We are witnessing the BBC conducting an election campaign on behalf of the Labour Party. Some might say that such activity subverts the democratic process . But as we have seen in a recent election elsewhere – the BBC isn’t too worried about fairness – yet alone impartiality . Surely there is a score to be settled with the Far Left anti British Biased BBC …
Midweek Thread 28th April 2021
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Katty pushing a fact check by cnn.
Nick feeling the love.
Lurch gets… taken for a ride.
Seems there will be a lot more of Champion Ash seen on the BBC.
Hopefully above the wasteland, especially kids’ channels.
It’s nice to hear someone is benefiting from and enjoying the lockdown. The environmentalists among us may constantly be fearful for the future of the Amazon rainforests, but Amazon the mega corporation are doing very nicely, thank you: ‘Almost every aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic has served to boost the tech giant’s revenues, from video streaming to grocery delivery.‘ (BBC)
‘It said it expects the boom to continue over the next few months. The pandemic could herald “a golden age” for Amazon, one analyst said.’ – alright, there’s no need to rub it in.
You have to admire the way the BBC puts a bit of a gloss, a nice posh makeover redecoration and refurb (so to speak) on lockdown: ‘Amazon continued to cash in on our new shop-work-relax-from-home habits‘ – I’m not sure that a strange alien and authoritarian new set of social behaviours imposed by dictat and with transgression punishable by fines and reinforced by a propaganda programme of fear ought to be described as habits – but hey-ho, let’s keep it light.
Our BBC appears to be speaking to a rather leisured class who – for instance – might in the past at least have tended to have frequented restaurants rather than work in them – see here how the euphemism “left the sector” is transposed for the work-a-day formulation “gone on the dole”: ‘Bars and restaurants are struggling to recruit enough staff and some may not be able to fully reopen in May, after thousands of workers left the sector.‘
There’s a class divide of sorts on the frontpages of the popular press this morning. True class is represented by: ‘Picture perfect. Wills & Kate share adorable moments of family life. The cutest family album‘ (Express); ‘Home movie to melt your heart. Royal picture special‘ (Daily Mail)
Whereas crass classlessness is represented by the overgrown naughty schoolboy Johnson and his trophy-Sophie, the toothy nouveau riche-decor-style-loving Carrie Symonds. The giveaway Metro reckons: ‘Carrie the can. PM puts his partner in the frame for flat refurb as he says “I love John Lewis!”‘ – hardly the words of a real man’s man. Perhaps Boris and this John should get a room – as the saying goes.
But seriously, Carrie luv, I’m sure you’d describe yourself as a feminist so if all this expensive flat bother is down to you then you have to take the blame – along with the fame.
Speaking of unreal men: ‘Sir Keir Starmer took a not-so-subtle dig at the Prime Minister yesterday when the Labour leader visited the Manchester branch of the John Lewis department store and allowed himself to be photographed eyeing up some gold wallpaper‘ (Telegraph) – there was a time Labour leaders would go electioneering in the north with visits to coal mines and textile mills. I’m not sure a sarky metropolitan liberal joke that I’m sure would go down an absolute storm with the Have I Got News For You audience will really cut it with the Northern Red Wall.
‘Tories increase lead over Labour despite flat row. Support for Starmer drops before local elections‘ (Times) – it’s looking as though Sadiq Khan will be the last Labour man smiling as his postal votes pile up in London next Thursday.
The habitually po-faced covid-obsessed Labour-supporting socialist Mirror is perhaps panicking that Keir’s elderly voters will stay at home. Suddenly it’s safe to go out: ‘Get out and have fun. Top scientist urges older people to “start living again” as virus cases tumble‘ – can you notice the sub-text? ‘…get out there and socialise…‘
It does seem the Tory stategy of not only protecting the NHS (from patients) but of wrapping it in cotten wool, cling film and cash, has trumped Labour. Meanwhile the socialists dare not bang on again about privatising the NHS for fear of undermining in some way our sacrosanct lockdowns and private sector-led vax programme.
