The Far Left Anti British BBC has launched a propaganda offensive against the current UK PM . Whether it be allegations about decorating number 10 – attacks on Sir James Dyson – a vexatious County Court case – the BBC is ‘going for ‘ the PM . Some might think this is a ‘good thing ‘ because the PM might be forced to take action to restructure the BBC – but others might say he is afraid of it .
Weekend Thread 15th May 2021.
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Blimey, house journal off piste?
Wonder how many BBC staff there… counting?
“Journalists… telling the truth”.
The media might be surprised just how little the public see them as somehow exempted from responsibility because ther are… the media.
Neat summary.
Just on train back to Manchester after attending freedom March in London. There must have been at least 100,000 there. Checked the bbc webpage expecting to see something about it. Nowt, zilch, nada. It was a huge demo the highlight of which was stopping outside broadcasting house for 10 minutes chanting “shame on you, lying scum”. I am truly staggered by how low these bastards will go. Plenty of coverage of the free Palestine demo the same day which wasn’t even half as big. Filth the lot of em
BBC video on the two topics
the IDF missile strike ..and the pro-Hamas march
If three people had turned up with either a BLM placard or one that said “Free Palestine” they’d be all over it…
The BBC are propagandist parasites.
Sorry Andy, but um, freedom from what again ? There are so many protests and marches lately I find it hard to keep up.
Freedom from the unnecessary covid house arrest for the past 14 months. Freedom from having an unelected cabal of globalists making decisions about my life. Freedom from locking healthy young people up so that someone else can feel safe. Freedom from compulsory vaccination psssports. Freedoms that you and I have always taken as a given are being stolen from us and our children.
“…freedom from what again?”
Christ almighty, have you been hibernating? Freedom from having every aspect of our lives controlled by government.
For 15 months we’ve been living in an authoritarian state, as strict as any during the cold war. Our useless media have been entirely complicit, with one or two honourable exceptions.
I loathe being told I can’t go here or stand there, I can’t go to this pub and I can’t enter that restaurant or talk to this person or hug that person. They even tell us how many can enter our houses at Christmas, ffs. This is a totally unnatural way to live…for most of us…
In truth I’m not a great one for this hugging malarkey, in fact I’m really uncomfortable with it, much to the amusement of friends and family, but I absolutely detest being told by a gormless, fat useless numpty like Boris that (if he’s feeling generous) I might be allowed to hug my granny on the second Sunday each month.
That’s the freedom…
Christ almighty, have you been hibernating
Clearly you feel strongly as your many posts have indicated in recent months, but please don’t assume anything about others who may / may not share your views. And yes, I have been ‘hibernating’ rather than spend an unwanted holiday on a ventilator. And yes, there HAVE been a lot of protests and marches that some of us are becoming desensitised to them.
Impossible to become desensitised to the anti lockdown demos, they’re hardly reported!
If a bunch of middle-class spoiled brats (Extinction Rebellion) hold up traffic on Waterloo Bridge as they paint their faces and do silly dances, you can bet your bottom dollar the BBC will be all over it. Pretty much the same thing for the thugs of BLM and Antifa.
However, with the anti-lockdown protests, even though they congregated right outside Beeb Towers, our national broadcaster chose to completely ignore this demo and told us about the one outside the Israeli Embassy. It’s blatantly dishonest.
BTW, good luck with your continued hibernation. Any one who wishes to live their lives like that is fine by me. People can wear masks and “socially distance” for the rest of their lives, if they so wish. I just want the right to choose.
That’s all…
Have yet to check the local shire radio, but their co-BBC Local Democracy paper is trying to work up a story from weeks ago about an XR loon (female, 60s, scared) who sat on a road to make a stand (sic) and they feel is ‘brave’.
Trouble is no one cared then. Fewer still now.
Their advertisers must despair.
Folk either despise or mock, and no one clicks the link.
With you all the way Jeff. I respect everyone’s right to stay home, wear masks and do whatever they think they need to do but please let me crack on and live my life
I completely agree with you. I realise that not being able to go to the pub must be a terrible strain but so is worrying that your wife , who in my case is on the vulnerable list , might catch the virus and die . Thank God its over and everyone can now get on with their lives. I thank those who followed the rules despite being in little or no danger themselves. As for those who flouted the rules well they can now enjoy their freedom too.
My original point was about how the bbbc has ignored a huge protest by normal people in our capital city because it is a filthy biased anti GB organisation.
Given that you brought it up, the standard way that people choose to “diss” us “covidiots” is to trot out the well worn accusation that it’s us selfish people who just want to go to the pub who are putting the lives of others in danger. Yes I have missed the pub as well as many other of my cherished norms whilst I have been a conformist (albeit a reluctant one).
