The joys of electricity blackouts is something we shall have to get used too in the UK. (she mentions that it would be good for the BBC to suffer from this)… Jo Nova (from 2018) Aussie. GWPF – About 48mins talk.
Know her stuff.. funny too!
Jo Nova – How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Electricity Grid in Three Easy Steps
Absolute classic BBC here:
Asian hate crime in UK increases during pandemic
The BBC hatred of Trump and the intellectually inferior white racists shines through the usual haunting piano music.
Three ‘attacks’. Two explicitly named as white people. The first ‘attack’ which warrants special video on the state news channel ?. An old white lady points at a Chinese girl and says ‘You Chinese. You are the Chinese virus’. Unusual language for a native Elgish speaker but there you go. The third attack was when a white man spat at a Chinese woman on a train as he got off. The second attack is the only one where someone got assaulted (punched on the nose). It stands out a mile that they do not give the colour of the attacker for this one, but their graphic shows a dark skinned man.
And of course they spend a full 30 seconds of the 3 minutes putting the blame on Trump for telling us it came from China. Which it did.
None of it pleasant – but do these ‘attacks’ warrant yet another special video being made by the BBC ?.
But most of all, they absolutely fail to mention the real problem with these attacks are the horrific ones we see in the USA. And we all know why : it’s black people doing them.
Disgusting BBC dishonesty. Only the bits it suits them for you to know.
Oh how the BBC love New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, or Saint Jacinda of the Veil as she’s known, ever since she put on her sad face over the Christchurch attack and hugged every muslim within camera-shot, vowing to wipe out the evil of islamophobic white supremacists, bla bla. The beeb love that sort of thing.
Which might explain their very accommodating article about Ardern and her ridiculous Foreign Affairs Minister, who’s gone all fashionably ethnic and thinks the West is racist, natch. The two of them are endangering the Five Eyes Alliance and weakening the West vis-a-vis China at a time of growing tension and assertiveness by the latter, when solidarity is more important than ever.
But according to the BBC, nothing to worry our pretty little heads over, it’s just a storm in a teacup, Auntie says all is well and Auntie knows best:
Sky News Aus disagrees. They’re getting very worried indeed about China and they don’t like NZ’s self-serving game one bit.
“We have evidence that woke politics is making the west desperately weak”
Monday R4 Arts show : Memorials to the 21st Century
– bit about Covid
– bit about poppies
– And the toppling of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol, and the proposed memorial to enslaved Africans and their descendants.
.. Oku Ekpenyon recounts her struggle to create a new memorial to slaves whose labour brought wealth to the UK, “.
Wealth which this shameless hypocrite and all the other people whining are only too happy to take a share of.
Why hasn’t she gone back to live in Africa if she feels it is so wrong ?.
lol, same as the Left go on about how the Windrush generation helped improve our quality of life but never mention how much coming here improved THEIR quality of life.
A thousandfold difference.
Last August, @bbcsport launched its #HateWontWin project.
We have since blocked & reported hundreds of users, & removed or hidden thousands of comments.
We will continue to take action.
Here’s the BBC’s approach on the social media boycott in sport
Then it encourages people to report and cancel profiles that said something hatey
it gives the protected categories one of which is Religion.
I can understand wanting to stop bad things happening in the playground that is social media
but am uncomfortable in BBC setting itself as prefects.
#1 They are paid to make programmes, not to be some kind of internet police
#2 In their own comments sections and output
HATE against righty causes like Trump/Boris/Tories/Farage/Patriotism/True-Equality/ProperBorders/FreeSpeech is encouraged
.. yet they insist that “religion” which is a belief system like politics is, is a special protected category.
When they say “all of us”
they don’t seem to genuinely mean all of Britain.
The campaign is calling for the UK government and social media companies to do more to tackle online hate.
The BBC as a corporation cannot take part in the campaign. We have special duties that don’t apply to other organisations under our Royal Charter and editorial guidelines that prevent us from joining lobbying campaigns. So while we have firm policies to deal with online abuse, the corporation cannot join a lobbying campaign no matter how worthy the cause.
Define lobbying! Is the bBC saying it never tries to influence anyone?
This does not mean that the BBC is neutral on issues such as racism or hate crime. They are abhorrent.
(The bBC can’t make up its mind whether it is singular or plural.)
Think like a patient, act like a taxpayer. That was the mantra of the head of NHS England. There is even a sign made by one of his children in his office as a reminder. Sir Simon will quit his role in late July after just over seven years in the post.
It has been a tumultuous time for the NHS in England, culminating in an unprecedented pandemic and then the biggest vaccination programme in the history of the health service. But Sir Simon won’t just be remembered for leading the service through those extraordinary months.
Reminds me when I complained about being offended by someone using the word ‘gammon’ in a HYS during Brexit as it was intended as an insult based on someones skin colour.
The BBC refused to delete it. It’s the same as ‘blue with cold or green with envy’ they told me. That’s when I truly realised what the BBC is as I never paid it much attention before that.
I wonder how many others had a ‘defining moment’ when they realised just how dishonest and bias the BBC really are.
You would never know if you only ever got your news from them at 6 o’clock every day. There must be millions.
‘Gammon’ really is a negative qualitative description …..implying images of ultra conservative retired empire types. The overriding implication is that their views…and age….make them lesser people.
….in exactly the same way as past terms to negatively refer to racial groups and minorities.
Their exact words:
‘It’s exactly the same as someone being “green with envy”, “blue from the cold” or “yellow jaundice”; it’s a description of pigment that doesn’t apply to all white people. ‘
I make sure I tell people whenever the opportunity arises.
They say “It’s not racist, not all whites choose to be gammons”
That is akin to KKK saying the N-word only means ‘blacks who are lazy and steal’
so the argument doesn’t cut.
They are saying a white person is a gammon, unless they conform to red-supremacist dogma.
“No changes in their roles and they will set the agenda jointly”⁰ North America correspondent Peter Bowes tells #BBCBreakfast Bill and Melinda Gates will continue to work together after the couple announced their divorce.
The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.
What a shame these people don’t point us to a list which explains all the accusations which were made and the evidence of why they can call them false. Actually just a couple would be a start.
The fact there is no such list tells me all I need to know.
I don’t think that the bBbc have even mentioned the on going Arizona recount/ audit and have hardly touched on any of the numerous other voting concerns raised by Republicans. When these other concerns, in Georgia and Michigan for example, have been referred to the bBbc has been hastily dismissive and have reported them with their usual and obvious prejudice and contempt.
Perhaps Sopel or Zurcher have mentioned Arizona on Twitter but the mainstream media here appear to have agreed to ignore it totally as far as I can see.
Sly Views continue to do their bit for the cause regardless. Yesterday they had Mark Malloch-Brown on. Ex-diplomat, ex-govt of Gordon Brown, ex-Vice-Chairman of Soros Management Fund and now President of Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Also the former Chairman of Smartmatic who are closely linked to Dominion. I’d say he knows a thing or two about the US 2020 election results. Rotten to the core.
Malloch-Brown assured us, reassured us actually, that after four difficult years of Trump, the UK govt could look forward to better relations with the Biden administration, who the UK govt are much more aligned to policy-wise and who share the same values, morals and goals. Morals? Really?
A shout out to @tomhorntweets, a student journalist with @ThisIsLSR who I hope has a big future in broadcasting. He had me on his show to talk about When America Stopped Being Great.
Have the MSM all volutarily agreed not to film him going up the steps now ?.
He’ll have a Stannah on there soon. Or the Muslim who follows him around with an umberella (like Corbyn had) will carry him.
If you want to see an example of just how f*cked up and bizarre the BBC views the country now, just read this:
Gender recognition certificate cost cut to £5
They actively want to make it as easy as possible to do it. It seems that one application day since 2005 just isn’t enough.
Just for contrast, 70 people die each day in road traffic accidents and 215 die from smoking. But it’s vital that one person who wants to change sex can do it a bit easier for 5 quid.
John-The BBC have around ten times more trangender folk
working for them than the national average.. Probably
quite a few in the hierarchy who make these
trans “features” a priority on their agenda.
Plus of course the plethora of others who
love all this wokery at the BBC.
I wish people would take the time and trouble to do even the most basic of education of themselves on this subject and then they might just have a little insight.
Fed up of not being told the truth between the combined screaches of the alphabet people, and collective lesbian man hating harpies on the other – which bizzarly most of the posters on this site appear to regard as having a perfectly understandable PoV (even when it’s clearly completely nuts) lies a quiet oasis of what is the reality of the situation.
Way back when Tony Blair who was as Catholic as Rees Mogg compelled the UK to submit to the Human Rights act he didn’t foresee the gays wanting marriage and the trans people wanting that too. Despite BLiar opposing both very strongly he lost and was compelled to offer both options. One was civil partnerships – which we were promised would not lead to gay marriage, and the other was the Gender Recognition Act.
Very very few countries offer no form of recognition now, and I don’t think any one here would want to be in a group of extremist backwards Sunni Muslim arab neanderthals.
The GRA was launched by the Labouer government after a few consultations and they wanted to charge in the late 1990s £3500 for anyone to access it. Being told the cost of this would make it inaccessible and break the law they decided on the current arbitrary cost of £140.
However, after the government had decided on the basics the civil service got hold of it and there the right royal f**k up began as only the British civil service can manage, and this is why it needs reform.
More applications are rejected by a panel of self appointed civil servants because of incorrect box ticking, than anything else.
They also required two specialist psychiatric reports be provided at the applicants expense, and herin lies the issue with medical evidence.
These ‘specialists’ are few and far between, still fewer who undertake private work and most will have significant distance to travel between them, often multiple visits will be required.
