This morning I followed the link to the piece Laura Kuensberg put on the BBC website which was a long article on why Boris is a liar. I am not saying I believe everything he says (or is careful to avoid saying) but as a piece of partisanship on a public broadcaster paid for by us (or most of us), it went at least as far as Emily Maitliss did with her soliloquy. I had thought Tim Davie had said this obvious bias would not be tolerated.
But as I read Laura’s piece, the bile and venom seemed more than usual. I didn’t understand why – until somebody here made reference to Matt Hancock standing up to Laura at a press briefing. When she asked about wallpaper, he told her the briefing was about covid and refused to answer. I was pleased to see he can stand firm.
Laura had thought she had a ‘gotcha’ question for Matt and he was obviously prepared and presumably she got into a sulk. It is all very well Laura calling Boris a liar but as her previous story about sleaze and James Dyson wasn’t truthful and she should stop throwing stones.
Agree. Whatever Boris is like as person it isn’t her (or the bbc’s) job to make biased accusations and basically call him a total liar.
I dont trust the bbc, and I fear them, which is why I visit this site.
Just look what The Guardian wrote today:
‘Labour has slashed the Tories’ poll lead in half as more voters conclude that Boris Johnson is corrupt and dishonest ahead of this week’s bumper set of local and devolved elections.’
Journalists really are the most dirty low-life on the planet. Worse than lawyers and politicians.
BBC learnt a lesson, or was it the other way round, that continuous vilification of a president/PM, using lies and false narratives, can bring a popular president down. Specially with mail in voting.
Boris Johnson did not support Pres Trump, and now he is facing the same Left strategy that the Left deployed on Pres Trump. But this time on him. The Left managed to get a deeply flawed and unpopular Biden into the WHH. The BBC hopes that they can do the same, and get the Left Labour in number 10.
And why not, such is the gullibility of the Android generation.
In the fascsst USA now, Laura could never have even asked that question. She would have had to submit it for approval then wait her turn to ask when Biden saw her picture on his ‘secret’ list and pretended to pick her at random.
There should have been uprorar from the ‘Free Press’ over that but they all kept silent.
NCBBC the Biden crime family never gets mentioned on the news except by Fox so it’s good to see this tucker video, thanks for sharing it here.
We all suspect Bidens family have been up to no good for years just like the Clinton crime family but what happens ? The media and noticeably by direct omission does the BBC do the same. People need to wake up and watch more than one news channel and definitely get off the BBC
If Donald Trump ever engaged in hair sniffing, you would hear of it all day on the BBC – even now, such is the hatred of Donald Trump. Also Donald Trump’s support of Christianity was such that persecution and murder of Christians in Muslim countries abated. Now its on,full swing.
BTW, one sure fire way to make BBC types go complete nuts is to mention that you liked Margaret Thatcher’s policies and personality. She and Ronald Reagan brought down the communist empire of evil.
Sit back and enjoy. I’ve had people walk away fast, shouting epithets, as if I was infected.
” Germany calling, Germany calling” And we know what happened to him. Matt Hancock humiliated her . The next step is at the
press conferences instead of the BBC asking the first media
question . Let them have the last after the ” Essex Examiner” or
“the distillers diary” have had theirs!!
No they wont. And neither will India and rest of Asia. China is actually encouraging America to do something about AGW Climate Change.
One of the main reasons for Pres Trump to continue was that he would have stopped the AGW Climate Change agenda for another four years. Hopefully that would have put an end to it. But now our contribution will be used to fund the UN and its corrupt officials and dependents.
But here is Biden, chaining the USA and the West, to its destruction – self immolation on its funeral pier.
This will accelerate and bring about the complete domination of the world by China.
I’ve had a laugh a minute afternoon listening to BBC Radio 5 dead and their coverage of the ‘battle of Old Trafford’. They opened up the phone lines and anyone who says the Beeb don’t do comedy…..
Listening to the radio show hosts treading a careful line not wanting to pee off the callers and also not wanting to be seen/heard encouraging ‘law breaking’ through ‘mostly peaceful’ protest when two polis officers were hurt was a joy.
No fan of football, but when will the grassroots ‘fans’ realise the game is not about them and hasn’t been since about 1990….?
I would encourage readers to watch the short video clip below.
In 4 minutes Alan Jones touches on Trump; recent events in France and elsewhere; Islam; and bogus environmentalism (“this climate change stuff is a national economic suicide note: you cannot strengthen the defence of your country if you weaken its economy”).
The content is hard-hitting, precise, short, sharp and to the point.
But beyond that, savour the tone of voice: authoritative, forceful without being shrill, and urgent without being alarmist.
By contrast, it is a slap in the face of our pusillanimous, woke, cowardly and treacherous BBC, and should put them to shame if they had any.
It is the sort of opinion piece they would never air in a month of Sundays, and one more reason they must be defunded asap.
It shows what good broadcasting sounds like. Hopefully the upcoming GB News might have commentators like Alan Jones, though I’m not holding by breath.
Approximately 92 arrived at Dover yesterday.
The really disgusting thing is the continuation of co-ordinated handovers between French warships and our border farce e.g. at 10.19 and 10.29.
I always maintained, back in the days of LGF after 9/11, that it will be France that will fight back.
What about Europe. Eastern Europe is immune and does not allow Muslims in. It has had bad experience of communism, and Ottoman Islamic colonialism.
Germany, because of its recent past, cannot fight back. The EU does not have the needed muscle to do so. So it will be France that will fight back. And in keeping with tradition, we will go to the help of France.
With Donald Trump in the USA, I hoped that the Islamic invasion of the West would be reversed. But with the Left in power in America, and wagging the Biden body, its not looking good.
We know that the Left and Islam are allies against Western civilisation. Islam for the last 1100 years for religious reasons, and the Left for doctrinal ones.
I hope the Arizona audit reveals where the stink is coming from.
From the BBC website – “A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump’s allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election – despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false.” No, no evidence was ever examined in court; the Democrats refused on technical grounds only. Where is Marianna Spring (aged 25) when you need her?
I suspect it’s closer to 99% of Republicans. I wouldn’t trust anything CNN says, including their bogus polls – the same polls that gave Biden a crushing lead.
The BBC and percentages are like other media and percentages.
23% of Americans think the country has become more united since Pres. Biden took office, according to a new @ABC News/Ipsos poll. Among this group, an overwhelming 87% give Biden credit.
Ha ha – a masterclass in misrepresentation by ABC news.
Integrity of reporter = zero.
Of course the country is more optimistic for the coming year : they just got a vaccine for COVID.
Biden couldn’t even win the Primary. Covid was used to marginalise Sanders and shoe in Biden.
As for Kamala, she couldn’t even win the primary in her home state. But that is what is being shown here to the common people- that the Left and its Big Tech allies can put a clueless Dementia patient into the WH, and a cackling female as the VP. “We can do anything we like” says the Left, even shred the basic principles of the constitution.
The Dems and its Big Tech allies in the media, and its gangs on the street, are doing their best to stop the audit. Lets hope the Arzona governor stands firm.
Four years of the Left in the WH, and the Left and Islamists in Europe, will put Christendom at a risk of extinction it never faced even at the height of the Nazi era.
Its worth remembering that despite the secular nature of present day Europe, its the 2000 year influence of Christendom on the culture and mores of Europe that defines what we are now.
Sadly, Christendom, Christianity, the West have given up the will to fight, the will to live, even. For reasons Douglas Murray analyses in The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.
Now it just wants to bend the knee, metaphorically and literally, to its enemies, as exemplified in that most obscene act of servility, submissiveness and self-abasement so popular on the Left in 2020.
Muzzled and kneeling, like slaves, like cowards.
How Putin must have laughed. How Xi Jinping, Hassan Rouhani, Erdogan and Kim Jong-un must have laughed.
The lesson we have to learn is that salvation sometimes comes from the darkest of times.
As for Putin – he is not laughing but full of sorrow at the demise of Christendom. For if it falls, so too does mother Russia.
So, like in 1940, we may have an alliance with Russia. Not an alliance of convenience, but one of like philosophy. It might even heal the age old rift with the Orthodox East – the main reason was the same as the one afflicting us now.
Too, an Islam triumphant in the West, with all the power it will have, will be of huge worry and concern to China etal. Its just now eliminating that threat within. So no.
@MarkH posted This is old news and was thoroughly debunked at the time, but it doesn’t stop the BBC running it again, for no apparent reason other than propaganda:
10pm BBC1 news and Roger Harrabin showed a graph of AVERAGE world temperatures for the past 2000 years and showed how until the last decade they were all blue and below average. Suddenly the last line in red, the last decade shot high above the blue lines. I cannot get my mind how one high figure can depress the other 199 readings. In my day one rogue figure was considered an anomaly but now the whole world economy has to be destroyed on one set of figures. I might also add there was no sign of the Mediaeval warm period.
The BBC probably got the ‘back room boys’ to rustle the graph up to provide Harrabin (“He …….. studied English at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge” – – doesn’t tell us he got a degree).
Oh! hang on though, he, “has received an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Cranfield University.” Well that’s all right then: he can speak with some authority on science topics. Or can he with the academic ‘gift’ of a doctorate?
All the calculations show the planet is heading for the cooling effects of a Solar Minimum period.
The last century has shown, that in comparison to whatever happened in the last 2000 years, the Left made the 20th century, ie., the last 100 years, the worst in the history of the world.
No one can beat the Left when it comes to mass murder by any means, including using famine as a weapon.
We know that Fact-checking is often an ambush-name for orgs that are doing selective-fact-spinning.
Here’s a pretty horrendous one from FullFact
We talked about the Lorraine Item last week
that had a number big errors
But her main point is ‘It’s all very simple Here’s a photo of before lockdown measures, ….. here’s a photo after and here’s one after look CLEAN AIR ..Himalayas !’
And everyone said “It’s Photoshopped”
Well Fullfact tries to brush over that by saying it was faked, but it is a real effect.
That still leaves the lie that the effect is ongoing
whereas AFAIK it was for ONE day and similar one days have happened in the past
That desperate attempt to excuse that lie really shows the ‘fact checkers’ for what they are. What a joke.
