Comrades – May Day – rise up – burn your TV Licence – cancel that DD – some might say . Its the last weekend before some elections for something . Time for the BBC to have more ‘revelations ‘ about something on behalf of its’ Socialist friends .
Meanwhile- in the real world ….
A Conservative local election candidate has been suspended by the party after the BBC uncovered a tweet in which he endorsed the views of Tommy Robinson.
Stephen Chadwick said the English Defence League founder had been “talking complete and utter sense” about “Islamic problems”.
The Conservative Party said “any form of racism will not be tolerated”.
The BBC reporter himself began by tweeting some context
BBCPolitics Twitter thread
Seeing as all White people are ‘racist’ when will the Tories take the step they need and purge themselves of Whiteness. All I see with this is the cowardice which led to WWII and the deaths of 6 millions Jews.
Get a spine Tories you useless incompetents !
A Conservative local election candidate has been suspended by the party after the BBC uncovered a tweet
In other words…
A Conservative local election candidate has been suspended by the party after the BBC spent days trawling the social media accounts of Conservative and UKIP candidates looking for anything that they perceive to be racist or homo/trans phobic.
Actually “the BBC found a tweet from last Feb ”
Means “we BBC read it in the local online paper”@warringtonworld tweeted that
I half expect that that paper got it from HnH sleuthing on behalf of Labour.
Secondly the young Conservative seems to have made the tweet in response to Sudesh Amman stabbing 4 people in Streatham on Feb2nd 2020
Sometimes bias is simply caused by representing only one side of an issue.
Care home residents will be shortly allowed out on walks or trips on their own or with their families and not have to isolate for 14 days for their trouble, the BBC report. And I must say who can argue against the barbarism of the kind of house arrest many residents have suffered. By default and experience, I’m on their side.
But what the BBC news does not mention at all is that it is not that simple.
Care homes cannot get covid-related insurance and nor as far as I know will the government indemnify them.
So now imagine that a care home resident catches covid on such an unsupervised outing, brings it back into the home and thus infects other residents who become seriously ill and die.. And now imagine that the families of such residents take the care home to court for health and safety failings. Even if they lose, the legal bills will cripple the care home. If they win, the legal action and presumed compensation will bankrupt and so close the care home.
Hands up everyone who would be prepared to run a business with that uninsured risk?
As I thought. Nobody.
Now you may not be sympathetic with this train of thought, but surely to goodness the BBC tv evening news should at least mention it.
Sluff, the story was on R4’s TOADY yesterday, embellished with the story of a luvvie – Ruth Henshall – and her mother. It was made clear that the Care Home in that case had come to a private arrangement with their insurers to enable some operating changes to be made earlier this year. They had had a beneficial effect as far as Ruth’s mother was concerned, an encouraging tale.
But yes, your point is a good one. It’s not just Care Homes, many non-conformist Churches are in that position because they were forced by new Charity Commission legislation to change their Constitutions. In many cases, if the Church membership was not selective enough in their revision, the Pastor(s), Elder(s) and Deacons become personally liable for anything ‘that goes wrong’. The Pandemic has made many of them extra cautious about opening, even though permitted with social distancing, mask wearing and no singing.
Morden : I see that in 2015 kids 14, 16 allegedly set fire to the Baitul Futuh mosque complex of the Ahmadiyya sect
now it’s been rebuilt as the largest mosque in Western Europe with space for 10,000
I can’t tell which photos are computer simulation and which are finished.
* I dunno if the fire was an attack by Sunni/Shia Muslims etc.
Oh seems the 14 yo was the one, and he started a fire in the empty building next door “not a hate crime” police said.
Are the Ahmadiyya goodies or baddies? I can’t keep up.
Press release
“Foreign Secretary announces £8 million of funding for BBC World Service to tackle harmful disinformation, challenge inaccurate reporting around the world and improve digital engagement.”
That’s £8 million down the drain then.
Its what the BBC requested. The World service was one of the contentions on the last charter agreement as there was concerns over how the BBC was running the World service and how it was spending the money.
Back in 2010…
Hewstone says, it will be not about the political direction, but direction of newspaper commentaries. “If they say it is a multiculturalist government that hates British tradition and the international imperial legacy then that is what some in the public will think, and this will backfire,” Hewstone said. “Then again there is a significant demographic, of both conservatives and leftists, who think the BBC is biased, and trust in it halved between 2003 and 2012, 88-41%, so presumably they will hate it no matter what the government does.”
So double scotch all round, the money is back on the table. No bias? They are employed because they can ensure a bias tailored to whoever pays them.
There was a distinct ‘bias’ concern previously in 2010. Now its forgotten, with new money due no doubt connected to Climate Control and foreign aid.
Of course, the source of the “disinformation” will always be from the right, never the left.
Somebody mentioned the awful Saturday night TV a few weeks ago and I commented about the new offering from the BBC ‘I can see you voice’ The two contestants the first week were Lee and his husband John! I nearly added that next week I bet it would be BAME contestants,I wished I’d lumped on now as the following week it was indeed two black woman.Last week was and Indian man and women and this week we have two black men
I’m off to Ladbrokes in the morning to see what odds they’re offering on a white able bodied heterosexual couple appearing next week but I will be putting my money on somebody in a wheelchair.
You won’t even get that kind of people in a supermarket advert.
FFS people are people, but Channel4 seeks to divide people by skin colour
They are obsessed with it.