I am a fit and able bodied man in my mid fifties and have played by the rules whilst knowing deep down that many of them were nonsense.
I’ve seen my income slashed by two thirds, friends go out of business, my 95 year old grandma reduced to fearful hermitage and my kids denied life chances and experiences that, in our early twenties, we all had and enjoyed.
As I said earlier I do respect everyone’s right to do whatever they think they need to do to stay well but please don’t accuse me of being the selfish one.
I didn’t mention selfish , you did.
You didn’t mention selfish but the implication was clear for all to see.
It was indeed.
Pubs and holidays are their favourites.
“You just wanna go to the pub” or “you just wanna go on holiday” equals “you are just a selfish arse who doesn’t care if you kill someone”.
Top comments Jeff. There are none so blind as those that cannot see.
A quick look at FlightRadar24 shows the amount of flights still inbound from the sub continent. This has been going on unchecked and unreported for months, but as long as there is footy, strictly and I’m a celebrity the sheep will remain compliant.
I caught the last few minutes of the FA Cup on BBC1.
A BBC box ticking female interviewer asked a winning Leicester player, “How on Earth are you feeling right now?”
We already know no sports knowledge is required to be a BBC female sports presenter but knowledge of the English language should be compulsory surely?!?
Chelsea supporters were well impressed by Lineker’s impartial coverage …/sarc
There is a Twitter clip of Lineker’s jumping celebration.
Leicester player Hamza Choudhury draped himself in a Palestine flag during the trophy celebrations.
..cos the no politics in sport rule only applies to white people.
“BBC have shown Leicester fans at least 15 times today and Chelsea fans twice, odd2
Not only Lineker. I streamed the match and ended up with BT Sport’s coverage, as I turn off when it goes to the studio at both half-time and full-time, and only turn it on after they’ve taken the knee, I can only comment on the match itself.
As a neutral I found it hard to listen to, if I had been watching it as a Chelsea fan I’d have been ragin’ at how one-sided they were in their support for Leicester.
I wonder what would have been said if big Jonny Evans from Loyalist Rathcoole, pictured beside Leicestershire born Bengali-Grenadian Choudhury, had draped the Ulster Banner, the flag of the country he’s actually from, over his shoulders?
Andy – that kind of 1984 non reporting / reporting of ‘approved news ‘ will kill the BBC in the end – as slowly more and more and more people realise what is going on – and how the BBC as an entity is beyond nonsense like ‘fact checking ‘ and ‘fake news ‘….
It’s a bit like those ‘version edits ‘ of BBC website reports where ‘facts ‘ get changed or modified or omitted – it’s a war – ….
I agree fed. We all know it but when they are so obvious and brazen about it, it is genuinely shocking. There were a few people up on the balcony at broadcasting house taking pictures of the masses down below but they won’t see the light of day. I despise them
Well, it’s not like the anti-lockdown demonstrators were right outside broadcasting House and targetting the BBC ../sarc
15 seconds vid with good audio
.. 15 minute clip
There’s 20 other video if you order them by latest.
Though it does seem to me there are lots more videos of the Palestinian marchers.
So I can’t say which march was the biggest.
I was hoping that the protestors would tear down the statue on Broadcasting House of the naked child by paedophile Eric Gill and roll it in the Thames.
I have mixed feelings about the lockdown and the anti-lockdown, but if it’s turning people against the BBC – excellent!
Tonight’s TV
Mainly game/talent shows
from 8:30pm BBC2 has 3 hours on John Lennon
8pm BBC4 old episode of Palin
meets ‘Aziz, a gay transvestite gypsy turbo-folk song Balkan superstar’
Even Talking Pictures film is called : All Coppers Are… (Bastards 1972)
BBC2 now ‘here we are in herring country, Scotland
long ago salmon from here was exported to the Caribbean to feed slaves
..I’ll be cooking red-herring in chilli, cos that is the way the slaves used to cook it”
Switcged to the BBC owned Yesterday channel , Portillo is banging on about Coleridge Taylor the black composer.
Edd Kimber
Joanne Wheatley
John White
Frances Quinn
Nancy Birthwistle
Nadiya Hussain
Candice Brown
Sophie Faldo
Rahul Mandal
David Atherton
Peter Sawkins
What connects this list, and can you spot the odd ten out?
It is biased BBC based honest, fact checked by Mariana Springboard (to a bigger paypacket)
Only one of them made the biggest dog’s dinner of a birthday cake for her Maj, I do know that !
TOADY Watch #2 and BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – watch out! – ‘they’ are out to get you!