It reminds me of the cover photo on Time magazine of the illegal-immigrants and the little child screaming after being separated from it’s mother by the evil Donald Trump. It’s mum had actually just gone to the toilet and they were reunited moments later. When exposed, they said ‘it captured the sentiment’ and refused to apologise. Yet now – under Biden – children are being sent alone across the border and have to fend for themselves until they get detained. A million times worse. Yet nobody is saying anything about it.
These hypocrites make me sick. They don’t care one bit about truth. It’s all agenda.
This searing article from @bbclaurak really defines what journalism should be about to me. Objective but passionate and well evidenced with a host of examples of Johnson’s well documented dishonesty. Oh no .. hang on …
I'm former BBC journalist. I ashamed of its political journalism right now. Johnson has a simple "relationship with the truth": he's a liar. The lengths the BBC's political editor goes to to make this sound OK is shameful.
What kind of journalism is this that trashes the work of proper journalists, that has no comprehension of what a story is, or, for that matter the importance of an honest prime minister, and sides always with the Establishment?
These “journalists” really think they are in charge of the news, don’t they. Are they worried as control is slipping through their fingers, or have they simply not noticed?
GW, the drip, drip, drip of negativity designed to undermine Boris irrespective of the average persons views of him.
Just before 0900 this morning there was a debate on Toady regarding the situation in Northern Ireland. If I’m not very much mistaken, our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” has now turned its sights to undermining NI and working toward breaking it off from the UK. Well planned? – with seconds to go to reach 0900, The Bee lady asked a deeply academic question about whether NI will eventually be absorbed by Ireland. To answer that question needed many minutes. The interviewee started to answer but was halted by: “I’m sorry we have to go now”.
The BBC, ‘Professionals in deceit and false news either directly promulgated or by omission’.
I suppose Boris J is now beginning to feel what Donald Trump felt in the last four years.
Boris was negative at best when it came supporting Donald Trump. Now he could do with Trump’s support – something that was given to him by Trump all the rime.
I hope Boris J finally begins to realise that there can never be peace with the Left. The only strategy the communist Left knows is to destroy the enemy. That is murder them all, as they did in the last century.
This strategy they share with Islam. Its not enough for Islam to have conquered and mass murdered the once Christian nations of the ME. Even now, with Christians a tiny minority, Christians are still being mercilessly persecuted.
Just saw this one under the Mitt Romney getting booed story::
‘A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump’s allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election – despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false.’
I don’t recall these claims proven to be false. I recall SOME claims being explained away where they could, but I also recall hearing lots of accusations which I never saw any answer to.
This statement implies every claim was proven to be false. It simply cannot be not true. The usual trick of careful wording by the BBC is gradually getting closer and closer to outright lies as their confidence grows when they get away with it.
JohnC- ‘A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump’s allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election – despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false.’
The claims have never been tested in court as SCOTUS fled the crime scene. Too much brutality and thuggery on the streets from the Left that made even SCOTUS run for the hills. They didn’t even have the courage to hear the petition from 18 states, including Texas.
If this problem is not faced truthfully, it will break the USA. And with it, us too. Of course it will give a lot of pleasure and satisfaction to the Left, Obama, and China. Not Russia though.
Now the Left even controls the FBI and DoJ. It has raided the home of Rudi Guiliani at 6am, and carried off his materials – without any authority from the court.
The USA is now a totalitarians state. That is what the Left has done to it.
The BBC has contacted 29 of Britain’s largest capacity mosques to find out their policy for the month of Ramadan.
Five do not have a women’s area, while six mosques responded to say they cannot accommodate women due to Covid-19 health and safety reasons. Twelve were open for women, while seven didn’t respond.
Julie Siddiqi, a women’s rights campaigner who wants to make British mosques more accessible for women…”
Here we go… Is the far lefts unwritten pact with the muslims cracking!
Why not ask her why muslims think women are considered to be ‘in a state of impurity’ when menstruating and can’t enter mosques
Even within the confines of this possibly narrow interest item, the BBC propaganda team are busy at work:
Second paragraph: ‘Almas barely has time for her religion. She is a single mother-of-three and is studying for a university degree.’ Well, no doubt there are some Muslim women in that situation, but it’s not exactly common or representative within that community, is it?
Later on we learn about ‘Julie Siddiqi, a women’s rights campaigner who wants to make British mosques more accessible for women’. Julie… from the Latin, a common name in Europe and the Anglophobe world but not really used in the Muslim and Arabic world. The intention of the BBC here is to imply that there are ‘English/British’ Muslims and yes, there are, but again it is not particularly representative.
However, when it comes to something that doesn’t fit the narrative the BBC are noticeably quiet. We read ‘Sometimes women will pray behind men in the same space. More often, mosques will have two separate rooms for each gender to pray in, with the men in the main prayer hall and the women in an alternative space.’ What! Two separate rooms for each gender to pray in? Two? How can that be, BBC? You’ve been busy telling our kids there are more than 100 genders. So where do all the trans-men, trans-women, non-binary, gender fluid, pansexual etc Muslims pray in the mosque? To it’s credit, Islam doesn’t subscribe to this biology-denying nonsense.
The BBC… there are more than a hundred genders. Except when it comes to the Gender Pay Gap (sic), Wimmin’s football and Islam. When it mysteriously reverts back to two.
“Julie converted to Islam in March 1995
Siddiqi is a well-known broadcaster and writer, and former Director of the Muslim Society of Great Britain.
Born and bred in Surrey, she is a white British convert.”
Th internet names her sons : Eesa, Musa
but the name of her husband seems secret.
The tradition in most Muslim countries is that since you stick your bum in the air to pray, it is not appropriate for men to be behind the women.
However in Indonesia wives often pray standing next to their husband, say in outdoor praying or at home.
BTW : Mary in Arabic called Marīam the mother of Isa (Jesus) is venerated in Islam. … She is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran
Given Sky Blonde sniggering and BBC blonde simply going full attack cow with their gotchas, hardly surprising. Why answer when the question is for heat rather than light?
In a democracy pols answer to the people, and the failure here is serious.
I long assessed MPs are not advocates or even representatives. They are stenographers and posties, with a team who copy pastes what you send having sat on it a while, gets them to sign it and then send on to wait months until copy pasting the instruction to tell you to sod off on a letter they sign back.
And if you persist they concoct a Cathy Newman to effect a flounce. Or future block.
PM Boris can use the power he has if he wants or has the guts.
One way to shake up the BBC, is to use the time honoured tactic of “modernisation”. The “modernisation” tactic in this instance would be to use two primary reasons.
1. In these times of covid austerity, it is necessary to streamline the BBC to get more effective use of taxpayers money.
2. An information revolution is ongoing, where the public has access to a greater variety of information outlets. The BBC has to be modernised, its management structure, news and views, to reflect the greater variety in society, as well as information outlets.
Under these two guises, one can do virtually anything. The conservatives are the only ones who can do this and its in their interest to do so. In fact, for their very political survival and ours, as well as offering the public a choice of sorts, it is absolutely necessary.
Any opposition from BBC apparatchiks can be dismissed as Luddite, resistant to change, old fashioned, or whatever comes to mind.
Any Australian arriving in the country from India faces fines and up to five years in prison – which critics say were not imposed on Australians returning from other nations at the height of their Covid waves.
R4Today James Cleverly interview
“*Gotcha*, minister .. you’ve cut the money to this Bangladeshi women’s rights charity and it’s ONLY £50K, and that’s less than the PM spent on wallpaper”
…stupid theatre
and anyways I don’t think the actual wallpaper was £50K, doesn’t that includes the couches etc.
Before that they’d been banging on about their own BBC1 police drama last night as if that’s news.
BBC News and Army #PRasNews coordinating the blondes have less fun Gretakopf Battalion adventures in Africa
Three hundred British soldiers have joined the world’s ‘most dangerous peacekeeping mission’ in Mali, with an embedded crew moved from Lily to a Gal like Alice.
Seems Mrs. Bliar has tipped off some in the cubicle gardens that Sapna Malik knows great ways to use public funds down the line to generate loads of heat and zero light whilst sticking it to da woman with leaked ‘source’ reports.
Hope Cap. A has wears her helmet once the snipers open up, and keeps the body cam lens dusty.
9am Marr is about Napoleon’s Plunder of paintings and national galleries etc.
There are no obvious BBC pet agendas in the blurb.
Followed by the daily book
The King’s Painter: The Life and Times of Hans Holbein by Franny Moyle
10am WH “Breaking barriers to cycling for women”
..yep still looks like lefty agenda pushing
“….Getting more women involved isn’t easy, especially for women of colour”
+ “disabled cyclists”
+ “racing with e-bikes” ( that’s paradox , she with the best battery wins ?)
11am a prog about British volunteers in India helping “Adivasi”
Don’t know why BBC dont use British English
“A tribal minority group” is what Adivasi means.
Local radio is playing old TV themes
someone asked for “Four Feather Falls” (made by the Thunderbirds puppet people)
and the BBC guy mentioned it’s on the BBC banned list for “inappropriate language”
FFS it was a 1960s kids show
Not Beeb, but Global “news” currently bigging up the Kanneh Mason family, who have won their Global Awards competition. The music is OK, but they are BAME, and therefore can do no wrong. We will never hear the last of it, having already had Samuel Coleridge Taylor mercilessly plugged at us for the last year.
They are so depleted of BAME musicians, that they have to grab at, and hang on to, any that they can find.
More on Global Awards list
BEST FEMALE : Dua Lipa (Albanian)
BEST BRITISH ACT : Dua Lipa (Albanian)
most played song : ‘Don’t Start Now’ Dua Lipa (Albanian)
BEST MALE : Harry Styles
BEST GROUP : Little Mix multi-ethnic-group
BEST HIP HOP OR R&B : Cardi B (born in New York : Cardi B -Dominican father and Trinidadian mother )
BEST INDIE ACT : Nothing But Thieves (Essex male band)
RISING STAR : Joel Corry (London DJ)
that’s the debunk story from Paul H BBC’s Fake Victoria Falls Report Yet more disgracefully misleading propaganda from the BBC:
“Many of the recently circulated shots of the supposedly bone-dry Victoria Falls were snapped of the Eastern Cataract on the Zambian side”
..“Every single year the Eastern Cataract of the Victoria Falls exposes a dry rock face, normally between the months of October to December,”
‘Line of Duty finale lands record ratings’
But as much as I scour the wet-panties incestuous article, I cannot find which ‘record’ it has broken.