There’s a BBC story
Channel 4 to hold ‘black takeover’ day
Popular shows such as Gogglebox will star all-black talent to “kickstart greater representation”.
Someone tweets
” there’s an LGBT+ opportunity right NOW if you speak to your team! ”
All Channel4 black tweets
Right now the C4 Garden show has a segment where they’re doing a garden makeover for a black family with the C4 black gardener.
I didn’t think that many black people are interested in gardening
but if they are equally, then of course 4% of garden shows should feature them.
I can’t imagine TV execs are trying to make sure that 87% of gospel choirs or rap singers are white.
I bet somebody thought that title was really good.
It’s all ripe for satire…..but satire doesn’t exist anymore out there (it does in my conversations though).
There’s a kind of religiosity to everything. Everybody’s po faced.
And there’s no disrespect to the terminally po faced….
“…disrupt it’s….”. The possessive pronoun is “its”, what a poor example to show to the under-educated in our society! But then, in leftie-land, correct grammar is anathema to educationalists.
I hear that Australia has banned people travelling from India.
Sounds sensible.
Has the U.K. done that?
Only if he gets permission from the BBC
“banned travel from India?”
Nah… but if the delays due to blithering officiousness and malingering nitwits at Border Farce get any longer you’ll effectively quarantine airside at Heathrow anyway?
I see the BBC editors didn’t have the space to report on the London protests today – again.
I think they were a bit lack-lustre compared with last week’s effort…
al beeb will be spitting feathers over this
(from the Telegraph)
[url=]post pictures[/url]
But the writer…..Hilary Mantel…..says the monarchy won’t last past William! Mind you, that could be another 50 years.
No offence Dobyns but personally I think the money would be better spent on an extra warship for the Royal Navy. We are going to need it shortly.
taffman, none taken and I agree totally.
It’s just the idea of a new ship like this that will make al beeb get totally contorted lol
Funny. But it’s right about putting the money to an extra warship.
Mind you, you lot have been a bit slow…..shouldn’t it be the Royal rubber dinghy?
Perhaps Boris knows something big is coming which will wipe out all and every National Debt? Like the ‘Great Reset’ perhaps? This may account for frivolities overloading his shopping basket.
If all privately owned property is taken over by the State and its value assessed…………………
The new ship will surely be capable of use as a hospital ship or something equally vital, just like her predecessor.
…and God bless all who sail in him…
‘I’ll be buggered if I get back into TV…..’
Now…..that could have all sorts of meanings. But it could be right wing satire.
Try writing some satire about gays Mr Norcott……you just couldn’t do it.
‘Tory lead slashed in latest poll….’
screams the headline
in the Observer
and the poll was
in the Observer
and the Observer
is the Sunday Guardian
so it’s bollocks.
A funny coincidence just happened . The paper round person rang the doorbell and apologised profusely that he had delivered the wrong paper. I returned the Observer and got the correct one. His passing comment was “We don’t deliver many of these” (the Observer).
The Observer customer must be in a splitty fit if someone had delivered him the Telegraph, Mail, or Express.
Oddly enough I grew up reading the Telegraph and the Sunday Observer, both of which we had delivered.
Always knew we were weird.
“May Day Morris dancers wear blue makeup over racism concerns”
More Woke.
Would any other country change their long-standing traditions to accommodate the ‘feelings’ of the minority immigrant population?
Is blue the new black?
AltMediaNews on Horrible Histories
Actually looks like they turned the comments off
there’s some under the Telegraph tweet
AFAIK The Cheddar man example is a red herring
You can’t get skin colour from a skeleton
It’s just the artist who made a replica face CHOSE to make it black.
Moffat already told us that the BBC are quite prepared to lie to children about the ethnic makeup of the history of Britain because they think it might lead to it happening more in the future.
In other words, the ends justify the lies. Absolutely outrageous : what other lies do the BBC tell us because THEY think it’s acceptable in the name of THEIR political agenda ?.
Not turned them off, deleted them completely.
The Telegraph are one of the worst for doing that when the comments don’t fit theior agenda.
They never even open comments for Bryony Gordon now – even though her ‘articles’ are opinion pieces which should always be opened. She got crucified every time for writing narcissistic rubbish. It’s quite embarassing for her and the DT – but journalists seem to have no sense of shame whatsoever.
Dim people at the BBC, Stew, who merely wish to project and promote their agenda are unable to think. They are not bright enough to put themselves back in time before the time of smart phones, tablets, laptops, John Lewis sofas, electricity, supermarkets and the NHS.
What sort of skin colour would a person have who had to make their clothes from animal skins, who lived outside from sunrise to sunset, all year round, weather beaten by wind rain and sun?
An article originally from the New Scientist, directly quoting researchers who specialise in the study of such matters, tells us that it was never actually stated in the original report that Cheddar Man was black. He might have been dark-skinned but if so, how dark-skinned? Swarthy, weather-beaten, tanned? Dusky blackish or really dark black-black? Or maybe just white? Nobody actually really knows.
Definitely not an exact science then but the bBc and the “Gullible Histories” team don’t care, they know that Cheddar Man was black. And by black they don’t simply mean/are suggesting to children just the colour of his skin, they mean “black”, as in a person-of-colour, just like the actor pictured, which there is definitely no proof of.
Piku makes a claim below
See my reply deep below where later statements contradict his BBC story.
“You can’t get skin colour from a skeleton”
Yes you can. It’s called DNA Sequencing .