Imagine if to obtain a driving licence you had to pass a test in John O’Groats taken over three seperate days over three weeks, and then do the same again at Lands End before you could apply for the licence on an incredibly complex form you would almost certainly get wrong!
That’s the reason it needs reform and what has been done here is nothing at all to make it as easy as possible, it’s just as ridiculous as it ever was and all they’ve done is offer a sop to make it look like the ridiculous Tories are actually doing something – obviously some people are easily duped into believing that they have.
Oh and top of that, all of those people who do change gender are placed on a register similar to the register of Jews in France which was all very benign until the Nazi’s showed up!
Some thirty years ago, I received a letter from the pension people informing me that I would not be getting my pension five years early, because of the change. Damn, that was the only reason for doing it. (sarc)
Ten years ago they also moved my tax office from my local one to a city in Wales.
Civil servants get really upset when access to my records are above their pay grade. That part does make me smile.
Being retired, I am now invisible to most people anyway.
Was it a secret pop-up appearance from Gordon ?
It is not mentioned on the R4 schedule page
or the WH page
9:43am He tweeted
“Look forward to joining @Emmabarnett on @BBCWomansHour
this morning
to talk about vaccines
and particularly how vaccine inequality is hitting women hardest – and what can be done about this.”
” vaccine inequality ” Is that a made up narrative ?
Like the claim that 50% of the UK need foodbanks ? is still super-cheap, when I look.
Who is deprived of a vaccine ? some places keep having open-vax days where all you do is turn up (over 45s)
You have to listen to the whole thing (if you can bear it) to see the unfolding of the underlying purpose of this interview, which incidentally was the leading item and took up (my guess) perhaps a third of the total 45 minutes’ programme time. Although Brown started off talking about women and girls’ education and the disproportionate effect of the pandemic on them, it became clear that this was a blatant soapbox for Brown, political in nature and timed to get his global agenda on to the G7.
Even that eye opener didn’t prepare me for the jawdropping turn it took at the end when Emma Barnett invited his view about the current prime minister’s conduct and the ministerial code. This on the almost-eve of a plethora of elections across the country. The insertion of a minimal passing reference, a BBC practised ritual nod, to some Labour cash scandal of the distant past, designed to provide cover, doesn’t excuse political intervention during an election campaign or balance its potential impact. This was pure Newsnight territory and nothing to do with women or Brown’s ostensible purpose for being on the programme.
Yes I see the Woman’s Hour page has now changed to put him in the title
and in the blurb
Lobbying : Labour are heavily lobbied by the unions
and that is OK
Likewise Labour are in some ways beholden to them.
It’s not a great difference from someone paying for furnishing the Downing St flat
which Boris ceases to benefit from on leaving PM’s office.
The ‘vaccine equity’ thing is not about Britain, but rather poor countries getting vax
“it will hit women hardest, because they dominate the informal sectors that have been worst affected by the pandemic and it’s women who do most of the increased unpaid care in the home that Covid brings.
There are also real concerns that if girls globally continue to miss out on education, gender equality goals could be set back years.
It’s that line they use to segue in Gordon “Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is leading a campaign to persuade the world’s richest nations to commit to funding global Covid vaccination, testing and treatments. He joins Emma.“
@jimalkhalili “so you developed drugs against migraines”
Guest : “yes no one was interested before , it was seen as a woman’s problem”
Both “misogyny !”
They are happy that they both agree on the narrative
but I don’t agree it’s true.
… I bet some drug firms were working on it.
Next prog is recommending Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring. claiming it ended lead in petrol.
AFAIK it ended DDT in Africa which was doing more good than harm.. in erradicating malaria.. until the Americans forced bans.
What im about to post may require some of you to be sitting down, having a stiff drink available or some form of medication to help you calm down..!!
Wow..!! This morning driving to the office listening to Rachel Burden interviewing Starmer on Radio 5 Live was a delight. She didnt hold back and gave the waist of space a real hard time. For once i have to say i was seriously impressed.
On a serious note,Starmer came across as clueless, inept and continually struggling.
Credit where credit is due, well done Burden.
I bet the devout leftie Nicky Campbell was having a melt down in the background..
“On a serious note,Starmer came across as clueless, inept and continually struggling.”
I think that dawned on the Electorate and the Labour Party some time ago. He should have looked at the ‘Shambles’ and the disaster she has been for Labour and remained a lawyer.
OK that 5Live video tweet above no longer shows the video of the Starmer interview where he was not doing well
since 5Live have deleted their tweet
I wonder why ?
No TOADY Watch this morning as DonKeir Starmer just cannot compete with the Goon Show for my attention. No doubt he was given a free pass by Mishal or Martha.
Enders Analysis released this research on 4 May 2021. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
The launch of the BBC’s blueprint for its approach to the Nations and Regions is timely, coinciding with the kick-off of negotiations over the BBC’s financial settlement for the next charter period
If the licence fee were to be frozen or only an inflationary increase applied, by 2027 the BBC’s annual licence income would be £302-539 million lower in real terms. Just to maintain the BBC’s current levels of funding, it would need an inflationary increase, plus an annual increase of 2.0%
The BBC’s commercial ventures are unlikely to cover any shortfall in licence fee income. To generate sufficient dividends to cover the shortfall for the PSB group, income produced by BBC Studios (and the BBC’s other commercial ventures) would need to grow by an order of magnitude
Looks like BBC Press are really going to have to put big bucks into Perfect Curve’s hospitality budget to get all the papers to say how gripping the show’s ending really was.
National & Regional Media
Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow will step down from his role at the end of 2021. Jon will leave the flagship news programme after 32 years at the helm, but will continue to work with Channel 4 in 2022 on longer form projects rooting our Tory evil and excessive white presences impartially everywhere. His career at ITN has spanned 45 years.
The street preacher arrested in Uxbridge
in his own words, but thy do cut him off.
To me this is punishment policing and intimidation policing
The guy was punished with 21 hours in jail, and that intimidates him and other similar preachers.
Surely it is not right to punish people without due legal process.
“Pastor John Sherwood and Pastor Peter Simpson were preaching outside Uxbridge tube station in West London when police officers were called on them.”
'There's so much emphasis on people taking offence. But what about God being offended?'
A street preacher, who believes homosexuality is a sin, speaks to Nick Ferrari after being arrested by police for quoting the Bible.
The preacher should have said he was muslim. The coppers would have given him a podium to stand on, a megaphone, and a police detachment to provide 24/7 protection from potential hecklers.
Um, is the UK – with a bit of help from the U.S solely responsible for helping out India ? news channels talking heads say we ‘should be sending more’ (oxygen, respirators, etc), well, what about Belgium, Denmark, Australia et al helping out ? because if they did then surely the crisis over there would be starting to lessen.
Ever since I can remember, the UK is always the first port of call for the begging bowl of the world, why ? just look at the size of these islands compared to the rest of the world. Or perhaps the people of France feel the same about their country, and we just don’t hear about it.
“We don’t do activism” say BBC “This video is part of Project 17,
a BBC World Service series produced in partnership with the Open University,
in which 17-year-olds look at progress on the UN’s 17 goals.”
“Rarotonga child says she worries that rising sea levels and pollution are threatening the health of the ocean.’”
For a starters, tide gauge data seems to show sea level there, has been falling slowly for the last 20 years.
@MrGrimNasty posted a long comment
which starts “When did naive brainwashed 17yo kids get to be judge and jury and when did democracy get a say in the UN’s goals (essentially governing us) anyway?“
Some of you will have read various articles from Conservative Woman-one struck me as particularly pertinent and that is the proposed vaccination of children. Here is a few words from that article:
IT IS our moral duty to put the welfare of our children ahead of our own and certainly above that of our parents. This is an inalienable part of what it means to be human: it is nothing less than a prerequisite for survival.
In our response to the Covid-19 virus we have inverted this duty; we have put the welfare of our parents above that of our children. We have imprisoned the young and the healthy, denied them the opportunity to learn and to earn, to socialise and to live full normal lives. We have done this ostensibly to extend the lives of the old and the frail, those with little time left. What have we got from this bargain?
What is worse, far worse, is we are now about to subject our children to a mass immunisation programme with a new vaccine which has yet to complete its clinical trials and which has been developed, in a hurry, using experimental new technology.
We know healthy young people are either immune to the Covid-19 virus or quickly shake it off. Their natural immune systems protect them. We also know these novel vaccines can have almost immediate devastating life-altering, even life-ending, side-effects for at least a small number of younger people. Importantly, we do not know what the longer-term side-effects of these new vaccines are. We cannot know this because they are new and not yet fully tested.
The article goes on-We are a matter of weeks away from conducting the riskiest medical experiment in all history. What is more, this experiment is, by its own logic, unnecessary. If the vaccines are effective, as is claimed, it is enough to vaccinate those who are vulnerable to the disease. This has already been done.
We will make mistakes if those who doubt the wisdom of a course of action are not encouraged to speak out. Today, those who doubt the wisdom of inoculating our children with these new experimental vaccines are being discouraged from speaking out. When free speech stops, great mistakes follow.
Incomprehensible but this is the direction our politcial/scientifc leaders are moving us and with an apparent nil interest from the likes of the BBC.
I used to like Conservative Woman but they seem to have become demented. Ok they were against masks, but then against lockdown, then against vaccinations and now vaccinations against children. They seem to have wound themselves up to fever pitch. I don’t seem to be hearing that Bill is injecting a computer chip into each and every one of us (maybe that was the plan and why Melinda is getting a divorce).
I know the jab won’t stop us getting covid but hopefully, in general, will stop us getting it so badly. I have spoken to lots of friends and relations who are doctors, they have all had the jab without any concern.
