The Far Left Anti British BBC has launched a propaganda offensive against the current UK PM . Whether it be allegations about decorating number 10 – attacks on Sir James Dyson – a vexatious County Court case – the BBC is ‘going for ‘ the PM . Some might think this is a ‘good thing ‘ because the PM might be forced to take action to restructure the BBC – but others might say he is afraid of it .
Weekend Thread 15th May 2021.
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Moi? First?
Well there’s a thing.
I think the BBC will be in a quandary this weekend: ‘do we get nervous about Covid mutations and attack the Government for the fact they have happened – or – do we push for an end to (our half-baked) Lockdown?’
Martin Bashir to decide, perhaps? Timmeh seems to be AWOL.
Covid convenient way to avoid a sacking over Princess Diana.
Meanwhile Harry repeats the mistakes of previous generations and gives his family a hard time.
On the subject of mutations, let me get this right: it’s perfectly ok to call it the India variant, the UK variant, the South Africa variant, the Brazil variant, but when Trump called it the China virus, liberals everywhere shrieked and clutched their pearls in horror at the implied racism.
Mmm, I wonder what strings the Chinese pulled and what ‘agents of influence’ they activated to whip up hysteria and get the appellation changed? The UN and the WHO, of course, but maybe also some journalists were conscripted; maybe even some national broadcasters?
vlad, maybe the BBC should mind their language? Variant suggests a deliberate placing of an unnatural virus in the world, not an unfortunate escape from a Lab or from animal parts via a wet market. Either way, former President Trump was correct to call it ‘the China virus’.
Good point Vlad
There is also the India variant. Maybe because India went the Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin route, advocated by Donald Trump.
Result is India has an overall low mortality rate. Also noticeable is that people are told of the total mortality in India but not mortality per million.
II wonder if removing the above drugs was political
About 10 days ago or less the Daily Mailonline was calling for Boris not to wait until this coming Monday to open up, demanding he opened up immediately. Tonight they are screaming there could be 10,000 a day needing admittance to hospital.
I still feel the MSM including the BBC will never forgive Boris for Brexit.
Deborah, think you are right: “I still feel the MSM including the BBC will never forgive Boris for Brexit.”
What the Pandemic and Covid and Boris Bungling have shown up are the political side of the BBC. The BBC and the Labour Party along with other more minor Parties, the National Socialists and some City Mayors, have all been playing politics during the Pandemic where the health of and lives in the UK have been under threat.
In addition, it has shown up the BBC News presenters, especially for their addiction to affluently travelling the world and spending periods not working, in their holiday homes in the EU or elsewhere and visiting family around the globe.
The Beeboids will definitely be resenting the fact that the EU is closed to them during the Pandemic. If it was not they would really resent having to apply for a visa for the country they wish to visit and stand in a sweaty queue of travellers to show their passports to gain entry to their nation of choice. Weekends via EasyJet in Dublin or Paris or Prague or Rome will be that more difficult to arrange.
They hate us for it.
Cancel TV Licences immediately Brexiteers; go legally Licence* free for a future life.
* Help on how to do so is available here on this site and on ‘TV Licensing Blogspot’ and also on ‘Is the BBC Biased?’. Just ask or search for the appropriate page or ‘clicky’.
One way to shake up the BBC, is to use the time honoured tactic of “modernisation”. The “modernisation” tactic could be used as two primary reasons that need addressing.
1. In these times of covid austerity, it is necessary to streamline the BBC to get more effective use of taxpayers money.
2. An information revolution is ongoing, where the public has access to a greater variety of information outlets. The BBC has to be modernised, its management structure, news and views, to reflect the greater variety in society, as well as information outlets.
Under these two guises, one can do virtually anything. The conservatives are the only ones who can do this and its in their interest to do so. In fact, for their very political survival and ours, as well as offering the public a choice of sorts, it is absolutely necessary.
Any opposition from BBC apparatchiks can be dismissed as Luddite, resistant to change, old fashioned, or whatever comes to mind.
PM Boris Johnson can use the power he has if he wants, what with a 80 majority. But it seems that the conservatives prefer BBC, with its permanent left Labour bias, as it is.
I agree with what Banania writes about Jeremy Bowen in
one of the last midweek contributions. Germany has
branded Hamas rocket fire on Israel , terror attacks. And Merkel
has said that Israel has every right to defend themselves.
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. But allowing
Bowen into the country , who tries to hide his rabid hate
for Israel ,with sarcasm is beyond the pale. He is very lucky
that he is not thrown out of the country. But in a way watching
this pathetic correspondent adds even more to the contempt,
many of us have for the BBC.
A friend pointed out to me something I hadn’t realised before, the BBC “what if” What if Trump pressed the nuclear button?
It’s a technique they often use to paint their left wing political beliefs onto a target which they never do to the people they like.
You won’t for instance hear, “what if Biden pushed the Nuclear button”
There’s no need for any evidence, or even some kind of likely hood or connection, a simple wild allegation can be made under the guise of “what if”?
Just watch for it next time it happens.
In Biden’s case it should be: What if Biden hit the nuclear button mistakenly thinking he was calling the bellboy?
A very real possibility, much more likely than Trump.
You think the BBC would ask that ?
Frankly, no.
The BBC are absolutely refusing to acknowledge that Biden has any mental problems whatsoever. Despite it being common knowledge and some extremely concerning videos. Trump made the headline just for being unsteady going down a ramp.
As always, the real news is what the BBC don’t report.
Or more likely his nurse.
One reason I would like a Donald Trump comeback, is that the BBC will have a collective nervous breakdown.
The ‘question as headline’ has been a staple of the BBC websites for a long time.
They don’t have to be questions that normal people are asking either.
“Should all children be treated as non-binary until they are 18?”
That sort of thing. A little nudge in the ‘progressive’ direction.
I’ve noticed that sort of thing. The power of suggestion/association of ideas.
I remember a few weeks ago the Left, given publicity by the BBC, were calling for the Israelis to give vaccines to the Palestinians. Do you think it is because they didn’t, that Hamas are sending ‘homemade rockets’ into Israel. The BBC minds are warped enough to think it.
