Sometime this week the BBC is to publish a report by Lord Dyson on its’ conduct over the Princess Diana interview by Martin Bashir . Mr Bashir left the BBC for ‘health reasons ‘ on Friday 14th May. He had held the post of ‘head of religion ‘. Now it transpires that a Panorama documentary about the Diana Interview – due to be broadcast on Monday – has been cancelled . Much more will follow ….
Start the Week Thread 17th May 2021
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Cos UK has Indian variant
some countries are closing their doors to us
Germany’s health agency has re-classified Britain as a coronavirus ‘risk area’
over concerns about the spread of the Indian Covid-19 variant there.”
Just an update on the Andrew Marr admission that he finds it hard to be objective in accordance with BBC rules – there is now a column by an ex bbc type on the DT website – but this time comments are allowed – looks like a cut and paste from this site .
There is no competition to spot the non biased BBC type – I cannot think of just one – even in the sports section ….
Maybe Marr is looking for a job on Brillo TV ?
I am sure that someone has raised this point before: Why is it Racist to use the term ‘Chinese Virus’ but not so the ‘Indian Virus’ ?
What about Cantophobia?
This is my term for the use of the expression “Kent variant” in connection with Covid-19. It derives from the Latin Cantium and the Greek word for fear.
Given the first four letters, other ‘etymologies’ are possible …
Because the Chinese deliberately spread it and we are not allowed to acknowledge this fact, so we don’t talk about a China Virus
Are there any ‘dyed in the wool’ Tories here ?
Here is why I don’t trust the Tory Government with control of Great Britain’s borders.
Promises, promises, promises . This from Five Years Ago ! …………………..
We have been let down by them. Nigel Farage was correct ……….. “Mr Farage, meanwhile, suggested it was part of an effort by Mr Cameron to sound “tough” on immigration.”
Wonderful, heart-warming headline:
BBC Newsnight: Ian Paisley says “Absolute cobblers to your programme” (Hear, hear!)
Watch the clip! And note: “… Ian Paisley is absolutely right to rebuke Faisal Islam here, because this was their starting point of coverage of Edwin Poots’ election (along with the fact that he opposed gay men donating blood). Ian Paisley simply and quite reasonably makes the point that Newsnight (or the entire BBC) would never subject an elected Muslim politician to such disdainful coverage (or, indeed, a politician of any other faith).”
Oops, where did I find this? Here:
If you have got a Disqus account, you can join in!
As the pubs in Wales open up, the fight back against the ‘woke brigade’ begins . Lets hope that the people of England will follow ?
4:30pm R4 The rise of the Scottish independence movement has coincided with a decline in the social significance of religion.
So, is nationalism filling the vacuum?
3 vicars discuss
Help me out here, I must be doing something wrong.
A 4-year old boy was found murdered in the street at the weekend in Dallas, TX. The police say an edged weapon was used.
Since this is a part of the US I have connections to, I looked for more information on the BBC website – such a brutal murder of a child must be news, right?
Looked in the US & Canada section, used search terms like “Dallas boy murder” and “Saddleridge Drive” (the location); no results.
The only Texas-related items I found were about an escaped tiger in Houston, and Reggie Yates going to spend time in a Dallas jail for a documentary.
Like I say, I must be doing something wrong.
Oh, by the way, Dallas Police have arrested a suspect, 18-year old Darriynn Brown:
It’s NEVER news if the perp is black.
It’s ALWAYS news if the perp is white.
And it’s EPIC news if it’s white on black.
This week BBC have
“Love Has Won: Family’s grief at death of mummified cult leader ….. born in Dallas”
The Darriynn Brown story is only carried by the Sun, Mail and Independent in the UK.
The US has 47 murders/day
so of course only politically important ones are reported in the UK.
I think you lol find that because the BBC is funded by British taxpayers – it concentrates on British issues – and leaves the troubles of foreign countries a long way away – like America – alone ….
……..meanwhile on the channel coast nothing is happening ..
The Channel you say?
“Over the past 7 days we have seen approx 685 migrants cross the channel, this includes confirmed figures from beach landings on the Kent coastline. 8 small boats came in yesterday & a total of 158 small boats for the year so far. Approx 3,320 migrants have crossed this year.”
Or one of our tunnels perhaps? (not sure where)
No international legislation should take priority over our security!