I suspect it just means it was the most watched one of the series. Hardly ‘record ratings’.
And hardly surprising as it’s been plugged and advertised through the roof – just like Dr Who was when Jodie started.
Shame it has been universally criticised as rubbish. I personally cannot watch any BBC drama now. Seeing it at the start used to be a sign of something decent. Now it’s a sign of imminent agenda-programming and that someone black will be on your screen within 5 minutes (who will NOT be the villain, even though some racist whites will say he is until it is revealed it is a middle aged pale-and-stale).
I’ve chosen not to take it. I’m not anti-vax, I may take it in the future if I consider it to be safe enough.
It is however, concerning that the NHS yellow card reporting of side effects is quite difficult to find in full, I did manage, but it took some time. I would recommend a study of it if you haven’t taken it yet.
My initial thoughts before any research were that the same people who told me Biden won the US election fairly, the last UK election was going to be close, Trump bad, 3 weeks to flatten the curve, etc were quite insistent I take it. Naturally this set off the alarm bells and set me on a path to research thoroughly, and based on actual NHS/.gov data, and not some guy on twitter.
No “vaccine” for me. I am at an age, and with a condition, which I don’t want to risk jeopardising with an untested, unnecessary vaccine. Living in isolation as I do, the chances of picking up this over-hyped ‘flu infection are quite remote. If I do, then c’est la vie.
I’m not travelling, and don’t intend to.
Besides, no-one has invited us, as yet, to partake.
this pandemic stinks from day 1 from lack of chinese transparency, from bat soup to lab to now allegedly a natural occurence maybe , the WHO’s contradictory statements ,our governments refusal to shut the border till the horse had bolted following WHO advice , the stupid mask mandate , the useless lockdowns NOT following WHO advice , SAGE stuffed full of groupthink, communists and the perpetually miles off modelers.
I dont know what it all means but I do know something is very very wrong
I’ve had both jabs without side effects at all. I have a rubbish immune system so have given everyone a wide berth for months, ending up on a ventilator was not an option for me. I decided the few years I have left is worth the risk, and yes we have to die of something, but checking out fighting for breath under an oxygen mask was not the way I want to go !
Same here. My wife is on the medically vulnerable list and I have to say we were both very relieved when we got our second jabs three weeks ago and we are now getting back to something approaching normality.
One sign of a return to some sort of normality is that she is more relaxed about getting out the gate nowadays, before that we’d be everywhere!
The second jab made me feel dreadful, but she didn’t notice a thing! I thought it was a surfeit of Jack Daniels for my aches and pains, until I realised I’d finished the bottle well before…
Aaaah, sod it, we’re now feeling better, especially as Great Britain is still the greatest, and easily led the way – whichever that was! The US are suffering badly even after old mr biden trying to take the credit from what President Trump organised months ago!
Well, I’ve had my invite but at present am limited to choice of one vaccine. Reading around the subject and bearing in mind some health complications, I’m keen to sort those out instead. In time, there could be a group of half-a-dozen vaccines available in the UK and I would prefer to make an informed choice rather than blunder into a yellow card event.
After all, unlike footie, the one yellow card might see me sent off.
Unfortunately the over-hyped flu infection killed our neighbours at numbers 5 and 26, plus a friend round the corner.
And with 30 million vaccinations in the UK alone on top of three phases of clinical trials, I’d venture to suggest the testing is pretty robust.
And though the chance of infection may well be quite remote in the UK and defined other countries, it has not always been the case in the last 13 months.
And being of a certain age, any undiscovered long term effects are of minimal importance.
So on balance of about 98% to 2%, I’ll be taking my second jab later this month with enthusiasm.
Not least in case I ever have to go to hospital with another condition.
@Sluff 3 deaths, that’s real
Were the two neighbours known to you before ?
Deaths would not spread in average way across the community
you’d expect there to be lumps.
But since 1 in 500 of the UK population have died with Covid on the death certificate an average person would need to have 1,500 friends if 3 of them died of Covid.
Obviously less if your group is skewed towards the elderly.
And in an average year one would expect a friend or 2 to die of old age.
No, I’ve not taken the jab as yet.
I seem to have a reasonably decent immune system and I’ve never taken the flu jab either. I think if you’re in one the vulnerable groups it’s a good idea, but I’m not. And the prospect of giving this to kids is repellent…
Also, I’m very against all the excessive coercion that we’re seeing.
The BBC have loved this virus and promote it at every opportunity. I’m really quite depressed at how compliant, unquestioning and obedient the British people have become.
I used to believe we were different in this country, but we’re not.
What happened in North Korea, East Germany and the USSR could easily happen here.
Jeff, you make a good point, so apply the Law of Scrobs, and assume that the awful BBC’s posturing is in fact the opposite to normal rational thinking!
And join Senora O’Blene and me in a good glass of wine, for old times sake!
Senior Tory says PM should resign if he has broken ministerial code
I see there are THREE separate investigations in progress for the redecoration of a flat Boris doesn’t even own. I hope they publish how much it all cost the taxpayer.
The Left are going after Boris just like they went after Trump.
Kehinde, it even sounds like a whine.
That is the correct collective noon for Blackfricans? A whine of.
Meanwhile on BBC TV Hamilton it is more of the same.
Q Why did Lester Piggott do so well on Nijinsky?
A Because the horse contributed 98% of the effort.
Q Why does Whiiiiiiner Lewis Hamilton not build a F1 winning car, in Africa, with Kehinde?
With some help from the countless rich black intellectuals, who pullulate everything Al Beeb admires.
Using only local resources.
A It’s my fault, and yours. We inherited the blame.
Our ancestors (when not living in the Cheddar Gorge) stole all the advanced ideas from Africans.
Then infected them with amnesia.
Other explanations are available, just not on the BBC.
“”No matter if they have five eyes or ten eyes, as soon as they dare to harm China’s sovereignty, security or development interests, they should be careful lest their eyes be poked blind.” — Zhao Lijian, the spokesman for China’s foreign minister, BBC, November 19, 2020.”
“The survival of the alliance (Five Eyes) in its current form, though, is under threat after Ms Ardern’s administration announced that it was making improved trade relations with Beijing its priority, rather than maintaining its support for Five Eyes.”
How fitting. Therein, lies the stark contrast between outright Communism/Totalitarianism and freedom to dictate a country’s ability to choose. Irrespective of the fact that NZ is clearly, at present, an ‘Apprentice’ totalitarian state, it can still make its own decisions.
Gary Lineker joined the 4 day Twitter to stop racism and hate
.. so what did he do when one of his lefty mates posted a tweet sneering at Laurence Fox
… of course he TWEETED a reply
Not a great fan of Piers Morgan, but on certain issues has been ‘spot on’. However, in his various columns he has referred to Lineker with some choice names at times, conning the reader into believing there was enmity there. Then we read of contradictory evidence of their many evenings out together. As with Kuennsberg, simply more evidence of journalistic lies.
I’ve noticed that Laura K is now getting pretty rattled in her indecision, peculiar stances on just about everything, and is probably up against the wall where her under-managers are concerned!
Like Harrabin, she’s beginning to lose so much credibility, that her stuff is just ignored – even more, and while being paid a lot of money, is just not up to the job now.
The senior under-managers don’t seem to care much, presumably because they are under the same sort of cosh, but higher up the wages scale, and the result is a bit of a mish-mash of busted egos, lies and general apathy at everything the awful BBC is churning out these days!
I reckon Laura is for the back door soon – just not up to a ‘bbbc job’ any more – forgettable in fact.
I said seven, but forgot to check under .com as well
Number eight : Nihal being unbiased ..not
(same article but BBC had changed the title to “BBC abhors”
I am unilaterally and coincidentally staying away from my phone this weekend. For my own mental health.
There is lots of coverage about releasing the overseas travel restrictions. In places like France their authorities are making warm noises about admitting Brits for Summer Holidays. And apparently millions of us want some hot sun and sand.
But why on earth should the government be bending over so we can visit France? A country whose hateful government has been as anti-British as can be, determined to ‘punish’ us for Brexit and afterwards, with their arbitrary rules and the risk of getting stuck in Calais.
The best thing would be to boycott France, tell Macron to get stuffed, and spending our saved money from lockdown in the UK. If overseas holidays are essential then lets choose some friendly countries. And let our government oil those particular wheels.
“Rome Colosseum: Italy unveils plan for new floor with gladiator’s view”
I thought the ‘Task and Finish’ group of the Woke Brigade were going to pull this building down because of its links with slavery ?
Don’t you love it when the ‘serious’ media (like the BBC) put on their professional faces and voices, crunch some numbers and talk of “claims by conservatives the press is biased toward Democrats”, as if it were a matter of partisan dispute, when it’s screamingly obvious to anyone with half a brain that the press were hysterically anti-Trump and blatantly, brazenly pro-Biden.
We know they are ‘friends’ and Starmer finds Khan an ‘inspiration’.
Aah, isn’t that nice.
Out of interest do we know the process by which the postal votes for London Mayor in particular will be verified/checked/audited, and by whom?
No doubt there are failsafe procedures which will be rigorously observed.
Sure they have a failsafe. All counts are done on wooden floors with large gaps in the boards. If it is deemed, when counting, too many non Khan votes are appearing, the following. The observers are obstructed, distracted or asked to leave for security reasons (a la Biden). Non Khan votes are shoved through the floor and ‘late’ postal votes, remarkably all for Khan magically appear.
Everytime I say to people, start paying politicians a decent amount and stop them taking money from Saudi they say to me screw that they get paid too much anyway, and let Saudi pay them if they want to.
Well smile because this is the result, if you won’t pay them someone else will and you won’t like the consequences.
BBC Wales video report : NHS workers at Wales’ largest hospital are creating a woodland to offset the carbon emissions and waste that came from the machines needed to treat patients with Covid-19.
I wonder how the maths work out ?
You’d need to work out the full lifecycle CO2 for ventilator machines inc construction CO2
This has just been sent to via dm… the person has checked and it’s factual… I haven’t yet, but I believe it. Explains a lot 🤬🤬🤬🤬
— The Duchess Of Flange 💋💄💅🏻😉😈 (@flossyflange) May 3, 2021
I reckon that’s out of date
I remember when this came up before, I posted that the Ellison foundation had closed down
Sept 2020
Feb 28th I wrote
Carrie’s family is a three generation chain of infidelity
Her mother was the Independent’s lawyer
Her father was the co-founder of the Independent and a Guardian journo, then BBC WS manager, then 22 years at the Economist
also heading Larry Ellison’s charity until it was recently closed
Her father’s father was a Labour MEP and Baron who had an affair
Her father’s mother was close to Asquith, though her family said he was not her father.