Meanwhile, blatant pro- Arab progaganda
Too, demonstrators supporting anything Islamic over the Kuffar, never mind the rights and wrongs.
This what we have in the future, courtesy of the politicians – a civil war that will tear apart this country and Europe too. Destroy the trust within humanity.
Nations were created to keep apart people of totally different ideologies. There was a reason for it. Multicultism is a recipe for civil war. We had one in Europe in Yugoslavia. Burma recently nipped one in the bud. China is doing the same. Bitter pill, but far better this way then a civil war.
Deborah – and I recall – the Israelis offered but it was declined . There is also a treaty type agreement that the Palestinians are responsible for their own health care .
In a way it is a shame that the expertise of Israel could not be used to the advantage of the ordinary Palestinians … but when Iran is calling the shots – literally – I guess that’s what happens .
Kamala Harris’ niece Meena Harris has once again found herself in a controversial position. The 36-year old took to Instagram, urging people who care about LGBT rights to defend Palestine, despite the fact that gay people can face up to 10 years in prison in Gaza.
Or pushed off the roof of a high building.
Via Religion of Peace.
Speaking of high buildings – Israel is removing some of those buildings.
Regarding Israel, here’s an opinion you’ll never hear on the BBC:
“Israeli-Palestinian conflict ‘another consequence’ of weak US leadership”
(Others consequences being an emboldened Iran, an emboldened Chinese leadership vis-à-vis Taiwan and other countries, an emboldened Putin in Ukraine, mass illegal immigration to the US and all sorts of domestic shenanigans.)
This is from a bbc originated thread, again illustrated and framed almost ignoring any of indiscriminate targeting realities of Hamas.
The BBC is the main source of succour to the mentally deranged.
Said thread. BBC U.K.
Look at their core audience. ‘Informed’ by JezBo.
The ‘leader of the free world’ is ‘cognitively delinquent’
Some anti-woke conservatives have published a book ‘Conservative Thinking for a Post-Liberal Age’.
Downloadable as a PDF (130 pp).
I believe there’s a chapter on the media, so the BBC must get a mench.
“The section on media reform co-authored between James Sunderland MP and Express journalist David Maddox
– the break up of the BBC,
the abolition of broadcast impartiality rules
– and that big tech companies like Facebook be treated as publishers.
They claim the pandemic has ‘been a salutary lesson’
with existing broadcasters seeing it ‘as their role to promote the pro-Lockdown message’
with reform strengthening ‘plurality of voices and freedom of speech’ against a ‘quasi-Marxist movement on the liberal left.
Channel 5 just played the Anne Boleyn trailer
(and are almost every break now)
comments are open
I guess if you are an actor/actress you’ll have a go at any part they ask you to play.
But of course Channel 5 are trolling the public and getting lots of free publicity.
To me any TV drama is just playing about, cos the language and clothes are more Hollywood than authentic.
And Hollywood has always screwed round.
I bet they’ve taken true stories where the focus was two men
and then changed one to a woman and twisted the story to have a love story between them.
One thing is the incongruence .. the way she is the only black person
Like you could have a load of white actors act a classic Chinese story and it would mean something.
but if used an all Chinese cast except for main character being a white man, then people would naturally focus on the appearance of the actor
rather than the personality they created.
Cultural appropriation, does it work both ways?
lol – no. I checked this already. They have specifically worded it so it only applies to minorities.
Like many others where it could be levelled against the Left. They are massive hypocrites.
My current favourite is ‘Islamophobia’. They’ve unilaterally redefined ‘phobia’ to also mean ‘hatred of or predjudiced against’.
Their other trick is to include a less severe condition in the definition so they can throw the label at anyone it suits them to. ‘Predjudiced’ can mean something totally insignificant yet you are labelled exactly the same as someone ‘with an intense, irrational fear’.
Its the ‘heads I win tails you lose’ scenario.
We’re supposed to be colour-blind some of the time, but extremely colour-conscious when it suits the lefties.
In the spirit of equality, for the next remake of the life of Mandela, or MLK, I nominate the very blonde Rutge Hauer, or, because he’s dead, the positively albino Silas from Da Vinci Code.
Better still, to show we’re not gender-binary, I propose a very blonde woman.
Or perhaps, to show we’re not speciesist, a golden retriever?
Shonda Rhymes and her production company Shondaland, is fast becoming the new Oprah. A woman of colour herself, she is pioneering colour blind casting, BUT has yet to put a white actor in a role clearly meant for a black actor. Bridgerton is another of her productions, as is this version of Anne Boleyn. I will not be watching. The director Armando Iannucci is another colour blind casting proponent – as in the movie David Copperfield.
I would definitely watch it if the main character was Daffy Boleyn – the most maligned character in Hollywood, and subjected to continuous racist anti-Black bigotry by Bugs.
It’s Friday, it’s evening and…
Ok, great rack but she would need to be very gentle with those gnashers!
not really, small breasts are better
“Matter” not “Better”
In the RN we always used to say “anything you can’t get in your mouth is gash” She must have read my post about that bloody brown roll neck sweater she insisted on wearing!
I really don’t care about a woman’s breasts, face, legs, or anything. I’m only interested in the vagina.
Obviously I would want to woman who was talkative.
I thought the average age on this site was quite high. But no, I got it wrong. We appear to have a number of teenage boys.
Hope for the future?
Why do Conservative type men often think that’s ok?
I thought this site was about the bbc’s worrying bias. But seems its as sexist as the bbc often is (despite the wokeness).
6th form politics are boring (bbc) and so is 6th form sexist humour.
One of the attributes of teenage boys is they do not know what fear is. It is the reason the army wants to get them before they hit 20 and start to think of their vulnerability..
We will need teenage boys when the SHF.
Looked for a video of her to see what my finally tuned character judge-o-meter told me. Found one of her talking to an absolutely bizarre Scottish bloke from the Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong.
The result was as follows:
Airhead repeating generalisations and platitudes following the BBC agenda. She keeps throwing out all the big buzz-words from her BBC meetings but struggles to make them fit in any meaningful sentence. Her only skill is to stay 100% on the line she has been told to follow. She has a very, very high opinion of herself.
I finally got fed up after she said ‘On radio 4, one of the very established radio stations at the BBC’.
