is… very bbc.
They say justice will be delivered by a jury of your peers.
If you are white and there is a person of media over in the jury, especially blonde, you are screwed.
BBC Shires Radio
The former police officer filmed kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for NINE minutes has been convicted of his murder.
Also Shires Radio
💔❤How did your relationship survive lock down? Are you closer than ever or did you go your separate ways?❤💔
Illustrated with a lovely image of two from the South of the county, via Getty Images, one would hazard.
BBC News
Ohio shooting: Columbus police shoot dead black teenage girl
The shooting in the city of Columbus happened as police were responding to an attempted stabbing call, according to local media.
Interesting headline to run on social media, now, given….
“ “This afternoon a young woman tragically lost her life. We do not know all of the details,” Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther tweeted.”
That’s a gaslighting headline from BBCnew
People suggest a proper headline
@AltNewsMedia “Police save black girl’s life by shooting assailant who lunged to stab her with huge knife”
“Knife wielding Black teenage girl who was set to stab another Black teenage girl shot dead by police in Ohio”
“cop saves two girls lives by shooting knife wielding attacker”
The bodycam footage has now been released
Typical tweet from US racebaiting industry
gets 5,000 Likes
“another police shooting as @ColumbusPolice killed *an unarmed*
15yo Black girl named Makiyah Bryant.
Another child lost! Another hashtag”
FFS “Unarmed” apart from the knife she’s thrusting
Another view of similar
Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!
‘Town criers are back – but keep it quiet‘ (Daily Telegraph):
‘Town criers are making a comeback after a year of being silenced due to the pandemic‘ – Oh Nay, Oh Nay, Oh Nay… they’ve been silenced due to the government reaction to covid.
As to what we are experiencing actually being a pandemic, well that depends on your definition. Compared to what they had back in the days when our newsmen wore red coats, three cornered hats, rang a bell and delivered the daily news via a good old shout on our street corners, our little pandemic hardly scores a one on the Richter scale.
What’s that you say…? The Richter scale measures earthquakes and it’s the World Health Organisation that makes the rules that decide what constitutes a pandemic – well OK, we don’t mind rules about the technical language we use – so long as we’re very clear… WHO’s making them.
Why do I think this pandemic might be a bit of a dudd? Might eventually be admitted to have been little more than the flu to the vast majority of the population: ‘People with mild Covid-19 could take a pill or capsule‘ (Guardian); ‘Bozo’s magic pill‘ (Daily Star)
Speaking of ruling bodies: ‘…the British Town Criers Championships are returning after a year’s silence‘
But, Oh woe is me! The sport’s ruling body is going to forsake the true fans of the game. Rule changes are on the agenda and goodness only knows, this has to seen as a cruel betrayal of the grassroots of town crying. I’m sad about how this might impact negatively on those further down the town crying pyramid. It must be time for Boris and Prince William to have a (quiet) word.
Championship ‘entrants are having to enter their pronoucements in writing‘ – Infamy! Infamy! As the Carry On comic actor Kenneth Williams, surely a closet fan of town crying, might have wailed, howled and squawked.
This obnoxious proposed rule change by the adminstrators of our beautiful game – of town crying – goes against the very spirit of the sport as we know it. Our town criers may have been quiet, perhaps they have been shackled by the rules – unable to speak out freely – so the fans must make a stand.
‘It was hoped competitors could submit their cries of “Oyez Oyez Oyez” by video‘ – be be fair, technology inevitably had to enter the game in this day and age.
‘…but organisers have decided instead they must submit their proclaimations using the written word‘ – lord preserve us… what would the late great, the mighty, Brian Blessed make of that pettifogging restriction? What might he have bellowed in protest? What’s that, he’s still with us? Funny, I haven’t heard anything from him lately.
Whilst we’re in the mood to loudly and proudly bellow out our news: ‘I was told to play down my sexuality. BBC’s new nature presenter‘ (‘i’) – but does he know much about wildlife we wonder and might he able to convey his enthusiasm about it to the audience? Or am I missing the point?