The enemy within – underground – looks like dock lands …
Andrew Lloyd Webber says Covid vaccine refusers are ‘selfish’
He goes on to say “refusing” to have the vaccine is the same as drink driving.
I guess it isn’t selfish to amass a fortune of £820 million though is it Andrew?
Is there a BBC hotline for champagne socialists to get their views heard?
its not selfish to refuse to wear a condom and demand a million pound a year prophylactic drug instead if your a gay man apparently … different standards apply obviously
There are several words and terms that are deliberately vague and hence popular with the establishment to mean different things depending on narrative requirements.
In the hands of bbc flat out liars they get taken to truly unique depths.
Sunday BBC local news opening feature “Labour MP Diana Johnson says she could stand for the Mayor of East Yorkshire”
.. the woman must own this programme or something.
Or perhaps the unions have some serious leverage on the programme.
Some years ago I was speaking with the Head of BBC for Humberside and told him I had started a diary for Diana Johnson appearances and there was rarely a day where she didn’t appear. For a while it did seem to work, and she was only on every other day.
Diana Johnson stands for one thing and one thing only, herself.
Andrew Marr wants to be free to speak his own mind, and although that would mean leaving the BBC, he is giving it some consideration. He just doesn’t know exactly “how or when.”
I don’t know “how” either, but I think I can help with the “when.” Like Napoleon, you have to start by getting your back-up plan into place. The basic procedure is:
1) Spend several years sucking up to producers and colleagues by being a reliable mouthpiece for whatever rubbish suits the BBC agenda while stuffing your bank account with wads of cash ripped off from people under threat of prison if they don’t pay up.
2) Negotiate a failsafe annual pension that guarantees you thousands more for doing nothing for the rest of your life.
3) Negotiate a nice big golden handshake. Then pay your agent his commission. Don’t resent him — he earned it.
4) Go out and get a media gig where you will be free to say what you really think. Do the public care what you really think? Gosh yes, Andrew, of course! Look how eager we still are to hear from Jeremy “Deep-Sleep” Paxman! And John “Rain-Stopped-Play” Humphreys! And that other one! Even Simon “Who He?” McCoy! Just think of all the insights we’re soon going to be getting from Honest Simon! So don’t hang around, Andrew! Go for it! It looks like a long drop, but you’ll be down on the pavement in no time!
You do know that Mr McCoy has gone to Brillo TV and has a lively Twitter account …?
Not about the BBC – but about depression . The mail is showing the conditions at Heathrow T5 where people arriving are being mixed with red countries such as India for hours .
This is where the depression comes in – because I reported here – 6 months ago – that Heathrow is just a breeding ground for viral transmission . Distancing is poor – hygiene is poor – ventilation is poor – and by the looks of it nothing has been done to improve it .
I’m leaving through Heathrow next week to an amber country – I must go – but looks like I’m coming back when conditions improve – and not through Heathrow … shameful .
“Covid: Indian variant cases in 86 council areas – Hancock”
“This isn’t just about Bolton and Blackburn,” he said, referring to the areas seeing a spike in cases.”
What do these councils have in common Mr Hancock?
Oh come on, come out with it………….
I was wakened today by my monthly ‘begging letter’ from the Telly Goons once again it begins with ………”Dear Madam. As you have not responded to our letters yet, you have left us no alternative but to proceed with the final stages of our investigation etc ………..”
If my memory serves me correctly this has been my fifth “final stages” letter?
This one is in a Red envelope and informs me that I can avoid a visit if I inform them that I don’t need a licence. Its a ploy to find out just who lives here. A clever trap !
My action ? No contact , definitely no contact.
The reason is unfortunate…. egregious BBC lack of impartiality on matters of life and death… but pleased to note Sue and Craig have been tempted back to highlight facts in typically detailed style that would make Marianna’s rosy cheeks glow even more.
Other posts too.
Hope this may see their complementing presence to here continue.
At least Springster has hooked up with the B team.
Communities,Communities,Communities, exploited Communities, hesitant Communities, social media impacting on Communities, Communities experiencing racism, how different Communities are impacted, black and Asian Communities.
Why would Hamas need a mock up of an Israeli tank?
Hoping to give JezBo all he needs to go back to the old days?
Lucky its not in north london – plod would let it drive around for 3 hours before doing anything about it ( such as putting out a twitter )
The Graun has to be credited for trying at least.