Sorry Marianna, you didn’t get the job.
Specccie “now Chris Packham appears to have turned his guns on the wrong target after starring in an advert singing the praises of a left-wing news website, Double Down News.
Packham opens the promotional clip with an apparent dig at his own employers the BBC by claiming:
“It’s becoming, sadly, increasingly difficult to find integrity, honesty and truth in news. But the one place you can find it is on Double Down News.
Mr S wonders what Packham’s broadcasting colleagues make of such a jibe and its implicit assumption that their work is lacking ‘integrity, honesty and truth’.
The environmentalist’s words are featured alongside three of the most outspoken socialist MPs in Parliament
– Zarah Sultana, Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell
– as well as other left-leaning commentators like Guardian columnist George Monbiot
and Peter Jukes, founder of Byline Times. (lefty conspiracy theory website)
Also :
The Jihadists swim in the sea of the Muslim population. This should never have been allowed in.
As the Muslim population expands, so will Jihadis along with it. There will be increasing numbers of Muslims in power. Jihadis will do what they do by bomb, sword and bullet, and Muslim politicians and spokesmen will demand that the only way to satisfy the legitimate demands of the Jihadis, is to give Islam more power in the nation.
So it is – each side of Islam, the violent and the peaceful, helps other for Islam.
A once civilised Western nation, born through 1000 years of Christendom, vanishes in the dust.
A virus invades the cells of the body, and destroys the body from within. Islam cannot be opposed by secular means, just as a virus cannot be killed by an antibiotic.
Kelvin MacKenzie – on the Twitter – says C4 is for sale at a value of around £100 million . He claims that he suggested selling it 10 years ago at a valuation of £1 billion before the streamers came along .
Imagine the market value of C4 news – no adverts in the gaps ….
“Covid: Indian variant could disrupt 21 June easing, PM says”
Time to move the goalposts …………. yet again ?
I think Boris is softening us up for another lockdown. The UK will suffer in many ways if he goes for that option.
Baby and bathwater comes to mind.
‘Don’t kill me, kill racism black Brazilians plead’
‘The protesters accused far-right President Jair Bolsonaro of genocide through police violence. He supports hardline policies to combat crime, including raids in areas where the majority of residents are black and poor.’
The BBC are in their element with this one. No suggestion anywhere at all that perhaps they commit more crime than everyone else.
And look at this one :
‘Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police in Brazil, experts say.’
‘Experts say’ ???. What experts ?. Who is ‘expert’ in telling us who the police killed ?. A shameless, dirty trick to imply it must be accurate but is completely meaningless.
The BBC never met a coloured ‘victim’ they didn’t like. No matter what they’ve done : they can just ignore that bit. All good material for the agenda.
Doodle and thoughts:
This sums up the situation in Gaza perfectly.
Israel-Gaza: Strike collapses building during live BBC report
Barely touched the buildings around it.
What would Hamas be doing to Israel if Allah had given THEM that technology ?.
The answer is nothing : they would have already murdered every single one of them the day they got it.
The most useful part of this conflict is to read the comments by the Muslim’s on the internet. They don’t care one bit about what’s right and what’s wrong. You will never see such hate from any other people. It cannot be reasoned with. But nobody mentions it. It is hate-speech totally off the scale.
Which is why the Left and BBC disgust me so much with their double standards
That absolute hatred of the Kuffar, particularly The Jew, bacame manifest to me in June 1967.
The Arabs were absolutely certain that they would win an overwhelming victory. Male Jews were to be massacred, or driven out. Jewish women were to used in the timeless manner of the desert nomads. All them were looking forward to it. The Islamic paradise of Houris brought forward.
The shock of the June 67 defeat is something that the Arab/Muslim world has yet to recover from. The ease of Western superiority over Islamic bombast.
That is the only way they could have got the technology, by having it handed to them.
Keelan Wilson: Four jailed for Wolverhampton teen’s gang murder
Now they have been jailed, the BBC finally show us who did it.
But I had to dig into the ‘England’ sub page to find it.
Cheam BLM sign bad for area’s image, neighbour claims
And they’ve written this one as if it’s shocking that someone in the street doesn’t want BLM signs in peoples windows.
Then they link to twitter where the thread is swamped by a black people (mostly from the USA) calling whoever wrote it a racist and being particularly anti-white racist in the process.
Would have made an interesting HYS – but then we would find out what real people think. And they don’t want that.
The irony between the first story and the second will be completely lost. That first black life doesn’t matter to the twitter mob at all.
The BBC don’t need to mention the ethnicity of those involved in such crimes. There is a very simple formula to be followed when they are initially reported:
1. There is no mention of race or ethnicity.
2. It involves a gang (soon to become ‘a group’ following AP guidelines).
3. It takes place in an urban setting.
4. Optional: the victim is reported as ‘a keen student, looking forward to going to university and hoping to become a doctor or architect’.
In such circumstances, there is an 85.9% probability that this is an example of Enrichment Involving Diversity And Inclusion ™.
Thanks for the link . I saw this story on a BBC ‘news summary ‘which showed a picture of the victim but – unusually – not a picture of the convicted ‘men’…. Obviously when this happens the BBC bias alert alarm on my TV goes off …..
…. Through such deceit the BBC edits out the truth about some coloured feral males conduct themselves . Now a story querying why so many coloured people are in prison – and that they are all ‘victims ‘…. ‘
( I think the list Richard put up sums it up nicely )
I’ve noticed they only identify black and Muslim people with pictures after they have been found guilty and sentenced.
Whereas in the past I’ve seen full face pictures of white people even when they are only suspects. And as for Cliff Richard – what a terrible thing for them to do. Where was their watchdog for that one ?.
More impartial coverage from the MSM.
WaPo, like the bbc, does liked to promote, but also hide behind… ‘opinion’.
No wonder BBC NAnana BS hangs in their coattails.
Because as Jon Sopel,says, they are edumercated better.
Clearly the smart ones are the ones the BBC follows.
A good way not to become a target in Gaza is to stay away from Jihadis engaged in launching attacks on Israel.
Something JezBo never seemed to grasp.