‘In being the first open and proudly LGBTQI wildlife presenter, Dan O’Neill hopes to be a positive role model for a new generation‘ – quite right. Let’s dispell that nasty antiquated notion that the gays are in danger of frightening the horses. Although quite how he’s going to bring up the subject of sexual preference as he commentates over footage of a lion bringing down a zebra on the Serengeti boggles the mind.
‘When I was young, I vehemently denied being gay. I’d known it from a very young age, but my sexuality wasn’t something I ever felt able to talk about.’ – you’re certainly making up for it now though.
‘I was always the kid looking for slow worms in next door’s garden instead of playing football out on the village green with the other boys. But there was nobody like me on screen – that I knew of.’ – well, quite. Fact is, presenters never used to bang on about their sexuality and the audience never used to think that mush about it.
‘The truth is, there has never been a clear role model for the LGBTQI community doing adventurous things on TV.’
‘Today I am lucky to have a successful career in wildlife filmmaking, exploration and field biology.‘ – good old BBC and their absolutely fair and merit-based hiring systems.
‘I travel all over the world to remote and sometimes difficult places, and I am comfortable being myself. It’s strange, and sad, but sometimes I feel more judged for my differences at home.‘ – this I find to be a bit of a lie. I would challenge this chap to find a place in the world more accepting than Britain. Unless perhaps he’s been doing a lot of difficult and dangerous wildlife filming on San Francisco Beach.
Very good.
Agree to that last. Nothing but a load of bollux, as it were.
Is ‘opens up’ the new ‘reveals’?
And what if you are at a party and the only way to the booze is past a vegan or BBC reporter of diversity?
Yes – it’s getting there – the final taboo – sex with animals . This queer ‘nature presenter ‘ will be doing a 13 part series with that Rasta in a wheelchair showing how animals are queer too .. so being queer is natural – so people can marry their pets . If chaps can marry other chaps why not marry your pet cat or dog ?
C4 last night did a big job on the Chinese virus and India – where they claim it’s out of control . The BBC will be running ‘specials ‘ for its foreign friends with full project fear stuff .
Apparently the crematoria are melting because of 24 hour use and they are due to run out of oxygen today – whip round anyone ? Or pay for their space programme ?
No, stuff with animals is only the penultimate taboo. What they really want are the kids – messing about with sheep and horses only annoys the farners, whereas abusing children is all about disrupting and destroying families. There is already a campaign to rebrand paedophiles as ‘minor-attracted persons’.
LGBT —> LGBTP. Coming soon to a state broadcaster near you.
Ah… that’s what’s with Vile’s bizarre headgear.
He’s the BBC Google London MAP surveyor.
Watch out kids!
TOADY Watch #1 – Happy Birthday, Your Majesty
Have the BBC forgotten something in their Floyd/Chauvin obsession? The national anthem before the 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. News broadcasts. Where was it? Is it only played on the radio for the Queen’s ‘official birthday’ in June?
Ha ha ha! “the only way to the booze is past a vegan or BBC reporter of diversity”?
What is the new collective noun for someone who ‘works’ for the BBC?
BBCeniette (for the girls)?
What is the new collective noun for someone who ‘works’ for the BBC?
The BBC having been running multiple articles on lobbying the government with a suggestion that it allows corruption.
Of course when the BBC do it to maintain the TV license system it is perfectly OK.
BBC multiple articles are intriguing as much for what is not covered as what is.
BBC News
When Rita heard rumours that her son was gay she refused to believe it. She thought homosexuality was a “problem” that happened elsewhere, not in Uganda.
Seems Rita got in touch with BBC LGBTetc Editors at BBC Gombeshire and sent in a pic of herself in a mask.
That’s certainly very enterprising of Rita. Usually the BBC just give Getty Images a call who, in true Blue Peter style, just happen to have one that they made earlier.
George Floyd: Crowd outside court reacts to Derek Chauvin guilty verdicts
A short video of the crowd outside the court all shouting “Say his name…. George Floyd…. Say his name…. George Floyd…”. I’m sure they would also have said the pregnant womans name (the one Floyd robbed) if they knew it.