Carrie was near the top of an anti-whaling NGO.
Most of this was not mentioned in Radio4’s profile of her.
They mentioned the whaling NGO
but did not mention the infidelity.
Only said this “Her father met her mother at the Independent where he was the co-founder and she was the lawyer”
The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change website mentions the relationship in mixed tenses
“The long-standing partnership that TBI has with the Larry Ellison Foundation (LEF) enabled us to move fast and we look forward to helping more countries that need such systems to deploy them to help save lives.”
Not many details.
The cult with compulsory mass gang rapes as part of its immutable core beliefs does not appear to be involved.
Otherwise it would not be reported by the BBC.
As a quick searxh would demonstrate
Sorry, there are no results for “racist muslims gang rape white children”.
Sorry, there are no results for “white children targets of Muslim gang rapists”.
Sorry, there are no results for “Labour party imported Muslim gang rapists”.
Millions more reports missing from the BBC about the world’s only belief system.
Try ‘Muslim terrorist’ and ‘far-right terrorist’
The results show the last time the BBC used the word ‘Muslim’ in relation to an actual attack was in 2014.
Coincidentally a search for ‘Obama ISIL’ shows the first results from 2014 as well (Obama used ISIL instead of ISIS to try and not alienate American Muslim’s).
I wonder if these Lefties around the world talk to each other to arrange joint strategies for all of this or the BBC look for suitable bandwagons to jump on as an excuse for the change of policy.
Local BBC news : “It European Day in Boston
The vaccination centre is open to all open age categories
and free translator are on hand’s all because Boston has low vaccination rates”
Video show s first a black African guy saying his mates are sceptical
.. then a white South African woman.
Then report from the Hull women’s solidarity protest.
The BBC Disinformation Unit was brought in in March 2020 to be a Govt propaganda division, as the BBC were unable to broadcast ‘disinformation’. They had to discredit any narrative against the pandemic via social media. Selectively choosing articles & experts & discrediting them
6:30pm Radio4 “Tricky : Does Your Vote Matter?
Politics students and commentators Dominique Samuels and Emily Hewertson
discuss the importance of voting
with writer Alasdair Heather and creative director David Chukwujekwu”
Well Dominique is black and a Conservative
so it’s rare for her to be allowed on the BBC
Wow a black conservative allowed on #BiasedBbc 6:30pm Tricky : Does Your Vote Matter? Politics students/commentators Dominique Samuels & Emily Hewertson discuss the importance of voting with writer Alasdair Heather & creative director David Chukwujekwu
“Covid: 1m plus rule could end from 21 June, says Johnson”
“There is a “good chance” the 1m plus social distancing rule can be scrapped on 21 June in England, the prime minister has said.”
“Could” and “Good Chance”. So we may not open up then ?
It looks like Behavioural psychologists are at work within SAGE.
Not the beeb, but, Mrs Voter was watching Laura Norder on 5USA and there was an advert for Air BNB. From the cast it would appear that the BNB bit is Blacks N Browns. Perhaps they get their furniture from DFS?
And recent new adverts with inter-racial couples…
Zoopla who have previous form!Three couples featured couple one,white man with Indian woman,couple two black man with white woman and couple three white man and woman of retirement age.
There’s also a new company/website called Boomin or something like that and have gone straight in with the mixed race couple.
Ziffit an outfit similar to Music Magpie have a cartoon white man with black woman and black kid.
I thought we’d reached peak inter-racial relationships a while ago but they seem to just keep on coming! If only I knew so many such people in real life!
A few days ago, the race-baiters at the BBC ran with the inflammatory headline “Ohio shooting: Columbus police kill black teenage girl”.
The story drew inevitable comparisons to Floyd, and produced inevitable interviews with mum saying what a peaceful, loving girl she was, and inevitable race-baiters ‘demanding answers’ etc.
We now know that a more honest headline would have read:
“Heroic police protect a black girl from being stabbed by another black girl.”
Sargon of Akkad discusses the incident below, and among other things points out the insanity of BLM ending up siding with those committing knife crime (it’s just a teenage thing) and demanding the police shouldn’t intervene. (For once I’m tempted to agree – leave them to it.)
That’s the kind of absurdity extreme wokeism leads to.
PS. Needless to say, the moronic corpse in the White House, or rather his handlers, also weighed in on the story; and, needless to say, on the side of the attacker and against the police.
Via Posobiec A juror in the Derek Chauvin trial hid that he was a Black Lives Matter activist to convince the judge that he was “impartial.”
Juror #52, now identified as Brandon Mitchell, is also encouraging people to try to get on juries to “spark some change.”
The BBC say ‘The footage appears to show Ma’Khia Bryant lunging with a sharp object’. So only ‘appears’ and it might not be a knife.
Her mother is shown addressing the crowd but shamefully they do not repeat the outright racist lies she told.
And the Whitehouse linked the absolutely professional actions of the police officer to ‘systematic racism’. And the MSM – including the BBC – stay silent because the truth is inconvenient.
They disgust me.
Open up the Twitter search and it tells you what is trending
Twitter forces this warning at you
..Strange cos we have never being forced to wear masks in ALL public spaces in the UK only INDOOR, like inside buildings or public transport.
Masks do not reduce the spread of Covid-19 the virus is still able to penertrate through the mask in any event, making the whole issue scientifically unsupported. Masks are being used as just another fear motive, that the overly compliant public fall over themselves to continue to comply aided by the Mischievous Media and the wretched social media eager for the subjugation to continue.
It’s been established here that snooker is inherently racist, but in the absence of anything else I’m watching the final on Beeb2. Call me paranoid, but it seems that the only two BAMEs in the room are sitting in the front row adjacent to the trophy. If it’s good enough for the Antiques Roadshow…
And, before the nurses come and steal my Lucozade again, did anyone see Portillo at the G F Watts Gallery in his Railway Journeys programme? I may be wrong but two background portraits of nudes had their boobs blurred!
FFS are we getting ‘nipple-phobia’ like the USA now?
I wonder if April was also the least windy month for ‘X‘ amount of years, but then again I doubt they would spout it out as it wouldn’t do the green agenda any good
Quote BBC news 6 October 2020. “Offshore wind farms will generate enough electricity to power every home in the UK within a decade, Boris Johnson has pledged.”
Any way
Last month’s daily production graph for power..
Wind power blue, note lack of it…..
I wish the chart didn’t that nonsense bit at the top
with a date of 20th of May and a lot of zero readings
I guess that’s what the end date was set to
so of course the readings are so far zero.
I almost posted a fuel graph for last few days wind , loads of gas
and coal brought into use
How the heck are going to replace all that Orange with that piddly bit of blue ?
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 19:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The 24 year-old afgee was the Munich car driver rammer – it could be his twin brother I guess.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
This morning I followed the link to the piece Laura Kuensberg put on the BBC website which was a long article on why Boris is a liar. I am not saying I believe everything he says (or is careful to avoid saying) but as a piece of partisanship on a public broadcaster paid for by us (or most of us), it went at least as far as Emily Maitliss did with her soliloquy. I had thought Tim Davie had said this obvious bias would not be tolerated.
But as I read Laura’s piece, the bile and venom seemed more than usual. I didn’t understand why – until somebody here made reference to Matt Hancock standing up to Laura at a press briefing. When she asked about wallpaper, he told her the briefing was about covid and refused to answer. I was pleased to see he can stand firm.
Laura had thought she had a ‘gotcha’ question for Matt and he was obviously prepared and presumably she got into a sulk. It is all very well Laura calling Boris a liar but as her previous story about sleaze and James Dyson wasn’t truthful and she should stop throwing stones.
Jay Beecher’s article calls out LK
Agree. Whatever Boris is like as person it isn’t her (or the bbc’s) job to make biased accusations and basically call him a total liar.
I dont trust the bbc, and I fear them, which is why I visit this site.
Just look what The Guardian wrote today:
‘Labour has slashed the Tories’ poll lead in half as more voters conclude that Boris Johnson is corrupt and dishonest ahead of this week’s bumper set of local and devolved elections.’
Journalists really are the most dirty low-life on the planet. Worse than lawyers and politicians.
BBC learnt a lesson, or was it the other way round, that continuous vilification of a president/PM, using lies and false narratives, can bring a popular president down. Specially with mail in voting.
Boris Johnson did not support Pres Trump, and now he is facing the same Left strategy that the Left deployed on Pres Trump. But this time on him. The Left managed to get a deeply flawed and unpopular Biden into the WHH. The BBC hopes that they can do the same, and get the Left Labour in number 10.
And why not, such is the gullibility of the Android generation.
Correction: Guardian and BBC journalists really are the most dirty low-life on the planet.
In the fascsst USA now, Laura could never have even asked that question. She would have had to submit it for approval then wait her turn to ask when Biden saw her picture on his ‘secret’ list and pretended to pick her at random.
There should have been uprorar from the ‘Free Press’ over that but they all kept silent.
I have to agree that the USA , with the Left holding all the power and using it as the Left always has, is now a leftist totalitarian country.
Why the USA is now a left wing thgug country
NCBBC the Biden crime family never gets mentioned on the news except by Fox so it’s good to see this tucker video, thanks for sharing it here.
We all suspect Bidens family have been up to no good for years just like the Clinton crime family but what happens ? The media and noticeably by direct omission does the BBC do the same. People need to wake up and watch more than one news channel and definitely get off the BBC
If Donald Trump ever engaged in hair sniffing, you would hear of it all day on the BBC – even now, such is the hatred of Donald Trump. Also Donald Trump’s support of Christianity was such that persecution and murder of Christians in Muslim countries abated. Now its on,full swing.
BTW, one sure fire way to make BBC types go complete nuts is to mention that you liked Margaret Thatcher’s policies and personality. She and Ronald Reagan brought down the communist empire of evil.
Sit back and enjoy. I’ve had people walk away fast, shouting epithets, as if I was infected.
It was a straightforward revenge hit job on Giuliani by the corrupt Biden admin.