Meanwhile, either his head traumas are catching up or he is gunning for the Bashir pay off route…
Times they are a changin. I note that Barnier , warming up for a run at becoming French President, is suggesting banning non EU immigration into France . He probably wouldn’t do it but the point is that he is even saying it. The Overton Window , what is acceptable for a politician to say and what is not, is shifting quickly on the continent. The Danes are repatriating so called refugees, the Swedish Democrat’s , a Party with 20% plus of the vote, are saying they would stop non EU immigration into Sweden, Salvini has been saying for years that non EU immigration into Italy must be stooped , the Visegrad group of EU members refuse to accept their ‘quotas’ of so called refugees. In the EU it is becoming increasingly acceptable for National politicians to voice policies of refusing to accept continued third world immigration. So far we have not heard this coming from Brussels but momentum is building.
Meanwhile what do we hear in the UK ? Just tentative baby steps about stopping illegals but they keep on coming without hinderence. Of course the trade deal with India will mean we have to accept increased immigration ! If the momentum in the EU towards stopping third world immigration keeps on building and Europe seriously begins to defend itself against continued invasion then I might consider voting to rejoin!
I told you before that the elites will not allow Marine Le Penn to win the French election. Not if every single registered voter votes for her will she be allowed to win. The elites know after Trump and Brexit that voters cannot be trusted to deliver the results the elites want.
Barnier is a skilled political operator, far more so than our poorly paid poorly qualified politicos, he ran rings round May the Marxist, and he will undoubtedly do the same to the elites former choice Macron.
Barnier is one of the elites, and you are almost certainly right that he will not carry out his statements on immigration.
The more frightening issue is if Europe did indeed start to toughen up on migration then the cowardly useless incompetent Tories would leave the UK wide open to an invasion as the third world moved to an easier option which would be us.
Here’s a thought: instead of “cowardly useless incompetent Tories”,
which has become a sort of “Delenda est Cartago!” of [y]our times, why not put “c.u.i. Tories”, an abbreviation which also hints at the eternal question of “cui bono?” i.e. who benefits by them/it?
Mustapha – between you and me – as moderator – it don’t half get boring reading that incantation every comment from said contributor – …..but hell – write what you want …..within the sort of rules we all have to follow here ( I’ve wanted to use very bad words so many times …)
Stopping immigration is too late now. Reversing immigration is the only way. Which means that the West has to make Africa and the ME more attractive then the West.
Or a civil war will start that will lead to the end of civilised values, no matter who wins.
It is easy to see why Andy is a BBC go to guy. And Femi. And Steve Bray…
They speak for the nation too. Clearly.
A message to the pro EU Al Beeb …..
The biggest party in the EU parliament was The Brexit Party .
One is a terrorist group and the other is a State protective of its people.
As we’ve found so often these days, it’s the cartoonists who capture the surreal pantomime nature of our news far better than the supposedly straight-faced media headlines.
Matt in the Telegraph has his old school cartoon burglar, in striped jersey, mask (eye-covering version) and clutching his swag bag, politely enquire of the householder: “I’m confused now. Are you going to Portugal next week, or not?”
We can sympathise with the burglar’s discomfort as we survey the press this morning.
‘Lockdown easing at risk‘ warns the Times; ‘Threat to 21 June end of lockdown‘ threatens the ‘i’. Is a threat a proper threat if it’s conditional, if it contains the words could and risk? Hamas could fire rockets at Israeli civilians if you upset them. Whereas Israel will definitely retaliate if you try to kill their civilians. See the difference? One is a terrorist group and the other is a State protective of its people.
The BBC print frontpage online round up focuses top billing on the Daily Mail: ‘The Daily Mail carries comments from the prime minister, who said there was a “real risk” the plan to lift all restrictions in June could be threatened‘ – although we note the BBC chooses to ignore the Mail’s split frontpage story: ‘Diana scandal: Bashir out of BBC‘
I’m a little uneasy about this thing the BBC terms the “Indian coronavirus variant“. After taking such pains to train myself not to say China Flu in polite society, for the sake of Community Cohesion, couldn’t we perhaps say communities in Bolton and Blackburn were being groomed by this new version virus?
At least the Guardian knows what I’m talking about: ‘PM: new variant threatens to delay end of lockdown‘ – although the adjective “new” has been somewhat over used in advertising and is rather tarnished in politics – New Labour.
So what’s up with this new variant? Is this just a another turn of the screw (as Henry James would have it) promoted to scare us so as to push more of us to take up the jab?
‘(Sage) concluded there was a realistic possibility that the strain was 50 per cent more transmissable than the Kent variant‘ (Times) – admittedly I’m no virologist but that formulation sounds like a load of pure mumbo jumbo to me, plucking a random number out of the air with no other purpose than to justify the banging of a lot of duff new assumptions into their computer models.
And, turns out, I’m on the right track: ‘Modelling for Sage suggests that if all restrictions are lifted as planned next month a variant that is 50 per cent more transmissable could lead to 10,000 admissions per day, and possibly up to 20,000, even if vaccines worked just as well‘ (Times) – I’m, frankly, lost for words. If you don’t sniff the BS by now, then I can’t help you. Loss of the sense of smell is a tell tale symptom, you know.
Government advised by a discredited epidemiologist and committed Communist. What could possibly go wrong?
Post Braveheart Scotland looks lovely.
JezCo squirts out #solidarywith too.
Look how that works out.
Can’t Labour and the BBC just go and run Pakistan?
They don’t need to ‘go’, they, with the connivance of the Tories, are bringing Pakistan here.
All these new “cases” – are they people who are ill? If they are not ill, what does it matter if they tested “positive”? And all these “admissions” forecast – are they happening? The “fight to contain” this “new variant” seems just a bit of fear-mongering to promote the experimental injections.
“Migrant crossings: Almost 200 people cross English Channel”
In one day !
Warning, Unless Priti tools up and seriously protects our borders we are going to be suffering mass invasion from the EU and the EU ain’t going to take them back !
Stop them now and stop them ever .
BBC editorial integrity at its finest.
Israel Gaza violence eh?
That yank negotiator looks well tooled up.
Next… rows of quietly breathing covered corpses?
BBC takes its propaganda role to new depths.