There is an article in this week’s Economist which suggests a large number of people who have had covid, have ended up with long covid and may never fully recover. Now imagine the numbers of those who work in hospitals, supermarkets or schools. Once a government admitted they were concerned about long covid, the floodgates will open for calls for compensation. ‘The government told us to go to work’, they will say.
Meanwhile, I go in a few days time for my second jab and Conservative Woman site just makes me a bit nervous. I must stop reading it.
I know one young woman, a doctor, used to be a runner, 10 months after covid can at long last run 1/2 kilometre. Another young woman I know, a physiotherapist, 6 months after covid, was getting chest pain from going up stairs. Both their mothers are telling me their daughters are still improving but both mothers (medically qualified) have concerns of permanent heart damage.
For both women, concern is more than lack of smell. Part of the problem is the unknown, ie is damage permanent or will they both be fully recovered given a few more months.
Indeed Deborah the general consensus is that vaccination will help to stop the full effects of Covid-19 but I am of the firm belief that it is not necessary to vaccinate children with any of the still experimental vaccines. I have healthy strong Grandchildren whose immune systems are strong at this time in their lives, messing with this is foolish let alone dangerous.
They should have titled it Catholic woman because that in reality is what it is.
They teamed up with radical leftist feminists in their hate for trannies and that signalled the begining of the end. My enemies enemy is not necessarily my friend, but they thought they were, alas and bringing on board people who hate everything about you and your contributors simply because you share an irrational hatred of a small minority groups is not a good way to have a long term future.
@Tarien iIdon’t bother to read TCW most days
some writers there are excellent
Others are flaky doing too-clever-sarcasm that blocks what they are trying to say.
Using WordPress reader gives me a daily list of their stories . Today it’s 7.
#1 The funeral of our craven, spineless media
It’s not just every single newspaper and TV news station, right and left, that has betrayed us.
#2 an employment appeal tribunal heard a plea for rational thought and freedom of expression against the ever-growing trans-tyranny.
#3 GREENPEACE are inviting us to put pressure on the Government to fix what it perceives to be the UK’s plastic waste crisis.
#4 SCOTLAND is in a bit of a state.
The sickness can be traced back to 2007, when the SNP overcame a zombie Scottish Labour Party. It did so by mesmerising Scotland’s poor,
#5 Minneapolis had Derek Chauvin not been found guilty the city and some of its suburbs would very likely have been burned to the ground, not to mention other major cities around the nation
… the courthouse gathering quickly assumed the character of a religious revival
I was disgusted
#6 Eat beef and butter to save the planet
The media are now ramping up the fear by referring to this concept as the ‘climate crisis’ or ‘climate emergency’. Daily fearmongering
Cabinet Minister Kwasi Kwarteng telling us we must go vegan to ‘save the planet’.
Sadly, the extraordinary level of misinformation in this is article is no laughing matter.
#2 an employment appeal tribunal heard a plea for rational thought and freedom of expression against the ever-growing trans-tyranny.
This is completely wrong and a gross distortion of the facts of the case.f
Forstaters case has nothing to do with an “ever-growing trans-tyranny” which I will concede does exist. It is whether she as a senior staff member has the right to post explosive political diatribes that many many people would find offensive.
On here we call out BBC types for posting their political opinions and suggest they should not be allowed to do that when working for a supposedly impartial corporation.
Forstater is trying to play this as if she is some kind of champion of womens rights when she is a bigotted feminist hate filled woman with no sense of proportion. I might go so far as to describe this as toxic femininity.
The organisation she worked for is based in wokesville Washington DC, what did she think the reaction was going to be? She’s clearly not the sharpest tool in the box if she didn’t see this comming!
She in my opinion has a right to her point of view, but there is a way to express these things which doesn’t deliberately wind up other people and drag your employer into a situation where they had no other choice but dismissal.
Worse still what Forstater was demanding could not even be delivered under UK law as it had already been heard at a European level and to do so would require leaving the Human rights act.
I believe she will lose this appeal because that is the law she is challenging and it is not going to be changed just for her.
Is that the billionaire Bill Gates who has been giving money to the BBC and its offshoots for the past 20 years, or another billionaire called Bill Gates? That would be the BBC that gives publicity to artificial meat foods (big investor – Bill Gates); promotes crappy books about a totalitarian environmentalism that benefits billionaires (author – Bill Gates); pushes the vaccination industry (big investor – Bill Gates); promotes a man with the same medical qualifications as my dog as the greatest medical authority in world (er, Bill Gates)? Just asking.
The BBC appears to have started a campaign to allow 16-17 year olds in England to vote, judging by their website this morning. Of course they know that idealistic youngsters, virtually still children, are going to vote for left wing parties without having any in depth knowledge of the issues, which would suit the powers at the BBC perfectly.
Does that mean a 16 year old will be classed as an adult for things like prison sentencing in a proper prison.
I would raise the voting age to 25 or at a minimum, 21.
Having just filled out my London postal vote – and sent it to a PO Box in The Islamic republic of tower hamlets – I doubt that age – or indeed – voting at all – will affect the outcome of elections – which will all be based on the ‘Biden model ‘.
Lefty counters – returning officers -police – and journos more than able to fix the numbers at 0300 …
Utterly incomprehensible, so many of that age group are investing their time in School work, sport, and mixing with friends of both sexes, politics is surely far from their minds, certainly was when I was youngster. Some I have asked barely know anything about the country they live in, of course that is down to the teaching levels where even the teacher doesn’t know East from West. No is my response, 16-17 year olds should not be given the vote. I my day it was 21 yrs old, by then most had a better idea of where their lives were headed, why do we need to push it? Well of course, to cover for those adults who might now prefer not to vote at all.
This was one of the policies in the last Labour manifesto. The last Labour manifesto was like a carbon copy of the original Fascist Manifesto although the facts of that have been so effectively revisionised that no one appears to know anything about it.
16 year olds cannot drink alcohol, cannot fight for their country, cannot marry without parents consent, cannot enter into a contract, cannot be sent to adult prison, cannot buy cigarettes, cannot drive a car, cannot stand for election.
The age of majority in the UK is 18 and to change the voting age should require a change in the age of majority as well.
‘Mercedes losing faith with Valtteri Bottas…..’
So that looks like another partner for multi-World Champion Lewis Hamilton. Shame.
Still, there it is. First time for everything I suppose.
Guido : EXCLUSIVE: Tories Report Tracy Brabin to Police Over ‘Treating’ Claims
Following Guido’s story that Labour MP and West Yorkshire mayoral candidate Tracy Brabin has been spotted by the LibDems handing out Labour-branded brownies on her campaign trail – in contravention of electoral law
WATCH: LibDems Stealing Here, Caught Lifting Leaflets from Doorsteps, Twice
LidDem councillors have been caught stealing campaign leaflets from voters’ doorsteps twice in the past week.
As shown in CCTV footage above, the two councillors – David Whipp from Pendle and Lancashire, and Jo Trigg in Towbridge – can be seen rifling around letterboxes and replacing their opponents’ electoral literature with their own.
Talk about trying to steal the election…
The homeowner who caught Whipp rummaging in his letterbox said….
OFCOM’s Urgent Investigation into BBC Bias Against Reform UK
Responding to a formal complaint from Reform UK over their exclusion from a Welsh leaders’ debate, OFCOM has acknowledged “substantive issues” have been raised over the corporation’s treatment of the party, and are to urgently convene an election committee ahead of Thursday’s vote. Responding to the move, Richard Tice says:
“It is clear that the BBC has never forgiven us for winning the last European elections and forcing the Government to act on Brexit. Ignoring the strength of support that we have had cannot have been an accident but a monumental, and anti-democratic act of spite”.
Ofcom, ASA, Electoral Commission are all part of Guardianland mafia so i don’t expect much justice
Here is a cut and paste by Charlotte Runcie from the DT having a view of the Daily R4 propaganda ship that it ‘Toady’- I guess it might be of interest to those who still listen to it –
What’s the point of a political radio interview? To expose a politician, and make them admit they’re wrong, in public? To let official spokespeople spin the party line? Or just to entertain the masses as we tuck into our morning boiled egg?
I’m not sure I know the answer any more. Today (Radio 4, Monday to Saturday) is hard work these days. Listening often feels like a chore, as if Today isn’t a radio programme so much as a topical medicine applied to the ears first thing every morning to make you feel vaguely au courant.
John Humphrys and his leonine interview style have long since departed, and he has now retired to purr over Elgar and Debussy on Classic FM at the weekends, licking his paws. But the ghost of his combative broadcasting persona lives on at Today in the form of Nick Robinson, who seems to be taking it as his personal mission to keep the knives out for politicians at breakfast time
For instance, when Robinson encountered Narendra Taneja, the national spokesman for India’s governing BJP, on Wednesday morning in Today’s prime 8.10am interview slot, Robinson was blustering and interrupting. And at the end of the same programme, he hurriedly interviewed journalists Sarah Vine and Philip Collins about whether former prime ministers should be given more public money, and whether the current Prime Minister should be given the cash to pay for the fine wallpaper of his choice, instead of living amid furnishings from John Lewis.
“The Prime Minister can’t be expected to live in a skip,” said Vine, as if that was what anyone had suggested. “He has to live at a certain standard.” Well, does he? Why? And who decides what that standard is? Anyway, it sounds better than my house. Show me the skip that’s been decked out by John Lewis and I’ll ask you how soon I can move in.
Listening to these circular, fruitless interviews, I just wonder what the purpose of it all is. Politicians need to be held to account, but when Robinson is asking people close to the Prime Minister questions that amount to what his curtain budget should be, it all starts to feel like a Monty Python sketch. Of course it matters how much elected officials spend on things. But when politicians aren’t ashamed of anything anymore, and a global health crisis is always the main news story, what can a topical news programme do about it?