Got me thinking though… what do these names have in common?
Nelson Mandela
Mark Duggan
George Floyd
They are all convicted black criminals rebranded into model citizens. What a messed up world we live in.
“what a day to be a Floyd” – yeah, no mention of him being a thug though – only being a gentle giant. Who believes that ??
Listening to Greg Milam on Sky, he was almost jubilant at the result ! He said ” Derek Chauvin is being handcuffed and led away – being shown the respect that George Floyd was denied “.
This was a ‘slam dunk’ verdict. The US was afraid of civil war had the verdict been Not Guilty.
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC ask no questions but are happy to tell some lies instead
In the first half-hour of the programme there was a lot of concern about Covid cases rising in India. I find it increasingly strange that it has not occurred to any clever journalists at the BBC (who are paid very large incomes – presumably for being well-qualified and clever) that there is something rather suspicious about ‘Conservative’-led countries being hit excessively hard by Covid in all its forms.
Not only that, the country that managed to get rid of its previous ‘Conservative’ President, Donald Trump, in favour of a more liberal or Socialist administration, now has a Covid infection rate that is hardly ever, if never, mentioned on the BBC.
The only current exception is Israel and there is currently a chance that Bibi Netanyahu may not be able to form a Government and might lose if there has to be yet another election there.
Cannot anyone at the BBC not add two and two together (without using fingers) and realise that there is something strange about a ‘Communist’ virus hitting Conservative-led countries particularly badly? It is all very strange …
Meanwhile, as Guest Who has picked up in his 7.07 a.m. post above, the BBC are quite happy instead to repeat lies about the ‘invasion of the US Capitol building’.
“Conservative-led countries” Pardon my pedantry here but there is only one Western country led by a Conservative party and that is the UK.
In terms of conservative led countries – please note the lower case which might be a small difference but changes the meaning completely, again there is only one, which is Hungary led by Victor Orban, and which doesn’t appear to be badly affected.
All of the others are far Left leaning Socialist countries attempting ever greater oppression of their people.
Good point, Thoughtful. I was using the term ‘Conservative’ very loosely as a Republican Party – technically – would be anti-conservative whether spelled with a Capital or lower case c.
Good point about Hungary, too. Had forgotten about them. Am I right in thinking that they have been big users of the Russian ‘Sputnik’ vaccine?
You could argue that Bojo as a so-called Conservative is now fully barking up the Socialist tree, so much so, that Sir Keir is Confused (capital ‘C’ deliberate) as to what his job is and what he ought to be doing.
Just a thought here, if my interpretation of US law is correct, all the other officers accused along with Derek Chauvin are automatically guilty of aggravated felonies, because they were present at a murder scene assisting the ‘murderer’.
It wouldn’t surprise me now if a whole slew of cops hand their notice in as a result because you couldn’t pay me enough to work under that kind of threat.
I don’t understand how Chauvin could be found guilty of all 3 charges unless the jury panicked for their own safety. From my Googling into this case:
Second-degree murder is causing the death of a human being, without intent to cause that death, while committing or attempting to commit another felony. In this case, the felony was third-degree assault. Chauvin was charged with committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.
Third-degree murder is unintentionally causing someone’s death by committing an act that is eminently dangerous to other persons while exhibiting a depraved mind, with reckless disregard for human life. Chauvin was accused of committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.
Second-degree manslaughter is culpable negligence where a person creates an unreasonable risk and consciously takes the chance of causing death or great bodily harm to someone else. Chauvin was charged with committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.
Surely the more serious Second-degree murder charge covers the other 2. Perhaps the BBC will find time to analyse this once they stop reporting what a black Minneapolis cafe owner has to say.
The BBC news website is currently running an article, stating that ‘Netflix shares plunge amid fears (sic) virus boom is over’ (time to move your shares from Netflix to Big Pharma, eh?). Netflix is a major customer for output from the BBC and BBC Studios, but as always they don’t mention their vested interests.