Meanwhile Mishal appears to be freelancing at LBC.
The U.K. media is a disgrace.
Jon seems disconcerted that those in clear and present danger of violence due to media misinformation don’t tell them everything.
Silly goose, green move.
JezBo finds another ‘top journalist’ to represent his views.
Press Gazette features a renowned member of the impartial press corps.
That’s Press Gazette of the New Statesman media group.
“I do think that journalism is more important today than it has ever been in my lifetime for the simple reason that there is so much falsehood out there
He should know first hand.
BTW, Donald Trump stated it first.
So much falsehood “out there”. What a good thing Sopel is in here so we can believe every word he says!
And they are more often than not are the pervaders of the falsehoods.
He is certainly a tool, therefore writes with experience…
Dear me. Don’t they realise….it’s not about them?
Sounds like a clever ruse. If the media are intent on being part of the narrative…..then it follows that it won’t always go their way.
The headline should be:
Hamas attacks civilians.
Israel attacks Hamas.
Hamas does not care who it attacks. Civilians phillipians makes no difference to them.
Simon Webb is outraged with Reni Eddo-Lodge, David Olusoga and the BBC
he says they’ve deliberately set out to create a FALSE British lynching myth …which is now stirring up racial division and will lead to harm.
..That after they created the lynching myth the BBC created TV-gold by asking black people on camera what they thought about this “lynching”
..they said they were outraged this appalling part of British history from 1919 has been suppressed.
When of course the thing had been a myth in the first place.
There’re 4 adverts in the vid
I think the trick is to skip to the last minute and watch that
then go back and watch from the start to see the rest with no adverts.
#Devious #Mythmaker #Olusoga
‘…the BBC… which is now stirring up racial division and will lead to harm.’
Er, but isn’t that part of their charter? Not the published one – the one they actually follow behind the scenes:
1. Promote racial division.
2. Promote globalism.
3. Promote monopoly capitalism.
4. Promote Red China.
5. Promote Global Warming.
6. Promote sexual deviancy.
7. Promote Islamism.
8. Promote immigration.
9. Promote anti-family values.
10. Promote male/female conflict.
11. Promote youth/age conflict.
12. Promote vacuous celebrities.
13. Promote shit ‘music’.
14. Promote Russophobia.
15. Promote the EU.
16. Promote the Burn/Loot/Murder movement.
17. Promote the Labour Party (former British political party).
18. Promote Hollywood.
19. Promote false history.
20. Promote Extinction Rebellion.
21. Promote Palestinian ’cause’.
22. Promote US Democratic Party.
23. Promote the United Nations.
24. Promote Big Pharma.
25. Promote anything that is anti-British.
Ian the worst one is left off the list – wimmins football …
Could I use this in a thread pre amble please ?
( -and readers – as homework -please give an example of each – show your workings )
Fedup2… good point. I only included the first 25 in the charter. It actually runs to several hundred items, including ‘uman Rights, Glasto, Messrs Soros and Gates, The Guardian, menstruation, black wimmin’s hair, Men in Frocks (not related to the 80’s Australian pop group ‘Men in Hats’) etc.
This typical Marxist strategy – destroy everything and then turn up as saviours.
This strategy they share with the Islamic method of conquest.
No wonder the left and Islamists are common bed fellows.
I can think of only 2 ‘lynchings’ in recent times:
1) The white guy who got carried out of the BLM mob by the big black guy. He was being beaten to death and the big guy only did it to prevent the bad publicity for BLM (he said it directly).
2) The white van driver who drove into the people at Finsbury Park was dragged out and if you dug in to what happened, he was about to be murdered by the Muslims males until the IMAM saw what was going on and stopped them.
The BBC made the black guy in the first one out to be a hero and didn’t report the second.
And how many Infidels have been brutally murdered by supposed peaceful Muslim immigrants in the UK? I’m surprised that the reaction of Brits has been so benign .
It wouldn’t happen in China, as the Uighirs are finding out. Or from peaceful Buddhist Burmese.
Better the above then a full scale civil war.
Meanwhile, as the BBC staff run out of anything in the news they can skew, Shayan of WendyVision RTs Lurch ‘analysing’.
Toady watch
Some junior health minister being intereviewed by Justin over the Tory government failing to stop virus carriers coming to the UK from the Indian sub continent .
I suspect the minister wasn’t happy when he was told to go on toady and try to defend an undefendable position to allow people come into the UK to spread a new virus – courtesy of the Tory party .
It’s ok though because the government was given ‘expert advice ‘ – the kind of unaccountable advice it wanted to hear -of course ….
……….the smell of behind the scenes deals or lobbying by wealthy / powerful Indian reeks from this ….
‘’’’ or maybe Cameron was on his mobile phone texting for money again
… how they’ll get round this clear failure in a public inquiry will be a joy to watch – lessons were ignored …
44 so far today.
Why don’t the MSM wish to report on this subject. Are they being leaned on, as in the case of the “pandemic”, by the Government?
Sacrébleu, what’s happening in France?
The French are showing more ‘couilles’ in pushing back against wokeism than we on this side of La Manche.
First it was Macron stopping statue-smashing and history-rewriting while pushing back against islam and immigration; then sections of the military issued warnings of the same; next Michel Barnier hopped on the bandwagon.
Even French intellectuals have displayed some unusual common sense in recent pronouncements, and now the prestigious Académie Francaise is banning an absurd movement to teach gender-neutral words in schools.
When will the BBC and our other institutions follow suit and grow une paire?
I would have thought that if you asked most people in the UK that had heard of the Académie Francaise they would say that the sole pupose of it was to ban words like le weekend and le startup, so that is hardly unexpected news.
As the joke against George W. Bush goes, “The problem with the French is that they don’t have a word for entrepreneur.”
Nous aspirons à la prochaine révolution !
Vive la France !
Vive Marine Le Pen !
BBC reasons for leaving are always interesting.
Especially when the reasons provided by the BBC or fellow media are checked not by fact checkers loyal to MSM fact checking codes of self preservation.
Typhoid Katty shares.
Better late than never.
One of Jon’s bright ones?
I considered an aluminium tube with recycled air for 12 hrs pretty much a dream venue to leave an open Petri dish for the next big discovery.