The Today programme, with its tightly guarded regular set pieces (the 8.10 interview; the weather; Thought for the endless Day) is starting to feel almost quaint. Lately I’ve found I get almost as much insight into the news from the brief bulletins on the Zoe Ball show on Radio 2 as I do from hearing the whole of Today.ENDS
Obviously the daily shortcomings of the ‘Today’ programme are listed here every day . I used to listen out of duty but I much prefer my morning Adagios on my streaming site that listen to the constant ‘approved ‘ mindset of Robinson and the others .
Elsewhere – I forced myself to watch ‘line of duty ‘. Is it me ? Or do the actors sound like they are just reading out the script in a kind of ‘simplified ‘version of the British Language with no humour or nuance or feeling ?
Apparently more people watched it than some other ‘big ‘ event and the BBC will be using it to justify its existence for years to come .
By the way – the piece above is written by the granddaughter of a former archbishop and daughter of The Commissioning Editor for Arts on BBC Radio 4….so keep it in the family eh?
A propos Al Beeb’s ‘Line of Duty’, there appears to have been the kidnap attempt on the son of an insignificant cast member.
Said actorrrr foolishly lives in Sarf East Lunnon, clearly on the borders of Croydon/Lewisham…and is black. Unlike our beloved Al Beeb and the ‘guardians of the peace’, aka Old Bill, she has no compunction whatsoever in identifying the colour of the alleged villains.
R4 15:30 The South Australian Miracle
One Australian state is leading the world in green energy. Peter Hadfield reports. Australia’s government is famously unconcerned by climate change *,
so why is one Australian state leading the world in green energy? Peter Hadfield reports from Adelaide.
* BiasedBBC is being outrageous there
#1 of course Oz gov is concerned about natural Climate change
and takes measures about it
#2 it even spends a $billions of taxpayers money on the Guardianlandlaland view of man-made Climate effects
Full blurb : ,Australia’s government is famous for its lack of interest in climate change.
Despite *increasing problems* from bushfires and droughts, (are there ?)
PM Scott Morrison and his Liberal-led coalition government continue to promote coal-mining and dodge efforts to reduce the country’s carbon emissions.
It’s all the more extraordinary then that one Australian state, governed by Mr Morrison’s party
is streets ahead of most of the world in its conversion to renewable energy. (is it ?)
Peter Hadfield reports from Adelaide on the South Australian *miracle* (is it ?)
Producer: Alasdair Cross
From Friday 7th May listeners to BBC Radio 4 will be in for an audio treat; three original plays by by writers Sian Davila, Charles Entsie and Roberta Livingston. 🖤
next Saturday drama R4’s obvious propaganda against the PPE procurement programme
February 2020 a new sales drive is being planned at Union Jax,
a “an ironic-patriotic novelty souvenir and confectionery” company run by young entrepreneurs Stuart and Jacqueline.
high streets around the world closed.
.. they receive a phone call from Eugene, who identifies himself as a special adviser to the government….
Are they familiar with the term “PPE”?
The government needs billions of items, and the suitably patriotically named “Union Jax” feels just like the sort of dynamic start-up that should be providing some of it.
Would they like to tender?
Union Jax discovers itself way out of its depth when it comes to PPE, *the Good Law Project* comes calling.
Exactly why have millions been spaffed on these neophyte incompetents?
So the R4 story is the gov chose PPE corps just cos their names sounded nice
and then the real world lefty Barrister Jolyon and his *Good Law Project* exposed all.
ITV local news : reports from 2 foodbanks
Dunno why, maybe just to help Labour.
“8 million people in Britain live in poverty”
Wow anyone would think poverty is counted by looking at the bottom 20% of earners, so zero poverty is impossible.
Having a sense of humour is a prerequisite when reading the Guardian, but even those with any sympathy for our lowest selling newspaper will find today’s column from the faded and jaded Polly Toynbee a fine example of her peculiar wishful/spiteful whine.
Only this absurd ‘news-source’, artificially propped by huge donations from the usual sources, would employ the sad old bag. Even the BBC seem to have dispensed with her services of late.
A look at the Ospreys on the ground. They’re really technological marvels – taking off like a helicopter and flying like a plane. When the make the midair transition, you can really feel it.
The V-22 Osprey has had 12 hull-loss accidents with a total of 42 fatalities. During testing from 1991 to 2000, there were four crashes resulting in 30 fatalities. Since becoming operational in 2007, the V-22 has had seven crashes resulting in 12 fatalities and several minor incidents. The aircraft’s accident history has generated some controversy over its perceived safety issues.
The maintenance cost per flying hour is pretty horrendous too, intolerable to civilian operation currently, even though the concept would be ideal for offshore oil/gas.
It’s a chimera mix of technology, neither fixed wing or rotary but a complex blend of both.
Woah… can BBC NA BS get Sleepy to give that one a go here?
Biden says Americans earning less than $400K will not pay 'a single penny' in taxes
"The reason I’m bothering to do this is I keep hearing in the press ‘Biden’s going to raise your taxes’ – anybody making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes."
Really, when I worked in the states I paid : federal income tax, state tax, and city income tax
never got a rebate either.
And you’d go to a restaurant and suddenly GST got added to final bill.
Tonight’s TV
9pm a 2 hours Special with Stephen Pinker about his research that the world is at its most peaceful as mostly next-door tribes are no longer fighting.
9pm Channel4 has it’s black Dragon’s Den thing.
Are they not aware that black Britain’s often watch their own TV stations like those for Nigerian’s or evangelical Christians etc. ?
Of course BBC/prog makers have taken Pinker’s 20 year old work
and used it to cook up the normal BBC Fake science doco
full of tickboxes
eg Prog is making the whole debate about violence
to be centred on white on black slavery
And that the idea of equality had never come up before
it only came through books in 17C
.. Trump, riots, Brexit supporters vote against democracy etc.
Then onto a BLM type project in Baltimore is a magic solution
Actually Slutkin project started in 2000
there’s a 2015 page about Violence Interrupters
Now they’ve moved onto Qaraqosh the largest Christian town in Iraq attacked by ISIS
for some reason footage of a Muslim family moving back
Belfield’s back with a 35 min video – Thanks to helpers Andre Walker, Brees , Tulsi
– Castrated now : OK I’ll play by Youtube rules, so we’ll have zero medical stuff now, cos the YT algorithm can’t cope
Zero talk of protests, Zero talk of vax from now on.
– He said It’s a similar thing to when TalkRadio was taken down, but I don’t have the same Murdoch connections so they were back up after 3 days
– I’m not on bail .. so will be suing everyone
– The new campaign will be to get the Ariel statue removed from the front of broadcasting house, cos of its pedo connections
– Phone in tmw
– A mailing list will allow us to set up new platforms when YT finally kick us off
– References to Vine and him not working on R2 this weeks
– End of May he will be making a couple of shows from Blackpool
– 10 clips tmw, then live at 6pm
This is a leader! #RonDeSantis frees Florida from ALL Kung Flu laws from July 1st and is putting an end to this criminal restriction of our human and civil rights.
He chooses the facts, science & data over lazy lefty Gobshites wanting us imprisoned FOREVER…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Critical minerals are needed for the production of hi-tech products, such as for the electrification of transport, manufacture of mobile…
JohnCMar 3, 22:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Hot on the heels of the front page ‘Illegal Afghan women in Pakistan fear deportation’ exclusive, the BBC have another…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wwfc Yes – im overseas and looking forward to Ash Wednesday and lent – but not sure what to try…
wwfcMar 3, 21:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There is only one true church and that’s the catholic church have yourself a great ash wednesday a peaceful lent…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Looks like he prefers Islam than the ;church ‘ he is supposed to be the head of ( but let’s…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Recent Islamic attacks in Germany – 5 kiIIed, 200 injured in Magdeburg 2 kiIIed, 28 injured in Mannheim 1 kiIIed,…
The joys of electricity blackouts is something we shall have to get used too in the UK. (she mentions that it would be good for the BBC to suffer from this)… Jo Nova (from 2018) Aussie. GWPF – About 48mins talk.
Know her stuff.. funny too!
Jo Nova – How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Electricity Grid in Three Easy Steps
‘Joe Biden raises Trump refugee cap after outcry’
No BBC, Biden has raised the cap from his own cap of 15,000 he declared in April.
latest from Crimebodge
Absolute classic BBC here:
Asian hate crime in UK increases during pandemic
The BBC hatred of Trump and the intellectually inferior white racists shines through the usual haunting piano music.
Three ‘attacks’. Two explicitly named as white people. The first ‘attack’ which warrants special video on the state news channel ?. An old white lady points at a Chinese girl and says ‘You Chinese. You are the Chinese virus’. Unusual language for a native Elgish speaker but there you go. The third attack was when a white man spat at a Chinese woman on a train as he got off. The second attack is the only one where someone got assaulted (punched on the nose). It stands out a mile that they do not give the colour of the attacker for this one, but their graphic shows a dark skinned man.
And of course they spend a full 30 seconds of the 3 minutes putting the blame on Trump for telling us it came from China. Which it did.
None of it pleasant – but do these ‘attacks’ warrant yet another special video being made by the BBC ?.
But most of all, they absolutely fail to mention the real problem with these attacks are the horrific ones we see in the USA. And we all know why : it’s black people doing them.
Disgusting BBC dishonesty. Only the bits it suits them for you to know.
Oh how the BBC love New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, or Saint Jacinda of the Veil as she’s known, ever since she put on her sad face over the Christchurch attack and hugged every muslim within camera-shot, vowing to wipe out the evil of islamophobic white supremacists, bla bla. The beeb love that sort of thing.