Netflix continues to grow but below market expectations – “the company said a lack of new shows may have contributed to the shortfall.” Here’s something else they may not have thought of:
1. Their involvement with and multi-million dollar deals with Ginger and Sparkle (aka ‘The Duke and Duchess of Netflix’) to produce crappy woke documentaries and trash TV programmes.
2. The almost BBC-levels of new race and gender obsessed series.
Well, they were the two factors that caused me to cancel my subscription after 8 years…
Rumours say that the Netflix contract with Ginger and Sparkle may be cancelled due to the crap ideas Meghan has come up with so far.
Oh, please, please, please
Hardly surprising ! It would have been Meeghan pushing to be involved with streaming services, because Hapless’ level of intelligence stops at changing the remote button. Being a bit part actress does not a power player make.
My woke detector is very finely tuned and as a result – partly – I’ve cancelled my nexflix subscription – I think I was on it for about 6 months but noticed that there was less and less of quality and more and more of woke .
So I’m left with prime as part of the delivery package which is just about of the same level as Netflix ….
The good thing about these providers is the inflation of production costs making it harder for the BBC to finance its propaganda …
TOADY Watch #3 – a repentant sinner is always welcome, except he expressed no repentence at all
Learning from past mistakes while PM? No, not that either. The BBC gave a platform to Tony Blair – again – to propose a vaccine strategy – again – for our present Government. It was all to do with re-establishing the credibility of a vaccine, in this case the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.
One thinks back to how Tony Blair, as PM, undermined the security of the MMR vaccine and helped to create a growth in measles infections, to say nothing of infections of mumps and rubella, in Europe, the UK and the US. You would think he would be suitably penitent and state “Learning from mistakes I made ….” but no.
In fact, Tony Blair made things worse by clearly implying during his interview with JustinRemainIn Webb that the Covid vaccines don’t work, especially against any new variants that come along. And you can bet your sweet bippy that new variants will be ‘found’ every autumn, winter and spring from now on.
It looks like the government are working on everlasting booster jabs which could become core contractual work for GPs.
There is blowing Blair. And your credibility.
BBC does both in one.
Yes, I spotted that too, Guest. How long will it be before someone digs out a pic of Tone on the (mobile) Phone?
According to this article he was issued a phone but never used it. Blair does say, “I never had a mobile phone whilst PM” which is a very small lie compared to all his weapons of mass destruction lies.
SAT, 28 OCT, 2006
Tony Blair has taken ownership of his first ever mobile phone, it was revealed today
Downing Street sources confirmed that it was the first mobile he has owned personally.
He is thought to have been issued with a Government phone on coming to power, but has not used it
early undated photo of Blair using mobile.
You wouldn’t use a normal mobile phone then for government business cos it’s too vulnerable to security.
13:45pm R4 Should the price of a litre of petrol include the cost of the carbon clean-up?
Tom Heap reveals a radical approach to carbon emissions
Tom hears about the ‘Carbon Take Back Obligation’ concept
– in which oil and gas producers would have to capture and store C02
– ratcheting up from 1% of what they produce by 2023, to 10% in 2030
and 100% by 2050.
Some say it’s impossible to meet the aims of the Paris Climate Agreement without it.
… how much of the cost would *trickle down* to the petrol pump?
If you pay £1.30 litre
mining tax, Fuel duty , and VAT are about £1 already
The air pollution part of that depends on how clean the engine is
and as engine tech evolves it’s almost nothing
rather someone who doesn’t maintain their engine is different.
CO2, What’s the damage of a trillion tonnes ?
#1 Greens would have go argue they know Atmospheric Sensitivity..
ie how much each tonne warms the atmosphere.
#2 Calculate the negative effects minus the positive effects
eg warmings help increase yields
– improved quality of life
– and reduce winter deaths
#3 They’d also need to demonstrate urgency
It’s likely that the UK flails itself now and then in 50 years time China laughs as some cheap magic CO2 free energy like fusion comes out anyway
For all their pointless COPs and climate summits and meetings, which necessitate the use of their private jets for transport, whilst attempting to deny the rest of us air travel, their combined efforts thus far, have come to nought, and will continue to come to nought.