Is he the one on Toady ?
Isn’t he just rubbish…and nasty with it?
He must have a PR team… continue to get him profile….even though he has been cancelled.
Nish thinks he does comedy. The rest of us think differently.
He doesn’t get it, but at least he does not do much harm. It’s the doctors and dentists I worry about.
Local ITV news “Climate Change it’s water saving week
.. by 2050 our summers *could* be 3C hotter
…. here’s a plumber whose signed up to the scheme
.. Nick Smith ITVnews”
Looks like a syndicated national item
Meanwhile in the real world
the first day next without rain will be Tuesday 25th.. according to the forecast.
Tonight’s TV
Panorama cancelled
replaced by “Garden Rescue
Series 5 (Shortened Versions), Rugby”
but Drag Race is still on at 11:35pm BBC1 for one hour.
BBC2 cooking shows and alleged comedy shows.
10pm BBC4 interview with Lemn Sissay the black playright.
9pm doco about old cars that came out of Coventry.
Channel4 has a hitjob against Boris
Can’t wait for American Beauty to ‘analyse’ this gem.
Desperate times for the MSM forcing themselves to deliver ‘good news ‘ about reduced lockdowns – desperate to say the government is worried about the Indian virus they allowed to enter the UK .
Was it a surprise ? No because if they didn’t have the will to stop ai invasion on the south coast every day then where would the will be to close the border to those from the third world subcontinent ….carrying a complementary new virus ?
Anyone wanna guess where the next new virus is coming from ?
Methinks the BBC doth dug its own grave.
If anyone asks you why you were stupid enough to vote to leave the EU, the answer is in the question. You want to live in a society where you can vote out or in the government which is not the case with the EU “government”….
The EU is like the song Hotel California… once really in you can never leave…
End of Days.
Guest Who – Lol as I understand is the term – a spoof – right ?
I guess there must be a reference in “Revelations “ about the end of time being signalled by a Cadbury Flake shortage … 99?9
Oh the humanity!!
Presumably ‘because of Brexit’
Just buy a pack of Flakes from the supermarket !!!! and stick your own in. Duh !
You could have added ‘Simples’ to that .
No ?
Of course there is a Flake shortage ..#ClimateChange day without rain May 25th
Looks like an advert by Al Beeb to me .
Re bBC advertising (see also previous page) – Alex Belfield shows a clip of them advertising Waitrose water live on their cooking programme (?Saturday Kitchen) last Saturday. Starts at 1:40.
Plenty of flakes on the bbc.
Just caught the first 5 minutes of the HIGNY repeat.
First item is Labour getting hammered in the elections.
Ian Hislops’s black ‘poet’ team-mate openly stated that Labour losing power in various councils was a bad thing.
Meanwhile Jo Brand was described by Hislop as a ‘Glass half full Labour supporter’ to no opposition from Brand.
So there you have it. One Labour supporter. And for balance…..another Labour supporter.
I need hardly add that the few comments against Labour produced almost no laughter.
Both 6pm and 10pm news: you wonder how much Jeremy Bowen is interested in Israel? He so badly pronounces the Jewish Festival happening at the moment that he cannot be talking with Israelis but reading it from a primary school primer.
A TV documentary about a paedophile in Hampshire overstepping the mark and getting 10 years for his pains. But hang on, we are also told that schools must now teach very small children that this is all just part of a way of life or am I just confused?
An extract from Charles Moore in the DT commenting on the ‘revelation ‘ that Andrew Marr is finding it hard to stay ‘unbiased ‘-( joke )
Andrew Marr resents the impartiality requirements of the BBC: the “biggest single frustration by far is … not being able to speak in your own voice”, he says.
Good. That is exactly how it should be. As an organisation funded by compulsory licence fee, the BBC must not allow its employees to “speak in their own voice” on controversial subjects. If they wish to speak out, that is perfectly understandable, but they must follow the logic of their position and leave the BBC. It is as simple as that. The fact that Mr Marr feels this frustration is a small sign that perhaps, under the new director-general, Tim Davie, the corporation is paying more than lip service to its key founding principle.
As for Mr Marr, if he feels so unhappy, he should join us columnists in the Wild West world of opinion. It is much more fun than the Beeb and he would be a glittering addition to our number.