See also: BBC Drama Commissioning. Especially Henry Ford Theatre Productions of the Midwich Cuckoos.
Top link there.
6. gets close, but really does not fully go into…
How political?
How woke?
How much to staff salaries, esp. CEO (looking at you David Tracey)
Any connection to CIN?
Or Oxfam Working Girl Helmet Team?
There are also Sloane Ranger Woman
And Princess Whoopi Doo×1050.jpg
Even I got the point from Up2’s posting.
My post was a reply to Stew Green not Up2snuff.
DNA, useful stuff, which connected the the deceaeased with numerous WHITE people still living nearby.
Years ago.
How is the mad woman in the woods? Still losing every “argument”?
@Piku You take the BBC article as fact, but there is a later article casting doubt
A Briton who lived 10,000 years ago had dark brown skin and blue eyes. At least, that’s what dozens of news stories published this month – including our own – stated as fact.
But one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.
Read more:
What about lip size? I imagine Cheddar man as very much like George Floyd.
Well, due to some inverted racist scientific study stating cheddar man and his clan were black, they certainly didn’t stay black very long….
Well, it was years ago now, and the Cheddars did try being black but got cheesed off with all the abuse from the Dumnonii and Durotriges, so they opted for a sort of pinkish tan.
And Stilton Man turned blue.
“South Asians in UK at greater risk from Covid”
Why ?
Ask Femi.
Or wait until he is next in a studio being asked.
Because they generally live in their own communities under their own rules. Same as the other disproportionatley affected group who murder everyone in London.
They are here because this is where they can get the most. They have no interest whatsoever in our culture and way of life.
The original Lancet article if anyone wants to trawl through it.
The Summary (at the beginning) says “Causes are likely to be multifactorial.” So people will be able to make of that what they will.
However, to me the last paragraph of the whole report seems more political than medical:
Minority ethnic groups in the UK have had disproportionately high levels of poor COVID-19 outcomes, with disparities increasing even within the course of the epidemic for some groups. Reducing ethnic inequalities will need action across a broad range of measures such as addressing the wider adverse effects of disadvantage and structural discrimination, reducing within-household and between-household transmission, and improving control of clinical conditions. The relative importance of each of these measures will differ by both ethnic group and stage of COVID-19 progression. Equality is difficult to achieve, but structural and persistent inequalities must be addressed in a civilised society.
When there is a TB outbreak, just look at the ‘community’ where its most prevalent.
Always a lot of whingeing and whining from community leaders that its their community that are ‘neglected’ by the government, but because of their thick intelligence the government cant reason with a brick wall. If they don’t want to be vaccinated, if they don’t like their treatment here, then sod off somewhere else – but I bet its not ‘back home’ to India !!!!
Its tragic what’s occurring in India, but that country was always a disaster waiting to happen. TV pictures being shown its like the cesspit of the world. Hygiene and infrastructure are not words in their vocabulary. We may be castigated for plundering their resources 150 years ago, but when we pulled out they didn’t exactly capitalise on what we left them. No amount of money in the world would entice me to visit the place – unless I wore a hazmat suit the whole time.
I just want to balance your post a bit Brissles. I completely understand that you are basing your opinion on what you imagine India is like without ever having been there. I just want you to consider other things that affect what is happening there that you wouldn’t have considered.
1. The majority of people there live in a society that basically hasn’t changed in hundreds, or even thousands of years, They don’t watch TV, listen to radio, or read newspapers.
2. Within these poor and lower classes keep in mind they are a very spiritual society who will die of hunger before they would kill a cow. This was the reason I first wanted to visit to see what that world was like after living in the States for 5 years. It really is special and incredible and I learned a lot about myself and life whilst there, and actually spent a couple of years there.
Any Indians you would have met will be at least middle-class and not representative of the majority. Hope you find this stimulating.
@theisland Editor-in-chief of The Lancet Richard Horton
gives the Lancet a very Guardianland lefty stance
Boris Johnson: What is the PM’s relationship with the truth?
Probably variable. He’s a pol. But no worse than many.
Unlike the bbc, which is unelected but clearly wishes its unaccountable powers were channeled through those it prefers.
What is Al Beeb’s relationship with the truth? Perhaps Tony Hall can help?
Poor Laura Keunssberg,
Being humiliated by Matt Hancok must have hurt..(made my evening)
Stupid article with no actual evidence, all hearsay as usual from the Beeb
I expect that Caitlyn Jenner will be “cancelled” by the
BBC and the rest of the woke brigade for her comments
on the fact that trans men who become women should
not be allowed to compete in women’s competitive
sports .
I am totally opposed to banning any gender fluid person from competing in any sporting events.It will spoil all the fun.I can’t wait to see ‘women’ with beards winning hatfulls of gold medals at the Olympics , or a six foot six sixteen stone footballer lifting the women’s world football cup, or a ‘women’ blasting other normal women off the centre court at Wimbledon. Even better will the BBC ‘s punditry on these momentous events, admiring a players strength , speed and endurance might get them cancelled. Such fun.
Must say a mixed doubles of Geof Capes and Brian Blessed in a full modesty leotard and pink tutu dominating mixed doubles with Sharapovian and Venusian basso profondo grunts might be fun.
Purrlease! I’ve just eaten my lunch!