Meanwhile the NHS appears to be keen to follow the rather successful Amazon business model of minimising customer contact: ‘A home-testing kit in which men return two urine samples for lab analysis could help to discover agressive forms of prostate cancer‘ (Times) – although quite how the refund guarantee and return policy works should your sample get delivered by a confused van driver to the wrong address and you die of cancer whilst waiting for your delivery remains to be explained. Jokes about taking the piss and the hugely over-large box in which Amazon place your rather diminutive package can be safely left on the porch, thank you.
Ah – prostate testing – so many stories to re tell – but if Amazon is to deliver the sample thing it puts a new perspective on that little map – your future is four stops away .
In seriousness I think NHS policy is to use non treatment ‘ prevention of prostate cancer as a way to reduce the number of unwanted men … breast cancer – however – is a different song.
Newsnight… again? Shurely schome mishtake?
Almost honouring guidelines in ignoring them constantly.
Hence CECUO citing them in ‘got it about right terms’ is probably not helping.
Look – im sorry – l listened to the 0800 bbc radio news . Lead story –
the PMs phone number has been publicly available for year online.
2 dozens of jews die in stampede
Barclays says UK economic boom coming
BAFTA have banned an actor ive never heard of ( that might have been more important than the economy story )
Sometimes it is impossible to get inside the mindset of whoever sets the BBC news agenda .
I know the BBC doesnt like the PM or jews – but a story about allegations about a C list actor ?
Anyway i didnt get to the end of the news because i was disappointed that there wasnt more of the usual anti UK stuff.
I see the troll has been about – anyone want to ban it ?
I’m surprised the BBC even mentioned that BAFTA banned the actor Noel Clarke due to his allegations of sexual harassment. He is a black actor and only a couple of weeks ago he was put on a pedestal as the ‘best British actor of all time’ for his work in Dr Who.
Yes i admit – i looked him up . The BBC has form for elevating sexual predators so for diversity sake its only fair that coloured ones should be there. Maybe wimmins issues trump colour on this .
Toady also had that norman fowler on who is retiring to be something in the UN . These bubble dwellers always sound the same . Something rhyming with Hunt .
Fowler doesnt want the overseas give away money cut . Since he is on the international circuit he will want to spend your money for his advantage .
He also wants a covid inquiry now – but surprisingly didnt talk about ‘ learn the lessons ‘ – presumably he has inside information . …
No ban Feds, the name always conjures a particularly fecund rabbit to mind, and we have so little to laugh at of late.
That said, Carrie seems well placed for a good snigger at her expense rather than ours.
Ooh! you said “snigger”. I’m triggered.
The Mail this morning has a story alleging British national Muslim women were ‘trafficked’ to Syria to join ISIS where there are claims they were raped.
It would appear though that they were taken to Syria by their families and NOT trafficked at all.
This story has come from another far left charity called ‘repreive’ which is openly anti White British and openly pro Muslim, and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are in full support if it with Tory wet Andrew Mitchell who says we ‘cannot wash or hands’ of the Britons trapped abroad.
Doing even the most basic research we find that the charity states in its objectives:
“to end human rights abuses carried out by states in the context of the so-called ‘war on terror’.”
There is of course only one group of countries referred to as carrying out the “war on terror” and that is us in the West, and there are only one group which might be described as the subjects of that, the Muslims.
So here we have a group of lawyers who have set up a charity in order to prevent the West protecting itself from Islamist terrorists, and three guesses who is funding it?
Yes that’s right, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories last year gave this bunch of greedy weasels £173 267 of your money via the foreign and commonwealth office in order to bring people like Shamima Begum back to Britain against the wishes of the British people.
The EU gave them another £45000 The German Federal Office gave them £80000
You can view the list of large donors here:
Click to access Reprieve_2019_signedaccounts.pdf
Well done for researching it – more than the Lazy Mail.
Much less (perhaps), Legal Aid.
Reprieve was founded by Clive Stafford Smith a US lawyer on the the good principle of ending death sentence injustice
Seems he now lives in the UK and has OBE
Jan 2019 Clive Stafford Smith! Families are our greatest hope in the struggle against violent extremism.