CO2 increases and decreases as it sees fit, without our help, and with the likelihood of an approaching Maunder-style sunspot minimum during cycle 25, we should cling desperately to any means available to us to keep warm, rather than mistakenly (and foolishly) try and remove CO2 from the atmosphere – it won’t work, and in many ways will cost us dearly.
Luckily £1M means all is fine.
The BBC continues to inspire in its coverage.
Of course here the lockdown rules on haircut duration for people of rioting can soon be whipped up by BBC Mayhem into a nifty mostly peaceful protest now.
They push, and push… then push a bit more.
One day the result might surprise them
113 illegal immigrants arrived yesterday bringing this years total to 1,780.
It’s getting really difficult to watch the illegals flood in daily.
Meanwhile @PatriotActive66 is to stand trial in October on 12 charges. The prosecution is trying to get a ‘Criminal Behaviour Order’ (CBO) put on me and have me banned from the area as it will be the only way to stop me filming.
I don’t know why the government are bothering – they know we know what is going on but they clearly don’t care and will carry on aiding and abetting the invaders anyway.
They are too scared to function as a government. What France is doing is illegal, it is the same as Erdogan threatened with the Syrian refugees.
Cowradly Boris could take the French to court and insist on compensation being paid, but he’s just too scared and useless to do that.
I turned on Toady this morning. Big mistake.
I beat my personal record for hitting the off switch; 4 seconds I believe, after I only heard ‘America can now breathe easier’.
The Chavistas in the newsroom must have spent all night ‘thinking’ that up!
The US state really is going for Chauvin now, with the prosecutions filing a “Blakely motion for aggravated sentencing” which means the sentence will be even higher than the official sentencing guidlines allow.
Chauvin is 42 and the maximum sentence is 75 years, even at half that he’s never going to be released from prison, so what is the real life point of increasing a sentence on someone who will now have to spend his entire life in prison unless this blatantly unfair trial is overturned.
If you can say “I can’t breathe”, you CAN breathe.
If you say ‘I can’t breathe’ in your attempt to fake claustrophobia to avoid being put into a police car, it proves you are just saying it to resist arrest.
So if you keep saying the same thing while you get put on the ground, it has no meaning whatsoever. You are still lying to try and gain some advantage.
I find it entirely fitting that they took this phrase as their slogan.
Former Brexit MEP asks – Does Boris Johnson secretly wish to reunify Ireland?
NI vets excluded from the Overseas Operations Bill.
Johnny Mercer’s letter to the Prime Minister.
“I am deeply proud of my predecessors who served in Northern Ireland. They are not second-class veterans. They deserve the protections of the Overseas Operations Bill like everyone else. A policy decision was taken not to include them. I made a promise on your behalf that we would not leave them behind and would walk through simultaneous legislation for them. No discernible efforts have been made to do so, and I can see no prospect of this changing. I have no choice but to leave Government and campaign for them in Parliament.”
Obviously Johnny Mercer is no match for the treasonous types in Whitehall.
treasonous types in Whitehall ?
What has really happened is Johnsons rank cowardice along with most of the rest of his party has led to this situation.
Absolutely – as ‘advised’ by civil servants and Carrie no doubt.
Ever on the side of our enemies.
I see that Harry (the Royal formerly known as Prince) has missed his Gran’s birthday in his rush to get back to his bit of tottie.
He’s probably as popular as a fart in a spacesuit right now. I bet he couldn’t get away fast enough.
She’s really worked a number on him : all his bridges are burnt now. What an idiot.
I see nobody dare question her reason for not attending the funeral. Everything in her world is fake and lies.
Although it appears he may have exercised choice in the matter. Millions of people have not had that luxury during the past year and have been forced by government decree to miss the birthdays of their grandparents, parents and other family members. In many instances they have been unable to say final goodbyes to those relatives who ended up the ‘Killing fields’ of the nursing homes last year.