I guess that all the football league will have mixed players soon, so that’ll be fun to watch…
On the other hand, a good Boxing Day treat would be mixed rugby…
Yes indeed lifting in line outs might be a bit of a problem and refs might have a problem blowing for ‘not in straight ‘ at scrums . I’m sure a new term for mauls could be found but surely hooker is irreplaceable?
Women’s beach volleyball won’t be quite the same….
It exposes the mass stupidity and hypocrisy around all of this ‘equality’.
Eventually we will have a list of things were women must be given equality (where it suits them : promotion and pay for example) and another list of where they don’t want it (like this case where it means men win).
The rules will be flexible to make sure they are always in their favour.
“…where it means men win.”
Like military battles.
How about recognising that certain jobs or pursuits need certain characteristics and accept that anyone suitable should be paid/treated equally and rewarded as per merit, regardless of sex?
The issue of trans women in female sports competitions is a completely separate issue.
It would show to the world the whole absurdity of the trans movement and their demands, so eagerly promoted by the libtards at the BBC.
Reductio ad absurdum…that’s what will finish all of this trans bollux.
Now, when you say bollux…
“North Korea accuses Joe Biden of pursuing hostile policy over its nuclear programme”
They along with China and Russia are becoming more emboldened now that President Trump has been replaced.
Quite so. Totally foreseeable.
Yes, that’s the danger and, what with the the ‘Alliance’ between Russia and China, as you mention, they could collectively take the opportuning to destroy the West in one fell swoop. Who would come to the assistance of the US (indeed, if it decided to engage – BIG IF)? Europe?
One can only hope the prospect of a unliveable radioactive World might deter.
This has been on the cards for a couple of decades. They play the long game.
And just imagine how seriously they will take Harris when sleepy finally falls off the top of some aeroplane steps. Speaking of which, I wonder if they will manage the situation by not having anyone watching when he boards now.
I have trouble coping with how absurd this Biden administration is. It’s like I’ve woken up in a different reality. The MSM are totally refusing to acknowledge it.
He doesn’t fall down, he falls up. Watch the videos.
And don’t forget Iran!
All those enemies of the West must look at their screens and see a doddering old fool who can’t finish a sentence or climb a flight of steps, flanked by two muzzled girlies (all those countries are very macho).
They must think it’s Christmas.
taffman, not sure a Russia under Putin would necessarily go along with China. Could be wrong on that but I think they might resent Chinese global hegemony in the light of Russia’s shrinking world and join with the West to put NK and China back in their boxes.
That would be a better scenario . I hope that you are correct ?
Russia joining NATO, now that would be very much better .
BBC Framing Today sunk by 45 degrees of Scottish hillside.
Nancy Nicholson was in the shadow of Schiehallion, a mountain (in Perth & Kinross, Scotland) of some fondness in my family. She was talking with a sheep farmer Finlay McIntyre, who manages the Dunalastair estate in Perthshire. It was a heartwarming programme, especially at the end.
Nancy Nicholson did the BBC thing and asked a sheep farmer, who manages an estate that also has cattle on it, about Global Warming (in Perthshire!), Climate Change, Sustainability and the future for sheep and cattle. Can you capture CO2 in the soil? Metaphorically speaking, Mr McIntyre went to a sheep and got a flea (and maybe a tick, too) and placed them firmly in Nancy’s ear! He replied to her question diplomatically and gently at first but by the end of his closing remarks it was clear what his view was. I’m trying to think of a suitable word in the Gaelic but nothing comes to mind.
In Perthshire, much of the countryside is only at thirty to forty-five degrees to the horizontal. Further west, where the weather and the countryside is even more rugged, the topography tilts further upward maybe sixty (or more) degrees to the horizontal. They farm sheep and cattle there, too. Hopefully, Finlay put Nancy right on the realities of a BBC metro-socialist vegan diet after the programme recording had ended.
It is really hard to grow arable crops and get a tractor to land that has those sort of slopes. Think again, XR, Attenborough and the BBC!
Quite so. Bloody maddening.
It’s the rewilders that send me daft! I spent all day yesterday….clearing a large hillside garden of stones prior to mowing. Backbreaking work filling up baskets and then carting them off.
This was done over countless generations over the better upland land… order to farm it. Bloody toil!
And now rewilders want to undue that work and cover everything with trees. Drives me mad.
Still….I’m sure there’ll be plenty for you to froth about on Countryfile as well!
The left’s pure existence is based on the premise that it wants to undo everything good that’s been done by others, and when it can’t do that, it is quite happy merely to destroy things for the sake of it, having conjured up some obscure and ridiculous reason to justify them doing so.
The left is about misery, doom, and destruction. It is their mission in life.
After careful study of the Left since they got my attention before Brexit is that they are, in general, shallow, humourless, greedy and utterly self-centred people who get nasty very quickly when they lose. Just like Ken Barlow and all the other school teachers you remember.
Soubry was a shining example – as is Pelosi. Their faces contort and shake with hate when they talk about something which upsets them.
I genuinely believe that the Left would gladly see this great country of ours go into serious demise and failing if it was to better there standing.
My wife’s nephew and his girlfriend are typically leftie self lothing, British hating, BLM/LGBTQ virtue signallers, 50 Twitter posts a day about how they hate everything British (but have never been abroad).
The girlfriend is the worst of the two and will bang on about how hard it is to be a TV/film writer (even though she hasn’t tried). Next Tweet will be a “well done” to a stranger who has just annouced they have got a job in TV or Film. Then an hour later she is slagging off someone else who has got into TV or film but has now made some good money out of it.