Note that the FBI agents absolutely didn’t want to touch the Hunter Biden hard drive.
Intimidation policing
Laura K calls someone a liar !
It takes one to know one .
” Germany calling, Germany calling” And we know what happened to him. Matt Hancock humiliated her . The next step is at the
press conferences instead of the BBC asking the first media
question . Let them have the last after the ” Essex Examiner” or
“the distillers diary” have had theirs!!
BBC wallahs are never personally punished for the harm they do to ordinary people.
I was pleased that Cliff Richard’s lawyers got at the BBC.
But who paid the bill?
Is this the start of the total manipulation?
Yes, but do they really think China and Russia will comply?
Or emerging economies?
It will just disadvantage the West, as usual.
No they wont. And neither will India and rest of Asia. China is actually encouraging America to do something about AGW Climate Change.
One of the main reasons for Pres Trump to continue was that he would have stopped the AGW Climate Change agenda for another four years. Hopefully that would have put an end to it. But now our contribution will be used to fund the UN and its corrupt officials and dependents.
But here is Biden, chaining the USA and the West, to its destruction – self immolation on its funeral pier.
This will accelerate and bring about the complete domination of the world by China.
Better start practising how to Kowtow.
I’ve had a laugh a minute afternoon listening to BBC Radio 5 dead and their coverage of the ‘battle of Old Trafford’. They opened up the phone lines and anyone who says the Beeb don’t do comedy…..
Listening to the radio show hosts treading a careful line not wanting to pee off the callers and also not wanting to be seen/heard encouraging ‘law breaking’ through ‘mostly peaceful’ protest when two polis officers were hurt was a joy.
No fan of football, but when will the grassroots ‘fans’ realise the game is not about them and hasn’t been since about 1990….?
Could be a case to answer of bbc etc inciting this.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
Seems a bit light, only 2 pages
– page 2 started 5pm Saturday
I would encourage readers to watch the short video clip below.
In 4 minutes Alan Jones touches on Trump; recent events in France and elsewhere; Islam; and bogus environmentalism (“this climate change stuff is a national economic suicide note: you cannot strengthen the defence of your country if you weaken its economy”).
The content is hard-hitting, precise, short, sharp and to the point.
But beyond that, savour the tone of voice: authoritative, forceful without being shrill, and urgent without being alarmist.
By contrast, it is a slap in the face of our pusillanimous, woke, cowardly and treacherous BBC, and should put them to shame if they had any.
It is the sort of opinion piece they would never air in a month of Sundays, and one more reason they must be defunded asap.
It shows what good broadcasting sounds like. Hopefully the upcoming GB News might have commentators like Alan Jones, though I’m not holding by breath.
Defund the BBC.
Boris take note!
As if.
I see now why France is escorting them across the English Channel .
Approximately 92 arrived at Dover yesterday.
The really disgusting thing is the continuation of co-ordinated handovers between French warships and our border farce e.g. at 10.19 and 10.29.
France is doing right by France.
I always maintained, back in the days of LGF after 9/11, that it will be France that will fight back.
What about Europe. Eastern Europe is immune and does not allow Muslims in. It has had bad experience of communism, and Ottoman Islamic colonialism.
Germany, because of its recent past, cannot fight back. The EU does not have the needed muscle to do so. So it will be France that will fight back. And in keeping with tradition, we will go to the help of France.
With Donald Trump in the USA, I hoped that the Islamic invasion of the West would be reversed. But with the Left in power in America, and wagging the Biden body, its not looking good.
We know that the Left and Islam are allies against Western civilisation. Islam for the last 1100 years for religious reasons, and the Left for doctrinal ones.
I hope the Arizona audit reveals where the stink is coming from.
For Whom the Bin Tolls
Worth a read.
From the BBC website – “A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump’s allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election – despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false.” No, no evidence was ever examined in court; the Democrats refused on technical grounds only. Where is Marianna Spring (aged 25) when you need her?
I suspect it’s closer to 99% of Republicans. I wouldn’t trust anything CNN says, including their bogus polls – the same polls that gave Biden a crushing lead.
The BBC and percentages are like other media and percentages.
Could have been written by Jon and fact checked by Wendy personally.
That said…. #CCBGB
So 77% DON’T think the country is more united, and only 20.1% of the population give Biden credit (87% of 23%).
Not much to brag about.
Ha ha – a masterclass in misrepresentation by ABC news.
Integrity of reporter = zero.
Of course the country is more optimistic for the coming year : they just got a vaccine for COVID.
Yes, Trump’s vaccine!
Biden couldn’t even win the Primary. Covid was used to marginalise Sanders and shoe in Biden.
As for Kamala, she couldn’t even win the primary in her home state. But that is what is being shown here to the common people- that the Left and its Big Tech allies can put a clueless Dementia patient into the WH, and a cackling female as the VP. “We can do anything we like” says the Left, even shred the basic principles of the constitution.
I hope the Arizona audit reveals the fraud.
The Dems and its Big Tech allies in the media, and its gangs on the street, are doing their best to stop the audit. Lets hope the Arzona governor stands firm.
Four years of the Left in the WH, and the Left and Islamists in Europe, will put Christendom at a risk of extinction it never faced even at the height of the Nazi era.
Its worth remembering that despite the secular nature of present day Europe, its the 2000 year influence of Christendom on the culture and mores of Europe that defines what we are now.
Sadly, Christendom, Christianity, the West have given up the will to fight, the will to live, even. For reasons Douglas Murray analyses in The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.
Now it just wants to bend the knee, metaphorically and literally, to its enemies, as exemplified in that most obscene act of servility, submissiveness and self-abasement so popular on the Left in 2020.
Muzzled and kneeling, like slaves, like cowards.
How Putin must have laughed. How Xi Jinping, Hassan Rouhani, Erdogan and Kim Jong-un must have laughed.
The lesson we have to learn is that salvation sometimes comes from the darkest of times.
As for Putin – he is not laughing but full of sorrow at the demise of Christendom. For if it falls, so too does mother Russia.
So, like in 1940, we may have an alliance with Russia. Not an alliance of convenience, but one of like philosophy. It might even heal the age old rift with the Orthodox East – the main reason was the same as the one afflicting us now.
Too, an Islam triumphant in the West, with all the power it will have, will be of huge worry and concern to China etal. Its just now eliminating that threat within. So no.
@MarkH posted This is old news and was thoroughly debunked at the time, but it doesn’t stop the BBC running it again, for no apparent reason other than propaganda:
Then and now: When silence descended over Victoria Falls
“Our Planet Then and Now will continue each month up to the UN climate summit in Glasgow, which is scheduled to start in November 2021
I believe PaulH pointed out that the BBC was comparing an old WET season photo with a new DRY season photo
… or something like that.
10pm BBC1 news and Roger Harrabin showed a graph of AVERAGE world temperatures for the past 2000 years and showed how until the last decade they were all blue and below average. Suddenly the last line in red, the last decade shot high above the blue lines. I cannot get my mind how one high figure can depress the other 199 readings. In my day one rogue figure was considered an anomaly but now the whole world economy has to be destroyed on one set of figures. I might also add there was no sign of the Mediaeval warm period.
The BBC probably got the ‘back room boys’ to rustle the graph up to provide Harrabin (“He …….. studied English at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge” – – doesn’t tell us he got a degree).
Oh! hang on though, he, “has received an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Cranfield University.” Well that’s all right then: he can speak with some authority on science topics. Or can he with the academic ‘gift’ of a doctorate?
All the calculations show the planet is heading for the cooling effects of a Solar Minimum period.
The last century has shown, that in comparison to whatever happened in the last 2000 years, the Left made the 20th century, ie., the last 100 years, the worst in the history of the world.
No one can beat the Left when it comes to mass murder by any means, including using famine as a weapon.
We know that Fact-checking is often an ambush-name for orgs that are doing selective-fact-spinning.
Here’s a pretty horrendous one from FullFact
We talked about the Lorraine Item last week
that had a number big errors
But her main point is
‘It’s all very simple Here’s a photo of before lockdown measures, ….. here’s a photo after and here’s one after look CLEAN AIR ..Himalayas !’
And everyone said “It’s Photoshopped”
Well Fullfact tries to brush over that by saying it was faked, but it is a real effect.
That still leaves the lie that the effect is ongoing
whereas AFAIK it was for ONE day and similar one days have happened in the past
FullFact = Full-Of-Sh!te
Photoshopping is just an edited version of the after photo
BTW You still couldn’t see them on most lockdown days either AFAIK
That desperate attempt to excuse that lie really shows the ‘fact checkers’ for what they are. What a joke.
It reminds me of the cover photo on Time magazine of the illegal-immigrants and the little child screaming after being separated from it’s mother by the evil Donald Trump. It’s mum had actually just gone to the toilet and they were reunited moments later. When exposed, they said ‘it captured the sentiment’ and refused to apologise. Yet now – under Biden – children are being sent alone across the border and have to fend for themselves until they get detained. A million times worse. Yet nobody is saying anything about it.
These hypocrites make me sick. They don’t care one bit about truth. It’s all agenda.
AOC personally pulling a Rambo and freeing children from Trump cages whilst crying sensitive tears was a classic.
As was Jon, Lurch, Katty and Nick going along with Joe 40’ luxury border hostels as summer camps.
Here WaPo secure a BBC fan.
Replies say a lot.
These “journalists” really think they are in charge of the news, don’t they. Are they worried as control is slipping through their fingers, or have they simply not noticed?
GW, the drip, drip, drip of negativity designed to undermine Boris irrespective of the average persons views of him.
Just before 0900 this morning there was a debate on Toady regarding the situation in Northern Ireland. If I’m not very much mistaken, our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” has now turned its sights to undermining NI and working toward breaking it off from the UK. Well planned? – with seconds to go to reach 0900, The Bee lady asked a deeply academic question about whether NI will eventually be absorbed by Ireland. To answer that question needed many minutes. The interviewee started to answer but was halted by: “I’m sorry we have to go now”.
The BBC, ‘Professionals in deceit and false news either directly promulgated or by omission’.
I suppose Boris J is now beginning to feel what Donald Trump felt in the last four years.
Boris was negative at best when it came supporting Donald Trump. Now he could do with Trump’s support – something that was given to him by Trump all the rime.