Which might explain their very accommodating article about Ardern and her ridiculous Foreign Affairs Minister, who’s gone all fashionably ethnic and thinks the West is racist, natch. The two of them are endangering the Five Eyes Alliance and weakening the West vis-a-vis China at a time of growing tension and assertiveness by the latter, when solidarity is more important than ever.
But according to the BBC, nothing to worry our pretty little heads over, it’s just a storm in a teacup, Auntie says all is well and Auntie knows best:
Sky News Aus disagrees. They’re getting very worried indeed about China and they don’t like NZ’s self-serving game one bit.
“We have evidence that woke politics is making the west desperately weak”
Monday R4 Arts show : Memorials to the 21st Century
– bit about Covid
– bit about poppies
– And the toppling of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol, and the proposed memorial to enslaved Africans and their descendants.
.. Oku Ekpenyon recounts her struggle to create a new memorial to slaves whose labour brought wealth to the UK, “.
Wealth which this shameless hypocrite and all the other people whining are only too happy to take a share of.
Why hasn’t she gone back to live in Africa if she feels it is so wrong ?.
I am afraid you won’t get many emigrating in that direction. Despite their claims about Great Britain being a racist nation.
lol, same as the Left go on about how the Windrush generation helped improve our quality of life but never mention how much coming here improved THEIR quality of life.
A thousandfold difference.
Looking at the @BbcTrending tweets
their lastest tweet says
Then it encourages people to report and cancel profiles that said something hatey
it gives the protected categories one of which is Religion.
I can understand wanting to stop bad things happening in the playground that is social media
but am uncomfortable in BBC setting itself as prefects.
#1 They are paid to make programmes, not to be some kind of internet police
#2 In their own comments sections and output
HATE against righty causes like Trump/Boris/Tories/Farage/Patriotism/True-Equality/ProperBorders/FreeSpeech is encouraged
.. yet they insist that “religion” which is a belief system like politics is, is a special protected category.
When they say “all of us”
they don’t seem to genuinely mean all of Britain.
I see the site that monitored the BBC’s rather selective comment deletion policy.
is still suspended from the web
and from Twitter.
“Sport social media boycott: The BBC abhors online abuse”
The campaign is calling for the UK government and social media companies to do more to tackle online hate.
The BBC as a corporation cannot take part in the campaign. We have special duties that don’t apply to other organisations under our Royal Charter and editorial guidelines that prevent us from joining lobbying campaigns. So while we have firm policies to deal with online abuse, the corporation cannot join a lobbying campaign no matter how worthy the cause.
Define lobbying! Is the bBC saying it never tries to influence anyone?
This does not mean that the BBC is neutral on issues such as racism or hate crime. They are abhorrent.
(The bBC can’t make up its mind whether it is singular or plural.)
BBC and what words mean.
Moaning Emole:
The heavy hitter who changed the NHS
Think like a patient, act like a taxpayer. That was the mantra of the head of NHS England. There is even a sign made by one of his children in his office as a reminder. Sir Simon will quit his role in late July after just over seven years in the post.
It has been a tumultuous time for the NHS in England, culminating in an unprecedented pandemic and then the biggest vaccination programme in the history of the health service. But Sir Simon won’t just be remembered for leading the service through those extraordinary months.
Read full analysis >
‘Analysis’? Uh huh.
Reminds me when I complained about being offended by someone using the word ‘gammon’ in a HYS during Brexit as it was intended as an insult based on someones skin colour.
The BBC refused to delete it. It’s the same as ‘blue with cold or green with envy’ they told me. That’s when I truly realised what the BBC is as I never paid it much attention before that.
The turning point (or last straw) for me was probably when David Lowe was sacked (he did a good show on Radio Devon).
I wonder how many others had a ‘defining moment’ when they realised just how dishonest and bias the BBC really are.
You would never know if you only ever got your news from them at 6 o’clock every day. There must be millions.
Dear me. Really?!
‘Gammon’ really is a negative qualitative description …..implying images of ultra conservative retired empire types. The overriding implication is that their views…and age….make them lesser people.
….in exactly the same way as past terms to negatively refer to racial groups and minorities.
It’s bigotry, prejudice and hate.
Their exact words:
‘It’s exactly the same as someone being “green with envy”, “blue from the cold” or “yellow jaundice”; it’s a description of pigment that doesn’t apply to all white people. ‘
I make sure I tell people whenever the opportunity arises.
Dear me. It’s either a downright lie or they are extremely stupid.
Very upsetting.
‘It’s either a downright lie or they are extremely stupid.
In the case of BBC, these two things are not mutually exclusive.
They say “It’s not racist, not all whites choose to be gammons”
That is akin to KKK saying the N-word only means ‘blacks who are lazy and steal’
so the argument doesn’t cut.
They are saying a white person is a gammon, unless they conform to red-supremacist dogma.
New guy on the BBC NA BS roster?
Jon outside Melinda’s place with a bouquet and box of Milk Tray?
Think Mr. Bowes, Wendy and Marianna will be looking into the money shunted the way of the Bliar to continue his good works on bbc screens?
Speaking of whom…
Brave? Or deranged to raise the notion of selectivity?
Katty RTs a tweet she likes.
What a shame these people don’t point us to a list which explains all the accusations which were made and the evidence of why they can call them false. Actually just a couple would be a start.
The fact there is no such list tells me all I need to know.
I don’t think that the bBbc have even mentioned the on going Arizona recount/ audit and have hardly touched on any of the numerous other voting concerns raised by Republicans. When these other concerns, in Georgia and Michigan for example, have been referred to the bBbc has been hastily dismissive and have reported them with their usual and obvious prejudice and contempt.
Perhaps Sopel or Zurcher have mentioned Arizona on Twitter but the mainstream media here appear to have agreed to ignore it totally as far as I can see.
Sly Views continue to do their bit for the cause regardless. Yesterday they had Mark Malloch-Brown on. Ex-diplomat, ex-govt of Gordon Brown, ex-Vice-Chairman of Soros Management Fund and now President of Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Also the former Chairman of Smartmatic who are closely linked to Dominion. I’d say he knows a thing or two about the US 2020 election results. Rotten to the core.
Malloch-Brown assured us, reassured us actually, that after four difficult years of Trump, the UK govt could look forward to better relations with the Biden administration, who the UK govt are much more aligned to policy-wise and who share the same values, morals and goals. Morals? Really?
I say reassured, but I’m not.
Wonder if Ghislaine starting to sing and Mrs Gates unimpressed?
Maybe why the pervasive hon member is not wall to wall BBC in support of the party of the young?
Hey kids… THIS is how you get ahead in media…
Sleepy thinks Lurch is an empty field.
Have the MSM all volutarily agreed not to film him going up the steps now ?.
He’ll have a Stannah on there soon. Or the Muslim who follows him around with an umberella (like Corbyn had) will carry him.
I thought SAGA only did cruises.
Meanwhile, Toenails…. as ever… on U.K. RT duty…
Really scoring with the audiences too.
Sums it up.
We know what he stands for
1, 2, 3. Himself
4. Internationalism
From 2017
“I think the sooner the Prime Minister [May] faces the fantasy Brexiteers down, the better.”
“I am an internationalist and I believe in international rules”
In short – Establishment (civil service mentality) through and through.
Not to mention the Trilateral Commission.
His greatest skill lies in distancing himself from any trouble/criminality (or trying to).
That new Black Man voice that introduces shows on BBC2 gives me the creeps
Britney Spears? BBbc hit the bigtime.
The bBbc hypocrites? Never.
And the New York Times. Wasn’t there some sort of connection there?
Almost as if it’s PR for BBC’s Briney doco tmw at 9pm Wednesday BBC2
If you want to see an example of just how f*cked up and bizarre the BBC views the country now, just read this:
Gender recognition certificate cost cut to £5
They actively want to make it as easy as possible to do it. It seems that one application day since 2005 just isn’t enough.
Just for contrast, 70 people die each day in road traffic accidents and 215 die from smoking. But it’s vital that one person who wants to change sex can do it a bit easier for 5 quid.
John-The BBC have around ten times more trangender folk
working for them than the national average.. Probably
quite a few in the hierarchy who make these
trans “features” a priority on their agenda.
Plus of course the plethora of others who
love all this wokery at the BBC.
I wish people would take the time and trouble to do even the most basic of education of themselves on this subject and then they might just have a little insight.
Fed up of not being told the truth between the combined screaches of the alphabet people, and collective lesbian man hating harpies on the other – which bizzarly most of the posters on this site appear to regard as having a perfectly understandable PoV (even when it’s clearly completely nuts) lies a quiet oasis of what is the reality of the situation.
Way back when Tony Blair who was as Catholic as Rees Mogg compelled the UK to submit to the Human Rights act he didn’t foresee the gays wanting marriage and the trans people wanting that too. Despite BLiar opposing both very strongly he lost and was compelled to offer both options. One was civil partnerships – which we were promised would not lead to gay marriage, and the other was the Gender Recognition Act.
Very very few countries offer no form of recognition now, and I don’t think any one here would want to be in a group of extremist backwards Sunni Muslim arab neanderthals.
The GRA was launched by the Labouer government after a few consultations and they wanted to charge in the late 1990s £3500 for anyone to access it. Being told the cost of this would make it inaccessible and break the law they decided on the current arbitrary cost of £140.
However, after the government had decided on the basics the civil service got hold of it and there the right royal f**k up began as only the British civil service can manage, and this is why it needs reform.
More applications are rejected by a panel of self appointed civil servants because of incorrect box ticking, than anything else.
They also required two specialist psychiatric reports be provided at the applicants expense, and herin lies the issue with medical evidence.
These ‘specialists’ are few and far between, still fewer who undertake private work and most will have significant distance to travel between them, often multiple visits will be required.