Police body camera footage of the 16 year old (and a 16 stone) black girl being shot dead which the BBC are trying to frame as a racist killing
The action starts at 6m40s where the police arrive to see blacks attacking blacks. I had to watch it about 20 times to appreciate how fast the policeman reacted. The shot girl had a knife trying to attack the girl in pink. The policeman killed her 13 seconds after getting out of his car.
At 7m00s the black guy on the right is screaming “she is just a kid”. That same black guy was the one who pushed another black girl over at 6m48s tried to kick her in the head at 6m51s.
Bless them. If it wasn’t for the police this would have been nothing more than a normal day time black stabbing black whilst another black kicks another black in the head.
But now a white copper is most likely facing a “racist”murder trial for trying save a black girls life.
Oh I posted slightly after you,
Above under @GuestWho’s 7:38am post
I posted a screengrab which shows the situation clearly
One conclusion can be drawn from this. A reasonable police officer would recognise that it was black on black and keep a reasonable distance away. Very sad for the black victim, but what else could a reasonable officer do in a world governed by unreason.
Recall the concerns over claims (Oi… Marianna… finished wiv the feet yet?) in the States that the litigious culture meant that if a person in the street needed medical attention, the absolute last person to volunteer would be a medical professional.
Reap what you sow, community leaders of color….
Butler (Lab) reprimanded by Kemi Badenoch the minister for Equalities
Good one minute video
the same Dawn Butler who in 2019
accused the PM of not showing a “shred of concern for the consequences of his words or actions”
A younger Diane Abbott.
Only without the looks, brains or charm.
I lift my hat to anyone using the BBC today . I just could not do it – even to bear witness.
Im sure the police killing case is getting the full treatment . It illustrates the weird mindset of the BBC in relation to America.
America is a foreign country a long way a way . It is very big and very different . Yet it is treated in a similar way to any region here.
Policing is treated as though it has the same system as here . I blame the origins of the country and the common language .
The BBC uses the problems of america as though they are the same here. They are not.
Its as though incidents in america are publicised as though they have a bearing here – which is so different .
If the BBC cant find a problem here – it imports one .
I’m not interested about the ins and out of police killings in a foreign country – yet when the race element is added these foreign incidents seem to become something else .
The BBC has been desperate for a similar incident here but so far has failed to find one
Good luck today if you are watching it
You have missed the very important point you raise here Fedup.
America is the centre of the Hive Mind. The concepts the left raise and the language they use is transferred to the UK wholesale and without modification, so you will now hear the left hear claiming that it is unsafe for black people to venture out in public because they risk being murdered by the Police.
This is obviously completely untrue, not only in the UK but also in the USA. It is also massively irresponsible and dare I say it ‘racist’ to cause widespread fear amonst a section of the population based purely on their racial background.
You will hear the left in Britain now talk of ‘structural racism’ (US speak) or White supremecists as if we had the Ku Klux Klan active in Britain.
Black Lives Matter is another concept we didn’t need in Britain and yet it has been imported wholesale from the USA by the left and adopted by them and that includes the cowardly useless incompetent Tories who have backed it to the hilt.
2:15 R4 drama : Camberwell Green. Part 1/2
A two-part crime thriller set in a London bus control centre,
inspired by the everyday heroism of keyworkers during Covid.
Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that pitch to the commissioner.
Actually, no… even a fly would have died of boredom.
And they sit on sh*t all day for fun.
Much jubilation at the BBC over the Floyd verdict.
“Chauvin conviction a giant step forward, says Biden”
A giant step, says the man who can’t even step onto a plane.
But he’s right, it is indeed a giant step: for pigmented criminals across the US, who will now be untouchable, and unarrestable.
Coming to our shores soon, Oh happy day.
And just look at the gallery of ‘activists’ and race-baiters the BBC drools over.
Be careful of them sneakily broadening laws
to incriminate more and more comment
7 min Sky Aust video
Yep, also coming to these shores soon.
And we know what views they’re designed to criminalise.
They want to ban the swastika, an ancient Hindu symbol of spirituality, also found in many ancient cultures.