I hope Boris J finally begins to realise that there can never be peace with the Left. The only strategy the communist Left knows is to destroy the enemy. That is murder them all, as they did in the last century.
This strategy they share with Islam. Its not enough for Islam to have conquered and mass murdered the once Christian nations of the ME. Even now, with Christians a tiny minority, Christians are still being mercilessly persecuted.
The fantastic Votewatch with the latest Labour Sleaze video.
Funny how many of these crooks follow the same religion.
Just saw this one under the Mitt Romney getting booed story::
‘A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump’s allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election – despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false.’
I don’t recall these claims proven to be false. I recall SOME claims being explained away where they could, but I also recall hearing lots of accusations which I never saw any answer to.
This statement implies every claim was proven to be false. It simply cannot be not true. The usual trick of careful wording by the BBC is gradually getting closer and closer to outright lies as their confidence grows when they get away with it.
BBC and truthiness.
Non BFF – concoct source quotes, twist and scream ‘keel heem’ for weeks, and if cornered go the ‘a sense of what might have been said’ route.
BFF – quietly ignore if not narrative helpful.
JohnC- ‘A CNN poll released this week suggested 70% of Republicans still believe Mr Trump’s allegations that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the election – despite the claims being repeatedly proven to be false.’
The claims have never been tested in court as SCOTUS fled the crime scene. Too much brutality and thuggery on the streets from the Left that made even SCOTUS run for the hills. They didn’t even have the courage to hear the petition from 18 states, including Texas.
If this problem is not faced truthfully, it will break the USA. And with it, us too. Of course it will give a lot of pleasure and satisfaction to the Left, Obama, and China. Not Russia though.
Now the Left even controls the FBI and DoJ. It has raided the home of Rudi Guiliani at 6am, and carried off his materials – without any authority from the court.
The USA is now a totalitarians state. That is what the Left has done to it.
I agree. And – just like the BBC – each time they get away with it, they push the boundary of what they dare to do a little further.
Coronavirus: Why some mosques are closed to women during Ramadan
The BBC has contacted 29 of Britain’s largest capacity mosques to find out their policy for the month of Ramadan.
Five do not have a women’s area, while six mosques responded to say they cannot accommodate women due to Covid-19 health and safety reasons. Twelve were open for women, while seven didn’t respond.
Julie Siddiqi, a women’s rights campaigner who wants to make British mosques more accessible for women…”
Here we go… Is the far lefts unwritten pact with the muslims cracking!
Why not ask her why muslims think women are considered to be ‘in a state of impurity’ when menstruating and can’t enter mosques
Even within the confines of this possibly narrow interest item, the BBC propaganda team are busy at work:
Second paragraph: ‘Almas barely has time for her religion. She is a single mother-of-three and is studying for a university degree.’ Well, no doubt there are some Muslim women in that situation, but it’s not exactly common or representative within that community, is it?
Later on we learn about ‘Julie Siddiqi, a women’s rights campaigner who wants to make British mosques more accessible for women’. Julie… from the Latin, a common name in Europe and the Anglophobe world but not really used in the Muslim and Arabic world. The intention of the BBC here is to imply that there are ‘English/British’ Muslims and yes, there are, but again it is not particularly representative.
However, when it comes to something that doesn’t fit the narrative the BBC are noticeably quiet. We read ‘Sometimes women will pray behind men in the same space. More often, mosques will have two separate rooms for each gender to pray in, with the men in the main prayer hall and the women in an alternative space.’ What! Two separate rooms for each gender to pray in? Two? How can that be, BBC? You’ve been busy telling our kids there are more than 100 genders. So where do all the trans-men, trans-women, non-binary, gender fluid, pansexual etc Muslims pray in the mosque? To it’s credit, Islam doesn’t subscribe to this biology-denying nonsense.
The BBC… there are more than a hundred genders. Except when it comes to the Gender Pay Gap (sic), Wimmin’s football and Islam. When it mysteriously reverts back to two.
“Julie converted to Islam in March 1995
Siddiqi is a well-known broadcaster and writer, and former Director of the Muslim Society of Great Britain.
Born and bred in Surrey, she is a white British convert.”
Th internet names her sons : Eesa, Musa
but the name of her husband seems secret.
The tradition in most Muslim countries is that since you stick your bum in the air to pray, it is not appropriate for men to be behind the women.
However in Indonesia wives often pray standing next to their husband, say in outdoor praying or at home.
BTW : Mary in Arabic called Marīam the mother of Isa (Jesus) is venerated in Islam. … She is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran
Hubby maybe a close relative?
But but we must never question a minority religion.
Surely not only women menstruate?
Other countries can be more subtle in covert funding.
For instance, idiot national media setting up a patsy for ransom and then demanding media-thrall politicians pony up.
The media gets very huffy when pols are evasive.
Given Sky Blonde sniggering and BBC blonde simply going full attack cow with their gotchas, hardly surprising. Why answer when the question is for heat rather than light?
In a democracy pols answer to the people, and the failure here is serious.
I long assessed MPs are not advocates or even representatives. They are stenographers and posties, with a team who copy pastes what you send having sat on it a while, gets them to sign it and then send on to wait months until copy pasting the instruction to tell you to sod off on a letter they sign back.
And if you persist they concoct a Cathy Newman to effect a flounce. Or future block.
So, just like the BBC.
Only they can be voted out.
Guest Who
They can be voted out by not paying the Telly Tax .
Best policy. It hurts where it hurts most.
PM Boris can use the power he has if he wants or has the guts.
One way to shake up the BBC, is to use the time honoured tactic of “modernisation”. The “modernisation” tactic in this instance would be to use two primary reasons.
1. In these times of covid austerity, it is necessary to streamline the BBC to get more effective use of taxpayers money.
2. An information revolution is ongoing, where the public has access to a greater variety of information outlets. The BBC has to be modernised, its management structure, news and views, to reflect the greater variety in society, as well as information outlets.
Under these two guises, one can do virtually anything. The conservatives are the only ones who can do this and its in their interest to do so. In fact, for their very political survival and ours, as well as offering the public a choice of sorts, it is absolutely necessary.
Any opposition from BBC apparatchiks can be dismissed as Luddite, resistant to change, old fashioned, or whatever comes to mind.
Classic BBC ‘News’
Any Australian arriving in the country from India faces fines and up to five years in prison – which critics say were not imposed on Australians returning from other nations at the height of their Covid waves.
Australia’s India ban criticised as ‘racist’ rights breach
Vague ‘critics’ who say… the inevitable raci… sorry ‘racism’ quotes…
Nick Bryant already on consult duty?
R4Today James Cleverly interview
“*Gotcha*, minister .. you’ve cut the money to this Bangladeshi women’s rights charity and it’s ONLY £50K, and that’s less than the PM spent on wallpaper”
…stupid theatre
and anyways I don’t think the actual wallpaper was £50K, doesn’t that includes the couches etc.
Before that they’d been banging on about their own BBC1 police drama last night as if that’s news.
What in blazes do we have to do with a Bangladeshi women’s charity. It is Bangladesh problem.
BBC News and Army #PRasNews coordinating the blondes have less fun Gretakopf Battalion adventures in Africa
Three hundred British soldiers have joined the world’s ‘most dangerous peacekeeping mission’ in Mali, with an embedded crew moved from Lily to a Gal like Alice.
It has it all… well, nothing at all really.
Still, if someone puts out the wrong bins they shall likely get a jolly good talking to. But probably won’t understand. Or say anything.
Marianna no so needs to up her harm’s way peroxide victim game though.
Seems Mrs. Bliar has tipped off some in the cubicle gardens that Sapna Malik knows great ways to use public funds down the line to generate loads of heat and zero light whilst sticking it to da woman with leaked ‘source’ reports.
Hope Cap. A has wears her helmet once the snipers open up, and keeps the body cam lens dusty.
9am Marr is about Napoleon’s Plunder of paintings and national galleries etc.
There are no obvious BBC pet agendas in the blurb.
Followed by the daily book
The King’s Painter: The Life and Times of Hans Holbein by Franny Moyle
10am WH “Breaking barriers to cycling for women”
..yep still looks like lefty agenda pushing
“….Getting more women involved isn’t easy, especially for women of colour”
+ “disabled cyclists”
+ “racing with e-bikes” ( that’s paradox , she with the best battery wins ?)
11am a prog about British volunteers in India helping “Adivasi”
Don’t know why BBC dont use British English
“A tribal minority group” is what Adivasi means.
One can only imagine.
Whatever. It is good to see young White boys and men on the screen. I thought that they had been eliminated.
Local radio is playing old TV themes
someone asked for “Four Feather Falls” (made by the Thunderbirds puppet people)
and the BBC guy mentioned it’s on the BBC banned list for “inappropriate language”
FFS it was a 1960s kids show
I remember that from the early sixties!
Dear me. What about Torchy, Torchy the Battery Boy?! Was he a raging fascist?!
Well, they banned Big Ears and Noddy from sleeping in the same bed !
And I suppose those sketches of Eric & Ernie in their matching PJs will never be seen again !
Not Beeb, but Global “news” currently bigging up the Kanneh Mason family, who have won their Global Awards competition. The music is OK, but they are BAME, and therefore can do no wrong. We will never hear the last of it, having already had Samuel Coleridge Taylor mercilessly plugged at us for the last year.
They are so depleted of BAME musicians, that they have to grab at, and hang on to, any that they can find.
Is the photo of an event in Kenya?
More on Global Awards list
BEST FEMALE : Dua Lipa (Albanian)
BEST BRITISH ACT : Dua Lipa (Albanian)
most played song : ‘Don’t Start Now’ Dua Lipa (Albanian)
BEST MALE : Harry Styles
BEST GROUP : Little Mix multi-ethnic-group
BEST HIP HOP OR R&B : Cardi B (born in New York : Cardi B -Dominican father and Trinidadian mother )
BEST INDIE ACT : Nothing But Thieves (Essex male band)
RISING STAR : Joel Corry (London DJ)
One more
who in the whole world won BEST PODCAST ?
It was Hunting Ghislaine
just happens to be one of Global’s own done on LBC
by John Sweeney
LBC tweeted about his win 8 times
Including his sycophantic video
Soon Wendy and team might figure that being associated with ‘BBC’ and ‘fake’ is hardly a career path with promise.