Imagine if to obtain a driving licence you had to pass a test in John O’Groats taken over three seperate days over three weeks, and then do the same again at Lands End before you could apply for the licence on an incredibly complex form you would almost certainly get wrong!
That’s the reason it needs reform and what has been done here is nothing at all to make it as easy as possible, it’s just as ridiculous as it ever was and all they’ve done is offer a sop to make it look like the ridiculous Tories are actually doing something – obviously some people are easily duped into believing that they have.
Oh and top of that, all of those people who do change gender are placed on a register similar to the register of Jews in France which was all very benign until the Nazi’s showed up!
Some thirty years ago, I received a letter from the pension people informing me that I would not be getting my pension five years early, because of the change. Damn, that was the only reason for doing it. (sarc)
Ten years ago they also moved my tax office from my local one to a city in Wales.
Civil servants get really upset when access to my records are above their pay grade. That part does make me smile.
Being retired, I am now invisible to most people anyway.
More equal than
‘Red Dots… Prod bruise rouge or .22cal Honor Entry’… BBC Wimmin discuss the right shade for the under age bride to be.
Speaking of whom…
When the going get spiffy and Surkeer or Mandelson are not rousing the Cougar vote, who do we break out?????!
Was it a secret pop-up appearance from Gordon ?
It is not mentioned on the R4 schedule page
or the WH page
9:43am He tweeted
“Look forward to joining @Emmabarnett on @BBCWomansHour
this morning
to talk about vaccines
and particularly how vaccine inequality is hitting women hardest – and what can be done about this.”
” vaccine inequality ” Is that a made up narrative ?
Like the claim that 50% of the UK need foodbanks ? is still super-cheap, when I look.
Who is deprived of a vaccine ? some places keep having open-vax days where all you do is turn up (over 45s)
You have to listen to the whole thing (if you can bear it) to see the unfolding of the underlying purpose of this interview, which incidentally was the leading item and took up (my guess) perhaps a third of the total 45 minutes’ programme time. Although Brown started off talking about women and girls’ education and the disproportionate effect of the pandemic on them, it became clear that this was a blatant soapbox for Brown, political in nature and timed to get his global agenda on to the G7.
Even that eye opener didn’t prepare me for the jawdropping turn it took at the end when Emma Barnett invited his view about the current prime minister’s conduct and the ministerial code. This on the almost-eve of a plethora of elections across the country. The insertion of a minimal passing reference, a BBC practised ritual nod, to some Labour cash scandal of the distant past, designed to provide cover, doesn’t excuse political intervention during an election campaign or balance its potential impact. This was pure Newsnight territory and nothing to do with women or Brown’s ostensible purpose for being on the programme.
Yes I see the Woman’s Hour page has now changed to put him in the title
and in the blurb
Lobbying : Labour are heavily lobbied by the unions
and that is OK
Likewise Labour are in some ways beholden to them.
It’s not a great difference from someone paying for furnishing the Downing St flat
which Boris ceases to benefit from on leaving PM’s office.
The ‘vaccine equity’ thing is not about Britain, but rather poor countries getting vax
“it will hit women hardest, because they dominate the informal sectors that have been worst affected by the pandemic and it’s women who do most of the increased unpaid care in the home that Covid brings.
There are also real concerns that if girls globally continue to miss out on education, gender equality goals could be set back years.
It’s that line they use to segue in Gordon
“Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is leading a campaign to persuade the world’s richest nations to commit to funding global Covid vaccination, testing and treatments. He joins Emma.“
@jimalkhalili “so you developed drugs against migraines”
Guest : “yes no one was interested before , it was seen as a woman’s problem”
Both “misogyny !”
They are happy that they both agree on the narrative
but I don’t agree it’s true.
… I bet some drug firms were working on it.
Next prog is recommending Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring. claiming it ended lead in petrol.
AFAIK it ended DDT in Africa which was doing more good than harm.. in erradicating malaria.. until the Americans forced bans.
What im about to post may require some of you to be sitting down, having a stiff drink available or some form of medication to help you calm down..!!
Wow..!! This morning driving to the office listening to Rachel Burden interviewing Starmer on Radio 5 Live was a delight. She didnt hold back and gave the waist of space a real hard time. For once i have to say i was seriously impressed.
On a serious note,Starmer came across as clueless, inept and continually struggling.
Credit where credit is due, well done Burden.
I bet the devout leftie Nicky Campbell was having a melt down in the background..
“On a serious note,Starmer came across as clueless, inept and continually struggling.”
I think that dawned on the Electorate and the Labour Party some time ago. He should have looked at the ‘Shambles’ and the disaster she has been for Labour and remained a lawyer.
A few triggered lefties in the thread
OK that 5Live video tweet above no longer shows the video of the Starmer interview where he was not doing well
since 5Live have deleted their tweet
I wonder why ?
Rachel Burden’s quote tweet is now empty
Wrong kind of news… for the upper floors?
I was going to suggest you ask Marianna to check, but she is… retweeting herself again. And again.
The public gave her the questions to ask
Again that actual tweet is now hidden,
I guess the guy got trolled by Starmer-fans
No TOADY Watch this morning as DonKeir Starmer just cannot compete with the Goon Show for my attention. No doubt he was given a free pass by Mishal or Martha.
Enders Times
Enders Analysis released this research on 4 May 2021. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
The launch of the BBC’s blueprint for its approach to the Nations and Regions is timely, coinciding with the kick-off of negotiations over the BBC’s financial settlement for the next charter period
If the licence fee were to be frozen or only an inflationary increase applied, by 2027 the BBC’s annual licence income would be £302-539 million lower in real terms. Just to maintain the BBC’s current levels of funding, it would need an inflationary increase, plus an annual increase of 2.0%
The BBC’s commercial ventures are unlikely to cover any shortfall in licence fee income. To generate sufficient dividends to cover the shortfall for the PSB group, income produced by BBC Studios (and the BBC’s other commercial ventures) would need to grow by an order of magnitude
Looks like BBC Press are really going to have to put big bucks into Perfect Curve’s hospitality budget to get all the papers to say how gripping the show’s ending really was.
Uh-oh. But Si’s ‘scenes at the scene’ seldom convey more than a hint…
“Seven people have been injured in a suspected gas explosion which destroyed a terraced house in Kent.”
AFAIK you need a huge unattended leak to get that
Like a whole room has to full with gas and then hit a naked flame/spark.
Or a couple of elderly senile people as this appears to have been. Seems similar to the explosion in Rossendale.
Reminder Sept 3rd BBC opened a HYS and see how the commenters voted.
National & Regional Media
Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow will step down from his role at the end of 2021. Jon will leave the flagship news programme after 32 years at the helm, but will continue to work with Channel 4 in 2022 on longer form projects rooting our Tory evil and excessive white presences impartially everywhere. His career at ITN has spanned 45 years.
#SorelyMissed#SorleyNotMissedThere! Fixed it for you.
Look out al beeb … they’re coming for you
The street preacher arrested in Uxbridge
in his own words, but thy do cut him off.
To me this is punishment policing and intimidation policing
The guy was punished with 21 hours in jail, and that intimidates him and other similar preachers.
Surely it is not right to punish people without due legal process.
“Pastor John Sherwood and Pastor Peter Simpson were preaching outside Uxbridge tube station in West London when police officers were called on them.”
He was on the Ritchie Allen show too
and probably not cut off … link
My God ! Ferrari has piled on the pounds !!!!
So Nick Ferrari saw the preacher as being homophobic and made his position clear. Now I wonder if he had strongly disagreed with a Moslem?
The preacher should have said he was muslim. The coppers would have given him a podium to stand on, a megaphone, and a police detachment to provide 24/7 protection from potential hecklers.
Um, is the UK – with a bit of help from the U.S solely responsible for helping out India ? news channels talking heads say we ‘should be sending more’ (oxygen, respirators, etc), well, what about Belgium, Denmark, Australia et al helping out ? because if they did then surely the crisis over there would be starting to lessen.
Ever since I can remember, the UK is always the first port of call for the begging bowl of the world, why ? just look at the size of these islands compared to the rest of the world. Or perhaps the people of France feel the same about their country, and we just don’t hear about it.
“We don’t do activism” say BBC
“This video is part of Project 17,
a BBC World Service series produced in partnership with the Open University,
in which 17-year-olds look at progress on the UN’s 17 goals.”
“Rarotonga child says she worries that rising sea levels and pollution are threatening the health of the ocean.’”
For a starters, tide gauge data seems to show sea level there, has been falling slowly for the last 20 years.
@MrGrimNasty posted a long comment
which starts “When did naive brainwashed 17yo kids get to be judge and jury and when did democracy get a say in the UN’s goals (essentially governing us) anyway?“
Some of you will have read various articles from Conservative Woman-one struck me as particularly pertinent and that is the proposed vaccination of children. Here is a few words from that article:
IT IS our moral duty to put the welfare of our children ahead of our own and certainly above that of our parents. This is an inalienable part of what it means to be human: it is nothing less than a prerequisite for survival.
In our response to the Covid-19 virus we have inverted this duty; we have put the welfare of our parents above that of our children. We have imprisoned the young and the healthy, denied them the opportunity to learn and to earn, to socialise and to live full normal lives. We have done this ostensibly to extend the lives of the old and the frail, those with little time left. What have we got from this bargain?
What is worse, far worse, is we are now about to subject our children to a mass immunisation programme with a new vaccine which has yet to complete its clinical trials and which has been developed, in a hurry, using experimental new technology.