But not the hammer and sickle of course.
@Rufus a website is stealing out content and putting it on its own website filled with ads
See this page
and the list down their page which says “Related Content”
Under law “any original content” is automatically copyrighted a soon as it is created
There is no need for a Copyright symbol
Server logs would prove the date of content.
Of course we share here a lot of content created elsewhere
but that is fair use in two ways
We don’t reproduce entire pages
.. And we don’t profit from others content by stuffing advertising around it.
Cheeky buggers. I once had an advert for a car I was selling stolen from one website and put on another, and I actually sold the car through the “stolen” advert! I suppose in some ways this spreads the message.
i see they’re scraping all the posts on this site. I’ll see if I can stop it. Thanks for alerting me to it.
Isn’t that a good thing. It’s getting our messages out to more people or is there more to it than copy and paste for others to read.
They don’t replicate the comments
just the opening comment that Fed or Kesgrave wrote etc.
I’m sure that people will be riveted by my wise words ……
‘over to you ‘
Although any exposure to the existence of this site should be welcomed – I get emails each time some one new comes along . I’ve not been overwhelmed yet ….
Football : An existing Super League was about to make announcement on Monday
.. that it was going to expand and include a few more teams
That super league already earns £3bn/year and its administrators keep £500m for themselves for admin costs.
It’s called the Champions League and the administrators are called UEFA
The big 6 deliberately made their new SuperLeague announcement on Sunday to firstly scupper UEFA’s own plan, which would have diluted the earnings of the big 6.
I like the way the libmob and media are patting people on the head
and saying “well done you little people, you stood up to the big guys
Yo People Power”
…FFS the UEFA fat cats are still there
I’ve copied your football bit to paste onto my not606 Sunderland page (my user name is Charley Farley) (I know) where they have a thread on this.
Hope that’s ok with you.
@EM sure, I am merely paraphrasing Mr Cundy the TalkSport presenter
..ex player
4:30pm R4 Media show
Roula Khalaf, editor of The Financial Times
who just had a big scoop with the Camerson/Greensill lobbying story
here’s a snippet of the forthcoming bbc Scotland SuperEvent
Galloway meets Salmond
GG.. Well Alex , tell us what was your physical state when you stroked the sleeping lassie’s cheeks?
AS.. Same as yours George when you were in the red catsuit at Rula,s feet.
GG But Alex, tell the audience more about that chat up line…
“How about some Sleepy Cuddles… ? That,s a belter!
AS Lets talk Divisive Politics….I,m not guilty in front of a jury of my peers
Fake News on the BBC. Proved.
As mentioned previously the programme Countryfile, nominally about the country but in reality about the BBC woke agenda, was on last Sunday and featured the Hambleden Valley, which it just turns out I know very well.
Featured in the programme was Cobbstones Windmill, a lovely mill on a hill top near the village of Turville. The mill featured prominently in the film ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’.
And what a lovely sight it was, with the lovely sails.
Just one slight problem. The sails actually fell off during a storm, Storm Ciara or the like, in early 2020 I think, but maybe earlier.
I’ve checked with contacts who as of a few days ago confirm the sails have not been replaced.
So the BBC film shown in this programme is old stock footage and does not represent the true situation..
Not unlike a whole load of other examples readers could no doubt remember. The advantage of this one is that it is visible, tangible, and provable 100%.
Still, since when has the truth got in the way of BBC narrative?
C4 hard core woke
Apparently the American murder trial is a victory for coloured people all over the world . Really pushing for a race war . ..
However – I can’t imagine too many of the ferals sitting down for C4 news – can you ?
It was never in doubt bbc staff rival bat guano in the brain cell stakes, but the blondes really are next level.
No wonder she mostly sticks to RTs.
It’s nice to see Katty supporting my case . The number of American cops killing themselves and each other is … unknown ….
Have I missed something ? because with all the jubilation around the world, anyone would think that Chauvin was Hitler’s brother ! No one denies he shouldn’t have done what he did, but listening to all the media coverage the bloke is the Devil incarnate.