Could always ask them to check, but likely still on Covid feet or QAnon or beastly tweets.
that’s the debunk story from Paul H
BBC’s Fake Victoria Falls Report
Yet more disgracefully misleading propaganda from the BBC:
“Many of the recently circulated shots of the supposedly bone-dry Victoria Falls were snapped of the Eastern Cataract on the Zambian side”
..“Every single year the Eastern Cataract of the Victoria Falls exposes a dry rock face, normally between the months of October to December,”
‘Line of Duty finale lands record ratings’
But as much as I scour the wet-panties incestuous article, I cannot find which ‘record’ it has broken.
I suspect it just means it was the most watched one of the series. Hardly ‘record ratings’.
And hardly surprising as it’s been plugged and advertised through the roof – just like Dr Who was when Jodie started.
Shame it has been universally criticised as rubbish. I personally cannot watch any BBC drama now. Seeing it at the start used to be a sign of something decent. Now it’s a sign of imminent agenda-programming and that someone black will be on your screen within 5 minutes (who will NOT be the villain, even though some racist whites will say he is until it is revealed it is a middle aged pale-and-stale).
Straight out of the ‘tell it often enough’ book.
Every BBC Local Democracy-infested local rag has been banging on ad nauseam.
Recognising things that were spiralling badly took a nose dive they are now trying to ‘discuss’ the conclusion.
Where do we all stand regarding vaccine?
I’ve chosen not to take it. I’m not anti-vax, I may take it in the future if I consider it to be safe enough.
It is however, concerning that the NHS yellow card reporting of side effects is quite difficult to find in full, I did manage, but it took some time. I would recommend a study of it if you haven’t taken it yet.
My initial thoughts before any research were that the same people who told me Biden won the US election fairly, the last UK election was going to be close, Trump bad, 3 weeks to flatten the curve, etc were quite insistent I take it. Naturally this set off the alarm bells and set me on a path to research thoroughly, and based on actual NHS/.gov data, and not some guy on twitter.
No “vaccine” for me. I am at an age, and with a condition, which I don’t want to risk jeopardising with an untested, unnecessary vaccine. Living in isolation as I do, the chances of picking up this over-hyped ‘flu infection are quite remote. If I do, then c’est la vie.
I’m not travelling, and don’t intend to.
Besides, no-one has invited us, as yet, to partake.
disclosure: Ive no idea whether the vax is good or not , but I have had the first shot as I dont think im getting my life back until its done
but articles like this just lead my mind to confusion, which im sort of sure is the point
this pandemic stinks from day 1 from lack of chinese transparency, from bat soup to lab to now allegedly a natural occurence maybe , the WHO’s contradictory statements ,our governments refusal to shut the border till the horse had bolted following WHO advice , the stupid mask mandate , the useless lockdowns NOT following WHO advice , SAGE stuffed full of groupthink, communists and the perpetually miles off modelers.
I dont know what it all means but I do know something is very very wrong
I’ve had both jabs without side effects at all. I have a rubbish immune system so have given everyone a wide berth for months, ending up on a ventilator was not an option for me. I decided the few years I have left is worth the risk, and yes we have to die of something, but checking out fighting for breath under an oxygen mask was not the way I want to go !
Same here. My wife is on the medically vulnerable list and I have to say we were both very relieved when we got our second jabs three weeks ago and we are now getting back to something approaching normality.
Same here, DT…
One sign of a return to some sort of normality is that she is more relaxed about getting out the gate nowadays, before that we’d be everywhere!
The second jab made me feel dreadful, but she didn’t notice a thing! I thought it was a surfeit of Jack Daniels for my aches and pains, until I realised I’d finished the bottle well before…
Aaaah, sod it, we’re now feeling better, especially as Great Britain is still the greatest, and easily led the way – whichever that was! The US are suffering badly even after old mr biden trying to take the credit from what President Trump organised months ago!
Well, I’ve had my invite but at present am limited to choice of one vaccine. Reading around the subject and bearing in mind some health complications, I’m keen to sort those out instead. In time, there could be a group of half-a-dozen vaccines available in the UK and I would prefer to make an informed choice rather than blunder into a yellow card event.
After all, unlike footie, the one yellow card might see me sent off.
Unfortunately the over-hyped flu infection killed our neighbours at numbers 5 and 26, plus a friend round the corner.
And with 30 million vaccinations in the UK alone on top of three phases of clinical trials, I’d venture to suggest the testing is pretty robust.
And though the chance of infection may well be quite remote in the UK and defined other countries, it has not always been the case in the last 13 months.
And being of a certain age, any undiscovered long term effects are of minimal importance.
So on balance of about 98% to 2%, I’ll be taking my second jab later this month with enthusiasm.
Not least in case I ever have to go to hospital with another condition.
@Sluff 3 deaths, that’s real
Were the two neighbours known to you before ?
Deaths would not spread in average way across the community
you’d expect there to be lumps.
But since 1 in 500 of the UK population have died with Covid on the death certificate an average person would need to have 1,500 friends if 3 of them died of Covid.
Obviously less if your group is skewed towards the elderly.
And in an average year one would expect a friend or 2 to die of old age.
No, I’ve not taken the jab as yet.
I seem to have a reasonably decent immune system and I’ve never taken the flu jab either. I think if you’re in one the vulnerable groups it’s a good idea, but I’m not. And the prospect of giving this to kids is repellent…
Also, I’m very against all the excessive coercion that we’re seeing.
The BBC have loved this virus and promote it at every opportunity. I’m really quite depressed at how compliant, unquestioning and obedient the British people have become.
I used to believe we were different in this country, but we’re not.
What happened in North Korea, East Germany and the USSR could easily happen here.
Jeff, you make a good point, so apply the Law of Scrobs, and assume that the awful BBC’s posturing is in fact the opposite to normal rational thinking!
And join Senora O’Blene and me in a good glass of wine, for old times sake!
Senior Tory says PM should resign if he has broken ministerial code
I see there are THREE separate investigations in progress for the redecoration of a flat Boris doesn’t even own. I hope they publish how much it all cost the taxpayer.
The Left are going after Boris just like they went after Trump.
Baby steps, perhaps, but welcome to me if not the FT
A welcome move after over 20 years of liberals being appointed to charities and quangos. Well overdue
Sounds good. Now for the BBC.
Bit unfair on the chair.
“UK Black Studies Prof: ‘America Is a Racist Project… Europe on Steroids’
Kehinde Andrews ……”
Kehinde, it even sounds like a whine.
That is the correct collective noon for Blackfricans? A whine of.
Meanwhile on BBC TV Hamilton it is more of the same.
Q Why did Lester Piggott do so well on Nijinsky?
A Because the horse contributed 98% of the effort.
Q Why does Whiiiiiiner Lewis Hamilton not build a F1 winning car, in Africa, with Kehinde?
With some help from the countless rich black intellectuals, who pullulate everything Al Beeb admires.
Using only local resources.
A It’s my fault, and yours. We inherited the blame.
Our ancestors (when not living in the Cheddar Gorge) stole all the advanced ideas from Africans.
Then infected them with amnesia.
Other explanations are available, just not on the BBC.
Of course it’s Europe on steroids…..that was the whole idea of expanding across a continent.
The, “Five Eyes” –
“”No matter if they have five eyes or ten eyes, as soon as they dare to harm China’s sovereignty, security or development interests, they should be careful lest their eyes be poked blind.” — Zhao Lijian, the spokesman for China’s foreign minister, BBC, November 19, 2020.”
“The survival of the alliance (Five Eyes) in its current form, though, is under threat after Ms Ardern’s administration announced that it was making improved trade relations with Beijing its priority, rather than maintaining its support for Five Eyes.”
How fitting. Therein, lies the stark contrast between outright Communism/Totalitarianism and freedom to dictate a country’s ability to choose. Irrespective of the fact that NZ is clearly, at present, an ‘Apprentice’ totalitarian state, it can still make its own decisions.
darn typo “Gary Lineker joined the 4 day Twitter *boycott* to stop racism and hate”
Gary Lineker joined the 4 day Twitter to stop racism and hate
.. so what did he do when one of his lefty mates posted a tweet sneering at Laurence Fox
… of course he TWEETED a reply
Then less than 1.5 days later this tweet ..which he then had to delete.
Then he went to dinner with Piers Morgan
and Piers did the tweet photo
People summised it as
“Gary.. I’m going on a social media boycott.. who can tweet for me
lunch with Piers it is “
Not a great fan of Piers Morgan, but on certain issues has been ‘spot on’. However, in his various columns he has referred to Lineker with some choice names at times, conning the reader into believing there was enmity there. Then we read of contradictory evidence of their many evenings out together. As with Kuennsberg, simply more evidence of journalistic lies.
Too true, Brissles!
I’ve noticed that Laura K is now getting pretty rattled in her indecision, peculiar stances on just about everything, and is probably up against the wall where her under-managers are concerned!
Like Harrabin, she’s beginning to lose so much credibility, that her stuff is just ignored – even more, and while being paid a lot of money, is just not up to the job now.
The senior under-managers don’t seem to care much, presumably because they are under the same sort of cosh, but higher up the wages scale, and the result is a bit of a mish-mash of busted egos, lies and general apathy at everything the awful BBC is churning out these days!
I reckon Laura is for the back door soon – just not up to a ‘bbbc job’ any more – forgettable in fact.
Meanwhile the BBC did SEVEN tweets saying why they wouldn’t be joining in with the activism & boycott.
I said seven, but forgot to check under .com as well
Number eight : Nihal being unbiased ..not
(same article but BBC had changed the title to “BBC abhors”
Checks Nihal’s tweets
.. He stayed silent for 7 HOURS and since then has tweeted 25 times
Not really biased BBC. But then again.
There is lots of coverage about releasing the overseas travel restrictions. In places like France their authorities are making warm noises about admitting Brits for Summer Holidays. And apparently millions of us want some hot sun and sand.
But why on earth should the government be bending over so we can visit France? A country whose hateful government has been as anti-British as can be, determined to ‘punish’ us for Brexit and afterwards, with their arbitrary rules and the risk of getting stuck in Calais.
The best thing would be to boycott France, tell Macron to get stuffed, and spending our saved money from lockdown in the UK. If overseas holidays are essential then lets choose some friendly countries. And let our government oil those particular wheels.