And boarding whilst infectious without all possible precautions for others and self… likely considerate.
quite So. It’s an occupational hazard.
A 30 second clip on Twitter of an exchange between Ian Paisley junior and a Muslim BBC droid called ‘Faisal Islam ‘ on the BBCs sneering at the new DUP leaders ‘ Christian belief –
The smugs in the BBC control room must of feared for the Muslims ‘safety ….
Fed, Faisal makes ‘Part-time’ look like a hard worker.
Believe it or not, he is the BBC’s Economics Editor – one of the three ‘Senior’ Editors – but ever since he was poached by the BBC from another TV channel he has been more like Eric Morecambe’s Invisible Man. “Tell him I can’t see him.”
Bear in mind I’m only radio listening, not TV watching, and that Mr Islam may turn up for – crave, even – the limelight of TV much more regularly.
Given that overpaid Fat Faisal will get overpaid by Al Beeb however long he works, it is a bonus that we see/hear him so infrequently, if we ever tune in to Al Beeb at all.
I’m delighted to say that I have been completely Fat Faisal free since said Fat Faisal left Sly.
And just to add to the discomfort the BBC is about to experience – there’ll be plenty of Bashir bashing ( he s ill you know ) – apparently it’s his heart – which is something I’ve always thought journos don’t have ….
TOADY Watch #1 – mind your language
The guaranteed over-incomed BBC have a Pronunciation Unit. Not a lot of people know that. Strange names can be checked by Continuity announcers and Newsreaders and Presenters in advance of going on air to avoid embarrassing errors. It was with interest that I heard Beer Sheba come in for a real manging earlier in the week in news items from Israel. I have known and heard that name since a small child in stories of the exploits of Samuel, King David and the prophets in Israel.
Never have I heard it pronounced as Berr Shebba as it was earlier this week. I know the Palestinian Arabic can be very guttural at times. The BBC would not have been wishing to pander to one side, would they? It was noticeable this morning that the Newsreaders were getting it right as I have always known it: Beer (as in the drink) and Sheba (as in Queen of). Maybe there had been lots of incoming complaints letters in W1A?
There’s no Pee in Palestine…
I’ll be impressed when they pronounce it as ‘Fila-steen’ (there’s no equivalent to the letter ‘P’ in Arabic). The media and government are always keen to fall over themselves to pronounce the PRC capital as ‘Beijing’, rather than as the Anglicised ‘Peking’ (it’s also pronounced ‘Pe-kin’ in French, in Russian etc). Just a curious observation.
And Gaza is pronounced (sounds like) Razza, and Khartoum as Harrtoum. I used to wonder what ‘method’ Olivier was using when he used the latter, entirely correctly.
This is a topic that puzzled me too. I’ve yet to hear any Beeboid referring to Swansea as Abertawe.
I got reprimanded some time ago on here when I put Wrecsam for Wrexham, more in jest than anything. No offence was meant! I know the Turks call the PLO the FKO, where the F stands for “Filistin”.
Rod Liddle claimed that the BBC was increasingly saying “Le-ba-NON” instead of “LE-banon”. I have not heard this one myself. Perhaps it’s done more on World Service?
Ian, you are right, Arabic presents all sorts of problems when translated into English. Turkish, too. Most people would say ‘Erdo-gun’ but the correct pronunciation is more like Erthowan.
Then there is Pakistan and Urdu. Rithala (spelled Ritula) Shah is always very careful to say ‘Afhfarnistan’ as is Mishal in the morning.
And Madras is now pronounced “Chennai” – who could ever have foretold that?
Banania, gets a bit like the Goon Show on the cardboard wireless of certain renown.
It is often posited here, entirely properly, that Al Beeb is the broadcast arm of Labour and that the snarky ‘newspaper’ the Guardian is its print arm.
As the aim of Labour is to spread lies about Tory aims and policies and about its politicians, it comes as no surprise at all that Al Beeb spreads lies about Dyson amongst many others.
It is their raison d’etre and their mo. And recent election results, and BoJo’s continuing and surprising popularity, show that more and more people are becoming aware of both their lies and their underlying mo.
I am sick to death of these 10 Downing Street conferences
where we are told “in hindsight.” It was a no brainer to
stop flights coming into the UK from the Indian sub
continent two weeks before they were stopped . There
was a picture on the BBC website yesterday of somewhere
up north , probably Bolton , where it could of been
Islamabad. The folk were walking down the road together , no
masks without a care in the world. For Christ’s sake!!
‘It was a no brainer to stop flights coming into the UK from the Indian subcontinent two weeks before they were stopped’
They haven’t stopped. As I write, Air India AI131 from Bombay is due to touchdown at Heathrow, one of three flights from India today. Now, the passengers may all be fully tested and whisked off to quarantine as soon as they disembark, or the flights may even be empty and are simply taking place to preserve the landing rights, but they are still taking place.
@Foscari ” walking down the road together , no
masks without a care in the world”
is that supposed to be unusual ?
It’s outside no one round here wears a mask outside,
exceptions are the 10-20% of people wondering around the outdoor market that do keep their mask on as they would inside a shop.
none of the stallholders wear a mask whilst serving.
I find it astonishing that no-one is ACTUALLY blaming the Indians in this country who travelled back from India, for the emergence of the Indian strain of Covid ! Its like the elephant in the room – its not being spoken about, yet every single person in this country knows it to be true.
Just watched an interview where a Bolton Councillor was outright asked why Bolton has become the epicentre for the high number of those with the Indian strain – answer: ‘there are those people for whatever reason decided not to take up the vaccine, and we are working very hard to get the vaccine out to everyone to ensure people aren’t at risk’.
Not once was the race or culture mentioned – abominable !
Since masks are useless, why should any one wear one?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – mind your language …. again
The heading implies only one survivor from some maritime disaster. Not so, apparently. The briefest of texts for this video clip explains that this illegal immigrant (definitely not a refugee) was from Côte d’Ivoire in Africa. It also asks us to believe that she – and two other survivors – survived by only drinking seawater for three weeks. That rings a little medical alarm in my head that that is not possible.
In “Mutiny on the Bounty” some went mad from drinking seawater.