Trinidad boys abducted by ISIS father leave Syria with Pink Floyd’s help
I guess such good cause charities can be duped or end up as fronts for something else.
Hannah Ingram-Moore back in the “news” again! That must be the 20th time this year. This time she is going for a walk with her family 100 times around their patio over a 3 day period.
It also mentions David Beckham has pledged to do 100 keepy-uppies. How long will that take from his day? 2 minutes? Well done David. Probably took him longer to get his virtue signalling press release out.
HIM has a Chief Executive’s salary to produce now . . . …….
Danger of me getting going on Pidgin again.
Toady earlier had the Wee Crankie election broadcast…..droned on and on must have been 10 minutes or more it’s no wonder sensible people like us avoid the BBBC , so glad I’m licence free now .
At last , good news..!!!
Economy due to grow in the UK, a growth not seen since 1948.
Scientists now saying we are no longer in a a Pandemic but now in Endemic stage.
Oh no, not good enough for the BBC or other left wing press. It’s as though they want us to go under and struggle.
Despite the best efforts of the BBC and Sky Boris Johnson increases his polling lead to 11 points..Even my rabid Leftie brother has no interest in who paid for the Downing Street wallpaper.Like most rational people all he wants to know is when will life get back to normal and when he can go in a pub and get sh-t faced.
The media have a serious nack of mis-judging the public’s mood and also treating us as stupid and not capable of having our own opinion.
Feeling better for that rant, off to play golf.
I hope your open air 18 hole therepy session does you good .
Ive noticed a theme developing in the BBC –
And i m creating a game based on it . But i need help . The game is about spotting words which now have alternative meanings – for instance –
Alternative – Alt
Refugee ( obvious )
Chaotic lifestyle
Maybe you can think of some yourselves . …
Political Correspondent..(Labour Supporter)
Sports Correspondent..(Labour Supporter)
Weatherman…(Labour Supporter)
News Presenter..(Labour Supporter)
Opinion..( Not aloud)
What about the golf ?
I thought of another one –
Newspaper review ….
I’m at the golf club…sat in the car awaiting my tee time..
Peston..(Labour Supporter)
Keunsberg..(Labour Supporter)
Naga…(Labour Supporter & unhinged)
‘Sources say’ – we made it up…
‘Offcom’ – you can’t make it up…
‘GQT’ (used to be Gardener’s Question time) – Some sort of odd personality trait…
‘…your..18-hole therapy….’
Can not only be misconstrued, but sounds excessive too.
You are sounding like a taffman. Ardderchog!
I am off to bed. Maybe I will bump into your brother down at the pub tonight?
..he will be at the pub, we have booked a table from 5pm….
Enjoy your kip…cysgu’n dda
TOADY Watch #1 – impressions while away the hours
The Prime Interview Slot was reserved for JustRemainIn Webb to give the Wee Nippy a nip or two. Actually, with both of them talking at once, it was hard to hear what Justin was pushing for a reply to and Nicola Sturgeon was being just a wee bit obstructive over.
However, I was left with a distinct impression that the Wee Nippy as Uberstammbaumführer of the Scottish Nationalists Party was actually going just wee bit cool on the possibility of taking an Independent Scotland – should the people vote for such a thing – into the EU. Perhaps she, like I, had read the words of a German MEP on the BBC and other Internet web-sites yesterday, saying that Mutti’s successor needs to pull Germany out of the EU because of the debt and inflation crisis facing the bloc?
If the EU Gravy Train hits the buffers, that £2,500 annual subsidy from England and Wales will be gone, Nicola, and there will be no handouts from Germany to replace it.
(Scottish Presbyterian accent) “Ooooohh deaarghhhh!”
Sturgeon’s modus operandi is to talk over the top of whoever is ‘interviewing’
1 the question you should be answering is
2 people are more interested in ….
3 ive already answered that question
4 thats a hypothetical
5 i came on this programme to ….