We know healthy young people are either immune to the Covid-19 virus or quickly shake it off. Their natural immune systems protect them. We also know these novel vaccines can have almost immediate devastating life-altering, even life-ending, side-effects for at least a small number of younger people. Importantly, we do not know what the longer-term side-effects of these new vaccines are. We cannot know this because they are new and not yet fully tested.
The article goes on-We are a matter of weeks away from conducting the riskiest medical experiment in all history. What is more, this experiment is, by its own logic, unnecessary. If the vaccines are effective, as is claimed, it is enough to vaccinate those who are vulnerable to the disease. This has already been done.
We will make mistakes if those who doubt the wisdom of a course of action are not encouraged to speak out. Today, those who doubt the wisdom of inoculating our children with these new experimental vaccines are being discouraged from speaking out. When free speech stops, great mistakes follow.
Incomprehensible but this is the direction our politcial/scientifc leaders are moving us and with an apparent nil interest from the likes of the BBC.
I used to like Conservative Woman but they seem to have become demented. Ok they were against masks, but then against lockdown, then against vaccinations and now vaccinations against children. They seem to have wound themselves up to fever pitch. I don’t seem to be hearing that Bill is injecting a computer chip into each and every one of us (maybe that was the plan and why Melinda is getting a divorce).
I know the jab won’t stop us getting covid but hopefully, in general, will stop us getting it so badly. I have spoken to lots of friends and relations who are doctors, they have all had the jab without any concern.
There is an article in this week’s Economist which suggests a large number of people who have had covid, have ended up with long covid and may never fully recover. Now imagine the numbers of those who work in hospitals, supermarkets or schools. Once a government admitted they were concerned about long covid, the floodgates will open for calls for compensation. ‘The government told us to go to work’, they will say.
Meanwhile, I go in a few days time for my second jab and Conservative Woman site just makes me a bit nervous. I must stop reading it.
By Long-Covid
do they men someone who can’t work
or someone whose sense of smell is dulled ?
It’s important to differentiate out the superficial.
I know one young woman, a doctor, used to be a runner, 10 months after covid can at long last run 1/2 kilometre. Another young woman I know, a physiotherapist, 6 months after covid, was getting chest pain from going up stairs. Both their mothers are telling me their daughters are still improving but both mothers (medically qualified) have concerns of permanent heart damage.
For both women, concern is more than lack of smell. Part of the problem is the unknown, ie is damage permanent or will they both be fully recovered given a few more months.
Indeed Deborah the general consensus is that vaccination will help to stop the full effects of Covid-19 but I am of the firm belief that it is not necessary to vaccinate children with any of the still experimental vaccines. I have healthy strong Grandchildren whose immune systems are strong at this time in their lives, messing with this is foolish let alone dangerous.
They should have titled it Catholic woman because that in reality is what it is.
They teamed up with radical leftist feminists in their hate for trannies and that signalled the begining of the end. My enemies enemy is not necessarily my friend, but they thought they were, alas and bringing on board people who hate everything about you and your contributors simply because you share an irrational hatred of a small minority groups is not a good way to have a long term future.
@Tarien iIdon’t bother to read TCW most days
some writers there are excellent
Others are flaky doing too-clever-sarcasm that blocks what they are trying to say.
Using WordPress reader gives me a daily list of their stories . Today it’s 7.
#1 The funeral of our craven, spineless media
It’s not just every single newspaper and TV news station, right and left, that has betrayed us.
#2 an employment appeal tribunal heard a plea for rational thought and freedom of expression against the ever-growing trans-tyranny.
#3 GREENPEACE are inviting us to put pressure on the Government to fix what it perceives to be the UK’s plastic waste crisis.
#4 SCOTLAND is in a bit of a state.
The sickness can be traced back to 2007, when the SNP overcame a zombie Scottish Labour Party. It did so by mesmerising Scotland’s poor,
#5 Minneapolis had Derek Chauvin not been found guilty the city and some of its suburbs would very likely have been burned to the ground, not to mention other major cities around the nation
… the courthouse gathering quickly assumed the character of a religious revival
I was disgusted
#6 Eat beef and butter to save the planet
The media are now ramping up the fear by referring to this concept as the ‘climate crisis’ or ‘climate emergency’. Daily fearmongering
Cabinet Minister Kwasi Kwarteng telling us we must go vegan to ‘save the planet’.
Sadly, the extraordinary level of misinformation in this is article is no laughing matter.
#7 Daily News Digest
#2 an employment appeal tribunal heard a plea for rational thought and freedom of expression against the ever-growing trans-tyranny.
This is completely wrong and a gross distortion of the facts of the case.f
Forstaters case has nothing to do with an “ever-growing trans-tyranny” which I will concede does exist. It is whether she as a senior staff member has the right to post explosive political diatribes that many many people would find offensive.
On here we call out BBC types for posting their political opinions and suggest they should not be allowed to do that when working for a supposedly impartial corporation.
Forstater is trying to play this as if she is some kind of champion of womens rights when she is a bigotted feminist hate filled woman with no sense of proportion. I might go so far as to describe this as toxic femininity.
The organisation she worked for is based in wokesville Washington DC, what did she think the reaction was going to be? She’s clearly not the sharpest tool in the box if she didn’t see this comming!
She in my opinion has a right to her point of view, but there is a way to express these things which doesn’t deliberately wind up other people and drag your employer into a situation where they had no other choice but dismissal.
Worse still what Forstater was demanding could not even be delivered under UK law as it had already been heard at a European level and to do so would require leaving the Human rights act.
I believe she will lose this appeal because that is the law she is challenging and it is not going to be changed just for her.
“Bill Gates to divorce”
..well he has been carrying on with Klaus Schwab for some time
… It started at the WEF swingers ball.
Is that the billionaire Bill Gates who has been giving money to the BBC and its offshoots for the past 20 years, or another billionaire called Bill Gates? That would be the BBC that gives publicity to artificial meat foods (big investor – Bill Gates); promotes crappy books about a totalitarian environmentalism that benefits billionaires (author – Bill Gates); pushes the vaccination industry (big investor – Bill Gates); promotes a man with the same medical qualifications as my dog as the greatest medical authority in world (er, Bill Gates)? Just asking.
Your marriage has encountered a problem and needs to close, please bear with us as we gather the data required before restarting.
The BBC appears to have started a campaign to allow 16-17 year olds in England to vote, judging by their website this morning. Of course they know that idealistic youngsters, virtually still children, are going to vote for left wing parties without having any in depth knowledge of the issues, which would suit the powers at the BBC perfectly.
Does that mean a 16 year old will be classed as an adult for things like prison sentencing in a proper prison.
I would raise the voting age to 25 or at a minimum, 21.
And right on cue, Politics Live was at it as well today: they can’t vote in England but they can in Scotland and Wales. Should England do the same?
The BBC have pushed the agenda of votes for 16 year olds at every recent election.
Having just filled out my London postal vote – and sent it to a PO Box in The Islamic republic of tower hamlets – I doubt that age – or indeed – voting at all – will affect the outcome of elections – which will all be based on the ‘Biden model ‘.
Lefty counters – returning officers -police – and journos more than able to fix the numbers at 0300 …
It might be worth checking whether the results are published in Pakistan before the polls close here
Utterly incomprehensible, so many of that age group are investing their time in School work, sport, and mixing with friends of both sexes, politics is surely far from their minds, certainly was when I was youngster. Some I have asked barely know anything about the country they live in, of course that is down to the teaching levels where even the teacher doesn’t know East from West. No is my response, 16-17 year olds should not be given the vote. I my day it was 21 yrs old, by then most had a better idea of where their lives were headed, why do we need to push it? Well of course, to cover for those adults who might now prefer not to vote at all.
This was one of the policies in the last Labour manifesto. The last Labour manifesto was like a carbon copy of the original Fascist Manifesto although the facts of that have been so effectively revisionised that no one appears to know anything about it.
16 year olds cannot drink alcohol, cannot fight for their country, cannot marry without parents consent, cannot enter into a contract, cannot be sent to adult prison, cannot buy cigarettes, cannot drive a car, cannot stand for election.
The age of majority in the UK is 18 and to change the voting age should require a change in the age of majority as well.
‘Mercedes losing faith with Valtteri Bottas…..’
So that looks like another partner for multi-World Champion Lewis Hamilton. Shame.
Still, there it is. First time for everything I suppose.
Guido : EXCLUSIVE: Tories Report Tracy Brabin to Police Over ‘Treating’ Claims
Following Guido’s story that Labour MP and West Yorkshire mayoral candidate Tracy Brabin has been spotted by the LibDems handing out Labour-branded brownies on her campaign trail – in contravention of electoral law
WATCH: LibDems Stealing Here, Caught Lifting Leaflets from Doorsteps, Twice
LidDem councillors have been caught stealing campaign leaflets from voters’ doorsteps twice in the past week.
As shown in CCTV footage above, the two councillors – David Whipp from Pendle and Lancashire, and Jo Trigg in Towbridge – can be seen rifling around letterboxes and replacing their opponents’ electoral literature with their own.
Talk about trying to steal the election…
The homeowner who caught Whipp rummaging in his letterbox said….
OFCOM’s Urgent Investigation into BBC Bias Against Reform UK
Responding to a formal complaint from Reform UK over their exclusion from a Welsh leaders’ debate, OFCOM has acknowledged “substantive issues” have been raised over the corporation’s treatment of the party, and are to urgently convene an election committee ahead of Thursday’s vote. Responding to the move, Richard Tice says:
“It is clear that the BBC has never forgiven us for winning the last European elections and forcing the Government to act on Brexit. Ignoring the strength of support that we have had cannot have been an accident but a monumental, and anti-democratic act of spite”.