The walls are closing in on Boris Johnson now even more, and his days as yet another liberal leftist wet from the rotten school could well be numbered.
Aside from the details of the CCJ against him, which was just another nail in the coffin, not so much the amount, but that his poor organisational skills allowed it to happen.
Then there’s his apartment which is under investigation and again was down to weakness and cowardice in allowing his paramour to dictate ludicrous levels of excessive spending.
Symonds was a communications head for the Tory party but left her position after claims her performance was poor and questions were raised over significant unjustified expenses claims. She has a track record of extravagance above her means.
Now it is revealed that the £33000 holiday to Mustique at New Year was not correctly listed in the register of members interests as Johnson declared it as being worth £15000 half what it really was, and also apparantly lied about the person who paid for it.
The Parliamentary Standards Commissioner has now found the real value was £33K and it was NOT paid for by the person Johnson claimed had done so. He now risks being suspended as a sitting MP, but he is attempting to overturn the ruling, although on what grounds remains unclear.
How many allegations of improper financial conduct can one person accrue before even the clueless Tories begin to take notice?
It’s not even the first time this has happened either: “In 2018, before he became Prime Minister, he made a ‘full and unreserved’ apology to MPs for failing to declare more than £50,000 in income and registering nine payments after the required 28-day deadline.”
The case will be refered to the Parliamentary Standards Committee, chaired by senior Labour MP Chris Bryant, if the decision is upheld.
Then there is the continuing Downing Street flat investigation, begging the question as to how much financial impropriety can the PM have against him and still remain in position ? If only one of these sticks then it could spell the end of his tenure at number 10
Oh and don’t forget Dominic Cummings is due to speak again next week and could really stick the knife in.
He shares that killer trait that his hero – churchill – had “he doesnt do detail ‘ and has the attention span of a wasp .
But he bluster and does his ‘ toad of toad hall’ act which endears him to voters – like Trump too i guess …
coop Zoom AGM meeting is going on
one director is getting a pay rise from £610K to £650K
..she said that after mentioning all the rises to small staff (bribes like 1 day covid holiday etc.)
The Coop has accepted government Covid payments, but not paid back like Tescos did.
The external Committee that decides Coop renumeration is headed by @steviespring1 Chairman of the British Council (an op that exploits foreign students by selling them over priced uk university courses )

Before that the CEO was banging on about George Floyd
to me that is wrong cos EQUALITY is already enshrined in UK law
£650k? I guess thats 3 days working from home ?
Got to pay for ‘ quality ‘ management ( see john lewis – debenhams M&S)
seems the Coop has sold off its bank, insurance, and pharmacy
..OK so with all that it’s easy to give an illusion of good cash flow.
I think the AGM showed the normal way the Guardianland class rule over us stitch-up
A Tommy Robinson march has much more authenticity
(even though it might have undercover antifa agitators to start trouble and the odd one or two weak willed people who might join in with them.)
at this meeting the voting had been done beforehand by parcelling things up into 7 motions
Then from questions on the day they were selective about those they used.
Even ones apparently difficult ones they used , they had slippery answers already prepared.
Actually many of the COOP directors earn more than £1m
The boss earns £2.2m
but salary payments are complicates cos they include deferred bonuses from previous years.
What’s a salary of £650K mean ?
about £2000/day
to look after a turnover of £30m /day
So every time they turnover £15,000 she gets £1
Pick the wrong person and the biz could lose a lot on that £30m daily turnover.
(Who is she ? daughter of Turkish mother, and oil engineer father who took them all around the world finishing in America.
I presume her recently deceased father came from a richish Arab family, though they were broke when she was changing her Australian degree to an American one.)
FT the Co-op ..has declined to hand back £66m of business rates relief.
All the major UK supermarkets plus discounters Aldi and Lidl and several other retail groups have forgone the relief,
… although Waitrose, Iceland and Marks and Spencer have adopted the same position as the Co-op.“
There is ‘earning’.
And there is getting handed money.
Nice “work” if you can get it. The man before Miliband got $400,000 a year but this was raised to $600,000 for the great David. If he’s now earning £700,000 (not dollars!) it’s even more of a disgrace. Fancy being paid a fortune to advocate for yet more immigration into Britain and other First World places! Does the man have no shame (or loyalty to Britain)?
Smarm just doesn’t make it with Milliband senior – oh that delicious gravy train ….
The Fightback Begins!
This is not the end of wokeism, but it is, perhaps, the beginning of the end.
These four speakers tear into the nefarious, fundamentalist cult that is wokeism (a much too innocuous sounding word for the devastating and often violent depredations of cultural Marxism).
They’re smart and they’re sharp, and they they mean business. There is a steely determination about them to bring the fight to the enemy.
All four are well worth listening to, but perhaps Peter Boghossian spells it out most clearly:
“Let’s be clear about something: I’m done playing. I’m waging full-scale ideological warfare against the enemies of Western civilisation. I’m taking no prisoners. I have very large-scale projects coming for the enemies of reason and science and rationality. These people are divisive neo-racist hate mongers. We must broker absolutely zero tolerance with this ideology. The only way forward is full-scale ideological war and I will take no prisoners. That’s what I’m devoting my life to: I seek the complete eradication and extirpation of the ideology from every facet of life.”
This is a declaration of WAR.
BBC, be afraid. Be very afraid.
Lost interest in Murray who joined the woke against Trump’s valid claims regarding the election fix.
I didn’t hear Murray ‘join the woke’, rather I heard him say: to make such serious claims of voter fraud, Trump had better have rock solid evidence.
But I admit I wasn’t following him closely in relation to the election.
Whatever the case, Murray is very sound on so much else, as in the above interview.
Thanks for posting that Vlad. It’s really made my morning. I shall be sharing around.
At last the fightback has begun.
Imo the pushback has been going on for some time, but it’s been isolated individuals and groups, fighting a defensive, rearguard action.
It seems now they’re ready to launch a proper counter-offensive.
Most of the media appear to be pushing this warning that if we go ahead with the loosening of the lockdown we could (that word again) see a worse spike than the first couple of outbreaks together with tens of thousands of hospital admissions.
Does this mean that the vaccinations don’t work.