6 ive lost the line
7 thats a very important question
8 you ll need to ask X about that not me
9 now the weather
You make a very good point there. I too formed some impressions.
Nicola Sturgeon is good at evading questions. When asked about NatWest moving their HQ from Edinburgh to London in the event of Scottish independence, she said, “I’m not complacent about any company based in Scotland who has concerns about their future.” Great answer that sounded good. But it was denying something that Justin Webb had not even suggested. Standard trick of wily politicians.
But you can tell when Nicola Sturgeon gets nervous or very uncomfortable about a line of questioning because it is then that she abandons standard English and reverts to a few demotic formulas.
I identified a few examples of these during the interview with Justin Webb.
1. “Come oan!” (As in “Come oan! Let’s no get intae utterly ridiculous and incredible scenarios here.”)
2. “Ah’m no gaunnae sit here”. (As in “Ah’m no gaunnae sit here right now and say exactly what that timescale would be.”)
3. “Ah’ll tell ye right now”. (As in “Ah’ll tell ye right now these are not issues that are coming up in the Scottish election campaign right now.”)
4. “Look!” (As in “Look! I want to see Trident removed from Scotland as quickly as possible.”)
It was clear from the interview that she is very uneasy and vulnerable on the issue of the currency. And on the removal of Trident. (Amusingly, she failed to understand Justin Webb’s point about disrupting the strategic balance and kept going on about the safety of the weapons in the sense of them exploding if you didn’t handle them with care and dropped them on your foot.) Unilateral nuclear disarmament is something most voters know is not sensible. Deluded pacifists do not deter potential aggressors or keep the peace.
So, those are just a few observations. But Ah’m no gaunnae sit here and tell opposition politicians what policies Sturgeon is weak on and how to go for her jugular.
Good post, Z, thanks for your insights.
Maybe a picture is building up here? The SNP may not do so well as they like to think next month.
Up2 – i think words like ‘ solid border ‘ scottish currency and opinion poll might have toned down her overwhelming lust to be an independent nation run by brussels
Maybe they can dub ‘ braveheart ‘ into flemmish ..
‘(Scottish Presbyterian accent) “Ooooohh deaarghhhh!”)’
Has this got anything to do with Amazon and prostate testing?
Sounds like it!!
They all used to speak like that in Doctor Finlay’s Bookcase!
Especially Janet…
‘Aw, Dorrctor Camerrrron, it’s grusesome…’!
‘Aye Janet, an’ it’s grew some more…’!
(You can tell that the best company I ever worked for was from Paisley…)!
So it has got something to do with Amazon, but more a case of up the Khyber than up the Amazon.
Scrobie, aah, brings back happy memories! That and Dr Kildare were almost compulsory family viewing when I was a child. Plus ‘Your Life in their Hands’. Prior to us having a TV in the hoose, I had to listen to Mrs Dale’s Diary on the BBC’s Home Service.
OMG !!! Dr Kildare (drool !) was my fantasy at 14 year old ! (though my Mum preferred Ben Casey). What a bitter disappointment it was when 20 odd years later Richard Chamberlain came out as gay. These men have no right to be so good looking then admit to be batting for the other side 🙂
[“Plink plonk plink plonk” on the harp…] “I’m rather worried about….”
Peter, LOL!
No, I think it’s a sort of transfer of Mrs Brown’s Boys (without her boys) or the housekeeper from ‘Father Ted’, translated from Ireland into an East Coast-ish, Edinburgh-prim, (think Miss Jean Brodie) after the Service at the Kirk conversation sort of thing.
I have also encountered some ‘wee Frees’, albeit in the Highlands and Islands, and they can be a bit like that, too. 🙂
April 22nd : Times Climate Quiz
For #EarthDay there’s a 16-page pull-out in @thetimes today on the climate crisis. I
t’s part of the paper’s preparations for COP26 in Glasgow in November.
How much do you really know about the climate crisis?
Take our quiz to challenge your perceptions and compare your results with fellow Times readers #EarthDay
April 27th By coincidence FT also has a Climate Quiz
Is this Futerra the Green PR agency at work ?
“How much do you really know about the climate crisis?”
Well, I I know that there is no crisis, and that the whole thing is a scam.
Don’t need no 16 page pull-out to tell me otherwise.
TOADY Watch #2 – another impression, re-inforced by this morning’s TOADY Programme
The PM, by accident or design, most probably the former, has got the BBC into a cleft-stick, in a vice, painted into a newly-decorated corner, in a total muddle over the Pandemic and Covid infections.
The BBC are quite anxious to equate the whole thing with Global Warming, Climate Change and mankind’s (BBC’s emphasis on the man of mankind) mistreatment of the environment, the natural world and the whole planet. This was underlined by the dodgy propaganda the BBC put out on Radio4 recently over three half-hours (no less!) with Chris van Tulleken’s ‘The Jump’.
The BBC are desperate to have us all believe that the Covid virus is a ‘natural thing’ and the scientists are all agreed we have abused the planet. (Please note what I am NOT saying: humans are incapable of mistreating the world and causing environmental degradation and have never done so. That, be clear, I am not stating.)
The BBC just do not want to ask what any decent, curious, investigative journalist would ask: is this a deliberate infection, created by accident or design and released by accident or design from a lab in Wuhan, China? They are avoiding it – like the plague.
Despite that or because of the deliberate Editorial choice or position that the BBC have adopted, they do not know which way to jump on Lockdown. They want to back Sir Keir and Mark and Nicola in having severe Lockdowns but they want their summer holidays in their French, Greek, Italian and Spanish apartments or villas and they want to visit family and friends and colleagues in the USA. They want to go to the pub, to dine out at Dimbleby’s restaurant and to go ‘clubbing’ and to Glastonbury.
The BBC do not know which way to jump.
Do they oppose continuing Lockdowns and restrictions, in the light of the statistics and statements from some SAGE scientists and other non-SAGE scientists or do they ramp up the fear and encourage the re-imposition of Lockdowns in the light of ‘new variants’ (proper term mutations) of the Covid virus?
The BBC’s natural inclination is to oppose a Conservative Party Government and call for what their ‘fellow-travellers’ want. But the nation – and increasingly various scientists – want this thing over and to be set free.
This is what happens BBC, when you abandon integrity and impartiality in your journalism.
No wonder the BBC would not report on last Saturday’s march!
Kevin O’Sullivan on Sunday’s Talk Radio show
“Apparently there was some kind of anti-lockdown demo in London yesterday
..I’m getting a lot of stick for not covering it
.. I’m fed up of all these demos ..aren’t you ?”
Patrick Christy sneered along ..”yeh pointless the lockdown is all over
… On my show we have Indian Covid…..
and coverage of last night’s XR demo“
@_GregSwenson of Republican’s Abroad is often a TR guest
He tweeted
Now that you mention it I did not see the protest in the news.
I was there (my first protest)
Ref @PatriotActive66
‘Asylum seekers’ are being moved out of hotels.
e.g. https://www.lancs.live/news/lancashire-news/asylum-seekers-cleared-southport-britannia-20494695
… the Covid-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions have left the Home Office unable to return those whose applications have failed. It has now begun the process of withdrawing them [from hotels].
So where are they all going?
Here is a real estate company specialising in housing for asylum seekers & refugees. The rent is guaranteed by the UK Government for up to 10 years.
Alright for some.
our investors get a minimum 8% net yield
All maintenance covered (upto £2,000 per annum for a regular repair, upto £5,000 for a boiler)
no wonder some people are so keen to bring in as many as possible
The body of a female PCSO in a Kent village near Dover
signs of a violent death
“Police haven’t ruled out maybe Julia James was killed by a stranger”
.. Stranger in a remote village near Dover
Who could that be ?.. People smuggler gang, undercover police ..who knows ?
“She was killed on Tuesday while walking her dog in Akholt Wood.”
She got serious head injuries. Her dog was not taken
Her dog pulled her over?
Happened to my cousin, fortunately without real injury, but then my cousin was tiny and light as a feather.
No reference from that investigation as to where the ex-husband or ex-partner is living. Hhhhmmmmn.
TWatO Watch #1 – let’s correct the news a little and distort the truth just a little as well
The interesting item was a little old news from, I think, a couple of days ago: the letter written by ‘Generals’ about the Islamisisation of France. Sophie Pedder corrected the news a little for us listeners. I was thought it was a bunch of retired, ‘old guard’ Senior Officer soldiers who had signed this letter and it was about the influence of Islam.
But no, apparently there were some currently serving Senior Officers who were signatories. But they were of the Far Right. Sophie was keen to point that out. She even managed to get a mention in for Marine le Pen. There it is: all to do with the Far Right. Oh yes, maybe some of the general population may be concerned about this but they just want a better society.
In France it is now legal to murder a jew providing you yell Allah Hu Akbhar very loudly, after you have smoked a joint.
This might sound unbelievable, but it is completely true.
2:15pm R4 drama about the creation of of the Northern Ireland border in 1921.
Published today. I haven’t had time to read it.
Ofcom : BBC Studios’ lines of business
Assessment of BBC Studios’ changes to its lines of business
Whilst channel hopping, I came across Clive Myrie on BBC News asking a cyber expert whether Boris mobile number equates to Hillary Clinton email server. He was shot down by the expert, but he ignored it and tried again.
They are incapable of keeping any sense of proportion when it comes to Boris.
@AnneG that’s fallacy of comparing Apples with Oranges
Hillary took government info out of its secure zone on government servers and put in on her own risky servers.
The fact that Boris’s number is slightly public does mean anything secret flows out
Journalists have MP phone numbers all the time
and then journos phones get stolen.
The phone thing is mud slinging
Media need to comeback when they have concrete evidence something was stolen from the taxpayer.
that’s : doesn’t does mean anything secret flows out
Anne: “They are incapable of keeping any sense of proportion when it comes to Boris.”
Well, after all, the PM is suffering from dimensiona.
BBC Shires Radio tries to offer two choices.
Is TV better now than ever or are the oldies still the goodies?
Millions of us will tune in for the Line of Duty finale this weekend. Meanwhile, the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, has said streaming hours are up more than 70% year over year.
But, the old classics are also making a come back with Blankety Blank is set to return to BBC One with a new Saturday night series hosted by Bradley Walsh.
Seems other options have sprung to the public mind.
Yet another female bame appearing on Homes under the Hammer, and also appearing on Money for Nothing. She also appears as a fashion stylist on shopping channel QVC, and classes herself as a fashion & interiors designer plus upcycler. Clearly these self styled cv descriptions aren’t making a living for her so she is pimping herself out as a tv ‘presenter’. All very well, but when I think of all those students doing ‘media studies’ in recent years and now struggling to get a job in tv, I think its a travesty.
Instead of pushing the diversity agenda, its about time these media companies started thinking about the next generation who are coming through the system – black AND white.
Lurch digs deep.
ITV have pulled the fifth and final part of their ‘In Vision’ drama, due this evening. The star Noel Clarke has been stripped of his credentials after accusations from 20 women of sexual harassment going back some years.
Could even be true, but who cares now, he’s cancelled anyway.
Isn’t it strange though, that no single accusation appears to have been made over the intervening years? That the abused in question wait in line until he’s a big-time BAFTA winner, and then twenty of them arrive simultaneously at the same decision – and it’s payback time. With matching press releases. Clever girls. Some might even waive anonymity.
Belfield said he got a tip off two weeks ago
which meant the knowledge was out BEFORE the BAFTA award
Belfield says he declined to run the story at that time.
In some cases, the hard-hearted might be thinking ‘Hhhmmmn, wishful thinking?’
I couldn’t possibly comment – I don’t watch TV. 🙂
Springster still banging the same sad drum.
Got her a gig in the… checks ABC ratings… ‘i’
I think she is lining up for that big compensation claim against the BBC ….not prepared for the role …. too young and inexperienced …. left as a target for anti BBC people ….and the best one – unsupportive management …got to be £500k …
She is playing the victim card a bit too much. Hasn’t she got anything else to write about?
Maybe this?
Or, not.
Marianna says ” coordinated abuse I receive”
So she is alledging there is a CONSPIRACY against her
#2 why’s she putting out 20 tweet threads
when she is actually paid to be a broadcaster
on the British Broadcasting Corp
not the British Narrowcasting Twitter corp ?
Katty RTs.
And mostly all blonde.
Lucky Jon Snow is leaving and June Sarpong only works leap years.
And American Enema?
Presumably ‘flying off’ numbers are exempted?
Lead balloon springs to mind.
Beltane – it’s a shame because it takes attention away from ‘fury over illegal decorating in number 10 ‘….
…one wonders what a sane foreigner looking in would think of it ?
Am deeply upset that ITV has cancelled the final part – I was guessing that X Y or H – whatever is a the white guy …. who is a prominent actor … in seriousness I wonder how many people watch ITV now – I recall that their advertising revenue was declining as their wokeness increased …
Fedup2, amusingly enough ITV had the programme available on ITV Hub, their catch up service and flogged it in the intro to the replacement programme.
Having your virtue-signalling cake and eating it too.
Over the last year all this talk about People of Colour, POC, has left me a little confused.
I am White or probably Pink or Pinkish.
If I go out into the Sun without protection I go Red.
If I get to much Sun I go Brown.
I’ve been green with envy.
Red with rage.
I could be Yellow in a dangerous situation.
I tell someone something until I’m Blue in the face.
If I get punched I’ll go Black and Blue and maybe Purple.
I’ve been as White as a sheet.
When I’m ill I go Grey.
Surely White people are the People of Colour.
The BBC are keen to get the young voters out.
Well of course they are: the little SJWs will overwhelmingly be voting red, or green, or rainbow, or whatever.
‘I’ve been waiting to vote since I was 11 years old’
The key question, surely, is how dark Terry?
Local new has been filled with “Hull trawler unable to fish in Norway”
..no mention that it also fished in Greenland in previous years.
Checking on local ships I see another Hull company called yes “Andrew Marr” has a turnover of £600m with £17m profit
I guess much is from fish processing.
ITV “local news”
“we risk on 10 years the breakdown in Climate”
It’s PR for COP26 in Glasgow
bet it’s can ITV national syndicated item with Nick Smith. & Matt Price air tweet, Climate tweet
Now as usual they are mixing up the issue of clean air which is not climate
Claim it will save 30 Lives/ year in Sheffield (not true)
Now quoting Attenborough.
House journal goes grapple.
Scouse guinea pigs off to an open gig without masks or social distancing.
Local BBC news, nice friendly head to head with Starmer.
Ignoring his latest tweet has been universally mocked?
Cheshire man.
I’m sure I remember him; he used to hunt with the Cheshire Forest.
C4 news spent the first 15 minutes on India – the globalists strike back . But to
More important issues – the luvies have turned on one of their own –
Noel “ shagger” Clarke – 20 alleged victims of his sexual desire . One for plod – or will his make up exclude him from justice . Get yer popcorn out .
Apparently he was in the woke Dr Who – did he try it on with the Lady from Gallifrey ?
Radio 4 at 18:00 also led with Clarke, giving lots of detail. The Gargantuan intellect of Mark Easton was called upon to tell us how companies basically drop those accused like hot potatoes, because they are advised by lawyers and PR firms to minimize reputational damage by association.
Its a busy time so im going to open the weekend thread shortly comrades …
The case against the 2 ex paras being put through a political show trial in NI seems to have beened ended . I found this out on the twitter .. maybe the BBC only cares about finding british soldiers guilty ….
No doubt the woke British State will find some other ex soldiers to persecute on behalf of sinn fein IRA
What makes the BBC look good?
just discovered EuroNews Living and EuroNews in general.
Their HQ is a Green Ka’bah in Lyon…. see Wikipedia
Maybe the Guardian isn’t so bad after all?
spooks / infowars?