The BBC still has a long way to go, however, along the road back to impartiality. Its coverage of the latest Israel-Palestinian confrontation and the anti-Israel protests in London at the weekend present a case in point. Here there is no overt opinion-mongering as, say, that of Emily Maitlis against Dominic Cummings. Instead, there is a way of framing the issue: Israel is in the dock and Palestinian violence is treated as almost incidental. The BBC’s Middle East editor, Jeremy Bowen, retweeted the headline of an article which read, “Racism, hate and violence are Jewish values too”. Bowen added: “Every Jew, and every gentile should read this.”
During the weekend protests, a small convoy of cars carrying Palestinian flags was filmed driving through St John’s Wood in London. Their crew shouted obscene anti-Semitic abuse through a loudhailer, demanding that Jewish girls be raped.
The BBC reported this, after it had been condemned by the Prime Minister. The reporting was calm which, even in such horrible cases, it should be. Imagine how different it would have been, though, if the men with the loudhailers had been white fascists, let alone if they had been shouting similar slogans against Muslim women. All hell would have broken loose. The BBC would have led its news with the incident, and thrown detachment to the winds. The BBC never explains what Hamas, Israel’s antagonist, believes. The Hamas Charter is explicitly anti-Semitic. It speaks of the “Nazism” of the Jews and says “the Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: 0 Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”
Firing rockets from Gaza, which it controls, Hamas is working as hard as it can to kill Jews, telling Muslims that killing is their religious duty. Our media should explain that the foul-mouthed anti-Semites in St John’s Wood are not weird outliers: they are doing pretty much what their leaders tell them.ENDS
BBC expert Champion opines.
Goes… poorly.
Despite Ash making the fallacy of comparing apples with oranges
nd getting 3,500 people calling her out, around 6,000 Labour supporting twitterbots liked her tweet.
Leftie levels hitting new lows every day.
I also have a key to the front door
which stops blokes dressed as women who look like blokes
and have dicks using my private bathroom
@AyoCaesar you clown.
I wondered how this would turn out….
Did they forget to get him to sign something?!…..
My notes from before : “BBC presenter who agreed to be a human crash test dummy for his TV show sues the corporation for £3.7m
after it ‘left him with whiplash, brain damage and mental scars.’”
Jem Stansfield did the item for BBC Bang way back in 2014 *
.. some tweets say he wasn’t doing much work in past few years.
It looked OK in the video
but it being TVland the producers may have done something reckless like got him to do 20 takes or something
*He did do it in 2010, but his own solicitor’s page say 2014, so I guess for some reason they decided to do it again
The BBC had already offered him 2/3 of the money.
Given the timing …. an informed cynic might suspect that the extra dosh claimed is consequent from a “legacy” Conditional Fee Arrangement (the real no win no fee) legal action started/launched before that practice was removed from the lawyer’s billing arsenal…
– in fact –
I’d bet that’s exactly why the guy is going for more….
Let’s get it right, its not the BBC that pays out, its the people known as the Telly Tax payers that fork out at the end of the day.
Hilarious on Newshite as the BBC bend over backwards not to state the blindingly obvious about the Bolton indian variant outbreak.
Vaccine avoidance and hesitancy is due to insufficient multilingual information, can’t afford the bus fare or to pay for the internet to make an appointment! Another problem is inter-generational homes. The asian Bolton MP says it’s due to centralised vaccination centres rather than local ones and advocates preferential treatment for lower age vaccinations, at the expense of course of a vaccine for someone else.
Meanwhile…the majority of hospital covid cases in Bolton are with people who are eligible for vaccination but did not get vaccinated. Bolton has spent most of the last year in some sort of lockdown because of high case rates.
The benefits of multiculturalism and mass immigration know no bounds.
“The benefits of multiculturalism and mass immigration know no bounds.” while our Tory Government ‘fiddles on’ like Nero and has what is in effect, an ‘open-door’ to the third world.
“The thing is”, said Boris, flapping his arms and looking nervously at Princess Nut Nuts, “The thing is… Clearly Nero has a right to fiddle whilst Rome burns, nobody denies that. However, the fiddle must be made from wood which has come from a sustainable source. Also, he must start the fire using an environmentally sustainable method, such as a giant magnifying glass to catch the Sun’s rays, which could also be a source to heat our homes so we meet our Carbon neutral targets by half-past eight (2030).”