As you say the left is all about misery, doom and destruction but I would also add jealousy.
Yes…..when the middle class ones get older…..I note they have the same views..but with a few properties and live in a nice area.
Garry, I bet in the IoMan, just like coastal Antrim and some parts of the Scottish Highlands & Islands you have some straggly things at a 45° angle to the vertical, that a Teletubby might just point at and say “Tweee!”. But then again, a Teletubby might not recognise it as such.
There’s a reason why trees don’t grow in windswept places, on poor quailty soil that’s rocky and stony but the BBC in their current Climate Change fixated state cannot understand that. There’s a reason why self-propelling cattle, sheep and goats can be left to feed themselves, no diesel fuel required, in such places but the BBC in their current Climate Change fixated state cannot understand that. Grass, thanks to birds and the wind, is amazing at colonising that sort of ground and provides a CO2 boosted (see what I did there?) feed for the cattle, goats and sheep but the BBC in their current Climate Change fixated state cannot understand that.
Quite right. Their notion of wild is aesthetic and subjective. The land has been manipulated by man for thousands of years.
June Sarpong… Timmeh!… thoughts?
Well, the best news today, is that I’ve got the handset on a decent DVD player working again at long last, so we can watch all the good progs from several years ago, in glorious re-make colour, or whatever it’s called!
First on the list is ‘The Paradise Club’, then ‘Roger Roger’! (They just didn’t work well on the old machine)!
Of course, we’ll be avoiding the awful BBC as usual, like more and more good citizens are doing these days! It’s bad enough getting woke junk mail, but seeing the stuff live is just too much to bear!
The BBC website (other, better websites are available) is carrying an article called ‘Charity shops: Six things to check before you drop off your old stuff’. Basically, it appears to be a plug for Cancer Research UK. But here’s a seventh thing to check before donating your money or items to a ‘charity’: Does it reflect the values of normal people or is it woke? For instance, does it employ executives on six figure salaries? Does it have a climate change director? Does it feature a hugely disproportionate number of ethnic characters in its advertising materials? Does it claim to be a British charity yet send a lot of money overseas?
Readers may recall that CRUK was in the news a couple of years ago, when it called for “people with a cervix” to ensure they were tested for cervical cancer. People with a cervix, eh? If only there was some simpler, more understandable term… perhaps a single word… now what could it be? Ah yes, we could call them ‘women’. Only women can get cervical cancer. Only men can get prostate cancer. Both genders can get breast cancer, but it is far more prevalent in women. It’s not that difficult to understand, biology deniers…
Not on the BBC to my knowledge.
From Breitbart London.
“Swedish Politician Arrested on Multiple Counts of Child Rape
A politician for the pro-mass migration Swedish Centre Party has been arrested on several counts of child rape
over incidents that are believed to have taken place from 2012 to 2015.”
No doubt the owner of a Swedish name.
A blog names : Erik Paulsson
was arrested on Tuesday and requested to be detained on Friday morning. The man is suspected of several child rapes and a serious breach of the peace. The crimes must have been committed against a person he has a close relationship with.
The rapes must have taken place between 2012 and 2015.
The serious breach of the peace must have taken place from the spring of 2016 until the arrest.
At 11 o’clock on Friday, the politician was arrested for probable cause. The man is in custody with restrictions. The prosecutor believes that there is a risk that the suspect will remove evidence and that the suspect will deviate.
I think he was already excluded from the party frontline
Maybe something to do with threatening a female colleague 1.5 years ago.
Very late so apologies if covered.
Yesterday on Toady Justremainin covered a conversation between an Indian doctor in the UK and an Indian doctor in a private hospital in India, with reference to the serious covid situation over there. Many Indian doctors in the UK want to help their ancestral country.
The conversation went unchallenged but here’s a few issues Justremainin managed to miss.
Is it ethical for the UK to take in thousands of Indian doctors when there is so much medical need over there?
Was this the purpose of Blair’s unfettered mass immigration policies?
Why is private medical care seemingly acceptable to the BBC in India but virtually a manifestation of evil in the UK?
India did not invent the Oxford AZ vaccine and the Serum Institute of India, mainly existing as a global scale production facility, has made plenty of money. What right does India therefore have to ban vaccine exports for orders made in good faith?
Truly the selectivity of the BBC knows no bounds, as it clings on to its ‘John Lennon’ morality (‘imagine there’s no countries’)
I think it was BBC local news but it may have been the national the other day that quoted 60,000 doctors working in the U.K. come from India. And if you add to that the number of British born doctors of Indian descent (I think it was some years ago I heard that 45% of medical students were the children of Asian immigrants) we can understand why most doctors seem to have links to the Indian subcontinent.
There is a reason why so many medical students are descendants of Asian immigrants, those from India, mostly non-Muslim, are told that to get on they have to work hard at school at academic subjects. Those from the rest of the sub-continent get extra practical knife-sharpening experience.
I understand the shame of Krishnan Guru-Murthy’s parents that he did not follow an honest medical, accountancy or even at a pinch, legal career but became a churnalist instead.
Peter “get extra practical knife-sharpening experience” for surgery? Or for prepping the instrument tray? I hope they are good at sterilising them after sharpening.
Salty Cracker did a video on the Trans issue but I can’t re-find it to post a link. It has probably been banned. Anyway, “Our World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster” is pumping out to the World how unfair the World is to, “Trans people” as it highlights the upside to being “Trans”.