More sun and sand in Spain… more culture in Italy…
“Rome Colosseum: Italy unveils plan for new floor with gladiator’s view”
I thought the ‘Task and Finish’ group of the Woke Brigade were going to pull this building down because of its links with slavery ?
Its OK, as some of it was good stuff – like Christians fed to the lions.
Do love an expert-driven ‘study suggests’.
Especially reported upon tongue in cheek.
Well, I presume tongue in cheek.
What does not kill you makes you stronger.
Tickling Sleepy’s tummy is serving the USA, and West, poorly.
An expert driven study? Biden is the media mafia’s creation.
Don’t you love it when the ‘serious’ media (like the BBC) put on their professional faces and voices, crunch some numbers and talk of “claims by conservatives the press is biased toward Democrats”, as if it were a matter of partisan dispute, when it’s screamingly obvious to anyone with half a brain that the press were hysterically anti-Trump and blatantly, brazenly pro-Biden.
“Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: UK and Iran in talks over debt but ‘unlinked’ to case”
Is Bo Jo bottling it ?
Starmer and Khan out campaigning together.
We know they are ‘friends’ and Starmer finds Khan an ‘inspiration’.
Aah, isn’t that nice.
Out of interest do we know the process by which the postal votes for London Mayor in particular will be verified/checked/audited, and by whom?
No doubt there are failsafe procedures which will be rigorously observed.
Sure they have a failsafe. All counts are done on wooden floors with large gaps in the boards. If it is deemed, when counting, too many non Khan votes are appearing, the following. The observers are obstructed, distracted or asked to leave for security reasons (a la Biden). Non Khan votes are shoved through the floor and ‘late’ postal votes, remarkably all for Khan magically appear.
I’m sure the London elections will be as honest as the US elections.
And anyone who questions them will be a racist and islamophobe, so no-one will dare.
Welcome to Londonistan.
Great, another Mosque, another step towards world-domination, one fortress at a time.
Everytime I say to people, start paying politicians a decent amount and stop them taking money from Saudi they say to me screw that they get paid too much anyway, and let Saudi pay them if they want to.
Well smile because this is the result, if you won’t pay them someone else will and you won’t like the consequences.
Another own goal by Labour.
Surely Labour/Sadiq don’t need to cheat in London, he will win … bar some miracle
Surely the polls show the Tories are miles behind.
BBC Wales video report
: NHS workers at Wales’ largest hospital are creating a woodland to offset the carbon emissions and waste that came from the machines needed to treat patients with Covid-19.
I wonder how the maths work out ?
You’d need to work out the full lifecycle CO2 for ventilator machines inc construction CO2
No harm. And if it reduces the number of lardbergs twerking on Tic Tak, all the better.
These people are effin’ mad.
That is all.
One for Marianna to confirm?
Or not.
I reckon that’s out of date
I remember when this came up before, I posted that the Ellison foundation had closed down
Sept 2020
Feb 28th I wrote
Carrie’s family is a three generation chain of infidelity
Her mother was the Independent’s lawyer
Her father was the co-founder of the Independent and a Guardian journo, then BBC WS manager, then 22 years at the Economist
also heading Larry Ellison’s charity until it was recently closed
Her father’s father was a Labour MEP and Baron who had an affair
Her father’s mother was close to Asquith, though her family said he was not her father.
Carrie was near the top of an anti-whaling NGO.
Most of this was not mentioned in Radio4’s profile of her.
They mentioned the whaling NGO
but did not mention the infidelity.
Only said this “Her father met her mother at the Independent where he was the co-founder and she was the lawyer”
The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change website mentions the relationship in mixed tenses
“The long-standing partnership that TBI has with the Larry Ellison Foundation (LEF) enabled us to move fast and we look forward to helping more countries that need such systems to deploy them to help save lives.”
Over at TCW, Stew, Princess Nut Nuts has been re-named Carrie Antoinette. 😉
So why didn’t daddy pay for the decorators?
It would actually be more green not to treat them at all and allow them to die as nature intended.
I know it’s just a one day number but today’s UK deaths total where covid may have played a part is …….. 1
Now for the football news :-
Ten reports on the only world religion.
Listed on page 1, there are 29 pages!
2021-05-03 16:00
“Child sexual abuse: Four held in German-led raid on huge network”
Not many details.
The cult with compulsory mass gang rapes as part of its immutable core beliefs does not appear to be involved.
Otherwise it would not be reported by the BBC.
As a quick searxh would demonstrate
Sorry, there are no results for “racist muslims gang rape white children”.
Sorry, there are no results for “white children targets of Muslim gang rapists”.
Sorry, there are no results for “Labour party imported Muslim gang rapists”.
Millions more reports missing from the BBC about the world’s only belief system.
Try ‘Muslim terrorist’ and ‘far-right terrorist’
The results show the last time the BBC used the word ‘Muslim’ in relation to an actual attack was in 2014.
Coincidentally a search for ‘Obama ISIL’ shows the first results from 2014 as well (Obama used ISIL instead of ISIS to try and not alienate American Muslim’s).
I wonder if these Lefties around the world talk to each other to arrange joint strategies for all of this or the BBC look for suitable bandwagons to jump on as an excuse for the change of policy.
Local BBC news : “It European Day in Boston
The vaccination centre is open to all open age categories
and free translator are on hand’s all because Boston has low vaccination rates”
Video show s first a black African guy saying his mates are sceptical
.. then a white South African woman.
Then report from the Hull women’s solidarity protest.
6:30pm Radio4 “Tricky : Does Your Vote Matter?
Politics students and commentators Dominique Samuels and Emily Hewertson
discuss the importance of voting
with writer Alasdair Heather and creative director David Chukwujekwu”
Well Dominique is black and a Conservative
so it’s rare for her to be allowed on the BBC
London police appeal
“Covid: 1m plus rule could end from 21 June, says Johnson”
“There is a “good chance” the 1m plus social distancing rule can be scrapped on 21 June in England, the prime minister has said.”
“Could” and “Good Chance”. So we may not open up then ?
It looks like Behavioural psychologists are at work within SAGE.
Not the beeb, but, Mrs Voter was watching Laura Norder on 5USA and there was an advert for Air BNB. From the cast it would appear that the BNB bit is Blacks N Browns. Perhaps they get their furniture from DFS?
Todays new all black adverts
– Adidas
– The KP spicy peanuts animatin.. no white male characters
And recent new adverts with inter-racial couples…
Zoopla who have previous form!Three couples featured couple one,white man with Indian woman,couple two black man with white woman and couple three white man and woman of retirement age.
There’s also a new company/website called Boomin or something like that and have gone straight in with the mixed race couple.
Ziffit an outfit similar to Music Magpie have a cartoon white man with black woman and black kid.
I thought we’d reached peak inter-racial relationships a while ago but they seem to just keep on coming! If only I knew so many such people in real life!
A few days ago, the race-baiters at the BBC ran with the inflammatory headline “Ohio shooting: Columbus police kill black teenage girl”.
The story drew inevitable comparisons to Floyd, and produced inevitable interviews with mum saying what a peaceful, loving girl she was, and inevitable race-baiters ‘demanding answers’ etc.
We now know that a more honest headline would have read:
“Heroic police protect a black girl from being stabbed by another black girl.”
Sargon of Akkad discusses the incident below, and among other things points out the insanity of BLM ending up siding with those committing knife crime (it’s just a teenage thing) and demanding the police shouldn’t intervene. (For once I’m tempted to agree – leave them to it.)
That’s the kind of absurdity extreme wokeism leads to.
PS. Needless to say, the moronic corpse in the White House, or rather his handlers, also weighed in on the story; and, needless to say, on the side of the attacker and against the police.
Via Posobiec
A juror in the Derek Chauvin trial hid that he was a Black Lives Matter activist to convince the judge that he was “impartial.”
Juror #52, now identified as Brandon Mitchell, is also encouraging people to try to get on juries to “spark some change.”
During jury selection, Mitchell claimed that he had very little knowledge of the case. However, Mitchell was photographed last August wearing a shirt that read “Get your knee off our necks” and “BLM.”
On the ad-popup mid left click “continue this time”
I was expecting a catch like someone saying he never made it onto the final voting jury, but I don’t see that.
The BBC say ‘The footage appears to show Ma’Khia Bryant lunging with a sharp object’. So only ‘appears’ and it might not be a knife.
Her mother is shown addressing the crowd but shamefully they do not repeat the outright racist lies she told.
And the Whitehouse linked the absolutely professional actions of the police officer to ‘systematic racism’. And the MSM – including the BBC – stay silent because the truth is inconvenient.
They disgust me.
Open up the Twitter search and it tells you what is trending
Twitter forces this warning at you
..Strange cos we have never being forced to wear masks in ALL public spaces in the UK only INDOOR, like inside buildings or public transport.
Masks do not reduce the spread of Covid-19 the virus is still able to penertrate through the mask in any event, making the whole issue scientifically unsupported. Masks are being used as just another fear motive, that the overly compliant public fall over themselves to continue to comply aided by the Mischievous Media and the wretched social media eager for the subjugation to continue.
It’s been established here that snooker is inherently racist, but in the absence of anything else I’m watching the final on Beeb2. Call me paranoid, but it seems that the only two BAMEs in the room are sitting in the front row adjacent to the trophy. If it’s good enough for the Antiques Roadshow…
And, before the nurses come and steal my Lucozade again, did anyone see Portillo at the G F Watts Gallery in his Railway Journeys programme? I may be wrong but two background portraits of nudes had their boobs blurred!
FFS are we getting ‘nipple-phobia’ like the USA now?
Met Office: UK has seen coldest April since 1922
I wonder if April was also the least windy month for ‘X‘ amount of years, but then again I doubt they would spout it out as it wouldn’t do the green agenda any good
Quote BBC news 6 October 2020. “Offshore wind farms will generate enough electricity to power every home in the UK within a decade, Boris Johnson has pledged.”
Any way

Last month’s daily production graph for power..
Wind power blue, note lack of it…..
I wish the chart didn’t that nonsense bit at the top
with a date of 20th of May and a lot of zero readings
I guess that’s what the end date was set to
so of course the readings are so far zero.
I almost posted a fuel graph for last few days wind , loads of gas
and coal brought into use
How the heck are going to replace all that Orange with that piddly bit of blue ?
Expect an announcement from the BBC that this was actually the hottest April of 2021 ever.
Acclaimed Climate Scientist speaks