We hear some telling us the Indian version is more infectious but no more virulent or deadly than all the other variants.
With virtually all over 40’s and all the vulnerable groups already vaccinated where will this third spike come from?
Will it be those youngsters who don’t even know they have it.
This is the kind of messaging coming out that gives people absolutely no belief in what the government tells us.
Does anyone believe anything the government says? red or blue.
Like the 150% of the eu citizens they told us were here that have applied to stay (not counting the ones who will go back so the government have told us only half the number)
Same with the illegals and asylum seekers. Anyone believe any government numbers.
If only there was a source which gave out the true numbers instead of government spin and lies.
Tell us the truth about vaccines, variants and actual covid casualties (as opposed to the within 28 days and ignoring genuine death causes)
Does anyone wonder why thousands are marching through londonistan supporting Palestine when the Arab friendly anti Semitic media only show Arab friendly reports.
I thought the latest spat (as our media might call it) started with the firing of some 350 rockets into Israel. Can you blame them for retaliating.
No 1 hour warning to clear the area given by the Arabs, unlike the Israelis, who are fighting an enemy hiding behind women and children. Yet, the Israelis are portrayed as the baddies.
What would we do if France bombed us with 350 warheads.
The bbbc would probably take France’s side just as it has over the Jersey fishing situation.
I hope News GB will be different from all the other media and tell the truth. How refreshing would that be.
There was discussion during the week that maybe too much hope is being put into brillo TV – and i think i was guilty of that .
Judging by the staff being hired few are from the BBC – but knowing how comfortable BBC staff must feel theyll be unlikely to go to a new channel – thankfully .
I think brillo TV wont look much different to the other woke rubbish but maybe theyll be less likely to rubbish the UK and support our enemies eg the EU.
Emmanuel, it was most peculiar that a PM who had both the virus (and was hospitalised) and his vaccine doses refused to go to India to meet Narendra Modi and to negotiate a trade deal. I’m guessing that there were not enough ‘officials’ vaccinated and willing to accompany the PM.
Surely he must know that he was not vulnerable to the virus. Or maybe Princess Nut Nuts had a say in the matter.
But on to your question: “Will it be those youngsters who don’t even know they have it.” – apparently the prime age group for the spread of the Indian mutation (if it is a mutation) is the 20-35 year age group, ie. millennials.
Is it my imagination, or did the story of the richly diverse bent copper called Kashif Mahmood and his pals disappear from the BBC website with unseemly haste?
Lest we forget…
A gas meter and an electricity meter stands between my front door and my neighbour’s so I guess we meet the ‘two meters’ rule?
What are “cases”? Are those people actually ill? If not, who cares?
5 Million…..5 Million EU citizens register to become UK citizens.
Foisted on the UK.
How will they vote in future elections.
Labour party and Remainers will be licking their lips.
Makes my blood boil.
My parents lived in Dulwich.
Pretty blue.
Then, somehow, a sink estate called Kingsdale got dumped in.
Red ever since.
‘It’ is only going to start to work when the BBC and its singular hiring complement are out on their ears.
JezBo is currently churning out tweets based on what he is told by his Gaza groupies as ‘news’.
What a lovely broadside – just a shame only a dozen people were watching – it was biased news night after all.
Irony would be JezBo getting nicked by a shrapnel from an errant Hamas firework, and whilst heading to the A&E of an Israel hospital walks past the entrance with an oddly overdressed mother of one of his recent interviewees, who trips…
The Martyrs’ Brigade? I think that could be arranged.
I’d ask OFCOM, my MP, the dcms… anyone what it was about psychotic Israel hater Jeremy Bowen being dispatched to ‘report’ on Gaza impartially that so appealed to the BBC, but I know already.
Is he worse then Orla Guerin.
BBC national news couldn’t help but show a bit of a pro Palestinian demo in Londonistan today – not much by way of social distancing – but I suppose most were young so live for ever.
I bet comrade Corbyn was in his element – with chakrabati as the MC ..
If they know what’s good for them the best thing the Palestinians could do is to get rid of the terrorist group Hamas.
If a group fired over 1000 rockets into London all in one day from say France, I am pretty sure that we would do something about it.
The Palestinians are lucky, very lucky that Israel has its ‘Iron Dome’.
“If a group fired over 1000 rockets into London all in one day from say France, I am pretty sure that we would do something about it.”
The BBC would be acting as FAC (Forward Air Controller) reporting ‘fall of shot’ so that those doing the firing could correct their aim.
“BBC Giving Away Intelligence”
“The Battle of Goose Green was the first major British victory of the war, but it was almost blown by a news report. The BBC World Service, hearing of plans for the attack, reported them to its global news audience. This almost led to the assault being called off. It could easily have led to stronger resistance at Goose Green, if not for the fact that the Argentinians believed the report was a British bluff.”
Here’s an idea for the bbbc and the other lefties.
From now on, each time you get caught out telling lies and you have to make an apology (such as in the recent Dyson lies) then it should be law that you give exactly the same prominence to the apology that you did to your lie.
If you used up half of your front page or 10 minutes of your news shows then half the front page should be taken up with the apology or 10 minutes clearing up the lies on your shows.
It’s only fair that an equal amount of time and space should be given to put right your wrongs. If anything, more time and space should be given but I’m not asking for that, just fairness.
Mind, with the stuff they print and say, most of the paper or tv show would end up being apologies.
It should at least make them more careful as to what they come out with but I fear they will go to their more usual weasel words with all their would, could, may, some sources/experts say etc.
BBC logic in build up to FA Cup Final.
When Leicester City owner Leicester Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha died in a helicopter crash, he went down as immortal.
(© Colemanballs)
Naturally the only fan they could find to do a tribute was someone of the Asian persuasion, with a turban.
FA cup final – players kneeling – fans booing – BBC didn’t manage to edit it out ….won’t happen again ….
The knee jerk reaction will be the same as always, to ban anyone who dares defy the authorities.
Has LBC lost the plot?
Heeeeeeer’s Gary.
I’d ask Marianna to check what happens before such strikes from Israel vs. From Hamas, but would probably get blocked.
Seems a fair few do rely on some selected ‘news’ outlets to get worked up more than informed.