In other news, ‘experts’ call for ordinary people to stop heating their homes altogether and using hot water after 2025, along with a plan to increase the profits of Chinese solar cell manufacturers four-fold (but don’t mention the pollution involved).
Where’s Enoch when we so need him?
The closest thing we have today is Nigel and he too gets the same scorning, disdainful treatment Powell received.
If a BAME person outright refuses to be vaccinated, they are merely “hesitant”.
If a White person questions vaccination, they are an “anti-Vax Conspiracy Theorist”.
Springster’s brain just exploded.
Lucky it is contained in a hard shell.
Do not, whatever you do, ask her to check the difference in reporting, or there will be a week of selfies and mystery ‘abuse’ sulking.
Easy answer to all of those problems.
See… sorted.
Has the bbc cleared its ‘not news’ schedules yet?
Yep, an open letter from a bunch of La La luvvies should do the trick. How come we never thought of that before?
Hamas will be impressed.
Instills less respect from me then if it were written by 125 lavatory attendants.
Apologies in advance to anyone here who actually IS a lavatory attendant. I hope something better comes along soon.
A lavatory attendant is of more use to society than Andrew Marr.
Are people who catch the “Indian variant” ill? If not, what does it matter?
Yes its astonishing how conversation can be skirted around the ‘race’ problem without actually mentioning it.
Latest Science Now Says We All Must Wear Masks To Prevent Global Warming
well, it could be The Guardian or the BBC … couldn’t it?
Another type of mad reporting was on Buisness News this morning on Radio 4. The announcer said with the same tone of voice as the other news ” The Uk is facing a shortage of ……..99 flakes because of the unexpected surge in demand. Most flakes are made in Egypt” .
BBC Moaning Emole’analyses’
Biden calls for Israel-Gaza ceasefire
US President Joe Biden has spoken to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and “expressed support for a ceasefire” in the conflict with Palestinian militants in Gaza, the White House says. But the US has for the third time blocked a UN Security Council statement calling for violence to end. At least 212 people, including 61 children, have died in Gaza in eight days, along with eight adults and two children in Israel. Israeli ministers say most killed in Gaza are militants and that civilian deaths are unintentional. Hamas, the militant group running the territory, disputes this. The White House says having “conversations behind the scenes” with Egypt and others is the most constructive approach. Our correspondent Barbara Plett-Usher says Mr Biden’s stance follows a familiar pattern.
So…. all pure speculation based on propaganda. Babs’ input especially pointless. No change there.
“Coronavirus: Ministers to step up vaccine take up calls amid variant fears”
There are certain communities in Great Britain that are not going to get vaccinated, so we get the threat of lockdown again .
It is reminiscent of the old school days when the teacher put the whole class in detention because of the misdemeanour of one pupil .
“Long Covid pay decision for key workers could take a year”
Something tells me there’s going to be a “Long” queue for that one . ‘Whiplash Claims” comes to mind?
‘The politics of sustainability has engulfed corporate annual meetings worldwide this year‘ – or so the FT suggests this morning.
Has it really? And is this a grass roots popular movement?
‘Kickstarted by billionaire hedgefund investor Chris Hohn’s TCI group the “Say on Climate” campaign has helped push support for shareholder resolutions on emissions strategy to an all-time high‘
‘What are we feeding our kids?‘ asks celeb doc Chris van Tulleken in the ‘i’s food feature today. He’s spent a month on some stunt noshing “ultra-processed” grub. Old news, doc.
Super Size Me is a 2004 American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock’s film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003, during which he ate only McDonald’s food.
So what would they have us feed our kids?
‘Enough doses are stockpiled to vaccinate all children over 12, says Hancock‘ (Telegraph)
Well, I suppose the government and our media have concerns over our health and wellbeing.
‘“Living alone meant I could drink and do drugs in peace” One mother’s rehab story‘ (‘i’)
As though there wasn’t enough horse manure in the papers today: ‘Day 1 and we’ve got holidays, hugs.. and a pony in a pub‘ as pictured in the Daily Star. And a cute little Shetland he is too. Makes a change from all the ladettes pictured in our pubs.