Ofcom, ASA, Electoral Commission are all part of Guardianland mafia so i don’t expect much justice
Here is a cut and paste by Charlotte Runcie from the DT having a view of the Daily R4 propaganda ship that it ‘Toady’- I guess it might be of interest to those who still listen to it –
What’s the point of a political radio interview? To expose a politician, and make them admit they’re wrong, in public? To let official spokespeople spin the party line? Or just to entertain the masses as we tuck into our morning boiled egg?
I’m not sure I know the answer any more. Today (Radio 4, Monday to Saturday) is hard work these days. Listening often feels like a chore, as if Today isn’t a radio programme so much as a topical medicine applied to the ears first thing every morning to make you feel vaguely au courant.
John Humphrys and his leonine interview style have long since departed, and he has now retired to purr over Elgar and Debussy on Classic FM at the weekends, licking his paws. But the ghost of his combative broadcasting persona lives on at Today in the form of Nick Robinson, who seems to be taking it as his personal mission to keep the knives out for politicians at breakfast time
For instance, when Robinson encountered Narendra Taneja, the national spokesman for India’s governing BJP, on Wednesday morning in Today’s prime 8.10am interview slot, Robinson was blustering and interrupting. And at the end of the same programme, he hurriedly interviewed journalists Sarah Vine and Philip Collins about whether former prime ministers should be given more public money, and whether the current Prime Minister should be given the cash to pay for the fine wallpaper of his choice, instead of living amid furnishings from John Lewis.
“The Prime Minister can’t be expected to live in a skip,” said Vine, as if that was what anyone had suggested. “He has to live at a certain standard.” Well, does he? Why? And who decides what that standard is? Anyway, it sounds better than my house. Show me the skip that’s been decked out by John Lewis and I’ll ask you how soon I can move in.
Listening to these circular, fruitless interviews, I just wonder what the purpose of it all is. Politicians need to be held to account, but when Robinson is asking people close to the Prime Minister questions that amount to what his curtain budget should be, it all starts to feel like a Monty Python sketch. Of course it matters how much elected officials spend on things. But when politicians aren’t ashamed of anything anymore, and a global health crisis is always the main news story, what can a topical news programme do about it?
The Today programme, with its tightly guarded regular set pieces (the 8.10 interview; the weather; Thought for the endless Day) is starting to feel almost quaint. Lately I’ve found I get almost as much insight into the news from the brief bulletins on the Zoe Ball show on Radio 2 as I do from hearing the whole of Today.ENDS
Obviously the daily shortcomings of the ‘Today’ programme are listed here every day . I used to listen out of duty but I much prefer my morning Adagios on my streaming site that listen to the constant ‘approved ‘ mindset of Robinson and the others .
Elsewhere – I forced myself to watch ‘line of duty ‘. Is it me ? Or do the actors sound like they are just reading out the script in a kind of ‘simplified ‘version of the British Language with no humour or nuance or feeling ?
Apparently more people watched it than some other ‘big ‘ event and the BBC will be using it to justify its existence for years to come .
By the way – the piece above is written by the granddaughter of a former archbishop and daughter of The Commissioning Editor for Arts on BBC Radio 4….so keep it in the family eh?
A propos Al Beeb’s ‘Line of Duty’, there appears to have been the kidnap attempt on the son of an insignificant cast member.
Said actorrrr foolishly lives in Sarf East Lunnon, clearly on the borders of Croydon/Lewisham…and is black. Unlike our beloved Al Beeb and the ‘guardians of the peace’, aka Old Bill, she has no compunction whatsoever in identifying the colour of the alleged villains.
Would that Al Beeb and the soi-disant guardians of the peace did likewise!
Dalian Atkinson murder trial: Ex-footballer Tasered and kicked
Oh dear, more riots by the woke mob I suppose.
it would appear Dalian was a touch on the delusional side
I cant help think 2 good old fashioned 6’4 male plods might have just pinned him down and cuffed him.
this doesnt make it waycism mind , just 2 completely unsuitable plods,
but hey ho gender equality and all that maybe less equality might have been better in this case.
The arrest/tasering did look a bit harsh at the time.
We await the defence case.
R4 15:30 The South Australian Miracle
One Australian state is leading the world in green energy. Peter Hadfield reports.
Australia’s government is famously unconcerned by climate change *,
so why is one Australian state leading the world in green energy? Peter Hadfield reports from Adelaide.
* BiasedBBC is being outrageous there
#1 of course Oz gov is concerned about natural Climate change
and takes measures about it
#2 it even spends a $billions of taxpayers money on the Guardianlandlaland view of man-made Climate effects
Full blurb : ,Australia’s government is famous for its lack of interest in climate change.
Despite *increasing problems* from bushfires and droughts, (are there ?)
PM Scott Morrison and his Liberal-led coalition government continue to promote coal-mining and dodge efforts to reduce the country’s carbon emissions.
It’s all the more extraordinary then that one Australian state, governed by Mr Morrison’s party
is streets ahead of most of the world in its conversion to renewable energy. (is it ?)
Peter Hadfield reports from Adelaide on the South Australian *miracle* (is it ?)
Producer: Alasdair Cross
youTube Channel
4:30pm trailer “3 incredible new BLACK writers’ work is presented in Talawa Stories on @BBCRadio4
from friday 7th May 2021”
3 black writers, all black cast + 1 Vietnamese
Wow, 3 plays about how racist we are – i can’t wait.
next Saturday drama R4’s obvious propaganda against the PPE procurement programme
So the R4 story is the gov chose PPE corps just cos their names sounded nice
and then the real world lefty Barrister Jolyon and his *Good Law Project* exposed all.
Indian variants now make up 10 PER CENT of all Covid cases in London as expert warns mutant strain could be ‘outcompeting’ dominant Kent type
Pretty much whats happened to the people there too.
Meanwhile the planes from india and pakistan keep coming …
ITV local news : reports from 2 foodbanks
Dunno why, maybe just to help Labour.
“8 million people in Britain live in poverty”
Wow anyone would think poverty is counted by looking at the bottom 20% of earners, so zero poverty is impossible.
Simon Webb has a new video about Horrible Histories
A lot of his recent videos tackle similar subjects.
Another excellent video from him. Another example of our biased BBC !
6pm BBC ethnic news-
1 theyve found a coloured ‘victim ‘ of white plod brutality and hes an ex footballer –
Race industry ready to make hay
2 not enough handouts to feckless
‘windrush ‘ victims ….
Also BBC miserable over the rate of vaccinations still being high and the prospect of me getting on a plane again .
Off switch
Having a sense of humour is a prerequisite when reading the Guardian, but even those with any sympathy for our lowest selling newspaper will find today’s column from the faded and jaded Polly Toynbee a fine example of her peculiar wishful/spiteful whine.
Only this absurd ‘news-source’, artificially propped by huge donations from the usual sources, would employ the sad old bag. Even the BBC seem to have dispensed with her services of late.
The Lurch is excited.
Ha. The notion has only been around since the 50s…..
Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge isn’t so enthusiastic about the Ospreys – one destroyed their heli-pad last month.
The V-22 Osprey has had 12 hull-loss accidents with a total of 42 fatalities. During testing from 1991 to 2000, there were four crashes resulting in 30 fatalities. Since becoming operational in 2007, the V-22 has had seven crashes resulting in 12 fatalities and several minor incidents. The aircraft’s accident history has generated some controversy over its perceived safety issues.
The maintenance cost per flying hour is pretty horrendous too, intolerable to civilian operation currently, even though the concept would be ideal for offshore oil/gas.
It’s a chimera mix of technology, neither fixed wing or rotary but a complex blend of both.
Woah… can BBC NA BS get Sleepy to give that one a go here?
Really, when I worked in the states I paid : federal income tax, state tax, and city income tax
never got a rebate either.
And you’d go to a restaurant and suddenly GST got added to final bill.
Tonight’s TV
9pm a 2 hours Special with Stephen Pinker about his research that the world is at its most peaceful as mostly next-door tribes are no longer fighting.
9pm Channel4 has it’s black Dragon’s Den thing.
Are they not aware that black Britain’s often watch their own TV stations like those for Nigerian’s or evangelical Christians etc. ?
Of course BBC/prog makers have taken Pinker’s 20 year old work
and used it to cook up the normal BBC Fake science doco
full of tickboxes
eg Prog is making the whole debate about violence
to be centred on white on black slavery
And that the idea of equality had never come up before
it only came through books in 17C
.. Trump, riots, Brexit supporters vote against democracy etc.
Then onto a BLM type project in Baltimore is a magic solution
Actually Slutkin project started in 2000
there’s a 2015 page about Violence Interrupters
Now they’ve moved onto Qaraqosh the largest Christian town in Iraq attacked by ISIS
for some reason footage of a Muslim family moving back
Ah the show aired in US Aug 2020
Scala Radio, Jazz FM, Planet Rock and Kerrang! Radio are launching premium subscription online radio services with no ads
Belfield says it’s a fail
I disagree cos there is scope to give members benefits like, concerts, meet the stars etc.
Belfield’s back with a 35 min video
– Thanks to helpers Andre Walker, Brees , Tulsi
– Castrated now : OK I’ll play by Youtube rules, so we’ll have zero medical stuff now, cos the YT algorithm can’t cope
Zero talk of protests, Zero talk of vax from now on.
– He said It’s a similar thing to when TalkRadio was taken down, but I don’t have the same Murdoch connections so they were back up after 3 days
– I’m not on bail .. so will be suing everyone
– The new campaign will be to get the Ariel statue removed from the front of broadcasting house, cos of its pedo connections
– Phone in tmw
– A mailing list will allow us to set up new platforms when YT finally kick us off
– References to Vine and him not working on R2 this weeks
– End of May he will be making a couple of shows from Blackpool
– 10 clips tmw, then live at 6pm