Well, as a, “Worlds Most Trusted”, any downside’s to the lifestyle?. Surely there’s some? Apparently not.
Whereas, if you are a trans in the US, you are:
“…as a specific group reveal alarmingly high HIV infection rates. According to one recent international analysis, transgender women have 49 times the odds of having HIV compared to the general population. While transgender men are less likely to be HIV positive than transgender women, their rates of infection are still higher than that of the general population.”
To put more numbers on the subject:
“The HHS note that transgender People of Color, especially Black people, face disproportionately high rates of HIV, suggesting that intersecting oppressions and socioeconomic factors may play a significant role. In the U.S., in 2018, Black people accounted for 45.4% of new HIV diagnoses.
According to the CDCTrusted Source, HIV prevalence is highest among Black transgender women, with 44.2% having received a diagnosis. In comparison, 25.8% of Latinx transgender women and 6.7% of white transgender women are living with HIV.”
Note the description again again and again (in fact, everywhere where blacks are mentioned as playing a role), “….Black people, face disproportionately high rates…”. So, the obvious question is, ‘What is it about blacks?’.
If anyone needs to cite a BBC focus on a topic to demonstrate their unbalanced dishonesty in reporting, ‘by omission’, look no further.
“The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”…………………
Sorry, I found the Salty Cracker video.
Only from the inimitable Salty!
G, the BBC put out the propaganda (Chris van Tulleken’s ‘The Jump’ – episode 2, I think) that HIV came from one monkey in California used in the Gemini Space Programme.
Laughable, if it was not so sad.
I’ve just spent a few days unable to get on my iPad/tablet or Mac.
I’ve put a comment on the ‘is the bbc biased’ page asking for any info as to why I cannot get bbbc and one answer said they could get it using Google chrome.
I tried that and got the message that Sky have blocked this site.
I had an option to go into my settings and unblock it which I have done and am now obviously on here again.
The thing is I didn’t change anything. Bbbc was working then a blank page and if I had not got the answer on itbbcb site about Google Chrome and their message that Sky had blocked this site I would still be looking at a blank screen instead of bbbc pages.
I wonder if any others are experiencing this and after the last time are waiting for the site to reappear.
I’ll try and put the page I got why Sky are blocking this site.
This is the message blocking bbbc.
Ignore the post below.
Graphic marked
“Internet Matters”
Their bio : @IM_org
Empowering Britain’s Parents and Teachers to make confident, informed choices about their children’s online safety.
They also work with Virgin and TalkTalk aswell
So I guess we are not on their blocklist, but maybe Sky’s own.
It’s on:
It says it is blocked because of:
Weapons, violence, gore, hate.
Update EG posted a screenshot now
@EG I can’t see that list from here
I guess it’s only available to Sky customers
Does work for you ?
Both work for me.
I have previously warned people here before about things like swearing
… We are a straightforward honest site
and we don’t want to give blockers an excuse.
( Despite what someone have posted here , I only ever suggest things to be helpful.
I have not ever shouted at someone or given them instructions. I am not in a position to.
Free speech and all )
You’re probably right about it being viewable only on sky but it does name bbbc and the reasons for blocking are as above.
It’s because it just happened. I changed nothing and then, suddenly a blank screen.
Maybe a Sky update changed it.
Hopefully, anyone reading this will now know what to do if they suddenly lose bbbc in the future for no apparent reason.
I must be the first (or if any others have got this then they will not be able to comment until they get back on here)
I’m grateful to ‘is the bbc biased’ site where I got the answer how to get back on here, maybe others with a blank bbbc screen page (if there are any) might also see the comments (on itbbcb) and they can reset their options and get back on here.
A little while back, after the domain episode, Fed asked about ways to communicate if the site went down again. Well, using itbbbc site resolved this for me so it’s a viable option.
I thought itbbcb had closed but good it is open again . I dont have time to go there because of this place .
It is the very best alternative to this site and can only be more reliable after how the site has been behaving recently.
@EG you missed my question
Both our old and new sites are working
Does work for you ?
Also if you tweet to the biasedbbcblog
someone usually reads it.
I just tried and it works.
I reckon once I changed my sky account to 18 it allowed all my various links (Mac/iPads) access.
EG, check your settings. It sounds like you’ve got a “PG” setting based on the message you received.
I checked mine, set for 18+ and the only blocks I have preset are for phishing and malware
You’re right, that’s what it was.
Somehow it had been changed to 13 but it wasn’t me.
Probably some overnight update.
Glad you are back
but it still doesn’t explain them labelling this site as “Weapons, violence, gore, hate.” unless all sites are marked as that before vetting.
Sky also use a time of day filter
which often blocks adult sites in the daytime
MSM refuse to report Labour sleaze
whilst cooking up theatre to accuse Tories of sleaze
Jay Beecher has just released the Labour Sleaze video
updates came in after the video
– The suspension of Cllr’s Ed Murphy and Heather Skibsted from Peterborough is now confirmed to relate to antisemitism.
– Cllr Dipu Ahad, Newcastle, has been sentenced to 14 months.
It is just so incredibly frustrating to see all those facts that the media simply choose to ignore.
What I don’t understand though is why every time a question of sleaze is put to a Tory political figure , by the media, they do not throw these facts and figures right back at them. Its time to stop bumbling (Boris) and come out fighting!