Speaking of the stuff gardeners like to put on their roses: ‘Peat compost to be banned from garden centres‘ (Telegraph)
Short comic interlude. A posh lady gardener – whilst holding her nose – was shovelling horse dung into her bucket in a country lane. An old farmworker leaning on a gate asked “What are you doing with that, missus?” she replied “I intend to take this to my home and put it on my rhubarb” to which the farmworker chuckled and said “You should come to our house, missus, we have custard on ours”
The ‘i’ focuses on: ‘Toilet trouble. Ministers target unisex facilities‘ – well, since they can’t seem to administer who comes into the country – although they are big on who is allowed to leave it – perhaps our ministers have found their niche – as toilet attendants?
AISI, what do you think of that strange photo of Meghan on the Mail front page today?
Most peculiar … if it is a current, up-to-date pic.
“Migrants reach Spain’s Ceuta enclave in record numbers”
And we all know which way they are heading . Does Priti ?
Taffman, that information informs us all clearly that the entry into Western Europe has no bars for those immigrants who have been misguided by the Traffickers, into thinking all is paved with Gold-Apart from such nonsense, not one immigrant should be allowed to enter any European country illegal or legally whilst it is uncertain as to whether those individuals are carriers of the virus or any virus. Shere madness to operate any other way.
So, wild guesses, JezBo… Ali man or more of an Andy man?
Andy Ngo says yes. He is clearly right as he so often is. Some on the Twitter thread call the Bible fairy stories. Even if they are made up the ancient Jews believed them and there are coins from the time of the Roman occupation and, as Andy says, from a long time before Christ that prove the Jews always lived there. It was a Jewish state thousands of years before Mohammed invented Islam.
Hard to argue most media is long lost.
JezBo now hiding behind proxies.
Maybe Marianna could ask Jeremy to ask Rushdi to ask AP to pop a head out of the window….?
Interesting photo ed.
Might the targeting of that launch array be deemed a war crime?
Being a pasty Nish is quite the achievement.
At least it gets you RTd in the… Indy…
Doubtless the bbc ‘comedy’ commissars on the blower already.
The Indy and Dems prefer the arbitrary, war crime variety, clearly.
Says it all, in one cartoon.
I just would have liked to see Biden’s dopey face in there somewhere, reversing Trump’s enlightened policy.
One for Wendy’s unit?
Or more on QAnon?
Guest, alright maaate; yes the cheeky bullet-proof tick box race baiter has reached his nadir on the Toady programme.
‘I get it’ Rajasthani makes the rest of Team Trotsky seem like intellectual giants with his perfect LBC lite elocution.
I am all for a little spicing up of the Radio bore grandee presenters but I am not sure I would want to pay for him..oops too late!
Sorry if this was spotted yesterday on here and I missed it and am duplicating, but it’s a gem :
BBC and in particular Fiasal Islam being called out by DUP and Richard Tice for criticising politician for being a Christian. ‘ you wouldn’t do it if he was a Muslim’ or best line of all ‘ cobblers to your programme ‘
Excellent. Other good lines:
“You can be anything in Britain today, except a Christian…
You should be ashamed of yourself, BBC.”
Hear hear.
The Toady dredgers were out this morning.
Hunting as ever for the ‘disadvantaged’ they devoted a lot of time to a family who had been in South Africa for 3+ months.
Then they returned to the UK, even though travel was seriously frowned on. It was a red list country so they had to hotel isolate on arrival. Wouldn’t you know it, this being the BBC the family just happens to have a child with severe learning difficulties, so the issue was one of trying to gain an exemption from quarantine on this basis, and how awful the hotel was. We were clearly meant to feel sorry for them with the subcontext of how awful the nasty Tory government is.
Quite what they were doing in SA for so long and why they had to return was, needless to say, not pursued.
Still, we should be grateful. At least they were put in quarantine. My contacts at Heathrow tell me the place is like a sieve and the home quarantine system is a joke.
I’m using Heathrow next week so any intel is useful . I went through home quarantine x3 last year and got one visit from plod to check me – which in -London – was a real shock !
Arrivals at Heathrow seems a huge concern and it looks as though nothing has been done to keep red list arrivals away from the rest -‘ inept ‘doesn’t describe it .
Choked on me tea listening to someone on R4 toady explaining that one of the reasons for people not being vaccinated in they’d ‘need to get a couple of buses ‘ . …. I guess any personal drive to do something for oneself has been stamped out by the welfare state and welfare dependency ….
Tight-fisted bloody Tories!
You’d think they would lay on personal taxis, wouldn’t you?