I forgot the first of these this morning (it was mentioned on TOADY) but is now qualifying for the second category – see pic top centre – on the BBC web-site Home Page. Priti Patel, very fetching in a pink face mask getting a vaccine jab, is underneth a banner pic of FA Cup Final celebrations of Leicester City players.
It is obvious that the Left and some in the MSM (BBC?) and maybe some Civil Serpents in Priti’s Ministry do not like her and are out to get her removed as Home Secretary.
Meanwhile, instead of reporting the Freedom March, on that same Home Page, the BBC go for a week-old item about Little Mix’s Leigh-Anne Pinnock having to endure all sorts of bad things on the way to doing what she wanted to do: become a millionaire pop star.
You couldn’t make it up.
The unite head candidate who tweeted that ms Patel should be deported has been suspended from the Labour Party – he tweeted at about 11pm – and I made an unevidenced deduction from that ….
… and the tribunal concerning the ex Labour MP for Hartlepool and his unrequited love for a party official is pure popcorn ….
And that’s the Labour stuff we know about – apart from those on bail of course …
In the other corner is a British PM who went on holiday but doesn’t know the right price or who paid for it ….. the bubble cares but real people could give a damn …
5 min video Andrew Neil crushes SNP’s Independence dreams
The media seem utterly deranged.
FFS WaPO make out that Trump is the insane one
and they are the sane.
How far the WaPo has fallen.
Can happen.
It’s no wonder they call him Humpty Dumpty.
Somewhat appropriately, that same media told us how they had narrowly avoided a great loss of life.
Same as I narrowly avoided being killed by a car which came along 5 minutes after I crossed the road yesterday.
Misrepresenting the truth right to the end.
Well done Israel.
now on Together TV
Afua Hirsch “Nelson actively promoted slavery, here I am doing an outdoor projection protest”
Kenhinde Andrews “I only heard about this recently, that’s how covered it it is”
… FFS it’s not true was a doctored letter after he died
Afua Hirsch “Britain is a country in denial”
One Horatio’s earlier battle victories.
Historian Simon Webb, on his brilliant You Tube site “History Debunked”, does excellent work in exposing the lies of these race hustlers.
The truly galling thing is most of these parasites are paid a small fortune by the BBC (with our money!) to lie and distort our own history back to us.
They’re nothing more than 21st century fifth columnists…
To Afua Hirsh
If you don’t like this country i.e. Great Britain, just get out and make more space for those trying to get in !
AH must be desperate to get herself on air if she has to resort to some obscure channel called Together !! Clearly she’s missing her paycheck from The Pledge.
No they buy in old stuff from other channels and repeat it.
The point here is they are just blindly repeating a prog that was debunked as false
.. and lefty wokey Ofcom don’t give a toss
George Floyd is a true here
.. and Nelson is a true villain…in Wokeland.
“Universal basic income to be tested in Wales”
Free money for all !
Good luck with that one. Who is going to pay for that, the people of England?
Who else taffman, who else
Mostly peaceful, one is sure.
Deport them back to Palestine.
I wonder how many of those black people are there for Palestein and how many are racist scumbags who just want to cause trouble for the white establishment.
“Thousands protest in London over Israel-Gaza violence”
Great Britain would be a much better place if those people that hated it would just politely leave.
“Covid: Plea to get the jab in variant hotspot areas”
“Plea” as much as you like – the effnicks aint going to have it.
“Rangers crowds march on Glasgow city centre after title win”
A lot of Union Flags flying in the photos. Does that mean there are some loyal Jocks left?
Any Jocks care to comment ?…………
Not a Jock but the Rangers fans fly the Union Flag in opposition to the Celtic fans who fly the Irish Republican tri colour. Rangers are supposed to be Protestant and loyal. Celtic are supposed to be Catholic and largely descended from Irish navvies in the 19th century so disloyal. That’s where the bigotry comes from both sides.
I did read once, but I don’t know how true it is, that during the last Intafada some of the Celtic fans flew the Palestinian flag from their houses so some Rangers fans flew the Israeli Flag in response.
Taffman – Yes, but it’s complicated.
It goes back to Irish immigration to Glasgow in the 19th century. Celtic was a club formed in the Irish catholic community. Rangers attracted Ulster protestants and the indigenous Scottish protestants. Over the years the Irish Tricolour became the flag of Celtic supporters, the Union Jack the flag of Rangers supporters. An old firm game often feels less like a Scottish contest than the Northern Ireland Troubles transplanted to Glasgow. So much so that the fans of other Scottish teams would taunt them with “You’re in the wrong ******* country!”
I doubt if most Rangers fans have much sense of what you might mean by “loyal”. With all their songs and flags and posturing there is certainly a sense of them reaffirming their tribal identity but in my experience hating catholics is what it is really all about. One Rangers fan I knew once discreetly asked me, because he regarded me as intelligent, what a catholic was exactly. He didn’t actually know they were a Christian denomination. Another Rangers fan told me that one of the first songs his father taught him as a very young child was “The Sash”, one of the supporters’ favourite songs at matches. Its words go like this:
Sure it’s old but it is beautiful
And its colours they are fine
It was worn at Derry, Aughrim,
Enniskillen and the Boyne
My father wore it as a youth
In the bygone days of yore
And it’s on the twelfth that I love to wear
The sash my father wore.
(Concluded with a loud exclamation of “F*** the Pope!”)
The song refers to the campaign of William of Orange in Ireland and his victory over the forces of the deposed catholic king James II at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, a date that is engraved on every Rangers supporter’s heart. The sash is the orange sash that Orangemen wear.
So, yes, I think most Rangers supporters would have voted NO to Scottish independence. (Rather oddly, in my view, a lot of people of Irish catholic heritage seem to have voted YES.) But I doubt if you would feel much affinity with those “loyal” people waving Union flags in Glasgow city centre. They are rowdies, hooligans and thugs.
Celtic supporters took to waving Palestinian flags in recent years, probably recognising fellow paranoiacs who love wallowing in victimhood. Rangers fans in response took to waving Israeli flags. I doubt if either set of fans know much about the history of the Middle East.
But rest assured, Taff, there are plenty of other types of loyal Jocks. You will see us if Sturgeon dares to hold Indyref2.
(Just seen your post, Demon. Apologies for saying much the same thing.)
No problems You were much more detailed and added a lot more I didn’t know. It’s a shame that it ‘s tarnished football but both sides wallow in their ignorance and bigotry.
Many of the cities in England also have opposing Catholic and Protestant football teams: Everton v. Liverpool, Manchester City v. Manchester United and so on. The Beautiful Game, before it became Ugly, had a strong Christian tradition.
What’s curious is the jobs taken on by Fusion GPS iirc are quite a broad spectrum…. including be paid by bigtime biotech fraudsters Theranos to attack reporters disclosing stuff that didn’t add up…
Marianna’s got a bit of spook hinterland
Look the NYT was right behind the Russia Hoax
yet now that article says Fusion GPS and other private spy agencies manipulated journalists into believing in the fraudulent Steele Dossier
Heh… there’s quite a lot of amnesia about in the MSM
R4 Profile is repeated 3 times over the weekend
It’s either a hit piece against a rightie
… or a fawning tribute to a leftie.
This week they have picked The Angel Rayner.
“slighted that a set of Star Wars shoes had mistakenly not been set aside for, she fired off a complaint on House of Commons note paper, a rookie mistake”
… What that you aren’t supposed to use the HoC notepaper for personal matters, of course not.
R4 ” just cited Gary Numan’s Cars as an example of Angela Rayner’s love of 80s music.
It was released and reached No1 in 1979.
#80sFail “
The imam tells the guys at the mosque what is required for victory.
And… a Beeboid head just exploded.
XR meets Corbyism.
Of course, they must be the right kind of babies. Here, the Guardian helpfully shows the wrong kind, the ones that cause global warming (sic):
Meanwhile, the population of sub-Saharan Africa is predicted to treble in size to 3 billion people by 2100, with Nigeria becoming the world’s second most populous country, with a population of 791 million. Truly the world is entering a new ‘Dark Age’.
Funny if it were not tragic.
Import the third world….
Half of W1A should avoid the upper floors.
Even the wimmin.
Is that real of photoshopped – ? If real do you think they know what that flag is ? Any comment about flags by any smug BBC breakfast type ? Charlie ? Naga ?Real name
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah..?
Not via JezBo’s sources.
I wonder which list Mishal puts the acceptable collateral losses on?
7am R4 White-Guilt show
started with
#1 a woman crying over memorials to plantation owners in churches
#2 a woman crying over an art exhibit : a 45cm cross made from the refugee boats from Lampedusa
Next prog Shappi Khorsandi appealed for Refugee Action charity
I think I heard 6 guests on the show
I don’t think any were white males, just the host
They do say politicians will always look out for their own. We suspect they give preferential treatment to their friends. When they get to power we know they return favours, quid pro quo. And so it is we learn: ‘Biden tells Israel to protect media after office destroyed‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
Joe Biden was the media’s candidate for the US Presidency. There have already been some scandals and certain missteps at his White House but you won’t hear much about about them because the media are loyal to their man. If I were to research and relate some of the Biden bad news you’d think me a US politics nerd because you wouldn’t have heard of them.
There’s a sense that Americans became weary of their previous President being in the news day in day out. I know I did and I don’t even live there. You can blame Donald Trump for his narcissism and his continual tweeting but it’s fair to say that at times when he didn’t force himself into the headlines the news media would make something up about him, just to keep him there.
The unspoken Biden compact with the voters seemed to be (figuratively) vote for me, I’m neither Trump nor one of those real Democrat crazies, I’m just sleepy old Joe and I’ll go to sleep on the job, so you can go back to your daily lives less bothered by the news.
Boris Johnson should take note. He should get on with the day job doing things we voted for, such as this: ‘Voters in “red wall” seats will replace “metropolitan bubble” voices on the boards of Britain’s museums and heritage bodies to stop groups bowing to pressure from “woke” activists over contested history‘ (Telegraph) – frankly, we can do away with all those scare quotes, Telegraph, we’re all grown ups here.
The point I’m making is that Boris should get on with the job boldly before the unfriendly media grind him down. Before we the electorate who have excused his clownish libertine antics for the sake of Brexit succomb to the media blandishments in support of some lefty-leaning Blair-like lawyerish milk-toast knee-taking rival.
The battle lines are already drawn on the issue of lockdown. The elitist left-leaners in the media love their lockdown and don’t want it to end: ‘Johnson “must think again on plans to relax Covid rules”‘ (Observer – ie the weekend Guardian); ‘Covid families’ fury over Boris. Will he ever learn? Grieving familes of Covid victims have accused Boris Johnson of “repeating past mistakes”, putting us at the Indian variant’s mercy‘ (Sunday People) – but what’s this? ‘They spoke out amid fears his failure to restrict travel from India in early April has allowed the mutant to take seed‘
That’s oddly familiar to early 2020 when we had internal lockdown quarantine but open borders with China and Italy.
Criticism of the lack of foreign quarantine (border control) exposes a significant class divide in the opposition thinking. The middle class metro-liberals are happy to keep zooming it in to work, those – don’t whatever you do mention the border – types, now stand apart from the poor plebs who see their familiar package holidays regulated and priced beyond their reach but Air india jumbos flooding in as per usual.
There’s a reason we weren’t supposed to call it the China Flu. There’s now a sense that the lockdown compliant media happily cried “India Varient!” so as to prolong their comfortable lockdown but missed the fact the masses would notice where the India variant had originated and might begin to question how it got here.
Biological Warfare.
taffman, questions should be asked, they really should.
Even in a secretive world, little bits can leak out. SAGE is a very large group to keep quiet about confidential information.
Viruses mutate; environmental weapons or germ warfare weapons have variants. (Think of a novichok, for example) Has the PM been careless in his language? Have his Cabinet colleagues been careless in their language.
My guess is: yes.
Owen Jones could have simply said
…that of course he condemns Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli civilians
.. he didn’t.
Owen going full Husain.
Never go full Husain.
The state of this… as part as a JezBo thread.
Little Owen doesn’t know much about anything.
In an interview that aired on Al-Ahd TV (Iraq) on May 7, 2021, senior PIJ official Ramez Al-Halabi said that the rockets used by the faction to target Tel Aviv bear the signature of Iran and Soleimani. He added that faction members were trained by the IRGC and that Iranian money was used to buy weapons for the armed factions in Gaza and Lebanon. Al-Halabi added that every home in Gaza has Soleimani’s portrait, and that “it is they [Iran] who support us with weapons, money, and food.”
Dan is a PhD.
The bbc likes doctors.
Often vague on their backgrounds, mind.
Or grasp of reality.
“ Hamas’ targeting of Jewish civilians is part and parcel of its mission — as set out in its governing Covenant or Charter — to “fight the Jews and kill them” and to replace Israel with an Islamic state.”
Seems many in the MSM, Labour and Labour BBC appear either unaware of this or keen not to follow it through analytically.
“Israel has the power to stop this conflict tomorrow…”
By doing what?
They are all Arabs, and they have been fighting for thousands of years over one thing or another-look to 500BC squabbling then over the territory. I had an old Jewish friend for many years we worked to gether, it was he that said to me that ‘we are all Arabs one way or another, its just that we of the Jewish tribe became cleverer than the others.’
hmm when I’ve been in Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine
there is a difference the two groups don’t like each other.
Many Palestinian families used to live in Jordan before Israel existed
.. then The British handed Jordan to an Arab family .. The the country already had the two groups then later some more Palestinians fled from territories controlled by Israel etc.
Owen being gay might like to comment on the status of gays in Gaza
is it not true that gays are banned so many chose to live in Israel instead.
“Major incident in Lancashire after suspected gas blast”
A ‘flying gas main’ perhaps?
Jeremy Bowen is so far gone
The rest of the BbC not far behind. Other than with news.
Could someone please give the Israelis the coordinates for a strike on W1A !
The leaning tower of Gaza.
If I was the IDF I think I’d keep the co ordinates of Bowen’s mobile phone handy …
The BBC just had a feature on the 601 news channel
how Portugal is going to welcome back thousands
of British tourists. Well I have had an apartment in
the Algarve for 18 years and was looking foreword to
going back.
Yes very cheap flights. BUT just look at the government
website on what tests you need to take going there
and coming back . For me and my wife to go there for
a few days it would be cheaper to go to a 5* hotel hotel
in Bournemouth. We are talking about several hundred pounds
for all the PCR covid tests which the government is insisting on.
“Biden revokes Trump order to punish statue vandals”
Be warned Al Beeb, something tells me that Trump will be back.
Me, too.
Nine officers were injured as they worked to disperse crowds outside the Israeli Embassy in Kensington this evening (Saturday, 15 May).
Missiles were thrown in small pockets of disorder following a day of largely peaceful protest, which saw police engage with the crowds.
Nine people were arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and a further four people were arrested on suspicion of breaching the Health Protection Regulations. They remain in custody.
Still nothing about the Freedom March on the bBC? (Perhaps it’s hidden somewhere). How many of the thousands present were regular people compared with the thousands of ‘professional’ troublemakers/protesters/irregulars at the other event?
I hear that the freedom march was immense…..but I can’t find coverage of it anywhere. Which is outrageous.
@piersmorgan tweeted
BREAKING: @Keir_Starmer has agreed to appear on my Life Stories show.
We’re doing the interview next week,
.. and it will air soon afterwards.
Party leaders rarely submit themselves to such lengthy personal interviews
so it should be a fascinating encounter. #LifeStories
Slick would attend the opening of a cicada swarm if it got him a mention in the East Bronx Bugle.
Tory and LibDem?
Meanwhile, the BBC is doing its bit to help:
More bbc fact checking?
It’s an ass.
“Israel Gaza conflict: Air strike targets Hamas leader”
And thereby lies the problem for the Palestinians- Hamas.
Are they democratically elected or Religious Gangsters that use human shields?
Gaza tower containing media offices collapses after Israeli strike
No BBC. It housed Hamas which is why it was destroyed.
A classic BBC trick. It infers they targeted it for the media offices when in fact it had nothing whatsoever to do with the reason.
Something struck me as I though about it : if the press-building also housed Hamas (and I am certain it did : Israel knows what is going on) then it is inconceivable that all those journalists did not know about it.
Yet none of them have said anything. I presume it’s because the very fact they are there means they side with Palestine against Israel.
Lies by ommission with intent to mislead are lies just the same. All these media people are low-life scumbags. No other way to describe them.
Looking for the debate last time this kicked off.
I think it was a Danish journo screwed to MSM pooch sharing that from the hotel they were all in everyone could hear the rockets being launched outside.
Get ’em young on cbeebies each day next week at 11.20 with Asnath, Semhar, Tianah and Chris for Magic Hands: Black History Songs. Looks fairly innocuous you say, but I’m wondering how political it will get.
From their schedule:
Mon: Dancing in the Street – in Notting Hill, home of the famous Notting Hill Carnival
Tues: To be Young, Gifted and Black – on Blackfriars Bridge, where black people have marched for equality
Wed: Lean on me – in Notting Hill, where a lot of people from the Caribbean settled
Thurs: Something Inside So Strong – in east London, at the site of an important publishing house
Fri: Three Little Birds – at Bob Marley’s house! Or at least the house he lived in, in London
So there won’t be Scarborough Fair, Barbara Allen, Men of Harlech, Hearts of Oak then?
The bBC are keen on ‘international law.’
I gather we cannot deport any invaders, illegals, terrorists or rapists due to some international law or another.
So What? The safety of the country and its citizens comes first and surely trumps any (so-called) international law.
They seems to have remakably little to say about firing hundreds of rockets at major cities with the deliberate intent of targetting civilians.
THAT is the only clear-cut war-crime here. Yet these ‘BBC fact checkers’ seem to have missed it for some reason.
TV Guide:
BBC1 11am, Sunday Morning Stories.
Kate meets a couple who offered their home to a Syrian refugee who wants to be a doctor.
BBC Home of diversity
6am Radio2 @revkatebottley @jasonmohammad Sunday Show
10:30am BBC1 Sunday Morning Stories
Rev Kate Bottley people who help others,
– UK’s youngest chief executive
– and a couple who offered their home to a Syrian refugee
11:00am BBC1 Pilgrimage to Santiago
The seven celebrities continue
The Rev Kate Bottley discovers a fountain of free-flowing wine…
1:15pm Songs of Praise
Aled Jones explores Exeter
and, in Dementia Action Week, YolanDa Brown meets local woman helping people with dementia
Live on Youtube right now from SouthWell Minster Rev Kate Bottley is among those made canons.
I know that women in presenting (news or otherwise) have been shortchanged over the years, but dear Lord why must we be tortured with these women who look and sound like 16 year olds when reporting serious news. Not BBC although they’ve got their fare share, but Foreign News Reporter – Deborah Haines on Sky – honest to God she sounds like a kid reading an essay on work experience as she gives us the latest updates from Jerusalem.
Why Labour is unelectable, if you can bear to listen to the full thing, and why they lost in Hartlepool and will continue to lose. However it has to be said that many of these are things you hear on the BBC too.
Thank you for putting that long 4 43 seconds video up . They have a number of things in common – including all being damn right ugly – up the patriarchy comrades (2 min 48) _____ I saw this on the Twitter and wondered if it would land up here ….
.. I think Labour / BBC should carry on in this way – eventual extinction … eh troll?
Most instructive, and curiously reassuring! These people aren’t going anywhere, thank goodness!
Not a footballist, but is this an accurate reflection of events, or a BBc one?
Another crowd.
No obvious BBC analysis.
Or Paul Mason.
In the spirit of fair play, albeit tucked away…
BBC News
One police officer was killed and dozens of others were injured in clashes between rival Muslim groups over who should lead end-of-Ramadan celebrations.
So, beard on beard with a blue collateral? No biggie.
Just the Congo. Sounds a must visit post C19.
Arizona Audit. According to Donald Trump the entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED! This is illegal and the Arizona State Senate, who is leading the Forensic Audit, is up in arms. Additionally, seals were broken on the boxes that hold the votes, ballots are missing, and worse. Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, will now be forced to look into this unbelievable Election crime.
Although it might be true, it also might not be, as it is a massively confusing picture at present, but even if it is true it would not now change the declared result, and it would appear to be more the cock up rather than conspiracy theory too.
One thing to think about in the Palestinian Hamas led attacks on Israel, where are the huge quantities of munitions coming from? Who is supplying them and who is paying for them.
Yep it comes back to Barak Obamas insane nuclear deal where he gave Iran millions of dollars in exchange for nothing at all, and now they can use that money to fund acts of terror just like this!
Meanwhile JezBo is working the whole Middle East into a fren… even more of a frenzy than usual.
The BBC stirs heat. Seldom does the BBC offer light.
The BBC are on form this morning.
On Kitchen Best Bites, there’s some nutter telling me how tasty ants are. Not only are they full of protein, they’re also “sustainable”. Honestly! He’s carrying on like one of those wine bores, “I can smell citrus, just a hint of meadow grass…” FFS. He and his equally odd looking mate are seen drooling over a plate of juicy asparagus, swarming with ants. What’s for afters, earwigs and trifle? Yummy!
Then on BBC1 at 11, there’s a programme that could have been interesting…alas…
Pilgrimage: The Road to Santiago follows a bunch of “celebrities” as they walk the famous trail. I thought, I might have a gander, however…thankfully I read the introduction…
“The celebrity pilgrims leave a hostel in solidarity with Heather when she senses racism.”
Oh well, if she “sensed racism” no wonder they left. Any of these chinless numpties would have seen their careers going down the plug-hole if they hadn’t left.
Think I’ll do some work in the greenhouse…
Oooo food for the future!
Hoping Stew has smelling salts handy, it seems Groper tried to out woke Lear Man.
Still a lot of votes outside NY and LA veggie restaurants.
And it is not like Andy is not partial to fresh meat.
‘Sensing racism’ means someone didn’t bow down to you in worship at your blackness.
Like the Little Mix star who ‘felt’ she was insufficiently adored by the fans.
Bizarrely, she also claimed discrimination because she ‘felt’ she was chosen for the band as the ‘token black’.
But hey, at least it allows the beeb to drag racism into everything and virtue signal.
“…a plate of juicy asparagus, swarming with ants.”
Compare the Two Ronnies in Australia:
A caption from the BBC news front page
A Gaza tower block housing news outlets was destroyed in an Israeli strike on Saturday
So that would be an office block, has the word housing been shoehorned in perhaps?
Nothing this time (so far) on yesterday’s Freedom March from young Marianna.
With link to the article written by about the last march when the bBC ‘disinformation’ team turned up (April).
Disinformation and misinformation are two different things. What does she deal with?
It seems Our Marianna of the Rack (apologies Jean Genet) went to Sutton High School before French and ab initio Russian at Oxford. My wife supply taught another European language at Sutton High for a while and one of our friends taught French there for years, but retired before Marianna. The girls are very, very bright, both my wife and our friend tells us, and we have other friends whose daughters went there and who are quite brilliant.
My younger son did the same course, but at another university, and his Russian sojourn gave him his PGDip, in Russian translation, in Tomsk. As an expert in misinformation, Our Marianna etc should correct her Wiki entry, which says she spent a year in Russia. Her Linkedin entry says she spent five months there, as like my son she would have needed to do a semester in France. Unlike my son, whilst there Our Marianna etc translated ‘news stories’ from the Moscow Times into English rather than something more intellectually challenging.
Presumably Our Marianna etc learnt about misinformation/disinformation from the masters at the Moscow Times, which would explain everything about her
The BBC website is currently running an article called ‘Can you spot digital lies?’. Apparently, not everything on the internet is true, unlikely as that might seem to some. To save people the trouble of having to watch the accompanying video, I’ve been hard at work and put together a list of some websites which have been reported as carrying lots of digital porkies. Note: this is not an exhaustive list.
Earlier, Brissles (10’22) mentioned a Sky reporter called Deborah Haines and told us of her report sounding like a schoolgirl or something similar.
I’ve just seen this girl (Haines) reporting on some stuff like Palestinian flags and slogans painted on a house out there and believe it or not she called it a ‘murial’
Not just once but several times so it was no mistake, she really thinks it’s a murial.
Most of us will remember Coronation street (when it was worth watching) and Hilda’s ‘murial’
Is this what the Universities are churning out now, people with degrees yet thick as mince.
EG… I saw this as well and recorded it. Having listened to it a few times, I think you may be mistaken. The schoolgirl actually seems to be saying ‘manure’, rather than ‘murial’. Mind you, my hearing is not what it used to be. A few months back, I thought I heard our illustrious Prime Minister clearly say ‘We will be driven by the data, not by the dates”, but am told he said the exact opposite.
Update on the ‘murial’
The latest report from DH has her referring to the wall paintings as ‘graffiti’
Someone has obviously told her and it’s been re-recorded to save further embarrassment.
Who is murial 😂?
Who is John Galt.
Who the **** is Alice?
I don’t know but I lived next to her for years.
Re- recording – reminds me of when i complained to the BBC over 15 years ago accusing Jeremy Bowan of inciting racial hatred when he had read aggresively a passage from a notoriously anti Semitic newspaper on Radio 4 . I followed the complaint to the top and the BBC denied it, sending me a tape of what he had said . The issue was that it had been re- recorded and his voice was now gentle and mild.
Emmanuel – They are ‘educated’ only to see racism where it doesn’t exist and ignore child grooming where it does.
Watch any TV quiz show like Pointless or The Chase when they have a student or recent graduate. Not only do they often have a staggering lack of general knowledge they frequently get questions wrong in the very subject they supposedly study/ied. They all, however, have an expert knowledge of social media and celebrity culture.
A “progressive alliance” – yippee!
It isn’t hard to see that *they* might see some policy synergies but I suppose we should be grateful that the embrace will drag the pair of them further into a mire of irrelevance and delusion?
ti, that should see the end of the Labour Party.
Oh dear! Starmer really doesn’t have a clue, does he? Why did he go for the job in the first place? Pressure from others? Hubris? Boredom as a back-bencher? Ego?
One day, the BBC might wake up and realise that everything they consider ‘progressive’ is in fact regressive and often repressive, and vice versa: truly progressive, radical, original thinking is now to be found on the libertarian right.
Earlier I posted a YouTube clip of 4 commentators who epitomise that movement (Douglas Murray, Peter Boghossian, Travis Brown, Dave Rubin) but there are many others.
Bad luck beeb, you are passé, irrelevant, out of touch.
And your pathetic attempts to look cool and down with the kids just make you look silly, like dad dancing.
Greens and Labour. And why not Princess Nut Nuts Tory Party too?
Form a united coalition to save us from the climate emergency and the working class, populism, Trumpism and that beastly Farage.
2pm BBC1 Points of View
the prog is only 15 mins, but they wasted time plugging future BBC shows
instead of using it for more viewer comments.