The Guardian reports that there is a whitehall conspiracy to stop Paul Dacre from become head of OFCOM . Instead they want a red rich tory failed politician remainer called Ed Vaisey to get the gig .
Dacre would be exactly what OFCOM needs to flush the rubbish out and stop it from being a branch of the BBC .
Maybe if the tories suffer in coming elections the PM might take revenge and appoint Dacre – but nut nut will have her say …….
I can’t imagine Dacre is a credible candidate
cos of the conflict of interest
Same with someone affiliated to a lefty org.
Sounds like speculation & timewasting tittle tattle from the Guardian.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, ex- BBC World Service Trust which is now called BBC Media Action, was a topic of conversation between Dominic Raab and Randy Andy Marr this morning on his bBbc show.
Mention was made of an unpaid military debt, money owed by the UK govt to Iran. Raab reckons that the Iranians are attempting to use this debt in bargaining her release but he stressed that he was reluctant to allow them to use this debt as leverage.
Interestingly however he also said this,
“We’ve said that debt is something we want to have resolved.”
Well funnily enough, if the stories from the Mail Online and the Sun Online today have any truth in them, it seems this discussion was rather coincidentally/ fortuitously timed as the debt may have already been settled.
It looks like she won’t be spending a year in prison after all. Nothing on the bBc yet.
Conflicting stories
Tory MP TomTugendhat tweeted at 3:30pm
I’ve just deleted a tweet on the illegal detention of Nazanin.
I’m told the media reports of a deal are wrong.
The situation has not changed
If it was just the money UK could have done it years ago.
Daily Express reported late Friday: ‘Ex- No.10 aide joins BBC board’ I thought this might be a good No.2 back up for Tim Davie (the new BBC DG) now replacing Lord Tony Hall (who left under a cloud). But looking at past papers Tim Davie was always going to be his replacement as they were both on the BBC board of directors going back to 2019.
BBC commercial activities: ‘commercial-holdings-annual-report-2019’
and you’ll will find Tim Davie name is already listed there – and we never noticed until he made DG!
I found Tim Davie with the rest of the of them on the ‘expansion’ of the BBC into private listed companies but not directly ‘accountable’ to the BBC – apart from central funding by the BBC to start up private operations. As we all know by now the BBC have several (company) pies in the oven at any one time and they are often used to pay star salaries and expenses as ‘disbursement’ and so avoid the public (and FOI) scrutiny and the pubic ‘distrust’ of the BBC itself – (as the new parent company). So Lord Hall and Tim Davie have set up an (anonymous) ‘umbrella’ group of companies all using the same BBC group umbrella such as: UKTV is one such media TV group of TV Freeview channels…. (there are more to be added as I write).
This information of BBC badge waving and links can be found here. They never actually link to The Guardian – which I always found puzzling. No links to The Guardian at all. But ITV now relies on former BBC studios rented out…
The BBC are quite brazen in copying ‘other’ broadcasting companies, who they see as ‘competition’. NetFlix is often quoted as a ‘threat’. They even get public funding to ‘compete’ as if they were a UK private company plc (which they are not), not yet! The BBC have set up shop as a media ‘boutique’, selling old BBC archives (nobody want to buy) and ‘production’ services and even selling off old BBC studios to ITV (who now rent from the BBC at White City).
Anyway (going back to my post on that new BBC communications Director)…
So this Ex-aide from No.10 turns out to be Theresa Mays Communications Director Sir Robin Gibb and he is the one who has been appointed to the board of the BBC. Conservatives being pretty much a rarity at the upper echelons of the BBC. But its a small success for us is that he is anti-woke and critical of the way the BBC is run – and particularly Radio 4 news. So good start…
Sir Robin Gibb media statement gives me some reason to be hopeful; “The BBC has been culturally captured by the woke-dominated group think of some of its own staff. There is a default Left-leaning attitude from a metropolitan workforce mostly drawn from a similar social and economic background”. He has also worked (at the BBC) on News-night, The Daily Politics and This Week.
That in itself is no great claim to fame, as they have become mediocre and irrelevant..
For the BBC to survive economically, as the TV license fee is dwindling and audience is falling demographically. It has to copy Channel 4 format and buy up existing TV stations. Its been doing this quietly since the last Charter agreement. It now has over twenty channels (alongside all the usual BBC channels. They have been busy and some even make a profit!
All the BBC ‘satellite’ TV companies are doing better than expected. They have copied the Channel 4 concept and made it into ‘popular’ content. Something it cannot do on mainstream BBC channels as the Charter prevents it (they say) or its the Staff who prevent it. That is the notion of ‘impartiality’ and ‘bias’ is impossible to fix without sacking 98% of its core workforce. So good luck to Sir Robin Gibb, we can monitor his efforts by the amount of ‘redundancy’ to the staff at the BBC. The redundancy pay at the BBC is very, very good. You leave by one door and get re-employed at another door, and that has been going on for over forty years, The pay-offs for some have been over a million quid, and then there are the astronomic ‘BBC pension’ schemes.
And then fronting any BBC TV program is an overnight award of over a million. Most TV presenters are in for a daily appearance exceeding £20,000 a night which gives us some idea of the ‘problem’ at the BBC and why they are always short of money. Several year ago when I was a fan of Terry Wogan’s radio show he also had his ‘run-ins’ with the BBC and he would only front the BBC flagship ‘Children In Need’ for £27,000 cash per night, (which I thought was out of order), but now I know its routine. The BBC is very much like running the National Lottery and taking all the money donations and giving out a few promises, to change the future. Spend a few bob for the needy, then forward to political spin. Fashionable spending for publicity.
All these snobs are here a purpose, mostly the pay rewards.
Unless, the wider UK public stop paying for the BBC, then nothing will change. And that is why certain ‘priviliged’ tribal groups are attracted to the BBC. Particularly those who read (or edit) The Guardian, or have spent their lives campaigning in the penniless Labour party in the vain hope that someone, somewhere will vote for them outside London. Relocating BBC staff outside London is one way to cut off the links to Hampstead and Camden cultural elite. But wether this will culturally change the BBC (after all C4 is on par with controversy and is still public funded), at least at the moment. The BBC will fight at all costs to keep its funding model, until has expanded into a ‘private’ monopoly rather than the existing ‘public’ monopoly which we all detest. But it may, just may totally change the BBC in the process. But only if they remove 98% of the staff management.
Given he not long ago worked, as chief propaganda assassin, at the BBC, an organisation that still claims to speak for the nation as its staff get ever more desperate in their bias and drives the haemorrhaging audience figures… brave.
He’s better off out! Plus a BBC (generous) pension scheme automatic slot on Classic FM suddenly and now on Daily Mail, which would not be tolerated at BBC. Maybe they fake it at the BBC for career benefit, many have said that the BBC is an odd place to work.
Hancock takes first steps towards legalising assisted suicide.
Hancock takes first steps in accepting the BBC’s line on population control, euthanasia, and getting rid of the old.
All part of Climate Change run by the UN. The BBC will be expected to launch the joys of abortion and population control to Africa in its ‘World Service’. This is then linked to UK foreign aid. Euthanasia is a pilot UK project we can all enjoy in old age. Saves the NHS a fortune and Council run care homes can be down sized. Socialism holds all the answers, ask Biden! Save the planet!
Build Back Better
BBC EdGuds are beyond unique.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories are reported to have given Iran £400 Million in return for freeing Nazanin Zagari Radcliffe.
If this is true then they are even worse than previously imagined, and every tinpot dictator will believe if they hold people hostage Britain under a cowardly leader will cough up.
Worse still is that Iran is highly likely to use that money to fund terrorism against the UK.
Thanks Boris you go from bad to worse!
Wallpapering over the cracks.
Countryfile : Sir Tom Moore’s daughter is coming up
Helen Moore “we want to plant 100 trees”
BBC Diversity = same BBC mates again and again
Stephen Mangan’s latest guest in his R4 Confessional
is a very under exposed guy called Alastair Campbell
BTW I’ve met a man who planted a million trees
monoculture so it wasn’t a great thing.
🎼 … and I would plant 100 trees
and I would plant 100 more …
It’s one big taxpayer funded club.
I remember Jonathan Ross on Radio 2 on a Saturday and he used to have his same mates on every few weeks to plug whatever they were doing this time.
David Tenant was a particular close friend of his. He was on a lot.
8pm BBC4 I wonder why the BBC fix it so a black kid got the final again
Fang Zhang – Marimba
Ewan Millar – Oboe
Annemarie Federle – French Horn
Black kid?
BBC London love Sadiq
How many foi requests does the bbc exempt itself from?
Why is it even exempt?
Journalism is exempt
for good reason eg they can’t be asked to give away their sources
but BBC exploits this rule to hide a lot of stuff.
“Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Iran treatment ‘amounts to torture’, says Dominic Raab”
Its a despotic culture from the Middle Ages in today’s world . Its a good thing that our friends in Israel are keeping ‘a weather eye’ on them . There’s not much we can do about it given the present strength of our armed forces thanks to Tory cuts .
Not much we can do about it if the deputy Iranian foreign minister is accurate that Iran bribed several Western leaders and civil servants in order to broker Obamas catastrophic nuclear deal, but there is Prima Facie evidence that Boris Johnson was amongst the recipients of that ‘generosity’.
Still as many people have said it’s better if the Arabs pay our politicians the going rate than we have to stump up a ha’penny every decade for adequate pay, and what’s a nuclear armed Iran compared to the benefit of underpaying politicians?
“Eurozone suffers double-dip recession as pandemic impact continues”
Is Bo Jo waiting for the EU to open up their economy first before he lets the UK open ?
Why, when months ago the vaccine was “termed a game changer” is he not taking advantage of this ?
Is the BBC trying to silence a whistleblower? Indeed, according to this, is the BBC, in effect, party responsible for Princess Diana’s death?
“Covid-19: Some Covid safeguards needed after June, says Raab”
Time to move the goal posts ?
But, but, ……what about the ‘game changing’ vaccine jab ?
Carrot and stick , carrot and stick etc……………
New thread .
Channel5 Churchill prog
1963 He’s heading towards 88, had turned down dukeships cos he loves the HOC
but all he does is hang out at its bar
Prog “and he was out of step with public opinion over the end of empire”
.. A great master of history is then on the prog, giving his opinion
A Mr David L……
guess which one.
The newly founded Private Eye refers to Churchill as “The Greatest Dying Englishman”
Ivermectin & India?
Infections shoot up since January – when they stopped prescribing Ivermectin.
The WHO and their corruption: Much Indian blood on their hands?
Or does the Indian Government want to take the opportunity to, ‘thin out’ the elderly element of the population?
Take a look at the graphs for India and see for yourself: